Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes FAQ For Arcade/Naomi v1.4 (July 12, 2000) This document Copyright 2000 Robert Iu This document is for private and personal use only. If you make use of something you find here give credit where it is due. Please do not put this in anything that is to be sold for money or otherwise profit from. The Street Fighter series and the Capcom characters are Copyright Capcom Co., Ltd. and Copyright Capcom U.S.A., Inc. The Marvel characters are Copyright Marvel Characters, Inc. Strider Hiryu is Copyright Moto Kikaku. All rights reserved. Thanks goes to the people on #capcom, especially DannyCat, Dasrik, Viscant, fLoE along with for providing the most current info on the game, MadMan's Cafe ( for keeping me updated on the game (what's happened as of late though), and Ford City for having this game so quickly. The newest version of this FAQ can be found at: GameFAQs Street Fighter Grand Archive My homepage Areas online for more info on this game: Fighters.Net newsgroup/Usenet #capcom on IRC's Efnet And the sites that suck ass because they take this and/or other FAQs of mine and of other authors without our permission: Cheat Code Central Bastard even has the galls to change any mention of 'gamefaqs' to 'cheatcc.' Games Domain Playstation Cheat.Net Basic rip-off sites... what's posted on GameFAQs will be taken and reposted there. History: ------- 1.4: corrected error about the 4th block of the hidden characters, added more character comments 1.3: minor update to the 4th block characters' unlocking order and full character select screen positions, changed Kobun's name to the more degrading Servbot 1.2: updated damage info, added Commando and Juggernaut quirks and various things the some characters, may be one of the last updates as Chris MacDonald has put up his very comprehensive FAQ 1.1: finished unlocking order (might have two characters switched), added movelist to rest of characters, damage tiers, and updated various stuff 1.0: big update; added unlocking order, colors, snapbacks, assists, more Jill, Silver Samurai info (big thanks to DannyCat again) 0.9: some corrections and a note added to DC users 0.8: found character move lists from Capcom's secret stash! 0.7: added more Hayato, Anakaris comments, some info on Wolverine-2 0.6: added some Chun-Li info, US DC date, and more various character comments WHAT IS IN HERE: --------------- 0. Notes 1. When is it coming out? 2. Who are the characters in the game? A. How are the hidden characters unlocked? B. What does those gold boxes around the characters mean? C. Hidden/alternate stages 3. What's changed? A. Attack buttons B. Assist buttons a. Snapback b. Duo/Triple Hyper Combo C. How do you switch characters? a. Delayed Hyper Combos b. Crossover Counters D. Misc. a. Damage Tiers 4. Characters A. New Characters B. Old Characters C. Abyss 0. Notes This FAQ focuses on the US arcade version of the game. This will not mention anything on the 'D' 'V' and 'N' points thing on getting the hidden stuff. (BTW, check out as CJayC has put up a hacked VMU with all the secrets unlocked; believe me, that's probably the only reasonable way so far.) This FAQ also assumes that you've at least played Marvel vs. Capcom and the other Vs. games. I didn't want to fluff this FAQ too much by adding stuff most people already know. 1. When is it coming out? It's already out in various places across the country starting 3/16/00. Check the arcades in your area. For you importers, the release date for the Japanese Dreamcast was moved up to 3/28/00. The DC US version had a date of 5/02/00, but that has since been pushed back to around July. I've also heard that it won't be out until September. 2. Who are the characters in the game? There were thought to be 52 characters in the arcade version of the game and 40 for the Dreamcast version originally. But it seems that all 56 are going to be in there even thought there are 52 boxes. On the Japanese Dreamcast version, more boxes reveal themselves when you unlock past the 40 original ones. This list is for the arcade version: Capcom Marvel ------ ------ Akuma Cable Amingo Captain America Anakaris Cyclops B.B. Hood Dr.Doom Captain Commando Gambit Guile Hulk Hayato Iceman Jin Juggernaut Morrigan Magneto Ruby Heart Marrow Ryu Shuma Gorath Sonson Spider-Man Strider Hiryu Venom Zangief Wolverine and 28 need to be unlocked: Capcom Marvel ------ ------ Block 1: Cammy Omega Red Jill Psylocke Sakura Rogue Tron Bonne Storm Block 2: Chun-Li Iron Man M.Bison Silver Samurai Megaman War Machine Roll Wolverine-2 Block 3: Charlie Blackheart Dan Colossus Dhalsim Sabretooth Ken Spiral Block 4: Felicia Sentinel Servbot (Kobun) Thanos You can try to make out the hidden characters during the intro for the game, which shows all the characters or their outline if they are still hidden. A. How are the hidden characters unlocked? The US version is not using the VMU from the Dreamcast at all. I think their reasoning was that people will mess with it in the arcades here or that people won't really bother with it at all. The hidden characters are unlocked by Exp.(experience) points that is shown on the character selection screen and title screen. Each coin/token put into the machine gives you one experience point (this could vary depending on the operator's setting.) Points are also given in what seems like set time intervals (like every 10 hours the game is on or maybe even every day since there is an internal clock, 100 exp is added.) This is so that even a machine in a smaller place will eventually get the characters unlocked. Hitting the service trigger to cheat this system works, sorry about me saying it didn't before. Every 400 exp raises the Lv.(level) by 1 and does something. Lv.1 400 Exp - Marvel character gets unlocked Lv.2 800 Exp - gold box around a random character Lv.3 1200 Exp - gold box Lv.4 1600 Exp - Capcom character gets unlocked Lv.5 2000 Exp - gold box Lv.6 2400 Exp - gold box Lv.7 2800 Exp - Marvel character get unlocked Lv.8 3200 Exp - gold box ... Lv.25 10000 Exp - Block 2 Marvel character gets unlocked ... Lv.49 19600 Exp - Block 3 Marvel character gets unlocked ... Lv.73 29200 Exp - Block 4 Capcom character gets unlocked ... Lv.84 33600 Exp - final gold box So basically you get Marvel character, gold box, gold box, Capcom character, gold box, gold box, Marvel character, ect. There seems to be an order to the unlocking of characters. First the characters in block 1 are unlocked (alternating between Marvel and Capcom characters) and then 2 and so on. Block 4 starts with a Capcom character instead and they just appear in a previously blank area in the corners. The unlocked characters just become selectable on the selection screen without any notice or message. The full select screen will look something like this: Felicia - Megaman - M.Bison - Psylocke - Rogue - Thanos Jill - Guile - Amingo - Cyclops - Magneto - War Machine Ken - T.Bonne - Ryu - Sonson - Marrow - Wolvie - SilverSam - Sabretooth Charlie - Akuma - Zangief - Ruby Heart - Cable - Iceman - Gambit - Blackheart Dhalsim - Jin - Anakaris - Hayato - Cap.Amer - Spidey - Juggernaut - Spiral Dan - Sakura - Morrigan - B.B.Hood - Dr.Doom - Venom - Bonerine - Colossus Cammy - Strider - Cap.Com - Shuma Gorath - Hulk - Ironman Servbot - Roll - Chun-Li - Omega Red - Storm - Sentinal B. What does those gold boxes around the characters mean? The gold boxes mean that the character now has two more color that can be chosen (with the Assist buttons.) Whoopee! In other words, the gold boxes are generally useless. C. Hidden/alternate stages No word on any of the stages that are in the DC version being unlocked in any arcades so far. 3. What's changed? A lot... A. Attacks buttons Jab Fierce Assist 1 _ _ _ (_) (_) (_) _ _ _ (_) (_) (_) Short Roundhouse Assist 2 The biggest change is the new setup of the buttons. If you don't know yet, the Strong and Forward buttons are gone and are now the Fierce and Roundhouse. In place of Fierce and Roundhouse are the assist button, Assist 1 and Assist 2. Most are guessing the main reason for this change was to conform to the standard Dreamcast controllers, which were horrid for playing MvC. Another reason may be that doing allowed for Capcom to put things into the game like Snapback and assist characters, without having players worry about hitting the wrong two buttons. The change isn't too bad, most players adapted after a few games. The Strong and Forward attacks can still be done, usually inside a combo. This is because the Jab and Short also double as Strong and Forward. Strider for example can hit Jab-Short-Jab-Short-Fierce-Roundhouse and the second time the Jab and Short are hit his Strong and Forward from MvC will come out. For a character like Ryu who had a Weak to Strong chain, pressing Jab-Short would result in a Jab-Forward coming out for him, because he can't chain a Short after his Jab. So for most characters, doing the 'full' air combo would now require launching and then hitting Jab-Short-Jab-Short-Finisher. Some of those who have launchers that is either Strong or Forward can also do them by holding down-forward on the controller and hitting either Fierce or Roundhouse, depending on what your character has for a launcher. And if your character's old launcher was either a Strong or Forward like Zangief's then you done have to chain into their launcher. B. Assist Buttons Remember how in Marvel vs. Street Fighter you can call your partner to assist you with Strong + Forward? Well, that's what the main use of the Assist buttons are for. As you all should know by now, there are 3 characters on your team. After picking each of your character, you are given a choice of 3 assist types. Some of these are pretty obvious (Projectile type, Anti-Air type, Dash type, Heal type, ect.) Others such as Variety type, Expansion type and Balance type, are less descriptive in what they are (Expansion is 'movement' in the Japanese import.) After you pick them, you cannot change them until you lose and choose your team again. With the Assist buttons you call your first character under the main life bar out with Assist 1 and the bottom character with Assist 2. This can be used at almost any time you can do a special move except while you are Super Jumping. This mean you can do it while sitting back charging with Guile, while you are in the middle of a chain combo, anytime you can buffer into something, right as you are jumping at or over an opponent, ect. After using an Assist, you have to wait for the 'Assist OK' over the assist character you had just used to go away before calling another assist or switching out with that character. I don't think you can ever have all three characters on screen at the same time except during a Triple Hyper Combo. Using your assists characters is one of the key thing you most likely will have to be good at to be good at this game. Be careful though, your assist character seems to take extra damage when hit, but all done to them is red (aka recoverable) damage. But they cannot be thrown (or autocomboed?) I know Jill's Tyrant super fails after the initial hit, but Maximum Spider worked. There is a limit of one assist during a combo. a. Snapback QCF + Assist 1 or 2 will do your character's Snapback attack. You will have a light effect coming from you as you do a normal move. This uses up one super level and is a blockable attack that if connects will force your opponent's current character out and force in another character, depending on which Assist button you used (Assist 1 to force his middle character in, Assist 2 to force his bottom character in.) The character forced out is also unusable for the opponent until the red 'X' over the life bar has gone away. Some characters can combo these in. These may also becoming important as we learn more about the game and may become one of the main ways to stop people from overusing their assist characters. b. Duo/Triple Hyper Combo Pressing both Assist 1 and Assist 2 may do either a super, duo super, or triple super. It will make use of as many characters and super meter as it can. If you have only 1 character left and 5 levels of meter you get a regular super since there are no more characters left to do more, if you have all three characters but only 1 level of super meter you still get a regular super because you don't have enough meter to do more. If you have 2 characters and 2 or more levels you'll get a Duo Super using 2 level of meter up. Having 3 characters and 3 or more levels will allow you to do a Triple Super using 3 levels up. Doing these DO NOT switch your character out like it did in the previous versus games. These generally do not do enough damage to warrant the use of 3 levels, as you do not switch your character out. Also, the supers you do depend on which assist type you picked for your characters. Doing these does get rid of your partners red life since they do not really switch in. C. How do you switch characters? Hitting Jab + Short will tag out your character and tag in you middle character. Hitting Fierce + Roundhouse will tag in your bottom character. Tagging in has been made fairer now. Where in MvC a blocked tag in usually meant eating a super and hitting with your tag in only resulted in a little damage done. Now if you hit with your opponent with a tag in, they get popped up allowing you to combo them. They can roll out once they hit the ground so it's best to hit them before then (duh.) To switch the starting character before a match, hold either Assist 1 to switch with your middle character or Assist 2 to switch with the bottom character when the screen showing you and your opponent's characters in a hexagon right before the match. a. Delayed Hyper Combo (DHC) I put this under here because this is probably the best way for you to tag in characters in this game. To do this, while you are doing a super (it can be anytime from when you start it until the background changes back to normal.) Let's say you have Ryu, Morrigan, and Captain Commando (in that order). Ryu does his super fireball, anytime during it you can do QCF+PP to have Morrigan jump in and do her Soul Eraser or QCF+KK to have her do her Darkness Illusion. There are a few things to consider here, first off, you most likely would want to wait as long as possible before canceling to get the most out of Ryu's super. Then depending on how far the opponent is from you the Darkness Illusion may or may not connect. But you may want the Darkness Illusion over the Soul Eraser because you can cancel into CapCom's Captain Sword while she has them up there or maybe you want to do a Captain Storm after a Soul Eraser (Note: I'm not sure if these would actually connect, this is just a scenario I made up.) Some of these DHC's do insane damage (I know Guile-Captain America-Gambit has one that does 70-80% and 99% on Akuma and Strider.) These will most likely replace the duo team beating from MvC as the cheapest way to do damage. You can only do up to 3 super this way and Level 3 supers are included (this is probably why 5 levels of super is the max.) The last character doing this stays in and this will make the characters you use lose their red life as they do switch in, even to just do one super and switch back out. b. Crossover Counters (b, db, d + Assist 1 or 2) Another relatively safe way to switch your character. Works the same as previous, while blocking an attack do the motion (the assist button you use determines who comes out, Assist 1 for your middle character and Assist 2 for your bottom character) and you character will tag out and your partner will come and do an attack. The assist type you pick determines what the character does for their counter. And yes, these can be super cancelled into supers. D. Misc. Super canceling from the PSX EX games are now doable. Just do a special move and before the character recovers do that character's super. Push blocking is now done with the 2 Punch buttons along with the various dashes. There is no Easy Mode to pick from anymore (or at least the default settings don't have it.) Throws are harder to do off someone's jump-in attack. The announcer is very reminiscent of the Alpha 3 announcer. The music for the game is jazzy, elevator music sounding. The backgrounds are awesome, too bad it only make the characters look so much worse in comparison. You play 7 stages against the computer before reaching Abyss. There is only one universal ending for all characters. There are also no win quotes or pose points. The computer will use the hidden characters once they are unlocked, but not before. a. Damage Tiers (thanks to CJayC DannyCat, and D. Bingham Brown) Most Damage taken to least: 137: Akuma, Servbot, Roll, Wolverine-2 125: Anakaris, Spider-Man, Strider, Wolverine 118: Marrow, Morrigan, Sonson 112: Cammy, Dan, Dhalsim, Felicia, Iceman, Psylocke, Shuma Gorath 106: B.B.Hood, Chun-Li, Hayato, Jill, Ken, Magneto, Megaman, Sabretooth, Spiral, Storm 100: Amingo, Cable, Captain Commando, Charlie, Cyclops, Gambit, Guile, Iron Man, Jin, M.Bison, Ruby Heart, Ryu, Sakura, Venom, War Machine 93: Captain America, Dr.Doom, Omega Red, Rogue, Silver Samurai, Thanos, T.Bonne 87: Blackheart, Juggernaut, Hulk, Zangief 81: Colossus 75: Sentinal 4. Characters Key: QCF: quarter circle forward QCB: quarter circle back DP: dragon punch motion RDP: reverse dragon punch motion HCF: half circle forward HCB: half circle back Hunter aka zigzag Weak to Strong aka Stronger OTG: Off the ground A. New characters a. Amingo Moves: Daiti no Kodomo (Child of Ground) (grab): QCB + K Daiti no Kodomo (Child of Ground) (attack): QCF + K Midori no Kanki (Joy of Green): QCB + P Kaze no Sakeb (Scream of Wind): QCF + P (air) Supers: Shokubutsu no Okite (Law of Vegetation): QCB + PP Taiyou no Megumi (Sun's Blessing): QCF + KK Assists: A-Heal Type: Life Up vegetable, slow / Taiyou no Megumi B-Enhance Type: Defense Up (Defense: 50% damage) / Taiyou no Megumi C-Balance Type: Midori no Kanki / Taiyou no Megumi Launcher: C.Strong and C.Forward Snapback: S.Fierce Ground Chain: Weak to Strong Air Chain: Super Jump Chain: Hunter Colors (Hat/Pants): Jab: Blue/Yellow Fierce: Red/Blue A1: Purple/Yellow Short: Purple/Brown Roundhouse: Blue/Red A2: Red/Yellow His beanstalk super connects after his launchers. His maraca super seems useless for now as it does little damage, is blockable and is kind of slow. He drops a plant on the ground and it goes across the screen. Supposedly if mashed right, it does a lot of damage (no confirmation on this yet.) His normals are good as they have good range and hit multiple times. b. Anakaris Moves: Coffin Fall: d, d + P or K (air) Cobra Blow: b, f + P (air) Mummy Drop: QCF + P (air) Royal Curse: QCF + K in air Supers: Pharaoh Magic: Roundhouse, Jab, d, Short, Fierce Pharaoh Coffin Fall: d, d + PP Pharaoh Illusion: Jab, Jab, f, Short, Fierce Pharaoh Cobra Blow: b, f + PP Assists: A-Ground Type: Cobra Blow / Pharaoh Cobra Blow B-Throw Type: Mummy Drop / Pharaoh Illusion C-Variety Type: Coffin Fall / Pharaoh Coffin Fall Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Yellow/Blue Fierce: Green A1: Brown Short: Pink/Red Roundhouse: Red/Yellow A2: Monochrome Still have not gotten the hang of this guy. His Pharaoh Coffin Fall seems useless. His Pharaoh Cobra Blow is nice as it does really good damage if you know how to use it. Timing the button presses is key to getting the most of out this super. The four attack buttons control the four heights in which the cobras come out and you can only have two coming out at the same time, so try sending them out so some are retracting. His Pharaoh Illusion causes him to go into the background and you control his hands by using the attack buttons. Jab make the left hand hit sideways, Fierce makes the right hand hit sideways, Short makes the left hand hit downward and Roundhouse makes the right hand hit downward. You can still be hit in the head while in this super. Weird character when compared to the rest of the cast. Royal Curse turns everybody into the same thing; a small, very defenseless straw doll. Potential traps there. c. B.B. Hood Moves: Smiling Missile: Charge b, f + P or K Happy Missile: Charge d, u + P or K Shy Strike: QCB + P Cheer of Fire: DP + P (air) Supers: Cruel Hunting: QCF + PP Beautiful Memory: HCF + KK Apple For You: HCB + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Smiling Missile / Cruel Hunting B-Anti-Air Type: Cheer of Fire / Cruel Hunting C-Variety Type: Shy Strike / Cruel Hunting Launcher: S.Forward Snapback: f, f + Fierce Ground Chain: Hunter Air Chain: Super Jump Chain: Hunter Colors: Jab: Red Fierce: Purple A1: Dk. Blue Short: Blue Roundhouse: White A2: Black She can double jump. Her Cruel Hunting does massive block damage if you can hit with the top portion of it. Fierce is good for jumping in on and her Roundhouse attacks are landmines that have good range and knocks the opponent away. Jab, and Short Smiling Missile makes for very good pressure. Not sure if she's better as a keep away character or offensive character. d. Cable Moves: Viper Beam: QCF + P (air) Psimitar: DP + P Electro Trap: QCB + K (air) Psy Charge: HCB + P Crack Down: QCF + K Supers: Hyper Viper: QCF + PP (air) Time Flip: QCF + KK (can hit opponent while clone attacks) Assists: A-Projectile Type: Viper Beam / Hyper Viper B-Anti-Air Type: Psimitar / Hyper Viper C-Variety Type: Electro Trap / Hyper Viper Launcher: S.Strong Snapback: S.Roundhouse Ground Chain: Weak to Strong Air Chain: Super Jump Chain: Hunter Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Lt. Green A1: Dk. Green Short: Purple Roundhouse: Olive A2: Dk. Blue Primary a keep away character thanks to the long recovery after his projectile attacks. His Fierce make him shoot his gun, which can be canceled into Viper Beam, which if hits can be super canceled into his Hyper Viper for insane damage. The air version of his Hyper Viper is much better than the ground version as there is almost no start-up and recovery (see DHCable combo on Probably the fastest super in the game if done right. e. Felicia Moves: Delta Kick: DP + K (air) Rolling Buckler: QCF + P, P or K Sand Splash: QCF + K Cat Spike: DP + P Supers: Dancing Flash: QCF + PP Please Help Me: QCB + KK Hyper Sand Splash: QCF + KK Assists: A-Expansion Type: Delta Kick / Hyper Sand Splash B-Ground Type: Sand Splash / Hyper Sand Splash C-Variety Type: Cat Spike / Hyper Sand Splash Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: C.Forward Ground Chain: Air Chain: Super Jump Chain: Hunter Colors (Hair/Fur): Jab: Blue/White Fierce: Black/Orange A1: Grey/White Short: Red/White Roundhouse: White/Pink A2: Red/Black Generally a pixie and a decent one. Hyper Sand Splash makes for a very good assist killer. Please Help Me can combo after itself in the corner. f. Guile Moves: Sonic Boom: Charge b, f + P Somersault Kick: Charge d, u + K (Air d, u + K) Supers: Sonic Hurricane: QCF + PP Somersault Strike: QCB + KK Crossfire Blitz: Air, QCF + KK Assists: A-Anti-Air Type: Somersault Kick / Somersault Strike B-Projectile Type: Sonic Boom / Sonic Hurricane C-Balance Type: Sonic Boom / Sonic Hurricane Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: f + Fierce Ground Chain: Weak to Strong Jumping Chain: Weak to Strong Super Jump Chain: Hunter Colors: Jab: Olive Green Fierce: Grey A1: Olive Green w/tan Short: Purple Roundhouse: Brown A2: Purple w/tan All of Guile's super can be comboed into. On the ground you can chain anything into S.Fierce or S.Roundhouse into either super, preferably Sonic Hurricane. For his air combo he can connect with all 6 hits or can go into his air super. I use to do it after a Jab-Short-Strong-Forward chain, but it being blocked 25% of the time and he being open afterwards I just try do finish the chain which does almost the same damage and leads to an OTG in the corner. He can OTG after his Roundhouse air throw. His Somersault Kick, if blocked usually knocks the opponent too far away for them to hit him before he recovers. By far one of the better and very balanced character in the game so far. g. Hayato Moves: Siden: QCF + P Guren: DP + P (air) Plasma Combo: b + Jab, Jab, Jab or Fierce, Jab : b + Jab, Jab, Jab or Fierce, Roundhouse , Jab, Jab : b + Fierce, Jab, Fierce, Short or Fierce, Fierce Shirotora Hou: b, f + PP Dive Pierce: air d + Roundhouse Supers: Rasetsu Slash: QCF + KK Crescent Moon: QCF + PP Plasma Field: QCB + KK (air) B.Hayato (Level 3): Jab, Fierce, b, Short, Roundhouse Assists: A-Expansion Type: Siden / Crescent Moon B-Anti-Air Type: Guren / Rasetsu Slash C-Balance Type: Siden / Rasetsu Slash Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Roundhouse (2nd hit) Ground Chain: Weak to Strong Air Chain: Super Jump Chain: Hunter Colors: Jab: White/Grey Fierce: White/Red A1: Red Short: White/Blue Roundhouse: White/Brown A2: Black Think Strider mixed with Ryu. Not too great as his moves have enough recovery time for opponent to counter. Decent reach, thanks to his sword. Plasma Field makes him turns bluish for a limited time and it gives him the ability to use supers without using meter when the bubble hits the opponent. This can be comboed in after his air combo-Guren. He can even do his Level 3 with less than 3 levels while it is in effect. h. Jill Moves: Kinsetsu Sentou A (Close Combat A): QCF + P (air) (Fierce version can be held) Grenade Launcher: DP + P (can be held) Kinkyuu Kaihi A (Emergency Evasion A): QCB + K (Short for zombie that holds opponent, Roundhouse for exploding zombie) Kinkyuu Kaihi B (Emergency Evasion B): QCF + Short (dog) Kinkyuu Kaihi C (Emergency Evasion C): QCF + Roundhouse (bird) Ousen Shageki (Return Fire): HCB + P (Beretta counter-attack) Supers: Kinsetsu Sentou A+ (Close Combat A+): QCF + PP (air) Code: T-002: QCB + KK Rocket Launcher: QCF + KK Assists: A-Heal Type: Life Up herb, fast / Rocket Launcher B-Dash Type: Close Combat A / Close Combat A+ C-Projectile Type: Grenade Launcher / Rocket Launcher Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Roundhouse Ground Chain: Weak to Strong Air Chain: Weak to Strong Super Jump Chain: Hunter Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Orange/Yellow A1: Brown/Grey Short: Pink Roundhouse: Blue-Green A2: Grey Mostly a pixie character though you can kind of set up a Captain Commando- like keep away game with her 'helpers.' She can combo into her charging super very easily on the ground and in the air after most moves. She has no limit on how many 'helper' attackers are on screen, so if you want she can have the dog, bird, a zombie, and an assist character onscreen at the same time. Her Grenade Launcher isn't much of a projectile and is more so anti-air. Her Rocket Launcher works kind of like Proton Cannon where if it hits as she brings it out, it'll connect fully, otherwise it is very avoidable (she even falls back afterwards like Chun-Li does in Pocket Fighter.) Her Tyrant super is insanely hard to hit with as you have to have the opponent the right distance from you, on or very close to the ground and not blocking. Right afterwards, you can do her Rocket Launcher to hit Tyrant into the opponent for a little more damage. Her zombies along with her animal attacks can be hit down, in fact you, your animal, and your assist character can knock your zombie over and it'll stay on the ground for a bit grabbing the opponent if they get near just like they do in the ResEvil series. Her zombies come in from behind you and keep moving forward really slowly. She can OTG after her Roundhouse either into Close Combat A or Short-C.Fierce-AC. Her Fierce Close Combat A can be charged much like Megaman's Mega Buster. Not really worth it as she loses her launcher and gets more recovery after the move. Holding down the button after the Grenade Launcher increases the range of it. i. Marrow Moves: Boneerang: QCF + P (air) Towering Spine: DP + P Ricochet Slash: QCB + K Ride & Slash: HCB+P (air) Supers: Stinger Bones: QCF + PP Bone Buster: QCB + PP (air) Assists: A-Projectile Type: Boneerang / Bone Buster B-Anti-Air Type: Towering Spine / Bone Buster C-Expansion Type: Ricochet Slash / Stinger Bones Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Fierce Ground Chain: Hunter Air Chain: Super Jump Chain: Hunter Colors: Jab: Green Fierce: Lavender A1: Grey Short: Blue Roundhouse: Lt. Green A2: Purple A pixie character. Has a double jump. Her Boneerang stays in place for a bit and allows her to zone. Not that great as she doesn't really have anything damaging. j. Ruby Heart Moves: Schwarzalle: QCF + P, direction + P, direction + P (air) Sublimation: QCF + K Fantome: QCB + K (Anchor): HCB + P Supers: (Hyper Schwarzalle): QCF + PP (air) Barutoneeru: QCF + KK Miru Fantome: QCB + KK Tooru Do Maji: Roundhouse, Jab, d, Short, Fierce Assists: A-Anti-Air Type: Sublimation / Barutoneeru B-Capture Type: Fierce Anchor / Miru Fantome C-Enhance Type: Power Up (Offense 125%) / Hyper Schwarzalle Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Fierce Colors (Hair/Suit): Jab: Blonde/Blue Fierce: Pink/Brown A1: Blonde/Green Short: Grey/Blue Roundhouse: Grey/Olive A2: Red/Dk. Purple Her Schwarzalle and Hyper Schwarzalle can be redirected with a direction + P (up to 2 times for regular and I think 5 times for super.) Try to control it so you land safely. Fantome's ghost will suck away your opponent's super energy if it touches them. Her Tooru Do Maji is when she drops a barrel on you. It seems to be 'timing' super where you have to hit the right buttons at the right time to get the max damage out of it. k. Servbot Moves: Kobun Fire: QCF + P (air) (can be held) Call for Help (Rush!): QCB + Jab Call for Help (Seize!): QCB + Fierce Call for Help (Air!): QCB + K Robot Attack: QCF + K Supers: Lunch Rush: QCF + PP King Kobun: QCF + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Call For Help (Rush!) / Lunch Rush B-Anti-Air Type: Kobun Fire (up) / King Kobun C-Balance Type: Kobun Fire (forward) / Kobun 'Legion' Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: C.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Pink A1: Red Short: Black Roundhouse: Blue-green A2: Purple Wow, and you thought Roll was small. It is not as small as it looks as some moves that looks like it should miss, don't on it. Almost no range what-so-ever on most attacks and even worst, he does almost no damage on his attacks. What Servbot does for his Lunch Rush depends on what his assist is. A Type gives you the regular Lunch Rush, B Type gives you the stepwise drop of Servbots and C Type gives you the Servbot Legion which does very good chipping damage, more than it would do if it had hit. Really you can only run and build meter/recover your other characters with him. l. Sonson Moves: Fuusetuzan (Wind-slash Beheading): Tap P (air) Sienbu (Child Monkey Dance): QCF + P (air) Seitenrengeki: DP + P (air) Wall Run: RDP + K (P to jump off, K to kick) (blockable throw): HCB + P Creep Advance: HCF + K Supers: Tenchi Tsuukan (Pass Through Heaven and Earth): QCF + PP (air) Saruou (Monkey King): QCB + PP (Jab to punch low, Fierce to punch high, K to spit fire) POW: QCF + KK Assists: A-Heal Type: Life Up fruit / Saruou B-Projectile Type: Sienbu / Saruou C-Anti-Air Type: Seitenrengeki / Tenchi Tsuukan Launcher: C.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Red Fierce: Green A1: Pink Short: Yellow Roundhouse: Blue A2: Purple Money King super can do a lot of block damage with her fire breath. The stick super will hit the opponent with the stick on the way up. POW, well, it can be use against jump-ins but is risky otherwise very hard to connect and does too little damage. m. Tron Bonne Moves: Command Shot: QCF + P Bonne Strike: QCF + K (air) Kobun Launcher: DP + P Supers: Lunch Rush: QCF + PP King Kobun: QCB + PP Assists: A-Throw Type: Fierce throw / Lunch Rush B-Anti-Air Type: S.Forward / King Kobun C-Projectile Type: C.Strong / King Kobun Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Green Fierce: Purple A1: Grey Short: Pink Roundhouse: Olive A2: Lt. Pink Her Command Shot is slow in coming out and if it hits, holds the opponent in place for a bit. Lunch Rush works kind of like Command Shot where she shoots the opponent to lock them in place for the rush. If you have her Throw Type assist, do it by doing a team super (Assist 1 + Assist 2) instead of QCF + PP, because the serve bots will come out even if you don't hit the opponent with the gun. A lot of her normals are like Jin's where they seem like special moves. B. Old characters a. Akuma Moves: (fireball): QCF + P (air) (dragon punch): DP + P (hurricane kick): QCB + K (air) (dive kick): In air QCF + K Supers: (super fireball): QCB + PP (air) (super dragon punch): QCF + PP (super hurricane kick): QCF + KK Shun Goku Satsu (Level 3): Jab, Jab, f, Short, Fierce Assists: A-Projectile Type: fireball / super fireball B-Anti-Air Type: dragon punch / super dragon punch C-Expansion Type: hurricane kick / super hurricane kick Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: f + Fierce Colors(Hair/Gi): Jab: Red/Black Fierce: Red/White A1: Blonde/Purple Short: White/Grey Roundhouse: Orange/Red A2: White But can play a good keep away game. Could have been of the better character as he has easy to do damaging combos (C.Short-C.Forward-Roundhouse hurricane kick-super air fireball) and can run. Too bad he takes so much damage. He has his hurricane kick super from the SF3 series (QCF + KK) but is useless. b. Blackheart Moves: Dark Thunder: HCF + P Inferno: HCB + P Supers: Armageddon: QCF + PP Judgment Day: QCB + PP (air) Heart of Darkness: QCF + KK Assists: A-Ground Type: Dark Thunder / Judgment Day B-Anti-Air Type: Inferno / Heart of Darkness C-Launcher Type: S.Strong / Armageddon Launcher: S.Strong Snapback: C.Strong Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Black A1: Purple Short: Lt. Blue Roundhouse: Dk. Blue A2: Dk. Purple Move list is unchanged from MvSF. He loses his Strong and Forward attacks at will which were apparently some of his best moves. Inferno assist is very good, a slower version of Captain Corridor that tracks the opponent. Surprising one of the better characters in the game with his jumping roundhouses able to keep most characters under pressure. c. Cammy Moves: Cannon Drill: QCF + K (air) Cannon Spike: DP + K Cannon Strike: In air QCB + K Cannon Revenge: HCB + P Hooligan Combination: QCB + K Spin Knuckle: QCF + P Supers: Spin Drive Smasher: QCF + KK Killer Bee Assault: QCB + PP (air) Reverse Shaft Breaker: QCB + KK Assists: A-Anti-Air Type: Cannon Spike / Spin Drive Smasher B-Dash Type: Cannon Drill / Spin Drive Smasher C-Expansion Type: Spin Knuckle / Killer Bee Assault Launcher: C.Fierce, S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Lt. Blue Fierce: Dk. Blue A1: Magenta Short: Green Roundhouse: Pink A2: Black suited, pink-haired, deep tanned Cammy... She can air combo into her Killer Bee Assault (now QCB + PP) after a Cannon Spike and continue with an OTG. Has a double jump. Very fast dash. d. Captain America Moves: Shield Slash: QCF + P (air) Stars & Stripes: DP + P Charging Star: QCF + K Cartwheel: HCB + P Supers: Final Justice: QCF + PP Hyper Charging Stars: QCF + KK Hyper Stars & Stripes: DP + PP Assists: A-Projectile Type: Jab Shield Slash / Hyper Charging Star B-Anti-Air Type: Stars & Stripes / Hyper Stars & Stripes C-Dash Type: Charging Star / Hyper Charging Star Launcher: C.Fierce, S.Strong Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Shiny Lt. Blue A1: Shiny Dk. Blue Short: Green Roundhouse: Shiny Grey A2: Dk. Blue Pretty much can be played the same as his MvC counterpart except for losing the S.Strong as anti-air. No ground level Shield Slash, Jab version goes strait ahead. His Jabx3 -> double jump air combo is still there; just that you have to time the Jabs now or else his Strong comes out. Still has Short-Forward-Hyper Stars and Stripes. His Dash Type assist is great for countering beam traps. e. Captain Commando Moves: Captain Fire: QCF + P Captain Corridor: QCB + P Captain Kick: QCB + K Commando Strike (Sho): QCF + Short Commando Strike (Genity): QCF + Roundhouse Commando Strike (Hoover): QCF + Short + Fierce Supers: Captain Sword: QCF + PP Captain Storm: QCF + KK Assists: A-Ground Type: Captain Fire / Captain Sword B-Anti-Air Type: Captain Corridor / Captain Sword C-Expansion Type: Captain Kick / Captain Sword Launcher: C.Strong, S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Lt. Green A1: Black Short: Red Roundhouse: Gold A2: Pink Seems to play the same but it looks like he is easier to get in on now that you can abuse assist characters. S.Roundhouse into Captain Sword still works along with Captain Storm into Captain Sword. Comboing into the Captain Storm after a C.Fierce is much easier. The Captain Corridor assist is hella good. He still has the Kick Throw glitch from MvC, only it is now also doable on a human opponent. f. Charlie Sonic Boom: Charge b, f + P Somersault Kick: Charge d, u + K Moon-sault Slash: In air u, uf, f + K Supers: Crossfire Blitz: QCF + KK Sonic Break: QCF + PP Somersault Justice: QCB + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Sonic Boom / Sonic Break B-Anti-Air Type: Somersault Shell / Somersault Justice C-Balance Type: Sonic Boom / Sonic Break Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: f + Fierce Colors (Vest/Pants): Jab: Yellow/Blue Fierce: White/Blue A1: Green/Tan Short: Red/Grey Roundhouse: Yellow/Grey A2: Red Suckier Guile? Air combo doesn't seem to hit as well as Guile's. g. Chun-Li Moves: Kikouken: QCF + P Tenshou Kyaku: DP + K Hyakuretsu Kyaku: Tap K (air) Hyenshuu: HCB + K Supers: Kikoushou: QCF + PP Senretsu Kyaku: QCF + KK Hazantenshou Kyaku: DP + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Kikouken / Kikoshou B-Anti-Air Type: Tenshou Kyaku / Hazan Tenshou Kyaku C-Expansion Type: Hyenshuu/ Senretsu Kyaku Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: f + Fierce Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Green A1: Purple Short: Pink Roundhouse: Red A2: Black Old df + Roundhouse is now db + Roundhouse. Her head stomp is jump d + Roundhouse. This sucks, as you have to think about what you are doing before sticking out a low Roundhouse. You can no longer chain a Fierce or Roundhouse after her head stomp. Her air super from MvC seems to be gone now. Fierce no longer combos into her Senretsu Kyaku. All in all sucks now that she doesn't have much for damaging combos. With assists she might have something. Just call out assist while airborn with her as she can triple jump, air dash and head stomp. h. Colossus Moves: Giant Swing: QCF + P (air) Power Tackle: QCF + K (air) Supers: Super Dive: QCF + PP (air) Super Armor: QCB + PP Assists: A-Dash Type: Short Power Tackle / Super Dive B-Anti-Air Type: Roundhouse Power Tackle / Super Dive C-Launcher Type: S.Roundhouse /Super Dive Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Red Fierce: Dk. Red A1: Salmon Short: Yellow Roundhouse: Lt. Red A2: Magenta Horridly animated, but insanely powerful. You can use Super Armor as a stalling tactic. Super Dive is useless outside of a few combos. i. Cyclops Moves: Optic Blast: QCF + P (air) Gene Splice: DP + P Cyclone Kick : QCB + K Optic Sweep: f, df, d + P Rapid Punches: Charge b,f + P, tap P or K Running Neckbreaker Drop: Charge b,f + K Supers: Mega Optic Blast: QCF + PP (air) Super Optic Blast: QCB + PP Assists: A-Projectile Type: Jab Optic Blast / Mega Optic Blast B-Anti-Air Type: Gene Splice / Mega Optic Blast C-Expansion Type: Cyclone Kick / Mega Optic Blast Launcher: S.Strong Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Faded Blue A1: White Short: Grey Roundhouse: All Grey A2: Grey with glowy green trim... He's much improved over his MvSF counterpart; Mega Optic Blast does great block damage again and can be done in air now with him slowly falling during it. Supposedly another good character because of his keep away game with assists and his J.Roundhouse. Iceman kills him, as Iceman takes no block damage from most of his attacks. j. Dan Moves: Gadoken: QCF + P Koryuken: DP + P Dankuu Kyaku: QCB + K (air) Premium Sign: QCF + K (rolling taunt) QCF or QCB + Start Supers: Shinkuu Gadouken: QCF + PP Kouryuu Rekka: QCF + KK Hisshou Buraiken: QCB + KK Chouhatsu Densetsu: QCF, QCF + START Otoko Michi: Fierce, Short, b, Jab, Jab Assists: A-Projectile Type: Gadoken / Shinkuu Gadoken B-Anti-Air Type: Koryuken / Koryurekka C-Variety Type: Premium Sign / Hisshou Burai Ken Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Pink Fierce: Purple A1: Yellow Short: Orange Roundhouse: Lt. Green A2: Lt. Blue Can do Gale Kick in air now. His Level 3 super, Otoko Michi, now does very good damage. k. Dhalsim Moves: Yoga Fire: QCF + P (air) Yoga Blast: HCB + K Yoga Flame: HCB + P Yoga Teleport: RDP or DP + PP or KK (air) Levitate: QCB + KK (air) Supers: Yoga Inferno: QCF + PP (air) Yoga Strike: QCF + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Yoga Fire / Yoga Inferno B-Ground Type: Yoga Flame / Yoga Inferno C-Anti-Air Type: Yoga Blast / Yoga Inferno Launcher: S.Strong Snapback: S.Roundhouse (close) Colors (Skin/Clothes): Jab: Brown/Yellow Fierce: Brown/Blue A1: Dk. Brown/Blue-green Short: White/Purple Roundhouse: Lavender/Yellow A2: Grey/Pink He can now chain his weak attacks to a strong attack. I guess this makes up for him losing his pokes with Strong and Forward. l. Dr. Doom Moves: Plasma Beam: QCF + P (air) Photon Shot: HCB + P (air) Molecular Shield: HCB + K Flying: QCB + KK (air) Supers: Photon Array: HCB + PP (air) Electric Cage: QCF + PP Sphere Flame: QCF + KK Assists: A-Variety Type: Photon Shot / Photon Array B-Anti-Air Type: Molecular Shield / Sphere Flame C-Projectile Type: Plasma Beam / Electric Cage Launcher: C.Fierce, S.Forward Snapback: S.Strong Colors: Jab: Blue-green Fierce: Dk. Green A1: Dk. Blue Short: Lt. Green Roundhouse: Brown A2: Lighter Green His Sphere Flame combos after his launcher. His Electric Cage looks sort of like Chun-Li's super puffball only it moves forward as a small fireball and then gets bigger when it hits. His Molecular Shield is one of the best assist in the game. In fact he is one of the best character in the game. Super jumping Photon Shot is just too good if used right. m. Gambit Moves: Kinetic Card: QCF + P (air) Trick Card: QCB + P Cajun Slash: DP + P (Short+ Fierce for old Fierce version) Cajun Strike: Charge d, u + K Cajun Escape: Charge d, u + P, b or f then P Supers: Royal Flush: QCF + PP Cajun Explosion: QCB or QCF + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Kinetic Card / Royal Flush B-Expansion Type: Jab Cajun Slash / Royal Flush C-Launcher Type: C.Fierce / Royal Flush Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Tan Fierce: Brown A1: Purple Short: Grey Roundhouse: Grey with A2: Cyan purple hair Plays pretty much the same, without his infinite of course. Might be more recovery on his Jab Cajun Slash. n. Hulk Moves: Gamma Tornado: HCB + P Gamma Slam: QCF + P Gamma Charge: Charge b, f + K Anti-Air Gamma Charge: Charge d, u + K Supers: Gamma Wave: QCF + PP Gamma Crush: QCB + PP Gamma Quake: QCF + KK Assists: A-Ground Type: Jab Gamma Slam / Gamma Wave B-Dash Type: Gamma Charge / Gamma Crush C-Anti-Air Type: Anti-Air Gamma Charge / Gamma Quake Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Fierce Colors (Skin/Shorts): Jab: Green/Red Fierce: Green/Blue A1: Lt. Grey/Blue Short: Grey/Blue Roundhouse: Lt. Green/Orange A2: Green/Purple His C.Fierce launcher is better and his Gamma Charge has also improved. Comparable to how he was in MSF. Gamma Crush hurts really bad now if it hits fully. o. Iceman Moves: Ice Beam: QCF + P (air) Ice Avalanche: QCF + K (air) Ice Fist: QCB + P Super: Arctic Attack: QCF + PP (air) Assists: A-Projectile Type: Ice Beam / Artic Attack B-Variety Type: Ice Avalanche / Artic Attack C-Balance Type: Ice Beam / Artic Attack Launcher: C.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Bluish Fierce: Dk. Bluish A1: Greenish Short: Also Bluish Roundhouse: Pinkish A2: Also Greenish No block damage from most 'energy' projectile attacks along with a few other moves, another insane keep away game (starting to see pattern here?), and a fast dash is making him one of the best characters so far. He only seems to have one super, Arctic Attack (QCF + PP) but it can be easily combo off his air combo or S.Fierce. Ice Beam is a very good assist as it nullifies any of you opponent's and their assist's projectiles. Ice Fist causes your punches to do more damage and block damage if blocked. Breaks after it hits or is blocked three times. p. Iron Man Moves: Unibeam: QCF + P (air) Repulsor Blast: HCB + P Smart Bomb: Short + Fierce (air) Flight: QCB + KK Kneedive: In air d + Roundhouse Supers: Proton Cannon: QCF + PP Assists: A-Projectile Type: Unibeam / Proton Cannon B-Anti-Air Type: Repulsor Blast / Proton Cannon C-Launcher Type: S.Roundhouse / Proton Cannon Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Red/Yellow Fierce: Red/Orange A1: Red/White Short: Blue/Yellow Roundhouse: Red/Lavender A2: Orange/Lt. Green Use him over War Machine as his Repulsor Blast and Proton Cannon is much better. He cannot chain after the knee dive. Unibeam comes out fast and has good recovery. q. Jin Saotome Moves: Saotome Typhoon: Charge b, f + P Saotome Crush: HCB + K Saotome Dynamite: Charge d, u + P Supers: Blodia Punch: QCF + PP Blodia Vulcan: QCB + PP Saotome Cyclone: QCF + KK Assists: A-Expansion Type: Saotome Typhoon / Saotome Cyclone B-Anti-Air Type: Saotome Dynamite / Blodia Punch C-Launcher Type: S.Strong / Blodia Punch Launcher: S.Strong Snapback: C.Fierce Colors: Jab: White Fierce: Red/Black A1: Pink/White Short: Black/Gold Roundhouse: Green/White A2: Blue/Yellow He is better because his air Roundhouse drill attack hit more times making them safer. He can combo into his Saotome Cyclone after his launcher. C.Strong- Blodia Punch is still there but is harder to connect. I like his Saotome Typhoon assist, a lot. r. Juggernaut Moves: Earthquake Punch: f, df, d + P Juggernaut Punch: HCF + P Juggernaut Body Press: HCF + K (air) Cytorak Power-Up: DP + PP (offense 150%, one hit) Supers: Juggernaut Headcrush: QCF + PP Assists: A-Ground Type: Earthquake Punch / Headcrush B-Dash Type: Juggernaut Punch / Headcrush C-Variety Type: Body Splash / Headcrush Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: f + Fierce Colors: Jab: Brown Fierce: Lavender A1: Orange Short: Grey Roundhouse: Green A2: Red Headcrush comes out fast and does great damage. Almost anything bigger than a Jab or Short blocked, mean a Headcrush. If you can, mash it for the 8 hits. It's hard to do but the damage is well worth it. There's is a glitch involving his Power-Up where if you switch out while still in it, he will keep it for the rest of the round or until he Power-up's again and uses it normally. Pretty nasty bug. s. Ken Moves: (fireball): QCF + P (air) (dragon punch): DP + P (air) (hurricane kick): QCB + K (air) (forward roll): QCB + P Supers: Shouryureppa: QCF + PP Shinryuken: QCF + KK Shippuujinrai Kyaku: QCB + KK Assists: A-Anti-Air Type: dragon punch / Shinryuken B-Projectile Type: fireball / Shoryuu Reppa C-Expansion Type: hurricane kick / Shoryuu Reppa Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Red Fierce: White A1: Purple w/tan Short: Yellow Roundhouse: Purple A2: Green A hurricane kick in an air combo does insane damage if it fully connects. Really all he has other than the dragon punch assist. t. M.Bison Moves: Psycho Shot: HCF + P Double Knee Press: HCF + K (air) Psycho Field: HCB + P Warp: DP + P or K Head Press: Charge d, u + K Somersault Skull Dive: Charge d, u + P or P after Head Press Supers: Psycho Crusher: QCF + PP (air) Psycho Explosion: HCB + PP Knee Press Nightmare: QCF + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Psycho Shot / Psycho Crusher B-Variety Type: Psycho Field / Psycho Crusher C-Expansion Type: Scissor Kick / Knee Press Nightmare Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Red Fierce: Dk. Red A1: Dk. Grey Short: Blue Roundhouse: White A2: Black/Gold Gains a new super, Psycho Explosion (HCB + PP) which is an enhanced version of his Psycho Field. u. Magneto Moves: E.M. Disruptor: HCF + P (air) Magnetic Blast: In air u, uf, f + P Hyper Gravitation: HCB + K (air) Magnetic Force Field: HCF + K Flight: QCB + KK Supers: Magnetic Shockwave: QCF + PP Magnetic Tempest: QCF + KK (air) Assists: A-Projectile Type: E.M. Disruptor / Magnetic Shockwave B-Capture Type: Hyper Gravitation / Magnetic Tempest C-Launcher Type: C.Fierce / Magnetic Tempest Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Red/Lt. Purple Fierce: Purple A1: Red/Dk. Purple Short: Blue Roundhouse: Dk. Purple A2: Red/Black His dash is fast, probably the fastest in the game. His Force Field move is a counterattack like Cammy's and Jill's. It you hit him, he'll do a one hit Magnetic Shockwave. Insane combos with Hyper Grab -> Tempest. v. Megaman Moves: Mega Buster: Fierce (can be held) (air) Mega Upper: DP + P (air) Item Attack: QCF + P Item Change (Rock Ball): QCF + K Item Change (Tornado Hold): DP + K Item Change (Leaf Shield): QCB + K Supers: Hyper Megaman: QCF + PP (air) Rush Drill: QCF + KK Beat Plane: QCB + PP (air) Assists: A-Projectile Type: Mega Buster / Hyper Megaman B-Anti-Air Type: Mega Upper / Hyper Megaman C-Balance Type: Mega Buster / Hyper Megaman Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Green A1: Grey Short: Red Roundhouse: Gold A2: Red/Yellow There seems to be more start-up on his supers. Still can play a mean game of keep away with Mega Busters, Rockballs, and assist. w. Morrigan Moves: Soul Fist: QCF + P (air) Shadow Blade: DP + P (air) Vector Drain: HCB + P Shell Kick: In air QCB + K Supers: Soul Eraser: QCF + PP Silhouette Blade: DP + PP Darkness Illusion: QCF + KK (air) Assists: A-Anti-Air Type: Shadow Blade / Silhouette Blade B-Projectile Type: Soul Fist / Soul Eraser C-Balance Type: Shadow Blade / Silhouette Blade Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Fierce Colors (Hair): Jab: Grey Fierce: Pink A1: Pink/Red wings Short: Blonde Roundhouse: Lt. Green A2: Blonde/Red wings She seems to have lost her Eternal Slumber from MvC. ABout the same, good combos, good mobility, just too bad she does jack for damage. x. Omega Red Moves: Carbonadium Coil: QCF + P or PP (air) and in air QCF + K or KK Then P - Energy Drain K - Death Factor Joystick + K - Throw b + P or K - Return d + P - Slam d + P, d + P - Double Slam Omega Strike: QCF + K or KK, then d + K to Cancel or b + K to Return Supers: Omega Destroyer: QCB + PP Omega Smasher: In air QCB + PP Assists: A-Throw Type: Jab Carbonadium Coil / Omega Destroyer B-Anti-Air Type: Roundhouse Omega Strike / Omega Destroyer C-Ground Type: db + Roundhouse / Omega Destroyer Launcher: S.Strong Snapback: S.Fierce Colors (Hairs/Clothes): Jab: Blonde/Red Fierce: Lt.Blonde/Lt.Red A1: Dk.Blonde/Dk.Red Short: White/Purple Roundhouse: White/Pink A2: Blonde/Tan Energy Drain still gives you back more life than you have in red, but it is really little. His supers have been changed in their motion to QCB + PP for both. QCF + PP gives you the coil that goes upward. The same applies for his kick attack; QCF + KK goes upward. One of the better characters in the game. Can charge the super meter fast with canceled Omega Strikes and Roundhouses. y. Psylocke Moves: Psi Blast: QCF + P (air) Psi Blade: QCF + K, can be repeated (air) Ninjutsu: HCB + P or K (air) Supers: Kochou Gakure: QCB + KK (air) Psi Maelstorm: QCF + KK Psi Thrust: QCF + PP, then direction + P (air) Assists: A-Anti-Air Type: Roundhouse Psi Blade / Psi Maelstrom B-Projectile Type: Jab Psi Blast / Kochou Gakure C-Balance Type: Jab Psi Blast / Psi Thrust Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Pink A1: Lt. Blue w/tan Short: Black Roundhouse: Dk. Purple A2: Dk. Blue w/tan From those who used her in MSH, they say she is a lot faster. Dash in with her C.Short. That move has insane range and priority. She can do the full Hunter series into her C.Fierce launcher on almost everybody. Then super cancel her Psi Blade into her Kochou Gakure to finish her air combos. Her Ninjitsu Teleport only goes to 4 places on the screen now. z. Rogue Moves: Repeating Punch: QCF + P (air) Rising Repeating Punch: DP + P Power Dive Punch: DP + K Power Drain: QCB + K (air) Supers: Good Night Sugar: QCF + PP Assists: A-Anti-Air Type: Rising Repeating Punch / Hyper Rushing Punches B-Rush Type: Repeating Punch / Hyper Rushing Punches C-Throw Type: Power Drain / Hyper Rushing Punches Launcher: S.Roundhouse, C.Fierce Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors (Jacket/Suit): Jab: Green/Grey Fierce: Grey A1: Blue/Yellow Short: Green/Yellow Roundhouse: Grey/Yellow A2: Lt. Green/Yellow No longer does the opponent's move when she absorbs their powers. She now gets enhancements, such as Power Up (Offense 125%) from Juggernaut and Hulk, or Speed Up from Wolverine. Supposedly annoying when she has Speed enhancement. She also has Meter Up, Life Up, and Defense Up (Defense 50% damage). She has a semi- infinite while she has Speed-up. As I found out the hard way, she can be down right nasty when played right (SJ -> Divekick (air d + Roundhouse.) aa. Roll Moves: Roll Buster: QCF + P (air) Flower Bouquet: DP + P (air) Item Attack: QCB + P Item Change (Rock Ball): QCF + K Item Change (Tornado Hold): DP + K Item Change (Leaf Shield): QCB + K Supers: Hyper Roll: QCF + PP (air) Rush Drill: QCF + KK Beat Plane: QCB + PP Assists: A-Projectile Type: Roll Buster / Hyper Roll B-Variety Type: Flower Bouquet / Hyper Roll C-Balance Type: Flower Bouquet / Hyper Roll Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Red Fierce: Pink A1: Blue Short: Grey Roundhouse: White A2: Purple Same as Megaman for Item Change. Flower Bouquet is DP + P. Has double jump now. Still sucks pretty badly. bb. Ryu Moves: (fireball): QCF + P (air) (dragon punch): DP + P (hurricane kick): QCB + K (air) Supers: Shinkuu Hadouken: QCF + PP (air) Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku: QCB + KK Shin-Shouryuken (Level 3): DP + PP Assists: A-Anti-Air Type: dragon punch / Shinkuu Hadouken B-Projectile Type: fireball / Shinkuu Hadouken C-Expansion Type: hurricane kick / Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: f + Fierce Colors: Jab: White Fierce: Lt. Tan A1: Lt. Grey Short: Purple Roundhouse: Blue-green A2: Dk. Grey No more mode switching now that Akuma and Ken are in the game. He is a bit faster. Still has his Fierce into super fireball. Air comboing into the super fireball is also easier to do. His Snapback is his overhead, slow but has to be blocked high. cc. Sabretooth Moves: Berserker Claw: QCF + P Wild Fang: HCB + P Armed Birdie: HCB + K Supers: Berserker Claw X: QCF + PP Hyper Armed Birdie: HCB + KK Weapon X Dash: DP + PP Assists: A-Expansion Type: Berserker Claw / Berserker Claw X B-Projectile Type: Armed Birdie / Hyper Armed Birdie C-Launcher Type: C.Fierce /Hyper Armed Birdie Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Strong Colors: Jab: Red/Yellow Fierce: Black/Yellow A1: Brown/Lt. Yellow Short: Pink/White Roundhouse: Green/Orange A2: Black/Orange dd. Sakura Moves: Shououken: QCF + P (air) Hadouken: QCB + P (air) Shunpuu Kyaku: QCB + K (air) Supers: Midare Zakura: QCF + PP Shinkuu Hadouken: QCB + PP Haru Ichiban: QCB + KK Sunburn Sakura Transformation (Level 3): RDP + Short As Sunburn Sakura Moves: Shououken: DP + P (air) Hadouken: QCF + P (air) Shunpuu Kyaku: QCB + K (air) Supers: Midare Zakura: QCF + KK Shinkuu Hadouken: QCF + PP Haru Ichiban: QCB + KK Normal Sakura Transformation (Level 3): RDP + Short Spring Jail Shooting (Level 3): Jab, Jab, f, Short, Fierce Assists: A-Dash Type: Shououken / Haru Ichiban B-Projectile Type: Hadouken / Shinkuu Hadouken C-Expansion Type: Shunpuu Kyaku / Midare Zakura Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors (Gloves/Skirt): Jab: Red/Blue Fierce: White/Lt. Blue A1: Yellow/Blue Short: Purple/Grey Roundhouse: White/Red A2: Brown Why they made her transformation 3 Levels still bothers me. She really doesn't have much in either form to make her stand out. ee. Sentinel Moves: Rocket Punch Low: QCF + Jab (air) Rocket Punch Strait: QCF + Fierce (air) Rocket Punch Diagonal: DP + P (air) Sentinel Force: QCF + K Flight: QCB + KK Supers: Plasma Storm: QCF + PP Hard Drive: In air QCF + PP Hyper Sentinel Force: QCF + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Rocket Punch / Hyper Sentinel Force B-Launcher Type: S.Roundhouse / Hyper Sentinel Force C-Ground Type: Sentinel Force / Hyper Sentinel Force Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Blue/Purple Fierce: Purple/Blue A1: Red/Purple Short: Lt. Purple/Grey Roundhouse: Black A2: Dk. Blue/Grey Has super armor. He also seems to have some pretty sick combos in the corner with Fierce Rocket Punches and Hyper Sentinel Forces. Can play a game of trading hits as he takes the least damage (normally) and does the most. One of the top characters in the game. He can dominate the ground very easier and his speed while in Flight is insanely fast. ff. Shuma Gorath Moves: Mystic Stare: Charge b, f + P Mystic Smash: Charge b, f + K Devitilization: HCB + K Supers: Chaos Dimension (Level 3): QCF + PP, then Fierce or Roundhouse Hyper Mystic Smash: QCF + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Mystic Stare / Hyper Mystic Smash B-Expansion Type: Mystic Smash / Hyper Mystic Smash C-Balance Type: Mystic Stare / Hyper Mystic Smash Launcher: S.Forward Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Green Fierce: Orange A1: Grey Short: Purple Roundhouse: Black A2: Greenish White His life absorb throw only recovers up to what he has in red energy after that it recovers him really slowly. Chaos Dimension hurts a lot and you can OTG afterwards. gg. Silver Samurai Moves: Shuriken: QCF + P, then u or d (air) Repeating Slash: Tap P (f, f to run forward) Supers: Triple Shuriken: QCF + PP (air with Sword Power-up Thunder) Thunder Sword: QCF + KK Sword Power-up (Lightning): QCB + P (O: 0.5x, D: 1.25x) Sword Power-up (Ice): QCB + Short (O: 0.5x, D: 0.5x) Sword Power-up (Flame): QCB + Roundhouse (O: 1.25x, D: 1.75x) Assists: A-Ground Type: Repeating Slash / Hyper Repeating Slash B-Projectile Type: Shuriken / Triple Shuriken C-Launcher Type: C.Fierce / RaiMeiKen Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Forward Colors: Jab: Blue-grey Fierce: Silver A1: Black Short: Dull Grey Roundhouse: Tan A2: Lt. Grey The Shuriken and Triple Shuriken chips for good damage. Lightning gives him more speed and allows him to do the Triple Shuriken in the air. Fire gives him more power and QCF + KK will do a rising fire column. Ice gives him armor and QCF + KK will do a ground ice super which has to be blocked low and freezes the opponent allowing you to hit afterwards. His Sword Modes affect the damage does and he takes as indicated by 'O' for offense and 'D' for defense. hh. Spider-Man Moves: Web Ball: QCF + P (air) Web Swing: QCB + K (air) Spider Sting: DP + P Web Throw: HCB + P Supers: Maximum Spider: QCF + PP (air) Crawler Assault: QCF + KK Ultimate Web Throw: QCB + PP Assists: A-Capture Type: Web Ball / Crawler Assault B-Expansion Type: Web Swing / Crawler Assault C-Anti-Air Type: Spider Sting / Crawler Assault Launcher: S.Strong, S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Orange/Lt. Blue Fierce: Red/Blue A1: Lt. Red/Purple Short: Orange/Black Roundhouse: Green/Black A2: Orange/Dk. Blue Seems to play the same. Air combo still does good damage and he doesn't have to worry about Zangief now. ii. Spiral Moves: Dancing Swords: HCB + P (air) then: Sword Toss (Forward): QCF + Jab (air) Sword Toss (Up): QCF + Fierce (air) Sword Toss (Circle):QCF + Short (air) Sword Toss (6-Way): QCF + Roundhouse (air) 6-Hand Grapple: DP + P (air) Supers: Metamorphosis (Level 3): QCB + PP, then P (air) Stampede Swords: QCF + PP Speed Dance: QCF + KK Power Dance: QCB + KK (Offense 125%) Assists: A-Projectile Type: Jab Sword Toss / Stampede Swords B-Variety Type: Fierce Sword Toss / Stampede Swords C-Ground Type: S.Fierce / Metamorphosis Launcher: C.Roundhouse Snapback: C.Fierce Colors: Jab: Lt. Blue Fierce: Lt. Green A1: Grey Short: Blue Roundhouse: Purple A2: Dk. Blue Metamorphosis will cause Spiral to morph into each of the Marvel characters and do a hit each with them. Does great damage. Her Assist 1 + Assist 2 Gamma Type Metamophosis does great block damage. jj. Storm Moves: Whirlwind: QCF + K (air) Double Typhoon: HCB + K (air) Lightning Attack: Short + Fierce (air) Lightning Sphere: In air QCB + P Flight: QCB + KK Supers: Lightning Storm: HCF + PP (air) Hail Storm: QCB + PP Assists: A-Projectile Type: Whirlwind / Lightning Storm B-Expansion Type: Lightning Attack / Lightning Storm C-Variety Type: Double Typhoon / Hail Storm Launcher: C.Fierce, C.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Grey Fierce: Pink A1: Purple-Grey Short: Gold Roundhouse: Cyan A2: Purple Easier to use than she was in XSF. Hail Storm is very nice in hurting assist characters while staying safe. Her S.Roundhouse has great range and priority. You can use her Lightning Attack to fly around the screen. Whirlwind eats up many things including Doom's rocks. One of the best character in the game. kk. Strider Hiryu Moves: Ame no Murakumo: QCF + P Excalibur: In air QCF + P or K Gram: DP + P or K (air with P) Vajra: QCB + K Formation A: QCF + K (Short for tiger, Roundhouse for bird) Formation B: Charge b, f + P, repeat to fire Formation C: Charge b, f + K Warp: RDP + P or K Heki Hari Tsuki: QCB + P then: u or d to move P to slash K to dive kick off d + K to kick downwards f to release b, f to change sides Supers: Ragnarok: DP + PP Legion: QCF + KK Ouroborus: QCF + PP Assists: A-Ground Type: Ame no Murakumo / Legion B-Variety Type: Vajra / Legion C-Projectile Type: Roundhouse Formation A / Legion Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Lavender/Red Fierce: Green/Orange A1: Grey/White Short: Tan/Red Roundhouse: Brown/Orange A2: Red/White Ohh, let's see... now that the Strong and Forward buttons are gone, he can no longer poke with those. His S.Fierce and S.Roundhouse now knocks the enemy up a bit and away so his Gram no longer connects afterwards. His Ouroboros does not last as long and you cannot do a super while in it, except maybe DHC during the start-up, which is mostly a waste. He has a lot more recovery after Legion. One can now easily Super Jump over the whole thing and land behind him with time to hit him. A lot of people say that his assists all suck, but someone here manage to do well with his teleport kick assist, just make sure you keep his ass covered afterwards cause he take damage like Akuma. He can now attack on the way after he does his punch Warps. He's good in this game even after all that they've took away from him; he just has to be played differently than MvC. ll. Thanos Moves: Titan Crush: QCF + P (air) Death Sphere: QCF + K Supers: Gauntlet Power: QCF + PP (rolling ball) Gauntlet Reality: QCB + PP (two slabs of rock) Gauntlet Space: QCF + KK (rock shower) Gauntlet Soul: QCB + KK (health drain) Assists: A-Capture Type: Death Sphere / Gauntlet Power B-Dash Type: Titan Crush / Gauntlet Reality C-Launcher Type: C.Fierce / Gauntlet Space Launcher: C.Fierce Snapback: S.Roundhouse Colors: Jab: Lt. Blue/Orange Fierce: Lt. Blue/Peach A1: Purple/Orange Short: Blue/Yellow Roundhouse: Blue/Red A2: Purple/Red mm. Venom Moves: Venom Fang: QCF + P Web Throw: HCB + P Venom Rush: QCF + K Supers: Venom Web: QCF + PP Death Bite: QCF + KK Assists: A-Expansion Type: Venom Fang / Death Bite B-Variety Type: Venom Rush / Death Bite C-Launcher Type: S.Strong / Death Bite Launcher: S.Strong Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Blue Fierce: Orange A1: Purple Short: Dk. Blue RH: Green A2: Grey Seems to be better as his Venom Fang seems to do more damage. His Alpha assist is mad cheasy, just make sure to cover him when he taunts after he does it. His air combo is harder to do for some reason, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. He is supposedly easier to play now. Can combo Venom Bite after S.Forward. nn. War Machine Moves: Shoulder Cannon: QCF + P or K (in air P) Repulsor Blast: HCB + P Smart Bomb: Short + Fierce (air) Flight: QCB + KK Supers: Proton Cannon: QCF + PP War Destroyer: QCF + KK Assists: A-Projectile Type: Shoulder Cannon / Proton Cannon B-Anti-Air Type: Repulsor Blast / War Destroyer C-Variety Type: Smart Bomb / War Destroyer Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Grey/White Fierce: Green/White A1: Blue/Tan Short: Blue/White Roundhouse: Dk. Blue/White A2: Dk. Grey/White He has the moves of GWM from MvC (missiles instead of beams.) Much faster on this projectile attacks. No more canceling Fierce or Roundhouse after the knee dive. oo. Wolverine Moves: Berserker Barrage: QCF + P Berserker Slash: QCB + P Tornado Claw: DP + P Drill Claw: Short + Fierce (air) Supers: Berserker Barrage X: QCF + PP Weapon X: DP + PP Fatal Claw: QCF + KK Berserker Rage: QCF + KK Assists: A-Expansion Type: Berserker Barrage - Berserker Barrage X B-Anti-Air Type: Tornado Claw / Fatal Claw C-Dash Type: Drill Claw / Fatal Claw Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors (Gloves & Boots): Jab: Blue Fierce: Purple A1: Green Short: Tan Roundhouse: Lt. Blue A2: Dk. Purple Ouch, he has lost a lot. He is slower, his Drill Claw is slower, it is much harder to combo into his supers (Jab-Short-Strong-BBX seems to be it for now), his dive kick no longer cancels into Roundhouse nor another divekick. He can still pressure, but the rewards are not as high anymore and with assist characters the risks are greater. pp. Wolverine-2 (aka LAW, Bonerine) Moves: Berserker Barrage: QCF + P Tornado Claw: DP + P (air) Drill Claw: Short + Fierce (air) Supers: Berserker Barrage X: QCF + PP Weapon X: DP + PP Assists: A-Ground Type: S.Fierce B-Launcher Type: S.Roundhouse C-Variety Type: df + Fierce Launcher: S.Roundhouse Snapback: S.Fierce Colors(Gloves & Boots): Jab: Blue Fierce: Brown A1: Dk. Purple Short: Tan Roundhouse: Black A2: Dk. Brown He loses some moves (Fatal Claw, Berserker Claw, and Berserker Rage) and gains the ability to do Tornado Claw in air. He has better range on his Jab thanks to his longer claws, C.Forward does not knock down and his dive kick is XvSF style. If you like flashier combos, go with this Wolverine. qq. Zangief Moves: Double Lariat: PP (air) Lariat: KK (air) Banishing Flat: DP+ P Aerial Russian Slam: DP + K Screw Pile Driver: 270 + P (air) Flying Power Bomb: HCF + K Supers: Final Atomic Buster: 270 + PP Ultra Final Atomic Buster (Level 3): 270 + KK Iron Body Transformation: RDP + Short As Iron Body Zangief: Moves: Double Lariat: PP (air) Lariat: KK (air) Aerial Russian Slam: DP + K Screw Pile Driver: 270 + P (air) Flying Power Bomb: HCF + K Vodka Fire: QCF + P Supers: Final Atomic Buster: 270 + PP Siberian Blizzard: 270 + KK Normal Body Transformation: RDP + Short Assists: A-Ground Type: Lariat / Hyper Lariat B-Throw Type: Running Bear Grab / Hyper Lariat C-Air Throw Type: Aerial Russian Slam / Hyper Lariat Launchers: C.Strong, QCB + Jab Snapback: S.Fierce Colors: Jab: Red Fierce: Pink A1: White w/black skin Short: Blue Roundhouse: Black A2: Yellow w/black skin He no longer has his Triple Option. If you don't know what that is then you shouldn't be using him in the first place. His old Strong throw is now a command motion (QCB + Jab.) But missing it means getting his Elbow Drop. His Screw Pile Driver does a lot more damage, about 20-30%, but with a game full of unlimited helpers that cannot be thrown, he is gonna have a hard time getting in to do it. When he is in his Iron Body mode, he is much quicker now versus older games. And his Hyper Lariat that he does during team supers is doable. Just press both Assist buttons when you only have 1 level of super meter or when he is the last character. C. Abyss From what I can remember people saying, he is one of the sons of Apocalypse and appeared during the War of the Gems saga. This may be wrong as he apparently doesn't look anything like that Abyss and may in fact be a Capcom creation for this game. Abyss comes in 3 forms and each has hyper armor. His first form is kind of like Onslaught's first form but much slower and telegraphs his attacks. He has moves like Onslaught (the charge, the beam) and a hail storm-like attack. After he is defeated, he melts into a small green thing which mostly uses projectile attacks and unblockable bubbles that trap you and will catch you off guard once in a while as you attack him. His third form is kind of like a huge Venom as he does his Venom Fang and creepy as he is the stage and will keep going offscreen. The black ball floating around is hittable. This form is easy if you have a super that hit for a lot (like beams) and can connect with it. Acknowledgements: ---------------- Many thanks to DannyCat for all the translations he has done and info he has provided. Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for his Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 FAQ for some move names, damage info and for that great VMU hack. Chris MacDonald aka Kao Mengura for all his various FAQs (including his MvC2 one) in which I took names and info from and as the inspiration of how I did the formatting. Jeffery's Japanese<->English Dictionary Server The people who post on Capcom Senio "Akuma" Rotondi and his Darkstalkers 3 FAQ Rich Joseph and his X-MEN: Children of the Atom FAQ Johnny Foodmaster and his Jill FAQ Bronzefist Iori908 EvilNeil Ronn Athetop Francis Yuen Brent Werling D. Bingham Brown Dan Thampson Philip61982 Crono, the downstairs neighbor whose ass I beat (ohh, kinky) SKL for knowing what 'watering dirt' is all about Wake "demons hurt too, y' know" J If you have any questions, comments or something to add send it to And remember, it's not the size of the gun that matters; it's how fast you can whip it out.