Prepare for sorrow... ...prepare for madness... preare for PAIN!. #### #### ###### #### ### ###### ######### ###### ### ###### #~~~##~~~# #~~~~# #~~~#~~# #~~~~~# #~~~##~~# #~~##~~# #~# #~~~~# #~~~##~~~# #~##~# #~~~~# #~~#~~~##~~#~# #~~#~~# #~~~##~# #~# #~######~# #~##~~# #~~~# #~~#~~~##~~#~~# #~~~# #~~~~#~# #~~~# #~# ## #~# #~##~~# #~~~~# #~~~~~# #~~#~~# #~# #~~##~~# #~# #~# ## #~##~~##~~##~~##~~# #~~# #~#~# # #~# #~~# #~# #~#### ### ## ###### ####### #### #### ### ### ### #### ### ###### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Max Payne FAQ/Walkthrough-- *GUIDE COMPLETED* By GheddonLN Version 1.00 Started September 15, 2002 Last updated October 3, 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>><<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1. VERSION HISTORY 2. COPYRIGHT NOTICE 3. CREDITS 4. INTRODUCTION 5. CHARACTERS 6. GAME BASICS 7. GAME WALKTHROUGH 8. WEAPONS 9. ENEMIES 10. CODES 11. OUTRO/INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.VERSION HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< --Version 0.50 >This version of the guide contains the following: ->All of the appendices are totally complete. ->The walkthrough is not totally complete. There are still a lot of chapters to work on. >File size : 77KB. --Version 0.60 >This version of the guide contains the following: ->Walkthrough up to the start of a "Bit Closer To Heaven". >File size : Approx. 97-98KB --Version 1.00 >This version of the guide contains the following: ->Walkthrough finished. Enjoy. >File size: 136-138KB. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.COPYRIGHT NOTICE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This document is copyrighted to José Felipe Vargas, known as GheddonLN. This FAQ can only be found at, and If you happen to see this document in any other website, please contact the author via e-mail( and inform him about it. You're not allowed to copy or alter this document, whole or part, without the permission of the author. This FAQ is exclusive to the sites mentioned above. Therefore, don't bother about asking for posting permission, as my answer will be a no! I want my FAQ to have some exclusivity. Plus, sending this FAQ to multiple sites whenever I have to update is a pain. Got the picture? That's good. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< --CJayC : For mantaining gamefaqs and for posting all of my FAQs. --Remedy : For developing Max Payne. --Rockstar : For publishing Max Payne. --Game's manual : For some tidbits of information. --To me : For writing this FAQ! :) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Max Payne is one of the greatest games in the PS2. Although not as good as the PC or XBOX version graphically talking, the PS2 version still offers some solid gameplay. In Max Payne, you take the role of a policeman of the same name, who's been framed for murder. You will have to take out the bastards who framed you, and all of the sidekicks. Max Payne gunfights are extremely cool and the bullet time, Max's gameplay core, was correclty implemented. In conclusion, Max Payne is a wonderful game you should not miss, specially if you're an action gamer. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.CHARACTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This section contains SPOILERS! Max Payne ========= The game's main character. He once had a family which he loved. However, his life was about to change. One day, when he returned home, he found both his wife and daughter dead. The took care of the killers, but it was not enough: he had already lost what he loved so much: his family. Having nothing to lose, he decides to go undercover. He, and his friend Alex start to work on a case which involves the mafia, drugs and money. He starts to work on the case, and quickly notices that it's worser than he thought. But he cannot pull back. He's now part of the case. He's become the enemy's number one enemy. There is no way to return. Michelle Payne ============== Max's wife. She was murdered right at the start of the game, so we don't know too much about her. Vincent Gognitti ================ One of Punchinello's men. It seems he's an important piece in the case Max has been dragged to. You'll have to interrogate him in order to get some information regarding Punchinello and the wiseguys. Rico Muerte =========== THE dug drealer. You find him having a drink with his girlfriend and his pals. You'll take care of him pretty soon in the game. Mona Sax ======== Lisa Punchinello's(who's Don Punchinello's wife) sister. She wants to take out the Don for good, as he normally hits hard her sister. It seems she likes Max, but she's later killed, so lets leave it like that. Don Punchinello =============== The boss. He's the one who's in charge of all of the drug movement around. It's the man you're looking for. Nicole Horne ============ Nicole Horne is the owner of the Aesir Corporation, and it seems she's the one who's put the money for the project Valkyr. Someone got some information about this project, and hadt to be taken out. This someone is Michelle, it seems. Nicole is Max's main target. Alex ==== Your pal, your friend, your confident. He's in the Valkyr case along with Max. Too bad he's not as intelligent as Payne, nor he's as good with weapons as Max is: he gets killed early in the game, probably by somebody who was sent by the Horne girl, or even the wiseguys. Alfred Wooden ============= This guy constantly calls you and gives you information regarding your enemies. You don't meet him personally 'till later in the game. Vladimir ======== The drug-dealer veteran. He's now out of the business, and teams up with Max. You'll have to help him out during some point of the game and he will afterwards lend you a hand. B.B. ==== Backstabbing Bastard, that's the best way to define him. He was your friend during most of the game, but like his name suggests(I'd like to point out that B.B. do not really mean backstabbing bastard) he backstabs you. Damn him. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.GAME BASICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GAME OVERVIEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Max Payne revolves around a guy called Max Payne! His family has been killed, and he's got nothing to lose, thus he goes undercover. Something goes wrong, and Max ends up being framed by a crime he didn't commit. Now, he wants to find the bastards who framed him --and who killed his family-- in order to settle things up. He's got nothing to lose, everything to win. Max Payne is an action game. It is divided in three parts, and each part in numerous chapters. Each chapters has its own layout, items and enemies. Once you finish a chapter, the game will automatically save your game, and the next chapter will load-up. To complete a chapter, you'll have to reach a certain area. This could be a door, a room, etc. As you advance through chapters you'll encounter a lot of enemies and some puzzles which you'll have to overcome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GAME CONTROLS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >D-Pad : Used to access inventory and select weapons. >Left stick : Used to move Max forwards, backwards and to strafe left and right. >Right stick : Use it to turn and to aim. >Select button : Pauses the game and shows the main menu. >Start button : Pauses the game. >Square bitton : Max reloads his currently equipped weapon. >Triangle : Use it to automatically equip your strongest weapon. >Circle button : Max eats a painkiller. >R1 button : Used to use your currently equipped weapon. >R2 button : Used to jump and to roll. >L1 button : Max shootdodges if you press L1 in conjuction with the left stick. Otherwise it will activate bullet time. >L2 button : Activates bullet time. >L3 button : Max crouches- >R3 button : No use. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GAME DIFFICULTIES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Fugitive : This is the game's default difficulty and the only available when your first play it. In fugitive, enemies are very easy to kill, but they do a lot of damage. Your health is quite big, but Max racks up a lot of pain. Ammo and painkillers are found in huge quantities normally. >Hard Boiled : Once you have finished the game in Fugitive, Hard Boiled will become available. In hard boiled enemies get tougher to beat, and they do much more damage. Your health is a little smaller, and you still rack up a lot of pain. >Dead on Arrival : Things start to get pretty hard when you play on "Dead on Arrival". Your enemies are WAY tougher and they do insane damage, not to mention that Max racks up a LOT of pain. You'll have to be pretty skillfull with bullet time and shootdodges in order to overcome this difficulty. >New York Minute : This difficulty main objective is to frustrate you. When playing in a "New York minute", each of the game's chapters must be completed in a limited amount of time. If time runs out, Max is out. Kill enemies to buy time. ~~~~~~~~~~~ BULLET TIME ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bullet time is Max Payne's most innovatibe feature in is what made it famous. When you trigger bullet time(press R2), things around you will slow down. You too slow down. However, I'd like to point out that you can aim at normal speed while on bullet time. Bullet time's main purpose is to make the game's challenging gunfights easier. When in bullet time, you have the upper hand on your enemy. You just need a good weapon and good accuracy in order to kill them. Your enemies shots are also very predictable while in bullet time, and if you're good, you'll be able to see your enemy's bullets buzzing in the screen, making you able to dodge them. Bullet time is not infinite, though. There is a white hourglass in the bottom left part of the screen which represents bullet time. Once you trigger BT, it will gradually deplete. ~~~~~~~~~~~ SHOOTDODGES ~~~~~~~~~~~ Shootdodges are related to bullet time in every way, mainly because they require bullet time in order to be performed and because the involve slow-mode action. To do a shootdodge, press the L1 button, and move the stick towards the direction you want to do the shootdodge. If done correctly, Max will dive-in towards the direction you pointed the stick and everything around him will slow down. While "flying", you'll be able to use your guns and kill your enemies. Shootdodges are not only cool, but they give you an incredible advantage in gunfights. They use bullet time, but only a little. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NORMAL DODGES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two ways to perform them and both are equally simple. The first way involves the use of the dodge button. While strafing left or right, press the jump button and Max will roll. This is called a dodge. They're extremely useful in gunfights if performed correctly and are a great way to duck and take cover. You can also perform normal dodges by using the L1 button instead of the Jump button IF you have no bullet time left. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CINEMATIC SHOTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cinematic shots are a cool little addition to the gameplay. When you've killed an enemy, you may see afterwards a short cutscene which involves the now dead enemy in a certain situation. For example, the cutscene may show your enemy glying backwards in slow motion, or falling into the floor. Keep in mind that the action still continues when these cutscenes take place. These little cutscenes are sometimes useful, but extremely dangerous if there are more enemies around. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HEALTH AND PAINKILLERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Max health is an small "Max Payne" figure which is located in the bottom left part of the screen, next to the bullet time hourglass. This, which is Max's health bar, is empty, and fills up with red as you take damage. The red color, which is the damage you take, or the "pain" you're feeling, can be healed by using an item properly called "painkiller", which is used by pressing the circle button. If the Pain fills up all of your health bar, then you die. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE ALERT ICON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whenever something is examine-able, the alert icon, which is nothing but a "!" will appear. Press the X button, and Max will examine or grab the item which made the "!" to appear. This will appear when you need to open a door, to pull a lever, to answer the phone, to read something, to listen to the radio... etc Always look for the "!", as it normally represents some useful information which can be read or listened to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GAME & BATTLE TIPS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bullet time is the best way to overcome a barrage of enemies who are shooting at you from all directions, that's for sure. Bullet time gives you the advantage you need over your enemies. You can aim at normal speed and you can easily dodge their shots, either by dodging or by shootdodging. It's harder for your enemies to dodge your shots while on bullet time, so you can quickly take them out if you press the R1 button quick enough. Shootdodge and dodge constantly. Normally, when you enter a new area, there are a load of enemies waiting for you. Start off by shootdodging, always. On the fly, fire your gun multiple times at your enemies and you may be able to take two or three of them out. Bullet time is not unlimited though, so be sure to master the dodges for those times when you're bullet time-less. Crouching is a great way to improve your aim, and should be used whenever possible. I say whenever possible because crouching leaves Max undefended when there are multiple enemies in the scene. Crouching makes Max a harder target, sure, because he's smaller, but he also becomes slower and thus easier for the enemies to hit. If you require to sniper, or if you want to take out an enemy from afar, crouch. You'll see how it helps. Lastly, conserve your items and ammo. Painkillers, although found abundant throughout the entire game, sometimes take a while to appear. Don't use them until more than a half of Max's health bar is filled with pain. Then use a painkiller, or two, if necessary. Ammo for your guns is even scarcer, specially for the bigger weapons. Conserve your ammo then! Reserve the powerful weapons for precarious situations, and rely on fast --but relatively weak-- weapons to kill the weakest enemies. Grenades and Molotov cocktails seem to be pretty useless, but if used correctly they can be deadly. To efficiently use this gun, you'll require bullet time and a place to take cover. Basically, do a shootdodge, and send the grenade towards a group of enemies while in slow-mode. After you finish the shootdodge, the grenade will have exploded. If there were survivors, quickly take cover and equip something good. Then kill the survivors, once and for all. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.GAME WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ____________________________________________________________________________ | | |------------------------->PART I - THE AMERICAN DREAM<----------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________ ----INTRODUCTION----------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the starting cinemas, you'll take control of Max Payne. He's in his house. It seems something is wrong. Anyway, there is a closet to your right, but it doesn't have anything on it. So, instead, advance forwards. Halfway through, Max will scream "what the hell". Look to the left. See the big "V" in the wall? You can examine it, to see a graphic novel. After you listen to Max, continue forwards. There will be a flash cinema and the phone will start to ring. Max has his gun equipped, if you hadn't noticed. Anyways, pick up the phone. Another graphic novel ensues. After the graphic novel, look inside the closet in front of the table where the phone is. There is a shotgun inside. Go through the door next to the closet. You'll be in the living room. Take the stairs next to the chimeny. Just as you reach the house's second floor hallway, a cutscene ensues. Now, there is a door to the right, and there is the bathroom. Enter the bathroom and try to open the door there. You can't. Return to the hallway head towards the door to the right of the stairs. An enemy comes out. Immediately shootdodge to take care of him and his friend, who soon appears. Enter the baby's room. Max discovers the horrible truth. His baby was murdered(that's sick). There is a door inside the baby's room which is opened. Go through it. You'll be on a short hallway. Grab the baseball bat and open the door next to the desk. Just as you open the door, an enemy starts shooting. Take care of him and watch the following cinemas. _____________________ ----ROSCOE STREET STATION-------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the short cinema, you'll take control of Max. Look to the right. There is a fenced flight of stairs there. Take note of them. Turn to the left and open the door that says "personnel only". You'll be on a short hallway. The wall is splattered with blood. Something's wrong here. Open the door at the end of the short hallway. The camera will zoom in a dead body. Max will take out his beretta then. Open the locker next to the dead policeman to get [Beretta Amo]. There is also a locker north of the dead guard, which contains a [Painkiller]. Now that you've gotten everything here, return to where you started. There will be two enemies here. Quickly kill them and snag their [Desert Eagles]. Go up the stairs then(they aren't fenced now) and turn to the right. Two bad guys just killed a policeman. Kill the murderers and get more ammo for your desert eagle. Follow the hallway until you reach a bifurcation. To the left there is an enemy. Take him quickly and go down the stairs to the right. Downstairs, turn to the right and then immediately to the left. Walk forwards a little and turn left when you first can. There will be a shotgun-equipped enemy here. Kill him and get your very own [Shotgun]. Open the door entitled "mainteinance work". ________________________ ----SO MUCH FOR BEING SUBTLE----------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Just in front of you there is the subway control room. Take note of it and go down the stairs left of it. As you reach the downstairs area, turn right and dissmiss the enemies there. Immediately turn around. There is a enemy who's going to shoot at you! Kill him and head towards the yellow wagon, at the end of the hallway. Halfway through, you'll see a door located in the left wall. Open it and you'll see an enemy who's about to kill a policeman. Quickly take out the baddie. Talk with the policeman. Max will talk with him. The policeman tells you to take him to the control room. Grab the painkillers here and the [Deser Eagle ammo]. Head towards the subway control room(remember it). Your new friend will open it for you, but after he does it, he gets killed by some bastard. The control room's door then closes. Open it by using the panel next to it. Inside, head northwards, toward a sliding door. Go through it, into the control room itself. Inside, there enemies will be waiting for you. Trigger bullet time and use your dual berettas(you should have them by now) to take them out. Once you do, a fourth enemy appears. Kill him. Go through the right door in the right end of the room. Inside, press the yellow button. After you do, the station will regain its energy. Get the painkiller here, and return to where you met the guard who opened the subway's control room. See the yellow wagon there? Get inside it and press X in front of the valve to make it move. After the short cutscene, get down the wagon using the right door. Evade the debris, and jump into the train's line. Head forwards. Three enemies will appear. Kill them and go the stairs inside the cave which is in the left wall. Open the door here. ____________________ ----ONE WAY OR THE OTHER--------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As you start, head forwards through the dark alley and turn left when you can and then turn to the right. You'll find two enemies. Kill them and go through the door. Turn to the left and kill the enmy. Go downstairs, while killing all of the enemies you find. Once you're in the bottom level jump into the train lines and advance through them. You'll soon come to a platform with three enemies on it. Kill them and get into the platform. Go up the stairs here. In the upper level, you'll feel an explosion. There are more stairs here. Use them again to go upstairs. _________________________ ----LIVE FROM THE CRIME SCENE---------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go upstairs and head forwards. Kill the two enemies here and examine the metal door. Max says it can't be opened. So go down the stairs in front of the door. Turn right and kill the two enemies here and then go through the hole in the wall. To the other side of the hole, turn to the right immediately. There will be four well-equipped enemies there. They can easily kill you, so take out your dual berettas and blast away at them. Once you've taken care of them, go through the door with a red light above it. There will be more enemies in this room. One is immediately in front of the door you just passed. The others are around the room. Quickly kill them. There are four of them. Once you've killed them, you'll hear a ringing phone. Pick it up and Max will talk with Jim Bravura. After the short graphic novel, examine the big computer, in front of the telephone. This computer has an "A" "B" "C" on its screen. Once you examine it, vault C is opened. Examine the notes in the table, and examine the computer again. This will open Vault A. Inside, there is the detonator. Examine the big computer again to open vault B. Return to the door max said couldn't be opened(remember it?--just near the start of the level). Just as you get near it, three enemies will appear. They can be pretty tough. Once you've killed them, examine the "locked" door. ____________________ ----STEPPING ON THE TOES--------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the cutscene, enter the cabin entitled "Roscoe Street" and get the [painkillers] inside. Enemies will appear from upstairs. Kill them and go up the stairs. Turn to the right and then to the left when you can. You will find four more enemies. Quickly dispatch them and enter the cabin and get your [painkillers]. Afterwards press the button entitled as "exit gate control". Once you press it, the fence in the hallway to the right of the cabin will be opened. Go through it and turn left. Turn right when you can. _________________ ----PLAYING IT BOGART------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Watch the cutscenes. Afterwards you'll have to kill the Finito brothers. Use bullet time and your dual berettas. They're easy. Once they're six feet under, examine the letter on the desk. After the graphic novel, Finito's guys will try to break in. Wait for them in front of the door and when the try to enter, blast their brains out. Go downstairs afterwards. Enter the bathroom to the left and get the [painkillers] inside. Turn right and enter the "love room". You can trigger the "love bed" here if you want to. There is a radio here. If you want, listen to it. Your main objective here is to break the glass near the stairs leading up. In the "balcony" turn to the left and advance forwards until you find an open-able door. Inside, there will be three enemies. Take them out and go through the door to the right. _______________ ----WITHOUT WARNING-------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go downstairs and turn left. "Open" the door and advance forwards. You'll find opened rooms around here. You can enter them and grab what's inside, but be careful as some of them have enemies lurking inside. Once you reach the end of the hallway, turn left and advance forwards. Halfway through, you'll find a guy watching TV. Kill him and two more enemies will appear. Kill them too. Enter the bathroom if you want to: there is a painkiller and an enemy inside. Go through the wooden door. Turn left and kill the enemy who was guarding the door. To the right there is another, who was inside a love room. In this short area there is a door entitled as "exit", which has a lockpick. Destroy the lockpick using any of your guns and go through the door. There will a door just in front of you then. Go through it and turn right. There are two enemies there. Kill them and quickly turn around. There will be TWO more enemies. Take care of them. Enter the room with the television and check it. See the graphic novel. In the adjacent room there is a dead body. Return to the main hallway and advance forwards until you find door with is blocked by a lot of debris. Turn right then and go through the door next to the "exit" wooden door. __________________________ ----A FEW HUNDRED BULLETS BACK--------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You can go forwards or turn left. To the left there is this crazy guy who's talking to himself. Kill him. Forwards is a blue door. Go through it and you'll reach a corridor. Move a little to the north and four enemies will ambush you. Gunfight time! Once you've taken care of them, go through the portal with an "exit" sign above it. Open room's "313" door then. Watch out! Just as you open the door, a shotgun will fire at you. Dodge it. After the shotgun has been fired, two enemies appear. Kill them and examine the letter in room "313". After the graphic novel, grab the items in the room and go through the door that was just unlocked. You'll find a pump. Shoot at it with your shotgun and you'll make a hole in the floor. Jump down and move north. Kill the enemies there. Now, you have three options: you can go forwards, to the left and to the right. To the left there is a guy mumbling to himself. Forwards there is a room "216", where you'll find a hooker diary. Read it. After you've done so, examine the room's closet and you'll find a secret room. You can check the camera here if you want to. Anyway, open the gray door and then turn left. Walk through the hallway and make the first left you can. You'll find an elevator. Use it. _______________________ ----CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go out of the elevator and turn left. Be careful: there are three enemies here. Kill 'em and examine the TV. Go through the door with a green light above it. Two enemies will appear. Quickly kill them and stay away from the gas tanks. If they blow up, they fill your pain bar quite quickly. Afterwards, destroy the crates blocking the door to the right side of the room. Once you've cleaned your path, go through the door. Turn left and kill the lone enemy there. Go down the steps. Look at the dead body. They bad guy have been doing some bad stuff here it seems... Read the newspapers on the floor("Captain Baseball-Boy"). Get the [baseball bat] and go up the steps to the left of the dead guy. Two enemies will show up. After you've dealt with 'em and head to the north. Turn right and go up the stairs. Turn to the right and open the door. ____________________________ ----RICO MUERTE BIG TIME HUSTLER------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go through the wooden door to the left and kill the three dealers. Grab the bar key on the small table and get all of the goodies. Go out this room and head towards the north end of the room and turn right. Open the bar. Watch the short cutscene regarding Rico Muerte. Muerte will vanish and you'll have to deal with his sidekicks. Kill both guys and Muerte's girlfriend. Once you're done, go through the exit door. There is Muerte! Blast his brains out. Be careful because he's got an [Ingram]. Once you've killed him, get his weapon and go through the door. ________________________________ ----THE BLOOD VEINS OF NEW YORK CITY--------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head to the north(be aware of the two enemies) and enter the small cabins. Grab the [painkillers] and examine the headphones. A graphic novel ensues. Max mentions something really cool here: something wicked this way comes. Iced Earth 'til I'm death... anyway, push the "exit" button which is inside the cabin... nothing happens, I think. Go up the stairs next to the fence blocking your way and enter the club. Follow the corridor until you find two enemies. Kill them and open the big, wooden door. Blast the glass in the floor and drop down. Enemies kick in and a gunfight ensues. Finish all of them off. Return to the reception and press the "exit" button. Go through the exit door. ______________________ ----THE MAN RIDING SHOTGUN------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Watch the cutscenes. Turn right and walk along the street until you can turn left. Do so. Open the van you find and get the [shotgun ammo] inside. Take the stairs down (they're behind the van). Open the door and immediately kill the three baddies there. Grab the goodies and go through the door here. Walk through the corridor and turn left when you first can. There is a room which has no door. Inside there is nothing. There is locked room too. Examine the door and Max will take it down. Kill the crazy guys inside if you want to. Your main objective here is to reacht the end of the corridor. _______________________ ----SOMETHING MORE SINISTER------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Behind you fire will start. Go north and turn right. There is a locked door there. You must open it. But how? See the gas tanks in front of the door? Shoot at them and they will fly towards the door like a missile, thus opening it. Be sure they don't hit you though. An enemy will kick in. Kill him and enter the room. There will be two mumbling guys who are easily taken care of. Anyways, get the painkillers in the medicine cabin and go through the door to the right of the medicine cabin. Keep walking forwards until you find two enemies. Kill them and look for a flight of stairs in the northeast. Go up, turn left and head forwards. When Max's "!" icon appears, take the phone. After the graphic novel, go through the door near the phone. This is the "main room". There will be two enemies. An explosion will occur. After you're done, enter the room to the right of the door which takes you back to the phone corridor. You'll find a door with a lockpick. Take the lockpick out and go through the door. Grab the [shotgun ammo], [painkillers] and [beretta ammo]. Examine the note then. Now, check the "bookcase". There is a key on it and you must get it. Once you've gotten it, return to the main room and open the big door, brown door. __________________________ ----LET THE GUN DO THE TALKING--------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Turn left and go up the stairs. Keep going up and kill the enemies you find. In the middle level you'll find the bathrooms. Inside the left one there are some painkillers. Anyways, once you're upstairs go into the the square corridor to the right. The only way to get to the other side is to jump the gap in the left portion of the corridor. If you're having trouble, you could use bullet time. I've never tried to use bullet time, but it should work. If not... well, anyways, when you reach the other side, immediately cross the door. The bridge behind you will blow up. Turn to the right and open the door. Three enemies will assault you. Use your Ingram to make short work of them. Grab the ammo they leave behind. Afterwards, enter the little bedroom and open the closet to get a [painkiller]. Head into the kitchen and jump into the window. You'll open it. ___________________ ----THE ALTERNATE ROUTE---------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Drop down to the streets CAREFULLY. There will be two bad guys near some fire. You can take them down from afar with a well-placed grenade. After you're done with them, enter Luigi's Laundry. Walk along the corridor until a short cutscene ensues. After the cinema, examine the door with the "Luigi's Laundry" ad above it. They'll ask for a password, I believe. You don't have it. So, use the metal door in front of the "password door". Walk forwards a little and open the first metal door you find, to the left. Follow the corridor(forwards) until you find three of those crazy guys. Kill them, and three more enemies appear(damn!). After you're done with all of them, go upstairs. In the middle level you'll find two crazy guys and in the upper level two more enemies. Once the path is clear, open the metal door in the upper level. You'll find some guys who'll gladly help you. One of them becomes your ally(for a short time...). Take him back to the "password door" at Luigi's. He'll open the door for you. _____________ ----A ONE MAN WAR---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After your friend betrays you, kill him and his two friends. Get all of the ammo here and enter the laundry-machine room. Another enemy appears. Kill him and go through the door to the north. Hop into the elevator. After it opens again, turn left and walk along the corridor. Turn left again and open the metal door(it's the only one that's not blocked). Inside, there is a TV. There is someone on the bathroom. Try to open the bathroom's door and he'll come out. Kill him and examine the TV. Afterwards get the [beretta ammo] inside the closet. Blast the window next to it then. You'll be on a building's rooftop. To the right there are some tubes which you'll have to use to get to the other side. Once you do so, blast the window and enter the room. There are three enemies here: kill 'em all and look for another window in the north part of the room. Blast it and hop into the building's roof. Immediately turn right and use the "bridge" to get to the building to the right. Open the metal door. _______________ ----A CITY WIDE APB-------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Walk forwards and turn left. Something will explode. Keep walking until you reach a square corridor. Turn right and walk along it until you can do a left. You'll find two enemies checking something in the wall. If you hit that "something" with your guns, it will explode, thus killing the enemies. Once you're done with them, try to open the door to the left and the wall will fall(if you blew up the "something" the enemies were checking). Jump into the next room and walk along the corridor to the northeast. You'll stumble across a "bridge" made out of debris which takes you up. Use it. Kill the four enemies that ambush you and get into the square corridor, upper level. Walk along the rightmost part of it and open the door you find. Get the [ingram ammo] in the closet and open the door here. _________________________ ----FEAR THAT GIVES MEN WINGS---------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Watch the graphic novel. After it, you'll have to face Vinnie's men. After you've killed the three of them, examine the letter in the desk. Afterwards, turn left and jump down into a rooftop. You'll see Vinnie running. Follow him(use the tube bridge). You'll reach a familiar room. Go through the previously locked door and go upstairs. Use the door to the right. A cutscene ensues. You'll then have to jump into a train. You'll have to time the jump right if you don't want to die. It's quite challenging but not impossible. Wait 'til you hear the train... wait one second and jump! Be sure to press the jump button when you're about to reach the rooftop's edge. ________________________ ----BETTER THAN THE LAST ONE----------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After you take control of Max, look down. See those tubes there? Jump into them and use them to reach the north rooftop. As you do, two enemies appear. Kill them and turn right and head to the north, towards the big banner which has a woman face on it. You'll have to jump from a rooftop to other to do so. This is quite challenging, indeed, but not impossible. Once you do it, turn to the right and look at the Aesir banner in the right building. There will two enemies there. Kill them and then go north. Turn left when you can and walk forwards. An helicopter will appear. Quickly open the yellow door to the left. You'll be inside a building. Turn right and go down the stairs. Enemies will appear along the way, so be ready. When you reach the bottom level, examine the medicine cabin to get [painkillers]. Turn around and walk down through the corridor until you find a yellow door. Open it up. __________________ ----ICE HARD AND SLICK----------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Turn left and enter the basketball court. Be aware as there is a dual-ingram bastard here. He can kill you in a matter of seconds, so use that ingram/desert eagle of yours. To the right of where the ingram guy was there is another enemy. Kill him and go through the fence in the north wall. Kill the enemy that attacks you and go up the short flight of stairs here. You'll see a cinema. After it, turn left and kill the enemy there. Get the goodies inside the truck. Now, go the right area, past the lift. An enemy will shoot you from a neighbour building. Take him out fast, because he's pretty damaging. There is another enemy in the upper levels which you can take down easily. Go up the wooden ramp and you'll come across a gap. You can't jump to the other level, but you can throw a grenade into it and kill the enemy there. Now, call for the lift and hop into it. Press the button inside to make it move. Once it stops, get out of it and walk forwards. Go up the little blue ramp and walk through the alleyway. You'll stumble into two enemies. Kill them and get into the catwalk which supports the bridge. Walk along it and kill the enemies that appear(two). You'll find another catwalk, which supports another banner. Get into it and keep walking until you find a window that lets you look down. You'll see two bad guys there. Break the glass and jump down. Kill both enemies and go through the metal door to the right. __________ ----ALL A BLUR------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go up the stairs and turn left. Open the unlocked metal door. Turn left and jump into the platform below. Go downstairs and enter the apartment which has a semi-opened door. Inside there's a TV. Examine it if you want. In the north part of the flat is the bathroom. Inside, take the painkillers. Next, go through the door next to the bathroom. Kill the enemy there and walk through the corridor. You'll find four more enemies. When you reach the door in the end of the corridor, open it and open the door just to the north. Walk forwards a little bit until you can take a left. Do so and kill the enemy you find. Open the door. You'll see a cinema regarding Gognitti. After it's finished, hop into the "battle arena" below and kill all of the enemies there. There are around five of them. You'll also have to kill Gognitti, who's in the eastern part of the arena. There will be two enemies along with him. Watch the cutscene after you've finished Vinnie. ______________ ----A DEN OF DRUGS--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Turn to Max's right and pull the lever inside the cabin. Go up the secret ramp and kill the enemies in the room above. Examine the books in the table. Pure satanic stuff. Anyway, go through the door next to a bookcase. You'll be in the dancing area. Kill the two enemies here and then kill the enemy in the upper levels. Go through the door that look like lockers, which are in the middle of the arena. Turn to the right(see the "disco" sign?) and kill the two enemies there. A third one will appear soon. Kill him two. Enter the bar(see the "bar" sign?) and kill the enemies inside. Turn left and examine the books in the table(look at Milton's Paradise lost! I didn't know satan lovers read it!) and go through the door to the left. __________ ----RAGNA ROCK------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go up the stairs and enter the door to the left. You'll be on a storage room. Kill the three enemies here and walk to the north. Turn left and walk down until you find an opening in the wall. Go through it and kill the enemies that appear. You'll have to kill around four enemies. Now, go up the stairs, and kill the three enemies you'll find along the way. In the upper level, go through the door and head to the right. Open the door there. You'll find a catwalk. There is an enemy below. Kill him and carefully use the catwalk to access the door to the northeast. You'll be in the open again. Turn right and go through the portal. You'll then have to use the structures here in order to reach the door to the extreme north. Once you do, this part of the chapter finishes. _________________ ----AN EMPIRE OF EVIL------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go downstairs and kill the three enemies there. Open the door here using the button next to it. Kill the enemy that appears and use the stairs and go all the way down. You'll have to kill around four enemies on your way. Once you reach the bottom level, walk to the north and go up the platform there. Examine the control panels there and a wall will "disappear" and two enemies will appear. Go through the newly opened path and turn to the right. Go up the steps there and examine the levers there. There are three of them. Pull them in this order : 4,3,2,1 and go downstairs. Follow the linear path along the maze and go up the flight of stairs to the north. Kill the enemy. Once you reach the highest area, walk along the destroyed catwalk(use the wood the put here as bridges) and open the door to the other side. _________________________ ----STRAIGHT FROM A BAD DREAM---------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Examine the papers in the sofa. After the graphic novel, head to the north and walk along the "corridor" until you find a flight of stairs. Head up(Lupino's screams are quite scary) and turn right. Keep going up. Once you reach the attic, look in the right wall. Go through it and watch the cutscene. Head towards the blood pool in the middle of the room afterwards. Nothing will happen. Not yet. Lupino's men will start attacking. They use molotovs and their guns of course. Kill 'em all and then you'll have to fight Lupino himself. Use your Ingram to make short work of him quickly. He'll have two guys along with him. Kill them first. After you've murdered the sick bastard, you will have finished "american dream". ____________________________________________________________________________ | | |------------------------>PART II - A COLD DAY IN HELL<----------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| ________ ----PROLOGUE--------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After you take control of Max, advance forwards into the lobby and turn to the right. The corridor will become longer then. You will be in a maze. This area's background "music" is quite spooky... you'll hear Michelle and your baby cry as you walk through Max nightmare. Anyway, move along the corridor and turn to the right. Walk through the corridor(the screaming has begun...) until you find a bifurcation. Turn left and follow the linear path until you come across another bifurcation. Turn left and follow the corridor until you can turn left. Walk through this corridor and take the SECOND right you can. Tah dah! You'll be on the second portion of the corridor. This is actually Max's living room, so you know what to do. Go upstairs and enter the bathroom. Try to open the door next to the shower and it will barricade itself out! Quite strange. Head out of the bathroom and use the door next to the stairs(the one which takes you to the baby's room). You'll be on a corridor with baby music(and screams) as background music. Walk through the corridor(there is no bifurcation here...) until you reach its end. Look down. Everything is pitch black. It's scary... Now, in the middle of the nothing, there are this thin blood lines which you can use as bridge. Carefull walk along the first one(look down to see them better) until the path splits up to the right. Turn left and look into the deep black. Jump(Jesus!) and you'll land on a blood line... with some luck. This may take some tries, but it's not impossible. Anyway, when you do, walk to the north until the path turn right. Stand there and turn left. You should see another blood line there. Jump into it and head down. You'll find a corridor. Get into it and walk along it until you reach the baby's room(you're NOT backtracking. This part of the dream is very similar to a previous one but it is NOT the same) and watch the short cutscene. Go through the door to the far left and run through the long-ass corridor until a short cut scene ensues. Afterwards, examine Michelle's diary on the desk. It mentions that Michelle knew something about Valkyr(actually, it mentions Valhalla but Valhalla is related to the Valkyr drug in this game so go figure). After the short graphic novel has finished, open the white door to the left. Watch the cutscenes that follow. ________________ ----THE BASEBALL BAT------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Check Max's health bar after you get to control him. He has racked up a lot of pain. The only weapon you have right now is the baseball bat. We don't have any painkillers too. We don't have anything. Damn it. You'll need to heal. Head to the south part of the room and blast the locker's lockpick. Get the painkillers inside and use one of them. Leave the other one alone. Now, go through the door to the south of the locker. You'll be on a corridor. Turn left and you'll spot two bad guys. They always spot me... if they do, let them kill you because you don't stand a chance against them(one of them even has dual ingrams). Carefully follow both guys and blast their skulls from behind. After you do, two enemies will attack you from behind. Kill them quickly and two more enemies will appear. After you take care of them, three more enemies appear from the south. Kill them too. Now, head south and kill the lone guy there. Enter the warehouse and get the items inside(a sawed off shotgun and a painkiller). Go out of the warehouse by using the door to the north. Outside, turn right and open the metal door there. In this area, you'll find two more enemies. Quickly kill them using bullet time. Examine the newspapers in the floor. It's a captain baseball bat comic. After the short graphic novel head to the corridor outside and walk through the leftmost hallway until you find an elevator. Hop into it and press the button inside. _________________ ----FROM BAD TO WORSE------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the door opens, head into the warehouse. There will be one enemy waiting for you. Kill him and go through the door in the north east part of the room. To the left is this guy who'll throw a grenade at you. Kill him and enter the room to the right where two enemies wait to be killed. Once you do, get their ammo and kill the third enemy that appear. Collect the painkillers to the far left of the room and go through the door to the far right. Turn to the left and kill the enemy in the "meat room". Go through the only door here and jump down into the streets. Head to the south into the main street. Turn left and walk down the street until you find the entrance to a "Hotel". Get into it. ______________ ----MOBSTER MUSCLE--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Turn left and try to enter the lounge. You'll see a short graphic novel. Now, enter the lounge and kill the bastards inside. Examine the radio on the table afterwards. After the cutscene, walk to the north and enter the bathroom. Kill the guy inside and then enter the bar to the right. A short cinema regarding Frankie and pals will ensue. After it, you'll have to kill Frankie and the other bad guys. This is really tough, considering that all of them have big-ass weapons. Here is how you should deal with them: do not enter the room. Wait an enemy to approach the door and kill him. Now, move the camera so you can see Frankie. Wait him to reload, activate bullet time, and shoot at him a few times. When you see he's about to shoot, duck. Repeat and he will be gone in a few minutes. After he's gone, kill his sidekicks. _________________________ ----AN OFFER YOU CAN'T REFUSE--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Move forwards and head into the cabin. Kill the enemy inside and push the button next to the door. The fence outside will open up. Go through it and turn right. Kill both enemies there and go up the steps. Open the door to the left(press the button next to it) and get inside. Kill the two enemies that appear and then kill the third one that's above you. Kill him fast or else he'll launch a molotov at you. After the coast is clear, go through the door to the right. Go down the steps and jump into the truck... an enemy was hiding there! Kill him and get the ammo inside. Exit the truck and head to the north. Kill the enemy there and open the door to the left. In this area, kill the enemy that is in the upper level. After you do, head forwards and hop into the lift. Press the button there and it will take you up. Turn left and walk along the catwalk until you reach its end. Get the painkillers inside the cabinet. After you've done so, pull the lever in a panel next to the medicine cabinet. This will move some crates, un-blocking a door. Two enemies will also appear. Kill them from afar(a well placed grenade should be enough. If you don't have grenades use your shotgun) and go down. Go through the door. _____________________ ----COLD AND TO-THE-POINT-------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Jump down and turn right. There will be an enemy there. Kill him and head forwards. Make a left and kill the enemy there. To the right there is a small room with ammo inside it. Anyways, head north, towards the yellow crane. Three enemies will appear. Kill them fast. After you've don so, jump into the crane. Pull the lever inside. This will make the crane to move a container. Go through the newly opened path and kill the two enemies that appear. Turn left and walk down until you can make a right. Walk down the corridor. As you pass down the crane, it will turn on. Enter the container to the left and wait a few minutes until you hear an explosion. Head out of the container afterwards and turn right. Kill the enemies that appear. _______________ ----FAMILY TROUBLES-------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head forwards and turn right. An enemy atop a crane will start shooting at you. The crane is moving, too. To stop the crane, kill the enemy. After he's dead, two more enemies will appear. Kill them and use the passage to the left. In this area, turn left and kill the SIX enemies that you'll find. The bridge has been raised, so there is no way to cross it right now. Ignore it and head to the south. As you walk, you should hear a guy talking. You can open a container here and examine what's inside for a short graphic novel. Here you'll also find the Sniper Rifle. Anyway, keep going south and take turn right when you first can. Use the platform here to reach the other side. Kill both enemies and enter the fence area(open the door by using the baseball bat). Inside there is a bunch of ammo for the desert eagle, ingram and a painkiller. Now, head outside and stand there. Look northwards. Do you see the truck there? Look at its wheels. It has a wheel block. Shoot at the block and the truck will crash into the bridge. Head towards the bridge(kill the enemies you find along the way) and cross it. To the other side, two enemies will attack you. One from the north and another from the right. The one to the right came out of a small room in where you can get painkillers and some ammo. In this room, open the secret door next to the medicine cabinet(push the button next to it) and inside, there is more ammo. Now, head outside and head to the north. Open the door here. ________________________ ----WITH RATS AND OILY WATER----------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ From the entrance, you should see an enemy atop a container. Take aim and kill him. This will alert the other enemies here. No prob. Equip your dual berettas (save the ingram's ammo). An enemy will appear in front of you. Kill him and turn right. Head down the corridor and turn left when you first can. Here, two enemies will attack you. One will be just in front of you whereas the other one will be on a higher catwalk. Kill both and turn right and then left. Three enemies will appear: one is in the catwalk, the other is in front of the ramp leading up and the other is to the left, behind a container. Kill 'em all and turn left. Walk along the containers until you find the ramp leading up. Take it. Just as you touch the catwalk, an enemy appears in front of you. Kill him fast or else he'll hide behind a crate. Now, turn right and run until you come to a bifurcation. Turn left and run until you can make another left. Do so and keep walking until the path splits up again. Make a left and follow the path to the door. Go through it. In the next area, you'll see a crane heading towards you. There is an enemy on it. Kill the enemy and jump into the crane when it's near enough. The crane has some levers on it. Equip your sniper rifle and push the top lever. When the crane stops, trigger the sniper's crosshair(press X) and kill the enemy in the post to the north. There is also another one to the left. Kill him too. Push the left lever afterwards. When the crane stops, kill the enemy to the left. After he's done for, push the front lever and the crane will move to the right. If you're having trouble identifying the levers, use this map... _______ | PANEL | FRONT LEVER ------- LEFT LEVER RIGHT LEVER BOTTOM LEVER. Anyways, when the crane stops, snipe down the enemy to the north. Then, pull down the right lever. After the crane stops, pull down the front lever. Yes! You've made it to the other side. Jump out the crane and open the door. _______________________ ----PISSING PUNCHINELLO OFF------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ More catwalks and containers... anyway, after a few seconds, an enemy will appear to the north. Kill him from where you are and head down, to the container area. Just as you do so, two enemies appear from the north catwalk and start shooting at you. They'll go down then. There is also an enemy to the right. So, you'll have to kill three enemies. After you've done so, turn right and go up the catwalk. Follow the path to the door and get near the blue door here. An enemy will appear. Kill him and get inside the small room. Inside, press the button next to the blue door. You should see a cinema. After it, head down the catwalk and kill the three enemies that appear. Behind the big red container to the right of the catwalk you'll find a fenced room. Head inside it and open the blue door. ________________ ----A DANGEROUS GAME------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Just in front of where you start two enemies appear. Kill 'em both and head to where they were and head into the ship using the small ramp to the right. Inside the ship, head all the way northwards and then take a left. Kill the three enemies that will appear and go up the stairs. Head into the navigational cabin and kill the enemy there. Inside the cabin, get the painkillers and answer the phone(it makes part of the control panel). After the graphic novel and go through the door opposite of the panel. Head down the stairs and kill the enemy there. Turn left and kill the enemy there too. Keep going downstairs and kill the four enemies you'll find along the way. Once you reach the bottom level, use the door to the right. Inside this room, you'll have to fight Boris. He's really, really tough. I died multiple times before I could beat him. He also has three bad guys along with him. Anyway, after the cutscene, Boris will run to the back of the arena. His three pals will start attacking you. Quickly wipe out your ingrams and kill the three bastards. Be sure you're not hit. Now, equip the dual berettas and hide behind the white crate here. Wait Boris to appear and trigger bullet time. Hit him a few times(you may end up blowing up the gas tanks. If they hit Boris, he'll take a chunk of damage) and take cover again. Repeat this tactic until he's out. Afterwards, go through the door at the north end of the room. Inside, you'll be in heaven. Get everything there: Colt Commando + ammo, Sniper rifle + ammo, ammo for your ingram, for your beretta, painkillers... After you've gotten everything, head back to the navigational cabin. ________________ ----NO PAYNE NO GAIN------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Make no mistake, as this is one of the toughest parts of the game... really. You'll be dying here a lot. And it's even hardert to explain... after you take control of Max, head to the north. Something will explode and everything will start to catch fire. Damn it! Go through the door to the right next to the bar. In the next area, rush your way to the door to the north. In the next room, bookcases will start to fall. Quickly go to the right and open the grey door there. If you take too long, the bookcases will block your way and you'll be trapped. If you crossed the door safely, walk down the burning hallway. It seems fire doesn't do damage here, but still be careful. Turn left when you reach the end of the hallway. You'll be in a open area. Quickly run to your left and enter the corridor here. It will catch fire too. Again, fire seems to be harmless but still be careful. Make your way around the corridor until you reach an open area again(keep in mind that when I say open, I mean big, no roof-less). Run to your right and jump into the crate here. Now, head north wards(fire hasn't started around here) and take a left. Go up the steps and into a hallway. Make your way around the hallway until you reach a wooden door. Open it up. _______________________________ ----PUT OUT MY FLAMES WITH GASOLINE---------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Fire has stopped... for a while anyway. Now, walk forwards... DO NOT TURN LEFT! I REPEAT: DO NOT TURN LEFT! If you do, you'll be dead... instead, turn right. Something will explode. Quickly go through the door to the far right or you'll be roast chicken. If you turned left, fire will consume you before you can take a right... anyway, you'll be on a hallway. It will soon catch fire so jump into the "platforms" to reach the other side. Do this quickly or else fire will grow up so much you won't be able to escape... well, I'm not sure, but this happens to me sometimes... anyway, keep jumping until you see a hallway to the left. Now, listen to me. Jump down the floor and quickly run to the north where a door is(open it up). However, as you pass near the hallway a mentioned above, a projectile will fly. If you're not careful(fast) it may hit you. In the next room, kill the enemy. He's easy so use your berettas. To the far right there is some ammo and grenades. Go down the stairs to the north. Down two enemies will be waiting for you. Quickly kill them(they have powerful weapons) and go down the shaft to the north of the room. You'll be underground. I hate this part... go down the stairs and kill the three enemies that appear. Make a left and walk down the "catwalk"(I have no better way to describe it). Kill the two enemies there(one of them will shootdodge...) and turn to the right. When you can, turn right and kill the lone enemy there. You'll find another bifurcation. Take a left this time around(be careful because there is an enemy to the right). Follow the path until you find a flight of stairs leading up and two enemies guarding it. Kill both enemies and go upstairs. Open the door. ________________ ----MURDEROUS HEARTS------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You'll have to see some graphic novels. After them, equip a good weapon(ingrams or colt commando) and go down the stairs. A bunch of dead guards will receive you. You can enter the door to the left and examine the dead body for a graphic novel. Anyway, head north from where the dead guards are and go through the door. Kill the three enemies here and turn left. Walk through the hallway and go to the right when you can and then to the left. In this area, an enemy will appear and will run through a corridor to the north east. Follow him and kill him along with his his two pals. Now, head to the north west and follow the path and head up the stairs. Open the white door. You'll be on the kitchen. You'll see an enemy run to the north room. Examine the pictures in the table and head into the north room. In here, three enemies will attack you. One of them is member of the Trio. The trio are Punchinello's three toughest guys. He's pretty easy though. Equip your Colt Commando and blast their brains from afar. After they're done, return to the kitchen. An enemy will appear. Kill him and go through the door next to the refrigerator. Kill the two enemies that greet you and open the door to the north. ______________ ----ANGEL OF DEATH--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To the left is a well hidden enemy. To the right is a door. Open it. In the next area, enemies will attack you. There are two of them(one of them will throw you a grenade). After you've killed them, collect all of the ammo in the bar and go through the door to the far right. In this area there are three enemies. One is upstairs and will shoot you as soon as you enter the room. The other one is downstairs. The third one is also upstairs, but once he spots you, he throws a grenade and hides inside a room to the right. Now, kill the two enemies that remain and go upstairs. Head to the right and enter the room there. There is one from the Trio here! he has two friends to fight alongside with him. Kill them using your Jackhammer. Now, head outside the room. Two enemies will shoot at you and hide inside a room. Head towards the room the entered and try to open its door. Immediately get as far as you can from the door! The enemies inside will blow it up using the M79. After the door has been blown up, SHOOTDODGE your way into the room(be sure you have the dual ingrams on) and kill the 3 enemies inside. If you shootdodge your way into the room, the M79 guy will have a hard time hitting you. After you've dealt with 'em, go through the door to the right. _______________________ ----TROUBLE ON DAGGER HEELS------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ In this area, go through the door to your left. Kill the shotgun guy and examine the dead body on the bed. It seems it's Lisa... or Mona. Hell, we don't care. After the cinema, head to the north to the "side room". Turn right and answer the phone. This Wooden guy tells you something. Go through the door next to the phone and kill the enemy that attacks you... if you can. He runs away. Go through the white door to the north, next to the picture. Immediately shootdodge as three enemies will begin shooting at you. After you've killed them, open the door to the left. Meet the Punchi' bastard. After the graphic novel, three killer suits with Colt Commandos. Kill them. After you've killed them, head back to the previous room(where the three enemies were) and open the door to the right. Watch the cinemas. You've gone through a "Cold Day in Hell"... ____________________________________________________________________________ | | |---------------------->PART III - A BIT CLOSER TO HEAVEN<-------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ ----A VORTEX OF GREEN BLOOD------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You're in Max's nightmare. This one is not as tough as the first one, but it's still something you don't want to go through... anyway, when you take control of Max again, go through the door to the far left. In the next room, head to the right, into the long hallway. Don't worry, no maze this time around. Head into the next room and go up the stairs to the left. Upstairs, head to the right and enter the baby's room. Head down the hallway and you'll see a cutscene. It seems Max will never forget that day... anyway, go through to the door to the far left. In the next area, go through the door splattered with blood. _____________ ----FUNNY AS HELL---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Examine the paper in the desk. Watch the graphic novel. Funny as hell, ain't it? Go through the door to the far left. Again, you'll be in the same room. Examine the paper in the desk again. You're in a computer game. Oh... I thought we were in a PS2 game. Funny as hell, ain't it? Ok... go through the door to the far left and you'll be on Max's house again. Head northwards and through the white door. Head a little forwards then and make a right. You'll be on Max's living room again... however, something's different here. Go up the stairs to the left and then go through the door to the far right. ______________________ ----THE KILLER WAS SMILING------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ok, this is getting annoying. When will this crap finish !? Head forwards into the darkness until you reach... guess what? A _blood line_ DAMN! More precise jumping and frustration... anyway, head forwards until you reach a blood dot. Below there is another blood dot. Jump into it and advance through the blood line. Make a left and stand in the blood dot. Jump into the blood dot in front of you and follow the path towards a blood dot. Now, look down. You should see two blood lines: one to the left and one to the right. Jump into the right blood line. Follow the path to the right until you find another blood point There is a blood line to your right. Jump into it and run towards the blood dot. Ok, you should see a platform with candles to the north. Jump into the blood point in front of the blood line you're standing it. In the blood line you just jumped in, follow the path to its blood point which is right in front of the candles. Jump into the candles and stand in the middle. You'll appear right in front of... you. Yes, you'll have to fight Max, the man with nothing to lose that could kill you with his little finger! However, he's easy. Blast him out with your dual berettas(is the only weapon you have) and then check Michelle's body. It seems Michelle wanted to tell Max something strange that had happened to her. Max didn't want to listen her. Maybe if he had listened, Michelles wouldn't be dead... _____________________ ----TAKE ME TO COLD STEEL-------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After you take control of Max, blast the windows in front of you and jump down. Below, turn left. There is a laser fence here. You'll find a _lot_ of these here in Cold Steel, so be ready. To destroy this one, get as far as you can from it and shoot at it. It will explode. Go through the door to the right then. In the next room, get the painkillers and ammo in the bookcase and then examine the radio. Blah, blah, blah. Take the door opposite of the radio. Just as you arrive in the square corridor, you should feel some slowdown. Look down. See the enemies? Ok... use the ramp to the right to head down. Meet your first commandos.. kill them using the Dual Berettas. After you've dealt with them, go through the door in the south-east part of the room, next to a window and in front of a container. When you enter this room, an enemy appear from the container. Kill him. Ok, inside the room there are three painkillers, ammo for the Colt Commando and the Desert Eagle. Head outside, and turn left. There is this big, blue door here which you can open by using the button next to it. Once you do so, head into the room and kill both soldiers here. Go through the only door here. ___________________ ----OPERATION DEAD-EYES---------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You will be in front of a laser barrier. Open the door to your right(you can open it, yes) and blow up the laser barrier from afar. Now, go through the door to the right(be aware, because a grenade will be thrown to you as you approach the door) and kill the commando there. Open the big door(use the button next to it) and equip your Colt Commando. Kill both guys in front of you and do a shootdodge to avoid the grenade that will be thrown at you. Upstairs there are two painkillers. Anyway(we're in the first floor) hop into the small platform where the two enemies were and get the Colt Commando ammo. To the other side, turn left and walk down the corridor until you reach a door. To the left of this door there is also another platform. Get the sniper rifle ammo and other useful items there. Now, go through the door. Kill the two commandos and be sure you don't hit the laser fence. Now, to clear the path, open the door in front of the laser fence(the one you used to enter this are) and head into the corridor. Blast the fence from afar. Now that the path is clear, open the door to the left. Just as you enter this area, and enemy to the left who's on a bridge will throw a grenade at you. Another enemy will appear from the far north. Hop into the bridge and kill the enemy there. Then, kill the other enemy from afar using your Colt Commando. You may also want to use the M79, although that's not recommendable. You'll quickly notice the bridge has a big, unavoidable gap. So, how do we cross it? Jump into the small platform to the left and use it to reach the bridge's end. Just as you're about to do so, an enemy appear from behind you and starts shooting you with his Colt Commando. I've died a lot of times here. The best way to deal with that bastard is to ignore him, jump into the bridge and head down. Then kill him from afar. Anyway, once you head down, another enemy appears. Kill him and go up the ramp to the far right. Above, you should spot a door to the north east. Go through it. You'll be on a hallway. Head forwards and make a right. Kill the two enemies that greet you. Make a left when you have to and kill the enemy there(kill him fast or else he'll throw a grenade at you). Open the door at the end of the hallway. In the next area, turn left and kill the enemy there. Follow the path in-between the containers until you find a small ramp leading up to a door. Open the door. You'll be on another hallway. Head forwards. Once you come across a small room to the left, enter it and kill both enemies inside. In here, there is some ammo, blah, blah and a radio you should listen to. A graphic novel ensues. Head into the hallway and open the metal door. Phew. What a long chapter. _____________ ----HIDDEN TRUTHS---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head into the small room to the north. Inside, kill the enemy and then kill the enemy that appears to the left. Examine the papers on the desk and get all of the goodies. Now, head outside this small room and go through the door next to it. To the right there is an enemy. Kill him. The crate which is above a red crate contains a painkiller. Blow it up if you want the painkiller. Now, to the right you should see a laser fence enclosing a small room. In order to clear your path, throw a grenade into this small room to blow the fence up. Good. Enter the room. Fire will prevent you from going further. Examine the red valve to put out the fire. Now, go through the door. You'll be on a bridge. To the other side there is a door. As you try to cross the bridge, you are attacked by enemies *somewhere*. They will kill you real quick, so shootdodge your way to freedom. In the next room, turn right. It's a laser barrier. You should see two red barrels near the lasers. Take aim and shoot at the north-most barrel. This will blow up the laser barrier and won't damage you. After you clear the path, an enemy will appear from the door to the north and will start firing at you. Kill him real quick and go through the door to the right. You'll be on another bridge. Repeat the same process. In the next room, turn left carefully. Oh, more laser barriers. To destroy these ones, fire at the north-most panel. The one to the left to be exact. And be sure you're standing on the red crate here. This will blow up the laser barrier and will cause no damage to you. You'll have to cross the path then. Fire is coming out of the tubes in the wall. Dodge the fire. The first "fire" is easily dodged. Just crouch. For the next one, you'll have to wait it to dissappear and quickly cross. Then, turn right. Another enemy. He's in front of a fence. This fence is locked and leads into a small room. To open the door, stand in front of the fenced window to the right and look for a small button inside the room, in the right wall. Shoot at it with the sniper rifle. This will unlock the door. Now, dodge the fire and enter the room. To the right there is a valve. Use it. This will put out the fire and will reveal a door you need to cross. Before you do, get the items here. Then, go through the door. Just as you enter this area, it will explode, leaving big gaps in the floor. No problem. This gaps are easily avoided. You need to reach the other side. It's a bit hard to explain this part, so I'll give you a map... _______________ |CRT|__ _____ | CRT: Crates ¯¯¯¯¯¯||#####| |#####|| CWLK: Catwalk(below) CWLK || GAP | |GAP##|| ##: Small portions of floor. ¯¯¯¯¯¯||_____| |__###|| GAP: Gap... duh! | _____ T _____ | T: Tower that blocks your path. || | |#####|| Now, from where you start(S), head a couple of steps to || GAP | | GAP || the north and make a a left. Carefully walk along the ||#####| |_____|| thing path(use the portion of floor for better maneuverinG) |_____________ | and turn right when you can. Head all the way up towards the |S| crates(CRT). Here, jump down into the Catwalk below(CWLK). ¯ Good. The catwalk has a unavoidable gap on it. This time around, head into the area behind the catwalk and head to the left. Jump into the platform there(use the fence) and cross it. Once you reach the other side, jump down and kill the enemy that kills you. Get what is inside the container. Now, to the right, there is a forklift blocking the door you need to cross. So, how do we clear the path? Notice that the forklift is carrying two gas-filled barrels. Shoot at the barrels and the forklift will go kaboom. Great. Go through the door. _________________ ----A TIGHT OPERATION--------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Just as you enter, an enemy appears. Kill him because he can do some serious harm on Max. Once he's done, JUMP over the laser barrier(don't try to blow it up: you'll end up dead). Open the door to the right. Immediately close it. As you open it, enemies in the other room will start shooting at you. There are only two of them, yes, but they're in the second floor, so they've the upper hand on you. To deal with them, equip the dual berettas and shootodge into the room. Aim at the nearest guy and shoot at him. Then take care of the other. Be sure you use bullet time. Now, you should notice that the ramp leading up is completely destroyed. So, how do we get up. The ramp has been destroyed, yes, but you can jump into it. To the left of the ramp there is a small platform. To get into this platform, use the crates behind the ramp. Now, when on the platform, _shootdodge your way into the ramp. It is easy! Now, when you land on the ramp, an enemy appears from the door to the north. Kill him and go through the door he used. In the next room, to the left, there will be two enemies you shoud kill. Try to open the fence there, too. You won't be able. Instead, open the grey door next to a bunch of crates. Inside, kill the enemy and pull the lever down. The door has been opened. Also, another enemy will appear. Kill him and go through the door. Turn right and open the grey door there. You'll be on a square corridor. To the left is a ramp leading down. Use it and head down. Downstairs, kill the two enemies. In the north west part of this room there is a small platform, which has some computers and a locker on it. Inside the locker there is M79 ammo. One of the computers has a lever you must pull down. This will cause a piece of metal to hit the blue door next to the platform you're in. Head down the platform and shoot at the blue door with your Shotgun. This will cause it to break up. Two enemies will be waiting for you. Kill them and go through the door to the left. In the next area, kill the enemy to the left and then go through the door to the far right. ________________ ----THE NEXT DOORWAY------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Strafe to the left a little bit and look up. You should see a laser barrier. Aim at its panel and take it out. Now, hop into the mine car here. Be careful when you do, though, because the spitting fire may hit you. If don't get too near to the fire, it shouldn't damage you. Once you're inside the mine car, equip the M79 and activate it. Once it starts moving, start looking to the left. Halfway through the ride, you should spot a laser fence. Its panels are located behind a structure to the left. Start chucking grenades at the wall the laser fence uses as "birth point"(the left one) until you see the laser fence to explode. Quickly equip the Colt Commando then. When the door to the north open, kill the enemy that greet you and get out of the mine car, because another car will hit it and can kill you. Once you're outside the car, go through the door to the right. In the next room, turn left and kill the two enemies there. You should see a door being blocked off by a laser fence. Get as far as you can from the laser fence and blow it up(the panels--birth points--are to the right). Then go through the door. In the next area, a little to the left, there is a small bridge/catwalk. In the upper right part of this area there is also a catwalk. On both catwalks there is one enemy. So, there are two enemies here. Kill both. Now, the catwalk that's nearest of you has a gap on it, making it un-crossable. So, how do we reach the other side? Same old story! To the far left there is a small platform. Jump into it(use the fence) and cross the lava pit. When you reach the other side, jump down and head right. Open the big door there(use the button next to it). In the next room, kill the enemy(he'll throw a grenade at you) and call for the elevator. As soon as its doors open, shootdodge backwardly and kill the enemies that appear. Then, enter the elevator and press the button inside. ________________ ----FINAL REVELATION------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the cutscene is finished, two enemies will attack you from the north. Kill them and use the control panel next to the door to open the door. You'll be on a big room. Use the small steps here to head into the computer area. Stand in the middle, right above the big eagle symbol and examine it. Cool. Now, head towards the "processing" door and use the panel next to it to open it. In the next room, head down the corridor and make a left. Kill the three enemies there and go through the door entitled as test facilities. Turn left and walk down the corridor until you reach a bifurcation. Head right and use the panel next to the door here to open it. ____________ ----THE DEEP SIX----------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To the north there is a "laboratories" door which can be opened. Open it up then and then turn left. You should see a door. Open it and head northwards. To the right there is a small computer. Examine and you'll get a code. Now, use the door you used to enter and head left. Open the door there and head left again and then down the corridor. Max will look towards a computer as you approach it(a "!" will appear). Examine the computer and Max will input the code. You should notice that the door entitled as "Block-B" is now open-able. Open it up. It's an elevator. Press the button and head down. Once it opens, head down the corridor and make a right when you first can. You'll find a "Block-B" door. Open it. You'll be in the cell room. You can open the cells if you want to. They contain these crazy guys who you can kill. Our main objective is the "B7" cell, to the far north. Inside there is a scientist. Save him. He'll offer his advice to you. Follow him. No directions needed. Along the way you'll have to fight two enemies, so be ready: your pal can't die. When you friend tells you "get in", get into the purification room(the one in red). You'll be cleaned. Once it's done, open the door. ________________ ----PROJECT VALHALLA------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head north. To the left, you'll see your scientist friend being killed. You can't do a thing about that. Now, open the metal door. In the next area, head to the left and jump into the "desk". Use it to evade the fire. Then, head to the right and open the door there. It is an elevator. Press the button inside and head down. When it reaches the bottom floor and it opens up, it'll reveal a bunch of laser fences in the room in front of it. So, don't go out the elevator and throw a grenade in the middle of all these lasers. When it goes off, it will take the lasers with it. Now, head to the right and jump the laser barrier there. To the right there is a computer which you should examine for more information regarding Project Valhalla. It seems your family was the test subject for all of this crap... Head to the left(evade the laser fence there) and go up the hallway. Open the door there. Inside the elevator, press the button to head down. When the elevator door opens, head out it and turn right. Examine the purple panel there. This will open the door next to it. You'll be on the purification room again. It will lock up. A countdown will begin. Ok, shoot the laser fences to the left and head out the purification room. Head left and open the door there. Head to the right then and call for the elevator. It is the door whose panel is in green. Once the elevator arrives, get into it, press the button and get away from the elevator's center(the little fence there) because it'll go off in a while. Watch the following cutscenes. ____________________ ----BACKSTABBING BASTARD--------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ "What the hell does B.B. stand for anyway? Backstabbing Bastard?" - Coolest line ever! After you take control of Maxey again, head northwards. Kill the two killer suits there(damn it!) and then head to the right. There will be two more killer suits there. Kill them from afar and head northwards. Once you can, head down the ramp, into the parking lot. Kill the two killer suits there and make a right. You'll see a van run off. Kill the three killer suits and head up and then head right when you first can. You'll see the van again, but this time around, it'll shoot you. Duck behind the left car and wait it to leave. Kill the two killer suits then and follow the van by heading right. __________________ ----ALIVE AND AT LARGE----------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Kill the enemy to the left and then the one to the right. To the left there are some crates and a bunch of ammo. Get it. Then, go down the ramp to the right. Down, the damn black van will start shooting at you again.It'll soon stop, though. Take out the two killer suits there and turn right. The van will run off yet again. Kill the killer suit and make a right when you first can. The van will shoot you again. Duck behind the left car(the right one will be blown up) and kill the killer suits that are left behind. Then, follow the the van---head right and kill the two killer suits. Head down the ramp and kill the enemy there. To the right there is a fence. Kill the enemy behind it and blast the fence's lock. Open it and head all the way up(you can't turn right so easily this time around) and make a right. Kill the _four_ killer suits there(jesus!) and then head up and then right. Kill the _five_ killer suits there(one of them uses a shotgun and it's near the corner so be careful. Another one uses grenade) and head forwards towards the door next to the "park" icon. ______________________ ----THE NAME OF YOUR ENEMY------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Turn right and kill both enemies there(the one that's down the ramp is extremely dangerous, because he's got a Colt Commando and he can hit you easily. He never misses. Shootdodge constantly) and then head down the ramp. Head to the right. Take cover behind the blue crates there and wait the van to kill the two killer suits there for you. Once they're done, head forwards. An ingram guy will appear from the north. Kill him and turn right as soon as can(the path in-between the cars). Kill both killer suits there(They've killed me a lot of times, be careful) and then turn right. Two more killer suits(@#!°%&/!) and then go down the ramp. Turn right and kill the three killer suits there from afar. After you've killed them(equip the M79) and advance forwards. After a few steps, you'll see a cutscene and somebody with a _jackhammer_ will get out the car. After the cuscene is finished, kill the guy next to the black car(use a grenade) and the jackhammer bastard will come out. Kill him(use another grenade) and get the almighty Jackhammer. To the right there is a small station with some ammo inside. Now, equip your Colt Commando and head to the faaar left, pass the burning cars. Three killer suits will greet you. A fourth one will appear after you've killed the three killer suits. This is B.B. He has grenades. Equip something real fast(B.B. likes to dodge) and blast his brains out. If you're good he may not be able to throw a grenade. After he's finished, a payphone will start to ring. Look for it: it's a little to the right of the burning cars. Answer it. ________________________ ----IN THE LAND OF THE BLIND----------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After all of the murdering, you take control of Max again. Turn left and then left again. A laser fence... use a grenade to take it out. Kill the enemy that appears(commando) and head through the door right of the blue fence. Go down the corridor, make a right. Kill both enemies in the stairs and then use them to go up. Open the door. Turn right and run towards the end of the hallway. In the right wall there is an openable door. Go through it. Examine the TV there. It seems bullets were not enough to kill Wooden... ok... Go through the door behind you and kill the commando there. Go to the right and kill the commando who'll salute you. Head down the corridor and make the _first_ left you can. An openable door. Go through it. As you open it, a commando greets you with a molotov cocktail. Quickly shootdodge and kill your enemy. To the left there will be another commando and a flight of stairs leading up... and another commando. Go upstairs and kill the commando there. You should see an elevator open up. Do not get inside it. In fact, get as far as you can from it: it'll blow up. Then, go up the stairs to the right. A grenade will be thrown at you halfway through. Shootdodge it. Once you're totally upstairs, kill the commando and go through the door to the left. ___________________ ----PROVIDING A SERVICE---------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To the far right there are three painkillers. Turn left, and jump over the laser fence there. As you advance forwards, an enemy will appear. Kill him and go to the right. Head down and kill the enemy there. Examine the radio. After the graphic novel, turn left and then right. Another laser barrier... to jump. There is another laser barrier next to you that guards M79 ammo. Jump over the lower laser fence and head forwards. Open the door. Turn right and walk down the corridor. Two enemies appear. Kill them and keep heading down until you find an open-able door(it has a green panel next to it). Open it. In the desk to the left there is a video tape you must collect. Now, head forwards into the next room. Examine the blue prints in the desk to the right. Then, go through the door to the left and go through the only door there. _________________ ----A SCI-FI FORTRESS------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ An enemy will appear in front of you. Kill him and head right and then forwards towards the door there. Open it, kill the commando and head to the left. Look down the balcony. See the laser barriers? Throw a grenade into them to blow them up and then go down the stairs to the right. When you reach a break point of the stairs, you should see a door to the left. If you go through it, you'll have to deal with an enemy there and somebody who's below and who's using a M79. So, don't enter this room. Instead, go down the stairs until you reach another break point. Now, head right. You will see two door there. The one to the right takes you to the M79... avoid it and go through the door to the left. Go down the steps and kill the enemies to the left. Jump over the laser barrier then and go down the steps. You'll find a blue door; open it and go up the corridor. Kill the killer suit. You'll see a laser fence. The panel is to the left, next to some crates. Precision shooting is required here. Get near the panel and shoot at it. Then head forwards. Another laser barrier. The panels are to the right... shoot them out and head forwards. Make a right. More laser barriers. For this one, throw a grenade and back off. The explosion will take out the 90% of the lasers. A lone fence manages to survive. Shoot it out from afar(the panel is to the right, behind a structure) and then go through the door to the left. ____________________ ----BYZANTINE POWER GAME--------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the cutscene, go down the steps to the right and kill the killer suit to the far north. Then kill the two killer suits who ambush you from the left. After you've killed the, shoot down the lasers and use the "bridge" you just created. Jump into the small corridor to the left and kill the enemies that appear to the right. Then, follow the path towards a door. You'll have to kill an enemy along the way. Go up the stairs to the left and kill the grenadier there(be sure you kill him fast or else he may hit you with a grenade). Head into the next room and go up the stairs to the right. Upstairs, head left a few steps and turn around. Head down the corridor until you reach an openable door. Go through it. Three enemies will ambush you. Kill them fast because they'll try to block your path by putting laser fences all over the place. After you've dealt with them, go up the stairs to the north. Turn left and head down the path until you find a door. Approach it. _______________ ----NOTHING TO LOSE-------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head forwards. Once you reach the door to the north, two killer suits will appear from the left. Kill them and enter the auctions room. Turn right. There is an open door there. Go through it and open the door to the left. Kill the two killers suits that greet you. Another one will soon come. Kill him and head to the left until you find an open-able door. Kill the fourth killer suit there and go through the door. You'll be on a corridor. To the right there is an opening: go through it and head down the stairs. Kill the enemy that ambushes you. Keep going down and another enemy falls from the sky. Kill him. When you reach a "break point", you'll notice that the path to the left is blocked. So, go through the door in front of you and head all the way forwards, towards a blocked-off door. However, as you approach the door, you'll quickly notice you can turn left. Do so and head down the corridor and open the exit door. Turn left in the next area and open the door there. Then, go through the opening to the right and go down the stairs. _____________ ----CLEAN UP DUTY---------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go down the steps and turn left. Go through the opening to the right and kill the two killer suits there. Then, open the door to the north east. Turn left and go up the stairs. Watch the cutscene. Afterwards, you'll have to fight a whole lotta killer suits! All at once! This is the biggest gunfight you've come across! Ok... listen up. Equip the Colt Commando and head to the right(stay away from the room's center because it will soon blow up) and kill the three killer suits there. Two commandos appear to the north afterwards. Kill them and go through the exit door. You've escaped! Yes, it seems it isn't anything big, but believe me, this gunfight is hard! _________________ ----AN EYE FOR AN EYE------------------------------ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go through the metal detector to the right(you have no choice) and an alarm will sound. Head forwards towards the elevator and then turn left. Kill the enemies there(A variation of the Commando. Tougher and without masks. Still, I'll refer to them as commandos) and advance forwards. All the way forwards. Then, turn right. Boom! You'll see an explosion. And more explosions. You see, there are three enemies to the far north who're shooting at you. One is in the second level, another is to the right of this one and the third one is in the third level. To kill them, flatten against the southmost wall(you'll take occassional damage, but it's the best thing we can do) and equip the sniper rifle. Trigger bullet time and take aim. Kill the three bastards(it is easier said than done, but don't worry, you'll kill them sometime) and then head all the way forwards, through the big corridor. Turn right when you can and approach the door there. Kill the killer suits. Go through the door. Head to the right and go up the stairs. Halfway through, you'll have to deal with a laser barrier. Blow it up from afar(the panel is to the right, against the structure) and keep heading up until you find another laser barrier, this time to the right. Kill the enemy that starts attacking you from behind. To blow up the laser barrier here, chuck a grenade into it and back off. Then, go up the stairs. Another laser barrier. Blow it up quickly and kill the commando above. Then, head up. Kill the enemy behind the chairs and then the one to the right. Now, head up the corridor next to the stairs you just came out. Kill the enemy there and go through the door to the left... there is nothing there except two enemies and a bunch of M79 ammo. So, get out this room and take the stairs leading up. Blow the laser fence along the way. Upstairs, turn left and go down. Kill the killer suit and go through the door to the right. _______________ ----STONE-COLD DEAD-------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You'll be on a laser filled hallway. Ok, the first laser is easily avoided. Jump above it. You'll come across two lasers then. To avoid these ones, wait both lasers to align at the bottom and jump over them. The third laser is easily avoided too. Just crouch below it. When you pass this laser, a commando will appear to the north... kill him ASAP! or else he'll kick your ass. Now, onto the fourth laser. Again, it's a twin laser fence. Wait it to align at the bottom and jump over it. The fifth laser. Crouch below it. And the sixt laser. Jump over it when it is at the bottom. Turn right and then left. Kill both commandos. You should notice that one of the elevator's lights is green. Call for the elevator then. Watch the cutscene. Then, kill the three killer suits that attack you. Call for the elevator again. Watch the cutscene. Get into the elevator then and shoot down the ceiling's window. Press the button inside As the elevator goes up, you should spot laser fences. If the elevator hits them, you're roast beef. Equip the M79 and shoot down the lasers until you're safe. Then, go out of the elevator. Kill the two killer suits to the left along with the commandos in the second level. Then enter the room to the right. Inside, kill the killer suits, get the painkiler and push the yellow button in the right side of the room. This will make two killer suits and a commando to appear. Kill them and head into the open elevator to the far north. ______________ ----TAKE YOUR PICK--------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Press the button. As the elevator heads down, you'll be attacked by an helicopter. Stand near one of the elevator's corners to make sure it doesn't hit you with its initial barrage of bullets. Then, jump into the elevator to the left(the windows will be blown up). Once you land in the elevator, shoot the ceiling window out and jump into the elevator. Press the button quickly. You've escaped from the chopper. Once the elevator door opens up, kill the killer suits to the left and then the one to the right. Ok, head to the left and stand next to the gap there. Move the camera so you get to see what's behind the wall. Once you see an enemy stand in front of the gap, trigger bullet time and shoot him down. Then, kill the enemy in the small catwalk. You should see four totem like structures here. Get in the middle of all of them. Shoot the RIGHT one(see the ASCII map below). This will cause something to explode. Afterwards, shoot the LEFT totem. This will make another thing go kaboom. Enemies will appear behind the RIGHT totem afterwards. Kill them, and blow up the BACK totem. Then, take care of the FRONT totem. This will make an elevator behind the wall that's behind the BACK totem... to activate(I'm talking about the elevator). Head towards the elevator, and an enemy will appear. Kill him and get into the elevator. ASCII MAP: ---------- _____ |FRONT| _ _ ¯¯¯¯¯ |R| # = Wall |L| |I| E = Elevator. |E| |G| |F| |H| |T| |T| ¯ ____ ¯ |BACK| ¯¯¯¯ ## ############# ## E E Ok... what a crappy ASCII map, eh? Anyway, once the elevator door opens up quickly head forwards and then turn right. You'll see a commando and a killer suit, atop the stairs. Kill them(jackhammer..) and go up the stairs. Above, kill the commando there and turn right. Go down and enter the small room there. Kill the three commandos. Examine the computer afterwards. After you're done with it, call for the elevator to the left. __________________ ----A WARRIOR'S HEAVEN----------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the cutscenes(man, that Horne girl is UGLY!) you'll have to fight four killer suits. Easy stuff. First off, activate bullet time and shootdodge to the right. Kill both killer suits there. Yessh! Then, shootdodge to the left and kill the two killer suits there. You're done with them. Afterwards, you'll listen to Horne. After the talking, a chopper will start shooting at you. Hide behind the structure to the right until the chopper goes away. Afterwards, the door to the left will open up and two killer suits will kick in. Beat them and go up the corridor. Kill the killer suit that comes out from the elevator. Then, head into the room to the right. Head into the balcony and turn left. You should see a thin path. Jump into it carefully and walk forwards. Halfway through, the chopper will start shooting at you. Shootdodge and you won't take a lot of damage(you'll still be hit). Once you reach solid ground, go through the glass door and then through the metal door. ____________________ ----A ONE WAY DEMON RIDE--------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Kill the enemy in front of you after the elevator door to the left open ups(it was a trap! very clever!) and go up the stairs. Kill the two killers suits there and then the two that come out from the elevator. You should notice that the door to the right of the elevator is unlocked afterwards. Go through it and kill the FIVE killer suits. There is one that will be in front of you once you open the door. There are two more a little farther. And one to the right. After you've dealt with all of them, go through the door to the the left. Shootdodge your way into the hallway and kill the enemies to the left. Go through the door to the right. Head forwards. Kill the enemy that appears to the right and then kill the enemy that's next to the stairs. Go up the stairs. Upstairs, head forwards and turn left. Kill the four enemies there. Then, push the hidden button on the desk(look for Max's "!"; the button is in the leftmost part of the desk). It'll open a door. Go through it. __________________ ----PAIN AND SUFFERING----------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head up the stairs(evade Nicole's grenade) until you reach the buildin's roof. Watch the following cutscene. Then, head into the small ramp to the north and shoot down the wire(aim at its "birth point"). When you do, a cutscene ensues. After it, turn around. Eight killer suits. That includes a M79 guy. Jackhammer 'em down. If you're not fast, the M79 guy will kill you. After you've dealth with them, look to the right. You should see another platform that has a wire on it. Equip the sniper rifle and shoot down the wire. Then, equip the M79 and fire at the tower. Bam. Pain and suffering. You've finished the game. *********SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE ENDING! YOU HAVE FINISHED MAX PAYNE!!!******** >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.WEAPONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< There are four kinds of weapons: handguns, shotguns, rifles/machine guns, explosives and melee. ______________________________________________________________________________ -- HANDGUNS -- ______________________________________________________________________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ********* >Beretta> ********* Description =========== The beretta is a small handgun and is the first weapon you'll find in the game. Like any basic weapon, the beretta is a very weak weapon, which excels in other categories, such as accuracy. The beretta is a very accurate weapon, and its fire rate is quite decent. It's best used against the game's first enemies, who normally go down after three or five shots of a beretta. A good weapon overall. Tips on using the beretta ========================= The beretta is a great weapon for bullet time. It is not very good for normal gameplay though, due to its weakness. While on bullet time, however, you can easily exploit the beretta's excellent accuracy and normal fire rate. Your enemies will have a hard time not being hit by your bullets, and they will go down fast. The beretta is not recommended for shootdodges. While shootdoging it is pretty hard to aim, forcing you to use a fast-shooting weapon. And the beretta is not a fast shooting weapon, you know. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ************** >Dual Beretta> ************** Description =========== The first thing you say is "the dual berettas is one beretta in each hand. Useless" after you find the dual berettas. Well, let's forget that. The dual berettas are probably one of the most powerful and useful weapons in the whole game. The dual berettas offer excellent accuracy, superb fire rate(you have two weapons after all) and power. This is the correct weapon to use when your more powerful weapons have run out of ammo. You could also use it as your primary weapon, even in the later chapters of the game, to save ammo for the other guns. Tips on using the dual berettas =============================== Like their predecessor, the dual berettas are an awesome weapon for bullet time, even more awesome than some of the biggest weapons. Due to their point-blank accuracy and superb fire rate, the dual berettas prove to be the correct weapon to easily dispatch enemies while on bullet time. Just take aim, and press the R1 button like a madman. Max will quickly deploy dual beretta bullets, and your enemy will be out before you know. Dual Berettas are also a very good weapon to use while on shootdodges. Because of their fast fire rate, you don't have to bother too much about aiming. Just dive in and fire your gun while in the midair. If you correctly aim your weapon while on a shootdodge, then the dual berettas become extremely deadly. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ************** >Desert Eagle> ************** Description =========== The desert eagle is much more powerful than a beretta, but it has its downsides. First off, let me state that the desert eagle is _very_ powerful. You can quickly take down normal enemies, in about three or two shots. However, the Desert Eagle's fire rate is SLOW. Indeed, you'll have to wait about one second between shots. This gives you your enemy the chance of kicking your ass too much trouble. Also, the desert eagle is very innacurate. Is a good weapon to use when in close range and when there are only a few enemies to fight, but forget about it when there are a lot of enemies or when you have to take enemies from afar. Tips on using the desert eagle ============================== To efficiently use the desert eagle, you'll need the bullet time. Otherwise quickly forget about it. Anyway, when on bullet time, the desert eagle becomes quite good, taking into account that you can aim at normal speed and that your enemies take AGES to shot and that their bullets are easily dodged. Just look for a good spot, quickly aim at your enemy, and press the R1 button very fast. You'll probably miss a bullet or two, but I can assure you that you will take down the enemy. ______________________________________________________________________________ -- SHOTGUNS -- ______________________________________________________________________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ********* >Shotgun> ********* Description =========== The shotgun is an insane weapon, if we talk about damaging power. But if we talk about accuracy and fire rate, then the shotgun is an insanely... bad weapon. The shotgun is a very powerful weapon, indeed: it can take down an enemy in one shot(jeez!), BUT if you're in close range. More on that later. When on long range, the shotgun rarely hits its target. The shotgun's shells quickly separate, so if your enemy is too far, he will easily dodge the shotgun's shell. However, if he's near, he'll get hit by all of the shotgun's shells and you know what that means... The shotgun is very slow. After you fire a shell, Max will have to reload( he does it automatically, don't bother). Reloading the shotgun takes some time, and Max may be hit by your enemy's weapons. Also, if you empty the shotgun, when you reload, Max will do it SHELL-BY-SHELL! This drains a lot of time! When completely reloading your shotgun, you may be killed! The shotgun is not a very good weapon, overall. Tips on using the shotgun ========================= To effectively use the shotgun, you will need either to use bullet time or to do normal dodges. Forget about shootdodges: shotguns are not the weapons for them. Anyway, for bullet time, just find some cover, and trigger bullet time. Take aim, and quickly shoot at your enemy. One shot and he's done. This is the best way to use the shotgun. Now, if you plan on using the shotgun when there are multiple enemies around, I'd recommend the following. Find something to use as cover(a crate, a wall) and ready your shotgun. Now, roll out of your cover, and start firing at your enemies. Dodge around as you fire, and move constantly. In case you need to completely reload your shotgun, quickly take cover and do so. Then repeat the above strategy. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ******************* >Sawed-Off shotgun> ******************* Description =========== The sawed off shotgun is a very little improvement over the normal shotgun. It is as powerful as the normal shotgun, but it carries more bullets and it has a faster fire rate, making it more useful. Still, the sawed off shotgun is not recommended for gunfights, specially if your enemies are far away. It's a great weapon for close range combat, and when there are only a few enemies. Tips on using the sawed-off shotgun =================================== Not too much to say here. Refer to the above tips. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ************ >Jackhammer> ************ Description =========== BLAM! You've stumbled into the game's most powerful weapon! But not the most useful, sadly. The jackhammer looks like Perfect Dark's RCP-120, but it is actually a shotgun with a decent fire rate, small ammo capacity, and insane power. Make special emphasis in power: the jackhammer is an extremely powerful weapon. Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, can't take more than a hit from the jackhammer. Plus, I've seen that if aimed correctly, a Jackhammer shell(or bullet) can hit multiple enemies at once. The jackhammer is surprisingly fast and very accurate. The only problem is that jackhammer's bullets are scarce! If you use the jackhammer too much, forget about using it in the later stages of the game: you won't find ammo for it. Tips on using the jackhammer ============================ The jackhammer is not very efficient when on bullet time. On the other hand, it is very inneficient when on normal gameplay. Why? Simply because it is quite slow(I've said its fast, yes, but compared to the other SHOTGUNS!). Trigger bullet time and take aim. Dodge if necessary. Fire your jackhammer, and see the bastards of your enemies fly away, dead. If there are various enemies and all of them are pretty near to each other, then you'll take all of them out. The jackhammer is not a good weapon for shootdodges: you will waste all of the shootdodge trying to take aim. Be sure you only use the jackhammer when you need to, and be sure you aim correctly, because, like I stated before, jackhammer ammo is very scarce and you won't find any of it when you reach the last levels of the game. ______________________________________________________________________________ -- RIFLES AND MACHINE GUNS -- ______________________________________________________________________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Ingram ====== Well, it's an Ingram. You may think that it's very powerful and the weapon to use in the later parts of the game, but it is not. The ingram, in my opinion, is a enhanced version of the beretta. However, although enhanced, it is still kinda weak. It is much faster than the beretta though, and much more powerful. Its clip size is pretty small, though, and it runs out of bullets pretty fast, specially if you use it a lot. When you first get it(very soon in the game actually) it is like a bless: you'll be kicking all kinds of asses. However, as you get deeper into the game, the bad guys start to get tougher, and the ingram more useless. However, it is a great weapon to use in order to save ammo for the Colt Commando, for example. Once you get the dual ingrams, I'm 90% sure you'll never touch the normal ingram. Tips on using the Ingram ======================== Well, finally a weapon which is extremely efficient in shootdodges, not to mention bullet times. Having a great accuracy, equipping an Ingram when on bullet time ensures you'll kill your enemy, or your enemies for that matter. Just press and hold the R1 button and let the bullets fly. All of your enemies will fall, dead, into the ground before you know. Now, for the shootdodges, the ingram is an excellent weapon. You don't have to worry too much about aiming: just fly(shootdodge), and start shooting mid-air. Be sure to aim, even a little, in order to prevent ammo wasting. The ingram is a good weapon to use while on normal gameplay, but if you're still in the earlier stages of the game. Otherwise don't even think about it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Dual Ingrams ============ The dual ingrams are a great improvement over the normal ingram. Yes, it's just two ingrams, one in each hand. However, as you may know, having two weapons is better than having one, of course! The dual igrams offer double fire power and improved accuracy. Their fire rate is insanely fast: enemies go down easily, an fast. Thhe Dual Ingrams are agreat weapon, specially if there are a bunch of enemies, near each other. It's also quite useful when in normal gameplay. Tips on using the dual ingrams ============================== Well, well. The dual ingrams are a jack-of-all-trades. It's that simple. If you plan on using them when on normal gameplay, go ahead. The ingrams fast fire rate will make short work of your enemies. Just roll and take cover when necessary, and shoot like a madman. If you plan on using the dual ingrams on bullet time, it's much better. Shoot at small enemies groups constantly, shootdodging if necessary. The dual ingrams are also very useful for shootdodges. You don't need to aim a lot: just look for your enemy with your crosshair(the little, white dot in the screen) and start shooting. More than a half of the bullets you fire will hit your enemy, so don't despair. Ammo for the dual ingrams is quite plentiful, so don't worry about ammo shortages. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Colt Commando ============= Here we have it. The weapon of weapons. The Colt Commando, which is basically an assault rifle, is the weapon you'll use during the later parts of the game, after you get it, mainly because its destructive power, fire rate, and decent accuracy(decent, decent...). The Colt Commando is not as powerful as the jack hammer, sure, but it's powerful on its own. A few well-placed shots and you can take out a killer suit. Thanks to its fast fire rate, the Colt Commando proves to be a great weapon for gunfights that involve a lot of enemies, either on normal gameplay or on bullet time. The Colt Commando is not perfect, though: its accuracy leaves room for improvement. You have to carefully move your crosshair before pressing the fire button when you're using a Colt Commando, in order to prevent ammo-wasting. The Colt Commando is not recommended for shootdodges. Tips on using the Colt Commando =============================== Well, let's see... you have to aim carefully before using your Colt Commando, making it not very situable for normal gameplay---unless you're pretty good at aiming, that's it. If so, then you just can use the Colt Commando when normally playing through the game, and totally forget about bullet time. If you're not good at aiming, forget about normal gameplay: you'll have to rely a lot on bullet time. While on bullet time, you have more time to aim and you can efficiently dodge your enemy's shots, unlike when on normal gameplay. The Colt Commando is very destructive if you aim correctly. As for the shootdodges... well, all I can say it's that Colt Commandos are not designed for shootdodges. They require precise aiming, which you can't do when shootdodging. You'll normally just fire a shot or two at your enemy when you shootdodge with the Colt Commando, and chances are the two of them will miss. So stick with bullet time. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ************** >Sniper Rifle> ************** Description =========== This is sniper rifle is surprisingly good. Although it is quite slow and it's not very accurate unless you se its crosshair, the sniper rifle proves to be an excellent weapon to use to take out enemies from afar. However, like I stated above, it's very recommendable to use its crosshair(press X). Otherwise it is a very innacurate weapon. Tips on using the sniper rifle ============================== The best way to use the sniper rifle is along with bullet time. You should also use its crosshair, like I've stated above multiple times. With bullet time, your accuracy gets much better, making it easier for you to take out enemies. ______________________________________________________________________________ -- EXPLOSIVE WEAPONS -- ______________________________________________________________________________ ********* >Grenade> ********* Description =========== A grenade. Like in most action games, it is pretty useless. The grenade is pretty powerful, enough to take out an enemy or two if used correctly. Problem is that the grenade is extremely innacurate. Also, the explosion is not very big, meaning you have to aim very carefully in order to use the grenade effectively, which is pretty hard. Max takes a lot of time to throw a grenade, also. Tips on using the grenade ========================= Grenades have their uses, and it's not necessary to use bullet time. For example, if you're about to enter a room, and there are enemies inside, you could throw a grenade without them noticing and take all of them out, or at least some of them. You could also use it to blow out enemies who're around a corner or who are distracted. Bullet time is not recommended. Enemies evade grenades easily when on bullet time. Shootdodges can be used along with grenades, too. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ******************* >Molotov Cocktails> ******************* Description =========== If you thought grenades were useless, wait until you try the Molotov cocktail. As you may know, the molotov cocktail is a home-made weapon(I've done some of them here in my house >=)), which is basically a bottle with gasoline on it. That's how I see it anyways. The molotov, once it explodes, makes a pool of fire around where it exploded. If an enemy is hit by the molotov or touches the fire, he'll light-up and will soon die. The molotov is as inaccurate as the grenade, as slow, and much more useless. The fire never seems to hit the enemy(they evade it) and ends up fast. Plus, if you're not careful, you may be hit by the fire. You can start a fire rain with a molotov if you throw it at the room's ceiling. Tips on using the Molotov Cocktail ================================== Hmmm... there is no real use to it. Try to torch a group of enemies, but I warn you: it's pretty hard. You could try bullet time or shootdodges to see if it works. Another way to use the Molotovs is to start a fire rain(see above). However, problem is that enemies easily evade it... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ***** >M79> ***** Description =========== Is a grenade launcher. This weapon is extremely powerful and its blast radius(?) is actually very wide, meaning you can take out multiple enemies with one shot. However, it is very, VERY innacurate and Sl00000w! Max has to reload it after every shot and he takes quite a while to do so. You have to patiently aim the M79 before shooting, or you could end up wasting a grenade. However, if aimed correctly, it becomes a lethal weapon. Try to use it when enemies are not aware of your presence, because using it in normal gunfights is like saying "I want to die!". Tips on using the M79 ===================== Bullet time. Forget about shootdodges. Concentrate on bullet time. With bullet time, the M79 becomes _LETHAL_, as simple as that. You have the upper hand on your enemies, as you can aim at normal speed and you're much more intelligent than then. When on bullet time, you can easily aim the M79 and fix its accuracy issues, thus becoming much more useful. Try to use it on big hroups of enemies or on enemies who're equipped with say, a Jackhammer. ______________________________________________________________________________ -- MELEE -- ______________________________________________________________________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ************** >Baseball Bat> ************** Description =========== It's a baseball bat... and it sucks. As simple as that. The baseball bat is WEAK, slow, innacurate, plus it's a close-ranged weapon. Using this against armed enemies is suicide... you don't stand a a chance. The baseball bat is used mostly to open lockpicks or to blast away doors. Tips on using the baseball bat ============================== The only way I think you could use the ball is with bullet time. With everything slowed down, you can try to hit your enemy with it. But it's not recommendable. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *********** >Lead Pipe> *********** Description =========== It is pretty much a bat, but made with lead. Not too much to say here. Tips on using the lead pipe =========================== Forget about it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9.ENEMIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I'd like to explain how this section works. You know, enemies in this game don't have names. You find any "street-jerk" or "drug addict" in here. So, in order to do this section, I've clasified the enemies according to their weapons: beretta equipped enemies, Colt Commando equipped enemies, etc. Also, as you may know, there are two kind of enemies who have names: killer suits and the commandos(well, they're not called commandos. I've just made up this name...). Both of them will have their own little space, where I'll give you strategies about how to beat them. Onward. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---[BERETTA EQUIPPED ENEMIES]--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You'll find a lot of these in the first chapters of the game. Because the only weapons you'll have by then are the Beretta and the Desert Eagle, they can be quite challenging. The best way to take care of them is to access bullet time, and blast their brains out with the desert eagle(see why I said bullet time). If you don't want to use the desert eagle, then use the beretta, along with the shootdodges. They're very easy, so don't worry. In case you find a dual-beretta equipped enemy, I would recommend the shotgun and bullet time to quickly take care of the bastard. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---[SHOTGUN EQUIPPED ENEMIES]--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS INCLUDES SHOTGUN & SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN EQUIPPED ENEMIES. These are also early enemies, and they're much easier than the beretta equipped enemies. However, they also hit you much harder with their weapons. Anyway, because they're slow, any fast weapon is recommended here. This limits you to the beretta or the dual berettas(if you're lucky and you have them). Just press the R1 button like a madman when you find a shotgun equipped enemy to take him out. You don't need neither the bullet time nor a shootdodge. Just be careful with their shots. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---[DESERT EAGLE EQUIPPED ENEMIES]--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< These are like the beretta guys, but they're slower and much more powerful. They're not very accurate. Basically, you're better than them. If you want to take care of them fast, use the Shotgun, at medium-range. One shell and they're out. Just be sure to move constantly or else they could hit you. If you want to play safe, activate bullet time and use the beretta or the desert eagle itself to take them out while dodging their shots. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---[GRENADE/MOLOTOV COCKTAIL EQUIPPED ENEMIES]--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The explosive guys are pretty much every enemy in the game. How's that? Well, a lot of the enemies you find will carry either a grenade or a molotov cocktail in their inventory. They're pretty dangerous, because they're quite skillful with the explosives. Also, take into account that they carry fire weapons along with the explosives. They're easily taken care of by using any weapon like a desert eagle or dual berettas. Just make sure you're not hit by the grenade or the molotov. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---[INGRAM EQUIPPED ENEMIES]--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This is when things start to get tough. These guys are very, very dangerous. The ingram, as I've stated in the weapons section, is very accurate, fast and deadly. So are the ingram guys. In order to kill them, it's very recommendable to use bullet time or shootdodges. I prefer bullet time as it is more reliable. Trigger bullet time and move around, evading the ingram shots the best you can. When you have the chance, fire a few shots at the ingram guy with any good weapon you have, such as the desert eagle or dual berettas. If you find a dual-ingram guy, then you have trouble. They will kill you in a matter of seconds if you're not careful. Shootdodges seem to work with them quite nicely, specially if used with weapons such as the dual berettas or the ingram itself. Like I stated before, the dual ingram guys are very deadly. Jeez, they can even kill you without any kind of trouble when on bullet time. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---[M79 EQUIPPED ENEMIES]--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Ok, these are easy. The only problem is that are normally so well-located that they can take you out quite easily. So, what you do? You must be careful. Sometimes they're waiting you around a corner, or waiting you to open a door or they're in a higher floor(this is when they get more dangerous). If they kill you, don't get mad. The next time around walk carefully. The best way to kill the bombers is to use something fast and powerful, like the Colt Commando or the Dual Ingram. If they're in higher floors, then use the sniper rifle while taking cover/using bullet time. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---[JACKHAMMER EQUIPPED ENEMIES]--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The ultimate ass kickers. These guys are extremely dangerous! Be careful with them, because one jackhammer shot is more than enough to take Max out. If you find only one of them, it's better to take him out fast: use the M79. A well placed shot(use bullet time to aid yourself) will quickly take care of the 'hammer guy. Now, if you have to fight multiple jackhammers at once(this happens once in the game, I'm sure. But I don't remember where)... well, prepare for real madness. Constantly dodge and shootdodge, while shooting at them at bullet time with something like the Colt Commando, or even the Dual Ingrams. Just be careful of their shots. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---[COMMANDOS]--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< These first appear when you reach Cold Steel. They're pretty easy. The only problem you may have here is that they use Colt Commandos and grenades. Use your very own Colt Commando or Ingrams and bullet time to make short work of them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ---[KILLER SUITS]--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The ultimate ass-kickers. The killer suits are total marksmen and they come equipped with the best weapons(and that includes an ocassional Jackhammer...ugh). Killer suits are described by many as the game's toughest normal enemies. They're indeed, so when you find one, be CAREFUL! They're most of the time strategically placed so they can kill you faster. Trigger bullet time and use your Colt Commando or Ingrams to kill them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.CHEAT CODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Thanks a lot to all the people who submitted codes to >All weapons + ammo : L1, L2, R1, R2, Triangle, O, X, Square >Get unlimited bullet time : L1, L2, R1, R2, Triangle, X, X, Triangle >Become invincible : L1, L1, L2, L2, R1, R1, R2, R2 >Slow Motion Sounds : L1, L2, R1, R2, Triangle, Square, X, O >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.OUTRO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Not too much to say here. I hope you enjoyed the guide, and that you found it useful. C'ya! [INFO ABOUT THE AUTHOR] So you want to know who the hell is the author of this thing? Well, it is no other than José Felipe Vargas Casadiego(quite a long name, uh?), a colombian guy who enjoys writing FAQs, listening to hard-rock music(metal, to be exact) and playing videogames. He loves RPGs and games that involve death, weapons and destruction(hahahahaha) such as Red Faction, Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto. He's been writing FAQs(his favorite hobby) since October 2001( it's about to be a year). He likes to play ground hockey--he's pretty good at it-- and soccer, although he sucks in soccer =P. He's 15 years old(or was it 14... I can't remember =P) and is the coolest guy in earth, nuyk nuyk. [GHEDDON'S SIGNATURE] _______ _ _ ________ ________ ________ ________ _ _ |_______| |_| |_| |________| |________| |________| |________| |_| |_| _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ | | ___ | ___ | | |___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ \ | | | | |_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ \| | | |___| | | | | | | |¯¯¯ | |____/ / | |____/ / | |____| | | | \ \ | |_______| |_| |_| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |_______/ |_______/ |________| |_| |__| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _ _ _ |_| |_| |_| _ _ __ _ | | | | \ \ | | | | | | \ \ | | | | _ | | \ \| | | |___| | | | \ \ | |_______| |_| |__| Quite cool, uh? -><--><--><--><-->- ->END OF DOCUMENT<- -><--><--><--><-->-