------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ### ### ### #### ##### #### #### ## ## ## ##### ## #### ##### ### ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ##### ## #### ####### ## ## ##### ## #### #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## #### #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ##### P L A Y G R O U N D O F D E S T R U C T I O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MERCENARIES FAQ/WALKTHROUGH VERSION 3.0 FOR PLAYSTATION 2 AND X-BOX BY: Evan Rowlands (EpsilonGSG) CREATED: 01-19-2005 LAST UPDATE: 03-19-2007 E-MAIL: MercenariesFAQ@gmail.com NUMEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS FROM ENIGMA NOSTRA [ CHECK GAMEFAQS.COM FOR THE MOST RECENT UPDATE ] ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 01. TABLE OF CONTENTS |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- To quickly arrive at your desired section, enter the search code found after the section you desire into your browser's find feature (probably Ctrl + F). 01. Table of Contents 02. Introduction 03. About Mercenaries ..................................... MERCS03 04. Controls .............................................. MERCS04 05. General Tips .......................................... MERCS05 06. Walkthrough A. Part 01 - The Clubs ................................ MERCS06A B. Part 02 - The Diamonds ............................. MERCS06B C. Part 03 - The Hearts ............................... MERCS06C D. Part 04 - The Spades ............................... MERCS06D 07. Challenges A. Southern Province .................................. MERCS07A B. Northern Province .................................. MERCS07B 08. The Characters ........................................ MERCS08 09. The Factions .......................................... MERCS09 10. Deck of 52 A. Clubs .............................................. MERCS10A B. Diamonds ........................................... MERCS10B C. Hearts ............................................. MERCS10C D. Spades ............................................. MERCS10D 11. Vehicle List A. Wheeled Vehicles ................................... MERCS11A B. Tanks .............................................. MERCS11B C. Helicopters ........................................ MERCS11C 12. Weapons List .......................................... MERCS12 13. Airstrikes List ....................................... MERCS13 14. Merchant of Menace Shop List A. Vehicles ........................................... MERCS14A B. Supplies ........................................... MERCS14B C. Airstrikes ......................................... MERCS14C 15. Bounty Items A. WMD Blueprints ..................................... MERCS15A B. National Treasures ................................. MERCS15B C. Monuments .......................................... MERCS15C D. SK Listening Posts ................................. MERCS15D 16. Codes and Secrets A. Cheats ............................................. MERCS16A B. Unlockables ........................................ MERCS16B C. Etcetera ........................................... MERCS16C 17. Fun Stuff ............................................. MERCS17 18. PDA E-Mails A. Unsorted ........................................... MERCS18A B. Deck of 52 ......................................... MERCS18B C. Help - General ..................................... MERCS18C D. Help - Weapon Data ................................. MERCS18D 19. Frequently Asked Questions A. Before You Buy ..................................... MERCS19A B. Getting Started .................................... MERCS19B C. General Gameplay ................................... MERCS19C D. Contracts .......................................... MERCS19D E. Deck of 52 ......................................... MERCS19E F. Cheat Codes ........................................ MERCS19F 20. Miscellaneous Help .................................... MERCS20 21. Contribution Requests ................................. MERCS21 22. Update History ........................................ MERCS22 23. Credits ............................................... MERCS23 24. Legal Information ..................................... MERCS24 ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 02. INTRODUCTION |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- Note: This guide works for both the PlayStation 2 and the X-Box, but all button references are for the PlayStation 2. ------------------ REASON FOR BEING ------------------ The reason for my writing of this guide is to first and foremost help anyone who is having trouble with any aspect of Mercenaries. I picked up Mercenaries the day that it was released and was so thoroughly impressed with it beyond all of my expectations that I could not resist writing a guide for it, so here it is. --------------------- VERSION INFORMATION --------------------- This guide is now at version 3.0, which is, essentially, the final version. I will refrain from titling the version as "FINAL" in case of any major errors that may require correcting. --------------------- CONTACT INFORMATION --------------------- For this guide I have set up a special e-mail account. If you have a question, contribution, correction, or even a helpful suggestion, you can send it via e-mail to: MercenariesFAQ@gmail.com ------------------ GUIDE STATISTICS ------------------ SIZE: 400 KB LINES: 11,206 -------- THANKS -------- Since the writing of this guide, I have received hundreds of e-mails from you all. Even if I have not gotten back to you, I greatly appreciate all of the questions, comments, concerns, contributions, and even the spam (well...maybe not the spam :P). I am flattered that so many of you have even opened this guide, and I am very glad that it could help, even in a small way. Thank you all for making the writing of the guide worthwhile. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 03. ABOUT MERCENARIES |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS03 You are a mercenary who is going to Korea. North and South Korea are warring and you have been sent in to hunt down a "Deck of 52" wanted North Korean bad guys. For eachof those "cards" you capture or kill, you get paid a bounty (full bounty if captured, half bounty if killed). Along the way you will accept contracts from four factions, the Allied Nations, the Chinese, the Russian Mafia, and the South Korean Union. Each faction has their own goals in the region, but you don't care, you just want your money. Your ultimate goal is to capture General Choi Song, the North Korean leader who is the Ace of Spades in the Deck of 52, and get paid the bounty of $100,000,000. To achieve that goal, you can use whatever you can find. As the back of the game box states: "If it drives or flies, you can hijack it. If it shoots or explodes, you can use it as a weapon. You are free to go anywhere, destroy anything and blow the crap out of everything." I couldn't have said it better. The Mercenaries game manual that comes in the case along with the game gives a general background story to help set the plot for you. It reads as such: "You are a professional warrior, about to drop into a landscape rife with chaos. You know this because they only call people like you when things get really hairy. This might be the job that does you in...or the job that sets you up for life. The conflict began not too long ago... the leader of North Korea, the aging President Choi Kim, had extended an olive branch to South Korea, embracing their "Sunshine Policy" and reviving hopes of peaceful reunification. In return, South Korea agreed to pump money into North Korea on the condition that they dismantle their military. President Choi Kim became a populist figure among the youth of South Korea, and brough a new sense of hope and pride to the people. No one was aware of the hidden darkness waiting to shatter the peace. Kim Song's son, General Choi Song, wasn't satisfied with negotiations and peace treaties. He believed his father had lost sight of North Korea's destiny. In the midst of a signing ceremony celebrating a road map to the reunification of Korea, General Song staged a coup. Backed by an army of insurgents, he stormed the ceremony and wiped out the North and South political leaders in a shower of gunfire. Without hesitation, he even snuffed the life of his own father. The new ruler expelled all foreign embassy personnel and aid workers. The country "went dark" as the emerging dictator Choi Song cut off all communications with the outside world. Diplomatic overtures failed. Song barred entry to foreign press and weapons inspectors. Eventually the world's headlines turned to other crises. But rumors ran through the network of mercs, and each one hinted the worst. Then the worst came. When the Royal Australian Navy showed up to rescue the crew of a North Korean freighter floundering in a storm, they discovered the sailors making a hasty effort to scuttle the ship. Their suspicions aroused, the Aussie sailors searched the boat and found nuclear weapons in the cargo bay, bound for an Indonesian company known as a front for terrorists. The undeniable link between General Song, nuclear weapons, and terrorists sent shock waves through the Allied Nations. Within hours of the discovery, Chinese intelligence released a report revealing that North Korea's missle capability was much more advanced than suspected---the North Koreans now had intercontinental missles powerful enough to hit targets on all seven continents. An Allied Nations-initiated Task Force was hastily formed, consisting of troops from around the globe. They invaded North Korea, smashed through a division of North Korean regulars and captured the launch sites in Yongbyon. But theit victory was short-lived. A.N. weapons inspectors found documents at the sites revealing that North Korea was building 30 nuclear warheads at another---still unknown---launch site. Even worse, the evidence made it clear that the missiles would be ready to launch in just three weeks. The distant threat of an enemy that could end my days from across the world was much worse. The A.N. forces now had a new, urgent agenda: find and capture Song before those missiles were launch-ready and the General was at the helm of a new nuclear superpower. After a week or two of fruitless searching, the A.N. press conferences took on an air of desperation. They distributed a "most wanted" list in the form of a "Deck of 52" playing cards. Song, of course, was the Ace of Spades. His top military and scientific advisors filled out the rest of the deck, along with a smattering of criminals that he'd hired to help out. An A.N. spokesman appeared on Global Satellite Reporting Network (GSRN) and announced an "open bounty" on General Song. The price? One hundred million dollars. Fiona Taylor, the Executive Operations technical office, called and gave the situation report. That was just hours ago. And now you are on a cargo plane headed for the Demilitarized Zone, about to catch your last bit of shuteye before making a drop into the most dangerous place on Earth..." Good luck Mercenary. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 04. CONTROLS |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS04 The controls for Mercenaries are not too difficult. It took me a little while to adjust to controlling the tanks, but once I got it down, it was almost second nature to me. The controls are separated into four categories, (1) On Foot, (2) Wheeled Vehicles, (3) Tanks, and (4) Helicopters. --------- ON FOOT --------- Left Analog Stick ............. Moves your merc Right Analog Stick ............ Moves the camera X ............................. Reload Square ........................ Bash (To open a crate or stun someone) Triangle ...................... Action (Use when in a colored circle) Circle ........................ Jump L1 ............................ Throw Grenade L2 ............................ Switch Grenade types (Frag / Flash) R1 ............................ Trigger / Select item from Support Menu R2 ............................ Switch between weapons Select ........................ Bring up PDA Start ......................... Pause L3 ............................ Change Stance R3 ............................ Use Binoculars / Weapon Scope Up and Down on D-Pad .......... Scroll through Support Menu items Left on D-Pad ................. Toggle Faction Flags above soldiers Right on D-Pad ................ Display Merchant of Menace screen ------------------ WHEELED VEHICLES ------------------ Left Analog Stick ............. Steer Vehicle Right Analog Stick ............ Moves the camera X ............................. Accelerate Square ........................ Brake / Reverse Triangle ...................... Exit vehicle, passengers exit also Circle ........................ Horn (nearby allies get in vehicle) L1 ............................ Exit vehicle, passengers remain inside L2 ............................ Command passengers to leave vehicle R1 ............................ Handbrake R2 ............................ NOT USED Select ........................ Bring up PDA Start ......................... Pause L3 ............................ NOT USED R3 ............................ NOT USED Up and Down on D-Pad .......... NOT USED Left on D-Pad ................. Toggle Faction Flags above soldiers Right on D-Pad ................ NOT USED ------- TANKS ------- Left Analog Stick ............. Steer Vehicle (Left/Right) Accelerate/Brake and Reverse (Up/Down) Right Analog Stick ............ Rotate Turret X ............................. NOT USED Square ........................ NOT USED Triangle ...................... Exit vehicle, passengers exit also Circle ........................ Horn (nearby allies get in vehicle) L1 ............................ Exit vehicle, passengers remain inside L2 ............................ Command passengers to leave vehicle R1 ............................ Fire Weapon R2 ............................ Switch Weapons (Some vehicles only) Select ........................ Bring up PDA Start ......................... Pause L3 ............................ NOT USED R3 ............................ NOT USED Up and Down on D-Pad .......... NOT USED Left on D-Pad ................. Toggle Faction Flags above soldiers Right on D-Pad ................ NOT USED ------------- HELICOPTERS ------------- Left Analog Stick ............. Strafe left and right (Left/Right) Accelerate/Brake and Reverse (Up/Down) Right Analog Stick ............ Rotate left and right (Left/Right) Aim up and down (Up/Down) X ............................. Ascend Square ........................ Descend Triangle ...................... Exit vehicle, passengers exit also Circle ........................ Horn (nearby allies get in vehicle) L1 ............................ Exit vehicle, passengers remain inside L2 ............................ Command passengers to leave vehicle R1 ............................ Fire Weapon R2 ............................ Switch Weapons (Some vehicles only) Select ........................ Bring up PDA Start ......................... Pause L3 ............................ NOT USED R3 ............................ NOT USED Up and Down on D-Pad .......... Raise Winch / Lower Winch Left on D-Pad ................. Toggle Faction Flags above soldiers Right on D-Pad ................ NOT USED ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 05. GENERAL TIPS |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS05 There are a lot of things in Mercenaries that rarely are discussed in detail unless a specific question is asked on those subjects. Hopefully this section can take some of those subjects and answer any questions you might have about them. ---------- DISGUISE ---------- Disguise is a simple idea turned slightly confusing. Essentially, whenever you are in a faction's vehicle and either no one saw you get in or you have driven away from those who did see you get in, you are disguised as a member of that faction. This works for any vehicle, even completely open-top ones. Whenever an officer of any faction spots you however, you lose that disguise. How anyone can see through a completely closed vehicle such as a tank, I will never understand... But that's how it goes. -------------------- FRIENDLY FIRE A.I. -------------------- The A.I. is very well done in Mercs, but beware, one thing they simply cannot seem to grasp is the concept of Friendly Fire. Yes, that stray bullet might not have been intended for that South Korean (or Allied, Chinese, Russian) soldier over there, but those who saw your bullet hit that soldier don't care. They will begin firing on you. Be careful. ------------------------ "DESTROY ANY BUILDING" ------------------------ Every building can be destroyed one way or another, BUT it seems that trees are indestructable. That's right! Drive that tank over a few cars, take out a few fences, or another tank perhaps. But when you drive that tank at a tree, it will not budge. Maybe Pandemic or LucasArts has nature activists working for them? --------- STEALTH --------- Stealth is your friend. This is true regardless of your character choice. The mercenary you choose to play as simply changes HOW MUCH stealth you can use. Stay out of sight and high in mountains or hills as much as possible, using the Sniper Rifle to do the dirty work. ------------------------- TRIGGER HAPPY GOOD GUYS ------------------------- If you have a gunner mounting a gun on the top of your vehicle, know that they will fire upon any hostile, regardless of whether or not it is a Deck of 52 member. I lost many a number card my first time through by getting too close with a gunner on top of my vehicle. ----------------------- USE SOLDIERS AS PAWNS ----------------------- Every faction's soldiers are expendable. Sure... it's not nice. It's probably rather immoral, but hey, it's a video game. So long as it's the North Koreans who kill them and not you, it's all good. ------------------- FACTION TERRITORY ------------------- If the map is shaded BLUE, the area is the territory of a faction. Going into it will be treated as trespassing and you will be shot at, regardless of your relationship with the faction. ------------------ RESTRICTED AREAS ------------------ If the map is shaded RED, the area is a Restricted Area... It is essentially a way of making it seem like the map doesn't end by preventing you from getting to the edge. Going into these areas will result in three Allied planes bombing you. Yes, I said bombing you. -------- SAVING -------- Saving your game is simply done, just press START to bring up the pause menu and choose the option that says "SAVE GAME". Choose a save file and press the indicated buttons. Saving helps you to not need to do things over due to mistakes. Save before every contract since you cannot save during contracts. ------------ BINOCULARS ------------ Your mercenary has a pair of high-powered binoculars. These binoculars perform a variety of helpful actions. They calculate the distance to the point you are looking at, they identify people, vehicles, and certain other items, and more. To access your binoculars, press the R3 button when you are on foot. Use the left analog stick to control the binocular's movement and use the right analog stick to zoom in and out. --------------- WEAPON SCOPES --------------- Some weapons are equipped with telescopic scopes. Whenever the weapon that your mercenary is holding has a scope, pressing R3 will bring that up instead of the binoculars. The scope cannot identify people and vehicles, but it does allow you to zoom in up to 10x on a target and fire. This is a particularly helpful feature on the Sniper Rifle. ------------------ ACTION HIJACKING ------------------ You can hijack any enemy vehicle. However, before you can do so, you must kill the gunner on the vehicle if there is one. If there is no gunner, there will be a green circle somewhere near the vehicle (with the exception of helicopters, the green circle appears next to the shadow of helicopters when they are low enough). Press triangle when inside the green circle to hijack the vehicle. ---------------------------- ARGH! WHO SET THE ALARM!?! ---------------------------- There are large alarm towers near many bases, both friendly and hostile. Whenever someone there is attacked, the soldiers will try to turn on the alarm towers to summon reenforcements. If they do so, buildings will begin to spawn soldiers and all other soldiers will be alerted to the presence of you, causing more trouble for you to deal with. -------------------------------- HELICOPTERS AS A SECOND OPTION -------------------------------- [ Contributed by Joseph Babitsky ] Sometimes instead of using a vehicle's disguise to infiltrate certain areas, you can simply purchase a helicopter from the Merchant of Menace to get in and out of the area quickly. ------------- MELEE KILLS ------------- [ Contributed by Engima Nostra ] Two quick smacks with your gun will kill anyone, this is great for when you have a rocket launcher out and some NK punk comes up close, can be faster than switching. Also be careful because it can kill your H.V.T.'s. -------------- JUST KICK IT -------------- [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] If your Ammo/Armor/Cargo crate isn't where you want it, just kick it to where you do want it with the bash attack. ---------------- STUCK VEHICLES ---------------- [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] If you have your tank/chopper/vehicle that you like stuck on a small incline (not flipped, just up on a rock and stuck or something), get to where you're facing it and the direction you want it to go, and start smacking. With tanks especially - you won't do any damage, and patience can reward you. Sometimes it will take a bit, but if it's rare or sexy, go ahead and spend the time, it's probably easier to just go ahead and replace it. ----------------------- CHOPPER DESCENT SPEED ----------------------- [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] Be very careful when landing choppers, if you go in fast, it's just like any other vehicle hitting the ground hard - it hurts. You can destroy your ride very quickly with this, so go in fast, but cut the descent at the last minute and ease it to the ground when possible. On the other hand, sometimes the chopper is disposable, and if you've got AA coming in, fast is the only choice. Just be careful. --------------------------------------------- USING CHOPPER WEAPONS WHILE USING THE WINCH --------------------------------------------- [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] You can't shoot chopper weapons while the winch is down and you DON'T have anything loaded. I'm guessing this is because you're "targeting" with it. But after you have something, anything, stuck to the winch, you can shoot again. ------------------------------------ COLLECTING BOUNTIES FROM A CHOPPER ------------------------------------ [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] You can collect bounty items while inside the helicopters, just be careful because it is very sensitive. Only attempt when in clear terrain and when enemies aren't shooting at you, until you get used to it. DON'T just drop onto them, as you're likely to damage the vehicle. ----------------------- KILL THE DELIVERY BOY ----------------------- [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] You *can* aquire a chopper by shooting down the one that brings your supply drop. This is rather risky, because if it explodes, you lose $25,000, and sometimes get marked down for shooting at them. On the upside, they don't usually shoot you back. Sometimes they land safely, but they normally don't. Try at your own risk. ------------------------ SOME MORE CHOPPER TIPS ------------------------ [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] Aim for the pilots when trying to take out choppers. Sniper Rifle, Prototype Rifle, 12.7mm Anti Armor Rifle, all good choices because of their accuracy. You also can kill pilots with Machine Guns when in other choppers and such. When fighting choppers, always try to stay ABOVE them. They can't track upwards, thus you can rain death down upon them. Choppers are usually slow to respond to aerial threats. Sometimes to shake an Anti-Air Missile, going up works, and if you like to play risky games, try ducking UNDER the missile when it starts to catch up. If you practice, they will often go over, but it's a timing trick. --------------------------- CONTRACT COMPLETION ORDER --------------------------- [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] Work on South Korean or Chinese Missions, and then do the other set after you have the face card from each. This makes it a lot cheaper to bribe your way back into favor, as you only have to do it once. These factions are mentioned because they fight amongst each other the most. I usually do each faction as a block of missions, but that's just my preference. ------------------------------------ CHEAP HEALTH/WEAPON/VEHICLE LOADUP ------------------------------------ [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] To get a very cheap loadup on a vehicle, fly/drive to the MASH. I usually park on the helipad, and then medivac. You will respawn, full health, full ammo. Go over to vehicle, it's fully tanked up as well, for the cost of a detour and $1,000. Great deal. --------------------------------------------------------- GETTING A CHOPPER FROM THE SHOP IF YOU CANNOT ORDER ONE --------------------------------------------------------- [ Contributed by Michael Anderson ] To get a chopper if you really need one, order a non-Allied supply crate and shoot the pilot. This is easiest to do with the Sniper Rifle, unzoomed, just when the chopper descends to drop the crate. You can shoot through the side/floor. The choppers quite often survive the fall, though you may want to call in a Vehicle Repair drop. This makes the Ace of Diamonds mission, where you normally don't have choppers, incredibly easy. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 06. WALKTHROUGH |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- Welcome to Mercenaries. You're in for a good time. Before you begin, you will be treated to a compilation of various film that basically gives you an idea of what the setting of the game is. You will then see and hear a conference of ExOps (Executive Operations) officials deciding how to go about an operation in Korea. They decide to send one lone mercenary. That mercenary is you... You are taken to a cargo plane that is approaching the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in Korea. The camera makes a quick sweep of the cargo bay of the plane and then stops on you. Time to get it started! Press Triangle to stand up. .-------------------------. | A. PART 01 - THE CLUBS | '-------------------------' MERCS06A Stand up and walk over to the yellow circle to pick up your PDA. It is your new best friend. Head over to the next two yellow circles to pick up your Carbine and grenades. The pilot will let you know that you are approaching the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Go to the next yellow circle to open the cargo door. Finally, get in the M1025 Scout. Drive up the road until you come to a roadblock with a few NK soldiers, take them out. Bash any crates you see and take whatever weapons you please. Keep going until you come to another roadblock. After you finish of the NKs there, the Allies will near your vehicle. Honk the horn with circle to get them to get in. Now just keep on going until you reach the AN Headquarters. Talk to the guard to get inside. ---------------------- CONTRACT - "ANTE UP" ---------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Here's your chance to prove yourself, Merc. Verify the Two of Clubs, then destroy his artillery. That should cheer Colonel Garrett right up. When we ask you to "verify" a card, we mean we need proof that they've been captured or killed. If you take them alive, we'll approve an extraction helicopter to pick up the captive. Otherwise, just take a digital photo of the victim. ExOps will transmit the photo over to us. You get paid either way, but a kill is only worth half bounty, OK? Dead folks are bad TV - we like them alive, got it? Alright, good luck, Merc. Come back and see us when you're done. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Verify the Two of Clubs 2. Destroy North Korean artillery Bounty Value: $25,000 alive/$12,500 dead Contract Value: $20,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Get back in the M1025 (if for some reason you lost it... i.e. got destroyed or you flipped it, that's ok, just head out to the road and take the one on your right). Go East and follow that road to the North. Turn left when you can and keep going along that road. There are some Allied soldiers fighting a pair of NK soldiers up ahead, you can take 'em out if you want. Go East afterwards. Go right at the end of this road and fight the NK soldiers. There are some behind barricades of sandbags. After you pass the second sandbag barricade, get out, you'll want to do the rest on your own. Go up the road and fight the two NKs at the top. When you get far enough, you'll see a short cutscene to the Two of Clubs. That's your guy. He has a NK standing near him. Try not to kill the Two when taking out the NK. Once you get close to the Two, press Square to stun him and then quickly press Triangle to subdue him. If you did that successfully, good job. If you didn't, don't worry, just press Triangle of his body to verify him. If you captured the Two, take the extraction beacon (press up or down on the d-pad to bring up the support menu and then select it with X or R1) and toss it into an open area by pressing R1. Pick up the Two with Triangle. Carry the Two to the chopper when it arrives and load him in at the green circle on the ground beside the chopper. Congrats! Your first verified card! Now, let's finish this contract. Head over to the edge of the cliff near where the Two of Clubs was. See those artillery pieces with yellow circles around them and the big yellow arrows above them? Bring up the support menu and choose the Surgical Strike. Aim at one of the artilleries and hold R1 until the missile hits the artillery piece. Now it's destroyed. That's one! Repeat for the other. That's two. Ugh. Objective added. :P Get back to the Allied Headquarters, I think you can do that on your own, just get in a vehicle and drive down there. Talk to the guard when you arrive. Contract complete! Good job, that's $20,000 in the bank! Just a tip: Whenever you complete a contract, SAVE THE GAME as soon as you get your money. While rare, freezing does occur, and it really sucks to have to redo something that you don't want to do again. Note that you are unable to save during a contract or inside of any faction's headquarters. ---------------------------- CONTRACT - "STEM THE TIDE" ---------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< There are several points the North Koreans might attack from. I'll mark them; you'll have to defend them all. Those South Korean soldiers are a bit raw, so they may run if rattled. You'll need to stay with them! --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Defend the SK headquarters and maintain morale 2. Improve morale by repelling attackers 3. Morale decreases when SK forces die, NK troops break through the lines, or you abandon the defense Contract Value: $55,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This is a very simple contract, though if you don't know the easiest way to do it, it could prove overwhelming. Basically, the North Koreans are going to attack the South Korean base at three points. Your job is to keep the SK morale up by helping the SKs defend their city. Fortunately, you only have to defend one spot at a time, but you need to get to each as quickly as possible. Run to the first spot, marked by a yellow circle on your map, and go up to the mounted machine gun (behind the sandbags). Press triangle to mount it. This is the easier and most efficient way to defend against the oncoming assault. Kill every NK that comes towards your position until Fiona tells you the NKs are attacking another point. Hop in the vehicle behind you and head over to that point. Mount the Recoilless Rifle (looks a lot like the mounted machine gun) and begin to take out the NKs. Once Fiona tells you to head to the third spot, hop in the vehicle and head over there. Mount yet another Recoilless Rifle and take out those NKs! Now here's a shocker, the NKs haven't given up, they've begun another assault on the first point! Head over there once Fiona tells you to and repeat what you did before until SK reenforcements get there. See? Easy. ----------------------- CONTRACT - "FOOTHOLD" ----------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The Russians are looking to give you a little test. Most of the North Korean forces in Pyongyang have left the area, but there's a holdout force in East Pyongyang. The Russians want you to break into their compound and steal a transport. We'll also get a bonus if you take out the emplaced machine guns around their perimeter. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Steal NK transport and return it to the Mafia garage BONUS: Destroy 3 machine guns Contract Value: $30,000 Bonus Value: $10,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This is a decently simple one, but don't get ahead of yourself. Although it's not a requirement to take out the machine guns, do so, you are preventing an unseen NK from mounting it later on, taking you by surprise. Head up to the yellow circle on the radar. The machine guns are the green circles. You can destroy these however you want. You can run 'em over, use a block of C4, or toss a grenade near 'em. Once you do that, get inside the fenced in area and take the Transport Truck. Drive the Truck to the garage marked on your map and that will end the contract. Good job. --------------------------- CONTRACT - "PEST CONTROL" --------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with the heavy firepower provided by the Chinese. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy NK outpost at Children's Museum Contract Value: $50,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Get in the nearby APC and drive to the marker on the map. Once you approach the marker, you will get another e-mail notifying you of a bonus: >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The Chinese discovered four NK barracks near the museum. I've negotiated a $10,000 bonus per barracks you destroy. Below is the revised contract that supercedes the previous one I sent you. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy NK outpost at Children's Museum BONUS: Destroy NK barracks Contract Value: $50,000 Bonus Value: $10,000 per barracks destroyed >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< The ammo supply of the APC is limited, so if you plan to destroy the barracks for the bonus, you can get out of the APC and use some C4 to take some of them out. You can also use your provided artillery support in the support menu to destroy some of the buildings. If you did not want to do the bonus objective or once you have done it, take out the Museum marked by the yellow circle on the map. Be wary of any NKs with RPGs (Rocket-Propelled Grenades), as those cause significant damage to you or your APC. Once you have taken out the Museum, the mission is complete. Congrats. [ Alternate Strategy, Contributed By Jacob Litman ] In "Pest Control" where you have to blow up a North Korean Comm base and some barracks as a bonus, I find it easy to drive to the communications base, where you'll find 2 stationary artillery pieces. They're positioned in such a way that if you switch at least once, not only can you destroy the barracks, but those annoying big buildings where guys shoot at you with RPGs. You can also use them to take out the statue of General Song. After that, you can destroy the comm base at your leisure in any way you see fit, because there will only be a few guys left scattered around and none close to the base. ---------------------------------- CONTRACT - "OUT OF THE WOODWORK" ---------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Allied forces in the vicinity are encountering fierce opposition from North Korean remnants, who're being reinforced by troops coming out of the underground tunnel network. We've got airstrikes standing by to help you take out those tunnels - use them to maximum effect. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy NK tunnels Contract Value: $40,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This one is one where you have to use your brain a little bit. 2 airstrikes for 3 tunnels. Seems impossible right? Not really. Head to the first yellow circle on the map. Since the tunnels constantly respawn NK soldiers, it's wise to get a M1025 Scout while you are still in the Allied base and to get a few AN guys to help you out (the soldiers inside the Scout are really more for replacing the turret guy should he die). At the first tunnel, take out as many NKs as you can, then get as out of sight as possible and call in the first 'Surgical Strike' on the tunnel. Head to the second and third tunnels (they are very close to each other). When you can get an uninterrupted few seconds, try to nail both tunnels with one strike by aiming in between the two. Should this fail, don't worry, there are still options. You can pay for another airstrike if you'd like, but you can also plant some C4 by the tunnel and that will do the trick. Once all three of the tunnels have been destroyed, the contract has been fulfilled. Wasn't it fun to think? :P ---------------------------------------------- CONTRACT - "A PROPER FUNCTION OF GOVERNMENT" ---------------------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The Chinese are holding the SK agent at the Pyongyang Airport, but I don't have intel on his exact location. You'll need to scout around. The South Koreans are providing a captured Chinese vehicle that you can use to sneak onto the airport, but should you need a replacement, you can procure one in the field. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Locate the SK agent 2. Bring agent back to SK HQ Contract Value: $55,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< I'm a fan of this type of mission, so you should have no trouble. First off, take the provided Chinese vehicle and drive to the airport. At the airport gate, there may be a Chinese officer. Remember that officers have the ability to see straight through disguise and you will lose your disguise should the officer see you. That means you won't be safe inside the airport. There are two options here. If you somehow have managed to get a Sniper Rifle, you can take the officer out from afar. If not, then just subdue the officer (as in stunning him with square and doing a take down with triangle... Come on, you should know this by now! :P). If the officer is not there or once you have taken care of the officer, get in the Chinese vehicle, wait for you to gain disguise, then drive on in. There are three yellow circles marked on your map. Fiona lets you know that those are the possible locations of the agent. Having done this mission a few times, I have found that the agent is placed in one of those three locations at random, so you have no choice but to check them all until you find him. Once you find the agent, get him in the vehicle by honking the horn. Drive out of the airport. Now head to the marked location on your map to complete the mission. Phew, time to breathe. ---------------------------------- CONTRACT - "A FAREWELL TO KINGS" ---------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< SK intelligence suggests that the King of Clubs plans to smuggle some warheads out of the Ichon airfield. Destroy those missiles, and we might be able to smoke out the King too. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy Ichon missile launchers 2. Verify the King of Clubs Bounty Value: $125,000 alive/$62,500 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Let's finish up the SK contracts for the suit of Clubs. In this one you want to get the King of Clubs. Head towards the yellow circles marking the launcher locations. Once you near Ichon, prepare for a good amount of combat. There is an unoccupied tank near the entrance, and you need to get in it as quickly as possible. Once inside of the tank, bullets have little effect. Beware of any NKs with RPGs, however. Take out the nearby missile launchers. Since your signal is jammed, that could cause problems with extracting the King, so go ahead and destroy the jammer (marked by the red 'X' on the map) to resolve that issue. Take out the final two missile launcher sites. Since the King is somewhere around the marked area, head over that way. Fiona will note that he is on the roof. There are some nearby helicopters, take one onto the roof. The King is the only person you will have to deal with up there, so take your time in apprehending him. Hopefully you can manage to get close enough to subdue him. If you did, call the extraction helicopter by tossing the beacon on an empty spot on the roof. Carry the King to the chopper. Once the King has been verified, the contract is completed. That's one less crazy North Korean to worry about! ------------------------------------ CONTRACT - "NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW" ------------------------------------ >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Want to know the best part about not being spotted by the Mafia (besides the bonus)? Not being shot in the face if you ever see them after you're done with this contract. Be sure to grab the sniper rifle on the ground in front of you before you head out. You'll need it. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Eliminate three Mafia officers in Haeju 2. Report to Chinese officer who will meet you at the docks in Haeju BONUS: Evade Mafia detection Contract Value: $50,000 Bonus Value: $15,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This one can be tricky, but it isn't too bad if you are careful. Get the Sniper Rifle from the crate outside of the Mafia HQ. The Sniper is the key to success on this particular contract. Head towards the area where the three Mafia officers are marked on the map. DO NOT enter the area that is shaded in blue on the map. When you enter that area, any Mafia members will shoot you on sight. We want this mission done without being detected. Go to the Westside of Haeju that is not shaded blue. Since you want to stay out of the Mafia territory as much as possible, go down to the docks and you will see a small hill to the East which is right along the Mafia border. Climb up far enough that when you look through the Sniper's scope you can see the officer, but not so far that you enter Mafia territory. Crouch down by pressing L3, it will decrease your chance of being seen. Take out the officer whenever you get a clear shot. Be patient, it's part of the task of sniping. Go around the shaded area to the other side of Haeju and go all the way to the water. Don't ever go far into water in this game, by the way, the mercs can't swim. There is a wall near the edge of the shore. Slowly follow this wall while crouching and take out the last two Mafia officers. This can be tricky, but just be sure you do not stand up or lose your cover. If you are seen killing one of the officers, the Mafia will be very displeased, and the more upset the Mafia is with you, the higher the prices in the Merchant of Menace are, so be careful. Once the officers have been dealt with, head back out of the shaded area the way you came, remaining as stealthy as possible. Once you exit this area, just head around it to the marked spot on the map and talk to the Chinese officer to successfully complete this contract. Man.. I was sweating more than Michael Jackson at a Boy Scout meeting during that contract! [ My Alternate Strategy ] There isn't too much of a difference to this strategy, but it is another way of going about this contract. You still want to head into the unshaded Eastern portion of Haeju and get up on the small hill to take out the Mafia officer that is the furthest East. The difference in this strategy is that instead of heading straight for the wall that is in Mafia territory, you want to get up onto the mountains parallel to the locations of the center Mafia officer. From there you can crouch down and take out that Mafia officer from afar. Now, instead of running around to the wall, get a Mafia vehicle. Drive to the wall that is next to the water. Check your surroundings while still in the vehicle and when no one is facing your direction, get out of the Mafia vehicle and crouch behind the wall. Creep far enough along so that you can see the last Mafia officer and take him out. You should still be undetected if this was done correctly. The Mafia vehicle is useless now as you cannot regain that disguise. Instead, creep around the water to the unshaded area and then head around the shaded area and go to the Chinese officer. Done and done. ----------------------------- CONTRACT - "GIMME MY MONEY" ----------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Taking out that officer and escaping with the cargo in one piece won't be easy--the Chinese have several soldiers in the area. I recommend that you take care of business as quickly as you can. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Return the marked cargo to the Mafia warehouse 2. Return the provided helicopter to the Mafia garage BONUS: Kill the Chinese officer in charge of the raid Contract Value: $30,000 Bonus Value: $10,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Hopefully you managed to not get caught during that last mission, or you are going to have to shell out $25,000 to be allowed back in the Mafia HQ. Anyways, a lot of people say this one is hard, but I disagree. Let's go. Hop in the helicopter and fly to the marked area. A successful completion of this mission will require you to take out a few Chinese soldiers. Nothing a few destroyed SK Listening Posts and collected National Treasures won't fix up though. Take out the guys on the roofs first. Now take out the officer and as many of the other Chinese soldiers that are with him that you need to not get blown up when you descend. Descend above the crate and lower the winch (down on d-pad) to pick it up. Ascend and fly away as quickly as possible, trying to avoid getting shot. Once you've escaped, get to the Mafia warehouse that is marked on the map. Bring the chopper over the yellow circle and descend until the crate is not far above the ground. Press down on the d-pad to let it go and press up on the d-pad to raise the winch. All that is left to do is to return the chopper to the Mafia garage. Do so to complete this contract. [ Alternate Strategy, Contributed By Jacob Litman ] There are two other options. First, you can sniper the officer to get the bonus, or B, you can try shooting the officer from very high up where they don't see you, then honk your horn to lose your disguise and winch the cargo (these ways, you don't get shot at once and you don't lose Chinese faction). [ My Alternate Strategy ] After playing through yet again, I decided to take a different approach to this contract. Be sure to have a Sniper Rifle on hand, as it is crucial. Hop in the provided Mafia helicopter and head towards the location of the cargo crate and the Chinese officer. Before you get too close, there is a building with a flat roof that is not too far away from the officer and not too close. There is sufficient room on that roof to land. Get out of the helicopter and pull out the Sniper Rifle. Get a bead on the Chinese officer (shouldn't be hard at all considering his location is outlined with a green circle) and take him out. Now that the officer is completely out of the way, this is a cakewalk. Get back in the chopper and double back a bit, just to be safe. After the Mafia disguise is reengaged, head to the cargo. The Chinese shouldn't be angry with the Mafia at this point, so no one should shoot at you. If they do shoot at you while under disguise, simply honk the horn. Using the winch, pick up the crate. Fly it to the drop location and then drop off the Mafia chopper. You're done. ------------------------------ CONTRACT - "BAIT AND SWITCH" ------------------------------ >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Sergei managed to set up a bogus arms deal with the Jack of Clubs. I see a lot of armor at the Jack's location, so you'll want to sneak past their front line and take them by surprise. Sergei has promised to provide transportation and some "soldiers." In exchange, he'd like you to help recover a FROG-7 missile truck. I don't want to know why. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Verify the Jack of Clubs BONUS: Recover a FROG-7 missile truck from the area Bounty Value: $100,000 alive/$50,000 dead Bonus Value: $30,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Let's finish off the Mafia contracts while we're here. Hop in the Transport Truck (which you stole for the Mafia earlier) and let the Mafia thugs get in the back. Drive to the area where the Jack is and drive past him to the area where the FROG-7 missile truck is. Since the Transport Truck is North Korean, the disguise will get you by them without notice. Once you are by the missile truck, press triangle so that you and the Russians get out. One of them will take control of the FROG-7. Help the other two take out the NK soldiers that are nearby. Now comes the hard part. The tanks up front need to be destroyed before the FROG-7 can be driven out. Head that direction, making sure you have an RPG with you. There are alot of guys and three tanks. Take out two of the tanks with your RPG and hijack the last one. That should make easy work of any NK soldiers still around, but be careful not to kill the Jack. Once the majority of the soldiers have been killed, destroy the tank you used so the FROG-7 can proceed. Kill any remaining soldiers, then subdue the Jack. Find an open area and call for extraction. Put the Jack in the helicopter to complete this contract. ----------------------------------- CONTRACT - "UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT" ----------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Quid pro quo. Eliminate the specified NK presence and they'll let us know where the Queen of Clubs is. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Eliminate NK forces 2. Verify the Queen of Clubs Bounty Value: $115,000 alive/$57,500 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Real straightforward. Kill the 6 designated NK forces then get the Queen. Start heading towards the marked area. When you come across a Chinese tank, commandeer it to make this a very simple contract. If you still have the Sniper, take out as many as you can from afar. Head into the area and take out the remaining designated forces. Now you know where the Queen is. Head down the way, but be careful of any tanks you may encounter. Tanks are a major problem when calling for an extraction helicopter, whereas one or two unseen enemy soldiers are not. Subdue the Queen when you can, then do a second recon of the area to find any enemy soldiers you may have missed. Call in the extraction helicopter and load in the Queen to complete this contract. [ CONTRACT TIPS ] Be sure to take out any barracks that you come across. They cause trouble later on when you think you've cleared out the area and then suddenly there are quite a few North Korean soldiers just waiting to take you out. -------------------------------------- CONTRACT - "BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE" -------------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The Ace of Clubs is somewhere in the vicinity of Song Tower. He has a transmitter on him. Destroy the NK jammers in the area and I can triangulate him for you. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy NK jammers 2. Verify the Ace of Clubs Bounty Value: $150,000 alive/$75,000 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< [ There is additional information for this contract after its walkthrough ] Your first Ace Contract. Good job. You are flown to an island. As soon as you are inserted in the area, there are already NK soldiers around you firing. Be sure to turn the faction icons on for this contract (left on d-pad) as it is extremely helpful in seeing soldiers in darker areas. Clear the area of the NKs. Hop in a Sungri Scout and head to the first jammer, located in the Northeast part of the island. Once you arrive at the jammer, clear the immediate area of threats. Obviously you cannot call in any support since the jammer is, well, jamming you signal. Use the standard means of C4 to take it out. Go over to the jammer to the West. This one is a bit more difficult due to the presence of NKs on the roofs. I'm not sure how many have RPGs, but be cautious of them. Once you've calmed things down a bit, destroy the second jammer. I recommend doing the bonus objective at this point. Head over to the green circle on your map. Take out the soldiers on the ground at that location and the Allies will bring in a few troops. Some NK helicopters may cause problems here, so take them out quickly. Now that you have taken care of that, call in an APC. Get the AN troops inside of it and head towards the final jammer. Have the AN troops get out of the APC to help kill the NKs and to help keep the NK focus from being entirely on you. A tank will join in the battle. Hijack it to make this part easier. Beware of any RPGs. Once the area is clear, destroy the jammer and take an RPG if you can. Fiona tells you where the Ace is. He is inside of Song Tower. The only way to get the Ace out is to destroy Song Tower with a new toy the Allies have gone and provided for you, the Bunker Buster. Song Tower is now marked on your map by a yellow circle. Head towards that area and get in a spot that is a good distance away... The aftershock of the Bunker Buster is huge. Once you have called in the Bunker Buster and the Ace appears, get him! He will run towards a base in the distance. If you get to him fast enough, you don't have to deal with any more NKs, if not, just a few more minutes of fighting lie ahead. Once you have the Ace in handcuffs and everything is done and settled, call in the extraction helicopter and put the Ace in. You will get in the chopper too, and that ends the Ace mission. Congratulations Merc, you are a fourth of the way done! Onto the Diamonds! [ Alternate Strategy, Contributed by Sir Loin of Beef ] I started the same as [this FAQ], and cleared out the first area, and took a Sungri Scout. You're going to have to bear with me for this next part, because I don't remember the [which] blips on the radar that I did, I just remember what the areas looked like. First I went to the one where the jammer is behind the building. I drove my Scout into the small hills at the edge of the area, so the jammer was between me and building. I sniped all of the guys I could, and then hijacked the tank in the area, and used that to destroy the jammer, the building and all of the guys. Next I went to the jammer near the overpass, and just blew it up with the tank, and left the guys that didn't have RPG's. Then I drove my tank around to the far side of the North Korean Officers (the bonus objective), and sniped all of them [as well as] the helicopter pilots that were hovering above them. I went to the last jammer (the one back in the woods), and destroyed it and all of the vehicles around by clumping them together and using the tank again. This put me right behind Song Tower, and all of the guys are on the front side. I hijacked a Sungri Scout and looked around the area, and indeed all of the NK's are on the other side of Song Tower. I Bunker Busted Song Tower, and then caught up to the Ace of Clubs in my Sungri Scout. I drove up next to him, jumped out just behind him, and subdued him. I got back into my tank (which I left near the entrance to the woods with jammer #3) and took out the helicopters. Lastly, I called in the extraction chopper, and that was it for the mission. I had an extremely easy time doing this... I hope it helps. [ Priority Targets During Contract, Contributed By Enigma Nostra ] 01. Northeast Jammer 02. Northeast Anti Air Vehicle (next to jammer) 03. Northwest Jammer 04. Northwest Tank (comes around corner near jammer) 05. Southern Jammer 06. Southwest Anti Air Vehicle (At second DZ) 07. MD-500 Scout Chopper 1 (At second DZ) 08. MD-500 Scout Chopper 2 (At second DZ) 09. Mi-35 Attack Chopper 1 (At Song Tower after all jammers are destroyed) 10. Mi-35 Attack Chopper 2 (At Song Tower AFTER you stun/subdue Ace of Clubs.) *Note* Air superiority is automatically called in, and takes care of this one, but could still work you over a little depending on where you are. [ Destroying Song Tower W/O Spending Much Cash, Contributed By Enigma Nostra ] Don't use your clusterbombs for clearing out the troops; instead, after the jammers are destroyed, find a safe spot and drop all of them on the center of Song Tower. Then drop your lone Bunker Buster onto the Orange/Red glowing partway up, from the front. Don't aim for the doors. This *should* destroy it without you having to spend a pricey $200,000 extra. [ Utilizing a Chopper, Contributed By Enigma Nostra ] There is a MD-500 Scout Chopper on the Ace of Clubs Island, if you like choppers. It's in the Northern middle area of the island. You can complete the whole mission with it easily by using the NK disguise it can give you (try returning to an area you have cleaned out of troops, such as your insertion area, and calling in Vehicle Ammo Drop, and if you really need it, the Vehicle Armor drop). If done carefully, you can use the chopper throughout the entire mission. Simply use the lockon and fire, then run away. To kill the Mi-35 (Looks like a Russian Hind for those who know helo's), simply rush and get your disguise, and make sure you have at least one anti-tank missile. The MG is worthless, but if you go in carefully, to just a bit above him, you can dumbfire the missile without locking on. Get to a close enough range and he doesn't have a chance. Then simply land on a building, and call in the arty on the tower. Zip over, knock out the Ace, DON'T get back in the chopper (Air Superiority will be called in to take care of the second Mi-35 automatically and if you are in the air, you are killed and will have to redo the mission), just call in your extraction chopper. .---------------------------. | B. PART 02 - THE DIAMONDS | '---------------------------' MERCS06B Now that you're finished with the Clubs, you'll notice an instant increase in difficulty. Some consider the entire suit of Clubs a tutorial section for the rest of the game. The Diamonds are not incredibly hard, but it will be much more of a challenge than the Clubs were. You'll also notice some slight changes in the area. A few vehicles you would never have seen outside of a contract before will now be available, such as an Allied APC like you should have used during the Ace of Clubs contract. Now, let's get started on the Diamonds! ----------------------- CONTRACT - "EMBEDDED" ----------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< A member of the press needs armed escort to points of interest throughout the area. Take him where he needs to go. Oh, and he's got deadlines to meet, so don't waste time. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Pick up journalist 2. Taxi journalist to his destinations and allow him to capture the footage he needs 3. Death of journalist will result in contract cancellation BONUS: Reach destinations with time to spare Contract Value: $60,000 Bonus Value: $50 per second remaining in time limit upon arrival at each destination >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< I prefer to start the Diamonds contracts with the AN, so that's how I'll start you off. This WAS one of my least favorite missions until I got the path down. Here are some tips before you get started on this... Do not drive so quickly that you will lose control and flip your vehicle and use a civilian disguise as often as possible. Anyways, let's do this. Get in the nearest vehicle and get to the reporter as fast as you can. DO NOT RUN OVER HIM! Get him in the vehicle and drive quickly to the first yellow circle, stopping for nothing. There will be a lot of things purposely placed in your way in the mission, so be cautious. Once you park in the yellow circle, the reporter will get out and film. Wait for him to finish then get him back in the vehicle. Keep doing this process until he has gone to Ichon, Downtown Pyongyang, Nampo, Haeju, and Propaganda Village. After those locations have all been filmed, you have to drop him off a little Northeast of Propaganda Village, head up there and park in the yellow circle to complete this contract. I hate reporters. [ Alternate Strategy, Contributed By Radioactive Monkey] Instead of going straight to the reporter, head over to the "$" near the DMZ. Get in the helicopter marked with the "$" and decline the challenge. Use that helicopter to transport the reporter around to each location. You should never even be close to running out of time on your way to any location. ---------------------------------------- CONTRACT - "DOWNED BIRD IN ENEMY NEST" ---------------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< An Allied UN-60 chopper engaged in maneuvers has crashed behind enemy lines, thanks to NK anti-air defenses. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Locate downed Allied helicopter 2. Rescue survivors from crash site before NK forces arrive 3. Return crash survivors to Allied HQ Contract Value: $60,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Another Allied contract... I prefer to get the factions done one at a time. Anyways, as you get closer to the area where the helicopter crashed, you'll recieve an e-mail regarding a bonus, which reads: >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Anti-air units in the area have been giving the Allies a rough time. Be careful. --- Contract Terms & Conditions BONUS: Destroy all NK anti-air units in the area Bonus Value: $50,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This one is slightly challenging due to the time limit, but you will be fine. Drive up to the location of the nearest anti-air unit. You'll want to speed things up by taking it out with an airstrike... Plus you don't have to move too far to do so. After that is destroyed, continue to the next closest anti-air unit. Use another airstrike. Take out the last anti-air unit using whatever you choose, then get the crash survivors. The best way is to get a vehicle which is capable of holding a total of four people (you and three passengers). Might as well go with the Merchant of Menace here. Head back down from where you are and take the paved road to return to Allied HQ. You will have to deal with a few groups of NK forces, but just move fast and avoid major fire. Park in the circle in front of AN HQ to complete this contract. ------------------------------- CONTRACT - "PLAYING THE ODDS" ------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< You're not out to make any friends, are you? At least the artillery support should let you stay out of sight. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy South Korean forces at the garrison BONUS: Bribe the Chinese artillery officer ($50,000 required) Contract Value: $45,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Time for the Mafia, mainly because they seem really into making the other factions angry this time around and bribing costs less during the Diamonds than it does during the Hearts ($100,000 v. $250,000). If you do this the long way, then you shouldn't have to bribe anyone because of this mission. You have to go to North Pyongyang and bribe the Chinese officer with $50,000 to recieve two Artillery Barrages in your support menu. Hopefully you won't have to use them. Head towards the base marked on your map. When you come to a roadblock with a SK officer, get as out of sight as possible and snipe the officer (get a Sniper Rifle if you don't have one... it's helpful). Steal a SK vehicle and head to the gate of the base. I did this the hard way until my brother asked me why I didn't just let the "other guys kill those guys." That was a good idea. Get out of sight and take out a few NKs. That will initiate a firefight between the NKs and SKs. Since the NKs can regenerate via the barracks, they will eventually win. If you are impatient however, you can use the Artillery Barrages and/or kill some of the SKs yourself. Know that you will have to fork over $100,000 to the SKs for that though. When the "SK Forces" meter runs out, the contract is over. --------------------- CONTRACT - "OMERTA" --------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The contract is a boilerplate soft-target elimination. Looks like the Russians have made quite a few enemies. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Terminate Allied officer 2. Terminate NK prisoner 3. Terminate SK officer 4. Terminate Chinese tank commander Contract Value: $45,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This one is definitely on the more difficult side. It doesn't seem so at first, but when you take into account the bonus and the possible consequences of not doing what the bonus wants, it is. This is the bonus e-mail from Josef: >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Sergei is taking a great risk with these killings. It would be much better if it wasn't clear who was behind them. --- Contract Terms & Conditions BONUS: Kill all targets covertly Bonus Value: $50,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< The bonus is worth more than the contract... So let's do this right. Get the Sniper Rifle from the drop given to you by Josef if you don't have one already. Pick up an RPG or Anti-Air Rocket as your second weapon. It's a lot easier that way. Fiona will provide the location of the AN officer. Go in that direction, but do not get close. I recommend purchasing a chopper from the Merchant of Menace and getting up on a roof to snipe the officer. There aren't many good snipe points otherwise. Now that you've taken him out, Fiona will tell you the NK prisoner is in a vehicle driving away. Follow it. Fiona will tell you the location of the SK officer as well. Both targets are getting in a helicopter. Get in an out-of-sight position where you will not be seen upon firing at the chopper, then let loose on the chopper with the Anti-Air Rocket. Now there is only the Chinese tank commander remaining. He is, appropriately, in a tank. Fortunately he is manning the gun on top, so you don't have to get close. He will not leave the general area where he is, so don't worry about having to chase him. Find a hill where you are not easily seen by anyone and wait for the tank to come by. Take him out with the Sniper Rifle to complete this contract. [ Alternate Strategy, Contributed By Nico ] This is a way to complete this mission without losing faction mood. It's actually quite easy. All you do after getting the mission is take a Mafia truck and drive to the South Korean airfield just South of the Mafia HQ. The airstrip will be locked up but you can ram the fence near the attack helicopter. Jump in one and fly to the rooftop just Northwest of the AN speaker's location. There will be an AN soldier on the roof with a Sniper Rifle. You can subdue him and steal the Sniper Rifle or use the Mafia's Sniper Supply Drop to get a Sniper Rifle. Once you get the rifle, pick off the AN speaker. Then casually jump back in the attack chopper and position yourself just over the railway bridge just below where the helicopter takes off with the other two targets. You can switch to the "aircraft" missile and just wait till the chopper takes off. A good hit or two will take it out extremely easy. No need to blast through all the missile Hummers on the ground. Then just fly over to where the last target is located in the tank and take him out with the vehicle missiles. This will complete the mission very quickly and safely. ----------------------------------- CONTRACT - "...IT'S WHO YOU KNOW" ----------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Sergei's found a journalist who claims to have information about Colonel Jong Seomun, the Queen of Diamonds. I'm not sure how Sergei "persuaded" the press to help us out, but if the intel is good, I won't ask. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Make contact with the journalist 2. Locate the Queen of Diamonds 3. Verify the Queen of Diamonds Bounty Value: $175,000 alive/$87,500 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This is the last Mafia mission for the suit of Diamonds. You'll be hunting out the Queen in this one. Sergei's source, a journalist, will give you directions in getting to the Queen. Get to the journalist, talk to him, and get him in a vehicle. Be careful of the nearby NK soldiers. Once you get him in, you will get a bonus e-mail that reads as follows: >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< I wouldn't read this aloud, but Sergei wants that journalist dead as soon as his usefulness is at an end. Turns out he's not even a journalist at all; they suspect he's a spy working for another faction in the area. --- Contract Terms & Conditions BONUS: Kill the "journalist" after he cases to be "useful" Bonus Value: $50,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< I love twists. Follow the imposter journalist's directions. Once you go through the last marker, kill the journalist by whatever means you like... but do it quickly, you've got a Queen of Diamonds to catch. The Queen will be running away, so chase him. He will stop near a boat he was using for his smuggling operations. There are a lot of very dangerous guys with RPGs here, so proceed with caution. You will most likely have to take out just about everyone to get a chance to capture the Queen, so do so. The boat is a respawn point for the bad guys, so take it out as well. Once you have the Queen by himself, subdue him. Carry him to the road (nowhere on the path to the boat is flat) and call for extraction. Once the Queen is in the chopper, the contract is over. Good job. ----------------------------- CONTRACT - "ESCORT SERVICE" ----------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< From what I've seen, the road from Nampo to Haeju is still teeming with North Korean units. Watch yourself out there. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Find Chinese officer 2. Escort officer to Haeju 2a. Death of the officer will result in contract cancellation BONUS: Destroy a NK outpost along the way. Contract Value: $60,000 Bonus Value: $20,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Chinese time. Get in a vehicle and head towards the officer's location. After a while you will come to a group of NK forces. They have a tank, so proceed with caution. Calling in an airstrike may prove easier than fighting them all yourself. After that is done, continue to the officer's location. Get the officer in the vehicle. The NK outpost the bonus tells of is ahead, so you may want to leave the officer safely where he is. Head up there and dispose of the outpost. Get back in the vehicle with the officer. Drive as fast as possible to Haeju, stopping for nothing. Don't fight, just run away from any NKs. When you get there, park in the yellow circle so the officer will get out and you will complete this contract. ------------------------- CONTRACT - "PERSUASION" ------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Once the South Koreans learn that the Chinese are intent on holding Propaganda Village, they will definitely try to destroy their center of command. Make sure you protect the Chinese officers marked in your SNS, or their defenses will be overrun! --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Protect Chinese officers BONUS: No Chinese officers killed Contract Value: $60,000 Bonus Value: $20,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< I hate double-crossing the factions... Well, no I don't, but I hate the money it costs. Get to Propaganda Village as fast as possible, as you have a timer of 3 minutes, 40 seconds to get there before the SKs start attacking. Once you are there, notice the six officers you have to protect. Head South from their position and man a Recoilless Rifle. When the timer runs out, the SKs will begin their assault. Take them out as soon as you see them so that they don't have a chance to see it is you who is firing at them. If they see you, your SK faction mood rating will go down... We don't want that! After a while of this, the amount of SKs attacking will increase. Do your best to take them out. Eventually you will be told to take out the SK APC. If you have an RPG, use that. Otherwise you can try grenades or something, but the use of an RPG is much easier. Once the APC has been destroyed, you will have completed the contract. [ My Alternate Strategy ] Head to the area where the Chinese officers are located. Near the Chinese officers is a Chinese Type 80 Tank. If you utilize it properly, it is just as effective, or possibly even _MORE_ effective than the strategy involving the use of the Recoilless Rifles. Enter the Type 80 Tank. Drive it up to where the Chinese's front defense line is behind the sandbags. Park the tank in the center of that area. For the first portion of this contract, the South Koreans will attack using vehicles that come one at a time. Using the tank's cannon, pick off each South Korean vehicle as you see it. If you manage to take out each vehicle before the soldiers can get away from it, no South Korean witnesses will be there, which prevents the loss of South Korean faction mood. When Fiona notifies you that the South Koreans have been surprised by the stiff resistance, the flow of South Korean vehicles will speed up, sometimes coming two at a time. Again, take them out as quickly as possible. You may lose some faction standing here, but not much. Be cautious of the lone LHX Light Attack helicopter that will strike at some point. Continue dealing with the South Koreans until you are alerted by Fiona that you need to take out the APC. This will normally appear somewhere behind the general location of the Chinese officers. Move that tank as fast as possible to intercept the APC and with two clean shots, the APC is done. Once the APC is kaput, you complete the contract. -------------------------- CONTRACT - "KNOCK KNOCK" -------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< That artillery base is a heavily fortified complex built into the side of a mountain range. It's safe to say you won't be ringing a door bell to get in. If it wasn't for the King being inside, I'd have recommended you pass on this one! Good luck. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy artillery 2. Verify the King of Diamonds Bounty Value: $200,000 alive/$100,000 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This one is full of heavy firepower on both sides. Head towards the base. When you find a tank, hijack it. Head to the base and kill the NK officer. Backtrack until you regain disguise then head into the base. Once inside, take out the most immediate threats (whatever can do major damage to your tank) and then any buildings that are respawning NK soldiers (I didn't take note of how many there were, but take them out anyway). When you find the jammer, take it out as well. If you should run out of ammo for the tank at any point, get to an empty area and have the Merchant of Menace airdrop a Vehicle Ammo Drop (or Vehicle Support Drop if your tank's armor is low as well). After that is completed, head to the next gate. Again, take out the immediate threats to your tank, you don't want to lose it. After the area is generally clear, take out all five artillery pieces. After they are destroyed, the King will appear in a tank. Get out of yours but take out the gunner on top if there is one and then hijack it. Somehow, the King is not killed by your hijacking, but instead gets out of the tank and runs. Get out of the hijacked tank and chase him down. Subdue him and call for extraction. Once the King is verified, the contract is complete. ---------------------------------- CONTRACT - "A HOT TIME IN NAMPO" ---------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Buford wants to drive up the gas prices for the Chinese. Three fuel depots and ten trucks should do the trick. Blow them up and he'll explode your bank account. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy 3 fuel depots 2. Find and destroy 10 Chinese fuel trucks BONUS: Complete objectives before Chinese reinforcements arrive Contract Value: $85,000 Bonus Value: $500 for each second before reinforcements arrive >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Hopefully you don't need to bribe the SK Guard due to the Mafia contracts, but if you do, be glad you can do it now rather than during the Diamonds when it costs $250,000 to bribe. This mission is all but guaranteed to piss off the Chinese, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles (I can't believe I just said that :P). Anyhow, this one is pretty straightforward: Blow up three fuel depots and ten fuel trucks. If you do so in less than 7 minutes, you get a bonus. Head to the markers on the map. Each marker is one of the three fuel depots, the fuel trucks are driving around that area. Make sure you have an RPG for this contract. You might as well take out any Chinese soldier who is attacking you... There is not really any way to keep the Chinese happy this time around anyway. Take out the fuel depots with the RPG. While you travel from depot to depot, take out any fuel trucks that are driving around. They are flatbed trucks carrying a big yellow fuel tank. Once you destroy all three depots and any ten fuel trucks, the contract is complete. ------------------------------- CONTRACT - "FIRST PRINCIPLES" ------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Rescue that pilot and blow up that plane. Easy contract, as long as no one else finds that plane first. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Find and destroy downed aircraft 2. Find the downed pilot 3. Return pilot to Ichon Contract Value: $85,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Once the mission starts, there is a vehicle nearby. Get in and get a SK soldier to get in as well. Head towards the marked spot on the map. When you get to the plane, take it out however you want. Here comes the hard part. After the plane is destroyed, you will recieve an e-mail that reads as follows: >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The North Koreans have already captured the pilot and are transporting him to their base at the Black Gate. You must stop them before they arrive, otherwise the pilot is lost. >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Catch up to the Transport Truck which is carrying the pilot. Hijack it. Kill any NKs that attack you, then get the pilot in a vehicle and take him to the marked location on the map to finish this contract. Not too bad, right? ----------------------------- CONTRACT - "MASTER OF NONE" ----------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The Jack of Diamonds has turned his artillery on Seoul. You've got to stop him before too many innocents die! --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy all NK artillery before 25,000 civilians are killed 2. Verify the Jack of Diamonds Bounty Value: $150,000 alive/$75,000 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This one is the one of the hardest contracts yet. Get a standard rapid-fire weapon such as the Carbine, Light MG, Assault Rifle, etc. and an RPG or Anti- Tank Rocket. Get in any civilian vehicle for the disguise then head to the area. Take out any tank you come across. Since this mission is basically timed, though indirectly, hurry to the artillery instead of fighting everyone. Once all the artillery are destroyed, You will be notified of an unnoticed prototype artillery piece. It is HUGE. Get to it, watching out for any enemies as you head up. When you get there, you will be given a new airstrike. Get to a shielded area (behind something strong that an airstrike is not likely to penetrate, like a big rock). Call in the airstrike on the artillery gun. Now the Jack will appear. Clear the immediate area of NK soldiers then subdue the Jack. Call for extraction. The verification of the Jack will complete this contract. ----------------------------------- CONTRACT - "THE GUNS OF KIRIN-DO" ----------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< General Chul Kang, the Ace of Diamonds, has brought the Type 07 Supergun online. This weapon is capable of striking targets in South Korea and Japan with radiological shells. The Supergun is a hardened structure, requiring a bunker buster or equally strong weapon to destroy. Additionally, the Supergun has an integrated jammer system. You'll have to find a way to destroy it without direct Allied air support. Also, the area around the Supergun has been contaminated by radioactive materials used in its ammunition. Only shielded vehicles, such as an NK Tank, can safely cross these areas. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy the Type 07 Supergun 2. Verify the Ace of Diamonds Bounty Value: $250,000 alive/$125,000 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< You are taken to an island separate from the main map, like before. Turn on the faction icons by pressing left on the d-pad to make it easier to see the NKs. Use the Merchant of Menace to airdrop a shielded vehicle. I would go ahead and get an NK one for the disguise as well. If you choose not to airdrop a vehicle, you'll have to fight off a large amount of NK soldiers and hijack a tank later on. Choosing to airdrop a NK vehicle is far easier. Drive along the road, staying to the right. After you clear the initial set of troops, turn the faction icons back off so you can identify officers. Avoid all of them to keep disguise. Enjoy the radioactive zone, it's fun. :P Eventually Fiona will tell you about the Type 07 Prototype Gun. It will be marked on your map and you will get a useless e-mail with the "codes" to start the Prototype Gun. You don't have to use them, so don't worry about it. Get to the West end of the island until you get to the dirt road that heads to the Prototype Gun. There is an officer here so forget about disguise. Take out every NK you see. Watch out for tanks and guys with RPGs. Turn the faction icons back on and head up the path watching for guys that may be hiding behind trees, logs, or rocks. There are a few tanks too. At the end of the path is the Prototype Gun. When you are clear, go up the stairs and walk left around the gun until you reach a door. Press triangle to man the Prototype Gun. The Supergun is marked by a yellow circle and arrow. Fire at it with the Prototype Gun until it is destroyed. Time to get the Ace. Hijack an NK vehicle to become disguised and drive to the marked area. The Ace is tough to get too, there are plenty of NK soldiers and tanks. Watch for RPGs coming at you. Try your best not to kill the Ace, either by shooting him yourself or getting him in the line of fire of the NKs shooting at you. I have done the latter far too many times. After the area is clear, subdue the Ace and call for extraction. Once you and the Ace are in the chopper, the second Ace Contract is complete. Good job! We are halfway done! Time to head North! .-------------------------. | C. PART 03 - THE HEARTS | '-------------------------' MERCS06C Ahh... A new map. Highly refreshing. Take some time to get used to the Northern Province, as you'll spend quite a bit of time here. Before you get started on the contracts, take a look at your new outfit (you can change into it at a tent in MASH) and note that by speaking to the pilot in MASH, you can head back to the Southern Province. Explore a bit and enjoy the occasional sighting of new vehicles. --------------------------------- CONTRACT - "INSPECT AND VERIFY" --------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Do your best to keep the WMD inspectors alive as they search for evidence that Song used these reactors to manufacture nuclear weapons. NEVER leave them alone. At least one needs to survive to report their findings. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Escort Allied Inspectors to the Yongbyon 5 MW Reactor 2. Escort Allied Inspectors to the Yongbyon 50 MW Reactor 3. Escort Allied Inspectors to the Yongbyon Reprocessing Plant 4. Return at least 1 Allied WMD Inspector alive to the Allied HQ in Kusong Contract Value: $80,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Alrighty. Let's start with the Allied contracts. This contract is essentially a more difficult version of the "Embedded" contract where you had to take a reporter around the area. You have to take 4 WMD Inspectors to three sites. Ok, to your right are the four inspectors and an APC. Get in the APC and honk the horn to have the inspectors get in. Drive to the first yellow circle at the Yongbyon Reprocessing Plant. As you get there, the first priority is to take out the tanks, then the NK soldier with an RPG. Use the missiles on the APC for the tanks and the main gun for everything else. Clear the area and level as many of the buildings as you wish, that main gun on the APC packs a punch and it doesn't take many shots to bring the buildings down. Pay close attention to the alley near the yellow circle on the ground, a few guys hide back in there. Once the area is clear, get in the yellow circle and press L2 to let the WMD inspectors out. Keep watch for any NKs you may have missed. Once the meter is full, the inspectors will get back in the APC. Head to the second area in the Northern Part of Yongbyon Reactors. Take out any NKs that you see and destroy any vehicles. For the most part however, this location has very little resistance. Once you've cleared the area and destroyed any buildings that may spawn NKs, get in the circle and let the inspectors out. Once they are done and back in the APC, head to the final location in the Southern portion of Yongbyon Reactors. As you approach the final area, take out the chopper that is on the ground. The soldiers are no threat at all compared to it. Another chopper will come over to attack you. Take it down before it can do too much damage. Now that those are dealt with, there are no more major threats. Take out the NKs on the ground and then let the inspectors do their thing. Once they are back in, take them back to Allied HQ and park in the yellow circle there to complete this contract. -------------------------------- CONTRACT - "REACTOR RETRIEVAL" -------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Rescue the Allied Inspectors from the reactor site and deliver them to the Allied outpost West of the site. Garrett informed me they stocked the outpost with extra supplies if you need them. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Locate Allied inspectors 2. Rescue Allied inspectors before they are executed 3. Return Allied inspectors to Allied outpost Contract Value: $80,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This one is timed. You have to try and rescue the inspectors within that 10 minute time limit. You will get a bonus e-mail: >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Those inspectors are highly trained. Garrett will be extremely upset if anything happens to them. --- Contract Terms & Conditions BONUS: Return all inspectors to Allied Outpost alive Bonus Value: $75,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< So... Get to the inspectors. Rescue them. Get them back alive. Sounds simple enough, right? You don't want to get in close and alert the NKs of your presence just yet. Hopefully you have a Sniper Rifle. If not, you should be able to order one via the Merchant of Menance. There are two guards watching over the Allied inspectors. They are marked on your map. Should you be seen, the guards will begin executing the inspectors. We don't want that. So stay a good distance away from the base and find a snipe point. Take out the two guards. There are some tanks in the area, take them out next using whatever method you please. Airstrikes will allow you to stay out of harm's way for now, but if you use them, watch out for the inspectors. Once the area is clear of major threats, get over there and take out any NK soldiers that remain. Get the inspectors into a vehicle. Now, get out of there and drive as fast as you can to the Allied Outpost. Try to avoid any conflicts and try not to get caught up in the roadblocks. When you get to the Allied Outpost, park in the yellow circle. Once the inspectors are out of the vehicle, this contract is complete. ---------------------------------- CONTRACT - "MANIPULATE THE DATA" ---------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The Colonel is fidgety about sending those codes remotely from within the outpost so you'll have to bring them to the Chinese HQ. Sorry about that. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Download codes 2. Bring codes to Dandong Contract Value: $100,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This one is the one of the easiest contracts in the game. Don't think so? Read on. Drive over to the Tenement Ruins. Be sure to have a Sniper Rifle. Head to the South end of the Tenement Ruins. Get into the mountains around the shaded area. While up in the mountains, snipe out all the South Koreans you can see. Stay at the TOP of the mountains so as not to get seen. Move around the mountains towards the yellow marker on the map. Snipe all SKs you see as you move around. Stay out of the shaded area! Once you can see the yellow circle where you need to go, thoroughly check the area to be sure it is clear. If it is clear, head down to the yellow circle and download the codes. Get back in the mountains and back out of the shaded area. By essentially backtracking, head to the South end of the Tenement Ruins. Find a vehicle and drive to the Chinese HQ in Dandong. Park in the yellow circle to complete this contract. ---------------------------- CONTRACT - "EXIT STRATEGY" ---------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< I have a suspicion that the South Koreans intercepted some of the recent Chinese communications - the civilian population is now nowhere to be seen, and there are APCs patrolling the streets. Wonderful. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy SK command center BONUS: Additional amount paid for destruction of certain marked targets Contract Value: $100,000 Bonus Value: $50,000 per marked target (excluding the SK command center) >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< The situation this contract puts you in is a bit unfortunate. In order to not need to spend money on a bribe to make the South Koreans happy again, you have to spend a little less money. In the city there are two KIFVs, vehicles that jam your radar signal. We can't have that. Using the Merchant of Menace, purchase the least expensive South Korean vehicle, the K1025 Scout. Head to Sinuiju in that vehicle. Use the disguise that vehicle gives you to get into the shaded area there. So long as you have that disguise up, you'll be fine. When Fiona informs you that your signal is being jammed, look on your radar for the two red 'X's. Those are the KIFVs. Believe it or not, you are going to get out of your vehicle, completely giving up on disguise. Park RIGHT BEHIND one of the KIFVs. Get out of the K1025 Scout and into the KIFV as quickly as possible. You need to drive it out of Sinuiju. Once you are out of the shaded area, drive a bit further until no one is firing at you. Get out of the KIFV and destroy it with some C4. Repeat that process again with the second KIFV. Get on top of the mountains that are outside and around portions of Sinuiju. Snipe out any SKs you see. When most of the area near the entrace of Sinuiju is clear, head down to the ground. Head left from the entrance to the city on the outside of the wall that surrounds the area. When you see the first building that is a "marked target," take it out with an airstrike. RUN. A chopper will appear. You don't want to take it out due to the fact that it is South Korean, so get away from it. When you are clear of the chopper, head back around the city wall and take out the second marked building. RUN AGAIN. Two helicopters will attack you. Once you are clear, get back to Sinuiju. Almost done now. Get on the mountains to the right of the city entrance. Head around them to the SK Command Center marked in yellow on the map. Snipe out any SKs you see. When the immediate area around the Command Center is clear, call in an airstrike to take it out. The destruction of the SK Command Center will end this contract. ----------------------------- CONTRACT - "CHAIN REACTION" ----------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The Chinese provided us with the location of the Jack of Hearts. He's currently holed up in a building next to the reactor at Taechon. The area around the reactor is a hot zone. You'll need to rely on the protection of an enclosed vehicle (tank, APC, truck, etc) to get in and get him out. Don't walk around for too long. The radiation levels are VERY high near the reactor. You won't last long outside and unprotected near it. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Verify the Jack of Hearts Bounty Value: $200,000 alive/$100,000 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< If you love contracts dominated by tanks, you will love this contract. Take the tank which is outside of the Chinese HQ and head to the Taechon Reactor. You won't be alone in fighting the North Koreans here, Chinese APCs and tanks also are in the area, trying to push the NKs back. Note that the Jack is located inside of a radioactive zone. If you don't already know the effects of not being in a shielded vehicle such as a tank in a radioactive zone, know that you constantly lose health whenever you aren't in a shielded vehicle. Now, take out any tanks you run into first. Take out all other NKs you see based upon how much of a threat they are to your tank. Do not overlook any NKs that are simply on the ground, as you will have to get out of the tank in a moment. Once the area around the Jack's building is clear, get out of the tank. Watch out for any soldiers in the building. After you subdue the Jack, carry him out of there AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Both you and the Jack are constantly losing health by being unshielded in the radioactive zone. After you exit the radioactive zone, call for the extraction helicopter. Once the Jack has been verified, this contract is complete. ----------------------- CONTRACT - "REPO MAN" ----------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Buford's not going to be able to run his own private war if his superiors learn about that lost KIFV. It won't take long for the Mafia to tear it apart and learn what makes it tick. If you don't interrupt that process, Buford gets a royal chewing out, and we don't get our money. Stop that Mafia inspection of the KIFV. Then either destroy it, or get it back to SK HQ. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Interrupt Mafia inspection of the KIFV 2. Destroy or recover KIFV Contract Value: $110,000 destroyed/$160,000 recovered >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< You have five minutes to stop the Mafia's inspection of the KIFV. Begin heading towards the marked area. When you see a Mafia vehicle, commandeer it. When you arrive at the area, you can drive right through the gate with a Mafia disguise. Park next to the KIFV. Get out of your Mafia vehicle and get in the KIFV. Since the gate will only open for Mafia vehicles, go to the left of the gate and ram through the fence. The only threat to the KIFV as you try to do this is a Mafia soldier with an RPG. Drive back to South Korean HQ and park the KIFV in the yellow circle. Get out of it to get the bonus. After the KIFV has been destroyed or returned, the contract is complete. NOTE: Want some extra cash? The KIFV does not disappear upon the completion of this contract, so get back in it and take it to the Mafia chopshop! ---------------------------- CONTRACT - "CLEAR CHANNEL" ---------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Each roadblock has a garrison stationed nearby. The terms of the contract require you to destroy each garrison tent. Buford's men will come in and mop up afterwards. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy Chinese garrison tents Contract Value: $110,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Remember what I said about not having to bribe a faction? In order to not need to spend a lot of money later, you have to spend some money now. If you are spotted by the Chinese and you take out a tent, the Chinese faction meter will go all the way down. Get into the hill/mountain area near the first tent. Here's where I went wrong my first time through. It turns out that the free Stealth Bomber airstrike you're given automatically gets you caught if you use it. Since you need airstrikes to take out these tents, I recommend the Surgical Strike, since it is relatively cheap and very effective. Take out the first tent with the Surgical Strike. Stay up in hills/mountains to take out the second, third, and fourth tents with Surgical Strikes. The fifth tent, however, is a bit more challenging. Near the fifth tent, a helicopter is patrolling the area. You don't want to attack it and make the Chinese angry, so simply wait until it's a good distance away from you to call in the Surgical Strike to take out the fifth and final tent. When the fifth tent is destroyed, the contract will be complete. ----------------------------- CONTRACT - "THE ACID QUEEN" ----------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The chemical plant is inside the Queen's production complex. Buford wants it destroyed. Colonel Namgung will probably stay hidden until after you blow it up. Once you seriously threaten his operation, he'll either try to flee or stop you. Be prepared for either eventuality. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy the chemical plant 2. Verify the Queen of Hearts Bounty Value: $225,000 alive/$112,500 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< You will get a second e-mail informing you on a bonus, it reads: >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Buford's offering a $50,000 bonus for each SAM destroyed. It saves his men having to risk their lives cleaning up Colonel Namgung's forces after you're done. --- Contract Addendum 1. Destroy the SAMs in the area Bounty Value: $50,000 per SAM >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Head towards the area where the chemical plant is marked on the map. As you begin to see North Korean vehicles when you get near the area, hijack one. Use the disguise you get from the vehicle to get through the main gate. Your first priority is to clear the area. It is primarily all ground soldiers with a mixture of standard weapons and RPGs. Take out NK barracks that spawn more NK soldiers. There are two SAM vehicles in the nearby area. Destroy them both by whatever means you like. Head in the direction of the next closest SAM. Clear the area around it. If you want, you can use the helicopter nearby. Once you have destroyed the third SAM, head to the fourth and final one. There is a tank near this SAM. A helicopter will also take off and try to kill you, so be prepared. Clear the area of all threats and then dispose of the last SAM. Do not go around to the mapped path to get to the chemical plant. You can get to the chemical plant by doing over the hilly area North of where the last SAM was. When you see the plant, take it out with an airstrike. The Queen will appear on you map way East of the plant. Go back to where the last SAM was. The path from that location to the Queen should be completely clear if you killed all the NKs you had to fight to get to the SAMs and took out the barracks. When you get to the Queen, subdue him and call in an extraction helicopter. Once the Queen has been verified, this contract is completed. ---------------------------------- CONTRACT - "IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD" ---------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The South Koreans are trying to establish a presence North of Yongbyon, presumably to watch the Chinese advance. Sergei is, of course, convinced that they're after his operations. He wants you to wipe out the South Korean hideouts. They haven't been in the area long, so the resistance should be fairly light. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy 5 South Korean hideouts Contract Value: $60,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Before you really get a chance to get started on this contract, you get a bonus e-mail, which we'll take care of first. >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< There's been a last-minute addition to the contract. An Allied tank has lost its way near Yongbyon, and Sergei wants you to steal it. I'd recommend some care in how you steal the tank--the Americans won't take kindly to being attacked. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy 5 South Korean hideouts BONUS: Steal Allied tank and return it to the Mafia garage Contract Value: $60,000 Bonus Value: $20,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Seems simple enough. Head over to the tank's location which is marked on your map. Just go right up to it and take it. Once you take it, Fiona will tell you that the Allied soldiers sent out an "SOS" and Allied assistance will come to get the tank back in six minutes. That's no big deal. Go ahead and drive the tank straight to the Mafia's garage. You'll have plenty of time to spare. Head back to the area where the South Korean hideouts are located. You could just destroy the hideouts with airstrikes, but there's a problem with that... There is a jammer nearby. You need to take care of it first. Get an SK vehicle for the disguise and your choice of two weapons: an RPG or an Anti-Tank Rocket. The latter is far easier, but more expensive. It's up to you though. Get in the SK vehicle and gain disguise. Once you are disguised, you can drive freely in the shaded area. Drive around until you see where the jammer is. Go off the road on the opposite side of the road from the jammer until you are out of the shaded area. Get out of the vehicle and go up one of the hills. Stay out of sight and locate the jammer precisely with the binoculars. When you know which vehicle is the jammer, take it out with the RPG or Anti-Tank Rocket. Now you can freely call in airstrikes. Take out the two hideouts you can see from your current position with whatever airstrike you please. After doing so, get back in the SK vehicle and regain disguise. Drive across the bridge which is close to two of the hideouts. You can go along the river and take out the next two with airstrikes by staying at least a little out of sight. Move further down the river until you see the final hideout. Take it out using an airstrike to complete this contract. ----------------------------------- CONTRACT - "106 MILES TO SINUIJU" ----------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Ok here's the deal: there's a diplomatic courier in Sinuiju Harbor that's willing to smuggle out as much contraband as he can carry, but he's charging Sergei a premium for his time. Your goal is to pick up as many items as you can and deliver them to the courier before he leaves. If, at any point, the value of the items reaches zero, we lose the contract. Got it? --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Pick up contraband from Mafia contacts 2. Deliver the contraband to diplomatic courier NOTE: The contract value will reduce over time. Picking up contraband will increase the value. If the contract value reaches $0, the contract will be cancelled. Contract Value: Variable >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< If you want to unlock a new Merchant of Menace vehicle delivery at the end of this contract, you must do the bonus. Read on. >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< I need those "packages" picked up and delivered very quick like, but the usual boring array of vehicles are not going to help either of us. No? See that brand new beauty parked across the street? You like? Yes? Give it a try and we will see if you are capable of handling such a finely tuned machine. Bring it with you to the docks in one piece and I'll make sure that the next time you visit the shop I will have another just like it available for your purchasing pleasure. But be careful not to get too far away from that car. A car like that is likely to drive itself away when you are not looking, if you know what I mean. --- Contract Terms & Conditions BONUS: Bring the sports car with you to the docks >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This contract is downright fun. It's a race against time to meet different people to pick up "packages" and then deliver them all to the docks. Make sure you don't hurt the street racer too much, you want it intact at the end of the contract. Here's how this contract goes... From the start of the contract to the end of the contract, your payment decreases by $1,000. However, whenever you pick up a package from one of the contacts, your contract payment will increase. The first time I did this contract, I continuously made the mistake of getting out of the car and walking up to the contact. Not smart. Instead, you want to honk the horn and have each contact get in the car and then make them get out by pressing L2. Now, each contact will be marked on your map as you progress through the contract. All you want to do is avoid all fighting and dodge all enemy fire as you drive as fast as you can to each contact. Go to the first contact who is located at the Yongbyon Reactors. Get him in and out of the car. He will give you the first item which is worth $25,000 to your contract value. Head down the road towards the next contact. Be cautious of the intentionally placed objects on the roads. This second contact is waiting for you behind a rock. Get him in and out of the vehicle. His item adds $50,000 to your contract value. Continue on to the third contact. There is a considerable amount of fighting going on en route to this contact. I recommend turning on the faction icons by pushing left on the d-pad so you know which guys you won't get in trouble for if you run them over. Get this contact in and out of the car to recieve his item, which adds $75,000 to your contract value. Head to the fourth contact. There is fighting occuring on the path to this contact as well. Avoid as much enemy fire as possible and try not to hit anything. Be fast but cautious, as if you make a major mistake and crash the car, you've got a problem. When you reach the fourth contact, get him in and out of the car to pick up his item and an extra $100,000 to add to the contract value. There is one more contact before you make the delivery. This fifth and final contact has, fittingly, the most dangerous path to traverse in order to reach him. He is behind a wooden fence. You have to get out and talk to him to get the final contraband item from him. Doing so gets you an extra $150,000 towards your contract value. Just drive over to Sinuiju Harbor and get the "diplomatic courtier" in the car to complete this contract. ---------------------------- CONTRACT - "RAW MATERIALS" ---------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< NK forces have occupied a previously-abandoned garrison. Sergei assures us that the King of Hearts can be found there. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy command bunker 2. Verify the King of Hearts BONUS: Destroy all NK SA-8 launchers in the garrison Bounty Value: $250,000 alive/$125,000 dead Bonus Value: $100,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Much like the Queen of Hearts contract, you will have to destroy a designated building to get the King of Hearts to appear. Head to the garrison where the command bunker is located. By destroying the four SA-8 vehicles in the area, you get a bonus. You can do this on the ground by fighting through the NKs and taking out the SA-8 vehicles with C4, but I always either hijack or purchase a NK chopper. Using the disguise from the chopper, you can get to the SA-8 vehicle without being shot at. Use an anti-tank missile from the chopper to take out the SA-8. As soon as you fire that missile, fly away until you regain disguise. You can also call in a Vehicle Supply Drop after exhausting the anti-tank missiles. Either way, when the SA-8 vehicles are done with, get to the command bunker marked in yellow on the map. To destroy the command bunker, you must use a Bunker Buster (go figure :P). Once that is done with, the King of Hearts will emerge inside of a Sungri Scout. This can be tricky, as you must take out the gunner to be able to hijack the Scout, but you must take care not to shoot the King. After you take out the gunner, either kill the driver or hijack the Scout. Be sure to kill the driver after you hijack the vehicle. Once they have been dealt with, subdue the King. If the area is safe, go ahead and call in the extraction helicopter. If not, get the King in the Sungri Scout and drive to a safe area, then call in the extraction helicopter. Either way, once the King is verified, the contract will be complete. --------------------- CONTRACT - "GAMBIT" --------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The Kumchang-ni Nuclear Reactor Complex is our next destination--the Ace of Hearts is bound to be somewhere within. We'll insert you under cover of night. Don't mess this up. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Locate the Ace of Hearts 2. Verify the Ace of Hearts Bounty Value: $300,000 alive/$150,000 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< The Ace of Hearts is not as challenging to verify as you may believe. Near the insertion point, you will see a gate. Blow it up with C4. Go through where the gate was. Fiona will tell you to use stealth for this contract. If you have a Sniper, you can hide off to the side and pick off any North Korean soldiers you can see. There really is no other threat for this mission other than NK ground troops. Go ahead and head through the area fighting NK soldiers with typical weapons. It's definitely not anything you can't handle. Call in supply drops whenever you need them. Once you get to the building which is marked on the map with the Heart, you will find out that the Ace of Hearts isn't there. He will overload the nuclear reactor and run away to a helipad so he can try to escape. You need to go after him NOW. There is a simple path that leads to the helipad, but there are a ton of NKs. Run as fast as you can (those of you playing as Mattias Nilsson, be glad of that during this contract) until you reach the end of the path. At the end of the path, be cautious of some NKs with RPGs. Take them out ASAP. You want to go up the ramps so that you can get up to the roof. A few NKs will appear to try and stop you from getting up there, just kill them and be done with them. When you get to the roof, take out the NK armed with an RPG and then almost immediately subdue the Ace. If you do not, a helicopter will show up and he will get in and escape. Clear the area. After the area is clear, pick up the video that is nearby the Ace on the ground. Picking it up and taking it with you nets you a small monetary bonus. Call in the extraction helicopter. Once the Ace of Hearts is verified, the contract is complete. .-------------------------. | D. PART 04 - THE SPADES | '-------------------------' MERCS06D Almost done... You're almost to the Ace of Spades, but you've still got a good amount of work ahead of you. There are only 13 cards left not counting General Song, and they won't go down without a fight. Working for the Chinese and the South Koreans is going to be complicated due to the conflict going on there. The Mafia has internal problems that are reaching their boiling point... Whoa. There is plenty to do, so let's get started. ----------------------------------- CONTRACT - "HUMANITARIAN EFFORTS" ----------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< The Chinese intervened in the refugee situation in the Tenement Ruins and are actively discouraging any further Allied aid efforts to the area. So you get to play the humanitarian, for once. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Retrieve the vaccine from the Allied medic 2. Deliver the vaccine to the Allied MASH unit within the Tenement Ruins 3. Too many civilian casualties will result in contract cancellation BONUS: Deliver vaccine without incurring civilian casualties Contract Value: $80,000 Bonus Value: $25,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< We've done the AN contracts first three times now, why break the cycle? Anyways, you'd think that these factions would be united against their common enemy in the North Koreans, wouldn't you? Now the Chinese are causing the AN problems... Let's take care of this. Start off by heading over to MASH. Talk to the Allied medic there to recieve the vaccine you need to deliver. Drive to the entrance of the Tenement Ruins. Here's where you've got problems. The entire area of the Tenement Ruins is Chinese territory, so if you go in, you'll be shot at. In addition to that, if 10 civilians die during the course of the mission due to your actions, you fail the contract. Let's avoid ALL conflict. Climb up into the mountains and walk all the way around, trying to stay in the non-shaded area, just as a precaution. When you get near the AN doctor, you'll see the area around him is clear of any threats. Get as close as possible while still in the mountains, then climb down and deliver the vaccine. Once the doctor has recieved the vaccine, the contract is complete. Believe it or not, that was the LAST Allied contract. Good job. -------------------------------- CONTRACT - "AN EYE FOR AN EYE" -------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< It appears the good General underestimated the South Korean capability to strike Dandong. Good luck out there. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Defend artillery 1a. Destruction of all artillery will result in contract cancellation Contract Value: $150,000 - $200,000, depending on the number of artillery weapons left intact. >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Chinese time... Here we go! I hate this contract. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Did I mention I hate it? :P There are five Chinese artillery pieces along the river across the street from their headquarters. The South Koreans don't like that, and they are going to attempt to destroy them. Your job is to keep those artillery pieces intact for six minutes until Chinese reenforcements arrive. Those are some of the longest six minutes EVER! The South Koreans are going to attack both by air and by land, so be prepared. Get the Anti-Armor Rifle, it is absolutely necessary... Well, not exactly, but the is THE contract to use it. As you start, you'll see an anti-air vehicle... Very tempting, but don't bother with it, it will only be a hinderance. The SKs will begin their assault by air. Aim for where the pilots are located in the helicopters to take them down. A continuous assault will ensue by the SKs for the next six minutes, but you want to focus almost entirely on the choppers, as they are the real threat to the artillery. I like to find a spot near the artillery on the far right behind some large cargo containers so that I am protected from the ground assault. At that point I keep watch for helicopters and deal with the occasional SK soldier who will make his way towards me. Once the six minutes are up, Chinese reenforcements will arrive and that will complete the contract. ------------------------- CONTRACT - "CHOKEPOINT" ------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< I like how we've become the Chinese pre-emptive strike option. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy cargo planes 2. Destroy freighter Contract Value: $150,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< There are a number of ways to go about this contract, the simplest one, though, is to do this contract backwards. Yep, you want to take out the freighter first rather than the cargo planes. The reasoning behind this is that once you take out either the cargo planes or the freighter, the shaded area near the other becomes considerably more massive, and it is more difficult to get near the frieghter under those circumstances. Get to the freighter that is marked on the map. You want to board it via the ramp that leads up to the deck. Do so. There is a jammer on board, so go up to it and deactivate it. Get off the freighter and get a considerable distance away from it. Use an airstike to sink it. Now Fiona will notify you of the area being put on alert. This expands the shaded area. Head to the airport where the cargo planes are. Get up in the hilly area around it. There is a jammer inside the airport, so you'll need to be out of range of it. As you get visual contact on each plane, take it out with a laser-guided airstrike. Move around the hilly area to get a visual on the other planes. Once the third plane is destroyed, the contract is completed. ---------------------------------------- CONTRACT - "TWO DEGREES OF SEPARATION" ---------------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< This guy had better be forthcoming with the card location--the Queen of Spades is one of the last keys to Song. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Find community leader 1a. Death of community leader prior to contact will result in contract cancellation 2. Verify the Queen of Spades Bounty Value: $350,000 alive/$175,000 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Seems like a plain and simple contract. Head to the community leader. His location is marked on your map. When you get to him, you'll probably be very surprised to see that there is not a single North Korean in the area. This is just way too easy. Order yourself either an RPG or an Anti-Tank Rocket. Why? You'll see. Talk to the community leader and--- AH! North Koreans storm the area as soon as you talk to the leader. Pure chaos. There are NK soldiers, a helicopter, and a few tanks. Fortunately, the Chinese forces deal with the chopper for you, but that doesn't help with anything else. That RPG or Anti-Tank Rocket just became your new best friend. Clear the immediate area. Look to the left (when facing the stairs) of the temple. There is the Queen... the very well-guarded Queen. Unfortunately, there is not much more help I can give you at this point. Head across the nearby bridge to the area of the Queen and deal with all the NKs you come across, including vehicles such as tanks and APCs. When you've isolated the Queen, subdue him. Take out the jammers in the area, then call the extraction helicopter in. Once the Queen is verified, the contract is complete. ------------------------- CONTRACT - "IN AND OUT" ------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< I've identified the agent's location. He's disguised as a Chinese soldier. As long as you don't stir things up, this should be a simple contract. Get in, get the spy, get out. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Identify SK agent 2. Deliver SK agent to SK HQ Contract Value: $165,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Bribe the SK guard if you must... I did. ;) This is a simple contract. The agent is in an area of Dandong that is shaded as Chinese territory for this contract. Head to Dandong and take a Chinese vehicle for disguise. Once you are disguised as Chinese, drive to the agent. Honk the horn to get the agent in the vehicle. Unfortunately, you can't regain disguise at this point. There is only one thing to do... Drive as fast as you can and avoid heavy fire until you are out of the shaded area. From there, just be careful not to get shot at by SK forces due to your Chinese disguise. You can change vehicles if you wish, or just honk the horn a lot. Either way, drive back to the SK headquarters. Park in the yellow circle so the agent will get out. Once he is out, this contract is complete. -------------------- CONTRACT - "BOOM!" -------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< There's a radar jammer in Dandong. You'll have to take that out before you use your cruise missiles on the bridge. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Destroy the radar jammer in Dandong 2. Destroy the Sinuiju-Dandong Bridge Contract Value: $165,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This is a very straightforward contract. You'll need to destroy the jammer in Dandong before you can destroy the bridge, for multiple reasons. Get a Chinese vehicle for disguise. This is absolutely necessary due to the fact that during this contract, the entire city of Dandong is shaded as Chinese territory. Drive to Dandong. Once you cross the bridge, you need to be cautious of Chinese officers. There are a few standing around and there is one mounting a machine gun on a tank. He's the biggest troublemaker here. Anyways, avoid all officers in order to maintain disguise and drive to the jammer, located by the red 'X' on your map. It is the machine on the ground at that spot. Quickly get out of your vehicle and blow it up using C4. Get back in the vehicle and drive as fast as you can out of Dandong. Once you are safe, head up into the mountanous area across the river from Dandong, avoiding the possibility of being in any Chinese soldier's sight. Use the Cruise Missile airstrike on the bridge leading to Dandong. If the satellite will not reach the bridge, you'll have to get closer. When the bridge is destroyed, the contract is complete. ----------------------------- CONTRACT - "TITULAR REGIUS" ----------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< General Yun is either at the reactor, the refinery, or the nuclear plant. Find him and verify him. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Locate the King of Spades 2. Verify the King of Spades Bounty Value: $375,000 alive/$187,500 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< I've done this contract a few times to see if there is any particular pattern to the location of the King in this contract. There is. He is ALWAYS at the last place you go to. Before you begin, get either an RPG or an Anti-Air Rocket. If you want to take a chance with trying to hijack a helicopter at some point, get the RPG so you can make the helicopter descend. If you'd rather just take all of the choppers out and be done with them, go with the Anti-Air Rocket. Due to the nature of this mission, you can go to the three locations in any order you wish... But I think it is easier to go in the order I'm listing them. The reactor is the Northernmost of the three locations. The big threat here is the tanks that are in the area. I would hijack one if you have not already gone to the other locations. If you chose to go to this location last, take out the anti-air vehicles in the area before you call in the extraction helicopter. If you don't, you'll have to shell out some money due to lost support. The location to the South of the first is pretty much as well-defended as the first, but there are some dangerous helicopters here. Use the secondary weapon I recommended you bring to eliminate those threats. If you did not take a tank from the Northernmost location, hijack the anti-air tank in the area. That will make quick work of the massive amount of NK soldiers on the ground. If you did take a tank, blow up the anti-air tank and then take out the soldiers. The only remaining location is primarily NK soldiers and a helicopter. Once you eliminate the helicopter, the only other major threat is NK soldiers armed with RPGs. If this is the third location you went to, take out the anti-air vehicles in the area. Regardless of what order you went to the locations in, the King will appear in the third. When the area is clear of threats, subdue the isolated King. Make sure there are no anti-air units in the vicinity, and call in the extraction helicopter. Once the King is verified, the contract is complete. ----------------------------- CONTRACT - "ESCORT SERVICE" ----------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Seems simple enough--watch Josef's back while he conducts an arms deal. I'd be on high alert, though. Something about this job doesn't feel right. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Deliver Josef to the arms deal Contract Value: $1,000,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This contract immediately makes you wonder what is going on. $1,000,000 for driving Josef to a nearby arms deal in a car he provides with no combat? That is just bizarre. Oh well. Get Josef in the VIP car that is driven up by the Mafia soldier and drive to the Industrial Zone. Park in the yellow circle to let Josef out. Josef will enter the building with another soldier and tells you to wait for him. Once he and the other guy are in the building, you are ambushed. Sergei set both you and Josef a trap. A transport truck and a few transport helicopters bring in a number of NK soldiers. Deal with them appropriately. There is a sniper located on a nearby roof as well. Take him out quickly. To add insult to injury, an APC shows up as well. The biggest reason for failing this contract comes when Josef comes back out. He does a field amendment to the contract, as seen in the e-mail you recieve: >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Here's a field amendment of the contract. Given what just happened, I don't think legal will mind. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Deliver Josef to the Mafia HQ Contract Value: $1,000,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< If he is killed, you simply fail. Get back in the VIP car and honk the horn to get Josef inside. The gate will not open to any vehicles that aren't disguised, so you'll have to go out through the fence. I honestly ended up going up a hill near the fence as fast as I could and jumped the fence. Once you get out of there, simply drive back to Mafia HQ. Park in the yellow circle to let Josef out. He will "take care of things" with Sergei inside. As soon as Josef is returned to the Mafia HQ safely, the contract is complete. [ My Alternate Strategy ] If you completed the bonus objective for "Raw Materials," then you have access to the North Korean MD-500 helicopter in the Merchant of Menace. Purchase one now. Know that you don't actually have to use the VIP Car to take Josef to the base. Get Josef to follow you and then get him into the MD-500 with you. Fly to the marked drop-off location on the map and land. Josef will get out. Go ahead and take off again. As soon as Fiona notifies you that Sergei set you up, move quickly to take out as many of the helicopters that are coming to the area as you can. Once they are dealt with, take out the North Korean soldiers that are near the building that Josef entered, being sure that the immediate area around there is safe for Josef when he comes out. Continue to take out all enemy targets as they appear until Josef appears. At that point, swiftly land, get him in the chopper, and get out of there quickly. Once you are clear of the base, it is an uneventful flight back to Mafia HQ, where all you have to do is land and let Josef out. --------------------------- CONTRACT - "HOUSEKEEPING" --------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< Josef has contracted us to eliminate several renegade Mafia officers that are hiding Sergei. Be careful--you'll need to identify your targets or risk killing soldiers that are on Josef's side. He's offering a nice bonus if you can pull this job off without killing any loyal Mafia soldiers. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Identify and kill 4 renegade officers BONUS: Do not kill any loyal Mafia soldiers Contract Value: $90,000 Bonus Value: $30,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< There are two items I consider necessary for this contract, a Mafia MD-530 helicopter and a Sniper Rifle. Get them from the Merchant of Menace. To net the bonus, you have to take out the four renegade officers without killing any of the soldiers who are actually loyal to the Mafia. It's simpler than it seems. Go to the first renegade officer. I prefer to stay on the nearby roof for this. Use your binoculars to identify the renegade officer. When you know exactly which soldier is the renegade officer, use the sniper rifle and take him out. Fly away to the next officer's location. This one is easy as well. Stay a good distance away and use the binoculars to identify the correct guy. Once you have done so, kill him too. The third renegade officer is a little different. When you get near him, he will drive away in a vehicle. Use the missiles on the Mafia chopper to deal with him. The final renegade officer will attempt to get in a helicopter. You can wait until he gets in if you want, but you don't have to. Take him out however you like. When the fourth officer is killed, the contract is complete. ------------------------- CONTRACT - "LOOSE ENDS" ------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< ExOps offered to send a Collections Agent after Sergei, but I told them you'd prefer to take care of things personally. Nabbing the Jack is just icing on the cake. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Locate Sergei 2. Locate the Jack of Spades 3. Verify the Jack of Spades BONUS: Kill Sergei Bounty Value: $300,000 alive/$150,000 dead Bonus Value: $100,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Ugh. If only it was as easy as the e-mail makes it sound. Order a North Korean MD-500 Scout from the Merchant of Menace. It is an absolute necessity. Sergei is marked on your map. Since there are NK anti-air vehicles near him, make sure you are disguised as an NK before you get there. When you arrive at the location, switch to the Anti-Tank weapon on the MD-500 Scout and lock-on to Sergei's vehicle. Fire that missile and fly away. By now you have been told of the assault on the Mafia HQ... Check your e-mail: >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< If the Mafia HQ is destroyed there won't be anybody around to pay us. Odds are the Jack is behind the attack--verify him, and the North Koreans are sure to retreat. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Defend the Mafia HQ 2. Locate the Jack of Spades 3. Verify the Jack of Spades BONUS: Kill Sergei Bounty Value: $300,000 alive/$150,000 dead Bonus Value: $100,000 >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< Yep, save the Mafia HQ from destruction. Head back there as fast as you can. A bar will appear on the screen representing the "health" of the Mafia HQ. If it becomes empty, you fail this contract. If you did the bonus where you had to steal the M1 Tank from the Allies in an earlier contract, that M1 Tank is waiting for you near the Mafia HQ. Get in it quick. Take out all the NK tanks nearby. Be careful not to destroy the APC where the Jack is. When the area is generally clear of tanks that can severely hurt the Mafia HQ, hijack that APC. Get to the Jack and subdue him. Call in the extraction helicopter and quickly get the Jack inside. Once the Jack is verified, the contract is complete. -------------------------------- CONTRACT - "THE ACE OF SPADES" -------------------------------- >>> START OF E-MAIL <<< This is it. Find the General and we can all go home. --- Contract Terms & Conditions 1. Investigate prison 2. Verify the Ace of Spades Bounty Value: $100,000,000 alive/$50,000,000 dead >>> END OF E-MAIL <<< This is it. One last final last contract. Just imagine how many bunkers you could bust with $100,000,000. Now take pride in the fact that you won't have to "just imagine" for much longer. Let's get General Song... the Ace of Spades! You start this contract in an M1 Abrams tank supplied by the Allies. You'll notice that there are a number of other M1 Abrams tanks heading down the road. Try to go as slow as they are, as they help out along the way. Head down the road with the other M1 tanks. Look out for the North Korean tanks that are along the road. Take them out as quickly as you can. You want this tank to survive as long as possible. Eventually Fiona will notify you of some helicopters heading towards you. I believe there are three... I forgot to count them. Take out the helicopters as soon as you see them, but don't forget that there are tanks still trying to take you out on the ground. Keep going down the road. Be cautious of tanks that spawn out of a building on the side of the road. I would destroy that on sight. When you get to the prison you will see a number of tanks and a few other vehicles. Just blow em all up. When you are at the prison entrance, you'll have to get out of the tank and go up to the yellow circle. Press triangle there to go inside and investigate the prison. That's a shocker. When you get inside, you find an old man who seems to have been tortured... Why, that man is none other than former President Kim himself! General Song had supposedy killed him, but it turns out that instead, he kept his father alive and tortured him until he finally gave in and told Song the launch codes for nuclear missiles... Uh oh. Head back out. The Allied forces are at the prison now, and the NK presence in the immediate vicinity is nonexistant. This is now somewhere you can go back to and call in support without threat of being killed should you need a safe spot. Hopefully you haven't lost the M1 Abrams at this point. Get back in and destroy the gate so you can continue down the road. Time to go to the launch site. As you continue down the road, be cautious of a few NKs with Anti-Tank Rockets, as those will make quick work of that beautiful M1 of yours. Continue on. When you come to a point where there are two helipads with an MD-500 Scout on each, I recommend you leave them alone, well... at least one. Keep going, taking out any threats you encounter along the way. When you reach a point where there are artillery pieces on some hills, you have two options. You can continue on normally and fight everything from your tank, or you can use an artillery piece to take out threats that are ahead of you. Either way, there are tanks further down the road that you need to deal with. Keep going, taking out the NK soldiers as you come to them. Eventually you will arrive at a blown up bridge. Now that's a problem. Again, I've given you a metaphorical fork in the road. You can either hijack a small vehicle, such as a Sungri Scout and jump the bridge or you can go back to the MD-500 Scouts I told you not to destroy and fly over. If you choose to jump, be sure to start from way back and go as fast as you can. Since there are anti-air vehicles on the other side of the bridge, you have to get on the ground and fight regardless of which method you chose. Fight on until you reach the gate that you have to go through to get to the launch site. You are getting close. Right now, you need to do a few things before you go through. Back up and snipe any NKs atop the walls. Now replenish yourself of absolutely everything. Even if you've only used one of something, replenish your supply and be sure to get health. Call in whatever supply drops you need to do this. Blow up the gate with a few bricks of C4. As soon as that gate is destroyed, a timer will appear onscreen. Song has launched the missiles... You have to get to the launch station and enter the abort codes!!! It is pure chaos inside the launch site, so fight like crazy. Head to the panel at the launch station where you have to enter the codes, fighting all the way there. Press triangle at the station to enter the abort codes and stand there until the codes are entered. A helicopter will now drop of Song and a few soldiers armed with RPGs. The helicopter also stays to fight you. There is an Anti-Air Rocket in a nearby crate you can get to take out that chopper quickly. Take out the soldiers that are with Song and then subdue him. Call in the extraction helicopter in the area near the helipad since most of the area is jammed. Once Song is verified, the contract and the game are complete. Congratulations. [ MY ALTERNATE STRATEGY ] As I played through the game yet again, I decided to experiment with the Ace of Spades contract and came up with a much easier, but less satisfying method of completing this contract. Follow the normal strategy until you reach the area with numerous helipads and the two MD-500 Scouts. Clear the area of the nearby AA and any other presence that could prevent you of quickly gaining disguise. Get in one of the MD-500s and gain disguise. Fly to the marked yellow area on the map and get low enough to start the timer for entering the abort codes. Do not attempt to enter the abort codes and do not do anything to blow your disguise. Go to the complex where you are supposed to enter the abort codes. Do not land or get out. Fly to the end of that complex that is opposite of where the codes are supposed to be entered. That is where a helicopter will drop Song off. There are three anti-air vehicles outside the complex near where Song will be. Using your helicopter's winch, carefully slide the vehicles off the end of the cliffs, being sure to release them before they fall as to not get taken down with them. When the anti-air vehicles are out of the area, go back there and wait for the timer to run down to zero. When the timer runs out, a North Korean helicopter will appear closeby. Song is inside. It will land and Song will get out. When the helicopter is back in the air and Song is no longer near the chopper, wait for the helicopter to begin staying in one place. This is the tricky part... Since the enemy helicopter is so well armored, you cannot take it out while in the helicopter by using your helicopter's minigun. You have to hit the enemy chopper with one of your two anti-tank missiles. Aim carefully, with the enemy chopper in the lower middle portion of the shaded targeting area. Once the enemy helicopter is kaput, use your helicopter's minigun to easily and swiftly eliminate the North Korean ground soldiers that are on the ground in the immediate area. When Song is the only one left in the area, land. Get to him and subdue him. Get into the unjammed area near the helipad and call in the extraction chopper. When Song is verified, you have complete the contract and the game. Due to the fact that the abort codes were not entered, you will near how hundreds of thousands of people in North Korea were killed by Song's missiles. =============================================================================== Congratulations of beating Mercenaries! Hopefully you enjoyed each and every minute of it, as I did. The ending sequence of the game is often different based upon a number of factors. Firstly, if you did not enter the abort codes to stop Song's missiles, you will first be given a cutscene telling of the devastation caused by those missiles. Secondly, you will see one of a number of cutscenes depending on whichever faction your relationship was strongest with at the conclusion of the game (most will see a scene about how the Mafia's presence is growing). After completing the game, there are usually a couple of messages that state that a few extra alternate outfits (in addition to the one unlocked after you beat the Ace of Diamonds) are unlocked. This is not true. When you get back to the Northern Province MASH, you still only have your mercenary's original outfit and the alternate outfit unlocked after you first reached the Northern Province. On a much lighter note, there is still more to do! Now that you have beaten the game once, you have unlocked "Playground of Destruction" mode! In this mode, you don't have to reverify the number cards. You also keep all your money, unlocked items, and found bounty items from the previous game. You still have to complete the contracts though. Get back out there and enjoy Mercenaries some more! ;D ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 07. CHALLENGES |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- The Challenges are optional mini-missions that involve a variety of tasks. These tasks can be anything from seeing how fast you can get from one faction's HQ to another's or seeing how far you can kick a barrel. The Challenges are marked by a dollar sign ($) on the PDA map. Most of the Challenges have a monetary reward for their successful completion. Some have a reward of raising a particular faction's mood towards you. As far as I know, this section is complete, but I could be wrong. If I am and you have information on a Challenge that isn't listed here, you can send it to me at MercenariesFAQ@gmail.com. You will get full credit for anything you send me. Thanks. .----------------------. | A. SOUTHERN PROVINCE | '----------------------' MERCS07A These are all the Challenges that can be found in the first map in the game, the Southern Province. They are in no particular order, I have just listed them all in the order I arrived at each of them. ------------------------- RACE TO THE HAEJU DOCKS ------------------------- A race against time! How fast can you cross the finish line? OBJECTIVE: 1. Time goal: 1:39 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $5,000 LOCATION: Allied MASH -------------------------------- RACE FROM CHINA HQ TO MAFIA HQ -------------------------------- Can you get to the Mafia HQ before the time expires? OBJECTIVE: 1. Time goal: 2:00 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $5,000 LOCATION: Pyongyang Airport, near Chinese HQ -------- SPEED! -------- Pop quiz, hotshot! Quickly reach a minimum speed and maintain it while trying to get as far away from the starting point as possible. Dropping below the minimum speed ends the challenge. Do you accept? OBJECTIVE: 1. Minimum distance goal: 500.00 m RULES: 1. Remain in vehicle 2. Maintain minimum speed: 90 kph REWARD: $25,000 LOCATION: North Pyongyang -------------------------- Grunt Level: BUS DRIVER! -------------------------- There's a fare meter inside. It must have been a taxi service! Want to take over the business? OBJECTIVE: 1. Fare goal: 4 RULES: 1. Complete within time limit 2. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $25,000 LOCATION: North Pyongyang ---------------------------------- RACE FROM MAFIA HQ TO CHINESE HQ ---------------------------------- Can you get to the Chinese HQ before the time expires? OBJECTIVE: 1. Time goal: 1:34 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $5,000 LOCATION: East Pyongyang, near the Mafia HQ ----------------- BASH THE BARREL ----------------- Impress the locals with your barrel-moving skillz! Move the barrel as far as possible! OBJECTIVE: 1. Distance goal: 100 m RULE: 1. Time limit: 0:30 REWARD: $20,000 RAISE MOOD: Russian Mafia LOCATION: East Pyongyang --------------------------------- RACE FROM MAFIA HQ TO ALLIED HQ --------------------------------- Can you get to the Allied HQ before the time expires? OBJECTIVE: 1. Time goal: 2:00 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $5,000 LOCATION: East Pyongyang, near the Mafia HQ ---------------- TRUCK DELIVERY ---------------- This food needs to get to Sariwon ASAP! Can you get it there in time? REWARD: $25,000 LOCATION: Near the NK Artillery Base --------------------- HAEJU REFINERY RAID --------------------- NK soldiers have overrun the refinery! Capture enemy personnel so we can interrogate them to help prevent further attacks! OBJECTIVES: 1. Minimum subdue: 5 2. Time goal: 2:30 REWARD: $5,000 x Enemy Subdued RAISE MOOD: China LOCATION: East side of Haeju ---------------- PRESS PHOTO OP ---------------- The journalist needs action footage. Can you take him to a battle in time? REWARD: $25,000 LOCATION: Near Propaganda Village ------------------- NK VEHICLE HUNTER ------------------- We've got our doubts about how tough you really are, mercenary. Let's see if you can hunt down NK Jeeps and beat the current record. OBJECTIVE: 1. Destroy goal: 5 RULES: 1. Starting Time: 1:00 2. Recieve additional time for destroying NK Jeeps REWARD: $10,000 RAISE MOOD: South Korea LOCATION: South of Kaesong --------------------------------------- RACE FROM SOUTH KOREAN HQ TO MAFIA HQ --------------------------------------- Can you get to the Mafia HQ before the time expires? OBJECTIVE: 1. Time goal: 1:44 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $5,000 LOCATION: Kaesong, near South Korean HQ --------------- CARGO CARRIER --------------- The missing cargo must be returned ASAP! REWARD: $25,000 RAISE MOOD: Allies LOCATION: Southwest of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) ---------------------------- Grunt Level: ALLIED SORTIE ---------------------------- North Korean forces have bunkered down into several locations in the area and need to be scrubbed out. You up for it? OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy goal: 1 2. Time goal: 2:00 REWARD: $10,000 RAISE MOOD: Allies LOCATION: The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) ---------------------------------------- RACE FROM ALLIED HQ TO SOUTH KOREAN HQ ---------------------------------------- Can you get to the South Korean HQ before the time expires? OBJECTIVES: 1. Time goal: 1:11 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $5,000 LOCATION: The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), near the Allied HQ ----------------- THE HAMMER TOSS ----------------- Guns don't kill people, flying jeeps kill people! Throw the North Korean Jeep as far as possible using only the helicopter's winch. Be sure to stay within the designated area. Do you accept this challenge? OBJECTIVE: 1. Distance goal: 25m RULES: 1. Time limit: 0:45 2. Remain in vehicle 3. Stay within boundary REWARD: $10,000 RAISE MOOD: Allies LOCATION: This is a BEAST to get to. It is way Southeast of Propaganda Village and way Southwest of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Use the marked dirt road to the East of this and continue driving after the mapped part of the road ends. .----------------------. | B. NORTHERN PROVINCE | '----------------------' MERCS07B The Challenges that are listed here are from the second map in the game, the Northern Province. Many of the challenges are similar, such as seen how far you can move a particular object or racing from one faction's HQ to another, but there are definitely some that are far different... Such as my personal favorite, "Jeep Meltdown." ----------------------------------------- RACE FROM SOUTH KOREAN HQ TO CHINESE HQ ----------------------------------------- Can you get to the Chinese HQ before the time expires? OBJECTIVE: 1. Time goal: 2:00 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $10,000 LOCATION: Near SK HQ ------------------------ DANDONG GOLF CHALLENGE ------------------------ Sometimes I...I get so angry that I just wanna hit tires as close to light house as possible! Do you ever feel that way? OBJECTIVE: 1. Closest distance goal: 75m RULE: 1. Time limit: 0:30 REWARD: $20,000 RAISE MOOD: China LOCATION: Down the road from lighthouse in Dandong ----------------------------------- RACE FROM CHINESE HQ TO ALLIED HQ ----------------------------------- Can you get to the Allied HQ before the time expires? OBJECTIVE: 1. Time goal: 1:30 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $10,000 LOCATION: Near Chinese HQ ---------------------------------- Grunt Level: SINUIJU SNIPER HUNT ---------------------------------- Help! There are snipers on the rooftops! Please take them out, brave mercenary. OBJECTIVES: 1. Kill goal: 3 2. Time goal: 5:00 REWARD: $10,000 LOCATION: In the Northern part of Sinuiju Downtown --------------- JEEP MELTDOWN --------------- We're always thinking of new ways to take out Song's troops. Take the Mi-17 Transport and see see how many North Korean jeeps you can drop into the Yongbyon Reactor. Ready? REWARD: $5000 per jeep dropped into the reactor RAISE MOOD: Russian Mafia LOCATION: Yongbyon ----------------------------- RACE FROM MAFIA HQ TO SK HQ ----------------------------- Can you get to the South Korean HQ beofre the time expires? OBJECTIVE: 1. Time goal: 2:00 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $10,000 LOCATION: Yongbyon, near Mafia HQ --------------------------------------- Grunt Level: MAFIA WAREHOUSE SABOTAGE --------------------------------------- I need help creating a diversion. Blowing up the cargo trucks in the Yongbyon industrial zone should do the job. You up for it? OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy goal: 5 2. Time goal: 10:00 REWARD: $10,000 RAISE MOOD: China LOCATION: Yongbyon -------------------------- Grunt Level: TAXI DRIVER -------------------------- There's a fare meter inside. It must have been a taxi service! Want to take over the business? OBJECTIVE: 1. Fare goal: 4 RULES: 1. Complete within time limit 2. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $25,000 LOCATION: Allied MASH --------------- CROWD CONTROL --------------- "Oh my gosh! It's the Mercenary! Can we get your autograph?!" Keep your fans away! Your score is distance between you and the nearest civilian. The closest one will be specially highlighted. Do you accept the challenge? OBJECTIVE: 1. Distance goal: 20m RULES: 1. Time limit: 1:00 2. No civilian casualties 3. Stay within boundary REWARD: $10,000 RAISE MOOD: South Korea LOCATION: Tenement Ruins ----------------------------- Grunt Level: DEALER DILEMMA ----------------------------- There's been an increase in the number of small time drug dealers in the area-- a situation my employer would like to see quickly remedied. Your efforts will not go unrewarded. OBJECTIVES: 1. Kill goal: 2 2. Time goal: 2:30 REWARD: $10,000 LOCATION: Temple ---------------- DEBRIS JANITOR ---------------- The wreckage of Allied vehicles on that hillside is bad for the morale of the troops. Get rid of it, but be careful not to blow it up, or we'll be picking shrapnel out of the grass for years. OBJECTIVE: 1. Distance goal: 125m RULE: 1. Time limit: 0:30 REWARD: $40,000 RAISE MOOD: Allies LOCATION: Northeast of Kusong --------------------------------- RACE FROM ALLIED HQ TO MAFIA HQ --------------------------------- Can you get to the Mafia HQ before the time expires? OBJECTIVE: 1. Time goal: 3:00 RULE: 1. Remain in vehicle REWARD: $10,000 LOCATION: Kusong, near Allied HQ ------------------------------------- Grunt Level: CHANGSONG LOOP OF FIRE ------------------------------------- This road is a hotbed of NK activity. Make the rounds and take out NK opposition. The more North Korean forces you take out, the more time I'll give you to prove yourself. OBJECTIVE: 1. Lap goal: 2 RULES: 1. Starting Time: 1:30 2. Destroy NK forces for additional time REWARD: $20,000 RAISE MOOD: China LOCATION: Changsong Train Station ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 08. THE CHARACTERS |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS08 There are a number of important characters in Mercenaries. This list outlines all the major characters and even a few you might not consider as important. -------------- CHRIS JACOBS -------------- NATIONALITY: American RACE: Black LANGUAGES: English and Korean EXOPS EXPERIENCE: 5 Years OFFICAL BIO: His mother is a Korean interpreter, and his father was a US Army colonel. His mother taught him to speak Korean while his father gave him invaluable advice on military tactics. He served as part of the Army's Combat Applications Group for seven years, before realizing that his skills were highly bankable. So he joined ExOps. No one can withstand as much punishment as him. MY DESCRIPTION: Jacobs is not exceptionally fast, nor is he exceptionally stealthy. He is, however, tougher than the other two mercenaries. He can withstand bullets and shrapnel wounds that would kill Mui or Nilsson quickly. He takes less damage from explosions as well. His ability to understand Korean allows you to read the translation of Korean dialogue in the South Korean headquarters if you have the subtitles turned on. Choose Jacobs if you like a character who doesn't have to dodge every bullet and sneak around all the time to get the job done. -------------- JENNIFER MUI -------------- NATIONALITY: British RACE: White LANGUAGES: English and Chinese EXOPS EXPERIENCE: 7 Years OFFICIAL BIO: Jennifer is an ex-member of MI6. She is great at avoiding detection, using her training and natural abilities to sneak into places where other soldiers would stick out like a sore thumb. MY DESCRIPTION: Mui is the steathiest of the bunch. She has the ability to come up behind an enemy soldier and take him/her out quietly. She is argueably the weakest of the three, which means that you will need to use her skills to your advantage to be successful with her. Some missions require stealthiness, and it will be on those missions that you will be particularly proud of your decision should you choose her. Choose Mui if you prefer being "like the wind" and avoiding direct enemy confrontation as much as possible while taking out your targets quietly and often from afar. ----------------- MATTIAS NILSSON ----------------- NATIONALITY: Swedish RACE: White LANGUAGES: English and Russian EXOPS EXPERIENCE: 1 Year OFFICIAL BIO: Nilsson may have experience in the past, but as far as the other mercs are concerned he's a rookie. Until you run with ExOps for a few years, you haven't seen real combat. However, in this short time, he's proven to move faster than anyone on the battlefield, and a fast merc is a merc who comes home in one piece. MY DESCRIPTION: Like the bio states, Nilsson is the fastest of the three mercs. He can dodge bullets easier and chase down a fleeing card with ease. He is weaker than Jacobs and slightly tougher than Mui, so you want to use his speed to avoid as much damage as possible. Before Mercenaries was released, the developers had referred to Nilsson as the "hardcore gamer's choice." My favorite thing about Nilsson is his ability to understand the Russian dialogue in the Mafia headquarters when the subtitles are turned on. Let me tell you, that's some real funny stuff. Choose Nilsson if you want to charge into places as fast as you can with guns blazing trying to take out the enemies before they can even hit you. -------------- FIONA TAYLOR -------------- NATIONALITY: Australian LANGUAGES: English EXOPS EXPERIENCE: 1 Year OFFICIAL BIO: Fiona is the ExOps technical officer assigned to this conflict. She's your point of contact to the outside world, and she's got the raw feeds from a hundred satellites and hacked communications channels at here fingertips. She is an experienced agent runner, ans she's known to put even the toughest mercenaries in their place. Fiona came out of the Royal Australian Navy as a Lieutenant, specializing in submarine electronics warfare. Then she became an operative for the ASIS [Australian Secrret Intelligence Service] and only recently gave up her post in the field to join the private industry. MY DESCRIPTION: Fiona is always with you, but never physically there. She is carefully monitoring your actions and the actions of the military forces in the area. Whenever you get in the vicinity of a number card, Fiona will notify you of the card's presence and marks the card's location on your PDA map. She manages the Deck of 52 intel you get. She gives you early warning of potential major problems in contracts. She lets you know when something major changes. She does it all. She even complements you when you are doing something like sniping well. ------------------------ COLONEL SAMUEL GARRETT ------------------------ NATIONALITY: American AFFILIATION: Allied Nations Task Force OFFICIAL BIO: Garrett somehow maintains a cool head despite the mess that he's in charge of. He views mercs as a necessary evil; if he had it his way, he'd have the Deck dead or captured inside of 30 days, but it wouldn't be pretty. He doesn't care which faction wins in the end, so long as the Deck is eliminated. MY DESCRIPTION: Colonel Garrett is the textbook military leader. He wants the job done quickly so that he can pull his troops out of there. If the need arises to forego standard procedures by calling in you (as often happens), he does so. He has a very neutral personality as is generally hard to read, but he is stern and tough. -------------- COLONEL PENG -------------- NATIONALITY: Chinese AFFILIATION: Chinese OFFICIAL BIO: Peng is utterly cold and professional. He is a stolid party member, he also recognizes the weaknesses of his own government. He views mercs as he does any foreign agent---useful if controlled, but not to be trusted. MY DESCRIPTION: I'd have to say that Peng is my least favorite person in the game. He doesn't think of anyone as a person, rather they are simply pieces in a real-life chess game. He uses everyone he can control. It's not a big deal to me though... He still pays in cash. ---------------- SERGEI VORONOV ---------------- NATIONALITY: Russian AFFILIATION: Russian Mafia OFFICIAL BIO: Voronov is a young Russian punk, a post-glasnost thug, looking to make a name for himself apart from the established godfathers. His father is a powerful ex-KGB crime lord from Moscow. He is desperate to prove he's smarter, tougher, and better than everybody else out there. MY DESCRIPTION: Sergei is an interesting character. He holds a huge position of power in the well-connected Russian Mafia. However, he never seems to be too authoritative or too sure of himself. He is extremely paranoid and thinks that everyone wants his power. Always in over his head, he will do anything and everything to keep as many people as possible below him. --------------- JOSEF YURIMOV --------------- NATIONALITY: Russian AFFILIATION: Russian Mafia OFFICIAL BIO: None MY DESCRIPTION: Josef is Sergei Voronov's right hand man. He does almost all of the Russian Mafia's dealings himself. He also seems to be a far better leader when it comes to both decisionmaking and managing everyone else in the Mafia. He doesn't seem to think Sergei is too helpful either... Sounds like a mutiny in progress to me. ------------------------------- SPECIAL AGENT MITCHELL BUFORD ------------------------------- NATIONALITY: American AFFILIATION: South Korean Union OFFICIAL BIO: The South Korean Union's leader is actually an American. Buford is a burnt out CIA agent who has been working in the field for way too long. He's determined to "get it right" this time and establish a strong pro- American democracy in a unified Korea. He sees Korea as the gateway to bringing democracy to China, and he still harbors an old-fashioned hatred of Communism and Red China. He thinks of a merc as "one of the good guys" and is happy to share what Western comforts he has. MY DESCRIPTION: Buford is a very Hollywood-type CIA burnout. He is ruthless but has lost some of his cunningness through the years. He wants to make Korea into another United States type democracy. He and Colonel Peng don't see eye to eye on the issue of the future of Korea, so there is a lot of tension there. ------------------- GENERAL CHOI SONG ------------------- NATIONALITY: Korean AFFILIATION: North Korea OFFICIAL BIO: General Song was always brash and saw force as the solution to everything, but his father never knew just how deep his son's lust for power had taken root. General Song is not only a brilliant military tactitian, but also clever at hiding his true intentions, making him an influential dictator. However, despite his careful planning, there is one factor he didn't consider: a warrior for hire with the determination and skill to undermine his leadership, one Card at a time. MY DESCRIPTION: Song is the top dog when it comes to the North Koreans. He runs the whole show. He is your number one target. He is the complete opposite of everything good. He took his father, President Choi Kim, out of power and allegedly killed him. Song has to be captured or eliminated and it is your job to make sure that happens. -------------------- PRESIDENT CHOI KIM -------------------- NATIONALITY: Korean AFFILIATION: None OFFICAL BIO: None MY DESCRIPTION: Before President Kim's son, General Song, staged a coup and took him out of power, Kim was reaching out to Western civilization, trying to make amends for past disagreements. Now that Song and his followers have seized control, Kim is supposedly dead, killed by his own son. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 09. THE FACTIONS |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS09 A major part of Mercenaries is the five factions. Each faction always has a set mood towards you. These moods can be "Friendly", "Neutral", "Unfriendly", or even "Hostile". You can check the faction moods by going to the FACTIONS mode in your PDA. The North Koreans are always "Hostile" towards you, but the other four factions have bars that indicate how "Friendly" or "Hostile" they are towards you. If a faction is upset with you, you can raise the bar by helping them out. On the flip side of that, you can lower the bar by killing a member of one of the factions or performing some other hostile act towards them. --------------------------- ALLIED NATIONS TASK FORCE --------------------------- The Allied Nations (often abbrieviated as A.N.) is a very important faction. They are the ones who pay you the bounty on each Deck of 52 member you verify. If you cause the A.N. to be hostile towards you, you've got a big problem. For example, the helicopter that is sent in to pick up a captured Deck of 52 member will have a pair of machine guns firing at you. Not good, so try to keep the AN on your good side. [ A.N. Leader: Colonel Samuel Garrett ] Garrett somehow maintains a cool head despite the mess that he's in charge of. He views mercs as a necessary evil; if he had it his way, he'd have the Deck dead or captured inside of 30 days, but it wouldn't be pretty. And he has to keep things pretty. He doesn't care which faction wins in the end, so long as the deck is eliminated. ------- CHINA ------- The Chinese have plans to absorb North Korea after the removal of Song. The manual states that technically, China is part of the A.N. Task Force, but because of their special "interests" in the region, you will always deal with them seperately. In my opinion, China is the least helpful faction for you. They are highly isolated to their own little area in both the Northern and Southern Provinces. Unless you need to get a contract from the Chinese, there is very little harm is having the Chinese hostile towards you. [ Chinese Leader: Colonel Peng ] Peng is utterly cold and professional. He is a stolid party member, he also recognizes the weaknesses of his own government. He views mercs as he does any foreign agent---useful if controlled, but not to be trusted. --------------- RUSSIAN MAFIA --------------- The Mafia is my personal favorite. They run the black market and operate a website called the "Merchant of Menace" which can supply you with vehicles, supplies, and airstrikes anywhere. Their goal in the region is to take advantage of the chaos and expand their black market business. They have connections with each of the other factions, so as long as you stay on their good side, they can get you almost anything you need, regardless of which faction it comes from. [ Russian Mafia Leader: Sergei Voronov ] Voronov is a young Russian punk, a post-glasnost thug, looking to make a name for himself apart from the established godfathers. His father is a powerful ex-KGB crime lord from Moscow. He is desperate to prove he's smarter, tougher, and better than everybody else out there. -------------------- SOUTH KOREAN UNION -------------------- Clearly the South Korean Union is made up of South Koreans who have organized into a military force. They have a lot of supplies and vehicles that are similar to that of the A.N. due to the heavy influence of the CIA. They want to create a Western government in South Korea, which means that the Chinese goals are in direct conflict with theirs. It is hard to keep the South Koreans friendly with you at certain times, but it is highly advisable, considering how spread out the area you see South Korean forces is. [ South Korean Union Leader: Special Agent Mitchell Buford ] The South Korean Union's leader is actually an American. Buford is a burnt out CIA agent who has been working in the field for way too long. He's determined to "get it right" this time and establish a strong pro-American democracy in a unified Korea. He sees Korea as the gateway to bringing democracy to China, and he still harbors an old-fashioned hatred of Communism and Red China. He thinks of a merc as "one of the good guys" and is happy to share what Western comforts he has. ------------- NORTH KOREA ------------- The bad guys. The PDA screen lists the North Koreans as "Always Hostile." Every Deck of 52 member is North Korean and the North Korean soldiers pop up everywhere. North Korea wants to take over the land of South Korea by any means necessary. They have nuclear weapons and if the need arises, won't hesitate to use them. [ North Korean Leader: General Choi Song ] General Song was always brash and saw force as the solution to everything, but his father never knew just how deep his son's lust for power had taken root. General Song is not only a brilliant military tactitian, but also clever at hiding his true intentions, making him an influential dictator. However, despite his careful planning, there is one factor he didn't consider: a warrior for hire with the determination and skill to undermine his leadership, one Card at a time. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 10. DECK OF 52 |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- The High-Value Targets (HVTs) in North Korea have all been assigned a card suit and number based upon their level of threat. The Allied Nations (AN) has placed a bounty on all 52 of these HVTs. You get the full bounty for capturing the HVT alive and half bounty for killing the HVT (commonly referred to as a "card"). Listed here are the names, biographies, bounties, and locations of all members of the Deck of 52. .----------. | A. CLUBS | '----------' MERCS10A -------------- TWO OF CLUBS -------------- NAME: Jin-ho Yong BIO: Yong retired from his post as an artillery officer in former President Kim's army to work for the Ace of Clubs, Dung Hwangbo. Yong was placed in project after project, but ultimately proved incompatible with Division 39's methods. When Song's revolt came, Yong found himself commanding artillery once again. BOUNTY: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the Two of Clubs during the A.N. tutorial contract ---------------- THREE OF CLUBS ---------------- NAME: Su-yeong Kim BIO: Kim is little more than a thug. Responsible for recruiting most of the bodyguards and strong-arm men used by Dung Hwangbo's operation, Kim has no formal education or military training. Instead, he relies on his own physical strength and a willingness to kill without hesitation anyone who might interfere with his masters' plans. BOUNTY: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead LOCATION: South of Pyongyang, across the river --------------- FOUR OF CLUBS --------------- NAME: Yeom Park BIO: Personally selected by the Ace of Clubs, Dung Hwangbo, Park spent years in former President Kim's government. He used blackmail and graft to ensure that when Song's revolution came, money and power would be ready to stand against any reaction from the international community. BOUNTY: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead LOCATION: North of Haeju --------------- FIVE OF CLUBS --------------- NAME: Tal-hun An BIO: Tal-hun An is responsible for building most of General Song's military installations. For over a decade, An took money from the Allied Nations, America and other nations of good will, which was meant for public works projects, and used it to build bunkers and missile silos. BOUNTY: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead LOCATION: Northeast of North Pyongyang -------------- SIX OF CLUBS -------------- NAME: Chong-chun Yi BIO: Formerly a deputy minister of finance in President Kim's government, Yi covertly traded principly with the Russian mafia and terrorists in Afghanistan. Yi created a well-oiled economic machine designed to supply General Song's troops with the equipment they'd need to fight the AN once the revolt came. BOUNTY: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead LOCATION: Southwest of East Pyongyang ---------------- SEVEN OF CLUBS ---------------- NAME: Kang-keun Ha BIO: Ha served for three years as President Kim's Minister of Domestic Affairs. He used his influence in this position to encourage all manner of corruption, extortion, and graft in the government, both within his ministry and in other governmental departments. He is one of the men who has profited most from Song's coup. BOUNTY: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead LOCATION: Southeast of Kaesong ---------------- EIGHT OF CLUBS ---------------- NAME: Yeong-suk Park BIO: Park is Hwangbo's director of transportation. He supervises the movement of all of Division 39's officers, ensuring both that they arrive safely, and that no one outside the upper echelons of Division 39 know where any of the other members of the organization are. BOUNTY: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead LOCATION: Inside of Downtown Pyongyang --------------- NINE OF CLUBS --------------- NAME: Cheol-han Cho BIO: Cho is responsible for security within Division 39. As such, he is the closest thing the Division has to an intelligence director. While Division 39 operated covertly from within President Kim's government, Cho was responsible for ensuring that neither Kim, nor his closest advisors ever learned of Song's plans. BOUNTY: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead LOCATION: North of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) -------------- TEN OF CLUBS -------------- NAME: Yeong-kil Kim BIO: Kim runs Hwangbo's drug cartel. Typically, he forbids any use of drugs within his own organization, instead developing the agricultural and refinement technology necessary to create a domestic drug industry. Manufacturing primary opium for heroin, recent estimates suggest Kim's organization provides as much as 22% of the heroin sold in SouthEast Asia. BOUNTY: $25,000 alive / $12,500 dead LOCATION: Southwest of Propaganda Village at the end of an unmarked path on the South side of the road which leads you to Propaganda Village. --------------- JACK OF CLUBS --------------- NAME: Hong-do Seon-u BIO: Seon-u is Hwangbo's premier arms dealer, responsible for taking the money raised by Cheol-han Cho and Yeom Park and using Chong-chun Yi's contacts to supply General Song with the weapons, vehivles, and armaments he needs. He is a former general in President Kim's army and is considered highly dangerous. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the Jack of Clubs during the mission, "Bait and Switch" with the Russian Mafia. ---------------- QUEEN OF CLUBS ---------------- NAME: Sun Han BIO: A wealthy and powerful financier, Sun Han is responsible for smuggling all manner of illegal goods into and out of North Korea for Division 39. Drugs, weapons, biological and chemical agents and ingredients. Han controls all commercial air traffic and most of the country's shipping. BOUNTY: $115,000 alive / $57,500 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the Queen of Clubs during the mission, "Under New Management" with the Chinese. --------------- KING OF CLUBS --------------- NAME: Lee Choi BIO: Lee Choi is solely responsible for the slavery trade operating in North Korea. Trafficking in human lives, primarily young women, but also infants sold to parents in wealthy foreign countries, Choi is considered one of the most powerful men in Division 39, as well as one of the most reprehensible. BOUNTY: $125,000 alive / $62,500 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the King of Clubs during the mission, "A Farewell to Kings" with the South Koreans. -------------- ACE OF CLUBS -------------- NAME: Dung Hwangbo BIO: Hwangbo was Minister of Foreign Affairs under four different administrations and, prior to President Kim's reformation, was responsible for keeping graft and vice in North Korea firmly under government control. His private organization, Division 39, operated as a state-sponsored mafia until President Kim fired Hwangbo. BOUNTY: $150,000 alive / $75,000 dead LOCATION: Verify enough cards to recieve the Ace e-mail, then head to the AN HQ and speak to Colonel Garrett for the Ace Contract. You will be taken to a seperate map where the Ace will be located. .-------------. | B. DIAMONDS | '-------------' MERCS10B ----------------- TWO OF DIAMONDS ----------------- NAME: Chan-seok Park BIO: Captain Park is responsible for recruiting promising young men into General Song's army. Those who show a high degree of fanaticism toward the cause get special training from Park and become candidates for General Song's special forces squad. Park is a grizzlied old soldier who's seen many generations of young men serve their country. BOUNTY: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead LOCATION: The Southernmost point of the DMZ ------------------- THREE OF DIAMONDS ------------------- NAME: Tu-chin Cho BIO: Lieutenant Cho is a specialist in light weapons training. He supervises light weapon purchases from foreign governments and trains the sergeants who then go on to train the army. He is well trained, served in the DMZ for over 12 years, and is considered highly dangerous. BOUNTY: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead LOCATION: At the end of a path on the left side of the road when travelling East from Propaganda Village ------------------ FOUR OF DIAMONDS ------------------ NAME: Yeong-song Seo BIO: Captain Seo is General Chang's light artillery expert, responsible for overseeing the manufacturing and deployment of RPG launchers, Surface to Air missiles, and tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided missles (TOWs). Seo is proficient in many types of armed and unarmed combat. He is considered highly dangerous. BOUNTY: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead LOCATION: West of Ichon ------------------ FIVE OF DIAMONDS ------------------ NAME: Pung-cho Yu BIO: Captain Yu is head of General Chang's military intelligence division; Division 18. He is ruthless, cruel, intelligent and sadistic. He constantly maneuvers against his rival, Major Kon Lee, director of General Song's Special Intelligence division. He has a personally selected cadre of torturers and enjoys overseeing interrogation personally. BOUNTY: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead LOCATION: Northeast of East Pyongyang ----------------- SIX OF DIAMONDS ----------------- NAME: Yeong-il Cheon BIO: Captain Cheon is a former task commander, responsible for establishing the training regiment for General Chang's armored infantry division. Known for studying the deployment of US, AN, and British armored infantry and foot divisions, his tactics remain untested in the field though his is highly respected for his keen insight into tactics and strategy. BOUNTY: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead LOCATION: South of the Black Gate on the only dirt road going off the right side of the main road ------------------- SEVEN OF DIAMONDS ------------------- NAME: Seon-keun Yun BIO: Major Yun is General Chang's chosen commander for his Air Calvary divisions. Yun is a highly trained helicopter pilot and experienced air combatant; a veteran of many skirmishes between the DPRK and South Korea. He can often be found personally leading any air escorts for General Chang. BOUNTY: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead LOCATION: At the end of an unmapped path on the right side of the road that leads to the Black Gate ------------------- EIGHT OF DIAMONDS ------------------- NAME: Kyub-yung Park BIO: Park is deputy minister of Chang's Air Defense program. Responsible for the deployment and use of Chang's heavy anti-air artillery, he is an experienced soldier and skilled leader. His men were responsible for downing the three American F-117As in 2006. Most of his AA guns have been disabled by AN Air strikes, but he remains at large. BOUNTY: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead LOCATION: West of Nampo ------------------ NINE OF DIAMONDS ------------------ NAME: Chu-ho Kim BIO: Major Kim is General Chang's Chief of Staff. Formerly a cabinet minister in President Kim's government, Kim is likely a principle planner in Song's coup. He served for 20 years in the DPRK army and now puts his experience in the field to use keeping the North Korean trooops supplied during the AN action. BOUNTY: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead LOCATION: Starting at the Haeju end of the long dirt road in the Southwest, the Nine is at the end of the first right turn ----------------- TEN OF DIAMONDS ----------------- NAME: Myeong-han Kim BIO: Major Kim rose to be the director of the DPRK troops in the De-Militarized Zone. As such, he spent the last 10 years responding to the thrusts and feints of the US-backed South Koreans and their CIA supplied intelligence. Kim is a seasoned veteran, one of General Chang's most valuable aides, and an extremely dangerous soldier. BOUNTY: $50,000 alive / $25,000 dead LOCATION: Follow the long dirt road Northwest of Haeju until you get to the end of the loop to find the Ten ------------------ JACK OF DIAMONDS ------------------ NAME: Ji An BIO: An expert in heavy artillery, An is responsible for securing plans to build a supergun capable of shelling cities as far away as Tokyo. An traded heavily with Middle-eastern nationals and experts on supergun technology, and is rumored to have built and tested a prototype already. BOUNTY: $150,000 alive / $75,000 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the Jack of Diamonds during the mission "Master of None" with the South Koreans ------------------- QUEEN OF DIAMONDS ------------------- NAME: Jong Seomun BIO: Colonel Seomun is a highly trained and experienced commander, currently responsible for buying and securing the transport of conventional missles. He performs his new duties well, but is known to conflict with the Ace of Diamonds, General Chul Kang. Seoman would rather be leading troops in the field. BOUNTY: $175,000 alive / $87,500 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the Queen of Diamonds during the mission "It's Who You Know" with the Russian Mafia ------------------ KING OF DIAMONDS ------------------ NAME: Won Jegal BIO: Jegal is a cruel and vicious leader, among the most feared of Song's commanders. Personally responsible for torturing prisoners, and known to execute soldiers who perform their duties poorly, Jegal is as dangerous an artillery commander as he is a personal combatant. BOUNTY: $200,000 alive / $100,000 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the King of Diamonds during the mission "Knock Knock" with the Chinese ----------------- ACE OF DIAMONDS ----------------- NAME: Chul Kang BIO: General Chang is among Song's closest aides. Chang runs Song's top-secret chemical and biological weapons testing plant. The precise whereabouts of this testing facility are unknown. Intelligence reports suggest the site may be underground. Chang is intelligent and experienced. He will not be caught easily. BOUNTY: $250,000 alive / $125,000 dead LOCATION: Verify enough cards to recieve the Ace e-mail, then head to the AN HQ and speak to Colonel Garrett for the Ace Contract. You will be taken to a separate map where the Ace will be located. .-----------. | C. HEARTS | '-----------' MERCS10C --------------- TWO OF HEARTS --------------- NAME: Chi-seong An BIO: A low level operative in General Kang's nuclear weapons program, Chi-seong began his terrorist career as a supervisor in a poorly constructed nuclear power plant. Both greedy and susceptible to graft, An was recently recruited by Colonel Ji-Wan Han to serve as a supervisor for General Kang's plutonium enrichment program. An has no military training. BOUNTY: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead LOCATION: Just South of Farm Valley ----------------- THREE OF HEARTS ----------------- NAME: Hyeon-san Chang BIO: Little is known about this man. He has connections to the former administration's humanitarian aide program where, it is believed, he traded information regarding plutonium ore processing into weapons-grade materials for cash. CIA intelligence presumes he'd been secretly working for Song and General Kang for years prior to the coup. BOUNTY: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead LOCATION: Southeast of the Sinuiju Farms ---------------- FOUR OF HEARTS ---------------- NAME: Chu-ho Ko BIO: Ko served as an advisor on President Kim's international nuclear power development council. Ostensibly created to travel to countries with successful nuclear energy programs in an attempt to provide the people of North Korea with safe nuclear energy, Ko instead used to opportunity to set up deals for ore refinement and processing technology with international terrorists. BOUNTY: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead LOCATION: Outside Taechon ---------------- FIVE OF HEARTS ---------------- NAME: Cho-yeong Cha BIO: Cho-yeong is an engineer, holding masters degrees in civic engineering and nuclear engineering from an American university. He is one of the men responsible for implementing the basic framework of Song's nuclear weapons program. He is a coward, with no military training and little love for anything except money. BOUNTY: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead LOCATION: North of Kusong, towards Unsan Village --------------- SIX OF HEARTS --------------- NAME: Hye-min Park BIO: Park is the lowest ranking member of General Kang's "circle of five," the five scientists directly responsible for developing the technology to process the weapons grade ore purchased by Chu-ho Ko (the 4 of Hearts) and turn it into nuclear weapons, complete with ICBM technology for delivering their payloads across the globe. BOUNTY: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead LOCATION: North of Chongju ----------------- SEVEN OF HEARTS ----------------- NAME: Mun-cheol Yi BIO: Yi is a South Korean metallurgist seduced into working for the North with offers of money and power. Yi's knowledge allowed General Kang's team to develop the titanium-aluiminum castings necessary to contain the initial implosion of a nuclear weapon. Yi has no loyalties to Song or Kang and can be counted on to flee quickly. BOUNTY: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead LOCATION: Just North of the train station in Yongbyon ----------------- EIGHT OF HEARTS ----------------- NAME: Min-su An BIO: An is another member of Kang's "circle of five." His background and official title are unknown, but intelligence suspects An is an experienced physicist with the knowledge and engineering background necessary to master the equations that govern a fissile body's critical mass. An served in the DPRK military for six years as a young man and can be considered a military threat. BOUNTY: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead LOCATION: Southeast of Chongju ---------------- NINE OF HEARTS ---------------- NAME: Nam-cheol Kim BIO: Kim is a high-ranking member of Kang's nuclear weapons team. He is one of the few men in the Asian-Pacific theater with the background necessary for developing the integrated targeting and trajectory systems required for an intercontinental ballistic missile. Kim's presence on the team means the threat of Song's nuclear capability extends across the entire globe. BOUNTY: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead LOCATION: South of the Tenement Ruins --------------- TEN OF HEARTS --------------- NAME: Hong BIO: Hong is a Chinese-born Korean whose parents fled North Korea 50 years ago. Leader of Kang's "circle of five," Hong was educated in China, and served as an assistant director in China's nuclear weapons program before returning to North Korea thanks to generous offers of money and influence by General Kang. BOUNTY: $75,000 alive / $37,500 dead LOCATION: At one of the nuclear plants between Kusong and Yongbyon ---------------- JACK OF HEARTS ---------------- NAME: Ji-won Han BIO: Colonel Han led General Kang's nuclear weapons division. After gathering an elite team of engineers and scientists, known as the Circle of Five, Namgung used funds from Division 39 to ensure his researchers were well supplied. Under his leadership, the team succeeded in manufacturing working nuclear warheads. BOUNTY: $200,000 alive / $100,000 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the Jack of Hearts during the mission "Chain Reaction" with the Chinese ----------------- QUEEN OF HEARTS ----------------- NAME: Jong Namgung BIO: Colonel Namgung directed Song's chemical weapons division. Though eventually overshadowed by Colonel Han's more successful nuclear weapons division, Namgung produced many deadly toxins and is considered highly dangerous. BOUNTY: $225,000 alive / $112,500 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the Queen of Hearts during the mission "The Acid Queen" with the South Korean Union ---------------- KING OF HEARTS ---------------- NAME: Bae Dokgo BIO: Major Dokgo served in President Kim's army as chief of his missile weapons division. Dokgo used his understanding of missile construction and design to build Song's delivery systems. As a result, Song's weapons can reach virtually anywhere in the world. BOUNTY: $250,000 alive / $125,000 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the King of Hearts during the mission "Raw Materials" with the Russian Mafia --------------- ACE OF HEARTS --------------- NAME: Chul Kang BIO: The mastermind behind Song's nuclear weapons program, Kang succeeded in covertly building an extensive program as well as the missile technology necessary to deliver them almost anywhere in the world. Nobody knows how many nuclear missiles Kang was able to build. Some estimates suggest upwards of 30 ICBM with nuclear warheads. BOUNTY: $300,000 alive / $150,000 dead LOCATION: Verify enough cards to recieve the Ace e-mail, then head to the AN HQ and speak to Colonel Garrett for the Ace Contract. You will be taken to a separate map where the Ace will be located. .-----------. | D. SPADES | '-----------' MERCS10D --------------- TWO OF SPADES --------------- NAME: Dae Kim BIO: As with most of General Song's elite special forces, little is known of Dae Kim's origins. As a member of Song's personal retinue, she recieved the best training her country had to offer, though it is not on par with American or British special forces training. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: Just South of Farm Valley ----------------- THREE OF SPADES ----------------- NAME: Jin-weon Seo BIO: Seo was pulled from her gymnastics training at the age of 11 and placed in Song's military training program. Many recruits are taken from the DPRK's Olympics program, which very likely exists primarily to produce special forces candidates. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: Just South of the Chemical Plant ---------------- FOUR OF SPADES ---------------- NAME: Joo-eun An BIO: An is the daught of a North Korean minister who proudly enrolled his daughter in the DPRK's special forces program. It should be noted that virtually all of Song's army, particularly the elite soldiers both male and female, are deeply, deeply, patriotic. A product of a propaganda-soaked upbringing. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: Northwest of Yongbyon ---------------- FIVE OF SPADES ---------------- NAME: Keon Park BIO: Keon Park directs sniper training in Song's special forces squad. She is the best sniper in Song's army and CIA estimates rank her as 18th in the world. Though she is highly trained, she lacks experience. This conflict in her homeland can only increase her usefulness. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: Southwest of Sinuiju --------------- SIX OF SPADES --------------- NAME: Min-seon Yun BIO: Min-seon Yun originally applied for North Korea's atrophying naval program. When it became clear to her commanders that she was more useful on the ground than on a ship, she was transferred to the Special Forces training Program. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: Near the Chemical Plant ----------------- SEVEN OF SPADES ----------------- NAME: Moon-Han Cheon BIO: Moon-Han was a runner-up in a North Korean beauty pageant, the Beautiful and Demure Citizens of the Democratic People's Repubic. She was asked to volunteer for the special forces program in an attempt to show the people how desireable such service was. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: Southeast of the Chemical Plant ----------------- EIGHT OF SPADES ----------------- NAME: Shin-seok Kim BIO: Before she joined Song's elite squad, Shin-seok was a "comfort woman," a highly sought after prostitute. The circumstances surrounding her departure from that career amd volunteering for Song's special forces squad are not well known, though speculation abounds. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: Just East of Dandong ---------------- NINE OF SPADES ---------------- NAME: Soo-heon Park BIO: Dr. Park served under General Yun in the nuclear weapons program. Probably as a result of prolonged exposure to improperly shielded nuclear materials, Dr. Park contracted fatal cancer. Upon learning of this, she abandoned her career as a scientist and enlisted, quickly gaining entrance into Song's special forces squad. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: Just Southeast of Chongju --------------- TEN OF SPADES --------------- NAME: Yun-yeon Cho BIO: Yun-yeon Cho served as an ambassador's aide until the age of 33, at which point she abruptly left her job and applied for Song's elite training program. Nobody in the West has managed to learn the reason behind this. Though she trained with women 2/3rds her age, she recieved the highest marks in the class. BOUNTY: $100,000 alive / $50,000 dead LOCATION: South of Kusong ---------------- JACK OF SPADES ---------------- NAME: Kon Lee BIO: Major Lee serves as director of General Song's Special Intelligence division. During peacetime, he co-opted Song's special forces squad and used them as a sort of secret police specializing in torture and assassination. Though he now spends more time spying on the South Koreans and Chinese, his ties to the Special Forces squad are still strong. BOUNTY: $300,000 alive / $150,000 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the Jack of Spades during the mission "Loose Ends" with the Russian Mafia ----------------- QUEEN OF SPADES ----------------- NAME: Yong Park BIO: One of the most accomplished men in the DPRK's army. Park is an avowed poet, holds a black belt in martial arts and a master's degree in literature, and is both a feared and capable military commander. One American military journal referred to him as "Korea's Patton." BOUNTY: $350,000 alive / $175,000 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the Queen of Spades during the mission "Two Degrees of Separation" with the Chinese ---------------- KING OF SPADES ---------------- NAME: Kai Yun BIO: Yun is the General in charge of Song's nuclear weapons. He is responsible for their positioning and deployment, and the men under his command are some of the most highly trained anywhere in the world. Prepared for multinational action, Yun hid and defended his arsenal in advance. BOUNTY: $375,000 alive / $187,500 dead LOCATION: You will encounter the King of Spades during the mission "Titular Regius" with the South Korean Union --------------- ACE OF SPADES --------------- NAME: Choi Song BIO: General Song is the most dangerous man on earth. Intelligent, ruthless, and highly disciplined, he killed his father, the President, to prevent North Korea from capitulating to Western pressures and currently holds the codes for his country's considerable nuclear stockpile. He must be stopped at all costs. BOUNTY: $100,000,000 alive / $50,000,000 dead LOCATION: Verify enough cards to recieve the Ace e-mail, then head to the AN HQ and speak to Colonel Garrett for the Ace Contract. You will be taken to a separate map where the Ace will be located. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 11. VEHICLE LIST |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- +---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Some of the information in this section was contributed | | by Enigma Nosta. Enigma mainly dealt with supplying | | helicopter info. | | | | Information for a few select vehicles was provided by | | stevie. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+ One of the more interesting aspects of Mercenaries is the large number of vehicles you can drive. The vehicles here are separated into three sections, (A) Wheeled Vehicles, (B) Tanks, and (C) Helicopters. All of the vehicles are listed with their faction affiliation, how many people, it can hold, what weapons it has, and a short description. Also listed for the vehicles is the amount of money you can get for selling each vehicle to the Mafia at their chopshop. The chopshop is near the Mafia's HQ in both the Northern and Southern Provinces. The prices listed are either the maximum amount you can get, or near that maximum. Due to the large amount of vehicles available for use in Mercenaries, it is always possible for some vehicles to have been left out. If you have info on any vehicles missing from this list, please send it to me via e-mail to MercenariesFAQ@gmail.com. Full credit will be given for your contributions. Some vehicles have been given ratings by Enigma Nostra. These ratings will come after the vehicle descriptions and are based on this five-star scale: * - Use if nothing else avalible * * - Not all that good, but not the worst * * * - Average, Doesnt excel in anything, but does not suck * * * * - Almost perfect, but has a few flaws * * * * * - SEXY! For whatever reasons, this is a solid performer in its role .---------------------. | A. WHEELED VEHICLES | '---------------------' MERCS11A ----------- Ambulance ----------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: Another civilian vehicle just there for the taking. I haven't seen too many of these but I have had a chance to drive a couple. I know for a fact that it is one of the few civilian vehicles to be found at any point in the Ace of Spades contract. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $5,000 ---------------------------------- Baggage Car (or Baggage Carrier) ---------------------------------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: Simply a fun little vehicle to mess around with. Appropriately found often at airport areas. It's probably the smallest vehicle in the game. They can be found in a few other places as well. The Baggage Carrier was definitely just put into Mercenaries as a little quirk for fun. Gotta love it! CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $500 -------------- BJ2020 Scout -------------- FACTION: Chinese CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Rear-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This is essentially an open-top jeep. It is quick and very light, making it great for situations where you need to get away as fast as you can unless there is a threat of major fire. It cannot take much of a punch due to its design, but the rate of evasion and speed compared to heavier vehicles helps offset that downside. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $3,000 ------------ BRDM Scout ------------ FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This is one of those good middle of the road vehicles when it comes to balancing speed, handling, armor, and effectiveness. It is great at manuevering through more hilly areas, something that can't be said for too many vehicles with armor that can withstand most bullet fire. This is the best vehicle for heading into hillier areas where North Korean outposts are often found. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $8,000 --------- BTR APC --------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 4 Passengers 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: Intended entirely for troop transport, this isn't a great vehicle to go on the offensive with, but it is a great vehicle for taking other soldiers into areas where you need stronger armor than usual. It has decent handling and can deal with hilly terrain. This counts in the Wheeled Vehicle section as it still uses wheels to get around unlike other vehicles of its size. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $5,000 ------------- Cargo Truck ------------- FACTION: Chinese / North Korea / South Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: The Cargo Truck is simply a large truck used by a number of factions to transport cargo. I was recently informed by BackAx from the GameFAQs Message Boards that this vehicle's bed has more of a function than I thought. You can use a helicopter and pick up a crate or other large object using the helicopter's winch and load it onto the bed. Very cool. So you can carry around cargo and you can utilize the Chinese disguise. A more helpful vehicle than I once thought. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $800 (North Korea); $1,000 (Chinese or South Korea) ----------------- Control Vehicle ----------------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: The Control Vehicles look a lot like the SA-8 Anti-Air vehicles but lack the huge anti-air missile weapon on top. These are the annoying and extremely common vehicles that cause your signal to become jammed. You will find a number of occasions where you will be destroying this rather than driving it. These are easy-to-find when you are in their vicinity, as they are marked as red 'X's on the radar due to the signal jamming. If you are in one of these, they resist a bit of bullet fire, but they aren't tough, so be cautious. Lastly, there is a tiny glitch with this vehicle and all other signal jamming vehicles. If you sell this vehicle at the Mafia's chopshop, the entire map will be jammed on your radar. You must reload your game to remedy that glitch. Not a big deal, just don't panic if it happens. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $10,000 -------- Frog 7 -------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None that you can use DESCRIPTION: You know those giant trucks that carry a giant missile that you see in history books and war documentary shows? That is this. You can't use that giant missile in the back, but if you find one of these, it is kind of cool to be able to drive this around. The missile that is carried is very, very explosive. Do not shoot it or cause the Frog 7 to explode if you are anywhere nearby. This is helpful for occasions where the Frog 7 is sitting in the middle of a large group of North Korean vehicles and soldiers... just make the Frog 7 explode and you'll take all the NKs nearby out. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $25,000 ------------ Fuel Truck ------------ FACTION: Chinese CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: This is your basic large truck. It carries a large fuel tank in the back and when it is shot, it provides a large explosion. The Fuel Truck has no real purpose unless you are going to carefully position it somewhere and then cause the fuel tank to blow up. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $2,500 -------------- GL Technical -------------- FACTION: Russian Mafia CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Bed-Mounted Grenade Launcher (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: Except for one lone aspect of this truck, it is completely the same as the Mafia MG Technical. The difference? Well, it's a pretty cool one if I do say so myself. Whereas the MG Technical has a bed-mounted machine gun, the GL Technical has a bed-mounted GRENADE LAUNCHER. These pack one serious punch and are extremely fun to use. One piece of advice though... Don't run into your own grenades. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: None, Mafia vehicles do not count for a monetary reward. ------------ GSRN Truck ------------ FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: This is the truck that the GSRN reporters use. They can be found in a number of areas. It is a rather good vehicle for just driving around. It is a bit tougher than other civilian vehicles, but not much. The coolest aspect of this vehicle is that you can listen to the GSRN News Reports over the vehicles radio whenever you are near it. It talks about the Deck of 52 members that you recently caught or killed. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $4,000 ----------- Hummer H3 ----------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 3 Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: If it looks like a Hummer, drives like a Hummer, and attempts to sound a little bit like a Hummer, then it's probably a Hummer. Very similar to its real-life counterpart, this is just a fun vehicle to drive around in. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $6,000 ------ Jaju ------ FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 3 Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: It's a car. A four-door, white, standard civilian car. They are absolutely everywhere in both provinces, so you'll never be far from one. A great option for getting around in a civilian disguise so as to observe your surroundings from a completely neutral standpoint. I love destroying these with C4. :P CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $750 ------------- K1025 Scout ------------- FACTION: South Korean Union CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 3 Passengers 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: It is the Allied Nation's M1025 Scout with a South Korean paint job. There are no other differences between the two to speak of. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $5,000 ------------ K966 Scout ------------ FACTION: South Korean Union CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 3 Passengers 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Roof-Mounted TOW Missile Launcher (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This vehicle is the same as the K1025 Scout except it has a TOW Missile Launcher instead of a Machine Gun mounted on the roof. If you have to choose between the two, pick this one. Most of the time, the K966 will be a far better option if you have a gunner manning the TOW Missile Launcher. This vehicle does extremely well against all enemy vehicles on the road, so don't drive far without a gunner unless you are planning on using this to trespass in South Korean territory, in which case a gunner will probably be a negative thing. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $7,000 ---------- Lada 124 ---------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 3 Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: The Lada 124 is basically a different looking version of the Jaju. It is your standard 4-door civilian vehicle. It is fun to see some variety when it comes to finding civilian vehicles just driving around. Although it is not any better than the Jaju, it is much harder to come across, though they seem to increase in number a bit towards the end of the game. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $750 ------------- M1025 Scout ------------- FACTION: Allied Nations CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 3 Passengers 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This is the vehicle that serves as the primary method of transportation for the Allied Nations ground troops. It is fairly well- armored and is not extremely susceptable to typical bullet fire. You will be able to find this vehicle anywhere near an Allied base or outpost in both of the provinces. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $5,000 ---------------- M1027 Anti-Air ---------------- FACTION: Allied Nation CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Anti-Air Missiles (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This isn't one of the most helpful vehicles in the game as you rarely know when you will be ambushed by helicopters and even then, the gun is controlled by the gunner in the back. There is no defense towards any ground threats on this vehicle and the armor is light, so standard bullets cause major damage. I've yet to find a situation where this vehicle is especially helpful, but it can be fun for when you are just messing around. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $7,000 ----------- M1126 APC ----------- FACTION: Allied Nations CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 4 Passengers 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: For an APC, the M1126 is rather fast. The ability to carry four passengers allows for quick troop transport into locations where you don't feel secure fighting alone. The heavy armor of the M1126 allows to penetrate enemy locations where the only threats are soldiers with standard guns. The only real threats to this vehicle are explosive weapons. The gunner on top can be a good thing sometimes, but more often than not, it is a hinderance to not be able to take out a soldier with an RPG when you see him before the gunner does. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $8,000 ----------- Metro Bus ----------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 5 Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: The Metro Bus is one of those vehicles that has some of the best aspects of a vehicle and some of the worst aspects of a vehicle. On the positive side, the Metro Bus can carry a whopping five passengers, something not commonly found in vehicles throughout Mercenaries. On the negative side, it is incredibly slow and handles terribly. Unless you really, really need to be driving a vehicle that can carry five passengers, then just leave this one alone. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $500 -------------- MG Technical -------------- FACTION: Russian Mafia CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Bed-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This is a pickup truck specially outfitted by the Mafia with some light armor and a bed-mounted machine gun. I actually like the Mafia's whole "Technical" series as they tend to handle well and they can still reach some decent speeds for getaways. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: None, Mafia vehicles do not count for a monetary reward. --------------- SA-8 Anti-Air --------------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Anti-Air Missiles (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: These are the annoying things that show up as the triangles when you are flying around the map. Armed with dangerous lock-on Anti-Air Missiles, these can take care of helicopters quickly. You will often see these at many North Korean bases and outposts just sitting there waiting to take out any unsuspecting helicopters. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $20,000 ---------- SMC-2100 ---------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: Just a normal flatbed truck with nothing on the bed. Not much to this vehicle at all. Unless you are in a situation where you need a quick ride somewhere and you don't want to buy anything from the Merchant of Menace, this isn't too helpful. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $1,000 ---------- SMC-2200 ---------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: These are the civilian trucks with cloth-covered beds that carry the food around. Not much too 'em, they are just there if you can't find any other vehicles and don't feel like spending money on a vehicle from the Merchant of Menace. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $1,250 ---------- SMC-2300 ---------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: These are the larger cargo trucks used by civilians. These are the ones with the hard backs with the roll-up door. Unless you need a quick ride somewhere and you don't feel like purchasing another vehicle from the Merchant of Menace, this is of little use. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $1,000 ------------------------------- Street Racer (or Speed Racer) ------------------------------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: This is the fastest vehicle in the game. It is a tuned sports car made for speed. Unfortunately, it has the same downside as the cars that you could consider to be its real-life counterparts... It is as fragile as it gets. Many people do not know how to get this. Simply put, complete the bonus objective for "106 Miles to Sinuiju" where you must keep this very car intact through the entire contract and you will unlock the Street Racer in the Merchant of Menace. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $5,000 -------------- Sungri Scout -------------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Rear-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This is probably the most commonly found vehicle in Mercenaries. You will never see another North Korean vehicle away from an actual NK base or outpost besides this one. It is an open-top jeep that is quick but lacks significantly good handling. It is a cheap option whenever you need to get a quick disguise as a North Korean, but its lack of armor is terrible if you get caught in a firefight. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $2,400 -------------------- SUV (or Mafia SUV) -------------------- FACTION: Russian Mafia CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 3 Passengers 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This is kind of a mix between the Allied Nation's M1025 Scout and the civilian Hummer H3. Basically, you can take the armor and machine gun of the M1025 Scout, build it into the H3, and you get the Mafia SUV. This is one of my favorite cars in the game. This vehicle has made me wonder where the machine guns are on actual Hummers when I see them on the road. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: None, Mafia vehicles do not count for a monetary reward. --------- Taebaek --------- FACTION: Civilian CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 3 Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: An almost SUV-type vehicle that the Koreans (the civilians, not the soldiers drive). You don't see too many, but it is tougher than the smaller civilian cars and handles well. Just one of those vehicles that are there for the taking. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $800 --------------- TOW Technical --------------- FACTION: Russian Mafia CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Passenger 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Bed-Mounted TOW Missile Launcher (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This is another vehicle in the Mafia's Technical family. It's special feature is the weapon mounted in the bed. The TOW missile is very good for taking out enemy vehicles and is particularly effective when fired by the game's A.I.. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: None, Mafia vehicles do not count for a monetary reward. ----------------- Transport Truck ----------------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 4 Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: This is a great vehicle for infiltrating North Korean bases and outposts with a few troops. It is tougher than most smaller vehicles as it can take significant bullet fire. The passengers sit in the covered rear portion of the Transport Truck... kind of like in some older war movies. It is a great and inexpensive option anytime you need to carry more than than a couple passengers. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $2,000 ------------------------ VIP Car (or VIP Sedan) ------------------------ FACTION: Russian Mafia CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 3 Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: This is the car that Josef himself drives... Well... rides in anyway. It really has no use to speak of, like the Hummer or Baggage Car, but like those vehicles, it sure can be fun when you want a break from the ordinary. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: None, Mafia vehicles do not count for a monetary reward. .----------. | B. TANKS | '----------' MERCS11B -------------- TANK WEAPONS -------------- > TANK CANNON - The standard long-barrel, heavy-shell cannon seen on most tanks. Huge explosive power and effective against absolutely anything you need to attack. > ROOF-MOUNTED MACHINE GUN - A Machine Gun that is located on the top of the vehicle. Always used by a gunner that isn't fully protected by the vehicles armor. Good for taking care of ground soldiers. > AUTOCANNON - Used the same way as a Tank Cannon, but these have much shorter barrels and lighter shells. Still effective against anything, but heavier targets will require multiple shots. > TOW MISSILE LAUNCHER - Primarily an Anti-Vehicle weapon, these medium power rockets will always follow your targeting recticule until it either hits something or gets out of range. > ANTI-AIR CANNON - Fires anti-air flak shells that are great against both helicopters and ironically, ground soldiers. > ANTI-AIR MISSILES - These are the lock-on missiles that pose such a major threat to any helicopters. They are very difficult to avoid if the full lock- on feature was able to engage before the missile was fired. > HEAVY MACHINE GUN - Pretty standard small-shell, rapid-fire weapon. --------- BMP APC --------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 4 Passengers WEAPONS: Autocannon DESCRIPTION: This is the best of the easy-to-get APCs in the game. It can carry four passengers, is decently well-armored, and still manages to have an Autocannon instead of a not-so-helpful roof mounted machine gun. As should be expected from all armored vehicles, the BMP APC can take a beating from standard bullet fire and will not be damaged much at all. Thanks to the North Korean disguise, the BMP APC is also a spectacular vehicle for getting both yourself and up to four additional troops behind enemy lines. This is one well-balanced vehicle. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $15,000 ---------- K200 APC ---------- FACTION: South Korean Union CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 4 Passengers WEAPONS: Autocannon DESCRIPTION: This is a lot like a toned-down version of the M3 APC. It only has a Cannon and has lighter armor, but it can still carry four passengers and can take most bullet fire. Great for whenever you need to carry a number of people or when your biggest nearby threat is ground troops. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $12,000 ------------------- K200 Surveillance ------------------- FACTION: South Korean Union CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 4 Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: Like the K200 APC, the K200 Surveillance can carry four passengers and it is about equally armored. The K200 Surveillance however, lacks the Autocannon and instead is equipped with a signal jamming device which jams your radar's signal whenever you are near it. The only time that interaction with this vehicle is really appropriate is during a few certain contracts that involve taking these out in order to unjam the radar signal. There is a glitch that involves the K200 Surveillance and all other signal jamming vehicles that you should be aware of. If you sell this or any other signal jamming vehicle to the Mafia chopshop, the entire map will be jammed. This can be remedied by saving and reloading the game. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $20,000 ----------- M1 Abrams ----------- FACTION: Allied Nations CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Tank Cannon (controlled by driver) Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This is my favorite vehicle in the game. This thing packs a major punch and can take one too. The armor on the M1 is extremely strong and can take little to no damage from most weapons. The biggest threats to the M1 are really only Anti-Tank Rockets, other tank cannons, and RPGs, and even then, this tanks takes less damage from those than other tanks do. The cannon that you have control of when driving is extremely effective against armored vehicles and buildings. This is THE anti-tank tank. To my knowledge, this beauty of a tank is only available during contracts where it is simply provided to you. I suggest that if you come across it during a contract that you keep it intact so that you can use it afterwards. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $50,000 -------- M3 APC -------- FACTION: Allied Nations CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 4 Passengers WEAPONS: Autocannon TOW Missile Launcher DESCRIPTION: This is, in my opinion, the best APC in the game. You can carry a total of four passengers and you don't lose out on toughness. The M3 has very heavy armor and takes virtually no damage from bullet fire and reduced damage from smaller explosive weapons. A tank or Anti-Tank Rocket will be able to take this out quick, but quick firing on your part will stop that. The Cannon and TOW Missile Launcher are two very powerful weapons. The Cannon will take out ground soldiers and light vehicles quickly. The TOW Missile Launcher is great against tanks and helicopters. This is definitely the All-Purpose APC in Mercenaries. You pretty much only get access to the M3 APC during certain contracts. It is well worth it to keep the M3 APC intact for use after those contracts. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $15,000 ----------- T-54 Tank ----------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Tank Cannon (controlled by driver) Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: While not as strong as the T-64 Tank, the T-54 is one of the best tanks available in the Southern Province. It can withstand virtually all bullet fire, but any exploding weapon spells trouble for this North Korean made vehicle. It is one of the smallest all-out tanks in Mercenaries, but it holds up well. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $20,000 ----------- T-64 Tank ----------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Tank Cannon (controlled by driver) Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: One of the tougher tanks in the game, this is the North Korean's best tank. It can hold up to bullet fire extremely easily, but another tank or some Anti-Tank rockets can cause problems real quick. Due to the heavy armor, it is particularly slow, but unless you have a long distance to go, this is not a bad choice for a vehicle. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $30,000 -------------- Type 80 Tank -------------- FACTION: Chinese CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Tank Cannon (controlled by driver) Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: The Type 80 Tank is the smaller of the two Chinese tanks. It is a bit quicker when it comes to both moving around and moving the cannon. The armor is very tough, as is expected with any tank, but explosive weapons can cause serious problems. The cannon is rather strong, but not as accurate as those of some other tanks. These are pretty common around the Chinese areas of the map after you get a bit into the game. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $25,000 ------------- Type 89 APC ------------- FACTION: Chinese CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 4 Passengers WEAPONS: TOW Missle Launcher DESCRIPTION: While it isn't one of the better APCs found in Mercenaries, the Type 89 APC gets the job done. The TOW Missile Launcher performs well against vehicles but has a limited effectiveness against moving ground soldiers and buildings. The ability to carry four passengers is always a plus, so if you need to transport anyone, this will do it. The armor is tough enough to hold up easily against bullet fire, but any explosive weapons are sure to become a problem. This is a decent vehicle, but it is not my first choice in APCs. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $10,000 ------------------ Type 95 Anti-Air ------------------ FACTION: Chinese CAN CARRY: 1 Driver WEAPONS: 2 Heavy Machine Guns Anti-Air Missiles DESCRIPTION: The Type 95 is the best Anti-Air vehicle in Mercenaries. It is as well-armored as your average tank and has a great set of weapons to take out aerial threats with. The Heavy Machine Guns can take care of most light helicopters, but they are prone to missing since you have to do the aiming yourself. The Anti-Air Missiles can lock onto helicopters from a certain range, the downside being that these are much less in number. This is a very good vehicle, but it can only be found every once in a while. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $20,000 -------------- Type 96 Tank -------------- FACTION: Chinese CAN CARRY: 1 Driver 1 Gunner WEAPONS: Tank Cannon (controlled by driver) Roof-Mounted Machine Gun (controlled by gunner) DESCRIPTION: This is the bigger and badder version of the Type 80 Tank. The Type 96 is slower when it comes to moving around and adjusting the cannon, but it makes up for this decrease in speed and agility in its cannon's accuracy and slightly heavier armor. The Type 96 Tank is rarely a bad choice when heading into a battle. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $40,000 ----------------- ZSU-57 Anti-Air ----------------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Driver WEAPONS: Anti-Air Cannon DESCRIPTION: The most common anti-air vehicle to be found in the game. Although it is best suited for taking out helicopters, ground soldiers are easily dealt with through the use of the Anti-Air Cannon. It moves like a tank and generally is armored like a lighter tank, but there is one major downside... The top of the ZSU-57 is completely open, leaving your upper body out in the open. If you are facing one of these, abuse that weakness and aim for the driver instead of trying to take out the entire vehicle, as bullet fire does not easily effect the ZSU-57. CHOPSHOP SALE PRICE: $13,000 .----------------. | C. HELICOPTERS | '----------------' MERCS11C -------------------- HELICOPTER WEAPONS -------------------- [ Some info contributed by Enigma Nostra ] > DUMBFIRE MISSILES - These are basic missiles that have no tracking or lock-on system. They go straight in the direction you fire them > ANTI-VEHICLE MISSILES - These lock onto any ground vehicle. Although they are technically called Anti-Tank Missiles, Anti-Vehicle or Anti-Ground can be substituted to incicate that the missiles don't only target tanks. Also rather useful against small bunkers and buildings, if you have the spare ammo. > ANTI-AIR MISSILES - These lock onto aerial targets. Not all that common, but effective against all other choppers. > IN-CHOPPER MACHINE GUNS - Standard mounted Heavy Machine Guns like the ones that are found on the ground. These are always controlled by gunners, not the pilot. > LIGHT MACHINE GUNS - These are pretty much the same as the ones you can grab for yourself, except with a lot more ammo, and the MD-530 carries 2, thus, twice the power. > HEAVY MACHINE GUNS - Mounted forward facing, these are relatively solid weapons with plenty of ammo. They make a satisfying "wirring" sound as they rip through anything in their path. > AUTOCANNONS - These are fully automatic explosive shell lobbers. They aren't quite Grenade Launchers, and aren't quite Machine Guns, but they are a nice mix. Usually light on ammo. Be careful near HVT's as these do have splash damage. These do affect light buildings whereas Machine Guns will not. Also effective versus Monuments. --------------------------- Ch-47 Cargo (Unpilotable) --------------------------- FACTION: Allied Nations CAN CARRY: Unknown WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: Once of the unpilotable vehicles that brings in supply drops. You will only see this during Allied Nations contracts when you call in a large supply drop from the provided items in the Support Menu. Like the Mi-26 Cargo, you can identify the helicopter through the use of binoculars and you can safely shoot it down by sniping out the pilot. However, even if the vehicle manages to make it safely down to the ground, there is no way to enter the vehicle. ---------------- K-60 Transport ---------------- FACTION: South Korean Union CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot 4 Passengers 2 Gunners WEAPONS: 2 In-Chopper Machine Guns x 3000 (controlled by gunners) DESCRIPTION: Like many other the South Korean vehicles found in Mercenaries, the K-60 Transport is an almost exact replica of an Allied vehicle. In this case, the K-60 Transport is the South Korean version of the Allied UH-60 Transport. The passenger capacity is the reason to use this or the UH-60, as few other easy-to-get choppers can carry that many passengers. The two Machine Guns are mounted inside the passenger area and cannot be used in the air unless manned by soldiers. ------------------ Ka-50 Anti-Armor ------------------ FACTION: Russian Mafia CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot WEAPONS: Autocannon Dumbfire Missiles Anti-Vehicle Missiles DESCRIPTION: One of the hardest-to-find helicopters in the game. It is a total powerhouse when fighting any ground threats. The Autocannon and Dumbfire Missiles are perfect weapons for any circumstances and the auto-targeting Anti-Vehicle Missiles wipe out any vehicle threats swiftly and easily. It is unfortunate that this is so hard to get, as it is one of the better choppers in the game... Unless of course you are going to get into a fight with some other helicopters. You can only pick up this chopper during the Mafia contract entitled "Housekeeping." ------------------ LHX Light Attack ------------------ FACTION: South Korean Union CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot WEAPONS: Light Machine Gun Anti-Vehicle Missiles Anti-Air Missiles DESCRIPTION: The LHX Light Attack is the toughest small helicopter in the game. There is no other chopper which has a good variety of weapons and can still move very quickly. The Anti-Vehicle Missiles and the Anti-Air Missiles are very good for any contract in which you will have to deal with a variety of enemy vehicles. The Light Machine Gun is great for dealing with very light vehicles and some ground soldiers. -------------- MD-500 Scout -------------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot 1 Passenger WEAPONS: Light Machine Gun x 3000 Anti-Vehicle Missiles x 2 DESCRIPTION: This is the most common helicopter in use by the North Koreans. The best feature is definitely the anti-tank missiles which can lock on to any vehicle. With the exception of the weapons, the MD-500 and the MD-530 are nearly the same. They are both lightly armored and can't take many hits from anti-air missiles, but they are very quick and agile. [ Enigma Nostra's Description ] This is your new best friend. The most plentiful chopper in the game, it's also North Korean, which means its disguise is invaluable. It's easy to take out the pilot, using the Sniper Rifle is the easiest way early on, and will land in a useable condition around 50% of the time. Like most choppers, its armor is light, but it and the MD-530 are the fastest choppers in the game, and that makes them the fastest way to get around. The disguise works well for taking on missions that involve heavy amounts of enemy anti-air. Simply go up in altitude, wait until disguise kicks in, slowly lower to where you can lock on with the Anti-Ground missiles and fire, rising at the same time. Sometimes your cover is blown, sometimes it isn't, but it's ONLY blown after the missile hits, not after you lock-on or fire. One shot from the Anti- Ground Missiles should take them out. One of these will last you a long time if you take care of it. You can complete the first 2 suits of missions in a day or so with the speed and mobility these give you. Later on it's time to upgrade to other choppers, though this remains a useful ride if you can't find anything else. A major down side is that it has very few Anti-Ground Missiles, thus prompting often rearming. RATING: * * * * * -------------- MD-530 Scout -------------- FACTION: Russian Mafia CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot 1 Passenger WEAPONS: 2 Light Machine Guns x 1000 Dumbfire Missiles x 14 DESCRIPTION: The MD-530 Scout is a light, quick helicopter that is great for getting around the map quickly. It can't take too many hits from an anti- air weapon, however, due to it's small and light build. The minigun works well as a general purpose weapon. The Dumbfire Missiles aren't extremely powerful and can't lock on, but they work equally as well against ground vehicles and helicopters. [ Enigma Nostra's Description ] This is a reasonable chopper, useful for indescriminate violence. It is also one of the faster two choppers in the game. A bit light on the armor, but it's not meant for getting into tussles with tanks. Light vehicles and infantry are what this chopper is meant to deal with. This is the chopper that the Mafia uses to deliver light items such as supply drops. RATING: * * * --------------------------- Mi-17 Transport (Chinese) --------------------------- FACTION: Chinese CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot ? Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: Not a combat vehicle at all. The Mi-17 is made to carry heavier loads with the winch. Unless you are doing a challenge where you have to use the winch, this chopper is rarely useful. If you need an airborne Chinese vehicle for the disguise though, this could come in handy. -------------------------------- Mi-17 Transport (North Korean) -------------------------------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot ? Passengers WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: A North Korean version of the common cargo helicopter. Not made to be in any combat scenario, the Mi-17 is for when you need to lift some of the heavier vehicles with the chopper's winch. Unless you are doing a challenge which specifically requires the use of a helicopter's winch, this is rarely a helpful vehicle. ------------------- Mi-2 Light Attack ------------------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot 3 Passengers WEAPONS: Dumbfire Missiles x 14 DESCRIPTION: I had never piloted one of these until my third time through the game. For the rarity of this helicopter, you'd think it would be a pretty darn good one. It isn't. It's slower and bulkier than the other light North Korean chopper, the MD-500. It also has only Dumbfire Missiles, which are of no particular use unless you are planning on an attack that you could easily do on foot. It's not a bad chopper, just disproportionately crappy compared to its rarity. [ Enigma Nostra's Description ] Not as fast as the MD-500, and not as well armed, the only advantage to this is that it carries two extra people. Its also rather rare, I have only found two instances of this chopper so far while looking. Not my first choice, but will do in a tight situation. Ammo runs out REALLY fast. Also have had a hard time loading the allies, they keep running around *looking* for a place to load. Took about five minutes one time just to get three people loaded. RATING: * --------------------------- Mi-26 Cargo (Unpilotable) --------------------------- FACTION: Russian Mafia CAN CARRY: Unknown WEAPONS: None DESCRIPTION: This is one of the vehicles that are in the game but cannot be used by a human player. Whenever you call in a heavy item drop from the Merchant of Menace, this is the helicopter that makes the delivery. You can identify this helicopter through use of the binoculars. You can also shoot down this helicopter safely by sniping out the Mafia Thug who is piloting it. Even if the helicopter makes it safely to the ground after killing the pilot, there is no way for you to enter the vehicle. --------------- Mi-35 Gunship --------------- FACTION: North Korea CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot 5 Passengers WEAPONS: Heavy Machine Gun Dumbfire Missiles Anti-Vehicle Missiles DESCRIPTION: The Mi-35 is one of the best helicopters in Mercenaries. It is heavily armored, preventing bullet fire from having much of an effect. It can carry five passengers, making it great for troop transport. It has a decent set of weapons that can be used against just about anything. With the North Korean disguise you can also get behind enemy lines to do some serious damage. Although the Mi-35 is never found in the Southern Province, you can hijack one during the Ace of Clubs mission if it is not destroyed by the Air Superiority strike that is automatically called in after you destroy Song Tower. These become rather common when looking for number cards in the Suit of Hearts. ---------------- S-70 Transport ---------------- FACTION: Chinese CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot 2 Gunners 4 Passengers WEAPONS: 2 In-Chopper Machine Guns x 3000 (controlled by gunners) DESCRIPTION: This is another one of those transport helicopters that can defend itself. The two machine guns mounted inside of the cargo/passenger area are used by gunners. They are particularly effective against ground soldiers that are attacking you as you try to land. It isn't slow, but it is nowhere near as fast as the lighter choppers (MD-500, MD-530, both Light Attacks). Great for when you need to carry quite a few people into an area, but be sure to always have someone mounting the two machine guns. [ Enigma Nostra's Description ] This is pretty much like the UH-60 or South Korean version of the transport chopper. Side mount Machine Guns, handles like a drunk horse, but works for getting where ya gotta go. Can also take more hits then a combat chopper. RATING: * * * ----------------- UH-60 Transport ----------------- FACTION: Allied Nations CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot 4 Passengers 2 Gunners WEAPONS: 2 In-Chopper Machine Guns x 3000 (controlled by gunners) DESCRIPTION: This is the primary helicopter for the Allied Nations. While you can't actually fire any weapons while flying it, you can have two soldiers man the two machine guns, which are fairly strong and can take out ground troops with ease. [ Enigma Nostra's Description ] The most common transport chopper, it's good in a pinch, but unless you need to cart people around, I suggest the MD-500. Later on, the Mi-35 is much more effective as a troop/VIP transport. Side mount Machine Guns, blah blah. RATING: * * * ------------------- WZ-9 Light Attack ------------------- FACTION: Chinese CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot 1 Passenger WEAPONS: Dumbfire Missiles x 38 DESCRIPTION: The WZ-9 Light Attack is a lot light the South Korean's LHX Light Attack chopper, but it lacks the firepower of the LHX. It is very quick and fairly agile, making quick maneuvers easy. The lack of any sort of weaponry aside from the Dumbfire Missiles really takes away from the WZ-9, as the Dumbfire Missiles aren't incredibly efficient. This is not a bad choice for a helicopter, but for how hard it is to find, it is not too rewarding. ---------------- YAH-56 Gunship ---------------- FACTION: Allied Nations CAN CARRY: 1 Pilot WEAPONS: Autocannon x 1200 Dumbfire Missiles x 38 Anti-Vehicle Missiles x 8 Anti-Air Missiles x 4 DESCRIPTION: Probably the best helicopter in Mercenaries. It is pretty heavily armored, can lift a lot with the winch, and the weapons are brutally strong. Very little can stand up to this chopper. It's downside is that its size and massive payload with all the weapons makes it a lot slower and less agile than most of the smaller choppers, so it is a bit tougher to escape from an Anti-Air missile that is on your tail. Regardless of that, it is still one insanely spectacular helicopter and I get one almost every time I load up the game. [ Enigma Nostra's Description ] Oh, now we get to the fun stuff. First find this baby, to my knowledge, when you hit the second MASH in North Korea. They fly around the MASH and to the Allied Headquarters. Never in many numbers, but they do respawn after a while. There's no way to buy one, you gotta kill it yourself. This means you lose $25,000 for killing the Allied soldier inside. Worth every penny. While slower then the light choppers, it can take a bit more damage, and has so much more offensive power. Just be careful about witnesses when you shoot, but often this isn't MUCH of a problem, just drive away in a car until out of sight, then circle back and pick up the chopper. The only bad thing about this helicoptor, is that it's not of NK Disguise, which means it's less effective at the "Snipe and run with Anti-Ground Missiles" Described for the North Korean MD-500 Scout. However, grabbing one of these, and a MD-500 or Mi-35, and swiching off, using the NK one to take out AA and then mopping up with the YAH, can be quite effective. RATING: * * * * * ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 12. WEAPONS LIST |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS12 +---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Enigma Nostra went through the Weapons List as it was | | posted in Version 1.0 and filled in the many, many | | blanks! Most of the info here was contributed by Enigma | | which was a gigantic help to me and to all you who are | | reading this guide! | | | | Information for a few select weapons in this list was | | also provided by stevie. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+ As is standard in any game dealing with military conflict, Mercenaries has a wide variety of weapons that you can utilize throughout the course of the game. The weapons are listed with how much ammo is contained in the weapons magazine (the cartridge which is filled with ammo for quick reloading), how much spare ammo you can carry for it, the barrel size of the weapon, and a brief description. --------- Carbine --------- MAGAZINE: 30 SPARE AMMO: 180 BARREL SIZE: 5.56mm DESCRIPTION: This is your all-purpose weapon provided to you at the beginning of the game. Nearly all Allied soldiers carry one of these. ------------------ Anti-Armor Rifle ------------------ MAGAZINE: 5 SPARE AMMO: 15 BARREL SIZE: 12.7mm DESCRIPTION: The Anti-Armor Rifle is great for hitting targets who are sitting in an armored vehicle. With this, you can aim for the driver of a tank or the pilot of an armored helicopter. ------------------------------ Light Machine Gun (Light MG) ------------------------------ MAGAZINE: 100 SPARE AMMO: 200 BARREL SIZE: 7.62mm DESCRIPTION: This gun is used by most of your early cards, starting with the two of clubs. Has a large magazine, and a good rate of fire. Works well for going through a lot of soldiers without worrying about ammo. Reasonable accuracy, kills if it hits the head, or a couple shots to the body. Also works well against light vehicles (jeeps). -------------------------------- Rocket-Propelled Grenade (RPG) -------------------------------- MAGAZINE: 1 SPARE AMMO: 3 BARREL SIZE: N/A DESCRIPTION: The RPG is your standard rocket launcher. It is a great option for when you don't know if you are going to be facing tanks or helicopters, but you want to be prepared. ---------------------- Submachine Gun (SMG) ---------------------- MAGAZINE: 45 SPARE AMMO: 180 BARREL SIZE: 5.8mm DESCRIPTION: Semi-accurate, high rate of fire, medium damage. ------------------------------------ Covert Submachine Gun (Covert SMG) ------------------------------------ MAGAZINE: 30 SPARE AMMO: 180 BARREL SIZE: 9mm DESCRIPTION: While it is touted as being silent, there is very little audible differnce to the regular MG, or any other weapon. Often, if you want stealth, just go with the sniper rifle, and keep your other slot for a more effective sprayer. To its credit though, it is very accurate. -------------- Sniper Rifle -------------- MAGAZINE: 10 SPARE AMMO: 30 BARREL SIZE: 7.62mm DESCRIPTION: The Sniper Rifle is a great option for when you want to stay out of sight. It takes one shot to take a soldier down and with the 10x scope, you can do a lot of damage without being seen. --------------- Assault Rifle --------------- MAGAZINE: 30 SPARE AMMO: 120 BARREL SIZE: 7.62mm DESCRIPTION: Like the carbine, a common weapon with common damage. A little more damaging then the carbine, but not quite as accurate. ----------------- Prototype Rifle ----------------- MAGAZINE: 100 SPARE AMMO: 200 BARREL SIZE: 5.56mm DESCRIPTION: The Prototype Rifle is almost exactly like the Carbine, except it has a much larger magazine capacity, you can carry more ammo, and it has a 10x scope on top. Unfortunately, the scope is next to worthless, due to the recoil you experience when you are scoped in. Accuracy when hipshot is close to the best in the game. --------- Shotgun --------- MAGAZINE: 7 SPARE AMMO: 35 BARREL SIZE: 12 gauge DESCRIPTION: Pump action shotgun, deadly at close range but inneffective at medium/long ranges. Good only if you like to see your enemy's eyes before you kill them, and if that is the case, then you might as well just go ahead and hit them. ----------------- Anti-Air Rocket ----------------- MAGAZINE: 1 SPARE AMMO: 2 BARREL SIZE: N/A DESCRIPTION: The Anti-Air Rocket is great for when helicopters are a clear threat. It can lock on to a helicopter and take it down with a minimal number of shots. ------------------ Anti-Tank Rocket ------------------ MAGAZINE: 1 SPARE AMMO: 2 BARREL SIZE: N/A DESCRIPTION: The Anti-Tank Rocket is perfect for situations in which there are going to be a large number of tanks. Despite the name, it works on any vehicle, and with the lock-on feature, this is a very convenient weapon. ----------- C4 Charge ----------- MAGAZINE: N/A TOTAL CARRIABLE: 4 BARREL SIZE: N/A DESCRIPTION: The C4 Charge is your standard explosive. Plant it. Walk away. Pull the trigger on the detonator. Boom. -------------- Frag Grenade -------------- MAGAZINE: N/A TOTAL CARRIABLE: 6 BARREL SIZE: N/A DESCRIPTION: Standard fragmentation grenades. Throw and enjoy. --------------- Flash Grenade --------------- MAGAZINE: N/A TOTAL CARRIABLE: 6 BARREL SIZE: N/A DESCRIPTION: Works the same as frag grenades, except instead of exploding, the flash grenades create a sudden flash of light that temporarily stuns those nearby. ---------------- Street Sweeper ---------------- MAGAZINE: 3000 SPARE AMMO: 3000 BARREL SIZE: 7.62mm DESCRIPTION: The Street Sweeper can only be obtained from the Cheat Crate. It is like a handheld version of the North Korean MD-500 Scout's minigun. The name, Street Sweeper, is highly appropriate, as you can easily sweep the streets of Korea clean of any other people quickly with this weapon. This is most definitely the best of the three Cheat Crate weapons. -------------------- Portable Airstrike -------------------- MAGAZINE: 999 SPARE AMMO: 999 BARREL SIZE: Big Damned Missile DESCRIPTION: The Portable Airstrike can only be obtained from the Cheat Crate. It works like the Anti-Tank Rocket or Anti-Air Rocket, but when it hits its target, it works as if an airstrike had been called in on that location. Do not fire at close or medium range. Do not fire around any civilians or anything else you don't want to kill. Do not shoot at ground. Do not shoot at faction HQ's (well... unless you want them to be REALLY pissed at you). Can destroy bunkers, but cannot destroy Hardened Structures (Song Tower, major North Korean facilities that you find occasionally such as the Black Gate). ------------------ Pocket Artillery ------------------ MAGAZINE: 99 SPARE AMMO: 99 BARREL SIZE: 40mm high explosive grenades DESCRIPTION: The Pocket Artillery can only be obtained from the Cheat Crate. It is basically a portable version of the automatic grenade launcher mounted on the back of the Russian Mafia's Technical (GL). Safer to use than the Portable Airstrike, but not nearly as fun. ----------------------------------- MOUNTED WEAPON: Heavy Machine Gun ----------------------------------- TOTAL AMMO: 500 DESCRIPTION: The Heavy Machine Gun isn't much different from standard portable machine guns, but due to its mounted state, more power can be put out without putting any resistance on you. ---------------------------------- MOUNTED WEAPON: Recoilless Rifle ---------------------------------- MAGAZINE: 1 SPARE AMMO: 40 DESCRIPTION: The Recoilless Rifle is absolutely a blast to use. It can swiftly take out any vehicles coming at you. Its tough ammunition explodes on impact, so almost nothing can stand up to one of these. The long barrel allows for extremely good accuracy, but you will often find yourself aiming just a bit above your target due to the massive size of the shells fired in comparison to the weapon itself. ---------------------------- MOUNTED WEAPON: Grenade MG ---------------------------- DESCRIPTION: The Grenade MG is basically a machine gun which fires grenades. This is very effective against just about any threat, but be careful where you point that thing! I know for a fact that these are located right in front of the Allied Nations Headquarters in the Northern Province. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 13. AIRSTRIKES LIST |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS13 +---------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Donny Chan provided a list of what real-life aircrafts | | are used for some of the airstrikes. That info does not | | do much to help with actually playing Mercenaries, but | | it is still cool to see how well Pandemic researched | | stuff for the game. | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+ There are a number of airstrikes at your disposal in Mercenaries. Each strike has it's positives and negatives and this section helps you to understand the situations in which each airstrike should be used. The airstrikes are listed in the order in which they can be found in the Merchant of Menace. Each airstrike is listed along with the designation type, price, a description of the airstrike, and for some, what real-life aircraft is used to actually perform the airstrike. ----------------- Surgical Strike ----------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Laser PRICE: $40,000 DESCRIPTION: The Surgical Strike is your most basic of airstrikes. It is very cost-effective. You simply get in position a good distance away from your target and aim the laser, then hold R1. A bomb is dropped from a fighter plane. The bomb is effective against most vehicles and a large number of buildings. It easily takes out any ground soldiers near the strike zone. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: F-15E Strike Eagle ------------------ Artillery Strike ------------------ DESIGNATION TYPE: Beacon PRICE: $40,000 DESCRIPTION: If it weren't for the fact that the Artillery Strike has to be called in using a beacon, it would be a far more effective strike. Chinese artillery pieces attack as close to the beacon's location as they can. There is where the first problem with the Artillery Strike lies... The firing is extremely erratic, random in fact. You may think you are safe, but if you are anywhere in the general area of the beacon, you are liable to be hit by artillery fire. The second problem is that it rarely can be used against any faction that is supposed to be friendly with you. Odds are that some soldier from that faction will see you throw the beacon and you will lose faction mood every time a soldier from that faction is killed by the artillery. I'm not saying to not use this strike... Just be careful. -------------- Cluster Bomb -------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Satellite PRICE: $52,000 DESCRIPTION: The Cluster Bomb airstrike is one of those single-purpose strikes. The bomb that is dropped breaks up into a bunch of smaller ones before it reaches the ground. This is a spectacular method of taking out a huge group of enemy soldiers, but it will barely damage anything armored. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: A-10 Thunderbolt II ----------------- Air Superiority ----------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Satellite PRICE: $160,000 DESCRIPTION: Air Superiority does what it says... it gives you superiority over enemies in the air. Calling in the Air Superiority airstrike causes a plane to go to the marked location and take out any helicopters in the area. This swiftly eliminates any threat from the air. There are only a couple times in which this strike is truely necessary, but when the need arises, it will be there, and it will work well. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: F/A-22 Raptor ------------- Tank Buster ------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Satellite PRICE: $200,000 DESCRIPTION: Another appropriately named airstrike, the Tank Buster does what it says. Calling in this strike causes a plane to sweep the designated area and take out any tanks it sees. This is very useful at times, though early on, it is highly expensive and you're probably better off taking out the tanks yourself. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: A-10 Thunderbolt II ----------------------- Cruise Missile Strike ----------------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Satellite PRICE: $240,000 DESCRIPTION: The Cruise Missile Strike is without a doubt one of the best airstrikes in the game. It is extremely powerful and will take out nearly anything in the designated area, with the exception of buildings that can only be destroyed with Bunker Busters. The combination of pure power and satellite designation makes this one extremely effective airstrike. ------------------------ Stealth Fighter Attack ------------------------ DESIGNATION TYPE: Satellite PRICE: $36,000 DESCRIPTION: This is a pretty basic airstrike, but it is particularly helpful when you want to remain unseen. Since you can call this in via satellite designation, you can take out smaller buildings, most vehicles, and ground soldiers without anyone knowing who did it. Need to take out a problematic target of a faction that you are supposed to be friendly with? This is your new best friend. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: F-117 Nighthawk ----------------- Gunship Support ----------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Laser PRICE: $60,000 DESCRIPTION: I enjoy using this airstrike for fun, but I have yet to use it in any contracts. Using a laser, you basically aim the gun of a gunship that will circle around the location until its ammo is depleted. Since the gun only fires standard bullets, only ground soldiers will be majorly affected by this. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: AC-130 Specter -------------------- Gunship Support II -------------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Laser PRICE: $120,000 DESCRIPTION: This is the exact same as the first Gunship Support airstrike. You aim the constantly firing gun of a gunship that will circle the location with a laser until the gun is dry. The difference between this and the first Gunship Support airstrike is that the gunship carries a bit more ammo in this one. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: AC-130 Specter --------------------- Gunship Support III --------------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Laser PRICE: $180,000 DESCRIPTION: Like the first two Gunship Support airstrikes, you use a laser to aim a the gun of a gunship that will circle the location until the gunship's gun runs out of ammo. The amount of ammo for Gunship Support III is much larger than the first two. Due to that, smaller light armor vehicles can be taken out along with ground soldiers. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: AC-130 Specter -------------------------- Strategic Missile Strike -------------------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Satellite PRICE: $60,000 DESCRIPTION: The Strategic Missile Strike is a beauty. Compared to a lot of other airstrikes, this is relatively cheap. The missile that is fired causes a rather large explosion upon impact. You can also stay out of sight very easily thanks to the miracle of satellite designation. It is both cost- effective and stealthy, two things that are some of the most important characteristics of airstrikes. -------------------- Bunker Buster Bomb -------------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Laser PRICE: $280,000 DESCRIPTION: You have probably heard of the Bunker Buster before, thanks to the conflict in Iraq. It serves the same purpose in the game as it does in real life. It gets below the surface, underneath bunkers or extremely strong buildings, and creates a massive explosion capable of bringing those tough structures to the ground. In addition to taking out otherwise invincible buildings, the Bunker Buster is very effective against enemy vehicles and ground forces near the designation area. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: F-15E Strike Eagle ------------------- Artillery Barrage ------------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Beacon PRICE: $80,000 DESCRIPTION: This is a longer-lasting version of the Artillery Strike. Calling for this results in erratic artillery fire in an expansive area around the location of the beacon. Dangerous and very unstealthy, a situation that is suited for use of this is rarely found. ----------------------- Artillery Bombardment ----------------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Beacon PRICE: $160,000 DESCRIPTION: The Artillery Bombardment strike is longer lasting than both the Artillery Strike and Artillery Barrage, and is just as erratic. Artillery fire will ensue in a large area around the beacon. If you want to use it, go ahead, but I have yet to find a good reason to use this, as it is both very dangerous and highly unstealthy. ------------- Carpet Bomb ------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Satellite PRICE: $400,000 DESCRIPTION: Whenever you are overlooking a massive group of enemy forces, with a mix of vehicles and ground soldiers, this is what you want. It will take out almost everything in a massive area around the designation point and the satellite designation allows you to stay out of harms way. This is one tough bomb, so it doesn't come cheap. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: B-52 Stratofortress --------------- Fuel-Air Bomb --------------- DESIGNATION TYPE: Satellite PRICE: $360,000 DESCRIPTION: The Merchant of Menace website calls this "the economical alternative to a nuke." I would not go so far as to say the same thing, but this is still one tough airstrike. Basically, the Fuel-Air Bomb releases a massive amount of volatile gas in the area around the designation area and the ignites it. Boom. I wish it looked better, because the effects in the area around the designation point are powerful. PLANE USED TO PERFORM: Su-25 Frogfoot ---------------------.----------------------------------.---------------------- =====================| 14. MERCHANT OF MENACE SHOP LIST |====================== ---------------------'----------------------------------'---------------------- In Mercenaries, the Russian Mafia operates a black market website called the Merchant of Menace. You can buy a number of various items that will help you along your way. You gain access to the Merchant of Menace website once you have completed the very first contract for the Russian Mafia. Items are unlocked in various ways. Some items are automatically unlocked after you complete a contract in which those items were used. Others are unlocked when you complete a bonus objective during a contract. Furthermore, many items are unlocked by collecting bounty items, such as WMD Blueprints and National Treasures. I have listed all of the items along with their descriptions from the game and the price. Since the price varies based upon your relationship with the Russian Mafia, I have listed the prices at the minimum prices for the items. You may pay a few thousand dollars more for items if you have a poor relationship with the Mafia. The items are separated into three sections both here and in the game. Those sections are Vehicles, Supplies, and Airstrikes. To order the items, you select the item from the shop. If it is a vehicle or a supply drop, you will be given a "beacon" which is essentially a smoke grenade. Find a flat and clear area and toss the beacon to that area by pressing R1. If you want an airstrike, you will be given a beacon, a laser, or a satellite device to pinpoint the location where you want the airstrike to hit. You know how to use beacons, but for lasers, you have to aim at the spot you want the airstrike to hit and hold R1. For airstrikes with satellite devices, you have to press R1. That will bring up a birds-eye view of the area. You can move the satellite picture around within a certain range, and then you hold R1 to call in the airstrike. .-------------. | A. VEHICLES | '-------------' MERCS14A -------------------------------- S. Korean K1025 Scout Delivery -------------------------------- As used by the border patrol! DESCRIPTION: Nearly identical to the Allied M1025 Scout, but sporting a blue/white camouflage scheme. PRICE: $20,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Foothold" ------------------------------- Mafia Technical (MG) Delivery ------------------------------- Machine-gun Armed Pickup DESCRIPTION: An economical choice for your fast-attack needs. Easy to maintain and easy to use, we use locally produced vehicles and weapons. Standard installation includes a 12.7mm PKM machine gun. PRICE: $16,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract bonus - "Foothold" ----------------------- Civilian Car Delivery ----------------------- Pre-owned local vehicle DESCRIPTION: Blend in with one of our carefully chosen cars, direct from the street. Mileage may vary. PRICE: $4,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Foothold" --------------------------------- N. Korean Sungri Scout Delivery --------------------------------- Authentic military 'surplus' DESCRIPTION: Enjoy the Korean countryside in this open-top military vehicle obtained direct from the N. Korean army. 7.62mm PK machine gun included. PRICE: $9,600 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Gimme My Money" ------------------------------- Chinese BJ2020 Scout Delivery ------------------------------- Command and control scout car DESCRIPTION: Made in China, this half-ton 4-wheel drive vehicle is perfect for light tactical transportation. Includes swivel-mounted 7.62mm PKM machine gun. PRICE: $12,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Collect 1 National Treasure ------------------------------ N. Korean Transport Delivery ------------------------------ Military transport DESCRIPTION: If you need to operate in a contested area, you'll blend in with this official North Korean military transport truck. PRICE: $8,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Bait and Switch" -------------------- Mafia SUV Delivery -------------------- Armed and armored SUV DESCRIPTION: Customized in our own factory, these SUVs feature reinforced armor plates, a roof-mounted 7.62mm machine gun, and lots of attitude. Supplies are limited! PRICE: $28,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "In the Neighborhood" ------------- H3 Delivery ------------- Hot off the assembly line! DESCRIPTION: Menace.ru is proud to be the exclusive North Korean distributor of the awesome H3! It's the ultimate combination of beauty and brawn. PRICE: $24,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Collect 5 National Treasures ------------------------------- N. Korean BRDM Scout Delivery ------------------------------- Armored recon vehicle DESCRIPTION: Fast and rugged, this North Korean BRDM-2 has been modified with an open turret for maximum visibility. The 14.5mm machine gun packs a serious punch, and the BRDM is capable of taking significant small-arms fire. PRICE: $32,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Playing the Odds" ---------------------------- N. Korean BMP APC Delivery ---------------------------- The go-anywhere APC DESCRIPTION: In service since 1967, the BMP-1 sports a 73mm cannon and can traverse nearly any terrain. Carries up to four additional passengers. PRICE: $60,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Persuasion" ---------------------------- N. Korean BTR APC Delivery ---------------------------- Light wheeled APC DESCRIPTION: Designed for rapid troop transport, the BTR-60 only mounts a 12.7mm machine gun, but it can carry up to six troops. PRICE: $20,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Omerta" ----------------------- Allied UH-60 Delivery ----------------------- Includes full crew! DESCRIPTION: The workhouse of the Allied military, the UH-60 can carry a squad of troops and lift light vehicles. Door-mounted miniguns provide excellent defense against enemy troops. PRICE: $52,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Embedded" ----------------------- Mafia MD-530 Delivery ----------------------- Fly free. . . For a price! DESCRIPTION: Our sporty scout copter is armed with twin .50cal machine guns and 70mm rocketpods to deal with any situation. The integrated winch allows you to quickly move light cargo where you need it. PRICE: $76,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Destroy 30 Listening Posts ------------------------------- S. Korean K966 Scout Delivery ------------------------------- Anti-tank recon vehicle DESCRIPTION: A licensed copy of the Allied M1025, the S. Korean version is armed with a TOW missled launcher in place of a machine gun. PRICE: $28,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "First Principles" ----------------------------- S. Korean K200 APC Delivery ----------------------------- Protect your precious cargo DESCRIPTION: One of a number of Korean armored fighting vehicles, the K200 mounts a 30mm auto cannon for defense and carries up to four passengers. PRICE: $48,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Clear Channel" --------------------------- Allied M1126 APC Delivery --------------------------- Ultimate off-road capability DESCRIPTION: The bigger, badder brother of the Allied M1025 Scout, the M1126 APC also has a .50cal machine gun and eight big tires for serious off-road fun. PRICE: $32,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Inspect and Verify" ---------------------- Baggage Car Delivery ---------------------- A great gag gift! DESCRIPTION: Zip along in this airport favorite. PRICE: $8,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Destroy 20 Listening Posts ------------------------------ Chinese Type 89 APC Delivery ------------------------------ The APC with attitude DESCRIPTION: If you do a lot of traveling in the Northwest, you'll want to do so in safety and obscurity. The Chinese will think you're one of their own, and the North Koreans will run in fear from your mighty missile launcher! PRICE: $40,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Escort Service" ----------------------------- Allied M1025 Scout Delivery ----------------------------- Travel in safety and style DESCRIPTION: Breeze past Allied roadblocks! Pose for the media! This sturdy off-road vehicle includes a .50cal machine gun and room for five. PRICE: $20,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Downed Bird in Enemy Nest" ------------------------------- Mafia Technical (AT) Delivery ------------------------------- TOW-armed Pickup DESCRIPTION: Our newest model pickup truck mounts a TOW-missile launcher for anti-armor duties. PRICE: $24,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract bonus - "...It's Who You Know" ------------------------------- Mafia Technical (GL) Delivery ------------------------------- Say hello to our little friend! DESCRIPTION: We've just made a good thing even better with our newest addition to the technical family--the 40mm machine gun. Did we say 40mm? That's right, it's a fully automatic grenade launcher! Take one home today! PRICE: $28,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Raw Materials" ------------------------------------ N. Korean ZSU-57 Anti-Air Delivery ------------------------------------ Twice the fun of an ordinary AA! DESCRIPTION: Sure, it's a holdover from WW2, but the ZSU-57 is a proven design that gets the job done. Twin 57mm cannons serve double-duty as an anti-air and anti-infantry. PRICE: $52,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Destroy 10 Monuments ---------------------- Press Truck Delivery ---------------------- Hold your own press conference! DESCRIPTION: Why hide from the press when you can be the press? We're proud to offer this official GSRN vehicle for a low, low price. PRICE: $16,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "...It's Who You Know" -------------------------------- Allied M1027 Anti-Air Delivery -------------------------------- Get anti-air where you need it DESCRIPTION: The M1027 is a highly mobile anti-air vehicle based on the M1025 chassis. Great for guarding convoys, out of the way deals, and general copter hunting. PRICE: $28,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "106 Miles to Sinuiju" -------------------------------- Civilian Street Racer Delivery -------------------------------- High-performance and high-style DESCRIPTION: Who says you can't have fun in a war zone? Enemy combatants will be a blur in the rear-view mirror when you cruise by in this custom-tuned racer. PRICE: $20,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract bonus - "106 Miles to Sinuiju" ----------------------------------- Chinese Type 95 Anti-Air Delivery ----------------------------------- Not just anti-air, it's anti-everything! DESCRIPTION: Designed in the Soviet Union, built in China, the Type 95 puts the "defense" in "air defense." Its rapid-fire 30mm cannons will make short work of both 'copters and pesky infantry. PRICE: $80,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Exit Strategy" --------------------------- N. Korean MD-500 Delivery --------------------------- Perfect for lightning-fast attacks DESCRIPTION: Originally imported from the U.S., the MD-500 has been upgraded with a powerful 7.62mm minigun and twin anti-tank missiles. Warning: we cannot be responsible for friendly-fire incidents caused by the use of North Korean vehicles. PRICE: $92,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract bonus - "Raw Materials" ------------------------ Mafia VIP Car Delivery ------------------------ True European style DESCRIPTION: When you need to make an impression, don't settle for anything less than this finely tuned luxury automobile. Includes hardened steel plating and bullet-resistant glass. Just in case. PRICE: $28,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract bonus - "Loose Ends" ----------------------------- Chinese Fuel Truck Delivery ----------------------------- Full tank of military-grade fuel included DESCRIPTION: Don't be caught short on fuel when you're planning your next assault. We'll airlift a fuel truck straight from the Chinese motor pool to your location. They make great car bombs, too! PRICE: $16,000 HOW TO UNLOCK: Collect 10 National Treasures .-------------. | B. SUPPLIES | '-------------' MERCS14B ------------------------- Demolitions Supply Drop ------------------------- Explosive Resupply DESCRIPTION: Contains a full load of C4 and grenades. Boom! PRICE: $6,400 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Collect 1 WMD Blueprint -------------------- Allies Supply Drop -------------------- Weapons, ammo, and health in one package! DESCRIPTION: Made in the USA! Includes 5.56mm carbine, frag grenades, medical kit, C4, and plenty of ammo. PRICE: $5,200 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Foothold" --------------------- Russian Supply Drop --------------------- Close-quarters combat weapons DESCRIPTION: Some of our personal favorites: 12g shotgun, 5.7mm SMG, ammunition, and medical supplies. PRICE: $3,200 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Foothold" --------------------- Chinese Supply Drop --------------------- Chinese weapons and supplies DESCRIPTION: Contains one 7.62mm Type 56 rifle, one Type 69 RPG launcher, ammo, and medical supplies. PRICE: $4,800 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Gimme My Money" ------------------- Vehicle Ammo Drop ------------------- Express delivery guaranteed! DESCRIPTION: From TOW missiles to "twenty-five mike-mike" we'll bring you what you need to keep your favorite vehicle up and running. PRICE: $6,400 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "No One Will Ever Know" -------------------- Covert Supply Drop -------------------- Suppressed weaponry DESCRIPTION: Keeping a low profile? This kit includes a suppressed 9mm SMG, ammo, grenades, C4, and a med kit. PRICE: $6,400 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "A Proper Function of Government" ---------------------- Special Weapons Drop ---------------------- Sergei's Special Selection! DESCRIPTION: Only real soldiers need apply! Knock out everything in your path with a light machine gun and the awesome 12.7mm anti-armor rifle. PRICE: $9,600 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "In the Neighborhood" --------------------- Medical Supply Drop --------------------- Who says we aren't humanitarian? DESCRIPTION: Gauze, antibiotics, bandages, sutures, you name it, we pack it! This crate packs enough medical supplies to take care of a small village. PRICE: $2,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Destroy 10 Listening Posts -------------------------- North Korean Supply Drop -------------------------- Locally procured weapons/ammo DESCRIPTION: Includes: 7.62mm assault rifle, RPG launcher, ammo, and medical supplies. Country of origin may vary. PRICE: $6,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: No one knows! Currently, no one has managed to attain this supply drop without using the cheat code to unlock every item in the Merchant of Menace. -------------------- Heavy Weapons Drop -------------------- Anti-armor/anti-air weaponry DESCRIPTION: Serious firepower! Tanks or aircraft bringing you down? Bring them down with a mix of anti-tank/anti-air weaponry. PRICE: $12,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract bonus - "Housekeeping" -------------------- Sniper Supply Drop -------------------- A world-class rifle for a world-class marksman DESCRIPTION: Built to exacting Soviet standards, this rifle is perfect for long-range engagements. Includes a full supply of match-grade 7.62x54mm ammunition. PRICE: $9,600 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract bonus - "Omerta" --------------------- Vehicle Repair Drop --------------------- For the do-it-yourself mechanic DESCRIPTION: Flat tire? Broken tread link? Gaping holes from unfriendly fire? Patch up your ride in a jiffy with this repair kit! PRICE: $10,400 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Under New Management" ---------------------- Vehicle Support Drop ---------------------- Contains ammo and armor DESCRIPTION: Keep your ride in tip-top shape with this combination supply drop. Includes both vehicle ammunition and an armor repair kit. PRICE: $24,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete contract - "Manipulate the Data" ------------------- Sniper Rifle Drop ------------------- Includes weapon only DESCRIPTION: Whether you're hunting deer or more dangerous game, this rifle is sure to do the job. PRICE: $12,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Collect 5 WMD Blueprints ---------------------- Anti-Air Rocket Drop ---------------------- Includes weapon only DESCRIPTION: These heat-seeking missiles are extremely effective against all helicopters, but are not designed to penetrate heavy tank armor. PRICE: $14,400 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Collect 10 WMD Blueprints ----------------------- Anti-Tank Rocket Drop ----------------------- Includes weapon only DESCRIPTION: Effective against all armored ground vehicles! Integrated active tracking system provides high accuracy against moving targets. PRICE: $14,400 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Collect 15 WMD Blueprints ----------------------- Advanced Weapons Drop ----------------------- The cutting edge of personal arms DESCRIPTION: The newest addition to our line of personal supply crates includes the new 5.56mm prototype rifle with a large capacity drum magazine. PRICE: $16,000 HOW TO UNLOCK: Collect 40 WMD Blueprints -------------------- Cheat Weapons Drop -------------------- Open a whole crate of whoop-ass! DESCRIPTION: The North Koreans have worked on some crazy weapons programs and we're proud to announce that we've produced some of their more inventive designs! Test one today! PRICE: $800,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Verify all of the 52 of the Deck of 52 members .---------------. | C. AIRSTRIKES | '---------------' MERCS14C ----------------- Surgical Strike ----------------- 2,000lbs of laser-guided love! DESCRIPTION: Enjoy the benefits of a cutting edge air force for a fraction of the price! Our contacts will direct a bombing run on the target of your choosing. With all the sorties over North Korea, a single bomb won't be missed! PRICE: $40,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Foothold" ------------------ Artillery Strike ------------------ A gift from our friends across the border! DESCRIPTION: For a small handling fee, we'll arrange for a battery of Chinese artillery to perform a live-fire test on the area of your choosing. PRICE: $40,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Pest Control" -------------- Cluster Bomb -------------- A horde of soldiers facing you down? DESCRIPTION: Excellent for use against enemy personnel and light vehicles. Very cost-effective. PRICE: $52,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Out of the Woodwork" ----------------- Air Superiority ----------------- Our forecast: clear skies ahead! DESCRIPTION: Harassed by helicopters? Unable to call in a needed air drop? We'll make sure an Allied fighter sweeps through the skies over your target and clears the area of unfriendlies. PRICE: $160,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "The Guns of Kirin-Do" ------------- Tank Buster ------------- Clear out a whole roadway! DESCRIPTION: Don't let a little thing like an armored tank column stand in your way. Rat out those North Koreans to Allied Air Command, and they'll take care of everything for you, while leaving buildings and infantry alone. PRICE: $200,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Reactor Retrieval" ----------------------- Cruise Missile Strike ----------------------- The high-tech solution to any problem DESCRIPTION: Show your enemies that you mean business by sending a sub-launched cruise missile that way. PRICE: $240,000 HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Repo Man" ------------------------ Stealth Fighter Attack ------------------------ They'll never ses it coming DESCRIPTION: Settle your disputes quickly and quietly with a well-placed smart bomb courtesy of the Allied Air Force. Place an order and paint your target and we'll take care on the rest. PRICE: $36,000 HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "A Hot Time in Nampo" ----------------- Gunship Support ----------------- Laser targeting required DESCRIPTION: Point and shoot devastation! Count on the Americans to deliver a hail of bullets with pinpoint precision. Note: we are not responsible for loss of gunship to anti-air/SAM attacks. PRICE: $60,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "A Farewell to Kings" -------------------- Gunship Support II -------------------- Laser targeting required DESCRIPTION: Point and shoot devastation! Count on the Americans to deliver a hail of bullets with pinpoint precision. Note: we are not responsible for loss of gunship to anti-air/SAM attacks. PRICE: $120,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "The Master of None" --------------------- Gunship Support III --------------------- Laser targeting required DESCRIPTION: Point and shoot devastation! Count on the Americans to deliver a hail of bullets with pinpoint precision. Note: we are not responsible for loss of gunship to anti-air/SAM attacks. PRICE: $180,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "The Acid Queen" -------------------------- Strategic Missile Strike -------------------------- A blast from the past! DESCRIPTION: Developed during the Cold Wat, the FROG missile is capable of delivering devastation over a wide area. Sorry, nuclear warheads are not available at this time. PRICE: $60,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract Bonus - "Bait and Switch" -------------------- Bunker Buster Bomb -------------------- Laser-guided megabomb! DESCRIPTION: This 4,000lb penetrator was used in Iraq to destroy heavily fortified bunkers. Don't let the initial blast fool you, this baby packs a wallop! PRICE: $280,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Bringing Down the House" ------------------- Artillery Barrage ------------------- A gift from our friends across the border! DESCRIPTION: For a small handling fee, we'll arrange for a battery of Chinese artillery to perform a live-fire test on the area of your choosing. PRICE: $80,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Playing the Odds" ----------------------- Artillery Bombardment ----------------------- A gift from our friends across the border! DESCRIPTION: For a small handling fee, we'll arrange for a battery of Chinese artillery to perform a live-fire test on the area of your choosing. PRICE: $160,000 minimum HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Knock Knock" ------------- Carpet Bomb ------------- Satellite coordinates required DESCRIPTION: Facing an army? Our dedicated technicians can reroute an Allied bomber to your target location and deliver up to 12 tons of high explosives. PRICE: $400,000 HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Gambit" --------------- Fuel-Air Bomb --------------- The economical alternative to a nuke DESCRIPTION: The fuel-air canister disperses a fine cloud of volatile fuel over a wide area that, when ignited, produces a massive shockwave. PRICE: $360,000 HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete Contract - "Chain Reaction" ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 15. BOUNTY ITEMS |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- There are a lot of items lying around the Korean countryside that various factions want to get. They want you to get those items for them and they will reward you well for them. This section outlines what each item looks like and what the rewards are. Some items may have some locations listed where you can find the items. .-------------------. | A. WMD BLUEPRINTS | '-------------------' MERCS15A FROM MANUAL: "Song's regime was running multiple WMD programs. Blueprints for all sorts of nasty stuff are all over the place. The South Koreans are always interested in new ideas, so collect these on their behalf and they'll make it worth your while." WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) Blueprints are instructions on how to create various types of weapons of mass destruction. These were left behind by the North Koreans in their haste to get away from the Allied Nations' invasion of the area. The Blueprints are small, rectangular white boxes with the radioactive symbol on the sides. Although the Bounties screen in the PDA states that there are 100 WMD Blueprints, there are in fact a total of 110 Blueprints, which is listed in the PDA Bounties screen as 110/100. The South Koreans would like to get their hands on those WMD Blueprints. If you collect the Blueprints for them, you will recieve a payment of $5,000 for each one. You also recieve a bonus for your first collected Blueprint and for each Blueprint that raises the total number collected to certain numbers. The collection rewards are as follows: 1 ...... Explosive Resupply Drop 5 ...... Sniper Rifle Supply Drop 10 ..... Anti-Air Supply Drop 15 ..... Anti-Tank Supply Drop 20 ..... Cheat to play as Mafia Heavy Soldier 30 ..... Cheat to play as NK Elite Soldier 40 ..... Prototype Supply Drop 50 ..... Cheat to play as NK Spades Number Card 60 ..... $100,000 70 ..... $100,000 80 ..... $250,000 90 ..... $250,000 100 .... $500,000 110 .... Cheat to play as Han Solo .-----------------------. | B. NATIONAL TREASURES | '-----------------------' MERCS15B FROM MANUAL: "Widespread looting has spread North Korea's rich cultural heritage all over the country. The Chinese are keen to add these valuable treasures to the glory of the People's Republic. Collect enough, and they'll grant access to some special support items." National Treasures are important Korean artifacts that were spread across the land after the looting that occured during Song's coup. The National Treasures are large, blue cubic crates that have a black dollar sign on the sides. Although the Bounties screen on the PDA state that there are 100 National Treasures, there is in fact 110 in the game. It will be listed as 110/100 when all of them are collected. The Chinese really want to have as many of those National Treasures as they possibly can. If you can collect these Treasures for the Chinese, they will reward you will $3,000 for each one. You also recieve a bonus for each one you collect and an additional bonus for each Treasure collected that brings your total amount collected to certain numbers. The collection rewards are as follows: 1 ...... Chinese BJ2020 Scout Delivery 5 ...... H3 Delivery 10 ..... Chinese Fuel Truck Delivery 15 ..... $50,000 20 ..... Cheat to play as Indiana Jones 30 ..... Cheat to play as Civilian Doctor 40 ..... Cheat to play as Civilian Prisoner 50 ..... Cheat to play as Ace of Diamonds 60 ..... $100,000 70 ..... $100,000 80 ..... $250,000 90 ..... $250,000 100 .... $500,000 110 .... Cheat to play as SKU Elite Soldier .--------------. | C. MONUMENTS | '--------------' MERCS15C FROM MANUAL: "Like many dictators, Song had a thing for giant monuments to his own greatness. The South Koreans really hate that sort of thing, so getting rid of these monstrosities will make them very pleased with you." After Song took over Korea, he had numerous Monuments constructed throughout the country in honor of himself. The Monuments come in three forms. The first are easy-to-see, large bronze statues that look like General Song himself. The second type are small, white stone statues that are hard to describe; they are normally found in pairs, with one not far from the other. The third type are medium-sized and look like small versions of the Washington Monument. They have red Korean text running down one side. Although the PDA Bounties screen lists they Monuments as ##/20, there are actually 21 Monuments, so when all of them are finally destroyed, the listing will be 21/20. The South Koreans detest those vain monuments and they are bad for the morale of their troops. They would appreciate it if you destroyed all of them. For each Monument that you destroy you will be paid a bounty of $10,000. You also get an extra reward each one that brings your total number of Monuments destroyed to a multiple of ten. The destruction rewards are as follows: 10 ..... N. Korean ZSU-57 Anti-Air Delivery 20 ..... $250,000 SOUTHERN PROVINCE MONUMENT LOCATIONS: > Pyongyang Airport, near the center of the airport itself > South of Pyongyang where the road ends in a loop > Center of North Pyongyang > In the NK Fortress > In the middle of Ichon > Westmost part of Sariwon > Northeastern part of Kaesong > Southwestern part of Kaesong > Southern center of Haeju > Southern part of Propaganda Village NORTHERN PROVINCE MONUMENT LOCATIONS: > Southern center of Yongbyon > Northeastern part of Kusong > Southern part of Kusong > Western part of Chongju > Northern part of Chongju Airport > Southern part of Sinuiju Downtown > Northen center of Sinuiju Downtown > Chongsong Train Station (one of a pair) > Chongsong Train Station (one of a pair) > Near the gate of the Chemical Complex (one of a pair) > Near the gate of the Chemical Complex (one of a pair) .-----------------------. | D. SK LISTENING POSTS | '-----------------------' MERCS15D FROM MANUAL: "The South Koreans have placed these not-too-covert surveillance devices wherever they think they'll overhear an interesting conversation. The Chinese will reward you handsomely for destroying them. Destroy enough of them, and there might be a reward." The South Koreans wanted to listen in on conversations that they weren't meant to hear, so they placed Listening Posts in various places across Korea. The Listening Posts have the hardest appearance to describe. They are around the height of your Merc and are basically a tripod with two radar dishes at the top with a red flashing light on both sides. Basically, if you see a flashing red light, go investigate. The Chinese know about the Listening Posts and want them destroyed. They will reward you monetarily for each one you destroy. You also will recieve a bonus reward for each one that you destroy which brings your total number of Listening Posts to certain amounts. The destruction rewards are as follows: 10 - Medical Supply Drop 20 - Baggage Car Delivery 30 - Mafia MD-530 Scout Delivery 40 - Cheat to play as NK Hearts Numeric Card 50 - Cheat to play as Pilot 55 - $250,000 ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 16. CODES AND SECRETS |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- There are a number of extras in Mercenaries. This section outlines all of them. There are separated into (A) Cheats, (B) Unlockables, (C) Bounty Items, and (D) Etcetera. .-----------. | A. CHEATS | '-----------' MERCS16A In Mercenaries, cheats are entered by bringing up the PDA and then scrolling to the "FACTIONS" screem by pressing R1 until you get to the end. Then just perform the button sequence for the code(s) you want to use. Some cheats work at any point in the game. Others only work after you have actually unlocked them in the game. The latter type is generally only with changing your Merc to look like someone else. The unlockable only codes will work if you enter the "All Alternate Skins Unlocked" code even if you did not collect the proper number of items. ------------------------- CAN BE USED AT ANY TIME ------------------------- Invincibility ............. Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right Unlimited Ammo ............ Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left Get $1,000,000 ............ Right, Down, Left, Up, Up, Left, Down, Right All Shop Items ............ Down, Down, Down, Down, Up, Left, Right, Right All Alt. Skins Unlocked ... Right, Right, Left, Left, Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, (SEE SECTION BELOW) Right, Left, Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Left, Right, Right Reset All Faction Moods ... Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Left ------------------------ MUST BE UNLOCKED FIRST ------------------------ Play as Mafia Heavy ....... Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Down, Up Play as Doctor ............ Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Down, Down Play as NK Elite .......... Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down, Up Play as Prisoner .......... Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down, Down Play as Josef ............. Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Up, Up Play as Peng .............. Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Down, Left Play as Hearts card ....... Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Down, Up Play as Deck of 52 member . Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down Play as Buford ............ Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Down, Down Play as Ace of Diamonds ... Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Up, Up Play as Allied Pilot ...... Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down Play as SK Elite .......... Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Down, Up, Down Play as Han Solo .......... Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Down, Up, Up .----------------. | B. UNLOCKABLES | '----------------' MERCS16B ------------- CHEAT CRATE ------------- Finish the game with all members of the Deck of 52 verified (killed or captured) and you will have the Cheat Crate available for delivery in your continued game (from the same save file). ------------------- ALTERNATE OUTFITS ------------------- Once you get to the Northern Province, you unlock an alternate outfit for your merc to wear. Go to the tent in MASH marked by a shirt on the PDA map to change outfits. ---------------------- FACTION LEADER SKINS ---------------------- You can unlock cheat codes to change your character's appearance to that of some faction leaders by completing the second Spades contract for that leader's faction. You can unlock Josef of the Mafia, Peng of the Chinese, and Buford of the South Korean Union. .-------------. | C. ETCETERA | '-------------' MERCS16C There are a few interesting things that you may or may not notice during the game. This section lists those. ----------------------------------------- SPECIAL ACTIONS IN FACTION HEADQUARTERS ----------------------------------------- *** Thanks to Headhuntress for providing most of this list! *** In each faction's headquarters there are special actions that you can perform. These actions serve no purpose but for a little extra entertainment from both the action and the dialogue that comes from the faction's leader after you do it. Here are some of those things: > Try to use vending machine - Allied HQ, before "Out of the Woodwork" > Tap on missiles - South Korean HQ, before "A Farewell to Kings" > Practice fighting moves on dummy - Chinese HQ, before "Under New Management" > Pester Mafia Thug on couch - Mafia HQ, before "Bait and Switch" > Use Coffee Maker - Allied HQ, before "Bringing Down the House" > Use Coffee Maker - Allied HQ, before "Downed Bird in Enemy Nest" > Examine the Hanging - Chinese HQ, before "Persuasion" > Get shocked by the radar dish - South Korean HQ > Look behind the dartboard for a safe - Mafia HQ > Bother the fish in the fishtank > Rifle through files - In 2 HQs > Look under ping-pong table - Allied HQ > Examine the projector - Chinese HQ > Examine the monitor > Straighten the picture > Pick up the vase > Get a drink from the bar - Mafia HQ > Get on the exercise bike - Allied HQ ----------------------- FACTION MOOD INCREASE ----------------------- Whenever a faction is in a firefight with another faction (usually the North Koreans), you can increase your faction mood with the faction by killing the opposing soldiers it is in combat with. ------------------- GSRN NEWS REPORTS ------------------- Whenever you near a GSRN Truck, you can hear a news report over the radio. It usually tells of the last Ace you captured or killed, but states that the AN was repsonsible for doing so. ------------------------------------------------- KILLING CIVILIANS OR FRIENDLIES WITHOUT PENALTY ------------------------------------------------- When in a tank, you can run over the vehicles of civilians or friendly factions without having to pay any money or losing faction mood. ---------------- THE TERMINATOR ---------------- When playing as Chris Jacobs, a few events can cause Chris to say "Look at me, I am the Governor!" like the Governator himself would. Wanna hear Chris mock Ahhhhnold? Listen closely when causing havoc with a helicopter or sniping out NKs! --------------- SUICIDAL MERC --------------- At the beginning of the game while you are in the plane getting your stuff together, you have to open the cargo door. Before you get into the M1025 Scout, you can walk out the cargo door and off the plane! Don't worry, you'll be put right back in the plane. ---------- CHOPSHOP ---------- The Mafia runs chopshops. There is a chopshop in both maps, both times near the Mafia HQ. By bringing a non-Mafia vehicle to the chopshop, you will get money and an increase in Mafia mood. By bringing a Mafia vehicle to the chopshop, you will get an increase in Mafia mood. You cannot sell helicopters at the chopshop though. ------------------ FREE AMMO REFILL ------------------ If you man a mounted weapon while carrying certain weapons, the weapon you are carrying is refilled. I do not currently know what weapons that works with at the moment. -------------------- FREE HEALTH REFILL -------------------- If you are low on health, you can go into a faction's HQ and accept a contract. When you appear outside, you will have full health. You can then just cancel the contract. ------------------------ COMPLIMENTS FROM FIONA ------------------------ When sniping, after taking out a few targets, Fiona will occasionally compliment your sniping skills with a comment along the line of "Wow, you're good." --------------------------------- UNDERSTANDING FOREIGN LANGUAGES --------------------------------- If you press pause, go to the options screen, then choose "GAME", you have the option to enable subtitles. Doing so allows you to see spoken dialogue in the subtitles which will appear at the bottom of the screen. Based upon which merc you chose, you will be able to understand dialogue spoken in one of the three foreign languages sometimes used in Mercenaries because the English translation of that dialogue will appear in the subtitles. -------------------------------------- GETTING ITEMS FROM THE SHOP FOR FREE -------------------------------------- After selecting what you want to buy, find a clear area. You have to toss out the beacon and get back into the shop before the beacon hits the ground. After doing that, select any item from the shop. The item you first selected will be en route for free. Press R2 to put the second beacon away. -------------------------------- FREE VEHICLE ARMOR/AMMO REFILL -------------------------------- [ Contributed by Enigma Nostra ] If you go into a faction HQ, and then go back out, without accepting the mission, your vehicle will be fully loaded, but usually where you left it. Cheap way to tank up. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 17. FUN STUFF |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS17 One of the best things about Mercenaries is that there is ALWAYS something to do even if you do not want to do any contracts, challenges, or search for any bounty items. This section is entirely devoted to the things that you can do while you are just roaming around the map. So, all you people who get on the message boards and post things like: "I am getting bored quick," this section is mainly for you! Since there are always new and interesting things that can be done outside of the primary gameplay of Mercenaries, this is a never-ending section. If you have something fun that isn't listed here, please send it to me via e-mail at MercenariesFAQ@gmail.com. ---------- CAR TOSS ---------- Using any helicopter in Mercenaries, you can pick up small cars with the winch. To use the winch, press down on the directional pad to lower it and then get the winch a little bit above the car you want to pick up. Once you have a car, ascend for a bit. Start going forward at full speed, still pressing the button to ascend often to counteract the weight of the car. Since the winch and car have momentum from being pulled by the helicopter, when you stop the helicopter, the car will move forward until stopped by the hold of the winch. We want to abuse that. While you are still going full speed, pull down on the stick and down on the directional pad at the same time. This will cause the winch to flail forward and release the car with extra speed. If the car hits land, enjoy the fireball. ------------------ SNIPE LIKE CRAZY ------------------ If you are a fan of using the Sniper Rifle (or another weapon that functions as a sniper, such as the Anti-Armor Rifle), you may be disappointed by the lack of contracts that specifically require the use of a sniper. There are some spots in Mercenaries where North Korean soldiers will continue to appear, giving you lots of targets to snipe out. Many of these spots are tunnels, for example, in the Southern Province (the first map), there is a tunnel near the bridge that leads up to Pyongyang Airport (where the Chinese HQ is). You can climb up into the mountanous area next to it and snipe out the forces that continually flow out of there. Other spots are near North Korean bases or compounds where the soldiers will often appear in Sungri Scouts, providing good moving targets. A spot like this is in the Northern Province, near the Chemical Plant. Get into the mountainous area outside the gate to the Chemical Plant and Sungri Scouts loaded with a pair of North Korean soldiers will appear rather often. Find a spot, crouch down, and let the bullets fly! ----------------------------- C4... BOREDOM'S WORST ENEMY ----------------------------- C4. One of the best things usable in Mercenaries. You can abuse C4 so much. When you get down to it, the uses are nearly endless. Here are just some of the many things you can do with C4. > SABOTAGE THE DELIVER CHOPPER - There are a number of ways to do this. The one I use is to order a vehicle from the Merchant of Menace and wait until the big ol' deliver chopper is about to the beacon's location. When the chopper starts to lower the vehicle, run under it, where the shadow is, and plant a block of C4. Once the vehicle hits the ground, detonate the C4. The vehicle will explode and fly up into the delivery helicopter, causing it to either explode or spin out of control, hit something, and then explode. > SABOTAGE VEHICLES - This is priceless. Find an often-travelled road somewhere and plant a brick of C4 on the road. Wait for a vehicle to get near the C4 and detonate. It may get you into trouble, but boy is is fun. > BLOW THE BRIDGE - Pick a bridge, any bridge. Plant a couple bricks of C4 on it somewhere (I typically do the center). When a vehicle gets about one-third or one-fourth of the way across the bridge, detonate. The vehicle will most likely drive into the water where the bridge once stood. > PLANT, DRIVE, DITCH - Get a wheeled vehicle (most work, but flatter vehicles work best). Plant some C4 on the hood. Pick a spot of soldiers or something that you want to attack. Drive the car as fast as possible towards them and then before you get too close, ditch the car and detonate the C4 when the car gets to the spot. Boom. ------------------------- DRIVE IT LIKE IT'S HOT! ------------------------- By using a cheat code, you can drive a burning vehicle. Here's how. Go to the PDA Factions screen and enter the invincibility cheat code (Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right). Find any vehicle of your choice. Whip out a gun and fire at it until it catches fire (make sure you are close to it). At that point you want to get in the vehicle before it explodes. If you got into the vehicle in time, the vehicle will stop losing health due to the invincibilty code and the fire will not stop, allowing you to drive a burning vehicle. ------------- TAKE A SWIM ------------- Using the invincibility cheat code (Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right), you can get into a large body of water and not get killed. What instead happens is the animation of your mercenary struggling to stay afloat while they do actually stay afloat. ------------------------------- FIND THE TRUE EDGE OF THE MAP ------------------------------- As you probably know, the maps are surrounded by shaded red areas that are called "Restricted Zones" and if you enter them, Allied planes will close in on your location and bomb you, which is unsurvivable. Well. Not quite. If you go to the PDA Factions screen an enter the invincibility cheat code (Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right), those bombs will not hurt you. Since there is no way for the planes' attacks to do anything but slow your progress, you can make it to the real edge of the map. What is it? What you would expect, an invisible wall. ----------------------------------------- SPECIAL ACTIONS IN FACTION HEADQUARTERS ----------------------------------------- [ Note: This is also in the Codes and Secrets section ] *** Thanks to Headhuntress for providing most of this list! *** In each faction's headquarters there are special actions that you can perform. These actions serve no purpose but for a little extra entertainment from both the action and the dialogue that comes from the faction's leader after you do it. Here are some of those things: > Try to use vending machine - Allied HQ, before "Out of the Woodwork" > Tap on missiles - South Korean HQ, before "A Farewell to Kings" > Practice fighting moves on dummy - Chinese HQ, before "Under New Management" > Pester Mafia Thug on couch - Mafia HQ, before "Bait and Switch" > Use Coffee Maker - Allied HQ, before "Bringing Down the House" > Use Coffee Maker - Allied HQ, before "Downed Bird in Enemy Nest" > Examine the Hanging - Chinese HQ, before "Persuasion" > Get shocked by the radar dish - South Korean HQ > Look behind the dartboard for a safe - Mafia HQ > Bother the fish in the fishtank > Rifle through files - In 2 HQs > Look under ping-pong table - Allied HQ > Examine the projector - Chinese HQ > Examine the monitor - Allied HQ? > Straighten the picture > Pick up the vase > Get a drink from the bar - Mafia HQ > Get on the exercise bike - Allied HQ -------------------------- BIGGEST. OVERKILL. EVER. -------------------------- What fun is it without getting into a little trouble? Pick out any civilian and subdue him or her. Now, back up... Way up, but do not lose sight of the sundued civilian as they tend to disappear if you look away. Get an airstrike of your choice (I like the Bunker Buster) and use it on the subdued civilian. Yeah, it's not nice, but it is fun. :P ---------------------- CARRY RANDOM OBJECTS ---------------------- The winch on helicopters can carry a large number of different things. It can carry crates, vehicles, and more. What may be slightly surprising is that some objects that you wouldn't think that you could carry are carriable. For example, streetlights, traffic lights, some fences, and even barrels can be carried with the winch. You can definitely have fun swinging those things all around. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 18. PDA E-MAILS |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- During the course of Mercenaries, you will have been sent a significant amount of e-mail on your PDA. A lot of the e-mails are unreadable after certain events have taken place. This section sorts the e-mails like the PDA does, into four sections: (A) Unsorted [these are the e-mails that are not put into any folder inside the PDA], (B) Deck of 52, (C) Help - General, (D) Help - Weapon Data. Have any non-contract e-mails that are not here? Please send those e-mails in the format that the e-mails in this section are already in to me via e-mail at MercenariesFAQ@gmail.com. .-------------. | A. UNSORTED | '-------------' MERCS18A The "Unsorted" e-mails are the e-mails you recieve and are not put into any particular folder in your inbox. ------------------------------------- RENDEZVOUS WITH GARRETT @ ALLIED HQ ------------------------------------- You need to talk to Colonel Garrett at the Allied HQ in the DMZ. It's due North of the insertion point. I've been monitoring the military channels, and it sounds like there's some action up ahead. Be careful. ----------------- LAY OF THE LAND ----------------- OK let's get going. If we're going to find the Deck of 52, we're going to have to get in good with the local power brokers. Buford seems like a good lead. Let's pay him a visit. -------- BUFORD -------- Agent Mitchell Buford helps the South Koreans run their side of this conflict. He'll have lots of work for you, and will probably trade information on the locations of the Deck of 52. Don't be surprised if everyone else acts like his assistant. Major Park is running the show over there. Buford's involvement isn't publicly known. -------------------------- OPPORTUNITY IN PYONGYANG -------------------------- You've made a name for yourself pretty quickly, my young friend. We have room for someone like you in our organization. Come by our nightclub in Pyongyang and I'll introduce you to my boss. Keep your mouth shut about this. -------------------- MERCHANT OF MENACE -------------------- Login: merc Password: vlad1m1r Happy shopping! Sergei. ------------------- COLONEL ZHOU PENG ------------------- After you finished that contract for Buford, I did some research on where his troops are positioned. Seems like his main rival is the man commanding Chinese forces in the area, Colonel Zhou Peng. Probably some opportunities there. ----------------- MISSION LOADOUT ----------------- [NOTE: This e-mail comes during the Chinese contract, "Pest Control"] The Type 89 APC tank parked outside of the HQ is available for your use in this contract. Additionally, given your promixity to the mission area, the Chinese can provide you 152mm air burst shell support should you need it. -------------------------------- DUNG HWANGBO, THE ACE OF CLUBS -------------------------------- Good news. The AN is now accepting bids on the contract for Dung Hwangbo. That's based largely on the intelligence you gathered in the field. They've declassified enough of the intel so we can begin the hunt. Hwangbo's little more than a ruthless businessman. He shouldn't be too tough. Not compared to Song. Garrett will be waiting for you outside Allied HQ. Remember, if you accept this mission, the AN considers the contracts on the other Clubs closed. If you want to work on the rest of Hwangbo's lackeys first, you can accept those contracts from Major Howard inside the HQ. ------------------ (BONUS) CLEAR LZ ------------------ [NOTE: This e-mail comes during the Ace Contract, "Bringing Down The House"] The Allies are willing to provide you with men and firepower if you can clear an LZ for them. There's a spot they've designated at the South end of the island you'll need to clear. This should be easy, but remember this is just a side job. Our primary concern is the Ace! --- Contract Terms & Conditions BONUS: Destroy NK forces at South end of island Bonus Value: Extra troops and firepower ---------------------------------------- GENERAL CHUL KANG, THE ACE OF DIAMONDS ---------------------------------------- The contract for General Chang is now available. This isn't going to be an easy mission. Chang's a sinister madman, responsible for testing chemical weapons on his own people. Chang's also in control of Song's Supergun. Chemical weapons and the ability to deliver them anywhere in a thousand mile radius is bad news. ExOps protocol requires me to inform you any time you accept a mission that involves a high probability of exposure to chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons. The good news is: I'm pretty sure Chang isn't going to nuke you or give you a virus. ---------------------------------- PROTOTYPE WEAPON OPERATION CODES ---------------------------------- The Type07 Prototype Weapon is the only thing on this island strong enough to destroy the Supergun and bypass the jamming system. You need to keep the Prototype Weapon intact until the Supergun is destroyed. Below are the operation codes for the Type 07 Prototype Weapon as well as the target coordinates. You'll now be able to activate the Prototype Gun and take out the Supergun. Q84D0DF - NE98359 - 38DKEOW - EIDNEIG - EI594FG - NDNAL23 - DIENA3O - EN33M46 - 50948ND - 984NS3J - 3NMDMEE - 4NG9E3M - NONEIAL - 3N39DMD - 4894N4M - 1M2M064 - MMEN93N - PEIZBX0 ---------------- NORTH PROVINCE ---------------- Song's been corralled in the North, so that's where the action is. All of our contacts have a presence there, you should expect some familiar faces. Let's get to it - but be careful. The stakes are getting ever higher. -------------------------------------- GENERAL CHUL KANG, THE ACE OF HEARTS -------------------------------------- Based on the intel you gathered, the Allies have tracked Kang down to a remote island off the coast. They're accepting bids for Kang's contract. Everyone here knows you're going to go after it. I should warn you. Kang is one of Song's most capable military men. Bordering on genius. You're going to want every resource possible before you tackle him. -------------------------------------- GENERAL CHOI SONG, THE ACE OF SPADES -------------------------------------- Congratulations! I just got a call from Colonel Garrett. He wanted to personally extend the offer for Song's contract to us before he put it up for bid. He knows he owes you a lot, and he presumes you're going to take it. I know you've been champing at the bit to get to Song. I'm not going to warn you about him, you've read the files. The longer you wait, the closer the world comes to nuclear Armageddon. .---------------. | B. DECK OF 52 | '---------------' MERCS18B -------------------------- 3 OF CLUBS, SU-YEONG KIM -------------------------- I just received some files forwarded to my ExOps account from a Chinese intelligence officer. Probably Colonel Peng's idea. According to these documents, Chinese Intelligence believes Su-Yeong Kim, the 3 of Clubs, is currently South of Pyongyang, across the river. Kim's supposed to be a grunt, a strong-arm man Hwangbo uses to threaten people. Expect him to run once he sees you. ----------------------- 4 OF CLUBS, YEOM PARK ----------------------- I just received an intel report from Josef. His men are reporting that the 4 of Clubs, Yeom Park, is operating somewhere North of Haeju. I'm not sure how reliable the intel is. I'm surprised it's coming from Josef and not Sergei. It's really well put-together too. Very professional-looking. Park specialized in blackmail and graft. Very savvy guy. Probably nothing to worry about in a fight, though. ---------------------------- TAL-HUN AN, THE 5 OF CLUBS ---------------------------- Agent Buford just sent me a report on Tal-hun An, the 5 of Clubs. Apparently, he's overseeing construction of a military installation North of Pyongyang. His involvement is purely financial, so don't expect too much action if you go after him. The report says it's from Major Park, but since it comes from the CIA's central computer at Langley, I presumed it was really from Buford. ------------------------------- CHONG-CHUN YI, THE 6 OF CLUBS ------------------------------- Another CIA-routed intelligence email from "Major Park." I get the feeling Park is a total cipher over there at South Korean HQ. Their satellite reconnaissance indicates that Chong-chun Yi, the 6 of Clubs, is operating just South of the Russian Mob's HQ in Pyongyang. This "Yi" is another businessman responsible for funding the Ace of Club's operation. No military training. -------------------------- KANG-KEUN HA, 7 OF CLUBS -------------------------- I've received another email from Josef. His contacts recently dealt with the former President's former Minister of Domestic Affairs; Kang-keun Ha, a.k.a. the 7 of Clubs. He's been seen SouthEast of Kaesong. He's reported to be one of the richest men in Song's organization. Nothing to fear from him, unless he starts throwing money at you. This is another very professional intelligence report from Josef. I'm beginning to suspect he's more than he seems. ---------------------------- 8 OF CLUBS, YEONG-SUK PARK ---------------------------- Colonel Peng sent us some more information. His intelligence men think the 8 of Clubs, Yeong-suk Park, is in Pyongyang. Park was Dung Hwangbo's director of transportation. Once you bag him, Hwangbo's men should have a hard time getting around without being detected. --------------------------- 9 OF CLUBS, CHEOL-HAN CHO --------------------------- Peng thinks his men have uncovered the location of Cheol-han Cho, the 9 of Clubs. Cho is the security chief for Dung Hwangbo, but his files don't make any reference to military training. Don't expect much of a fight. You'll find him North of the DMZ. ---------------------------- 10 OF CLUBS, YEONG-KIL KIM ---------------------------- Allied intelligence discovered a possible location for the 10 of Clubs, Yeong-kil Kim. Kim runs Dung Hwangbo's drug operations in North Korea. He's used to dealing with armed thugs. You should be more than a match for him. He's somewhere Southwest of the DMZ. I can see some kind of activity there surrounding what appears to be a blown-out bridge. Looks like a train wreck of some sort. ---------------------------------------------- LIEUTENANT CHAN-SEOK PARK, THE 2 OF DIAMONDS ---------------------------------------------- According to a Chinese intelligence report I just received, Lieutenant Chan-seok Park -- a.k.a. the 2 of Diamonds -- is rallying a unit of troops South of the DMZ, near where you were originally dropped off. Lieutenant Park was a recruiter for Song's army, so he's seen some action. ------------------------------------------- LIEUTENANT TU-CHIN CHO, THE 3 OF DIAMONDS ------------------------------------------- Looks like Josef is helping us out again. I just received a report in Russian from some Mafia operatives. I had the boys here translate it, and it discusses a deal the Russian Mob made with Lieutenant Tu-chin Cho, the 3 of Diamonds, Southeast of Kaesong. Apparently he's often at that site. Maybe you should check it out. This is the guy responsible for light weapons training in General Chang's outfit. Time to show him what someone trained in air strikes and mass destruction can do. ---------------------------------------------- LIEUTENANT YEONG-SEON SEO, THE 4 OF DIAMONDS ---------------------------------------------- The fax machine just spit out a whole stack of CIA documents. Most of the text has been blacked out, but from what's left it's obvious what the documents pertain to; they're the last known whereabouts of Lieutenant Yeong-seon Seo, the 4 of Diamonds. Seo was responsible for deploying RPGs, SAMs, and TOWs to General Chang's men. The CIA have him listed as operating just West of Ichon. Go get him. ---------------------------------------- CAPTAIN PUNG-CHO YU, THE 5 OF DIAMONDS ---------------------------------------- I just got a phone call from Alder Stone, the CIA station chief in Hong Kong. Apparently he was instructed to reveal to me the CIA's suspicions regarding the current whereabouts of Captain Pung-cho Yu, the 5 of Diamonds. They've got him North of the "Black Gate," Heuk Dae Moon. Yu is head of General Chang's military intelligence division. Be ready for anything. ------------------------------------------- CAPTAIN YEONG-IL CHEON, THE 6 OF DIAMONDS ------------------------------------------- Josef's come through for us again. He's given us the location of Captain Yeong-il Cheon, the 6 of Diamonds. This is the guy who trained Chang's men in tank operations. It'll be quite a coup to bring him in. Might not be too easy, though. He's stationed just South of Heuk Dae Moon...the Black Gate, possibly the most fortified position in North Korea. Might not be a bad idea to get a look at the place while you're up there. Do some intel gathering of your own. ---------------------------------------- MAJOR SEON-KEUN YUN, THE 7 OF DIAMONDS ---------------------------------------- Peng arranged for another Chinese intelligence report to be delivered to me. It goes into some detail about Major Seon-keun Yun's operations. He's the 7 of Diamonds, and the former deputy minister for General Chang's Air Cavalry divisions. Don't be surprised if some of his helicopters are standing by. The report mentions a temporary base set up East of Ichon. ------------------------------------------ CAPTAIN KYUBYUNG PARK, THE 8 OF DIAMONDS ------------------------------------------ Allied intelligence hints that Captain Park, the 8 of Diamonds, is operating West of Nampo. Park was responsible for operating General Chang's anti-air defenses for the past several years. I wouldn't recommend assaulting his location from the air. ------------------------------------- MAJOR CHU-HO KIM, THE 9 OF DIAMONDS ------------------------------------- I've received another dispatch from Allied intelligence. They're monitoring a lot of NK chatter that indicates Major Kim is active North of Haeju. This guy served for 20 years in the DPRK's army before becoming General Chang's Chief of Staff. Watch out for the guy. ------------------------------------------ MAJOR MYEONG-HAN KIM, THE 10 OF DIAMONDS ------------------------------------------ Buford just forwarded me a report from British intel. They think Major Kim is operating somewhere North of Haeju. This intel's only a few hours old, so there's a good chance he's still there. Major Kim is one of the most experienced military men in North Korea. He ran the troops in the DMZ for 10 years, so he's seen lots of action. Stay frosty. ------------------------------- CHI-SEONG AN, THE 2 OF HEARTS ------------------------------- I can see why Sergei keeps Josef around. It seems like he's got a file on anyone in North Korea who may have any involvement in this fiasco, including Chi-seong An, the 2 of Hearts. Josef's contacts report that An is currently just South of Farm Valley. He's obviously a low-level operative, but there's a heavy bounty on his head we can't pass up. ---------------------------------- HYEON-SAN CHANG, THE 3 OF HEARTS ---------------------------------- I've received another decoded CIA communique, presumably thanks to Agent Buford. They've been looking for Hyeon-san Chang, the 3 of Hearts, for some time and now they've got his location narrowed down to the area SouthEast of the Sinuiju farms. No one knows much about Chang, but if he's part of Kang's nuclear program, he's probably a scientist. ---------------------------- CHU-HO KO, THE 4 OF HEARTS ---------------------------- I have here another intelligence report from Beijing. Seems Colonel Peng is eager to help us find Chu-ho Ko, the 4 of Hearts. Chinese intel has him operating outside Taechon. Not much is left of that place now, but there is a nuclear reactor nearby. Ko's file lists him as having little more than bureaucratic involvement in the Ace of Hearts' nuclear program, but the Allies are offering a tidy sum for him nonetheless. -------------------------------- CHO-YEONG CHA, THE 5 OF HEARTS -------------------------------- Peng's contacts in Chinese intelligence have paid off again. They've handed us Cho-yeong Cha, the 5 of Hearts, on a platter. Satellite photography shows him holed up North of Kusong. He's a notorious coward; I don't imagine he'll put up much of a fight. ------------------------------- HYE-MIN PARK, THE 6 OF HEARTS ------------------------------- I'm holding a memo in my hand from Agent Buford to CIA headquarters in Langley. Seems he doesn't care now if we know our intel is coming directly from him. His men identified the probable location of 6 of Hearts, Hye-min Park. This is the guy in charge of converting North Korea's reactor grade uranium into weapons- grade material. Buford's convinced he's operating from a temporary base North of Chongju. If he's convinced, that's good enough for me. ------------------------------- MUN-CHEOL YI, THE 7 OF HEARTS ------------------------------- Josef's boys have tracked down another card for us. According to the Russian Mob, 7 of Hearts Mun-cheol Yi is hanging out just North of the train station in Yongbyon. Probably hoping to get out of the country. That's our luck; the trains haven't been running for a month here. Yi is just a metallurgist. Though he might have some of Song's men protecting him. Be careful. ---------------------------- MIN-SU AN, THE 8 OF HEARTS ---------------------------- Colonel Garrett forwarded me some Allied intel on the current whereabouts of Min-su An, the 8 of Hearts. An Allied plane has spotted some suspicious activity Southeast of Chongju and wants you to check it out. If they're right, this will be a great first step in shutting down Colonel Han's nuclear program. ----------------------------------- DR. NAM-CHEOL KIM THE 9 OF HEARTS ----------------------------------- Peng's aide de camp Captain Leu just called me to let me know they've got a handle on the current whereabouts of Dr. Nam-cheol Kim, the 9 of Hearts. He's hiding out somewhere South of the tenement ruins. Thanks to this guy, Song's nukes have intercontinental delivery systems. Lots of governments in the West would like to get ahold of this guy. -------------------------------- DR. HUN HONG, THE 10 OF HEARTS -------------------------------- Garrett sent me a classified document detailing all the Allied intel on Dr. Hun Hong, the 10 of Hearts. From this, it looks like he's often been spotted at one of the nuclear plants between Kusong and Yongbyon. He was the director of the fissile materials division in General Kang's nuclear program. -------------------------- DAE KIM, THE 2 OF SPADES -------------------------- Buford just gave us another card. Dae Kim, the 2 of Spades, is the lowest ranking member of Song's all-female special forces squad. Lowest-ranking, but still very well trained and probably one of the most lethal operatives you've yet to encounter. Buford says she's been spotted just South of Farm Valley, but he won't give me specific coordinates. ------------------------------- JIN-WEON SEO, THE 3 OF SPADES ------------------------------- Chinese intelligence has another report for us. This time it's Jin-weon Seo, the 3 of Spades. Goes quite a ways back; they've been watching her for some time. She used to be in the North Korean Olympic program. Chinese operatives spotted her just South of the Chemical Plant. Lots of mountainous terrain there for someone with special forces training to hide in. ----------------------------- JOO-EUN AN, THE 4 OF SPADES ----------------------------- I just received an interesting phone call. Someone speaking with a very heavy Russian accent said, "Joo-eun An, Northwest of Yongbyon." A not-too-subtle hint from our friend Josef? Or at least, one of his agents. Joo-eun An is the 4 of Spades, another highly trained operative in Song's special forces squad. These are lethally trained operatives. Try not to get shot up. ---------------------------- KEON PARK, THE 5 OF SPADES ---------------------------- North Korea's most infamous sniper was just handed to us, free of charge. From what I gather, Sergei used her once or twice before to take care of some rivals in the business. Now Josef's selling her out. He claims she's currently stationed just Southwest of Sinuiju, and I have no reason to doubt him. I guess Josef has no use for Sergei's old contacts in North Korea. Smart man. ------------------------------- MIN-SEON YUN, THE 6 OF SPADES ------------------------------- Another report from Chinese intelligence, thanks to Colonel Peng. He seems pretty plugged in there. This report is on Min-seon Yun, the 6 of Spades. Beijing tracked her down to the chemical plant in the North before they lost her in North Korea's tunnel network. Probably if you nose around there long enough, she and possibly some of her colleagues may show their faces. --------------------------------- MOON-HAN CHEON, THE 7 OF SPADES --------------------------------- There's a package here from Agent Buford containing everything they've got on Song's special forces squad. Dossiers on all their operatives. Not much in the way of hard intel we can use to capture them, mostly background stuff. But it does say that Moon-han Cheon, the 7 of Spades, was last seen Southeast of the Chemical Plant. Worth checking out. -------------------------------- SHIN-SEOK KIM, THE 8 OF SPADES -------------------------------- I don't know why, but I'm especially fascinated by the idea of an all-female elite forces squad. Shin-seok Kim, the 8 of Spades was a prostitute before she was recruited to join Song's special forces division. According to Allied intelligence, she's hiding out in China, just East of Dandong. If you take her alive, let me know what she's like! -------------------------------- SOO-HEON PARK, THE 9 OF SPADES -------------------------------- I spent the last half and hour reading up on Dr. Soo-heon Park, the 9 of Spades. She worked in General Yun's nuclear program and was only 25 when she was diagnosed with fatal cancer. Then she signed up for duty in Song's special forces squad. Must be quite a woman. Colonel Garrett says his men crossed her path just Southeast of Chongju. Might be worth checking out. -------------------------------- YUN-YEON CHO, THE 10 OF SPADES -------------------------------- These women in Song's special forces unit are fascinating. Yun-yeon Cho, the 10 of Spades, was a diplomat's aide before she left to join Park's elite squad. No one knows why. She was 33 when she joined, the oldest in the unit by several years. Still managed to get high marks, apparently. Hard to trust any intel coming out of North Korea, though. The Allies believe she's stationed a few miles South of Kusong. .-------------------. | C. HELP - GENERAL | '-------------------' MERCS18C ------------- SNS "RADAR" ------------- The Satellite Navigation System (a.k.a. "Radar") is a real time satellite feed that appears on your heads-up-display. Fiona will mark important locations on the Radar. ------------------ RESTRICTED AREAS ------------------ The Allies fly combat sorties throughout North Korea. They treat any incursion into a Restricted Zone as a hostile act, and respond immediately. It's best to stay out. Restricted Zones are shown as red shaded areas on your Radar. ------------ DECK OF 52 ------------ The Allies issued a bounty on 52 key members of General Song's regime. Each member is associated with a playing card, and is commonly referred to by this designation. All Deck of 52 members are High Value Targets (HVTs) with open bounties on their heads. That's why ExOps has a presence in North Korea. You can use your field scope (R3 button) to definitively ID a Deck of 52 HVT. Positive IDs will be confirmed on your PDA map. -------------- VERIFICATION -------------- "Verify" means "provide proof of capture or death to the Allies". To prove you captured a card, and recieve full payment: 1. Stun the target using a melee bash or a stun grenade. 2. Subdue the target with a takedown. 3. Call in an Allied Extraction Helicopter. Use the support menu. 3a. Note: try to pick a nice, flat area for the helicopter. 4. Pick up the subdued target and load him/her into the helicopter. 4a. If the current location isn't suitable for extraction, you can load the target into most cars/trucks. To prove you killed the card, and recieve half payment: 1. Apply lethal force to the target. 2. Approach target and take a digital photo. --------- SUPPORT --------- Support items appear in the support menu, accessed by pressing the up directional button. Along with the name of the item, you'll see: 1. The cost (if the item is available). 2. The status (if the item is unavailable for any reason). 3. The number of "freebies" (support offered at no-cost) available, if any. To use any support item, first press the R1 button to equip it, then press the R1 button to fire/use it. ------------------- LASER DESIGNATION ------------------- Laser-designated air strikes are a type of support. Press and hold the R1 button to guide the strike. Releasing the R1 button early reduces accuracy. ------------------- COLLATERAL DAMAGE ------------------- Killing civilians is against Executive Operations' policy. It's ethically wrong, and costs the company a great deal of money to counteract the negative PR generated. ExOps deducts these costs from your account in real time. Causing harm to civilians, press, Allies, or their property costs us money, and we pass the cost on to you. You have been warned. ------------ CHALLENGES ------------ Be on the lookout for objects marked with a "$". These are challenges, odd-jobs you can do to pick up some extra cash. ---------------- MEDIVAC RESCUE ---------------- If you get yourself into a really tight spot out there, you can use the Medivac option (in the Pause Menu) to save yourself. You'll be flown back to the Allied MASH. -------- SAVING -------- To save your progress, choose the Save Game option from the Pause Menu. You may save anywhere, provided you are not in a contract. You will restart at the nearest safe location. ----------------- FACTION DISPLAY ----------------- Press the left directional button to toggle the Faction Display icons, which clearly show which faction any unit belongs to. On by default. ------- INTEL ------- Each Deck of 52 member you verify gives you intel that helps determine the location of the Ace. Collect enough intel and Garret will authorize you to take out the Ace. You can check how much intel you've accumulated in the Deck of 52 mode of the PDA. -------- CRATES -------- Be on the lookout for supply crates. They contain all sorts of useful toys, and can be broken open with a melee bash. ---- C4 ---- C4 is a remote-detonated placed charge. 1. Select C4 from the Support Menu. 2. Place C4 by pressing the R1 button. 3. Press the R1 button second time to detonate C4. 4. You can place multiple charges before detonation by repeating step (1) before proceeding to step (3). ------ SHOP ------ The Russian Mafia run the black market in North Korea. If you do them some favors, you can get a login to their web site, "Merchant of Menace". Here's how to use the shop: 1. Open up the PDA and go to SHOP mode. 2. Browse to the item that you want. 3. Place your order. 4. Throw a smoke grenade (R1 button) to designate the delivery point. You won't be charged until the delivery heli is en-route. ---------- CHOPSHOP ---------- We run a chopshop in Pyongyang East, just down the street from the nightclub. We're always on the lookout for vehicles. Bring them to us, and we'll pay you. Plus you'll be doing us a good turn. ---------------- FACTION STATUS ---------------- Each faction maintains an attitude towards you. It will shift based on your actions - they'll be friendly if you help them, unfriendly or even hostile if you hurt them. There are many ways to affect faction mood - pay attention to the faction gauges that appear on screen to see what effect your actions are having. You can also check faction status in the PDA. If you annoy someone, there are many ways to get back in their good graces. Remember, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". ------------------------------ SOUTH KOREAN LISTENING POSTS ------------------------------ The South Koreans think we do not notice their surveillance hardware. Of course they are mistaken. If you should come across one of these crude devices, please disable it. We will be most grateful. --------- JAMMERS --------- Jammers block access to all support items. To use support, leave the area or locate and destroy the jammer. ------------- TRESPASSING ------------- Factions don't like people encroaching on their turf. Sensitive areas are marked as shaded regions on your radar. Be careful, because you'll be attacked on sight, regardless of your current standing with that faction (unless you're disguised as that faction). --------------------------------- MONUMENTS TO THE "GREAT LEADER" --------------------------------- You might have seen a bunch of statues of General Song on your travels. Wel, monuments to the great leader are kind of bad for South Korean morale. If you could arrange for those statues to go away somehow, some South Korean folks are going to be real happy. ------------------ ACTION HIJACKING ------------------ You can hijack hostile vehicles mid-attack and tuen the tables on your enemies. RememberL 1. Ground vehicles with turrets cannot be hijacked until the gunner is killed. 2. Helicopters can only be hijacked when they are low enough to the ground. You'll know the helicopter is low enough when you see the dust it kicks up. ------------------ VEHICLE DISGUISE ------------------ You are what you drive. If no-one sees you get in, and you don't do anything crazy, people notice only your vehicle's faction, and treat you accordingly. That can be good or bad. Watch out for officers! They have an eye for detail, and see straight through disguise, alerting others. ---------- OFFICERS ---------- Officers are high ranking soldiers. They are marked with a special symbol. Killing an officer will cause a faction hit for that faction, but will please opposing factions. Keep that in mind. ------------ PASSENGERS ------------ Honk your hor to attract friendly humands into your vehicle. Friendly soldiers will man turrets (if present). 1. Press the Exit button to eject all vehicle occupants. 2. Press the L1 button to get out and leave passengers inside. This can be used to protect fragile passengers in dangerous areas. 3. Press the L2 button to eject passengers only. -------------------- NATIONAL TREASURES -------------------- The looting was pretty bad after we broke Song's regime and he went into hiding. North Korea's rich culture heritage has been spread all over the place, and we're trying to piece it back together. If you come across any cultural artifacts, pick them up for us. We'll make sure you're looked after for your trouble. ----- WMD ----- Turns out General Song's regime was running multiple weapons of mass destruction-related program activities. We've been finding blueprints for all sorts of nasty stuff. If you find any, be sure and pick them up for use. GSRN eats that stuff up with a fork and spoon. We'll make sure you're looked after for your trouble. ----------- RADIATION ----------- Irradiated areas have an unearthly glow. Only an armored vehicle (e.g. a tank) can protect you from the harmful effects of the radiation. ----------------------------- TRAVELING BETWEEN PROVINCES ----------------------------- From this point forward, you can travel freely between the North and South provinces. Perhaps you have unfinished business in the South province? Talk to the Allied pilot in the Allied MASH, and he'll give you a ride. ------- TAXIS ------- A taxi is an opportunity to quickly earn a little pocket change. We will update your PDA with data from local taxi services or current customer locations and destinations. Drive up to a customer and honk the horn to get them in. Stop at their destination, and you'll get extra time to pickup additional customers. Bonus time: You can earn bonus time for driving at high speeds. ------------------------------ CHEAT: PLAY AS INDIANA JONES ------------------------------ Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, up, up, down, down on the directional buttons. ---------------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS MAFIA HEAVY ---------------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, down, up, down, up on the directional buttons ----------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS DOCTOR ----------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, down, up, down, down on the directional buttons ------------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS NK ELITE ------------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, down, down, down, up on the directional buttons ------------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS PRISONER ------------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, down, down, down, down on the directional buttons ---------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS JOSEF ---------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, down, up, up, up on the directional buttons --------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS PENG --------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, up, down, down, left on the directional buttons ---------------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS HEARTS CARD ---------------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, up, down, down, up on the directional buttons ---------------------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS DECK OF 52 MEMBER ---------------------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, down, up, up, down on the directional buttons ----------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS BUFORD ----------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, up, down, down, down on the directional buttons -------------------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS ACE OF DIAMONDS -------------------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, down, down, up, up on the directional buttons ----------------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS ALLIED PILOT ----------------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, up, down, up, down on the directional buttons ------------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS SK ELITE ------------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, down, down, up, down on the directional buttons ------------------------- CHEAT: PLAY AS HAN SOLO ------------------------- Enter this code in PDA FACTIONS mode: Press left, left, right, right, up, down, up, up on the directional buttons .------------------------. | D. HELP - WEAPONS DATA | '------------------------' MERCS18D --------------------- PORTABLE AIR STRIKE --------------------- Portable air strike. * Effective against all targets * Will track and seek targets * You're a cheater! ----------------- ANTI-AIR ROCKET ----------------- Portable surface-to-air missile launch system. * Locks onto and tracks air targets * Not effective against armored vehicles ------------------ ANTI-TANK ROCKET ------------------ Shoulder-launched, reusable rocket launcher. * Locks onto and tracks ground vehicles * Effective against heavy armored vehicles * Limited secondary (explosive) damage ------------------ ANTI-ARMOR RIFLE ------------------ Bolt-action 12.7mm rifle for counter-sniper and anti-material operations * Telescopic sight * Sabot ammunition effective against armored vehicles * Very inaccurate when fired on the move * Very loud --------- SHOTGUN --------- Close quarters combat weapons. * Fires a spread of buckshot * Limited effectiveness at range * Limited ammunition capacity ---------- LIGHT MG ---------- Belt-fed 7.62mm machine gun designed for squad-level fire support. * Large capacity drum magazine * Good stopping power ---- C4 ---- Composition C4 block demolition charge * Remotely detonated with radio transmitter * Effective against buildings and armored vehicles * Larger buildings may require multiple charges ----- SMG ----- 5.8mm submachine gun for close combat * Very high rate of fire * Reduced accuracy at range * Increased magazine capacity ----- RPG ----- Multi purpose anti-personnel and light anti-tank rocket launcher * Warhead can penetrate light armor * Large explosive effect * Reduced effectiveness against modern armor --------- CARBINE --------- Modern short-barrel 5.56mm US military rifle * Moderate stopping power * Very accurate --------------- ASSAULT RIFLE --------------- Countless versions of the 7.62mm assault rifle have been produced worldwide. * Good stopping power * Moderate accuracy * Very loud ----------------------.--------------------------------.----------------------- ======================| 19. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS |======================= ----------------------'--------------------------------'----------------------- Due to the large amount of questions, I have created a method for more quickly finding the question that you have and want answered. Each section has a mini list of all the questions along with a code. Enter the question's code into your browser's find/search feature (probabaly Ctrl + F) to go straight to the question. .-------------------. | A. BEFORE YOU BUY | '-------------------' MERCS19A CODE QUESTION > BYB01 - Should I get this game? > BYB02 - I heard this game is a Grand Theft Auto ripoff, is that true? > BYB03 - When did Mercenaries come out? > BYB04 - Is this game challenging enough so I won't get bored > BYB05 - Is this game better for the PlayStation 2 or the XBox? > BYB06 - Can you blow up buildings in this game? > BYB07 - Is there a multiplayer mode in Mercenaries? Is it online? > BYB08 - But... It's $50! Is it really that good? ------- BYB01 ------- Q: Should I get this game? A: That is without a doubt, THE most asked question thusfar. In my opinion, Mercenaries is a must buy. But I don't know your specific tastes in games, so here are a few things that if they apply to you, you should get this game: 1) If you enjoy a free-roaming experience with the ability to do just about whatever you want to whoever or whatever you want however you want. 2) If you want a game which has so much to do, you won't ever get bored. 3) If you like any sort of military combat game. 4) If you like GOOD GAMES! :P AND, here are some review scores: My GameFAQs Review: 9/10 Official PlayStation Mag: 4.5/5 Gamespy: 4.5/5 GameSpot: 8.8/10 GamePro: 4/5 Yahoo! Games: 9/10 ------- BYB02 ------- Q: I heard this game is a Grand Theft Auto ripoff, is that true? A: No, Mercenaries is not a "ripoff" of GTA. There are similarities between the two games, however. You can hijack vehicles in Mercenaries much like you do in GTA. You also can roam the area you are in freely, like you can roam the cities in the GTA games freely. That however, is pretty much where the similarites end. The only other comparable aspect is that there are missions you can take on in Mercenaries, but those usually differ dramatically from the missions in the Grand Theft Auto games. ------- BYB03 ------- Q: When did Mercenaries come out? A: On January 11, 2005. ------- BYB04 ------- Q: Is this game challenging enough so I won't get bored? A: While many claim Mercenaries is a breeze, many others claim that it is extremely challenging. I believe that it is a bit of both. Each mission is its own challenge, and each mission's difficulty will vary. The beauty of Mercenaries is everything is only as hard or as easy as you make it. Guess what? You'll get to use your brain a bit for some of these missions! ------- BYB05 ------- Q: Is this game better for the PlayStation 2 or the XBox? A: The XBox. I own the PlayStation 2 version, but I have played them both and the XBox version is cleaner looking and the load times are considerably shorter. ------- BYB06 ------- Q: Can you blow up buildings in this game? A: Yes, you can blow up every building in this game by one method or another. Q: Really? A: Yes. ------- BYB07 ------- Q: Is there a multiplayer mode in Mercenaries? Is it online? A: There is NO multiplayer in Mercenaries and it is NOT online. The lack of a multiplayer mode isn't a huge dissappointment, as it is likely that it would not be very good. The fact that there is no online mode is a bit of a letdown, but I haven't been bored with the single-player mode yet. ------- BYB08 ------- Q: But... It's $50! Is it really that good? A: Yes it is. Also, Mercenaries was the top-selling game of January 2005, beating out even Resident Evil 4 and a number of other early 2005 titles. .--------------------. | B. GETTING STARTED | '--------------------' MERCS19B CODE QUESTION > GS01 - What's the difference between the characters? > GS02 - Can I switch between them once I start? > GS03 - Why is it telling me to sit down after I stand? > GS04 - I don't get it... What was the beginning about? ------ GS01 ------ Q: What's the difference between the characters? A: The three characters in Mercenaries, Chris Jacobs, Jennifer Mui, and Mattias Nilsson, are suited for different styles of play. If you prefer as tougher character who can survive more gunshots and larger blasts, then you should use Chris Jacobs. If you prefer sneaking up on your enemies and taking them out before they can react, you should choose Jennifer Mui. If being able to charge at your enemies quickly with guns blazing and moving as fast as you can to avoid gunfire, Mattias Nilsson is your guy. ------ GS02 ------ Q: Can I switch between them once I start? A: Nope, you are either Chris Jacobs, Mattias Nilsson, or Jennifer Mui all the way through. ------ GS03 ------ Q: Why is it telling me to sit down after I stand? A: It's not. When a message appears at the bottom of the screen with the triangle option next to it, it is simply giving you the option to do that action. Now, go to the yellow circles, you haven't really started playing yet! ------ GS04 ------ Q: I don't get it... What was the beginning about? A: Basically the beginning was a collection of footage that sets the general tone of the game and a conference between Executive Operations (ExOps) officials taking about their military operations in Korea. You are the lone mercenary they send in. .---------------------. | C. GENERAL GAMEPLAY | '---------------------' MERCS19C CODE QUESTION > GG01 - What is MASH? > GG02 - How can I stop the North Koreans from coming out of the hole? > GG03 - What do the Listening Posts look like? > GG04 - What do Blueprints look like? > GG05 - What do National Treasures look like? > GG06 - What do Monuments look like? > GG07 - Why can't I use the Merchant of Menace? > GG08 - Why isn't there a place to hijack that car? > GG09 - Why are the [insert faction] guys shooting at me? > GG10 - How can I keep [insert faction] happy when contracts make me kill them? > GG11 - Why can't I hear my shotgun? > GG12 - How come I can't blow up a building in [insert city]? > GG13 - How do you spot an officer? > GG14 - Does Mattias Nillson's name have anything to do with the people in that VH1 show? ------ GG01 ------ Q: What is MASH? A: MASH stands for "Mobile Army Surgical Hospital." It is the Allied Nations' medical center. Whenever you are killed or choose to be medivaced, you will be taken to the MASH and healed... For a small fee. ------ GG02 ------ Q: How can I stop the North Koreans from coming out of the hole? A: Nice word choice, I guess it's technically correct. What that "hole" actually is is the entrance/exit of an underground tunnel, one of many in Korea. Anyways, see the tower-like thing with the red light on top? That's an alarm. When you got into the conflict with the North Koreans, one of them activated it and it summons reinforcements. You have two choices. 1) Knock it down, or 2) Turn it off by going under it and pushing the action button. ------ GG03 ------ Q: What do the Listening Posts look like? A: They are poles that are around the height of your character, maybe a little taller, that at the top have a radar-looking device to pick up conversations. The device has a flashing red light on both sides. ------ GG04 ------ Q: What do Blueprints look like? A: Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Blueprints are small, rectangular, white boxes with that radioactive symbol on it. ------ GG05 ------ Q: What do National Treasures look like? A: National Treasures are large, cubic, blue boxes with a small black symbol on a few of the sides. ------ GG06 ------ Q: What do Monuments look like? A: Monuments come in a few different forms. So far I have found monuments as: > Large bronze statues of General Choi Song > Smaller white statues of [I believe] soldiers > White, medium-sized tower things that look like the Washington Monument with red Korean text going down one of the four sides. ------ GG07 ------ Q: Why can't I use the Merchant of Menace? A: You have to help out the Russian Mafia first. Go to the Mafia HQ and complete a contract for them. ------ GG08 ------ Q: Why isn't there a place to hijack that car? A: Any enemy vehice (this includes typically friendly factions you may have upset) with a gunner aboard cannot be hijacked. Kill the gunner and then the green action circle should appear for you to hijack the vehicle. ------ GG09 ------ Q: Why are the [insert faction] guys shooting at me? A: If the faction is hostile towards you (check the Factions screen in your PDA) then the members of that faction will always attack you upon seeing you until you improve the mood of that faction towards you up to at least the "unfriendly" level. If the faction is not hostile towards you, you may have hit one of them with a stray bullet during a firefight with North Koreans, or when the North Koreans were attacking you, they may have accidentally hit the friendly faction causing the friendly faction to attack you. It's bizarre sometimes, I know. It's one of this game's few problems. ------ GG10 ------ Q: How can I keep [insert faction] happy when contracts make me kill them? A: Generally I try to avoid doing the killing in sight of other faction members, but that's not always possible. When you can't find an alternative, such as hiding and using a sniper rifle, go ahead and kill whoever you need to. Afterwards you can just make your way to that faction's HQ and bribe the guard with $100,000 in the first area or $250,000 in the second area. ------ GG11 ------ Q: Why can't I hear my shotgun? A: In the PlayStation 2 version of Mercenaries, there is a glitch where the shotgun does not make a sound upon being fired. Not a big deal though, it may be one of the least helpful weapons in the game. ------ GG12 ------ Q: How come I can't blow up a building in [insert city]? A: Every building in Mercenaries can be destroyed. Not all of them can be destroyed by the standard means of firing at them with a tank, firing missiles from a helicopter, firing at them with an RPG, or using C4. Some buildings require an airstrike of some sort, and a Bunker Buster is ALWAYS the best bet to blow up a building, as it is so powerful. ------ GG13 ------ Q: How do you spot an officer? A: When the faction icons over all the other people on the map are disabled (press left on the d-pad to toggle them on and off), the officers will still have their faction icon floating above their heads. ------ GG14 ------ Q: Does Mattias Nillson's name have anything to do with the people in that VH1 show? A: No. It's almost shameful that I know this, but anyways, the VH1 show called "Strange Love" is focusing on Flavor Flav's desire to be with Brigitte *Nielson* (as in not Nillson) who is engaged to a man named *Mattia* (as in not Mattias). Just a coincidence of similar pronounciations. .--------------. | D. CONTRACTS | '--------------' MERCS19D CODE QUESTION > CON01 - Where do I get contracts? > CON02 - Where did the guard go??? I want another contract! > CON03 - Do I have to do every contract? > CON04 - Is there a way to skip a contract and go to the next one? > CON05 - If I exit the headquarters, do I lose the contract? ------- CON01 ------- Q: Where do I get contracts? A: Each friendly faction has a headquarters for you to visit. These are marked by the factions' flags on the PDA map. After speaking to the guard outside of a headquarters, the faction leader will explain the details of the contract. When you are ready to accept the contract, you talk to the faction member standing next to or near the faction leader. The game guides you to and through the first contract, which is with the Allied Nations. ------- CON02 ------- Q: Where did the guard go??? I want another contract! A: Once you reach the final contract with a faction for the suit of cards you are on, the guard will disappear and the faction flag will no longer be visible on the PDA map. Once you advance to the next card suit, more contracts will be available. ------- CON03 ------- Q: Do I have to do every contract? A: No, but you will do most of them and you SHOULD do all of them. By not doing all of them, you may miss out on a face card or some intel telling you where a number card is. ------- CON04 ------- Q: Is there a way to skip a contract and go to the next one? A: Nope. You have to do the contracts in order. ------- CON05 ------- Q: If I exit the headquarters, do I lose the contract? A: No. If you leave the headquarters of any given faction before accepting the contract, you will be able to get back into the headquarters again by simply talking to the guard outside the headquarters and then you will reenter and nothing will have changed. .---------------. | E. DECK OF 52 | '---------------' MERCS19E CODE QUESTION > DECK01 - Where is the [card number] of [card suit]? > DECK02 - Can you help me with the Ace of [card suit]? > DECK03 - I saw on a load screen that you can load cards into a vehicle... How? > DECK04 - Once you read the Ace e-mail, do the other cards from that suit go away? > DECK05 - Why is the Ace of Diamonds called both General Kang and General Chang? -------- DECK01 -------- Q: Where is the [card number] of [card suit]? A: As of right now, I don't have a list of locations. Hopefully someone will create one, but if not, I will keep track of the number cards' locations next time I start over. What I recommend is that you keep completing the contracts. Doing so gets you intel which tells you where the harder to find number cards are. -------- DECK02 -------- Q: Can you help me with the Ace of [card suit]? A: Check my walkthrough for more details, but here are some tips to get you started: > Use everything you find to your advantage. Don't blow up every vehicle you see, hijack it. This is crucial with tanks and helicopters. > If you can get help, take it. See an Allied soldier nearby? Honk that horn! > Do the secondary objectives! I cannot stress this enough. They help you out with completing the tougher primary ones. > Move slow and think before you act. These are the worst missions to run in with guns blazing. Why? There are unexpected surprises everywhere that you can't avoid if you don't take precautions. > Watch out for vehicles trying to run you over. I have been run over far too many times towards the very end of a mission. > DON'T SETTLE FOR THE KILL WITH THE ACE! It is too much money to pass up half of, even though it's harder, it's worth it. -------- DECK03 -------- Q: I saw on a load screen that you can load cards into a vehicle... How? A: You simply goto an empty vehicle and press triangle when the "Enter Vehicle" option is displayed. Note that this can only be done with wheeled vehicles that have a passenger seat next to the driver's seat. -------- DECK04 -------- Q: Once you read the Ace e-mail, do the other cards from that suit go away? A: No. Until you go to the Allied Nations headquarters and accept the Ace Contract, you are free to do as you wish. That includes accepting contracts to eventually obtain the face cards and searching for the number cards. -------- DECK05 -------- Q: Why is the Ace of Diamonds called both General Kang and General Chang? A: It appears to be an error on the part of one of the programmers. It could be for a variety of reasons. I'm not sure which spelling is actually _supposed_ to be right, but I believe Chang is the intended spelling, as it can be found far many more times throughout the game. .----------------. | F. CHEAT CODES | '----------------' MERCS19F CODE QUESTION > CC01 - How do I enter cheat codes? > CC02 - Why don't all the cheat codes work? > CC03 - Which codes work without having to be unlocked? > CC04 - Does using cheat codes mess up the game? > CC05 - Do the cheat codes work on the demo? ------ CC01 ------ Q: How do I enter cheat codes? A: To enter cheat codes, press SELECT to bring up the PDA. Press R1 to scroll through the various screens until you reach the Factions screen (which has all the factions listed alongside their moods toward you). There, simply press the button sequence for the cheat codes. ------ CC02 ------ Q: Why don't all the cheat codes work? A: Some cheat codes, such as codes to change the appearance of your character, do not work until you have actually unlocked those codes in the game. Once you unlock them, you get an e-mail telling you the code. To see what you need to do to unlock those codes, check the "Cheat Codes and Secrets" page on the Mercenaries section of GameFAQs. ------ CC03 ------ Q: Which codes work without having to be unlocked? A: The codes that will work without you having to do anything special are: Down(4), Up, Left, Right(2) - All items in Merchant of Menace shop Right, Down, Left, Up(2), Left, Down, Right - Recieve $1,000,000 Right, Left, Right(2), Left, Right, Left(2) - Unlimited Ammo Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right - Invincibility ------ CC04 ------ Q: Does using cheat codes mess up the game? A: Not at all. It's your game, so do with it what you wish, it won't hurt the game a bit. ------ CC05 ------ Q: Do the cheat codes work on the demo? A: Nope, I tested this out for myself and not a single code works on the demo of Mercenaries. --------------------------.-------------------------.-------------------------- ==========================| 20. MISCELLANEOUS HELP |========================== --------------------------'-------------------------'-------------------------- MERCS20 This section is a compilation of things that do not fit anywhere else but are not large enough for a whole section. --------- THE PDA --------- [ From the Mercenaries Game Manual... For those of you who rented the game :P ] The PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) is your most important tool while you are in Korea. You will find yourself using the PDA all the time. You use it to view the map, check your e-mail, purchase items from the Merchant of Menace, view various statistics from the game, and to view each faction's mood towards you. Press SELECT to bring up the PDA and press L1 and R1 to scroll through all of the different screens. MAP: Provides a map of the area. The flashing green arrow shows your current location and heading. Primary and secondary objectives, faction HQ flags, and Deck of 52 members are all shown on the PDA map. Use the directional buttons to scroll the map view. Press the X button to zoom in and switch current focus. Press the Triangle button to zoom out, or close the PDA. EMAIL: Displays any emails recieved. Check here for messages describing requirements and rewards for contracts accepted. Sometimes additional emails are sent during a contract. Always check the DECK OF 52 folder after completing a contract -- a lead on a Deck of 52 member is often part of the contract payment. Finally, check the HELP folder if you forget anything. SHOP: Visit the Merchant of Menace website. Once you've proved your worth to the Russian Mafia, this is where you can buy weapons, airstrikes, supplies, and vehicles. If you get in good with a faction, you may recieve a discount on supplies they offer. If you get into bad standing with the Russians and they stop selling you goodies, you may be able to persuade them with a "donation." Hint: press right on the directional button to quickly access the shop. STATUS: Here you can check the Deck of 52, Bounties, Challenges, and Statistics. FACTIONS: Displays your current standing with each faction. ----------- MAIN MENU ----------- CONTINUE: Loads the most recently saved file. If you are the only person who plays the game, you will most often simply push this to get to your file. You won't have this option on the screen if there are no Mercenaries files on your memory card(s). NEW GAME: This does what you would expect it to, it starts up a new file. You go to a screen to choose which mercenary you want to be as soon as you select this option. LOAD GAME: Brings up the list of save files on your memory card so that you can load one of those saved games. OPTIONS: Brings up a submenu allowing you to choose from "Game" and "Audio". OPTIONS > GAME: Allows you to invert the Y-axis for aiming, adjust the aim speed, turn the vibration of the controller on or off, and turn the subtitles on and off. OPTIONS > AUDIO: Here you can change audio modes and adjust the volumes of various sounds. CREDITS: What do you think? It rolls the game credits! ------------------------------- PAUSE MENU (DURING CONTRACTS) ------------------------------- CONTINUE: Takes you back to the game CONTROLS: Brings up a diagram of the controls for whatever you are currently controlling. CANCEL CONTRACT: Ends the current contract and then gives you the option of retrying the contract. OPTIONS: Brings up a submenu allowing you to choose from "Game" and "Audio". OPTIONS > GAME: Allows you to invert the Y-axis for aiming, adjust the aim speed, turn the vibration of the controller on or off, and turn the subtitles on and off. OPTIONS > AUDIO: Here you can change audio modes and adjust the volumes of various sounds. QUIT: Takes you out of the current game, back to the main menu. ----------------------------------- PAUSE MENU (OUTSIDE OF CONTRACTS) ----------------------------------- CONTINUE: Takes you back to the game CONTROLS: Brings up a diagram of the controls for whatever you are currently controlling. SAVE GAME: Brings up the current list of saved files and empty files so that you can save your progress. LOAD GAME: Brings up the list of save files on your memory card so that you can load one of those saved games. MEDIVAC: Sends you to the Allied MASH, restoring your health. You will be charged $1,000 for this option. OPTIONS: Brings up a submenu allowing you to choose from "Game" and "Audio". OPTIONS > GAME: Allows you to invert the Y-axis for aiming, adjust the aim speed, turn the vibration of the controller on or off, and turn the subtitles on and off. OPTIONS > AUDIO: Here you can change audio modes and adjust the volumes of various sounds. QUIT: Takes you out of the current game, back to the main menu. -------------------------.---------------------------.------------------------- =========================| 21. CONTRIBUTION REQUESTS |========================= -------------------------'---------------------------'------------------------- MERCS21 If any major error is found, please e-mail it to: MercenariesFAQ@gmail.com And I will look into it. Thank you. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 22. UPDATE HISTORY |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS22 March 19, 2007 ........... Revised legal information. Updated introduction to Version 3.0 reflect version change. March 2, 2005 ............ Did a lot of work on mainly finishing the Vehicles Version 2.6 List. Worked on various other things and then got around to submitting Version 2.6. March 1, 2005 ............ Worked on various sections adding bits and pieces of Version 2.5 additional information. Added in some contributed information. Added the "Fun Stuff" section for all those people who get on the message boards and start complaining that they are bored. February 28, 2005 ........ Worked on some vehicle info. Added in some small Version 2.4 things. Went through the FAQ and checked for any major errors. February 27, 2005 ........ Added in some more contributions and worked some Version 2.3 more on the vehicle list. I am going through the game and taking note of when certain "Special Actions" can be performed in each faction's HQ. Added the "Miscellaneous Help" section. February 26, 2005 ........ Got some contributions added in. Worked on adding Version 2.2 information to the Vehicle List. Made a few other small additions. February 24, 2005 ........ Not much today. Gave the Bounty Items their own Version 2.1 section and added Southern Province Monument locations. February 23, 2005 ........ Got around to adding the numerous contributions I Version 2.0 have recieved recently, including numerous ones from Enigma Nostra. Added a couple more e-mails, a couple new cheats, and numerous other small things. At this point, the guide is nearly complete. Submitted Version 2.0 to GameFAQs. February 22, 2005 ........ Added more Frequently Asked Questions. Implemented a Version 1.8 search code feature for the Frequently Asked Questions to make navigating to the questions needed easier. Rewrote the introduction. February 21, 2005 ........ Natuarally I found a few errors on my part in the Version 1.7 last version but those are fixed now. Added info to Vehicle List and Codes and Secrets. Created a whole new section, the Airstrikes List, and completed it. February 20, 2005 ........ Added alternate strategy for contract - "Embedded". Version 1.5 Worked on Vehicle List. Added a little info to the Weapons List. Corrected a few problems with the layout. Made the Frequently Asked Questions easier to read. Fixed an error where the some things are in the wrong location. February 19, 2005 ........ A little bit of vehicle info added. Submitted Version 1.4 Version 1.4 to GameFAQs. Version 1.4 accepted and posted. February 18, 2005 ........ Added the Faction HQ Special Events to the Etcetera Version 1.4 section of "Codes and Secrets." Modified the organization of the PDA E-Mails. Worked on the Vehicle List. Added all help e-mails in PDA E-Mails. February 17, 2005 ........ Worked on the Vehicles List and added all of the Version 1.3 PDA E-Mails for the Deck of 52 intel. Added www.cheathappens.com to the list of allowed host sites. February 16, 2005 ........ Version 1.0 was accepted and posted on GameFAQs Version 1.2 within hours of my submission. You've gotta love how quickly CJayC can get the updates up. After taking yesterday off of FAQ writing, I've finished up the Side Challenges section and the Weapons List. Began adding info the the Vehicles List. Implemented a "search code" system to help readers find sections quicker. February 14, 2005 ........ BIG update day. The entire Walkthrough is complete! Version 1.0 Began Side Challenges section. Revamped Weapons List section to a setup allowing for more info in future updates. Added some weapon info. Added some vehicle info. Started up the Side Challenges section. Got the Spades e-mail section done. Posted all locations for the Deck of 52. Submitted Version 1.0 for update to GameFAQs. February 13, 2005 ........ I've been very sick this weekend, so things are a Version 0.95 bit behind. I did a major overhaul of the order of all the sections. I've gotten the Spades Walkthough a little more than halfway complete. Added some information from various e-mails I have recieved from helpful FAQ readers. February 10, 2005 ........ Version 0.9 accepted to and posted on GameFAQs. Version 0.9 February 9, 2005 ......... Submitted Version 0.9 to GameFAQs. Version 0.9 February 8, 2005 ......... Completed Hearts Walkthrough. Finished touching up Version 0.9 the layout. February 7, 2005 ......... Finished Hearts Walkthrough up to Ace Contract. Version 0.8 Reorganized a few sections. Altered ASCII art. February 3, 2005 ......... Due to an exceptionally busy day, minimal work was Version 0.75 done on the Hearts section of Walkthrough. Made the layout a bit easier to read. February 2, 2005 ......... Worked on Hearts section of the Walkthrough. Version Version 0.7 0.7 was posted on GameFAQs. Finally got around to compliling the e-mails I wrote down from the game and added them to the FAQ. February 1, 2005 ......... Finished the Diamonds section of the Walkthrough, Version 0.7 submitted Version 0.7 to GameFAQs. January 31, 2005 ......... Took the weekend off of FAQ writing due to having a Version 0.65 lot of things to go to and simply being tired. Did more of the Walkthrough, nearly completing the Diamonds. Added www.neoseeker.com to list of sites with permission to post this guide. January 28, 2005 ......... Version 0.5 accepted and posted on GameFAQs. Worked Version 0.6 on Walkthrough, finishing up the Clubs. January 27, 2005 ......... Made formatting the same throughout FAQ. Codes and Version 0.5 Secrets section added. With the exception of the Walkthrough and Side Missions, nearly everything is complete. Submitted Version 0.5 to GameFAQs. January 26, 2005 ......... More weapons added, more vehicles added, Merchant of Version 0.3 Menace Shop List complete, everything but the locations of the Deck of 52 is done. Walkthrough started. January 25, 2005 ......... Submission to GameFAQs for intial FAQ-only version Version 0.2 denied for lack of content. I guess Frequently Asked Questions aren't what FAQs are for... Wait, what? :P Oh well, good thing I've been changing this around. The entire old FAQ is in this one, so you aren't missing any content, just time. Up to now I've gotten the first 5 sections done and everything but the contracts and side missions is either partially complete, or I have it set up to complete soon. January 24, 2005 ......... Awaiting submission approval to GameFAQs. Began Version 0.1 changing format of FAQ to comprehensive guide. January 21, 2005 ......... Added more questions. Submitted FAQ-only version to Version N/A GameFAQs. January 20, 2005 ......... Continued answering questions. Version N/A January 19, 2005 ......... Began FAQ. Wrote Introduction. Added Questions. Version N/A ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 23. CREDITS |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS23 I will always give credit where credit is due, so here it goes: TO: CJayC FOR: GameFAQs. It takes a lot to keep something so great working so well. TO: LucasArts and Pandemic FOR: Creating the first great game of 2005. Hopefully LucasArts keeps working on non Star Wars projects every once in a while and hopefully Pandemic's next game (Destroy All Humans, go take a look at it) will be as good as Mercenaries is. TO: The users of GameFAQs FOR: Using FAQs! What reason would there be for writing FAQs without you all!?! TO: Enigma Nostra FOR: More contributions have come from Enigma than anyone else. Engima has contributed the following to this guide: > A LOT of the info in the Weapon List > Helicopter info in the Vehicles List > Numerous General Tips > Additional info for the Walkthrough TO: X_Riku_X (GameFAQs user) FOR: Contributing 2 Frequently Asked Questions. TO: Master Roshi (GameFAQs user) FOR: Contributing 2 Frequently Asked Questions. TO: Mr Snugglybuns (GameFAQs user) FOR: Contributing 1 Frequently Asked Question. TO: Vivian Lam (FAQ writer) FOR: Inspiring the section label design as seen in Vivian's Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 GBA FAQ (which I used long, long ago). TO: Donny "Gamera" Chan (DChan on GameFAQs) FOR: Sending me various pieces of miscellanious information to add and for correcting my misreading and misprinting of MI6 as M16 in the official bio for Jennifer Mui. TO: stevie FOR: Vehicle and weapon info. Correction of Carbine ammo capacity. TO: bigdux7890 (GameSpot user) FOR: Informing me of the reward for collecting 10 WMD Blueprints. TO: Headhuntress (GameFAQs user) FOR: Providing the list of Faction HQ Special Actions. TO: Radioactive Monkey FOR: Alternate strategy for contract - "Embedded". TO: Joseph Babitsky FOR: Providing General Tip, "Helicopters as a Second Option". TO: Jacob Litman FOR: Providing Alternate Strategies for two contracts, "Pest Control" and "Gimme My Money". TO: Nico FOR: Providing an Alternate Strategy for the contract, "Omerta". TO: Michael Anderson FOR: Providing the General Tip, "Getting a Chopper from the Shop if You Cannot Order One". TO: Sir Loin of Beef (GameFAQs user) FOR: Alternate strategy for contract - "Bringing Down the House". Portions of this guide are excerpts from the Mercenaries game manual. ---------------------------.-----------------------.--------------------------- ===========================| 24. LEGAL INFORMATION |=========================== ---------------------------'-----------------------'--------------------------- MERCS24 Since this is the final revision of this guide, I have decided to make some significant changes to the legalities surrounding it. * This guide may not be sold, and no profit may be directly made off of it under any circumstances. * If you have a website and wish to include this guide on it, you may do so, as long as you give me (Evan Rowlands) full credit and make no changes to the guide whatsoever. Thank you. =============================================================================== LucasArts is a registered trademark of LucasFilm Ltd. Pandemic is a registered trademark of Pandemic Studios LLC. PlayStation is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. =============================================================================== Mercenaries FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright (c) 2007, Evan Rowlands