Metal Dungeon FAQ Written by NeoY2J ( Version 1.0 12/21/02 Welcome to the FAQ/Walkthrough for Metal Dungeon for the Xbox. This FAQ is written and copyrighted by NeoY2J. Thus far, this FAQ should only be found on GameFAQs. FAQ Version 1.0 written 12/21/02. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction/Story 2. Controls/Party Creation/General Tips 3. Dungeon Floors a. Area 1 b. Area 2 c. Area 3 *NEXT UPDATE* 4. Item List 5. Enemy List 6. Extra Stuff 7. Next Update 8. Credits 1. INTRODUCTION/ STORY This FAQ is for the RPG Metal Dungeon. This is my first FAQ for an RPG, and my second FAQ on a game with "Metal" in the title (makes a mental note to go back and finish his Gun Metal FAQ). If you're a fan of dungeon crawler RPGs, you'll probably enjoy this game. Anyhow, on to the story. Anyone who plays dungeon crawlers knows that the story isn't really a big deal. Something along the lines of having adventurers hired by King Trebor to take out the Wizard Werdna in his evil maze-like dungeon is sufficient enough. Nope, you won't find a deeply moving story about some dude with a big sword and tons of angst taking out a long haired pretty boy who killed some random flower girl here. Anyway, MD's story goes something like this: Countries in the world of Alansas have been fighting each other for quite some time now. The war was changed quite a bit when some guy invented something called "Weapon Monsters," which were basically bio-engineered killing machines. The country of Giamel was getting pretty whipped in the war, so they decided to make themselves some tough Weapon Monsters. So they had their scientists capture the "GODS OF MAGIC." I personally wouldn't mess with things with a name like that, but I digress. The Gods of Magic (hereforth called the GoM) were essential to the production of Weapon Monsters. So the Giamel scientists decided to make some pretty powerful beasties with the GoM's power. However, halfway through the production of the monsters, the GoM woke up, and started killing stuff. They took over the facility's computers with their magic, and used the Weapon Monsters to finish off the rest of the workers and scientists. The GoM have not fully awakened, though. If they do, everyone is pretty much screwed. Despite the obvious importance of this matter, Giamel's leaders refuse to call back the army to fix things (damn politicians). So, they dispatch a message to all adventurers and such to come and beat up the GoM and take back the facility. And this is where you come in. 2. CONTROLS/ PARTY CREATION/ GENERAL TIPS First off, the controls: D-Pad/Left Thumbstick Moves your guy, moves menu cursor, and basically just moves stuff. Right Thumbstick Moves the Automap while in the dungeon. A Button Confirms choices, opens chests, opens battle menu in battle. B Button Cancels choices, closes battle menu. X Button Scrolls through windows in Status Menu Start Button Pauses. L/R Triggers Runs in battle (hold both), switch characters in Status Menu. White, Black, Y Buttons Not Used. Next comes party creation. When you start the game, you'll need to make at least one character to proceed. However, you'll probably want to make a full party of five characters, just so that you won't get killed in the dungeons quicker. Here are the initially available classes, and their FP level up requirements. FENCER Uses: Swords, Hammers, Headguard, Accessories, Shoulderguard, Breastguard, Shields, Boots Special Ability: Shockwave Shockwave attacks all the enemies on a single row. Comments: These guys are the basic fighters in your team. They can use any type of armor sans gloves, so they'll also have a high defensive power. Swords and Hammers are both powerful, just remember that if you use a hammer, you can't use a shield. You should definitely take one of these guys, if not two. STATS The first number is the initial stat, and the number in parentheses is the FP amount needed to raise the stat by a point. ARM 5 (2) PHY 5 (2) CAR 5 (2) BLO 3 (4) AGI 3 (4) DEF 4 (3) SEN 2 (4) RES 2 (3) SHO 3 (4) ASP 2 (4) ESP 2 (4) DSP 2 (4) STRIKER Uses: Knuckles, Accessories Shoulderguard, Breastguard, Boots Special Ability: Deadly Blow Kills an enemy instantly. Very useful. Comments: Another type of fighter, Strikers also have their benefits. While they can't use as much armor as Fencers, they have a natural talent for raising defense, so it evens out. Their Deadly Blow ability can come in handy as well. You should probably take one of these guys along as well. STATS The first number is the initial stat, and the number in parentheses is the FP amount needed to raise the stat by a point. ARM 3 (4) PHY 4 (3) CAR 4 (3) BLO 5 (2) AGI 5 (2) DEF 5 (2) SEN 3 (3) RES 3 (3) SHO 2 (4) ASP 2 (4) ESP 2 (4) DSP 2 (4) CASTER Uses: Rods, Accessories, Breastguards, Gloves, Boots Special Ability: Spell-Resist Can occasionally dodge a spell. Comments: The basic spellcaster. These guys have low defense and HP, and they can't use much armor either. But, you'll still want one, if only for healing spells. Later on, their attack magic will become very powerful as well. STATS The first number is the initial stat, and the number in parentheses is the FP amount needed to raise the stat by a point. ARM 2 (4) PHY 2 (4) CAR 2 (4) BLO 2 (4) AGI 3 (3) DEF 3 (3) SEN 4 (3) RES 4 (3) SHO 2 (4) ASP 5 (2) ESP 5 (2) DSP 5 (2) ANALYZER Uses: Guns, Headguard, Accessories, Breastguard, Gloves, Boots Special Ability: Scanning Displays HP of enemies during battle. Comments: You'll definitely want to bring one of these guys. Their Scanning ability is invaluable, and their high SEN stat helps out with traps. Also, their guns can attack from the back row, and they're quite powerful too. However, you're best off only using one of them. Their best features are support abilities, and you won't need more than one for that. STATS The first number is the initial stat, and the number in parentheses is the FP amount needed to raise the stat by a point. ARM 2 (4) PHY 3 (4) CAR 3 (4) BLO 2 (4) AGI 4 (3) DEF 3 (3) SEN 5 (2) RES 5 (2) SHO 5 (2) ASP 3 (3) ESP 3 (3) DSP 3 (3) BROADER Uses: All Special Ability: None These guys have no special ability. Blah. Comments: Good at everything, master of nothing. There's really no need for these guys. Yes, they can use everything, but each of the other classes can do it better. If you need more attack, you'd be better off with an extra Fencer or Striker. If you need magic, another Caster is better. To top it off, they need 3 P for each stat. That's way too much. Skip these guys. STATS The first number is the initial stat, and the number in parentheses is the FP amount needed to raise the stat by a point. ARM 3 (3) PHY 3 (3) CAR 3 (3) BLO 3 (3) AGI 3 (3) DEF 3 (3) SEN 3 (3) RES 3 (3) SHO 3 (3) ASP 3 (3) ESP 3 (3) DSP 3 (3) ADVANCED CLASSES These classes can be obtained by using an item on a character. They're basically combinations of the basic classes. As I have not obtained any of these yet, I have no info on them other than what the instruction book tells me. GLADIATOR Combo of Fencer and Striker. SPELL FIGHTER Combo of Fencer and Caster/ ARTS RANGER Combo of Striker and Analyzer. SAGE Combo of Caster and Analyzer. SUPERBROADER Stronger version of Broader. Now, for the general tips. 1. First and foremost: Save a lot. Save before entering the dungeon, and save after returning. Save before trial battles, save before changing a character's class. Basically, save before making any type of change. 2. Choose your party wisely. I recommend taking a Fencer, Striker, Caster, Analyzer, and a second Fencer or Striker. Broaders are pretty useless in my opinion. Your party is up to you, but I recommend always taking an Analyzer. 3. Use money wisely. You won't get any from enemies (unless they drop something), so most of your income will be from selling stuff from the dungeon. Raising stats and adding spells costs money as well, so you always need to have some extra. Try to find all your equipment in the dungeon, only buy equipment from the store if absolutely necessary. 4. Don't be afraid to retreat from the dungeon if you're getting pummeled. The costs for losing a full party are quite heavy. Most of the time if that happens, you'll just want to reload your save (hence the frequent saving). 3. DUNGEON AREAS Now, the dungeon is randomly generated, so there's no way I can provide a full walkthrough. Instead, I'll just give basic tips for each area, such as enemy lists, items I found there, and the boss strategies. For the curious, here is the team I'm going through the game with: Raven Male Fencer Uses: Swords Gades Male Fencer Uses: Hammers Angel Female Striker Uses: Knuckles Arc Male Analyzer Uses: Guns Pandora Female Caster Uses: Rods As I go deeper in the dungeon and find more unique items and spells, I'll update my characters here. If I change their classes, I'll note that as well. a. AREA 1 Floors: 2 To unlock control room: Terminal Room Switch x 2 Comments: Being the first area of the dungeon, this place is pretty basic. Traps are minimal, and the enemies are pretty weak. The first floor is very easy. Enemy-wise, you'll only see Kobolds, Zombies, Bats, and Slimes, plus the occasional Sorceroid. There will be a Terminal Room somewhere, be sure to find it before going to the second floor. You may also find a Preservation Room, go here if your party gets totally defeated in order to retrieve them. Once you've explored the area, find the Lift Room and go to Floor 2. The second floor features the same enemies as the first, except Sorceroids are more common. Also, you'll find the Bullet Scorpion here, they'll be the toughest regular enemy you fight here. Make sure your team is reasonably strong before going to this floor. You'll need to find another Terminal Room here to unlock the Control Room. You might also see an Effects Room, which causes a random effect to occur. Once the Terminal Room from each floor is active, find the Control Room. You'll fight the boss here. The boss for the first floor is the Griffon. BOSS 1: GRIFFON HP: ~300 This guy should be no problem if you can walk around the second floor without a worry. His attack should only do 15-30 damage on a well- armored fighter. Just keep attacking, healing if necessary. AREA 1 ENEMIES KOBOLD HP: 18-24 ITEM: Kobold's Spear (Value: 500) Weak. Low HP, low attack. Should be no problem. MECHANICAL BAT HP: 9-12 ITEM: Sonic Generator (Value: 200) Also weak. They do have a secondary attack that can paralyze you, but they rarely use it, and it rarely paralyzes you. OIL SLIME HP: 10-17 ITEM: ??? Weak, and no special abilities either. Easiest thing in Area 1. ZOMBIE HP: 20-28 ITEM: Artificial Organ (Value: 50) A little tougher than Kobolds. If you encounter a lot of these when you start out, you could be in trouble, but once you get a little stronger, they're no problem. SORCEROID T3 HP: 27-35 ITEM: ??? Can be tough. They can lower your defense, plus they have an ice attack that can hit your whole party. But once you get strong enough to kill them in one hit, they won't have a chance to cast anything. BULLET SCORPION HP: 50-60 ITEM: Gatling Gun (Value: 1000) Tough, but as long as you don't encounter many of them, you should be fine. They're only on Floor 2, and once you get there, you should be strong enough to handle them. AREA 1 ITEMS This is a list of stuff I have found in Area 1. Since it's random, I don't know how often you'll see these, or whether or not I've found everything. WEAPONS Short Blade Blazing Sword Iron Crusher Speed Knuckles Wind Breaker Silver Rod Ray Gun PROTECTION Furry Mask Soft Shoulder Rubber Glove Leg Pad Half Shield Sunlight Pendant (Floor 2) PACS Burna Pac Tuffa Pac Recoa Pac Alecoa Pac Depoise Pac Dope ARM Dope DEF Dope SHO Dope ASP Dope ESP Dope DSP Dope AN Dope CA PARTS SC Bliz SC Gusta SC Sof SC Coresra (Floor 2) Fortify Unit ARM Fortify Unit CAR Fortify Unit AGI Fortify Unit DEF Fortify Unit SHO Fortify Unit ASP Fortify Unit ESP Fortify Unit DSP Note: It's likely that you can find a Fortify Unit for every stat on each floor, but until I do so, I'll list them individually. GEMS Energy Orb Elemental Orb Core Stone Fragment of Gem b. AREA 2 Floors: 1 To unlock Control Room: Terminal Room switch x 1 Comments: This place is a little tougher than Area 1, but it's still pretty easy. This Area uses a system of teleporters, as the voice intro will tell you. The rooms here are all set up in a similar way. You'll start out in a hallway, which may have an item right behind you. After entering the door at the end of the hallway, you'll be in a larger room. There will be three doors on the wall across from you. In each corner on the back wall, there might be items. Two of the three doors will lead to teleporters, while the third is usually an Effects Room. The third room may also be a Preservation Room, and at one point it will be a Terminal Room. Be sure to find this one. Though the voice intro tells you this area is a matter of luck, it's actually quite easy if you know the trick. One of the two teleporters will take you to the next room, while the other will zap you back to the start. However, the destination for the teleporters remains the same, so if you make a note of which room you use, you can get back easily if you accidentally pick the wrong room. Once you get teleported to a single hallway with a door at each end, you've reached the Control Room. The door behind you will take you back to the beginning (I assume, I didn't try it, but that's the most likely occurrence), while the one in front leads to the Control Room and its guardian, the Manticore. As for enemies, the only ones you really need to watch for are the Toads and the Cyclops. The Toads can poison you, so make sure your Caster has a Depoise Chip installed. The Cyclops is the strongest regular enemy on this floor, and if he's accompanied by a few more enemies, you might be in trouble. The Goblins, Flies, and Orcs are rather easy. BOSS 2 MANTICORE HP: 470 This one is much tougher than the Griffon, but not by much. He has a regular attack that shouldn't do more than 30 damage to a front liner. However, his Tail Laser attack is much more powerful. It hits all of your fighters for around 15-40 points of damage. This is of little concern for your Fencers, Broaders, and Strikers, but the Analyzers and Casters in the back could be in trouble. Enemies MECHANICAL FLY HP: 26-34 Weak: Wind These guys are no problem, especially if your Striker was lucky enough to find the Wind Breaker weapon in Area 1. GOBLINS HP: 34-45 ITEM: Goblin Sword (Value: 800) No problems here. MECHANICAL TOAD HP: 51-68 Weak: Ice? These things can poison you, so be sure and bring appropriate items and spells. Other than that, they pose no threat. ORC HP: 43-57 This is the guy from the intro...he's about as weak as he was in there, too. CYCLOPS HP: 110-137 Stronger than the other guys here, but still pretty easy. They tend to fight alone as well, making them even easier. AREA 2 ITEMS This is a list of stuff I have found in Area 2. Since it's random, I don't know how often you'll see these, or whether or not I've found everything. WEAPONS Soldier Edge PROTECTION Furry Mask Leather Shield Breast Cover Finger Pad Fiber Boots PACS Defensa Pac Cumba Pac Boostor Pac Resista Pac Aslow Pac Burna Pac Gusta Pac Elesra Pac Dope SEN Dope BLO Dope SHO PARTS SC Cumba SC Daresra Fortify Unit ARM Fortify Unit CAR Fortify Unit BLO Fortify Unit SHO Vital Unit GEMS Energy Orb Core Stone c. AREA 3 *Next Update* 4. ITEM LIST WEAPONS Swords: STR W R Element Hand Edge +6 9 1 None Short Blade +10 9 2 None Blazing Sword +14 10 3 Fire Soldier Edge +22 9 2 None Hammers: STR AGI W R Element Iron Crusher +16 -2 14 2 None Knuckles: STR AGI W R Element Grip Knuckles +6 6 1 None Speed Knuckles +10 5 2 None Wind Breaker +14 +1 6 2 Wind Rods: STR RES W R Element Compact Rod +3 +1 10 1 None Silver Rod +8 +2 10 2 None Guns: STR W R Element Bullet Gun +5 11 1 None Ray Gun +12 11 2 None PROTECTION PACS PARTS BOOTY GEMS *Next Update* 4. ENEMY LIST Area 1 KOBOLD HP: 18-24 ITEM: Kobold's Spear (Value: 500) Weak. Low HP, low attack. Should be no problem. MECHANICAL BAT HP: 9-12 ITEM: Sonic Generator (Value: 200) Also weak. They do have a secondary attack that can paralyze you, but they rarely use it, and it rarely paralyzes you. OIL SLIME HP: 10-17 ITEM: ??? Weak, and no special abilities either. Easiest thing in Area 1. ZOMBIE HP: 20-28 ITEM: Artificial Organ (Value: 50) A little tougher than Kobolds. If you encounter a lot of these when you start out, you could be in trouble, but once you get a little stronger, they're no problem. SORCEROID T3 HP: 27-35 ITEM: ??? Can be tough. They can lower your defense, plus they have an ice attack that can hit your whole party. But once you get strong enough to kill them in one hit, they won't have a chance to cast anything. BULLET SCORPION HP: 50-60 ITEM: Gatling Gun (Value: 1000) Tough, but as long as you don't encounter many of them, you should be fine. They're only on Floor 2, and once you get there, you should be strong enough to handle them. BOSS 1: GRIFFON HP: ~300 This guy should be no problem if you can walk around the second floor without a worry. His attack should only do 15-30 damage on a well armored fighter. Just keep attacking, healing if necessary. Area 2 MECHANICAL FLY HP: 26-34 Weak: Wind These guys are no problem, especially if your Striker was lucky enough to find the Wind Breaker weapon in Area 1. GOBLINS HP: 34-45 ITEM: Goblin Sword (Value: 800) No problems here. MECHANICAL TOAD HP: 51-68 Weak: Ice? These things can poison you, so be sure and bring appropriate items and spells. Other than that, they pose no threat. ORC HP: 43-57 This is the guy from the intro...he's about as weak as he was in there, too. CYCLOPS HP: 110-137 Stronger than the other guys here, but still pretty easy. They tend to fight alone as well, making them even easier. BOSS 2 MANTICORE HP: 470 This one is much tougher than the Griffon, but not by much. He has a regular attack that shouldn't do more than 30 damage to a front liner. However, his Tail Laser attack is much more powerful. It hits all of your fighters for around 15-40 points of damage. This is of little concern for your Fencers, Broaders, and Strikers, but the Analyzers and Casters in the back could be in trouble. 6. EXTRA STUFF Nothing Yet... 7. NEXT UPDATE The next update will definitely include Area 3, and probably Areas 4 and 5. I'll also enter in the rest of the Item List. I currently don't need any help finishing the FAQ, but if you want to contribute, there are a few things I could use: 1. My HP total on the Griffon is a guess, if anyone wants to add up exactly how much damage they do to him before he croaks, that would be helpful. 2. Confirmation on whether a Fortify Unit for each stat can be found in each Area. I'm pretty sure they can, I just want confirmation. 3. If you find any notable items in an area that I have not, tell me (by notable, I mean a weapon or armor, not a *insert spell here* Pac). Feel free to send me emails concerning the game, but don't ask me questions that can be found in the FAQ. My email is 8. CREDITS Myself, for writing this. CJayC, for creating this beautiful chunk of webspace we call GameFAQs. Chik-Fil-A, for being a tasty chicken place. Air, for allowing us to breathe it. And no thanks to IGN for giving this game such a poorly written review. IGN XBOX is a sorry excuse for a site anyway. They admitted to giving Nightcaster 2 a lower score because they disliked the box art. What kind of professional site does something like that? Metal Dungeon FAQ Version 1.0, written by NeoY2J.