MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2: New Age of Heroes FAQ Version 0.6 (Last updated 04.21.00) FAQ © 2000 The Notorious J.K.N. ( FAQ © 2000 The Dali Ramas ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ STRIDER HIRYUU FAQ © 2000 The Notorious J.K.N. ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ Name: Strider Hiryuu Original Series: Strider Recent Appearances: MARVEL VS. CAPCOM, Strider 2 Personal Nickname: Primo (after DJ Premier) Version Updates: 0.6 - (04.21.00) - Further editing. Added a quick note that deals with variations of spelling. Added to VS. Abyss section. 0.5 - (04.11.00) - Added Combo section. Also changed format to Rich Text (.RTF). Edited content and grammar. 0.4 - (04.09.00) - Sections 14 to 17 complete. 0.3 - (04.09.00) - Sections 12 to 13 complete. 0.2 - (04.07.00) - Sections 8 to 11 complete. 0.1 - (04.06.00) - Sections 1 to 7 complete. ============================== CONTENTS ============================== *) SPELLING NOTICE 1) FAQ KEY 2) SPRITE 3) WALKING 4) DASHING 5) JUMPING 6) ATTRIBUTES 7) COLORS 8) ENTRANCE ANIMATIONS 9) WIN/LOSS POSES 10) TAUNT 11) BASIC ATTACKS 12) SPECIAL MOVES 13) HYPER COMBOS 14) ASSIST TYPES 15) STRATEGY 16) VS. ABYSS 17) COMBOS 18) GRADE ============================== SPELLING NOTICE ============================== I have seen Strider Hiryuu's name spelled as "Strider Hiryu." I have also seen the name of his blade spelled as "Cypher" and "Sipher." Guy Bird, a Strider buff and enthusiast, insists that it is Strider Hiryu and Sipher. While that may be correct, Batsu and I prefer Strider Hiryuu and Cipher (which is also correct), so that variation will be used on this FAQ. ============================== FAQ KEY ============================== This FAQ assumes you are the first player with your character facing to the right. B - Back F - Forward U - Up D - Down U* - Up* (i.e. UB - Up and Back) D* - Down* (i.e. DB - Down and Back) T* - Tap* (i.e. TB - Tap Back) H* - Hold* (i.e. HB - Hold Back) WP - Weak Punch WK - Weak Kick FP - Fierce Punch FK - Fierce Kick AA - Assist A AB - Assist B * ; * - In Series (i.e. WP ; WK - Weak Punch, then Weak Kick) * + * - Simultaneous (i.e. FP + FK - Fierce Punch and Fierce Kick) ============================== SPRITE ============================== Strider Hiryuu's character sprite's height is a little less than average. To understand the scale that I'm basing this on, first look at the screen and estimate where the middle point is. Then draw an imaginary horizontal line that goes through the point. This is what I'm considering "average height," and Hiryuu happens to be slightly underneath this line. Hiryuu's sprite barely moves in his stance which causes no "bobbing" up and down. Because of this, his height remains the same. Standing as still as Guy (Street Fighter ZERO/Alpha Series), save the soft breathing, the only thing that moves are the tails of his long scarf. Hiryuu's has his right arm behind him, grasping "Cipher," his blade, by the lateral handle (Cipher is a dual handled blade). The blade comes forward and tilts down slightly, his left arm poised over it. When Hiryuu crouches, his sprite height is reduced to about 1/4th, or is now halfway between the ground and the imaginary "average height" line. He remains still as ever, resting on his left knee and palm. The Cipher is held in the same manner. Bottom Line: Hiryuu's sprite is in the middle, with no real weaknesses, so "Image is nothing, Thirst is everything." His motionless stance usually makes people comfortable, because he will move only when they make him move. His posture also leads to the quick release of a lot of his basic moves. ============================== WALKING ============================== Hiryuu maintains his stance while walking both forward and back. Walking speed is the same either way, and if you stand at one end of the screen, it'll take him about 1 second to traverse the distance. Bottom Line: Hiryuu is one of the quicker characters in the game. Once again, his posture and stance remains the same, so there are no surprises in the walking animation. He keeps his cool and you keep in control. Now, get moving. ============================== DASHING ============================== TF ; TF will allow Hiryuu to dash forward. This closes the distance in much faster than if you walked and will sometimes give you the needed edge. If you start at the edge of the screen, a single dash will place Hiryuu about one sprite's width past the middle (roughly 3/5ths). The initial part of the dash involves Hiryuu lowering his stance (picture Hiryuu's height if he had no head) and sprinting quickly forward. His right arm is still behind his back holding the Cipher in the same way. After reaching the middle of the screen, the animation switches to one of Hiryuu "skidding" to a halt. His center of balance is now shifted backwards as he comes to a stop. TB ; TB will allow Hiryu to back up quickly. Instead of a dash, it is a roll maneuver. Assume that you have dashed forward from the edge of the screen, and remained in the same place (3/5ths). By rolling back, you will end up in at the edge of the screen again. The intial part of the roll has Hiryuu sliding back for a split moment, before rolling backwards on the floor (his sprite's height being reduced to the height of a crouch). Completing the roll quickly, he will end up in a crouch at the edge of the screen and quickly rise into his stance. Pressing any attack button at any point in the dash/roll animation will make him stop and go through the attack animation. Bottom Line: Hiryuu's dashes go equal distances and are incredibly quick. This makes them a valuable asset to any type of pressure or escape strategy. The dash can be canceled at any type with the press of an attack button, which makes it that more useful. ============================== JUMPING ============================== In jumping straight up, there are two frames. On the way up, Hiryuu bends his right leg a lot, his left leg slightly. While in this "seating" position, he remains in the same stance (Cipher and all), except he extends his left arm straight out. On the way down, his right leg remains tucked while the left one straigtens out and down. His upper torso remains unchanged, save his left hand which is held in front of his face, two fingers extended. My guess is that this is a shinobi hand alignment (rumored to draw in mystical energy, but probably more effective as a breathing exercise or intimidation technique). The speed of his straight jump is very quick, his feet touching back on the ground in way under a second. The range of the straight jump is the full height of the screen, and even makes the screen scroll up slightly. In jumping forward and back (since the animations are the same), Hiryuu springs forward and "throws" himself head over heels, flipping once before returning to the ground. You can pinpoint the peak of his jumping trajectory (he will be totally upside down, with all limbs extended). The vertical range of forward and back jumps are pretty much the same as the straight jump (the peak positions will be about the same, as the screen scrolls up slightly). Horizontally, if you place Hiryuu at one end of the screen, a forward jump will make him land around the middle. Another jump will put him very close to opposite edge (if your opponent is there, Hiryuu will land right in front of him). The speed of the forward and back jumps are identical, being as quick as the straight jump. Hiryuu is also blessed with a double jump (press U or UB or UF after an initial jump), which is useful to fake out opponents or audition for the circus. Hiryuu can also momentarily use the edge of the screen as wall, and spring off (a la Chun Li from Street Fighter II). Again, Hiryuu's acrobatic skills allow him many possible ways to move about the screen. Bottom Line: It's got to be the shoes, since Hiryuu's jumps, both speed and trajectory are excellent. Feel free to comfortable jump around like a Beastie Boy and wreck havoc upon your opponent. ============================== ATTRIBUTES ============================== In MARVEL VS. CAPCOM, Hiryuu used to have an excellent offensive and defensive game. His offensive capabilities are a no brainer, but in my opinion, his defensive options have become a lot harder. There are two main reasons. First, the absence of the MP and MK buttons leave Hiryuu without his two excellent basic attacks. The MP had Hiryuu swing his Cipher from right to left, making a horzontal slash mark. The MK had Hiryuu swing his Cipher from left to right, the slash being diagonally down. Both did solid damage, had decent ranges, and good recovery speed. Personally, I used these constantly from afar in MARVEL VS. CAPCOM, to charge my Hyper Bar, or just to try to zone out (and psyche out) my opponent. Now, Hiryuu has less options, relying on mainly the two fierces for defense (which are slower and riskier). Secondly, Hiryuu takes a lot of damage now. Thus, the slightest mistake in defense will cost you a lot more. Playing defensively will put you at a disadvantage if you are not extremely cautious. For instance, Hiryuu's 5 hit ground combo (WP ; WK ; WP ; WK ; FP) will do "33 damage" (based on the Training Mode's Attack Data) on another Hiryuu. Performing the same combo on another character such as Hayato or Cable, will do "27 damage." Big deal you say? Well, after a few unblocked combos, and maybe an unguarded 2 in 1 Hyper Combo, you'll see the big deal. It's better to go on all out offense. This is not to say that Hiryuu stinks now. He still is fast, has good range with his attacks, and has very easy combos. If he was a favorite of yours in the last game, then Hiryuu is Hiryuu. ============================== COLORS ============================== WP - The original color. Hiryuu's Strider uniform is blue, the kanji "Hi" (as in "Hiryuu") on the shirt being red. His footwear matches the uniform blue. His scarf is the same red, and his Cipher has a strip of red running down the center. WK - The secondary color. Hiryuu's Strider uniform is light beige, the kanji "Hi" (as in "Hiryuu") on the shirt being red. His foorwear matches the uniform beige. His scarf is the same red, and his Cipher has a strip of red running down the center. FP - The ugly army color. Hiryuu's Strider uniform is olive green, the kanji "Hi" (as in "Hiryuu") on the shirt being orange. His footwear is black. His scarf is the same orange, and his Cipher has a strip of red running down the center. FK - The ugliest color ever. Hiryuu's Strider uniform is burgundy, the kanji "Hi" (as in "Hiryuu") on the shirt being orange. His footwear is dark burgundy. His scarf is the same orange, and his Cipher has a strip of red running down the center. AA - The Murderous Intent color. Hiryuu's Strider uniform is black, the kanji "Hi" (as in "Hiryuu") on the shirt being white. His footwear matches the uniform black. His scarf is the same white, and his Cipher is red, with a strip of white running down the center. AB - The Bloods color. Hiryuu's Strider uniform is a bright red, the kanji "Hi" (as in "Hiryuu") on the shirt being white. His footwear matches the uniform red. His scarf is the same white, and his Cipher has a strip of white running down the center. ============================== ENTRANCE ANIMATIONS ============================== ENTRANCE 1 - Hiryuu rides in upon the back of the panther (from the opponent's side). Upon reaching his starting spot, he teleports and reappears, standing ready as he faces his opponent. The panther continues on its path off the screen. ENTRANCE 2 - Using that handy dandy glider contraption (I call it the "Strider Glider"), Hiryuu swoops low and drops into place. The glider continues on its path and then crashes into a bus full of innocent children. Oops. ENTRANCE 3 - One of those "Item Capsules" from the original Strider game happens to be in front of Hiryuu. Crouching on the floor and slashing with his Cipher, the capsule is destroyed, freeing one of those trusty satellites Hiryuu uses. The satellite than skitters off the screen as Hiryuu stands back up, ready as ever. ============================== WIN/LOSS POSES ============================== WIN 1 - Hiryuu draws his Cipher blade in front of him, holding it up with his right arm, his left hand poised near the handle. That panther leaps onto the screen in the meantime, to try and share the spotlight with the Class A Strider. "Growl!" WIN 2 - Hiryuu faces the opposite direction in a "I just kicked your ass, but I won't be a jerk" stance. He remains still and serious as ever, the only movement is his scarf once again. His Cipher is strapped behind his back. WIN 3 - Hiryuu will draw his Cipher blade with his right arm, quickly slashing down once and holding it with the tip pointed towards the ground. While doing this, he says, "Kisamara ni sonna gangu wa hitsuyou nai" ("I don't need such a toy against the likes of you."). WIN 4 - I don't know what Hiryuu ate this morning, but he jumps up and flips upside down, as he ignores gravity. Still upside down, he "falls" gently to the top of the screen, assuming the same stance from WIN 2. To ruin his fun, press Start. LOSS - While lying upon the ground, his body breaks up into those curved arc particles, that split up and fly off. Those who have played the old Strider game will remember that it's Hiryuu's dying animation. Come to think of it, a lot of old video game characters tended to break up into little parts (RockMan anyone?). ============================== TAUNT ============================== Start + WK will make Hiryuu taunt. He will assume the same stance from his WIN 2 (the one where he looks away, the Cipher strapped to his back), and says, "Kisamara ni sonna gangu wa hitsuyou nai" ("I don't need such a toy against the likes of you."). His taunt takes a hefty amount of time to recover from, so I wouldn't do this if the match is heating up. ============================== BASIC ATTACKS ============================== WP - Hiryuu has something against your eye and he feels like poking it (that is, if the opponent is about Hiryuu's height). Anyway, his standing WP is really quick and the probability that you'll use it to start combos is high. Sure it has no range, but then again, if you can't get close and crowd your opponent with Hiryuu, what are you doing picking him as one of your characters? The left hand is held in a "two finger salute," which is a common finger strike in many types of ninpo. WK - Hiryuu maintains balance on his left leg, while bringing his right leg quickly forward to nail his opponent (somewhere on the leg, depending on the height). An obvious follow up move to the WP, the standing WK comes slightly slower than the WP. FP - Hiryuu pivots on his left foot, and places his right foot way in front (almost his character sprite's width), while swinging the Cipher. The blade comes across to create a wide arc at his waist level. Keeping the continuous motion, Hiryuu pulls the blade's path up and back, ultimately creating a backwards "C" arc. He then steps back into his normal stance. The range of the standing FP is great (about 2/5ths). Remember that dashing exercise, where Hiryuu ended up a little past the middle of the screen? Well, from that position, Hiryuu's FP will hit an opponent that is at the end of the screen. With proper distance provided, you can catch people as they jump in to attack also. Of course, with excellent range and power, Hiryuu's FP is pretty slow. That doesn't mean you shouldn't avoid using it, just use it wisely. FK - Hiryuu spins in the direction opposite of the standing FP, still pivoting on his left foot. His right foot revolves around once (but still ends up being behind the left) as he swings the Cipher at his head level. Continuing with the motion, he bends his left knee and goes into a lower "lunging" stance, the Cipher's backwards "C" arc being completed. He then recovers into his normal stance. The range of the standing FK will make you drool (about 3/5ths). If your opponent was at the opposite end of the screen, and Hiryuu was a little short of the middle, his FK will still manage to catch the opponent. Packing the same damage as the FP, this is another excellent basic move. The speed however, is slower that the FP, because of the intricate windup that he goes through, prior to the slash. Although split seconds are added, it matters greatly (especially if your opponent is close and wailing away with weak attacks of his own). Another important thing to note about his standing FK is that it will make your position move a little forward (much like Yun/Yang's standing MP). After completing the slash, Hiryuu will find himself a little closer to his opponent, so be wary. ----------------------------------------------- D + WP - Pretty much the same as the standing WP, except now from the crouch, Hiryuu starts poking your knees and thighs. It is also another opener for combos, if you can catch your opponent blocking high. D + WK - Again, very similar to the standing WK in terms of speed and damage, Hiryuu extends his left leg a little from his crouching position. I prefer to open up combos with this, rather than the crouching WP. D + FP - I think everyone knows how this goes. As Hiryuu's launcher to begin Aerial Raves, you'll be wearing this basic move out. From the crouching position, Hiryuu rises to a stand with his center of balance tilted foward. His Cipher happened to be swung up with both arms in the meantime, creating a high, warped backwards "C" arc (usually hitting from the waist up). The range on his crouching FP is similar to the standing FP, meaning you can catch your opponent (if he's at the opposite edge of the screen) while Hiryuu's slightly past the middle of the screen. Watch out though, this move, like his standing FP and FK, will leave him very open if it misses or is blocked. You can safely use this as an anti-air move in many cases. D + FK - Hiryuu spins around in the low crouch, his left leg now in the back while the knee bends. In the next instant, Hiryuu torques his waist, shifting his weight forward to the right knee, as his right arm slashes with the Cipher. The Cipher cuts a low line, catching opponents from anywhere on the knees to the feet. Essentially, this is Hiryuu's "sweep" move, as it will knock down the opponent. The crouching FK is faster than the other fierces and has the same range as the standing FP (2/5ths), so it is an excellent move to use. Just don't use it too much; don't be a cheesy. DF + FK - If you remember the rolling animation of Hiryuu's dash (TB ; TB), then this should be easy to understand. Rolling on the ground at first, Hiryuu then slides on his back, his legs sliding out to trip up his opponent. Hiryuu travels quite far with the slide manuveur. In fact, start at the edge of the screen and execute the slide, and Hiryuu will end up in the same place the forward dash does (3/5ths). The slide is speedy and does the same damage as his orthodox sweep. However, it is important to know that the initial half of the slide (when he is rolling), is only contributing to the range of the move. If you execute the slide close to the opponent, Hiryuu will still be stuck in the roll animation (thus, he will be rolling right next to the opponent, not moving anywhere). I doubt you'll find an opponent that will let Hiryuu even finish to the slide part, so beware of doing the slide when close to your opponent. ----------------------------------------------- U + WP (UB + WP and UF + WP) - Whether jumping back, straight up, or forward, Hiryuu does the same thing. Basically, he executes a finger strike as if he was doing a standing or crouching WP (his legs tuck up however). The quickest of his air attacks, it's range is pretty much non-existent. The arm also goes straight, which makes it ideal for meeting your opponent head on in mid-air. U + WK (UB + WK and UF + WK) - Hiryuu simply extends his left foot out for a light hit on the opponent. Once again, it is similar to his standing and crouching WK in terms of speed, damage, and range. I prefer this over the jumping WP because his leg is aimed diagonally down (makes me feel easier when jumping in to attack). U + FP (UB + FP and UB + FP) - While in the air, Hiryuu raises his Cipher high with the right hand. He creates another backwards "C" arc by slashing downwards, skillfully avoiding his legs (that would hurt). His left hand is up, while his back is turned towards you. Excellent range (same as the standing FP) and good power and priority, Hiryuu should be comfortable with taking his opponents out of the air, or jumping in order to ruin someone's day. Just watch the slow execution. Also, once Hiryuu completes the slash, he remains in the last animation until he lands again. That means if you slash on the way up (before he reaches his peak), Hiryuu will be an open target until he lands. Ouch. U + FK (UB + FK and UF + FK) - Hiryuu is so damn athletic. Remember the initial animation for the standing FK? Well, he does that in the middle of the air. However, the follow up is a "body splash" position (that horrible pool jump where the water stings your chest upon impact). His Cipher swings out to create a downward slash, the backwards "C" once again forming. Excellent range (get the pattern?), and provides a good alternative to the jumping FP (better for jump in attacks). Once again, watch the slow speed and the "freezing" animation (Hiryuu remains in the "body splash" position until he returns to the floor). ============================== SPECIAL MOVES ============================== Ame no Murakumo - D ; DF ; F + WP or FP If you're comfortable with using Hiryuu's standing FK, then I don't see any real reason why you'd even want to do this move, save as a combo finisher. Hiryuu dashes at first, then spins just as he does in the standing FK animation. While he's winding up, he slides forward instead of stepping. The Cipher slash still creates a similar backwards "C" arc. Obviously, the difference between the WP and FP are the ranges. If Hiryuu is at one edge of the screen, and the opponent is at the other end, then the WP will fall short. Hiryuu will end about his sprite's width before the middle (2/5ths). However, executing it with a FP will let Hiryuu travel to the middle of the screen, and the Cipher arc will even hit the opponent! Don't get too excited, since this move pretty much sucks. It's very risky, can be stopped before it's full completion, and your opponent will generally laugh out loud as he punishes your Hiryuu. You could probably do a quick dash, then FK, and it'll probably be safer (after all, it's the same thing!). The WP Ame no Murakumo is useful after Hiryuu's crouching FK though. If done immediately, the Ame no Murakumo will slice the opponent's character while it is on the ground. The FP Ame no Murakumo seems to slow to do this. Batsu tells me that "Ame no Murakumo" is "Formation of Rain Clouds." ----------------------------------------------- "Air" Ame no Murakumo - D ; DF ; F + WP or FP or WK or FK (in the air) This is more useful, but once again, is best tacked on the end of an Aerial Rave. Hiryuu pauses in mid-air for a split second, then quickly moves a certain distance (direction dependent on which attack button), while his Cipher blurs behind him (creating a streak effect). The WP will make Hiryuu take to the skies at a sharp angle (think 1 o'clock on a clock face). The FP will make Hiryuu control his gravity defiant path, (think between 2 and 3 o'clock). The WK will make Hiryuu mirror the angle of the WP, except this time, it's down toward the ground (around 5 o'clock). And as expected, the FK will mirror the FP, except it will head down. You could use this move by itself to try and confuse your opponent (try and catch them out of the air), and you could even use it to escape certain situations (if you're in the corner). It's pretty quick (Hiryuu's mid-air windup doesn't lag too much), and might be able to snuff some of your opponent's moves. I wouldn't rely on it too much though. Be especially careful if you do the WP one, because after Hiryuu soars to the top of the screen, it's a long way down to the ground (and the opponent will not give Hiryuu the courtesy to land safely). ----------------------------------------------- Ghram - F ; D ; DF + WP or FP (can be done in air) or WK or FK Wow, this brings back memories. Hiryuu draws back his Cipher (picture Nash's arm when he winds up for a one arm Sonic Boom), then swings it horizontally across, creating a very wide crescent slash. The difference between the weaks and the fierces are of speed and range. The windup is slightly longer for the fierces, but the range is also slightly greater (very, very little difference though). The WP and FP are Hiryuu's normal Ghram, while the WK and the FK will make Hiryuu crouch first, and execute a low Ghram. This was an old powerup that let Hiryuu rule in Strider, because of it's range. Ghram will allow Hiryuu create a Cipher arc that covers 4/5ths of the screen. If you are at the edge of one screen, the only way you will miss the opponent is if he is also at the opposite end of the screen. Although the windup will cost Hiryuu time, it still is better than the Ame no Murakumo. You might be able to use this when your opponent gets careless, but it is best to attach Ghram as a combo finisher. ----------------------------------------------- Formation A - D ; DF ; F + WK or FK Hiryuu's Formation A would make Ace Ventura jealous. Calling upon either the panther or the eagle depends on either the WK of the FK. Hitting WK will make Hiryuu extend his left arm and point at the opponent ("Go doggy, get 'em!"). The panther will growl and run onto the screen, traveling the full length and hopefully nailing your opponent. The panther will reach the other side of the screen in roughly half of a second. In hitting FK, Hiryuu will still point at his opponent, but the eagle will enter the screen directly above him. It will swoop down and fly towards the other end of the screen. The lowest point in its trajectory occurs in the middle of the screen. It is halfway between that middle imaginary horizontal line and the top of the screen (or 3/4ths of the screen from the bottom). Hiryuu's panther was never dominant in MARVEL VS. CAPCOM, and neither is it here. The eagle is even more useless, since its trajectory is horrible. Even if you do hit, the damage isn't worth the trouble. You'll lose any type of projectile fight with Formation A, especially if the animals get "beamed" (as opposed to "fireballed"). ----------------------------------------------- Formation B - HB for 1 second ; F + WK or FK Hiryuu extends his arm and opens his palm, calling upon the Heavens to dish out Divine Retribution on all evil doers. Yeah right. This will make a loyal eagle fly across (very high so you can only see its claws), carrying an explosive present for your opponent. The bomb will drop via a parachute, and explode on impact. A WK will make the bomb's range shorter, while the FK will make the range longer. The WK Formation B will make the bomb fall about the width of Hiryuu's sprite short of the middle (2/5ths). The FK Formation B will make the bomb fall about the width of Hiryuu's sprite from the opposite edge of the screen (about 4/5ths). Formation B is good only when you have time to set it up properly. Realize that Hiryuu is very vulnerable during the beginning (when he first calls upon the eagle carrier), and then it takes even more time for the bomb to get to its final destination. If you get the hang of the delay and use it to your advantage, you can make your opponent get very defensive (and hopefully screw them up). ----------------------------------------------- Formation C - HB for 1 second ; F + WP or FP Formation C actually has to be done twice to do any damage. Hiryuu will first two finger "salute" his opponent, summoning a single satellite to spin around behind him. Executing the same command once more, will cause Hiryuu to crouch and point forward with his left hand, the satellite turning into a fiery projectile that goes across the screen. Firing the satellite can be done in the air, but not summoning. Summoing the satellite initially causes Hiryuu to be vulnerable, so look for windows in time that he can do it safely. And once again, I wouldn't rely on Hiryuu's Formation C too much, since it's not a very good projectile move. However, I do enjoy psyching out my opponent by summoning a satellite, and then continuing to fight without ever releasing. Sometimes my opponent becomes wary of the spinning satellite, and focuses on what possible evil thing I might do with it. Plus, it adds some more motion to Hiryuu's stance. His moving scarf now has some company. ----------------------------------------------- Vagula - D ; DB ; B + WK or FK Hiryuu hops up and quickly "splits" four ways, each image blurring hastily into nothingness. A split moment later, the four images of Hiryuu reappear, though this time in kicking frames. The images decide to converge back in the same spot, and if your opponent happens to be in that spot, well it sucks to be him. The WK Vagula will make the Hiryuu images converge in an area on the left side of the screen (somewhere between 2/5ths and the middle), while the FK Vagula makes the Hiryuu images converge on the right side of the screen. With these two options, the Vagula can be used effectively as an offensive move or an escape move. Use it too much though, and the element of surprise is lost; so is a lot of Hiryuu's health bar. ----------------------------------------------- Teleport - B ; D ; DB + WP or WK or FP or FK Hiryuu decides to pull the ol' Houdini and confuse his opponent (and possibly get into better position). The WP and the WK will make Hiryuu reappear on the left side of the screen. The FP and the FK will make Hiryuu appear on the right side of the screen. The difference between the punches and the kicks is where Hiryuu reappears in terms of height. A WP and a FP will make Hiryuu's image fade back in way above in the air (at about the same height as Hiryuu's peak in a normal jump). Hiryuu will then drop down the ground. A WK and a FK will make Hiryuu's image fade in a little under the height of his jump, therefore returrning to the ground a lot faster. Whether to use the Teleport offensively or defensively depends on the situation. For me, the best time to use it is when I predict any type of "beam" Hyper Combo (Shinkuu Hadouken, Soul Eraser, etc.), where Hiryuu's will safely drop behind the opponent's character. Since that particular Hyper Combo makes the character vulnerable from behind, you can guess what happens. Still, I don't regularly incorporate the Teleport into my strategy. If it was more like Yang's Kaihou or "Pleasant Kneel" (his teleport from Street Fighter III: Third Strike), I would definetly use it more. ----------------------------------------------- Wall Cling - D ; DB ; B + WP or FP Hiryuu decides to take a break from the ground yet again, and clings on the edge of the screen. This will make Hiryuu hop up on the wall, positioning with his back towards you, so you can finally see how he holds the Cipher. The WP will make Hiryuu leap up, the height being about 4/5ths of the screen from the bottom. The FP will make Hiryuu leap up, forcing the screen to scroll considerably before he latches onto the wall. Once on the wall, pressing WP or FP will make Hiryuu slash away with his Cipher. There seems to be no difference in power or speed between the two punches. Pressing WK or FK will make Hiryuu go into a dive kick, landing back on the ground. If you latch onto the left side of the screen, a WK will most likely make Hiryuu land somewhere on the left side (between 2/5ths and the middle). It depends on the how high on the wall Hiryuu is. The FK will most likely send Hiryuu into the right side of the screen. Hiryuu can climb up by pressing U, and he can climb down (more like slide) by pressing D. Also, becareful about climbing too high, or sliding down too low. Either will force Hiryuu to drop back to the ground. Also realize that after a certain time period on the wall, Hiryuu will automatically drop back down (hey, it's tiresome). While on the wall, by inputing B ; DB ; D ; DF ; F + WP or FP will make Hiryuu quickly fly across the screen, and if not stopped by the opponent, attach himself to the other wall. I never use this move. There are better things to do. ============================== HYPER COMBOS ============================== Ourobourus - D ; DF ; F + WP + FP Hiryuu will give the opponent the usual Strider "two finger salute," and summon two satellites. As the satellites orbit around around Hiryuu in a circular fashion, you still maintain control over him. Hiryuu can now proceed to move into his opponents vicinity, using the satellites to assist him as he attacks. The satellites hit the opponent. Hiryuu hits the opponent (you will be attacking, right?). When Hiryuu attacks, the satellites also project circular rings of energy to hit the opponent. Basically, the opponent is going to get a lot of hits. Just watch the timer that pops up above the Hyper Bar, which tells you how much you've got left. This Hyper Combo was excellent in MARVEL VS. CAPCOM, because people could pull off an insane amount of hits while doing solid damage. The Ourobourus puts great pressure on the opponent (they tend to block or run away), which goes along well with Hiryuu's offense oriented style. The beauty was that it could be used for defense as well, since Hiryuu has a circle of protection around him. However, now it seems that CAPCOM greatly reduced the time of the Ourobourus, and it doesn't last as long. People can't do as many hits, which means that can't do as much damage. Does it suck then? Actually, I think it's better. Even though the time is shorter, at least you know when the Hyper Combo is ending! This is valuable information many people overlook, since all they concentrate on is the number of hits you can pull off. Instead, just think of what you can do now that you have the knowledge of the Ourobourus' timing. For instance, at the last hit of the Hyper Combo, simply execute a launcher and extend the combo with an Aerial Rave. ----------------------------------------------- Legion - D ; DF ; F + WK + FK Hiryuu will assume that same stance from Formation A (the Pet Detective one). This time, he unleashes the whole damn zoo on his opponent, as a multitude of panthers (filling up the bottom half of the screen) and eagles (filling up the top half of the screen) race through the screen. Since the whole screen is crowded, it is very hard to deal with, other than blocking. In MARVEL VS. CAPCOM, the Legion did good damage and could also be counted on for its chip damage. Just remember that the panthers and eagles always appear from the edge of the screen. If Hiryuu is standing next to his opponent, and they are at the middle of the screen, this gives the opponent valuable time to hit Hiryuu and "snuff" his Hyper Combo. ----------------------------------------------- Ragnarok - F ; D ; DF + WP + FP Hiryuu assumes the same stance in his WIN 1 pose (holding the Cipher in front of him). He then dashes forward in an attempt to grab his opponent. If successful, he leaps up into the air quickly with them, and splits into four mirror images. Each image fades away from sight, only to come back and pass the suspended opponent (a la cool samurai movie style). As eash image passes, the Cipher "streaks" and viciously slashes the opponent. This happens four times, before the opponent's body finally crashes back onto the floor. Hiryuu happens to then reappear (via the Teleport) on the ground next to them, saying, "Ninmu kanryou" ("Mission accomplished"). This is a difficult Hyper Combo to connect with, because it is virtually impossible to combo into. Plus, Hiryuu seems not to be in a hurry, and most opponents have enough time to block (and it's only one block, before they then turn and punish Hiryuu). In MARVEL VS. CAPCOM, Ragnarok did solid damage, but was more for a flashy finish. Now, CAPCOM weighed the difficulty of pulling it off, and rewards the Hiryuu player with a 50% damage Hyper Combo. Good luck, though. ============================== ASSIST TYPES ============================== Alpha - Hiryuu executes his Ame no Murakumo. If your character is not near the edge of the screen, Hiryuu will leap into place so that the Ame no Murakumo is not out of range. After completing the move, he turns around in the same stance of his WIN 2, before leaping back off the screen. Picking this Assist Type will let Hiryuu execute his Legion when involved in a Dual/Triple Hyper Combo. Not a great Assist Type, since it is slow to execute, plus puts Hiryuu in a lot of danger (he takes damage like hell). It is best used when you're in the middle of a combo already, keeping the opponent busy while Hiryuu pops up. Beta - Hiryuu executes his Vagula. Once again, if your character is not near the edge of the screen, Hiryuu will leap into place at first. You will not have to worry about range and direction though, as Hiryuu will home in on the opponent automatically. After completing the move, he turns around in the same stance of his WIN 2, before leaping back off the screen. Picking this Assist Type will let Hiryuu execute his Legion when involved in a Dual/Triple Hyper Combo. An ok Assist Type, since the Vagula was always good for confusing people. Still, watch out of it's blocked, and pray that Hiryuu makes it out relatively unscathed. Gamma - Hiryuu executes his Formation A with the eagle. Once again, if your character is not near the edge of the screen, Hiryuu will leap into place at first. The eagle has its usual flight path that it follows to the key. After completing the move, he turns around in the same stance of his WIN 2, before leaping back off the screen. Picking this Assist Type will let Hiryuu execute his Legion when involved in a Dual/Triple Hyper Combo. Do not pick this Assist Type. It's useless. ============================== STRATEGY ============================== From everything you've read so far, I think you can pretty much figure out what Hiryuu is all about. Everything down to his basic animations of standing and jumping speak for itself. He is a very precise, combo character, who can easily be played with a certain "rhythm." You will be very comfortable with moving around and throwing out basic attacks, and his specials seem more useful for evasive/confusion tactics. Just be very careful because Hiryuu's health bar can be whittled down very easily. Hiryuu used to have a "Dial-a-Combo" on the ground. What I mean by "Dial-a- Combo" is that most of his strength on the ground comes from a very simple, but effective button presses. If you pretend that you are dialing a phone number correctly and precisely, you will find that Hiryuu's more extravagant and damaging combos are a piece of cake. For instance, Hiryuu can link 5 hits on the ground, just with basic attacks. WP ; WK ; WP ; WK ; FP or FK is a bread and butter combo. Take a moment in your mind to realize how easy that is (say it out loud if you have too). Hiryuu used to be able to link both the FK after the FP, but CAPCOM toned this down, by making the FP knock away the opponent (the FK will miss). Wait a second, did you forget all the special moves he can use as combo finishers? What about the Ame no Murakumo? What about Ghram? Yes, most of these finishers are still intact, and you should begin incorporating them into your combos when you feel more comfortable. Another nice thing with Hiryuu's "Dial-a-Combo" is that is can easily be mixed up and varied. The bread and butter combo listed above is simply a base model, and you can experiment for different variations that keep your opponents on their toes. Remember, his weak basic attacks pretty much are the same speed and type, so they can be swapped. For instance, WP ; D + WK ; WP ; D + WK ; D + FK ; Ame no Murakumo (WP version) will do nicely, since it alternates between high and low. Finally, Hiryuu's "Dial-a-Combo" works nicely in the air, and follows the same patterns in any of his Aerial Raves. This smoothness in transition allows for Hiryuu to start with a long ground combo, and end with an Aerial Rave. One of my favorites is WP ; D + WK ; WP ; WK ; D + FP (launcher) ; TD ; U (super jump) ; WP ; WK ; WP ; WK ; Air Ame no Murakumo (FP version). Although seemingly insane, it has a low learning curve, and becomes a natural thing for Hiryuu (just practice!). For added craziness, I execute this combo string immediately after an Ourobourus (I did this for 45 hits and around 50% damage!). ============================== VS. ABYSS ============================== Hiryuu is an excellent character against all three forms of Abyss, because his basic attacks do not have terrible lag, and the "Dial-a-Combo" method works extremely well. Against the first form, pretend your are fighting a weaker Onslaught, since you can predict what type of attack Abyss is going to do. Always stay near and blocking (getting yourself into a corner actually benefits you), and then retaliate when openings occur for free hits. Don't get too greedy though, because Abyss can take off quite a chunk of Hiryuu's health bar if you get too careless. You might even want to activate the Ourobourus to make things go quicker. Against the second form, keep your distance and call upon the panthers from Formation A. The panther will remain low enough to go under Abyss' flame attack, making it very easy to knock off his energy. When the large bubbles come up, stand your ground while TWP to hopefully pop them before they can trap Hiryuu. If you want, execute a Legion to make things go quicker. Against the third form, go on the defensive always, since Abyss goes by a pattern. Abyss usually emerges in jumping distance, where Hiryuu can then execute a simple 3 hit combo (WP ; WP ; FP for instance). After returning to the ground he should always block. Abyss will do two things in reaction. He will either melt into the floor, in which you then know that several columns of fire will shoot up for a lot of chip damage (better than being hit and juggled though!). The large sphere is open to be hit, but I usually go against the temptation. Abyss might also leap forward with an attack that will catch you if you do not land immediately after hitting him (say, if you hesitated when he first popped up, or went for more than 3 hits). Just be patient, always guarding, and the Legion Hyper Combo does some decent damage as well. Another good way to quickly dispose of Abyss's third form is to activate the Ourobouros Hyper Combo (when safe of course), then simply jump up (when he's basically over you) and Dial-a-Combo. The satellites freeze Abyss so you can then do as you please. Dial away. ============================== COMBOS ============================== I never understood "Combo" sections of FAQ's, because there are two types of characters in the VS. Series. "CCC" or Crazy Chain Characters (such as Hiryuu and Chun-Li), and One Hit Wonders (such as Hulk and Juggernaut). With "CCC," basic attacks can be switched around like nothing, and a combo will still pop out! Combinations seem endless! I will however, tell you a few of my favorites. I'm not bothering with the ones that are really obvious and easy to figure out. Just remember, "1-800-STR-IDER." WP ; WK ; WP ; WK ; FP or FK WP ; WK ; WP ; WK ; D + FK ; Ame no Murakumo (WP version) WP ; WK ; WP ; WK ; FP ; Ghram (WP version) D + WP ; D + WK ; D + WP ; D + WK ; D + FK ; Ame no Murakumo (WP version) (Formation C initialized) HDB + WP ; HDB + WK ; HDB + WP ; HDB + WK ; HB + FP ; Formation C (WP version) WP ; D + WK ; WP ; WK ; D + FP ; TD ; U (super jump) ; WP ; WK ; WP ; WK ; Air Ame no Murakumo (FP version) (Jumping in) WP ; WK ; (land) WP ; D + WK ; WP ; D + FP ; TD ; U (super jump) ; WP ; WK ; WP ; WK ; Air Ame no Murakumo (FP version) ============================== GRADE ============================== A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ FAQ © 2000 The Notorious J.K.N. ( FAQ © 2000 The Dali Ramas ( BOTH BLAZIN' INTO THE NEW MILLENIUM LIKE WHOA! No portion of this FAQ can be replicated or reproduced without our consent. Thank you for not resorting to cowardly tactics. If you need to use something, simply ask or give us due credit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------