The Incredible Hulk Guide Ver 1.5 Author: MaXeEmOe Last updated: May 30, 2000 NOTE: This FAQ was created for the sole purpose in providing players with information, techniques and strategies in order to optimize their skill level and heighten interest in the game. Feedback is more than welcome. However, I do not in any way, shape, or form tolerate people stealing information from sources and claim- ing that it is their own work. Please give credit where credit is due. If you wish to use something on my FAQ for your own intentions, please request for my permission in doing so!! This FAQ was created by Maximo Tan, aka MaXeEmOe -[]-. You can also contact me on icq -[6537023]- or AIM -[SN: MaXeEmOe]- regarding to anything on this FAQ. -[TABLE OF CONTENTS]- A. Updates B. Author biography C. Character information D. Legend E. Special moves F. Combos G. Strategies H. Credits/Shoutouts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[A. UPDATES]- May 29, 2000: This is the official release of my long-awaited FAQ. haha, yeah right!! May 30, 2000: Completely changed descriptions on regular and super moves under special moves section, added new combos under combo section, fixed MAJOR typo for Gamma Charge (hehe, thanks Pat!), fixed another typo under strategy section, and added medium level combos section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[B. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY]- I've been a fan of Street Fighter for some time now. I've played every series, from SF II to MvC2, and I must say that I've "enjoyed the ride." Honestly, I don't really click with the Alpha series because in comparison to the VS. series, they are just way too slow. The pace is a lot faster in the VS. series and you have to keep up with what's going on, and that's why I've been a fan of these types of games to this very day. My dream is to someday participate in a SF tournament (preferable a MvC2), and become recognized as a great SF player. Too bad that won't happen since I don't live in Cali. Anyways, if you're ever in the Va Beach, VA area, email me for some friendly competition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[C. Character Information]- A rampaging man-monster with incredible strength, the Hulk will smash all who oppose him. The Incredible Hulk made his first debute in I believe the Marvel Super Heroes game. He then moved on to MvSF, MvC, and MvC2. I have no idea on how he played in the past two games, but I feel that he has powered up during the Capcom series. One thing should clearly stick into a player's mind when you see the Hulk and that's his POWER!! I feel that the best attribute about this character is his power chipping ability. Even if you play against an opponent who blocks exceptionally well, you are slowly draining away power and that's a good thing. The downside about him is fairly obvious. His mobility and his recovery time after certain attacks is slow, leaving him open to be punished. Overall, the Hulk, under the control of a very skilled player, can be a very dangerous character to oppose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[D. Legend]- Illustrated (poorly) below are the controls. I'm sure everyone knows that the system has totally changed. You simply tap Jab twice to dish out the Strong, and the Short twice to get the Forward. Keep in mind that the arcade stick legend presented here is when your player is facing to the RIGHT. The legend simply reverses when he/she faces to the left of the screen. JB JU JF \ | / ___ _ _ _ B - ( ) - F (_) (_) (_) | | JP FP A1 / | | \ _ _ _ DB _| |_ DF (_) (_) (_) | SK RK A2 D =================== ============== ARCADE STICK LEGEND BUTTONS LEGEND =================== ============== JB = Jump Backwards JP = Jab Punch JU = Jump Up SK = Short Kick JF = Jump Forward FP = Fierce Punch B = Walk Backward RK = Roundhouse Kick F = Walk Forward A1 = Assist 1 DB = Down Back A2 = Assist 2 DF = Down Forward D = Down ==================== MISCELLANEOUS LEGEND ==================== P = Any Punch Button (JP or FP) K = Any Kick Button (SK or RK) PP = JP and FP pressed at same time KK = SK and RK pressed at same time QCB = Quarter Circle Back (Do the following as one smooth motion: D, DB, B) QCF = Quarter Circle Forward (Do the following as one smooth motion: D, DF, F) HCB = Half Circle Back (Do the following as one smooth motion: F, DF, D, DB, B) HCF = Halk Circle Forward (Do the following as one smooth motion: B, DB, D, DF, F) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[E. SPECIAL MOVES]- ============= REGULAR MOVES ============= 1) Gamma Tornado - HCB + P *This will swing the opponents to the other side of him and do incredible damage but watch for the recovery time because he is KORT (King of Recovery Time) and will get countered alot so be careful when playing him. This is blockable as well. 2) Gamma Wave - QCF + P *This is extremely useful because it will nullify projectiles and hit the opponents in fireball stun motion. This is a heavy chipper as well and will go screen distance. 3) Gamma Charge - Horizontal: (Hold B for 2 sec, then F + K) OR Vertical: (Hold D for 2 sec, then U + K) *Hulk charges at you and will eat fireballs and hit the opponent for good damage, but if blocked he will be stuck for a while so use this to your advantage. -[NOTE: Hulk can do 2 of these in a row, after you complete the motion, hit another direction again and push K.]- 4) Air Combo Launcher - D + FP =========== SUPER MOVES =========== 1) Gamma Crush - QCB + PP *Hulk goes up and reaches for a comet and crushes it on you doing good damage and heavy chip damage. If the opponent is jumping at you they will get hit and drop on the floor unable to block, but there is also a down side to this as well. When they get knocked they'll either just fall in front of you or half screen distance away from you. If they fall in front of you, you'll completely miss the damage!!! For those of you wondering what do you mean where does he get it? He is massively strong and has a giant leaping ability surpassing Michael Jordan's (yes this is possible) and will jump so high reaching outer space to get a comet or a piece of the moon. Jeez has everyone forgotten their astronomy? 2) Gamma Wave - QCF + PP *This is the super version of the ground wave, but does fair damage and good chip damage. When you're up close to the opponent, you can get serious damage!!! 3) Gamma Quake - QCF + KK *This is the move that should be used the most because it practically goes screen distance except when someone is all the way on the other corner, that causes the opponent to escape any damage. Use this on jumping opponents as well. It does good damage and fair chip damage as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[F. COMBOS]- The Hulk has very few combos on the ground and in the air as well. Here are some combos I picked up from playing,, and submissions from readers via email. =========== EASY COMBOS =========== 1) D + SK, D + FP, QCB + PP 2) D + FP, JU, JP, SK, FP 3) D + SK, D + FP, QCF + KK ============= MEDIUM COMBOS ============= 1) Combo submitted by Patrick Hwang. Thanks!: while holding back (Hold DB), do crouch short (D + SK), the crouch forward (D + SK again), Gamma Charge (F + K since you're already holding DB on joystick), this will hit them up, and aim the second Gamma Charge while the opponent is in the air, (usually this is up-back). ============= HARDER COMBOS ============= 1) JF towards opponent. While coming down, press SK twice in the air. When you land on the ground, hold DB and press JP twice. Then go F + K. If you did the charging correctly, the Hulk will perform the Gamma Charge, sending the opponent into the air. Once that's done, you have to wait when you're opponent flys over you. When that happens, do QCF + PP. When done correctly, the super will juggle your opponent across the screen. By far my favorite combo. Thanks for the movie! 2) Start off the same way as in combo #1, but after you do the Gamma Charge, instead of doing the Gamma Wave, do QCB + PP. Keep in mind that once the Gamma Charge hits the opponent, immediately perform the super. If you execute the super too late, he will not connect with the comet as he comes down, leaving him vulnerable for any type of attacks your opponent will dish out on you. Props to for the movie! 3) Start off the same way as in combo #1, but after you press the SK twice in the air, do this: D + SK, D + FP, QCF + PP 4) Start off the same way as in combo #1, but after you press the SK twice in the air, do this: D+ SK, D + FP, QCB + PP 5) Start off the same way as in combo #1, but after you press the SK twice in the air, do this: D + SK, D + FP, QCF + KK 6) This one was submitted by Patrick Hwang. I haven't done it yet, but it sounds coo: first the opponent must be in the corner, do crouch short (D + SK), down fierce launcher (D + FP), the do an upards gamma charge (Hold D for 2 sec, U + K), then do another one straight up (Here I'm confused! But he said "straight up" so I'm assuming Hold D for 2 sec, U + K), now you should land before the opponent, as soon as you land, do a stand fierce (FP) that will hit the opponent OTG (off the ground) and immediately cancel into the Gamma Quake super (QCF + KK). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[G. Strategies]- You would probably think that I have felt comfortable using the Hulk for some time now. Strangely, I started to use him seriously in MvC2 ever since I saw that combo from And plus I was tired of using Ryu and made Chun Li and Charlie all crappy now. So I'm still learning how to use him. Some friends of mine say that I use him pretty good, and I was able to beat two skilled players using the Hulk as one of my characters. But I won't let that get to my head now. Anyways, if you wanna learn how to use the Hulk, here are some things you should keep in mind: 1) USE THE GAMMA CRUSH SPARINGLY * The Gamma Crush is the best weapon that the Hulk has to offer. Because of this, players will be on the lookout for it and will be tempted to air block it alot, making it the most difficult super to link as a beginner. I feel the safest way to launch this super is with an air combo: D + FP, Gamma Crush. I know it's so plain, but it's the safest way if you're learning how to use him for the first time. Instead, use the vertical Gamma Charge. That way, if your opponent blocks it, it won't leave you open unlike the Gamma Crush. But in case you think that your opponent won't block and he in fact does, be sure to have an extra level on your super bar, so that when he comes down with the comet, you can cancel it with a teammate's super and not leave him open for a whoopin. 2) SLOWLY DRAIN YOUR OPPONENTS * Like I said before, the Hulk is a chippin' character. His standing FP and RK do tremendous chipping damage, so I'd advise you to use them. However, his recovery time after these attacks are SLOW, so after launching the attack, cancel it with a Gamma Wave or a Gamma Charge. Don't stick to one cancel though. For example, if you keep doing the Gamma Wave, players can easily jump over it and capitalize. But if you do a Gamma Charge instead, that'll knock em up into the air for an easy link to a Gamma Crush or Gamma Quake. In other words, don't be predictable on your gameplay. Mix it up. 3) DON'T GO FOR THE LENGTHY COMBOS * It takes A LOT of patience to execute those fancy shmancy combos I was discussing earlier. It's a known fact that I don't do all of that stuff unless I play scrubs, right Rob and Don? hehe. I just look for the opening. For example, say I'm on the ground and Ryu is not far from the ground and does his Air Fireball Super, thinking that I was gonna jump. While I'm blocking the super, I charge for his Gamma Charge. When the super is done, I perform the Gamma Charge and hit him, sending him flying into the air, and I now have the choice of waiting for him to fly past me and do the Gamma Wave or quickly executing the Gamma Crush. So in other words, keep it simple and go for the openings. 4) THE HULK HAS ARMOR * You know, I totally forgot about this dude having armor. Sorry! hehe. Yeah, I think the Hulk can absorb like 2 or 3 hits till he's vulnerable, just like Juggernaut. Say you dash toward your opponent and you try to do a combo on him but he/she does starts his ground combo first. When this first happened to me, I thought that my attack was too late and my opponent had the upperhand. But a second later, their combo was interrupted by a punch from the Hulk. Yes, it was a delay and that's something you'll have to grow accustomed to when using him. USE HULK'S JP ALOT BECAUSE IT'S PRACTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO COUNTER. Wait for him to absorb the hits and when you notice that his punches or kicks come through, continue with your combo. It seems ackward to start a combo, wait for a second to see if it registers, and continue the rest of the combo if it does. It takes some practice, but hey! Practice makes perfect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[H. CREDITS/SHOUTOUS]- Let me now give credit where credit is due, so here we go!! First to GAMEfaqs for posting my faq. You're site is the best, and keep up the good work!! Thanks to for the combo movies of the Hulk. Thanks to EChow for posting up my crappy combo on his Sakura faq when other other peeps came up with better ones than mine. =Þ Thanks to Patrick Hwang for spotting my typo, supplying me with more combos, and other contributions. Thanks to Dingo's FAQ on Marvel vs. Capcom for the detailed descriptions on Hulk's regular and super moves. Thanks to the Marvel vs. Capcom instruction manual for the brief description of the Hulk. Thanks to the MASTA and Fullflip21 for those 500+ wins I got on you!! haha, j/k. I just had to sneak that in there. =) But shoutouts to the MASTA, because only he knows the true order of precedence in life. On top is Street Fighter, second is still Street Fighter. *laughs* Second shoutie goes to Fullflip 21. Wait a minute, YOU SHOULD BE GIVING ME A SHOUTOUT CUZ I HOOKED YOU UP WITH THAT INSANE MAGNETO COMBO. Umm, I guess that's about it. But I just have one last thing to say to the masta. YO MASTA, I WROTE AN FAQ ON THE HULK. NOW YOU HAVE TO WRITE ONE ON AMINGO!