Ben Zetlitz Last Updated: March 3, 2003 Version 1.01 ~~~\ /~~~ _ _ ____ ___ l \ / l l_l l_l l```l \ \ / / l \ / l ___ ___ l l \ \/ / l \/ l l l l~~~~~~~l LLLLLL r~~~~~l l l l~~ ~~l \ / l l l l l l~~~l l L _ L l ___l l l l___ __l l l l l\ /l l l l l l l l Ll_l L l l l l l l l l l l \__/ l l l l l l l l L L l l l l l l l l l__l l__l l_l l_l l_l LLLLLL l__l l_l l___l l___l __ ______ _______ __ ___________ l~ _~~~l l I l _ l LLLLLLLL l~ _~~~l l____ ____l l l_l l l l~~~~ l l_l l L _ L l l_l l l l l __l l l____ l ____l L l l L l __l l l l \ l I l l L l l L l \ l l l l\ \ l l~~~~ l l L l_l L l l\ \ l l l l \ \ l l____ l l L L l l \ \ l l l_l \__\ l______I l__l LLLLLLLL l_l \__\ l_l Copyright 2003 Ben Zetlitz This guide may only be shown on You may not copy part or whole without permission from me, Ben Zetlitz. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents: I. Introduction II. Walkthrough Level 1: 37 Seconds Secrets Level 2: Nikki Jameson Secrets Level 3: Everybody Runs Secrets Level 4: Bear's Cave Level 5: Jetpack Escape Secrets Level 6: Welcome to Mall City Mr. Anderton Secrets Level 7: Mall City Courtyard Secrets Level 8: Mall Rats Secrets Level 9: Dreamweaver Theater Secrets Level 10: Home, Home Again Secrets Level 11: Lobby Fight Secrets Level 12: Skybridge Secrets Level 13: Rooftop Fight Secrets III. Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VERSION 1.0 February 1, 2003 Posted Faq with walkthroughs and secrets for levels 1-13 excluding secret 5 for level 2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VERSION 1.01 March 3, 2003 A minor update to let you know I'm still around. Also to let you know I've added a Credits section and I've added Secret 5 for level 2. I should have a real update with more levels by next week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be a guide with at least one way to beat all of the levels. It will also have the locations of all the secrets. I am not going to go through all the moves and everything like that. Basic moves can be learned in training and advanced moves can be learned by pressing the pause button during gameplay and selecting COMBAT MANEUVERS. If you have any questions or comments feel free to e-mail me at or you can instant message me at offspringdude130. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II. Walkthrough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~37 Seconds~~~ Level 1 The beginning movie shows Andre Serena attempting murder. After you stop him he runs down the hallway and into the building You start the level with 2 guys down the hall, kill them then turn right. Once you turn right you will see 2 more guys you need to kill. If you need health at this point there is a small health there. Go down the hall and enter the next door. There will be 5 guys there. Kill them and proceed up the stairs. There will be 2 more guys you need to kill. There will be a door that is locked up ahead. From there continue walking until you run into a wall. You are able to jump and climb on top of it by pressing Y to jump and when your hanging press the Y button and Up on your control pad. Continue walking until you get to a door. Once you go through the door you will be on a small ledge hundreds of feet from the ground. If you look along the building you will see a pole which you can shimmy to the other side on. Once your on the other side break the glass that leads to the next room. Enter the next room and you will see Andre Serena. Defeat him and a movie will play showing you arresting him. Secrets 1 & 2 : In the room where there are 5-6 guys there are 4 doors in the back. There is a secret in the first door and another in the third door. Secret 3: In the same room as the last 2 secrets go up the stairs and keep walking until you see a $ sign and a large health. You cannot just jump across from where you are. Jump down and underneath where the $ is there is a conveyor belt. Climb on top of it and jump to get your secret. Secret 4: Around where Secret 3 was look around and you should see another ledge with a $ sign across from where you are. Go back on the walkway and jump to Secret 4. Secret 5: In the room where you fight Andre Serena there are freezers that you can open. There is a secret in one of these freezers. If Andre won't let you search for the right freezer, throw him in a wrong one and close the door. This makes it easier to look around. Secret 6: This one took me awhile to find. It was right under my nose the whole time. As soon as you start the level there are 3 laptop computers behind you. Destroy them and there will be a $50 secret. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Nikki Jameson~~~ Level 2 In this level you have to chase down Nikki Jameson. This level is different from the last one because you get to use guns and fight against robots. At the opening movie you see Nikki Jameson run away up the stairs. You and your partner, Barry, must catch her. If Barry dies you fail. Go up the stairs and turn right. You will see the first robot. Press the R trigger to lock on and the A button to shoot. Once you destroy the robot look at the glass window to your left. Smash it open and go on through. You will find a Riot Impact Shotgun that will help you out a lot. Go back through the window and go down the hall. Hit the switch in the next room to make the door open. In this room there are 3 robots and a small health. Once you kill the robots go on into the next room. This is where it gets crowded. There are about 6 robots you have to defeat. There is also a gas leak and you have to shut off the gas. Once you destroy the robots go down the stairs. Go to the back of the room and you will see a small health and some stairs. Go up the stairs and hit the switch to turn off the gas. Go back to where you entered the room. There is another door around there. Go in it. Exit through the other door and you'll see stairs leading downward. Walk down the stairs and you'll see a grenade come around the corner. Go back up the stairs to dodge the grenade. Once it blows up it will set the gas tanks on fire. Make your way through the fire by jumping over it and you will find another switch. This will turn the areas gas off and will put out the fire. Go back around and you'll see 2 more robots. After destroying them move on up the stairs. Go through the next door and you'll see another robot. Destroy it then hit the switch to the next room. There are 3 robots in this room. Destroy them and hit the switch to the next room. There will be 2 last robots. After beating them go through the next door. You will see that Nikki Jameson gets away and that the level is over. Secret 1: During the walkthrough I mentioned a Riot Impact Shotgun. The shotgun is the first secret. Secret 2: At the beginning of the level climb on top of the chair ahead of you and jump up. Pull yourself up on to the plant and jump again to get you $50 secret. Secret 3: Go to the room where you first turn off the gas. Near the switch on your right is a skinny pole. Walk across until you get to a fatter pole. Walk across that pole to get a secret $50. Secret 4: Right after you get through the maze of fire that the grenade caused kill the 2 robots and instead of going up the stairs look behind the stairs to find secret number 4. Secret 5: After the area where you jump over the flames there is an "S" shaped room with 3 robots in it. Stand in front of the door to the elevator and look to the right hand corner of the glass casing. There is some kind of part sitting in the corner, you have to hit it a few times before the money appears. Grab the money and you have found secret 5. I give full credit for this finding to,, and Thanks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Everybody Runs~~~ Level 3 This level is much easier than the previous 2. You barely have to kill anyone. The level starts off and everyone thinks you killed someone that you didn't. You must escape the building. Run to the bottom floor and to the elevator. Once you you go down the stairs you will find out that you need the keycard from upstairs in the Ready Room. You will also see 3 guards come out of the elevator. Ignore them. Run all the way upstairs into the Ready Room. There are about 4 guys in there. One of them has the keycard. Get the card and make a run for the downstairs elevator. Once you get in the elevator you have beat the level. Secret 1: Once you get to the elevator where you exit look to your right. There is a door leading to a ramp that you need to go up in order to get the next secret. The only problem is that the door is locked. Look around near the ramp and you should see a curved ledge. Jump on the ledge and from there jump on to the ramp. Go up the ramp until you find an area with a bunch of cubicles. There is a $100 secret somewhere around there. If you do not find it at first keep looking. Secret 2: When your in the Ready Room getting the keycard there are little elevator things along the walls. Get on one of them and it will bring you to an upper floor. In that upper room there are 3 $ signs. Get them all to get your secret. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Bear's Cave~~~ Level 4 The levels just keep getting easier. You and Agent Mosely get into a fight over territory. Beat him and his reinforcments up to beat the level. He has about 20 guys with him but it shouldn't be too hard if you still have a gun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Jetpack Escape~~~~ Level 5 This is the first level you get to use your jetpack. You use you jetpack by pressing the Y button twice and by pressing either the right thumb pad to go up and down or the left thumb pad to go left and right. Once the level starts you will be in front of 4 guys. Kill them then go up the stairs to your right. Once up the stairs hit the switch on the wall next to the door. This is the part where you will use your jetpack. You can either fly over all the guys which is the easy way or you can kill them off one by one. If you do it the hard way you'll have to stop at each door to open them rather then fly through them before they have a chance to close. When you get to the end turn right into the next room. Kill as many people as you can so that you get the message at the bottom of your screen. At this point you should find the Mall City Red Line door and go through it. Then go down to the end of the tunnel and you should find yourself outside, on a ledge, over a bunch of guys. Hover down so you don't get hurt and kill them. Go down the next tunnel. There are about 8 guys throughout the next area. Kill them all and then go up all the stairs. If you killed them all a message will appear on the bottom of the screen telling you to go into the subway. Once you get in the subway the level is over. Secret 1: Before you go up the last set of stairs to get to the subway look to your right. You should see a room surrounded by glass windows. This room will have a $ sign in it. As soon as you walk through the door look left. You should see another room surrounded by glass. Inside the room will be a $ sign and 2 health icons. This is the first secret. Secret 2: Right after you exit the tunnel before the last area you should see 4 umbrella tree like glass statue things. Stand in the middle and hover as high as you can. At this point you should be able to see a $ sign and a Riot Impact Shotgun. If not look around and make sure you are as high as you can go. Once you get the $ sign you have found the second secret. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Welcome to Mall City Mr. Anderton~~~ Level 6 In the opening movie you will see one of those cooky future things reveal your identity out loud. The level starts with a robot right in front of you. If you have a gun it should be easy to defeat. If not you should take cover until he shoots. You should then do a 3 kick combo and hide again before he has a chance to attack. Keep doing this until it is destroyed. After you destroy him continue on up the stairs. You will see 2 mall cops. Mall cops are a new type of enemy. They are....well.....mall cops. Kill them and smash the glass wall that says Mall City on it. There will be one more mall cop in this small room. There is also a large health and a gun. Take what you need and hit the switch which is also in the same room. This will open the security door. Move through the security door and go down the hall into the next room. Hit the switch in this room. When you hit the switch 5 mall cops will attack you. The easiest way to kill them is to throw them through the window. Jump down and you'll find a secret. Next find the stairs. Once up the stairs go in the room on the left and grab the large health which you will probably need. Leave the room and go left up the stairs. There is another robot. Destroy him then turn right and then make a quick left. At this point you should hear yourslef make a comment that all you have to do is slip out the door. You will then be attacked by 4 mall cops. Find the door where the mall cops came from and go through it. Go down the hall and you've completed the level. Secret 1: Look back through the walkthrough at the part where I was mentioning about throwing the mall cops through the window. Fall through the window to find secret 1. Secret 2: Read through my walkthrough until you get the the part where I mention turning right and making a quick left. Instead of making a quick left keep going right. Once your in a room keep going strait and you'll find the second secret. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Mall City Courtyard~~~ Level 7 You start off in front of a robot. It reveals your identity out loud and 2 mall cops hear. (Don't you just hate when that happens?) Defeat the robot and the 2 mall cops. Look left from the red Lexus hologram and you will see a walkway under a waterfall. Stop when you get just past the waterfall. Look up and you should see a ledge from the waterfall in which you can climb on. Once you've climbed up the first one there will be about 3 more. Jump to the highest one. There will be a little section that you can walk on to the left. Keep walking to the left until you are directly above a small bridge. Then jump down on it. Once your on the bridge break the vent cover open. Enter the vent. This next part is a little tricky for me to explain. Its rather easy though and you probably won't need my help. But, if you do I'll explain it as best I can. Once in the vent go strait. When you can't go any father turn right. You should then go in a little section with a small health in it. Time youself with the air. When it stops continue on your way and turn left. Stop to get more small health. Once the air stops go out again. Turn right. Get the large health and the secret $25 then turn right. You should be blown to where another vent cover is. Break it open and you'll be above a bunch of guys. Jump down and kill the 3 mall cops that attack you. Once you kill the mall cops keep walking until you come across 2 robots. Destroy them and proceed through the elevator door to complete the level. Secret 1: The first secret is in the vents. If you have any trouble locating it look back in my walkthrough. Secret 2 & 3: Once you leave the vent and you are on a see through floor of glass run forward and jump. You may not see another glass floor but there is one there. Once your on that one jump forward again. There you will find the last 2 secrets. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Mall Rats~~~ Level 8 There isn't much I can do to help you in this level. You are in the mall and you must kill a riot of 25 people. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to go to the top floor and when they come at you just knock them off the edge. Secret 1: On the top floor there is a surfboard store. Behind the store is the first and only secret in this level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Dreamweaver Theater~~~ Level 9 You start off with one robot, 2 mall cops, and a few civilians in front of you. Kill the robot and the 2 mall cops. Don't worry, if you kill the civilians it doesn't really matter. Turn right and you will be attacked by another robot. Destroy him and move on. Keep making right turns until you run into another robot. Run behind him before killing him to get a secret. Now destroy him. The level should be over. If not you didn't kill everyone. Go back through the level and finish everyone off. Secret 1: Behind the last robot is a secret. If you need help finding it look back through the walkthrough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Home, Home Again~~~ Level 10 The level starts off with 2 pre crime officers and a bunch of blue spyders in the room that you are in. After killing them leave the room and you will be attacked by 2 more pre crime officers. Kill them then turn left down the hallway. Once you get down the hall you will see 3 officers come out from the elevator. When their dead continue down the hallway until you run into 2 more officers. Kill them and one of them will drop a keycard. Pick the keycard up and continue going strait towards the exit. Once you get through the exit the level will be over. Secret 1: Near the end of the level there is a grey door that has the words "Maintenance Only" written on it. Break it open to find secret number one. Secret 2: Across the hall from the grey door is an apartment that you can go into once you have the keycard. Inside this apartment is a $25 secret. You will also make a pretty funny comment once you obtain it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Lobby Fight~~~ Level 11 In this level you need to go to the sky bridge. There are about 9 or 10 officers in the area you start off in. Before you do anything go forward and look to your right. You should see a set of elevators. In the elevator third from the left is a $25 secret. After killing all the officers you will realize the sky bridge door is locked. Go forward until you get to a red Nokia sign hanging ON THE WALL. Not the ones on the ground. To the right of this sign is a set of stairs. Walk up the stairs. You will see the glass above you break and 2 officers come down. Kill them and keep going forward. Two more officers will fall through the ceiling. Kill them and continue walking. Then another 2 will come towards you. I think you know what to do. The door to the security room will open and 5 guyss will come out. Once their all dead go into the security room and hit the switch. The switch is located on the computer with your face on the moniter. In the middle of the room there is also a secret. You will be attacked by a lot of officers. You don't have to fight them, just jump down and go through the sky bridge door. Secret 1: As soon as you start the level go forward and look right. There are 4 elevators. The $25 secret is in the third elevator from the left. Secret 2: Secret number 2 is located in the middle of the security room. It shouldn't be hard to locate. It is in the middle of 4 dark pieces of glass. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Skybridge~~~ Level 12 (Note: There are a lot of windows to throw people through, so take advantage of this.) Now that you got to the Skybridge you have to get across it. Once the level begins you are attacked by about 7 pre crime officers. Once their all dead 3 more will come. There is health in the second vending machine if you need it. After killing those 3 another 3 will appear. When you are all done killing a door will open on the other side of the room. Once you go through the door turn left. Keep walking and you will see 3 blue spyders come out of the vent. Smash them and keep walking until you see 2 officers come out of an elevator. Kill them and you will find out that the elevator is locked. Jump down through the glass. There will be 2 officers there already and there will be 2 on there way. Once you kill them find a vending machine near a hallway. Go through this hallway. Once you get about half way down the hallway you will find an elevator. Go in it. When you get upstairs you will find 2 officers followed by 3 more. Once your done killing them a last 2 officers will come. Be careful, one of the last officers has a shotgun. I suggest you take him out first. Once everyone is dead walk through the door to complete the level. Secret 1: In the room that the level starts in there are 4 vending machines. Secret number 1 is in the second one from the left. Secret 2: In the room where you jumped down because the elevator didn't work there is a vending machine. Inside that vending machine you will find secret number 2. Secret 3: Just before you go through the door where the level ends there is another vending machine. Break this one open to find secret number 3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Rooftop Fight~~~ Level 13 This level is a bit tricky because there is a boss at the end of the level. The easiest way to beat the beginning of the level is to knock everyone off the side of the building. The level starts on the roof top. Go forward and you will see 3 pre crime officers run at you. Dispose of them and continue down the path. 3 more officers will come at you. kill them and you should hear a door open. Once it opens, 4 officers come at you. I suggest you don't knock them off the edge because one of them has a grenade launcher that you will need for the boss at the end of the level. Once you've killed everyone proceed through the door that the officers came in through. Once up the ramp, get the machine gun and go forward. Kill the 3 officers in this area and a cut scene will play. It will show Agent Witwer attack you so that you won't kill anyone else. I suggest you shoot him with the machine gun as soon as you can because he has a grenade launcher. Once you hurt him enough another cut scene will play and you will see Agent Witwer get into a hovering vehicle. Once he gets into the vehicle jump on to the platforms that are around the area. On them you will find a small health, a WASP launcher, and a grenade launcher. The vehicle will drop off 2 pre crime officers. Kill the one with the strongest weapon. The reason you shouldn't kill both is because if you do 2 more will be dropped off. Once there is only 1 pre crime officer after you run up the only stairs in the area. Once you are up the stairs shoot off as many explosives as you can at the vehicle. Continue doing this until the vehicle explodes. If you need more health or ammo go down the stairs and to the right. A door will slide open. There are ammo, health, and money in there. This is also a secret. A different way to get more health or ammo is to kill the pre crime officers that are chasing you. Once you blow up the vehicle that Agent Witwer is in you have completed the level. Secret 1: At the part where you kill the 4 guys before the last area look over the side and you will see a $ sign. To get it you must jump on to the railing and wait until you are about to fall. You will fall but you will grab on to the railing so that you can get the secret. Press the Y button and Up to pull yourself back up. Secret 2: Next to the stairs in the room where you face the boss, there is a sliding door. Inside it is Secret Number 2. Secret 3: In the room where you face the boss climb the stairs. There will be a secret between some billboards. Secret 4: Once you destroy the boss at the end of the level you will unlock a pain arena. This is the fourth secret. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III. Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * I would like to thank maddgamz,,, and for finding the 5th secret for level 2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~