**********Medal Of Honor: European Assault********** _______________________________________________________________ *****Table Of Contents***** 1. Contact Information 2. Copyright 3. Guide/Walkthrough 4. Mission List/Objective List 5. Weapon List 6. Credits 7. The End _______________________________________________________________ *****Version History***** Version 0.1: All levels completed. _______________________________________________________________ *****Contact Information***** AIM: Blitzkrieg2oo7 or metalhead1589 MSN: Blitzkrieg_Assault@hotmail.com or mjkuritz@hotmail.com YIM: kuritzm or metalhead1589 GoogleTalk: Blitzkrieg1989@gmail.com My email is: mjkuritz@hotmail.com Also, if you wish to contact me, I can also be found here: http://s13.invisionfree.com/The_Blitzkrieg/ Under the username of "Blitz" ________________________________________________________________ *****Copyright***** Copywrite: 2005 Matthew 'Blitz' Kuritz Please do not use without permission. I can not promise that any version of my guides can be up-to-date on any other websites. So please in the even that that this were to happen do not bombard me with emails complaining that it has happened. Just email me the link to the website, I will give them the updated version, and problem solved. ________________________________________________________________ *****Guide/Walkthrough***** Now, this game is a free roaming game, so not everything and every location I tell you to go too is not going to be exactly easy for you to find because you will most likely not be in the same position I was in. But the guide for the most part should explain where to go at a certain point. If you need any help or have any questions just contact me at one of the locations above. Level: St. Nazaire Mission: Prologue Objectives: Locate Captain Beck Fall Back to HMS Campletown As you start the level, shoot the enemies blocking the exit off the boat.Then proced to make your way off the boat and towards the green flair to locate Captian Beck. Proceed to make your way back to the ship taking out enemies as needed. Watch the air raid. Mission: Raid On St.Nazaire Objectives: Destroy Fuel Tanks Eliminate Klause Mueller Find V2 Rocket Specifications Locate and Destroy the Anti-Aircraft Gun Capture German Bunker Destroy Shore Gun This is your first mission commanding a squad. You will be given three men to command. As you start the mission take out enemies in the surrounding area. Which will be the two buildings infront of the ship. After you eliminate the enemy threat here, you should go south towards the water. Facing the water you will turn left to embark on the first objective. Defeating the shore gun. When you start going down this path there will be bilding with enemies in it.Be sure to take them out. In this building there is also an MP40SMG, I suggest you drop the pistol for the SMG. If you exit the buildingthrough the door you will turn left and continue going straight. There will be a group of enemies that you need to take out. Proceed to planting the explosive on the gun and stand back. Now, if you stand directly at the Shore Gun and turn left you will see a red tunnel. Go down this tunnel and be prepared for enemies. This will take you towards your next objective, Eliminate Klaus Mueller. As you make your way through the tunnel and you come to Klaus, be careful, he has a very powerful SMG. After you kill him,go up to those two tables and turn left into this office and collect the V2 rocket specifications. Now proceede toexit the way youcame in the tunnel. After you exit the tunnel turn left and continure going straight. After you return to the main area were the mission began, you will see the two buildings.You will enter the one on the right. This will head towards the next objective, destroying the ant-aircraft gun.As you enter turn right and you will see a stairwell.Proceede to go up the stairwell and be weary of enemy presence. As you come to the end of the stairwell there are enemies waiting to attack, take them out and proceede to the upper left of the building. Here you will find the aint-aircraft gun. Press and hold X to set the charge and stand back. Enemies will be attacking from your right so be on your guard and take them out. At this point you have the choice of picking up the Karabiner98K German Rifle. Now, you will continue to the right on a walkway. Follow the walkway, at the end there will be one enemy to take out. MAke your way down the stairs and the enemy will begin to attack. Get some cover and take them out.Now, using the pink fire as a landmark there is a German Bunker infront of it. Two machine gun nests will begin shooting, you must take them out. As you proceede towards the back of the bunker you will encounter some enemies, get some cover and take them out. Proceede into the bunker. Go around the inside and proceede into this red tunnel. Make your way through the bunker killing enemies as you come to them. Now, as you come to a red room, shoot the barrels behind the machine gunnerand stand back. Exit the tunnel through the stairwell to the right. At thevery top of the tunnel there will be a German, take him out. As you come up, there will be a German to your left, take him out. Kill the enemies on the ground, be careful as there are enemies in the rafter. Proceede up the stairs the previous german was on and continue going right. Proceede through the rafters, as you cometo the end you will encounter a room with three germans in it, kill them and then exit the room. As you exit two Germans willl begin to fire at you, take them out using the barrells behind them. Make your way through this area and make your way over the stairway. Then up the stairs to set the charge on the top of the tower. After you set the charge, run down and escape through the hole that is blown into the fence. After it blows, you are told German Re-Inforcments are coming. Continue moving forward staying behind cover. As you continue moving forward the train will arrive. Run back and get behind some cover as enemies come from both sides. After you kill the enemies that came off the train, continue moving North towards the ship. Level over, if you have completed all seven goals you will be awarded a Gold Medal. Mission: Lights Out In The Port City Objectives: Destroy Power Plant Eliminate Horst Brenner Uncover V2 Rocket Specifications Eliminate German Infantry Unit Destroy 3 V2 Rocket Hulls Locate And Destroy German U-Boat As you start the level you will be in what appears to be a hospital or planning room. After the Commander finishes talking to you, go to the right and pick up the health pack. Then proceed to exit the buliding through the doorway. Turn to your left and be prepared to take on some enemies. Just get some cover and take them off. Or get behind the machine gun. Whichever you prefer. Proceede all the way down the dock untill you get to he bunker. Search the bunker and pick up any items that are there. That you need. Exit the bunker and go left. You will see your squad standing by another bunker. Proceede over there and set the charge on the door. On the other side of the bunker there will be some enemies. Just through a grenade between the two piles of crates and they will die. Now, exiting the bunker there will be a bulding to the right. Go towards that bulding and get behind cover, taking out the enemies. After you clear that area, you will see 3 Rocket hulls on the roof. You will need one of your guns and shoot them down. Make your way up those stairs in a crouch. There is a machine gun next in a window directly across. You will need to kill the machine gunner.There will also be one to your bottom left. Now go back down the stairs and exit the building via the door under the stairs.Make your way to the right and you will see your squad come running. There is a building on the left that will open when you move towards it. Wait for it to open, but before entering take out the enemies inside. After clearing the enemies, exit the building through the door on the right side wall and go left. Proceede to exit through the door and get some cover. Eradicate the enemies while staying behind cover. They will be on all sides, so be weary. Proceede to the other side of the building the the center. With still more enemies to be taken out. There will be more enemies in the warehouse building to the left also. Make your way towards the warehouse and down to the docks below. There are two Nazi's there so take them out and proceed to go right. As you make your way down the docks, when you get to the last pile of crates on the right, turn right and take out the enemies. Go onto the U-Boat and plant the charges on both sides and then in the middle. Then escape off the U-Boat.Make your way back and enter the building where your squad is. Make your way up the stairs and onto the balcony to take out the enemies. Be sure to take out the machine gun nest first and always. Make your way back and down to the ground below.There are still going to be some enemies in the area to the right. Be weary of them. Enter the next building and take out the enemy. Now you will have to defeat Horst Brenner. You will see a room in which you should enter and pikc up the grenades. Now, proceed up the stairwell and crouch low. And lob grenades at symbol for Brenner. This should easily take him out. Or you could do like I did, use the adrenaline mode and go Rambo on him. Make your way back down the stairs and proceed to go straight until you come to another set of stairs. Take the stairwell going down and be prepared for enemies. Proceed through this area and you will come to the Generator Room. there will be enemies on the girders in the roofs. So watch out. Proceed to go straight taking down any enemies in your path. Go down the stairwell and turn left into the Generator room.Exit through the building the same way you entered. The plunger to set of the bomb will be behind the first pile of crates. Press X and watch the explosion. Level Complete. If you did all of these objectives, you got Gold. Mission: Escape At Dawn Objectives: Escape To French Countryside Eliminate Erich Koster Obtain Noth African Shipping Manifest Destroy Machine Gun Nest Eliminate Panzer Tank Destroy Radio Tower You start the level by making your way down the alleyway being thrown straight into a firefight. Make your way down the road and enter the building on the right. Search it for any weapons or health. Exit via the door under the stairs and proceede into this alleyway and go left.Make your way into the road and get behind cover to take out the enemies There will be a building on the left with a staircase in it, go up the stairs. Take out the enemies on the left and enter the door on the far right. Crouch down and take out the machine gunners across the street and all the enemies and that should clear out the machine gun nest.Now exit the building the way you came and go to where the machine gunnest was and pick up any items. Make your way back into the street and follow it until you meet up with the other squad. Make your way around the building and take out the enemies in all areas. Be weary of the machine gun nests. Once you take out the enemy proceede into the middle building. Go left through the building taking out the enemy soldiers. Proceede towards the topof the building and take out the enemies across the alley. Proceede down the stairs on the right into the next building. Make your waythrough this building and when you get to the top GET SOME COVER. After all of this, exit the building and make your way down the street below. MAke your way into the building on the right down the street. Goright through the building and and head towards the enxt building. After defeating Koster make your way down the right side wall and look for the way in towards the radio tower(in the middle of the wall). Plant the charge on the tower and stand back. As you enter the area that appears to be a graveyard, take out the enemies and wait for the tank. You will heave to attempt to leave for the tank to appear. Use the grenades to take out the tank. and the level will be complete. IF you did all of this you will recieve the Gold Medal. Mission: Operation: Blindfold Objectives: Destroy Tiger Tank Prototypes Destroy Panzer Tank In Ruins Eliminate Adabold Brecht Sabotage German Radar Dish Acquire Tiger Tank Operation Manuals Recover British Reconnaissance Escape Into Bunker To start this level make your way foward though the cavern and up onto the hill overlooking the battlefield. Use the sniper rifle to snipe the soldiers in the caverns to the right. There are a lot so take careful shots and be as accurate as you can. After taking out the soldiers in the ruins on the right look to the left and take out the soldiers in those ruins also. After killing the enemies to the left return to the right and head towards those ruins to take out the tank. You are going to have to make your way through the ruins to get behind the tank to drop some grenades. There will still be some soldiers in here, pending on what you have killed. So be weary. After destroying the tank to the south is a trench with numerous enemy soldiers. Take cover behind objects and take them out. You will not be going in that direction yet, but take out what you can. After clearing the trench head west towards the radar dish. There are many enemies in this area so you have to be careful and take cover whenever you can. There will be a tank at one point in time, pening how fast you move. After taking out the enemies outside the bunker; enter the bunker and kill the soldier in the back room. Go to the front of the bunker and place a charge on the radio controls. Stand back while they explode. After they explode enemies and the tank will come from the front of the bunker. Take them out and be weary of the tanks machine gun. To blow the tank up just lob grenades under it. After blowing up the tank, directly behind it is a hill that houses a machine gun. Go to that machine gun and use it. Down below some enemies will appear, kill them using the machine gun then go back down and enter the trench. Make your way through the trench and the bunker connected collecting any items and killing enemies available. As soon as you enter the bunker, to the right will be four enemies. So lob a grenade in the room before you enter OR just be carefull and enter the room and shoot them. Further down in the bunker will be more enemies. Use the same method, grenade or shoot them. In a room on the right will be the Tiger Tank Operation Manuals collect them to complete that objective. Now exit back into the trench and head towards the black smoke. You will see a cave on the right, follow that cave and speak to the wounded souldier inside. HEad through the cave and as you exit there will be some enemies to take out. Make your way through and you will see Brecht with the symbol above his head. Take out the soldiers around him and then focus on him. Attack him until he is dead. *Hint* Use your adrenaline bar just as against any other boss, use it to rush them and shoot until they are dead. *Hint* The farther you chase him more soldiers will keep attacking you from the cliff above and on the ground with you. SO keep your eyes open for attacking soldiers. After defeating him keep moving foward until you come to a peice of a plane with a soldier inside. Go over to the soldier and pick up the Recon Document. Make your way back and continue going forward into the cave across. Head through the cave and slowly proceed to the right towards the tank. There are enemies in this area so you have got to be careful. If you run and hide behind the tank you will be safe from most of the enemies except for the machine gun on the roof above. After taking out all the enemies proceed to the back of the tank and place the charge. After the charge explodes a warehouse that houses the other two tanks will open with some enemies charging out. Take them out and proceed into the warehouse and place a charge on the back of the two tanks. After destroying them head towards the bunker and place a charge on the front doors. There are many enemies inside in the rooms on the rightside and the leftside. They will be straight ahead also. Proceede up the steps and to the right. Kill the enemies in this room and head out on the top. Turn to the right and go into the room. There will be enemies straight ahead and to the left. Continue to move forward and the mission will be complete. Operation V2: Silence Onjectives: Destroy V2 Rocket Eliminate Hans Scheider Locate Coded Virus House Information Free 3 SAS Commando Prisoners Photograph V2 Schematics Destroy Train Tracks Escape V2 Facility Steal V2 Test Film To start the level head down the hallway and head to the right. There will an enemy where you turn right at, and there will be enemies in the room below. Upon killing the main enemies you can see in the area, run down and take cover behind the boxes you will see on the left. There will be a few more enemies so take them out. There will be a hallway on the left wall, follow down that hallway. At the first left turn there will be an enemy. Down at the end of the hallway will be more enemies, take them out easily via grenade or sniper rifle. There is a room on the right side, enter that room and take out the enemies on the left and the right sides. They will also be coming from the center and behind at one point. After taking them out go down the hallway on the right, taking out the enemies.There will be one on the left, and one down the hallway. Proceed down the hallway and into the room with your ally. Set the charge and stand back. Head back down the hallway into the room and go down the hallway on the left now. Place the charge on the door and stand back. Enter the room and go around the left taking out the guard. Proceed to the left and press X to free the prisoner. Proceed back into the room and head straight following the hallway down the left path. Once back into the room head left down the next hallway. AS you head down the hallway, there are enemies to the left, after taking them out proceed left and look to the left there will be a few enemies. Use the cover given and take them out. Proceed straight and down the hallway to the left then blow out the door and take the guard out on the right. As you exit, there will be enemies straight ahead, about two or three. Before moving past the generators, in the wall on the righ there is a passage, follow the passage until you come to a room on the right that will have the V2 Test Fillm. Take out the enemies and collect the film. In this room there will be another room on the left side wall. Go into that room and prepare to face Hans Shneider. *Hint* Use the adrenaline mode if you have it. *Hint* After you defeat him collect the Coded Virus House Information and continue on. Proceed to move straight past the generators and turn left, as you head up the path there will be a few enemies coming, take them out and continue up. There will be numerous enemies in this room, just scope them out in different areas and take them out.Go straight and then when you come to a staircase turn right and go up the staircase. Or up the path. There are going to be numerous enemies so proceed which ever way you feel would be better for you. As you head forward there is going to be a machine gun nest to your left,you have got to take that out. After taking the next/enemies out head right and take out the other machine gun nest.After taking them out head straight and then proceed right. Place the charge on the tracks and more enemies will be coming from inside the warehouse. Proceed straight towards the green smoke. Turn right and you will see a tank. Search the two houses on the right first and kill all the enmies. Now proceed to run and sneak behind/beside the tank to place some grenades. Run back to the side of the building where you hid while taking out the second machine gunner and on the stairs there is a room. Enter that room and take the photo of the Schematics. There will be enemies down straight ahead behind the tank, take them out first using the tank, or other things for cover. Proceed straight an then to the right, inside the warehouse are numerous enemies. The control room is on the left or roght side depending on how you manuevered. Proceed up killing enemies and head around onto the left towards the lever, press X to lower the rocket. Rundown to the rocket and place a charge on the front end. Mission: Road To Stalingrad Objectives: Destroy Rail Gun Eliminate Walther Neumann Obtain Ardennes Forest Recon Dossier Destroy Three Panzer Tanks Locate Partisian Fighters Secure and Defen Church Destroy Ammunition Dump Destroy Communication Tower To start the level, hide behind the tractor and take out one of the enemies ahead of you and th rest will run. As you make your way up the road watch out the the enemie in the shck on the left and the guard on the right. Run up to the the house on the right and talk to the soldier. Proceed downstairs and talk to the soldier. Proceed around the house and take cover behind the wall and kill the enemies hiding behind the structures. Keep moving from structure to structure using cover and taking out the enemies. When you come to the machine gun next, use it and enemies will come straight ahead, take them out and then get cover and focus on the numerous enemies that are going to be on the right of you up on the hill. After taking out the enemies three Panzer Tanks will arrive and it is your job to take them out. Move up towards the tank is, on the right of the tank will be a gun, proceedup to it and press X to fire it and destroy the rail gun. After taking out the tank proceed to get onto the road and head south until you come across the bridge. There are enemies across the bridge so take them out before you proceed across. The first house on the left contains a bazooka, I suggest that you pick it up. Proceed to move forward taking out enemies as they come from left, right, and center. As you proceed forward you will see another tank, use the grenades, or bazooka to blow it up.(2 of 3). Proceed forward and enter a building with your allies.Head upstairs and take out the enmies you can below via machine gun or a gun in your possession. Proceed below and place a charge on the fuel depot(on the left) and then you can enter the cemetery and proceed towards the buliding. On the right side of the graveyard is the communication tower that you are supposed to blow up. Proceed to it and place a charge. Enter the church and you will see Neumman in the back, take him out using the same strategy as for every other boss. There are also many soldiers around him. After taking him out proceed up the stairs on the back right. Find the machine gun nest on the right and take out the enemies that will be coming. Mission Complete. Mission: Climbing Mamayev Hill Objectives: Transmit Virus House Intel to OSS Eliminate Franz Gruebner Steal Heavy Water Test Logbook Radio Intellegence To OSS Destroy Panzer Tank Meet with Russian Officer Signal Rocket Strike Destroy Documents FOR VENGEANCE!!!! Start the level running down the road with the squad. When you come across the town take out the enemies in the buildings. Proceed North keeping an eye out for enemies until you come to the tank. Blow the tank up via grenades. Now go left and you will come to a trench, enter the trench and move west and you will find a passage on the left side. Enter it and you will meet the Russian Officer. Now, take cover inside the trench and take out the enemies across the ravine. After X amount of time you will be told to signal the rocket strike. Time to move out. The next part it hard, you gave to go west towards the bridge, but there aremany enemies and machine gunners to your right and your left. Your best hope would be to stay back and take out them one by one. Once taking out all the enemies(which might take MANY tries), proceed to the middle of the road and ignite the smoke to signal the air strike. Now proceed up the road taking out the enemies on the right side in the trench and on the machine gun nest on the left. Place a charge on the doors on the right leading into the area and stand back. When they blow there will be a lot of enemies. If you can clear the left side of enemies you can run and blow up the tank making it a lot easier. Proceed to the right side into the building, taking out all the enemies and then blowing up the missile guns. HEad to the left side of the building and go up the stairs. There will be a few enemies in the way but nothing significant. Take out the enemies and transmit the radio on the right side. After completing that objective find the documents below and set a charge on them. Level Complete. Mission: Mission To Rocherath Objecive: Reach American Command Post and Destroy King Tigers Eliminate Falker Kappelhoff Uncover Atomic Scientist Rosters Eliminate Recon Unit In Windmill To start the level, GET DOWN and GET COVER. Take out the enemies infront of you and to the left. After the enemies and the Tiger Tank move out, proceed down the road and take cover, there is going to be house on the right, enter it and on the right there is a Bazooka. I suggest you drop the pistol and pick up the bazooka. As you exit the house there will be a machine gunner in the house next to it, take him out and then take out the tank down the road. Now follow the road, on the left and center will be enemies, take them out. Now proceed left towards the green smoke and go straight into the bulding. The bulding is the command post. Collect the documents from the table. Now procced back to that park looking area and go up the lightower. Take out the one enemy and objective complete. HEad back down and return to the church and enter it. Head towards the back(very back) right and head up the staircase to encounter Kappelhoff, as usual us the adrenaline mode, or just take cover to take him out. There will be a radio where he is standing, to go it and press X to call in the air strike and transmit the artillery coordinates. Now take out the enemies below. Proceed up the stairs to obtain the C2 Charges. HEad downstairs and to the left will be a group of enemies. Proceed outside of the church on the right side and take out the enemies. Go straight down the alleys and then go right, when you see then tank blow it up. You will see a wall on the right that has been broken through, go there and take out the large group of enemies on the right. Proceed down below and take out the troops under the bridge. Place the C2 on the left side of the bridge. Mission Complete. Mission: Farm House Liberation Objectives: Rescue French Operative Eliminate Freder Engel Discover Virus House Location Destroy King Tiger Tank Eliminate 3 German Artillery Positions When the level starts, proceed down the road. Proceed up to the bridge and fire a few shots straight ahead, run back towards the wall on the left and right sides behind you and take cover. Take out the enemies in the building on the right using the sniper rifle and then enemies will start rushing up the bridge. You can snipe them or mow them down using the BAR. As you proceed halfway up the bridge enemies from the left tower will start shooting at you via a machine gun nest on the top and on the bottom. After taking them out use the sniper to look ahead and scope out any enemies. As you find them take them out. After taking them out proceed forward and about three quarters of the way up the bridge enemies will be coming from the right, take them out and then proceed to the house. On the back of the house is a detonator which you will have to set off. After setting it off proceed to enter the house and collect any supplies. After that, head towards the farm and hide behind the wall. Take out the machine guns in the houses and on the ground. Then blow the fence up and enter the farmyard. Stick close and head towards the left towards the tank. Sneak in beside the tank and place a charge on the back of it. Now from where the tank was, head right. Take cover and take out the enemies straight ahead. Proceed towards the artillery gun and place a charge on it. HEad towards the farm house and go around the left side. Lob a grenade around the side to the right when you come to the end of the wall. Go around the right and when you come to the end of the wall lob another grenade to the right. Take out any enemies that are left. Proceed into the farm house and up the stairs. You can use any of the windows in this bulding to take out enemies. Take out the enemies and proceed up the stairs. When you come up the stairs look to left and you will see a window. Jump through the open window and onto the roof below. Follow the roof towards the other building and enter it through a window. Remember that because it will come in handy later. Proceed down and head towards the other artillery guns. Symboled by small blue icons on the map. There may be some enemy resistence but just take them out as needed. Now at this point head back towards the big farm house and move your through it until you come to what looks like a horse stable. On the back left is a stairwell leading down. Go down there and blow out the doors. I also suggest, when you first enter the farm house in the back right of the first room is a shotgun, you should pick it up for right now. Head down the hallway and to the left, take cover and take out Engel using the adrenaline mode or just take cover. After defeating him head towards where he died and pick up the documents. Then it the back left of the room there is a bazooka, drop the shotgun and pick it up. Head back towards the ladder and then the window and use that tactic to head towards the roof. Use the machine gun in there to take out the enmies that will be crossing the bridge. Any enemies that make it through can be taken it via normal gun or grenade. After taking out the soldiers use the bazooka to take out the tanks. After taking out the tanks(which is all you really need to take out_ the mission will be over. Mission Complete. Mission: Operation Virus House Find and Infiltrate German Underground Bunker Eliminate Von Schrader Find Von Schraders Journal Radio Airstrike Coordinates Destroy 3 Entrenched King Tigers To start this level proceed moving forward into each bunker and taking cover behind anything that you can. Use the machine guns to take out large groupds of enemies and drop a weapon and pick up a bazooka to destroy a tank. When you get so far ahead you will get a message to radio an airstrike. Proceed left towards a blue blip on the radar and inside a bunker will be radar(the bunker is behind a tank). Press X to radio the air strike. Continue moving forward until you come to the tank, on the other side of the trench is a line of machine gunners, take them out and any other enemies and then place a charge on the back of each of the three King Tigers. Proceed down the path behind the Tigers going right, follow the squad around the barbed wire taking out enemies as they come. Proceed into the trenches taking out the enemies, pick up a bazooka but ignore the two tanks on the left and the right. When you get towards the hill leading up you will see a tank, get cover in a trench and take it out using the bazooka. Proceed up the hill cautiously. Take cover behind the tank and take out any preliminary enemies then get into the trench on the left and take out any more. There will be a machine gunner on the left and the right sides of the bunker, take them out and head towards the door. Place a charge on the door and throw a grenade in towards the middle and shoot all the numerous enemies that will come. After this head towards the middle and then into the room. Enter the room on the right, you now have a set-time limit to take out what you need to take out. This should be more than enough time. Before you enter every room lob one or two grenades into it. As you enter the second room, if you have any bazooka ammo left fire it into the crowd of enemies, same with the next room. If you don't have any bazooka ammo left then take cover and take out the enemies using grenades or guns. Von Shrader is in the next room on a machine gun nest, take cover and lob grenades until he runs away. Follow him. HEad up the stairs and take out the enemies, he will release a never ending swarm of enemies from up top. Keep taking them out and lobbing grenades up at Schrader. After awhile a door on the right will open go up the stairs, use adrenaline mode to take out Schrador, or take cover and fire at him. When he is destroyed head into the next room and press X at the control panel to eliminate the dirty bomb. Mission Complete, Game Over, Congradulations. ________________________________________________________________ *****Credits***** [www.gamefaqs.com] for hosting [www.neoseeker.com] for hosting EA Sports for making the game ________________________________________________________________