------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________ ____ ______ ______ __ / / / / / / / /_ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_/ / / / /_/ / / / /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/_ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/__ ______ ______ __________ _____ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_/__ / /_/ / / /_/_/ / / / / / / / / /_/ /_/ /_/ \_\ /_/ /_/ /_/ ___/_/ |: GLITCH IN THE SYSTEM :| Index: 1 Purpose/History 2 Walkthrough 27 - Ruins of Iron Star: Seen Better Days 28 - Ruins of Iron Star: The Sniper's Lair 29 - Mil City Hub: Secret Rendezvous 30 - Mil City Center: Bright Lights, Mil City 31 - Get To The Tower 32 - Droid City: Unwelcome home 33 - Coliseum: 15 minutes 34 - Coliseum: Round 2 35 - Coliseum: Last Bot Standing 36 - Coliseum: Fall to Pieces 37 - Wasteland: Race to the Rocket 38 - One Small Step 39 - Fully Operational 40 - Mil Space station: Bring it down 41 - Mil Space Station: General Corrosive 3 Credits 4 Contact/Miscellaneous >>**-------------------------------------**<< 1 Purpose/History >>**-------------------------------------**<< This faq arose because there were no other walkthroughs at the time I played this fantastic game. There were some challenging puzzles and that is what I am helping with. There are other faqs for specialized info, I don’t need to do what they have already done. I started this at level 31 and now will begin working backwards. 1-17-2004 Ver 0.36 Levels 27 - 29 added, 41 fixed 1-12-2004 Ver 0.27 Level 30 added and minor fixes. 1-11-2004 Release Version 0.25 >>**-------------------------------------**<< 2 Walthrough >>**-------------------------------------**<< Notes - As I continue writing this faq, I realize better ways to do convey info. Now I am putting how many chips my walkthrough has out of how many are obtainable on that level, starting with level 30 (remember I am moving backwards). I am also adding handy things you'll find in the level at the top, like EMPs, Recruiters or weapon upgrades. The list is the order you get them in, though sometimes that is arbitrary. __________________________________________________________ / / 27 - Ruins of Iron Star: Seen Better Days 3/4 /____________________________________________________________ Mining Laser Level 3 upgrade As the level starts, just hang back and let the zombiebots take out the Mils or quickly dash in and possess a grunt. The zombiebot is left standing, so take it out. As you walk straight out of the entrance and look left, you'll see a fire. There are two zombiebots waiting as you approach the fire. Before you get to the fire, in the shadow of the building to the right is some twisted metal that looks like a 'C' on its back with a pole coming out. When facing the fire, turn left and go to the left side of the nearby ramp. From here you can see a grunt to the left of the building casting the aforementioned shadow that needs sniping. Now go back to the building and hug the wall and go the blue spark. There are some stairs to climb to a secret chip, and a short hall leading to a grunt looking the other way. You can't go far, but when you move on, you can take out a grunt at the start of the next section. After sitting there for a moment or two, a zombiebot comes after you. Go back to the start of the next section. There are two pillars in front of you. You can see (and destroy) a grunt up and to the left of the left pillar. The only way to go is to the right, were you can see a mounted gun with a grunt in it. Then it's back to Glitch. As you approach the gun, a zombiebot will come after you from up ahead and to the right. When you hop in the gun, a wall to the right of the fire blows open and two zombiebots come after you. Remember that they won't reform is being shot at. Soon after entering this new area, another zombiebot comes after you. You'll end up on a ledge of sorts with a grunt directly below. Dropping down guns-a-blazin' is the best way to go. The wall on the right leads out. You'll fight two zombiebots but stay close to the wall as there is sentry above that will see you as you round the corner. Opposite the sentry is the Mining Laser Level 3 upgrade so you might want to take out the sentry to look for it safely. After you get it, move down the path. This leads down and to an area with a predator. After finishing it off, go the left, up the ramp and across to the other side and down the hall (there's a blue spark). The hall turns right and a zombiebot will fall from the ceiling in front of you. Emerge slowly as there is a grunt in the skyway directly in front of you. Stand at where the ramp meets the ground and look for the grunt under the skyway a little to the left. Follow the right side and you'll see a ramp up. Once again a blue spark guides you. ONLY GO UP A LITTLE! There is a grunt in a gun that you can possess. After that there is a path to the right to the skyway. Three (I think) grunts are walking towards you with nowhere to go when you toss a coring charge at them. You can't go much farther but go to the gap in the skyway and run back to trigger an enemy emerging on the opposite bank. You can run back to the gun then get rid of the possessed grunt and move across and down to the water. The only way to go is across a bridge. When you start, a zombiebot comes after you from the other side (pun intended). Cross the bridge and into the short hallway. When you come out, walk slowly forward and look directly to the left and you'll see a sentry you can rocket snipe. No rockets? Just go in the opposite direction of the sentry and you'll see a hole in the wall with some rocket ammo and a secret chip. Be ready for another zombiebot as you leave the hole in the wall. Now go follow the path to the sentry. At its base, the path goes right with two grunts waiting for you. As you walk forward, the wall on the far end will burst with a titan and four grunts, all with rocket launchers. Take care of the titan from above so you can back up then jump down and eliminate the grunts. Cross to the other side but NOT IN!. Turn around and you'll see a path on the left going up leading to a secret chip. __________________________________________________________ / / 28 - Ruins of Iron Star: The Sniper's Lair 4/4 /____________________________________________________________ EMP, Recruiter Sneak up and take over the grunt you see. Immediately look up and take out the grunt in the ruins. Turn to your right and take another out. Once you're Glitch again, head towards the riveter ammo on the right. Past it is a little cranny for your first secret chip. Now follow move along but stay along the left wall. At the end is a nook with an EMP and rocket ammo. Turn right to and you'll see the first of the body parts but don't get it! Take out the sentry above and slightly to the right. There are also three patrolling grunts you can disable before proceeding. Once you get Goff's torso, look to the right and above as you move on. There is a riveting grunt up in a nook. Now quietly go up the tower the sentry was in. There is a possess-able grunt up top but the range is really low. Take him to the bottom of the tower and around the left. You'll see titan on the ground and a grunt on some ruins to the right. After you're Glitch again, go to the right side and take out a sniper in the distance. Now stay to the left wall and go around a tower carefully. There will be a river with a sentry on the opposite shore to the right and a grunt to the left. Go back to the back of the tower. From here you'll see some ramps leading up to a blue spark. At the top of theses ramps, to the right are Goff's legs. Go left but be ready for a sniper on the opposite side of the river at your height. After taking him out, go to the left and jump across to the other platform to collect another secret chip. As you walk back to the blue spark, off to left is another grunt on a walkway and two patrolling. Take them out and get Goff's legs. At the end of the hall, turn left. There is a larger mortar across the way that needs blowing up. Now follow the walkway and get down instead of jumping the small gap to the next walkway. Go the corner right in front of you and zoom in just below the outcropping under the blue spark to the left to take out a grunt. I know that was a mouth full. The other option is to run a bit and see where he fires from. Carefully walk forward as there is another grunt that can detect you on the left. After dealing with him, you can snipe two other grunts off in the distance. Now hop onto the platform where the mortar was. Up higher in the distance is another mortar. It might see you, you might not. Move slowly along and take out two grunts and a titan. There is another grunt hidden behind a wall that is just after the pipe on the right. Next go the 'arch' opposite the pipe. Look up and to the right. There is a grunt that is hard to see with a rocket launcher but you can hit him. Go underneath the second mortar. On the right, behind the wall, is a grunt. You can also get a recruiter. Keep moving and get on the mound on left wall. Take out the sentry and the grunt at the opposite end of the zip cord. Get ready to fight two zombiebots that will burst in from the left as you move forward. Now a path to the left is open and another zombiebot comes after you when you go through it. Inside is a ramp up, and another zombiebot. As you run up the ramp, to the left and behind is a nook with a grunt and a secret chip. Don't take the zip cord down, just go on the ground so you are better prepared for two more zombiebots. You'll see another blue spark up high. Below it is a secret chip. Now take the zip cord and collect Goff's head. __________________________________________________________ / / 29 - Mil City Hub: Secret Rendezvous 4/4 /____________________________________________________________ Recruiter, EMP Note - In this level snipe often means with a rocket. ^_^ Start by going to the left. You'll see an unmoving conveyer belt. Hop on and grab the secret chip to the left. Moving to the other side of the structure will let you snipe a grunt, then the sentry turret. Now go stand and the munching garbage dumpster that was to the left of the entrance. If you look left of the entrance you'll see a ceiling sentry ready for you to blow it up. Grab the det-pack in the box turtle vehicle. Now go to the wall on the left and follow it till you are between the two small buildings. You can snipe a grunt that is in the same area as the ceiling sentry. This might cause a grunt to come out of one of the buildings, there is one in each (and you'll get a blue chip from one as well). Move between next to the guard tower - not in front - and you'll be able to snipe a grunt to the right of the ceiling sentry from earlier. Now take out the grunt inside the tower. Every one is gone for now so go under the ceiling sentry and grab the recruiter to the left. Leave the mega energy for later. Place the det-pack on the wall near the tower then get on top of the tower. Put in the chip and you'll control a titan. Take out the grunt your with and move out. Enemies of note in the new area are a shielded titan and a predator and numerous riveting grunts. One of the grunts leaves an EMP. On the far end from where you entered, there is a little hut with red light in it on the left side of a tunnel. Going in triggers several grunts to burst out of the tunnel to the left. They are well armed but Shady and Mr. Pockets are in there. You can buy a secret chip, as well as battery. Now go back to the room that the titan you possessed started in. Use an EMP to stun the grunt. Before possessing it, grab the secret chip behind console on the left. Now you can use it to activate the switch and open the tunnel. Unfortunately a shielded titan comes out with a couple of grunts so your grunt doesn't stand a chance so run past them. Down the road, just after a dumpster is a really annoying grunt. Use this one to take it out. After dealing with titan and friends, there is a sentry on the right, behind the now open able tunnel as well as a grunt. Fire a rocket at the bridge to get the titan down so you can take him out. After he is gone, go back to the door to the room that held the titan again but do not go in. Instead, get a running start and jump up. You'll need the momentum to get all the way up. Once up, jump to the top of it. From here you'll see the final secret chip. Finally, collect all the ammo and go down the street to end the level. __________________________________________________________ / / 30 - Mil City Center: Bright Lights, Mil City 1/3 /____________________________________________________________ EMP, Recruiter, EMP, EMP Start off by moving to the right. You'll see three scouts in the distance, but don't approach yet. Overhead is a sky tram that carries bots with rocket launchers. Let one pass over so you can dodge without triggering the scouts. Take out the scouts carefully. If you trigger an alarm, the enemies swarm in. The scatter blaster is my weapon of choice. Do not go too far as there is a guard tower with a sentry turret at the far end. There is also one on the left but the turret is facing down the street. Follow the wall on the left behind the tower to gain easy access for shooting the sentry turret on the opposite side. After firing, move back a bit out of sight, rinse and repeat. When the level started, there was a steam boost to the left. Use it to get up the walkway and take out the sentry on the closer guard tower. Inside that tower is an EMP and a Recruiter in the opposite tower. At some point a predator usually shows up. Try disabling its arms then using the slingshot+ coring charge. You'll need this skill later. Follow the road to the left and collect the secret chip on the left. You can use either guard tower to snipe the sentry in the tower to the right. I highly recommend recruiting the titan at this point. Lure it to you and duck behind the column. Sadly the signal is weak in this area so possession doesn't work well. After the fence, there is an alley to the left behind the light post. There are two sleeping grunts back there and two awake ones farther along. Get ready for things to get a bit hectic. After the road turns left, my titan ends up triggering a scout. I don't know if the predator and shielded titan are the result of that or not. Either way, having a friendly titan is awesome. If you're low on health, there is a small energy behind the dumpster just before the road turns left. You'll notice the road dips down. Before proceeding, you can snipe two sentries on a guard tower on the opposite side. If you recruited the titan, it took out a bunch of bots and the ammo is yours for the taking. Now head into the tunnel on the right. There is a shielded grunt with the spew and another with a rocket launcher. Upon emerging, there are two grunts, one with a rocket launcher and a predator. After dealing with them, there is an EMP in the guard tower that was on the other side of the energy fence. Note-I didn't actually do it this way but I think it might be better than my own. Follow the right wall and there will be an alley with a grunt+riveter. Take him out and follow the alley a short way to a shielded titan. You can shoot between the energy fence and possess it. From here on I did do it this way. There is another shielded titan in the distance. Try and take it out while not losing the signal. After clearing the vicinity, ignore the closed tunnel for now. Instead, there is a path to the left (when facing the tunnel) follow it and there is a hole in the right wall. In it is a small energy, magma, rocket, spew, and scatter blaster ammo. Wait around after collecting them and they RESPAWN!!! AWESOME!!! Well, at least they do in the Xbox version, other are unconfirmed. Now go back to the tunnel. It will open and the level is over. __________________________________________________________ / / 31 - Get To The Tower /____________________________________________________________ Immediately back up and let those large doors close. You'll see a bot on the radar running around for a moment, and then he'll move off. Once he does, run through the doors. To the left of the street is a building, run to it. From there you'll be able to snipe the guard tower that is further down but on the right side of the street. I use the bolt gun, after firing there is a portion of the wall that sticks out that you can use to get behind so the turret doesn't see you. Once it is gone, move to that tower. From here you can snipe the other turret. Wait till it isn't facing you to fire your shots. Have the zoom on max so you can quickly go to normal view and run on the elevator to trigger it do go down, thus also avoiding the turret from seeing you. Keep an eye out for the bots running around, you don't want to attract there attention till the turrets are destroyed. Now for the tricky part. The bots keep spawning, and killing them gives you EMP grenades. You need to tether one to use its boost jump (secondary fire) to get up the building in the middle. I had to use a lower structure on the side to get to the first tier and then it still takes a few tries to make it to the top. The hard part is this first tier because several enemies come out and fight you. I ended up clearing them and tethering another bot. On the top there is a hole to jump down in and a switch to open the door and allow access to the tank. Hop in and drive turn left out of the garage, immediately left again down the road, the right and maul the gate down. If you are comfortable with the tank controls you can do this backwards leaving you able to fire at the bots chasing you. After coming out of the tunnel, you'll see a large statue in the center of a square battlefield. Try and target the flying guy first, then lay waste to all who oppose you. There are two other tanks in the level and room with a bunch of grunts at the opposite of the entrance. If you have gotten this far in the game, this shouldn't be too hard. After getting rid of all the enemies, there is a ramp up the statue on the right side (as if you had just come out of the tunnel). Go up then to up the second ramp on the left. At this point another flying guy comes in. I just deal with him right there as the statue provides a lot of things to duck behind. Don't worry about your life as this is the last enemy of this level. From the second ramp, hop onto the foot of the statue, then onto the platform. Run up the ramps and you'll see a zip cord that leads to Shady and Mr. Pockets but looks a little too far out to be able to jump and grab. It looks this way because it is. To get to them, go to the right instead of the small ramp on the left. From here you can jump onto the statue's right elbow, jump up his to his fist, then to his head and finally onto another platform that gives easy access to the zip cord. Getting the secret chip is easy; just follow the small ramp on the left mentioned above. The first zip cord leads to the end of the level. Keep going past it to get to the one that leads to the secret chip. To get out of both the vendors and the secret chip area, there are steam vents that boost you out. __________________________________________________________ / / 32 - Droid City: Unwelcome home 2 chips /____________________________________________________________ Get ready for quick weapon switching as there are troopers and guards around. There is a turret to the right, behind the building. There is also a steam vent to boost to the top of the zip cord. When you've cleared out the section use the steam boost then the zip cord. Run to the right and there are two hanging hallways. The one on the left has a golden washer. In the next section, clear it out and look around. There is a secret chip in one of the hanging halls, as well as 3 (I think) EMP grenades and ammo for most of the weapons. If you take go to the wall on the right from the entrance, you'll see scatter blaster ammo, gold washer and an EMP. Behind the entrance is a steam boost that takes you to and EMP and 2 toaster ammo. To get the golden washer on top of the building to the left of the entrance, jump from the dome that's over the entrance onto the awning. It might take a couple tries. After collecting go back to the first area, take out the bots and the level is over. I got through this by leaving the mega health till I needed them. Retreating can be part of a strategy. __________________________________________________________ / / 33 - Coliseum: 15 minutes 1 chip /____________________________________________________________ Select your weapon but DO NOT enter the now open door. Instead go back and destroy the guy in your cell to pick up 2 cleaners. Sometimes he runs out on his own and gets wasted so you don't have to feel guilty. I chose the bolt gun since it's good against the troopers and the best distance weapon out the choices. Start out by grabbing the coring charges directly ahead. This will trigger the enemies to enter. Back up and take out the two troopers that come after you. Use a cleaner if you like but leave one for later. Once you deal with them, shoot down the flying light on the right as it has a secret chip. Before you get it, carefully make your way up along the right side of the battlefield. Hide behind stuff as you go and you'll see two titans patrolling back and forth. You might have noticed targets on the walls. When the non-shielded titan is near a wall, hit the target closest to it and it will activate a magnet and the rotating blades below to destroy it. Now wait till the shielded on comes to that side and do the same. This will give you just enough time to use a cleaner on it and grab the secret chip before he is destroyed and the level ends. Don't worry about conserving ammo, there are some pickups around the arena and it doesn't carry over to the next level. __________________________________________________________ / / 34 - Coliseum: Round 2 2 chips /____________________________________________________________ Blaster is a good one here because you are fighting zombiebots and guards. I just let them fight it out a bit and collect the secret chip that is in the cage. The other one is in the right flying light again. The blaster can take it down; it just takes a bit longer. Make sure things don't sneak up and attack you, though there are plenty of health and ammo pickups to get throughout this. The first time I played this level I did it in 3:57 and got a speed chip awarded. __________________________________________________________ / / 35 - Coliseum: Last Bot Standing 1 chip /____________________________________________________________ Here you are limited to the slingshot. This time the secret chip was in the left flying light. The battle starts out with several grunts that cause you lots of problems. Just keep at it till they are all destroyed. Then a predator comes. He is the last one. Hopefully you are able to take out the arms first, get the chip, and then take him out. BE CAREFUL! If you are on the opposite side of the stadium, General Corrosive will see the need to shoot homing missiles at you from time to time. Feel free to run across that area, just don't hang around. I had a time of 11:22 first time I completed this level to earn the speed chip. __________________________________________________________ / / 36 - Coliseum: Fall to Pieces 0 chips /____________________________________________________________ This is actually really easy, though initially I spent a lot of time confused. The best way to do this is to run to the second right-most dome and wait under it. Corrosive will come out and run over to you. When he stops in front of you, run to the back to the crate with health in it. You'll also notice a wrench in there. Stand behind it and Corrosive will blow it up. Grab the wrench and head to the nearest dome and disassemble yourself. Corrosive will come over to the dome, flick it and see you thinking he has won, but you are the true winner. The speed chip is pretty easy on this level. __________________________________________________________ / / 37 - Wasteland: Race to the Rocket 2 chips /____________________________________________________________ Grab your stuff quickly, taking out the two grunts if you want their spew ammo, and hop in the rat. Ram through the barricades till you get to an outpost. Once off, go to the right into the building to get a secret chip, recruiter and mega health at the far end. Exit to the left. The second secret chip is between the two turbines. Keep going and you see another rat on the other side of the building. There is some bolt ammo just before that you might want to grab. I was in it at 1:48 and had 5 seconds left at the end of the level. __________________________________________________________ / / 38 - One Small Step /____________________________________________________________ If you drop behind where the thrusters are, you'll fall undetected. Keep walking away from the ship and you'll see an opening on the right with a secret chip in it. Go back under the thrusters and pick up the Fire Buddy (who fires the same ammo as you). To get out of the trench you must run up the ramp. Head to the right towards and elevator with another secret chip underneath it. Don't worry about getting it now, just destroy the titan, scientist, and grunt waiting at the top. From here you can snipe the grunts and the scientist behind the energy field. In the mouth of the ship there is a grunt asleep that you can take over. I used him to take out the titan on the other end of the hangar. Once the room is cleared out, there is a switch on the area that you can use the elevator to get to. It moves a big thing hanging from the ceiling over the energy field blocked off area. After it is over, shoot it till it falls down. I do this from the switch that moved it and promptly back away. Two(I think) troopers, a titan and a grunt all come out. The troops find there way up, so take them out. The grunt is nearby so scatter blaster him away. Hopefully the titan will not get involved in this and you'll be able to sneak up on him and tether him. Go into the once blocked off area and into the door. There will be a titan in there. If you've taken the other titan over, he is a sitting duck. Keep going, there is only one path. You find yourself back in the hangar but another ship is coming. Waste the titan and trooper and whatever else comes out. There is a secret chip in the door where several enemies came out. Use the loader to pick up a box and drag it over to the area you originally couldn't jump to. Get up there and go to the edge and you'll see some platforms going on the outside of the ship. Follow them BUT as you turn the corner, run back inside. Several ships will follow you and will be much easer till destroy (and not fall off yourself) in the hanger. Make use of sniping with the riveter as you progress through this. Don't miss the secret chip by the hovering ship that doesn't go anywhere. __________________________________________________________ / / 39 - Fully Operational /____________________________________________________________ There is a sentry gun around the corner to the right. Past the door are a scientist and a grunt with a toaster. Make your way through this. When that floor is cleared you'll have to jump down and find a steam boost to get to the other side. Keep on keepin' on. You'll eventually come to a door out guarded by a sentry gun. After to take it out, go past the door (not in) to see a nook with a secret chip in it. Down this hall there is a scientist and a trooper. Don't go too far in because farther down there are sentry guns on both sides. The following hall has two scientists. After that, a room with two troopers and a scientist and two rivet and spew ammos and once scatter blaster behind some equipment opposite the exiting door. This next room has respawing troopers that leave EMPs when destroyed. By staying on the left side of the door, you can peep in at tether the grunt on the right. Not much use but for taking out the sentry gun and/or the other grunt. Take one over one of the troopers so you can boost jump onto the walkway above. Note- there are a total of three sentry guns, one at the entrance, another at the opposite side and one to the left. At the top of the walkway there is a switch to send an elevator down so Glitch can use it. Prepare as you ride the elevator for a shielded, toasting grunt. __________________________________________________________ / / 40 - Mil Space station: Bring it down 0 chips /____________________________________________________________ There is a trooper down the way. Take him out and go on down. Two more appear. After you're down with them, you might want to equip the scatter blaster for a bunch of shielded grunts. One of them will drop a blue chip. The crates to the left of the exit door with the switch have two ripper ammo packs. After going through the door, there is a mega health and some spew ammo. The next room has two patrolling shielded grunts and two sentry guns. Take out the guns by being close enough to open the doors then move back after firing. You might attract the grunts over in this however. There is an EMP and a recruiter in the crates in the pit. Move on cautiously and an elevator will bring up two grunts and a titan. Don't push them back otherwise you'll wake up the hanging troopers. After you deal the trio, tether a trooper, destroy the other three and the grunts that come out. After everyone is gone, in the trench is a steam boost to get onto the bridge. On the bridge is a switch that deactivates the energy field and brings up two turrets on either side of the door. Take them out and proceed. As you enter, follow the right wall. (note - the crate on the left has a Fire buddy) There is shielded titan that patrols the far end. After he has gone all the way right and turned around, you can tail then tether him. On the left side of pit, there are two sleeping troopers. When you are facing this area, the front right crate has a recruiter. The only place to go, though, is through the door on the right. If you tethered the titan the following two grunts and the sentry gun as you turn the corner won't be a problem. The next room holds two troopers and a grunt. I lured them back into the hallway and recruited them. This was handy because when you approach the other end, several enemies and a turret attack. The crate to the left of the turret has some health. Go through the door on the left and up the elevator. This will let you cross the bridge where some troopers come out. The hallway after the bridge opens directly to a sentry so be prepared. There is one more grunt in this hallway. In the next room, drop down on the left. Sling shot a recruiter over to recruit the titan on the other end. Hanging on the underside of the bridge is a trooper that you can tether. There is another titan some troopers and grunts that need to be sent to the scrap heap. After it is over, under the bridge are two crates next to each other. The inner one (in terms of the bridge) has 3 small healths. As you walk through this area, enemies keep popping up so the titan on your side makes it a lot easier. On the left side, the crate closest to an outcropping holds an artifact. It lets you jump high enough to get on that platform. That right side also has this. Following that wall, the next crate has 2 spew ammo packs. There is a door on the right at the far end of the room that exits the level. 17:30 for a speed chip __________________________________________________________ / / 41 - Mil Space Station: General Corrosive 2 chips /____________________________________________________________ Here you need to collect four chips to activate a console on top of the tower in the center. First use one of the steam boosts to get onto the tower. There are two bridges to the upper walkway along the perimeter. On one side of the room you’ll see two pincers moving up and down. Get to either one, and ride to the top to buy a chip from Shady. It appears that the placement of the chips varies. Fortunately as long as you keep trying, they are the same so you can keep track. Once you get them all, get back to the top, put in the chips and rain firey death upon your followers. After you keep blowing them up, Agent Shhhhh will toll you to use the giant console. Do so then exit Corrosive. Remeber that by running into an enemy you destroy them. >>**-------------------------------------**<< 3 Credits >>**-------------------------------------**<< -Giving credit where credit is due- I’ve found all the chips on my own except for checking HAL486’s Secret chip faq for the floating light chip in the coliseum. I used pikmario’s faq for enemy names as well. Many thanks to them and Swingin’ Ape Studios. >>**-------------------------------------**<< 4 Contact/Miscellaneous >>**-------------------------------------**<< This faq was written solely by Patrick Corwin, lumberjackprince@hotmail.com. As stated in the Purpose, I wrote this for help with the puzzles. If you want a specific level that is giving you trouble, I’ll jump to it just for you. Put "Metal Arms" in the subject so it doesn't get caught by the junk filter. If something is hard to understand or wrong, just let me know. Please don't copy it or use it without asking.