MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2: NEW AGE OF HEROES CHARACTER GUIDE: ICEMAN 11/7/00 By Trung Bui VERSION HISTORY: VER. 1.0: First edition TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1) Copyright 2) Iceman Explained 3) Move List 4) Assists 5) Strategies 6) Combos 7) Thanks 1) COPYRIGHT © THIS FAQ AND/OR GUIDE IS PROPERTY OF TRUNG BUI AND MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT MY PERMISSION OR CONSENT. DOING SO WOULD BE A MAJOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND WOULD HURT MY FEELINGS. THIS IS MY WORK AND YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE IT, PERIOD. THANKS FOR AGREEING AND ENJOY THE FAQ! 2) ICEMAN EXPLAINED Who is Iceman? Iceman is Robert "Bobby" Drake. Obviously from his name, his powers have something to do with ice. Drake can lower his body temperature to –107 degrees Celsius and sustain himself without any trouble. Iceman is one of the 'cheap' characters in the game, he can take zero block damage, and his Ice Beam, if blocked, causes massive block damage. Using Iceman efficiently is very hard, his combos are hard to perform and he only has one super. 3) MOVE LIST Launcher: c. HK S.: Standing J.: Jumping C.: Crouching D.: Dash in SJ: Superjump QCF: Down, Down-Forward, Forward QCB: Down, Down-Back, Back HCF: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward HCB: Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back DP: Forward, Down, Down-Forward LP: Low Punch HP: High Punch LK: Low Kick HK: High Kick XX: Cancel P: Punch 2P: 2 Punches K: Kick 2K: 2 Kicks A1: Assist 1 A2: Assist 2 DHC: Dual Hyper Combo THC: Triple Hyper Combo THROWS: SPECIAL ATTACKS: Ice Beam: QCF + P This is Iceman's main projectile. It causes massive block damage and can negate fireballs. It's a great combo ender and is useful in air combos as a delay. Iceman basically puts his hands together, hand yells "ICE BEAM", and a beam of ice energy comes out of the palms of his hands. It's a really great fireball. Ice Avalanche: QCF + K This is Iceman's 'anti-air' attack, which is pretty pitiful. Iceman summons his ice powers and conjures a snowball, and depending on the strength of the Kick button used, will travel either close or far from Iceman. It's okay as a combo ender and is useful for taking out people below you. Ice Fist: QCB + P This attack is pretty useless. Iceman forms a snowball in his right hand and it will power up his punches for three hits, after that it 'melts'. Not very useful, I scarcely use it. HYPER COMBOS: Arctic Attack: QCF + PP This is Iceman's only super. Iceman holds still and yells "ARCTIC ATTACK!" and bits of ice chunks come out of his body. Like Magneto's Magnetic Tempest, you get more hits the closer you are to the opponent. It's a good air combo ender. 4) ASSISTS Alpha: Ice Beam/Arctic Attack This assist performs a Jab Ice Beam and performs an Arctic Attack in a THC or DHC. Beta: Ice Avalanche/Arctic Attack This assist performs a Short Ice Avalanche and Arctic Attack in a THC or DHC. Gamma: Ice Avalanche/Arctic Attack This assist performs a Roundhouse Ice Avalanche and Arctic Attack in a THC or DHC. 5) COMBOS 1. LK, LK, C. HK, HP Ice Beam 2. LK, LK, C. HK, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, LP Ice Beam XX Arctic Attack More to come 6) STRATEGIES To play Iceman most effectively is to play keep away. Also, you have to play him with surprises, doing Ice Beam over and over again is a little predictable. I'd suggest using Iceman as an assistor, his Ice Beam assist is very valuable. There isn't a lot to say about Iceman except "ICE BEAM! YEAH!" VS. Abyss: 1st form: Jump in, LP, LP, C. LK, C. LK, LP Ice Beam. Then continue to Ice Beam him until dead. 2nd form: Ice Beam until dead. 3rd form: As soon as the match starts, jump up and do an Arctic Attack, if you did close, you should rack close to 50 hits or so. If you have the bars for it, do a DHC or THC. 7) THANKS GameFAQs: For hosting CjayC: For posting My Friends: You know who you are Parents: Moolah Capcom: For making a tight game Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness