-------=====================================================------- --------========Marvel Vs Capcom FAQ : Dr. Doom v1.3=========------- ---------======== Compiled by Lemur-X, 6-1-2000 ========---------- --------=====Mail my happy-ass at lemurx@drunkenlemur.com=====----- --------=====================================================------ Index : 1: Intro/disclaimer/other BS. 2: Legend of keys 3: Overview of character 4: Normal attacks (standing & flying) 5: Special attacks 6: Supers 7: Combos 8: Assist Types 9: Strategy This faq was written for personal and private use. Feel free to distribute if desired, just make sure to give credit where credit is due. You may not alter the following and claim it as your own, or your knees belong to Guido…… Revision History : 4-7 - Original FAQ completed 5-25 - Added new combos, detailed uses for specials. 6-1 - Overhauled the * entire * shebang. Detailed both 'Normal' and 'Special' moves; improved the indexing; This and other FAQS are hosted by the lost-gamers bestfriend, CJAYC at www.gamefaqs.com and www.drunkenlemur.com ---------================ 1: Introduction =================----------- I first started playing the VS series w/ the advent of "X-Men vs Street Fighter"'s release on the Sega Saturn. Good Lord…….Now there was a game….And none of the followups have really shined as it did (IMO) up until "Marvel Vs. Capcom 2". The series of FAQs I'll be putting out will be related to all the funky, freakish, or 'Darkhorse' characters of the game. Characters people rarely use….and when they do use, use ineffectively at best. I'm doing this due to the fact that * every * single character in this game is very playable…..very…….And knowing this can give you quite an edge over people that would underestimate them…. ---------=================== 2: Legend ===================------------ Here's the legend of keys and terms used in the following FAQ. Attacks : Jab = Light Punch Fierce = Hard Punch Short = Light Kick Roundhouse = Hard Kick b = Back f = Forward d = Down u = Up B = Charge back for 2 seconds D = Charge Down for 2 seconds P = Punch K = Kick PP = Both punches KK = Both kicks HCB = Half Circle Back (Roll controller from forward, to down, to back.) HCF = Half Circle Forward (Roll controller from back, to down, to forward) QCF = Quarter circle forward (Roll from down to forward) QCB = Quarter circle back (Roll from down to back ) OTG = Off the ground. Getting your licks in whilest they be Down for the count. Launcher = Any move which sends your opponent to the heavens. NOTE : All percentages given are from damage taken by Cable (a fairly balanced character). Your mileage may vary. ---------==================3: Dr. Doom ====================----------- Now here's a character that I'm quickly finding fun to use. He has the ability to inflict Hellacious damage with very few hits, has a wide variety of projectiles, and has very comboable Supers. His keep away game can rival that of IceMan if played cheaply (boo) or you can charge into battle and take out the likes of Juggernaut in 5 moves (yay). That and he carries that spiffy sense of style into battle like only a true super villain could. Here are a few of his main strengths. 1 : Powerful Supers : Doom possesses 4 Supers, all of which inflict more than 40% damage apiece. On top of that, they're fairly versatile. 2 : Variety : With 3 completely different projectiles that are ground based alone, it'll be a while before you run out of patterns and traps once you become accustomed to playing with Doom. Factor in a nice dving kick from the air, and 2 completely different projectiles in the air, and you've go a fairly well rounded turtling machine. Which leads us to…. 3 : Turtling : You can easily keep an opponent at bay for nearly an entire round if you wish (wuss). He not only has a beam attack that takes up a good portion of the screen, but also a nice wind-up projectile (Molecular Shield) and a great push-back maneuver(Photon Shot). 4 : Normal strikes : Doom can easily take an average character from 100% to 70% with 4 normal attacks. Many of his attacks shove an opponent clear across the screen, in preparation for a projectile trap, and he has one of the best Roundhouse kicks in the entire game. Of course you must take the good with the bad. =( 1: Combo Magnet : Dr. Doom is extremely easy to combo. He's the perfect width and weight for nearly anyone to pull of ludicrous juggles with. Fear corners. 2: Air Inferiority : I have yet to learn to utilize Doom well in the air. Aside from his diving kick, he's pretty much a sitting duck. Many of his attacks hit high, and have a long windup, and his projectiles travel nearly Directly downward once airborne! =( ----------===============4: Normal Attacks================------------- JAB ----------------------- Standing Jab - Decent range. Hits fairly high. Second variation is a short ranged uppercut that does not launch. Odd. Ducking Jab - Shorter range than his standing Jab, but faster recovery. No second variation. Jumping Jab - Fair range. Lame hit raidus. Hits high. Second version is an overhead smash which launches opponent to the ground. SHORT ---------------------- Standing Short - Shortranged, but hits from just above the waist on down. Second connection is a nice diagonal launcher. Ducking Short - Ok range for a Short. No second variation. Very quick. Jumping short - Good range. Good speed. Second hit is a short range axe kick. Use as your main Jumpin opener. FIERCE --------------------- Standing Fierce - Medium windup. Good range. Knocks opponent clear across the screen. NICE hit range. Ducking Fierce - Long windup. INCREDIBLE range. Launches upon a clean hit. Decent damage and covers both sides of Doom! Jumping Fierce - Incredible range, but it's windup is seriously SHITTY. Best used in flight since a FULL connection means 5 hits and about 25% damage! Even the sound effect is cool! Hilarious to bust out when Ryu or the likes decided to take to the air with you. ROUNDHOUSE --------------------- Standing Roundhouse - Insane coverage. The range isn't the greatest, but the move starts above his head and travels clear to the ground. Nasty for nailing jumpers, and it hits twice. Ducking Roundhouse - Passable range. Single hit knockdown. Good for starting OTG games. Jumping Roundhouse - Fun little move. Decent damage. Good speed. Sends Doom flying towards his opponent ala Akuma's diving kick. Good for finishing off 'Aerial Raves'. Tap Down on the controller to make him land at a steeper angle. Must be blocked high. =) THROWS --------------- F + FIERCE – Doom grabs the enemy by the neck, and sends them careening to the opposite side of the screen with a point-blank 'Plasma Beam'. Funny. Great priority in the air. F + ROUNDHOUSE – Doom choke-slams the enemy to the ground, sending them bouncing vertically. Can be followed up with an Aerial Rave or 'Rising Flame' if done quickly enough. ---------=================5: Special Moves ===================--------- Plasma Beam - QCF, P (in air)- ----------------------- Very quick windup. Very quick recovery. Nice coverage. The aerial version travels at a 45 degree angle downwards. Photon Shot - HCB, P (in air)- ----------------------- Fairly slow windup. Spreads across the ENTIRE screen. Knocks opponents backwards regardless of if they're blocking or not. Awesome for annoying jumpers. Aerial version fires downwards. Molecular Shield - HCB, K – ----------------------- Surprisingly fast windup. Good for stalling rushers. Good for stalling jumpers. Great damage. Hurts a blocking Iceman, and has excellent priority!! Flight - HCB + KK – ----------------------- Doom flies. Fairly slowly I might add. Air-Dash - Any direction + PP – ----------------------- Mid-air dash. Short range, but works in a pinch. ---------================6: Super Attacks ==================--------- Plasma Bomb- HCF, PP – ----------------------- Good startup. Rivaling some of the faster beam Supers in the game. Can be easily combo'd into. Does about 40% damage with a clean/FULL hit. This is what you want to end your combos with if possible. Photon Array - HCB, PP (in air ) – ----------------------- Slight delay. Lethal in the air, and only ok on the ground. Ground version can be OTG'd and absolutely murders assistants since it covers both sides of Doom. Air version can be combo'd into. 40% on full hit. 70% if the aerial version fully connects with Juggernaut. THE anti-rushing move for Doom's game!!! Rising Flame - HCF, KK - ----------------------- Fast startup, can be combo'd into from his Roundhouse throw and his standing short(!). About 30% damage. Deceptive range, and good for fliers. Use this as an alternative to his slower Supers if you face a rusher (Spiderman? Anyone?) if your confidence is high enough in yourself. -------------================7: Combos================---------------- These combos range from super-simple, to damn hard, but they all work. Have fun. 35% 9-hitter - Ducking Short, Ducking Roundhouse buffered into Roundhouse 'Molecular Shield'. You may get 10 hits off this if your timing is exact. The 9-hitter is much more forgiving. 40% 12-hitter - Roundhouse throw, into 'Rising Flame' Super. Timing must be impeccable. Variable combo - Jump-in Short buffered into aerial "Photon Array". Up to 55% damage! 30% 15-hitter - (very close) Standing Roundhouse buffered into 'Photon Bomb' Super. 50% 28-hitter - Standing Jab, Standing Short, Jumping Jab, Jumping Short, Jumping Jab, Jumping Short, Photon Shot buffered into Photon Array. (note : The Shot and Array must be executed perfectly. Timing is extremely difficult with this one!) You do not have to be in a corner to catch this one either. Submitted Combos –- The following combos were sent in by piccolo_0233@hotmail.com Ground Combos Dashing Jab, Jab, Roundhouse, Plasma Bomb Air Combos Dashing Crouching Jab, Crouching Short, Crouching Fierce, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, S.J. Roundhouse Dashing Crouching Jab, Crouching Short, Crouching Fierce, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, Proton Field Dashing Crouching Jab, Crouching Short, Crouching Fierce, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, S.J. Roundhouse, Proton Shot(must be in corner) Dashing Crouching Jab, Crouching Short, Crouching Fierce, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, S.J. Roundhouse, Proton Array(must be in corner) Dashing Crouching Jab, Crouching Short, Crouching Fierce, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, S.J. Jab, S.J. Short, S.J. Roundhouse, Proton Field(must be in corner and wait a split second after the Roundhouse to do the Super) ---------=================8: Assist Modes ==================----------- Assist Mode A - Doom executes a 'Photon Shot'. Useful. Very useful. An assistant killer and cross-up nullifier. Assist Mode B - Jumps in with a 'Molecular Shield'. Nasty for OTG games and setting up juggling Supers! Assist Mode C - Jumps in with a 'Plasma Beam'. Very quick. Pushes back. ---------==================9: Strategies ================------------ -When fighting Pixies-( Chun-Li, Strider, Wolverine, etc. )— Distance them by all means possible. You've got the tools in the forms of 4 beam variations and his wicked 'Molecular Shield', so put them to good use. They should offer you little to no problem. In the odd chance that they do slip through your onslaught, simply attempt a Roundhouse Sweep/Molecular Shield combo to shove them back to the other side of the screen. Super-Jumpers should be handled with an air-dash/flight escape or his 'Rising Flame' Super. -When fighting Beamers (IceMan, Cable, Iron Man etc.)- Simply mix it up with his standing/flying projectiles and his 'Molecular Shield' (It can neutralize most beams and still shoot off a damaging rock!) The only person that can compete in a beam-war with Dr. Doom once he's airborne is Iceman. You will (and I mean WILL) fight against slutty IceMen players. It's a fact of life. When this occurs, stay grouned and whip off 'Molecular Shield' after 'Molecular Shield' from as far as possible. It eats up IceBeams and causes block-damage to the frozen pansy. Keep in mind most IceMen players are cowards or idiots. They get impatient and charge, or wait for the timer to run out. When they lost patience, they rush, expect either an IceBeam or a standing Roundhouse. Again. . . 'Molecular Shield' and assist with a launcher or beamer if possible. -When fighting Big Guys (Hulk Juggernaut, Zangief etc) – Dr. Doom eats these guys for breakfast! Not literally. I'm pretty sure he doesn't swing that way….. But he does beat the shit out of them fairly easily. Fly. Plasma Beam. Fly. Plasma Beam. Fly. Photon Shot. See a 'Headcrush' coming from Juggernaut? Well….if you were airborne like you should be, simply bust out a 'Photon Array'. Kiss up to 70% of his health goodbye. - When fighting 'Guiles and Shotos' (Guile, Nash, Ryu, Akuma etc.) – Expect lots of jump-ins and Roundhouse sweeps from Guile and Ryu/Akuma. You do have the timing of the 'Molecular Shield' down by now….don't you? Remember. It's the move you want to use to get breathing room. If you see them about to land a tad short of their intended target, bust out a Crouching Fierce. It remains active for a bit on-screen, and covers BOTH sides of Doom as well as launches! Nullify Hadokens with a 'Plasma Beam' due to it's awesome recovery, and try your best not to get caught by a Roundhouse mashing Guile. They are bitces, and treat them as so with a standing Fierce to counter high jump-ins. P.S. Akuma's Diving Kick was made to catch the 'Rising Flame' and 'Photon Array'. ---------=====================Thanks=======================----------- Special thanks to : Derrick and Chris for playing such a whorish keep away game with Morrigan and Sakura. Without you I would not have to resort to using people you don't know how to anticipate. >=D SuperMonkeyNippleSailor-X : Fire bad! Rogue good! All the slutty Guile players : For getting the fire under my ass to enlighten the world to not use slutty characters. Mtn Dew : For filling my veins with enough caffeine to kill a small elephant. ASCII : For the wicked Dreamcast fighting pad I use. My thumbs HATE you! My will and determination : To slip the term slutty in a FAQ more than any man to date! Capcom : For advancing the Vs series yet again! And making a great home port. (Pay 50 cents per round at the Space Station…..I THINK NOT!) Submissions? Mail em to lemurx@drunkenlemur.com This and other FAQs are up for grabs at http://www.drunkenlemur.com