------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDDDDDD RRRRRRRRR AAAAAAA HHH HHH MMM MMM IIIIIIIII NNN NNN DDD DDD RRR RRR AAA AAA HHH HHH MMMM MMMM III NNNN NNN DDD DDD RRRRRRRRR AAAAAAAAA HHHHHHHHH MMMM MMMM III NNN N NNN DDD DDD RRR RRR AAA AAA HHH HHH MMM M MMM III NNN NNNN DDDDDDD RRR RRR AAA AAA HHH HHH MMM M MMM IIIIIIIII NNN NNN > > > THE ONI TORMENTOR < < < Written by Luke Rushton Copyright 2003-2004 - Luke Rushton email: omega_weapons_mum@hotmail.com Drahmin FAQ version: 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This guide is designed to help players of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance improve their skills at playing as the character: Drahmin. The only website that is legally allowed to publish this FAQ is "www.gamefaqs.com" any publication of this guide on any other website or in any magazine is strictly prohibited by copyright laws. If you want some info from this FAQ in an FAQ of your own or if you want to publish this FAQ on your website or in your magazine, ask me first by emailing me (at the above email address). -------------- Kontents -------------- 0. Version Info I. Introduction II. Translating kontrols III. Using Drahmin a) Pros and Kons b) How to fight effectively as Drahmin IV. Drahmin's kostumes V. Drahmin's Special Attacks VI. Drahmin's Fatality VII. Drahmin's Juggle Kombos VIII. Drahmin's ending (MAJOR SPOILERS) IX. Kredits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Version Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0: Everything done. This FAQ won't include character battle strategies as every battle with Drahmin should be played generally the same way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm writing this FAQ because Drahmin is questionably the worst character in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance and I really want some people to be able to use the "Juggle Monster" effectively and actualy be able to win as him. If you have any questions or contributions to make, don't hesitate to email me at: omega_weapons_mum@hotmail.com. Now, on with the guide. To unlock Drahmin as a playable character: open Koffin UR (6500 Sapphire Koins) To unlock Drahmin's alternate costume: open Koffin SW (1152 Jade Koins) Name: Drahmin Status: Oni Demon Alignment: Evil Weight: ??? Height: ??? Fighting Styles: Netherealm, Oni and Iron Club Difficulty: 5 I'm gussing from his attire that Drahmin was a south pacific tribal warrior of great ability who kept a shrunken head as a trophy and wore the mask of his tribe. Drahmin was somehow transported to the 5th plane of the Netherealm where he survived the torturous environment for so long that he became twisted into an evil being of terible destructive power and an unquenchable thirst for mortal flesh: an Oni Demon. Drahmin became known as the Oni Tormentor and he quickly adapted to life in the hellish Netherealm. Drahmin shortly befriended another of his kind, this other was Moloch: the Oni Destroyer. Drahmin and Moloch encountered Quan Chi in the Netherealm while he was fighting the Ninja Spectre: Scorpion. Quan Chi's power was gradualy fading and he begged the two Oni to protect him from Scorpion while he escaped. In return Quan Chi would take Moloch and Drahmin back to the mortal plane with him where they could feast on mortal flesh. While fending off Scorpion, Moloch noticed Quan Chi run towards an open portal, he was apparently going to beray the two Oni and escape alone. Moloch and Drahmin chased Quan Chi, shortly followed by Scorpion. All four of them escaped into Outworld but Quan Chi and Scorpion had emerged in different places to Moloch and Drahmin. after their escape, the two Oni nested in a forest by a small village where they consumed mortals who strayed too close to their home. A while later, the two Oni were approached by the evil sorcerer Shang Tsung, he wished to make a pact with them. Shang Tsung had allied with Quan Chi to revive the Dragon King's lost army and gain control of Outworld and Earthrealm. Quan Chi opened the portal to the realm of heaven for his partner which would supply Shang Tsung with endless souls and eternal life. Shang Tsung realised that when the army was revived, Quan Chi would have full control over it and Shang Tsung would no longer be needed. Shang Tsung grew mistrusting of Quan Chi and asked the two Oni to protect him from the other sorcerer. In return, Shang Tsung would keep the two Oni in the bottom of his fortress and periodically feed them mortals to keep them satisfied. The Demons readily agreed witht the sorcerer as they were eager to settle the score with Quan Chi, who had ditched them and tried to leave them stranded in the netherealm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Translating Kontrols ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The symbols I will use in my FAQ to represent certain buttons are: 1, 2, 3, 4, U, D, F, B, C and S Here are the button translations for the default controls for each game system: Symbol Playstation 2 Game Cube X box General 1 Square B X Attack 1 2 Triangle Y Y Attack 2 3 X A A Attack 3 4 O X B Attack 4 U - - - Up D - - - Down F - - - Forward B - - - Back C L1 L L Change stance S R1 Z Black Special ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Using Drahmin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) Pros and Kons Let's start with the good news..... Pros: 1) Drahmin has an almost infinite arsenal of juggle moves. 2) His attacks are EXTREMELY powerful. 3) For such a powerful hitter, he isn't too slow. 4) He has a power up attack; making his hits even more lethal. 5) All of his styles incorporate his weapon. 6) Once you learn to use him he is not bad at all. ......And finish with the bad news. Kons: 1) Drahmin has NO kombos in his moveset, you have to invent them yourself (this is why he has a class 5 difficulty rating, this is also why he is supposedly the worst character in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance). 2) He is ugly and has a pretty poor character design. it could be worse though. 3) The sound of his bloody outworld rotflies makes you suicidal after a while. Overview: 1) You won't have to make up any kombos, I've done it for you. 2) He becomes an insanely strong monster after a power up. 3) The flies are good weapons but thier buzzing will drive you mad before long. 4) Despite the fact that Drahmin has no set kombos, improvisation is not hard with his diverse armory of juggle set up attacks. 5) His awsome power coupled with his average speed is enough to see him through most fights. 6) He has also got a few tricks up his sleeve eg: Ground Smash (B D 4). b) How to fight effectively as Drahmin The key to using Drahmin effectively is style diversity. Because Drahmin isn't very good at close up fighting, you should keep him in Oni style for most of the battle. The reason for keeping him in Oni is it's ability to shove an opponent away even if they're blocking. After a successful shove you can use either Ball -O- Flies or Ground smash, switch them about a bit so your enemy can't tell what you're going to do. If you hit with Ball -O- Flies; you could do a Ground Smash followed by a juggle move or you could switch to Iron Club for a power up or switch to Netherealm for a self healing taunt. Just remember that Oni is the core stance and you should always use it unless you are planning a BIG hit or need to regenerate Drahmin's Netheressence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Drahmin's Kostumes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Kostume: Player 1: Drahmin is a rotting white/brown colour, he has no skin or hair, just flesh and muscle. he wears black shorts and his right arm is fully encased in a spiked iron club. He wears a shoulder pad on his right shoulder and in one of his stances he wears a tribal mask of yellow and green. Drahmin also sports a samurai sword plunged into the left of his upper back. Player 2: Drahmin is a rotting pink/brown colour, he has no skin or hair, just flesh and muscle. he wears black shorts and his right arm is fully encased in a spiked iron club. He wears a shoulder pad on his right shoulder and in one of his stances he wears a tribal mask of yellow and green. Drahmin also sports a samurai sword plunged into his left of his upper back. Alternate Kostume: Player 1: Drahmin wears grey/white bandages over all of his body except his head, elbows, knees, hands and feet. His exposed areas of flesh are white/brown. He wears two spiked shoulder pads and has a red rune painted on his chest. Drahmin's head is bald and he wears a tribal mask in his Netherealm stance. His right arm is fully encased in a spiked iron club and he has two swords in his back. Drahmin also wears a shrunken head, hanging from his left shoulder pad and a red and black loin cloth. Player 2: Drahmin wears green/white bandages over all of his body except his head, elbows, knees, hands and feet. His exposed areas of flesh are white/brown. He wears two spiked shoulder pads and has a red rune painted on his chest. Drahmin's head is bald and he wears a tribal mask in his Netherealm stance. His right arm is fully encased in a spiked iron club and he has two swords in his back. Drahmin also wears a shrunken head, hanging from his left shoulder pad and a red and black loin cloth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Drahmin's Special Attacks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ball -O- Flies (B F 2) Drahmin hurls a mob of rotflies at his opponent. This attack covers a long distance and is reasonably poweful and quite fast. Propeller Clock (F F 2) Drahmin hits his enemy three times, on the third hit they are bounced off the ground high into the air. This is a mid ranged attack with high power and is a great juggle set up. Ground Smash (B D 4) Drahmin Whacks the floor with his club sending the opponent flying towards him. this attack has maximum coverage and can only be blocked by a low block or dodged if the enemy jumps as Drahmin hits the floor. Excellent range and good power. Speed doesn't matter much with this attack as it's hard to anticipate anyway. On a final note: Ground Smash is good for starting juggle kombos at long enough range. Super Uppercut (D B 1) Drahmin leaps forward and executes a jumping uppercut. Good speed, ok range and great power, a good one for ending kombos. There are two more attacks that Drahmin can do in any style but are not included among his special attacks: Bag Throw (F+S) Drahmin stands on his opponents feet thus immobilising them and hits them to the floor. They will then bounce back up and Drahmin will hit them down a second time. After the second hit the enemy will pop up allowing you another hit. Rising Blast (D+3) Drahmin uppercuts his opponent's chin with his club sending them into the air. A great juggling move with above average speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Drahmin's Fatality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smash head (B F F D 3) Drahmin puts his mask on and slams his club down on the opponent's head. Their head explodes in a shower of blood and brains and their headless body stumbles around a bit. Drahmin then hits them a second time and they fall to the floor. Drahmin riases his arms triumphantly and then lowers his left arm leaving just his club encased arm in the air. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Drahmin's Juggle Kombos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is dedicated to helping Drahmin players by giving them some juggle kombos to play with. Once you are a proficient Drahmin player you may want to try and discover some good kombos yourself and if you wish to, by all means send them to me with either your gameFAQs account name or your real name and if I haven't got the kombo already I'll add it in and your name will go in the kredits section. You will find my e-mail at the ^t^o^p^ Netherealm Kombo Hits Damage% After Power Up (Simple kombos) 3 3 D+3 3 16% 46% D+3 3 D B 1 3 16% 46% D+3 3 4 3 16% 48% 3 3 3 3 17% 45% 3 3 B+3 3 17% 46% 3 3 4 3 18% 46% 3 3 B F 2 3 18% 48% 3 3 F F 2 4 18% 46% (Kombos starting with Bag Throw) F+S 3 D B 1 4 24% 38% (Kombos starting with Propeller Clock) F F 2 3 D+3 5 20% 56% F F 2 3 D B 1 5 21% 58% (Kombos starting with Ground Smash) B D 4 3 3 3 18% 47% B D 4 3 D B 1 3 19% 47% (Kombos starting with Ball -O- Flies) B F 2 B D 4 3 3 4 29% 69% Oni Kombo Hits Damage% After Power Up (Simple kombos) 2 D+3 4 3 14% 38% 2 2 C B+2 3 17% 47% 2 2 2 3 19% 48% 2 2 B F 2 3 19% 49% 2 2 C B+4 3 19% 49% (Kombos starting with Bag Throw) F+S 2 2 4 25% 38% (Kombos starting with Propeller Clock) F F 2 2 D B 1 5 22% 59% F F 2 2 B F 2 5 22% 59% (Kombos starting with Ground Smash) B D 4 2 2 3 19% 48% (Kombos starting with Ball -O- Flies) B F 2 B D 4 2 2 4 30% 70% Iron Club Kombo Hits Damage% After Power Up (Simple kombos) B+2 B+2 B+2 3 10% 29% B+2 B+2 D B 1 3 12% 35% B+2 B+2 B+4 3 12% 36% (Kombos starting with Bag Throw) F+S B+2 B+2 4 17% 35% (Kombos starting with Propeller Clock) F F 2 B+2 B+2 5 18% 47% F F 2 B+2 U+1 5 20% 48% F F 2 D+3 4 5 29% 48% F F 2 B+2 B+4 5 20% 49% (Kombos starting with Ground Smash) B D 4 B+2 B+2 3 14% 39% B D 4 D+3 D B 1 3 17% 41% (Kombos starting with Ball -O- Flies) B F 2 B D 4 B+2 B+2 4 26% 66% Special Kombo (do-able in any style) Hits Damage% After Power Up (Kombos starting with Bag Throw) F+S D B 1 3 21% 35% (Kombos starting with Propeller Clock) F F 2 D B 1 4 19% 57% F F 2 B F 2 4 20% 58% F F 2 F F 2 5 20% 49% (Kombos starting with Ground Smash) B D 4 D B 1 2 16% 46% B D 4 B F 2 2 16% 48% B D 4 F F 2 3 17% 49% (Kombos starting with Ball -O- Flies) B F 2 B D 4 2 21% 61% B F 2 B D 4 D B 1 3 27% 67% B F 2 B D 4 B+4 3 27% 67% B F 2 B D 4 F F 2 4 28% 68% B F 2 B D 4 D+3 3 23% 63% B F 2 B D 4 B F 2 3 27% 67% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Drahmin's Ending ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sent by the sorcerer Shang Tsung, the two Oni known as Drahmin and Moloch confronted Quan Chi, enraged that he had tried to leave them stranded in the bowels of the Netherealm. In the battle that ensued, Drahmin leapt at Quan Chi and both kombatants stumbled into the inner sanctum chamber. Moments later, Drahmin emerged from the chamber altered from his previous form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Kredits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ was written by Luke Rushton (omega weapons mum) Special thanks to: GameFAQs.com - for hosting this FAQ and many others Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft - for making this game playable on their consoles Midway - for creating this excellent game John Tobias and Ed Boon - for creating the Mortal Kombat series And God bless Shang Tsung and Quan Chi for making this game possible.