****************************************************************************** * Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction Guide * * Playstation 2 and X-Box * * Version 1.21 * * December 20, 2006 * * Marshall Stieler * * m s t i e l e r 8 4 8 0 @ a i m . c o m * ****************************************************************************** Table of Contents: 00: Introduction to the guide 01: Collectibles List 1a: Blueprints (BP) 1b: National Treasures (NT) 1c: Monuments (MM) 1d: Listening Posts (LP) 02: Collectibles Path 2a: South Province path 2b: North Province Path 03: Unlockables 3a: Blueprints 3b: National Treasures 3c: Monuments 3d: Listening Posts 04: Version History 05: Next versions 06: Thanks 07: Legal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00: Introduction to the Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi, Marshall here again. You may know me from my only other guides out there, for X-Men Legends and Def Jam: Fight for New York. Once again, another guide built by me. This is to guide you step-by-step in getting every last collectible this game has to offer. And hopefully, have fun while you're doing it. I know I sure did. This guide is also here to tell you what you get for getting all the collectibles, though you probably already know what they are, and are just here to get them. Believe me, this is going to be a LOT easier if you've got Zeke0238's item maps with you. You can find his maps over on Gamefaqs.com, right near where my guide is found. Grand totals of all the collectibles: Blueprints (BP): 110 National Treasures (NT): 110 Monuments (MM): 21 Listening Posts (LP): 56 I'll just figure you'll collect them all at the same time, so the directions will be off of one of the other collectibles. Just a warning. For the "Restricted Airspace" collectibles (BP#53-57, NT#50, MM#8), you'll either need to wait for the Jack of Diamonds mission, or just use the Infinite Health cheat (from the Select screen, go to Factions and enter Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right). With Infinite Health, the bombers can't do anything to you. Note that most cheat devices' Infinite Health will not work in this occasion. For the "Radiation Zone" collectibles (BP#71,LP#36,NT#64), you either need a shielded vehicle (tank/APC) or an infinite health cheat. You can also clear the Jack of Diamonds mission and the Restricted Airspace zone will be removed. Note: I don't know if you skip the JoD mission, and just go straight for the Ace, if the airspace still gets unrestricted. Verification? Allowed sites: Gamefaqs.com Neoseeker.com Cheatcc.com Ign.com SPOnG.com Gamerhelp.com Supercheats.com 1up.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01: Collectibles List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1a: Blueprints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are green/gray cases with a radiation symbol on them. South Province (59): 1- After NT#2 and LP#1, cross the bridge to the W, and make a right. At the door of the building on the left (past the helicopter) is the BP. 2- After NT#4, head back down the hill, and away from the road. You'll see a canyon on your right. Past a little NK encampment (okay, that's a little joke). Keep following the railroad tracks, to where the 10 of Clubs is. To his left, near some other crates, is the BP. 3- Hop back down from NT#6, and follow the road to the E. It'll curve N, then back S. As it heads back to the E, you'll see some big-ass rocks on your right. Behind them is the BP. 4- Across the road from LP#2 is the BP. Again, trying to hide behind the rocks. But they're no match for a bad-ass merc like yourself, huh? 5- Head down the road to the E of BP#4, NT#7 and LP#2. Head in to a clearing on the left, between some rocks. Off to the right, behind some trees, just before the mountain starts is the BP. 6- If you head back W along the road from BP#5, and back to where the road curves N then W. Hop off road here, to the E. Just head between the hills/mountains and it's in the clearing. 7- On the SE side of the fork for NT#9 and LP#5, behind some rocks, is the BP. 8- Head S on the road from BP#7 towards the city of Haeju. Just before the city proper (the first gray square) on the N side of the road is a fenced area. You can get the BP through the fence. 9- Head N from MM#2. Turn left at the top fork. At the second fork, on the right side, just inside the sandbag barricade, is the BP. 10- Follow the railroad tracks from NT#11, behind the railroad depot, and into a Chinese-NK battle. Through this, follow the road. When the path forks to go W or N, go N, and get out of your vehicle. Head to the right of the encampment, to a pair of net tents. Between those are the BP and NT#12. Be sure to collect them before you start blowing thing up out there, because I think once, I blew them up. 11- Once you've decimated the encampment, head back to the road and head W. You'll find the 10 of Diamonds' encampment (once you can get to him). As the encampment opens up, on your left are some trees and bushes. Hidden oh so expertly is the BP. 12- On the S side of the road from NT#14, next to a blue-tarped thing. 13- Head back up the road, towards the dirt roads near the orchard. Keep heading N until just past the two tower checkpoints. on the left is the BP. 14- At the NK Base from NT#21 and 22, next to the SE'ernmost tower, is the BP, next to a barracks. 15- Go on and head across the bridge N of NT#24. Here's where the BP's catch up to the NT's, in Nampo. In the first little square on Nampo you come to, there's 2 BP's, 2 LP's and a NT. In the SW part of this first section of Nampo, as you cross the W'ern gate heading in, on the N side is the BP. 16- From NT#25, get back on the central road and head W to the next quadrant of this section of Nampo. You'll be trespassing in Chinese Territory to get these next two items. In the N'ern area of the quadrant, there are two barracks buildings. The BP is in between them. From LP#12, hop on the upper of the streets and head W. This next block hold 5 BP's and an LP, with 5 more BP's and an NT nearby. The BP's are as follows: 17- N end of the N complex. 18- S end of the N complex. 19- W end of the S complex. 20- SE corner of the S complex. 21- E end of the SE complex. 22- Head S from the 5-BP complex. Down at the water's edge. 23- Next to BP#22. (if any of you think these are an ode to Chappelle's Show, let me know) 24- Head back N from BP#22 & 23 to the road, and head W. Inside the wall of the docks area, in the NE corner, is the BP. 25- In the docks area of BP#24, it's on the S dock. 26- Just N of the docks area for NT#26 and BP#23 & 24, there's a forested area. Just past there, there's an NK encampment and bunker. Next to the N'ernmost mounted guns is the BP. 27- From BP#26, head back E through Nampo. Once you get to the fork, head N. Follow the train tracks to the E to an NK encampment. Once you rid yourself of their presence, on the NE corner of the barracks is a BP. 28- From BP#27, keep following the tracks to another NK encampment. Inside the sandbag barricade, next to the bunker is the BP. 29- From NT#27, head back to the road, and N to Pyongyang Airport. Follow the road as it turns to the W, then into the parking structure. On your left is the BP, just next to the entrance. 30- On the W side of the hangar for NT#28. 31- From NT#30, bust through the fence to the S to get to the Chinese HQ. Right next to some crates on the S side of the sandbag barricade is the BP. 32- From between the two burnt-out buildings for NT#33 and LP#14, head back to the road. Just before you get there, the BP is next to a broken wall. 33- Across the road from the plane for NT#34 and LP#15 is more burning crap. Between the two piles of burning crap is the BP. 34- Go back N on the street you were on for LP#16. Underneath the awning of the N'ernmost building here is the BP. 35- Head N through the plaza of MM#5. On the E side of the pyramid-like compound, between the pyramid and the outer building is the BP. 36- From LP#18, head to the W block of East Pyongyang. Here's the Russian Mafia HQ. Around the E side of their club is an alleyway with a challenge. The BP is across the alley from the challenge. 37- Head to the SE'ern area of East Pyongyang. In the fenced-in warehouse/factory thing, on the SE'ern side, between some crates. 38- Inside the warehouse/factory from BP#37. I was able to use a car & smack a crate over to it to get on the upper level the BP is on. 39- Head back NW from outside of the warehouse, to the street just before the Russian HQ. Make a left and exit out on to a dirt road. This will head to the 6 of Clubs, so be wary. If you're gonna drive up there, there's a box-truck laying right in the middle, so jack it and move it, or shove it out of your way (or blast it if you're feeling evil, since it a civilian vehicle. The BP is next to the bunker the 6 is hiding near. 40- Right nearby NT#40. 41- From BP#40, head back down the dirt road, and go past the gates of East Pyongyang, across the bridge to Downtown Pyongyang. Once again, it's buried in a nest of NK's, with the 8 of Clubs. Head through the awning-type thing on the right of the building in front of you. Just to your right is the BP, along with a bunch of NK's. It's near a pile of crates next to some troop transports. 42- Next to NT#44. 43- From BP#42 and NT#44, head W. Just behind that little wall area is the BP. 44- From BP#43, head up the little hill to the W. There's an plaza between the two buildings. Behind the portrait, in a little garden, is the BP. 45- From MM#6, head back out of the city, on to the road you were heading S on before. Head N this time, and take the first right, to head back towards East Pyongyang. Soon, on the right, will be an NK outpost. Next to the tower is the BP. 46- From BP#45, keep heading back towards East Pyongyang. Park near the N'ern of the NW guardrails. This way, there's a canyon on the E, and a forest to the W. Head N. Near the bunker at th top of the hill are some missile racks. Near those are the BP and an NT. 47- From BP#46 and NT#45, head back to East Pyongyang. Head to the street between the two S'ernmost blocks. SE of that, is a path between some rocks and trees. You should see a bunker down below. The BP is under one of those net-tent things, to the S of the bunker. 48- From NT#47, head down to Ichon and to the S. On the S side of the city, in between to big boiler-type tanks, is the BP. 49- On the N end of the same base area BP#48 is in, on top of some very high crates is the BP. I think you need a helicopter to get there. Or, if you're good with your explosions yet, blast it off the top of the crates. 50- From MM#7, head back N on the tarmac. Slightly N is a bunker on the left. On the bunker's W side is the BP. 51- From BP#50, head S on the tarmac. Get over to the E side of Ichon, with the big square things spewing out smoke. On the E side of those, behind some big rocks, is the BP. 52- From NT#48, hop back on the road, and head E (on the N'ern part of it). Soon, you'll come to a really huge gate. This is the NK Fortress Gate. It's really heavily guarded. On the W side, near the tank, is the BP. 53- From NT#49, go through the gate, and to the right are some artillery. Head up on their hill (you can just make it past the restricted airspace) and next to the N'ern one is the BP. Though you'll be in restricted airspace to get it. 54- From NT#50, head to the bridge, and next to the W'ern helicopter pad is the BP. 55- From MM#8, head back S. When you get to the bridge, turn right. When the path takes a sharp turn, look behind you. There should be another Artillery. Next to it is the BP. 56- From BP#55, keep heading N on the path. When it winds behind the building below, there's another Artillery. Next to it is the BP. 57- From BP#56, head E on the path to the fork. At the fork, go N. On top of the hill, you'll find a GIANT Artillery. The BP is on the E side. 58- Once you've cleared the base from BP#57, head ALL the way back through Ichon, and at the fork in the road head down the N path. At the junction, head slightly S. There's a dirt road here leading W. At the end of the road is an NK encampment, with a small bunker. In front of the bunker, between some crates is the BP. 59- From NT#52, head S and soon you'll come to a road. Head E on it and stick to the S. Just past the SK HQ, inside a fenced area, is the BP. North Province (51): 60- Just W of the Kusong MASH's S exit, next to some crates. 61- From LP#27, head S out of the Kusong MASH. Head E on the road, and when it forks, head S. Take the first left, and when you get to the village proper, turn S. On the steps of the house in front of you is the BP. 62- From LP#28, head back out through the walls of the HQ, across the road. Turn to the right, and in the corner of the wall is the BP. 63- From NT#59, head N up the road. Just after it drops to a dirt road, on top of the hill to the right, is a little helicopter encampment. The only way to get there is by helicopter, of course. The BP is next to the bunker. Feel free to take a Scout, if one survived. 64- From LP#30, head N. Behind the stack of wooden crates is the BP. 65- From BP#64, head out of the base. At the road, head left. Shortly afterward, on the right, there's a clearing/valley sort of thing. Head down through it. Near a pair of farmhouses in the SE corner is the BP. This is also where the 2 of Hearts is/was. 66- To the NE from BP#65 is a hill, with a path leading up to the E. Head up there. At the S side of the building E of the helicopter pad are some wooden crates and barrels. The BP and NT are here. Anyone up to blasting a few planets with this one? This is where the 10 of Spades is. 67- From LP#31, head back onto the road SE out of Chongju. Once you get inside the tunnel, on the S side is the BP. 68- From LP#32, keep heading E on the road. On the right are some NK's and Allied fighting it out. There's a destroyed bunker; next to that is the BP. 69- From NT#63, Head N on the road outside Chongju Airfield, into Taechon Western Battlefields. On the E side of the 'Fields, up in the hills, is another little helicopter base. Next to the bunker is the BP. 70- From BP#69, head to the NW'ern section of the 'Fields. Next to an Artillery, on a crate is the BP. This is where the 4 of Hearts is/was. 71- From BP#70, head N to Taechon Reactor. This, and the NT and LP that follow it are in a Radiation Zone. You'll either need a tank/APC or the Infinite Health cheat to pick these up. On the S side of the Reactor, inside the fence line, is the BP. 72- From NT#67, head S through the lower gates of the NK Outpost. There's a path up into the hills here. The path will head right; in front of you will be a Barracks. Head to the right side of the barracks (where the guns are mounted) and behind a big stack of crates is the BP. 73- From BP#72, head N down the hill. next to the S'ern tower is the BP. 74- From LP#39, head W along the road. On the W side of the first building at the road is the BP. 75- From NT#68, keep heading W along the road. When the road makes a loop to the right, head down it. On the N side of the building on your left (it's the W'ernmost building in the encampment) is the BP. 76- From NT#70, keep heading NE from the first plateau. Head over the next one, to the one just before the Restricted Airspace. The BP is here. As well as the 8 of Spades. 77- From NT#71, head S across the road. Next to the building to the SW of the plaza is the BP. 78- From LP#42, keep heading W along the top of the pagoda building. At the corner of the building, follow it around. There's a little nook between the pagoda building and it's garage (I think it's a garage); the BP is there. 79- From NT#73, look SW. There's a warehouse there you can go through. Head to it, and pass it on the S side. At the corner, turn right. Just past the crate is the BP. 80- From NT#78, turn N, to head up the other fork. Just behind the first tent you come to is the BP. 81- From NT#80, head S to the bunker. There's some rocks next to it. Behind those rocks is the BP. 82- From NT#81, head back however you want along the road, back to the second fork. At the fork, use a helicopter to go ALL the way up the mountain. This will lead you to on top of the waterfall near Unsan Village. You'll see the BP on the plateau here. This is where the 4 of Spades is. 83- From NT#86, head W. Just N of the building in front of you is the BP. 84- From NT#90, head off the plateau to the N. In a clearing of sorts is the BP. 85- From BP#84, head E back to the road, and follow it N to the far E end. Head out into the mountains here. Down the slope to the right is a little NK encampment, with a big bunker. Next to the bunker is the BP. 86- From MM#19 & 20, head through the crossroads they were at. On the NE side, there's an alarm tower. Next to that is the BP. 87- From LP#48, head S and a little W to get to some stacked crates. Just S of those is the BP. 88- From BP#87, head E, and between the stack of wood crates and the large factory is the BP. 89- From NT#93, head S through the Complex to the junction. Take a right, followed by a quick left. Head through the crossroads, and just before the road curves W, on the left next to some rocks is a path heading E in to the mountains. Once you get down in to the valley, next to the blasted bunker is the BP. 90- From BP#89, head N. Next to some blue tarped things is the BP. 91- From BP#90, head SW back on to the road. Just S of the last mountain path you were on is another path to the E through the mountains. Head down that, and the BP is on your left just a little ways in. This is where the 7 of Hearts is/was. 92- From NT#97, head NW down the "alley" to the corner of the building on your right. Head around the corner for the BP. 93- From NT#98, head SW, and then W between the buildings. Make a left at the end for the BP. 94- From BP#93, head back E on the road, and at the fork, head right. At the next fork, head right again. This takes you to the Yongbyon Reactors. Save before you do this, since It'll be easiest to restart if it's not there. If it is, it's inside the little round unfinished thing near the road. I've been able to get inside 2 ways: kick/whack a crate over to the SE side of the structure, hop on top, jump on top of the scaffolding, and inside. The other, more suicidal way, is to crash a helicopter inside, preferably a Scout-type. This way, you also have something to jump out with. This is only suggested if you're using any infinite health cheats. Or, after you use method 1, Medivac. 95- From NT#100, head S on the road next to the complex. This takes you to the second reactor. In the SW'ern corner, there's a finished reactor tower. There are two BP next to it. 96- Around the tower from BP#95. 97- From NT#101, head around to the E side of the building the covered area is next to. Between this building and the next to the E is the BP. 98- From LP#53, head back N on the road. Follow it around as is curves E. At the fork, turn right. This will lead to the NK Garrison. At the first dirt crossroads, head N. At the end, near the clearing, on the right side are some tents (well, they're on both sides, but the ones we want are on the right). In between the topmost tents, hidden in some crates, is the BP. 99- From LP#54, head back to the last crossroads you were at and go N. Just past the path to the right is another net tent thing, on the right. The BP is underneath it. 100- From BP#99, head back to the path you just passed and go up it. As you come around the curve to the top of the hill, on the right is a building. On it's N side are some crates; next to them is the BP. 101- From NT#104, head back down the path, past the building. Once you get to and overlook-type area (you should see a tower in the distance), get a helicopter, and head N in to the mountains. There'll be a clearing with a bunker; the BP's on top. 102- From BP#101, head back N on the road. At the fork, turn left to go W. After you pass the bridge, look on your left. Between two sets of rocks there'll be a clearing. Pull off into the clearing and look back E. On top of the ridge separating this little canyon from the road is the BP. You'll need some helicopter skills to get it, since you can't land up there safely. Just go down slow enough and low enough to pick it up, then move on. This is near where the 2 of Spades is. 103- From NT#105, head N out of Chongju and take a left. Follow this road around until you get to Taechon Western Battlefields. Off of the NW corner of the 'Fields is a path in to the mountains. This leads to an NK encampment. Behind the sandbag barrier in front of the bunker is the BP. 104- From BP#103, head back to the 'Fields and head N on the road. This will bring you to the Taechon Reactor (careful, radioactive area). Head to the N side (with the open fence). Go past the first building after the fence (an open warehouse type thing) and turn the corner, so you're going along the partially-closed wall of the warehouse. Next to the blue door in front of you is the BP. 105- From BP#104, head around the Reactor area, and make a right at the next crossroads. At the fork, go left. As the road winds to the E, on the N side of the curve are some rocks. On the N side of them is the BP. 106- From BP#105, follow the dirt road S. As you exit the mountains, there's a clearing on the right. On the N side of the clearing, there's a path back in to the mountains. And you'll find... and NK encampment, what else? Follow the path up to the small raised area with a factory type building. In front of that is the BP. 107- From BP#106, head back N up the road you came here on. Take the first right to get back on to a road, and go through the crossroads. At the fork, turn right to head in to Tenement Ruins (Chinese Territory). On the S side, behind some trees, there's a path leading up in to the mountains. Follow it up, and next to the bunker is the BP. This is where the 9 of Hearts is/was. 108- From LP#55, head E through Tenement Ruins on to the road. At the next fork, turn left. At the fork after that, turn left. At the NEXT fork, turn right. On the right, there's a snowy path in to the mountains. Follow this to an anti-air NK encampment, with MI-35 Gunships, too! Just past the second small bunker and the second alarm tower is the BP. Now, try to get out of there with one of those (hopefully) shiny, new MI-35's! 109- From NT#106, get back on the road outside the Station. Head S. At the second fork, make a left. At the first crossroads, make a left. At the fork, make a right. From the house on the corner, go to the next one, and around back. In a little square area with some ammo is the BP. 110- From NT#110, get a helicopter. Head back to the S'ernmost W exit of Yongbyon, and head W. On top of the first mountaintop you come to is the BP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1b: National Treasures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are green crates. South Province (53): 1- Head out the door of Allies HQ. Go past the first row of buildings, and near the steps is the NT. 2- Head S on the road out of Allies' HQ. Take the second right. Go through the security checkpoint (let the gate slide open) and before you cross the bridge, there's a building on your right. At the door is the NT. 3- Turn around from BP#1, and go back past the helicopter. Instead of going around the corner, go past the treeline. Here you can help out some Allies against some NK's, but there's an unlimited supply of them. To the right of the big hangar there's a net overhang. Under that is the NT. 4- Hop back on to the road and head W. Pass the first dirt road (to the right) and hop on the second (to the left). ON the right, you'll see a fire up on a hilltop. Head up there. There's another of those NK hangar-things up there. On the right side, near the hangar, between a teepee and a big black crate is the NT. 5- It's behind the 10 of Clubs. 6- Follow the railroad tracks back to the road, staying in the same W direction. Make a right at the next right. At the next right, hop out of your vehicle. Head up the hill (yes, you can make it) and stage a nice little welcoming party for the NK hideout/hangar. In front of the hangar, there are some crates. In the center of the crates is the NT. 7- Across the road from BP#4, and next to LP#2, on a raised hill area, is the NT, near some rocks. 8- From BP#6, head back past NT#5. Go a little W down the road, then S at the next left (practically across the road. You'll be heading into a little city-area (Propaganda Village). Take the first right, and between some crates and a wall is the NT. 9- Turn around from LP#5, and you should see the NT. 10- From BP#8, take the first left inside Haeju. On the S side on the southernmost city block, go on to the little red bridge-thing. In the gazebo-type thing is the NT. 11- Head through the sandbag barricades from BP#9, and make a right, following the road. At the fork, head slightly to the left, and into the docks-looking area. Just past the large staircase, at the building's corner, is the NT. 12- With BP#10. 13- From BP#11, head to the far end of the encampment. On the left, near the drop-off, is the NT. 14- From NT#13, head back up the road, past the encampment for NT#12. Take the next left. At the top of the N'ern loop, on the N side of the road, is the NT, hidden beside some barrels. 15- From LP#6, head across the fork, so you're on the S side of the road. Head down into the little village (one house should be on fire).The NW'ern most house has the NT next to it's wall. 16- From NT#15, head S through the village. There's another little village up in the hills, to the SE. Inside the walls are NT#16 and LP#7. 17- From NT#16 and LP#7, head back N to the road. On the N side of the road are some dirt paths. Head to the E on these. In yet another "village on the hill", is a NT. 18- Follow the road W from BP#13 and LP#9.At the fork, turn right. Just inside the fork, on the S side, just before the NK encampment is the NT. 19- Keep following the E'ern road from NT#18. As it curves back around and hits a fork, head to the W on the fork. Just around the bend is an NK encampment. Past their little bunker is the NT. 20- For this next one, you get to storm the NK Artillery Installation. Get back on the road. Head down the first right. You should see a highly-fortified are ahead of you. Guess what? Bring along an RPG and some C4, and you'll be all set. Once you blast through the gates with some C4, there's another set of gates ahead of you. C4 those, and there's a whole crapload of artillery to blast. Do so, just so that all the planes can fly a little safer. Off to the SE of the area is the NT. 21- Hop back on the road, and further to the E. At the end of the road, There's an NK Base. Blast your way inside, and in the SW corner, near some stacked crates, is the NT. 22- On the N side of the NK Base from NT#21, next to the very large building, are some barracks. On the E side of the N'ernmost one is the NT. 23- Time to head back the way we came. From the NK Base from BP#14, NT#21 and 22, go back down the road, Once you get way back to the fork, head N. Up just a little ways on the left is a NK bunker and encampment. Next to the bunker on the N side is the NT. 24- From LP#10, head back W towards the fork. On the other side of the fork, on the N side of the building, is the NT. 25- From LP#11, head back out on to the road. Turn right at the crossroads. In the NE quadrant of this first section of Nampo, on the E side of the building, within the fence line, is the NT. 26- In the dock area from BP#24 & 25, it's on the N dock. 27- From BP#27 & 28, head back W following the railroad tracks. Once you get back to the road, turn right, then right again at the dirt road. Turn right again, once you're about halfway down the dirt road to start up a hill/mountain (whatever). You'll run into an NK encampment, with a bunker not far behind. The NT is right next to the transport truck in front of the bunker, so be sure not to blast it. 28- From BP#29, head out of the garage and to the left. We're venturing into Chinese Territory again, so you might (well, WILL) get shot at. Break through the fence to get inside, then head to the SE corner. Inside the hangar is the NT. 29- From BP#30, head to the NE corner of the complex. Head in to the hangar, and about the center, on the N side is the NT. 30- From MM#3, keep heading W across the tarmac. In the center of the far SW hangar is the NT. 31- On the E side of the town from MM#4, there's a building. In front of it is the NT. 32- From NT#31, head back towards Pyongyang Airport. There's a dirt road to the right, take it across the road and down a path towards an NK encampment & bunker. The NT is behind the bunker. 33- From NT#32, head back down the path towards Pyongyang Airport. Head S of the airport, and at the fork head E. When you come to a burnt-out section, turn off. The first burnt building you come to houses the NT. 34- Just past the burnt-out buildings for NT#33, LP#14 and BP#32 is a downed plane on the S side of the road. In between the two large chunks of plane is the NT. 35- From BP#35, head N along the street, then turn right. Follow the street around to the S. On top of this big archway thing is the NT. Before you try the suggestion below, SAVE YOUR GAME. You don't need to go blowing stuff up if the thing you're trying to get gets blown up in the process. This goes for NT#35, 37 and 51. [From a suggestion by MasterVG782: just blow it up to bring it down.] 36- Head E out of the archway for NT#35. At the next crossroads, go left, then right to go down an out-of-the-way path. This also leads to the 5 of Clubs. He's on the overpass-type thing, while to get the NT, head through that and into the water; it's under the pathway. 37- From NT#36, head back down the road. At the crossroads, make a left followed by another left. This will lead you to East Pyongyang. Head to the NW'ern area for the building the NT is on. If you're standing in the N corner, it's on the ledge above you. Sometimes, it'll be in the middle of the road. 38- It's behind the pickup from the challenge talked about in BP#36. 39- On the other side of the bunker for BP#39. 40- From NT#39, head back down the dirt road, make a left at the road, follow it around, then make a right in front of the Russian HQ and a quick left to head down another dirt road. This will lead to the 5 of Diamonds, if you've unlocked them. It'll be a lot easier if you haven't since there's zero resistance if you're still on Clubs. Just drive up there, and the NT and BP are sitting in the open. 41- Just past BP#41 on the left is an alleyway. The NT is in plain sight. 42- From LP#21, go to the street dividing the two blocks. The NT is right there, sitting in the open. 43- From NT#42, head on the S'bound road out of Downtown Pyongyang. Just after you cross, there's a pull-off to the left. Park your car, and head up the hill. There's an NK encampment up here, with a bunker. The NT is under one of those net-tent things. Blast the NK's and snag it. Don't worry about the bunker, it's not operating today. 44- Just W of LP#22 is a train boarding area. next to the S'ernmost of the ramps are the NT & BP. 45- Near the missile racks for BP#46 46- Hop back on the road from East Pyongyang to Sariwon that you were on just a little while ago. Take that S, and take the first left. On the left is a little burned-out encampment with a bunker. At the N'ernmost reaches of the wreckage is the NT. 47- Head back on to the road from NT#46 and keep heading E. You'll reach Ichon. Just to the W of the city is an NK encampment. You can see the tower from the road. Run/drive up the hill, and the NT is under a net-tent thing near the bunker. 48- From BP#51, hop on the road heading E out of Ichon. When the road whips back to the W, then turns back E, there's an NK encampment. On the N side of the bunker is the NT. 49- If I'm not mistaken, just blast the E sections of the Fortress Gate from BP#52. For me, it fell over on to the S side of the wall. If not, just blast the middle part (but not the gate itself) 'til it busts, and you're in. 50- From BP#53, it's just to the N, in the canyon. You'll have to fly a helicopter down there. If you fly to the E end of the canyon, head back W to a group of rocks. You'll see the NT there. 51- Use a helicopter to get on top of the tall building MM#9 is in front of. Or, just blow the building up to bring it down. Just keep trying until you get it. 52- From LP#25, head S and jump over the guardrail. Head down into the forest, and work your way to a clearing. You'll spot the NT in no time. 53- From MM#10, make your way S through Kaesong. at the fork in the road, head E. Follow this to the second fork, and head N. This will go off on a dirt road. When THAT road forks, head W. You'll come across a heavily fortified area. Multiple small bunkers, Allies squaring off against the NK's, etc. Keep heading up the hill. At the fork, head left. All the way at the end of this path, next to the bunker, is the NT. North Province (57): 54- From BP#60, head N, going to the right around the tent. At the N end of the MASH, next to a tent, is the NT. 55- From BP#61, turn N. After you cross the dirt road, look to your right. Next to the house just past you is the NT. 56- From NT#55, head back W. Once you get to a hill, turn right. Head up the hill, and behind the house is the NT. This is where the 5 of Hearts is located. 57- From NT#56, head S back down the hill, turning left at the dirt road. Head across the bridge, and to the right of the building ahead of you. At the corner of the building is the NT. 58- From NT#57, head back W to the Kusong MASH. Keep following the road to the S. Shortly down the road, on the right, is the Allied HQ. Next to the crates in front of the entrance is the NT. 59- From MM#12, turn around so your back's facing the plaza the MM was in. Head down the road ahead of you, and make a right at the T. Take the next right, and a little ways down, next to some rocks on the right side, is the NT. Wow, they didn't even try to hide it behind the rocks. 60- From BP#63, head back S on the road, to the T. At the T, head left. There's gonna be a small road jutting N a little ways down, head up that. For these next few (BP#64, NT#60 & 61,LP#30) you'll be in trespassing in Mafia territory, so be careful, or be disguised. As you go through the gates, you'll see a stack of crates to your right, a little ways in. The E side of those crates have a space to drive through. Inside is the NT. 61- Head W from the crate stack. At the next batch of crates, next to the N'ern one is the NT. 62- right near BP#66. 63- From LP#35, turn to the E. On the N side of the building in front of you is the NT. 64- From LP#36, the NT is in the NE corner of the reactor, inside the fence line. 65- From LP#37, head around to the other side of the farmhouse. The two NTs are there. 66- Next to NT#65. 67- From LP#38, head S and slightly W. There'll be a barracks building on your right. "Hidden" in some crates near the N'ern part is the NT. 68- From BP#74, keep heading W along the road. On the left are some Artillery you can man. In between the two sets of two are some large crates. In between the crates is the NT. 69- From LP#40, head back to the bridge. These next three items (NT#69&70, BP#76) will be easiest to get to with a helicopter. Any other ways, please email me about. Head past the tree coverage, on the S side of the mountain. There's a plateau just a little ways up the mountain with the NT on it. 70- On the plateau with BP#76. 71- From NT#70, head back to the bridge. Head NW on the road. Just after curving to the SW, there's a building-guarded plaza, on the N side of the road. Head inside, and in the N'ern corner of the area, inside the wall, is the NT. 72- From BP#77, head SW down the road. You'll see another pagoda-style building on the right. Just before you get to the pagoda building, head in to the camp there (specifically, turn in to the camp just before the last tent before the pagoda; confused yet?). The NT is just ahead of you. 73- From LP#44, follow the warehouse to it's W'ern corner. with your back to the NW'ern side of the building, you'll see some stacked crates. On the other side of those, you'll find the NT. 74- From BP#79, keep following the side of the warehouse. As it makes another corner, follow it and in front of you is the NT. 75- From MM#15, take the first right. Take the next right, and you'll be on a little cul-de-sac. There's two little garden areas on the right. Inside the second one you come to is the NT. 76- From MM#16, keep heading down the road you're on; it'll lead into a little pond area. On the other side of the tree in the center of this area is the NT. 77- From NT#76, head back out of Downtown Sinuiju, and at the crossroads, make a left. At the junction, make a left as well. This will take you to Tenement Ruins. Head [ast the first blasted building, and up a hill to a mounted gun. At the gun, turn left. You should see a building that's still standing. On the other side of the building is the NT. 78- From NT#77, head N, and past another mounted gun. Follow the path past it, and when you can go right or left, go right. Next to the pagoda building is the NT. 79- From BP#80, head through/past Tenement Ruins to the SE. Once on the road, head E. Just inside the next fork, on the W side is an NK encampment. How you get there is up to you; I prefer helicopter. And at this point, you should have at least one at your disposal. At the N end of the encampment is the NT. This is where the 5 of Spades is. 80- From MM#18, head N up the road a little bit. There's a train warehouse (not sure what it's actually called, but it'll work for now) on the left. On the SE wall of the warehouse is the NT. 81- From NT#80, head back on to the road, heading N and looping E. Once you get to the N'ernmost section of the road, there's a plateau on the N side with and NK encampment. Between the sandbag barricades that don't have Artillery behind them is the NT. 82- From BP#82, head back N to the fork, and head E. Just after passing over the bridge, on the right is the Temple. In the SW corner of the Temple area is a businessman Challenge. Nearby him is the NT, underneath a covered area. 83- Using a helicopter, head S of the Temple, into the mountains. There's an NK helicopter encampment just a little ways S. The NT is on the N side of the helicopter pad. 84- From NT#83, head back N through the Temple area, and to the road. Turn right, then left at the crossroads. As the road twists to curve to the E, there's a couple houses on the right. On the E side of the N house is the NT. 85- Across the road to the W from NT#84, there's a bunker and tower. Head through the trees behind them to the W for an open area with a bunker. On the N side of the tower is the NT. 86- From LP#47, keep heading E on the road. As it curves to the N, on the left side there's a little village. Just inside the wall on the S side of the entrance is the NT. 87- From BP#83, head to the NE'ern corner of the little village. Just inside the wall is the NT. 88- From NT#87, head out the exit of the village. Across the street are two paths into the mountains (on the N and S sides of the mountain in front of you. Head on to the N'ern path. Just a little ways up the path is the NT. This is where the 7 of Spades is. 89- From NT#88, head back W to the road, and head N. At the junction, head N. The road will bend to the W, and back to the E before heading N again. At the far W'ern portion of the road is a building. On it's S side is the NT. This is where the 6 of Spades is. 90- From NT#89, head behind the building and to the S. There's a path here, leading around a plateau. On top of the plateau is the NT. This is where the 3 of Spades is. 91- From BP#86, head W through the crossroads. As the road curves N, head past the fence. Next to the building to your left is the NT. 92- From BP#88, head down the dirt road back to the crossroads. In the SE corner of the Complex, between a barracks and a tower is the NT. 93- From LP#49, head N up the road, and follow it as it curves to the NE. The NT is on the W side of the helicopter pad. 94- From BP#91, head back on to the road. Follow it SW into the Industrial Zone. As the road curves back to the E, take the E fork. When the road curves slightly, on the N side of the curve, between some crates is the NT. 95- From NT#94, head SE on the road, down to Yongbyon Station. At the N end of the smaller loading area is the NT. 96- From NT#95, head N back to the Industrial Zone. When you get to the fork, make a left. Inside the compound to the right, next to the crane, is the NT. 97- From LP#51, head around to the SW side of the Plant. If you go just past the first building, and head up from it, there are two brick buildings to the NE. In between them is the NT. 98- From BP#92, Head through/around the fence to the NW. Next to the building in the NE'ern corner is the NT. 99- From BP#94, head along the N wall of the complex. Next to the first finished building is the NT. 100- From LP#52, keep heading S along the wall. Once you get to the corner, look to the NE. The NT is usually either on top of the building (blast it off, or bring the building down) or between the crate and the building (just go get it). Either way, you've got #100. 101- From BP#96, head through the fence to the E of the tower. As you're heading E, there's a covered area to the left. The NT is under this area. 102- From BP#97, head N. At the end of the buildings, turn the corner to your right. Just ahead of you is the NT. 103- From BP#98, head back to the crossroads and go S. As you head into this little camp, on the right will be a net tent thing. Hidden behind the sandbag barrier in front of it is the NT. 104- From BP#100, keep heading down the path past the building to a tower with a conveyor belt coming off it. On the N side of the belt, as it's going in to the mountain, is the NT. 105- From BP#102, head back W along the road, to Chongju. Once you get to Chongju, take the first left, and follow the street around. On the left is a little open marketplace; next to on of the stalls is the NT. 106- From BP#108, head back down the path to the road, and go left. At the fork, head right. On the left side is Changsong Train Station. Head through the station itself to get to the tracks. On the other side of the tracks is a boarding platform. I'm not sure exactly where the NT's supposed to be, but I was able to get it by blasting the center of the wall, near the benches. 107- From BP#109, Head S on the road, past the next two houses. There's a little path to the right after the second house; down it is the NT, next to a house. 108- From NT#107, head N on the road, make a right at the fork, and a quick left to head up to the Chemical Complex. Follow the path through the gate and through the crossroads. Head up the path, and go to the front of the big brick building with the two tower-like things in front of it. Turn right. Behind those big containers is the NT. 109- From LP#56, head N back to the Industrial Zone, and SW to Yongbyon. On the S side of Yongbyon, there's a building with the remains of a MM. From the remains of the MM, look NE. The NT is there next to a large pillar. 110- From NT#109, head W out of Yongbyon. From the N'ern of the two roads out of Yongbyon, head over the rubble and behind a blasted wall, to the right is the NT. It's just to the W of the blasted building. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1c: Monuments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Statues of the great NK leader (groan) or big bar-looking things (Washington Monument ripoffs), or clusters of people. South Province (10): 1- Yay! our first Monument. From NT#8, head S down the road to just before the next crossroads. On the left is the MM. 2- From NT#11, head to the SW'ern most crossroads in Haeju. On the SW side, is the MM. 3- From NT#29, head SW across the tarmac (for those of you who don't know the parts of an airport, that the bit the planes fly off of...) and just past the parked airplane is a building with two flagpoles and the MM on the N side. 4- From BP#31, hop on the road to the E, and head S. This will take you up to a small town/village setting. In the "town square" is the MM. 5- From LP#17, head a little NE. In the plaza is the MM. 6- From LP#24, head out on to the street and head W. It'll loop around to the S, and at the fork is the MM. 7- From BP#49, head E onto the tarmac. Head S on the tarmac, and on the right is the MM. It's guarded with a few NK's so be wary. 8- From BP#54, look to the N. On the raised walkway of the building is the MM. 9- From BP#58, head back down the dirt road, and at the road make a right. This will take you towards Kaesong. On your right, in a small plaza, is the MM. 10- From BP#59, head N on the little road.once you get to the N'ern area of Kaesong, make a left. In front of you is the MM. North Province (11): 11- From BP#62, head S on the road. On your right, near the end, where the road T's off, there's an MM and LP. 12- From LP#29 and MM#11, head to the T in the road just ahead of you, and go left. Take the next left, and on the right is a plaza. In the center of the plaza is the MM. 13- From LP#33, look S. In the little plaza is the MM. 14- From LP#34, head N out of Chongju. At the crossroads, head left. The road will curve to the N. You'll see Chongju Airfield on the left. Head inside (however you see fit). On the N end of the airfield in the MM. 15- From NT#74, hop back on the road, and head E. Go through the crossroads, towards Downtown Sinuiju. In that first little city square you'll see the MM. 16- From LP#46, head back on to the road you were just on. Follow it around until it T's, and make a right. On your left is the MM. 17- From BP#81, head back over to the road and head N. At the fork, head left. Of the left side are the statues, flanking the steps. Looks like they're trying to confuse us now, putting up statues of the people instead. 18- Next to MM#17. 19- From BP#85, head back to the road and head N. Shortly thereafter, you'll come to the Chemical Complex. Just inside the gates are the two MMs. 20- Next to MM#19. 21- From NT#96, head SW on the road and you'll come to Yongbyon. Keep following the road you're on and it'll curve W. Take the first right, and there'll be a plaza on the right. You'll see the final MM there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1d: Listening Posts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are little red radio towers with a flashing red light on the top. South Province (25): 1- Next to the building of NT#2 2- Just down the road of BP#3 to the E, on the same side of the road is the LP. You can make out the flashing red light in some trees. 3- From MM#1, head S at the crossroads. At the end of the road, keep going, heading slightly to the left. You should see a billboard in Hangeul (Korean). Behind it is the LP. 4- Head back towards Propaganda Village on the road, but just after you get on the road, head to the left. You'll see another billboard, in Hangeul this time on some concrete wall-type thing. Behind the billboard nearest the river is the LP. 5- Head back through Propaganda Village, and back on to the road. Head W, and pull of at the next fork. The LP is inside the small hut/village area on the N side of the fork. 6- Keep heading down the dirt road from NT#14 and BP#12. Once you get back to the real road, make a right. At the next fork, go ahead and drive over into the orchard on the right. In the 4th column from the left, 5th row from the bottom is the LP. 7- In the little village for NT#16. 8- From NT#17, head S. Just down the dirt paths is another village. Inside is the LP. 9- Across from BP#13. 10- From NT#23, head N on the road to the next fork. Make a right at the fork (there should be some Chinese and NK's fighting it out here) and head up the first dirt path on the left towards the Allied MASH. Up on the top of the first hill on the left is the LP. Blast it from a distance. 11- From BP#15, head N, then E when you can't go further N. Just past the next building is the LP. 12- From BP#16, head to the S side of the Chinese camp. Turn right at the fence and you should see the LP. 13- In the area with the 5 BP's (starting with BP#17), on the NW corner is an LP, outside the fence line. 14- From NT#33, in front of the SW'ernmost building is the LP (it's kinda in the trees) 15- From NT#34, head E along the road, and between a sign and a pile of burning stuff is the LP. 16- From BP#33, keep heading E on the road towards North Pyongyang. Once you get to the city, take the first right at the fork. Just around the corner in a little garden-type area is the LP. 17- Head back S on the road from BP#34. Go past the last LP you blasted and to the E. At the NE corner of the little fenced-in area is the LP. 18- In the corner for NT#37 is the LP. 19- From BP#36 and NP#37, head SW down the alley, and the area past the Mafia's club will be a fenced-in area. In the N corner is the LP. 20- Underneath the same awning-thing for BP#41 and NT#41, it's next to a pillar. You'll see it before the BP, but given that if you blast it, it'll let the NK's know where you are, I figured to leave it 'til after. 21- From NT#41, head out onto E-W street and head W. At the first block you come to, in the center is a little square garden. The LP is planted there like a weed. 22- From NT#43, head back down to where you parked your vehicle, and exit back onto the road, heading S. Take the next right. Head down the railroad tracks, and look to the left. The LP's trying to hide in the trees. Don't let it's camouflage get to you. 23- From BP#44, head NW. You'll see the LP on the corner. 24- From LP#23, turn right. At the NE corner, behind a dumpster, is the LP. 25- Behind the building that MM#9 is in front of and that NT#51 is on. North Province (31): 26- From NT#64, head to the NE, following the fence line. Next to a tent is the LP. 27- From LP#26, turn to the W. Follow the fence to the NW corner of the MASH. You'll see the LP there. 28- From NT#58, head around back of the HQ. On the N side of the back of the building is the LP. 29- Next to MM#11. 30- From NT#61, head S. You should see the red light from the LP just ahead. 31- From NT#62, head W to Chongju. Head back SE on the road out of Chongju. Head to the left, just past the wall on the left. On your right, just before the mountains get real high, is the LP. Just look for the red flash. 32- From BP#67, head through the tunnel going E. Just after you exit, on the right is the LP. 33- From BP#68, head back W on the road, through the tunnel, and into Chongju. Head to the SK HQ. On top of the HQ is the LP. 34- From MM#13, keep heading on the road you took to get to Chongju, and it will curve to the S. Down on the right will be the LP. 35- From MM#14, head to the W side of the airfield, in the S corner. The LP is next to an alarm tower. 36- From BP#71, head NE. Once past a couple buildings, you should see the blinking light of the LP next to a spotlight. 37- From NT#64, head E on the road, to the crossroads. Go through the crossroads, and on the right is a little farm. Next to the farmhouse is the LP. This is where the 3 of Hearts is/was. 38- From NT#66, hop back on the road, and head E through the crossroads. Just past the first set of buildings on the right is a little path through the trees. This leads to the NK Outpost, surprisingly manned by SK's. Just through the front gate you'll see their alarm tower. The LP is next to it. 39- From BP#73, head out of the NK Outpost to the N. At the road, head E. At the next crossroads, make a left, then go through the next crossroads. This will take you to Dandong. After you cross the bridge, take the first left. On the right is the Chinese HQ. Just to the right of the guard is the LP. Try to not kill the guard when you blast the LP. 40- From BP#75, head S, down onto the dock behind the pagoda-style building. At the end of the dock is the LP. 41- From NT#72, turn directly S. You'll see the LP there. 42- From LP#41, turn E. On the N side of the pagoda building is the LP. 43- From BP#78, head back to the bridge, and cross it back to the next crossroads. At the crossroads, turn right. This will take you to Sinuiju Harbor. The road will "kink"; just to the N of the kink is a docks area. On the boat next to the E'ern dock is the LP; it's next to the crane. 44- From LP#43, keep heading down the road to Sinuiju Harbor. On the right is a factory. on the N'ern corner of the factory is the LP. 45- From NT#75, look to the far S corner of the cul-de-sac. The LP is there. 46- From LP#45, head back from the cul-de-sac and take the first right. On the left will be a plaza between the buildings. In the garden area is the LP. 47- From NT#85, head E back to the road, and take it S. At the crossroads, make a left, to head E. Just after crossing the next bridge, on the left is the LP, next to a building. 48- From NT#91, head past the buildings to the N. Go on the dirt path heading N, and curving E. On the E side of the complex, there's a crane. Next to the crane is the LP. 49- From NT#92, head up the road to the N. Just before the road curves to the NE, there's a barracks; on the S side of the barracks is the LP. 50- From MM#21, head S and behind the building. On the SW corner of the building is the LP. 51- Head W from LP#50, out of Yongbyon. Once you get to a fork, head S. Take the next right. This will head to Yongbyon Reprocessing Plant. Head to the NE corner of the plant. Look to the W, you should see the flash from the LP. 52- From NT#99, follow the wall around to the S. On the left, next to a round tank, is the LP. 53- From NT#102, look N. You'll see the LP there. 54- From NT#103, head back to the crossroads and head E. Pass through the next crossroads you come to, and go S at the crossroads after that. When you get to the tower, look to the left. The LP is next to a tent. 55- From BP#107, head S. In the NE'ern corner of the lower area of the Ruins are some burning buildings. Next to them are some trees. In between the trees is the LP. 56- From NT#108, head S out of the Complex. Continue S through the NK Village. At the Industrial Zone, head SE on the road, to Yongbyon Station. At the NW corner of the Station, between the wall and the building, is the LP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01: Collectibles Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2a: South Province Path ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These'll follow a somewhat meandering path starting from the DMZ, W to Propaganda Village, N to just before Kaesong, then E, back SW past Propaganda Village, through Farmland to Haeju, N through the hills, then SE and N, then E past the Artillery Base, loop back around to the Allied MASH, NW to Nampo, a little E, then back NW to Pyongyang Airport and the little town S of it, then E to North Pyongyang, E to East Pyongyang, a little more E past that, then W to Downtown Pyongyang, back to East Pyongyang, then S to Sariwon, E through Ichon and the NK Fortress Gate to the NK Fortress, then finally SW to Kaesong. Phew! NT#1- Head out the door of Allies HQ. Go past the first row of buildings, and near the steps is the NT. NT#2- Head S on the road out of Allies' HQ. Take the second right. Go through the security checkpoint (let the gate slide open) and before you cross the bridge, there's a building on your right. At the door is the NT. LP#1- Next to the building of NT#2 BP#1- After NT#2 and LP#1, cross the bridge to the W, and make a right. At the door of the building on the left (past the helicopter) is the BP. NT#3- Turn around from BP#1, and go back past the helicopter. Instead of going around the corner, go past the treeline. Here you can help out some Allies against some NK's, but there's an unlimited supply of them. To the right of the big hangar there's a net overhang. Under that is the NT. NT#4- Hop back on to the road and head W. Pass the first dirt road (to the right) and hop on the second (to the left). ON the right, you'll see a fire up on a hilltop. Head up there. There's another of those NK hangar-things up there. On the right side, near the hangar, between a teepee and a big black crate is the NT. BP#2- After NT#4, head back down the hill, and away from the road. You'll see a canyon on your right. Past a little NK encampment (okay, that's a little joke). Keep following the railroad tracks, to where the 10 of Clubs is. To his left, near some other crates, is the BP. NT#5- It's behind the 10 of Clubs. NT#6- Follow the railroad tracks back to the road, staying in the same W direction. Make a right at the next right. At the next right, hop out of your vehicle. Head up the hill (yes, you can make it) and stage a nice little welcoming party for the NK hideout/hangar. In front of the hangar, there are some crates. In the center of the crates is the NT. BP#3- Hop back down from NT#6, and follow the road to the E. It'll curve N, then back S. As it heads back to the E, you'll see some big-ass rocks on your right. Behind them is the BP. LP#2- Just down the road of BP#3 to the E, on the same side of the road is the LP. You can make out the flashing red light in some trees. BP#4- Across the road from LP#2 is the BP. Again, trying to hide behind the rocks. But they're no match for a bad-ass merc like yourself, huh? NT#7- Across the road from BP#4, and next to LP#2, on a raised hill area, is the NT, near some rocks. BP#5- Head down the road to the E of BP#4, NT#7 and LP#2. Head in to a clearing on the left, between some rocks. Off to the right, behind some trees, just before the mountain starts is the BP. BP#6- If you head back W along the road from BP#5, and back to where the road curves N then W. Hop off road here, to the E. Just head between the hills/mountains and it's in the clearing. NT#8- From BP#6, head back past NT#5. Go a little W down the road, then S at the next left (practically across the road. You'll be heading into a little city-area (Propaganda Village). Take the first right, and between some crates and a wall is the NT. MM#1- Yay! our first Monument. From NT#8, head S down the road to just before the next crossroads. On the left is the MM. LP#3- From MM#1, head S at the crossroads. At the end of the road, keep going, heading slightly to the left. You should see a billboard in Hangeul (Korean). Behind it is the LP. LP#4- Head back towards Propaganda Village on the road, but just after you get on the road, head to the left. You'll see another billboard, in Hangeul this time on some concrete wall-type thing. Behind the billboard nearest the river is the LP. LP#5- Head back through Propaganda Village, and back on to the road. Head W, and pull of at the next fork. The LP is inside the small hut/village area on the N side of the fork. NT#9- Turn around from LP#5, and you should see the NT. BP#7- On the SE side of the fork for NT#9 and LP#5, behind some rocks, is the BP. BP#8- Head S on the road from BP#7 towards the city of Haeju. Just before the city proper (the first gray square) on the N side of the road is a fenced area. You can get the BP through the fence. NT#10- From BP#8, take the first left inside Haeju. On the S side on the southernmost city block, go on to the little red bridge-thing. In the gazebo-type thing is the NT. MM#2- From NT#10, head to the SW'ernmost crossroads in Haeju. On the SW side, is the MM. BP#9- Head N from MM#2. Turn left at the top fork. At the second fork, on the right side, just inside the sandbag barricade, is the BP. NT#11- Head through the sandbag barricades from BP#9, and make a right, following the road. At the fork, head slightly to the left, and into the docks-looking area. Just past the large staircase, at the building's corner, is the NT. BP#10- Follow the railroad tracks from NT#11, behind the railroad depot, and into a Chinese-NK battle. Through this, follow the road. When the path forks to go W or N, go N, and get out of your vehicle. Head to the right of the encampment, to a pair of net tents. Between those are the BP and NT#12. Be sure to collect them before you start blowing thing up out there, because I think once, I blew them up. NT#12- With BP#10. BP#11- Once you've decimated the encampment, head back to the road and head W. You'll find the 10 of Diamonds' encampment (once you can get to him). As the encampment opens up, on your left are some trees and bushes. Hidden oh so expertly is the BP. NT#13- From BP#11, head to the far end of the encampment. On the left, near the drop-off, is the NT. NT#14- From NT#13, head back up the road, past the encampment for NT#12. Take the next left. At the top of the N'ern loop, on the N side of the road, is the NT, hidden beside some barrels. BP#12- On the S side of the road from NT#14, next to a blue-tarped thing. LP#6- Keep heading down the dirt road from NT#14 and BP#12. Once you get back to the real road, make a right. At the next fork, go ahead and drive over into the orchard on the right. In the 4th column from the left, 5th row from the bottom is the LP. NT#15- From LP#6, head across the fork, so you're on the S side of the road. Head down into the little village (one house should be on fire).The NW'ern most house has the NT next to it's wall. NT#16- From NT#15, head S through the village. There's another little village up in the hills, to the SE. Inside the walls are NT#16 and LP#7. LP#7- In the little village for NT#16. NT#17- From NT#16 and LP#7, head back N to the road. On the N side of the road are some dirt paths. Head to the E on these. In yet another "village on the hill", is a NT. LP#8- From NT#17, head S. Just down the dirt paths is another village. Inside is the LP. BP#13- Head back up the road, towards the dirt roads near the orchard. Keep heading N until just past the two tower checkpoints. on the left is the BP. LP#9- Across from BP#13. NT#18- Follow the road W from BP#13 and LP#9.At the fork, turn right. Just inside the fork, on the S side, just before the NK encampment is the NT. NT#19- Keep following the E'ern road from NT#18. As it curves back around and hits a fork, head to the W on the fork. Just around the bend is an NK encampment. Past their little bunker is the NT. NT#20- For this next one, you get to storm the NK Artillery Installation. Get back on the road. Head down the first right. You should see a highly-fortified are ahead of you. Guess what? Bring along an RPG and some C4, and you'll be all set. Once you blast through the gates with some C4, there's another set of gates ahead of you. C4 those, and there's a whole crapload of artillery to blast. Do so, just so that all the planes can fly a little safer. Off to the SE of the area is the NT. NT#21- Hop back on the road, and further to the E. At the end of the road, There's an NK Base. Blast your way inside, and in the SW corner, near some stacked crates, is the NT. NT#22- On the N side of the NK Base from NT#21, next to the very large building, are some barracks. On the E side of the N'ernmost one is the NT. BP#14- At the NK Base from NT#21 and 22, next to the SE'ernmost tower, is the BP, next to a barracks. NT#23- Time to head back the way we came. From the NK Base from BP#14, NT#21 and 22, go back down the road, Once you get way back to the fork, head N. Up just a little ways on the left is a NK bunker and encampment. Next to the bunker on the N side is the NT. LP#10- From NT#23, head N on the road to the next fork. Make a right at the fork (there should be some Chinese and NK's fighting it out here) and head up the first dirt path on the left towards the Allied MASH. Up on the top of the first hill on the left is the LP. Blast it from a distance. NT#24- From LP#10, head back W towards the fork. On the other side of the fork, on the N side of the building, is the NT. BP#15- Go on and head across the bridge N of NT#24. Here's where the BP's catch up to the NT's, in Nampo. In the first little square on Nampo you come to, there's 2 BP's, 2 LP's and a NT. In the SW part of this first section of Nampo, as you cross the W'ern gate heading in, on the N side is the BP. LP#11- From BP#15, head N, then E when you can't go further N. Just past the next building is the LP. NT#25- From LP#11, head back out on to the road. Turn right at the crossroads. In the NE quadrant of this first section of Nampo, on the E side of the building, within the fence line, is the NT. BP#16- From NT#25, get back on the central road and head W to the next quadrant of this section of Nampo. You'll be trespassing in Chinese Territory to get these next two items. In the N'ern area of the quadrant, there are two barracks buildings. The BP is in between them. LP#12- From BP#16, head to the S side of the Chinese camp. Turn right at the fence and you should see the LP. From LP#12, hop on the upper of the streets and head W. This next block hold 5 BP's and an LP, with 5 more BP's and an NT nearby. The BP's are as follows: BP#17- N end of the N complex. BP#18- S end of the N complex. BP#19- W end of the S complex. BP#20- SE corner of the S complex. BP#21- E end of the SE complex. LP#13- In the area with the 5 BP's (starting with BP#17), on the NW corner is an LP, outside the fence line. BP#22- Head S from the 5-BP complex. Down at the water's edge. BP#23- Next to BP#22. (if any of you think these are an ode to Chappelle's Show, let me know) BP#24- Head back N from BP#22 & 23 to the road, and head W. Inside the wall of the docks area, in the NE corner, is the BP. BP#25- In the docks area of BP#24, it's on the S dock. NT#26- In the dock area from BP#24 & 25, it's on the N dock. BP#26- Just N of the docks area for NT#26 and BP#23 & 24, there's a forested area. Just past there, there's an NK encampment and bunker. Next to the N'ernmost mounted guns is the BP. BP#27- From BP#26, head back E through Nampo. Once you get to the fork, head N. Follow the train tracks to the E to an NK encampment. Once you rid yourself of their presence, on the NE corner of the barracks is a BP. BP#28- From BP#27, keep following the tracks to another NK encampment. Inside the sandbag barricade, next to the bunker is the BP. NT#27- From BP#27 & 28, head back W following the railroad tracks. Once you get back to the road, turn right, then right again at the dirt road. Turn right again, once you're about halfway down the dirt road to start up a hill/mountain (whatever). You'll run into an NK encampment, with a bunker not far behind. The NT is right next to the transport truck in front of the bunker, so be sure not to blast it. BP#29- From NT#27, head back to the road, and N to Pyongyang Airport. Follow the road as it turns to the W, then into the parking structure. On your left is the BP, just next to the entrance. NT#28- From BP#29, head out of the garage and to the left. We're venturing into Chinese Territory again, so you might (well, WILL) get shot at. Break through the fence to get inside, then head to the SE corner. Inside the hangar is the NT. BP#30- On the W side of the hangar for NT#28. NT#29- From BP#30, head to the NE corner of the complex. Head in to the hangar, and about the center, on the N side is the NT. MM#3- From NT#29, head SW across the tarmac (for those of you who don't know the parts of an airport, that the bit the planes fly off of...) and just past the parked airplane is a building with two flagpoles and the MM on the N side. NT#30- From MM#3, keep heading W across the tarmac. In the center of the far SW hangar is the NT. BP#31- From NT#30, bust through the fence to the S to get to the Chinese HQ. Right next to some crates on the S side of the sandbag barricade is the BP. MM#4- From BP#31, hop on the road to the E, and head S. This will take you up to a small town/village setting. In the "town square" is the MM. NT#31- On the E side of the town from MM#4, there's a building. In front of it is the NT. NT#32- From NT#31, head back towards Pyongyang Airport. There's a dirt road to the right, take it across the road and down a path towards an NK encampment & bunker. The NT is behind the bunker. NT#33- From NT#32, head back down the path towards Pyongyang Airport. Head S of the airport, and at the fork head E. When you come to a burnt-out section, turn off. The first burnt building you come to houses the NT. LP#14- From NT#33, in front of the SW'ernmost building is the LP (it's kinda in the trees) BP#32- From between the two burnt-out buildings for NT#33 and LP#14, head back to the road. Just before you get there, the BP is next to a broken wall. NT#34- Just past the burnt-out buildings for NT#33, LP#14 and BP#32 is a downed plane on the S side of the road. In between the two large chunks of plane is the NT. LP#15- From NT#34, head E along the road, and between a sign and a pile of burning stuff is the LP. BP#33- Across the road from the plane for NT#34 and LP#15 is more burning crap. Between the two piles of burning crap is the BP. LP#16- From BP#33, keep heading E on the road towards North Pyongyang. Once you get to the city, take the first right at the fork. Just around the corner in a little garden-type area is the LP. BP#34- Go back N on the street you were on for LP#16. Underneath the awning of the N'ernmost building here is the BP. LP#17- Head back S on the road from BP#34. Go past the last LP you blasted and to the E. At the NE corner of the little fenced-in area is the LP. MM#5- From LP#17, head a little NE. In the plaza is the MM. BP#35- Head N through the plaza of MM#5. On the E side of the pyramid-like compound, between the pyramid and the outer building is the BP. NT#35- From BP#35, head N along the street, then turn right. Follow the street around to the S. On top of this big archway thing is the NT. Before you try the suggestion below, SAVE YOUR GAME. You don't need to go blowing stuff up if the thing you're trying to get gets blown up in the process. This goes for NT#35, 37 and 51. [From a suggestion by MasterVG782: just blow it up to bring it down.] NT#36- Head E out of the archway for NT#35. At the next crossroads, go left, then right to go down an out-of-the-way path. This also leads to the 5 of Clubs. He's on the overpass-type thing, while to get the NT, head through that and into the water; it's under the pathway. NT#37- From NT#36, head back down the road. At the crossroads, make a left followed by another left. This will lead you to East Pyongyang. Head to the NW'ern area for the building the NT is on. If you're standing in the N corner, it's on the ledge above you. Sometimes, it'll be in the middle of the road. LP#18- In the corner for NT#37 is the LP. BP#36- From LP#18, head to the W block of East Pyongyang. Here's the Russian Mafia HQ. Around the E side of their club is an alleyway with a challenge. The BP is across the alley from the challenge. NT#38- It's behind the pickup from the challenge talked about in BP#36. LP#19- From BP#36 and NP#37, head SW down the alley, and the area past the Mafia's club will be a fenced-in area. In the N corner is the LP. BP#37- Head to the SE'ern area of East Pyongyang. In the fenced-in warehouse/factory thing, on the SE'ern side, between some crates. BP#38- Inside the warehouse/factory from BP#37. I was able to use a car & smack a crate over to it to get on the upper level the BP is on. BP#39- Head back NW from outside of the warehouse, to the street just before the Russian HQ. Make a left and exit out on to a dirt road. This will head to the 6 of Clubs, so be wary. If you're gonna drive up there, there's a box-truck laying right in the middle, so jack it and move it, or shove it out of your way (or blast it if you're feeling evil, since it a civilian vehicle. The BP is next to the bunker the 6 is hiding near. NT#39- On the other side of the bunker for BP#39. NT#40- From NT#39, head back down the dirt road, make a left at the road, follow it around, then make a right in front of the Russian HQ and a quick left to head down another dirt road. This will lead to the 5 of Diamonds, if you've unlocked them. It'll be a lot easier if you haven't since there's zero resistance if you're still on Clubs. Just drive up there, and the NT and BP are sitting in the open. BP#40- Right nearby NT#40. BP#41- From BP#40, head back down the dirt road, and go past the gates of East Pyongyang, across the bridge to Downtown Pyongyang. Once again, it's buried in a nest of NK's, with the 8 of Clubs. Head through the awning-type thing on the right of the building in front of you. Just to your right is the BP, along with a bunch of NK's. It's near a pile of crates next to some troop transports. NT#41- Just past BP#41 on the left is an alleyway. The NT is in plain sight. LP#20- Underneath the same awning-thing for BP#41 and NT#41, it's next to a pillar. You'll see it before the BP, but given that if you blast it, it'll let the NK's know where you are, I figured to leave it 'til after. LP#21- From LP#20, head out onto E-W street and head W. At the first block you come to, in the center is a little square garden. The LP is planted there like a weed. NT#42- From LP#21, go to the street dividing the two blocks. The NT is right there, sitting in the open. NT#43- From NT#42, head on the S'bound road out of Downtown Pyongyang. Just after you cross, there's a pull-off to the left. Park your car, and head up the hill. There's an NK encampment up here, with a bunker. The NT is under one of those net-tent things. Blast the NK's and snag it. Don't worry about the bunker, it's not operating today. LP#22- From NT#43, head back down to where you parked your vehicle, and exit back onto the road, heading S. Take the next right. Head down the railroad tracks, and look to the left. The LP's trying to hide in the trees. Don't let it's camouflage get to you. NT#44- Just W of LP#22 is a train boarding area. next to the S'ernmost of the ramps are the NT & BP. BP#42- Next to NT#44. BP#43- From BP#42 and NT#44, head W. Just behind that little wall area is the BP. BP#44- From BP#43, head up the little hill to the W. There's an plaza between the two buildings. Behind the portrait, in a little garden, is the BP. LP#23- From BP#44, head NW. You'll see the LP on the corner. LP#24- From LP#23, turn right. At the NE corner, behind a dumpster, is the LP. MM#6- From LP#24, head out on to the street and head W. It'll loop around to the S, and at the fork is the MM. BP#45- From MM#6, head back out of the city, on to the road you were heading S on before. Head N this time, and take the first right, to head back towards East Pyongyang. Soon, on the right, will be an NK outpost. Next to the tower is the BP. BP#46- From BP#45, keep heading back towards East Pyongyang. Park near the N'ern of the NW guardrails. This way, there's a canyon on the E, and a forest to the W. Head N. Near the bunker at th top of the hill are some missile racks. Near those are the BP and an NT. NT#45- Near the missile racks for BP#46 BP#47- From BP#46 and NT#45, head back to East Pyongyang. Head to the street between the two S'ernmost blocks. SE of that, is a path between some rocks and trees. You should see a bunker down below. The BP is under one of those net-tent things, to the S of the bunker. NT#46- Hop back on the road from East Pyongyang to Sariwon that you were on just a little while ago. Take that S, and take the first left. On the left is a little burned-out encampment with a bunker. At the N'ernmost reaches of the wreckage is the NT. NT#47- Head back on to the road from NT#46 and keep heading E. You'll reach Ichon. Just to the W of the city is an NK encampment. You can see the tower from the road. Run/drive up the hill, and the NT is under a net-tent thing near the bunker. BP#48- From NT#47, head down to Ichon and to the S. On the S side of the city, in between to big boiler-type tanks, is the BP. BP#49- On the N end of the same base area BP#48 is in, on top of some very high crates is the BP. I think you need a helicopter to get there. Or, if you're good with your explosions yet, blast it off the top of the crates. MM#7- From BP#49, head E onto the tarmac. Head S on the tarmac, and on the right is the MM. It's guarded with a few NK's so be wary. BP#50- From MM#7, head back N on the tarmac. Slightly N is a bunker on the left. On the bunker's W side is the BP. BP#51- From BP#50, head S on the tarmac. Get over to the E side of Ichon, with the big square things spewing out smoke. On the E side of those, behind some big rocks, is the BP. NT#48- From BP#51, hop on the road heading E out of Ichon. When the road whips back to the W, then turns back E, there's an NK encampment. On the N side of the bunker is the NT. BP#52- From NT#48, hop back on the road, and head E (on the N'ern part of it). Soon, you'll come to a really huge gate. This is the NK Fortress Gate. It's really heavily guarded. On the W side, near the tank, is the BP. NT#49- If I'm not mistaken, just blast the E sections of the Fortress Gate from BP#52. For me, it fell over on to the S side of the wall. If not, just blast the middle part (but not the gate itself) 'til it busts, and you're in. BP#53- From NT#49, go through the gate, and to the right are some artillery. Head up on their hill (you can just make it past the restricted airspace) and next to the N'ern one is the BP. Though you'll be in restricted airspace to get it. NT#50- From BP#53, it's just to the N, in the canyon. You'll have to fly a helicopter down there. If you fly to the E end of the canyon, head back W to a group of rocks. You'll see the NT there. BP#54- From NT#50, head to the bridge, and next to the W'ern helicopter pad is the BP. MM#8- From BP#54, look to the N. On the raised walkway of the building is the MM. BP#55- From MM#8, head back S. When you get to the bridge, turn right. When the path takes a sharp turn, look behind you. There should be another Artillery. Next to it is the BP. BP#56- From BP#55, keep heading N on the path. When it winds behind the building below, there's another Artillery. Next to it is the BP. BP#57- From BP#56, head E on the path to the fork. At the fork, go N. On top of the hill, you'll find a GIANT Artillery. The BP is on the E side. BP#58- Once you've cleared the base from BP#57, head ALL the way back through Ichon, and at the fork in the road head down the N path. At the junction, head slightly S. There's a dirt road here leading W. At the end of the road is an NK encampment, with a small bunker. In front of the bunker, between some crates is the BP. MM#9- From BP#58, head back down the dirt road, and at the road make a right. This will take you towards Kaesong. On your right, in a small plaza, is the MM. NT#51- Use a helicopter to get on top of the tall building MM#9 is in front of. Or, just blow the building up to bring it down. Just keep trying until you get it. LP#25- Behind the building that MM#9 is in front of and that NT#51 is on. NT#52- From LP#25, head S and jump over the guardrail. Head down into the forest, and work your way to a clearing. You'll spot the NT in no time. BP#59- From NT#52, head S and soon you'll come to a road. Head E on it and stick to the S. Just past the SK HQ, inside a fenced area, is the BP. MM#10- From BP#59, head N on the little road.once you get to the N'ern area of Kaesong, make a left. In front of you is the MM. NT#53- From MM#10, make your way S through Kaesong. at the fork in the road, head E. Follow this to the second fork, and head N. This will go off on a dirt road. When THAT road forks, head W. You'll come across a heavily fortified area. Multiple small bunkers, Allies squaring off against the NK's, etc. Keep heading up the hill. At the fork, head left. All the way at the end of this path, next to the bunker, is the NT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2a: North Province Path ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These'll follow a somewhat meandering path starting from Kusong MASH, head E to Unsan Village, SE to Kusong, S W and N to between Kusong and Taechon Western Battlefields, back S to loop around the Chongju area, NW through Taechon Western Battlefields, past the Taechon Reactor, through Sinuiju Farms to Dandong, back to Sinuiju Harbor and Downtown, S to the NK Outpost and then E through Tenement Ruins, NE to Changsong Train Station, SE to Temple, then N through the NK Village to the Chemical Complex, then S through the Industrial Zone, all of Yongbyon, then finally the NK Garrison. Hopefully, in the next version, I'll have the numbers corrected, but since I started with the incomplete map from Zeke, I also have a cleanup path from the Garrison, W to Chongju, N to Taechon Reactor, E to Changsong Train Station, NW to the Chemical Complex, and S to Yongbyon. BP#60- Just W of the Kusong MASH's S exit, next to some crates. NT#54- From BP#60, head N, going to the right around the tent. At the N end of the MASH, next to a tent, is the NT. LP#26- From NT#64, head to the NE, following the fence line. Next to a tent is the LP. LP#27- From LP#26, turn to the W. Follow the fence to the NW corner of the MASH. You'll see the LP there. BP#61- From LP#27, head S out of the Kusong MASH. Head E on the road, and when it forks, head S. Take the first left, and when you get to the village proper, turn S. On the steps of the house in front of you is the BP. NT#55- From BP#61, turn N. After you cross the dirt road, look to your right. Next to the house just past you is the NT. NT#56- From NT#55, head back W. Once you get to a hill, turn right. Head up the hill, and behind the house is the NT. This is where the 5 of Hearts is located. NT#57- From NT#56, head S back down the hill, turning left at the dirt road. Head across the bridge, and to the right of the building ahead of you. At the corner of the building is the NT. NT#58- From NT#57, head back W to the Kusong MASH. Keep following the road to the S. Shortly down the road, on the right, is the Allied HQ. Next to the crates in front of the entrance is the NT. LP#28- From NT#58, head around back of the HQ. On the N side of the back of the building is the LP. BP#62- From LP#28, head back out through the walls of the HQ, across the road. Turn to the right, and in the corner of the wall is the BP. MM#11- From BP#62, head S on the road. On your right, near the end, where the road T's off, there's an MM and LP. LP#29- Next to MM#11. MM#12- From LP#29 and MM#11, head to the T in the road just ahead of you, and go left. Take the next left, and on the right is a plaza. In the center of the plaza is the MM. NT#59- From MM#12, turn around so your back's facing the plaza the MM was in. Head down the road ahead of you, and make a right at the T. Take the next right, and a little ways down, next to some rocks on the right side, is the NT. Wow, they didn't even try to hide it behind the rocks. BP#63- From NT#59, head N up the road. Just after it drops to a dirt road, on top of the hill to the right, is a little helicopter encampment. The only way to get there is by helicopter, of course. The BP is next to the bunker. Feel free to take a Scout, if one survived. NT#60- From BP#63, head back S on the road, to the T. At the T, head left. There's gonna be a small road jutting N a little ways down, head up that. For these next few (BP#64, NT#60 & 61,LP#30) you'll be in trespassing in Mafia territory, so be careful, or be disguised. As you go through the gates, you'll see a stack of crates to your right, a little ways in. The E side of those crates have a space to drive through. Inside is the NT. NT#61- Head W from the crate stack. At the next batch of crates, next to the N'ern one is the NT. LP#30- From NT#61, head S. You should see the red light from the LP just ahead. BP#64- From LP#30, head N. Behind the stack of wooden crates is the BP. BP#65- From BP#64, head out of the base. At the road, head left. Shortly afterward, on the right, there's a clearing/valley sort of thing. Head down through it. Near a pair of farmhouses in the SE corner is the BP. This is also where the 2 of Hearts is/was. BP#66- To the NE from BP#65 is a hill, with a path leading up to the E. Head up there. At the S side of the building E of the helicopter pad are some wooden crates and barrels. The BP and NT are here. Anyone up to blasting a few planets with this one? This is where the 10 of Spades is. NT#62- right near BP#66. LP#31- From NT#62, head W to Chongju. Head back SE on the road out of Chongju. Head to the left, just past the wall on the left. On your right, just before the mountains get real high, is the LP. Just look for the red flash. BP#67- From LP#31, head back onto the road SE out of Chongju. Once you get inside the tunnel, on the S side is the BP. LP#32- From BP#67, head through the tunnel going E. Just after you exit, on the right is the LP. BP#68- From LP#32, keep heading E on the road. On the right are some NK's and Allied fighting it out. There's a destroyed bunker; next to that is the BP. LP#33- From BP#68, head back W on the road, through the tunnel, and into Chongju. Head to the SK HQ. On top of the HQ is the LP. MM#13- From LP#33, look S. In the little plaza is the MM. LP#34- From MM#13, keep heading on the road you took to get to Chongju, and it will curve to the S. Down on the right will be the LP. MM#14- From LP#34, head N out of Chongju. At the crossroads, head left. The road will curve to the N. You'll see Chongju Airfield on the left. Head inside (however you see fit). On the N end of the airfield in the MM. LP#35- From MM#14, head to the W side of the airfield, in the S corner. The LP is next to an alarm tower. NT#63- From LP#35, turn to the E. On the N side of the building in front of you is the NT. BP#69- From NT#63, Head N on the road outside Chongju Airfield, into Taechon Western Battlefields. On the E side of the 'Fields, up in the hills, is another little helicopter base. Next to the bunker is the BP. BP#70- From BP#69, head to the NW'ern section of the 'Fields. Next to an Artillery, on a crate is the BP. This is where the 4 of Hearts is/was. BP#71- From BP#70, head N to Taechon Reactor. This, and the NT and LP that follow it are in a Radiation Zone. You'll either need a tank/APC or the Infinite Health cheat to pick these up. On the S side of the Reactor, inside the fence line, is the BP. LP#36- From BP#71, head NE. Once past a couple buildings, you should see the blinking light of the LP next to a spotlight. NT#64- From LP#36, the NT is in the NE corner of the reactor, inside the fence line. LP#37- From NT#64, head E on the road, to the crossroads. Go through the crossroads, and on the right is a little farm. Next to the farmhouse is the LP. This is where the 3 of Hearts is/was. NT#65- From LP#37, head around to the other side of the farmhouse. The two NTs are there. NT#66- Next to NT#65. LP#38- From NT#66, hop back on the road, and head E through the crossroads. Just past the first set of buildings on the right is a little path through the trees. This leads to the NK Outpost, surprisingly manned by SK's. Just through the front gate you'll see their alarm tower. The LP is next to it. NT#67- From LP#38, head S and slightly W. There'll be a barracks building on your right. "Hidden" in some crates near the N'ern part is the NT. BP#72- From NT#67, head S through the lower gates of the NK Outpost. There's a path up into the hills here. The path will head right; in front of you will be a Barracks. Head to the right side of the barracks (where the guns are mounted) and behind a big stack of crates is the BP. BP#73- From BP#72, head N down the hill. next to the S'ern tower is the BP. LP#39- From BP#73, head out of the NK Outpost to the N. At the road, head E. At the next crossroads, make a left, then go through the next crossroads. This will take you to Dandong. After you cross the bridge, take the first left. On the right is the Chinese HQ. Just to the right of the guard is the LP. Try to not kill the guard when you blast the LP. BP#74- From LP#39, head W along the road. On the W side of the first building at the road is the BP. NT#68- From BP#74, keep heading W along the road. On the left are some Artillery you can man. In between the two sets of two are some large crates. In between the crates is the NT. BP#75- From NT#68, keep heading W along the road. When the road makes a loop to the right, head down it. On the N side of the building on your left (it's the W'ernmost building in the encampment) is the BP. LP#40- From BP#75, head S, down onto the dock behind the pagoda-style building. At the end of the dock is the LP. NT#69- From LP#40, head back to the bridge. These next three items (NT#69&70, BP#76) will be easiest to get to with a helicopter. Any other ways, please email me about. Head past the tree coverage, on the S side of the mountain. There's a plateau just a little ways up the mountain with the NT on it. BP#76- From NT#69, keep heading NE from the first plateau. Head over the next one, to the one just before the Restricted Airspace. The BP is here. As well as the 8 of Spades. NT#70- On the plateau with BP#76. NT#71- From NT#70, head back to the bridge. Head NW on the road. Just after curving to the SW, there's a building-guarded plaza, on the N side of the road. Head inside, and in the N'ern corner of the area, inside the wall, is the NT. BP#77- From NT#71, head S across the road. Next to the building to the SW of the plaza is the BP. NT#72- From BP#77, head SW down the road. You'll see another pagoda-style building on the right. Just before you get to the pagoda building, head in to the camp there (specifically, turn in to the camp just before the last tent before the pagoda; confused yet?). The NT is just ahead of you. LP#41- From NT#72, turn directly S. You'll see the LP there. LP#42- From LP#41, turn E. On the N side of the pagoda building is the LP. BP#78- From LP#42, keep heading W along the top of the pagoda building. At the corner of the building, follow it around. There's a little nook between the pagoda building and it's garage (I think it's a garage); the BP is there. LP#43- From BP#78, head back to the bridge, and cross it back to the next crossroads. At the crossroads, turn right. This will take you to Sinuiju Harbor. The road will "kink"; just to the N of the kink is a docks area. On the boat next to the E'ern dock is the LP; it's next to the crane. LP#44- From LP#43, keep heading down the road to Sinuiju Harbor. On the right is a factory. on the N'ern corner of the factory is the LP. NT#73- From LP#44, follow the warehouse to it's W'ern corner. with your back to the NW'ern side of the building, you'll see some stacked crates. On the other side of those, you'll find the NT. BP#79- From NT#73, look SW. There's a warehouse there you can go through. Head to it, and pass it on the S side. At the corner, turn right. Just past the crate is the BP. NT#74- From BP#79, keep following the side of the warehouse. As it makes another corner, follow it and in front of you is the NT. MM#15- From NT#74, hop back on the road, and head E. Go through the crossroads, towards Downtown Sinuiju. In that first little city square you'll see the MM. NT#75- From MM#15, take the first right. Take the next right, and you'll be on a little cul-de-sac. There's two little garden areas on the right. Inside the second one you come to is the NT. LP#45- From NT#75, look to the far S corner of the cul-de-sac. The LP is there. LP#46- From LP#45, head back from the cul-de-sac and take the first right. On the left will be a plaza between the buildings. In the garden area is the LP. MM#16- From LP#46, head back on to the road you were just on. Follow it around until it T's, and make a right. On your left is the MM. NT#76- From MM#16, keep heading down the road you're on; it'll lead into a little pond area. On the other side of the tree in the center of this area is the NT. NT#77- From NT#76, head back out of Downtown Sinuiju, and at the crossroads, make a left. At the junction, make a left as well. This will take you to Tenement Ruins. Head [ast the first blasted building, and up a hill to a mounted gun. At the gun, turn left. You should see a building that's still standing. On the other side of the building is the NT. NT#78- From NT#77, head N, and past another mounted gun. Follow the path past it, and when you can go right or left, go right. Next to the pagoda building is the NT. BP#80- From NT#78, turn N, to head up the other fork. Just behind the first tent you come to is the BP. NT#79- From BP#80, head through/past Tenement Ruins to the SE. Once on the road, head E. Just inside the next fork, on the W side is an NK encampment. How you get there is up to you; I prefer helicopter. And at this point, you should have at least one at your disposal. At the N end of the encampment is the NT. This is where the 5 of Spades is. BP#81- From NT#80, head S to the bunker. There's some rocks next to it. Behind those rocks is the BP. MM#17- From BP#81, head back over to the road and head N. At the fork, head left. Of the left side are the statues, flanking the steps. Looks like they're trying to confuse us now, putting up statues of the people instead. MM#18- Next to MM#17. NT#80- From MM#18, head N up the road a little bit. There's a train warehouse (not sure what it's actually called, but it'll work for now) on the left. On the SE wall of the warehouse is the NT. NT#81- From NT#80, head back on to the road, heading N and looping E. Once you get to the N'ernmost section of the road, there's a plateau on the N side with and NK encampment. Between the sandbag barricades that don't have Artillery behind them is the NT. BP#82- From NT#81, head back however you want along the road, back to the second fork. At the fork, use a helicopter to go ALL the way up the mountain. This will lead you to on top of the waterfall near Unsan Village. You'll see the BP on the plateau here. This is where the 4 of Spades is. NT#82- From BP#82, head back N to the fork, and head E. Just after passing over the bridge, on the right is the Temple. In the SW corner of the Temple area is a businessman Challenge. Nearby him is the NT, underneath a covered area. NT#83- From NT#82, using a helicopter, head S of the Temple, into the mountains. There's an NK helicopter encampment just a little ways S. The NT is on the N side of the helicopter pad. NT#84- From NT#83, head back N through the Temple area, and to the road. Turn right, then left at the crossroads. As the road twists to curve to the E, there's a couple houses on the right. On the E side of the N house is the NT. NT#85- Across the road to the W from NT#84, there's a bunker and tower. Head through the trees behind them to the W for an open area with a bunker. On the N side of the tower is the NT. LP#47- From NT#85, head E back to the road, and take it S. At the crossroads, make a left, to head E. Just after crossing the next bridge, on the left is the LP, next to a building. NT#86- From LP#47, keep heading E on the road. As it curves to the N, on the left side there's a little village. Just inside the wall on the S side of the entrance is the NT. BP#83- From NT#86, head W. Just N of the building in front of you is the BP. NT#87- From BP#83, head to the NE'ern corner of the little village. Just inside the wall is the NT. NT#88- From NT#87, head out the exit of the village. Across the street are two paths into the mountains (on the N and S sides of the mountain in front of you. Head on to the N'ern path. Just a little ways up the path is the NT. This is where the 7 of Spades is. NT#89- From NT#88, head back W to the road, and head N. At the junction, head N. The road will bend to the W, and back to the E before heading N again. At the far W'ern portion of the road is a building. On it's S side is the NT. This is where the 6 of Spades is. NT#90- From NT#89, head behind the building and to the S. There's a path here, leading around a plateau. On top of the plateau is the NT. This is where the 3 of Spades is. BP#84- From NT#90, head off the plateau to the N. In a clearing of sorts is the BP. BP#85- From BP#84, head E back to the road, and follow it N to the far E end. Head out into the mountains here. Down the slope to the right is a little NK encampment, with a big bunker. Next to the bunker is the BP. MM#19- From BP#85, head back to the road and head N. Shortly thereafter, you'll come to the Chemical Complex. Just inside the gates are the two MMs. MM#20- Next to MM#19. BP#86- From MM#19 & 20, head through the crossroads they were at. On the NE side, there's an alarm tower. Next to that is the BP. NT#91- From BP#86, head W through the crossroads. As the road curves N, head past the fence. Next to the building to your left is the NT. LP#48- From NT#91, head past the buildings to the N. Go on the dirt path heading N, and curving E. On the E side of the complex, there's a crane. Next to the crane is the LP. BP#87- From LP#48, head S and a little W to get to some stacked crates. Just S of those is the BP. BP#88- From BP#87, head E, and between the stack of wood crates and the large factory is the BP. NT#92- From BP#88, head down the dirt road back to the crossroads. In the SE corner of the Complex, between a barracks and a tower is the NT. LP#49- From NT#92, head up the road to the N. Just before the road curves to the NE, there's a barracks; on the S side of the barracks is the LP. NT#93- From LP#49, head N up the road, and follow it as it curves to the NE. The NT is on the W side of the helicopter pad. BP#89- From NT#93, head S through the Complex to the junction. Take a right, followed by a quick left. Head through the crossroads, and just before the road curves W, on the left next to some rocks is a path heading E in to the mountains. Once you get down in to the valley, next to the blasted bunker is the BP. BP#90- From BP#89, head N. Next to some blue tarped things is the BP. BP#91- From BP#90, head SW back on to the road. Just S of the last mountain path you were on is another path to the E through the mountains. Head down that, and the BP is on your left just a little ways in. This is where the 7 of Hearts is/was. NT#94- From BP#91, head back on to the road. Follow it SW into the Industrial Zone. As the road curves back to the E, take the E fork. When the road curves slightly, on the N side of the curve, between some crates is the NT. NT#95- From NT#94, head SE on the road, down to Yongbyon Station. At the N end of the smaller loading area is the NT. NT#96- From NT#95, head N back to the Industrial Zone. When you get to the fork, make a left. Inside the compound to the right, next to the crane, is the NT. MM#21- From NT#96, head SW on the road and you'll come to Yongbyon. Keep following the road you're on and it'll curve W. Take the first right, and there'll be a plaza on the right. You'll see the final MM there. LP#50- From MM#21, head S and behind the building. On the SW corner of the building is the LP. LP#51- Head W from LP#50, out of Yongbyon. Once you get to a fork, head S. Take the next right. This will head to Yongbyon Reprocessing Plant. Head to the NE corner of the plant. Look to the W, you should see the flash from the LP. NT#97- From LP#51, head around to the SW side of the Plant. If you go just past the first building, and head up from it, there are two brick buildings to the NE. In between them is the NT. BP#92- From NT#97, head NW down the "alley" to the corner of the building on your right. Head around the corner for the BP. NT#98- From BP#92, Head through/around the fence to the NW. Next to the building in the NE'ern corner is the NT. BP#93- From NT#98, head SW, and then W between the buildings. Make a left at the end for the BP. BP#94- From BP#93, head back E on the road, and at the fork, head right. At the next fork, head right again. This takes you to the Yongbyon Reactors. Save before you do this, since It'll be easiest to restart if it's not there. If it is, it's inside the little round unfinished thing near the road. I've been able to get inside 2 ways: kick/whack a crate over to the SE side of the structure, hop on top, jump on top of the scaffolding, and inside. The other, more suicidal way, is to crash a helicopter inside, preferably a Scout-type. This way, you also have something to jump out with. This is only suggested if you're using any infinite health cheats. Or, after you use method 1, Medivac. NT#99- From BP#94, head along the N wall of the complex. Next to the first finished building is the NT. LP#52- From NT#99, follow the wall around to the S. On the left, next to a round tank, is the LP. NT#100- From LP#52, keep heading S along the wall. Once you get to the corner, look to the NE. The NT is usually either on top of the building (blast it off, or bring the building down) or between the crate and the building (just go get it). Either way, you've got #100. BP#95- From NT#100, head S on the road next to the complex. This takes you to the second reactor. In the SW'ern corner, there's a finished reactor tower. There are two BP next to it. BP#96- Around the tower from BP#95. NT#101- From BP#96, head through the fence to the E of the tower. As you're heading E, there's a covered area to the left. The NT is under this area. BP#97- From NT#101, head around to the E side of the building the covered area is next to. Between this building and the next to the E is the BP. NT#102- From BP#97, head N. At the end of the buildings, turn the corner to your right. Just ahead of you is the NT. LP#53- From NT#102, look N. You'll see the LP there. BP#98- From LP#53, head back N on the road. Follow it around as is curves E. At the fork, turn right. This will lead to the NK Garrison. At the first dirt crossroads, head N. At the end, near the clearing, on the right side are some tents (well, they're on both sides, but the ones we want are on the right). In between the topmost tents, hidden in some crates, is the BP. NT#103- From BP#98, head back to the crossroads and go S. As you head into this little camp, on the right will be a net tent thing. Hidden behind the sandbag barrier in front of it is the NT. LP#54- From NT#103, head back to the crossroads and head E. Pass through the next crossroads you come to, and go S at the crossroads after that. When you get to the tower, look to the left. The LP is next to a tent. BP#99- From LP#54, head back to the last crossroads you were at and go N. Just past the path to the right is another net tent thing, on the right. The BP is underneath it. BP#100- From BP#99, head back to the path you just passed and go up it. As you come around the curve to the top of the hill, on the right is a building. On it's N side are some crates; next to them is the BP. NT#104- From BP#100, keep heading down the path past the building to a tower with a conveyor belt coming off it. On the N side of the belt, as it's going in to the mountain, is the NT. BP#101- From NT#104, head back down the path, past the building. Once you get to and overlook-type area (you should see a tower in the distance), get a helicopter, and head N in to the mountains. There'll be a clearing with a bunker; the BP's on top. BP#102- From BP#101, head back N on the road. At the fork, turn left to go W. After you pass the bridge, look on your left. Between two sets of rocks there'll be a clearing. Pull off into the clearing and look back E. On top of the ridge separating this little canyon from the road is the BP. You'll need some helicopter skills to get it, since you can't land up there safely. Just go down slow enough and low enough to pick it up, then move on. This is near where the 2 of Spades is. NT#105- From BP#102, head back W along the road, to Chongju. Once you get to Chongju, take the first left, and follow the street around. On the left is a little open marketplace; next to on of the stalls is the NT. BP#103- From NT#105, head N out of Chongju and take a left. Follow this road around until you get to Taechon Western Battlefields. Off of the NW corner of the 'Fields is a path in to the mountains. This leads to an NK encampment. Behind the sandbag barrier in front of the bunker is the BP. BP#104- From BP#103, head back to the 'Fields and head N on the road. This will bring you to the Taechon Reactor (careful, radioactive area). Head to the N side (with the open fence). Go past the first building after the fence (an open warehouse type thing) and turn the corner, so you're going along the partially-closed wall of the warehouse. Next to the blue door in front of you is the BP. BP#105- From BP#104, head around the Reactor area, and make a right at the next crossroads. At the fork, go left. As the road winds to the E, on the N side of the curve are some rocks. On the N side of them is the BP. BP#106- From BP#105, follow the dirt road S. As you exit the mountains, there's a clearing on the right. On the N side of the clearing, there's a path back in to the mountains. And you'll find... and NK encampment, what else? Follow the path up to the small raised area with a factory type building. In front of that is the BP. BP#107- From BP#106, head back N up the road you came here on. Take the first right to get back on to a road, and go through the crossroads. At the fork, turn right to head in to Tenement Ruins (Chinese Territory). On the S side, behind some trees, there's a path leading up in to the mountains. Follow it up, and next to the bunker is the BP. This is where the 9 of Hearts is/was. LP#55- From BP#107, head S. In the NE'ern corner of the lower area of the Ruins are some burning buildings. Next to them are some trees. In between the trees is the LP. BP#108- From LP#55, head E through Tenement Ruins on to the road. At the next fork, turn left. At the fork after that, turn left. At the NEXT fork, turn right. On the right, there's a snowy path in to the mountains. Follow this to an anti-air NK encampment, with MI-35 Gunships, too! Just past the second small bunker and the second alarm tower is the BP. Now, try to get out of there with one of those (hopefully) shiny, new MI-35's! NT#106- From BP#108, head back down the path to the road, and go left. At the fork, head right. On the left side is Changsong Train Station. Head through the station itself to get to the tracks. On the other side of the tracks is a boarding platform. I'm not sure exactly where the NT's supposed to be, but I was able to get it by blasting the center of the wall, near the benches. BP#109- From NT#106, get back on the road outside the Station. Head S. At the second fork, make a left. At the first crossroads, make a left. At the fork, make a right. From the house on the corner, go to the next one, and around back. In a little square area with some ammo is the BP. NT#107- From BP#109, Head S on the road, past the next two houses. There's a little path to the right after the second house; down it is the NT, next to a house. NT#108- From NT#107, head N on the road, make a right at the fork, and a quick left to head up to the Chemical Complex. Follow the path through the gate and through the crossroads. Head up the path, and go to the front of the big brick building with the two tower-like things in front of it. Turn right. Behind those big containers is the NT. LP#56- From NT#108, head S out of the Complex. Continue S through the NK Village. At the Industrial Zone, head SE on the road, to Yongbyon Station. At the NW corner of the Station, between the wall and the building, is the LP. NT#109- From LP#56, head N back to the Industrial Zone, and SW to Yongbyon. On the S side of Yongbyon, there's a building with the remains of a MM. From the remains of the MM, look NE. The NT is there next to a large pillar. NT#110- From NT#109, head W out of Yongbyon. From the N'ern of the two roads out of Yongbyon, head over the rubble and behind a blasted wall, to the right is the NT. It's just to the W of the blasted building. BP#110- From NT#110, get a helicopter. Head back to the S'ernmost W exit of Yongbyon, and head W. On top of the first mountaintop you come to is the BP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 03: Unlockables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3a: Blueprints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Number of BP Unlockable Code, if applicable 1 Demolitions Supply Drop (C4 & Grenades) 5 Sniper Rifle Supply Drop 10 Anti-Air Rocket Supply Drop 15 Anti-Tank Rocket Supply Drop 20 Cheat: Play as Mafia Heavy Soldier Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Down, Up 30 Cheat: Play as NK Elite Soldier Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down, Up 40 Advanced Weapons Supply Drop (Prototype Rifle) 50 Cheat: Play As Spades Number Card Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down 60 $100,000 70 $100,000 80 $250,000 90 $250,000 100 $500,000 110 Cheat: Play as Han Solo Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3b: National Treasures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Number of NT Unlockable Code, if applicable 1 Chinese BJ202 Scout Delivery 5 H3 Delivery 10 Chinese Fuel Truck Delivery 15 $50,000 20 Cheat: Play as Indiana Jones Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Up, Down, Down 30 Cheat: Play as Civilian Doctor Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Down, Down 40 Cheat: Play as Civilian Prisoner Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down, Down 50 Cheat: Play as Ace of Diamonds Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Up, Up 60 $100,000 70 $100,000 80 $250,000 90 $250,000 100 $500,000 110 Cheat: Play as SK Elite Soldier Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Up, Down ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3c: Monuments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Number of NT Unlockable 10 North Korean ZSU 57 Anti Air Delivery 20 $250,000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3d: Listening Posts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Number of NT Unlockable Code, if applicable 10 Medical Supply Drop 20 Baggage Carrier Delivery 30 Mafia MD-530 Scout Delivery 40 Cheat: Play as NK Numeric Card (Hearts) Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Down, Up 50 Cheat: Play as Pilot Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down 55 $250,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04: Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.00 Duh. First Version. Version 1.10 Minor updates, one directional update (as you can't be heading North, make a left and be heading East) and an update on the billboard language (thanks to Joshua Tutt for that) Version 1.20 More directional updates, as sent in by Oreolover 13, as well as a change to how my email address is put in. Version 1.21 Updated email address ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05: Next Versions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nothing planned. Anyone care to send anything in, send it to the address up top. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06: Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to the creators of the game: Lucasarts and Pandemic, for making such a damn great game. Thanks also go to Zeke0238 for the Item Maps. Without them, this guide isn't possible. Thanks to MasterVG782 for his guide and Diamonds/Clubs map. Thanks to EpsilonGSG for his guide. Also to CJayC, and all of Gamefaqs (I know that's kind of redundant, but hey) Thanks to Joshua A Tutt, for clarifying the language on the Korean billboards. Thanks to Mike [Oreolover13], for the directional updates. As well as to you, for reading this. And all of you other people out there, even the ones who DIDN'T read this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 07: Legal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide, Copyright 2005 Marshall Stieler