Marvel vs Capcom 2: Kobun FAQ v.1.25 by Sailor Bacon 12 May 2000 ------------------------------------------------ Warning: Please do not post this FAQ without my permission. Please do not email me asking me to send you updates because I've got better things to do with my life. Do NOT use this FAQ for any profit making use at all, this is MY work, not yours. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes is copyright 2000 by Capcom and I do not in any way claim rights to any of the characters contained within the game. Legos are copyrighted by LEGO. This FAQ is copyright 2000 by Allen "Sailor Bacon" Tyner. The newest version of this FAQ can always be found at: ************************************************ Revision History ************************************************ v.1.25 Added Snapback info v.1.2 Added info to the secret taunt section v.1.1 Killed the typo demon... v.1.05 *grumble grumble* Stupid typos.... v.1.0 Um... everything. ************************************************ Table of Contents ************************************************ -Character History -Colors -Opening Animation -Winning Poses -Assist Types -Normal Moves -Moves Legend -Special Moves -Super Moves -Combos -Strategy -Abyss Strategy -Final Words ************************************************ Kobun Character History ************************************************ He's one of the many kobun (servbots [aka Lego dudes]) to serve their master, Tron Bonne. There isn't much to be said about these little guys except that they are definitely loyal to their master. And cool... ************************************************ Kobun Colors ************************************************ To get Kobun's different colors, select him with the following buttons: A Button: Black and gray outfit, yellow Lego head. B Button: Light blue and lighter blue outfit, yellow Lego head. X Button: Blue and light blue outfit, yellow Lego head. Y Button: Red and pink outfit, light yellow Lego head. L Button: Red and orange outfit, mother-of-pearl Lego head. R Button: Purple and light purple outfit, mother-of pearl Lego head. ************************************************ Kobun Opening Animations ************************************************ -Kobun flies down and lands on his rear. He gets up, rubs his hurting bum, quickly bows to the opponent and gets ready for the match. -Another kobun gives Kobun strategy. He quickly bows then gets ready for the match. ************************************************ Kobun Winning Poses ************************************************ -Kobun throws a paper airplane and chases it offscreen. Suddenly, the paper airplane's chasing him! -Kobun sits down, gobbles down a meal, then falls asleep. ************************************************ Kobun Assist Types ************************************************ Alpha: Assist Move: Call for help (Rush!) Tag Team Super: Chuushoku Rush Chuushoku Rush type: On the ground My personal favorite to use, Kobun calls in another kobun for the Call for help (Rush!) attack which can be used in many different ways. Plus, the ground Chuushoku Rush is the most useful for tag combos and can be comboed into. Beta: Assist Move: Kobun Fire Tag Team Super: King Kobun Chuushoku Rush type: Air Strike This one is pretty good, Kobun Fire is okay and all but the Air Strike version of the Chuushoku Rush is cool in that you can combo with it... Gamma: Assist Move: Kobun Fire Tag Team Super: Chuushoku Rush Chuushoku Rush type: air rush This is another good assist type. The Kobun Fire is hard to get hit out of and the air rush version of Chuushoku Rush can be used quite similarly to Strider's Legion or any other screen filling Super. ************************************************ Kobun Normal Moves ************************************************ (Note: To do the medium power attacks, hit the weak button equivalent for the second hit in a combo) Standing Jab Punch or Short Kick: Slice a piece of cheese and poke them with the knife. (Note, the pieces of cheese can't hurt the opponent....) Standing Strong Punch or Forward Kick: Slice a bigger piece of cheese and poke them with the knife. (Note, the pieces of cheese can't hurt the opponent....) Standing Fierce Punch or Roundhouse Kick: Kobun's launcher. He throws a tablecover in the air (which lands on an invisible table o_O). Doing this followed by an Aerial Rave is pretty much your only source of normal offense... Ducking Jab Punch or Short Kick: Slices off a longer piece of cheese that CAN hit the opponent. Ducking Strong Punch or Forward Kick: Launches a longer piece of cheese at them for a rather cheesy two hit combo.... sorry, that was bad. Ducking Fierce Punch or Roundhouse Kick: Kobun holds up one plate too many and falls over, dropping the plates on the opponent. This move has pretty good range (well, for Kobun anyways) and is quite useful. It can be followed up by almost any special move Jumping Jab Punch: Kobun quickly slices a carrot in half and hits the opponent in the process. Jumping Strong Punch: Kobun scoops some... stuff... out of a pot and throws it at the opponent. Jumping Fierce Punch: Kobun holds out a tray full of food and whacks the opponent with it. Good reach makes this a pretty good move. Jumping Short Kick: Kobun tosses some scrambled eggs in a pan. Jumping Forward Kick: Kobun tosses what appears to be rice into the air in a big clump. Jumping Roundhouse Kick: Kobun holds a tray at an almost 315 degree angle. Another good move to use. Throw: (F or B) + FP: Kobun is scared to death by a mouse, so he jumps onto the opponent's shoulders then kicks them down when the mouse is far enough away. Snapback: D, DF, F + (Assist 1 or Assist 2) Kobun's Snapback is the same as his Fierce Punch or Roundhouse Kick. ************************************************ Moves Legend ************************************************ D = Down DF = Down-Forward F = Forward DB = Down-Back B = Back P = Any Punch JP = Jab (weak) Punch FP = Fierce (strong) Punch PP = Both Punches K = Any Kick SK = Short (weak) Kick RK = Roundhouse (strong) Kick KK = Both Kicks ************************************************ Kobun Special Moves ************************************************ Kobun Fire: D, DF, F + P (can be done in air) This is a pretty good move. If done with JP it shoots forward and if done with FP it shoots at a 45 degree angle. You can hold down the button to charge the move and get more hits but if you hold it down for much longer after Kobun's head turns completely red then you won't do much damage at all. If fully charged, this move has great range but it's hard to get it fully charged while the enemy is running around. Call for Help: D, DB, B + P or K There are four different things you can do with this move..... JP (Rush!): Another kobun runs across the screen and trips the opponent. This is good to ping the opponent when there's good distance between the two of you. FP (Seize!): A kobun comes out carrying another kobun which is thrown at the opponent. He holds onto the opponent for about 2 seconds, giving you time to start an attack. This is a really useful move if you actually want to try to win with Kobun. SK: (Downward Air!): A kobun comes flying downward, hitting an opponent on the ground. RK: (Upward Air!): A kobun flies across the top of the screen, hitting a jumping in opponent. Robot Attack: D, DF, F + K Kobun jumps into a large robot (but doesn't quite get in all the way) and the robot runs towards the enemy. Kobun is dizzy afterwards for about a second so be careful and make sure the move hits. Taunt: SK + Start Kobun yawns and stretches. SECRET TAUNT: D, DF, F + SK + Start (hold Start) Kobun throws a deadly paper airplane that goes forward for as long as you hold down the Start button. It explodes when you release the Start button. (Thanks to Goumodi for the holding Start info) Launcher: FP or RK ************************************************ Kobun Super Moves ************************************************ Chuushoku Rush: D, DF, F + PP Depending on the Assist Type that you use, this does one of three things: Alpha: An on the ground attack exactly the same as Tron Bonne's Chuushoku Rush Super. This is good to nail a grounded opponent with and it always works unlike Tron Bonne's. Beta: An air strike attack that is pretty dumb unless used in one way and one way only. If you're nowhere near the left corner of the screen, you can follow up D + FP or D + RK with this Super. Whenever this Super hits a corner, it stops but Kobun still sits there like it's going. That's bad. Gamma: An air barrage that's almost exactly the same as Strider's Legion attack. It can chip at the opponent but I personally prefer the Alpha type. It's up to you really. King Kobun: You and several kobun buddies merge together and form the almighty King Kobun who serves justice with the Squeeky Mallet of Doom! You control the King by moving left and right and using P or K to pound with the squeeky mallet. ************************************************ Kobun Combos ************************************************ Aerial Rave combos: JP, SK, JP, SK, FP JP, SK, JP, SK, RK Normal Combos: (Note: unless it's in an Aerial Rave, you can swap SK for JP, or RK for FP in these combos) JP, JP, D + FP, Kobun Fire D + JP, D + JP, D + FP, Robot Attack JP, FP, U, JP, SK, JP, SK, FP JP, FP, U, JP, SK, JP, SK, RK JP, JP, D + FP, Robot Attack, Chuushoku Rush (Alpha only) JP, JP, D + FP, (IMMEDIATELY) Chuushoku Rush (Beta only) ************************************************ Kobun Strategy ************************************************ -Use your size to your advantage! You can walk under fireballs, some Supers can't touch you (Venom's web Super comes to mind), etc. This is your best asset. -Your attacks are very weak so keep that in mind... -Your defense sucks. Be careful... -If you're playing Kobun then you're obviously pretty good at the game (or crazy ^_^) so good luck! ************************************************ Abyss Strategies ************************************************ If you're psychotic and want to try to beat Abyss with Kobun, here's the best strategy I can give you. Form One: Sneak in combos as often as you can without getting hit by his attacks. His attacks do lots of damage to poor Kobun. I advise that you use Alpha Kobun and pound him as often as possible with the Chuushoku Rush. Good luck. My advice is that if you really want to try to impress your friends by beating the game with Kobun, then pick a team of three Alpha Kobuns. You should be able to get a level 3 Super bar pretty quickly from blocking and comboing then do your three way attack and you should drain all the life from this form. ^_^ Form Two: Heh heh, this is actually kind of fun to fight. ^_^ You can pound away on him and he can't hit you except with his Super and if your reflexes are good enough you can block it. Kill the bubbles with jumping SKs and you should take little to no damage on him. Feel free to use all the Chuushoku Rushes that you want to. Form Three: Okay, do jumping combos on the core when possible. For you to win, you MUST get some clean Chuushoku Rushes in. I've managed to beat Abyss without losing a single Kobun or tagging out by using the 3 Kobun technique listed above. It's hard but not impossible. ************************************************ Final Words ************************************************ First, I'd like to thank CJayC from GameFAQs for not only hosting all of my FAQs, but also for hacking the game and getting out all the hidden characters. You rule! And I'm also like to thank him for the names of the moves since I was too lazy to make something up. ^_^ I'd also like to thank myself for spending the time it took to write this FAQ. ^_^ I'd like to thank Capcom for making such a great game. And I'd like to thank Goumodi for the additional info to the Secret Taunt. Any comments, suggestions, flames, razorbacks, etc can be emailed to me at Oh, and thanks to Justin for pointing out my dumb typos.