__ __ _ _ _ _ | \/ | ___ ___| |__ / \ ___ ___ __ _ _ _| | |_ | |\/| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ / _ \ / __/ __|/ _` | | | | | __| | | | | __/ (__| | | |/ ___ \\__ \__ \ (_| | |_| | | |_ |_| |_|\___|\___|_| |_/_/ \_\___/___/\__,_|\__,_|_|\__| ____ |___ \ __) | / __/ |_____| _ __ __ _ __ | | ___ _ _ __\ \ / /__| |/ _| | |__/ _ \ ' \/ -_) \/\/ / _ \ | _| |____\___/_||_\___|\_/\_/\___/_|_| MechAssault 2: LoneWolf For XBOX Began July 28, 2005 Finished July 30, 2005 Written by Rathee, Scott Smith rathee3@gmail.com To make navigation of this guide easier I have implemented the CTRL+F system. Just press Ctrl+F and enter the code of the section you wish to jump to and then press enter. Table of Contents --------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction.......................(10001) --------------------------------------------- 2. Version Info.......................(10002) --------------------------------------------- 3. Basics.............................(10030) 3-1. Controls.........................(10031) 3-2. Weapons..........................(10032) --------------------------------------------- 4. Walkthrough........................(10400) 4-1. Street Sweeper...................(10401) 4-2. Signs of Life....................(10402) 4-3. Tank Rush........................(10403) 4-4. Let's Get Off This Rock..........(10404) 4-5. To the Rescue....................(10405) 4-6. 'Mech Shopping...................(10406) 4-7. Go Time on Thestria..............(10407) 4-8. Swamp Rock.......................(10408) 4-9. Eight Feet Under.................(10409) 4-10. Into the Valley of Death........(10410) 4-11. There's Gonna be a Jailbreak....(10411) 4-12. I Hate Snakes...................(10412) 4-13. Mountain Song...................(10413) 4-14. Sending Out an SOS to the World.(10414) 4-15. Once More into the Breach.......(10415) 4-16. To the Arena....................(10416) 4-17. Holding the Line................(10417) 4-18. Gladiator has Nothing on Us.....(10418) 4-19. Against the Spiders.............(10419) 4-20. Skin the Cat....................(10420) 4-21. End Game........................(10421) 4-22. Checkmate.......................(10422) --------------------------------------------- 5. Frequently Asked Questions.........(10005) --------------------------------------------- 6. Contact Me.........................(10006) --------------------------------------------- 7. Thanks.............................(10007) --------------------------------------------- 8. Legal Stuff........................(10008) --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 1. Introduction (10001) ----------------------------- I decided to write up a guide for this game since I enjoyed the game quite a bit and also, I'm still stuck out here in Iraq with 3ID so I'm bored alot. This is the forth FAQ I've written since we've been here and it's great cause it gives me stuff to do. http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/55010.html You can go to that link to find any of my other works I have posted on www.gamefaqs.com ----------------------------- 2. Version Info (10002) ----------------------------- V 1.0 Full walkthrough completed. All sections done. ----------------------------- 3. Basics (10030) ----------------------------- 3-1. Controls (10031) ----------------------------- Left Control Stick - Move mech/push in for jumpjets Right Control Stick - Aim/push in for defensive action L Trigger - Cycle weapons R Trigger - Fire weapon Up/Down Control Pad - Change VTOL charge Left/Right Control Pad - Cycle VTOL cargo A Button - Battle Armor Claw/Pick up VTOL charge B BUtton - Drop VTOL charge X Button - Tank zoom view Y Button - Enter/Exit mech/vehicle White Button - View game tips/Player options 3-2. Weapons (10032) ----------------------------- Energy Weapons -------------- These weapons generally cause alot of heat build-up but will usally cause alot of damage. Pulse Laser - These are rapid fire lasers that aren't very good unless you have about four that fire simultaniously. Laser - These lasers do high damage but will rapidly overheat your mech. Very good if you have atleast 3. PPC - Particle Projection Cannon. This weapon does high damage and has pretty good tracking ability. You must hold the R trigger to charge this up to atleast the blue lines before it will fire. Plasma PPC - These fire and charge faster than a normal PPC but do less damage. Other than that they are the same. Gravity Cannon - Only found on the Rommel tank. Think of it like a Guass Cannon in terms of damage and range. It also has a zoom mode you can use to snipe targets from a distance. Ballistic Weapons ----------------- These weapons don't build up heat very fast at all and if you only have, say one machine gun on your mech, you will even lower your heat meter slowly while you are using it. Since they don't heat up fast they are balanced by the fact that they generally don't do too much damage with a single shot. But sometimes, like when you are fighting the spiders, they are just what you need. Machine Gun - Rapid fire guns that, like pulse lasers, are only good when you have a few of them. When a mech has about four of these you can make short work of even heavy mechs. Autocannon - These are really good weapons even when you have only one of them. They can sometimes knock over enemy mechs. Gauss Rifle - Does more damage than an autocannon but fires slower. Unlike the autocannon though you can only have two on a mech. They can also knock over an enemy. Missile Weapons --------------- Missile weapons can generate heat fast, yet not as fast os energy weapons. They will do good damage to any mech and two of the types will track targets with decent accuracy, though they can be easily dodged since they will not turn around to hit a target. Crossbow SRM - Short Range Missile. Fires fairly fast but does very low damage. Not very good even when you have four or so. Hammer Missile - These missiles are very powerful and must be charged just like the PPC. They have no seeking capabillity and will stick to a target or anything else they contact. Javelin LRM - Long Range Missile. These are very good missiles, they have a much longer lock-on distance than crossbow missiles and do a great deal more damage. Mortar - This is a highly destructive weapon found only on the Prototype Battle Armor. Pull the R trigger to diffrent degrees to change the power of the launch and aim up and down to change the arc. Hard to aim but worth it if you can hit. POV missile - Only fired from the missile turret. This missile does ok damage and can be steered to its target using the left control stick. Press the stick up to speed up the missile and pull down slow it down. They can also be detonated before they hit by pulling the L trigger. This can be useful if you miss your target to still get some splash damage. Defensive Measures ------------------ Not all mechs will have these. They are very helpful on the ones that do though as sometimes they can be the diffrence between death and some salvage. Use them in tough fights to help even the odds. Null Signature - This cloaks your mech making you invisible to enemies and you will also disappear off of enemy radar. If you generate any heat at all while cloaked you will reappear briefly. Target Jamming - This makes you appear kinda fuzzy and prevents evemies from locking on to you with missiles or any other weapons that will automatically target you, like lasers or PPC's. Active AMS - Anti-Missile System. A light will appear on top of your mech when this is on. Whenever a smaller grade missile like SRM or LRM come near you this will shoot it down and nullify all splash damage from the missile. Reactive Armor - This armor mod will half all damage from ballistic weapons. It will also eject anyone trying to neurohack you. Reflective Armor - This armor mod will half all damage from energy weapons. It will also eject anyone trying to neurohack you. Super Shield - Only found on two mechs. This shield will nullify all incoming damage when it is active. Has a long recharge time and doesn't last very long. It will also eject anyone trying to neurohack you. You can also use this mod while on any turret. Others ------ Jumpjets - These can be used to get over rough terrain or to help you get away from an enemy to make it harder for them to hit you. They generate one bar on your heat meter and won't let you cool down at all when using them. Alpha Strike - This is only found on a few assault class mechs and can be devastating. Once all your weapons are powered up to level three this will be enabled. It will take a while to charge up this attack so plan ahead. When you use it it will track a target at about the same rate as a PPC and will destroy all but the hardest heavy mechs and a select few assault mechs. After you use it though you will become overheated for the next five seconds and all your weapons will be left at level one. Pilot Bomb - Use these to level small structure very quickly. They can also be used as a proximity mine. They will self detonate if an enemy stands near it for five seconds, or if they step directly on it. Beware when you detonate them though as they have a huge blast radius. ----------------------------- 4. Walkthrough (10400) ----------------------------- 4-1. Street Sweeper (10401) --------------------------------------------- Invaders must be swept from Dante City This is basically your tutorial stage. You start off in your Battle Armor and must first kill a few enemies. When you get to a cliff you will get a small tutorial on using your mortar. Take out the tanks down there with it for a bit of practice. After that you will be told about nav-points on your radar. Now blow up the hovertruck marked on your screen and collect the salvage to move on. After you get the salvage you will have to destroy a few tunnels to stop enemy reinforcements. One well placed motar to each of them should be enough to destroy them. After both tunnels are destroyed you will have to follow a green nav-point on your map to a wall that you will be told how to climb using the Battle Armor. On the other side of this wall you will have to take out a few tanks, easy just lob a couple mortars on them. After the tanks are destroyed you will then have to take out the ship in the harbor. Strafe back and forth to avoid its lasers while lobbing a few mortars at it. Three should do the trick. After the ship goes down head to the blue nav-point on your HUD and destoy all the tanks around your lab to end the mission. 4-2. Signs of Life (10402) --------------------------------------------- A dropship was seen crashing nearby. Investigate to see if it's friendly. When you start this stage you will be given an objective to destroy an enemy scout mech. Just jump o his back to start the neurohack sequence. After you eject the pilot you can either get in this mech or continue to use the Battle Armor to neurohack the mech that is on the ship you will soon have to destroy. Either way after the second Cougar goes down you will have to sink the ship that is in the harbor. After the ship is down head to the next nav-point Where you will have to fight an enemy mech. He should go down pretty easy. After he goes get to the next nav-point and take out the two enemy mechs here before the other mech or you get destroyed. After you save the mech the mission will end. 4-3. Tank Rush (10403) --------------------------------------------- You must get to the spaceport. The only chance is in a captured tank. You will start this mission on foot, but don't worry you get to steal that tank right infront of you. Get in the tank and run over the three infantry here. Move to the checkpoint and stop infront of the gate, after they get done scanning your tank they will let you through. You can also just blast your way through the checkpoint but waiting makes you take less damage. At the second checkpoint you will be found out and a Elemental with some infantry will attack you. Take them out and head on. Don't forget that the tank has a sniper mode for it's cannons. Press X to enter sniping mode so you can take out some of the turrets in this level without being hit. Head down the road a bit more and another two Elementals will attack bring them down and move on. When you get to the first bridge it will be destroyed, but don't worry just snipe the turrets on the other side of the valley and head through the valley. When you finally make it to the spaceport there will be a mech there waiting to fight you. Just roll back and forth hitting him with the gravity cannon untill he goes down. Now head around the corner and two more Elementals attack. Destroy them and then head to the green nav-point and exit the tank to hack the gate. Get back into the tank and roll inside to end this level. 4-4. Let's Get Off This Rock (10404) --------------------------------------------- You have reached the spaceport. Now you must defend the Icarus before you can escape. When you start this mission get into the Cougar mech that will be near you when you start. Now destroy the control panel at the gate that is marked red on your HUD. After that you will be given an objective to destroy the tunnels on the road you are on. Destroy them then head to the other side of the spaceport and destroy the gate control and tunnels over there. Now destroy anything that you can in the area before the enemy mechs show up. Destroy the Raptor mechs that show up to end the level. 4-5. To the Rescue (10405) --------------------------------------------- Arriving at Thestria, the local defenses are under attack by the same enemies. Help them. You will start this mission in a Stilleto mech. Head forward and clear out all the enemies here including a Cougar mech. The next wave will attack, they are in the same configuration, 2 tanks and one Cougar. After they go down Head to the new nav-point on your HUD. At the first base will be two more tanks and another Cougar. Kill them and head to the second base. More of the same here. At the third base you will fight a few tanks and a Stilleto mech that will go down easy. Now you will have to take the forces you have saved and assault the enemy camp. Head to the nav-point where you will have to fight a few tanks, a Cougar, and a couple planes. When you get to the gate of the enemy camp you will have to exit your mech and hack the terminal for the gates. Run back to your mech and clear out the Cougar and few tanks inside to clear this level. 4-6. 'Mech Shopping (10406) --------------------------------------------- You need more firepower to fight this war. Natalia has an audacious plan. Hop into the Battle Armor infront of you when you start this mission then attach to the VTOL. When the Battle Armor is attached to a VTOL you get a big upgrade to the speed and firepower of your laser. Now Natalia will fly you to an enemy base, I suggest weakening their defenses by shooting your laser into their base before you detatch. After you detatch fire your mortar into the base to weaken up the defenses even more. Particularly try to take out the tunnel that the enemy tanks are coming from. After you feel safe enough jump down and either take one of the free mechs or neurohack the Cougar that is running around. Now return your new mech to the Icarus and prepare to do it all again. On this side of the base there will be a Mad Dog mech patrolling and a stationary Cougar and Mad Dog, take your pick and head back to the Icarus again. After you return the second one perpare to go back one last time. Get into the Battle Armor and before you head off kill the three tanks that will attack the Icarus. For your last mech just take whatever is left. When you get back to the Icarus you will have to defend it for just a bit. A Cougar and a few tanks will attack and then a Mad Dog and a few tanks. After both waves are destroyed you will end the mission. 4-7. Go Time on Thestria (10407) --------------------------------------------- You ally with Kurtia troops in a huge battle to decide Thestria's fate. Get in the Mad Dog that is infront of you and head out the only exit to this area you are in. Head down this valley killing any tanks that get in your way. After you exit the valley kill the mech that appears and keep moving in the only direction you can go. When you find the Kuritans follow them to the next battle. Shortly after you meet up with them three enemie mechs will appear. Kill them and don't forget to pick up some salvage that Natalia will drop for you. After they all three go down two Mad Cat heavy mechs will show up. After they drop Two Atlas mechs will show up accompanied by some planes and tanks. After they fall the mission will end. 4-8. Swamp Rock (10408) --------------------------------------------- The last bastion of enemy forces has taken refuge in the Great Swamp. Root them out. You start off in a Battle Armor, so needless to say you need a mech. Head south from the start point until you run into a Thor mech, close as fast as possible and neurohack him. Right after you get in the island right next to you will have the first of the missles on it. Destroy them and another Thor and a few planes will attack you. After a certain ammount of time the sensors will locate all the missle sites. Head toward the second site. Nothing big here just take out the two missle launchers. At the third fight another Thor will attack. Kill it and take out the launchers. After that you should see another Thor closing on you. Take it out and head to the forth site. After the missles are gone head back to the Icarus. Now you can either get in the Mad Dog here or stay in your Thor, the Mad Dog has fully charged weapons when you get in it. Either way head to the next nav-point. Around the corner is yet another Thor and a few tanks. Keep heading to nav-points and killing all the Thors they drop in your path until you get to the enemy dropship. Destroy the dropship to end the level. 4-9. Eight Feet Under (10409) --------------------------------------------- The enemy forces have been routed, but something remains at the heart of the Great Swamp. You start this mission in whichever mech you ended the last level in with whatever upgrades you had before. Head forward just a bit to see a giant metal purple spider mech coming at you. This guy is actually pretty easy to kill. If you kept the Thor mech a good strategy to use is to jumpjet out of it's way when it charges you and then use your chainguns on its legs. After the armor on his legs is gone just shoot him a few more times and he will fall. 4-10. Into the Valley of Death (10410) --------------------------------------------- After landing on Northwind, you must find out what the situation is. You start this mission in a Uziel mech, after you head forward a bit and collect some salvage a Catapult will attack you. After he goes down head on to the nav-point. At the point you will be attacked by a rather tough Rommel tank and another Catapult. Go into the next area and you will fight yet another Catapult. After you destroy it head to the next nav-point where you will fight three Cougar mechs that will go down easy with your PPC. After this battle you will get an objective to free some civilians. Just head up the path here and through a gate to end the level. 4-11. There's Gonna be a Jailbreak (10411) --------------------------------------------- The Word of Blake is holding allied Northwind Highlanders in work camps. Free them. You start this level on food and need to acquire demo-charges. Head to the terminal near you and hack it to get the charges. If you hesitate the mech here may see you. Head back over to the tower and plant a charge near the base. Get a good distance away and blow the charge. Now head back to your mech. Get into your mech and a Uziel will attack you. Now you will have to destroy some guard towers to free the prisoners. At the first base you will get attacked by a couple Uziel mechs, after they are taken care of and the tanks are destroyed get out of your mech and detonate a demo-charge by each tower to destroy them and then move on. After the guard towers in the second part of the city are destroyed head north east to start an objective to get inside the powerplant. Head to the nav-point and get out of your mech. Go into the compound. Inside you have to destroy the four backup generators. Head to the first one to the south, destroy it and head anlong the south wall, follow it west then back north and you will run into an empty Mad Cat mech. Jump into it and take out the remaining generators. You will now have one minute to get out of the city. So head to the gate get out hack the terminal and then leave to end the mission. 4-12. I Hate Snakes (10412) --------------------------------------------- You are close to finding out why the Word of Blake is doing. But they have a big surprise. You start this mission off in a Mad Cat mech. Your first objective will be to free some allies. Head to the nav-point and kill everyone there, but don't destroy the building or you will fail the mission. After you free the guys head to the new nav-point. When you get to the next base take down the Hellbringer that attacks you and move on to find a Hellbringer just sitting there. You will need to either get into the Hellbringer or the Elemental here since you will need the jumpjets soon. Move around the canyon until you get to the uplink tower you are supposed to destroy. At the airfield you will find you can get back into a Mad Cat or stay in the Hellbringer your choice. When you get just past the next nav-point you will have to take out two Hellbringers with a little support from four Elementals. Head up the next path and get ready for a fight with a Star Adder assault mech. Even though he is big and tough he will go down really easy with your PPC's if you are in the Mad Cat. 4-13. Mountain Song (10413) --------------------------------------------- Foster has a plan to get off of Northwind. But first you need to get over this mountain range. Get in your Mad Cat and start heading down the path here. Kill anything in your way and head on. When you find the mech with the jumpjets you can get in it or you can bypass it, if you get in you can jump over the ridges straight to the VTOL. If you stay in your Mad Cat just keep heading down the path, this is actually easier since when you are in the VTOL you wo't have many enemies to fight against. After you get to the point where you destroy the comms dishes you can either get in the VTOL right away or you can keep heading up the mountain to thin out the enemies that will be firing at you soon. Destroy the next comms towers either with your mech or with the VTOL if you are in it already and then destroy all the tanks just over the next ridge. After you get Foster to the last nav-point you will end the level. 4-14. Sending Out an SOS to the World (10414) --------------------------------------------- Lt. Foster sends out an SOS. You have to stay alive to see if anybody is listening. Get into the turret when this level starts and take out the bridge marked on your HUD. Now defend the tower you are at until the timer runs out. If your turret starts to die fall back to the VTOL on the landing pad, if that starts to die go to the next comm towers pad to pick up another. After a while you will have to defend the Icarus while Foster repairs a Star Adder for you. Get in the turret here and wait till one or two mechs are on the bridge and shoot it to take them donw easy. After the Star Adder is ready get in and kill. Alpha Strike will be engaged when you eter so use it to take one down instantly. After all are dead the mission will end. 4-15. Once More into the Breach (10415) --------------------------------------------- You land on Hasperous II and teach the Word a lesson - Blood Asp style. Pretty straight forward mission, first make your way to thier compound killing all the Catapults and tanks that get in your way. When you make it to the facility they will seal the gates. Get out of your mech and enter the compound. find the gate terminal and hack it. Now head back out to get your Blood Asp. Enter the compound and quickly seal all the tunnels. After the tunnels are sealed take out any mechs in here, including a Prometheus. After there are no enemies left shut down the two mech producing facilities to end the level. 4-16. To the Arena (10416) --------------------------------------------- You are still looking for Maj. Natalia, so you decide to move toward Mech proving grounds. You will start off this mission in a Rommel tank with Null Sig. Head forward and you can snipe all the tanks in this first area. Now move on to an area with some turrets, tanks, and a Hackman mech. Take them all down and you can get a Hackman of your own. Move on to fight another Hackman and some more turrets. Head around to the right side of the base to kinda take them by surprise. In this area there will be three tunnels sending in reinforcements, and a Belial mech. Destroy the three tunnels and the mech. If your Hackman starts to die there are alot of turrets on the ridge you should have came in on that actually work alot better than a Hackman. After all the tunnels are destroyed head to the nav-point and through the tunnel to end the mission. 4-17. Holding the Line (10417) --------------------------------------------- Major Natalia is near. You need to secure an LZ for the Icarus and to stage a rescue attempt. Start this mission on foot with a Bowman and a Prometheus at the base infront of you. Grab whichever you can for now and destroy all the defenders at this base. Now get the Prometheus and head through the gate ahead to fight another Prometheus. Now head down the path further to get to the LZ. At the LZ head west to seal off a few tunnels that reinforcements will come from. There will be one tunnel to the west, two to the south, and one last tunnel to the east. After all are destroyed head back to the LZ and clear out any enemies that remain there. After the LZ is cleared of hostiles the mission will end. 4-18. Gladiator has Nothing on Us (10418) --------------------------------------------- You have found the Major. Now you have to fight to save her. You start off in the Blood Asp for this one. Head around the outside of the arena until you get ambushed by the Atlas mech. Deal with him then destroy the arena's gate and move on. Inside the first wall take a left and destroy all the little mechs in here. You should have Alpha Strike powered up by the time you get around the arena to use on the Atlas here. After you get to the door you will have to get out and hack a control panel to open it. Destroy the dropship in here then make your way back to the front of the arena. You should have Alpha Strike again by now so use in on the Atlas right outside the door. Head forward a bit and you will encounter two more Atlas mechs and a few tanks. Once you get near the arena's door the mission will end. 4-19. Against the Spiders (10419) --------------------------------------------- To rescue the Major you have a major fight, against a surprise foe, in the arena. First destroy the turrets on the wall. Now the first wave of mechs show up. The first wave will just be two Raptor mechs, kill them and get ready for wave two. Three Raptors this time, mow them down and get ready for the next guys. Now you fight wave after wave of tiny mechanical spiders. They will try to neurohack you so fight back. After three waves Alera will show up to help you. The wave after she shows up will be the last wave. The level will end after all the spiders are dead. 4-20. Skin the Cat (10420) --------------------------------------------- To reach the Word of Blake HQ and their leader, you need to get past his guardian. You will start in a Battle Armor pretty much up against a Nova Cat mech. You can hack it but you will first have to make it activate its shield by trying to hack it. Once its shield is down do it again to take the cat. Now head along the streets until you come to the gates, take out all the laser turrets here and hack the terminal. Enter the gates to end the level. 4-21. End Game (10421) --------------------------------------------- This is it. The big showdown. You start off here against two Timber Wolfs, kill them and head on. Move on past two more Timber Wolfs to make a Ymir attack you. Destroy it and hack the next gate. Right through the gate another Ymir will attack. Destroy it and then climb into the battle armor to end this mission. 4-22. Checkmate (10422) --------------------------------------------- Finish it. Using your mortar or your laser aim for this big guys head. After a while you will see cracks starting to form, that means your hitting. You can also tell you hit if he blinks red. After a little bit his skull will explode partially. Now you can neurohack him to bring down the shield on his reactor. Now is your chance to kill him just lob more mortars into his skull eventually his shield will come back up though. Neurohack him again and keep repeating the process to bring him down once and for all. Enjoy the ending. ----------------------------- 5. Frequently Asked Questions (10005) ----------------------------- Q) How is Iraq? A) It sucks, what do you think? I've been here for the last 6 months and hardly a day goes by that I dont hear some kind of incoming rocket or mortar. And they are getting closer. Q) How do you find time to play video games or write an FAQ out there? A) I only work 8 hours a day like most of you people back in the states. Q) Can I send you a boatload of cash? A) Yes. Rathee3@gmail.com is the email address I use for paypal send money there. ----------------------------- 6. Contact Me (10006) ----------------------------- You may contact me about this guide at this email address rathee3@gmail.com. Any questions I can answer about this game or any questions you have in general may be directed my way. You can also send me money via paypal at the same email address. ----------------------------- 7. Thanks (10007) ----------------------------- I would like to thank anyone reading this, I do it for you guys. Also anyone that sends me anything about the FAQ I would like to thank in advance. ----------------------------- 8. Legal Stuff (10008) ----------------------------- As of right now this FAQ may be posted at www.gamefaqs.com www.cheatcc.com If you wish to have this guide posted at your site email me to ask first. I will normally say yes as long as you dont give me a reason not to. If you see this FAQ on any other site than those listed above contact me to let me know. All material in this guide is copyright to it's respective owner and may not be reproduced without consent.