___________________ I }v{ inority ReportI I___________________I Updated offline: Legend: For every for example .25 is .25%,1.00 is 10% etc, of FAQ completed May 1, 2003 (created) V. .25 May 2, 2003 got up to level 17 .75 May 7, 2003 Got off my butt and did some more v 1.00 May 10, 2003 Busy Weekend but got pages done v. 1.01 May 12, 2003 School/Track meet but got levels done V.1.05 May 16, 2003 Just hanging out sick and bored v. 1.06 May 18, 2003 Sunday...Bored so wrote a little V. 107 (almost there!) May 22, 2003 Thursday, Broodwar for SC is shot so..Writing away V. 1.95 May 23, 2003 Friday, Nothing special going to work soon V. 1.96 (later May 23, 2003) Got bored and finished More work will be done V. Final.A May 24, 2003 touching up the boarders looking nice. V. Final.B l \ l \ l \ l l l _ /ArkDreamer22 Faq Created By Darkdreamer22 May 2, 2003 (I will Finish this I Promise) This FAQ is copyrighted by DarkDreamer22, you can not use any part of it without DarkDreamer22' s express permission, this FAQ is not to be linked to, copied in whole or in part, or even profited from in any form. At the current time it is only ok for it to be posted at GameBunker,and GameFAQs. *************************************** Story *************************************** As John Anderton(your Character), you are the commisioner of Pre-Crime dedicated to keeping the peace in Washington D.C., its your job to protect those that cannot protect themselves. (Okay so its just a little introduction ^^") *************************************** (.a) weapons (1) Training Level Faq (2)Special menu (2a.) Level Warp (2b.) Alternate Heros (2c.) Pain Arenas (3.) Option Menu (4) Actual Game Faq (5) Combat Moves *************************************** 1. Training Level Faq l *************************************** The training level for minority Report is actually very useful for people, unless of course your impatient and just want to go play, for the most part the training level's are fairly self explaintory. Basic Training: Okay, With basic training the First thing you must do is you learn how to look around, with the C stick, then practice punching a man up and kicking him and learning how to fire a gun. Jetpack Training: This is fairly self explaintory itself as well, it takes little to no effort to learn this whatsoever. Useless More or less. ***************************** .a Weapons l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Weapons Of choice. Shotgun- Effective weapon, has splash damage Gernade Launcher - Effective Splash damage, rare but dangerous Puke Gernade - slows enemys down..gross but useful Riot Machinegun - Weak but effective if fully loaded W.A.S.P - multi shot weapon quite powerful knocks the socks off of people Riot Impact gun - A shockwave like shooter Effective in consecutive shots *************************************** (2)Special menu l *************************************** Within the Special Menu there are multipul things that you can do For the Following (2a.) LEVEL Warp: This lets you access any levels that you have beaten already Movies: Well, Self explaintory there, just a bunch of movies Concept Art: Drawings from the producer activision (2b.) Alternate Heros: (You can earn you alternate heros by putting in codes or achieving special objectives, and no you cannot get a different story line!) (2c.) Pain arenas: This is the biggest and baddest of brawls you can unlock this by defeating "Bosses" like mosley and unlock arenas which allow you to rock enemys worlds and learn the best ways to dodge attacks. Cheats: Well, enter cheats and have some fun! *************************************** (3.) Option Menu l *************************************** Change Difficulty: Trust me dont let the options fool you Easy = Hard Normal = Insane Hard = living nightmare Game Settings: Just lets you have an option menu of what you see on you "screen" Audio settings: Nothing special self explaintory itself as well, lets you adjust your music/volume *************************************** Levels & actual Game Faq *************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Level One: Suspect: Andre Serenal (1) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ O.K. First your in an office chasing the suspect Andre, once you exit the office you will find yourself in a hallway with two men, "kill them" then go into the kitchen first if you go to your left there will be metal doors, open them by pressing X BTW killing the men are a good thing too. Then after collecting money, weapons, and such go up the stairs youll find money on a cabinet just jump on top of it, i promise nothing bad will happen! Really!, then once getting the money get back ontop of the banaster and kill another two men and youll notice conviently that there is no way into the refrigerators door because someone kindly locked it for you., and theres a dead end, NOT. at the "dead end" jump up and youll grab a ledge, then swing across the billboard sign and go fight Andre Serena! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Level Two: Nikki Jameson 2 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First off go up the stairs, there will be one robot, kill it then shatter the window in the same room and jump through it. Next youll enter a room with three robots, dont panick just kick them run and agian and agian, theres a health in the room at the same time as well, take it because youll take damage next room there will be two robots once you kill them three more will pop up kill them as well with the shotgun one drops, then go to the other side of the robot infested room and shut off the valve, then go back once agian and go to the control room, then watch out someone will throw a gernade, dont touch the fire or you will die quickly . Go back around after getting past the fire and you'll see yet 2 more robots. After destroying them move go up the stairs. Go through the next door and you'll see another robot. Destroy it then hit the switch to the next room. There are 3 robots in this room. Destroy them and hit the switch to the next room. There will be 2 last robots. After beating them go through the next door then viola you beat that level. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Everybody Runs 3 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You must escape from PreCrime so that you might have a chance to prove your innocence, yea good luck youll need it. You start by the doors named temple, dont worry about this yet you cannot open them. Okay first go down the path thats on your right Keep going straight down the path then youll evetually find yourself fighting three guards, take them out then procceed back to where you started from when you pass the temple there will be an "Armory" go in there there are medkits and guns, might wanna save the gun for the next level *wink wink* then exit the armory and go to the doors on your right, there should be one guy kill him and get the keycard, then continue to the acess denyed room, there will be now 6 men kill them and there ya go procceed through the door. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bear Cave 4 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Boss Battle: Yes your first one, now dont go in so macho and all that junk, Mosley the boss) knows his stuff hes in the FBI and knows his kungfu. 85% of the time you attack him youll most likely miss dont get frustrated though just keep using the B-B-X combo its very effective and he never blocks it as for mosley he is very cheap once he gets 3/4 hp 3 precrime officers come then 2/4 and 1/4 each time theyll attack you but this may be a prime time to target mosley while he cowers behind them. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ JetPack Escape 5 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is one of the most annoying levels if you ask me, but when you enter there will be 5 men exactly Easy enough just kill them by using your jet pack and fly around like a bansshe hitting them, this gives them major damage and is an easy way to live. Next, if you go up and go to the right side of the level there will be a door, there is a switch on it, all you gotta do is hit X and it will open each door is a section for a battle if your good and stay low you can advoid all together the tunnel is like this / P */ /____/<-- Door / P */ *Legend: ^^Switch^^ / P / P = Precrime officers /____/ <--Door / P */ Etc. Keeps going on and each switch is on the right side. Okay continuing on once you make it past the doors there will be another room, yes another brawl that means 10 or so men will pop up after a little, kill them then go to the left side of the track which will lead you to...YES FREEDOM! but wait theres more.. Once outside there will be five men on the ground and two on a walkway kill them and proceed theres a tunnel down on the ground which leads you to the building you must kill around another 10 men, then go to the farthest corner of the level and theres the subway have fun in the next level! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Welcome to the Mall Mr. Andersonl (6) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Okay first the level starts with a robot right in front of you. If you have a gun it makes life a lot easier. You should do a 3 kick combo back off before he flings you like a rag doll then kick him agian and keep up the process, pain in the neck but better than death Keep doing this until it is destroyed. After you destroy him continue on up the stairs. You will see 2 mall cops Kill them and smash the glass wall that says Mall City on it. There will be one more mall cop in this small room. kill him and hit the switch This will open the security door move through the security door and go down the hall into the next room. Next find the stairs. Once up the stairs go in the room on the left and grab the large health which you will probably need taking all that damage after all. Leave the room and go left up the stairs. There is another robot. Destroy it then turn right and a quick left. At this point you should hear yourslef make a comment that all you have to do is slip out the door. You will then be attacked by 4 mall cops. Find the door where the mall cops came from and go through it. Go down the hall and you've completed the level. getting much harder now isnt it ^^". ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mall City Courtyard 7 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You start off in front of a robot just use the three kick combo trick once agian and then 2 mall cops hear the fight and come. Defeat the robot and the 2 mall cops. okay then procceed down the walkway under a waterfall. Stop when you get just past the waterfall. Look up and you should see a ledge from the waterfall in which you can climb on. Once you've climbed up the first one there will be about 3 more. Jump to the highest one. There will be a little section that you can walk on to the left. Keep walking to the left until you are directly above a small bridge. Then jump down on it you can also cling onto it but it may be a little easier to do it that way then jump Once your on the bridge break the vent cover open. Enter the vent and continue through it after getting through . Jump down and kill the 3 mall cops that try to maul you. Once you kill the mall cops keep walking until you come across 2 robots (I prefer to advoid them though) Destroy them and proceed through the elevator door to complete the level. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mall Rats 8 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First no you wont be killing giant rats but push over punks more or less that are destroying the mall, there isnt much I can tell you but search for money, weapons and make sure to kill them all there isnt a time limit, more or less its just a survival tactic. Anything goes! Ready!? FIGHT! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DreamWaver Theater 9 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (Physco rainbow room in translation) once you start youll notice a robot, theres no way to advoid it, just hope you have a gun fire off a few rounds and kill it before its mall cop pals come to bash you. then kill its three "friends" proceed through the door in the very back and kill yet another two robots, after that your done and go up the bar once you do that then bang you beat the level. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Home Agian, Home Agian 10 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hey...whats this precrime come home with me?! aw man... The level starts off with 2 pre crime officers and a bunch of blue robo physco spyders in your bed room that you are in (deck em out for coming in!) After killing them leave the room and you will be attacked by 3 more pre crime officers. Kill them then turn left down the hallway. youll get a keycard as well, go through an apartment and get some stuff. now continuing through go on the elevator once killed go down into the lobby, kill all those guys then then there ya go ya beat yet another level!. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lobby Fight 11 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is yet yes another brawl, you fight and work your way to the other side of the room then climb the stairs there are way too many precrime units to count for me >.<" Anyway continuing on finish them fast preferably i lead all units on the stairs and fling them off. go to the other side of the catwalk and open the door there will be a switch in the room flip the switch and continue back to the front, there will be more precrime if you have enough life jump down a level and just run if your sick and tired of being mobbed. and yet agian a victory for the good guys. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ skybridge 12 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With sky bridge youll first fight 10 men, then three and three with an army of spyders Yipes! Honestly it isnt bad the best tactic for this is to use the combo B-B-X kill all of them then continue to the next room, youll notice glass, destroy the glass and jump down, guess what you got visitors 4 of them, kill them and exit youll notice and elevator go up it and to its left there theres a health, get it. next there will be about 6 precrime men, kill them and proceed through the door, thats another win for you! (throwing through glass is a good idea) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rooftop Battle 13 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is yet another brawl except that its yes! mosley! first you kill two precrime officers on top of the roof and make sure not to use your W.A.S.P then a scene will appear of you and mosley, fire off two rounds with the W.A.S.P as fast as possible! then mosley will jump on the flying precrime thingy. then with whatever you have fire rounds at the ship **when not moving** thats only time it will take damage, with its moving time...Duck and run friend...Duck and run.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lair Of the Spyderbots 14 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sypderbot, spyderbot super hero syderbot fires his electricty and his web, and...ah forget it.. As far as this level is concered Your escaping little robospyders. they are all over but no worrys! There really isnt much I can tell you but keep going straight, and those bars? just kick them in eventually youll know your near the end when you fight two precrime men and kill them then break the bars in that room and *sigh...another win. (make is sound easy huh?) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sterifux Pumps 15 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sterifux Pumps This is quite an interesting level, actually this is where movie/game seperate. First proceed forward, and continue until you see a whirlpool, no dont jump in. next jump to the left side, and there is a railing, jump on it and go across, dont let the water touch you watch out the precrime officers though! next once on the other side continue down, youll notice once you reach the bottom the punks are back, for payback! fight them then continue through the door they came through then youll notice 4 pumps with 4 switches, yup hit the switches then the emergency door will open, go through the door and continue on to beat the level. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Searching For Iris 16 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ in the cut scene youll notice a robot, then the level begins what you do is reak some havoc in the room you start, in the booth there is a medkit just to tell you. and soon a robot will enter, go through that door and there will be 3 more, hope you brought your boomstick(gun) after killing the robots you get to a second flush garden and youll notice a ledge or a rock on the right of the door jump up on the rock and there will be a window open on the left side of john (your character) jump up on the window and procced through it this brings you to the next level. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Greenhouse 17 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tuck your head between your legs and kiss it goodbye because its really stepping up a notch in difficulty. First you start at well, the greenhouse get to the bottom of the stairs, jumping to the bottom is defently not recommended first youll fight about 5-6 precrime officers, then you go to the bottom where there is health, and living nightmares..go to the next room, there will be 5 precrime officers, one with explosive spiders, i recommend killing the yellow jackets first from now on. next after killing them procceed to the next room the jungle room i call it, youll kill about 10 precrime officers or so after defeating them go to where they spawned from, VICTORY! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Botanical Garden Bush 18 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When you first start off youll be fighting two precrime officers, joy. first kill both of them then a few more will pop up about 5-10 more precrime to kick your butt, nonetheless beat them. Next after defeating them proceed into the next room containing yet another 5 Pre-crime officers. if you dont have cheat on I recommend going on the stairs in the room and throwing the officers off, its the easiest and most effient way of getting rid of them. Okay once you beat the officers in the jungle room a door will open at the bottom revealing two precrime officers, kill them and go into that entrance from whence they came Victory! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The fossil Room 19 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Okay in this room when you start off first defeat all the precrime officers, (I recommend the yellow jackets first) After defeating about 5-8 of them go to the door on your right after entering that room you will fight a few more men, one will drop a keycard grab the keycard by touching it then a door should open, once it opens a second door will exsist. Use the keycard by walking up, then viola your in the Botanical Gardens once agian this time instead of going down, if at all possible run straight through the hall where about three men popped up. then go left, youll come across a dead end with a walkway at this walkway all you must do it just down then you'll complete the mission congrats!. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Japanese Gardens 20 l (halfway there!) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ First of this wont be a walk in the park get ready cuse here we go! Okay with level 19 remember you jumped off the balcony? Okay! well now you start down at the bottom of the balcony and when you start there will be three precrime officers to start with, kill them and another 3 with enter, kill them and proceed where the new three came from. When you enter the next room youll fight about 6 precrime officers, one with a shotgun, i recommend killing the shotgun one first then picking the rest off, after killing them continue foward to the next room. The next room will have about 10 spyderbots, of course kill them and procced to the next room, I hope you saved your guns because there will be 10 precrime officers and two gernade launching robots, after killing them go through the door with the sign Serifux sewer. once defeating them as said before go to the door and you completed the mission. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To the Sprawl! 21 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yes..Back into the serifux system which lucky you, must go through once agian. when you first start off just go straight and make sure not to touch falling "septic" water or youll fall and take major damage (its not fun..) Continue foward until a precrime officer falls in front of you, throw him down into the water, its fast easy and cleanest way to do it. Then take a right and there will be two officers, take them out, should be fairly easy. Continue foward until you enter a "grand hall" as I call it continue through the room with the pillars and go RIGHT. Take out the two officers there and continue forward. Next there will be three drains that break up a certain points once you get past it go left and continue foward then you beat the level! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sterifux Backwash 22 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *sniff Sniff...whats that smell...aww man!* Thats what you get for turning those pumps off unfortuantly this gas isnt just fog, this stuff kills you you gotta move really fast in this level, if its your first time i recommend skiping the money search just go on, well here we go. Go straight and continue down until you reach a large hall once you get there, there will be two robots, go kill them or go straight foward on the right side of the hall, where youll meet precrime and more robots, note you dont need to attack them, you can advoid them, but you may take more damage running than fighting. most will be robots, if you continue racing up the middle, foward though advoiding them youll beat the level, its more like a shoot em up and run level more than anything. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pepper Hotel 23 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When you first start off youll have robospyders attacking you, first kill them (obvious by now I hope) Exit the room then go right and go to the first door on your left fighting two precrime officers, then go down the stairs in that first door proceeding down to the hotels lobby. Now in the lobby there will be close to 4-5 officers, kill them then proceed through the doors of the lobby. Victory number 23! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sprawl Riot 24 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (One of my personal favorites) in this your objective is to kill precrime officers and punks, first kill off about 15 officers then go to the end of the street when you do there will be a blockadge, when it opens up then there will be a scene where fire falls blocking your exit, next there will be an air conditioner jump up it three times then climb across, then there will be a little ledge go down it and then go right. and jump down there will be about 6 precrime officers take them out and two punks after defeating them walk past the vehicle, and viola you win! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Brawl in the Sprawl 25 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Okay with this level it isnt really..one of my favorites.. When you first start off there are punks, i recommend not attacking them unless you want more havoc and have them target you, attack the precrime officers if they attack you thats the best strategy, well first go straight and at the intersection (three way) go left. Continue foward until you reach the end of the street then go 90 degree right turn, if you want you can fight but it wont get you any progress btw, now after going 90 continue foward then lucky you guess what! yes! you have to fight agent nara. Agent Nara: The best tactic to defeat him is the good old hit and run routine, and watch your health too he uses a W.A.S.P if you move too far from him so keep pretty close to him. The best attacks to use on his would be the following: A,A,A//B,B,B//A,B,X (face smash), and also the uppercut A,B,A. Once you defeat agent Nara, continue the way you entered the arena, once you do victory is in your grasp once agian. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sprawl Subway 26 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This one is mighty fun as well Ready cuse here we go! Gundam...wait..nm With this level all you gotta do is get downstairs to the subway, if you know the meaning of DOWN then life will be pretty good, first continue foward and fight off about 10 precrime officers, throwing them off the walk path is a good tactic, after defeating them go to the very bottom then turn left once you do youll notice a door, enter it, once upon entering this door its actually stairs, continuing down it will result your...2x6...Carry the 4..divide by PIE...uh victory 26! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Return to precrime 27 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Deathwish? Yes ...Fun? No. okay with this..well you return to precrime, your first objective is to get the Cogs free but first kill any precrime officers that get in your way there will be about 10-15 precrime yup tons of quality time with your pals.. after defeating the men at the bottom of the set up room youll get a keycard, now continue down and go below the stairs to the precogs stimulants and gear, once you do that then go to the temple and get you sum precog! once you do that there will be a cut scene where you free the precog and victory number 27! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Foooodddd Fight!! 28 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yea..this ones gonna be messy.. Okay first what you must do is defeat the 3 mall cops, not a big problem there for you guys I Hope anyway. After defeating the three mall cops of course..pre-crime has yet agian come to greet you, but at the same time protect the man (janitor) from precrime and the mall cops, he dies. You die simple as that. If you have a shotgun I recommend saving it for next level and just use your good old fashioned fists. as you defeat more precrime officers more will appear, your main goal will be just to survive this brawl if you dont let the civilian die youll be fine. could it be? *sniff sniff* yes the sweet smell of victory* health is behind the janitor if you need it BTW. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Maul City.. 29 l under the board walk..out of the sun...er herm sorry. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yes back to the Mall with you! With this level its pretty simple, dont let any officers break down the doors for if you do anderton cant get the files from the precog which he stole. This is another Brawl like food fight except with this you cant let precrime by the dreamweaver doors for too long for if you do youll lose, so protect the doors you start at good luck! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dreamweaver Download 30 l 10 more levels to go! = Have some nightmares *yours truley Darkdreamer22* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :D In this level all you have to do is hold off precrime about 20-30 officers will attack you if you saved your weapons from maul city this would be a good time to use them. In this part all you must do is hold them off until your friend downloads the memories from the precog, once he does there will be a cinema with a machine called "head spa" so youll know once your finished VICTORY, VICTORY. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Subway Train Fight 31 l Everybody was Kung fu fighting...they were fast..Nm.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Okay with this level you first start fighting one precrime officer and a couple robo spyders, of course kill them. Once you defeat the first compartment the door will open to the next compartment, which will contain yet another 2 precrime officers, Defeat them as well. Then the next there are yet another two officers except one has a machine gun, throw him out the train window. then the next will contain another three precrime officers, do what you want to defeat them of course, but theres always the window..After defeating the three there are another three, defeat them, one will have robospyders, defeat him first I strongly recommend. Then there is yet another room, thats empty proceed through to get your 31st win. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mosley Round 2 32 l fast as lighting..in fact it was a little bit.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yes, in this level what you must do is defeat mosley...I recommend the classic A,A,A B,B,B A,A,B and A,B,A and swollow kicks work well too. This is the same exact thing as the first time you fight him, and yes precrime does come to help mosley out, once you defeat him you well...Go on to the next level, not too complicated *note dont even try using guns you wont touch him >.>" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Subway Riot 33 l Frightening...YAH..because they were kung fu fightin.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LeveL 33 eh? Starting to get hard from this point on. In this level What you must do is go through the subway defeating about 30-40 precrime officers and making it to the very top of the stairs, the level should seem fairly familiar to you, afterall you beat it not so long ago. Well Go up the stairs and youll be fighting. Throw them down the stairs its the best and fastest tactic, oddly enough closed quaters is the best thing that can happen to you trust me. Once you make it to the top go right and proceed up the next flight of stairs and continue going up after reaching the top youll win. Estimated time of level: 3:00-5:00 miniutes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Back In the Sprawl 34 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the not so fun level, the one that I hated the most actually. In this level what you must do is defeat EVERYONE in the whole level. Theres not much advice to give except try to take few hits and be cheap as possible, you cannot CANNOT defeat these guys head on in groups. This is the only level I actually had to use a unlimited ammo code >.>"...Sorry Like I said your on your own with this, except one thing the bus? blocks you off? walk near it a piece of metal will fall. that'll get you across ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Deja Vu All Over Agian 35 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Like the title Says Deja Vu, in this level you start in your room and you defeat punks and precrime, you cant take the elevators yes you must take the stairs yet agian proceeding down you may come across a precrime officer or two but then when you reach the lobby youll be greeted by about 15 punks. Once you defeat the punks proceed through the door for your 35th victory. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Okawa 36 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This level Like the previous is very difficult in this level you cant kill all the precrime, just RUN, once in the resturant turn left and go by the damaged "Road Block Car" once reaching an intersection (youll be chased up the ying yang) run left and go to the end of the block, once there there is a garage touch the door and it will open get everything in there, *note youll be followed by precrime as well just jump over them the best you can then procceed back to the resturant and walk near Okawa, then a cinema will come on giving you victory number 36! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In Through The Out Door 37 l Really...Calming title huh ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This level is a pain in the neck, even for me. When you first start off kill the two workers, actually harder than precrime..go figure. Once taking the elev- ator there will be another worker kill him as well, and go to your left from the elevator. Then youll notice acid baths..uh dont touch them unless you want to die. jump past the three as fast and effecient as possible. Once getting by the acid there will be about 5-6 workers defeat them then there is a cage near the acid pool jump up that then jump on top of the platform above it. Next youll notice cylinders passing by if you didnt shut the acid pools off Jump on the cylinder and hang on until on the other side eventually john will say "what do we have here" Jump off at that platform and continue through that door!!!! Next youll see a second acid path room, turn on the Switch in that room once jumping across youll fight a worker or two then climb up with the elevator (hop on it) and go to the very top. Next Youll be on a caged catwalk, go across it and kill the robot and three workers, where the robot came out from go in that room there is a switch hit that switch then the caged door will open allowing precrime officers inside there are only 3 defeat them then go through the caged door making you ever closer to your goal! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sol Factory Floor 38 l ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This level actually is long but one of the better levels suprisingly enough. First defeat the precrime officers in the same room, obvious by now there will be two exactly. go up the stairs and there will be an observation deck with a cubical. Enter the cubical and press the botton that opens the door allowing officers in but allowing you out. Go through the door that opened when you pressed the button and continue down the conveyer belt with the lasers, and dont touch the lasers because those "lasers" will hurt you and leave you with "laser" burns (x.X) Once you reach the end of the conveyer belt theres a moving platform jump up on it and when you reach the top there will be about 7 precrime officers there to greet you, kill them of course. then jump down on the conveyer belt on your LEFT. go all the way through it with the lasers then theres a catwalk, follow it all the way to the other side, once you do a door will open, defeat anyone in your way, people pop up here and there, once you get to the end youll met one precrime officer with bomb-om robospyders and a robot, defeat them and proceed to the door on your right, then theres another victory for you ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Robot Testing Grounds 39 l Remember Toy Story? Yea...except these are EVIL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the WORST possible level ever imagined because its so difficult. When you first start off youll have to defeat one prcrime officer. Go foward and youll meet one precrime officer and a robot, defeat them, go up and defeat 5 precrime officers * hint human flesh and acid arent you friend. Then when you go down youll meet about another 5 officers at the bottom of the other side, defeat them as well. Once you get to the end youll hear a mans voice on the loud speaker, they're have a little chat and youll wind up having to have a all out brawl with a bunch of robots once you defeat about 10 of them youll win and go on to the next level. *I suggest you use their firepower agianst them* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Return of Suspect Nikki Jameson 40 l (long names are bad things...) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This..is the most annoying level, there is no true perfect way in defeating nikki jameson, Well, I havent developed a strategy I just Kept a Rocket launcher and a W.A.S.P Handy which is really useful in tight spots like this *whenever nikki falls to the ground shoot her point blank in the face with a shotgun also. there are four levels in this Level 1: bring life down Level 2: Robots soften you up Level 3: Robots soften you up Level 4: Death of Nikki Jameson if you can at the very top at level four try to side swipe her into the pit if you can its an instant kill, for you and her thats the best you can do V.S. Nikki. **************************************************************************** Combat Moves: A,A,A = Quick Punch A,A,A+= Strong Punch B,B,B = Quick Kick B,B,B+ = Strong Kick a,b,b = uppercut b,a,a = gut punch a,a,b = long kick b,b,a = low kick a,b,a = Quick Elbow b,a,b = Jump kick a,a,x = swing around b,b,x = low torso a,b,x = hip toss b,a,x = Knee to Gut a,b,b+ = Hard Uppercut b,a,a+ = Double Fist a,a,b+ = power kick b,b,a+ = Side swipe kick a,b,a+ = Elbow lunge b,a,b+ = Hammer uppercut a,a,x+ = Reverse throw b,b,x+ = Spin throw a,b,x+ = Headbutt (strong) b,a,x+ = Facesmash (Very strong) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Special Thanks to: Darkdreamer22 <--- me GameFaqs for letting me on their site Nintendo: For being my favorite system since SNES ****xbox and ps2 users I'm not sure if you have the same items or levels this is only for gamecube but if it helps i'm glad have fun**** @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@