-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance FAQ/Move List -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 5.0 So Brutal... So Evil... So Deadly... Genre: Fighting -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rating: Mature (Blood and Gore, Violence) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Players: 1 or 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Platforms: PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, and Game Boy Advance -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Developed and Published by: Midway -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Released: November 22nd, 2002-"Fatality Friday" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Verion Histories: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.0: Just started the FAQ based on information released from the first playable version at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in May. Had some story elements, and some of the features to be found in the game, including the fighting style element explained, and the buttons for the varying systems. Had the History of Mortal Kombat section completed as well. Version 2.0: Started the actual FAQ a couple days before the game came out, getting almost every character's move-sets complete, and all the descriptions of the characters, and the fighting styles. Finished my review, and added descriptions of the fighting arenas. Other random pieces were added as well i.e. character descriptions, and descriptions of Fatalities and alternate costumes. Version 3.0: Finished some character's Konquest missions, and fixed many a typo. Added some more fighting style descriptions to finally complete that section. I am currently working on getting all of the character's Konquest missions completed. Boss strategies, and the Krypt will be next after that. Version 4.0: Simply completed everyone's Konquest modes, including every secret character. The Krypt is next, along with some kombos, and endings for characters. Boss strategies are also next on the table. Version 5.0: The Krypt is completed, along with extra Krypt items people might take more of an interest in. I decided to scrap the Kombos section, as I have no time to include that. The Boss strategies are also completed, as is the Kodes and Secrets section. I might add the combos in when I find more time. This FAQ/Move List was written by Mike Zielinski. My E-Mail address is globalops21@yahoo.com. E-Mail me with any questions, comments, spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors as well, please. This FAQ was started on Monday, May 27th, 2002. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Table of Contents -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I. The History of Mortal Kombat II. The Story of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance III. My Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Review IV. PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, and Game Boy Advance Default Controls V. Basic Weapon and Hand-to-Hand Moves VI. Fighting Style Explanation VII. Fighting Style Descriptions VIII. Modes of Play and Mini Games IX. Arena Descriptions X. Individual Character Stories/Stats and Moves/Fatalities XI. Boss Strategies XII. Individual Character Endings XIII. The Krypt XIV. Konquest XV. Kodes and Secrets XVI. Kredits -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I. The History of Mortal Kombat -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When Mortal Kombat launched into arcades nationwide in 1992, it shocked and amazed fighting game fans. From it's excessive blood and gore to the amazing motion-captured moves, Mortal Kombat was born. The basic premise of this new and advanced fighter, was to choose a character and battle it out to the death with another human opponent or the CPU. What set this game apart from inferior fighting games, *cough* Street Fighter *cough* was, as stated earlier, its excessive use of blood and gore. After a match concluded, the announcer screamed "Finish Him!" At this point the player had the opportunity to input a series of directional button presses to hopefully perform the desired, what was then known as, Finishing Move, on his or her opponent. Finishing Moves were often very bloody and gory, somehow reigning death upon the opponent. Some Finishing Moves included Sub-Zero's infamous spine rip, where he would rip off his opponent's head with the spinal cord still attached, along with Kano plunging his hand deep into his fallen opponent's chest, and violently ripping out his or her heart. Mortal Kombat was amazingly popular for its time, drawing huge crowds to various arcades nationwide. A sequel was therefore, inevitable. The sequel to this rapidly growing and popular fighter was aptly named, Mortal Kombat II. Mortal Kombat II launched into arcades in 1993, a year after its predecessor. This new and improved Mortal Kombat brought what the original title had brought to the table, plus more. The new Mortal Kombat introduced seven (7) new playable characters to the series, as well as returning favorites. Each character also had two (2), now what came to be known as Fatalities, as opposed to the original one (1). Each fighter also possessed a Babality and a Friendship. These new "Finishing Moves" were implemented because of the series' negative media response, claiming it was harming America's youth with its excessive violence. They were added to give the Mortal Kombat series some comic relief, and rid it of some of the game's violence. The Babality was simple. A character would transform his fallen opponent into a baby, complete with a diaper. The Friendship, on the other hand, was humorous in it's own right. One example of a Friendship was Baraka's present giver. Baraka held out his finger, and then reached behind him and brought out a present for his opponent. Another very humorous Friendship was Liu Kang's. During Kang's Friendship, a disco ball would lower, and the player would see Liu Kang dance under the ball to disco music. Mortal Kombat II was a massive success, and is revered by many Mortal Kombat fans as the best of the series. Because of Mortal Kombat II's success, Mortal Kombat 3 was on its way. When Mortal Kombat 3 finally hit arcades in 1995, it was met with critical acclaim. It had been two years since the last iteration in this storied series and fans were getting restless. Most fighting game fans had moved on to the new 3-D fighter, Namco's Tekken. The Mortal Kombat elite returned for Mortal Kombat 3 though, but were left with a mediocre sequel that offered more of the same. The now traditional Fatalities, Babalities, and Friendships made a return, along with an all-new -ality, the Animality. The Animality was simple. The character would transform into some sort of animal and maul/kill his or her opponent in various ways. Some favorites include Cyrax's Great White Shark. Cyrax morphed into the shark, went under the screen, and came up on his victim with a huge chomp, devouring his opponent in one bite. Sub-Zero's polar bear was also popular. Sub-Zero transformed into a polar bear that would then proceed to fall on his victim and maul them to death. Mortal Kombat 3 was not well-received, so Midway set out to expand Mortal Kombat 3 with an "expansion pack" of sorts to MK3, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 launched later in the same year as Mortal Kombat 3 (1995). It offered players five (5) returning favorites, who missed the cut in Mortal Kombat 3: Scorpion, Reptile, Kitana, Mileena, and Classic Sub-Zero, as well as offering players two (2) characters new to the franchise, Jade and Ermac. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 also offered plenty of new fighting arenas, including the popular Jade's Desert. Some Mortal Kombat 3 characters received move upgrades, balancing everyone's move sets. UMK3 was mildly successful. The Mortal Kombat development team was fresh out of new and innovative ideas. However, they did come up with a "new" Mortal Kombat game. The game would be a compilation of sorts, combining almost every Mortal Kombat character into one game. This game came to be named Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Mortal Kombat Trilogy launched in 1996 only on home consoles. This "new" Mortal Kombat allowed players the chance to play as three (3) returning favorites in, Johnny Cage, Baraka, and Raiden, not seen since Mortal Kombat II, and two (2) brand new characters in Noob Saibot, and Rain. Mortal Kombat Trilogy was merely a compilation of all the previous games in one. Nothing new and innovative was introduced unfortunately. The only real addition to the game not seen in previous interations, was the Brutality. The player would input a series of nine (9) button presses, having the character perform a massive overlaying combo, eventually leading to the opponent exploding. It was mildly entertaining, but offered nothing new to pique casual gamers' interest. John Tobias, the lead storywriter for Mortal Kombat set out to create a side-story to MK. This game featured Sub- Zero, chronicling his adventures outside of the Mortal Kombat Tournament. The game came to be known as Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero. Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero debuted for the Nintendo 64, and the Sony PlayStation in 1997. As mentioned above, the game followed Sub-Zero on his journeys outside of the Tournament. It was an action/RPG side-scrolling game. As Sub-Zero defeated enemies, he gained experience points which were used to upgrade Sub's move-set. Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub- Zero was received to an open-armed audience as many Mortal Kombat fans were eagerly anticipating John Tobias' foray into the action/RPG market, as Tobias is/was revered as a great storywriter. Ed Boon, one of Mortal Kombat' founders, then set out to produce another brand-new Mortal Kombat game. No more "expansion packs," no more compilations, an all-out new MK game, Mortal Kombat 4. Later on in the year 1997, Mortal Kombat 4 was launched into arcades across the United States. MK4 even had a road trip, which spanned the country previewing the new Mortal Kombat game at arcades everywhere. Mortal Kombat 4 was the first title in the series to play in "full" 3-D. There were a handful of new characters in this game, including: Reiko, Jarek, Fujin, Quan Chi, Kai, Shinnok, and Tanya. Mortal Kombat 4 was a return to the series' darker roots. The game featured dark storylines of revenge, deceit, and hatred. The game returned to only two (2) Fatalities per character. No more of those other "-alities" that brought comic relief to the series. A unique twist on the traditional hand-to-hand combat was the inclusion of character specific weapons. At any point during the match, the player had the choice of pulling out a deadly weapon. Some weapons included Scorpion's massive broadsword, Jax and Reiko's spiked clubs, Sonya's spinning blades, and even Tanya's boomerang. Weapons added a whole new layer of strategy to Mortal Kombat 4. The weapons were able to be thrown and dropped when hit, and the weapons even had their own move-set. Mortal Kombat 4 implemented some new ideas, but these innovations were overshadowed with the arcade releases of Namco's Soul Calibur, and Tekken 3. Mortal Kombat 4 will always be remembered as the first 3-D Mortal Kombat game. Not to be outdone, Ed Boon and company decided to release another "expansion pack" coinciding with the release of Sega's new Dreamcast system. In September of 1999, Midway released Mortal Kombat Gold. Mortal Kombat Gold closely resembles Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, content-wise. It added five (5) returning characters to Mortal Kombat 4's already meaty fighter lineup. The characters added were Cyrax, Mileena, Baraka, Kitana, and Kung Lao. This new iteration added nothing new to the series gameplay-wise unfortunately. Mortal Kombat Gold did not fare too well on the Dreamcast because of the lack of gameplay additions, all of its bugs and glitches, and most importantly, its main competition, Soul Calibur, the top fighting game by far, at the time. A year later in 2000, John Tobias decided to undertake another action/RPG clone, a la Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub- Zero. This time the game was to be in full 3-D, chronicling the adventures of Jax on his adventures in trying to capture his arch-nemesis, Kano. The game came to be called Mortal Kombat: Special Forces. The game featured a level-up system much like MKM:SZ. Instead of learning new moves, Jax learned new combos. Halfway through development, John Tobias left Midway completely, for undisclosed reasons. This occurrence all but ensured Mortal Kombat: Special Forces would grow only to become a complete failure. Mortal Kombat: Special Forces was a failure because of its lack of innovation, poor graphics and gameplay. This game tarnishes Mortal Kombat's record as the storied fighting game franchise everyone thought of it as. Two and a half years later, Ed Boon and his development team in Chicago now embark upon an entirely new MK, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Shedding the number "5" at the end of it's title, to seem more as a rebirth of the series, rather than a sequel, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance seeks out to regain the top spot Mortal Kombat once held. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance is going to feature fully 3-D digitized characters, with 5000 to 6000 polygons each. The game also features full 8-way movement with multiple fighting styles per character, rarely, if ever seen in a fighting game to date. This game has been in development for a couple years now and looks to regain the top spot as the best fighting game around. This FAQ/Move List will inform you of EVERYTHING one needs to know in order to become the master of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. From it's full 3-D movement to multiple fighting styles per character, including hand-to-hand and weapon, and a return to the series' darker roots, prepare to step into the tournament known as Mortal Kombat once again. Mortal Kombat has been reborn. Are you ready? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-= II. The Story of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- With the aid of the thunder god known as Raiden, Earth's mightiest heroes have repelled all invasions from other-worldly forces through a tournament known as Mortal Kombat. Although there has been relative peace for many years, a new threat to Earthrealm has emerged. And this time, the threat of evil has two faces. In an attempt to seize control of the realms, the sorcerers Shang Tsung and Quan Chi have joined forces and are preparing to revive the lost army of the mythological Dragon King. Should they succeed, they will be unstoppable. Once again, Earth's heores must venture to Outworld and kombat the forces of evil. They must act now. They must stop this Deadly Alliance. *Opening FMV* The opening FMV of the game is so great, I am going to give you, the reader, the most detailed account of what goes on. Without anymore interruption, I present to you the opening cinema of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance: The FMV starts off showing Liu Kang practicing his moves in the Wu Shi Academy arena, with Kung Lao looking on. It then pans to a tunnel with lava littering the bottom, and Raiden narrating some of the history of the Mortal Kombat tournament. Raiden talks about how the forces of good and evil have been locked into an eternal battle for Earthrealm. They then show portraits of Quan Chi, and Shao Kahn with Raiden telling us that some of the participants entering the tournament want to stop all that is good. They show a picture of Scorpion with Raiden saying that some enter for vengeance. Pictures of Kano and Shang Tsung are then shown with Raiden saying that they are in the tournament for power, and eternal life respectively. Once again pan to Kang practicing, with Raiden saying that time after time, the evil has been vanquished. Back to the lava filled tunnel, with Raiden saying that there is concern that Earth is once again in peril. This time the threat of evil has two faces. We are then shown the evil sorcerer, Quan Chi, running across a bridge with lava flowing under it, jumping through a portal, thus escaping Outworld. Since his escape, Chi has unlocked the secret of the Ancient Runestone, and discovered the ancient undefeatable army of the fallen, forgotten Dragon King. We are then shown Quan Chi and Shang Tsung shaking hands, as they have formed an alliance. With their combined power, they set out to overpower the only two things that could prevent their total domination of the two realms. We are shown Quan Chi and Shang Tsung walking down a walkway toward a throne containing Shao Kahn. After showing a false sense of allegiance, they spring their attack. Shan Kahn's bloody helmet tumbles down the stairs, signifying Kahn's death. Tsung and Chi then travel to Earthrealm through a mystical portal, only sorcerers and deities can travel. We are shown Liu Kang practicing once again at the Wu Shi Academy. Kung Lao is walking behind Kang, and a split second later, he morphs into Shang Tsung. It is revealed that it has been Tsung's desire to dethrone Kang as Mortal Kombat's champion. The fight between them begins. Liu kicks Tsung twice in the stomach, then blocks a punch, and comes down on Tsung's head with a fist of his own. With Shang Tsung down, Quan Chi comes up from behind and fires a glowing green skull into the back of Liu Kang. With Liu Kang on the ground recovering, Tsung walks up behind Kang, and proceeds to snap his neck in a very gruesome manner. A trickle of blood runs down Kang's left cheek as he falls to the ground...dead. Tsung proceeds to absorb Liu Kang's soul from his fallen corpse. Tsung and Chi return to Outworld to use the souls of conquered warriors to fuel their resurrection of the Dragon King's Army. With the resurrection of this army, they will be unstoppable. We are then shown Raiden and the rest of the mortals: Sonya, Sub-Zero, Johnny Cage, Frost, Kung Lao, and Jax sitting around a campfire. Raiden reveals he has relinquished his status of Elder God, to once again return to Earth and lead all the mortals into battle, against two of their most hated adversaries, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. They must act now. They must stop this Deadly Alliance. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= III. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Review -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Let me start this review off by saying "WOW!" I have waited many a year to finally get my greedy hands on this title. Now with my fingers wrapped tightly around the controller and with many, many hours poured into the game already, I can finally review what could possibly be the best fighting game available. It has everything it needs in order to become the best fighting game around. It offers many innovative ideas, ridiculous amounts of unlockables, many DVD extras, and a fighting style so deep, it makes my head spin thinking off all the kombo variations. I can't even begin to explain all of the nuances that make this game so great. So without further ado, I present you with my personal Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance review for the PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube. (*NOTE* I will have a separate review up for the Game Boy Advance edition when it becomes available *NOTE*) When you first boot up the game, the player is treated to a smooth FMV sequence chronicling Shang Tsung and Quan Chi's quest for power. They have happened upon the great Dragon King's long lost army of the dead, and strive to breathe life back into it, literally. In order to do this, they need souls, and many of them. Their quest is to seek out as many people as possible and steal their souls to fuel their army. Their first stop is Shao Kahn in Outworld. They double team him, and steal his soul, which is "flown" straight into the chest of a soldier in the Dragon Army. If they can kill Shao Kahn, boss of Mortal Kombat II, III, UMK3, and MKT so easily, who is to stop them? Another one of Mortal Kombat's beloved characters is also killed off, which I detail in the "The Story of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance" section. With the defeat of Shao Kahn,and Liu Kang, all hope seems lost to stop this Deadly Alliance. All hope is not lost, as Raiden relinquishes his status as Elder God to once again lead the mortals into battle against Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. The battle starts with twelve (12) immediately selectable fighters. The "default" characters should not disappoint, as there are many returning fan favorites including: Sub-Zero and Scorpion, as well as newcomers: Bo Rai Cho, Li Mei, Kenshi, and Mavado. Likewise, there are nine (9) secret characters that appear on the select screen, but are blacked out. One must unlock them in the Krypt using earned kurrency. Each character possesses three fighting styles unique to that fighter; they have two hand-to-hand styles along with a weapon style. This approach to the genre is not only the most innovative thing since the Fatality, but it also adds bottomless depth to an already huge move arsenal. Anything is possible with the amount of moves each character has at his or her disposal. I was overwhelmed with how much each character is capable of. It is very fun to come up with your own personal kombos spanning all three fighting styles. The kontrol in this game is top-notch, with responsive button commands, and a great deal of very impressive moves to pull off. It is the most fluid and polished Mortal Kombat yet. Fans of Soul Calibur beware, Mortal Kombat has stepped into the ring and is set to strip you of the title of fighting game king. The most noticeable improvement to the series is the graphics engine. I was in awe at how much detail went into, not only the characters, but the backgrounds as well. There is so much detail, I notice something new going on in the arena almost every time I play. The characters' clothing moves swiftly behind them as they walk about the arena, hair flows in the wind, and they even leave bloody footprints in their wake. The most impressive character detail I think, is the mist that radiates from Sub-Zero's mouth as he breathes, and the mist coming from his hands as he fights. It is a very cool effect, and adds to the realism that he is a very cold fighter. The blood is also by far, the best blood in any fighting game to date. You can actually see the red stuff slowly dripping down characters' bodies as they fight; as it flings off them, it splatters on the ground leaving a puddle. The coolest thing of all, is that the blood litters the ground throughout the entire match, not just a round, but the entire match. It is very cool to survey your surroundings noticing bloody footprints, and trails of blood littered throughout the arena. After each match the camera gets a close-up of the character as he/she perform their winning pose, and then you can actually see bloody noses, tears and gashes in their face and so on. Fatalities are back, but are also one of the drawbacks this game has. The Fatalities are good, but just not original enough. I was expecting very gory (which some of them are) and violent deaths. What we are treated to are unoriginal, uninspired death animations that aren't as impressive as they could have been. The graphics in this game are some of the best, if not the best, I have ever seen in a fighting game. Midway took their time to perfect this engine, from the impressive blood effects, to the constantly evolving backgrounds, Midway gets huge props from me. The booming announcer from Mortal Kombat 4 is back in this sequel, and I am not complaining. I thought he was the best announcer since MKII, and I was elated when I heard his voice the first time. It is very loud and echoes throughout the room, when you choose your character or start a match. Nothing is more satisfying than hearing him scream "Finish Him" after a match concludes. The background music to the game is a blast from the past. It mostly resembles Mortal Kombat II's somewhat mellow soundtrack, mixed in with Mortal Kombat 3's techno music. The music is varied enough that one won't sicken of it right away. Dan Forden comes through again with a great mix of techno and mellow music to compliment an already impressive announcer. The sound effects are equally as good. From the grunts and groans of the male and female fighters, to the clanging of weapons, it is a real treat to the ears. The soundtrack to this game is very good, and just adds to the fun of the game as you kick the hell out of someone. Once again Dan Forden is the man, as he has been since Mortal Kombat II, coming up with brilliant background music to fight to. Toasty! Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance is the deepest fighter on the market today. It has enough unlockables to keep a player playing for months. The Krypt, one of the coolest features I have seen in a fighting game, is an enourmous room filled with 676 different koffins that contain secret characters, alternate costumes, fan art, designer pictures, extra fighting arenas, etc. The koffins can only be opened by spending the appropriate number of koins earned in the Arcade and Konquest modes. Each koffin has a price value, and a kurrency type. The more expensive koffins, obviously have the good stuff, while the not so expensive koffins might contain nothing. Not only that, the Konquest mode spans 218 separate missions for the player to engage in. The Konquest mode follows the player through eight (8) introductory missions. After those eight (8) are completed, the game allows you to select a character and "train" through ten (10) additional missions specific to that character. Along the way, your selected character's backstory is revealed, and you earn kurrency used to open koffins in the Krypt. The game also contains a very helpful training mode, allowing you to practice the deadliest of kombos, also providing the player with a very detailed move list for each character. As one can tell, the sinlge player experience is very satisfying in MK:DA. The Versus mode is equally as exciting. It is a one-on-one fight to the death, but Midway ups the ante one more time, as they have included a new wager aspect. Before each player selects his or her character, they have the option of putting up some of their kurrency against the other player. If they win the match they win their opponent's kurrency. It is time to see who can put their money where their mouth is in this game. Nothing is more satisfying than beating a buddy who brags about how good he is, but then goes on to lose 1,500 gold koins to his opponent. Brilliant. As stated many a time in the above paragraphs, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance simply excels in every category, that makes a video game fun. It has one of the best, if not the best, graphics engine in any fighting game, featuring spectacular blood effects, clothing effects, and insanely detailed backgrounds. It couldn't look much better than it does. The sound is equally as impressive as the announcer from Mortal Kombat 4 has a made a triumphant return to "narrate" this entry into the series. The single player experience is VERY rewarding as the game provides the player with so many unlockables, you don't even know where to start. Incredibly deep replay value is presented in this new edition of Mortal Kombat. The fun factor cannot be denied. Every time I play the game, I find something new that I grow to love. Fighting games cannot get much better than this. I applaud Midway's valiant efforts of trying to regain the crown as the top fighter in town, and I believe wholeheartedly, they have accomplished just that with the release of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube Default Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance's control setup is much different than the previous entries in the series. You have four basic attacks, two punch, and two kick, replacing HP,LP,LK, and HK. They are now just called Attack 1,2,3, and 4. There is also a special move button, which, when pressed, allows the character to Power Up, Taunt, perform a throw, or stab your opponent with some of the weapons featured in the game. There is still the traditional Block button, but the addition of a fighting style button is the real meat of this game. Unfortunately, the run feature of past games has disappeared with a more traditional dash back and forth, in and out manuever set into place. I go more in-depth on the fighting style, hand-to-hand, and weapon combat in the "Basic Weapon and Hand-to-Hand Moves" section. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PlayStation 2 Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Forward - Directional Button Right Walk Backward - Directional Button Left Walk Out -Directional Button Up Walk In - Directional Button Down Jump Forward - Directional Buttons Up and Right Jump Backward - Directional Buttons Up and Left Attack 1 - Square Attack 2 - Triangle Attack 3 - X Attack 4 - Circle Special Attack - R1 Block - R2 Change Fighting Style - L1 -=-=-=-=-=-=- Xbox Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=- Walk Forward - Directional Button Right Walk Backward - Directional Button Left Walk Out - Directional Button Up Walk In - Directional Button Down Jump Forward - Directional Buttons Up and Right Jump Backward - Directional Buttons Up and Left Attack 1 - X Attack 2 - Y Attack 3 - A Attack 4 - B Special Attack - Black Button Block - Right Trigger Change Fighting Style - Left Trigger -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GameCube Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Walk Forward - Directional Button Right Walk Backward - Directional Button Left Walk Out - Directional Button Up Walk In - Directional Button Down Jump Forward - Directional Buttons Up and Right Jump Backward - Directional Buttons Up and Left Attack 1 - B Attack 2 - Y Attack 3 - A Attack 4 - X Special Attack - Z Block - R Change Fighting Style - L -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Boy Advance Controls -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Walk Forward - Directional Button Right Walk Backward - Directional Button Left Jump - Directional Button Up Duck - Directional Button Down Jump Forward - Directional Buttons Up and Right Jump Backward - Directional Buttons Up and Left Attack 1 - A Attack 2 - B Block - R Change Fighting Style - L -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= V. Basic Weapon and Hand-to-Hand Moves -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hand-to-hand fighting in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance has made a big leap over previous games. The two hand-to-hand fighting styles per character have around 25-30 moves each. All of the moves for the different styles are totally different. They each have their own unique set of combos to go along with them. It is very fun to switch in and out of the styles at will creating new combos every minute. Weapons have made their return to Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. When a player takes out his/her weapon, their fighting style changes to suit the weapon they are currently wielding. The weapons also have their own unique set of moves, a la the hand-to-hand fighting styles. Some of the weapons included in the game are: Kali Sticks, various Swords, Butterfly Swords, Machetes, and a Kori Blade. Unlike Mortal Kombat 4, the weapons in the game cannot be dropped,nor can they be thrown. Another nuance new to the series is being able to stab your opponent in the thighs, or stomach. For example, Li Mei's weapons are a pair of sais, which can be stabbed into her opponent, causing them to stay imbedded, for the duration of the round. As the opponent moves around, blood spurts out, and the player gradually loses health. It is a very cool new feature. The Power Up is also a neat new addition. At just about any time during the fight, the player can hit the Special Move button, and the player will grow in size for about 1 second, shrinking back down to normal size. This allows the player to move a little faster, and inflict more damage per hit. This adds a new layer of strategy to the game. The Taunt is the other new addition to the actual combat of this game. When the Special Move button is pressed, and when the character is in a certain fighting style, he/she taunts their opponent. This isn't just for show either, as when a taunt is successfully completed, the character regains a little lost health. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VI. Fighting Style Explanation -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance allows characters to switch between three different fighting styles per character at will. Each fighter possesses two hand-to-hand fighting styles, as well as one weapon style. The fighting styles add a whole new and innovative idea to the Mortal Kombat franchise. The differing styles will allow for some very high combo strings, as players will be able to initiate a combo in one style, then switch to another fighting style to finish up the combo. Some of the fighting styles include: Hapkido, Kenpo, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do, Lui He Ba Fa, Shaolin Fist, Crane, Aikido (which is ALL throws!) as well as a host of others. In some fighting styles, what would be a punch, will be a kick, in another. Players will have to know their character pretty well in order to be successful in using his or her fighting styles to their advantage. As in the previous Mortal Kombats, the number of combo hits, and the percentage of damage dished out, pops out of the corner of the screen. Also, as in Mortal Kombat 4, the MAXIMUM DAMAGE feature returns, thus denying players the ability to dole out over 50% damage combos. When the fighting style button is pressed, your character switches in and out of one of his/her three fighting styles. For example, Quan Chi has the Tang Soo Do, and Escrima fighting styles. He starts out in the Tang Soo Do style, and when pressed switches to Escrima. When the button is pressed again, he goes into his Broadswords style, taking out double broadswords. As one can tell, MK:DA's control setup and fighting style switching is very involved, and offers the player a near unlimited number of combo variations. Each fighting style in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance has a special attack associated with it, unique to that style. The special attack these fighting styles possess is performed by tapping the SM Button. The special attacks these styles entail are: -=-=-=-= Escapes: -=-=-=-= The Escapes in MK:DA serve only to get one out of harm's way. When you hit the SM Button and you are in a certain fighting style, the character performs either a Backflip or a Slide of sorts, and in Mavado's case, a Grappling Hook Escape. The Escapes "pull" characters back and out of harm's way. Use them when you are either too close to a character for your comfort, or when you want to back off and give your opponent a breather. -=-=-=-=-= Reversals: -=-=-=-=-= Reversals are a GREAT way to counter your opponent's attack and follow it up with a high hitting combo before they know what hit them. When your opponent goes to strike you, and you hit the SM Button in some fighting styles (I will explain which fighting styles contain which special attacks in the "Individual Character Story/Stats and Moves/Fatalities section of this FAQ), your character will grab a limb, be it an arm or leg, and leave your opponent vulnerable for any attack or combo you choose. Reversals can change the tide of battle in a hurry if you are not careful. -=-=-=- Throws: -=-=-=- Every character in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance has one or two Throws depending on which fighting styles they possess. Throws are in fact blockable this time around, so one must be careful in attempting Throw, as if you miss, it leaves you open for an attack. Some fighting styles are based on Throws like Jax's Jude style, and Kano's Aikido styles. They have more than one Throw and one must learn how to use them effectively. -=-=-=- Taunts: -=-=-=- Some of the characters possess the ability to Taunt their opponent. The Taunt is more than just show, as it regenerates some lost health if performed successfully. The Taunt usually takes a couple of seconds to pull off, so one must make sure their opponent is a good distance away before performing one of these useful features. Never attempt a Taunt with your opponent in a sort of close proximity as it leaves you WIDE open for a high hitting attack. -=-=-=- Neijin: -=-=-=- The Neijin or "Power-Up" some characters have in their arsenal is a very effective way of reducing your opponent's health very quickly. When one performs a Neijin, their character grows in size for a second, shrinking back to normal size seconds later. The Neijin lasts for a couple seconds, and allows the character to dish out more damage per hit, which can be very helpful when in a heated battle. As with the Taunts, performing a Neijin takes time, and if performed next to an opponent, be prepared for a nice ass kicking. -=-=-=- Shoves: -=-=-=- The Shove is a good way to take your opponent off the Block button and let their guard down. When the SM Button is pressed and your opponent has the ability to Shove, it can be very useful. If you have an opponent, who continually blocks, walk up to them and tap the SM Button to have your character push them and have them become disoriented for a second or two, allowing for a quick follow up attack. -=-=-=-= Impales: -=-=-=-= Some characters in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance have the option of impaling their opponents with their weapons. Only certain weapons are capable of Impaling, so one must know if it is possible with their weapon or not. Shang Tsung's Short Sword, Li Mei's Sai, Sub-Zero's Kori Blade, Kung Lao's Broadsword, Frost's Daggers, Kitana's Steel Fans, Reptile's Kirehashi Blade, and Cyrax's Pulse Blade are the weapons that have the option of Imapling someone. When the weapon is lodged into the opponent's stomach/chest, it cannot be removed, and their health slowly decreases throughout the round. After the round has come to a conclusion, the weapon is removed from the opponent. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sidestep Swing: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Some of the weapons in MK:DA have the ability to perform a Sidestep Swing, meaning the character with the specific weapon, has the ability to step out in 3D and come back with a massive swing of his/her weapon sending their opponent across the screen. This move is excellent on someone who is in Danger, and they perform an easily dodgeable move, you just tap the SM Button to Sidestep Swing them to Hell. *NOTE* All of these fighting style special attacks are unique to certain fighting styles. In order to master these attacks, one must use them to their advantage, and pick a character with a balanced set of fighting style special attacks. Good luck in mastering these new attacks/moves in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. *NOTE* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VII.Fighting Style Descriptions: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Each character in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance possesses two hand-to-hand and one weapon style. These unique fighting styles actually exist in the world today. They each have a rich backstory that is told through the Konquest Mode. Help from the Official Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Strategy Guide Signature Series, by Brady Games, and the actual game itself, was taken in the compilation of these descriptions. Below, I will list each characters' three styles as well as their history. =-=-=-=-=-=- Shang Tsung: =-=-=-=-=-=- >Snake: The Snake Style is hard to trace historically, because it is incorporated into so many Chinese systems, including Shaolin and Many Chinese family styles. >Crane: Although taught and included in many Chinese systems, the Crane originated in Tibet. Crane is considered one of the oldest "classical" styles and is incorporated into the Shaolin system of styles. It's considered to be an internal style. >Straight Sword: Chinese straight sword is incorporated into a number of Chinese styles including Tai Chi, Wushu, and others. =-=-=-=-=-= Bo Rai Cho: =-=-=-=-=-= >Drunken Fist: There are many varities of "drunken" style kung fu. There are both northern and southern version of "eight immortals drunken kung fu," "drunken monkey," and "drunken kung fu" and many others. The earliest reference to any drunken style is in the Sung Dynasty to "Lu Chi Shen Drunkard Kung Fu." >Mi Zong: Translated as Lost Track created by Ceng Juxiao a Northern Long Fist Style, which utilizes both hard and soft movements and many changes, turns and reversals. >Jojutsu: Jojutsu is the Japanese art of the short staff (4 ft. staff). Muso Gonnosuke developed it in the early 1600's after his loss to Miyamoto Musashi (a very famous swordsman). He had been using a long staff (6 ft.) and subsequently developed a style with a shorter staff. He then beat Musashi in a second duel. =-=-=-=-= Quan Chi: =-=-=-=-= >Tang Soo Do: Tang Soo Do is a relatively modern Korean martial art developed by Hwang Kee. It is a combination of several arts, which Hwang Kee studied during his life. These arts undluded Soo Bahk Do (Korean), Tae Kyun (Korean), Tang Method (Northern Chinese) and Southern Chinese (unspecified). >Escrima: Escrima is a martial art of the Philippines. The terms Escrima, Arnis and Kali are used to describe the many "stick" arts native to the Philippines. Because of the jungle-like environment on the islands, the development of arts that utilize sticks and/or long knives (i.e. machete) was natural. >Broadswords: The double broadsword is similar in use and history to the single broadsword. The use of two weapons was generally considered more advanced and provides some combat advantages. =-=-=-= Li Mei: =-=-=-= >Baji Quan: Baji Quan is a 500 year old Chinese art, having been handed down through various groups over the centuries. Baji Quan is actively being taught to the Taiwan Military Police. Baji Quan means "eight extremitites fist" and is primarily a close range style. As a result, Baji Quan uses all eight extremities, namely the head, shoulders, elbows, hands, feet, back, hips, and knees. >Lui He Ba Fa: Chen Tuan, a native of Po-chou in Anhui, is a famous Taoist who lived on Mount Hua, one of the five sacred mountains of China in Shensi, during the Later Choi and Sung Dynasty. He's credited with the creation of the kung fu system - Liu Ho Pa Fa - six harmonies and eight methods. >Sai: The Sai was originally a farming tool used for planting seeds, and was later adopted as a weapon. Prior to 1870, special units of the Okinawan police carried the Sai. The Sai is not unique to Okinawa; it undoubtedly migrated there from China, India, Malaysia or Indonesia, where it is also used. =-=-=-=-= Scorpion: =-=-=-=-= >Hapkido: Hapkido is the martial art of Choi, Yong Sul. Mr. Choi was born in Korea, but was brought to Japan as a young boy. Eventually he was adopted into the household of Takeda Sokaku, head to Daito-Ryu Aikijutsu. Mr. Choi lived and studied with Takeda Sokaku until Sokaku's death. At the end of World War II, Mr. Choi returned to his native Korea and supported himself and his family by teaching a "new" martial art, Hapkido, which was based on the Daito-Ryu Aikijutsu he learned in Japan. Later elements of traditional Korean arts were incorporated into the style. >Pi Gua: Pi Gua means "armor wearing boxing" and was originally beleived to be a subset of Tong Bei QUan (white ape). The style is usually attributed to Wu Zhong of the Hebei Province of China. Baji Quan and Pi Gua have long been closely associated and are often taught together. >Ninja Sword: A favored weapon of the Shinobi, it's similar to the katana but with a straighter blade. It was made more for piercing the armor of samurai than slicing. =-=-=- Sonya: =-=-=- >Kenpo: Kenpo is a western style modern variation of Japanese Karate. Kenpo was originally introduced to the Hawaiian Islands as kenpo jujutsu and later adapted into wnat is now called Kenpo or Kenpo Karate. Currently, Kenpo is popular in Hawaii, Europe, New Zealand and the Americas. >Tae Kwon Do: Japan occupied and heavily influenced Korea from 1910 through the end of WWII. At that time, Korea gained its independence and began reclaiming its martial culture. Several kwans arose, which were later combined into Tae Soo Do in 1955. In 1957 the stlye was renamed Tae Kwon Do. Japanese occupation influenced Tae Kwon Do through the introduction of Shotokan. Initially taught to the military, Tae Kwon Do is now a widely practiced sport. In many respects, Tae Kwon Do is the Korean equivalent of Karate, with more emphasis placed on kicking. >Kali Sticks: Kali Sticks is a martial art of the Philippines. The terms Escrima, Arnis and Kali are used to descrive the many "stick" arts native to the Philippines. The jungle environment on the islands leads to the natural development of arts which utitlize sticks and/or long knives. =-=-=-= Kenshi: =-=-=-= >Tai Chi: The literal translation of Tai Chi Chuan is "supreme ultimate fist." Chang San-Feng is credited with developing the 13 postures that form the basis of all modern Tai Chi. From his developments sprung the various derivatives of the Chinese art of Tai Chi which are seen today. >San Shou: San Shou translates as the "unbound hand." Often fought on a raised platform, this Chinese martial art is a true free fighting style. Developed bu thje Chinese military, it was created from the study of various Chinese traditional martial arts and incorporated modern methodologies in training and health. In recent years, this martial art has become a style in and of itself and has evolved into one of the most deadly styles known. >Katana: The Katana is the traditional Japanese long sword used by the samurai. Many styles of swordsmanship utilized these swords. Modern martial art forms that use the Katana are broadly referred to as kenjutsu, kendo, and iaido. =-=-=-= Mavado: =-=-=-= >Long Fist: Long Fist dates back to the Sung Dynasty. Long Fist is a composite style built from elements of various other northern styles of kung fu. Historically, Northern Chinese tended to be taller, with longer limbs. As a result, most martial arts of the north, including Long Fist, evolved in a way that made use of their longer reach. This manifested itself in attacks that tended to be longer in range than those found elsewhere. >Wing Chun: Wing Chun was invented by a senior kung fu master and Shaolin "nun" named Ng Mui. Her objective was to combine the best elements of the other Shaolin styles into one master style. The style draws heavily from Tiger Dragon, Snake, and White Crane. >Hookswords: Sometimes called the "Tiger's Head Hooked Swords," the hooked swords date from the Warring States period in China. This is a "Northern" style weapon and had been adopted by a large number of Chinese training styles. =-=-=-=-=-=- Johhny Cage: =-=-=-=-=-=- >Karate: Karate is a named used for a group of martial arts developed on Okinawa, before the island was integrated into Japan. Historically, Okinawa enjoyed a great trade economy based on shipping, which exposed the locals to martial arts from many parts of Aisa, including Japan and China. Significant styles of karate include: Shotokan, Shorin-ryu and Goju-ryu. Karate was introduced to Japan in the early 20th century and later to the rest of the world, where it continues to include many other martial art forms. >Jeet Kune Do: Bruce Lee developed Jeet Kune Do in 1967. The literal meaning of Jeet Kune Do is "the way in the interceptin fist." Wing Chun, Tai Chi Chuan, Hung Gar and Chin Na heavily influenced Jeet Kune Do among others. >Nunchaku: This weapon is most often associated with Okinawan Kobudo (weapons arts), but is also seen occasionally in Chinese, Philippine, Korean and Japanese arts. The nunchaku were originally a horse bit used for farming. During the 1500's the local government outlawed the ownership and use of weapons so locals turned to farm instruments to protect themselves. =-=-=-=-= Sub-Zero: =-=-=-=-= >Shotokan: A style of Karate, Shotokan has its roots in Okinawa. Master Funakoshi Gichin founded Shotokan karate in 1936 in Tokyo. It is more linear and can be a very aggressive and devastating style. >Dragon: A number of kung-fu "styles" make use of the term "Dragon Form" or "Dragon Style." The Dragon form is one of the "Shaolin ten-animal form" of Kwan Tak Hing. It's also one of the "five-patterns" of Xing Yi. The Dragon form can be found in many other Chinese systems of combat. >Kori Blade: Using a technique perfected by Grand Masters of the Lin Kuei, Sub-Zero forms his Kori Blade by flash freezing surrounding water vapor. The sword is forged of solid unbreakable ice. A masterful weapon, it's hevay and extremely sharp. It can be used to either bludgeon an opponent into submission or cut them into ribbons. =-=-= Kano: =-=-= >Xing Yi: Meaning "mind form," Xing Yi is a simple and practical style of kung-fu which originated in the San-Shih province of China. This is a northern Chinese system which relies on short basic forms of training. This art has long been associated with Ba Gua and the two are often taught together. >Aikido: This is a Japanese martial art developed in the first half of the 20th century by Morihei Uyeshiba. Aikido is a distillation of arts learned by Uyeshiba over the course of his life, including Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, Kito Ryu Jujutsu, Shinkage Ryu Jujutsu, Yagyu Ryu Kenjutsu, Yarijutsu, and military training. >Butterfly: The Butterfly Knives are a Chinese weapon with a 200- year history as part of the Shaolin system. It is the primary weapon of Wing Chun and also taught in Hung Gar, as well as other styles. =-=-=-=-= Kung Lao: =-=-=-=-= >Shaolin Fist: The Shaolin Buddhist temple was established in China about 500 A.D. In about 539 A.D. a holy man named Bodhidharma left his monastery in Southern India to spread the Buddhist faith to China. During his travels, he visited a Shaolin monastery. The monks there were in such bad shape physically that they could not meditate properly, so Bodhidharma developed an exercise program to get them into shape. The program included several Indian fighting style elements. Over time, a Kung Fu style grew out of this training, aided by the fact that many of the priests were retired soldiers and generals. >Mantis: This is a newer martial art, developed in 1600 A.D. by Wang Lang in the Ming Dynasty in Northern China. Wang Lang based this martial art on observations he made of a praying mantis fighting a cicada. The art later splintered into a number of different variations including Seven-Star, Plum Blossum, Six Combinations, and Secret Door. For the most part, Seven-Star is a hard style avoiding direct opposition to the opponent's energy. This style is part of the Shaolin system of martial arts. >Broadsword: The Broadsword is known as the marshall of weapons, the arm of foot soldiers and Manchurian officials. Broadswords vary in length, but should generally reach the user's eyebrow when held upright along the arm. It's categorized as a short weapon. It usually has a two-edged blade and is designed for slashing rather than thrusting. -=-=-=- Nitara: -=-=-=- >Leopard: The techniques simulate those of a Leopard, stressing the importance of free movement and quick actions. Not as strong as the Tiger style, but it is superior in its swiftness and jumping ablility. >Fu Jow Pai: With an emphasis on balance and technique, Fu Jow Pai mimics the vicious movements of the rare Black Tiger. In fact, the original name was Hark Fu Moon, or Black Tiger System. It was renamed by Wong Bil Hong in 1934 and was hidden for many years. However, many years later, the knowledge, and training, of the system was brought to the public's attention where it has become a legitimate and recognized style in China. >Kama: The Kama is a farm implement used for rice harvesting and was adopted as a weapon in China, Okinawa and Japan. In China and Japan the Kama was often used in conjunction with a chain, to encircle the opponents, while the Okinawans preferred to use two Kama together. The Kama is one of the five principle weapons of the Okinawan art of Kobudo/Kobujutsu. -=-=-=-= Drahmin: -=-=-=-= >Netherealm: From the little that is known of the Netherealm, one can say that it's a deadly, torturous, and evil place safe for no one. Anyone who spends time there will be hard-pressed to create a barrier powerful enough to keep the forces of Netherealm at bay. Those that succumb to the incredible powers and tortures that the 5th plane of the Netherealm contains - and live - become incredible warriors that possess newfound concepts in battle and fighting. Of course, all of these ideas focus on pain and destruction. >Oni: The term "oni" means "demon" or "ogre" in the Japanese language. Truly, this fighting style was derived from Drahmin's time spent among the denizens of the Netherealm and the loss of his humanity to forces beyond his control. The power of the Oni Style comes from a built-in rage that is difficult to suppress once it's been unleased. Much like a dam, once a crack's been created in the facade, ther's no power on earth that can hold the flood of rushing water, or in this case, the flood of burning hot rage. >Iron Club: Much less than a true fighting style, the Iron Club offers nothing more than the ability to pummel an opponent to a pulp of flesh. True, this is an incredible weapon, and when the right hand is encased within the confines of this Iron Club, it can be used to completely crush an opponent to dust. Drahmin, apparently, is not only right for this weapon, but the perfect choice to wield it. -=-=-=-= Hsu Hao: -=-=-=-= >Shuai Chiao: Shuai Chiao is the oldest martial art in China. It has a history of over 2,000 years - although some claim that it dates back much farther. >Wrestling: Perhaps the oldest martial art in the existence of western culture, it was initially developed by the Romans and Greeks as a method to display one's strength and fighting prowess. Eventually, it turned into its own form of self-defense and branched into multiple styles. Fighters grapple and try to attain a position of advantage over one another. They learn to control their center of gravity, how to take their opponent to the ground, react to an opponent's actions, and take advantage of their mistakes. Greco-Roman and Freestyle are two of these that are still used in the best known world-wide competition, the Olympics. >Sun Moon: An exotic weapon of the Chinese martial arts, the Sun Moon Spears originated in Mongolia. As a pair, these bladed weapons can be extremely efficient when used in combat. When one hand blocks an incoming attack, it can catch the weapon and keep it from attacking, or be used to disarm the opponent totally. However, the true beauty comes into play when one notices that the other hand is left free to attack. This is when the versatility of the Sun Moon Spears really shines. With the ability to thrust, stab, slash, or rake an opponent, the Sun Moon Spears' deadly qualities are easy to see. -=-=-= Frost: -=-=-= >Tong Bei: The name Tong Bei, or Tong Bei Quan, can be translated as: "fist of spreading power from the back." The origin of this fighting style is unclear. One legend claims it originated in the 3rd or 4th century B.C. by a man named Yuan Gong. Another says it was created in the mid 900's A.D. by a daoist named Lu Yunging. Modern history attributes this style to the Zhejiang province in China in the 1900's. The style is based on the five types of palm strike, each associated with one of the five elements: earth, metal, water, tree, and fire. >Yuan Yang: Yuan Yang Quan, or Mandarin Duck Fist, is aa art rarely seen outside of China and as such, information is scarce. Although there is little available material on the Mandarin Duck style as a whole, there are a number of references to the kicking methods it employs. A number of other Chinese styles adopted "Mandarin Duck Legs" of this style as they were reputed to be very effective. >Daggers: By flash freezing water vapor, Frost can form intricate solid objects. She doesn't have the same subtle control and mastery over her ice powers as Sub-Zero does, so she chooses to use the simple deadliness of the Double Daggers. Armed with these blades of ice, Frost can slice an opponent to ribbons. When a kombatant feels the burn of a cut from one of Frost's daggers, it's not from the rending of their flesh, but from the cold edge of the blade ripping into their muscle. -=-= Jax: -=-= >Muay Thai: Thai kickboxing is one of the oldest martial art forms. Muay Thai's origin along with much of Thai history was lost during the invasion and sacking of the archives by Burmese army. Muay Thai was originally the close quarters combat skills used by the Thai army. During times of peace, memberso fthe army were "kept busy" by being encourage to participate in Muay Thai competitions. Later the art grew into a popular sport. Today it's considered a very practical, effective boxing style. It has developed the same sporting interest in many counties today that boxing enjoys in the US. >Judo: Around 1882, Jigoro Kano developed Judo based on Japanese jujutsu with an emphasis on self-defense and sport competition. In Judo, opponents use balance, body weight, with minimal physical effort, to throw or pin each other or hold one another in a lock. Submission holds also play a key role in Judo. One's gi can often be used against them or an opponent as a choke. Judo has become an extremely strategic martial art in recent history and has many practicioners. >Tonfa: The Tonfa was originally the handle of a hand-operated grain mill used on farms. Seen on the belts of police officers across the US, the Tonfa has also been adopted by Police agencies around the world. -=-=-=- Kitana: -=-=-=- >Eagle Claw: The Eagle Claw system of kung fu originated in southern China during the Sung Dynasty. Eagle Claw began as the "108 Fighting Techniques" taught by Ngok Fei. Sometime between 1368 and 1644, a monk named Lai Chin, combined Eagle Claw with Faan Tzi into what was the basis for modern Northern Eagle Claw. >Ba Gua: Ba Gua Zhang, translated to Eight Trigram Palm, is a relatively new Chinese martial art, having been developed in the late 1800's. Dong Hai-Chuan, a Taoist monk of Lung Men Sect, developed Ba Gua Zhang. The circular movements of the art are attributed to the circular chanting meditations done by the Lung Men Sect. Starting in the early 1900's, Ba Gua Zhang has been associated with Hsing-I. Currently, there are five major branches of the style: Cheng, In, Ma, Song, and Lui. >Steel Fans: Also known as "Ogi," Kitana's weapon of choice is the deadly Steel Fan. While many martial arts masters use a single fan, Kitana's prowess is such that she uses one in each hand. They're easily concealable and can be used in their open and closed states. Kitana's fans are tipped with sharpened daggers to add to the deadly finesse with which she wields them. -=-=-=- Raiden: -=-=-=- >Nan Chuan: Nan Chuan is a composite style built from elements of various other southern styles of kung fu. Historically, Southern Chinese tended to be shorter, with shorter limbs. As a result, the martial arts of the south evolved in a way that accommodates their shorter reach. This manifested itself in attacks that are most effective at short to middle range. Nan Chuan contains a greater number and variety of hand techniques, and fewer leg techniques. >Jujutsu: Jujutsu is a term used to refer to unarmed Japanese combat. Historically there are more than 750 documented varieties of Jujutsu. In general, Jujutsu tends to be comprehensive in the sense that they teach hand and foot strikes, throwing, joint-locks and ground fighting. Today Jujutsu is most commonly associated with throws, joint-locks and ground fighting. >Staff: The cudgel (long staff) has existed as a weapon since man first started fighting with hand weapons. -=-=-=-= Reptile: -=-=-=-= >Hung Gar: Hung Gar, namely "Tiger Fist," is the synthesis of Southern Shaolin styles of Chinese kung fu, and is based on the movements of the tiger and the Crane. Hung Hei Goon is believed to have been the original developer of the style. He began openly teaching it about 1813. >Crab: Taught to Reptile by his ancestors, the style imitates the side movements and claw attacks of the crab. >Kirehashi: Much like a typical Broadsword, the Kirehashi has some minor differences that allow it to be used more efficiently by Reptile. Its weight and balance are changed from the sleek and slim blade of Kung Lao, to a more hefty and cruel instrument. Still, it retains a sharp edge with which it can be used to slash an opponent to shreds. -=-=-= Cyrax: -=-=-= >Ninjitsu: Translated as The Art of Stealth, Ninjitsu is a term used to describe all the arts taught to a ninja warrior including armed and unarmed combat, as well as camouflage and espionage. It is still a widely debated subject, but the term ninja has many possible histories. Some think that they were mercenaries who trained in stealth and martial arts and were employed as spies, saboteurs, and assassins. Others counter this argument and state that they were actually samurai warriors who needed to cover their faces to take such drastic action and hide who they really were. Whatever the derivation, ninja has become a word that instills fear and an appreciation for their talent. >Sambo: Sambo is a style of wrestling developed by the Soviets in the early 1930's, originally conveived as a means of unarmed crowd control for the police. The art is a distillation of over 20 folk arts native to the Soviet Union as well as Greco-Roman Wrestling, Judo, Jujutsu and Free Style Wrestling. >Pulse Blade: This weapon is standard issue for the Lin Kuei cyborg Ninjas and is a deadly instrument in and of itself. The Special Forces tech department further modified Cyrax's Light Sword into a Pulse Blade, which now has more power and has become a truly devastating weapon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VIII. Modes of Play: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=- Arcade: -=-=-=- "Face opponents across Outworld to defeat the Deadly Alliance." The player faces off against other CPU controlled players at varying difficulty levels, earning kredits to be spent in the Krypt. As you progress through Arcade Mode, you unlock the character's ending. -=-=-=- Versus: -=-=-=- "Play against a friend...........or enemy." This mode is the standard 1 on 1 battle between you and a friend. A new addition to this mode is the gambling aspect. The game allows you to create a profile for yourself. It keeps track of EVERYTHING: how many times you've won/lost, how many kredits you currently own, etc. The kredits you build up on your profile allow the player to gamble them on a fight. For example, my friend and I are playing versus mode. I have 1,000 kredits, and he has 1,500. I can bet him any amount of my kredits against his. If I win the battle then I win his kredits to be spent in the Krypt. This idea is something the fighting game genre has never seen. It is very innovative, and it adds much replay value to the Versus Mode. -=-=-=-=- Practice: -=-=-=-=- "Learn the moves that will make you a master kombatant." The Practice mode is like any other. It allows you to practice your selected fighters special moves and kombos. It also features a hand move list for every fighting style. -=-=-=-=- Konquest: -=-=-=-=- "Travel on a long journey, earning kurrency as you face hundreds of challenges and obstacles." This mode most closely resembles Soul Calibur's Mission Mode, where you are required to overcome certain objectives to earn what is being dubbed as kurrency. There are eight (8) introductory missions. After those are completed, the game allows you to choose a character and go through ten (10) more missions specific to that character. There are 218 Konquest missions for the player to overcome. -=-=-=-=-= The Krypt: -=-=-=-=-= "Buy characters, arenas, and extras with your earned kurrency." This is a shop of sorts. The Krypt is a VERY large room, containing 676 different koffins. Each koffin has a price on the front of it. You can spend your kurrency on these koffins to unlock bonus material in the game. Some of the unlockables are secret characters, additional character costumes, fighting arenas, concept art, character renders, funny snippets of the fighters, like "Kooking with Scorpion," and numerous other goodies. Some of the koffins do not contain anything, so be careful and choose wisely. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Player Profile: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Create a Profile. View Profiles. Erase a Profile." This is where you store stats for your characters, including number of battles won and lost, as well as the number of Fatalities you have performed. Profiles can be saved to memory cards (or in the XBox's case, the hard drive) and taken to a friend's house. -=-=-=-= Options: -=-=-=-= "Game settings. Sound Settings. Control Setup." This is where players can toggle with various settings in the game including controller configurations, volume of sound, as well as turn the timer on and off, ect. Game Options: -Difficulty Level: Choose from Novice, Easy, Medium, Hard or Max difficulty depending on your personal skill level. -Rounds to Win: You can decide how many rounds you'll need to win in order to determind the winner of a match. Choose 2 or 3 rounds. -Round Time: Rounds are timed at 60 seconds. You can choose to turn the timer Off completely, or select specific times between 10 and 90 seconds (in increments of 10). -Mini Game: Decide how many matches you'll fight before a Mini Game is available. You can choose to take them out completely by selectin Off or select a specific number between 3 and 10 matches. -Blood Level: You can select the amount of blood spilled during the course of a match. You can also select Max, Low, Medium or turn it Off completely. Sound Options: -Make volume adjustments to Game Music, Environment, Announcer, Effects and Fighter Speech. Controller Options: -The Controller Setup menu allows you to configure the controller the way you like. -=-=-=-= Kontent: -=-=-=-= "View purchased Krypt items, unlocked endings and exclusive videos." This is where all of your unlocked materials will be located. The unlocked materials are separated into categories. They are: Characters- "View Character biographies and costumes purchased in the Krypt." Endings- "View unlocked character endings earned from completing fighters in Arcade mode." Arenas- "See Arena images and stories purchased in the Krypt." Koncept Art- "View sketches, renders and videos you've purchased in the Krypt." Extras- "View team photos and other items purchased in the Krypt." They also have the Adema music video, "Immortal" here for viewing, as well as a History of Mortal Kombat package, along with various developer interviews, including one with the man himself, Ed Boon. >>>>>>>>>>> Mini Games: <<<<<<<<<<< -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Test Your Might: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As many of you probably remember, the original Mortal Kombat featured a mini-game aptly title, "Test Your Might." The "game" happened before a match was to begin, and the point was to mash the buttons as fast as possible to raise a green meter on the left side of the screen. After the meter passed a pre-designated marker, the player would have to hit the Block button in order for their fighter to attempt to break the item. The items consisted of basic wood, stone, ruby, and all the way up to diamond. It was a very fun little diversion from the main game. Test Your Might makes a very welcomed addition to Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. The main concept is still intact; one has to break a certain item in a given time by mashing buttons wildly. There are about 7 or 8 different items to break in this new iteration. They range from bamboo all the way up to diamond again. There is not really much to say other than the fact you have to again mash buttons wildly to raise the meter past the pre-designated spot and hit the Block button to break the item. If you were to stop mashing buttons, the meter will suddenly drop, and you will have to regain its momentum back up to the marker needed to break the item. Test Your Might rewards the player with Onyx and Platinum Koins to be spent in the Krypt. Remember, Onyx and Platinum Koins are the hardest to obtain because you only receive them from Test Your Might/Sight. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Test Your Sight: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Test Your Sight is a new addition to the Mortal Kombat franchise. The basic premise is that of a "which nutshell is the quarter under" type game. You initially start off with 3 "cups." As the difficulty rises, you are presented with more possible "cups" the symbol can be hidden under. Before the action begins, the game shows you a Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol, and crossbone symbols. There is only one Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol. That is the one you need to pay attention to. The symbols then disappear under their cups. They then begin to move around the table in a rather unorthodox motion so as to throw your eyes off the one containing the MK Dragon symbol. They eventually stop, and you have to guess which one it is under. If you guess correctly, you receive Onyx or Platinum Koins to be spent in the Krypt. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IX. Arena Descriptions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *NOTE* The arenas listed here are from the official website of MK:DA, and from the Kontent mode section under "Arenas." There are nine on the website, but there are definitely more to be seen. The nine featured on the website are the starting arenas. The rest of the arenas must be unlocked in the Krypt. All the arenas are accompanied by a "story" of sorts explaining what the levels are all about. *NOTE* >>>>>>>>>> Acid Bath: <<<<<<<<<< "Having regained Shao Kahn's favor, Shang Tsung was allowed to freely roam the Outworld. As a base of operations, he constructed a small dwelling. In the center of the dwelling lays a courtyard surrounded by acid where he would defeat and consume the souls of his captive enemies." "This place of sacrifice is where Shang Tsung once resided. Tournaments were held here and the loser would be sprayed by the four Acid Buddhas surrounding the ring." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This arena features a courtyard with a circular platform in the middle surround by four "Buddha" statues with acid flowing in their stomachs. They can actually "throw-up" the acid at you during the matches, causing your character damage. The circular platform is surrounded by a "moat" of acid. The sun is setting in the background, with a Shaolin Temple and random pillars adorning the countryside. Two massive doors on either side of the platform are apparently the way into this arena. The doors belong to another massive temple with ancient carvings and lights in the front. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wu Shi Academy: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "Suspended above a symbolic abyss, warriors hone their martial art skill on this stretched canvas arena. "Five Masters" Academy has trained many of Outworld's heroes." "Wu Shi Academy. Five great masters founded the school dedicated to fighting the forces of evil. The center practice area is used to evaluate tests as the teachers watch from the tower." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Five massive Shaolin Monk statues, each holding a very thick rope, are stretching a large canvas featuring the Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol in the middle. There is a body of water under the stretched canvas. In the background is the actual "Five Masters" Academy with Asian symbol flags on the sides, and many monks wandering around outside. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kuatan Palace: <<<<<<<<<<<<<< "Matters of great importance to the Shokan Race are brought before the pillars of Ancient Heroes in Goro's throne room." "The Throne room of Kuatan Palace is decorated with the heads of ancient great rulers of the Shokan race. Prince Goro ruled here as one of the most feared half human, half dragon Shokan warriors." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Apparently another underground level. A walkway with a red carpeting extends to another circular platform surrounded by lava on all sides, featuring the Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol in the middle once again. In front of the fighting area is a throne with a ying yang symbol above it overlooking the outside of the palace. On the walls are two huge draperies also featuring ying yang symbols. There are six pillars, each featuring a different member of Goro's Shokan race. One has a scar similar to Sub-Zero's, and an eye patch. >>>>>>>>>>> Drum Arena: <<<<<<<<<<< "The cliff people of Makeba hold their trials here. The giant drummers beat their drums as the fighters beat each other up. It is said that in the event of a tie, Konga, the biggest drummer, will challenge both of the warriors." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The arena is a vast desert plain. They fight along a mountaintop overlooking an endless abyss. There are temples along the sides of the fighting arena with many, many monks walking and watching as the fight progresses. There are also gongs with the Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol adorning their faces being beat by drummers. There is also one very big drummer, apparently Konga, beating the biggest drum in the background. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lin Kuei Temple: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Lin Kuei Temple has no attached story currently. Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Ling Kuei Temple is basically a frozen pond/lake. There are around four or five massive ice pillars which can be shattered as the fight rages on. The Temple is surrounded by other "frozen" buildings along with a green portal swirling out of one of the walls. Snow contiues to fall throughout the entire match without remorse. A bridge leads over a frozen river to one of the temples. There is a MASSIVE waterfall in the background along with some smaller ones to the side of it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lung Hai Temple: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Lung Hai Temple has no attached story currently. Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Lung Hai Temple is a massive wooden platform floating in an enclosed body of water. There are four "oarers" who continued to paddle the "Temple" to who knows where. There are numerous walkways surrounding Lung Hai along with water shooting out of massive stone pillars with the Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol adorning them. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lost Tomb: <<<<<<<<<<<<<< "The Lost Tomb is located in the Golden Desert inside a pyramid near the Sarna Ruins. The entrance was buried for thousands of years until a great earthquake created an opening. The Dragon King's army was entombed here until his second coming. An unknown keeper maintains the tomb and its portal. This pyramid was once thought to be a solid structure." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This arena is essentially a giant pyramid. On the fighting floor are four Buddha statues, that can be shattered during the heat of battle. On one side of the arena, one can see the hole the earthquake created. In the middle of the arena toward the back, is a giant circle like portal with a green mist swirling inside it, with stairs leading up to it, and two massive pillars on either side. The Dragon King's army watches on, surrounding the entire fighting arena. >>>>>>>>>>> The Portal: <<<<<<<<<<< "The Portal lies hidden in a blanket of fog. Only a few know of the location, and fewer know how to use the power of the Portal Sphere. The Portal is a gate to The Realms." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Portal is surrounded on all sides by a body of water. Shang Tsung's Nethership floats nearby. The Portal is surrounded by massive stone structures, that resemble pillars that flow all around the arena. The sky is a dark purplish/pink and lightning flashes every couple of seconds. There are floating stone heads in the middle of the arean, as well as a clear orb placed directly over the middle of the arena. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Quan Chi's Fortress: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "The interior of Quan Chi's stronghold (upper level) is based on the phrase "omnipotence is at the boundary between opposites." It features the fighting arena on the right and Quan Chi's inner sanctum in "centerfield." The inner sanctum is a place, protected by magical runes, where Quan Chi leaves his body as he astroplanes to other spheres of existence." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< You fight along a massive walkway extending up from the bottemless depth of Chi's fortress. Along the walls are massive stone pillars coming up from the darkness of below. There is a circular platform to fight on, and "waterfalls" that jut out of some of the walls. There is a massive "window" behind the circular fighting arena that overlooks the outside of the fortress. Quan Chi's fortress does not seem to have a roof, as one can see the darkened clouds overhead. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shang Tsung's Palace: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< "Recently built by Li Mei's people under the threat of death, Shang Tsung's Palace is not only the base of operations for the Deadly Alliance, but it also serves as the new location for housing the Dragon King's mummified army." "In return for reviving the mummified army of the Dragon King, Quan Chi unlocked the ancient portal to The Heavens for Shang Tsung. The result is a green swirl of tortured souls. Shang Tsung will now have access to an unlimited number of souls to sustain his life force forever." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The fighting arena is a circular area in the middle of the main palace floor. The Soul "Soulnado" is twisting and twirling in the background as the faces of lost souls contort in agony as they swirl helplessly with the hundreds of thousands of trapped souls. There is a set of two massive snake staircases on either side the Soulnado. There are massive pillars going down the huge walkway leading to the fighting arena. As the fight progresses, souls are seen flying all the way down the walkway and into the Soulnado from afar. *NOTE* The following arenas featured in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance are locked away in the Krypt. They must be unlocked before one can access them in the VS Mode or engage in kombat withing their confines. *NOTE* >>>>>>>>>>>> Lava Shrine: <<<<<<<<<<<< *The Lava Shrine becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "II" costing 1,843 Gold Koins.* "In this hidden underground shrine, holy men incubate the egg of the last Great Dragon. Legend tells that upon its return, the Dragon King will rule Outworld once more." "The Last Dragon Egg incubates in an underground Lava Shrine. A secret group of priests cares for and protects the egg, waiting for it to hatch." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This level is situated in an underground lair with two massive statues of demon heads with huge ears spilling lava out of their mouths. The fighting plain features hundreds of cobblestone blocks together surrounded entirely by lava, with a huge dragon egg atop a shrine, with dragon wings on either side of the gigantic egg. >>>>>>>>>>> Nethership: <<<<<<<<<<< *The Nethership becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "DS" costing 1,472 Ruby Koins.* "Ages ago, Shang Tsung used this transport to cross the Lost Sea to the Celestial Portal of Outworld. It was also used to bring warriors from the mainland to Shang Tsung's island fortress. In ancient times, vessels like these were referred to as ghost ships." "This vessel is mainly used a a crago ship for Shang Tsung to transport the Dragon King's Army from the Lost Tomb to his palace. At times, Shang Tsung will carry prisoners in the ship's cages, further torturing their souls as they await their executions." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This arena is quite simply a massive sail boat, with two enormous sails jutting out on either side of the ship. It has a dragon head on the mast jutting out over the water, and a huge cabin/deckhouse at the back of it. Puddles of water litter the boat as two warriors fight to the death. Massive waves cascade over the sides of the boat as it makes it deadly journey to Shang Tsung's Palace. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> House of Pekara: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *The House of Pekara becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "HP" costing 2,093 Onyx Koins.* "The House of Pekara was a place of worship built upon a tomb of ancient warrior kings. It was in the labyrinth below this structure that Shang Tsung fooled Kenshi into releasing the souls of the kings." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The House of Pekara resembles a massive church/steeple. It is enclosed with Gothic looking architecture and a huge stained glass window in the front of the arena featuring the Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol prominently in the center. There are statues littering this place, as well as ghosts of long dead kings that rise up and out of the ground as you fight. A massive hail storm is occurring inside this place as well. As you fight, hail drops in from the ceiling in a very violent manner. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Palace Grounds: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *The Palace Grounds becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "KR" costing 4,222 Sapphire Koins.* "Recently built by Li Mei's people under threat of death, Shang Tsung's palace is not only the base of operations for the Deadly Alliance, but it also serves as teh new location for housing the Dragon King's mummified army." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Palace Grounds extend from a mountain leading up to Tsung's almighty Palace. There is a massive bridge jutting out from the mountain, with a huge walkway leading to the entrance. The entrance greets you with two massive dragon statues on either side of a massive set of stairs. The Soulnado swirls through the top of this massive palace reaching to the sky. Souls fly toward the screen and into the Soulnado as the fight rages on outside of Shang Tsung's Palace. >>>>>>>>>>>> Sarna Ruins: <<<<<<<<<<<< *The Sarna Ruins becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "PW" costing 2,006 Sapphire Koins.* "The Sarna Ruins were located just outside of the pyramid of the Dragon King. After the king's death, it was hoped taht the last dragon egg could be incubated here. But with growing instability in the land, the Dragon King's holy men were forced to hide the egg in an underground molten cavern far from this location." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Sarna Ruins are located in the desert pretty much. Tornadoes swirl around in the background as the fighter's fight. They start small and graduall pick up speed and size. There is also a pyramid in the background, leading to the entrance of the Lost Tomb arena. The massive stone structures surrounding the Sarna Ruins are adorned with MK Dragon symbols. Dust and sand flow freely as the match progresses. >>>>>>>>>> Dragonfly: <<<<<<<<<< *The Dragonfly becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "WT" costing 1,400 Jade Koins.* "The Dragonfly is the fastest form of transportation across the vast expanses of Outworld, aside from sorcery. There are many of these flying transports, each with its own set of destinations." "The Dragonfly transport is the fastest mode of transportation in Outworld next to an actual dragon or celestial teleportation." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The Dragonfly is a massive wooden flying mode of transportation. An enormous dragon head adorns the front of this "plane." It has two wings on either side of it, and a huge circular center platform where the fight takes place. There are also two flaps for wings located in the back of the Dragonfly. It is very windy atop the Dragonfly, and one can hear the creaks and groans of the wood as they progress toward their destination. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mocloch's Lair: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *Moloch's Lair becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "ZD" costing 98 Ruby Koins.* "Located deep below Shang Tsung's Palace this lair serves as a place of torment. Moloch the Oni destroyer consumes the flesh of mortals in this sancuary of death." Arena Description: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Moloch's Lair is a underground arena that is circular in nature. Four massive stone pillars litter the ground. A door is apparently the only entrance, which features an MK Dragon symbol above it. In the back of the arena, a massive fire rages on, covered by a gate with another enormous Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol in the center. Torches litter the walls, and there is a huge gaping hold in the ceiling from which light pours through. *As one can tell, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance's arenas are very detailed with rich backstory's accompanying each. I just hope all of you enjoy to kombat your opponent's in them as much as I do, if not just to admire the detail that went into every aspect of their creation.* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- X. Individual Character Stories/Stats and Moves/Fatalities -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Character Select Screen has a new setup, not seen in the series, and looks great. It is 3x7, with the character portraits situated in the middle of the screen. When you highlight another character, his/her 3-D render is displayed to the left or right, depending on if your are player 1 or 2. In single player, when a character is highlighted, his/her profile is displayed. The characters from left to right are: Shang Tsung - Bo Rai Cho - Quan Chi Li Mei - Scorpion - Sonya Blind Kenshi - Mavado - Johhny Cage Sub-Zero - Kano - Kung Lao Nitara - Drahmin - Hsu Hao Frost - Jax - Kitana Raiden - Reptile - Cyrax I will list each character's Special Moves, their two hand- to-hand fighting style move sets, and their weapon move list. Regular kombos will also be contained in this section, with the more advanced kombos located in the actual "Kombos" section of this FAQ. I will have the characters' stats, story, endings, and Fatalities with very good detail in this section as well. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Performing a Fatality: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= At the end of a best 2 out of 3 round match, you will hear the announer scream: "Finish Him!" This means that it is time for a Fatality. You can hit the CS Button to swtich to the Fatality style, or you can input the command without the Fatality style locked in. Input the given button commands to perform the desired Fatality. Most, if not all, of the Fatalities featured in this game DO NOT require your character to be a certain distance from you fallen opponent. Just make sure you are not right up next to them, so as to not accidentally hit them while trying to perform a Fatality. Enjoy the gruesome ways Midway has come up with to further brutalize the human body. Watch the blood and bones fly. Fatality! =-=-=-=-=-=- Shang Tsung: =-=-=-=-=-=- Stats: Status: Sorcerer Alignment: Evil Weight: 200 lbs. Height: 5'11" Styles: Snake and Crane Weapon: Straight Sword Difficulty: 3 >Snake Special Attack: Escape - Shang Tsung performs an acrobatic Backflip to create distance between him and his opponent. >Crane Special Attack: Reversal - Shang Tsung grabs his attacking opponent's arm or leg, and leaves them vulnerable for an attack. >Straight Sword Special Attack: Impale - Shang Tsung thrusts his sword straight into his opponent's stomach and watches them bleed. >Throw Description: Shang Tsung very quickly jumps onto his opponent's head and comes crashing down on it smashing them to the ground. Description: He has much longer dark brown hair, with a flowing goatee. He is dressed in a long red robe with gold trim, that flows behind him gracefully. Gold tassles come off the sleeves of his robe. He wears red gloves, and whitish/silverish boots. Alternate Costume: Shang Tsung's alternate costume resembles his attire from Mortal Kombat II. He wears a red vest with no shirt underneath. His hair is also tied behind his head in a ponytail. He has an oriental hat on his head. He wears no gloves, and has gold wristbands on. A light colored belt, and red pants, with oriental symbols adorning the front and back round his costume out. (Shang Tsung's alternate costume is in koffin "ML" and costs 1,170 Gold Koins). Story: The sorcerer Shang Tsung was imprisoned in the depths of Shao Kahn's fortress, punished for failing to win the Mortal Kombat tournament in Earthrealm. Periodically he was released to perform tasks for the emperor, until he eventually regained Shao Kahn's favor and was given his freedom. He remained in Outworld risking his life to drain the souls of kombatants in order to sustain his youth. All this changed the day the sorcerer Quan Chi returned from the Netherrealm. =-=-=-=-=-==-=-= Snake Move List: =-=-=-=-=-==-=-= >Bai She Tu Xin: 1 >Cross Fang: Back - 1 >Low Palm: Down - 1 >Viper Strike: 2 >Gut Buster: Back - 2 >Twin Fang: Down - 2 >Qing She Chu Dong: Up - 2 >High Snap Kick: 3 >Twin Cobra: Down - 3 >Mid Kick: 4 >Quick Bite: Down - 4 >Eagle Pecking: Back - 4 >Back Flip: Special Move (SM) >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Spiritual Snake Tail: 2 - 3 >Blinding Strike: 2 - Back - 1 >Soul Catcher: 2 - Back - 4 >Serpent Touch: 4 - Back - 2 >Thrusting Fang: 1 - 1 - 1 >Rattle Snake: 1 - 1 - 3 >Hissing Strikes: 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 >Cold Blooded: 1 - 1 - 2 - SM >Poisonous Snake: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 >Lethal Venom: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 4 >Snake Eyes: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 >Cobra Revenge: 1 - 1 - 4 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Crane Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Chin Punch: 1 >Crane Neck: Down - 1 >Crane Wing: 2 >Strong Knee: Back - 2 >Back Fist: Down - 2 >Flapping Wing: 3 >Hop Sidekick: Back - 3 >Low Peck: Down - 3 >Spinning Sidekick: 4 >Spinning Crane Kick: Up - 4 >Sweeping Crane: Down - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Crazy Wings: 3 - 3 - 2 >3-Hit Wings: 3 - 3 - 3 >Sidewinder: 3 - 3 - 4 >Triple Chin Punch: 1 - 1 - 1 >Death Bed: 1 - 1 - 1 - Change Style (CS) >Raging Beak: 1 - 1 - 1 - Up - 4 >Final Withdrawal: 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - CS >Hunt Down: 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - Up - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Straight Sword Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Front Swipe: 1 >Lifting Swing: Up - 1 >Shin Slash: Down - 1 >Rising Slice: 2 >Lunge: Toward - 2 >Low 2-Hit Swipe: Down - 2 >Back Hand Lunge: Up - 2 >Foot Sword: 3 >Cross Strike: Back - 3 >Chest Slice: Down - 3 >Spinning Slice: 4 >Low Stab: Back - 4 >Sweeping Strike: Down - 4 >Impale: SM Kombo Chains: >Deadly Blade: 1 - 1 >Ancient Strike: 4 - 2 >Soul Sucker: Toward - 2 - 1 >Pain: 3 - Back - 3 >Master's Edge: 4 - 2 - 3 - Back - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > 3-D Fire: (Far) Back - Toward - 1 > 3-D Fire: (Close) Toward - Back - 1 > Straight Fire: Down - Back - 1 > Soul Steal: Down - Back - 3 Fatality: Up - Down - Up - Down - 2 Description: Shang Tsung emits a green energy beam from his hand that "strikes" his opponent. With the beam still being emmited, Shang then brings his hand in the air and down again, levitating his fallen opponent and then smashing them to the ground, leaving a huge puddle of blood, and "bloody popcorn." Shang does this two more times, and proceeds to jump on top of his fallen opponent's corpse releasing a green mist from the opponent. Shang then raises his arms in triumph as 5 or 6 "souls" escape from the fallen cadaver and are absorbed into Shang Tsung's body. Ending: The Deadly Alliance was successful in reviving the mummified remains of the Dragon King's undefeatable army. Shang Tsung, however, began to realize that his relavance in the partnership had evaporated once his talents for soul transplantation were no longer needed. The balance of power within the Deadly Alliance had seemingly been undone. Fearing betrayal, he secretly instructed Kano to steal Quan Chi's amulet in an attempt to gain control of the army. Since part of the soul-transfer spell included the command to obey 'He who possesses the amulet,' the army would obey only Shang Tsung, and not Quan Chi, once the amulet was in his possession. Amulet in hand, Shang Tsung revealed his betrayal to Quan Chi, and commanded the army to destroy the sorcerer. Shang Tsung would succeed where others had failed. He would conquer the realms. He would conquer Earth. =-=-=-=-=-=- Bo' Rai Cho: =-=-=-=-=-=- Stats: Status: Trainer Alignment: Good Weight: 375 lbs. Height: 5'11" Styles: Drunken Fist and Mi Zong Weapon: Jojutsu Difficulty: 3 >Drunken Fist Special Attack: Taunt - Bo' Rai Cho raises one leg, and crashes it to the ground creating a shock wave of sorts thus boosting his energy. >Mi Zong Special Attack: Shove - Bo ' Rai Cho approaches his opponents and Shoves them causing them to become disoriented and open for attack. >Jojutsu Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - Bo' Rai Cho sidesteps 3D style, and comes back swinging his Jo as hard as he can, sending his opponent flying. >Throw Description: Bo' Rai Cho runs at his opponent, and smashed them into the ground, belly flopping them as he gets back to his feet. Description: Bo' Rai Cho is an overweight fighter, with a "sack" of alcohol strapped to his back. He is in very baggy clothes, and staggers around aimlessly. He has long gray hair pulled back in a ponytail, and a fat face. Alternate Costume: Bo' Rai Cho wears a vest with a thick strap going around his chest. He also has spiked arm braces on his wrists. On his back, is his "sack" of alcohol. He has his hair tied back in a ponytail, and his gut hangs out of the vest. He wears baggy red and gold pants, with thick brown boots. (Bo' Rai Cho's alternate costume is in koffin "PH" and costs 1,200 Onyx Koins). Story: During the years that Shang Tsung sponsored the Mortal Kombat tournaments on Earth, The Outworld master Bo' Rai Cho was secretly training warriors for competition. It was even speculated that it was he who brought the fighting style of Drunken Boxing to Earthrealm. After many years, he finally discovered the Shaolin monk Liu Kang and taught him the martial arts moves he needed to defeat Shang Tsung. Later, with the tournament securely in the hands of the Shaolin, his teachings were no longer needed and he returned to Outworld. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Drunken Fist Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Spinning Backfist: 1 >Cross Strike: Back - 1 >Serving Fist: Down - 1 >Drinking Punch: 2 >Twisting Flask: Down - 2 >Battle Punches: Up - 2 >Lazy Leg: 3 >Sweep Kick: Back - 3 >Drinking Wine: Down - 3 >Drunken Leg: 4 >Spinning Kick: Back - 4 >Monkey Kick: Down - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Kreepy and Jugs: 3 - 2 >Twist of Lime: 1 - 1 - 1 >Crushing Grapes: 3 - 3 - 3 >Staggering Steps: 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 >Zero Tolerance: 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 >On the Rocks: 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 >Bottoms Up: 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - CS - 2 - CS >Last Call: 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - CS - 2 - Back - 4 >Drunken Fury: 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - CS - 2 - Up - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mi Zong Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Hook Fist: 1 >Low Strike: Down - 1 >Staight Punch: 2 >Low Knife Hand: Down - 2 >Roundhouse: 3 >Sweep Kick: Back - 3 >Tripping Sweep: Down - 3 >Side Kick: 4 >Step Kick: Down - 4 >Lift Kick: Back - 4 >Smashing Kick: Up - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Critical Strike: 2 - 2 - CS >Lost Track: 2 - 2 - Up - 4 >Iron Broom: 2 - 2 - Back - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Jojutsu Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Overhead Strike: 1 >Strong Overhead Strike: Back - 1 >Reverse Low Strike: Down - 1 >Two-Handed Thrust: 2 >Vertical Smash: Back - 2 >Leg Sweep: Doon - 2 >Homerun Swing: 3 >2-Hit Strike: Toward - 3 >Low Foot Poke: Down - 3 >Straight Thrust: Up - 3 >Mid Reverse Strike: 4 >Leg Poke: Back - 4 >High Reverse Strike: Down - 4 >Sidestep Swing: SM Kombo Chains: >Homerun: 2 - 3 >Dancing Stick: 2 - 4 - 1 >Splitting Bamboo: 2 - 4 - Back - 1 >Rolling Wind: 2 - 4 - 4 - Up - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Puke Puddle: Back - Toward - 2 > Flip Flop: Down - Back - 1 > Ground Stomp: Toward - Back - 3 > Belly Bash: Toward - Toward - 4 Fatality: Back - Back - Back - Down - 4 Description: Bo' Rai Cho takes three sumo steps backward from his defeated enemy. He then proceeds to run at his opponent, and jump into the air. He belly flops onto his opponent twice, crushing their body, and bounces back to his feet. Both of his opponent's arms and legs become dismembered, and the opponent is left lying in a puddle of their own blood and "bloody popcorn." Ending: Bo' Rai Cho looked gruff, but beamed inwardly. With their victory over the Deadly Alliance complete, he and Kung Lao had liberated Outworld from its greatest threat. Despite the years that had past since training his last student, his skills had proved useful once more. He was elated, but it would be inappropriate to express such emotions in front of his newest apprentice. Kung Lao invited his master to return to Earthrealm to teach more warriors at the Wu Shi Academy. The success of his apprentice gave him renewed confidence in his training skills and for the first time, a clear purpose in life. Bo' Rai Cho offered only token resistance. He accepted the offer because the defenders of Earthrealm could certainly use his help, but more importantly because Earthrealm's rice wine put Outworld's liquor to shame. =-=-=-=-= Quan Chi: =-=-=-=-= Stats: Status: Sorcerer Alignment: Evil Weight: 210 lbs. Height: 6'7" Styles: Tang Soo Do and Escrima Weapon: Broadswords Difficulty: 4 >Tang Soo Do Special Attack: Reversal - Quan Chi has the ability to grab an attacking opponent's arm or leg, leaving them open for a high hitting combo. >Escrima Special Attack: Neijin - Quan Chi has the ability to Power-Up his character allowing him to inflict more damage per hit. >Broadswords Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - This Special Attack isn't so much a Sidestep Swing as it is a sideswipe sword attack. Chi uses his wrist to flick the side of his sword at his opponent's head sending them flying. >Throw Description: Quan Chi pounces onto his opponent's kness, and proceeds to clasp both hands together and bash his opponent's head 4 times. Description: Quan Chi looks very much like he did in Mortal Kombat 4/Gold. He now has many tatoos on the top of his head. He has a strap going across his chest, and he wears the Amulet on his belt, like a belt buckle. He has thick boots, and a piece of cloth flowing in front and behind him. Alternate Costume: Quan Chi's alternate costume is a replice of the one he wore in Mortal Kombat 4. It is dark blue, with spikes running down the shoulders of it. His pants are also a dark blue/black. Instead of wearing the amulet like a belt buckle, Chi wears it in the middle of his chest. His boots are the same as his regular costume. (Quan Chi's alternate costume is in koffin "AA" and costs 1,556 Gold Koins). Story: Stranded in the Netherealm, Quan Chi was persistently tormented by the ninja spectre Scorpion. But with assistance from Moloch and Drahmin, Quan Chi discovered the truth about the amulet he had stolen from the fallen Elder God Shinnok. An ancient Rune Stone bearing the likeness of his amulet revealed new information that would enable Quan Chi to traverse the realms through a network of ancient gateways. Narrowly evading Scorpion's wrath, he escaped the Netherealm through one of these gateways and emerged in an ancient tomb in Outworld. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tang Soo Do Move List: =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-= >Open Palm: 1 >Knee Chop: Down - 1 >Downward Elbow: Back - 1 >Forward Open Palm: 2 >Low Spearhead: Down - 2 >Front Ball Kick: 3 >Low Parallel Punch: Down - 3 >Inside Crescent Kick: Toward - 3 >Spinning Sidekick: Back - 3 >Sweeping Knife Hook: 4 >Low Foot Strike: Down - 4 >One Knuckle Fist Punch: Back - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Face Breaker: 2 - 2 >Path Maker: 3 - 3 >Nightfall: Back - 1 - 4 >Rushing Palm: 1 - 1 - 1 >Running Stream: 2 - 3 - 4 >Walking Dead: Back - 1 - 3 - 3 >Strong Wind: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 >Internal Power: 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 >Green Mountain: 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 >Pain Killer: 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - CS - 4 - CS =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-= Escrima Move List: =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-= >Pinasaka: 1 >Pintok: Down - 1 >Lightning Strike: Back - 1 >Backhand Strike: 2 >Planchada: Down - 2 >Chest Strike: 3 >Piercing Elbow: Down - 3 >Deadly Palm: Back - 3 >Rising Knee Strike: 4 >Straight Fist: Toward - 4 >Cutting Elbow: Down - 4 >Neijin: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Double Pinasaka: 1 - 1 >Hit and Run: 3 - 1 - 1 >Rushing Knee: 4 - 4 - CS >Slitting Hand: 3 - 1 - Toward - 4 >Ice Pick: 2 - 4 - 4 - CS >De Cadena: 3 - 1 - Back - 1 =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-= Broadswords Move List: =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-= >Piercing Thrust: 1 >Double Edged Blow: Down - 1 >Decieving Strike: 2 >Dual Blade Swing: Back - 2 >Winged Strike: Down - 2 >2-Hit Strike: 3 >Half Moon Slice: Down - 3 >Dual Side Slash: 4 >Circular Slash: Down - 4 >Strong Slice: SM >Doom Blade: 3 - 4 =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=- Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=- > Skull Fireball: Down - Back - 1 > Rising Star: Back - Down - 4 Fatality: Back - Back - Toward - Back - 3 Description: Quan Chi pounces onto his opponent's shoulders. Using his legs as leverage, he proceeds to pull up on his opponent's neck. When the neck is extended about 5 feet in the air, Quan Chi hops off their shoulders. The opponent stumbles around for a bit with the elongated neck, falling face-first to the ground seconds later. Ending: The Deadly Alliance was successful in reviving the mummified remains of the Dragon King's undefeatable army. It would appear that nothing could stand in the way of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi as they began their domination of the realms. For Shang Tsung however, Quan Chi had no further need for the partnership. Once Shang Tsung had finally revived the last of the mummified warriors, Quan Chi closed the portal to the heavens, and effectively shut off Shang Tsung's endless supply of souls. Quan Chi then instructed Kano to assassinate Shang Tsung in a surprise weapon attack. With their captor cut wide open, the thousands of souls Shang Tsung had consumed in the past, spewed forth and swirled around the room. Quan Chi came to the realization that if Kano could so easily turn on Shang Tsung, he could easily turn on Quan Chi himself. Quan Chi used his sorcerey to drain the life from Kano and left his body where it fell. Immediately, one of the lingering souls shot into Kano's body. To Quan Chi's surprise the man standing before him was no longer the Black Dragon thug known as Kano. Kano's body now contained the soul of the Shaolin Monk know as Liu Kang. =-=-=-= Li Mei: =-=-=-= Stats: Status: Student Alignment: Good Weight: 120 lbs. Height: 5'8: Styles: Baji Quan and Lui He Ba Fa Weapon: Sais Difficulty: 3 >Baji Quan Special Attack: Taunt - Li Mei waves her hands and legs in an intimidating manner all the while gaining some lost health for performing her Taunt. >Lui He Ba Fa Special Attack: Shove - Li Mei has the ability to Shove a blocking opponent leaving them vulnerable and open for attack. >Sai Special Attack: Imaple - Li Mei brings her Sai back and violently stabs them into her opponent's thighs. >Throw Descrption: Li Mei brings her foot into her opponent's crotch and proceeds to lift them over her head and onto her other side. Description: Li Mei has a very open pink and purple shirt. Along with matching silky pants, with oriental designs flowing down the sides, with a very thin silky belt. She wears sandals and is very quick. Alternate Costume: Li Mei is very scantily clad wearing a reddish/pink sports bra, that zips up the middle. She has a chain that hangs on her chest. She wears see-thru stocking, and high, thick, dark boots. Around the bottom of her outfit, hang dark tassles. (Li Mei's alternate costume is in koffin "KX" and costs 1,406 Sapphire Koins). Story: The Deadly Alliance commanded Kano and his troops to force a small population of people to construct a palace fortress. One of those enslaved was Li Mei, who rebelled against the invaders and attacked Kano himself. Recognizing the warrior spirit she possessed, the sorcerer Quan Chi offered to free her people if she could win the Deadly Alliance Tournament. If she did not win, however, she would be forced to serve the Alliance and her people would remain slaves forever. Li Mei had no choice but to accept the offer. =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-= Baji Quan Move List: =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-= >Wing Arm: 1 >Low Scooping Arm: Down - 1 >Upward Palm Strike: Toward - 1 >Thrusting Fingers: 2 >Scooping Arm: Down - 2 >Circling Hand Strike: Back - 2 >Scraping Kick: 3 >Low Kick: Down - 3 >Lifting Kick: 4 >Rising Elbow: Down - 4 >Nailing Kick: Back - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Setting Sun: 4 - 4 - 4 >All Natural: 4 - 4 - 4 CS - 4 >Rising Sun: 4 - 4 - CS - Back - 1 >Linked Strength: 4 - 4 - CS- Back - 1 - CS =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=- Lui He Ba Fa Move List: =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=- >Sideward Palm: 1 >Hammer Palm: Back - 1 >Halting Palm: Down - 1 >Heel Palm Strike: Up - 1 >Open Fist Strike: 2 >Low Jab Fist: Down - 2 >Back Kick: 3 >Sweeping Kick: Back - 3 >Back Sweep: Down - 3 >Spinning Elbow: 4 >Lifting Knee: Back - 4 >Low Sideward Palm: Down - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Lost Rose: 2 - 4 >Pink Dragon: 3 - 3 >Extreme Fists: 1 - 1 - 1 >Unleashed: 2 - Back - 1 >Explosive Strength: 1 - 1 - Back - 4 >Rejuvenation: 1 - 1 - 2 - 4 >Coiled Dragon: 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 >Golden Path: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 >Flower Blossom: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 - CS =-=-=-=-=--=-= Sai Move List: =-=-=-=-=--=-= >Forward Thrust: 1 >Overhead Smash: Back - 1 >Low Swipe: Down - 1 >Gut Stab: 2 >Rising Sai: Up - 2 >Low Thrust: Down - 2 >Foot Spike: 3 >Knee Poke: Down - 3 >Side Swipe: 4 >Sweeping Sai: Back - 4 >Hooking Stab: Down - 4 >Impale: SM =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=- Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=- > Flying Fists: Toward - Toward - 2 > Kartwheel: Down - Back - 4 > Klock Kick: Toward - Down - 3 > Sparkler: Down - Back - 1 Fatality: Toward - Toward - Down - Toward - 4 Description: Li Mei readies herself for the Fatality, by doing a little warm up. She then proceeds to kick her opponent in the chest with her left foot. Her foot goes all the way through the opponent's body. She extracts her left leg, as blood pools around her victim. She then sizes up her fallen opponent, as she then superkicks her opponent's head off with her right foot. The decapitated corpse falls to its knees, and then face- first to the ground, with blood shooting from the neck, and pooling. Ending: Li Mei had been promised that her people would be freed from enslavement if she could win the tournament held by the Deadly Alliance. Now that she had emerged victorious, the true purpose behind the tournament was finally revealed to her. Her soul would be the last one Shang Tsung needed to completely revive the Dragon King's lost army. Her people would never be freed and Li mei herself would remain trapped inside the mummified remains of a dead soldier... cursed to serve the Deadly Alliance... forever. =-=-=-=-= Scorpion: =-=-=-=-= Stats: Status: Ninja Spectre Alignment: Neutral Weight: 210 lbs. Height: 6'2" Styles: Hapkido and Pi Gua Weapon: Ninja Sword Difficulty: 1 >Hapkido Special Attack: Taunt - Scorpion stops fighting and does the "Just Bring It" thing with his hand, while screaming "Come here!" >Pi Gua Special Attack: Shove - Scorpion has the ability to Shove a blocking opponent leaving them vulnerable to attack. >Ninja Sword Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - Scorpion has the ability to sidestep an incoming blow, and follow up with a swing so devastating, it knocks the opponent halfway across the screen. >Throw Description: Scorpion jumps onto his opponent's thighs, and with both hands together, bashes his opponent in the face. Description: Scorpion sports a much different look than past games. He now resembles more of a samurai. His ninja mask is the same, only covering his nose and mouth. He wears a gold karate gi, with a skull belt buckle around the waist. He has gold and black thigh and shin guards along with two sword holsters strapped to his back. His spear dangles "harmlessly" at his side. Alternate Costume: Scorpion's alternate costume looks much like his regular costume, except for a few differences. He wears no shirt under his gi, and has two chains crossing his chest. He also has his mask off, revealing his skull. His skull is on fire, and burns the entire match. He also wears bandages around his forearms. (Scorpion's alternate costume is in koffin "UH" and costs 1,660 Jade Koins). Story: The ninja spectre Scorpion had assumed for many years that Sub-Zero killed his family and clan, only to later discover that the true murderer was the sorcerer Quan Chi. After revealing his treachery, Quan Chi then attempted to send Scorpion to the 5th plane of the Netherrealm. Thinking quickly, Scorpion grappled with the sorcerer at the last moment and they were both transported to that forbidden realm. This turn of events boded well for Scorpion as his strength increased the longer he reamained there. Quan Chi's powers, however, proved to be useless against him. =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-= Hapkido Move List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-= >Back Hand Strike: 1 >Face Strike: Back - 1 >Twisting Fist: Down - 1 >Neck Chop: 2 >Open Palm: Down - 2 >Axe Kick: 3 >Knee Knockdown: Toward - 3 >Hop Sweep: Back - 3 >Back Sweep: Down - 3 >Snap Kick: 4 >Front Sweep: Down - 4 >Backside Kick: Back - 4 >Front Thrust Kick: Up - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Sinking Leaf: Toward - 3 - Back - 3 >Flowing Water: 2 - 2 - 1 >Inner Power: 2 - 2 - 4 >Spectre Blast: 3 - Back - 1 >Lethal Legs: 4 - Back - 4 >Liftoff: 4 - Up - 4 >Burning Soul: 2 - 3 - Up - 4 >Doombringer: 2 - 3 - Back - 1 >Painless: 2 - 2 - CS - 2 - 3 >Undead Rush: 2 - 2 - CS - 2 - 1 >Knightmare: 2 - 2 - CS - 2 - CS - 4 >Darkness: 2 - 2 - CS - 2 - CS - 3 >Infernal: 2 - 2 - CS - 2 - CS - 1 - 1 - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pi Gua Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Ridge Hand: 1 >Knife Hand Chop: Back - 1 >Low Knife Hand Chop: Down - 1 >Spear Hand Strike: 2 >Wing Chop: Toward - 2 >Spear Hand Sweep: Back - 2 >Chest Strike: Down - 2 >Stepping Heel Kick: 3 >Open Palm Strike: Down - 3 >Low Heel Kick: 4 >Low Knife Hand Strike: Down -4 >Double Knife Hand Chop: Back - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Stone Breaker: Back - 1 - 3 >Falling Tree: 2 - 2 - 3 >Rushing Ridge Hand: 2 - 2 - 1 >Nuisance: 2 - 2 - CS - 4 >Deranged: 2 - 2 - CS - 3 >Hell Bound: 2 - 2 - CS - 1 - 1 - 3 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=- Ninja Sword Move List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=- >Spinning Slash: 1 >Upward Slash: Down - 1 >Reverse Stab: 2 >Edge Slash: Down - 2 >Rising Slash: 3 >Charging Slash: Toward - 3 >Piercing Blade: Down - 3 >Crescent Blade Strike: 4 >Sweeping Blade: Down - 4 >Sidestep Swing: SM Kombo Chains: >Turning Dragon: 1 - 2 >Rising Dragon: 1 - 3 >Demon Slice: 4 - 3 >Moon Strike: 4 - 4 >Edge of Pain: 4 - 1 - 1 - 3 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-= > Spear: Back - Toward - 1 > Summon Hellfire: Down - Back - 2 > Backflip Kick: Toward - Back - 3 Fatality: Back - Back - Down - Back - 4 Description: Scorpion hurls his spear at his opponent's head. The spear lodges itself through their skull. Scorpion proceeds to tug on the spear three times as the spear remains through his opponent's head. He gets fed up with this, and yanks on the rope with all his might. The spear rips the opponent's head off, sending it flying toward Scorpion. The opponent falls face first to the ground, with blood spilling out of their neck. Ending: The hunt for Quan Chi had led Scorpion to the palace of Shang Tsung. Scorpion entered the palace through a hidden passage. As he made his way through the lower levels, he was discovered by the two Oni he had previously encountered while in the Netherealm. Shang Tsung had secretly allied with Moloch and Drahmin as a backup defense against Quan Chi. The two Oni had been hidden in an underground chamber and were periodically fed mortals to keep them satisfied. Scorpion fought well but was overpowered by Moloch and Drahmin. Although the could not consume the ninja spectre, they devised another means for eliminating their foe that would satisfy their cruel nature. The Oni brough Scorpion before the portal to The Heavens that Shang Tsung had tapped as a source of limitless souls. They hurled him into the Soulnado and his hellspawn body was ripped apart by the purity of that realm. =-=-=- Sonya: =-=-=- Stats: Status: Special Forces Operative Alignment: Good Weight: 140 lbs. Height: 5'10" Styles: Kenpo and Tae Kwon Do Weapon: Kali Sticks Difficulty: 1 >Kenpo Special Attack: Neijin - Sonya has the ability to Power-Up and attack her opponent using moves that inflict more damage. >Tae Kwon Do Special Attack: Shove - Sonya can Shove a blocking opponent leaving them open for an attack. >Kali Sticks Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - As with Quan Chi's Double Broadswords, this isn't much of a Sidestep Swing as it is a sidestep bash. She 3D steps out and bashes her opponent with her sticks. >Throw Description: Sonya jumps onto her opponent's chest and proceeds to extend her leg and kick them hard in the chest sending them backward. Description: Sonya wears a very thin T-Shirt under a dark vest/coat. She has long dark pants, with black boots. She has bullets strapped around her waist, and a belt buckle. Her black gloves have the fingers cut off as well. Alternate Costume: Sonya's alternate costume is a Special Forces outfit. It is light gray on the top and bottom. She wears a dark beret much like Jax's. Her gloves have the fingers cut off like before, and she wears very dark, high boots. (Sonya's alternate costume is in koffin "SH" and costs 1,834 Ruby Koins). Story: Agent Sonya Blade and her team had finished their mission of demolishing any known ancient inter-realm portals when she received word from Jax that the Agency's portal chamber had been destroyed. With no means for traversing the realms, Sonya realized that there were now two agents lost in Outworld. The first was the ninja cyborg Cyrax, whom the agency had lost contact with some time ago. And now Agent Kenshi, originally sent to find Cyrax, was lost as well. She would have to find a way to get to Outworld and bring them home. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Kenpo Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Knife-Hand Strike: 1 >Double Hammer Fist: Down - 1 >Spinning Elbow Strike: Back - 1 >Eye-Gouger: 2 >Knife-Hand Chop: Back - 2 >Low Punch: Down - 2 >Standing Uppercut: Up - 2 >Back Kick: 3 >Leg Sweep: Back - 3 >Low Heel Kick: Down - 3 >Rising Axe Kick: 4 >Shovel Kick: Back - 4 >Low Step Punch: Down - 4 >Neijin: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Conscious Mind: 3 - 3 >Cutting Edge: 1 - 3 - 3 >Big Guns: 1 - 1 - 4 >Warfare: 1 - 1 - CS - 4 - CS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tae Kwon Do Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Side Kick: 1 >Hook Kick: Back - 1 >Double Hammer Fist: Down - 1 >Downward Axe Kick: 2 >Twin Fist Punch: Down - 2 >Spinning Heel Kick: 3 >Rolling Strike: Down - 3 >Ankle Smash: Back - 3 >2-Hit Axe Kick: 4 >Nitro Kicks: Back - 4 >Spinning Back Kick: Down - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Clearness of Mind: 4 - 4 >Take Out: Back - 3 - 3 >Blitzkrieg: Back - 4 - CS >Peaceful World: 1 - 1 - Down - 3 >Special Forces: 4 - Back - 3 - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kali Stick Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Straight Snap Strike: 1 >Low Snap Strike: Down - 1 >Overhead Strike: Toward - 1 >Circular Strike: 2 >Low Scissors Swipe: Down - 2 >Low Swinging Strike: 3 >Spinning Strike: Back - 3 >Low Strike: Down - 3 >Wrist Snap Strike: 4 >Chin Jab: Down - 4 >Circular Power Strike: Back - 4 >Stick Smash: SM Kombo Chains: >Multi-Level Strikes: 2 - 4 - 3 >Show-Off 2 - 4 - Back - 3 >Furious Blows: 4 - 2 - 4 >Live Hand: 4 - 2 - Back - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Kiss of Death: Down - Back - 1 > Fly Kick: Toward - Toward - 3 Fatality: Back - Toward - Toward - Down - 2 Description: Sonya blows a kiss to her opponent in the form of a pink mist; a heart floats out for effect. The opponent immediately falls to their hands and knees vomiting. They then start to choke and cough up blood. As the opponent is lying on the ground vomiting and coughing, Sonya leaps onto their back, causing their head to explode, leaving a huge pool of blood. The opponent's headless corpse lays there, with the red stuff gushing from the neck. Ending: After the destruction of the Deadly Alliance, Sonya searched for the missing Special Forces agent Kenshi. She finally discovered him badly beaten and near death apparently from hook- like wounds in his ribcage. She managed to return him to the rendezvous point where I transported them back to Earthrealm. Upon her return, Sonya was promoted to General and given her choice of command. She hand-picked a team to deal with new terrorist threats located on Earth. While in Outworld, Special Agent Kenshi had learned of a new threat to peace. The Red Dragon had awakened. =-=-=-= Kenshi: =-=-=-= Stats: Status: Rogue Swordsman Alignment: Unknown Weight: 185 lbs. Height: 6'11" Styles: Tai Chi and San Shou Weapon: Katana Difficutly: 4 >Tai Chi Special Attack: Taunt - Much like Li Mei's Taunt where she waves her hands and legs in an intimidating manner, all the while gaining a little lost health. >San Shou Special Attack: Neijin - Kenshi can use a Neijin to make his attacks more powerful for a short period of time. >Katana Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - Kenshi sidesteps in 3D and comes back into the screen with a massive swing of his Katana sending his opponent across the screen. >Throw Description: Kenshi runs up to his opponent and does a backflip off of them sending them backwards, with him landing on his feet. Description: Kenshi wears what almost looks like dark green and black army camouflage. He has a strap across his chest with an Oriental symbol adorning it. He has red knee pads and high, think boots. The red bandanna covering Kenshi's eyes is his trademark. Alternate Costume: Kenshi sheds his "army" gear in favor of a traditional white karate gi. He no longers wears the red bandanna over his eyes. His karate gi is white, with many tears and gashes; he is wearing a black belt holding his pants up. He goes barefoot. (Kenshi's alternate costume is in koffin "YM" and costs 1,435 Platinum Koins). Story: Serving the cries of his captured ancestors, Kenshi made a vow to slay Shang Tsung in order to free them from his grasp. When he learned of Shang Tsung's escape to Outworld, Kenshi agreed to help the Special Forces search for the missing agent Cyrax as a means of gaining access to that realm, which allowed him to act as both rescue party and spy. Shortly after discovering the sorcerer's whereabouts, the Agency was destroyed and with it his only means for a return to Earth. Kenshi now finds himself facing the Deadly Alliance on his own. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tai Chi Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Palm Strike: 1 >Rising Spade Hand: Back -1 >Pushing Hands: Toward - 1 >Dual Fist Strike: Down - 1 >Chopping Strike: 2 >Quick Uppercut: Back - 2 >Rising Uppercut: Down - 2 >Straight Kick: 3 >Low Lean Kick: Down - 3 >Spinning Roundhouse: 4 >Low Spin Kick: Down - 4 >Standing Sweep: Back - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Empty & Full: 1 - 1 >Blind Justice: Back - 2 - 3 >Play By Ear: 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 >Dark Fists: 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 >Fading Light: 2 - 2 - 2 - Back - 1 >Nightfall: 2 - 2 - 2 - CS - 1 - 3 >Out of Sight: 2 - 2 - 2 - CS - 1 - CS >See No Evil: 2 - 2 - 2 - CS - 1 - Back - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= San Shou Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Hook Punch: 1 >Long Range Fist: Back - 1 >Low Jab: Down - 1 >Face Strike: 2 >Knee Knocker: Toward - 2 >Rising Elbow: Down - 2 >Side Kick: 3 >Low Sweep: Down - 3 >Propelling Hook Kick: Back - 3 >Rising Toe Kick: Toward - 3 >Snapping Roundhouse: 4 >Spinning Roundhouse: Back - 4 >Shin Kick: Down - 4 >Neijin: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Don't Blink: 4 - 4 >Natural Way: 2 - 1 - 3 >Near Sight: 2 - 1 - CS >All Ears: 2 - 1 - Back - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Katana Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Spinning Slash: 1 >Upward Slash: Down - 1 >Reverse Stab: 2 >Edge Slash: Down - 2 >Rising Slash: 3 >Charging Slash: Toward - 3 >Piercing Blade: Down - 3 >Crescent Blade Strike: 4 >Sweeping Blade: Down - 4 >Sidestep Swing: SM Kombo Chains: >Day Break: 1 - 2 >Rising Dragon: 1 - 3 >Blind Slice: 4 - 3 >Moon Strike: 4 - 4 >Edge of Pain: 4 - 1 - 1 - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Telekinetic Slam: Back - Down - Back - 1 > Telekinetic Toss: Down - Back - 4 > Telekinetic Push: Toward - Toward - 2 Fatality: Toward - Back - Toward - Down - 3 Description: Kenshi puts his hands to his head in deep thought. The fallen opponent's eyes then proceed to pop out of their head, and roll toward the screen. The opponent's eyeless body then proceeds to contort in non-human ways in mid-air. Their arms bend up and backwards, as do their legs. When Kenshi is done using his telepathic powers on the defeated opponent, they fall to the ground shaped almost like a pretzel. Ending: Kenshi had finally caught up with Shang Tsung in Outworld. Years ago, Kenshi had been manipulated into releasing the souls of his warrior ancestors. Shang Tsung had consumed those souls and left Kenshi to die in the tomb. The ordeal left Kenshi blinded, but the sword of his ancestors led him out of the depths. Kenshi had finally caught up with Shang Tsung in Outworld. To redeem himself, Kenshi had vowed to free his ancestors from their captor. He cut Shang Tsung down with his ancestral sword and a blast of souls was instantly released. The spirits of the warrior kings reentered the sword as Kenshi held it above his head. His duty fulfilled, he could now return to Earthrealm. =-=-=-= Mavado: =-=-=-= Stats: Status: Red Dragon Alignment: Evil Weight: 175 lbs. Height: 5'9" Styles: Long Fist and Wing Chun Weapon: Hookswords Difficulty: 5 >Long Fist Special Attack: Shove - Mavado can Shove a blocking opponent to open them up for an attack. >Wing Chun Special Attack: Escape - Mavado plants his Grappling Hooks into the ground behind him, and pulls himself backwards and out of harm's way. >Hooksword Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - Mavado does a 3D dodge maneuver and trips up his opponent with his Hookswords. >Throw Description: Mavado plants his Hookswords into the ground in front of his opponent, rears back into the air, and comes crashing forward into their face/chest sending them backwards with great force. Description: Mavado wears a long black trenchcoat with silver shoulderpads. On the back of his trenchcoat is the Red Dragon symbol. He wears long black pants with spiked metal boots. Under his trenchcoat are grappling hooks, used for planting in the ground and striking his opponent. Alternate Costume: Mavado's alternate costume resembles that of a knight in shining armor. He has a red "mouth mask," and armored plating on his chest that looks like chain mail. His pants are the same way. His boots are metallic like his regular costume. (Mavado's alternate costume is in koffin "RD" and costs 1,455 Jade Koins). Story: The Red Dragon had existed for centuries as a secretive criminal organization. Members such as Mavado were highly skilled and disciplined warriors. But in the last century, many of the more reckless members became dissatisfied with the restraints the code of the Red Dragon placed on them and broke away to form their own gang. Since then, it has been the Red Dragon's number one priority to completely eradicate the infidels known collectively as the Black Dragon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Long Fist Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Flat Punch: 1 >Knee Strike: Back - 1 >Ducking Claw: Down - 1 >Long Straight Fist: 2 >Crane Strike: Back - 2 >Low Strike: Down - 2 >Heel Kick: 3 >Ducking Fist: Down - 3 >Cutkick: 4 >Floor Kick: Down - 4 >Spinning Crane: Back - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Longfist Blast: 1 - 1 - 2 >Forklift: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Wing Chun Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Outside Whip Punch: 1 >Low Punch: Down - 1 >Hammerfist: 2 >Low Whip Jab: Down - 2 >Sidekick: 3 >Shin Kick: Down - 3 >Front Heel Kick: 4 >Sweep Kick: Down - 4 >Dragon Tongue: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Mavado Surprise: 4 - 3 >Lin Wan Kuen: 1 - 1 - 1 >Determination: 2 - 4 - 3 >Storm Kicks: 4 - 4 - 3 >Rolling Hands: 1 - 2 - 4 - 3 >Red Dragon: 2 - 4 - 4 - 3 >Empty Shadow: 1 - 1 - Up - 1 >Control of Power: 1 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 3 >Chainsaw: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 4 - 2 >Sacred Band: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 4 - Back - 3 >Downfall: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 4 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hooksword Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Chest Strike: 1 >Low Reverse Blow: Down - 1 >Downward Hook Strike: 2 >Twin Overhead Strike: Back - 2 >One Hook Sweep: Down - 2 >Low High 2-Hit: 3 >Twin Overhead Slam: Back - 3 >Scissors Swipe: Down - 3 >Stepping Chest Strike: 4 >Upward Cross Strike: Down - 4 >Dual Hook Strike: Toward - 4 >Sidestep Swing: SM Kombo Chains: >Kabal's Torment: 4 - 4 - 2 >Strength and Balance: 4 - 4 - Back - 3 >Hook N Bash: 4 - 4 - Back - 2 >Blazing Fury: 2 - 4 - 4 - 2 >Brutal Revenge: 2 - 4 - 4 - Back - 3 >Kabal's Return: 2 - 4 - 4 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Grapple Hook Strike: Toward - Toward - 4 > Change Sides Hook: Down - Up - 2 Fatality: Back - Back - Up - Up - 1 Description: Mavado plants both of his grappling hooks into the ground on opposite sides of his defeated opponent. He then proceeds to walk backwards, pulling the rope as taut as possible. He then raises his left boot, as spikes protrude out the bottom. He then "jumps" into the air with his legs extended, letting the grappling hooks propel him forward and into his opponent. He impales them in the chest, and steps out of their body with organs attached to his boots, while the opponent lays in a pool of blood. Ending: For many years Mavado's Red Dragon clan had been secretly engineering the destruction of their rivals, the Black Dragon. Through careful manipulation, Mavado had used the Special Forces to unwittingly aid them in this task. In return for eliminating Kenshi for the Deadly Alliance, Mavado was finally granted his battle with the last known member of the Black Dragon: Kano. After a long, brutal fight, Mavado emerged victorious and all traces of the Black Dragon had been erased. Impressed with the fighting skill and discipline of Mavado as well as other members of his clan, Quan Chi realized the potential the Red Dragon held for staging the eventual invasion of Earthrealm. In return for their continued assistance, he offered crucial information about a new threat to Mavado's Red Dragon clan... the Lin Kuei. =-=-=-=-=-=- Johnny Cage: =-=-=-=-=-=- Stats: Status: Movie Star Alignment: Good Weight: 190 lbs. Height: 6'0" Styles: Karate and Jeet Kune Do Weapon: Nunchakus Difficulty: 3 >Karate Special Attack: Shove - Johnny Cage has the ability to Shove a blocking opponent to open them up for an attack. >Jeet Kune Do Special Attack: Taunt: Jonny Cage puts one foot forward and motions with his hand for his opponent to come get some. >Nunchaku Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - Cage comes down on his opponent's head hard with his Nunchakus after sidestepping in 3D. >Throw Description: Johnny Cage "jumps" onto his opponent, and does a spinning sidekick to the side of the head sending his opponent sprawling backwards. Description: Johnny Cage once again wears no shirt, but he does have a new tatoo that covers his entire back. He wears black sweat pants that stop just above his knees. "Cage" is printed on the side. He has blue and gold arm and wrist bands, along with a blue and gold belt. He goes barefoot, and also sports his sunglasses the entire match. Alternate Costume: Johnny Cage is wearing his tuxedo costume from Mortal Kombat 4. It is black, with a white undershirt. He wears black dress shoes, and his trademark, dark sunglasses. (Johnny Cage's alternate costume is in koffin "DK" and costs 1,460 Ruby Koins). Story: Johnny Cage had been fed up with the lame writing on his current movie "Mortal Kombat: The Death of Johnny Cage," in which his character repeatedly died and was resurrected. To him, his real-life adventures were much more sensational-he kicked butt! But his studio felt that the hero needed to take a fall for dramatic purposes, Johnny Cage reluctantly agreed to continue with the project until the Thunder God Raiden called him away to a new adventure in Outworld. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Karate Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Lunge Punch: 1 >Low Hook Punch: Down - 1 >Side Elbow Punch: Back - 1 >Knife Hand Chop: 2 >Knife Hammer Strike: Toward - 2 >Low Palm Strike: Down - 2 >Front Thrust Kick: 3 >Low Jabbing Punch: Down - 3 >Cutting Kick: Up - 3 >Side Thrust Kick: 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >Shin Thrust: Back - 4 >Flip Kick: Up - 4 >Double Flip Kick: Up - 4 - Up - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Smash TV: 2 - 4 >Bone Breaker: 3 - 4 >Big Blast: 1 - 1 - 4 >Out Take: 1 - 1 - CS >The Foot Sword: 3 - 3 - 3 >Cutting Hands: 2 - 3 - 4 >Closing Credits: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 >Chopping Hands: 1 - 2 - Toward - 2 >Cameo: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 >Prequel: 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 >Box Office Smash: 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 >Theatrical Release: 1 - 1 - Up 4 >Directors Cut: 1 - 1 - Up - 4 - Up - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jeet Kune Do Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Leading Straight Punch: 1 >Hook Fist: Down - 1 >Knuckle Fist: Back - 1 >Duck 'n' Jab: 2 >Low Knuckle Fist: Down - 2 >Stepping Snap Kick: 3 >Low Punch: Down - 3 >Side Kick to Knee: Back - 3 >Side Kick to Face: 4 >Sweeping Kick: Back - 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >High Hooking Kick: Up - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Straight Blast: 1 - 1 >Spotlight: 2 - 2 - 4 >Runner Up: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - CS >Sticky Legs: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 4 >Outer Gate: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - Back - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Nunchaku Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Reverse Shoulder Swing: 1 >Overhand Strike: Back - 1 >Bottom Swing: Down - 1 >Stepping Cross Swing: 2 >Cross Back Strike: Back - 2 >Low Knee Strike: Down - 2 >Underhand Strike: 3 >Low Circular Swing: Back - 3 >Double Thrust Strike: Toward - 3 >Rising Swing: Down - 3 >Side Kick: 4 >Roundhouse Kick: Back - 4 >Low Foot Strike: Down - 4 >Side Step Swing:SM Kombo Chains: >Gentle Spirit: 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 >Flowing Strikes: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 >Living Legend: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Forceball: Down - Back - 1 > Shadow Kick: Back - Toward - 4 > Johnny Uppercut: Back - SM Fatality: Back - Toward - Toward - Down - 2 Description: Johnny Cage strikes his defeated opponent in the stomach, causing them to fall to their knees. He then raises his right arm high in the air, watching it as he brings it back. He proceeds to punch his opponent square in the head, causing blood and brain matter to be flung everywhere, all the while his opponent screaming with half a skull. He extracts his hand from his opponent's head, raising his arm trumphantly as he grasps their brain, dripping with bucketloads of blood. Ending: Upset by the way his adventures had been portrayed in the past, Johnny Cage found a loophole in his contract and left MCM studios during the production of "Mortal Kombat: The Death of Johnny Cage." He then used his own money to fund the production of his next movie, which is rumored to be the true story of his latest adventures in Outworld. "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance" broke all records in its first weekend in theaters, and made Johnny Cage extremely wealthy. The movie told the true story of how Johnny Cage single handedly saved the world from the threat of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung's deadly alliance. =-=-=-=-= Sub-Zero: =-=-=-=-= Stats: Status: Grandmaster Alignment: Good Weight: 210 lbs. Height: 6'2" Styles: Shotokan and Dragon Weapon: Kori Blade Difficulty: 5 >Shotokan Special Attack: Escape - Sub-Zero freezes a patch of ice behind himself before sliding backwards on it, evading enemy attacks. >Dragon Special Attack: Nejin - Sub-Zero has the ability to Power-Up his character in order to inflict more damage upon his opponent. >Kori Blade Special Attack: Imaple - Sub-Zero can Impale his opponent with his sword causing them to gradually lost health. >Throw Description: Sub-Zero steps on his opponent, freezing them in the process, and rides them like a surf board across the screen. Very humorous. Description: Sub-Zero looks to have aged since the past tournament. He looks more menacing than ever though. He sports his classic Mortal Kombat 3 outfit with the blue "suspenders" down the sides of his upper torso. He has black pants with blue knee pads. His hands and hair are frozen with mist radiating off of them throughout the match. Alternate Costume: Sub-Zero's alternate costume is pretty much the same as it was in Mortal Kombat II. It is all blue and black. His "shirt" has no sleeves, and his forearms are frozen. His pants are black with a blue flap in front of him. His mask his back, which is also blue and black. He looks VERY cool. (Sub-Zero's alternate costume is in koffin "YA" and costs 1,999 Sapphire Koins). Story: Raiden appeared before Sub-Zero and asked for his aid in defeating the Deadly Alliance in Outworld. Fighting alongside Raiden would prove to the world that the Lin Kuei had changed for the better, Sub-Zero accepted the challenge and brought with him one of his newest recruits. It was highly unusual for the Grand Master to embark on such a dangerous mission, but Sub-Zero felt it was necessary to earn the respect of his fellow Lin Kuei. =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- Shotokan Move List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- >Spear Hand Strike: 1 >Forward Elbow Strike: Back - 1 >Lower Knee Strike: Down - 1 >Sword Hand Strike: 2 >Lower Dual Punch: Down - 2 >Mountain Punch: Back - 2 >Rising Thrust Kick: 3 >Side Snap Kick: Toward - 3 >Low Sweep Kick: Down - 3 >Thrust Kick: 4 >Low Double Side Strike: Down - 4 >Low Shin Kick: Back - 4 >Icy Retreat: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >2-Hit Trick: 3 >King's Crown: 3 - Toward - 3 >Peaceful Mind: 3 - Back - 2 >Icy Pain: 1 - 2 - 4 >Cloud Hands: 1 - 2 - Back - 1 >Iron Horse: 1 - 2 - Back - 2 >Rock Solid: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 3 >Lin Kuei Storm: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 2 - 3 >Zero Below: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 2 - 4 >Frozen Frenzy: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - Back - 1 >Frosty: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 2 - CS >Thin Ice: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 2 - Back - 2 >Unthawed: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 2 - Up - 4 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- Dragon Move List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- >Back Knuckle Strike: 1 >Ducking Dual Claws: Down - 1 >Upper Lunge Punch: Back - 1 >Sun Fist: 2 >Dragon Attack: Back - 2 >Uppercut: Down - 2 >Roundhouse Kick: 3 >Low Claw Strike: Down - 3 >Front Stomp Kick: 4 >Wheel Turning Kick: Up - 4 >Mid Claw Strike: Down - 4 >Neijin: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Tiger in Cave: 4 - Back - 2 >Yielding Fire: 2 - 3 >Ice Pop: 1 - 1 - 2 >Dragon Dance: 1 - Back - 1 >Silent Dragon: 1 - 2 - 3 >Dragon Plays with 7 Stars: 1 - 2 - 4 >Ice Maker: 1 - 2 - CS >3-Hit Claws: 1 - 2 - Back - 2 >Twist of the Tiger: 1 - 2 - Up - 4 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=- Kori Blade Move List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=- >Overhead Swing: 1 >Ducking Moon: Down - 1 >Spinning Slash: Back - 1 >Overhead Smash: Up - 1 >Blade Lunge: 2 >Straight Stab: Down - 2 >Close Swipe: Back - 2 >Stomp Kick: 3 >Downwards Stab: Down - 3 >Back Kick: 4 >Sweep Kick: Back - 4 >Twisting Blade: Down - 4 >Impale: SM >Cut Up: 4 - 4 >Bitter Blade: 1 - Back - 1 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- > Freeze: Down - Toward - 1 > Ice Shaker: Back - Down - 2 > Cold Shoulder: Back - Toward - 4 Fatality: Back - Toward - Toward - Down - 3 Description: Sub-Zero walks behind his fallen opponent as they stand there dazed. He then thrusts his right arm into their back. He pulls once with no results. He pulls again as you hear some snapping. He pulls one more time extracting his opponent's entire skeleton. The opponent's body slumps there lifelessly. He drops their skeleton to the ground in relative satisfaction. Ending: After defeating the Deadly Alliance, Sub-Zero returned to the new temple of the Lin Kuei with the severely injured ninja Frost. A short time later, I visited the temple to commend him for his victory in Outworld and to express my gratitude for all his assistance. With Sub-Zero now the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei, Earthrealm will be well protected. =-=-= Kano: =-=-= Stats: Status: Mercenary Alignment: Evil Weight: 200 lbs. Height: 5'10" Styles: Xing Yi and Aikido Weapon: Butterfly Difficulty: 3 >Xing Yi Special Attack: Reversal - Kano can catch an attacking opponent's arm or leg, and turn that into a nasty combo. >Aikido Special Attack: Neijin - Kano can Power-Up for a short period of time, making his attacks do more damage. >Butterfly Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - Kano just ducks down, and extends his swords outward cutting his opponent. >Throw Description: Kano jumps behind his opponent, and while behind their head, kicks the back of it, sending them flying forward. Description: Kano wears a black vest with no undershirt. His eye is still "encased" in the metal plate with the red radiating off it. He has brown pants and thick boots. On the ankle of his pants is a bowie knife. His golves are black and he is very muscular. He wears a chain around his neck with what appears to be a lock of hair snapped to it. Alternate Costume: Kano's alternate costume is his costume from the original Mortal Kombat. It resembles his costume in Deadly Alliance but is white. He has the red and black strap going across his chest also. He has white pants, and light brown boots. (Kano's alternate costume is in koffin "BD" and costs 1,520 Sapphire Koins). Story: Kano had been defeated in a battle with Special Forces agent Sonya Blade during Shao Kahn's invasion of Earthrealm. Shao Kahn incarcerated Kano for this failure, but later hastily promoted him to General when he prevented the Emperor's assassination at the hands of the Shokan warrior known as Sheeva. With the merging of Earthrealm and Outworld not yet complete, Shao Kahn ordered Kano to portal back to the last remnants of Outworld to gater more troops for the final push against the Earthrealm opposition. =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-= Xing Yi Move List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-= >Straight Punch: 1 >Power Fist: Back - 1 >Low Palm Strike: Down - 1 >Axe Strike: 2 >Eagle Strike: Down - 2 >Tiger Strike: Toward - 2 >Front Snap Kick: 3 >Low Elbow Strike: Down - 3 >Rising Knee: 4 >Hopping Back Kick: Back - 4 >Toe Strike: Dowm - 4 >Lifting High Kick: Up - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Sure Fire: 4 - 2 >Casualty: 4 - 3 >Seek and Destroy: 1 - 1 - 4 - 3 >Dead Zone: 1 - 1 - Up - 4 >Backlash: 1 - 1 - Back - 4 >Minimum Damage: 1 - 1 - 2 >Maximum Damage: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS >Honor and Disgrace: 2 - Back - 1 >Three Powers: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 >Assault and Battery: 1 - 1 - 4 - 2 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- Aikido Move List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=- >Heaven and Earth Throw: 1 >Low Frontal Punch: Down - 1 >Breath-Power Throw: 2 >Low Toe Kick: Down - 2 >Side Kick: 3 >Crescent Kick: Back - 3 >Low Side Kick: Down - 3 >Frontal Kick: 4 >Knee Kick: Back - 4 >Low Step Kick: Down - 4 >Nejin: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >2-Hit Doom: 4 - Back - 3 >Underdog: 4 - 4 - 3 >Total Karnage: 4 - 4 - Back - 3 >Destroyer: 4 - 3 - CS - Back - 2 >Killing Time: 4 - 4 - 3 - CS - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Butterfly Sword Move List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Jut Do: 1 >Piercing Low Strike: Down - 1 >Downward Circling Sword: Back - 1 >Twisting Sword: 2 >Rising Strike: Down - 2 >Upward Circling Sword: Back - 2 >Biu Do: 3 >Push Strike: Toward - 3 > Cutting Sword: Down - 3 >Pek Do: 4 >Rising Chop: Down - 4 Kombo Chains: >Cutthroat: 1 - Toward - 3 >Ear to Ear: Back - 1 - Back - 2 >Lost Dragon: 4 - Toward - 3 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- > Cannonball: Back - Toward - 1 > Eye Laser: Toward - Toward - 2 Fatality: Toward - Up - Up - Down - 1 Description: Kano plunges his left hand into his opponent's chest/stomach. He extracts what looks like the opponent's heart. He then plunges his right hand deep into his opponent's chest, extracting what looks like a liver or kidney. He then plunges both of his hands/arms into his opponent's chest and rips out what looks like their stomach. With a look of disgust on his face, Kano violently kicks the bleeding opponent away from him. Ending: Kano and Sonya had fought before. Although Kano was humiliated by his defeat at her hands so many years ago, this time the outcome would be different... Kano had stolen Quan Chi's amulet at the request of Shang Tsung. With the amulet in his possession, Kano came to the realization that he was now in total control of the revived undefeatable army. Rather than hand the amulet and the army over to Shang Tsung, Kano kept them for himself, and used the army to ambush Sonya, ending their long rivalry once and for all. =-=-=-=-= Kung Lao: =-=-=-=-= Stats: Status: Shaolin Monk Alignment: Good Weight: 175 lbs. Height: 5'10" Styles: Shaolin Fist and Mantis Weapon: Broadsword Difficulty: 2 >Shaolin Fist Special Attack: Taunt - Like Li Mei and Kenshi, Kung Lao waves his arms and legs around intimidating his opponent, and regaining lost health. >Mantis Special Attack: Neijin - Kung Lao can Power-Up his attacks to have them inflict more damage. >Broadsword Special Move: Impale - Kung Lao can violently thrust his sword into his opponent making them bleed uncontrollably. >Throw Description: Much the same as Johnny Cage's. He runs up your body, and does a spinning sidekick the side face sending his opponent backwards. Description: Kung Lao is wearing a baggy overshirt, with white pants. He wears brown "boots" and has a red sash around his waist. His hair is pulled back into a ponytail and his treasured hat rests upon his back. Alternate Costume: Kung Lao wears a blue and black karate gi, with gold tassles hanging off the sides. He wears his bladed hat on his head this time. He wears silverish wristguards, and has a blue and gold flap flowing in front of him. His pants are blue, and he has brown shin guards, with samurai-like shoes. (Kung Lao's alternate costume is in koffin "YJ" and costs 1,208 Ruby Koins). Story: Kung Lao was the first to find the body of his friend and fellow Shaolin Monk Liu Kang. He later discovered that it was in fact Shang Tsung who had dealt the fatal blow. Enraged, Kung Lao abandoned his Shaolin beliefs and vowed revenge against the sorcerer. He knew that his fighting skill would not be sufficient to best Shang Tsung. He would need training from the same Outworld master who had taught Liu Kang the one special attack he needed to win the Mortal Kombat tournament so many years ago. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Praying Mantis Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Drilling Punch: 1 >Low Thrusting Palm: Down - 1 >Power Forcing Fist: 2 >Double Mantis Strike: Back - 2 >Sweeping Punch: Down - 2 >Leg Sprouting Kick: 3 >Ward Off Punch: Down - 3 >Toppling Kick: Back - 3 >Chest Piercing Kick: 4 >Seven Star Hit: Down - 4 >Leg Squatting Kick: Back - 4 >Single Leg Soaring Kick: Up - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Lotus Petals: 3 - 3 >18 Elders: 1 - 1 - 1 >Natural Death: 1 - 1 - 2 - 4 >Cave Mantis: 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 >Five Blessings: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 2 >Deadly Insect: 1 - 1 - 1 CS - 4 - 3 >White Lotus: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 2 - 4 - 3 >Peaceful Life: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 4 - 4 - 3 >Teachers Pet: 1 - 1 - 1 CS - 4 - 4 - CS >Fallen Hero: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 4 - 4 - Toward - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Shaolin Fist Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Buddha Fist: 1 >Low Axe Palm: Down - 1 >Attack the Heart: Back - 1 >Curved Hook Punch: 2 >Palm Heel Strike: Down - 2 >Backfist Strike: Back - 2 >Fore Knuckle Fist: Toward - 2 >Roundhouse Strike: 3 >Low Back Fist: Down - 3 >Front Kick: 4 >Low Knuckle Punch: Down - 4 >Sweeping Blade Kick: Back - 4 >Neijin: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Double Kicks: 4 - 3 >Shaolin Faith: 4 - Toward - 2 >Shout of Spirit: 1 - 4 - 3 >Rushing Buddha: 2 - 4 - 3 >Enlightenment: 1 - 4 - 4 - 3 >Shaolin Beat Down: 1 - 2 - 4 - 3 >Pins and Needles: 1 - 4 - 4 - CS >Hurricane: 1 - 4 - 4 - Toward - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Broadsword Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Crosscutting Slash: 1 >Twisting Body Strike: Toward - 1 >Piercing Low Lunge: Down - 1 >Crushing Side Slash: 2 >Overhead Strike: Down - 2 >Gut Ripping Stab: 3 >Rising Slash: Back - 3 >Low Stab: Down - 3 >Half Moon Slash: 4 >Full Moon Strike: Toward - 4 >Spinning Low Slash: Down - 4 Kombo Chains: >Sharpen the Mind: 2 - 1 >Clouds Over Head: 2 - 2 >Tiger Leaps Suddenly: 2 - Toward - 1 >Onslaught: 4 - Down - 4 >Rise and Shine: 4 - Toward - 1 >Dao Strikes: 2 - 4 - Down - 4 >Phoenix Tail: 2 - 4 - Toward - 1 =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=- > Hat Throw: Back - Toward - 1 > Whirlwind Kicks: Down - Back - 4 Fatality: Down - Up - Back - 3 Description: Kung Lao takes off his hat and violently whips it at his opponent. The hat lodges itself vertically into their skull, causing them to fall backward. Kung Lao slowly saunters over to his fallen, bloody opponent, and strikes them in the stomach with his foot. The hat pops into the air, out of the opponent's head, and into Kung Lao's hand. Lao then calmly places his bladed hat back onto his back/head. Ending: Rage fueled Kung Lao's thirst for revenge. The memory of holding his fellow monk's broken body on the lei tai of the Wu Shi Academy grounds consumed him as he rained blow after blow down upon Shang Tsung. Kung Lao had finally mastered the attack Bo' Rai Cho had taught him. The sorcerer could not withstand his whirlwind assault. Shang Tsung begged for mercy. Kung Lao granted him none. Upon his return to Earthrealm, Kung Lao stood before the modest shrine to Liu Kang which had been erected by the Wu Shi initiates during his absence in Outworld. He lit a stick of incense and placed it among the others already burning there. He bowed his head and prayed for safe passage to the afterlife for his friend and brother. With Shang Tsung's death, Liu Kang's spirit could rest peacefully. Earthrealm was safe once more, but at terrible cost. The work of the White Lotus society had become more important than ever. =-=-=-= Nitara: =-=-=-= Stats: Status: Vampire Alignment: Neutral Weight: Unknown Height: Unknown Styles: Leopard and Fu Jow Pai Weapon: Kama Difficulty: 5 *Nitara becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "TI" costing 4,022 Gold Koins.* >Leopard Special Attack: Escape - Nitara flaps her wings, and floats backwards to dodge her opponent's attacks. >Fu Jow Pai Special Attack: Neijin - Nitara powers herfelf so as to inflict more damage than usual upon her unsuspecting opponent's. >Kama Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - Nitara dodges an opponent's attack, and comes down hard on her foe's head. >Throw Description: Nitara jumps onto her opponent, and begins to suck their blood. After she performs the Throw, some of her lost health is restored. Description: Nitara is a new character to Mortal Kombat. She has shoulder length brown hair with a gold necklace. She has red sleeves and a brown speckled bra with matching underwear. Her kama is attached to a chain that runs around her stomach. The massive wings attached to her back are her trademark. Alternate Costume: Nitara's alternate costume is not all that different than her regular one. Her face is pale white in the new costume, and her bottom is showing under her waistband. She also wears cool new boots, that have spiked heels. Her knee pads are also spiked. She has tattoos running up and down her arms and legs now too. (Nitara's alternate costume is in koffin "AR" and costs 2,206 Jade Koins). Story: The vampire Nitara had at long last discovered the location of the Orb that bound her to Outworld. Unfortunately, it rested in a location she could bever access. However, the ninja cyborg Cyrax of Earthrealm had the ability to retrieve it for her. Through careful manipulation, she convinced Reptile to engage Cyrax in combat and destroy is arm panel in the process. The damage to his transporter left him stranded in Outworld. Her plan was coming together beautifully. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Leopard Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Paw Strike: 1 >Dual Claw Push: Up - 1 >Lifting Strike: Down - 1 >Front Rising Paw: Back - 1 >Swtiching Paw: 2 >Soaring Paw: Back - 2 >Low Jab: Down - 2 >Spin Kick: 3 >Step Kick: Down - 3 >Front Kick: 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >Wing Flap: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Leopard at Dawn: 1 - 1 - Up - 1 >Leopard at Rest: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 >Snow Leopard: 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 4 >Golden Leopard: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 2 >Tree Leopard: 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - Up - 1 >Dry Blood: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 1 - 3 - CS >Blood Thristy: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Fu Jow Pai Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Straight Claw: 1 >Knee Strike: Back - 1 >Rising Claw: Down - 1 >Upward Paw: 2 >Tiger Strike: Back - 2 >Tiger Scratch: Down - 2 >Back Kick: 3 >Spinning Low Kick: Down - 3 >Roundhouse: 4 >Lifting Kick: Up - 4 >Shin Kick: Back - 4 >Low Toe Kick: Down - 4 >Nejin: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Bloodshed: 3 - 3 >Vampire Bash: 1 - 1 - 1 >Wandering Claws: 1 - 1 - 2 >Black Tiger: 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 >Bloodshot: 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - CS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kama Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Dual Overhead Strike: 1 >Scissor Swipe: Toward - 1 >Low Rising Swing: Down - 1 >Rising Swing: 2 >Upward Swing: Down - 2 >Low Cross Stike: 3 >Low Sweeping Slice: Down - 3 >Overhead Strike: Up - 3 >Hook Sweep Knockdown: 4 >Backhand Swipe: Down - 4 >Charging Overhead: Back - 4 >Sidestep Swing: SM Kombo Chains: >Bloodbath: 1 - 4 >Treacherous Edge: 3 - 4 >Kama Fury: Back - 4 - Back - 4 >Crucified: Back - 4 - Back - 2 >Bloodlust: 1 - 3 - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Unicorn Kick: Back - Down - 4 > Blood Spit: Toward - Back - 2 Fatality: Up - Up - Toward - 1 Description: Nitara faces the screen and lets out an intimidating hiss. She then proceeds to pounce on her opponent's body, and dig her fangs into their neck. She proceeds to suck their blood for a good couple seconds, stopping to spit out the excess. She then goes back to feeding; when she is done, she kicks the opponent away from her and lands perfectly on her feet. Ending: After what seemed like an eternity, Cyrax finally emerged from the lava, holding the Orb that had bound Nitara's realm to Outworld for ages. At last it was within her grasp. She would be able to free her people from Shao Kahn's imprisonment. Fulfilling her end of the bargain, she sent Cyrax back to his Earthrealm home in exchange for the Orb. Nitara stared into the Orb. It seethed with the power trapped within. She raised it above her head, and then smashed it to the floor. It shattered with an inhuman, soul-rending howl. Its horrible energy exploded away, and tore her consciousness from her. She awoke later for the first time on her native soil. =-=-=-=- Drahmin: =-=-=-=- Stats: Status: Oni Demon Alignment: Evil Weight: Unknown Height: Unknown Styles: Netherealm and Oni Weapon: Iron Club Difficulty: 5 *Drahmin becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "UR" costing 6,500 Sapphire Koins.* >Netherealm Special Attack: Taunt - Drahmin takes a few steps forward, and with a deep grunt, bows before his opponent all the while regaining some lost health. >Oni Special Attack: Shove - Drahmin has the ability to Shove a blocking opponent leaving them wide open for an attack. >Iron Club Special Attack: Neijin - Drahmin can Power-Up in his weapon fighting style to make his moves do more damage. >Throw Description: Drahmin steps on your feet holding you into place. While you are being stepped on, he bashes your head once, causing you to fall to the ground. You bounce back up though, so he proceeds to bash you again, this time putting you down. Description: Drahmin is the Oni-Tormentor. His face has been badly scarred, so he wears his tribal mask as a result. It appears as if he has no skin. It all looks just like muscle. He has a club attached to his right arm. The club has spikes attached to the club. It is said that his tribal mask holds his true power. He constantly has flies buzzing around his body as well. Alternate Costume: Drahmin's alternate looks very similar to his regular costume. He has shoulder guards, and a shrunken head hanging off his left shoulder. His iron club still encases his right hand/arm. He wears what looks like silver plate mail, and silver plate mail "pants." He has silver shin guards, and fights barefoot. (Drahmin's alternate costume is in koffin "SW" and costs 1,152 Jade Koins). Story: The Oni Tormentor Drahmin resided in the 5th plane of the Netherealm for centureies. It was therefore no surprise that Drahmin would so readily accept Quan Chi's offer of freedom from that realm in return for protectoin from the ninja spectre Scorpion. Drahmin and Moloch savagely brutalized Scorpion whenever he made a move for Quan Chi. It would not be long before they would be released upon the world of the living and taste mortal flesh once more. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Netherealm Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Big Whack: 1 >Low Swipe: Down - 1 >Gut Smash: 2 >Low Strike: Down - 2 >Straight Kick: 3 >Back Kick: Back - 3 >Rising Blast: Down - 3 >Hooking Kick: 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Oni Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Iron Lunge: 1 >Low Swipe: Down - 1 >Smashing Iron: Back - 1 >Crushing Chop: 2 >Low Strike: Down - 2 >Frontal Kick: 3 >Sweep: Back - 3 >Rising Blast: Down - 3 >Side Kick: 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Iron Club Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Head Smash: 1 >Leaping Smash: Up - 1 >Mid Swipe: Down - 1 >Uppercut: 2 >Doom Chop: Back - 2 >Low Strike: Down - 2 >Iron Strike: 3 >Iron Sweep: Back - 3 >Rising Blast: Down - 3 >Neck Jab: 4 >Power Swipe: Back - 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >Nejin: SM >Throw: Toward - SM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Ball-O-Flies: Back - Toward - 2 > Propeller Clock: Toward - Toward - 2 > Super Uppercut: Down - Back - 1 > Ground Smash: Back - Down - 4 Fatality: Back - Toward - Toward - Down - 3 Description: Drahmin raises his clubbed right arm, and brings it down hard upon his opponent's head. The head explodes in a bloody mess. As the decapited opponent is standing there dazed, Drahmin raises his arm again, and bashes the opponent, propelling him/her backwards in a pool of their own blood. Ending: Sent by the sorcerer Shang Tsung, the two Oni known as Drahmin and Moloch confronted Quan Chi, enraged that he had tried to leave them stranded in the bowels of the Netherealm. In the battle that ensued, Drahmin leapt at Quan Chi and both kombatants stumbled into the Inner Sanctum Chamber. Moments later, Drahmin emerged from the chamber altered from his previous form. =-=-=-=- Hsu Hao: =-=-=-=- Stats: Status: Red Dragon Alignment: Evil Weight: 220 lbs. Height: 6'1" Styles: Shuai Chiao and Wrestling Weapon: Sun-Moon Difficulty: 4 *Hsu Hao becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "MW" costing 3,317 Jade Koins.* >Shuai Chiao Special Attack: Escape - Hsu Hao can perform a Backflip Escape maneuver to dodge an opponent's attack create some distance between the two of them. >Wrestling: Reversal - Hsu Hao has the ability to Reverse an oncoming attack and follow up with one of his own. >Sun-Moon Special Attack: Piercing Strike - Hsu Hao ducks down and "stabs" you with his Sun-Moon, piercing you in the stomach region. >Throw Description: Hsu Hao reaches down, grabs your legs, and lifts you up and flips you in mid-air, making you land on your back. Description: Hsu Hao is also a new character to Mortal Kombat. He wears a green hat that resembles a cop's hat. Hsu has a weird contraption going from his right arm meeting in his chest with a red jewel. He wears dark pants and fights bare fisted. Alternate Costume: Hsu Hao fights without his hat in his alternate, revealing his bald head. He still has the contraption on his chest, with the swirling circle. He also wears gloves this time. His pants are grayish/silver with dark shin pads, and dark brown boots. (Hsu Hao's alternate costume is in koffin "QX" and costs 1,518 Jade Koins). Story: A member of the Red Dragon, Hsu Hao's duty was to infiltrate the Special Forces and covertly guide them to the members of the Black Dragon. Once the Black Dragon was seemingly destroyed, Hsu Hao was ordered to remain among the Special Forces ranks as an informant until further notice. That notice came when his superior Mavado, ordered him to destroy the Outerworld Investigation Agency's ability to travel to the Outworld. Hsu Hao would not dishonor his Red Dragon clan; he owuld complete his task at any cost. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Shuai Chiao Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Single Hand Strike: 1 >Lunging Palm: Back - 1 >Low Wing Strike: Down - 1 >Uppercut: 2 >Shoulder Lunge: Toward - 2 >Crouching Chop: Down - 2 >Front Snap Kick: 3 >Crouching Sweep: Down - 3 >Rising Knee: 4 >Sweep: Back - 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >Backflip: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Bottle Opener: 2 - 2 >Bone Crusher: 1 - 1 - 3 >Asylum: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 >Chaos: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 >Watch This: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - Back - 2 - CS - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Wrestling Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Back Breaker: 1 >Shoulder Toss: Back - 1 >Rising Neck Strike: Down - 1 >Strong Hook Punch: 2 >Spinning Backfist: Back - 2 >Low Jab: Down - 2 >Straight Kick: 3 >Low Kick: Down - 3 >Front Kick: 4 >Low Shin Kick: Down - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Insanity: Back - 2 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sun Moon Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Quick Chop: 1 >Piercing Low Strike: Down - 1 >Downward Circling Strike: Back - 1 >Twisting Sword: 2 >Rising Strike: Down - 2 >Upward Circling Sword: Back - 2 >Gut Strike: 3 >Push Strike: Toward - 3 >Cutting Sword: Down - 3 >Edge Stab: 4 >Rising Chop: Down - 4 >Piercing Strike: SM Kombo Chains: >The Kahn: 1 - Toward - 3 >Lost Dragon: 4 - Toward - 3 >Settling Sun: Back - 1 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Cyrus Stomp: Back - Toward - 3 > Kahn Klap: Back - Down - 1 Fatality: Toward - Back - Down - Down - 2 Description: Hsu Hao emits a massive red energy beam from his chest contraption. The beam hits the opponent immediately tearing at their flesh. Within a few seconds, their upper torso flies backward. The camera pans to the torso while it tries to "get away." The two hands are hoisting the torso off the ground, all the while massive amounts of blood spills from the torso. A few moments later, it collapses in a bloody heap. Ending: Hsu Hao reported to his superior, Mavado, and informed him of his success in destroying the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency. Mavado then informed Hsu Hao of his next objective... It seemed that Quan Chi was proving to be a powerful ally and was willing to aid the Red Dragon in its quest for domination of Earth. In a show of good faith, Mavado agreed to destroy Quan Chi's enemies. The sorcerer suspected betrayal from Shang Tsung. There was evidence that Shang Tsung had allied with the two Oni known as Moloch and Drahmin. Hsu Hao's new orders were to eliminate the sorcerer Shang Tsung before the Oni eliminated Quan Chi. =-=-=- Frost: =-=-=- Stats: Status: Lin Kuei Alignment: Unknown Weight: 120 lbs. Height: 5'8" Styles: Tong Bei and Yuan Yang Weapon: Daggers Difficulty: 2 *Frost becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "IV" costing 208 Ruby Koins.* >Tong Bei Special Attack: Escape - Frost also has the ability to perform a Backflip getting herself out of harm's way. >Yuan Yang Special Attack: Neijin - Frost can Power-Up so her moves cause more damage to her opponent. >Daggers Special Attack: Impale - Frost rears back and stabs her Sai into her opponent's thighs causing them to bleed uncontrollably. >Throw Description: Frost's Throw is the same as Kenshi's. She runs up your body and performs a Backflip sending her opponent flying down screen, as she lands perfectly on her feet. Description: Frost wears a blue vest/coat akin to Sub-Zero's with a black shirt underneath. She has black and blue arm and wrist bands going up her arms. She wears skin-tight black pants and a has cloth flowing in front of her. She also sports Sub- Zero's blue face mask, only covering her nose and mouth. Her hair is also frozen and it, too, radiates a mist. Alternate Costume: Frost wears a more revealing outfit that her regular costume. She wears what looks like a blue vest, with nothing covering her chest barely. She has blue arm bands that spiral up her arm. She also has a long blue flap flowing in front of her. Her legs are bare, and she wears high, thick, blue boots. (Frost's alternate costume is in koffin "UB" and costs 1,261 Gold Koins). Story: Sub-Zero had reformed the Lin Kuei clan and held a tournament to recruit the best of the best. The winner was a mysterious female named Frost who seemed to have freezing abilities similar to those of Sub-Zero. Breaking with Lin Kuei tradition, the new Grand Master, Sub-Zero took it upon himself to train this new recruit. With his help, Frost was able to better harness her Kori power. Sub-Zero was not able to teach her humility, however, and her arrogance grew along with her superior fighting abilities. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tong Bei Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Cold Strike: 1 >Falling Strike: Down - 1 >Corkscrew Strike: Back - 1 >Ice Crusher: Up - 1 >Slapping Palm: 2 >Low Rising Strike: Down - 2 >Icy Maul: Back - 2 >Northern Lights: Up - 2 >Cutting Guy Kick: 3 >Low Roundhouse: Back - 3 >Power Kick: Up - 3 >Low Poke: Down - 3 >Frosty Kick: 4 >Winter Winds: Up - 4 >Thrusting Low Kick: Back - 4 >Frozen Elbow: Down - 4 >Back Flip: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Shiver: 1 - 2 >Spring and Autumn: 3 - 3 >Chills: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 >Harmony: 2 - 2 - Up - 2 >Crazy Monkey: 1 - 1 - 2 - Up - 4 >Tong Bei Fury: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - Up - 2 >Freezer Burn: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - 3 >Blizzard: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - 1 - 2 >Iceberg: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - Up - 3 >Icefall: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - Toward - 1 >Snowball: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - 1 - 1 - Up - 3 >Frostbitten: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 1 - 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yuan Yang Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Open Hand Strike: 1 >Strong Fist: Toward - 1 >Upward Strike: Down - 1 >Dual Duck Strike: 2 >Low Winged Strike: Down - 2 >Thrusting Roundhouse: 3 >Grounded Duck: Down - 3 >Lifting Head Duck: Up - 3 >Duck Leg Strike: 4 >Tripping Strike: Back - 4 >Sweep Kick: Down - 4 >Neijin: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Mandarin Duck Fists: 1 - 2 >Deadly Decoy: 4 - 4 - 3 >Ice Cold: 4 - 4 - 1 - 2 >Mandarin Duck Legs: 4 - 4 - Up - 3 >Waterfall: 4 - 4 - Toward - 1 >Deceptive Step: 1 - 1 - Up - 3 >Ugly Duckling: 4 - 4 - 1 - 1 - Up - 3 >Frigid Frenzy: 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 1 - 1 >Snowflake: 4 - 4 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 1 - 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dagger Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Gut Stab: 1 >Stamping Blade: Up - 1 >Low Stagger: Back - 1 >Low Strike: Down - 1 >Dual Lunge: 2 >Lifting Dagger: Back - 2 >Low Stab: Down - 2 >Side Kick: 3 >Low Chop: Down - 3 >Pop Kick: 4 >Low Moon Strike: Down - 4 >Impale: SM Kombo Chains: >Frozen Storm: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 >Cold Feet: 3 - 3 - 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Slide: Down - Toward - 4 > Ground Ice: Down - Back - 3 Fatatlity: Toward - Back - Up - Down - 1 Description: Frost raises her right hand above her head as ice begins to encapsulate her arm. She proceeds to shoot the ice at her opponent's feet, slowly moving up their body, completely encasing them in ice. She then proceeds to front kick their entire upper torso off of the rest of their body, shattering it on the ground. Their bloody body is still visible encased in ice, as their frozen bottom half rests on the ground. Ending: As they traveled back to the portal that would return them to Earthrealm, Sub-Zero revealed to Frost that she had been an integral part in the destruction of the Deadly Alliance, and that he was proud to have her as a member of the Lin Kuei clan. But unknown to Sub-Zero, Frost's true intention for joining the Lin Kuei was to become Grand Master herself. She used her ice blast to temporarily immobilize him and ripped the Dragon Medallion from his chest. As she held the medallion, she felt power surge through her body. Lacking the strength and discipline required to control the medallion's immense power, she was consumed by her own freezing ability. =-=- Jax: =-=- Stats: Status: Special Forces Alignment: Good Weight: 350 lbs. Height: 6'8" Styles: Muay Thai and Judo Weapon: Tonfa Difficulty: 2 *Jax becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "SA" costing 3,780 Ruby Koins.* >Muay Thai Special Attack: Taunt - Jax bounces around on his feet, and jiggles his legs, and spouts out random taunts to his opponent regaining him some lost health. >Judo Special Attack: Reversal - Jax can grab an oncoming attack in mid-air and follow it up with a heavy hitting combo. >Tonfa Special Attack: Sidestep Swing - Jax sidesteps an attack in 3D and comes back with a vicious attack to the head with his Tonfa. >Throw Description: Jax's Throw is similar to Kano's. He runs up and behind you. As he does this, he kicks you in the face sending you flying. Description: Jax has a red beret atop his head along with dark goggles. He still has his metal arms, but they look much more enhanced. He has bullets strapped around his chest, along with an actual sub-machine gun on his back. His boots are very big, complimenting his dark pants. Alternate Costume: Jax wears a light yellow/orange vest over a gray undershirt, with a hood. He wears a backwards black hat, instead of the beret. He has an enormous gold medallion around his neck, with the Mortal Kombat Dragon symbol attached to it. His arms are bare this time, no metal. He wears black and silver biker's gloves, and has very dark pants and boots. The sub- machine is still on his back. (Jax's alternate costume is in koffin "ZM" and costs 1,410 Ruby Koins). Story: Jax spent most of his time in the heavily fortified underground facilities of the Outerworld Investigation Agency. From an enormous underground chamber, Jax would send his agents to the other realms by way of man-made inter-realm portals. Two of his agents, the cyborg ninja Cyrax and the rogue swordsman Kenshi, had been assigned to the realm of Outworld - a domain of strange creatures and maniacal sorcerers. Jax would soon be reminded of just how dangerous a threat to Earth that realm could be. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Muay Thai Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Swing Punch: 1 >Spinning Strike: Back - 1 >Cutting Up Elbow: Down - 1 >Straight Punch: 2 >Hooking Punch: Back - 2 >Low Swing Punch: Down - 2 >Farewell Knee: 3 >Roundhouse: Up - 3 >Lower Knee: Down - 3 >Forward Foot Push: 4 >Pecking Kick: Down - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Get Some Sucka: Back - 1 - 2 >What You Get: 2 - 2 - 4 >Rush N Hook: 2 - 2 - 1 >Boot Kamp: 3 - 3 - 4 >Im Gonna Get Ya: 2 - 2 - Up - 3 >Jax Special: 2 - 2 - Back - 1 - 2 >Ballistic Wind: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 4 >In Your Face: 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - 3 >Insertion: 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - Back - 2 >Damage Control: 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - CS - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Judo Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Suplex: 1 >Thrusting Palms: Back - 1 >Rising Double Fist: Down - 1 >Leg Trip Throw: 2 >Standing Uppercut: Back - 2 >Gut Punch: Down - 2 >Back Kick: 3 >Backward Spin Kick: Back - 3 >Low Sweep: Down - 3 >Side Snap Kick: 4 >Wheel Kick: Back - 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Groundwork: 4 - 4 - 3 >Metal Fury: 4 - 4 - Back - 2 >No-Mans Land: 4 - 4 - CS - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tonfa Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Spear Hand: 1 >Low Double Strike: Down - 1 >Double Strike: Toward - 1 >Downward Strike: 2 >Scissor Sweep: Down - 2 >Scissor Strike: 3 >Uppercut Strike: Down - 3 >Dashing Strike: Toward - 3 >Roundhouse Elbow Strike: 4 >Low Back Hand: Down - 4 >Tonfa Sweep: Back - 4 >Sidestep Swing: SM Kombo Chain: >Stand-Down: 4 - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Ground Pound: Toward - Toward - Down - 3 > Machine Gun: Back - Toward - 4 > Piston Punch: Down - Toward - 1 Fatality: Down - Toward - Toward - Down - 2 Description: Jax lifts his defeated opponent high above his head with both hands, in gorilla press slam position. He throws them to the ground. As their body lay still, he crouches and jumps straight onto their head. Their head explodes into a mess of bloody popcorn and brain matter. Jax steps to the side of the victim and stares menacingly at the corpse spilling blood from the neck. Ending: Jax had a score to settle with the traitor he knew as Hsu Hao. Now revealed to be a member of the Red Dragon, Hsu Hao had infiltrated the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency and destroyed it with a miniature nuclear weapon. Making good on his promise, Jax eventually caught up with Hsu Hao and ripped the implant from his chest in retribution. Hsu Hao died a most painful death. =-=-=-= Kitana: =-=-=-= Stats: Status: Princess Alignment: Good Weight: 128 lbs. Height: 5'9" Styles: Eagle Claw and Ba Gua Weapon: Steel Fans Difficulty: 4 *Kitana becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "KI" costing 2,931 Sapphire Koins.* >Eagle Claw Special Attack: Shove - Kitana can Shove a blockign opponent to create an opening for a devastating attack. >Ba Gua Special Attack: Escape - Kitana can perform a graceful Backflip Escape to create distance between herself and her opponent. >Steel Fan Special Attack: Impale - Kitana rears her Fans back, and lets them go. They get impaled straight into her opponent's head. If you miss, they fly off-screen and you cannot get them back. >Throw Description: Very similar to Shang Tsung's Throw. She runs up and jumps on your head, smashing you to the ground. Description: Kitana looks very much like how she did in Mortal Kombat II. She wears the mouth guard, that covers her mouth and nose. Her very long hair is back along with her purple outfit. She has knee high black boots and black wrist guards. Her hair is tied behind her head in a ponytail, flowing gracefully behind her. Alternate Costume: Kitana wears a purplish outfit that has no sleeves. Her hair is tied in a ponytail, and she is also without her mouth guard. She wears see-thru stockings all the way up her legs, and has very high purple boots, reaching past the knees. (Kitana's alternate costume is in koffin "BQ" and costs 1,327 Gold Koins). Story: Having freed her home world of Edenia from Shao Kahn's grasp, Kitana led her people to battle against the weakened Emperor in a pre-emptive strike. She allied with the Shokan armies of Outworld, led by Prince Goro, and togeher their two nations were on the brink of victory. Tragedy struck when Goro was killed in battle and the shokan army sprialled into leaderless chaos. But in a strange turn of events, Shao Kahn was slain by unnknown assailants and Kano's troops began a hasty retreat. Kitana had won, but at a terrible cost to the Shokan people. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eagle Claw Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Mide Eagle Claw: 1 >Low Eagle Claw: Down - 1 >High Eagle Claw: Back - 1 >Side Finger Jab: 2 >Sidestep Claw: Up - 2 >Low Claw Swipe: Down - 2 >Double Edge Claw: Toward - 2 >Side Heel Kick: 3 >Chyun Teui: Back - 3 >Claw Scratch: Down - 3 >Solar Plexus Kick: 4 >Lifting Kick: Up - 4 >Crouching Upward Strike: Down - 4 >Front Toe Kick: Back - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Shooting Star: 4 - 3 >Walking Fists: 2 - 1 >Grounded: 4 - Back - 4 >Lipstick: 4 - Back - 1 >Pucker Up: 4 - Up - 4 >Broken Talon: 1 - 4 - 3 >Tiny Bubbles: 4 - 4 - 3 >Splitting Bone: 4 - 3 - Back - 3 >Up and Away: 1 - 4 - Up - 4 >Down Boy: 1 - 4 - Back - 4 >Faceplant: 1 - 4 - Back - 1 >Back Off: 4 - 4 - Toward - 2 >Ill Eagle: 1 - 4 - 4 - Toward - 2 >Lost Love: 4 - 4 - CS - 3 - Toward - 3 - CS >Baguash: 1 - 4 - 4 - CS - 3 - Toward - 3 - CS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ba Gua Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Ox Tongue Palm Strike: 1 >Dragon Palm Strike: Down - 1 >Snake's Tail: Back - 1 >Hooking Strike: 2 >Spear Hand Thrust: Back - 2 >Low Snapping Palm: Down - 2 >Spinning Force Palm: 3 >Hammer Palm Strike: Toward - 3 >Low Lifting Palm: Down - 3 >Stepping Side Kick: 4 >Swinging Sweep: Back - 4 >Horse Kick: Up - 4 >Low Upward Palm: Down - 4 >Backflip: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Art of Overkill: 1 - 3 - Toward - 3 >Four Dragons: 1 - 3 - Toward - 3 - CS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Steel Fan Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Hooking Fan: 1 >Chest Strike: Toward - 1 >Low Swipe: Down - 1 >Fan Swipe: 2 >Sky Strike: Back - 2 >Fan Smash: Toward - 2 >Low Stab: Down - 2 >Piercing Kick: 3 >Downward Strike: Down - 3 >Neck Thrust: 4 >Low Poke: Back - 4 >Upward Strike: Down - 4 >Impale: Back - SM >Sidestep Swing: SM Kombo Chains: >Princess Blast: 3 - 3 >Kirin Smash: 3 - Toward - 1 >Bootlicker: 2 - 2 - 2 >Forgotten: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 >Royal Pain: 2 - 2 - Toward - 1 >Forever: 2 - 2 - 2 - Toward - 2 >Edenian Rush: 2 - 2 - 2 - Back - 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Pretty Kick: Up - 3 > Fan Lift: Back - Toward - 1 Fatality: Down - Up - Toward - Toward - 2 Description: Kitana kisses her opponent on the right cheek. The opponent stands there looking nauseous as they proceed to cough up blood. All of a sudden their entire body blows out to enormous size, before shrinking back to normal size. Their body convulses two more times, before exploding on the third convulsion, leaving behind a huge puddle of blood, and body matter. Ending: Kitana's longtime enemy Shao Kahn was dead, and the alliance between Shang Tsung and Quan Chi was defeated with the help of warriors from Earthrealm. Although there was peace once more throughout the realms, all was not right for Kitana. Saddened by the death of Goro, she attended a ceremony in the Kuatan palace to honor her fallen friend and ally. Following Shokan tradition, Prince Goro's body was lowered into the molten rock contained within the throne room itself. As Kitana said goodbye to her war time ally, she also held a moment of silence for Liu Kang and secretly wished he had joined her in Edenia so many years ago. =-=-=-= Raiden: =-=-=-= Stats: Status: Thunder God Alignment: Good Weight: 230 lbs. Height: 7'0" Styles: Nan Chuan and Jujutsu Weapon: Staff Difficulty: 3 *Raiden becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "XG" costing 3,116 Jade Koins.* >Nan Chuan Special Attack: Reversal - Raiden can catch an opponent's oncoming attack and turn it into a devastating combo of his own. >Jujutsu Special Attack: Shove - Raiden can approach his enemy and Shove them causing them to become disoriented and open for attack. >Staff Special Attack: 2-Hit Swing - Raiden swings his staff at his opponent's legs causing them to bend down. He then brings his Staff down upon his opponent's head cracking their skull. >Throw Description: Raiden holds up his opponent by the throat, electrocuting them. He them punches them in the stomach causing them to fly backward. Description: Raiden is wearing a huge white and bluish/green robe. He has two symbols on his shoulders, as well as a big red sash belt. He has a flap that flows in front of him, and his pants of white. His hat rests on his head, and he also has a massive cape attached to his back. Electricity runs up and down his entire body. Alternate Costume: Raiden wears a half white toga on top, with a blue and black bottom. He wears what appears to be a skirt and has black sandals. He has two sashes for a belt, with a sword holster by his side. His hair is gray and is pulled up and back in a ponytail. Again, electricity runs up and down his entire body. (Raiden's alternate costume is in koffin "JR" and costs 1,685 Ruby Koins). Story: The Elder Gods were fully aware of the ptential damage the alliance between Quan Chi and Shang Tsung posed to the stability of the realms. Yet even with this foresight, they all stood firm on their decision not to interfere. All, that is, except for one-Raiden. The former God of Thunder pleaded with his fellow Elder Gods to take actoin, but they refused. Disgusted, Raiden relinquished his Elder God status and returned to Earthrealm to gather support against the coming storm. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Nan Chuan Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Lighting Jab: 1 >Low Double Palm Strike: Down - 1 >Uppercut: Back - 1 >Backfist Chop: 2 >Low Elbow Strike: Down - 2 >Thunder Chop: Back - 2 >Dual Thunder Palms: Toward - 2 >Stepping Snap Kick: 3 >Shin Strike: Down - 3 >Hook Leg Knockdown: Back - 3 >Hop Side Kick: 4 >Low Chin Strike: Down - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Thunder Clap: 2 - 3 >Electric Strike: 2 - Back - 1 >The Middle Way: 2 - Back - 2 >Knowledge and Skill: 1 - 1 - 3 >Butterfly Palms: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 >Finishing Touch: 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 >Natural Way: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 2 >Wake The Dead: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 >Power Bolts: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - 1 - Back - 1 >Out of Order: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - 1 - 3 - 4 >Black Thunder: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - 1 - 3 - CS - 4 - 4 >Sparky: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - 1 - 3 - CS - 4 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Jujutsu Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Open Hand Strike: 1 >Bearhand Chop: Back - 1 >Low Palm Strike: Down - 1 >Bent Wrist Strike: 2 >Thunder God Palm: Toward - 2 >Diagonal Fist: Down - 2 >Front Snap Kick: 3 >Sweep: Back - 3 >Back Sweep: Down - 3 >Front Thrusting Kick: 4 >Front Sweep: Down - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Heavenly Strikes: 3 - 4 >Essence of Strength: 1 - 1 - 3 - 4 >Thunder God Fists: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 >Fireworks: 1 - 1 - 3 - CS - 4 - 4 >Chain Lightning: 1 - 1 - 3 - CS - 4 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Staff Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Overhead Strike: 1 >Reverse Side Strike: Back - 1 >Low One Handed Poke: Down - 1 >Upward Strike: 2 >Low Strike: Down - 2 >Leaping Strike: 3 >Sweeping Strike: Down - 3 >One Handed Poke: Back - 3 >Reverse Thrust: 4 >Staff Blast: Up - 4 >Sweeping Swing: Down - 4 >2-Hit Swing:SM Kombo Chains: >Catching a Butterfly: 4 - 4 - 4 >Dragon Wild: 4 - 4 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Shocker: Toward - Toward - 1 > Lightning Dash: Toward - Toward - 4 > Lightning Bolt: Down - Back - 1 Fatality: Back - Toward - Toward - Toward - 3 Description: Raiden digs his hands into his defeated opponent's chest and lifts him/her high above his head with both hands. Raiden then proceeds to electrocute the opponent with multiple shocks of lightning. The opponent all the while is turning a dark black color from the shock and electrocution. A couple seconds later, the opponent violently explodes into a mess of bones, blood, and bloody popcorn. This Fatality closely resembles one of Raiden's from Mortal Kombat 4. Ending: Once again, the threat to Earthrealm has been vanquished. The Deadly Alliance is no more. What dangers lie in the future, I can no longer foresee. Perhaps the Dragon King will, in fact, return. Perhaps the depths of the Netherealm will spew forth a legion of Oni. Even the Vampire people pose a threat to peace now that Outworld is in chaos. But one thing is certain... Earthrealm must be protected. I have abandoned my status as Elder God to aid these mortals... an act defiant of the Heavens. I will instead remain here on Earth... as GOD OF THUNDER. =-=-=-=- Reptile: =-=-=-=- Stats: Status: Warrior Alignment: Evil Weight: 189 lbs. Height: 6'0" Styles: Hung Gar and Crab Weapon: Kirehashi Difficulty: 5 *Reptile becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "LL" for 3,822 Gold Koins.* >Hung Gar Special Attack: Shove - Reptile can Shove a blockign opponent to open them up for a nice high hitting combo. >Crab Special Attack: Reversal - Reptile can catch an opponent's incoming attack, leaving them vulnerable for a combo or other move. >Kirehashi Special Attack: Impale - Reptile can thrust his Kirehashi Blade into his opponent's chest/stomach causing them to bleed the rest of the round. >Throw Description: Reptile runs up his opponent and with a twisting sidekick, kicks them in the face sending them backward. Description: Reptile is back to his reptilian form a la Mortal Kombat 4. He wears no mask and has what looks like samurai garb on. He has green and gold shoulder pads and silver shin pads. His faces looks like that of an iguana. He has very long claws on his hands and feet. His tail stretches out behind him and is spiked all the way from his neck to the tip of his tail. Alternate Costume: Reptile appears to be wearing some semblance of clothes in this costume. He wears a light "shirt" and has a medallion on his chest. He has a tan cloth flowing in front of him. He also has skull knee pads on his knees. His spiked tail is still intact. (Reptile's alternate costume is in koffin "XO" and costs 1,736 Sapphire Koins). Story: Reptile had discovered the plot devised by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to assassinate Shao Kahn. But on his way to inform his master, he was distracted by a vampire woman named Nitara. She led him to the hidden base camp of Kitana's forces. Knowing the location of the base would be a great help to the Emperor in the war against Edenia and the Shokan. Eager to relay all that he had learned, Reptile raced back to Shao Kahn's fortress, only to discover him lying dead on the throne room floor. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hung Gar Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Scratching Claw: 1 >Low Paw Attack: Down - 1 >Double Claw Strike: Back - 1 >Chameleon Palm: 2 >Low Claw Strike: Down - 2 >Dual Claw Strike: 3 >Forward Strike: Down - 3 >Lizard Smash: Back - 3 >Low Snap Kick: 4 >Mid Roundhouse Kick: Down - 4 >Spinning Roundhouse Kick: Back - 4 >Hook Sweep Kick: Toward - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Lazy Lizard: 1 - 2 >Internal Strikes: 3 - 2 >Wise Tiger: 1 - 3 - 2 >Iron Thread: 1 - 3 - 4 - Back - 1 >Matriach: 1 - 3 - 4 - CS - 1 - 3 >Evolution: 1 - 3 - 4 - CS - 1 - 1 >Zaterrorize: 1 - 3 - 4 - CS - 1 - Back - 2 - CS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crab Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Upward Elbow Strike: 1 >Spinning Elbow Strike: Back - 1 >Low Punch: Down - 1 >Ridge Hand Swipe: 2 >Dual Uppercut: Back - 2 >Low Dual Uppercut: Down - 2 >Spinning Back Kick: 3 >Hooking Sweep: Back - 3 >Low Snap Punch: Down - 3 >Mid Hook Kick: 4 >Low Hook Kick: Down - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Boiling Water: Back - 1 - 3 >Crab Crawls on Sand: 1 - 1 - 3 >Claws of Fury: 1 - 1 - 1 >Reptilian Rage: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 - CS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Kirehashi Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Downward Slash: 1 >Circular Swing: Back - 1 >The Cutter: Up - 1 >Low Lunge: Down - 1 >Side Slash: 2 >Spinning Slash: Back - 2 >Balde Chop: Down - 2 >Upward Slash: 3 >Low Swipe: Back - 3 >Low Poke: Down - 3 >Mid Lunge: 4 >Blade Smash: Back - 4 >Spinning Blade: Down - 4 >Impale: SM Kombo Chains: >Dead End: 2 - 2 >Reptilian Slice: 3 - 3 >Shredder: Back - 2 - Back - 2 >Rip Torn: 1 - Back - 2 - Back - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Lizard Ball: Toward - Down - 4 > Acid Spit: Back - Toward - 1 Fatatlity: Up - Up - Up - Toward - 3 Description: Reptile pounces onto his opponent and proceeds to vomit acid upon their head. When he is done, he jumps off his opponent revealing their skinless skull; which had disintigrated from the acid. He then lashes out his tongue which attaches to their exposed skull. He jerks his head back tearing the skull from their neck, straight into his mouth. The opponent's headless body squirts blood before slumping to the ground. Ending: Despite the strong sulphurous stench that filled the chamber, Reptile could smell that Nitara and Cyrax had been there recently. There was no sign of them now, except for some scattered glass shards and a residual trace of strong magical energies. His revenge would have to wait. Suddenly an expectant hush filled the chamber as energy cascaded around what appeared to be a dragon embryo. The tiny dragon stretched and the egg cracked. A beam of energy ripped out from inside and lanced into Reptile. His world was filled with roaring power as his squamous body was twisted and transformed. The ancient prophecy had been fulfilled: the Dragon King had returned. =-=-=- Cyrax: =-=-=- Stats: Status: Special Forces Alignment: Good Weight: 650 lbs. Height: 5'11" Styles: Ninjitsu and Sambo Weapon: Pulse Blade Difficulty: 4 *Cyrax becomes playable only after unlocking koffin "CN" costing 3,003 Platinum Koins.* >Ninjitsu Special Attack: Escape - Cyrax can perform a Backflip getting him out of harm's way, and creating distance between him and his opponent. >Sambo Special Attack: Taunt - Cyrax performs some weird robot ritual with his Taunt regaining lost health in the process. >Pulse Blade Special Attack: Impale - Cyrax has the ability to thrust his Pulse Blade into his opponent causing them to lost health gradually. >Throw Description: Cyrax grabs them by the shoulder, and performs an over the hip throw sending them smashing to the ground. Description: Cyrax looks almost identical to what he did in Mortal Kombat 3. He still wears his yellow robot suit, with the compartment in the front for his bombs. He has black and yellow shin pads, along with silver boots. His helmet is exactly the same with holes slit in the mouth area, and the cables flowing out the top of his head, like hair. Alternate Costume: Cyrax does not have his entire helmet in this costume. His face is revealed, and he is African American. He has a mouthpiece from the top of his helmet going to his mouth to communicate with other members of the Special Forces. He has contraptions on his almost bare arms. He no longer has the yellow metal to protect him. He has a yellowish/gold flap flowing in front of him. His "pants" are a silverish/black and he has black knee pads. His shoes are black with a yellow stripe across the toes. (Cyrax's alternate costume is in koffin "ZW" and costs 1,485 Sapphire Koins). Story: The cyborg ninja Cyrax regained his soul with the aid of Special Forces agents Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs. In return for their help, he joined the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency and became a scout in the realm of Outworld. On his last transport to that realm, a reptilian creature ambushed Cyrax. His arm console was damaged in the struggle and with it his Inter-realm portal technology. He defeated the creature, but still will have to find some other means to return to Earthrealm. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ninjitsu Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Sraight Kick: 1 >Ninja Strike: Back - 1 >Low Punch: Down - 1 >Strong Elbow: 2 >Double Fist Strike: Up - 2 >Low Palm Strike: Down - 2 >Spinning Back Kick: 3 >Shin Kick: Back - 3 >Low Kick: Down - 3 >Front Kick: 4 >Ducking Mid Kick: Down - 4 >Back Flip: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Ninja Strikes: 1 - 1 - 1 >Stealth Blast: 1 - 1 - 2 >Cyborg Strikes: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 >Yellow Doom: 1 - 1 - 3 >Full Gore: 1 - 1 - Up - 2 >Pain Killer: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 - CS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sambo Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Quick Jab: 1 >Hammerfist Strike: Back - 1 >Low Hook Punch: Down - 1 >Shoulder Toss: 2 >Straight Chop: Up - 2 >Rising Fist: Down - 2 >Backward Elbow: Back - 2 >Roundhouse: 3 >Low Fist Strike: Down - 3 >Big Leg: 4 >Low Shin Kick: Down - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >3 Step Rush: 1 - 1 - 1 >Quicksand: 1 - 1 - 4 >Ketchup: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 >Mustard: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 >LK9T9: Back - 2 - Toward - 2 - CS >Oil Leak: Back - 2 - Toward - 2 - Up - 2 >LK4D4: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 - Toward - 2 - CS >Self Destruct: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 - Toward - 2 - Up - 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Pulse Blade Move List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Cutting Blade: 1 >Sweeping Edge: Back - 1 >Stomping Blade: Up - 1 >Downward Blade: Down - 1 >Circling Swipe: 2 >Lifting Blade: Back - 2 >Low 2-Hit Strike: Down - 2 >Back Kick: 3 >Sweep Kick: Back - 3 >Twisting Edge: Down - 3 >Knee Strike: 4 >Thrusting Sword: Down - 4 >Impale: SM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Special Moves List: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Detonator: (Far) Back - Toward - 1 > Detonator: (Close) Toward - Back - 1 > Spinkicks: Down - Back - 3 > Slice and Dice: Back - Toward - 4 Fatality: Toward - Toward - Up - 2 Description: Cyrax opens his front chest plate and extends a mechanical arm with tongs attached to the end. It grasps the opponent's head and proceeds to raise them in the air and violently smashes their helpless body into the ground three times, as massive amounts of blood splatter out. He then raises them again and inserts them horizontally into his chest; blood then trickles down the front of his chest plate. A second later, he "shoots" out pieces of their body along with massive amounts of blood. Ending: The enormous heat and pressure of the lava burned out Cyrax's sensors almost immediately. He cast about blindly in the infernal pit, searching for the orb Nitara had sent him to locate. Cyrax found it resting upon a small submerged pedestal beneath the molten depths. As soon as he clambered to the surface, she demanded he hand over the Orb. Nitara had promised to return Cyrax to Earthrealm once the orb had been retrieved. Taking her necklace in hand, she uttered a mystical incantation. A swirling portal opened around Cyrax and he only had time for a solemn bow before he was swept into the gateway. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- XI. Boss Strategies: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Bosses featured in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance are immediatley selectable as playable characters from the outset. This annoyed me. I would like to have Bosses that were not playable from the beginning or at all for that matter. That doesn't stop me from giving my gameplay tips as to how to master them and successfully complete the game every time. Moloch is the only original "boss" even though he is a sub-boss. Below I will list strategies for Moloch, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi. I will list only basic strategies, and not tips for every character as that would be unneccessary. -=-=-=- Moloch: -=-=-=- Moloch is new to the Mortal Kombat universe. He is a massive, lumbering, blue beast that swings a huge ball made out of rock. He has about 3 or 4 moves special to him and that can inflict massive damage. He can suck you into his chest, by taking a mouthful of air in, he can trample you, he can swing his ball over his head knocking you back, and he can also pick you up by the head and smash you to the ground. Most of these moves can be handled easily if you know what you are doing. The move where he sucks in the air around him, causing you to fly toward his chest, suffering damage is easily blocked, if you know what to look for. If you hit Moloch and he jabs at you with his ball or rock, it will send you backward away from him. This is usually a good sign Moloch will use this move against you. Just lay on the Block button, and you will Block it every time. This move IS blockable, so whenever you find yourself a far enough distance away, where Moloch might attempt something like this, just hold Block and you will be fine. His trample "move" is a bit harder to gauge. He does this randomly, and when he does it sends you flying backward taking off massive amount of damage. It is hard to anticipate this move, so my best advice to you is, if you find yourself too close for comfort, just the Block Button, and if he does go for the trample, it will be easily blocked, and you can follow up with a high hitting weapon combo (more on this later). The Overhead Ball Smash is an unblockable move. Whenever Molcoh attempts this, he rises his left arm and brings it crashing down on your head. The best way to get out of getting hit with this move, is to either sidestep out of the way, or when you see him rising his left arm, to just attack him with your weapon or another high hitting combo. The trick is to look for his left arm raising, and when you see that, just sidestep, or if you want to be risky, follow up with a combo, before he can bring the ball down on your head. The move where Moloch picks you up by the head, and smashes you to the ground is also unblockable. The best way to "counter" this move is to do the same thing with the Overhead Ball Smash, but attack him before he can successfully execute the move, or try to sidestep it. If you are in the least bit too late in sidestepping, Moloch will get you. So be careful. The best bet is to try to attack him while he raises his right arm to grab your head. After lading a successful hit, he should be dazed enough for you to land another successful combo or couple of hits. The best (and cheapest) way to beat Moloch is to either choose Quan Chi, or Scorpion when you arrive to him in Arcade Mode. The trick is to immediately take out your weapon when the match starts. Moloch will most likely try to use his ball jab move to create distance between you and him. Just lay on the Block button. You will block this move, and IMMEDIATELY after blocking the move, attack him with Quan Chi's 3 - 4 combo with his Broadswords, or Scorpion's 4 - 1 - 1 - 3 combo with his Ninja Sword. After landing the combo, Moloch will probably go for the head grab move, so while he is in that motion, follow up with another combo. Sometimes Moloch will be dumb enough to continually let you execute the weapon combo over and over until he is finally dead. The only thing to be careful of is if you are too far away from him to land a hit, just hold the Block button, as he will most likely use his suck in move to take off some massive damage. Good luck in defeating the new sub-boss. It is random which boss you fight next, be it Quan Chi or Shang Tsung. It doesn't matter in the long run who you face so read on below to pick up some strategies for completing the game. For now, lets just go with the order of Quan Chi and then Shang Tsung. -=-=-=-=- Quan Chi: -=-=-=-=- Quan Chi is probaly the harder of the two bosses if only for the fact that he has some low sweeping moves that are hard to detect. In the Tang Soo Do style, he has the move where he swipes at your legs causing you to trip. That is very hard to detect. He also uses his Style Branch Combo that spans all three styles and takes off massive damage. The best bit of advice is to Throw him often to creat some distance, and not to use any Special Moves as he will most likely capitalize on your error and follow up with a high hitting weapon combo. He likes to use his Double Broadswords a lot too, so watch out for those combos. When Chi does go for a weapon combo, block it, and follow up with one of your own. He shouldn't be too hard to defeat. -=-=-=-=-=-= Shang Tsung: -=-=-=-=-=-= Unlike Quan Chi, Shang Tsung does not have many high hitting combos that do massive damage. He does have high hitting combos that do relatively low damage. To beat Shang Tsung, you need to know when to attack him. He mostly uses his Straight Sword, so when you see him pull it out, be ready to block some of his combos. After he is done attacking you with his combos, attack him with some of your own. Try to divy it up a bit though, and don't try to go a branching style that spans all three. Try to go for some smaller hitting combos, and then follow it up with the more damaging combos. Another thing to watch out for is his Soul Steal move. He will use this to drain some of your health to replenish some of his. This is costly towards the end of a match. It is hard to detect, but if he is too far away from you, he will miss, and be open for attack. Good luck in completing the game, and I hope this section helped. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= XII. Individual Character Endings: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance breaks the mold of Mortal Kombat 4 and Mortal Kombat Gold in that its endings are no longer fully rendered FMV sequences. Midway has replaced those masterpieces with photo descriptions of how the characters end their role in MK:DA. Their endings consist of two very detailed 3D photos chronicling the future of the kombatants, narrated by an unknown voice. Below I will repeat exactly what happens in each character's ending, giving photo descriptions as well. I will also display the characters' stories taken from their alternate costumes in the Kontent section of MK:DA. So let's get started. *SPOILER ALERT* If you do not want to know what happens to the characters of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance after you have beaten the game, read no further. Go check out a differnt portion of this FAQ. The last thing I would want to happen is that I ruined your favorite character's ending, ruining the surprise of it all. *SPOILER ALERT* -=-=-=-=-=-= Shang Tsung: -=-=-=-=-=-= Alternate Costume Story: "Quan Chi proposed an alliance with Shang Tsung that would prove to be mutually beneficial. He offered Shang Tsung immortality by unlocking a portal linked to the Heavens. Shang Tsung would therefore have access to an unlimited number of souls to preserve his youth. In return, all Quan Chi required was Shang Tsung's assistance in transplanting warrior souls into the mummified remains of the Dragon King's undefeatable army. Shang Tsung accepted the offer and the Deadly Alliance was formed." Ending: (A photo of Shang Tsung grasping the amulet with Quan Chi looking on surprised and Kano standing there staring at Quan Chi. All three of them are surrounded by the Dragon King's army.) "The Deadly Alliance was successful in reviving the mummified remains of the Dragon King's undefeatable army. Shang Tsung, however, began to realize that his relavance in the partnership had evaporated once his talents for soul transplantation were no longer needed. The balance of power within the Deadly Alliance had seemingly been undone. Fearing betrayal, he secretly instructed Kano to steal Quan Chi's amulet in an attempt to gain control of the army. Since part of the soul-transfer spell included the command to obey 'He who possesses the amulet,' the army would obey only Shang Tsung, and not Quan Chi, once the amulet was in his possession." (A photo of the Dragon King's now revived army tearing Quan Chi apart. They have torn his right arm and legs off. Shang Tsung and Kano look on amused as Chi is slaughtered.) "Amulet in hand, Shang Tsung revealed his betrayal to Quan Chi, and commanded the army to destroy the sorcerer. Shang Tsung would succeed where others had failed. He would conquer the realms. He would conquer Earth." -=-=-=-=-=-= Bo' Rai Cho: -=-=-=-=-=-= Alternate Costume Story: "Bo' Rai Cho had been unable to compete against Shang Tsung in the Mortal Kombat tournament on Earth. His Outworld birthplace guaranteed that his victory would have been in the name of Shao Kahn. But the conflict this time was not a tournament to prevent an evil emperor from consuming another realm. This time the battle was to save his own realm from the tyranny of two evil sorcerers. Nothing could hold him back from the challenge that lay before him. The wrath of Bo' Rai Cho would be unleashed once again." Ending: (A photo of Bo' Rai Cho and Kung Lao walking out of the Portal arena. Bo' Rai Cho has a smile on his face and arm around Kung Lao.) "Bo' Rai Cho looked gruff, but beamed inwardly. With their victory over the Deadly Alliance complete, he and Kung Lao had liberated Outworld from its greatest threat. Despite the years that had past since training his last student, his skills had proved useful once more. He was elated, but it would be inappropriate to express such emotions in front of his newest apprentice." (A photo of Kung Lao and Bo' Rai Cho practicing their moves along with many other monks at the Wu Shi Academy.) "Kung Lao invited his master to return to Earthrealm to teach more warriors at the Wu Shi Academy. The success of his apprentice gave him renewed confidence in his training skills and for the first time, a clear purpose in life. Bo' Rai Cho offered only token resistance. He accepted the offer because the defenders of Earthrealm could certainly use his help, but more importantly because Earthrealm's rice wine put Outworld's liquor to shame." -=-=-=-=- Quan Chi: -=-=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "Quan Chi had stumbled upon the ancient mummified army of the long-forgotten Dragon King. Writings on the King's sarcophagus had revealed that the army was invincible and that it could be revived. Quan Chi struck a deal with the sorcerer Shang Tsung to resuscitate the army in return for the constant supply of souls his amulet could unlock from a gateway to the Heavens. Before any alliance between the two could succeed, however, their two strongest opponents would have to be eliminated." Ending: (A photo of Shang Tsung's corpse laying on the ground with his head turned into a skull; souls are pouring from his fallen corpse. Quan Chi, amulet in hand, is "shooting" a blue laser at Kano out of the amulet.) "The Deadly Alliance was successful in reviving the mummified remains of the Dragon King's undefeatable army. It would appear that nothing could stand in the way of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi as they began their domination of the realms. For Shang Tsung however, Quan Chi had no further need for the partnership. Once Shang Tsung had finally revived the last of the mummified warriors, Quan Chi closed the portal to the heavens, and effectively shut off Shang Tsung's endless supply of souls. Quan Chi then instructed Kano to assassinate Shang Tsung in a surprise weapon attack. With their captor cut wide open, the thousands of souls Shang Tsung had consumed in the past, spewed forth and swirled around the room." (A photo of a green mist eminating from Kano's hands and entire body as Quan Chi looks on in bewilderment.) "Quan Chi came to the realization that if Kano could so easily turn on Shang Tsung, he could easily turn on Quan Chi himself. Quan Chi used his sorcerey to drain the life from Kano and left his body where it fell. Immediately, one of the lingering souls shot into Kano's body. To Quan Chi's surprise the man standing before him was no longer the Black Dragon thug known as Kano. Kano's body now contained the soul of the Shaolin Monk know as Liu Kang." -=-=-=- Li Mei: -=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "During the construction of Shang Tsung's palace, Li Mei discovered that it would be constructed around the ancient stone structure located on a nearby plateau. Her people have regarded the relic as sacred for as long as anyone could remember. Legends told that it was a portal to the heavens left behind by the gods themselves. When Quan Chi activated the portal with his mysterious amulet and countless souls spewed forth, trapped between the realms, it was clear that the legends had been true." Ending: (A photo of Shang Tsung stealing Li Mei's soul, and Quan Chi directing it into a fallen member of the Dragon King's Army.) "Li Mei had been promised that her people would be freed from enslavement if she could win the tournament held by the Deadly Alliance. Now that she had emerged victorious, the true purpose behind the tournament was finally revealed to her. Her soul would be the last one Shang Tsung needed to completely revive the Dragon King's lost army." (A photo of a member of the Dragon King's army which now contained Li Mei's soul, standing there with a massive axe in its hands.) "Her people would never be freed and Li mei herself would remain trapped inside the mummified remains of a dead soldier... cursed to serve the Deadly Alliance... forever." -=-=-=-=- Scorpion: -=-=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "Scorpion hunted Quan Chi relentlessly throughout the Netherealm, thrashing him every chance he could. Eventually, Quan Chi enlisted the help of two Oni to protect him from the onslaught. When Quan Chi finally discovered a way out of the Netherealm through a strange portal, Scorpion rushed to follow him. He emerged in Outworld but in a different location, far from his prey. He can still sense Quan Chi's presence and will hunt him wherever he runs to. There is nowhere the sorcerer can hide." Ending: (A photo of Scorpion shooting his spear at Drahmin which grazes the underside of his right arm. At the same time, Scorpion is kicking Moloch square in the jaw, causing him to spit forth spittle and blood.) "The hunt for Quan Chi had led Scorpion to the palace of Shang Tsung. Scorpion entered the palace through a hidden passage. As he made his way through the lower levels, he was discovered by the two Oni he had previously encountered while in the Netherealm. Shang Tsung had secretly allied with Moloch and Drahmin as a backup defense against Quan Chi. The two Oni had been hidden in an underground chamber and were periodically fed mortals to keep them satisfied." (A photo of Scorpion having fallen into the "Soulnado" and being pulled even farther by the skeletons of fallen warriors.) "Scorpion fought well but was overpowered by Moloch and Drahmin. Although the could not consume the ninja spectre, they devised another means for eliminating their foe that would satisfy their cruel nature. The Oni brough Scorpion before the portal to The Heavens that Shang Tsung had tapped as a source of limitless souls. They hurled him into the Soulnado and his hellspawn body was ripped apart by the purity of that realm." -=-=-= Sonya: -=-=-= Alternate Costume Story: "Sonya was insturcted to accompany Jax to an island in the Lost Sea where the Thunder God Raiden would meet them. The island had once been the location of her first Mortal Kombat tournament a decade ago. Now it was an abandoned reminder of the struggle between Earthrealm and the forces of evil. As she and the other heroes waited for Raiden to appear, she came to the realization that this time she had no plan of attack. All Sonya knew for sure was that somehow she had to rescue her fellow agents. As her Special Forces training dictated, no man would be left behind." Ending: (A photo of Sonya tending to a fallen Kenshi in the Drum Arena. His sword lies on the ground next to him.) "After the destruction of the Deadly Alliance, Sonya searched for the missing Special Forces agent Kenshi. She finally discovered him badly beaten and near death apparently from hook- like wounds in his ribcage. She managed to return him to the rendezvous point where I transported them back to Earthrealm." (A photo of Sonya, Jax, Cyrax, and Kenshi standing in front of the Outerworld Investigation Agency logo.) "Upon her return, Sonya was promoted to General and given her choice of command. She hand-picked a team to deal with new terrorist threats located on Earth. While in Outworld, Special Agent Kenshi had learned of a new threat to peace. The Red Dragon had awakened." -=-=-=- Kenshi: -=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "Years ago, the rogue swordsman Kenshi wandered Japan to challenge the greatest warriors. His purpose in life was simply to be the best. Shang Tsung, however, had discovered Kenshi's true heritage as a descendant of a long forgotten line of warrior kings. The sorcerer desired to consume the souls of those warrior kings and tricked the unknowing Kenshi into releasing them from their tomb, an act which left him blinded. Shang Tsung consumed the souls and left Kenshi to die in the tomb." Ending: (A photo of Kenshi in front of Shang Tsung's Palace, with Tsung on the ground gasping for air.) "Kenshi had finally caught up with Shang Tsung in Outworld. Years ago, Kenshi had been manipulated into releasing the souls of his warrior ancestors. Shang Tsung had consumed those souls and left Kenshi to die in the tomb. The ordeal left Kenshi blinded, but the sword of his ancestors led him out of the depths. Kenshi had finally caught up with Shang Tsung in Outworld." (A photo of Kenshi slicing open Shang Tsung's chest with his glowing red Katana, releasing all the consumed souls Tsung had taken in over the years.) "To redeem himself, Kenshi had vowed to free his ancestors from their captor. He cut Shang Tsung down with his ancestral sword and a blast of souls was instantly released. The spirits of the warrior kings reentered the sword as Kenshi held it above his head. His duty fulfilled, he could now return to Earthrealm." -=-=-=- Mavado: -=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "It was thought that the Black Dragon had been completely destroyed until Mavado was approached by the two sorcerers Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. The sorcerers offered to had over the last member of the Black Dragon, Kano, in return for Mavado's assistance in eliminating a spy in Outworld. Mavado accepted the offer and traveled to Outworld with Quan Chi and Shang Tsung by way of a secret inter-realm portal located in the Lost Sea. The swordsman who had been spying on Shang Tsung for the past few months would soon be eliminated." Ending: (A photo of Mavado kicking Kano into the endless abyss of Quan Chi's inner sanctum. Quan Chi looks on pleased by what he is seeing.) "For many years Mavado's Red Dragon clan had been secretly engineering the destruction of their rivals, the Black Dragon. Through careful manipulation, Mavado had used the Special Forces to unwittingly aid them in this task. In return for eliminating Kenshi for the Deadly Alliance, Mavado was finally granted his battle with the last known member of the Black Dragon: Kano. After a long, brutal fight, Mavado emerged victorious and all traces of the Black Dragon had been erased." (A photo of Mavado and Quan Chi conversing with a silhouette of Sub-Zero in the background.) "Impressed with the fighting skill and discipline of Mavado as well as other members of his clan, Quan Chi realized the potential the Red Dragon held for staging the eventual invasion of Earthrealm. In return for their continued assistance, he offered crucial information about a new threat to Mavado's Red Dragon clan... the Lin Kuei." -=-=-=-=-=-= Johhny Cage: -=-=-=-=-=-= Alternate Costume Story: "For maximum dramatic effect, Johhny Cage arrived on the island fortress of Shang Tsung by way of parachute. He glided to the exact place on the beach where Raiden had told him to rendezvous with the others. When night fell, the Earthrealm kombatants lit a fire and discussed possible strategies to defeat the Outworld threat. Once the fire had reached its full strength, Raiden finally appeared and revealed to them the events that had eld to the formation of the Deadly Alliance." Ending: (A photo of Johnny Cage with a megaphone barking orders on the set of a new movie. In the background, someone dressed up as Moloch is in front a blue screen receiving help from a stage hand.) "Upset by the way his adventures had been portrayed in the past, Johnny Cage found a loophole in his contract and left MCM studios during the production of "Mortal Kombat: The Death of Johnny Cage." He then used his own money to fund the production of his next movie, which is rumored to be the true story of his latest adventures in Outworld." (A photo of a movie poster featuring Johnny Cage, Sonya, Shang Tsung, Moloch and Quan Chi to a red background, proclaiming, "Cage Is Back.") "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance" broke all records in its first weekend in theaters, and made Johnny Cage extremely wealthy. The movie told the true story of how Johnny Cage single handedly saved the world from the threat of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung's deadly alliance." -=-=-=-=- Sub-Zero: -=-=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "The future of the Lin Kuei hung in the balance as Sub-Zero and the ninja cyborg Sektor battled for control of the Dragon Medallion. Sub-Zero defeated Sektor and then claimed the title of Grand Master. With his freezing powers enhanced by the medallion, he vowed to reform the Lin Kuei as a force for good. Sub-Zero relocated the clan to a remote location in the frozen Arctic where he had discovered an ancient temple frozen into the side of a glacier. There, the new Lin Kuei could hone their skills without interruption." Ending: (A photo of Sub-Zero carrying Frost's limp body in his arms across the frozen pond of the Lin Kuei Temple.) "After defeating the Deadly Alliance, Sub-Zero returned to the new temple of the Lin Kuei with the severely injured ninja Frost." (A photo of Sub-Zero bowing down to Raiden on the same frozen pond, with Raiden standing before him.) "A short time later, I visited the temple to commend him for his victory in Outworld and to express my gratitude for all his assistance. With Sub-Zero now the Grand Master of the Lin Kuei, Earthrealm will be well protected." -=-=- Kano: -=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "Kano had remained in Outworld and served as General of Shao Kahn's military afther the retreat from Earthrealm. For years he enjoyed the power of commanding the greatest army in Outworld. But Shao Kahn's power was fading and there was a chance that Kitana's forces might spell the Emporor's undoing. When the sorcerers Shang Tsung and Quan Chi confronted Shao Kahn in a surprise attack, Kano decided not to interfere and remained hidden in the shadows to ally with the winning side. Once Shao Kahn was defeated, Kano offered his allegiance to the Deadly Alliance." Ending: (A photo of Kano facing Sonya in Mortal Kombat. Kano has the amulet in his hand and Sonya is in a striking pose. They are going to do battle in the Sarna Ruins arena.) "Kano and Sonya had fought before. Although Kano was humiliated by his defeat at her hands so many years ago, this time the outcome would be different..." (A photo of Sonya's dead body behind Kano, as he holds up the stolen amulet in delight, with the Dragon King's army surrounding him.) "Kano had stolen Quan Chi's amulet at the request of Shang Tsung. With the amulet in his possession, Kano came to the realization that he was now in total control of the revived undefeatable army. Rather than hand the amulet and the army over to Shang Tsung, Kano kept them for himself, and used the army to ambush Sonya, ending their long rivalry once and for all." -=-=-=-=- Kung Lao: -=-=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "Kung Lao traveled to Outworld and informed the martial arts master, Bo' Rai Cho of Liu Kang's death at the hands of the sorcerer Shang Tsung. Devastated by the news, the old master agreed to teach Kung Lao the flying kick Liu Kang had used to defeat Shang Tsung a decade ago. The training was intense, but Bo' Rai Cho was determined to give Kung Lao a greater edge than he had given Liu Kang. Once Kung Lao had mastered the 'Whirlwind Kick', both he and Bo' Rai Cho journeyed across Outworld to deal with the sorcerer Shang Tsung." Ending: (A photo of Kung Lao beating the hell out of Shang Tsung in 3 still shots, each in a different fighting position.) "Rage fueled Kung Lao's thirst for revenge. The memory of holding his fellow monk's broken body on the lei tai of the Wu Shi Academy grounds consumed him as he rained blow after blow down upon Shang Tsung. Kung Lao had finally mastered the attack Bo' Rai Cho had taught him. The sorcerer could not withstand his whirlwind assault. Shang Tsung begged for mercy. Kung Lao granted him none." (A photo of Kung Lao sitting atop one of the Academies of Wu Shi with candles lit beside him, overlooking the training grounds.) "Upon his return to Earthrealm, Kung Lao stood before the modest shrine to Liu Kang which had been erected by the Wu Shi initiates during his absence in Outworld. He lit a stick of incense and placed it among the others already burning there. He bowed his head and prayed for safe passage to the afterlife for his friend and brother. With Shang Tsung's death, Liu Kang's spirit could rest peacefully. Earthrealm was safe once more, but at terrible cost. The work of the White Lotus society had become more important than ever." -=-=-=- Nitara: -=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "Nitara offered to send Cyrax back to Earthrealm if he could retrieve the Orb from its hiding place. Nitara carried a gemstone around her neck. These gemstones made it possible for her people to traverse the realms. They had done so for ages and had even visited Earthrealm regularly in search of blood. Cyrax had no choice but to accept the offer and journeyed with her to the presumed location fo the Orb. As they traveled across Outworld, however, they had the strange feeling that they were being followed." Ending: (A photo of Cyrax presenting Nitara with the sacred Orb Lava Shrine arena. Nitara is accepting the Orb with open arms.) "After what seemed like an eternity, Cyrax finally emerged from the lava, holding the Orb that had bound Nitara's realm to Outworld for ages. At last it was within her grasp. She would be able to free her people from Shao Kahn's imprisonment. Fulfilling her end of the bargain, she sent Cyrax back to his Earthrealm home in exchange for the Orb." (A photo of Nitara staring into the Orb, with a surprised and elated look on her face.) "Nitara stared into the Orb. It seethed with the power trapped within. She raised it above her head, and then smashed it to the floor. It shattered with an inhuman, soul-rending howl. Its horrible energy exploded away, and tore her consciousness from her. She awoke later for the first time on her native soil." -=-=-=-= Drahmin: -=-=-=-= Alternate Story Costume: "Drahmin had led Quan Chi to a structure that housed the remnants of ancient tablets and runestones dating back to the creation of the realms. Quan Chi's eye was caught by a tablet with an image that bore a striking resemblance to his amulet. The engraved writing revealed the amulet's hidden power to control inter-realm portals. Breaking his promise, Quan Chi betrayed Moloch and Drahmin and used the amulet to escape the Netherealm without them. Unknown to Quan Chi, however, the two Oni also escaped and are now thirsty for revenge." Ending: (A photo of Drahmin pouncing on Quan Chi sending him over the edge and into the abyss of Quan Chi's own inner sanctum, as Moloch watches on.) "Sent by the sorcerer Shang Tsung, the two Oni known as Drahmin and Moloch confronted Quan Chi, enraged that he had tried to leave them stranded in the bowels of the Netherealm. In the battle that ensued, Drahmin leapt at Quan Chi and both kombatants stumbled into the Inner Sanctum Chamber." (A photo of Drahmin's now human hands coming out from the picture in a white haze, as Moloch once again watches on.) "Moments later, Drahmin emerged from the chamber altered from his previous form." -=-=-=-= Hsu Hao: -=-=-=-= Alternate Story Costume: "Hsu Hao gained access to an Ion Pulse bomb and infiltrated the heavily reinforced underground bunker that housed the techno- portals designed by the Agency. Barely evading Jax, Hsu Hao activated the protal to Outworld, switched on the bomb, and escaped into the portal before the Ion Pulse went off. The Agency was destroyed and with it any means for inter-realm travel from Earthrealm. Hsu Hao must now make contact with Mavado in Outworld to receive his next objective." Ending: (A photo of Hsu Hao on one knee, receiving orders from Mavado in the Acid Bath arena.) "Hsu Hao reported to his superior, Mavado, and informed him of his success in destroying the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency. Mavado then informed Hsu Hao of his next objective..." (A photo of Hsu Hao running toward the screen to complete his next objective after receiving Mavado's orders.) "It seemed that Quan Chi was proving to be a powerful ally and was willing to aid the Red Dragon in its quest for domination of Earth. In a show of good faith, Mavado agreed to destroy Quan Chi's enemies. The sorcerer suspected betrayal from Shang Tsung. There was evidence that Shang Tsung had allied with the two Oni known as Moloch and Drahmin. Hsu Hao's new orders were to eliminate the sorcerer Shang Tsung before the Oni eliminated Quan Chi." -=-=-= Frost: -=-=-= Alternate Costume Story: "At request of the Thunder God Raiden, Sub-Zero journeyed to Outworld to help defeat the Deadly Alliance. Frost accompanied him to aid her new mentor and to gain more experience as a warrior. By participating in real-world battles, Sub-Zero had hoped that Frost would gain perspective and enlightenment. But unknown to Sub-Zero, Frost had other reasons for following him into Outworld. She was merely waiting for the right moment to reveal her true intentions." Ending: (A photo of Frost using a freeze beam to incapacitate Sub-Zero by sending him backward, as she now has the Dragon Meallion in her posssession.) "As they traveled back to the portal that would return them to Earthrealm, Sub-Zero revealed to Frost that she had been an integral part in the destruction of the Deadly Alliance, and that he was proud to have her as a member of the Lin Kuei clan. But unknown to Sub-Zero, Frost's true intention for joining the Lin Kuei was to become Grand Master herself. She used her ice blast to temporarily immobilize him and ripped the Dragon Medallion from his chest." (A photo of Frost holding the medallion in front of her, as it begins to freeze her arms and incapacitate Frost herself. Sub- Zero watches on his hands and knees, extending a helpless hand to her now frozen body.) "As she held the medallion, she felt power surge through her body. Lacking the strength and discipline required to control the medallion's immense power, she was consumed by her own freezing ability." -=-= Jax: -=-= Alternate Costume Story: "After receiving information from Agent Kenshi about a new threat from Outworld, Jax barely escaped with his life when a traitor destroyed all means for inter-realm travel. The Outerworld Investigation Agency was completely obliterated. But with the help of the Thunder God Raiden, Jax eventually made it to Outworld to deal with the traitor who now served the Deadly Alliance. Jax swore that he would show no mercy to the one responsible for the destruction. The hunt for Hsu Hao had begun." Ending: (A photo of Hsu Hao running down the pathway to Shang Tsung's Palace, with Jax hiding behind a pillar waiting to spring an attack.) "Jax had a score to settle with the traitor he knew as Hsu Hao. Now revealed to be a member of the Red Dragon, Hsu Hao had infiltrated the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency and destroyed it with a miniature nuclear weapon." (A photo of Jax violently ripping out Hsu Hao's chest apparatus that allowed him to breathe, in front of the steps to Shang Tsung's Palace.) "Making good on his promise, Jax eventually caught up with Hsu Hao and ripped the implant from his chest in retribution. Hsu Hao died a most painful death." -=-=-=- Kitana: -=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "The last of the Emperor Shao Kahn's armies had retreated and it seemed to Kitana that a new era of peace was at hand. But when a small number of hideous undead soldiers began to appear under the banner of the sorcerers Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, her dreams of returning to the realm of Edenia would have to wait. Her army clashed with this new threat, but were easily cut down by the bewitched weapons that the undead army wielded. The souls of her slain troops left their bodies and flew off into the distance, attracted to a bright green beacon." Ending: (A photo of Kitana resting her hands atop Goro's casket at a special honoring for him in the Kuatan Palace. Two more members of the Shokan race stand behind her in sadness.) "Kitana's longtime enemy Shao Kahn was dead, and the alliance between Shang Tsung and Quan Chi was defeated with the help of warriors from Earthrealm. Although there was peace once more throughout the realms, all was not right for Kitana. Saddened by the death of Goro, she attended a ceremony in the Kuatan palace to honor her fallen friend and ally." (A photo of the two Shokan warriors lowering Goro's body into the molten lava surrounding the Kuatan Palace, as Kitana looks on.) "Following Shokan tradition, Prince Goro's body was lowered into the molten rock contained within the throne room itself. As Kitana said goodbye to her war time ally, she also held a moment of silence for Liu Kang and secretly wished he had joined her in Edenia so many years ago." -=-=-=- Raiden: -=-=-=- Alternate Costume Story: "Raiden returned to Earthrealm to reunite with his comrades and inform them of the impending threat from the Deadly Alliance. Those that accepted his call to arms were instructed to meet him on Shang Tsung's old island fortress, located in the Lost Sea. Once there, Raiden explained in detail the dire situation that faced not only Outworld, but Earthrealm as well. He then summoned Shang Tsung's Nethership from the ocean depths and with it transported them all to a celestial portal known only to sorcerers and deities. They emerged in Outworld ready for battle." Ending: (A photo of Raiden looking out to sea as the Nethership sails into the sunset. Above the Lost Sea, are pictures of Moloch, Nitara, and what appears to be the Dragon King.) "Once again, the threat to Earthrealm has been vanquished. The Deadly Alliance is no more. What dangers lie in the future, I can no longer foresee. Perhaps the Dragon King will, in fact, return. Perhaps the depths of the Netherealm will spew forth a legion of Oni. Even the Vampire people pose a threat to peace now that Outworld is in chaos. But one thing is certain... Earthrealm must be protected." (A photo of Raiden standing in the middle of The Portal with lightning radiating from his outstretched arm and touching the ground and spreading.) "I have abandoned my status as Elder God to aid these mortals... an act defiant of the Heavens. I will instead remain here on Earth... as GOD OF THUNDER." -=-=-=-= Reptile: -=-=-=-= Alternate Costume Story: "Reptile's detour to Kitana's base camp had delayed him just long enough for Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to spring their attack on Shao Kahn. Reptile was devastated that he had failed his master and wandered the Outworld wastelands aimlessly until he once again crossed paths with Nitara. Deperately in need of a master, he offered his loyalty to her. Her first command to him was to attack the invader from Earthrealm, Cyrax. She explained that he must first destroy his arm panel in order to weaken the outsider." Ending: (A photo of Reptile in a striking pose in the Lave Shrine.) "Despite the strong sulphurous stench that filled the chamber, Reptile could smell that Nitara and Cyrax had been there recently. There was no sign of them now, except for some scattered glass shards and a residual trace of strong magical energies. His revenge would have to wait." (A photo of a beam of light emanating from the Dragon Egg in located in the Lava Shrine, going straight into Reptile's chest.) "Suddenly an expectant hush filled the chamber as energy cascaded around what appeared to be a dragon embryo. The tiny dragon stretched and the egg cracked. A beam of energy ripped out from inside and lanced into Reptile. His world was filled with roaring power as his squamous body was twisted and transformed. The ancient prophecy had been fulfilled: the Dragon King had returned." -=-=-= Cyrax: -=-=-= Alternate Costume Story: "A vampire named Nitara offered Cyrax a deal to return him to Earthrealm if he retrieved for her an object from the molten depths of Outworld. His cybernetic exterior was resistant to the harsh environment in which the object was hidden, but only for a short period of time. It was a risky proposition, but it was one that Cyrax was willing to take to return to Earth. Although he did not fully trust Nitara, he agreed to travel with her to the location of the mysterious object." Ending: (A photo of Cyrax presenting Nitara with the Orb in the Lava Shrine arena. Nitara is accepting it with open arms.) "The enormous heat and pressure of the lava burned out Cyrax's sensors almost immediately. He cast about blindly in the infernal pit, searching for the orb Nitara had sent him to locate. Cyrax found it resting upon a small submerged pedestal beneath the molten depths. As soon as he clambered to the surface, she demanded he hand over the Orb." (A photo of Nitara sweeping Cyrax into portal going to who knows where.) "Nitara had promised to return Cyrax to Earthrealm once the orb had been retrieved. Taking her necklace in hand, she uttered a mystical incantation. A swirling portal opened around Cyrax and he only had time for a solemn bow before he was swept into the gateway. *NOTE* The following two characters, Blaze and MoKap must be unlocked first by completing all 218 Konquest Missions, in order for them to become playable. Here are their stories and endings. *NOTE* -=-=-= Blaze: -=-=-= Story: "The mysterious Outworld elemental known only as Blaze had been long on a quest throughout the realm. During his quest, he was ambushed on a bridge by an ancient sect of holy men still serving the long dead Dragon King. The holy men enslaved him through mystic incantations and forced him to protect the last known Great Dragon egg. For many years he has remained submerged beneath the molten rock of the incubation chamber as 'Guardian of the Egg.' Ending: (A photo of Blaze standing there with arms in the air, completely engulfed in his regular flames.) "Having been enslaved through sorcery to guard the molten incubation chamber, Blaze was finally freed once the dragon egg had hatched." (A photo of Blaze traversing the desert in the Drum Arena at night by himself.) "He then resumed the quest he had undertaken before being subdued by his captors." -=-=-= MoKap: -=-=-= Story: "A former martial arts teacher on the North side of Chicago, the man commonly referred to as MoKap was called upon by Johnny Cage to do some motion capture work for his new movie "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance." MoKap was flown to Hollywood to begin his first session, which consisted mainly of the Crane and Snake styles. Although many other martial artists were used, MoKap was brought in repeatedly for his vast knowledge of fighting techniques." Ending: (A photo of MoKap in a Midway studio performing motion capture for a game or movie, as Johnny Cage looks on from off-camera.) "MoKap Man was the primary martial arts talent for motion capture during the production of Johnny Cage's movie based on recent events in Outworld." (A photo of MoKap performing more motion capture for a movie as Ed Boon and Kano look on this time.) "He was referred to the game designers at Midway Games and used in the production of the Video Game adaptation of the movie. The End." Well, there you have it. Every story and ending for every character featured in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. I hope these have taught you some background information on the fighters featured in this new iteration, as well as what their role might be in Mortal Kombat VI. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= XIII. The Krypt: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Krypt is an enormous underground area filled with 676 different koffins. The koffins start with "AA" and go all the way through to "ZZ." If you do the math, 26x26 is 676. So there you have it, almost 700 different unlockables in this magnificent game. The unlockables range anywhere from a secret character, to alternate costumes, to extra fighting arenas, developer pictures, koncept art, and some of them even contain absolutely nothing. Each koffin has a currency type and price. The Blue koffins require Sapphire Koins. The Gray koffins require Onyx Koins. The Green koffins require Jade Koins. The Red koffins require Ruby Koins. The Gold koffins require, you guessed it, Gold Koins, and last but not least, the White koffins require Platinum Koins. Also, remember this, one cannot earn Onyx and Platinum Koins in the Arcade and Konquest modes, those can only be earned through the mini-games, Test Your Might and Test Your Sight. As one progresses through the Arcade or Konquest Modes, they earn kurrency to be spent in the Krypt. There is an abundance of secrets to be found in this underground lair. It is up to you to figure out which to buy. That is where I come in. I will provide a complete list of what every koffin contains so you don't have to go searching through the garbage to get to the good stuff. Remember, once you open a koffin, the game WILL let you open it again, and take your money again, but it won't reward you with anything. So away we go to the Krypt... -=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Koffin Letter Kurrency Type/Kost Koffin Contents -=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AA 1,556-Gold Koins Alternate Costume: Quan Chi AB 196-Gold Koins Kung Lao Sketch AC 424-Platinum Koins Li Mei Biography AD 96-Sapphire Koins Moloch Sketches AE 118-Onyx Koins MK2 Cabinet Security Panels AF 313-Platinum Koins Hint: "RO" - Rip Off!! AG 258-Sapphire Koins Deadly Alliance Is Born AH 66-Gold Koins Shang Tsung Sketch AI 277-Onyx Koins Quan Chi's Tattoos AJ 26-Jade Koins 38 Gold Koins AK 432-Gold Koins Moloch Promo Render AL 995-Ruby Koins Shang Tsung's Palace AM 192-Platinum Koins Mavado Coat Concepts AN 52-Gold Koins Hint: "PD" - Pay Day!! AO 105-Onyx Koins 57 Sapphire Koins AP 154-Onyx Koins Quan Chi's Throne AQ 226-Ruby Koins Scorpion Concept Sketch AR 2,206-Jade Koins Alternate Costume: Nitara0 AS 66-Jade Koins Palace Exterior Sketch AT 269-Ruby Koins Swamplands Sketch AU 463-Gold Koins Shang Tsung Biography AV 497-Ruby Koins Video: Senate of the Elder Gods AW 76-Gold Koins 88 Ruby Koins AX 337-Gold Koins Quan Chi's Inner Sanctum AY 258-Platinum Koins Concept Characters AZ 442-Ruby Koins Test Your Sight Concept -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- BA 264-Onyx Koins Lin Kuei Temple Concept BB 326-Ruby Koins Sub-Zero's Medallion BC 452-Gold Koins Giant Drummer Detail BD 1,520-Sapphire Koins Alternate Costume: Kano BE 67-Gold Koins Swamplands Sketch BF 264-Platinum Koins 120 Jade Koins BG 217-Sapphire Koins Baphomet Sketch BH 116-Jade Koins Ultimate MK3 Arcade Marquee BI 167-Jade Koins Sonya Concept Art BJ 178-Platinum Koins Ghost Ship BK 136-Sapphire Koins Drum Arena Details BL 145-Jade Koins Portal Sphere BM 207-Onyx Koins Character Concepts BN 720-Onyx Koins The Grid: Guest Stars BO 305-Platinum Koins The Grid: Noob Saibot BP 426-Gold Koins The Grid: MK Ninjas BQ 1,327-Gold Koins Alternate Costume: Kitana BR 451-Onyx Koins Hint: "FK" - Fly Killer BS 253-Sapphire Koins Mavado Sketches BT 291-Sapphire Koins Blood Energy Drink BU 336-Platinum Koins Reptile Skin Lotion BV 371-Sapphire Koins Backstage: MK4 Commercial BW 329-Onyx Koins Backstage: MK4 Commercial BX 212-Platinum Koins Backstage: MK4 Commercial BY 183-Gold Koins MK Gold Logo BZ 381-Platinum Koins MK4: Sonya and Tanya -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- CA 218-Onyx Koins Shang Tsung's Palace Sketch CB 252-Sapphire Koins Octo Garden Sketch CC 376-Jade Koins Book of Destiny CD 261-Jade Koins Shang Tsung Soul Concept CE 174-Jade Koins Great Dragon Egg CF 268-Onyx Koins Female Character Concept CG 75-Sapphire Koins Hint: "JT" - Johnny Tapes CH 48-Jade Koins 92 Sapphire Koins CI 271-Jade Koins Test Your Sight Concept CJ 272-Ruby Koins Quan Chi Sketches CK 556-Jade Koins Wu Shi Academy CL 332-Gold Koins 492 Onyx Koins CM 244-Gold Koins House of Pekara Concept CN 3,003-Platinum Koins Hidden Character: Cyrax CO 192-Ruby Koins Kano's Cereal CP 172-Ruby Koins Carlos Pesina CQ 272-Gold Koins Senate of Elder Gods Concept CR 294-Platinum Koins Raiden Sketch CS 89-Sapphire Koins 143 Ruby Koins CT 588-Ruby Koins Dragonfly Story CU 257-Sapphire Koins Swamplands Sketch CV 121-Sapphire Koins 71 Jade Koins CW 226-Ruby Koins Academy Promo Render CX 203-Gold Koins Video: Scorpion Goes to Hell CY 116-Ruby Koins Soul Cage Concept CZ 362-Onyx Koins Hsu Hao Concepts -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- DA 72-Ruby Koins 18 Sapphire Koins DB 257-Sapphire Koins Soul Chamber Concept DC 838-Onyx Koins MK3: Kung Lao vs. Jax DD 355-Gold Koins Lifeguard Sonya DE 126-Gold Koins Character Concepts DF 286-Platinum Koins Dan "Toasty" Forden DG 57-Jade Koins Sonya Blade Biography DH 199-Gold Koins Shokan Warriors DI 254-Sapphire Koins Quan Chi on the Sax DJ 186-Platinum Koins 98 Ruby Koins DK 1,460-Ruby Koins Alternate Costume: Johnny Cage DL 230-Platinum Koins Video: Scorpion Cloth Test DM 428-Onyx Koins Acid Bath DN 234-Sapphire Koins 18 Jade Koins DO 39-Gold Koins 221 Onyx Koins DP 224-Jade Koins MK2 Print Ad DQ 656-Platinum Koins Hint: "SF" - Smelly Feet DR 273-Sapphire Koins Mavado Sketches DS 1,472-Ruby Koins Hidden Arena: Nethership DT 332-Ruby Koins Li Mei Sketch DU 368-Onyx Koins MK3 Behind the Scenes DV 257-Ruby Koins Empty Koffin DW 157-Ruby Koins Video: Cave Arena Concept DX 292-Jade Koins 579 Ruby Koins DY 94-Gold Koins Hint: "SS" - Sword Sale DZ 258-Onyx Koins Empty Koffin -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- EA 258-Sapphire Koins The Lost Tomb EB 237-Ruby Koins Ed Boon EC 248-Sapphire Koins Swamplands Sketch ED 633-Platinum Koins 949 Platinum Koins EE 1,200-Platinum Koins Mythologies Home Version EF 267-Gold Koins Quality Assurance: Chicago EG 74-Platinum Koins MK3 Arcade Marquee EH 253-Onyx Koins Reptile Sketch EI 512-Sapphire Koins Action Figures EJ 547-Jade Koins Action Figures EK 424-Jade Koins Action Figures EL 434-Platinum Koins Action Figures EM 405-Gold Koins Action Figures EN 246-Onyx Koins Action Figures EO 289-Sapphire Koins Action Figures EP 166-Jade Koins Action Figures EQ 256-Ruby Koins Action Figures ER 527-Platinum Koins Bo' Rai Cho Biography ES 167-Platinum Koins MK3 Ultimate Print Ad ET 86-Onyx Koins Quan Chi's Face Texture EU 262-Ruby Koins Dairou Drawings EV 356-Ruby Koins Drum Arena EW 286-Platinum Koins Quan Chi's Chest Armor EX 243-Onyx Koins Hint: "ST" - Sarna Test EY 254-Platinum Koins Cyrax Sketch EZ 412-Platinum Koins Blood Stone Mine Concept -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- FA 263-Gold Koins Cyrax Test Render FB 248-Ruby Koins A Long Time Ago... (Smash TV) FC 310-Sapphire Koins A Softer Side to Cyrax FD 156-Onyx Koins Portal Story FE 242-Gold Koins Li Mei Sketch FF 1,199-Gold Koins MK1: Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion FG 291-Gold Koins Dragonfly Concept Render FH 215-Ruby Koins House of Pekara Concept FI 262-Platinum Koins Deadly Alliance Koins FJ 179-Ruby Koins MK3 Arcade Cabinet FK 520-Platinum Koins Bug Blaster FL 262-Sapphire Koins Video: Early MKDA Promo FM 179-Ruby Koins Palace Exterior Sketch FN 520-Platinum Koins 1,800 Jade Koins FO 76-Ruby Koins MK2 Characters FP 46-Gold Koins Palace Exterior Sketch FQ 282-Platinum Koins MK T-Shirts FR 401-Gold Koins MK Youth Clothing FS 389-Onyx Koins MK Sweatshirts FT 126-Sapphire Koins MK T-Shirts FU 20-Onyx Koins Empty Koffin FV 83-Platinum Koins 243 Platinum Koins FW 666-Ruby Koins Hint: "UH" - Unleash Hell FX 492-Sapphire Koins Comic Book Art, 1 of 41 FY 27-Ruby Koins Comic Book Art, 2 of 41 FZ 136-Onyx Koins Comic Book Art, 3 of 41 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- GA 572-Gold Koins Comic Book Art, 4 of 41 GB 458-Jade Koins Comic Book Art, 5 of 41 GC 412-Gold Koins Comic Book Art, 6 of 41 GD 74-Sapphire Koins Comic Book Art, 7 of 41 GE 277-Ruby Koins Comic Book Art, 8 of 41 GF 124-Platinum Koins Comic Book Art, 9 of 41 GG 63-Jade Koins Comic Book Art, 10 of 41 GH 418-Platinum Koins Comic Book Art, 11 of 41 GI 100-Sapphire Koins Comic Book Art, 12 of 41 GJ 326-Platinum Koins Comic Book Art, 13 of 41 GK 379-Platinum Koins Comic Book Art, 14 of 41 GL 128-Ruby Koins Comic Book Art, 15 of 41 GM 555-Onyx Koins Comic Book Art, 16 of 41 GN 91-Gold Koins Comic Book Art, 17 of 41 GO 422-Sapphire Koins Comic Book Art, 18 of 41 GP 58-Jade Koins Comic Book Art, 19 of 41 GQ 532-Jade Koins Comic Book Art, 20 of 41 GR 599-Onyx Koins Comic Book Art, 21 of 41 GS 185-Gold Koins Comic Book Art, 22 of 41 GT 307-Ruby Koins Comic Book Art, 23 of 41 GU 134-Sapphire Koins Comic Book Art, 24 of 41 GV 507-Platinum Koins Comic Book Art, 25 of 41 GW 264-Ruby Koins Comic Book Art, 26 of 41 GX 88-Onyx Koins Comic Book Art, 27 of 41 GY 351-Platinum Koins Comic Book Art, 28 of 41 GZ 575-Ruby Koins Comic Book Art, 29 of 41 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- HA 62-Gold Koins Comic Book Art, 30 of 41 HB 626-Ruby Koins Comic Book Art, 31 of 41 HC 215-Onyx Koins Comic Book Art, 32 of 41 HD 176-Sapphire Koins Comic Book Art, 33 of 41 HE 478-Jade Koins Comic Book Art, 34 of 41 HF 203-Onyx Koins Comic Book Art, 35 of 41 HG 555-Gold Koins Comic Book Art, 36 of 41 HH 222-Platinum Koins Comic Book Art, 37 of 41 HI 225-Jade Koins Comic Book Art, 38 of 41 HJ 637-Onyx Koins Comic Book Art, 39 of 41 HK 138-Gold Koins Comic Book Art, 40 of 41 HL 145-Sapphire Koins Comic Book Art, 41 of 41 HM 217-Onyx Koins Back Interior Sketch HN 382-Jade Koins Lung Hai Temple Sketch HO 402-Jade Koins Scorpion Preliminary Model HP 2,093-Onyx Koins Hidden Arena: House of Pekara HQ 192-Onyx Koins Sektor's Helmet HR 197-Jade Koins Konquest Mode Concepts HS 272-Jade Koins Herman Sanchez HT 462-Jade Koins Video: Ice Palace Test HU 435-Ruby Koins MK Pinball HV 306-Jade Koins MK Gold Print Ad HW 56-Ruby Koins Fire Well Concept HX 238-Onyx Koins 38 Jade Koins HY 408-Sapphire Koins Kenshi's Sword HZ 526-Onyx Koins Shang Tsung's Soulnado -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- IA 37-Ruby Koins MK4 Logo IB 275-Platinum Koins Forest Sketch IC 326-Platinum Koins MK Rock 'Em Sock 'Em ID 340-Jade Koins Sub-Zero's Coffee Mug IE 653-Sapphire Koins 32 Pack of Adult Diapers IF 195-Ruby Koins River Front Concept IG 208-Gold Koins Lava Shrine Exterior Sketch IH 567-Jade Koins Hint: "IV" - Icy Vixen II 1,843-Gold Koins Hidden Arena: Lava Shrine IJ 314-Ruby Koins Quan Chi's Amulet IK 503-Platinum Koins Lava Shrine Priests IL 207-Gold Koins Hint: "DK" - Dressed to Kill IM 227-Gold Koins Church Concept IN 37-Sapphire Koins 57 Gold Koins IO 244-Onyx Koins Hint: "PH" - Phat! IP 257-Onyx Koins Halloween Masks IQ 257-Gold Koins Fortress Exterior Sketch IR 55-Jade Koins 91 Sapphire Koins IS 244-Ruby Koins Sub-Zero's Blade IT 269-Ruby Koins Character Concepts IU 342-Jade Koins Dairou Sketch IV 208-Ruby Koins Hidden Character: Frost IW 198-Platinum Koins Hint: "CN" - Cyber Ninja IX 265-Sapphire Koins MKDA Merchandise IY 281-Onyx Koins Video: MK Gold Endings IZ 207-Onyx Koins Jax Renderings -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- JA 105-Gold Koins Kuatan Palace JB 392-Sapphire Koins Programmers JC 287-Gold Koins Frost Sketches JD 305-Jade Koins Swamplands Test Render JE 82-Platinum Koins 59 Ruby Koins JF 332-Ruby Koins Drum Arena Sketch JG 272-Jade Koins Jon Greenberg JH 271-Gold Koins Hsu Hao Sketches JI 266-Jade Koins MK4 Print Ad JJ 402-Gold Koins 772 Sapphire Koins JK 291-Jade Koins Li Mei Sketch JL 168-Onyx Koins 92 Gold Koins JM 218-Sapphire Koins Shang Tsung Drawings JN 252-Jade Koins John Nocher JO 161-Onyx Koins MK2 Arcade Board JP 169-Gold Koins John Podlasek JQ 237-Ruby Koins Kitana Sketches JR 1,685-Ruby Koins Alternate Costume: Raiden JS 294-Ruby Koins Dragonfly Render JT 259-Platinum Koins Johnny Cage Videos JU 266-Platinum Koins Palace Interior Sketch JV 334-Ruby Koins John Vogel JW 164-Sapphire Koins Kano's Reminder JX 167-Gold Koins Raiden Test Render JY 183-Sapphire Koins MK4 Home Version JZ 25-Jade Koins Empty Koffin -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- KA 412-Onyx Koins Swamplands Sketch KB 247-Jade Koins Elder God Hall Sketch KC 292-Gold Koins Video: Dragonfly Test KD 342-Jade Koins Artists KE 402-Gold Koins Nitara Sketch KF 128-Jade Koins Mavado Biography KG 608-Jade Koins Edenia Golf Outfitters KH 382-Platinum Koins Can of Squid KI 2,931-Sapphire Koins Hidden Character: Kitana KJ 248-Platinum Koins MK Baseball Caps KK 694-Sapphire Koins MK4 Characters KL 202-Platinum Koins Cyrax Sketches KM 350-Jade Koins MK Strategy Guides KN 7-Sapphire Koins 15 Gold Koins KO 197-Sapphire Koins Konquest Mode Concepts KP 276-Ruby Koins Hint: "MW" - Mongol Warrior KQ 282-Onyx Koins Alexander Barrentine KR 4,222-Sapphire Koins Hidden Arena: Palace Grounds KS 503-Platinum Koins 216 Jade Koins KT 275-Onyx Koins Moloch Test Render KU 219-Jade Koins 332 Platinum Koins KV 256-Sapphire Koins Arena Concepts KW 257-Sapphire Koins Empty Koffin KX 1,406-Sapphire Koins Alternate Costume: Li Mei KY 843-Platinum Koins MK1: Cage vs. Kano KZ 263-Jade Koins Character Concepts -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- LA 56-Ruby Koins Blood Particle Details LB 258-Jade Koins Game Play Wall Trick Ideas LC 462-Sapphire Koins Game Play Kicks and Dodges LD 302-Onyx Koins Game Play Fatalities LE 312-Platinum Koins Game Play Face Strikes LF 305-Gold Koins Game Play Special Moves LG 195-Ruby Koins Game Play Throws LH 165-Jade Koins Game Play Fatalities LI 135-Sapphire Koins Game Play Throws LJ 134-Gold Koins Nitara's Crystal LK 268-Onyx Koins Video: Wu Shi Academy Test LL 3,822-Gold Koins Hidden Character: Reptile LM 165-Onyx Koins Luis Mangubat LN 306-Onyx Koins Chrome Bling LO 329-Onyx Koins Deadly Alliance Website LP 442-Ruby Koins Sub-Zero Sketch LQ 477-Sapphire Koins MK1 Arcade Goro LR 176-Gold Koins MKDA Box Art Concepts LS 157-Sapphire Koins MKDA Box Art Concepts LT 105-Onyx Koins MKDA Logo Concepts LU 170-Jade Koins MKDA Box Art Concepts LV 140-Ruby Koins MKDA Box Art Concepts LW 332-Gold Koins Midway Creative Media LX 147-Platinum Koins Empty Koffin LY 160-Sapphire Koins MK4 Scorpion vs. Raiden LZ 511-Onyx Koins Hint: "FL" - First Look -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- MA 471-Ruby Koins Johnny Cage Biography MB 188-Gold Koins Mike Boon MC 262-Platinum Koins Wu Shi Academy Sketches MD 80-Onyx Koins Tools and Technology ME 237-Jade Koins MKDA Print Ad MF 58-Jade Koins 102 Onyx Koins MG 134-Platinum Koins MK4 Road Tour MH 83-Gold Koins MK4 Road Tour MI 96-Gold Koins MK4 Arcade Debut MJ 268-Onyx Koins Empty Koffin MK 188-Platinum Koins MK1 Arcade Cabinet ML 1,170-Gold Koins Alternate Costume: Shang Tsung MM 215-Ruby Koins Bridge Arena Concept MN 176-Onyx Koins Portal MO 177-Jade Koins Drahmin Sketches MP 314-Gold Koins MK Basketball Concept MQ 278-Gold Koins 412 Jade Koins MR 412-Ruby Koins Lung Hai Temple MS 253-Platinum Koins Outworld Concept Sketch MT 227-Gold Koins Mike Taran MU 218-Sapphire Koins Sarna Ruins Concept MV 372-Platinum Koins Hsu Hao Sketches MW 3,317-Jade Koins Hidden Character: Hsu Hao MX 302-Platinum Koins Palace Exterior Sketch MY 167-Jade Koins Moloch's Ball Sketches MZ 383-Sapphire Koins Assassin for Hire -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- NA 177-Ruby Koins Sonya Sketch NB 287-Jade Koins House of Pekera Render NC 275-Platinum Koins Nigel Casey ND 212-Sapphire Koins Empty Koffin NE 270-Ruby Koins Jax Concept Sketch NF 392-Ruby Koins Scorpion Promo Render NG 63-Sapphire Koins 252 Platinum Koins NH 147-Onyx Koins Hachiman Sketch NI 422-Gold Koins Kitana Sketches NJ 326-Gold Koins MK Lunch Time NK 77-Jade Koins 116 Onyx Koins NL 252-Gold Koins Wu Shi Academy Monk NM 182-Sapphire Koins Scorpion Online Promo Image NN 452-Jade Koins Blaze Sketches NO 426-Jade Koins Kabal's Helmet NP 422-Gold Koins Kitana Sketches NQ 157-Sapphire Koins Quan Chi Promo Render NR 425-Sapphire Koins Hint: "BL" - Blood Thristy NS 270-Ruby Koins Nick Shin NT 275-Gold Koins Arctic Hold NU 254-Onyx Koins Quan's Fortress Sketch NV 290-Gold Koins Kenshi's Glass Eyes NW 207-Platinum Koins Lost Tomb Sketch NX 365-Sapphire Koins Damnation Charcoal NY 281-Sapphire Koins Brian Lebaron NZ 446-Gold Koins The Mine Arena Concept -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- OA 105-Onyx Koins Movie Storyboards 1 of 8 OB 248-Platinum Koins Movie Storyboards 2 of 8 OC 322-Gold Koins Movie Storyboards 3 of 8 OD 288-Ruby Koins Movie Storyboards 4 of 8 OE 326-Jade Koins Movie Storyboards 5 of 8 OF 412-Sapphire Koins Movie Storyboards 6 of 8 OG 266-Onyx Koins Movie Storyboards 7 of 8 OH 244-Platinum Koins Movie Storyboards 8 of 8 OI 263-Jade Koins Midway Movie Group OJ 462-Onyx Koins Interactive Arena Concept OK 326-Jade Koins Empty Koffin OL 136-Platinum Koins Evil Masters Sketch OM 88-Ruby Koins 177 Jade Koins ON 227-Jade Koins Quan Chi Sketches OO 274-Onyx Koins Mortal Kandies OP 24-Jade Koins 125 Gold Koins OQ 95-Sapphire Koins MK4 Logo Treatment OR 450-Platinum Koins Alan Villani OS 166-Onyx Koins Empty Koffin OT 47-Onyx Koins 222 Onyx Koins OU 338-Ruby Koins Back to School with MK OV 96-Onyx Koins Reptile's Lair Concept OW 422-Sapphire Koins Fallen Giants Arena Sketch OX 352-Ruby Koins 352 Gold Koins OY 218-Sapphire Koins Video: Blade Arena Test OZ 243-Platinum Koins Hint: "IS" - Ice Sword -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- PA 272-Ruby Koins Lung Hai Temple Concept PB 12-Gold Koins 6 Platinum Koins PC 20-Sapphire Koins Football Raiden PD 451-Ruby Koins 1,056 Platinum Koins PE 392-Ruby Koins Kung Lao Render Test PF 343-Ruby Koins Reptile's De-Evolution PG 442-Ruby Koins Paulo Garcia PH 1,200-Onyx Koins Alternate Costume: Bo' Rai Cho PI 638-Jade Koins Hint: "HP" - Haunted Place PJ 292-Onyx Koins Drum Arena Details PK 157-Platinum Koins 475 Platinum Koins PL 382-Gold Koins Dojo Concept PM 253-Platinum Koins Kenshi Sketch PN 684-Onyx Koins Blaze Biography PO 71-Ruby Koins 108 Gold Koins PP 516-Sapphire Koins MK Gear PQ 283-Sapphire Koins Lave Shrine Sketch PR 11-Platinum Koins 25 Sapphie Koins PS 294-Jade Koins Moloch the Hobbyist PT 207-Ruby Koins Slaughter Yard Concept PU 175-Ruby Koins 267 Onyx Koins PV 206-Sapphire Koins Empty Koffin PW 2,006-Sapphire Koins Hidden Arena: Sarna Ruins PX 493-Onyx Koins Goro Statuette PY 316-Ruby Koins Backstage: MK Mythologies PZ 186-Jade Koins Lava Shrine Sketch -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- QA 142-Sapphire Koins Quality Assurance: Chicago QB 272-Jade Koins Mavado Sketches QC 216-Platinum Koins Lin Kuei Temple QD 268-Sapphire Koins Video: MK4 Arena Concept QE 346-Gold Koins Empty Koffin QF 311-Ruby Koins MKDA Hats and Shirts QG 251-Ruby Koins Hint: "LL" - Lurking Lizard QH 342-Jade Koins 638 Onyx Koins QI 192-Sapphire Koins Lung Hai Temple Sketch QJ 49-Ruby Koins Empty Koffin QK 244-Ruby Koins Kenshi Biography QL 488-Sapphire Koins MK3 Promo Art QM 644-Jade Koins MK1 Characters QN 96-Gold Koins 147 Gold Koins QO 1,616-Gold Koins Fan Art, 1 of 5 QP 1,214-Jade Koins Fan Art, 2 of 5 QQ 950-Ruby Koins Fan Art, 3 of 5 QR 512-Sapphire Koins Fan Art, 4 of 5 QS 825-Onyx Koins Fan Art, 5 of 5 QT 58-Onyx Koins Get Over Here! QU 346-Gold Koins MK4 Logo Designs QV 318-Gold Koins Reptile's Past QW 233-Ruby Koins MK2 Arcade QX 1,518-Jade Koins Alternate Costume: Hsu Hao QY 238-Gold Koins MKDA at E3 Expo 2002 QZ 501-Jade Koins Quan Chi's Fortress -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- RA 268-Gold Koins Hint: "XG" - Ex-God RB 253-Platinum Koins Robert Blum RC 272-Ruby Koins Midway Creative Media RD 1,455-Jade Koins Alternate Costume: Mavado RE 107-Sapphire Koins MK3 Print Ad RF 135-Jade Koins Video: Swamp Bird Test Video RG 187-Gold Koins Sub-Zero Sketch RH 208-Jade Koins Bridge Arena Concept RI 61-Onyx Koins 28 Jade Koins RJ 189-Gold Koins MKDA Print Ads RK 1,000-Jade Koins Evolution of Kombat RL 5-Ruby Koins 159 Onyx Koins RM 182-Onyx Koins Kuatan Palace Sketch RN 203-Platinum Koins 208 Gold Koins RO 27-Gold Koins 1 Shiny Ruby Koin! RP 31-Sapphire Koins MK1 Test Your Might RQ 225-Onyx Koins Shang Tsung Sketches RR 224-Sapphire Koins Shang Tsung's Palace Sketch RS 267-Platinum Koins Randy Severin RT 374-Gold Koins 258 Platinum Koins RU 176-Onyx Koins Lava Shrine Sketch RV 307-Sapphire Koins MK Musik RW 262-Ruby Koins Shang Tsung's Palace Sketch RX 105-Sapphire Koins Empty Koffin RY 274-Onyx Koins Mavado Sketch RZ 317-Sapphire Koins 473 Gold Koins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- SA 3,780-Ruby Koins Hidden Character: Jax Briggs SB 291-Jade Koins Steve Beran SC 226-Sapphire Koins Shawn Cooper SD 326-Onyx Koins Quality Assurance: San Diego SE 308-Platinum Koins Reptile's Sword SF 138-Jade Koins Shang Tsung's Insouls SG 94-Ruby Koins 97 Platinum Koins SH 1,834-Ruby Koins Alternate Costume: Sonya Blade SI 292-Sapphire Koins Tiamat Sketch SJ 353-Onyx Koins MK4 Scorpion SK 176-Sapphire Koins Jax Preliminary Model SL 117-Sapphire Koins Tools and Technology SM 56-Jade Koins MKDA Print Ad SN 175-Gold Koins Quan Chi Biography SO 2-Sapphire Koins MKDA Promo Pieces SP 63-Gold Koins Empty Koffin SQ 167-Platinum Koins Peptic Thunder SR 342-Ruby Koins MK4: Goro vs. Cage SS 214-Platinum Koins Kung Lao Dragon Sword ST 153-Jade Koins Video: Sarna Ruins Test SU 106-Sapphire Koins Kenshi's Story Sketch SV 145-Ruby Koins 36 Sapphire Koins SW 1,152-Jade Koins Alternate Costume: Drahmin SX 215-Onyx Koins MK4 Arcade Marquee SY 486-Onyx Koins Cyrax's Arm SZ 322-Sapphire Koins Kung Lao Biography -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- TA 177-Ruby Koins Todd Allen TB 259-Platinum Koins Quan Chi's Fortress Sketches TC 135-Onyx Koins Palace Exterior Sketch TD 118-Ruby Koins 172 Platinum Koins TE 261-Gold Koins Character Concepts TF 471-Jade Koins MK4 Characters TG 262-Gold Koins Tony Goskie TH 282-Gold Koins Konquest Mode Concepts TI 4,022-Gold Koins Hidden Character: Nitara TJ 259-Sapphire Koins Koin Sketches TK 94-Sapphire Koins Hint: "RD" - Red Dragon TL 360-Jade Koins Acid Bath Sketch TM 251-Ruby Koins Hsu Hao Sketches TN 211-Ruby Koins Early MKDA TO 316-Jade Koins Early MKDA TP 294-Onyx Koins Early MKDA Jax TQ 616-Platinum Koins Early MKDA Scorpion TR 392-Ruby Koins MKDA Promo Image TS 352-Onyx Koins Artists TT 147-Platinum Koins Test Your Might Sketch TU 197-Gold Koins 98 Onyx Koins TV 273-Onyx Koins Wu Shi Academy Sketches TW 129-Ruby Koins 180 Gold Koins TX 167-Gold Koins Goro's Throne Sketch TY 390-Gold Koins Baraka TZ 195-Gold Koins Animators -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- UA 205-Jade Koins MK4 PC Version UB 1,261-Gold Koins Alternate Costume: Frost UC 3-Sapphire Koins 320 Onyx Koins UD 252-Gold Koins Drahmin Sketch UE 210-Gold Koins Hint: "WT" - Winged Transport UF 371-Gold Koins MK4 Liu Kang Fatality UG 245-Onyx Koins 67 Platinum Koins UH 1,660-Jade Koins Alternate Costume: Scorpion UI 270-Platinum Koins Video: Cooking with Scorpion UJ 225-Sapphire Koins Goro on the Kit UK 35-Onyx Koins 45 Platinum Koins UL 252-Jade Koins Kai Sketch UM 33-Platinum Koins 50 Gold Koins UN 152-Sapphire Koins MK4 Print Ad UO 243-Jade Koins MK Trading Cards UP 406-Ruby Koins MK Trading Cards UQ 185-Ruby Koins Undefeatable Army UR 6,500-Sapphire Koins Hidden Character: Drahmin US 72-Platinum Koins 32 Sapphire Koins UT 157-Onyx Koins Bridge Arena Concept UU 1,214-Jade Koins Empty Koffin UV 256-Jade Koins 520 Sapphire Koins UW 255-Gold Koins Adema Live at E3 Expo UX 509-Onyx Koins Scorpion Biography UY 359-Jade Koins MK Hits the Big Screen UZ 78-Onyx Koins 107 Ruby Koins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- VA 299-Platinum Koins Shao Kahn's Armor VB 116-Ruby Koins Blaze Sketch VC 209-Jade Koins 3 pt. Staff, Butterfly Knives VD 152-Ruby Koins Aikido VE 173-Gold Koins Baji Quan and Crab VF 212-Sapphire Koins Basic Fighting Strikes VG 362-Onyx Koins Basic Fighting Strikes VH 72-Platinum Koins Broadswords VI 184-Jade Koins Cudgel VJ 58-Ruby Koins Drunken Master VK 268-Gold Koins Dragon and Eagle Claw VL 180-Sapphire Koins Escrima and Crane VM 198-Onyx Koins Shuai Chiao and Shaolin Fist VN 86-Platinum Koins Hapkido and Nan Chuan VO 247-Jade Koins Hookswords and Sai VP 356-Ruby Koins Hung Gar and Jujutsu VQ 241-Gold Koins Jojutsu VR 174-Sapphire Koins Judo VS 219-Onyx Koins Kali Sticks and Nunchaku VT 405-Platinum Koins Kama and Katana VU 180-Jade Koins Karate VV 192-Ruby Koins Long Fist and Muay Thai VW 162-Gold Koins Motion Capture Markers VX 248-Sapphire Koins Pi Gua and Jeet Kune Do VY 35-Onyx Koins Praying Mantis Lui He Ba Fa VZ 223-Platinum Koins Sambo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- WA 194-Jade Koins Straight Sword WB 242-Ruby Koins Tai Chi WC 156-Gold Koins Tae Kwon Do WD 186-Sapphire Koins Tonfa WE 186-Onyx Koins Tong Bei and Yuan Yang WF 214-Platinum Koins Wing Chun and Snake WG 186-Jade Koins Xing Yi and Tang Soo Do WH 24-Platinum Koins 18 Ruby Koins WI 242-Jade Koins Konquest Concept Sketch WJ 165-Gold Koins 248 Sapphire Koins WK 76-Platinum Koins Frost Sketches WL 22-Gold Koins 44 Jade Koins WM 36-Ruby Koins Empty Koffin WN 143-Sapphire Koins Sub-Zero Biography WO 270-Ruby Koins Acid Buddha Detail WP 247-Ruby Koins Drahmin Sketches WQ 151-Sapphire Koins 78 Onyx Koins WR 125-Ruby Koins MK3 Home Version WS 44-Onyx Koins 165 Platinum Koins WT 1,400-Jade Koins Hidden Arena: Dragonfly WU 256-Onyx Koins Lung Hai Temple Sketches WV 424-Jade Koins 97 Jade Koins WW 262-Jade Koins Dragon Arena Concept WX 315-Gold Koins Hsu Hao Implant WY 264-Sapphire Koins Bo' Rai Cho Sketches WZ 145-Onyx Koins Kano Biography -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- XA 172-Gold Koins The Grid XB 272-Platinum Koins Cage Sketch XC 352-Sapphire Koins Quan Chi's Sanctum Sketch XD 326-Gold Koins Acid Buddha Detail XE 147-Onyx Koins 294 Onyx Koins XF 265-Gold Koins Mortal Kombat Gold Characters XG 3,116-Jade Koins Hidden Character: Raiden XH 352-Onyx Koins Cyrax Sketches XI 457-Platinum Koinss MK3 Behind the Scenes XJ 197-Platinum Koins Quan Chi Render XK 37-Jade Koins Hint: "DS" - Death Ship XL 843-Onyx Koins 3 Ruby Koins XM 254-Sapphire Koins Hint: "SA" - Steel Arms XN 27-Gold Koins Empty Koffin XO 1,736-Sapphire Koins Alternate Costume: Reptile XP 436-Gold Koins MK4 Gift Cards XQ 199-Jade Koins Raiden Performance Audio XR 288-Ruby Koins Konquest Mode Concepts XS 283-Platinum Koins Kung Lao Sketch XT 65-Jade Koins MK3 Characters XU 194-Onyx Koins Mortal Friday XV 503-Onyx Koins Organic Arena Concept XW 96-Ruby Koins Video: Baraka's Demise XX 365-Onyx Koins Shao Kahn's Medal XY 55-Platinum Koins Shang Tsung's Palace Story XZ 255-Onyx Koins The Marsh Concept -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- YA 1,999-Sapphire Koins Alternate Costume: Sub-Zero YB 358-Jade Koins Ketchup and Mustard YC 257-Platinum Koins Moloch Promo Render YD 412-Gold Koins MK Stickers and Tattoos YE 274-Platinum Koins Temple Oarsman YF 16-Platinum Koins 64 Platinum Koins YG 312-Sapphire Koins Swamplands Test Render YH 78-Jade Koins 82 Sapphire Koins YI 197-Gold Koins MK2 Arcade Marquee YJ 1,208-Ruby Koins Alternate Costume: Kung Lao YK 225-Platinum Koins Dragonfly Concept Model YL 199-Jade Koins Jax Concept Sketch YM 1,435-Platinum Koins Alternate Costume: Kenshi YN 61-Ruby Koins 26 Gold Koins YO 294-Sapphire Koins Sonya Sketch YP 511-Gold Koins MoKap Biography YQ 146-Gold Koins Tools and Technology YR 143-Gold Koins MK3 Home Version YS 151-Platinum Koins 10 Worst MKDA Subtitles YT 384-Sapphire Koins 227 Sapphire Koins YU 374-Platinum Koins MK4 Comic Book YV 86-Platinum Koins Graveyard Concept YW 376-Gold Koins Fashion Model Li Mei YX 83-Gold Koins 242 Ruby Koins YY 85-Ruby Koins Empty Koffin YZ 255-Onyx Koins Kenshi Test Render -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- ZA 63-Onyx Koins Empty Koffin ZB 106-Gold Koins Spider Arena Concept ZC 218-Platinum Koins Frost Color Sketches ZD 98-Ruby Koins Hidden Arena: Moloch's Lair ZE 257-Jade Koins Zebron ZF 237-Ruby Koins Lava Shrine Sketch ZG 201-Onyx Koins Video: Facial Animation Test ZH 372-Sapphire Koins The Krypt Concept ZI 432-Jade Koins Hell Concept ZJ 272-Onyx Koins Water Temple Concept ZK 216-Ruby Koins 164 Sapphire Koins ZL 126-Jade Koins Drum Arena Sketch ZM 1,410-Ruby Koins Alternate Costume: Jax Briggs ZN 145-Sapphire Koins Empty Koffin ZO 466-Jade Koins Hint: "LO" - Log On ZP 129-Jade Koins MK1 Print Ad ZQ 282-Jade Koins Sub-Zero Promo Render ZR 244-Sapphire Koins 600 Gold Koins ZS 381-Sapphire Koins MK Home Graphics ZT 215-Sapphire Koins Animators ZU 201-Platinum Koins Kuatan Palace Sketch ZV 182-Onyx Koins 116 Ruby Koins ZW 1,485-Sapphire Koins Alternate Costume: Cyrax ZX 178-Ruby Koins Hint: "BD" - Black Dragon ZY 186-Platinum Koins The Fans Speak ZZ 254-Gold Koins 355 Ruby Koins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=- All 676 koffins are presented above in their original order. The koffins can be classified into different categories; below I will split up the koffins into different categories starting with the more expensive koffins, as to help you decide which ones you actually want, instead of wading through all of the useless koffins. I will have categories for just the hidden characters, alternate outfits, hidden arenas, the videos, koffins containing only kurrency, the funny pictures of the kombatants, ie. Reptile Skin Lotion, and descriptions of the items that have relevance to the actual Mortal Kombat mythos, ie. Cyrax's Arm, and Quan Chi's Armor. *NOTE* The following items found in the Krypt can all be found in the list above. The following list is just easy reference to the more "popular" items. *NOTE* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hidden Characters: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The first category is probably the one that people care about the most; the hidden characters. The hidden characters, once unlocked, become playable on the select screen. Nothing else needs to be done. Their picture becomes highlighted and one can play with them to their hearts content. *NOTE* I will list the characters in the order they appear on the Select Screen. *NOTE* >Nitara: Unlock koffin "TI" for 4,022 Gold Koins >Drahmin: Unlock koffin "UR" for 6,500 Sapphire Koins >Hsu Hao: Unlock koffin "MW" for 3,317 Jade Koins >Frost: Unlock koffin "IV" for 208 Ruby Koins >Jax Briggs: Unlock koffin "SA" for 3,780 Ruby Koins >Kitana: Unlock koffin "KI" for 2,931 Sapphire Koins >Raiden: Unlock koffin "XG" for 3,116 Jade Koins >Reptile: Unlock koffin "LL" for 3,822 Gold Koins >Cyrax: Unlock koffin "CN" for 3,003 Platinum Koins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Alternate Costumes: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This next section reveals exactly which koffins contain which alternate costume. Once unlocked, hit Start on the desired character at the Character Select Screen to fight in their alternate costume. Also, under the "Characters" section in Kontent, you will be able to view an alternate biography of the said characters. Once again, I will list the alternate outfits by what order their character appears on the Select Screen. >Shang Tsung: Unlock koffin "ML" for 1,170 Gold Koins >Bo' Rai Cho: Unlock koffin "PH" for 1,200 Onyx Koins >Quan Chi: Unlock koffin "AA" for 1,556 Gold Koins >Li Mei: Unlock koffin "KX" for 1,406 Sapphire Koins >Scorpion: Unlock koffin "UH" for 1,660 Jade Koins >Sonya: Unlock koffin "SH" for 1,834 Ruby Koins >Kenshi: Unlock koffin "YM" for 1,435 Platinum Koins >Mavado: Unlock koffin "RD" for 1,455 Jade Koins >Johnny Cage: Unlock koffin "DK" for 1,460 Ruby Koins >Sub-Zero: Unlock koffin "YA" for 1,999 Sapphire Koins >Kano: Unlock koffin "BD" for 1,520 Sapphire Koins >Kung Lao: Unlock koffin "YJ" for 1,208 Ruby Koins >Nitara: Unlock koffin "AR" for 2,206 Jade Koins >Drahmin: Unlock koffin "SW" for 1,152 Jade Koins >Hsu Hao: Unlock koffin "QX" for 1,518 Jade Koins >Frost: Unlock koffin "UB" for 1,261 Gold Koins >Jax: Unlock koffin "ZM" for 1,410 Ruby Koins >Kitana: Unlock koffin "BQ" for 1,327 Gold Koins >Raiden: Unlock koffin "JR" for 1,685 Ruby Koins >Reptile: Unlock koffin "XO" for 1,736 Sapphire Koins >Cyrax: Unlock koffin "ZW" for 1,485 Sapphire Koins -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hidden Arenas: -=-=-=-=-=-=-= The hidden arenas, once unlocked, allow one to play within them. They appear randomly in Arcade Mode, and when in Vs. Mode, one can select their stage, simply by pushing the SM Button while on the Character Select Screen. The hidden arenas will be listed in alphabetical order by the name of the arena. >Dragonfly: Unlock koffin "WT" for 1,400 Jade Koins >House of Pekara: Unlock koffin "HP" for 2,093 Onyx Koins >Lava Shrine: Unlock koffin "II" for 1,843 Gold Koins >Moloch's Lair: Unlock koffin "ZD" for 98 Ruby Koins >Nethership: Unlock koffin "DS" for 1,472 Ruby Koins >Palace Grounds: Unlock koffin "KR" for 4,222 Sapphire Koins >Sarna Ruins: Unlock koffin "PW" for 2,006 Sapphire Koins -=-=-=- Videos: -=-=-=- The Videos can be viewed in the Kontent section under "Koncept Art." Some of the Videos are humorous, ie. "Cooking with Scorpion," whereas, some are serious, ie. the Senate of the Elder Gods Test and Blade Arena Test. These are just short demos of a moving object(s) in the game. These will also be listed alphabetically by the letter they state when unlocked. >Baraka's Demise: Unlock koffin "XW" for 96 Ruby Koins >Blade Arena Test: Unlock koffin "OY" for 218 Sapphire Koins >Cave Arena Concept: Unlock koffin "DW" for 157 Ruby Koins >Cooking with Scorpion: Unlock koffin "UI" for 270 Platinum Koins >Dragonfly Test: Unlock koffin "KC" for 292 Gold Koins >Early MKDA Promo: Unlock koffin "FL" for 264 Sapphire Koins >Facial Animation Test: Unlock koffin "ZG" for 201 Onyx Koins >Ice Palace Test: Unlock koffin "HT" for 462 Jade Koins >MK4 Arena Concept: Unlock koffin "QD" for 268 Sapphire Koins >MK Gold Endings: Unlock koffin "IY" for 281 Onyx Koins >Sarna Ruins Test: Unlock koffin "ST" for 153 Jade Koins >Scorpion Cloth Test: Unlock koffin "DL" for 230 Platinum Koins >Scorpion Goes Back to Hell: Unlock koffin "CX" for 203 Gold Koins >Senate of the Elder Gods Test: Unlock koffin "AV" for 497 Ruby Koins >Swamp Bird Test Video: Unlock koffin "RF" for 135 Jade Koins >Wu Shi Academy Test: Unlock koffin "LK" for 268 Onyx Koins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Character Parodies: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The character parodies found in The Krypt are funny pictures of the fighters of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance chronicling their adventures outside of the tournament. Each picture is accompanied by a description, which I will type along with what koffin each item is contained within. The character parodies will be listed in the order the characters appear on the Select Screen. >Shang Tsung - "Shang Tsung's Insouls" is in koffin "SF" and costs 138 Jade Koins. Description: "Do your shoes hold the odor of thousands of tortured souls? Do your legions of undead soldiers make hurling noises every time you pass by? End the embarassment now with Shang Tsung's Odor Annihilator Insouls." >Bo' Rai Cho - "Peptic Thunder" is in koffin "SQ" and costs 167 Platinum Koins. Description: "No more awkward, interrupted conversations or cleaning up unwanted pools of bile. When you have uncontrollable projectile vomiting, turn to Peptic Thunder. Now available in our new gut-busting 2-liter size!" >Quan Chi - "Quan Chi on the Sax" is in koffin "DI" and costs 254 Sapphire Koins. Description: "A new prodigy joins the jazz masters, Quan Chi. With soulful music influenced by life on Netherealm's mean streets, Quan Chi delivers his first major label album, Kind of Black and Blue. Buy it or else!" >Li Mei - "Fashion Model Li Mei" is in koffin "YW" and costs 376 Gold Koins. Description: "Intoducing Li Mei - Outworld Modeling Agency's newest star. Until recently, Li Mei's Mortal Kombat trials have been her claim to fame. Now she is making quite a splash in the fashion world as Outworld's favorite centerfold." >Scorpion - "Damnation Charcoal" is in koffin "NX" and costs 365 Sapphire Koins. Description: "Don't trust your family barbeque to just any old charcoal. Whether you're cooking up some hotdogs for the kids or roasting the flesh of your enemies, Damnation Charcoal gets the job done. Nothing grills a steak like the flames of hell!" >Sonya - "Lifeguard Sonya" is in koffin "DD" and costs 355 Gold Koins. Description: "When not working as an agent for the Special Forces, she's combing the beaches as a top life guard. Just don't fake your drowning for some free mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, because Sonya will kick your ass (after saving it)." >Kenshi - "Kenshi's Glass Eyes" is in koffin "NV" and costs 290 Gold Koins. Description: "Don't let an unfortunate blinding accident cramp your style. Whether you've always wanted blue eyes, or would like to add some whimsy to your wardrobe with an 8-ball in the right socket, Kenshi's Glass Eyes have the 'look' for you." >Mavado - "Assassin for Hire" is in koffin "MZ" and costs 383 Sapphire Koins. Description: "When you need a soulless assassin, look no further than Red Dragon Ent. Mavado, Red Dragon's employee of the month, can handle any assignment from taking out telemarketing pests to avenging your father's death. CALL NOW!" >Johnny Cage - "Johnny's Tapes" is in koffin "JT" and costs 259 Platinum Koins. Description: "Remember seeing action star Johnny Cage onscreen for the first time? Experience all the excitement and adventure with the complete Johnny Cage Video Collection. And if you order now, we'll throw in Earthrealm Girls Gone Wild!" >Sub-Zero - "Sub-Zero's Coffee Mug" is in koffin "ID" and costs 340 Jade Koins. Description: "Sub-Zero's freezing fists of fury were always turning his hot cup of morning coffee into a mocha popsicle. That is until he tried the official Mortal Kombat Coffee Mug. Made of titanium and high grade steel, this Kombat Mug will withstand your menacing grip and keep your coffee warm for hours." >Kano - "KanO's Cereal" is in koffin "CO" and costs 192 Ruby Koins. Description: "Before heading into kombat, Kano likes to start his day with the wholesome goodness of Kan-O's cereal. Its vitamins and minerals give Kano the energy to give his toughest opponents a massive butt-kicking. Kan-O's, the only cereal that makes blood-colored milk!" >Kung Lao - I have not found a character parody for Kung Lao as of yet. If anyone finds one, feel free to E-Mail me and I will include your name in my FAQ. Thanks in advance. >Nitara - "Blood Energy Drink" is in koffin "BT" and costs 291 Sapphire Koins. Description: "If you've ever wished you could party all night like your vampire friends, Blood is for you. The awesome flavor of blood oragnes and other secret ingredients will give you the energy you need to raise hell. Tastes so good you can't just drink one. BloOd leaves you thirsting for more." >Drahmin - "Bug Blaster" is in koffin "FK" and costs 520 Platinum Koins. Description: "If your flesh is rotting off your bones, then those pesky flies and maggots are sure to follow. Don't live with swarms of annoying flies -- blast 'em. Drahmin never leaves his dimension without his handy Bug Blaster." >Hsu Hao - "Mortal Kandies" is in koffin "OO" and costs 274 Onyx Koins. Description: "They say the path to a man's heart is through his stomach. But when your heart is replaced by a gaping cybernetic power generator, you've got a lot of eating to do. When you're feeling down, replace that empty void in your heart with a big box of Mortal Kandies." >Frost - "Arctic Hold" is in koffin "NT" and costs 275 Gold Koins. Description: "Ever wonder how Frost keeps that killer blue hairstyle intact? Now you too can look drop-dead gorgeous with Arctic Hold hair gel. Your icy good looks will freeze everyone in their tracks." >Jax - "Chrome Bling" is in koffin "LN" and costs 306 Onyx Koins. Description: "From his sweet wheels to a blazing set of chrome arms, Jax always knows how to make an impression. Chrome Bling is the closest thing to blingbling in a bottle, transforming your junk car into the pimp mobile that you've always known it could be. Chrome Bling will make you the envy of all of Outworld and the obsession of every woman." >Kitana - "Edenia Golf Outfitters" is in koffin "KG" and costs 608 Jade Koins. Description: "When not helping Earth's warriors of the Outworld, this Princess is dropping 40 foot putts for Birdies. Armed with her smart and sexy Activewear and state-of-the-art Lady Kitana putter made of space age metals, she can tear up any course. Shop at Edenia Golf Outfitters, and you can too!" >Raiden - "Raiden Performance Audio" is in koffin "XQ" and costs 199 Jade Koins. Description: "Only the Thundergod could bring you high quality audio like this. Let Raiden Performance Audio install the booming car stereo of your dreams. Bass so powerful, your ears will bleed." >Reptile - "Reptile Skin Lotion" is in koffin "BU" and costs 336 Platinum Koins. Description: "If you're like Reptile, you'll shed an entire layer of scaly skin every season. Just because you're an evil, acid-spitting lizard doesn't mean you can't have that smooth, shower fresh skin you've always wanted. With Lizarderm, you'll be as soft as a baby gator's bottom." >Cyrax - "A Softer Side to Cyrax" is in koffin "FC" and costs 310 Sapphire Koins. Description: "The poetry and essays of Feelings are the perfect meditation between fatalities. Buy it now at your local realm bookstore. Lots of people think that I am just a violent mechanical assassin. True, but that's only one part of me. When I'm not shredding someone in my machinery, Feelings lets me get in touch with my human side - Cyrax LK-4D4." >Goro - "Goro on the Kit" is in koffin "UJ" and costs 225 Sapphire Koins. Description: "Drummers past and present can't hold a lighter to this four-armed Shokan when he's hitting the skins. With his blazing fast bass pedal work, machine gun sixteenth-note snare fills, and astounding dexterity on the tom toms, Goro's percussion skills are unmatched!" >Moloch - "Moloch the Hobbyist" is in koffin "PS" and costs 294 Jade Koins. Description: "In between hunting down his prey and swinging his Giant Ball of Death, Moloch has plent of free time to pursue his hobbies. He enjoys building fine miniature ships for his keeper Shang Tsung, who is impressed by Moloch's patience and attention to detail." The above specific categories are about all I can think of that people would want to unlock first. The rest of the stuff in The Krypt is extra currency, story related items, and ALOT of concept art. Well, I hope this guide has helped you pick out the good stuff from the bad. -=-=-=-=-=-= XIV.Konquest: -=-=-=-=-=-= The Konquest Mode featured in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance is a training ground for the individual characters. Konquest starts off with eight (8) introductory missions that pertain to every character. After the introductory missions are completed, the game allows the player to choose an individual character and progress through ten (10) additional missons specific to the character chosen. Each fighter has similar, but somewhat different objectives to complete; they basically entail the character's special moves, and combos, and how to use them effectively. Below I will list each character's individual missions, as well as what they entail, with my pointers along the way. Another bonus for going through the Konquest Mode is that it rewards the player with kurrency to be spent in the Krypt. So not only does it introduce new characters, and how to use them, it also allows for players to purchase koffins in the Krypt. Below are the first eight (8) introductory missions for the Konquest Mode: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introductory Mission - 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pre-Mission Introduction: The path of every warrior has a humble beginning, and the road to one's destiny is long traveled. Each of life's challenges brings you closer to enlightenment. Experience is the path to understanding. By completing these many journeys to come, you will have gained the strength, speed, agility, and wisdom to master a variety of fighting arts. Every step is a victory. How you maneuver in kombat plays as much a part of your strategy as how you punch or kick. Tapping your control pad toward or away from you opponent will guide your movements, as you will see. Directions: Step toward the ninja 3 times. Then, step away from him 3 times. > Tap - Toward, Toward, Toward > Tap - Back, Back, Back Do not assume that offensiveness is always the correct path to victory. A hasty retreat can give you the space you need to plan for your next attack. By quickly tapping twice away from your opponent, you can perform a Backward Dash. Directions: Put distance between you and Scorpion by performing 3 Backward Dashes. > Tap Back - Back, and Back - Back again to complete the mission. Mission Complete! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introductory Mission - 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pre-Mission Introduction: Learn and forget. Make the technique a part of yourself before you move on. Becoming familiar with the fighting styles of the warrior you have chosen to emulate is very important. Know a fighting style like you would know yourself. Let no attribute escape you. Directions: Strike your opponent once with each of these 4 basic attacks to understand their characteristics. >Attack 1 >Attack 2 >Attack 3 >Attack 4 Often you can perform different attacks with the same button by holding one of the Control Pad directions at the same time. For example, pressing 2 while holding Back will execute a different attack than pressing only 2. Directions: Strike Scorpion with each of Sub-Zero's high punch attacks. > 4 > Back - 4 Mission Complete! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introductory Mission - 3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pre-Mission Introduction: One wins battles by making no mistakes. Making no mistakes is what establishes the certainty of victory, for it means conquering an enemy that is already defeated. Attacks that are exectured by combining the Control Pad and an attack button will often strike your opponent in different locations. In Sub-Zero's Shotokan fighting style, the 3 button will initiate an attack to his opponent's chest. However, by holding Back and 3, Sub-Zero will attack his opponent's knees. Directions: Strike Scorpion with each of Sub-Zero's high and low attacks. > 2 > Back - 2 A mixture of high and low attacks can overcome the defenses of even the most determind foe. Directions: Strike Scorpion with 2 high attacks and 2 low attacks. > 1 > 2 > Down - 2 > Down - 3 Mission Complete! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introductory Mission - 4 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pre-Mission Introduction: Let your rapidity be that of the wind, your compactness that of the forest. Letyour plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt. You must learn to let your fighting technique flow from you. Every warrior has the potential to effortlessly link his or her moves into one long attack combination. For example, Sub-Zero can combine his Shotokan attacks 1 and 2 buy pressing the 1 and 2 buttons in rapid succession. Directions: Test your attack combo skills. Execture the short form of Sub-Zero's Shotokan combo called Icy Pain. > 1 - 2 You are indeed a warrior of great skill. You have mastered the technique of combining many attacks into one attack. This knowledge will serve you well on your coming journeys. Directions: Now try the full Icy Pain combo move. > 1 - 2 - 4 Mission Complete! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introductory Mission - 5 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pre-Mission Introduction: A pacifist cultivates good karma. Defense is just as important as offense in the Art of Mortal Kombat. A true warrior must know when to avoid contact as well as when to strike. A defensive warrior can block an attack by holding Block while his opponent strikes. Directions: You must now attempt to block 5 of Scorpion's strikes. >A timer counts down from 3, and when it reaches 0, Scorpion strikes. Make sure you hold down block when the counter reaches 1, to avoid being hit. Complete this 5 times and move on. Your opponent may attack from above or from below. You must learn to defend from either direction. Directions: Practice what you have learned and block 3 of Scorpion's high attacks. >Same thing as before, but now there is no timer. Scorpion randomly throws punches; just sidestep them, and hold block. Complete this 3 times and move on. Directions: Excellent. Now block 3 low attacks. >Once again, same thing, again with no timer. Scorpion randomly performs a series of trips. Just hold down the Block button, and block 3 of his attacks to complete the mission. Mission Complete! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introductory Mission - 6 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pre-Mission Introduction: For you to become a true master of Mortal Kombat, you must learn to attack with multiple fighting styles. Every warrior has 3 fighting styles, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Sub-Zero's 3 fighting styles are Shotokan, Dragon, and Kori Blade. It is important to understand the different advantages and disadvantages of each fighting style. By using the Change Fighting Style button, a warrior can instantly switch to another fighting style with a completely different set of attacks and special moves. Depending on the situation, a warrior may choose to switch to a different fighting style to take advantage of its differing attacks. Directions: Cycle through all 3 of Sub-Zero's fighting styles. >Hit the Fighting Style button 3 times. You must now demonstrate your knowledge of multi-style fighting by striking your foe with an attack from each of your fighting styles. Directions: First, you must attack Scorpion with any attack. Then you must switch to the next fighting style and strike with a different attack. Finally, you must switch to your third fighting style, and strike one more time. >Cycle through each style, tapping button 1, to make it easy. Mission Complete! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introductory Mission - 7 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pre-Mission Introduction: If you desire total victory in Mortal Kombat, you must learn to harness the tools at your disposal. The weapon is an extension of every warrior's soul. Though a weapon may deliver great amounts of damage to one's opponent, wielding a weapon also means taking more damage. Be wary of your health while brandishing a weapon. Directions: Use your Kori Blade to beat your opponent senseless. >Scorpion rushes in with an onslaught of attacks. I found it easy to perform Sub-Zero's 1 - Back - 1 (Bitter Blade) combo with his sword. It does a lot of damage, and before I knew it, Scorpion had lost all his health. Likewise, if your opponent is wielding a weapon, take advantage of his or her increased vulnerability and strike to achieve maximum kombative effectiveness. Directions: Attack Scorpion while he is holding his weapon to exploit his weakened state. He will take the most damage with a weapon in his hand. >Scorpion comes out swinging this time, with high hitting combos involving his sword. Sidestep his attacks and attack him with the 1 - Back - 1 (Bitter Blade) combo again. It should keep him at bay and drain his life to zero. Mission Complete! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introductory Mission - 8 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pre-Mission Introduction: A tree sways in the breeze... By mastering the 3D walk, a dexterous warrior can outmaneuver an attacking foe, avoid external barriers, or force an opponent into an obstacle. A useful 3D walk technique is the Evasion. If you timed right, an attacking opponent can be dodged, leaving him or her open for a counter-attack. This method of evasion will require much practice, but once you have mastered it, you will become a most formidable kombatant. Directions: Quickly sidestep Shang Tsung's attack as it approaches. >A counter starting at 3 is once again displayed in the middle of the screen. Wait until the counter reaches 1, and press either Down, Down, or Up, Up to sidestep Tsung's attack. Complete this 3 times and you have completed the introductory missions of Konquest Mode. Mission Complete! You have mastered the fundamentals of Mortal Kombat. Use this knowledge well as you begin yor spiritual journey and experience conflict through the eyes of skilled warriors. You are now able to select any availabe character and continue your training through his or her individual Konquest missions. I will list each character's Konquest Missions in the order they appear on the select screen. *NOTE* You cannot go through Konquest Mode with a character you have not unlocked yet. In other words, one must unlock either Nitara, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, Frost, Jax, Kitana, Raiden, Reptile, and Cyrax in order to play through their respective Konquest missions. *NOTE* =-=-=-=-=-=- Shang Tsung: =-=-=-=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Sorcerer Shang Tsung is cursed to consume the souls of defeated warriors in order to stay alive. From these souls he attains greater strength and ability. It could be said that his fighting skill is the culmination of those he has conquered. We shall see if you can master his fighting ability through practice alone. The history of Shang Tsung's Snake fighting style is hard to trace historically because it is incorporated into so many Chinese fighting systems. Shang Tsung absorbed this fighting style by consuming the soul of a Shaolin Monk. The Snake fighting style consists mainly of fast-jabbing, short-ranged high attacks. Directions: Attack the Shaolin Monk, Kung Lao, with Shang Tsung's basic Snake high attacks. 1. Bai She Tu Xin: 1 2. Cross Fang: Back - 1 3. Viper Strike: 2 4. Gut Buster: Back - 2 5. Qing She Chu Dong: Up - 2 6. High Snap Kick: 3 7. Mid Kick: 4 8. Eagle Pecking: Back - 4 Shang Tsung's Snake low attacks strike like a viper. Directions: Practice Shang Tsung's Snake basic low attacks. 1. Low Palm: Down - 1 2. Twin Fang: Down - 2 3. Quick Bite: Down - 4 4. Twin Cobra: Down - 3 While in the Snake fighting style, Shang Tsung can distance himself from his opponents with a backflip Escape. (Special Move; SM) Directions: Execute 3 successful backflip Escape moves while in the Snake fighting style. >Kung Lao comes out attacking. Sidestep his attacks, and distance yourself. Tap the SM Button 3 times, far from Lao, to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You Earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Shao Kahn had sent orders to Shang Tsung, commanding the sorcerer to aid him in the battle against the united forces of Edenia and the Shokan. The message was delivered by Reptile. At first, Shang Tsung did not recognize Reptile, for he had morped into something more primal than in years past. Shang Tsung mistook Reptile for an assassin and braced for an attack. Shang Tsung poised himself in the Crane Style stance. Reptile perceived this to be offensive move. A battle ensued. Directions: Attack the assassin with Shang Tsung's Crane fighting style high attacks. 1. Chin Punch: 1 2. Crane Neck: Down - 1 3. Strong Knee: Back - 2 4. Backfist: Down - 2 5. Flapping Wing: 3 6. Hope Sidekick: Back - 3 7. Low Peck: Down - 3 8. Spinning Sidekick: 4 9. Spinning Crane Kick: Up - 4 During the fight, Shang Tsung used a Crane pop-up attack (2) on the assassin. This attack allowed Shang Tsung to pop Reptile into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Attack the assassin Reptile with the Crane Wing pop-up attack! 1. Crane Wing: 2 Directions: Now attack the assassin with the Crane Wing pop- up attack and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Crane Wing pop-up attack. >Tap Button 2 three times in succession to juggle Reptile in mid- air. Shang Tsung can sweep kick an opponent while in his Crane style. Directions: Sweep kick the assassin 3 times! 1. Sweeping Crane: Down - 4 2. Sweeping Crane: Down - 4 3. Sweeping Crane: Down - 4 While in the Crane fighting style, Shang Tsung can also perform a Reversal (SM). This move allows Shang Tsung to catch an opponent's attacking limb in mid-strike long enough for him to counter with a strike of his own. Directions: Counter the assassin's attack with a Reversal move while in the Crane style. >A timer is displayed in the middle of the screen counting down from 3. When it reaches 1, hit the Special Move button to counter Reptile's attack, and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You Earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Shang Tsung finally recognized Reptile and ceased his attack. Reptile gave him Shao Kahn's orders to report to the Emperor's fortress, and then he departed. Moments later, there was a ruckus in the outside courtyard. Shang Tsung emerged from his domicile to find that the sorcerer Quan Chi had just defeated Scorpion in a short but heated battle. Quan Chi explained that the ninja spectre had been lying in wait for Shang Tsung. If Quan Chi had not been there to intervene, Shang Tsung would surely have been attacked by the ninja spectre, Scorpion. Against such a powerful foe, Shang Tsung would have needed to draw his Straight Sword. Directions: Attack Scorpion with Shang Tsung's basic Straight Sword high attacks. 1. Front Swipe: 1 2. Lifting Swing: Up - 1 3. Rising Slice: 2 4. Lunge: Toward - 2 5. Back Hand Lunge: Up - 2 6. Foot Sword: 3 7. Cross Strike: Back - 3 8. Chest Slice: Down - 3 9. Spinning Slice: 4 10.Sweeping Strike: Down - 4 To keep his opponents on the defensive, Shang Tsung uses a series of Straight Sword low attacks. Directions: Attack Scorpion with Shang Tsung's basic Straight Sword low attacks. 1. Shin Slash: Down - 1 2. Low 2 Hit Swipe: Down - 2 3. Low Stab: Back - 4 In order to insure Scorpion's defeat, Shang Tsung would have had to Impale the ninja spectre. By stabbing Scorpion and not retrieving the blade, Shang Tsung would have slowly drained Scorpion's netheressence. Directions: Impale Scorpion with your Straight Sword. >Scorpion begins to move around and attack with high hitting combos. Block one of his combos and Impale him with the sword soon thereafter, to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Quan Chi had come to Shang Tsung with an offer to form an alliance. He explained in detail how the two sorcerers could greatly benefit each other if they joined forces. Shang Tsung was no fool. He understood the riskes involved with Quan Chi's proposal. But after some convincing from his fellow sorcerer, he readily agreed. The first act of the Deadly Alliance would be to eliminate Shao Kahn. Shang Tsung made use of Shao Kahn's mandate to return to his fortress as a means to get within striking distance. Directions: An attack Shang Tsung used while he and Quan Chi fought the emperor, Shao Kahn, was his fireball. One variation is the Straight Fire. Practice this attack on Quan Chi 3 times. >Perform Shang Tsung's Straight Fire by tapping Down - Back - 1, 3 times to complete this objective. Directions: Hit Quan Chi 3 times with Shang Tsung's Straight Fire fireball once again. Quan Chi will not be standing still this time. >Hit Quan Chi 3 more times, but be careful as Quan Chi does not stand still this time around. He uses his broadswords, so watch out for those. Directions: Another fireball attack Shang Tsung used against Shao Kahn was his 3D Fire. Practice the long-range version of this attack on Quan Chi. >Stand at the far edge of the screen and perform his 3D Fire Far by tapping Back - Toward - 1, 4 times. Directions: Well done. Now try to hit Quan Chi with the shorter-range version of Shang Tsung's 3D Fire attack. >Same thing as before, but perform his 3D Fire close move, by tapping Toward - Back - 1, 4 times. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: After defeating the Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn, the two sorcerers traveled to Earthrealm by way of a celestial portal known only to sorcerers and deities. To earn the privilege of crossing over the void, each sorcerer had to kombat a representation of his greatest adversary. For Shang Tsung, the opponent came in the form of Quan Chi. Directions: Attack Quan Chi with Shang Tsung's Snake attack combos to earn the right to pass. 1. Twisting Python: 2 - 2 2. Spiritual Snake Trail: 2 - 3 Directions: The Quan Chi double did not fall from your first attack. Try these more advanced Snake combos. 1. Rattlesnake: 1 - 1 - 3 2. Hissing Strike: 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 3. Snake Eyes: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Shang Tsung and Quan Chi had traveled to Earthrealm to seek out Shang Tsung's nemesis, Liu Kang. By disguising himself as Kung Lao, Shang Tsung was able to approach Liu Kang while he was practicing his meditation katas. In the fight that ensued, Shang Tsung had almost lost to Liu Kang's might. From out of nowhere, Quan Chi threw the Shaolin monk off balance with a surprise attack... and gave Shang Tsung the moment he needed to kill Liu Kang. Directions: The Elder God, Raiden, had witnessed the battle from The Heavens and decided to return to Earth to kombat the Deadly Alliance. Attack Raiden with these Crane fighting style combos. 1. Crazy Wings: 3 - 3 - 2 2. 3 Hit Wings: 3 - 3 - 3 3. Triple Chin Punch: 1 - 1 - 1 4. Sidewinder: 3 - 3 - 4 Directions: Well done! Let us see how you fare with some more complicated combos... 1. Raging Beak: 1 - 1 - 1 - Up - 4 2. Hunt Down:3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - Up - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Shang Tsung and Quan Chi left Liu Kang's body where it lay to complete their next task...to locate the Red Dragon clan member, Mavado. They had use of his clan's talents and offered his clan asylum from the coming invasion of Earthrealm, should he complete the task they proposed. Mavado accepted their offer on behalf of his clan and followed the two sorcerers back to Outworld. Directions: Practice Shang Tsung's Straight Sword attack combos with Mavado. 1. Deadly Blade: 1 - 1 2. Ancient Strike: 4 - 2 3. Soul Sucker: Toward - 2 - 1 4. Pain: 3 - Back - 3 5. Master's Edge: 4 - 2 - 3 - Back - 3 Shang Tsung has mastered the ability to Impale this Straight Sword into an opponent to slowly drain his life force. Once lodged into an opponent, Shang Tsung's blade cannot be removed. Directions: Impale Shang Tsung's Straight Sword into Mavado. >Mavado comes out striking, block an attack and hit the SM Button to impale Mavado and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Some time after Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and Mavado had returned to Outworld, Shang Tsung made a pact with two Oni from the Netherealm. He kept them in a chamber in the lower levels of his new palace and fed them mortals to keep them satisfied. In the event that Quan Chi betrayed Shang Tsung, he would release the vengeful Oni upon him. By linking multiple fighting styles together into one long combo, Shang Tsung can more effectively kombat his opponents. Directions: Practice Shang Tsung's Style Branch combos on the Oni, Drahmin. This one starts in the Snake style and goes into the Crane style. 1. Cold Blooded: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS Directions: Execute that same combo on Drahmin. this time, he will fight back. >Dodge Drahmin's attacks, and catch him off guard with the above combo. Directions: Next, attack Drahmin with some Style Branch combos that begin with the Crane style and go into the Straight Sword. 1. Death Bed: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS 2. Final Withdrawal: 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - CS Directions: Execute those same combos on Drahmin. This time, he will fight back. >Once again, dodge his attacks, and catch him off guard with the above combos. Mission Complete! You earned 250 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Shang Tsung survived for centuries stealing the souls of warriors. Once Shang Tsung has performed his Soul Steal move, it is said that he absorbs some of his victims' attributes as well maintains his youth. Directions: Regain full health by stealing some of Quan Chi's life force 3 times. >Perform the Soul Steal move 3 times by tapping Down - Back - 3. Quan Chi believes that you have betrayed him! The Deadly Alliance is no more! In retribution for your insolence, Quan Chi has cast a life-drain spell on you! Directions: You must steal some of his life force 5 times to stay alive! >Perform the Soul Steal move 5 more times, to regain all your lost health. Your health bar continually depletes, all the while Quan Chi attacks with his weapons, taking off massive damage. Stay far from him and steal his soul. Directions: Impale the infidel Quan Chi with Shang Tsung's Straight Sword! >Tap the SM Button to Impale Quan Chi and watch him bleed. Mission Complete! You earned 250 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one more opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Shang Tsung. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Shang Tsung is relentless in his attacks. Back off and wait for him to make a mistake, when you see your chance, move in and hit with with the Fianl Withdrawal combo. Keep out your Straight Sword and pummel him. Use the Soul Steal move if you run low on health. Use some of the bigger combos, his Konquest has taught you and you should beat him quite easily. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training. This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Gold Koins. -=-=-=-=-=-= Bo' Rai Cho: -=-=-=-=-=-= >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Native to Outworld, Bo' Rai Cho has trained warriors for centuries to compete in the Mortal Kombat tournaments. After many failures, success finally came when he trained the legendary Liu Kang, who defeated Shang Tsung and became champion of the Earthrealm tournament. You will have the honor of learning from the master. You will begin training in the fighting style known as Drunken Fist. Although there are many varieties of drunken style Kung Fu, ;you will be concentrating on the Shaolin style. The earliest reference to any drunken style is in the Sun Dynasty (960 - 1276 A.D.) Rumors indicate, however, that it was in fact Master Bo' Rai Cho who first brought the Drunken fighting style to Earthrealm centuries earlier while trying to thwart Shao Kahn's takeover of that realm. Master Bo' Rai Cho has taught many warriors during his time in Earthrealm. Now he will teach you. Directions: Practice Bo' Rai Cho's Drunken Fist high attacks. 1. Spinning Backfist: 1 2. Cross Strike: Back - 1 3. Drinking Punch: 2 4. Battle Punches: Up - 2 5. Lazy Leg: 3 6. Drunken Leg: 4 7. Spinning Kick: Back - 4 8. Drinking Wine: Down - 3 Excellent. You will now move to Drunken Fist low attacks. Unlike some low attacks, these have a considerable reach. Directions: Practice Bo' Rai Cho's Drunken Fist low attacks. 1. Serving Fist: Down - 1 2. Twisting Flask: Down - 2 3. Sweep Kick: Back - 3 4. Monkey Kick: Down - 4 While in the Drunken Fist fighting style, Master Bo' Rai Cho can Taunt (SM) his opponent. this move is not only intimidating, but it also rejuvenates some of Bo' Rai Cho's health. Directions: Try executing 2 successful Taunts to regain full health. >Frost moves in on you to attack. Try to put some distance between you and her, and perform Bo's Taunt 2 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You bring honor to Earthrealm. You have successfully proven your mastery of Bo' Rai Cho's Drunken Fist fighting style. Your next lessons will be to learn another of his styles. Directions: Master Bo' Rai Cho is as skilled at Mi Zong as he is at Drunken Fist. You will need to learn the basics if you wish to complete your training. 1. Hook Fist: 1 2. Straight Punch: 2 3. Roundhouse: 3 4. Side Kick: 4 5. Step Kick: Down - 4 Master Bo' Rai Cho uses the Mi Zong style to pop-up his opponents into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: There are two of these moves you must learn: the Lift Kick and the Smashing Kick. Show Frost how it is done. 1. Lift Kick: Back - 4 2. Smashing Kick: Up - 4 Directions: Good. Now for something a little more complicated. Attack Frost with a Lift Kick and, while she is still in the air, attack her with 2 more Lift Kicks. Frost may be an able fighter, but she is still learning. Teach her a lesson she will never forget. >Tap Back - 4, Back - 4, and Back - 4 again to juggle Frost. Directions: That was quite humorous! Do that again! This time, attack Frost with a Smashing Kick and while she is still in the air, attack her with 2 more Smashing Kicks. >Tap Up - 4, Up - 4, and Up - 4 again to juggle Frost with Smashing Kicks. HA! That was also humorous! Sub-Zero has a lot of work ahead of him if Frost is to become his apprentice. Let us now move on to the fast low attacks of Mi Zong. Directions: Practice Bo' Rai Cho's Mi Zong low attacks. 1. Low Strike: Down - 1 2. Low Knife Hand: Down - 2 3. Tripping Sweep: Down - 3 4. Sweep Kick: Back - 3 While using the Mi Zong fighting style, Master Bo' Rai Cho can Shove (SM) a blocking opponent. He uses this move to puch a blocking opponent away from him. Directions: Frost will block. Shove her away 5 times. >As Frost is blocking, walk up to her, and hit the SM Button 5 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Jojutsu is the Japanese art of the short staff. It was first used by Muso Gonnosuke in the early 1600's after his loss to the swordsman, Miyamato Musashi, while using a long staff of 6 feet. With assistance from Master Bo' Rai Cho, he subsequently developed a style with a shorter staff of 4 feet. Although he beat Musashi in a second duel, he was later defeated in his first Mortal Kombat tournament. Gonnosuke's soul was consumed by the sorcerer Shang Tsung. Master Bo' Rai Cho adopted Muso's Jojutsu style to include close-kombat, high-frequency attacks. Directions: Practice some of these Jojutsu high attacks on Muso Gonnosuke's murderer, Shang Tsung. 1. Overhead Strike: 1 2. Reverse Low Strike: Down - 1 3. Two-Handed Thrust: 2 4. Homerun Swing: 3 5. 2-Hit Strike: Toward - 3 6. Straight Thrust: Up - 3 7. Mid Reverse Strike: 4 8. High Reverse Strike: Down - 4 Master Bo' Rai Cho uses his Jo to pop-up his opponents into the air long enough to execute another attack. There are two of these moves you must learn: the Strong Overhead Strike nd the Vertical Smash. Directions: Give Shang Tsung a good pounding in the name of all that is good. 1. Strong Overhead Strike: Back - 1 2. Vertical Smash: Back - 2 Directions: Good. That is what he deserves. Now for something a little more complicated. Attack Shang Tsung with a Strong Overhead Strike and, while he is still in the air, attack him with 2 more Strong Overhead Strikes. >Tap Back - 1, Back - 1, and Back - 1 again to juggle Tsung in the air. Directions: That was quite satisfying. Try that again. But this time attack Shang Tsung with a Vertical Smash to pop him up into the air 3 times. >Tap Back - 2, Back - 2, and Back - 2 again to juggle Tsung in the air. Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to the Jojutsu low attacks. Bo' Rai Cho uses these attacks to trip up his opponents. Directions: You will use them to trip up Shang Tsung. 1. Leg Sweep: Down - 2 2. Low Foot Poke: Down - 3 3. Leg Poke: Back - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have mastered all 3 of Bo' Rai Cho's fighting techniques. Now you must learn to combine those attacks for more effective sparring. The Earthrealm warrior Kung Lao will spar with the master as he teaches you these combos. Directions: Begin with combos in the Drunken Fist style. 1. Twist of Lime: 1 - 1 - 1 2. On the Rocks: 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 Directions: Very powerfully done. Surprisingly, Kung Lao's hat remains firmly planted on his head. Master Bo' Rai Cho uses this next combo, called the Kreepy and Jugs, to push his opponent away from him. 1. Kreepy and Jugs: 3 - 2 Directions: You have done well. Let us keep the pace with another round of Drunken Fist combos. 1. Crushing Grapes: 3 - 3 - 3 2. Zero Tolerance: 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 3. Staggering Steps: 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have mastered some of Bo' Rai Cho's Drunken Fist combos. You have impressed the Outworld master enough that he wishes to show you two sets of combos in one lesson-Mi Zong style and Jojutsu style. Begin with combos in the Mi Zong fighting style. Mi Zong has only 2 pop-up combos. A pop-up combo will lift opponent into the air long enough for you to execute another attack. Directions: You must execute these combos that end in a pop- up. 1. Iron Broom: 2 - 2 - Back - 4 2. Lost Track: 2 - 2 - Up - 4 You have learned the first part of this lesson. Now you must learn to attack your opponent while he is still in the air. Use a Mi Zong pop-up combo and, while Kung Lao is still in the air, hit him again. It is that simple. 1. 2 - 2 - Back - 4 - Up - 4 2. 2 - 2 - Up - 4 - Back - 4 Directions: That was adequate for today. You will now move on to Bo' Rai Cho's Jojutsu combos. 1. Homerun: 2 - 3 2. Dancing Stick: 2 - 4 - 1 3. Rolling Wind: 2 - 4 - 4 - Up - 3 Surprisingly, the hat stay on his head. At the moment, I am nore impressed with that fact than with your fighting skills. Next you must perform Master Bo' Rai Cho's Splitting Bamboo pop- up combo. Directions: Begin... ... NOW! 1. Splitting Bamboo: 2 - 4 - Back - 1 Directions: Now use a Splitting Bamboo pop-up combo and, while Kung Lao is still in the air, strike him again with any attack you wish. >Tap 2 - 4 - Back - 1, and Up - 4 to make it easy. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Poor Kung Lao. He will feel that in the morning. For your next lessons, Bo' Rai Cho's Propel moves, you will use Jax as your sparring partner instead. Master Bo' Rai Cho has 2 special moves in which he hurls his big belly at his opponent for rib-crushing devastation. First, the Belly Bash, Toward - Toward - 4. It is a fast, medium-range attack that Bo' Rai Cho uses to bounce his opponents away from him. Directions: Bounce Jax 3 times with the Belly Bash. 1. Toward - Toward - 4 2. Toward - Toward - 4 3. Toward - Toward - 4 Ha HAAA! I love that move. Jax does not, however. He will not allow you to attemp the Belly Bash again, if he can help it. You must execute 4 more Belly Bashes to complete this lesson. >Dodge Jax's attacks, and when you see an opening, tap Toward - Toward - 4 to Belly Bash him 4 times. That has to be the most fun lesson you have ever learned. I enjoyed just watching you. Let us move on to the next humorous attack, the Flip-Flop, Down - Back - 1. this is a short-range attack that... well... you will see. Directions: Crush Jax with the Flip-Flop attack 3 times. 1. Down - Back - 1 2. Down - Back - 1 3. Down - Back - 1 Like a clown in a circus, is it not? I am beside myself with laughter! Unfortunately, Jax does not think it is so funny. He will punish you this time. Bo' Rai Chos' Flip-Flop attack, Down - Back - 1 should shut him up. Directions: Crush the crybaby 4 times with the Flip-Flop attack to complete this lesson. >Dodge Jax's attacks, and when you see an opening, tap Down - Back - 1 to Flip-Flop him 4 times. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Jax is quite angry with you and will no longer spar. That is acceptable. There are other warriors willing to assist in your training. The beautiful Princess Kitana will fill in. You next lesson will be to learn Bo' Rai Cho's Ground Stomp, Toward - Back - 3. This move is unblockable and causes damage to those warriors who have their feet planted on the ground. Directions: Attack Kitana with 2 Ground Stomps. 1. Toward - Back - 3 2. Toward - Back - 3 Directions: That was quite fun! Did you see the look on her face? Perform the Ground Stomp 4 more times. >Tap Toward - Back - 3, 4 more times, when Kitana is off her guard. She continues to jump around, so time it just right. Directions: Oh my. Kitana seems annoyed. Perhaps she does not feel the joy that you do when performing this exercise. Convince her that it is all in good fun by executing the Ground Stomp 4 more times successfully. >Kitana will be attacking you this time, so be on the look out for her attacks. Time your move just right, when her feet are planted on the ground. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Apparently Kitana is more tolerant than Jax was. She will remain to aid you in your training. But I fear that she will regret her decision once she oerans of your next lesson. Master Bo' Rai Cho has never married. The next move that he will show you is the reason why. Most heroes impress the ladies with their kombat skills. Master Bo' Rai Cho repulses them with his. In a vulgar, but most effective maneuver, the young Bo' Rai Cho would vomit on the ground in front of his opponent. If his opponent stepped in the bile, he would slip uncontrollably. This moment of immobility would give Bo' Rai Cho a chance to attack. Directions: Impress Kitana with Bo' Rai Cho's Puke Puddle 3 times. 1. Back - Toward - 2 2. Back - Toward - 2 3. Back - Toward - 2 Directions: That was quite fun, indeed! Did you see the look on her face this time? As expected, she was unamused. Catch her with a Puke Puddle 4 more times. >Attack Kitana with a low hitting combo, then tap Back - Toward - 2 for the Puke Puddle 4 times. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Kitana has left the building. But Kung Lao has finished his meal and is ready for more endurance training. Your next lesson will encompass learning Style Branch combos. Style Branch combos are like normal combos except that they change fighting styles during the attack. This first test statts in the Drunken Fist fighting style and goes into the Mi Zong fighting style. 1. 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - CS Directions: Impressive! Now try that same combo but finish it with a Mi Zong attack. 1. Last Call: 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - CS - 2 - Back - 4 Beautifully done! This next combo starts in Mi Zong and goes into the Jojutsu weapon fighting style. 1. Critical Strike: 2 - 2 - CS Excellent. But this next combo should prove to be quite a challenge. you must first start in the Drunken Fist style, change to the Mi Zong style, then finish in the Jojutsu weapon style. 1. Bottoms Up: 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - CS - 2 - CS Mission Complete! You earned 250 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and have beaten many opponents. But there is one foe you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Bo' Rai Cho. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Bo' Rai Cho is definitely tough to beat, as he has so many immobolizing moves, like his Puke Puddle. Refrain from using this move, as it not only always misses, it leaves you wide open for a beating. Instead focus on some of his longer hit combos, when you see the chance. Use his throw often, and his Jojutsu combos work great as well. Have fun kicking his fat ass. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Ruby Koins. -=-=-=-=- Quan Chi: -=-=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The sorcerer Quan Chi is as vile as they come. His kombat skills come from a great understanding of sorcery, rahter than from actual training or practice. You will not be as fortunate on this journey. You will have to learn the hard way. The first of Quan Chi's styles that you must learn is Tang Soo Do. Tang Soo Do is a relatively modern Korean martial art developed by Hwang Kee. It is a combination of several arts, which Hwang Kee studied during his life. These arts included Soo Bahk Do (Korean), Tae Kyun (Korean), Tang Method (Northern Chinese), and Southern Chinese (unspecified). Scorpion had brutalized Quan Chi while they were both stranded in the 5th plane of the Netherealm. The ninja spectre drew strength from that realm, whereas Quan Chi's sorcery weakened. Quan Chi had to rely on his most basic of attacks to fend off Scorpion's assaults. Directions: Prepare yourself, dark acolyte, for you are about to train in Quan Chi's Tang Soo Do basic attacks. 1. Open Palm: 1 2. Forward Open Palm: 2 3. Front Ball Kick: 3 4. One Knuckle Fist Punch: Back - 4 5. Downward Elbow: Back - 1 Directions: Excellent. Let us move on to Tang Soo Do low attacks. Quan Chi uses these attacks to clode proximity to his opponent. 1. Knee Chop: Down - 1 2. Low Spearhand: Down - 2 3. Low Parallel Punch: Down - 3 4. Sweeping Knife Hook: 4 5. Low Foot Strike: Down - 4 Well done. Quan Chi has a knack for reversing his fortunes. What seems like a devastating blow eventually turns to his advantage. Call it his sorcerer's luck. This dark fortune also applies to his fighting ability. When an opponent strikes, Quan Chi can perform what is called a Reversal to get the upper hand. Directions: Counter 3 attacks from the infidel Scorpion with Quan Chi's Reversal move. >A timer is displayed in the middle of the screen starting at 3. When it reaches 1, hit the SM Button to counter Scorpion's attack. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Now you understnad the power of dark fortune. It seemed that Quan Chi had been trapped in the Netherealm to be forever tormented by the ninja spectre Scorpion. But fate turned to Quan Chi's favor when two oni, Moloch and Drahmin, presented to him ancient information regarding his amulet. This new information, enscribed on tablets, detailed the amulet's purpose and how to control it. Quan Chi used the information to escape the Netherealm trhough a cloaked Realm Gateway without his Oni companions. Quan Chi emerged in Outworld to find himself inside a large stone structure. He felt his powers returning and used them to decipher the hieroglyphs on a large sarcophagus. He was amazed to discover that he had stumbled upon the tomb of the long-forgotten Dragon King and his undefeatable army. As Quan Chi's magical strength returned, he slowly regained the fighting prowess drained from him during his time in the Netherealm. The fighting style Escrima was one of his first skills to reappear. Directions: Practice Quan Chi's basic Escrima attacks on the Netherealm Oni, Drahmin. 1. Pinasaka: 1 2. Backhand Strike: 2 3. Chest Strike: 3 4. Rising Knee Strike: 4 5. Deadly Palm: Back - 3 6. Straight Fist: Toward - 4 Eeeexcellent! Quan Chi's Escrima style utilizes a pop-up attack called the Lightning Strike. This move allows him to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Attack Drahmin with the Lightning Strike 3 times. 1. Back - 1 2. Back - 1 3. Back - 1 Directions: Very impressive. Dark One. Now for Quan Chi's Escrima low attacks. 1. Pintok: Down - 1 2. Piercing Elbow: Down - 3 3. Cutting Elbow: Down - 4 The next of Quan Chi's Escrima techniques to return to him was his Neijin. For a short period of time, a Neijin gives Quan Chi extra attacking power to wreak added damage upon his opponents. Directions: Perform a Neijin and strike the fool Oni, Drahmin. >Tap the SM Button, and hit Drahmin with a Green Skull, Down - Back - 1 to make it easy and complete the mission. Make sure to dodge his attacks first. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Quan Chi had regained enough strength to wield his Double Broadswords. Although this technique was similar to the single broadsword, Quan Chi considered the more advanced use of two weapons to be quite advantageous in kombat. They also proved to be advantageous in freeing himself from the tomb to search for the sorcerer, Shang Tsung. Directions: Practice these Double Broadsword techniques that Quan Chi has used to slay countless infidels foolish enough to oppose him. 1. Piercing Thrust: 1 2. Deceiving Strike: 2 3. Dual Blade Swing: Back - 2 4. 2-Hit Strike: 3 5. Dual Side Slash: 4 Directions: Indeed, your porwess with the swords is undeniable. Perhaps you should move on to Quan Chi's Double Broadsword low attacks. 1. Double Edged Blow: Down - 1 2. Winged Strike: Down - 2 3. Half Moon Slice: Down - 3 4. Circular Slash: Down - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. Mission - 4: Pre-Mission Introduction: By the time Quan Chi had reached the rumored abode of Shang Tsung, his Special Attacks had regained full strength. And just in time, it would seem, Quan Chi was soon confronted by non other than Scorpion. The imbecile ninja must have somehow escaped the Netherealm trhough the same portal as Quan Chi, but had emerged elsewhere in Outworld. The two adversaries battle furiously, but Quan Chi gained the upper hand when he cast his Skull Fireball at the unsuspecting Scorpion. Quan Chi can focus his Fa Jing into a foul skull spectre and propel it at his opponent. This attack is painful, but it also serves to intimidate the weak-minded. Directions: Destroy Scorpion with 3 Skull Fireballs before time runs out. 1. Down - Back - 1 2. Down - Back - 1 3. Down - Back - 1 Although Quan Chi thought he had defeated Scorpion with his Skull Fireball, the ninja had only been feigning death, and sprung a surprise attack with his spear. Reeling from the pain inflicedted by the Skull Fioreball, the enraged ninja proved to be much more aggressive this time. Directions: Strike Scorpion down with 3 more Skull Fireballs before he defeats you or time runs out. >Complete the move 3 more times, but dodge Scorpion's attacks. He comes out swinging so be careful. He uses his spear alot, so keep your distance and block it. Counter with a Skull Fireball. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Although Quan Chi had blasted Scorpion with his Skull Fireball multiple times, he finally resorted to his Rising Star Kick, and sent Scorpion flying backward into a moat of acid that surrounded the courtyard. A short time later, Shang Tsung emerged from a doorway to applaud his fellow sorcerer's victory. Shang Tsung had not interfered with their battle, and remained inside his home until the kombat had ceased. Scorpions's demise in the acid bath led Shang Tsung to believe that Quan Chi had defeated Scorpion with a lucky shot. The Special Attack that had sent Scorpion hurling into the acid bath is called the Rising Star Kick. It is a pop-up attack that can also be used to dodge projectiles. Quan Chi tried to propose an alliance with Shang Tsung, but Shang Tsung did not believe that Quan Chi was a worthy ally. Show Shang Tsung the Rising Star special move that Quan Chi used to defeat Scorpion. Directions: Perform the Rising Star 3 times. 1. Down - Back - 4 2. Down - Back - 4 3. Down - Back - 4 Shang Tsung believes that the Rising Star kick is indeed fast enough to hit an average warrior, but he laughs at the idea that it defeat an aggressive opponent such as the ninja specre, Scorpion. Show the infidel that you are a warrior worthy of a Deadly Alliance. Directions: Kick Shang Tsung 3 times with the Rising Star before he defeats you or time runs out. >Dodge Tsung's initial attacks, sidestep, and hit him with the Rising Star. Complete this 3 times and move on. You can also hit him once, and in mid-air hit him 2 more times to make it easier. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Shang Tsung was impressed with Quan Chi's fighting abilities and agreed to listen to his proposal for an alliance between the two sorcerers. Quan Chi began my explaining that he could provide an endless supply of souls for Shang Tsung to consume in return for Shang Tsung's assistance in reviving the Dragon King's undefeatable army. Their combined efforts would achieve immortality, and Quan Chi would obtain military power. Just as Shang Tsung and Quan Chi will combine their efforts to become a stronger power, you must now learn to combine your moves to create more powerful attacks. Directions: Practice these Tang Soo Do combos before time runs out. 1. Face Breaker: 2 - 2 2. Path Maker: 3 - 3 3. Nightfall: Back - 1 - 4 4. Rushing Palm: 1 - 1 - 1 Directions: Do you feel the power behind the attack combos? The more moves you combine, the more powerful the attack becomes. Practice these more advanced combos. 1. Walking Dead: Back - 1 - 3 - 3 2. Running Stream: 2 - 3 - 4 3. Internal Power: 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 4. Strong Wind: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 5. Green Mountain: 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Quan Chi had discovered that the amulet he stole from the Elder God, Shinnok, was in fact a key to manipulate inter-realm portals. Quan Chi pledged to unlock a portal to The Heavens to allow Shang Tsung to feed from the limitless souls of that realm. In return, Shang Tsung agreed to transplant the souls of defeated warriors into the mummified remains of the Dragon King's army. With a handshake to seal the unholy pact, the Deadly Alliance was formed. Directions: Quan Chi can also combine attacks in the Escrima fighting style. Practice these Escrima combos before times runs out. 1. Double Pinasaka: 1 - 1 2. Rushing Knee: 4 - 4 Directions: Most impressive! You will serve the Deadly Alliance well. Let us see how you fare with some more advanced Escrima combos. 1. De Cadena: 3 - 1 - Back - 1 2. Ice Pick: 2 - 4 - 4 3. Hit and Run: 3 - 1 - 1 4. Slitting Hand: 3 - 1 - Toward - 4 Directions: Well done, my pupil. Now you must prove yourself by mastering Quan Chi's Double Broadsword combo. 1. Doom Blade: 3 - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Indeed your are most fortunate. You will now have the honor of participating in The Trial of Blood! Directions: Make Raiden bleed 50 pints of blood before he defeats your or time runs out. >Basically what you have to do is attack Raiden until he bleeds the specified amount. I always use the character's weapon on these trials, because they cause the most blood to flow. Block Raiden's attacks, and hit him with the Doom Blade combo, 3 - 4 to finish Raiden quickly. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: In order for their plans of realm domination to take root, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung needed to eliminate the only two beings capable of stopping them. The first was the Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn. Shao Kahn had been weakened by his defeat during the Earthrealm invasion, and Princess Kitana's military forces were causing an incredible strain on his remaining power. Under the pretense that they would aid the failing Emperor, they gained entrance to his throne room and sprung their attack. In a spectacular battle of brute stength and magic, Shao Kahn was defeated. Now, dark acolyte, you msut learn to combine Quan Chi's fighting styles into longer, more power attack combinations. Directions: Begin with this combo that starts with the Tang Soo Do fighting style and changes into the Escrima fighting style. 1. 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - CS Directions: Well done! Now you must expand upong that combo by adding one more strike in the Escrima style. 1. 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - CS - 4 Most impressive! But to prove once and for all that you are worthy of the Deadly Allinace, you must perfect this next combo that chains all three of Quan Chi's fighting styles into one long combo. Directions: It begins with Tang Soo Do, switches to Escrima, and finishes with the Double Broadsword. 1. Pain Killer: 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - CS - 4 - CS Mission Complete! You earned 250 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have mastered Quan Chi's fighting styles, special moves, and combo attacks! You will be a great asset to Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. But there is one more test you must pass before serving the Deadly Alliance. There is one more for you must confront... After slaying the Emperor, Shan Kahn, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung attempted to travel to Earthrealm by way of a celestial protal known only to sorcerer and deities. Although Quan Chi could reveal the cloaked portal with his amulet, he could not use the artifact to control it. To earn the right to pass, each sorcerer would have to defeat a representation of his greatest adversary. For Quan Chi that challenge came in the form of himself. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Quan Chi is a bit difficult to beat in the beginning, but once you get the hang of his moves, he becomes real simple. He always goes for the Pain Killer combo, which takes off massive damage. Wait for him to attempt it, blocking every attack, and counter with the exact same combo. If he gets far enough away from you Neijin, and use some heavy hitting Tang Soo Do and Double Broadsword combos, and he should be finished. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Gold Koins. -=-=-=- Li Mei: -=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Although quite young, Li Mei grew up in the presence of martial arts masters and can hold her own in a fight. When Kano's troops invaded her homeland under the banner of the Deadly Alliance, she fought bravely and bested many of Kano's men. She migh have defeated Kano himself had Quan Chi not interfered. Baji Quan is a 500 year old Chinse art meaning Eight Extremities Fist. Primarily a close-range style, Baji Quan uses all eight extremities such as the head, shoulders, elbows, hand, feet, back, hips, and knees. Baji Quan is actively being taught to the Taiwan Military Police. The Baji Quan fighting style is characterized by its sudden release of explosive power, and both long and short-range techniques. Directions: Punish Kano with these explosive attacks. 1. Wing Arm: 1 2. Upward Palm Strike: Toward - 1 3. Thrusting Fingers: 2 4. Circling Hand Strike: Back - 2 5. Scraping Kick: 3 6. Lifting Kick: 4 7. Nailing Kick: Back - 4 Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to Baji Quan's low attacks. These attacks are quite effective, however they are only for close kombat. Directions: Perform these low attacks on Kano. 1. Low Scooping Arm: Down - 1 2. Scooping Arm: Down - 2 3. Low Kick: Down - 3 4. Rising Elbow: Down - 4 While in the Baji Quan fighting style, Li Mei can Taunt her opponent. This move is not only intimidating, but it also rejuvenates some of Li Mei's health. Directions: Use Li Mei's Taunt to regain full health. >Tap the SM Button until Li Mei regains all her health. Kano actually attacks you during this process, but I found it easy to Throw him using the SM Button and completing my Taunt as he lay on the ground helpless. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Very well done. Now that you have mastered Li Mei's Baji Quan fighting style, you must advance to her second style, Lui He Ba Fa. One of Li Mei's fighting styles is Lui He Ba Fa, or the Kung Fu system of six harmonies and eight methods. Lui He Ba Fa was developed by Chen Tuan, a famous Taoist of the Later Choi or Sun Dynasty, who lived on Mount Hua in Shensi, China. The style was brought to Outworld by the martial arts master Bo' Rai Cho some 200 years ago. The Lui He Ba Fa fighting style is famous for the utilization of one's entire body for spring-like power and movement like a swimming Dragon. Directions: Kano's troops destroyed Li Mei's town and enslaved her people. She almost defeated him once. This is another chance to strike him down. 1. Sideward Palm: 1 2. Hammer Palm: Back - 1 3. Heel Palm Strike: Up - 1 4. Open Fist Strike: 2 5. Back Kick: 3 6. Swinging Elbow: 4 7. Lifting Knee: Back - 4 Directions: Magnificent! You are a quick learner. Now use the Lui He Ba Fa low attacks to keep Kano on the defensive. 1. Halting Palm: Down - 1 2. Low Jab Fist: Down - 2 3. Back Sweep: Down - 3 4. Low Sideward Palm: Down - 4 While using the Lui He Ba Fa fighting style, Li Mei can Shove a blocking opponent. A Shove is used to push a blocking opponent away from you. Directions: Break Kano's block with the Shove move five times. >Tap the SM Button next to Kano to Shove him and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Excellent. You have defeated Kano with your expertise in the Lui He Ba Fa fighting style. Now you will practice Li Mei's weapon style, the Sai. Prior to 1870, the Sai was carried by special units of the Okinawan police. The Sai most likely migrated to Japan from China, Malaysia, or India where it is also used. Directions: The Sai weapon style is known for its lightning strikes, devastating jabs, and hook attacks. Attack Kano with some of these deadly techniques. 1. Overhead Smash: Back - 1 2. Forward Thrust: 1 3. Gut Stab: 2 4. Rising Sai: Up - 2 5. Foot Spike: 3 6. Side Swipe: 4 Excellent. Your mastery of Li Mei's Sai seems limitless. Directions: Now you must learn her Sai low attacks. Use them to keep Kano on the defensive. 1. Low Swipe: Down - 1 2. Low Thrust: Down - 2 3. Knee Poke: Down - 3 4. Sweeping Sai: Back - 4 5. Hooking Stab: Down - 4 Li Mei has the ability to Impale her Sai into an opponent to drain his lifeforce. This is a devastating tactic that can turn the duel to your advantage. Once lodged into an opponent, Li Mei's Sai cannot be removed. Directions: Impale Kano with Li Mei's Sai. >Hit the SM Button to Impale Kano, after you dodge an attack. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Indeed, you have proven that "Sais" does matter. I believe it would now be appropriate to begin Li Mei's special move training. This next trial pits you against Mavado, a member of the Red Dragon clan. He has never done anything to you, but you must fight him anyway. You must learn to harness you Fa Jing, or Inner Power. Lie Mei has learned to focus her Fa Jing into a lightning fast projectile she calls the Sparkler. Directions: Practice Li Mei's Sparkler move 3 times before time runs out. 1. Down - Back - 1 2. Down - Back - 1 3. Dowb - Back - 1 Again, you amaze me with your talent. Let us see how well you do in kombat. Directions: Hit Mavado with Li Mei's Sparkler move 3 times before he defeats you or times runs out. >Dodge his initial attacks, distance yourself and fire 3 Sparklers at him from across the arena. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Excellent! You have begun to harness your Fa Jing, and have mastered Li Mei's Sparkler move. In this next lesson, you will further your special move training and learn to fly. Reptile will be your sparring partner. Li Mei has learned to channel her Fa Jing into a powerful special move she calls the Flying Fists. Directions: Practice Li Mei's Flying Fist 3 times before times runs out. 1. Toward - Toward - 2 2. Toward - Toward - 2 3. Toward - Toward - 2 Again you have proven to be a quick study. But let us see how your fare in kombat. Directions: Attack Reptile with Li Mei's Flying Fists 3 times before he defeats your or times runs out. >Dodge Reptile's attacks, and tap Toward - Toward - 2, when you are close to him, so he is unable to block, and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have indeed soared to new heights! Remember the Flying Fists well, for it will prove most useful in kombat. Your next opponent will be the sorcerer Quan Chi, enslaver of your race. He and Shang Tsung have forced your people to build a palace fortress, under threat of death. They have used Kano's loyal army to maintain their control over its construction. Li Mei's Karwheel Kick causes a deadly strike to the top of her opponent's head. Directions: Practice Li Mei's Karwheel Kick 3 times before times runs out. 1. Down - Back - 4 2. Down- Back - 4 3. Down - Back - 4 Once again you impress me. Your skills are improving. But let us see how well you handle yourself against a moving opponent. Directions: Attack Quan Chi with Li Mei's Kartwheel Kick 3 times before he defeats you or times runs out. >Sidestep his attacks, and when he is recovering from your sidestep, attack him 3 times with the move to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Impressive! Your execution of the Kartwheel kick is unparalleed. Quan Chi had seen Li Mei's fighting skills during the attack on her town, and recognized her formidable warrior spirit. He greatly desired to transplant her soul into one of the mummified soldiers, and offered to release her people if she could win the Deadly Allinace tournament. The tournament was to be held in the palace once its construction was completed. Li Mei accepted the challenge to free her people. Li Mei's Klock Kick causes a massive uppercut to her opponent. Directions: Practice the Klock Kick 3 times before times runs out. 1. Toward - Down - 3 2. Toward - Down - 3 3. Toward - Down - 3 Very impressive! The execution of your technique is improving. But let us see how well you handle yourself against Quan Chi in kombat. Directions: Attack Quan Chi with the Klock Kick 3 times before you are defeated or time runs out. >Same thing as before, wait until he is vulnerable (after a combo chain he misses or you block) and hit him with the move. If you can juggle him in the air 3 times with it, that is even easier. Directions: Now destroy Quan Chi with all of Li Mei's special attacks before he defeats your or time runs out. 1. Sparkler: Down - Back - 1 2. Flying Fists: Toward - Toward - 2 3. Kartwheel: Down - Back - 4 4. Klock Kick: Toward - Down - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Very well done. Now you must learn attack combinations. Utilizing combos will greatly increase the damage done to your opponent. Directions: Perform these basic Lui He Ba Fa combos on the ninja spectre, Scorpion, before time runs out. 1. Lost Rose: 2 - 4 2. Pink Dragon: 3 - 3 Directions: Very impressive! Your technique improves with each new lesson! Let us see how well you master these more complicated combos. 1. Extreme Fists: 1 - 1 - 1 2. Explosive Strength: 1 - 1 - Back - 4 3. Rejuvenation: 1 - 1 - 2 - 4 4. Coiled Dragon: 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Well done! You have proven yourself a master of Li Mei's basic combos. Now you must learn how to chain a combo from one style to another. This type of attack is a called a Style Branch combo. Directions: Try this Style Branch combo that starts with Li Mei's Lui He Ba Fa style and goes into the Sai. 1. 2 - Back - 1 - CS Directions: Now execute this more complicated Style Branch combo that starts with Li Mei's Lui He Ba Fa style and goes into the Sai. 1. 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 - CS Directions: Very good. Now execute this more complicated Style Branch combo that chains all 3 of Li Mei's fighting styles together. You must start in The Baji Quan fighting style. 1. Linked Strength: 4 - 4 - CS - Back - 1 - CS Directions: Take out your frustration, and Impale Scorpion with Li Mei's Sai. >Tap the SM Button to Impale Scorpion in the thighs, thus completing the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 250 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Li Mei. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Li Mei is not as hard as one may think. She has combos that do very little damage. I say to stay with the Linked Strength combo, and do many of her special moves. She should be fairly easy to beat using those moves and tactics. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Ruby Koins. -=-=-=-=- Scorpion: -=-=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The ninja spectre Scorpion utilizes the forces of the Netherealm to kombat his foes. Although he takes no sides in the battle against the Deadly Alliance, his primary goal is to destroy the sorcerer Quan Chi for slaying his family and clan. Scorpion is nearly unstoppable and will not rest until he has exacted his revenge. There is much to be learned from his unrelenting determination. The fist of Scorpion's styles you must learn is Hapkido. Directions: Hapkido has a mix of both powerful and quick attacks. Try a few of these attacks against Scorpion's old nemesis, Sub-Zero. 1. Back Hand Strike: 1 2. Face Strike: Back - 1 3. Axe Kick: 3 4. Snap Kick: 4 5. Backside Kick: Back - 4 Directions: A useful Hapkido attack called the Front Thrust Kick, allows Scorpion to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. 1. Front Thrust Kick: Up - 4 Directions: Try attacking Sub-Zero with the Front Thrust Kick, and while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Front Thrust Kicks. >Tap Up - 4 and juggle Sub with two more Front Thrust Kicks right away. Directions: Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move onto the Hapkido low attacks and sweeps. These attacks keep your opponent on the defensive. 1. Knee Knockdown: Toward - 3 2. Hop Sweep: Back - 3 3. Back Sweep: Down - 3 4. Front Sweep: Down - 4 While in the Hapkido fighting style, Scorpion can Taunt his opponent. This move is not only intimidating, but it also rejuvenates some of Scorpion's health. Directions: Try executing 2 successful Taunts to regain full health. >Sub-Zero is active and will attack you during this obective. Use your throw to get him away from you, and then hit the SM Button to Taunt him and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have successfully proven your mastery of Scorpion's Hapkido fighting style. Your next lesson will be to learn another of his martial arts fighting styles. Directions: You will now begin training with Scorpion's basic Pi Gua attacks. 1. Ridge Hand: 1 2. Stepping Heel Kick: 3 3. Knife Hand Chop: Back - 1 4. Double Knife Hand Chop: Back - 4 5. Wing Chop: Toward - 2 Directions: Scorpion's Pi Gua fighting style utilizes fast and tricky low attacks. He uses them to keep his opponent on the defensive. Try attacking Quan Chi with Pi Gua's low attacks. 1. Chest Strike: Down - 2 2. Low Heel Kick: 4 3. Low Knife Hand Strike: Down - 4 4. Spear Hand Sweep: Back - 2 While using the Pi Gua fighting style, Scorpion can Shove a blocking opponent. He uses this move to push a blocking opponent away. Directions: Shove your blocking opponent away from you 5 times. >Quan Chi stands there and blocks the entire time. Walk up to him and Shove him 5 times using the SM Button to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Excellent! Your training in the art of Pi Gua is complete! Let us move on to Scorpion's weapon style, the Ninja Sword. Directions: Scorpion's Ninja Sword fighting style utilizes speed and reach. Try attacking your opponent with Scorpion's Ninja Sword high attacks. 1. Crescent Blade Strike: 4 2. Reverse Stab: 2 3. Charging Slash: Toward - 3 4. Upward Slash: Down - 1 5. Sweeping Blade: Down - 4 6. Edge Slash: Down - 2 7. Piercing Blade: Down - 3 Directions: A very useful Ninja Sword attack is the Rising Slash. This move allows Scorpion to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. 1. 3 Directions: Try attacking your opponent with the Rising Slash and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Rising Slash. >Tap 3, 3, and 3 one more time while Sub is in mid-air to complete the objective. Very impressive! Now you must learn a more strategic move, the Sidestep Swing. This quick jump to the side, followed by a sword slash, has a very good chance of hitting an opponent while he is in the middle of an offensive attack. Directions: Exectute a Sidestep Swing 5 times successfully against your opponent. >Sub-Zero once again is active this time. Sidestep his attacks and hit the SM Button to exectute the move properly. 5 times doing this finishes you the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Very well done! Now you must learn attack combinations. Utilizing combos will greatly increase the damage done to your opponent. Directions: You will begin your lesson with Hapkido basic combos. 1. Flowing Water: 2 - 2 - 1 2. Inner Power: 2 - 2 - 4 Directions: Some combos in Scorpion's Hapkido fighting style end in a pop-up. This pops his opponent into the air long enough for him to execute another attack. Now you must execute these combos that end in a pop-up...flawlessly. 1. Liftoff: 4 - Up - 4 2. Burning Soul: 2 - 3 - Up - 4 Directions: You have learned the first part of this lesson. Now you must learn to attack your opponent while he is still in the air. Use a pop-up combo and, while Quan Chi is still in the air, hit him again. 1. 4 - Up - 4 - Toward - Back - 3 2. 2 - 3 - Up - 4 - Toward - Back - 3 Directions: Very impressive! Scorpion also has a low combo that starts with a low hit and then sweep kicks his opponent. You may begin Scorpion's sweep combo. 1. Sinking Leaf: Toward - 3 - Back - 3 Directions: In order to break free from Drahmin and Moloch, Scorpion executed a Hapkido combo that pushed the two Oni away from him. He then chased after Quan Chi to prevent him from escaping the Netherealm. You must learn these combos as well. 1. Lethal Legs: 4 - Back - 4 2. Doombringer: 2 - 3 - Back - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You are close to mastering the fighting skills of a tortured spectre! Now you must learn the attack combinations using Scorpion's Pi Gua and Ninja Sword fighting styles. Directions: Scorpion's Pi Gua fighting style is based on single solid hits, but it has a few combos to round it out. Begin with the Pi Gua combo lesson. 1. Stone Breaker: Back - 1 - 3 2. Falling Tree: 2 - 2 - 3 3. Rushing Ridge Hand: 2 - 2 - 1 Directions: I am most proud of you. Next you will learn Scorpion's combo attacks in the Ninja Sword fighting style. 1. Moon Strike: 4 - 4 2. Turning Dragon: 1 - 2 Directions: You have learned basic Ninja Sword combos well. Now you will master some more advanced combo attacks. Execute these Ninja Sword combos. 1. Rising Dragon: 1 - 3 2. Demon Slice: 4 - 3 3. Edge of Pain: 4 - 1 - 1 - 3 Directions: Very impressive! Now you must take it a step further. You must use the Ninja Sword pop-up combos you have already learned and then attack with any Ninja Sword swing to juggle Sub-Zero before he lands on the ground. 1. 1 - 3 - 2 2. 4 - 3 - 2 3. 4 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You will now peer into a world unknown to mortals! You will learn the special moves of a Hellspawn spectre. Scorpion's Backflip Kick is used to prevent an opponent from approaching. It also works well as an anti-air attack. Directions: Attack Sub-Zero with Scorpion's Backflip Kick 4 times. 1. Toward - Back - 3 2. Toward - Back - 3 3. Toward - Back - 3 4. Toward - Back - 3 Directions: Very impressive! Now you must take it a step further. Sub-Zero will not be so accommodating this time. Attack him with the Backflip Kick 4 times. >Sub-Zero will relentlessly attack you. Dodge his moves, and hit him with the kick. If that is troubling you, spear him first, then execute the Backflip Kick. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have mastered the first of Scorpion's special attacks. It is time you learned yet another. Although Scorpion's Summon Hellfire special attack is useful against defensive or blocking opponents, it can be dodged and leaves him vulnerable to attack. Directions: Melt Sub-Zero with Scorpion's Summon Hellfire attack. 1. Down - Back - 4 2. Down - Back - 4 3. Down - Back - 4 4. Down - Back - 4 5. Down - Back - 4 6. Down - Back - 4 >Sub-Zero just stands there and blocks. Since this move is unblockable, just hit Down - Back 4, 6 times and you complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Now for Scorpion's trademark attack... the Spear. Scorpion can hurl a roped spear across the arena to impale his opponent and pull him closer for a free unblockable hit. That hit can be whatever attack he chooses, but it is most effective when it is the first strike in a combo. Directions: Catch Shang Tsung twice with Scorpion's spear. >Shang Tsung moves around trying to dodge the spear. Time it perfectly so that Tsung actually moves into the spear. Do this twice to complete the objective. Directions: That must have been most painful for Shang Tsung. But not as painful as your next lesson will prove to be. Now impale him with Scorpion's Spear and when he is standing near you stunned, execute a Backflip Kick attack as your unblockable free move. >Tap Back - Toward - 1, and when Tsung is stunned, tap Toward - Back - 3 to do the Backflip Kick and complete the objective. Directions: That will most likely leave a mark. This, however, will leave some charring. Impale Shang Tsung with Scorpion's spear, and while he is standing near you stunned, execute a Front Thrust Kick in the Hapkido style as your unblockable free move, followed by the Summon Hellfire before he hits the ground. 1. Back - Toward - 1, Up - 4, Down - Back - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have already mastered some of Scorpion's basic combos. You must now expand upon that training by learning his Style Branch combination attacks. Directions: First you will learn a Style Branch combo that begins with Scorpion's Hapkido style and then goes into his Pi Gua style. 1. 2 - 2 - CS Directions: Next you will execute a Style Branch combo that starts in the Hapkido style, goes into the Pi Gua style, and then continues with 2 more hits, while still in the Pi Gua style. 1. 2 - 2 - CS - 2 - 3 Directions: Now try the same Style Branch combo starting from the Hapkido style, going into the Pi Gua style, and then continuing with 2 more hits ending in the Ridge Hand high chop move in the Pi Gua style. 1. 2 - 2 - CS - 2 - 1 Directions: Now execute a Style Branch combo that begins in Scorpion's Pi Gua style and goes into his Ninja Sword fighting style. 1. 2 - 2 - CS Mission Complete! You earned 250 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents.. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Scorpion. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in duel to the death. >Scorpion is especially hard when he pulls out his weapon. When he takes out the Ninja Sword be prepared to be hit up for some heavy hitting combos. I stayed mostly with the Summon Hellfire move, and some of his shorter more effective combos. When the chance arises, throw him a couple times, and then use the Summon Hellfire move, which work effectively. Be wary of using the Spear, because he almost always blocks it, and it leaves you wide open. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Jade Koins. -=-=-= Sonya: -=-=-= >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Sonya Blade was part of a Special Forces unit assigned to kombat international criminal organizations. She and her partner, Jackson Briggs, had tried to warn the U.S. government of the impending threat from the realm of Outworld, but their words fell on deaf ears. It was not long before the unprotected realm of Earth fell under invasion from the Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn. Kenpo is a western variation of Japanese Karate. It was originally introduced to the Hawaiian Islands as Kenpo Jujutsu and was later adapted into what is now called Kenpo or Kenpo Karate. Directions: Practice Sonya's basic Kenpo high attacks on her Special Forces partner, Jax. 1. Knife-Hand Strike: 1 2. Spinning Elbow Strike: Back - 1 3. Eye-Gouger: 2 4. Knife-Hand Chop: Back - 2 5. Standing Uppercut: Up - 2 6. Back Kick: 3 7. Rising Axe Kick: 4 8. Shovel Kick: Back - 4 Directions: One of Sonya's attacks that you jsut learned, the Rising Axe Kick, can pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Juggle Jax in the air with 3 Rising Axe Kicks. 1. 4 2. 4 3. 4 Directions: Well done! This time start with the Standing Uppercut and finish with 2 Rising Axe Kicks. 1. Up - 2 2. 4 3. 4 Directions: Execellent! Now to learn Sonya's Kenpo low attacks. 1. Double Hammer Fist: Down - 1 2. Low Punch: Down - 2 3. Leg Sweep: Back - 3 4. Low Heel Kick: Down - 3 5. Low Step Punch: Down - 4 Directions: While in the Kenpo fighting style, Sonya can power-up her attacks by performing a Neijin. This boost in offensive power only lasts fro a short period of time. Execute a Neijin and hit Jax with a powered-up strike of your choice. >Tap the SM Button and attack Jax with Sonya's Standing Uppercut, Up - 2 to make it easy and complete the mission. Jax starts attacking, so keep him at bay, Neijin and attack. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: During Shao Kahn's invasion of Earthrealm, Sonya faced off with a Black Dragon member known as Kano atop a high building. She had dealt with Kano before, and she was intent on making this encounter the last. After Kano had dealt her a devastating blow, she feinted defeat to draw Kano in. When he was in position, she hurled him over the side of the building to the street below. She later reported Kano's death to the Special Forces. The Japanese occupation of Korea from 1910 through the end of WWII influenced Tae Kwon Do through the introduction of Shotokan. Initially taught to the military, Tae Kwon Do is the Korean equivalent of Karate, with more emphasis placed on kicking. Directions: Attack Kano with Sonya's basic Tae Kwon Do high attacks. 1. Side Kick - 1 2. Hook Kick: Back - 1 3. Double Hammer Fist: Down - 1 4. Downward Axe Kick: 2 5. Twin Fist Punch: Down - 2 6. Spinning Heel Kick: 3 7. Rolling Strike: Down - 3 8. 2-Hit Strike: 4 Directions: Kano is no push-over. He hates the Special Forces as much as Sonya despises the Black Dragon. He will make you work for it this time. >Attack Kano with the same Tae Kwon Do high attacks, but watch out as Kano fights back this time. Complete the above 8 attacks to complete this obejective. Directions: Now you must learn Sonya's Tae Kwon Do low attacks. 1. Ankle Smash: Back - 3 2. Nitro Kicks: Back - 4 3. Spinning Back Kick: Down - 4 Directions: Kano was caught off guard that time. He knows you will be attacking low and will be ready for you. Attack him once again with Sonya's Tae Kwon Do low attacks. >Perform the same Tae Kwon Do low attacks, but watch out as Kano tries to block most of them. Throw him, and then hit the buttons to complete the objective. Directions: During her fight with Kano, Sonya had turned his attack against him by performing a Reversal. This move allowed her to catch Kano's attacking limb and counter with her own move. Counter Kano's attack with Sonya's Reversal move. >A timer is displayed in the middle of the screen. When it reaches 1, tap the SM Button to counter Kano's attack. Do this 2 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: After Shao Kahn had been defeated, Sonya nad Jax discovered the cyborg ninja Cyrax immobilized... caught in an instructional loop. They brought him to the Special Forces tech labs and restored his humanity. To show his gratification for releasing him from a digital nightmare, Cyrax pledged his services to the Special Forces and currently reports to the Outworld Investigation Agency. Kali Sticks is a martial art of the Philippines. The jungle environment on those islands has naturally led to the development of fighting techniques which utilize sticks and or long knives. Directions: Practice Sonya's Kali Stick high attacks with Agent Cyrax. 1. Straight Snap Strike: 1 2. Overhead Strike: Toward - 1 3. Circular Strike: 2 4. Spinning Strike: Back - 3 5. Wrist Snap Strike: 4 6. Chin Jab: Down - 4 7. Circular Power Strike: Back - 4 8. Stick Smash: SM Directions: Cyrax will now spar with you. Attack him with the Kali Stick high attacks once again. >Perform the above 8 attacks once again while Cyrax fights you. Watch out for his combos, as they waste a lot of time on the clock. Dodge his attacks and retaliate with your own. Directions: Now to practice Kali Sticks low attacks training. 1. Low Snap Strike: Down - 1 2. Low Scissors Swipe: Down - 2 3. Low Swinging Strike: 3 4. Low Strike: Down - 3 Directions: Cyrax will test you once again. Attack him with the Kali Stick low attacks you have just learned. >Attack Cyrax with the above 4 attacks the same way as the previous objective. He attacks again, so be careful. Mission Comlete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: When the rogue swordsman, Kenshi, joined the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency, his fist assignment was to locate the missing agent Cyrax who had been reported missing in Outworld. Directions: Sonya was intrigued by Kenshi's ability to sense an opponent without the use of his eyes. Test his awareness. Attack him with Sonya's Fly Kick move. 1. Toward - Toward - 3 2. Toward - Toward - 3 Directions: Execellent. This time, Kenshi will test YOUR ability to use that move in kombat. >Complete the Flying Kick 3 more times while Kenshi attacks. Watch out for his attacks, sidestep them, and perform the move 3 times. Directions: Very skill execution! Now you must attack Kenshi in the Kenpo fighting style with 2 Rising Axe Kicks and finisyh the assault with Sonya's Fly Kick. 1. Juggle: 4 - 4 - Toward - Toward - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: While on assignment demolishing ancient inter-realm portals in the East, Sonya received a distressing message from Jax that the Outerworld Investigation Agency had been completely destroyed by an accompliec of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. A new threat from Outworld was imminent. But without their inter-realm portals, Jax and Sonya had no means to prevent the attack. Directions: Unless the warriors Sonya nad Jax can fina way to travel to Outworld, they can kiss Earthrealm goodbye. Practice Sonya's Kiss of Death special attack. 1. Down - Back - 1 Jax is not interested in Sonya's misplaced affections. He will resist the Kiss Of Death attack this time. >Perform the move after dodging or sidestepping one of Jax's attacks 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. Mission - 6: Pre-Mission Introduction: Sonya was visited by the God of Thunder, Raiden. He asked her for aid in the coming fight against the Deadly Alliance. Sonya agreed to join her old friend and ally, but she experssed concern that all inter-realm portals on Earth were now destroyed. Raiden instructed her to meet with the other heroes on the old island fortress in the Lost Sea wehre he would address this issue. Directions: By linking attacks together, Sonya Blade can more effectively defeat her opponent. Practice these Kenpo attack combos with Raiden. 1. Conscious Mind: 3 - 3 2. Cutting Edge: 1 - 3 - 3 3. Big Guns: 1 - 1 - 4 Directions: Now for the real test. You will spar iwht a Thunder God using the Kenpo attack combinations you have just learned. >Perform the above 3 combos against an attacking Raiden to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Sonya arrived on Shang Tsung's abandoned island fortress and was greeted by one of her allies against evil, Kung Lao. He seemed depressed, bout would not offer an explanation. The two of them sparred on the beach to pass the time as they waited for the other warriors that Raiden would have contacted. Directions: Practice Sonya's Tae Kwon Do attack combinations with Kung Lao. 1. Clearness of Mind: 4 - 4 2. Take Out: Back - 3 - 3 Directions: Kung Lao will now practice his fighting styles with you. Use the attack combinations you just learned to defend yourself. >Perform the above 2 combos against an attacking Kung Lao to complete the objective. Directions: Expand upon your training with these extra Tae Kwon Do combos. 1. Peaceful World: 1 - 1 - Down - 3 2. Special Forces: 4 - Back - 3 - 3 Directions: Test the effectiveness of those combos by sparring with Kung Lao. >Perform the above 2 combos against an attacking Kung Lao to complete the objective. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: By late afternoon, a small boar, apprently form of ice, floated to shore. It was the Lin Kuei ninja, Sube-Zero and his warrior-in-training, Frost. Sonya was not exited to see Frost. Her first meeting with the new Lin Kuei recruit was not a pleasant one. Sonya had a score to settle. Directions: As Frost disembarks, attack her with Sonya's Kali Stick combos. 1. Multi-Level Strikes: 2 - 4 - 3 2. Furious Blows: 4 - 2 - 4 Directions: Frost was caught off guard, but now she will show the superiority of Lin Kuei training. >Perform the above 2 combos on Frost as she tries to attack you to complete the objective. Directions: Frost fights well, but she will fall to these Kali Stick combos. 1. Show-Off: 2 - 4 - Back - 3 2. The Live Hand: 4 - 2 - Back - 3 Directions: Frost's desire to impress her Sifu, Sub-Zero, has impaired her judgement. She will not stop until you have been defeated. >Perform the above 2 combos on Frost as she tries to take you out. Mission Complete! You earned 250 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: By nightfall, the remaining Eartherealm warriors had arrived. Raiden then appeared and transported the heroes to a celestial portal to Outworld. To earn the right to pass into Outworld, each warrior had to defeat a representation of his or her worst adversary. Sonya had though it would be Frost, but to her surprise, it was a stranger with an image of a red dragon on his back. Directions: Defeat the stranger with Sonya's Style Branch combos. These attack combinations give Sonya added kombative effectiveness by linking moves from different styhles together. This one started in Tae Kwon Do and goes into Kali Sticks. 1. Blitzkrieg: Back - 4 - CS Directions: The spectral opponent has gotten more aggressive. He will not be so easily defeated this time. 1. Blitzkried: Back - 4 - CS Directions: You must adjsut your technique and perform a different, more powerful Style Branch combo. This one starts in the Kenpo style, goes into Tae Kwon Do, and finishes with the Kali Sticks. 1. Warfare: 1 - 1 - CS - 4 - CS Directions: That attack confused your mysterious opponent, but he has adapted and will be quite a challenge this time. >Perfrom Warfare on Mavado as he tries to take you out. Sidestep an attack of his, and hit him up with the combo. Mission Complete! You earned 300 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents.. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Sonya. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Sonya is a bit hard at first. Her low attacks are hard to judge and block, but once you know when they are coming it is easy to block and start an offensive of your own. Use the Warfare combo a lot on her, and her smaller Tae Kwon Do combos to take her out for good. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training. This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Ruby Koins. -=-=-=- Kenshi: -=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Although blind, the sworddsman who simply calls himself Kenshi is a n accomplished warrior. The sword of his ancestors guides his movement as if he could see. The sword also seems to give him powers far beyond that of average kombatants. Tai Chi Chuan, or 'Supreme Ultimate Fist', consists of 13 postures which form the basis for all modern Tai Chi. It is considered an internal form of martial arts where internal energy, or 'Chi', is an important element. After the Special Forces operative, Cyrax, was reported missing in Outworld, Kenshi was recruited as a free agent to search for him. His ulterior motive for accepting the task, however, was to seek out the sorcerer Shang Tsung as well. Directions: For this first lesson in Tai Chi basic attacks, Cyrax will be your sparring partner. 1. Mid Palm Strike: 1 2. Chopping Strike: 2 3. Pushing Hands: Toward - 1 4. Quick Uppercut: Back - 2 5. Rising Uppercut: Down - 2 6. Straight Kick: 3 7. Spinning Roundhouse: 4 Well done. Your next lesson will be to learn a Tai Chi attack called Rising Spade Hand (Back - 1). This move allows Kenshi to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Execute the Rising Spade Hand on Cyrax. 1. Back - 1 Directions: Try attacking Cyrax with the Rising Spade Hand and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Rising Spade Hand. 1. Back - 1 2. Back - 1 3. Back - 1 >Perform the move once, to knock him into air, and while he is in the air, hit him 2 more times to complete the objective. Directions: Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to Tai Chi low attacks. These attacks are quite effective, however they do not have much reach. Kenshi uses Tai Chi low attacks in close proximity to his opponent. 1. Dual Fist Strike: Down - 1 2. Low Lean Kick: Down - 3 3. Low Spin Kick: Down - 4 4. Standing Sweep: Back - 4 While in the Tai Chi fighting style, Kenshi can Taunt his opponent. This move is not only intimidating, but it also rejuvenates some of Kenshi's health. Directions: Execute 2 successful Taunt to regain full health. >Cyrax comes out to attack you this time. Throw him to get him far away from you, and tap the SM Button to Taunt him 2 times, and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Well done! Kenshi is descended from a line of long- forgotten warrior kings who resided in a region somewhere between Europe and China. Their people were comprised of a mixture of both cultures. Directions: Your next lesson will encompass the basics of Kenshi's San Shou fighting style. 1. Hook Punch: 1 2. Face Strike: 2 3. Side Kick: 3 4. Propelling Hook Kick: Back - 3 5. Snapping Roundhouse: 4 6. Spinning Roundhouse: Back - 4 7. Rising Elbow: Down - 2 San Shou has 2 quick pop-up attacks: the Rising Toe Kick (Toward - 3) and the Long Range Fist (Back - 1). These moves allow Kenshi to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Practice the Rising Toe Kick and the Long Range Fist on your sparring partner, Cyrax. 1. Rising Toe Kick: Toward - 3 2. Long Range Fist: Back - 1 Directions: Most impressive. Now for a challenge. Try attacking Cyrax with the Rising Toe Kick pop-up and, while he is still in the air, attack him 1 more time with the Rising Toe Kick pop-up. >Tap, Toward - 3, to get him in the air, time it correctly, and tap the same button combination again to complete the objective. Directions: Likewise, try attacking Cyrax with the Long Range Fist pop-up and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Long Range Fist pop-up. >Tap, Back - 1, to launch Cyrax into the air, time it correctly, and tap the same button combination again to complete the objective. Not bad... for a blind man. Let us move on to San Shou low attacks. Like Tai Chi, these attacks are also lacking reach. Begin. 1. Low Jab: Down - 1 2. Knee Knocker: Toward - 2 3. Low Sweep: Down - 3 4. Shin Kick: Down - 4 While in the San Shou fighting style, Kenshi can power himself up by performing a Neijin. A Neijin gives added power to his attacks for a short period of time. Directions: Perform a Neijin without getting hit by Cyrax. Then exectue a powered-up attack on him. >Tap the SM Button to Power-Up, and then tap Back - 1 to execute a simple move to make it easy, and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have mastered Kenshi's unarmed fighting styles, but now you must learn why he is referred to as the 'Sword Saint'. For many years, Kenshi roamed the East, challenging the master swordsmen of that region to sword duels. He desired to become the greatest swordsman in the world and slew many great warriors to prove his superiority. You will challenge Master Bo' Rai Cho of Outworld with Kenshi's Katana fighting style so that you may learn to be the best. The Katana is the traditional Japanese long sword used by the Samurai. Modern martial art forms still in existence today are broadly referred to as Kenjutsu, Kendo, and Iaido. Kenshi's technique has both reach and above average speed. Directions: Attack Master Bo' Rai Cho with Kenshi's Katana high attacks. 1. Crescent Blade Strike: 4 2. Reverse Stab: 2 3. Charging Slash: Toward - 3 4. Upward Slash: Down - 1 5. Sweeping Blade: Down - 4 6. Edge Slash: Down - 2 7. Piercing Blade: Down - 3 Well done, and many thanks for not slaying master Bo' Rai Cho. You will now learn a very useful Katana attack called the Rising Slash (3). This move allows Kenshi to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Practice the Rising Slash on Master Bo' Rai Cho. 1. Rising Slash: 3 Directions: You indeed posses the code of the Bushido. Now you must expand on your pop-up training. Once again, attack Master Bo' Rai Cho with the Rising Slash pop-up and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Rising Slash pop-up. >Tap Button 3, to knock Cho into the air, while suspended, hit that button 3 more times to complete the objective. While using his Katana, Kenshi can perform a Sidestep Swipe (SM). He uses this quick move first to dodge an atack, and then to counter with an attack of his own. Directions: Evade Master Bo' Rai Cho with 5 successful Sidestep Swings. >Dodge Cho's attacks and tap the SM Button to Sidestep Swing him 5 times when he least expects it to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: After defeating a master swordsman in Japan, Kenshi was confronted by an old Chinese man named Song who explained that, for a price, he could lead Kenshi to an ancient sword of historical importance. Although he was annoyed by the old man's persistence, Kenshi finally agreed to meet him at a remote location in China where the sword was located. He convinced himself that he should have a sword that refelcted his greatness. Directions: Next, you will learn Kenshi's Tai Chi attack combinations. Utilizing combos will greatly increase the damage done to your opponent. Begin. 1. Empty and Full: 1 - 1 2. Play By Ear: 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 3. Dark Fists: 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 Directions: Excellent. This next quick knockdown combo is called Blind Justice. 1. Blind Justice: Back - 2 - 3 Directions: Most impressive. Let us see how you fare with a more complicated attack combo. This pop-up combo is called Fading Light. 1. Fading Light: 2 - 2 - 2 - Back - 1 Master Bo' Rai Cho is most impressed with your progress. Perhaps you will allow him to further your training one the Deadly Alliance is no more. But for now, you must execute a juggle combo. Directions: Perform the Fading Light combo and then Juggle Master Bo' Rai Cho with any 2 attacks while he is still in the air. 1. 2 - 2 - 2 - Back - 1 - Back - 1 - Jump Kick Mission Complete! You earned 175 Ruby Koins. Mission - 5: Pre-Mission Introduction: When Kenshi traveled to China to meet with Song, the old Chinese man guided him through an underground labryinth, which led to a burial chamber. Song instructed Kenshi to life the heavy stone lid from an altar-like structure. Song explained that Kenshi would find the sword hidden inside. Master Bo' Rai Cho has suggested that you pick up the pace and learn 2 combo sets in the same session. Directions: First, you will practice his San Shou combos. 1. Don't Blink: 4 - 4 2. Natural Way: 2 - 1 - 3 3. All Ears: 2 - 1 - Back - 3 Directions: Excellent. Of course, Kenshi has mastered some Katana combos as well. 1. Moon Strike: 4 - 4 2. Day Break: 1 - 2 Directions: Most impressive. Now execute a few pop-up combos while still in the Katana fighting style. 1. Rising Dragon: 1 - 3 2. Edge of Pain: 4 - 1 - 1 - 3 Directions: Splendid! Now prove that you are indeed the swordsman you claim to be. Perform these pop-up combos followed by any Katana strike you choose to juggle Master Bo' Rai Cho before he hits the ground. 1. 1 - 3 - 2 2. 4 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Upon opening the altar, the last thing Kenshi saw was a bright green blast. He stumbled back, blinded. The old Chinese man, Song, was in fact the sorcerer Shang Tsung who devoured the souls of the warrior kings that Kenshi had released. Shang Tsung left Kenshi to die in the labyrinth, but the sword he found inside the altar led him out by some other-worldly power. Directions: Raiden is no stranger to Shang Tsung's treachery. He will assist you as you practice the Telekinetic Push that Kenshi's ancestral sword has made possible. This attack is fast, but it does little damage. 1. Toward - Toward - 2 2. Toward - Toward - 2 3. Toward - Toward - 2 Directions: Excellent. Now dodge Raiden's lightning projectile and then push him with your telekinetic powers. Repeat this attack 3 times. >Watch for Raiden's lightning, and when it approaches, sidestep it, and hit the Telekinetic Push 3 times to complete the objective. Directions: Most exceptional. Now focus your telekinetic powers to push Raiden 3 times. But be warned, Raiden will not make it easy this time. >This time Raiden proceeds to attack you as you try to Push him away. Throw him to create some distance, and when he approaches, Telekinetic Push him 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: More than decade after betraying his warrior king ancestors, Kenshi had been spying on the activities of Shang Tsung in Outworld when he learned of the sorcerer's alliance with Quan Chi and their assassination of Emperor Shao Kahn. He relayed the information to Jax in Earthrealm, but opon returning to Outworld, he found that his portal beacon no longer received a signal. He was trapped in Outworld. Directions: Kenshi's Telekinetic Toss hits twice and has good range, but it is slow to start and will leave you vulnerable. You will also take more damage than normal if you are struck while performing it. 1. Down - Back - 4 2. Down - Back - 4 3. Down - Back - 4 Directions: Excellent. Now dodge Raiden's lightning projectile and then toss him with your Telekinetic powers. Repeat this attack 3 times. >Wait for Raiden to toss his projectile, sidestep it, and Toss him into the wall 3 times. Directions: Once again, you must focus your telekinetic powers to toss Raiden 3 times. And again, he will not make things easy. >Same thing, but watch out for his combos, sidestep them, and Toss his ass into the wall 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Kenshi sympathized with the plight of the enigmatic kombatant, Ermac. The Outworld warrior spirits that had manifested themselves in the form of a ninja had been violated by Shao Kahn in much the same way that Kenshi's ancestors had been enslaved by Shang Tsung. Kenshi was taught the Telekinetic Slam by Ermac in return for freeing him from the control of the Emperor. Directions: Kenshi's Telekinetic Slam lifts an opponent in the air and slams him to the ground. Execture the Telekinetic Slam 3 times before times runs out. 1. Down - Back - Down - 1 2. Down - Back - Down - 1 3. Down - Back - Down - 1 Directions: Excellent. Your powers are increasing. Now combine the slam with another attack. Execute the Telekinetic Slam on Raiden and then juggle him with a Tai Chi attack while he is in the air. Repeat this combo 3 times. 1. Down - Back - Down - 1 - Up - 1 2. Down - Back - Down - 1 - Up - 1 3. Down - Back - Down - 1 - Up - 1 Directions: Now Raiden will test you. You must successfully execute the Telekinetic Slam 3 times to complete this lesson. >Raiden will come at you with all he has. Dodge his movements and Slam him 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have finally caught up with the sorcerer Shang Tsung in Outworld! Now is the time to avenge the souls of your warrior king ancestors! Expand upon your combo training by learning Style Branch combination attacks and rain suffering from the evil sorcerer who deceived you so many years ago! Directions: First you must execute a Style Branch combo that begins with Kenshi's Tai Chi style and then goes into his San Shou style. 1. 2 - 2 - 2 - CS Directions: Next you will pummel Shang Tsung with a Style Branch combo that starts from Kenshi's Tai Chi style, goes into his San Shou style, and then continues with one more hit while still in the San Shou style. 1. 2 - 2 - 2 - CS - 1 - 3 Directions: Excellent. Shang Tsung is reeling from the pain! Now execute a Style Branch combo that begins with Kenshi's San Sho style and goes into his Katana fighting style. 1. 2 - 1 - CS Directions: It would seem that Shang Tsung's ally, Quan Chi, will not come to his aid! Perhaps he is at this moment being pummeled by a warrior a well. Take advantage of his absence and perform the previous combo. But his time, finish it off with another attack before he hits the ground. 1. 2 - 1 - CS - 2 Directions: Most brutal! You truly are the greatest warrior Earthrealm has ever known! Now avenge your ancestors and finish Shang Tsung off with a devastating Style Branch combo that makes use of all 3 of Kenshi's fighting styles. From Tai Chi, into San Shou, and finally into Katana. 1. Nightfall: 2 - 2 - 2 - CS - 1 - CS - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 250 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents.. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Kenshi. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: You will lose more than just a fight if you do not defeat your double. You will lost your very soul! Cast out your darker self! Defeat your inner demons! >Kenshi comes out swinging. Watch out for his pop-up combos as they do heavy damage. I used his Nightfall combo mixed up with some of his Special Moves to dole out heavy damage. Also use his Telekinetic Push to get him away from you. The fight should not be too tough. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Gold Koins. -=-=-=- Mavado: -=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Red Dragon member, Mavado, is much more skilled and disciplined than Kano, his counterpart in the Black Dragon. His excessive training with the Red Dragon has led him to develop a long-forgotten fighting technique known only to that clan. This technique utilizies ropes with hooks on the ends to propel him in battle. You will begin your training studying Mavado's Long Fist basic attacks. You will spar with the Red Dragon member, and Mavado's subordinate, Hsu Hao. Directions: Execute Long Fist's high attacks. 1. Flat Punch: 1 2. Long Straight Fist: 2 3. Heel Kick: 3 4. Ducking Fist: Down - 3 5. Cutkick: 4 Practice Mavado's Long Fist Crane Strike pop-up attack (Back - 2). This move allows Mavado to pop his oppnent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Execute Mavado's Crane Strike pop-up attack. 1. Crane Strike: Back - 2 Directions: Well done. If you continue at this pace, you may in fact become a Red Dragon. Now try the Crane Strike pop-up again, and then juggle Hsu Hao with 1 more attack of your choice while he is still in the air. 1. Back - 2 - Back - 2 Very good. Now for another pop-up attack. This one is a 3D pop-up called the Spinning Crane (Back - 4). Mavado can use this move to dodge his opponent and pop him up in the air from the side. Directions: Attempt the Spinning Crane. 1. Spinning Crane: Back - 4 Directions: Let us test your mettle. Attack Hsu Hao with the Spinning Crane to pop him into the air, and then juggle him with 2 more Spinning Cranes. 1. Back - 4, Back - 4, Back - 4, while Hsu Hao is still airborn. Directions: Impressive! Now you msut move on to Mavado's Long Fist basic low attacks. 1. Ducking Claw: Down - 1 2. Low Strike: Down - 2 3. Floor Kick: Down - 4 4. Knee Strike: Back - 1 While in the Long Fist style, Mavado can Shove (SM) a blocking opponent and break the block. Directions: Hsu Hao will block. You must break his block 5 times with the Shove technique. >Hsu Hao will stand/sit there and block, walk up to him and hit the SM Button 5 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Red Dragon clan has existed for centuries as a secretive criminal organization. In the last century, many of the more reckless members became dissatisfied with the restraints the code of the Red Dragon place upon them and broke away to form their own gang, the Black Dragon. Since then, it has been the Red Dragon's number one priority to eliminate their former brothers. It was though that the Black Dragon had been completely destroyed until one member resurfaced, Kano. Another fighting style Mavado has learned since joining the Red Dragon is Wing Chun. Directions: Practice Mavado's Wing Chun high attacks on Kano. 1. Outside Whip Punch: 1 2. Hammerfist: 2 3. Sidekick: 3 4. Front Heel Kick: 4 Directions: Excellent. Now practice Mavado's Wing Chun low attacks. 1. Low Punch: Down - 1 2. Low Whip Jab: Down - 2 3. Shin Kick: Down - 3 4. Sweep Kick: Down - 4 While in the Wing Chun fighting style, Mavado can utilize a Red Dragon technique called the Dragon Tongue. This maneuver allows Mavado to Escape from an opponent by shooting red ropes with hooks on the end at the floor behind him. Mavado then quickly pulls himself backward and out of harm's way. Directions: Execute Mavado's Dragon Tongue Escape move 3 times. 1. SM 2. SM 3. SM >Kano comes after you this time. Immediately hit the SM Button to get out of his way. Hit it twice more, far from him to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Like the Black Dragon thug, Kano, Mavado uses a double- weapon fighting style. It is rumored that Mavado aquired his Hookswords from the former Black Dragon member, Kabla after a vicious battle. Even though Kabal had only been a member of the Black Dragon for a short time, Mavado had sworn to eliminate him. Kano had heard of Kabal's apparent demise at the hands of Mavado. He would have killed the Red Dragon warrior had he not been trapped in Outworld all this time. Directions: Show the fool Kano he is no match for Mavado's basic Hooksword high attacks. 1. Chest Strike: 1 2. Downward Hook Strike: 2 3. Twin Overhead Strike: Back - 2 4. Stepping Chest Strike: 4 5. Upward Cross Strike: Down - 4 6. Twin Overhead Slam: Back - 3 7. Dual Hook Strike: Toward - 4 Directions: Well done. Now show Kano your prowess with Mavado's basic Hooksword low attacks. 1. Low Reverse Blow: Down - 1 2. One Hook Sweep: Down - 2 3. Scissors Swipe: Down - 3 4. Low High 2-Hit: 3 Kano is unimpressed. Prove to him the superiority of the Red Dragon's fighting techniques with Mavado's 3D hooksword low attack called the Sidestep Swing. Directions: Kano will not be so passive this time... >Tap the SM Button as soon as Kano approaches to sidestep his attack and sweep him to the ground. Complete this 5 times to beat the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Red Dragon is known by criminal organizations to palce a priority on stealth rather than brute force. Mavado is no exception. In his quest to destroy the Black Dragon clan, Mavado ordered his subordinate, Hsu Hao, to pose as a member of the Chinese secret militray and 'aid' the Special Forces in capturing or killing Black Dragon members. The Special Forces would therefore be doing the Red Dragons' work for them. Combining stealth with fighting skill has made the Red Dragon a powerful organization. The Red Dragon are not known to the Special Forces, but they soon will be. Directions: Show Jax just how powerful Mavado's Long Fist Black attack combo is. 1. Longfist Blast: 1 - 1 - 2 Directions: Now show Jax Mavado's Long Fist Forklift pop-up combo. 1. Long Fist Forklift: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 Directions: Now we will see how skilled you really are. Execute Mavado's Long Fist Forklift pop-up combo and, while Jax is still in the air, juggle him with the entire Longfist Blast combo. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 2, 1 - 1 - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Mavado was approached by the Outworld sorcerers, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, who requested the aid of the Red Dragon. They needed to destroy the Special Forces' techno portals to hinder their ability to travel to Outworld. In return, they offered the Red Dragon sanctuary during the coming invasion. Mavado accepted their offer and instructed his subordinate, Hsu Hao, to complete the task. Directions: Impress Quan Chi with your Red Dragon training. Perform these Wing Chun combos. 1. Mavado Surprise: 4 - 3 2. Lin Wan Kuen: 1 - 1 - 1 3. Determination: 2 - 4 - 3 4. Storm Kicks: 4 - 4 - 3 5. Empty Shadow: 1 - 1 - Up - 1 6. Rolling Hands: 1 - 2 - 4 - 3 7. Red Dragon: 2 - 4 - 4 - 3 8. Control of Power: 1 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 3 Directions: He is indeed impressed and wishes to see more. Perform Mavado's Hooksword combos. 1. Kabal's Torment: 4 - 4 - 2 2. Hook N Bash: 4 - 4 - Back - 2 3. Strength and Balance: 4 - 4 - Back - 3 4. Blazing Fury: 2 - 4 - 4 - 2 5. Kabal's Return: 2 - 4 - 4 - Back - 2 6. Brutal Revenge: 2 - 4 - 4 - Back - 3 Directions: Now execute Mavado's Wing Chun into Hooksword Style Branch combo. Remember, you msut begin the attack from the Wing Chun fighting style. 1. 1 - 2 - 4 - CS Directions: Quan Chi is amazed with your disciplined fighting prowess. It reminds him much of his own fighting ability. Represent the Red Dragon with Mavado's Wing Chun to Hooksword style Branch combo and finish with another Hooksword attack. 1. Sacred Band: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 4 - Back - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: In addition to destroying the Special Forces' inter-realm technology, Shang Tsung had one more request. If Mavado could eliminate the Earthrealm spy that Kano had spotted in Outworld, Mavado could name his pirce. Shocked to to find that Kano still lived, Mavado requested the chance to face Kano in Mortal Kombat as payment for slaying the Earthrealm spy. Mavado then traveled with Shang Tusng and Quan Chi to a celestial portal where he had to defeat a representation of his greatest adversary. In order to traverse into Outworld, Mavado had to defeat a representation of the sorcerer Shang Tsung. He began his attck with his Grappling Hook Strike. Directions: Execute Mavado's Grappling Hook Strike 4 times. 1. Toward - Toward - 3 2. Toward - Toward - 3 3. Toward - Toward - 3 4. Toward - Toward - 3 The double of Shang Tsung had merely been studying Mavado's moves and began to fight back. Directions: Attack Shang Tsung's double with the Grappling Hook Strike 4 more times. >This time Tsung attacks. Sidestep his attacks and while he is recovering, hit him with the Hook Strike. Shang Tsung's double learned quickly and Mavado's Grappling Hook Strike was no longer effective. Mavado had to switch his attack to his Change Sides Hook 3D escape move. Directions: Trick the double with Mavado's Change Sides Hook 3D escape 3 times. 1. Down - Up - 2 2. Down - Up - 2 3. Down - Up - 2 Again, Shang Tsung's double learned to counter Mavado's moves. Directions: Trick the double with Mavado's Change Sides Hook 3D escape 4 times. >Shang attacks this time. Throw him to get him away from you, and then execute the move 4 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Hunt For The Special Forces Spy... Part 1. Mavado traversed to Outworld with Shang Tsung and Quan Chi and parted ways to search for the man they believed to be a spy from Earthrealm's Special Forces. Surprisingly, the first agent he encountered was Sonya Blade. Mavado had no idea how she had gotten to Outworld after Hsu Hao had destroyed the Special Forces base, but he knew he would have to eliminate her in order to continue his search in secret. Directions: Defeat Sonya Blade to continue your quest and obligation to Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. >Beat Sonya with all of Mavado's combos you have learned thus far. She is not that hard, but watch out for her Tae Kwon Do low attacks, as they are hard to judge, and they are very quick. Use Mavado's Kabal's Revenge Hooksword combo to beat her effectively. Watch for her dodges, as she is fast, and reverses EVERYTHING. Beat her 2 out of 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 250 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Hunt For The Special Forces Spy... Part 2. Mavado defeated Sonya Blade and continued the hunt for the Special Forces spy that the Deadly Alliance felt to be a danger to their regime. It was not long before he was ambushed by Jax. Jax was in pursuit of Mavado's subordinate: Hsu Hao, for destroying the Special Forces base, when he recognized the mark of the Red Dragon on Mavado's back. Although Mavado was not the man he sought, Jax had no problem butting heads with anouther member of this new and mysterious clan. Directions: Defend yourself against the brute force of Jax. >Jax is one tough adversary as well. The above strategy also applies to Jax as it did to Sonya. Use Mavado's smaller combos, and finish them off with some weapon combos. Also, throw alot, to create distance between you and Jax. Beat him to complete the mission. Beat him 2 out of 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 250 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Hunt For The Special Forces Spy... Part 3. After a grueling battle, Mavado finally defeated Jax. He continuted his quest for the Earthrealm spy and finally discovered him in a town located high in the mountains. The spy was in fact the swordsman, Kenshi. The two warriors squared off and prepared for Mortal Kombat. Directions: Eliminate the Earthrealm spy, Kenshi. Once you have eliminated him, you will have earn the privilege of destroying Kano in teh name of the Red Dragon. >Kenshi is not as hard as Sonya or Jax. He uses his Katana alot so be on the lookout for those high hitting combos. Once again, the same strategy applies here, as it did for Sonya and Jax. Use low hitting juggle combos, interspersed with his Hooksword combos that do massive damage. Beat him 1 time to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 250 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and you have located and beaten the Special Forces spy, Kenshi. Yet there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Mavado. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Mavado is also tough to beat. He uses his Hooksword combos alot. Sidestep those and counter with your own high hitting combos. He likes to use his Grappling Hook Strike as well. Block that, and follow up with a high hitting juggle. After a while, you should get used to his pattern, and learn how to defeat him easily. Mission Complete! You earned 300 Jade Koins. -=-=-=-=-=-= Johnny Cage: -=-=-=-=-=-= >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Hollywood movie star Johnny Cage is more concerned with flash than with substance. Even with this lack of discipline, his moves are still quite effective. Although Johnny Cage chooses fighting styles that offer the best screen presence, you must learn them to round out your training. One of the classic Hollywood fighting styles is Karate. Johnny Cage first used Karate in his 1998 film, 24 KARATE GOLD, in which he played a Secret Service agent. Directions: Try some of these high attacks he used in the movie. 1. Lunge Punch: 1 2. Knife-Hand Chop: 2 3. Front Thrust Kick: 3 4. Side Thrust Kick: 4 5. Side Elbow Strike: Back - 1 A crowd pleaser in the movie was his Knife Hammer Strike (Toward - 2). This move allowed him to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Try attacking your opponent with the Knife Hammer Strike while using the Karate style. 1. Knife Hammer Strike: Toward - 2 Directions: Try attacking your opponent with the Knife Hammer Strike and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Knife Hammer Strike. 1. Toward - 2, Toward - 2, and Toward - 2, juggling him in mid- air the entire time. The Cutting Kick (Up - 3) is a 3D attack. Johnny Cage used it to catch a charging bad guy off guard. Directions: Attack your opponent with a few Cutting Kicks. 1. Up - 3 2. Up - 3 3. Up - 3 4. Up - 3 >Drahmin comes out attacking so be on the lookout for his annoying kick combos. Most impressive. Johnny Cage's Flip Kick (Up - 4) works well against a jumping opponent. Directions: Try attacking your opponent with Johnny Cage's Flipick (typo in game; should read: Flip Kick) while using the Karate style. 1. Flip Kick: Up - 4 Johhny Cage can execute his Flip Kick (Up - 4) a second time while he is still in the air. You should only perform a second Flip Kick if the first one connected successfully. If you miss or your opponent blocks it, you be defenseless as you drop to the ground. Directions: See if you can complete a Double Flip Kick on your opponent while using the Karate style. 1. Double Flip Kick: Up - 3 - Up - 3 2. Double Flip Kick: Up - 3 - Up - 3 3. Double Flip Kick: Up - 3 - Up - 3 4. Double Flip Kick: Up - 3 - Up - 3 Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to the Karate low attacks. These attacks are quite effective, however, they do not have much reach. Johnny Cage uses Karate low attacks in close proximity to his opponent. Directions: Now it is your turn. Hit your opponent with Karate low attacks. 1. Low Hook Punch: Down - 1 2. Low Palm Strike: Down - 2 3. Low Jabbing Punch: Down - 3 4. Low Kick: Down - 4 5. Leg Sweep: Back - 4 While using the Karate fighting style, Johnny Cage can Shove (SM) a blocking opponent. This move is useful to push a blocking opponent away from you. Directions: Shove your blocking opponent away from you 5 times. >Drahmin blocks high and low. Walk up to him and tap the SM Button 5 times to Shove him and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Another more flashy fighting style is Jeet Kune Do. Johnny Cage used Jeet Kune Do in his first flim, NINJA MIME. The movie was a flop in the US, but a huge success in France. Directions: Try executing some of these Jeet Kune Do high attacks that he used in the movie. 1. Leading Straight Punch: 1 2. Duck 'n' Jab: 2 3. Stepping Snapkick: 3 4. Side Kick to Face: 4 5. High Hooking Punch: Up - 4 A memorable scen in NINJA MIME entailed Johnny Cage using his Knuckle Fist pop-up (Back - 1) ... silently... againsta very rude man. This move allowed him to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Try attacking your opponent with the Knuckle Fist pop-up while using the Jeet Kune Do style. 1. Knuckle Fist: Back - 1 Directions: Try attacking your opponent with the Knuckle Fist pop-up and while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Knuckle Fist pop-up. >Juggle: Back - 1, Back - 1, and Back - 1 again, all while he is in mid-air. Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to the Jeet Kune Do low attacks. These attacks are quite effective, however they do no have much reach. Johnny Cae uses Jeet Kune Do low attacks in close proximity to his opponent. Directions: Now it is your turn. Attack your opponent with Jeet Kune Do low attacks. 1. Hook Fist: Down - 1 2. Low Knuckle Fist: Down - 2 3. Low Punch: Down - 3 4. Side Kick to Knee: Back - 3 5. Low Kick: Down - 4 6. Sweeping Kick: Back - 4 While in the Jeet Kune Do fighting style, Johnny Cage can Taunt his opponent. This move is not only intimidating, but it also rejuvenates some of Johnny Cage's health. Directions: Try executing 2 successful Taunts to regain full health. >Drahmin once again spars with you during this objective. Throw him to get him away from you, then perform the Taunt by tapping the SM Button. Do this 2 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Now for your weapon training. You will train with the Nunchaku. The Nunchaku is a close kombat weapon based fighting style that relies heavily on the high frequency of its attacks. Directions: Johhny Cage first used the Nunchaku in his Oscar winning film, HWAAAAA!! Johnny played the villain opposite the great Channie Jack of Hong Kong theater. Execute some of these high attacks he used against Channie. 1. Reverse Shoulder Swing: 1 2. Overhand Strike: Back - 1 3. Stepping Cross Swing: 2 4. Underhand Strike: 3 5. Rising Swing: Down - 3 6. Double Thrust Strike: Toward - 3 7. Side Kick: 4 8. Roundhouse Kick: Back - 4 In the final battle of the movie, Johnny Cage used his Nunchaku pop-up attack he calls the Cross Back Strike (Back - 2). This move allowed him to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Try attacking your opponent with the Cross Back Strike while using the Nunchaku style. 1. Cross Back Strike: Back - 2 Directions: Try attacking your opponent with the Cross Back Strike and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Cross Back Strike. >Back - 2, Back - 2, and Back - 2 all while Drahmin is in mid- air. Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to the Nunchaku low attacks. Althoug these attacks are quite effective, like the Karate low attacks, they do not havem uch reach. Johnny Cage uses Nunchaku low attacks in close proximity to his opponent. Directions: Now it is your turn. Hit your opponent with Nunchaku low attacks. 1. Bottom Swing: Down - 1 2. Low Knee Strike: Down - 2 3. Low Foot Strike: Down - 4 4. Low Circular Swing: Back - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have exceptional talent. Let us see how you handle Johnny Cage's attack combinations. Directions: In the Karate fighting style, Johnny Cage can link multiple attacks together to create an onslaught of damage to his opponent. You too must learn thse combos if you wish to further your training. This first set is a sample from Johnny's 1989 classic, EXITING THE DRAGON OF DEATH. 1. Bone Breaker: 3 - 4 2. Smash TV: 2 - 4 3. Big Blast: 1 - 1 - 4 4. Closing Credits: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 5. Chopping Hands: 1 - 2 - Toward - 2 Directions: You have mastered the first set of Johnny Cage's attack combos. Let us now begin a set from his appearance on the TV series WU SHU where Johnny played a martial arts cowboy in search of inner peace. 1. Cutting Hands: 2 - 3 - 4 2. The Foot Sword: 3 - 3 - 3 3. Cameo: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 4. Prequel: 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 5. Director's Cut: 1 - 1 - Up - 4 - Up - 4 6. Box Office Smash: 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 In the climactic fight scene of WU SHU, Johnny Cage's character,Jesse Wong, used a Style Branch combo called the Out Take. In this combo, Johhny started with two Karate attacks, changed to Jeet Kune Do style, and finished with a Jeet Kune Do attack. Directions: You must now master the Out Take combo. 1. Out Take: 1 - 1 - CS Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Quite exceptional! Now let us see how you handle Johnny Cage's Jeet Kune Do and Nunchaku attack combinations. Directions: Johnny Cage only knows a few combos in the Jeet Kune Do fighting style. Let us start with them. 1. Straight Blast: 1 - 1 2. Spotlight: 2 - 2 - 4 Johnny Cage uses the Sticky Legs and the Outer Gate combos to keep his opponent guessing. Each one starts the same, but one ends in a high kick and the other ends in a sweep move. Directions: Let us see how quickly you acn master the Sticky Legs and Outer Gate combos. 1. Sticky Legs: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 4 2. Outer Gate: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - Back - 4 Most impressive. Your skills are indeed improving. Now you shall move on to another Style Branch combo. In his movie, WHO'S THAT!, Johnny Cage played a lone security guard in a department store. In one sequence, he used his Runner Up combo to deal with some punk teenagers. The combo starts in the Jeet Kune Do fighting style and ends in the Nunchaku fighting style. Directions: You must now perform the Runner Up combo. Start with the Jeet Kune Do fighting style. 1. Runner Up: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - CS Directions: Impressive! Perhaps your destiny lies in Hollywood. Let us move on to some Nunchaku combination attacks Johnny Cage has used in other movies. 1. Flowing Strike: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 2. Gentle Spirit: 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 3. Living Legend: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have successfully proven your mastery of Johhny Cage's fighting styles. In your next lessons you will learn his special attacks. Johnny Cage has reworked his classic Johnny Uppercut move (Back - SM). It is not only an effective anti-air attack, but it also allows him to slide under projectiles and some high attacks. Directions: You must now attack your opponent with 3 Johhny Uppercuts. 1. Back - SM 2. Back - SM 3. Back - SM Directions: That was most excellent. Now for a real challenge. Attack your opponent with 6 Johhny Uppercuts. Keep in mind that you can use it slide underneath projectiles. >This time Drahmin is alive and kicking. He will continually throw his Ball 'O Flies at you. Time it just right to slide under them and uppercut him. Do this 6 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Very well done. Next you will practice Johhny Cage's projectile attack. In 1991, Johnny Cage was a contestant on the hit game show, Celebrity Smash TV. In the final round, he threw his Forceball (Down - Back - 1) at Mutoid Man and won the game. Johnny Cage donated all his prize money to charity. Diretions: The Cage Forceball works well against oponents who persistently stay out of attack range. You must now attack your opponent with 6 Forceballs as he tries to back away from you. 1. Down - Back - 1 2. Down - Back - 1 3. Down - Back - 1 4. Down - Back - 1 5. Down - Back - 1 6. Down - Back - 1 Directions: That was most excellent. Now for a real challenge, Attack an AGGRESSIVE opponent with 6 Forceballs. >Attack Drahmin with 6 Forceballs as he tries to scramble your brains. Dodge his attacks, throw him, do whatever you have to do, to keep him far away as possible. Hit him with 6 to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Very well done indeed! But do not let success go to your head. You may learning Johnny Cage's fighting techniques, but you jmust not allow his over-confidence to control you. Breathe deeply... much better. Now you will learn Cage's famed Shadow Kick. Johnny Cage uses his Shadow Kick (Back - Toward - 4) as a fast, medium-range attack to counter his opponent's missed attacks. Directions: You must now attack your opponent with 4 Shadow Kicks. 1. Back - Toward - 4 2. Back - Toward - 4 3. Back - Toward - 4 4. Back - Toward - 4 Directions: That was most excellent! Now for real challenge. Dodge your opponent's projectile and counter with a Shadow Kick. Repeat this move 3 times. >Dodge Drahmin's projectile, sidestep, and hit him up with the Shadow Kick move 3 times to complete the objective. Directions: YOu are getting good at this! Now see how you fare against an AGGRESSIVE opponent. Attack him with 4 Shadow Kicks. >Same strategy as above. Watch for Drahmi's cheap uppercut move. Sidestep/dodge his attacks and counter with the Shadow Kick 4 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You are indeed a warrior worthy of a made-for-TV movie. But you are not finished yet. You must now learn some of Johnny Cage's more flashy combos. For your next test, you must perform Johnny Cage's Out Take style change combo followed by a Shadow Kick while your opponent is in the air. 1. 1 - 1 - CS - Back - Toward - 3 Directions: That was most excellent! Now for a similar challenge. You must perform Johnny Cage's Runner Up style change combo followed by a Shadow Kick while your opponent is in the air. 1. 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - CS - Back - Toward - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 250 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Johhny Cage. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Johhny Cage is not hard to beat once you know when to block his Shadow Kick. He does not have very many high hitting combos, so one does not have to worry about that. He also does not have the ability to Reverse, so you needn't worry about that either. Use his Nunchakus to take some health off along with his Runner Up and Out Take combos. Throw him alot, and follow up with a Forceball. Also, Shadow Uppercut him, and also follow that up with a Forceball. Good luck. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Gold Koins. -=-=-=-=- Sub-Zero: -=-=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Sub-Zero has found that the Lin Kuei Dragon Medallion has greatly improved his normal fighting abilities. In addition, it has enhanced his freezing powers in unexpected ways. You must learn Sub-Zero's enhanced styles if you wish to seek enlightenment. The first of Sub-Zero's fighting styles that you will need to master is his Shotokan style. Shotokan is a style of Karate, which has its roots in Okinawa. Historically, Okinawa enjoyed a great trade economy, which exposed the locals to martial arts from many lands. Master Funakoshi Gichin founded Shotokan karate in 1936 Tokyo. It is more linear, and can be a very aggressive and devastating style. Many years ago, Sub-Zero had been hunted by his fellow Lin Kuei, Cyrax for challenging and eventually leaving the clan. Directions: Let us begin the Shotokan high attacks lesson with the cyborg ninja Cyrax. 1. Spear Hand Strike: 1 2. Forward Elbow Strike: Back - 1 3. Sword Hand Strike: 2 4. Rising Thrust Kick: 3 5. Side Snap Kick: Toward - 3 6. Thrust Kick: 4 In a battle with Cyrax, Sub-Zero used an attack called the Mountain Punch. This attack allowed him to pop Cyrax into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Practice the Mountain Punch attack on Cyrax. 1. Mountain Punch: Back - 2 Directions: Try attacking Cyrax with the Mountain Punch and, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Mountain Punch. 1. Back - 2, Back - 2, and Back - 2 again, all the while Cyrax is in the air, for the juggle combo. Directions: Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to the Shotokan low attacks. Let us see how you fare against this cyborg ninja. 1. Lower Knee Strike: Down - 1 2. Lower Dual Punch: Down - 2 3. Low Sweep Kick: Down - 3 4. Low Shin Kick: Back - 4 Very well done. Sub-Zero's Shotokan style also utilizes an Escape move that allows him to quickly put distance between himself and his opponent. Directions: Execute 3 successful Escapes from Cyrax. >Cyrax comes out attacking you. Throw him to put distance between yourself and him, or just from the start, execute the 3 Escapes to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You bring honor to Earthrealm. You have successfully proven your mastery of Sub-Zero's Shotokan style. Your next lesson will be to learn anouther of Sub-Zero's martial arts fighting styles, the Dragon style. The Dragon style is a southern Chinese style that imitates the movements of the mythological beast. The main attacking parts of the Dragon are its claws and tail, which are mimicked by the hands and legs of the practitioner. The Dragon is a symbol of power and strength. Like any great structure, fighting skill is built brick by brick. You msut first learn the basics of the Dragon style before continuing further. Directions: Practice these Dragon style attacks on a real- life dragon, Reptile. 1. Back Knuckle Strike: 1 2. Upper Lunge Punch: Back - 1 3. Sun Fist: 2 4. Roundhouse Kick: 3 5. Front Stomp Kick: 4 6. Wheel Turning Kick: Up - 4 7. Uppercut: Down - 2 Sub-Zero's strength has increased greatly since donning the Dragon Medallion. Using the medallion's energy, he has developed a very powerful move called the Dragon Attack. Directions: Execute 3 Dragon Attack moves on Reptile. 1. Back - 2 2. Back - 2 3. Back - 2 Directions: Excellent. You are indeed a warrior worthy of the Lin Kuei. Let us move on to the Dragon low attacks. 1. Ducking Dual Claws: Down - 1 2. Mid Claw Swipe: Down - 4 3. Low Claw Strike: Down - 3 By channeling energy from the medallion through his Dragon fighting style, Sub-Zero is able to perfrom a Nejin. A Neijin allows Sub-Zero to increase the power of his attacks for a limited period of time. Directions: Execute a Neijin and strike Reptile with a powered-up attack. >Tap the SM Button and hit Reptile with a Dragon Attack (Back - 2) to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Excellent! Your training in the art of Dragon is complete! Let us move on to Sub-Zero's weapon style, the Kori Blade. The Dragon Medallion has amplified Sub-Zero's freezing abilities, or Kori, in such a way that he can form complex objects out of solid ice from surrounding water vapor. One such object is his Kori Blade. You must first learn to instantly form a Kori Blade. From there, you will practice Kori Blade basic moves. Directions: Attack the Netherealm Oni Drahmin with these moves. 1. Overhead Swing: 1 2. Spinning Slash: Back - 1 3. Overhead Smash: Up - 1 4. Blade Lunge: 2 5. Low Swipe: Back - 2 Unlike some warriors, Sub-Zero mixes kicks with his weapon attacks. Directions: Perform these Kori Blade kick attacks. 1. Back Kick: 4 2. Sweep Kick: Back - 4 The Stomp Kick is an attack Sub-Zero uses in his Kori Blade style that pops his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Attack Drahmin with a Stomp Kick to juggle him. Then, while he is still in the air, follow up with any strike from the Kori Blade before he hits the ground. >Tap 3, and then to make it easy, Up - 1, while he is in mid-air, to complete the objective Sub-Zero has the ability to Impale his Kori Blade into an opponent to drain his lifeforce. This is a devastating tactic that can trun a duel to his advantage. Once lodged into an opponent, his blade cannot be removed. Directions: Impale Drahmin with Sub-Zero's Kori Blade. >Tap the SM Button to Imaple Drahmin and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Now that you have mastered Sub-Zero's main fighting styles, you must learn his special attacks. Sub-Zero has trained many years to hone his natural ability to freeze. This trait has been passed down through many generations of his family line. But with the power of the Dragon Medallion amplifying this ability, his Kori attacks are more powerful than ever. Sub-Zero's Freeze projectile attack has become legendary throughout the realms of Earth and Outworld. It is an excellent means for stopping his opponents in their tracks. Directions: Practice attacking Nitara with 2 Freeze projectile attacks before times runs out. 1. Down - Toward - 1 2. Down - Toward - 1 Vampires are cold-blooded. Nitara will recover. She will be such an easy target this next time. Directions: Execute the Freeze projectile 2 times before Nitara defeats you. >Dodge her attacks, and when you see an opportunity, use the Freeze attack. Do this twice to complete the objective. In addition to the Freeze projectile, Sub-Zero also has a charge attack in his arsenal called the Cold Shoulder. It is a quick dashing attack that knocks your opponent backwards. Directions: Practice the Cold Shoulder against Nitara 2 times before time runs out. 1. Back - Toward - 4 2. Back - Toward - 4 Nice work, but vampires like Nitara can be nimble targets. She will not let you attack her this time. Directions: Execute the Cold Shoulder 2 times before Nitara defeats you. >Try to stay out of her reach, and as she comes in close to attack, let a Cold Shoulder go. Do this twice to complete the objective. Directions: Now try to combine these 2 icy attacks. Freeze Nitara, then follow up with a Cold Shoulder. Execute this 2 times. 1. Down - Toward - 1, Back - Toward - 4 2. Down - Toward - 1, Back - Toward - 4 >She attacks this time, so be careful. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Excellent! You have mastered Sub-Zero's classic Freeze projectile attack. But to become Lin Kuei, you have much more to learn. An interesting new attack the medallion has unlocked for Sub-Zero is his Ice Shaker attack. Both offensive and defensive, this attack surrounds him with a super-chilled barrier that flash-freezes any opponent within range. Many years ago, Sub-Zero's brother was manipulated by the sorcerer Quan Chi to retrieve for him an amulet from it's hiding place in Eearthrealm. The sorcerer later framed Sub-Zero's brother for the death of Scorpion's family and clan, which led to his demise at the hands of the enraged ninja spectre, Scorpion. Quan Chi has much to answer for. Freeze him using Sub- Zero's Ice Shaker 3 times before times runs out. 1. Back - Down - 2 2. Back - Down - 2 3. Back - Down - 2 Well done. However, it was not enough to chill Quan Chi's already-cold heart. This time, he will not allow you the satisfaction of revenge. Directions: Freeze Quan Chi with Sub-Zero's Ice Shaker attack 3 times before time runs out. >Dodge Quan Chi' attacks, or sidestep them, then go for the Ice Shaker move. Complete this 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Very well done. Now you must learn attack combinations. Utilizing combos will greatly increase the damage done to your opponent. Scorpion has hunted Sub-Zero for years. He believed that Sub-Zero murdered his family and clan. Now he believes Quan Chi to be the true murderer, and will not harm Sub-Zero. Directions: Practice these Shotokan combos on Scorpion before you face your real opponent. 1. 2 Hit Trick: 3 - 2 2. Peaceful Mind: 3 - Back - 2 3. King's Crown: 3 - Toward - 3 Directions: Well done! Let us see how you fare with some more complicated combos... 1. Peaceful Mind: 3 - Back - 2 2. King's Crown: 3 - Toward - 3 3. Iron Horse: 1 - 2 - Back - 2 4. Icy Pain: 1 - 2 - 4 5. Cloud Hands: 1 - 2 - Back - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Excellent! Now you must expand your training by mastering a few combos from another style. These next Dragon combo lessons will work similarly to the Shotokan combo lessons. At one time, the Red Dragon clan would have been considered a potential ally of the Lin Kuei. But not that Sub-Zero has transformed the Lin Kuei into a force for good, the Red Dragon will pose a great threat. Directions: Practice these Dragon style combos on the Red Dragon infiltrator, Hsu Hao. 1. Yielding Fire: 1 - 3 2. Dragon Dance: 1 - Back - 1 3. Icy Pop: 1 - 1 - 2 Directions: Well done! Let us see how you fare with some omre resistance, and a few more complicated combos. 1. Dragon Dance: 1 - Back - 1 2. Silent Dragon: 1 - 2 - 3 3. Twist of Tiger: 1 - 2 - Up - 4 4. 3 Hit Claws: 1 - 2 - Back - 2 5. Dragon Pays With 7 Stars: 1 - 2 - 4 >Hsu Hao will now be out and about, potentially ready to attack you. Block his move, or sidestep it, and perform the above combos to complete the objective. Hsu Hao is a powerful adversary. Apparently, those attacks did not intimidate him. Directions: Use these Kori Blade combos to prove that the Lin Kuei are a force to be reckoned with. 1. Bitter Blade: 1 - Back - 1 2. Cut Up: 4 - 4 >Once again, Hsu Hao is out and about to kill you. You only have 1 life bar to perform all these comobs on, so be careful, and don't let him get too close. Perform the above combos to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Indeed you are most fortunate. You will now have the honor of participating in The Trial of Blood! Directions: Make Shang Tsung bleed 80 pints of blood before he defeats you or time runs out. >Immediately take out your Kori Blade, and repeatedly perform the Bitter Blade combo, 1 - Back - 1. That combo takes off massive "blood." This is a rather difficult Trial of Blood. Try to best avoid Shang's combos, as they not only whittle your life away, they take precious time off the clock. You only have 1 minute to complete this mission, so bide your time well. The 80 pints should come easy if you use the Kori Blade and its combos. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Your combo skills have improved greatly. Now you must expand your training further. You must learn to combine fighting styles to form more powerful attack combinations. Combining multiple styles into one combo is called a Style Branch combo. This method of attack can separate the truly skiled warriors from the truly unskilled warriors... Directions: This first Style Branch combo begins with the Shotokan style, and goes into the Dragon style. 1. 1 - 2 - 4 - CS Directions: Good. Now you will repeat that Style Branch combo, but this time you will add one more attack from the Dragon style. 1. 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 2 Well done. Scorpion may rethink his vow not to kill you after such punishment. Directions: Now that you have mastered the combo, practice some different ways to finish off the combo. 1. Unthawed: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 2 - Up - 4 2. Zero Below: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 2 - 4 Excellent. Even the Lin Kuei warrior, Frost, was unable to complete that combo. But now you must progress to learn the kind of attack combination that makes Sub-Zero a formidable foe. Directions: You must combine all three of Sub-Zero's fighting styles into one long Style Branch combo. 1. Frosty: 1 - 2 - 4 - CS - 2 - CS Mission Complete! You earned 250 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Excellent! You have learned much on this journey. You have honed your skills, as well as defeated your opponents. Now, one more task is at hand. Defeating another foe is inconsequential. A warrior will have many opponents in his lifetime, but there is only one demon that poses the greatest threat. To overcome one's own imperfections is the true way to inner peace. The ultimate opponent is one's own self. Your final test will be to face your dopplganger. Now you must win 3 out of 5 rounds to complete your training. Fight! Directions: Win 3 out of 5 rounds in a duel to the death. >Sub-Zero is a little difficult at first; once you get to know his moves he becomes quite easy. He will come out attacking with some cheap little pop-up Shotokan combos. Try and sidestep those, and counter with some of your own higher hitting Shotokan Branch combos. Also, don't use your weapon a lot, as it only leaves you open for bigger attacks from your former self. Just use some big and small Style Branch combos, and watch out for his cheap small juggle hits. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Ruby Koins. -=-=- Kano: -=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Kano has a knack for survival. Not only has he survived massive attacks from his enemies, but his lack of loyalty allows him to change sides to suit his goals. This mercenary has betrayed many who have cllaed him ally. You must watch your back as you embark on this journey. Meaning 'mind form,' Xing Yi is a simple and practical style of kung-fu taht originated in the San-Shih province of China. This is a northern Chinese system, which relies on short basic fomrs for training. This art has long been associated with Ba Gua beginning in the early 1900's, and the two are often taught together. High atop a skyscraper, Kano faced off against Special Forces agent Sonya Blade during Shao Kahn's invasion of Earthrealm. Directions: Find out how much she's missed you by applying Kano's Xing Yi basic high attacks to her pretty face. 1. Straight Punch: 1 2. Axe Strike: 2 3. Front Snap Kick: 3 4. Rising Knee: 4 5. Power Fist: Back - 1 6. Tiger Strike: Toward - 2 7. Hopping Back Kick: Back - 4 Kano had kicked Sonya into one of the stone gargoyles on the roof of the skyscraper. Directions: Try out Kano's pop-up attack called the Lifting High Kick. 1. Lifting High Kick: Up - 4 OY! Not Bad! The Lifting High Kick pops Kano's opponent into the air long enough to attempt another attack. Directions: Now juggle Sonya in the bristols with 3 Lifting Kicks before she hits the ground. >Up - 4, Up - 4, and Up - 4 again to juggle Sonya in mid-air. Sonya was on her knees, defeated. Kano grabbed a lock of her hair in his fist, and prepared to finish her. Suddenly, the wench sprung a leg grab flip attack, and sent Kano over the side to the street below. If only had had used a low attack right away. Directions: Practice Kano's Xing Yi low attacks. 1. Low Palm Strike: Down - 1 2. Eagle Strike: Down - 2 3. Low Elbow Strike: Down - 3 4. Toe Strike: Down - 4 Kano lay severely injured, and would surely have perished had Motaro not seen the fight. The Centaur brought Kano back to Shao Kahn's fortress and revived him with magic. Directions: Reversals of fate are not uncommon for Kano. Practice Kano's Reversal move when Sonya attacks. >A timer is displayed in the middle of teh screen starting at 3. When the timer reaches 1, hit the SM Button to Reverse Sonya's attack 2 times. Perform this twice to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Like the Special Forces agent, Jackson Briggs, Kano is skilled in martial arts fighting techniques that specialize in throwing an opponent to the ground. The style Kano uses most is Aikido. Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed in the first half of the 20th century by the founder of the Black Dragon clan, Morihei Uyeshiba. Through Aikido, Uyeshiba developed extraordinary self-defense skills. He could take down and pin opponents of much greater size. Directions: Practice Kano's basic Aikido throws on his largest enemy, Jax. 1. Heaven and Earth Throw: 1 2. Breath-Power Throw: 2 3. Normal Throw: Toward - SM Jax is quite angry now. He says he won't allow ;you to throw him again. Directions: Prove the yank wrong. Attack him with the Aikido attacks you have just learned. 1. Heaven and Earth Throw: 1 2. Breath-Power Throw: 2 3. Normal Throw: Toward - SM Directions: You've got him knackered! Now practice Kano's Aikido high attacks! 1. Side Kick: 3 2. Frontal Kick: 4 3. Crescent Kick: Back - 3 Directions: Now hit him low with Kano's Aikido low attacks. You gotta get close for these ones. Go on! Kick him in the cobblers! 1. Low Frontal Punch: Down - 1 2. Low Toe Kick: Down - 2 3. Low Side Kick: Down - 3 4. Low Step Kick: Down - 4 5. Knee Kick: Back - 4 While in his Aikido fighting style, Kano can perform a Neijin to power up his attacks. Directions: Execute a Neijin and belt Jax with a powered up attack of your choice. Let 'im 'ave it! >Tap the SM Button and to make it easy, tap 3 to complete the mission. Missoin Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Although Motaro had rescued Kano, it was merely to imprison him so he oculd later face the wrath of Shao Kahn for his failure to defeat Sonya. But the Shokan warrior, Sheeva, slew Motaro outside of Kano's cell. She was on her way to assassinate Shao Kahn as well when Kano offered his assistance if Sheeva let him out of his cage. Kano and Sheeva proceeded to the throne room of Shao Kahn. When they arrived at the door, Kano suggested that he go in first to distract the Emperor. Kano would give the signal for Sheeva to enter and slay the peroccupied Shao Kahn. But Kano betrayed Sheeva and informed Shao Kahn of her assassination plot. When Kano called her in, Shao Kahn thrust a sword through her chest from behind. Like the Red Dragon clan member, Mavado, Kano uses a double- weapon fighting style. Kano's Butterfly Knives have a 200-year history as part of the Shaolin system. Kano hates the SHaolin and uses the knives in his own way. Directions: Mavado is a right jam roll! Attack him with Knao's Butterfly Knife high attacks. 1. Jut Do: 1 2. Twisting Sword: 2 3. Biu Do: 3 4. Pek Do: 4 5. Downward Circling Sword: Back - 1 6. Upward Circling Sword: Back - 2 7. Push Strike: Toward - 3 8. Rising Strike: Down - 2 9. Rising Chop: Down - 4 Directions: Mavado's main goal is to wipe out all traces of the Black Dragon. Defend yourself against this Red Dragon bugger with the Butterfly Knife attacks you've just learned. 1. Jut Do: 1 2. Twisting Sword: 2 3. Biu Do: 3 4. Pek Do: 4 5. Downward Circling Sword: Back - 1 6. Upward Circling Sword: Back - 2 7. Push Strike: Toward - 3 8. Rising Strike: Down - 2 9. Rising Chop: Down - 4 Directions: It seems Mavado will have a hard time eliminating the Black Dragon. Now practice Kano's Butterfly low attacks on him while he's still tired from your last thrashing. 1. Piercing Low Strike: Down - 1 2. Cutting Sword: Down - 3 Directions: Well done, but it seems like Mavado has gotten his second wind! Try those low attacks on him again! 1. Piercing Low Strike: Down - 1 2. Cutting Sword: Down - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Impressed with Kano's loyalty even in the face of severe punishment or death, the Emperor Shao Kahn put him in charge of his armies in place of the slain Motaro. He ordered Kano to return to Outworld to bring reinforcements for the final attack on Earthrealm. Directions: Another member of the Red Dragon is Hsu Hao. He's a right sherman as well. Knock him in the niagras with some easy Xing Yi combos. 1. Surefire: 4 - 2 2. Casualty: 4 - 3 3. Honor and Disgrace: 2 - Back - 1 4. Deadzone: 1 - 1 - Up - 4 5. Backlash: 1 - 1 - Back - 4 Directions: Hsu Hao didn't like that much. That suits you just fine. Use the same combos to really thrash him. 1. Surefire: 4 - 2 2. Casualty: 4 - 3 3. Honor and Disgrace: 2 - Back - 1 4. Deadzone: 1 - 1 - Up - 4 5. Backlash: 1 - 1 - Back - 4 > This time Hsu Hao actually attacks you, so be careful and execute the combos with patience. Directions: Some Xing Yi combos require more skill. Practice these more advanced Xing Yi combos. 1. Five Element Fists: 1 - 1 - 4 - 2 2. Seek and Destroy: 1 - 1 - 4 - 3 3. Three Powers: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 That'll teach him... ooohhh... he hasn't had enough yet. Smack that toe-rag in the jacobs again if he don't know when to quit. 1. Five Element Fists: 1 - 1 - 4 - 2 2. Seek and Destroy: 1 - 1 - 4 - 3 3. Three Powers: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 Directions: Beauty! Now for one of Kano's Style Branch combos called Maximum Damage. This combo begins with Kano's Xing Yi style and then goes into his Aikido style. 1. Maximum Damage: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS Directions: Let's show off for the ladies and finish Hsu Hao once and for all with the Maximum Damage combo once more. 1. Maximum Damage: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS Mission Complete! You earned 175 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: By the time Kano had garnered his troops for the final invasion, Shao Kahn had been overpowered and retreated to Outworld. Kano has remained in that realm serving his emperor since then. Reptile also serves Shao Kahn in Outworld. He's been kissing up to the emperor for years. Make sure he doesnt' take your position as general of Shao Kahn's armies. Directions: Wallop him in the goskies... (does Reptile even HAVE goskies?)... with these Aikido combos! 1. 2-Hit Doom: 4 - Back - 3 2. Underdog: 4 - 4 - 3 3. Total Karnage: 4 - 4 - Back - 3 Reptile was unsure why you had attacked him. But now that you have made your intentions clear, he will use his gator-like strength to destroy you. Directions: Use the same combos you just learned to vogel him good. 1. 2-Hit Doom: 4 - Back - 3 2. Underdog: 4 - 4 - 3 3. Total Karnage: 4 - 4 - Back - 3 Crikey! That croc won't be hunting in Outworld for a while! Now for one os Kano's Style Branch combos called Rise and Shine. Directions: This combo begins with Kano's Aikido style and then goes into his Butterfly Knives. 1. Rise and Shine: 4 - 3 - CS - Back - 2 2. Killing Time: 4 - 4 - 3 - CS - Back - 2 That was beauuuuutiful! But now, Reptile's primal fury is at a boiling point. You'll have to be quick this time. Directions: Finish him with the Killing Time combo. Bonk his jibblies but good! 1. Rise and Shine: 4 - 3 - CS - Back - 2 2. Killing Time: 4 - 4 - 3 - CS - Back - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Princess Kitana had succeeded in separating her realm of Edenia from Outworld. To ensure Shao Kahn would never again have a chance to claim her world as his own, she led her army in a pre-emptive strike against the weakened Emperor. Kano's armies were overwhelmed, and it seemed to him that he may have joined the losing side. Directions: Attack Kitana with Kano's Butterfly Knife combos. 1. Cutthroat: 1 - Toward - 3 2. Lost Dragon: 4 - Toward - 3 3. Ear To Ear: Back - 1 - Back - 2 Kano's army repelled Kitana's first assault. Kano had proven to be an excellent general. Unknown to Kano, however, Kitana had allied with the Shokan armies, led by Prince Goro. Their combined forces attack with intensified ferocity. Directions: Defend yourself against Kitana with your Butterfly Knife combos! 1. Cutthroat: 1 - Toward - 3 2. Lost Dragon: 4 - Toward - 3 3. Ear To Ear: Back - 1 - Back - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: Kano had once again repelled Princess Kitana's forces, but he did not know for how long he could hold them off. He went to personally inform Shao Kahn of the victory, but discovered the Emperor to be engaged in a spectacular battle with the two sorcerers Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. He stood behind a pillar and waited for the outcome of the battle. Directions: Practice Kano's Cannon Ball attack while you wait to see who wins the battle between the Deadly Alliance and Emperor Shao Kahn. 1. Back - Toward - 1 2. Back - Toward - 1 3. Back - Toward - 1 Directions: Well done! Now for a more tricky move. Can you hit Quan Chi with Kano's Cannon Ball 3 times if he fights back? >Tap Back - Toward - 1, 3 times when Quan Chi comes to attack. Distance yourself from him by performing a Throw, and then immediately follow that up with the Cannon Ball. Directions: Excellent! Now for target practice. Kano uses his Eye Laser to push aggressive attacks away. Push Quan Chi with the Eye Laser 3 times. 1. Toward - Toward - 2 2. Toward - Toward - 2 3. Toward - Toward - 2 Directions: That stung! Quan Chi didn't like that, but do it to him again 3 more times! >Quan Chi will now attack you, so be ready to hit him with the Eye Laser 3 more times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: At first it had seemed that Shao Kahn would emerge victorious, but the combined strength of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung proved to be too much for the weakened Emperor. The sorcerers had won. Kano then emerged from the shadows and pledged his allegiance to the Deadly Alliance. Directions: Show Shang Tsung your special moves combos. Keep him in the air with 2 pop-up kicks, and finish with the Cannon Ball attack. 1. Up - 4, Up - 4, Back - Toward - 1, juggle combo. 2. Up - 4, Up - 4, Back - Toward - 1 Directions: Well done! Now try that same combo, but this time finish with a Eye Laser attack. 1. Up - 4, Up - 4, Toward - Toward - 2, juggle combo. 2. Up - 4, Up - 4, Toward - Toward - 2 Directions: This neat combo is a bit more tricky. The last attack will send Shang Tsung flying through the air. Take advantage of that and finsh with a Cannon Ball attack. 1. 1 - 1 - Up - 4, Back - Toward - 1 2. 1 - 1 - Up - 4, Back - Toward - 1 Directions: Shang Tsung is most impressed! Now show your versatility and execute the same combo, except this time finish with the Eye Laser attack. 1. 1 - 1 - Up - 4, Toward - Toward - 2 2. 1 - 1 - Up - 4, Toward - Toward - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: Indeed you are most fortunate. You will now have the honor of participating in The Trial Of Blood! Directions: Make Sonya bleed 80 pints of blood before she defeats you or times runs out. >Immediately take out Kano's Butterfly Swords, and continually use the Ear To Ear combo, to most effectively make Sonya bleed. After 80 pints are gone, she is finished. Mission Complete! You earned 250 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Kano. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Kano uses his Butterfly Swords alot. He uses them in conjunction with the smaller knock away combos. Watch out for those, and counter with some of the Special Move combos your learned throughout his Konquest. Also, don't use his Special Moves by themselve a whole lot, because they do little damage, and leave you wide open if you miss. Good luck. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete! But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Ruby Koins. -=-=-=-=- Kung Lao: -=-=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: Kung Lao is a descendant of the first mortal to ever defeat Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat. With the help of his fellow Shaolin monk, Liu Kang, he has protected Eearthrealm from the forces of eveil. But when Kung Lao discovered the dead body of Liu Kang, he had but one objective: to avenge his death and bring murderer to justice! It was the Thunder God, Raiden, who informed Kung Lao that the sorcerer Shang Tsung had slain Liu Kang and consumed his soul Mantis was developed in 1600 by Wang Lang in the Ming Dynasty in Northern China. Wang Lang based this martial art on observations he made of a preying mantis fighting a cicada. The Mantis fighting style is known for its quick and accurate attacks. Directions: Strike Kano with Kung Lao's basic Mantis attacks. 1. Drilling Punch: 1 2. Double Mantis Strike: Back - 2 3. Power Forcing Fist: 2 4. Leg Sprouting Kick: 3 5. Chest Piercing Kick: 4 You are an excellent student. Now for your next lesson. Mantis Single Leg Soaring Kick is a pop-up hit that allows the attacker to repeatedly strike his opponent before he hits the ground. Directions: Attack Kano with the Mantis Single Leg Soaring Kick: 1. Mantis Single Leg Soaring Kick: Up - 4 Directions: Try attacking Kano with the Single Leg Soaring Kick and juggle him twice with the Single Leg Soaring Kick before he hits the ground. 1. Up - 4, Up - 4, and Up - 4, juggle combo. Excellent. I have chosen my student well. Now you must learn the Mantis low attacks and sweeps. Use them to keep your opponent on the defensive. 1. Seven Star Hit: Down - 4 2. Toppling Kick: Back - 3 3. Ward Off Punch: Down - 3 4. Low Thrusting Palm: Down - 1 5. Leg Squatting Kick: Back - 4 Very well done. Let us now study taunts. While in the Mantis fighting style, Kung Lao can taunt his opponent. This move will not only intimidate Kung Lao's opponents, it will rejuvenate his health as well. Directions: Use Kung Lao's taunt to rejevenate yourself back to full health. >Kano attacks you while you attempt your Taunt, so throw him to create some distance, and then Taunt twice to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: You bring honor to the Shaolin Temple. You have successfully proven your skill with Kung Lao's Mantis style. Your next lesson will be to learn another of Kung Lao's martial arts fighting styles. Kung Lao is a master of the fighting style Shaolin Fist. Around the year 539 AD. a holy man named Ta Mo developed an exercise program for his fellow monks. The program included several Indian fighting techniques. Over time, this exercise program grew into a Kung Fu fighting style. Directions: Like any great structure, fighiting skill us built brick by brick. You must first learn thsese basic Shaolin attacks before continuing further. 1. Roundhouse Strike: 3 2. Attack The Heart: Back - 1 3. Curved Hook Punch: 2 4. Backfist Strike: Back - 2 5. Front Kick: 4 Directions: A very powerful attack in Shaolin Fist is the Fore Knuckle Fist. Hit Kenshi 3 times. 1. Toward - 2 2. Toward - 2 3. Toward - 2 Well done young master. It is now time to apply Shaolin Fist's low attacks. Use these techniques to keep your opponent on the alert. Directions: Attack Kenshi with Kung Lao's Shaolin low attacks. 1. Palm Heel Strike: Down - 2 2. Sweeping Blade Kick: Back - 4 3. Low Axe Palm: Down - 1 4. Low Double Backfist: Down - 3 You are indeed worthy of a warrior's virtue. While in the Shaolin Fist fighting style, Kung Lao can perform a Neijin to power up his attacks for a short period of time. Directions: Execute a Nejin, and strike Kenshi before time runs out. >Tap the SM Button and attack Kenshi with the Fore Knuckle Fist (Toward - 2). Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: Excellent! Your training in the art of Shaolin Fist is complete! Let us move on to Kung Lao's weapon style, the Broadsword. Kung Lao has trained in the broadsword technique since his earyl teen years. You will begin your training today. The Broadsword is known as the arm of foot soldiers and Manchurian officials. It is categorized as a short weapon and is designed for slashing rather than thrusting. Directions: First, you must learn these basic broadsword attacks... 1. Cross Cutting Slash: 1 2. Twisting Body Strike: Toward - 1 3. Crushing Side Slash: 2 4. Rising Slash: Back - 3 5. Half Moon Slash: 4 Directions: Well done. Now execute these low attacks. 1. Piercing Low Lunge: Down - 1 2. Low Stab: Down - 3 3. Spinning Low Slash: Down - 4 Rising Slash is a pop-up hit that Kung Lao uses to strike his opponent repeatedly before he hits the ground... Directions: Hit Quan Chi with 3 Rising Slash Broadsword attacks. 1. Back - 3 2. Back - 3 3. Back - 3 Kung Lao has mastered the ability to Impale his Broadsword into an opponent to slowly drain his life force. Once lodged into an opponent, Kung Lao's blade cannot be removed. Directions: Impale Quan Chi with Kung Lao's Broadsword. >Tap the SM Button to Impale Quan Chi and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: You have successfully proven your mastery of Kung Lao's fighting styles. In your next lessos you will learn Kung Lao's Special attacks. Kung Lao realized that he could not defeat Shang Tsung without additional training. The Outworld master, Bo' Rai Cho, had taught Liu Kan the flying kick he needed to defeat the sorcerer in the past. Kung Lao eventually located Bo' Rai Cho, who agreed to train him for the battle to come. The move Bo' Rai Cho taught Kung Lao that would allow him to defeat Shang Tsung was the Whirlwing Kick. Directions: Attack Bo' Rai Cho 3 times before time runs out. 1. Down - Back - 4 2. Down - Back - 4 3. Down - Back - 4 Directions: Hopefully you did not hurt the old master. Now you must use all your skill to attack Bo' Rai Cho 3 times with the Whirlwind Kick before time runs out. >Perform the Kick 3 times as Bo' Rai Cho tries to attack you to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: You must now learn Kung Lao's trademark attack... his Hat Throw. The rim of Kung Lao's hat is made of razor sharp steel. Kung Lao can throw the hat at an opponent to inflict damage from a distance. Directions: Practice Kung Lao's Hat Throw 3 times before time runs out. 1. Back - Toward - 1 2. Back - Toward - 1 3. Back - Toward - 1 Directions: You learn quickly! Now hit Quan Chi with Kung Lao's Hat Throw 3 times before time runs out. >Perform the Hat Throw 3 times as Quan Chi tries to attack you to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Sapphire Koins. Mission - 6: Pre-Mission Introdution: Very well done. Now you must learn attack combinations. Utilizing combos will greatly increase the damage done to your opponent. Directions: Practice these Mantis combos before time runs out. 1. Lotus Petals: 3 - 3 2. 18 Elders: 1 - 1 - 1 Directions: Well done! Let us see how fare with some more complicated combos... 1. Cave Mantis: 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 2. Natural Death: 1 - 1 - 2 - 4 3. Five Blessings: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: Excellent! You you must expand upon your training by mastering attack combinations in the Shaolin Fist fighting style. These next Shaolin Fist combo lessons will work similarly to the Mantis combo lessons. Directions: Practice these Shaolin Fist combos before your times runs out. 1. Double Kicks: 4 - 3 2. Shout Of Spirit: 1 - 4 - 3 3. Shaolin Faith: 4 - Toward - 2 Directions: Well done! Let us see how you fare with some more complicated combos... 1. Rushing Buddha: 2 - 4 - 3 2. Hurricane: 1 - 4 - 4 - Toward - 2 3. Shaolin Beat Down: 1 - 2 - 4 - 3 4. Enlightenment: 1 - 4 - 4 - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: Most impressive! You have mastered both the Mantis and the Shaolin Fist combos! Now it is time to learn the combo system for Kung Lao's weapon, the Broadsword. Directions: Practice these Broadsword combos before your time runs out. 1. Tiger Leaps Suddenly: 2 - Toward - 1 2. Sharpen the Mind: 2 - 1 3. Clouds Overhead: 2 - 2 Directions: Excellent! Now you must learn some more advanced Broadsword combos. 1. Onslaught: 4 - Down - 4 2. Rise and Shine: 4 - Toward - 1 3. Dao Strikes: 2 - 4 - Down - 4 4. Phoenix Tail: 2 - 4 - Toward - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: Well done! You have proven to be a master of Kung Lao's basic combos. Now you must learn to chain multiple styles together to form a longer, more powerful attack combo. Directions: Try this combo that starts in Mantis and continues into Shaolin Fist. 1. 1 - 1 - 1 - CS Directions: Execute that combo once more, but this time add one more strike: 1. 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 4 Directions: Now you must add some quick hits to finish the combo have just learned. 1. Deadly Insect: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 4 - 3 2. Fallen Hero: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 4 - 4 - Toward - 2 Directions: Now try this combo that chains all 3 of Kung Lao's styles. 1. Teacher's Pet: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 4 - 4 - CS Directions: Impale Scorpion with Kung Lao's Broadsword. >Tap the SM Button to Impale Scorpion and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introdution: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one more opponent you still need to confront. It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Kung Lao. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches, and you will have completed your training. Good Luck. >Kung Lao is a pain, because of his short weapon combos. Keep him on the defensive by incorporating some of your own weapon combos. He should be fairly easy if you know when to use certain combos. Also throw him frequently to create distance between the two of you. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveld, and these is always more to learn. You earned 300 Jade Koins. -=-=-=- Nitara: -=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The vampire Nitara first manipulated Reptile into destroying the console on Cyrax's arm, which rendered the cyborg stranded in Outworld. She then manipulate Cyrax to retrieve a mysterious Orb hidden somewhere in that realm. Although Nitara relies on deception to attain her goals, her fighting styles are very direct, as you will soon discover. Nitara's first fighting style is the Leopard style, which is known for its cruel and cunning attacks. The Leopard style is one of the most vicious and crafty of the animal fighting styles. Not as strong as the Tiger style, but it is superior in its swiftness and jumping ability. The techniques simulate those of a Leopard, stressing the importance of free movement and quick actions. Directions: Like Nitara, Scorpion is a creature of the darkness. See how you fare against him as you practice her Leopard techniques. 1. Paw Strike: 1 2. Switching Paw: 2 3. Spinkick: 3 4. Front Kick: 4 5. Front Rising Paw: Down - 1 6. Soaring Paw: Back - 2 Directions: Very well done. You hit him like a bomb. Nitara's Leopard style also has a set of low attacks. She uses these moves to keep her opponents guessing. 1. Sweep Kick: Back - 3 2. Step Kick: Down - 3 3. Low Kick: Down - 4 4. Low Jab: Down - 2 A powerful Leopard attack that Nitara uses to put distance between herself and opponents is the Dual Claw Push. With one massive hit, Nitara can send her opponent sailing across the arena. Directions: Attack the Ninja Spectre Scorpion with the Dual Claw Push twice. 1. Up - 1 2. Up - 1 Well done. Next, you will practice a useful Leopard attack called the Lifting Strike, which allows Nitara to pop her opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Attack Scorpion with the Lifting Strike, and then juggle him in the air with 3 more Lifting Strikes before he hits the ground. 1. Back - 1, Back - 1, and Back - 1, to juggle Scorpion in the air. The Deadly Lifting Strike allows Nitara to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Try juggling Scorpion with the Lifting Strike, and while he is still in the air, attack him with the Dual Claw move. 1. Back - 1, Up - 1, while he is in the air, perform the Dual Claw to send him reeling across the screen. While in the Leopard style, Nitara can flap her wings to propel herself backward. This Escape maneuver allows her to put distance between herself and her opponent. Directions: Try to execute 3 successful Escapes, and get yourself out of harm's way. >Tap the SM Button 3 times to complete the mission. When Scorpion gets close, just Throw him, and Escape again. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have fought well against Scorpion, and have learned much about the Leopard fighting style. But you must not stope there if you wish to complete this journey. You must learn another of Nitara's fighting styles. As you train in the fighting art of Fu Jow Pai, your opponent will be the creature Reptile. Nitara saw in Reptile a fool to be exploited. She deliberately led him away from his master Shao Kahn both to gain his trust, and to allow the sorcerers Quan Chi and Shang Tsung to perpetrate their assassination plot. Had Reptile been at the Emperor's side, they would never have succeeded. Fu Jow Pai was originally 'Hark Fu Moon,' or Black Tiger System. It was renamed by Grand Master Wong Bil Hong to 'Fu Jow Pai of Hoy Hong Temple.' The teachings of Black Tiger Claw Kung Fu has been passed down through the ages without any written documentation, making it difficult to compile its history. Directions: In order to master Nitara's next art of Fu Jow Pai, you must first learn the basic techniques. 1. Straight Claw: 1 2. Upward Paw: 2 3. Back Kick: 3 4. Roundhouse: 4 5. Tiger Strike: Back - 2 A useful Fu Jow Pai attack, called the Lifting Kick, allows Nitara to pop her opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Execute this devastating attack 3 times on Reptile. 1. Up - 4 2. Up - 4 3. Up - 4 Directions: Excellent. You are learning quickly. Let us move on to Fu Jow Pai's low attacks. Practice these low attacks on Reptile. 1. Tiger Scratch: Down - 2 2. Spinning Low Kick: Down - 3 3. Shin Kick: Back - 4 4. Low Toe Kick: Down - 4 5. Knee Strike: Back - 1 By channeling energy from a crystal necklace through her Fu Jow Pai style, Nitara is able to perform a Neijin. A Neijin allows Nitara to increase the power of her attacks for a limited period of time. Directions: Execute a Nejin, and strike Reptile with a powered-up attack. 1.Tap the SM Button and attack Reptile with the Lifting Kick (Up - 4) to make it easy, and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Excellent! Your training in the art of Fu Jow Pai is complete! Let us move on to Nitara's weapon style, the Kama. The Kama is a farm implement used for rice harvesting. It was adopted as a weapon in China, Okinawa, and Japan when vampire invaders from Outworld were witnessed using similar weapons. In China and Japa, the Kama was often used in conjunction with a chain to encircle opponents. The Okinawans preferred to use two Kama together. The Kama is one of the five principle weapons of the Okinawa art of Kobudo Kobujutsu. Nitara uses this traditional vampire weapon to viciously tear open her opponents. You must learn her techniques to further balance your fighting skills. You will spar with Cyrax. Through careful manipulation, Nitara had coerced Reptile to destroy Cyrax's arm console, preventing the cyborg ninja from returningg to Earthrealm. Directions: Welcome Cyrax to Outworld with a few devastating Kama attacks. 1. DualOverhead Strike: 1 2. Hook Swipe Knockdown: 4 3. Low Cross Strike: 3 4. Charging Overhead: Back - 4 5. Scissor Swipe: Toward - 1 Excellent. Nitara was suspiciously present immediately after Cyrax defeated Reptile. She made him an offer to return him to his home realm, if he would aid her in retrieving a mystical object that bound her realm to the realm of Outworld. Directions: Now you must offer Cyrax some of Nitara's Kama low attacks. 1. Low Rising Swing: Down - 1 2. Backhand Swing: Down - 2 3. Low Sweeping Slice: Down - 3 Very well done. A useful Kama attack, called the Rising Swing, allows Nitara to strike an opponent while in mid-air. Directions: Attack Cyrax in mid-air with the Rising Swing attack 3 times to continue further. >Cyrax will continually back up and jump toward you. Time it just right so that you hit him while he is in the air. Complete this 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have mastered Nitara's three fighting styles. Now you must train in the dark arts of the vampire special attacks. The Vampire nation has existed for eons, and has traveled to many realms to feed on the blood of lesser species. Earthrealm has been an excellent source of food, but its sun emits a form of radiation that is quite harmful to vampires. As a result, vampires can only traverse to that realm for brief periods of time, and only to the hemisphere opposite the sun. One attack used often by vampires is the Blood Spit. By regurgitating previously consume blood, Nitara can hurl the bewitched liquid at her opponent from a distance. Directions: Practice the Blood Spit 3 times on the Outworld Master Bo' Rai Cho, a man who is no stranger to vomit. 1. Toward - Back - 2 2. Toward - Back - 2 3. Toward - Back - 2 Directions: That blood attack was quite obscene. The Bloody Spit is in your genes. Bo' Rai Cho attacks this bout. Spit 3 times 'fore time runs out. >Cho attacks you this time. Watch out for his high hitting combos. Dodge his attacks and Spit at him. Also, if you throw him, it creates distance allowing you to hit him with the Spit right away. Do this 3 times to complete the objective. Well done! But you have only begun to harness the true nature of a vampire. Vampires must consume the blood of others to survive. It has been this way since before recorded vampire history. If Nitara feels her life force diminish during a battle, she can rejuvenate her health by extracting a small amout of blood from her opponent, leaving him weaker. Directions: Master Bo' Rai Cho has much blood to spare. Practice Nitara's throw on him 2 times. 1. Toward - SM 2. Toward - SM Directions: Ineed you are most agile. Now try her throw 2 more times while Bo' Rai Cho is moving. >Bo' Rai Cho actually spars this time. Just dodge his moves, and hit the SM Button when he gets close 2 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: That was very bloody! Wipe the crimson elixir from your face before you begin the next lesson. An effective special attack used by the vampire elite is the Unicorn Kick. Although the name sounds most frightening to a vampire, it is not so intimidating to others. The kick itself, however, is indeed something to fear. Directions: Practice Nitara's Unicorn Kick against Quan Chi 3 times before time runs out. 1. Back - Down - 4 2. Back - Down - 4 3. Back - Down - 4 Directions: You are indeed learning at a pace that kills. Use the Unicorn Kick against Quan Chi 3 times more. This time, the sorcerer will be well prepared. >Quan Chi is out to get you this time. Sidestep his moves and immediately counter with the Unicorn Kick. Complete this 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Nitara's realm had been merged with Outworld by Shao Kahn ages ago, and the two worlds have been combined into one, forming a more powerful empire. Attack combinations work in much the same way. By utilizing combos in your fighting routines, you will increase the damage done to an opponent. Directions: Exercise these lethal Leopard combinations on the God of Thunder before time runs out. 1. Leopard at Dawn: 1 - 1 - Up - 1 2. Leopard at Rest: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 Excellent! Let us move on to some more intricate combos. 1. Snow Leopard: 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 4 2. Tree Leopard: 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - Up - 1 Directions: You have done well. Now you must apply combos you have learned in Mortal Kombat. This time, Raiden will unleash the perfect storm. 1. Leopard at Dawn: 1 - 1 - Up - 1 2. Snow Leopard: 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 4 3. Leopard at Rest: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Your skills are most impressive. You have mastered the Leopard combination attacks. Now you must add to your combo training. You will learn Nitara's Fu Jow Pai combos. Directions: Exercise these destructive Fu Jow Pai combos before time runs out. 1. Bloodshed: 3 - 3 2. Vampire Bash: 1 - 1 - 1 3. Wandering Claws: 1 - 1 - 2 4. Black Tiger: 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 Directions: Excellent, young mistress of darkness! But let us see how you fare against of the top agents of the Special Forces, Jax. 1. Bloodshed: 3 - 3 2. Vampire Bash: 1 - 1 - 1 3. Wandering Claws: 1 - 1 - 2 4. Black Tiger: 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have successfully completed the combo systems of Leopard and Fu Jow Pai. You will now begin combo training in the Kama weapon style. Directions: Practice these Kama attack combinations before your time runs out. 1. Bloodbath: 1 - 4 2. Treacherous Edge: 3 - 4 3. Kama Fury: Back - 4 - Back - 4 4. Crucified: Back - 4 - Back - 2 Directions: Well done. Now you must repeat those very same combos. And this time, Kano is out to get you. 1. Bloodbath: 1 - 4 2. Treacherous Edge: 3 - 4 3. Kama Fury: Back - 4 - Back - 4 4. Crucified: Back - 4 - Back - 2 Excellent! You have learned well. Now for a more intense attack. Nitara has a devastating combo called Bloodlust. Directions: The Bloodlust combo allows Nitara to strike high, then low, then high again. It is a perfect strategy against opponents who block exessively. Perform the Bloodlust combo twice on Kano. Unleash your appetite for his destruction. 1. Bloodlust: 1 - 3 - 4 You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Now that you have mastered all of Nitra's styles and combos, it is time that your practiced combining attacks from different styles into one long combo. This type of attack is called a Style Branch combo. Directions: Scorpion will be your opponent during this lesson. This first style change combo starts in the Leopard style, and goes into the Fu Jow Pai style. 1. 1 - 1 - 1 - CS Directions: Good. Now execute that same combo one more time, but this time add one more hit between the eyes. 1. 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 Your attacks were so powerful, it looked as though Scorpion might black out from the force of the blows. Directions: Next you will try 2 different ways to finish the previous combo. 1. Golden Leopard: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 2 2. Blood Thirsty: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 Directions: You are a vampire worthy of your heritage. But the final test of this lesson is at hand. You must now perform a Style Branch combo that utilizes all three of Nitara's fighting styles. 1. Dry Blood: 1 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 1 - 3 - CS Mission Complete! You earned 250 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Nitara. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Nitara has some very high hitting, high damage weapon combos. Try your best not to let her get you caught up in those. I suggest using the smaller weapon combos, that also inflict a lot of damage. Use the Dry Blood Style Branch combo if possible, as it is high hitting, and you can juggle the opponent in the air after the last hit in the combo. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Jade Koins. -=-=-=-= Drahmin: -=-=-=-= >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: An Oni is a demon from the Netherealm. They are foul creatures consumed with hatred and possessed with the desire to inflict pain and suffering upon others. Drahmin is no exception. With his right arm completely encased within an iron club, he eagerly crushes his opponents to dust. You must learn to use this rage to your advantage. The torturous environment of the 5th plane of the Netherealm can twist any being into a vicious monster. Such is the story of Drahmin, the Oni Tormentor. Once a mortal man, he was banished to this unforgiving realm and forgotten for ages. He is no longer the being he once was. Drahmin and his Oni companion, Moloch, first encountered the sorcerer Quan Chi during a battle with Scorpion. Quan Chi pleaded with the two Oni to protect him. In return, he offered to release them from the Netherealm. Directions: Defend the sorcerer Quan Chi from the ninja spectre, Scorpion, with Drahmin's Netherealm high attacks. 1. Big Whack: 1 2. Gut Smash: 2 3. Hooking Kick: 4 4. Back Kick: Back - 3 While using the Neterealm fighting style, Drahmin can execute 2 pop-up attacks. 3 and Down - 3. These moves can pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Attack Scorpion with Drahmin's Straight Kick and Rising Blast pop-up attacks. 1. Straight Kick: 3 2. Rising Blast: Down - 3 Directions: Attack Scorpion with his Netherealm Straight Kick pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Straight Kick to juggle him. >Tap Button 3, three times to juggle Scorpion in mid-air. Directions: Now attack Scorpion with Drahmin's Netherealm Rising Blast pop-up attack then, while he is still in the air, juggle him with any of Drahmin's attacks. >Tap Down - 3, and then hit Button 2 to make it easy. Drahmin stooped to slam Scorpion from below... Directions: Attack Scorpion with Drahmin's Netherealm low attacks. 1. Low Kick: Down - 4 2. Low Swipe: Down - 1 3. Low Strike: Down - 2 While in his Netherealm fighting style, Drahmin tormented Scorpion with a Taunt. This move rejuvenated Drahmin's netheressence by a small amount. Directions: Execute 2 successful Taunts to regain full netheressence. >Tap the SM Button to Taunt Scorpion twice and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Drahmin and Moloch cast Scorpion away with their combined attack... but for how long? The ninja spectre gained strength from this realm with each passing moment. At the same time, Quan Chi's powers were fading the longer he remained. If Quan Chi had the means to free Drahmin and Moloch, he had to do it fast. Drahmin had no patience for broken promises. Especially the promise of freedom. An Oni has a built-in rage that is difficult to suppress once unleashed. Drahmin had tapped into this rage when he fought Scorpion. Quan Chi himself will face the wrath of an Oni if he does not release Drahmin and Moloch from the Netherealm. Directions: Practice Drahmin's Oni fighting style high attacks. 1. Iron Lunge: 1 2. Frontal Kick: 3 3. Sidekick: 4 4. Smashing Iron: Back - 1 While in his Oni fighting style, Drahmin can execute 2 pop- up attacks, 2 and Down - 3. These moves can pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Crushing Chop and Rising Blast pop-up attacks. 1. Crushing Chop: 2 2. Rising Blast: Down - 3 Directions: Attack Quan Chi with his Oni Crushing Chop pop- up attack and then, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Crushing Chop to juggle him. >Tap Button 2, and then while Chi is still in mid-air, hit him with two more Button 2's to juggle him. Directions: Now attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Oni Rising Blast pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, juggle him with any of Drahmin's attacks. >Tap Down - 3, walk up a little, and tap 1, to juggle Chi in the air. Drahmin utilizes a series of Oni low attacks which he uses to crush knees and sweep kick. Directions: Execute Drahmin's Oni low attacks on Quan Chi. 1. Low Swipe: Down - 1 2. Low Strike: Down - 2 3. Sweep: Back - 3 4. Low Kick: Down - 4 While in the Oni fighting style, Drahmin can Shove a blocking opponent. This move is useful to push a blocking opponent away from you. Directions: Shove your blocking opponent away from you 5 times. >Tap the SM Button on Quan as he sits there and blocks 5 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Quan Chi needed more information about the 5th plane of the Netherealm in order to devise a means of escape. The two Oni took him to an extremely ancient structure where Drahmin had seen tablets covered with unfamiliar writing. The entrance to the site had been blocked by fallen stone debris. Drahmin smashed the larger blocks to pieces with his Iron Club and the three of them walked into the old roofless structure. The strength of Drahmin's Iron Club attacks are tremendous. Directions: Attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Iron Club high attacks. 1. Head Smash: 1 2. Leaping Smash: Up - 1 3. Uppercut: 2 4. Iron Strike: 3 5. Neck Jab: 4 6. Power Swipe: Back - 4 While in his Iron Club fighting style, Drahmin can execute 2 pop-up attacks. Back - 2, and Down - 3. These moves can pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Doom Chop and Rising Blast pop-up attacks. 1. Doom Chop: Back - 2 2. Rising Blast: Down - 3 Directions: Attack Quan Chi with your Iron Club Doom Chop pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, attack him 2 more times with the Doom Chop to juggle him. >Back - 2, Back - 2, and Back - 2 again, to juggle him. Directions: Now attack Quan Chi with Drahmin's Iron Club Rising Blast pop-up attack and then, while he is still in the air, juggle him with any of Drahmin's attacks. >Tap Down - 3, and 4 to make it easy. Drahmin utilizes a series of Iron Club low attacks, which he uses to crush knees and sweep kick. Directions: Execute Drahmin's Iron Club low attacks on Quan Chi. 1. Mid Swipe: Down - 1 2. Low Strike: Down - 2 3. Iron Sweep: Back - 3 4. Low Kick: Down - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: As Quan Chi was reading from an old stone tablet, Scorpion smashed it to dust with a shot of his spear. Quan Chi called for protection and Drahmin and Moloch sprung into action once again. One devastating blow Drahmin used to pummel Scorpion was his Super Uppercut (Down - Back - 1). Directions: Attack Scorpion with Drahmin's Super Uppercut. 1. Down - Back - 1 2. Down - Back - 1 3. Down - Back - 1 Directions: Scorpion shook off the pain and attacked Drahmin. >Perform the Super Uppercut 3 more times as Scorpion attacks you. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Quan Chi had fled down a corridor. In his bewilderment, Moloch loosened his grip on Scorpion just enough for the ninja to escape. Scorpion then chased after Quan Chi. Moloch and Drahmin were not far behind. Up ahead, they saw the sorcerer open some sort of portal and jump through. Scorpion followed, Quan Chi had indeed left them behind. But as they drew nearer to the mystical structure, it was clear to them that the portal had not yet closed. Moloch and Drahmin crossed through the void into Outworld. Once in Outworld, Drahmin's putrid flesh began attracting insects from all around until he was surrounded by a swarm of Outworld Rotflies (Back - Toward - 2). Directions: Practice hurling 3 Balls-O-Flies at your betrayer, Quan Chi. 1. Back - Toward - 2 2. Back - Toward - 2 3. Back - Toward - 2 Directions: Quan Chi is disgusted by the Rotflies. He will dodge them if you attack again. >Chi attacks you this time. Hit him with the move three times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Moloch and Drahmin had emerged in Outworld next to a large circular stone disc that was lying on its side. Its shape was vaguely familiar to Drahmin. Suddenly there was a scent of mortal flesh in the air. It was Moloch who smelled it first. The mortal had not noticed them until it was too late. The two Oni pounced on their prey. The mortal was stunned by the first attack. Drahmin seized the moment and attacked the cyborg with a Propeller Clock pop-up attack (Toward - Toward - 2). Directions: Attack the yellow mortal with Drahmin's Propeller Clock pop-up attack. 1. Toward - Toward - 2 2. Toward - Toward - 2 3. Toward - Toward - 2 The mortal is quite resilient! Directions: Attack it with the Propller Clock pop-up attack and then, while it is still in the air, juggle it with the Ball- O-Flies attack. 1. Toward - Toward - 2, and then Back - Toward - 2, while Cyrax is in mid-air to juggle him. The mortal's shell is tougher than yo uhad thought! Directions: Crack its shell with a Propeller Clock and then, while it is still in the air, Slam it with a Super Uppercut. 1. Toward - Toward - 2, and then Down - Back - 1, while Cyrax is in mid-air to juggle him. Even Moloch is impressed with the mortal's ability to withstand the attacks! Directions: Attack it with the Propeller Clock pop-up and then, while it is still in the air, juggle with another Propeller Clock pop-up attack. 1. Toward - Toward - 2, and then Toward - Toward - 2, while 'Rax is in the air to juggle him. Directions: It seems the mortal has regained its health in some way. It is fighting back. Attack it with another Propeller Clock pop-up attack 4 times. 1. Toward - Toward - 2 2. Toward - Toward - 2 3. Toward - Toward - 2 4. Toward - Toward - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Drahmin and Moloch were close to tasting mortal flesh when the prey they had been attacking spit out an enchangted object that burst into a loud fireball. The two Oni ran from the mortal for fear of another attack. They spent the coming months in the forests near a small town, eating mortals that wandered too close to the treeline. Li Mei has wandered too close to the treeline! Directions: Knock her out with 3 of Drahmin's Punching Bag Throws. You must be in the Oni or the Netherealm fighting style to execute the attack. 1. Toward - SM 2. Toward - SM 3. Toward - SM The female moral is still conscious! Directions: Attack the mortal with another Punching Bag Throw and then, while it is still in the air, juggle it with a Straight Kick in the Netherealm fighting style followed by a Super Uppercut. >Toward - SM, 3, Down - 1 The female mortal still lives. Directions: Attack the mortal with another Punching Bag Throw and then, while it is still in the air, juggle it with a Crushing Chop in the Oni fighting style, followed by a Propeller Clock. >Toward - SM, 2, Toward - Toward - 2 Directions: The mortal has rejuvenated it's health somehow! Throw it 4 times with the Punching Bag Throw. >Perform Drahmin's Throw 4 times on Li Mei as she tries to attack you, to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 250 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Indeed you are most fortunate. You will now have the honor of participating in The Trial of Blood! Directions: Make Sonya bleed 40 pints of blood before she defeats you or times runs out. >Sonya will come out attacking you with all her weapon combos and whatnot. Just use Drahmin's Iron Club fighting style and hit her with little moves in his Moves List. Try not to get too close to Sonya or she will inflict massive damage to you. You can also continually use Drahmin's Propeller Clock attack to take off 3 pints of blood each time it connects. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Your might will now be tested. Shatter this gemstone to prove that you are the strongest Oni in the Netherealm. >This is your traditional Test Your Might mini-game. Tap all the buttons as fast as you can to raise the meter above the bar and hit the Block Button to break the gemstone. I found it easy to rub my thumb over every button to raise the meter fast, and then hit the Block Button. Good luck. Mission Complete! You earned 450 Onyx Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront. It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Drahmin. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Drahmin continually uses the Propeller Clock attack. Use it against him too. When you successfully hit him with it, follow up with another of his Special Moves, like the Ball-O-Flies or the Super Uppercut. Drahmin has no set combos, so just "link" his Special Moves together as taught in the Konquest. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Sapphire Koins. -=-=-=-= Hsu Hao: -=-=-=-= >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Red Dragon operative Hsu Hao's strength is his ability to concentrate on one objective at atime. He is not easily distracted and lives to serve the will of his clan. This characteristic may be a side effect of his cybernectic heart. Without ambition, there can be no distraction. All that remains is duty. With a history of over 2000 years, Shuai Chiao is the oldest martial art in China. The Red Dragon clan have adopted it as a standard fighting style for entry-level recruits. Although Hsu Hao was already an accomplished martial artist, he was still required to learn Shuai Chiao once he joined there secretive organization. Mavado was in charge of training Hsu Hao. With his heart removed and replaced with a cybernetic life support apparatus, Hsu Hao made for an excellent student who was extremely focused. Directions: Practice Hsu Hao's Shuai Chiao high attacks with Mavado. 1. Single Hand Strike: 1 2. Lunging Palm: Back - 1 3. Uppercut: 2 4. Crouching Chop: Down - 2 5. Front Snap Kick: 3 6. Rising Knee: 4 Directions: Mavado will test what you have learned. See if you can attack him with the Shuai Chiao high attacks he just taught you. 1. Single Hand Strike: 1 2. Lunging Palm: Back - 1 3. Uppercut: 2 4. Crouching Chop: Down - 2 5. Front Snap Kick: 3 6. Rising Knee: 4 Directions: You have passed your first test. Now you must learn the Shuai Chiao low attacks. 1. Low Wing Strike: Down - 1 2. Shoulder Lunge: Toward - 2 3. Crouching Sweep: Down - 3 4. Sweep: Back - 4 5. Low Kick: Down - 4 Directions: For your second test, you will attack Mavado with the low attacks you have just learned. 1. Low Wing Strike: Down - 1 2. Shoulder Lunge: Toward - 2 3. Crouching Sweep: Down - 3 4. Sweep: Back - 4 5. Low Kick: Down - 4 You are of a single-mindedness that makes for enhanced learning capabilities. Mavado will see how well you can switch to another mode of attack and still retain that concentration. Directions: Throw Mavado by grabbing his feet and tossing him into the air. >Tap Toward and the SM Button next to Mavado to Throw him. Do this 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have completed your Shuai Chiao training and will now begin the second style required of new recruits. Wrestling may not be a particularly flashy martial art, but it is very effective. Directions: Mavado will teach you Wrestling high attacks. 1. Rising Neck Strike: Down - 1 2. Strong Hook Punch: 2 3. Spinning Backfist: Back - 2 4. Straight Kick: 3 5. Front Kick: 4 Directions: You will now be tested. Attack Mavado with the Wrestling high attacks you just learned. 1. Rising Neck Strike: Down - 1 2. Strong Hook Punch: 2 3. Spinning Backfist: Back - 2 4. Straight Kick: 3 5. Front Kick: 4 Directions: Most impressive. Mavado has never had a pupil who learned as fast as you have. He will now extend your Wrestling training to include low attacks. 1. Low Jab: Down - 2 2. Low Kick: Down - 3 3. Low Shin Kick: Down - 4 Now that you know the Wrestling low attacks, you will be tested once again. Directions: Attack Mavado with the Wrestling low attacks you just learned. 1. Low Jab: Down - 2 2. Low Kick: Down - 3 3. Low Shin Kick: Down - 4 Directions: Mavado sees much promise in you. He will teach you wrestling throws, but only because he thinks you can handle it. He will not, however, make it an easy lesson. 1. Back Breaker: 1 2. Shoulder Toss: Back - 1 A useful Wrestling move is the Reversal. This attack will allow you to stop an opponent's attack long enough to counter with your own attack. Directions: Counter Mavado's attack with a Reversal move. >A timer starting at 3, is displayed in the middle of the screen. When the timer reaches 1, hit the SM Button to counter Mavado's attack. Perform the Reversal 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Once Hsu Hao had competed his basic training of the required fighting styles, he was allowed to choose a weapon style from a vast collection of blades in the Red Dragon arsenal. Hsu Hao chose the Sun-Moon Blades. Directions: Like Mavado's hookswords, the Sun-Moon Blades are a double-weapon fighting style. Mavado will teach you the basic high attacks of this unusual weapon style. 1. Downward Circling Sword: Back - 1 2. Twisting Sword: 2 3. Rising Strike: Down - 2 4. Upward Circling Sword: Back - 2 5. Gut Strike: 3 6. Push Strike: Toward - 3 7. Edge Stab: 4 8. Rising Chop: Down - 4 Directions: Now defend yourself against Mavado with the Sun- Moon high attacks you have just learned. 1. Downward Circling Sword: Back - 1 2. Twisting Sword: 2 3. Rising Strike: Down - 2 4. Upward Circling Sword: Back - 2 5. Gut Strike: 3 6. Push Strike: Toward - 3 7. Edge Stab: 4 8. Rising Chop: Down - 4 Directions: Next, Mavado will teach you the Sun-Moon low attack basics. 1. Cutting Sword: Down - 3 2. Piercing Low Strike: Down - 1 Directions: Mavado will test you on your Sun-Moon low attack knowledge. Do not dissapoint him. If you pass this final test, you will become a ful member of the Red Dragon and receive your fist assignment. 1. Cutting Sword: Down - 3 2. Piercing Low Strike: Down - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Hsu Hao completed his training and Mavado gave him his first assignment. He was to infiltrate the Special Forces by posing as a former member of a secret Chinese military group. From the inside, the Red Dragon clan could keep track of the Special Forces as well as covertly feed them information about their rival clan, the Black Dragon. The Special Forces would be unwittingly destroying the Black Dragon for Mavado's clan. Hsu Hao impressed the Special Forces with his fighting skills and was commissioned as a free agent. He slowly gained the trust of the organizatoin for his help in the capture of Black Dragon clan members. Directions: Attack the Black Dragon member, Kano with Hsu Hao's Cyrus Stomp 2 times. 1. Back - Toward - 3 2. Back - Toward - 3 Directions: Kano won't go down without a fight, but you must capture him to gain the trust of the Special Forces. Apply our boots to his head 3 more times to knock him out. 1. Back - Toward - 3 2. Back - Toward - 3 3. Back - Toward - 3 >Use Hsu's Throw to create distance between the two of you, and immediately after the throw, perform the Cyrus Stomp to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Hsu Hao's track record gained notoriety within the Special Forces. He seemed to have a 6th sense about the Black Dragon and brought down many of their members. This ability was exploited to its fullest by Jax and that criminal organization. They regularly included Hsu Hao in their operations. Directions: Kano has escaped from a Special Forces truck. Bring him down with Hsu Hao's Khan Klap attack. 1. Khan Klap: Back - Down - 1 2. Khan Klap: Back - Down - 1 Directions: Kano is getting his second wind. Blow him away again with his Khan Klap attack. 1. Khan Klap: Back - Down - 1 2. Khan Klap: Back - Down - 1 3. Khan Klap: Back - Down - 1 >As Kano approaches, perform the move to keep your distance. Do this 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Although the Black Dragon was seemingly destroyed, Mavado felt that it would serve the Red Dragon best if Hsu Hao remained under cover until further notice. He was eventually asked by the Special Forces to remain with Jax and Sonya's group to start up the Outerworld Investigation Agency. Kenshi also joined the Agency around this time. Directions: Practice Shuai Chiao combos with Special Forces agent Kenshi. 1. Bottle Opener: 2 - 2 2. Bone Crusher: 1 - 1 - 3 Directions: Now spar with Kenshi, using those same Shuai Chiao combos. 1. Bottle Opener: 2 - 2 2. Bone Crusher: 1 - 1 - 3 Directions: Show Kenshi Hsu Hao's more complicated combos. 1. Asylum: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 2. Chaos: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 Directions: Kenshi is impressed. He wants to practice countering those last combos. 1. Asylum: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 2. Chaos: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Hsu Hao's new orders came when his superior Mavado, instructed him to destroy the Outerworld Investigation Agency's ability to travel to Outworld. Once this task was accomplished, he was then to rendezvous with Mavado in that realm to receive further instruction. Before parting, Mavado would like to see what you have learned since you time amongst the Special Forces. Directions: Show him a Wrestling combo that you have developed. 1. Insanity: Back - 2 - Back - 2 2. Insanity: Back - 2 - Back - 2 Directions: Mvado is intrigued with this new move. He will test you unofficially to see how effective it is in kombat. 1. Insanity: Back - 2 - Back - 2 2. Insanity: Back - 2 - Back - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Mavado is impressed that you have continued practicing the Red Dragon fighting styles he taught you. He would like to see more before parting. Directions: Show Mavado the new Sun-Moon attack combos you have developed. 1. The Khan: 1 - Toward - 3 2. Lost Dragon: 4 - Toward - 3 3. Setting Sun: Back - 1 - Back - 2 Directions: Most impressive! But Mavado will need to see those combos put to the test. He will try to defeat you this time. 1. The Khan: 1 - Toward - 2 2. Lost Dragon: 4 - Toward - 3 3. Setting Sun: Back - 1 - Back - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 250 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Hsu Hao gained access to a small, but very powerful, explosive device and made his way to the underground chamber that housed the inter-realm portals used by the Outerworld Investigation Agency. He powered-up the explosive device with a short countdown just as Jax came barreling down upon him. Directions: You must escape from Jax. Use a Style Branch combo that starts with the Shuai Chiao style, then goes into Wrestling, and then finish with your Sun-Moon blades. 1. Watch This: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - Back - 2 - CS - Back - 2 Jax was not sure what you were up to, but now that he knows your intentions, he will do his best to stop you. Directions: Use the combo again. 1. Watch This: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - Back - 2 - CS - Back - 2 Directions: Make Jax BLEED!!! Once you have drained Jax of enough blood, toss a greande at the main control panel and jump through the portal to Outworld to meet up with Mavado for further orders. >Drain Jax of 50 pints of blood. Use his Sun-Moon basic combo attacks to drain the most blood. Don't let Jax get too close, because he can inflict massive damage with those things. Drain 50 pints to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 300 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront. It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Hsu Hao. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Hsu Hao will almost always go for his Watch This combo. Block the entire thing, and finish it up with one of your own combos. Don't use the Throw too much, because it is a low throw, and the AI is too smart, and will block it every time. Also, shy away from Hsu's Special Moves, as they do little damage. Just concentrate on dodging his moves, and following up with yours. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Ruby Koins. -=-=-= Frost: -=-=-= >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The mysterious Lin Kuei Frost has powers and abilities that closely resemble those of Sub-Zero. Her past is not known, but her moeves are becoming legendary. Although she is still in training herself, she will make an excellent subject for study on this journey. The name Tong Bei, or Tong Bei Quan, can be translated as 'Fist Of The Spreading Power From The Back.' Like Frost's mysterious history, the origin of this fighting style is unclear. Frost used Tong Bei to win the recent Lin Kuei recruting tournament. Directions: With the former Lin Kuei member Cyrax as your sparring partner, practice the Tong Bei basic attacks that Frost used to win the tournament. 1. Cold Strike: 1 2. Slapping Palm: 2 3. Icy Maul: Back - 2 4. Cutting Gut Kick: 3 5. Frosty Kick: 4 6. Power Kick: Up - 3 Very good. Frost's Tong Bei fighting style has 3 different pop-up attacks. These attacks allow her to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: This first one is called Ice Crusher. 1. Ice Crusher: Up - 1 Excellent! Now you must learn another of Frost's winning pop-up attacks. Directions: This one is called Winter Winds. 1. Winter Winds: Up - 4 Exceptional! Now you must practice Frost's final Tong Bei pop-up attack. Directions: This last one is called Northern Lights. 1. Northern Lights: Up - 2 The legendary warrior and Grand Master of the Lin Kuei clan, Sub-Zero has noticed your exceptional skills. Impress him further by juggling Cyrax with a pop-up combo in Frost's Tong Bei fighting style. Directions: You will start with the Ice Crusher, juggle him with the Winter Winds, and then juggle him again with teh Northern Lights pop-up attack before he hits the ground. >Up - 1, Up - 4, and Up - 2 to juggle Cyrax in mid-air. Directions: Excellent. It is no surprise that Frost was the victor of the Lin Kuei tournament. Now you msut practice Frost's Tong Bei low attacks. 1. Falling Strike: Down - 1 2. Low Rising Strike: Down - 2 3. Low Poke: Down - 3 4. Frozen Elbow: Down - 4 5. Thrusting Low Kick: Back - 4 6. Low Roundhouse: Back - 3 7. Corkscrew Strike: Back - 1 While in the Tong Bei style, Frost can slide herself backward. This Escape maneuver allows her to put distance between herself and her opponent. Directions: Execute 3 successful Escapes to quickly get yourself out of harm's way. >Cyrax will attack you mercilessly. Hit the SM Button to Escape 3 times from him and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Grand Master Sub-Zero was impressed with your Tong Bei fighting skills, and will now train you in the fighting art of Yuan Yang. For the remainder of your training, you will refer to him as 'Sifu.' Yuan Yang Quan, or Mandarin Duck Fist, is a martial art rarely seen outside of China. Although not much is known about Yuan Yang as a whole, many Chinese styles have adopted its kicking methods, which were reputed to be very effective. Directions: Sifu Sub-Zero will now begin with your Yuan Yang basic training. 1. Open Hand Strike: 1 2. Upward Strike: Down - 1 3. Dual Duck Strike: 2 4. Thrusting Roundhouse: 3 5. Duck Leg Strike: 4 6. Strong Fist: Toward - 1 Directions: Well done. Now Sifu will test what you have learned. Attack him with the Yuan Yang basic attacks. 1. Open Hand Strike: 1 2. Upward Strike: Down - 1 3. Dual Duck Strike: 2 4. Thrusting Roundhouse: 3 5. Duck Leg Strike: 4 6. Strong Fist: Toward - 1 You have passsed your first test. Now Sifu will instruct you on the nuances of pop-up attacks. These attacks allow you to pop an opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Execute the Yuan Yang Lifting Head Kick pop-up attack 3 times on Sifu. 1. Up - 3, Up - 3, and Up - 3 to juggle Subby. Directions: Most impressive. Now Sifu will instruct you as you learn the Yuan Yang low attacks. 1. Low Winged Strike: Down - 2 2. Grounded Duck: Down - 3 3. Tripping Strike: Back - 4 4. Sweep Kick: Down - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Sifu Sub-Zero is quite enthusiastic about your progress and will now advance your training beyond that of an average warrior. He has noticed that you posses a similar freezing ability to his own, and will train you to harness that power. By flash-freezing water vapor, Sifu Sub-Zero can form intricate solid objects. One such object is his Kori Blade. Sifu will help you discover if you in fact posses the mental concentration to perform this effect as well. It seems that Sifu's years of experience, and enchantment from the Dragon Medallion, allow him to form a much larger weapon than you are capable of creating. No matter. Two smaller weapons can be just as effective as one large weapon. Directions: Attack Sifu with these Double Dagger basic attacks. 1. Gut Stab: - 1 2. Stamping Blade: Up - 1 3. Dual Lunge: 2 4. Side Kick: 3 5. Pop Kick: 4 Directions: You will now be tested. Sifu will spar with you. Attack him with the Double Dagger basic attacks you have learned. 1. Gut Stab: - 1 2. Stamping Blade: Up - 1 3. Dual Lunge: 2 4. Side Kick: 3 5. Pop Kick: 4 Directions: You have passed the test, and will now learn low attacks with your Double Dagger. 1. Low Stagger: Back - 1 2. Low Strike: Down - 1 3. Low Stab: Down - 2 4. Low Chop: Down - 3 5. Low Moon Strike: Down - 4 Directions: Again, you will be tested. Attack Sifu with the Double Dagger low attacks you have just learned. He will defend himself this time. 1. Low Stagger: Back - 1 2. Low Strike: Down - 1 3. Low Stab: Down - 2 4. Low Chop: Down - 3 5. Low Moon Strike: Down - 4 Exceptional. Sifu would like to assess your ability to perfrom a pop-up attack with your Double Daggers. Directions: Perform the Lifting Daggers pop-up attack and, before Sifu hits the ground, attack with a pop-up kick. >Back - 2, and while he is still in the air, tap 4 to make it easy. Well done! Now for an effective, yet very tricky weapon attack called an Impale. This move lodges your weapon into your opponent's body to constantly drain life. Once you have successfully Impaled your opponent, however, you are no longer able to use that weapon. Directions: Impale Sifu with your Double Daggers. This will be the end of your basic Double Dagger training, as Sifu will need medical attention should you pass the test. >Sub-Zero will once again try to bash in your head. Dodge one of his moves, and immediately hit the SM Button to Impale him and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Very well done! It seems you have the ability to control your freezing powers. Good. You will now expand yoru training to encompass your ability... to freeze. Sifu Sub-Zero has dressed his wounds from you last lesson, and will continue to train you. Sifu has the ability to freeze his opponent solid. He would like to see if you have this ability as well. Freeze Sifu Sub- Zero... Directions: Funnel your Fa Jing through your hands and try to freeze Sifu. 1. Down - Back - 3 2. Down - Back - 3 3. Down - Back - 3 Most interesting! It seems your freeze attack travels along the ground! Sifu surmises that this must mean it only affects an opponent whose feet are placed upon the ground. Let us test this theory... in kombat. Directions: Freeze Sifu Sub-Zero 3 times before time runs out. 1. Down - Back - 3 2. Down - Back - 3 3. Down - Back - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Although Sifu Sub-Zero was frozen, he was not inujured in any way. He is used to the cold. What he is not used to is the speed at which you are learning to harness your freezing powers. You will now speed up your training, and learn the Icy Slide move Sifu had perfected many years ago. Sifu Sub-Zero has progressed beyond such novive moves, but he will teach you this basic maneuver. Focus your Fa Jing through your feet, and slide underneath Sifu to trip him up. Directions: If you indeed have this ability, you should be able to execute 3 Slide moves before times runs out. 1. Down - Toward - 4 2. Down - Toward - 4 3. Down - Toward - 4 Incredible! It seems you have the gift! Now for your test. Directions: Attack Sifu with the Icy Slide 3 times before time runs out. 1. Down - Toward - 4 2. Down - Toward - 4 3. Down - Toward - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Too much practice in one area is not good. Sifu Sub-Zero will now switch to a different lesson to better round out your training. You will study attack combinations. By combining attacks, as warrior can more effectively kombat his or her opponent. Directions: Practice these Tong Bei combos on Sub-Zero. 1. Shiver: 1 - 2 2. Spring and Autumn: 3 - 3 Directions: You have learned these first combos well. Now for your test. Attack Sifu with the combos you have just learned. He will not make it easy for you. 1. Shiver: 1 - 2 2. Spring and Autumn: 3 - 3 Directions: Excellent. Now for some more advanced combos. 1. Chills: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 2. Harmony: 2 - 2 - Up - 2 3. Crazy Monkey: 1 - 1 - 2 - Up - 4 4. Tong Bei Fury: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - Up - 2 Directions: Once again, you will be tested by Sifu Sub-Zero. Attack him with the combos you have just learned. 1. Chills: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 2. Harmony: 2 - 2 - Up - 2 3. Crazy Monkey: 1 - 1 - 2 - Up - 4 4. Tong Bei Fury: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - Up - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Sifu Sub-Zero believes that you can handle training at a quicker pace. The next lesson will include combos from both the Yuan Yang and Double Dagger fighting styles. Directions: You will begin with combos in the Yuan Yang fighting style. Begin. 1. Mandarin Duck Fists: 1 - 2 2. Deadly Decoy: 4 - 4 - 3 3. Waterfall: 4 - 4 - Toward - 1 Directions: Sifu will now test you. Perform the combos you have just learned. He will be quite hard on you this time. 1. Mandarin Duck Fists: 1 - 2 2. Deadly Decoy: 4 - 4 - 3 3. Waterfall: 4 - 4 - Toward - 1 Directions: Very well done! Sifu Sub-Zero will now push you to your limits with these more advanced Yuan Yang combos. 1. Mandarin Duck Legs: 4 - 4 - Up - 3 2. Deceptive Step: 2 - 2 - Up - 3 3. Ice Cold: 4 - 4 - 1 - 2 4. Ugly Duckling: 4 - 4 - 1 - 1 - Up - 3 Directions: Now for your Yuan Yang advanced combo test. Perform the combos on you have just learned on Sifu Sub-Zero. 1. Mandarin Duck Legs: 4 - 4 - Up - 3 2. Deceptive Step: 2 - 2 - Up - 3 3. Ice Cold: 4 - 4 - 1 - 2 4. Ugly Duckling: 4 - 4 - 1 - 1 - Up - 3 Directions: Your Yuan Yang combo training is complete! You will now being Double Dagger combo training. Remember to focus your Fa Jing through your hands to form the daggers themselves. 1. Cold Feet: 3 - 3 - 3 2. Frozen Storm: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Diretions: Enough practice. Now for the test. Attack Sifu with the Double Dagger combos you just learned. 1. Cold Feet: 3 - 3 - 3 2. Frozen Storm: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Directions: Well done! Now as a surprise test, Impale Sifu Sub-Zero before times runs out. >Tap the SM Button to Impale Sub one time to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 225 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Indeed you are most fortunate! Your main training is complete! While Sub-Zero bandages his wounds from your surprise test, you will participate in an unofficial Trial Of Blood! Directions: The unsuspecting Sonya Blade is en route to meet with Sub-Zero. Practice all you have learned to make her bleed 50 pints of blood before she defeates you or time runs out. >I constantly performed the Frozen Storm combo (1 - 1 - 1 - 1) over and over, finally drain Sonya of 50 pints of her blood. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Raiden has arrived with disturbing news for Sub-Zero. The sorcerers Quan Chi and Shang Tsung have formed an alliance in Outworld. He has requested Sub-Zero's help in defeating them. If Sub-Zero accepts, your training will abruptly end. Frost must prove herself skilled enough to accompany Sub-Zero on his journey and continue her training. Directions: Prove that you are a skilled warrior by performing some Style Branch combos on Raiden. A Style Branch combo switches from one fighting style to the other. These start in the Tong Bei style and go into the Yuan Yang style. 1. Freezer Burn: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - 3 2. Blizzard: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - 1 - 2 Directions: Sifu Sub-Zero is pleased with your execution of those first two Style Branch combos and believes that you are skilled enough to learn 3 more. 1. Iceberg: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - Up - 3 2. Icefall: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - Toward - 1 3. Snowball: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - 1 - 1 - Up - 3 Directions: Sub-Zero is impressed that you learned to do a Style Branch combo on your own. Show im that you know even more, by executing these combos that start in the Yuan Yang fighting style and go into the Double Dagger fighting style. 1. Frigid Frenzy: 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 2. Snowflake: 4 - 4 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 1 - 1 Raiden is beginning to accept you as a possible ally in the fight to save Earthrealm. If only ou knew how to Style Branch all three of your styles into one long combo. Ha! You will show them that your skills are indeed worthy of their quest. Directions: Perform a Style Branch combo that starts in Tong Bei, goes into Yuan Yang, and finishes with the Double Daggers. 1. Frostbitten: 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - 1 - 1 - CS - 1 - 1 - 1 Directions: Raiden is impressed. But you must pass this one test before he will belive you can handle yourself against the Deadly Alliance. You must Imaple him with your Double Daggers. If you do, he will allow Sub-Zero to bring you along. >Tap the SM Button to Impale Raiden and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 300 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! Sub-Zero has taught you well. You have mastered many fighting techniques, and have even passed Raiden's test. You are indeed the greatest warrior in the Lin Kuei clan. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Frost. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Frost will come out with some of her high hitting Dagger combos. Try to dodge/sidestep these combos, and Freeze her. Then follow up with a high hitting Style Branch combo. Refrain from using Frostbitten because it is too long, and hard to pull off correctly in the heat of battle. As always, Throw her alot to create distance and make it easier to Freeze her. Good Luck. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 250 Sapphire Koins. -=-= Jax: -=-= >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: As an operative of the Special Forces, Jax had developed many special moves that gave him the edge he neededto destroy the Black Dragon. Now that the Red Dragon had infiltrated an destroyed his hidden Special Forces base, Jax must refocus his energy on this new threat to peace. Jax's newly designed cybernetic arms offer better range of motion and faster recoil, allowing for a move he calls the Pison Punch. This move utilizes rapid multiple strieks that push his opponent back, rendering them momentarily helpless. As a member of the Red Dragon, Hsu Hao was responsible for the destruction of the Outerworld Investigation Agency: a branch of the Special Forces to protect Earth from invasion. Diretions: Hsu Hao has much to answer for. Practice Jax's Piston Punch attack 3 times before time runs out. 1. Down - Toward - 1 2. Down - Toward - 1 3. Down - Toward - 1 You are an excellent student. But now you must use what you have learned in kombat. Directions: Hit Hsu Hao with Jax's Piston Punch 3 times before he defeats you or time runs out. But take heed, Hsu Hao will not make it easy for you. >Dodge Hsu Hao's attacks, and immediately follow up with the Piston Punch move. Do this 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Excellent! You have mastered the Piston Punch technique. But the road to your destiny is long traveled. There is much more to be learned. This next trial pits you against Mavado, another member of the Red Dragon clan. You must learn to harness you Fa Jing, or Inner Power. Jax has learned to focus his Fa Jing into a powerful earth-shaking move he calls the Ground Pound. Directions: Practice Jax's Ground Pound move 3 times before time runs out. 1. Toward - Toward - Down - 3 2. Toward - Toward - Down - 3 3. Toward - Toward - Down - 3 Again, you have proven to be a quick study. But let us see how you fare in kombat. Directions: Hit Mavado with Jax's Ground Pound 3 times before he defeats you or time runs out. >Block Mavado's initial moves, then perform a Throw. This created distance between you and him. Then perform the Ground Pound 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have completed yet another trial. Let us move on to Jax's third special attack, his Machine Gun. Jax's Machine Gun attack is a great strategy for keeping an opponent away from you. In this next trial, you will practice on Quan Chi. Directions: Attack Quan Chi with Jax's Machine Gun special move 3 times before time runs out. 1. Back - Toward - 4 2. Back - Toward - 4 3. Back - Toward - 4 Now you understand. Your skills are improving. But let us see how well you handle yourself against a moving opponent. Directions: Hit Quan Chi with Jax's Machine Gun special move 3 times before he defeats you or time runs out. >Sidestep Quan's moves, and immediately follow up with a Machine Gun move. If he gets too close, you can always perform a Throw to create distance. Perform the Machine Gun special move 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You have mastered each of Jax's special attacks. Now has come the time to combine their strengths. There will be no practice round this time. You must prove to Reptile that you are the superior warrior. Directions: Attack Reptile with Jax's Piston Punch, Ground Pound, and Machine Gun moves before he defeats you or time runs out. >Tap Down - Toward - 1 for the Piston Punch, Toward - Toward - Down - 3 for the Ground Pound, and Back - Toward - 4 for the Machine Gun. Perform all of the Special Moves to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You bring honor to Earthrealm. You have successfully proven your mastery of Jax's special attacks. Your next lesson will be to learn one of Jax's martial arts fighting styles. Muay Thai, or Thailand kickboxing, is one of the oldest martial art forms. Muay Thai's origin, along with much of Thai history, was lost during the invasion of the Burmese army. Directions: Practice these Muay Thai moves. 1. Forward Foot Punch: 4 2. Straight Punch: 2 3. Roundhouse: Up - 3 4. Spinning Strike: Back - 1 5. Low Swing Punch: Down - 2 6. Farewell Knee: 3 Very well done. Now you must master attack combinations. Utilizing combos will greatly increase the damage done to your opponent. Directions: Practice these Muay Thai combos before your time runs out. 1. Boot Kamp: 3 - 3 - 4 2. I'm Gonna Get Ya: 2 - 2 - Up - 3 3. Jax Special: 2 - 2 - Back - 1 - 2 4. What You Get: 2 - 2 - 4 5. Get Some Sucka: Back - 1 - 2 6. Rush N Hook: 2 - 2 - 1 Excellent. I have chosen my student well. Let us now see how much you have learned. Directions: Execute these Muay Thai commands on Shang Tsung before he defeats you or before time runs out. 1. Boot Kamp: 3 - 3 - 4 2. I'm Gonna Get Ya: 2 - 2 - Up - 3 3. Jax Special: 2 - 2 - Back - 1 - 2 4. What You Get: 2 - 2 - 4 5. Get Some Sucka: Back - 1 - 2 6. Rush N Hook: 2 - 2 - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: You are indeed worthy of the warrior's virtue. Now that you have mastered some of Jax's Muay Thai combos, let us move on to another of Jax's fighting styles, Judo. In 1882 Jude was developed in Japan bu Jigoro Kano. It is a descendant of Japanese jujutsu with an emphasis on self-defense and sport competition. The Judo philosophy is maximum efficiency with minimum effort. A kombatant using Judo will try to use his opponent's energy and weight against him by controlling his center of gravity. Judo is known for its throwing techniques. Throws are used to attack opponents who defend excessively. Directions: Perform these Judo moves before time runs out. Remember, every obstacle can be overcome. 1. Perform a suplex: 1 2. Perform a leg trip throw: 2 3. Now do a regular throw: Back - SM Directions: Excellent. Now you must expand your training by mastering a few Judo combos. 1. Groundwork: 4 - 4 - 3 2. Metal Fury: 4 - 4 - Back - 2 Directions: I am indeed impressed! Now execute these combos and throws on Kano once more before he defeats you or before time runs out. 1. Groundwork: 4 - 4 - 3 2. Perform a suplex: 1 3. Metal Fury: 4 - 4 - Back - 2 4. Perform a leg trip throw: 2 5. No Mans Land: 4 - 4 - CS - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Indeed you are most fortunate. You will now have the honor of participating in The Trial of Blood! Directions: Make Drahmin bleed 50 pints of blood before he defeats you or time runs out. >Drahmin will use his cheap Special Moves to his advantage. Sidestep or dodge those moves, and proceed to hit him up with the No Mans Land combo a lot. As always perform multiple Throws to create distance. The Machine Gun and Ground Pound Special Moves work especially well here. The Machine Gun can take off as much as 6 pints of blood in one move. Also, Jax's Tonfas are useful as well. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Exellent! Now you must learn Jax's weapon style, the Tonfa. The Tonfa was originally the handle from a hand-operated grain mill used on farms. As early as 1477, there were bans on the use of weapons in Okinawa. The Okinawans began underground training in unarmed and armed kombat. Directions: Hit Scorpion 9 times with the Tonfa before time runs out. 1. Spear Hand: 1 2. Double Strike: Toward - 1 3. Scissor Sweep: Down - 2 4. Scissor Strike: 3 5. Uppercut Strike: Down - 3 6. Roundhouse Elbow: 4 7. Low Back Hand: Down - 4 8. Tonfa Sweep: Back - 4 9. Downward Strike: 2 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Now that you have learned the basic combos, let's learn some of his combos that change from one style into another style. Directions: Try this combo that starts in Muay Thai and goes into Judo. 1. 2 - 2 - CS Directions: Now execute that combo one more time, but this time add one more hit. 1. 2 - 2 - CS - 4 Directions: Now add a final blow that finishes the combo we just learned. 1. Insertion: 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - Back - 2 Directions: Now execute one of Jax's combos that spans all 3 of his styles. 1. Damage Control: 2 - 2 - CS - 4 - CS - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 250 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: It is one thing to defeat a foe who does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when cofronting a foe who can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Jax. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Jax uses his big/small Tonfa combos on you. He also uses his Machine Gun move a lot. Dodge those moves, and while he is still recovering, pelt him with some smaller combos like Damage Control. His Machine Gun move works well here too. Don't try the Piston Punch as he almost always blocks it, and it leaves you wide open. Good luck. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Gold Koins. -=-=-=- Kitana: -=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Kitana has for many years been at war with the Emperor Shao Kahn. She has proven herself to be a great leader and diplomat after allying with the Shokans in a masive strike against the emperor and his armies. Though she is a great warrior, it is her grace in kombat that you must learn to emulate. Brute strength alone will not win the fight. The Eagle Claw system of kung fu used by Kitana originated in southern China during the Sung Dynasty around the year 1250 A.D. was brought to Outworld a few centuries later by an unnamed martial arts master. Years ago, Kitana had used her skills of negotiation to bring about truce between Prince Goro and Kung Lao. Directions: Practice Kitana's Eagle Claw basic high attacks with Kung Lao. 1. Mid Eagle Claw: 1 2. Low Eagle Claw: Down - 1 3. High Eagle Claw: Back - 1 4. Side Finger Jab: 2 5. Double Eagle Claw: Toward - 2 6. Side Heel Kick: 3 7. Solar Plexus Kick: 4 8. Crouching Upward Strike: Down - 4 9. Front Toe Kick: Back - 4 Kitana's Eagle Claw Lifting Kick pop-up allows her to Pop her opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Practice Kitana's Eagle Claw Lifting Kick pop- up. 1. Lifting Kick: Up - 4 Directions: Well done! Now execute Kitana's Lifting Kick pop-up attack and, while Kung Lao is still in the air, execute 2 more Lifting Kick pop-up attacks to juggle him. >Tap Up - 4, Up - 4, and Up - 4 again while Lao is in the air to juggle him. Excellent! Kitana uses her Eagle Claw low attacks to keep her opponent on edge. By alternating between her high and low attacks, her opponent never knows wehre her atack will come from next. Directions: Practice Kitana's Eagle Claw low attacks with Kung Lao as your sparring partner. 1. Low Claw Swipe: Down - 2 2. Chyun Teui: Back - 3 3. Claw Scratch: Down - 3 Kitana's Sidestep 3D attack serves to confuse her opponent as well as inflice damage. It is also a very useful Dodge or Escape move. Directions: Practice Kitana's Eagle Claw Sidestep Claw 3D attack with Kung Lao. 1. Up - 2 2. Up - 2 3. Up - 2 4. Up - 2 While in the Eagle Claw fighting style, Kitana can Shove a blocking opponent. This move is useful to push away a blocking opponent. Directions: Shove Kung Lao away from you 5 times. >Kung Lao will lay on the Block Button. Approach him, and tap the SM Button to Shove him. Do this 5 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Princess Kitana was at war with the Emperor of Outworld, Shao Kahn. She had joined forces with Prince Goro of the Shokan and was effectively confronting Kano's troops. Although victory seemed attainable, Kitana did not know how long her troops could sustain the attack. Ba Gua Zhang, translated to Eight Trigram Palm, is a relatively new Chinese martial art, having been developed in the late 1800's. Ba Gua Zhang was developed by Dong Hai-Chuan, a Taoist of the Lung Men (Dragon Gate) Sect. The circular movements of the art are attributed to the circular chanting meditations done by the Lung Men Sect. Starting in the early 1900's, Ba Gua Zhang has been associated with Hsing-I. Directions: Execute Kitana's Ba Gua high attacks on Shao Kahn's general, Kano. 1. Ox Tongue Palm Strike: 1 2. Hooking Strike: 2 3. Spinning Force Palm: 3 4. Stepping Side Kick: 4 5. Snake's Tail: Back - 1 6. Spear Hand Thrust: Back - 2 7. Low Upward Palm: Down - 4 While in the Ba Gua fighting style, Kitana can do 2 pop-up attacks called Hammer Palm Strike and Horse Kick. Directions: First you must learn Kitana's Hammer Palm Strike pop-up. 1. Hammer Palm Strike: Toward - 3 Directions: Good! Now execute Kitana's Hammer Palm Strike pop-up attack and then, while Kano is still in the air, execute the Hammer Palm Strike 2 more times to juggle him. >Tap Toward - 3, Toward - 3, and Toward - 3 again, while Kano is in the air to juggle him. Directions: Next, you will try that same attack with the Horse Kick pop-up. Pop Kano into the air with Kitan's Horse Kick pop-up and then, while Kano is still in the air, execute the Horse Kick 2 more times to juggle him. >Tap Up - 4, Up - 4, and Up - 4 again, while Kano is in the air to juggle him. Directions: Well done! Now for Kitana's basic Ba Gua low attacks. Kitana utilizes these attacks to confuse her opponent. 1. Dragon Palm Strike: Down - 1 2. Low Snapping Palm: Down - 2 3. Low Lifting Palm: Down - 3 4. Swinging Sweep: Back - 4 To quickly distance herself from her opponent, Kitana can escape with a Ba Gua Backflip. Directions: Execute 3 successful Ba Gua Backflips to escape from Kano. >Immediately tap the SM Button to perform an Escape. Do this 2 more times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The base camp of Kitana's military forces was hidden in a valley on the eastern side of the Outworld plains. Further to the East were the Vampire people. Occasionally, lookouts would spot a female vampire watching the camp from a rocky outcropping. All attempts to capture the vampire prvoed to be futile. Kitana is renowned throughout Edenia for her proficiency in the Steel Fans fighting style. Directions: Attack the vampire, Nitara, with Kitana's Steel Fan high attacks. 1. Hooking Fan: 1 2. Fan Swipe: 2 3. Fan Smash: Toward - 2 4. Piercing Kick: 3 5. Neck Thrust: 4 6. Chest Strike: Toward - 1 Kitana can perform a pop-up attack on her opponents with her Steel FAns called the Sky Strike. Diretions: Attack Nitara with the Steel Fans Sky Strike pop- up attack. 1. Sky Strike: Back - 2 Directions: Execute the Steel Fans Sky Strike pop-up attack and then, while Nitara is still in the air, execute 2 more Steel Fans Sky Strike pop-up attacks. >Tap Back - 2, Back - 2, and Back - 2 again, while Nitara is still in the air to juggle her. Directions: Attack Nitara with Kitana's Steel Fan low attacks. 1. Low Swipe: Down - 1 2. Low Stab: Down - 2 3. Downward Strike: Down - 3 4. Low Poke: Back - 4 5. Upward Strike: Down - 4 Adding versatility to Kitana's Steel Fans fighting style, the Sidestep Swing acts as both an evasive move and an offensive move. Directions: Practice Kitana's Sidestep Swing attack on Nitara. But be warned, Nitara will fight back. >Tap the SM Button 4 times to perform the Sidestep Swing and complete the objective. Kitana can Impale her Steel Fans into her opponent to slowly drain life force. Once the Steel Fans are impaled, however, she cannot retrieve them and can no longer fight in the Steel Fan style. Directions: Impale Kitana's Steel Fans into Nitara. 1. Back - SM Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The combined forces of Kitana and Goro made one last push against Kano's troops but were unsuccessful in breaching his line of defense. Though Kano's army was fewer in number than the united armies of Edenia and the Shokan, it seemed as though they were being strengthened by some unseen force. Tragically, near the end of that skirmish, Prince Goro was fatally injured. His men brought him back to the encampment where Kitana stayed by his side until he passed. Directions: By combining multiple strikes into one long attack, Kitana can more effectively kombat her opponents. Attack Kano with Kitana's Eagle Claw combos before tim runs out. 1. Shooting Star: 4 - 3 2. Walking Fists: 2 - 1 3. Pucker Up: 4 - Up - 4 Directions: Well done! But Kano is not defeated yet. Execute these more advanced combos to defeat him. 1. Faceplant: 1 - 4 - Back - 1 2. Ill Eagle: 1 - 4 - 4 - Toward - 2 3. Broken Talon: 1 - 4 - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Much to Kitana's disbelief, Kano's forces retreated. Word started to spread that the Emperor, Shao Kahn, had been slain by unkown assassins. It seemed as though Kitana had won. Directions: Attack Kano with Kitana's Ba Gua combo 2 times before time runs out. 1. Art Of Overkill: 1 - 3 - Toward - 3 2. Art of Overkill: 1 - 3 - Toward - 3 Directions: Kano is far from surrendering. You must utilize Kitana's more advanced Steel Fan combos to defeat him. 1. Princess Blast: 3 - 3 2. Kirin Smash: 3 - Toward - 1 3. Bootlicker: 2 - 2 - 2 4. Forgotten: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 5. Royal Pain: 2 - 2 - Toward - 1 6. Forever: 2 - 2 - 2 - Toward - 2 7. Edenia Rush: 2 - 2 - 2 - Back - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: While returning to the portal back to Edenia, Kitana happened upon Kung Lao, who was traveling alone. It was through Kung Lao that she learned of the Deadly Alliance and the death of Liu Kang at the hands of Shang Tsung. It seemed that her return home would have to wait. Diretions: Practice Kitana's Pretty Kick with Kung Lao to prepare for the battle to come. 1. Pretty Kick: Up - 3 2. Pretty Kick: Up - 3 3. Pretty Kick: Up - 3 Directions: Kung Lao will put you to the test this time and fight back. 1. Up - 3 2. Up - 3 3. Up - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: As Kitana's army was breaking camp, there was a loud ruckus of kombat from the northern flank. A reptilian creature was angrily attacking her men. Though her soldiers were able fighters, they were no match for the savage creature, and were easily taken down. Kitana had to move quickly to prevent further harm and destruction. Directions: Kitana immobilized the beast with her Fan Lift move. Attack the reptilian creature with Kitana's Fan Lift 3 times. 1. Fan Lift: Back - Toward - 1 2. Fan Lift: Back - Toward - 1 3. Fan Lift: Back - Toward - 1 Directions: The reptilian creature has now focused its attention on you. Levitate it with Kitana's Fan Lift 3 more times. 1. Back - Toward - 1 2. Back - Toward - 1 3. Back - Toward - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The reptilian creature had fled to the East, and Kitana's camp was secure once more. She gave her military commanders orders to remain at the camp until she returned from an excursion with Kung Lao. They were both in need of special martial arts training from the Outworld master, Bo' Rai Cho. Once they had found Bo' Rai Cho, he trained them in the fighting techniques they wished to learn. Kitana's training encompassed Style Brach attack combos. When she learned to combine her fighting styles into one long attack combination, her kombative effectiveness increased. Directions: Practice the Style Branch combo called Lost Love that starts in Kitana's Eagle Claw fighting style and ends in her Ba Gua fighting style. 1. Lost Love: 4 - 4 - CS - 3 - Toward - 3 - CS Directions: Now Master Bo' Rai Cho will test what you have learned. Execute the Lost Love Style Branch combo again. 1. Lost Love: 4 - 4 - CS - 3 - Toward - 3 - CS Mission Complete! You earned 250 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Kitana and Kung Lao finally confronted the Deadly Alliance in Shang's Palace. While Kung Lao faced off with Shang Tsung, Kitana engaged Quan Chi in Mortal Kombat. The battle was intense. Kitana had never confronted an opponent quite like Quan Chi before and had to call upon all her martial arts training to defeat him. Directions: Win 2 out of 3 matches in a duel to the death. >Watch out for Quan Chi's massive high hitting, high damage combos. Use Kitana's Lost Love combo if at all possible. It makes the fight even eaiser if you can Impale Chi with your Steel Fans, making him gradually lost health. Use Kitana's Fan Lift to get Chi close and open him up. Mission Complete! You earned 300 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe taht does not share your thoughts. It is a completely differnt situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your fianl test will be to face a mirror image of Kitana. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Kitana uses her fans alot. Be on the lookout for her Fan Lift as well. I used a lot of small combos followed up by bigger ones. She is not too tough. Throw her alot to create distance, and then follow up with the Lost Love combo for a lot of damage. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Ruby Koins. -=-=-=- Raiden: -=-=-=- >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Thunder God, Raiden, is mentor to all the heroes of Earthrealm. He is ageless, wise, and can harness the wrath of thunder itself. Raiden will make an excellent subject for study on this journey. Raiden has been elevated to the status of Elder God after the war with Shinnok. But when he could not convince the other Elder Gods to prevent Shang Tsung and Quan Chi from awakening the Dragon King's sleeping army, he relinquished his status and returned to Earthrealm. The first of Earth's heroes he warned of the coming danger was Kung Lao. Directions: You will now study one of Raiden's many fighting styles. Nan Chuan consists of attacks that are most effective at short to middle range. Nan Chuan contains a greater number and variety of hand techniques, and fewer leg techniques. Practice these Nan Chuan high attacks. 1. Lightning Jab: 1 2. Backfist Chop: 2 3. Stepping Snap Kick: 3 4. Hop Side Kick: 4 5. Low Chin Strike: Down - 4 6. Uppercut: Back - 1 7. Thunder Chop: Back - 2 8. Dual Thunder Palm: Toward - 2 Directions: Kung Lao will now challenge you. Attack him with Raiden's Nan Chuan high attacks. 1. Lightning Jab: 1 2. Backfist Chop: 2 3. Stepping Snap Kick: 3 4. Hop Side Kick: 4 5. Low Chin Strike: Down - 4 6. Uppercut: Back - 1 7. Thunder Chop: Back - 2 8. Dual Thunder Palm: Toward - 2 Directions: Excellent. Now for Raiden's Nan Chuan low attacks. 1. Low Double Palm Strike: Down - 1 2. Low Elbow Strike: Down - 2 3. Shin Strike: Down - 3 4. Hook Leg Knockdown: Back - 3 Directions: The Shaolin monk, Kung Lao, will challenge your knowledge of Nan Chuan low attacks. 1. Low Double Palm Strike: Down - 1 2. Low Elbow Strike: Down - 2 3. Shin Strike: Down - 3 4. Hook Leg Knockdown: Back - 3 Directions: Raiden's movements are as fast as lightning. He can even stop an opponent's blow by grabbing the attacking limb. This move gives Raiden an opportunity to counter with his own attack. Catch Kung Lao's attack with Raiden's Reversal move. >A timer is displayed in the middle of the screen. Once it reaches 1, tap the SM Button to counter Lao's attack. Do this 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The second of Earth's heroes to be visited by Raiden was Jax. The Outerworld Investigation Agency had just been destroyed, and with it, any mortal means for traversing into Outworld. Raiden instructed Jax to meet with the other heroes on the old island fortress of Shang Tsung in the Lost Sea. Jujutsu is a term used to refer to unarmed Japanese combat. There are more than 750 documented varieties of Jujutsu. Raiden has mastered them all. Directions: Practice Raiden's Jujutsu high attacks. 1. Open Hand Strike: 1 2. Bent Wrist Strike: 2 3. Front Snap Kick: 3 4. Front Thrusting Kick: 4 5. Bearhand Chop: Back - 1 6. Diagonal Fist: Down - 2 7. Thunder God Palm: Toward - 2 Directions: This time, Jax will fight back. Attack him with Raiden's Jujutsu high attacks. 1. Open Hand Strike: 1 2. Bent Wrist Strike: 2 3. Front Snap Kick: 3 4. Front Thrusting Kick: 4 5. Bearhand Chop: Back - 1 6. Diagonal Fist: Down - 2 7. Thunder God Palm: Toward - 2 Directions: Very well done! Next you will learn Raiden's Jujutsu low attacks. 3 of them are sweeps. 1. Low Palm Strike: Down - 1 2. Back Sweep: Down - 3 3. Front Sweep: Down - 4 4. Sweep: Back - 3 Directions: Let us see how you fare when Jax is no longer so passive. Attack him with the Jujutsu low attacks again. 1. Low Palm Strike: Down - 1 2. Back Sweep: Down - 3 3. Front Sweep: Down - 4 4. Sweep: Back - 3 Directions: Raiden can harness the invisible power of the wind to Shove blocking opponent away from him. Push Jax 5 times with Raiden's Shove move. >Jax will attack you with all his might. Approach him, and tap the SM Button to Shove him. Do this 5 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Johnny Cage was in the middle of a move shoot when Raiden appeared to request his assistance in Outworld. At first, Johnny Cage had thought Raiden was merely the actor who was playing Raiden in his current movie project. But when he noticed the 'movie Raiden' eating doughnuts at the catering table, he knew his old friend had truly returned from The Heavens. Directions: Raiden has always relied upon his staff in unperdictable circumstances. It is a source of great fighting power. Practice Raiden's Staff high attacks. 1. Overhead Strike: 1 2. Upward Strike: 2 3. Leaping Strike: 3 4. Reverse Thrust: 4 5. Reverse Side Strike: Back - 1 Directions: Johnny Cage is not afraid to die. He will now kombat your Staff high attacks skills. 1. Overhead Strike: 1 2. Upward Strike: 2 3. Leaping Strike: 3 4. Reverse Thrust: 4 5. Reverse Side Strike: Back - 1 Directions: Exceptional. Now you must learn Raiden's Staff low attacks. 1. One Handed Poke: Back - 3 2. Low One Handed Poke: Down - 1 3. Low Strike: Down - 2 4. Sweeping Strike: Down - 3 5. Sweeping Swing: Down - 4 Directions: Johnny Cage will see how well you have learned Raiden's Staff low attacks. 1. One Handed Poke: Back - 3 2. Low One Handed Poke: Down - 1 3. Low Strike: Down - 2 4. Sweeping Strike: Down - 3 5. Sweeping Swing: Down - 4 Directions: Next you will learn one of Raiden's special Staff attacks. It uses both high and low attacks together. 1. 2 Hit Swing: SM Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Next, Raiden visited the new home of the reformed Lin Kuei to ask Sub-Zero for his assistance. Sub-Zero was eager to help and prove that the new Lin Kuei was indeed a force for good. Directions: Being the God of Thunder, Raiden commands all that is a storm. While in his Nan Chuan and Jujutsu fighting styles, he can eloctrocute and throw his opponents with the force of lightning. Practice his throw twice. 1. SM 2. SM Directions: Another shocking attack that Raiden can perform in all three of his fighting styles is his Shocker. You must execute this move twice. 1. Shocker: Toward - Toward - 1 2. Shocker: Toward - Toward - 1 Directions: Sub-Zero has been training many of his new recruits, specifically Frost. He will test you shock value. Attack him with both of Raiden's electrifying attacks twice each. 1. Toward - SM 2. Toward - Toward - 1 3. Toward - SM 4. Toward - Toward - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Sub-Zero had requested of Raiden that he allow his new rectuir, Frost to accompany him to Outworld. At first, Raidne did not think that Frost was experienced enough as a warrior to take on the Deadly Alliance. But after testing her in kombat, he welcomed her assistance. Directions: Show Frost Raiden's Lightning Dash twice. 1. Toward - Toward - 4 2. Toward - Toward - 4 Diretions: Now intimidate her with Raiden's Lightning Bolt. 1. Down - Back - 1 2. Down - Back - 1 Directions: Frost is unafraid and is challenging you. Attack her with Raiden's Lightning Dash and Lightning Bolt twice each. 1. Toward - Toward - 4 2. Down - Back - 1 3. Toward - Toward - 4 4. Down - Back - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Raiden next approached Sonya Blade to ask for her help. She had already been in contact with Jax and had been informed of the destruction of their main base. She was quite ready to do whatever it would take to stop the threat that was about to befall Earth. Directions: Raiden can combine his Nan Chuan moves into longer, more powerful attacks. Practice these Nan Chuan attack combos with Sonya Blade. 1. Thunder Chop: 1 - 1 2. Electric Strike: 2 - Back - 1 3. The Middle Way: 2 - Back - 2 4. Knowledge And Skill: 1 - 1 - 3 5. Butterfly Palms: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 Directions: These next combos are some of Raiden's more advanced, and more effective Nan Chuan attack combos. 1. Finishing Touch: 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 2. Natural Way: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 2 3. Wake the Dead: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Once Earth's warriors had assembled on a beach of Shang Tsung's abandoned island fortress, Raiden appeared to them and explained in detail the events leading up to the formation of the Deadly Alliance. Although Kung Lao had already known, the others were shocked to learn that their old friend and ally, Liu Kang, was dead. Directions: Raiden will soon be making more allies in the coming struggle. Practice his Jujutsu combos with Special Forces operative, Cyrax. 1. Heavenly Strikes: 3 - 4 2. Essence of Strength: 1 - 1 - 3 - 4 Directions: Cyrax will see if you have learned Raiden's Jujutsu combos. He will fight back this time. 1. Heavenly Strikes: 3 - 4 2. Essence of Strength: 1 - 1 - 3 - 4 Directions: Another Jujutsu combo Raiden has perfected is Thunder God Fists. This combo ends by slamming his opponent's face into the ground. We shall see if you can do this combo as well. 1. Thunder God Fists: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 2. Thunder God Fists: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 Directions: Cyrax is not going to take tha tlying down. He will make it harder this time. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 1 2. 1 - 1 - Back - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Raiden had brought to the surface the sunken ship Shang Tsung had used to bring warriors to his island. The heroes boarded the ship and were taken to a remote spot in the Lost Sea. None mentioned the fact that there was no one steering the ship. Directions: Another reluctant ally Raiden will meet during the coming battle is the rogue swordsman, Kenshi. Practice this vicious Staff combo with Kenshi. Try not to hit his face too hard. 1. Catching A Butterfly: 4 - 4 - 4 Directions: Kenshi did not see that coming. He will be more alert this time. Try that same combo again. 1. 4 - 4 - 4 Directions: Well done. Now test Kenshi's sight with this next Staff combo called Dragon Wind. 1. Dragon Wind: 4 - 4 - Back - 2 Directions: Kenshi has had enough with the blind jokes. He is... how you say?...'throwing down' this time. 1. 4 - 4 - Back - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 250 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: The Thunder God raised his hand and an enormous storm formed in the air above the ship. Off to one side, a platform of some ancient design appeared from out of nowhere. Raiden explained that it was a celestial portal that could be used to travere to Outworld. To earn the right to cross to the next realm, each kombatant had to defeat a representation of his or her greatest adversary. For Raiden, that challenge came in the form of Quan Chi. Directions: Raiden can perform Style Branch combos that change from one style to another. Attack Quan Chi with Raiden's Power Bolts Style Branch combo that starts in Nan Chuan and goes into Jujutsu. 1. Power Bolts: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - 1 - Back - 1 Directions: Now hit Quan Chi with Raiden's Style Branch combo called Out Of Order. It starts in Nan Chuan and goes to Jujutsu. 1. Out Of Order: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - 1 - 3 - 4 Directions: Pummel Quan Chi with Raiden's Style Branch combo called Fireworks. It starts in Jujutsu and goes into his Staff. 1. Fireworks: 1 - 1 - 3 - CS - 4 - 4 Directions: This next one, called Sparky, also starts in Jujutsu and goes into the Staff. 1. Sparky: 1 - 1 - 3 - CS - 4 - Back - 2 Directions: Now for a more complicated combo. This one, called Black Thunder, Style Branches through all 3 of Raiden's main fighting styles. It starts in Nan Chuan, goes into Jujutsu, and finished with the Staff. 1. Black Thunder: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - 1 - 3 - CS - 4 - 4 Directions: This next one should finish Quan Chi. It is called Chain Lightning and it uses all three of Raiden's main styles as well. It starts in Nan Chuan, goes into Jujutsu, and finished with the Staff. 1. Chain Lightning: 1 - 1 - 2 - CS - 1 - 3 - CS - 4 - Back - 2 Mission Complete! You earned 300 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But htere is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe taht does not share your thoughts. It is a completely differnt situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your fianl test will be to face a mirror image of Raiden. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have completed your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Raiden uses his stun attacks often, and follows up with a massive combo. Stay away from using your Special Moves, as they leave you wide open. Try to stick with the move conventional smaller combos, rather than the long 12 hitters, as they are hard to pull of and leave you wide open if missed. As alway Throw a lot to keep your distance, move in close, and pummel him with a small combo followed up by one or two more smaller hits. Put this guy out of his misery. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished you training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Ruby Koins. -=-=-=-= Reptile: -=-=-=-= >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission-Introduction: The warrior known as Reptile has grown much stronger and more primal since his first appearance in the tournament. His physical appearance has morphed into something more animal than man. Like Reptile, you must connect with your instincts if you wish to complete this journey. Hung Gar, or 'Tiger Fist,' is the merging of Southern Shaolin fighting styles of Chinese kung fu. It is based on the movements of animals, such as the tiger and the crane. During the invasion of Earthrealm, Reptile had been ordered by his master Shao Kahn to assassinate Princess Kitana. The style he attacked with was Hung Gar. Directions: Attack Kitana with Reptile's basic Hung Gar moves. 1. Scratching Claw: 1 2. Chameleon Palm: 2 3. Dual Claw Strike: 3 4. Lizard Smash: Back - 3 5. Low Snap Kick: 4 6. Spinning Roundhouse Kick: Back - 4 Directions: A very effective Hung Gar attack used by Reptile is his Double Claw Strike. Attack Kitana with the Double Claw Strike 3 times. 1. Back - 1 2. Back - 1 3. Back - 1 Directions: Excellent. Now strike Kitana with Reptile's Hung Gar low attacks. 1. Low Paw Attack: Down - 1 2. Low Claw Strike: Down - 2 3. Forward Strike: Down - 3 4. Mid Roundhouse Kick: Down - 4 Kitana is resisting your attack! While in his Hung Gar fighting style, Reptile can break her block as well as push her away by executing a Shove. Directions: Break Kitana's block with Reptile's Shove move 5 times. >Kitana will sit/stand there and hold Block. Walk up to her and hit the SM Button to Shove her and break the block. Do this 5 times to comlete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: After Shao Kahn's defeat in Earthrealm, Reptile returned to Outworld to protect his master. His main duty has been to seek and destroy any possible threats to Shao Kahn's rule. Reptile has slain many would-be rulers before they had a chance to gain momentum against the Emperor. The latest threat to Shao Kahn is the united forces of Princess Kitana and Prince Goro. The weakened Emperor has ordered Reptile to deliver a message to the sorcerer Shang Tsung. The Emperor demanded the sorcerer's services in defending against Edenia and the Shokan. At first, Shang Tsung did not recognize Reptile. It had been some time since he had seen him, and Reptile had changed much in appearance. Directions: Shang Tsung's body language is one of aggression. Use Reptile's primal reflexes to attack him frst with these Crab basic attacks. 1. Upward Elbow Strike: 1 2. Spinning Elbow Strike: Back - 1 3. Ridge Hand Swipe: 2 4. Dual Uppercut: Back - 2 5. Spinning Back Kick: 3 6. Mid Hook Kick: 4 Directions: Shang Tsung is defending himself against yoru attack. Spring into action! Do not hesitate to bring him down if you must. 1. Upward Elbow Strike: 1 2. Spinning Elbow Strike: Back - 1 3. Ridge Hand Swipe: 2 4. Dual Uppercut: Back - 2 5. Spinning Back Kick: 3 6. Mid Hook Kick: 4 Directions: Shang Tsung will not expect these Crab low attacks. 1. Low Punch: Down - 1 2. Low Dual Uppercut: Down - 2 3. Low Snap Punch: Down - 3 4. Low Hook Kick: Down - 4 Directions: The mammal is smarter than you thought. He is now anticipating your Crab low attacks. 1. Low Punch: Down - 1 2. Low Dual Uppercut: Down - 2 3. Low Snap Punch: Down - 3 4. Low Hook Kick: Down - 4 Reptile's primal reflexes give him the ability to intercept an attack to immobilize his opponents. This move is called a Reversal. Directions: Counter 3 of Shang Tsung's attacks with Reptile's Reversal move. >A timer is displayed in the middle of the screen. When it reaches 1, tap the SM Button just as Shang Tsung strikes to counter his attack. Do this 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Eventually, Shang Tsung began to recognize Reptile's fighting moves, and ceased his aggressive posture. Reptile calmed down and delivered Shao Kahn's orders, Shang Tsung was to report to the emperor's palace fortress immediately. His duty fulfilled, Reptile departed to return to his master's side. Shortly after leaving, his keen senses picked up the scent of blood and the sound of battle coming from Shang Tsung's residence. He raced back to that location to find the sorcerer Quan Chi standing before Shang Tsung. His keen hearing picked up their conversation. They were planning an assassination of his master, Shao Kahn. Angry acidic drool seethed from between Reptile's teeth to the ground below... Reptile's saliva has long been feared by his enemies. Its corrosive properties make for a most formidable weapon. As a long-distance attack, Reptile can spit this acid at his opponent. He imagined covering the sorceres in the substance. Directions: Spit at Quan Chi 3 times with this acidic drool before time runs out. 1. Back - Toward - 1 2. Back - Toward - 1 3. Back - Toward - 1 Reptile's anger was all-consuming, and he imagined himself in a heated battle with the pasty sorcerer. Directions: Hit Quan Chi 3 more times with Reptile's Acid Spit. 1. Acid Spit: Back - Toward - 1 2. Acid Spit: Back - Toward - 1 3. Acid Spit: Back - Toward - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Reptile knew he was no match for both sorceres at once. He decided he could best serfe his master Shao Kahn if he could warn him of the impending attack. As he made his way to Shao Kahn's Fortress, he was intercepted by a vampire woman brandishing a weapon that seemed vaguely familiar. The weapon was a Kirehashi... an ancient weapon of Reptile's extinct race. The vampire called herself Nitara, and offered the weapon to him as an offering of friendship. With a hiss, Reptile ripped the sword from her hands and began swinging it at imaginary foes. Directions: Imagine practicing Reptile's Kirehashi basic attacks on this strange vampire woman. 1. Blade Chop: Down - 2 2. Downward Slash: 1 3. Circular Swing: Back - 1 4. The Cutter: Up - 1 5. Side Slash: 2 6. Spinning Slash: Back - 2 7. Upward Slash: 3 8. Mid Lunge: 4 9. Blade Smash: Back - 4 Directions: Nitara did not understand why Reptile was swinging his blade at her. She defended herself. 1. Blade Chop: Down - 2 2. Downward Slash: 1 3. Circular Swing: Back - 1 4. The Cutter: Up - 1 5. Side Slash: 2 6. Spinning Slash: Back - 2 7. Upward Slash: 3 8. Mid Lunge: 4 9. Blade Smash: Back - 4 Directions: Reptile's imagination ran wild with the attack possibilities this new weapon presented. He tried attacking low. 1. Low Lunge: Down - 1 2. Low Poke: Down - 3 3. Spinning Blade: Down - 4 4. Low Swipe: Back - 3 Directions: Nitara continued to defend herself, not understanding the reason for Reptile's unwarranted attacks. 1. Low Lunge: Down - 1 2. Low Poke: Down - 3 3. Spinning Blade: Down - 4 4. Low Swipe: Back - 3 Reptile fantasized impaling Nitara with the Kirehashi Blade. He imagined the blood spewing from the open wound. Directions: Imaple Nitara with Reptile's Kirehashi Blade. 1. SM Mission Complete! You earned 150 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Reptile snapped out of his kombative trance and stopped his attack on Nitara. He accepted her gift of the ancient Raptor weapon readily. Nitara's presence had a soothing effect on Reptile. She claimed to have information that would help his master Shao Kahn in the battle with Kitana's forces. Reptile knew he could trust her. He could sense no deceit. Nitara led Reptile across the plains of Outworld to the hidden location of Kitana's military encampment. If Reptile could get this information to Shao Kahn, the Emperor could send Kano's troops to smash them in a surprise attack. He had to get back to Shao Kahn immediately. Reptile can travel vast distances quickly by curling up and rolling. In his zeal to help his master, he zipped back and forth fervently, flipping Nitara into the air. Directions: Trip up Nitara with Reptile's Lizard Ball move 3 times. 1. Lizard Ball: Toward - Down - 4 2. Lizard Ball: Toward - Down - 4 3. Lizard Ball: Toward - Down - 4 Again, you have proven to be a quick study. But let us see how you fare in kombat. Directions: Nitara tried to evade Reptile's Lizard Ball as best she could, but Reptile flipped her up 3 more times before he finally left for Shao Kahn's Fortress. 1. Toward - Down - 4 2. Toward - Down - 4 3. Toward - Down - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 175 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: When Reptile finally arrived in Shao Kahn's throne room, he was devastated to find the Emperor lying dead on the floor. Judging by the smell of magic in the air, he realized that Quan Chi and Shang Tsung had already sprung their attack. He imagined the battle that had killed his master and fantasized about aiding him in battle. Directions: Execute these Hung Gar attack combos on the mammal, Shang Tsung. 1. Lazy Lizard: 1 - 2 2. Internal Strikes: 3 - 2 Directions: Shang Tsung is fighting back! Use those same combos to defeat him! 1. 1 - 2 2. 3 - 2 Directions: Unleash your fury with these more advanced Hung Gar combos. Shang Tsung will not know what hit him. 1. Wise Tiger: 1 - 3 - 2 2. Iron Thread: 1 - 3 - 4 - Back - 1 Directions: The fight with Shang Tsung would have been epic! Attack him with the more advanced Hung Gar combos again! 1. 1 - 2 2. 3 - 2 3. 1 - 3 - 2 4. 1 - 3 - 4 - Back - 1 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Reptile believed that his master's death was his fault. He should have returned to the fortress much sooner. In angusih over his failure, he wandered Outworld aimlessly, until he once again came across Nitara. Feeling the need to redeem himself, he pledged his life to her service. This time, he would not fail. He would protect his new master well. Directions: Express your anger over Shao Kahn's death by performing these Crab combos. Punish Shang Tsung! 1. Boiling Water: Back - 1 - 3 2. Crab Crawls On Sand: 1 - 1 - 3 3. Claws of Fury: 1 - 1 - 1 Directions: Nitara has no idea why you continue to assault her. She has no other choice but to defend herself. 1. Back - 1 - 3 2. 1 - 1 - 3 3. 1 - 1 - 1 Directions: Pull out your Kirehashi Blade and cut down Quan Chi with these combos to help ease the pain. 1. Dead End: 2 - 2 2. Reptilian Slice: 3 - 3 Directions: Now Nitara is really angry. She gave you taht weapo, and now you are using it against her? She will not stand for that. 1. 2 - 2 2. 3 - 3 Directions: The emotional pain is too great! Your Kirehashi combos have become more intense! 1. Shredder: Back - 2 - 2 2. Rip Tore: 1 - Back - 2 - Back - 2 Directions: Nitara does not understand why you keep referring to her as Quan Chi or Shang Tsung. Perhaps you are hallucinating. Until she can assess the situation, she must take what you dish out! 1. Back - 2 - 2 2. 1 - Back - 2 Back - 2 Directions: You cannot escape the thought that you failed your master! Your anguish has reached a fevered pitch! Impale the traitor Shang Tsung with your Kirehashi Blade!! >Tap the SM Button to Impale Shang Tsung and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Fortunately for the vampire Nitara, Reptile's Kirehashi Blade was not made of wood. She pulled the weapon from her body, and tried to calm him down. However, Reptile's imagination was out of control by that time. Instead of Nitara, he now saw Kitata before him. If he had not wasted time to inspect Kitana's military encampment, he would have been in the throne room to defend his master. Directions: It's all Kitana's fault! Make her bleed! Spill 80 pints of her blood before she defeats you or you come to your senses. >Kitana will use her cheap pop-up combos on you to gain extra hits. Dodge those moves, and counter with some of Reptile's Kirehashi Blade combos. His weapon combos are the ONLY thing I used on her to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 200 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Nitara forgave Reptile for his uncontrolled bout. Shao Kahn would have killed him for it. Nitara was indeed a master worth fighting for. Her first command was to attack an Earthrealm invader. She instructed Reptile to weaken the outsider by biting his armguard. The battle from that point on would be easy. Directions: Attack the Earthrealm invader with 2 of Reptile's Style Branch combos. These combos start in the Hung Gar fighting style and go into the Crab fighting style. 1. Matriarch: 1 - 3 - 4 - CS - 1 - 3 2. Evolution: 1 - 3 - 4 - CS - 1 - 1 Directions: Reptile bit the arm of his opponent, but the damage made no difference. The invader did not seem weakened. Reptile attacked with another Style Branch combo that started with the Crab fighting style and changed into his Kirehashi Blade. 1. Reptilian Rage: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 - CS Directions: Still, the invader would not fall. Reptile made use of all his fighting skills and executed a Style Branch combo tha tstrted with Hung Gar, changed to Crab, and finished with his Kirehashi Blade. 1. Zatterorize: 1 - 3 - 4 - CS - 1 - Back - 2 - CS None of his attacks brought Nitara's enemy down. Reptile had one more attack left. He needed to impale the invader with his Kirehashi Blade. Directions: Imaple the Earthrealm invader with Reptile's Kirehashi Blade. 1. SM Mission Complete! You earned 300 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Reptile hit the Earthrealm invader so hard that his ribcage burst open. Reptile paused for a moment to flex his leathery muscles in victory. But before he could belt a triumphant scream, a great monster with many teeth came whirling outward from inside his defeated foe's chest. Unable to comprehend this new danger, Reptile fled in fear. He wandered again aimlessly, realizing that he had failed another master. He was angry with himself and let his imagination run wild. He imagined that standing before him was his true enemy... Directions: Reptile must face himself in Mortal Kombat. Defeat the imaginary manifestation of Reptile 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Reptile is not as hard as he may seem at first. One just needs to be on the lookout for his Lizard Ball move, which must be blocked low, and is hard to detect at first. You should try and dodge his Special Moves and counter with some high hitting combos, followed up by extra cheap hits. As always, Throw to creat distance, and since Reptile has projectile attacks, use them to your advantage. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Gold Koins. -=-=-= Cyrax: -=-=-= >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 1: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Cyrax is both part man and part machine. His cybernetic implants give him the edge he needs to defeat the most deadly of foes. He has recently been stranded in Outworld, and must fight to stay alive as he travels with Nitara on a quest to find a mystical Orb. Like Sub-Zero, Cyrax had once been a member of the Lin Kuei ninja clan. Although he had learned many forms of martial arts techniques, Ninjitsu was his preferred fighting style. You must understand the Way Of The Ninja if you are to complete your training. Directions: Practice Cyrax's Ninjitsu high attacks. 1. Straight Strike: 1 2. Strong Elbow: 2 3. Double Fist Strike: Up - 2 4. Spinning Back Kick: 3 5. Front Kick: 4 Very good. Next you will learn Cyrax's Ninja Strike (Back - 1). It is a pop-up attack that allows Cyrax to pop his opponent into the air long enough to execute another attack. Directions: Attack Sub-Zero with Cyrax's Ninja Strike. 1. Ninja Strike: Back - 1 Directions: Exceptional! Now you must attack Sub-Zero with the Ninja Strike and, before he hits the ground, attack him 2 more times with the Ninja Strike to juggle him in the air. > Back - 1, Back - 1, and Back - 1 again to juggle Subby in mid- air. Cyrax's Ninjitsu fighting style utilizes fast and tricky low attacks. He uses them to keep his opponent guessing. Directions: Attack Sub-Zero with Cyrax's Ninjitsu low attacks. 1. Low Punch: Down - 1 2. Low Palm Strike: Down - 2 3. Shin Kick: Back - 3 4. Low Kick: Down - 3 5. Ducking Mid Kick: Down - 4 To distance himself from his opponents, Cyrax can Escape with a Ninjitsu Backflip (SM). Directions: Execute 3 successful Backflip Escape moves while in the Ninjitsu fighting style. >Tap the SM Button 3 times to perform the Backflip. Watch for Sub-Zero as he attacks you as you try to do this. Do this 3 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Ruby Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 2: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Cyrax was transformed into a cyborg by the Lin Kuei in an automation program that Sub-Zero defied. For that defiance, Sub- Zero became an enemy of the Lin Kuei and Cyrax was programmed to seek and destroy him as a traitor. One of the fighting styles Cyrax downloaded to defeat Sub-Zero was Sambo. The fighting style Sambo, originally conceived as a means of unarmed crowd control for the police, is a form of wrestling developed by the Soviets in the early 1930's. Sambo is a distillation of over 20 folk arts native to the Soviet Union as well as Greco-Roman Wrestling, Judo, Jujutsu, and free-style wrestling. Directions: You will begin training in Cyrax's Sambo basic attacks. 1. Quick Jab: 1 2. Low Hook Punch: Down - 1 3. Straight Chop: Up - 2 4. Backward Elbow: Back - 2 5. Roundhouse: 3 6. Big Leg: 4 Cyrax also has pop-up attack in the Sambo fighting style called the Hammerfist Stike (Back - 1). Directions: Execute Cyrax's Hammerfist Strike on the traitor, Sub-Zero. 1. Hammerfist Strike: Back - 1 Directions: Outstanding! Now you must attack Sub-Zero with the Hammerfist Strike and, before he hits the ground, attack him 2 more times with the Hammerfist Strike to juggle him in the air. >Tap Back - 1, Back - 1, and Back - 1 again, while Sub-Zero is in mid-air to juggle him. Well executed! Cyrax has a ducking pop-up attack (Down - 2) in the Sambo fighting style as well. Directions: Initiate Cyrax's Rising Fist ducking pop-up. 1. Rising Fist: Down - 2 Directions: Well done! Now execute the Rising Fist duckign pop-up and, while Sub-Zero is still in the air, juggle him with any attack in your database. 1. Down - 2, and tap Button 1 to make it easy. Although Cyrax's Sambo fighting style only has a couple of low attacks, he takes full advantage of their strategic potential. Directions: Attack Sub-Zero with Cyrax's Sambo low attacks. 1. Low Fist Strike: Down - 3 2. Low Shin Kick: Down - 4 In addition to punches and kicks, Cyrax can access his database to load his Sambo throw attacks. One such attack is called the Shoulder Toss (2). Directions: Execute 5 successful Shoulder Toss moves while in the Sambo fighting style. 1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 5. 2 While using his Sambo fighting style, Cyrax can recharge his power cells by performing a Taunt (SM). Directions: Execute 2 Taunts successfully to regain full charge. >Sub-Zero will attack you so beware. Use the Throw to gain some distance or a small combo, and execute your Taunt. Do this 2 times to complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 3: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: One of the weapons Cyrax brings with him on his assignments is his Pulse Blade. You will now download the Pulse Blade training mission. Password... LK - 4D4 ... logging on... login successful... acessing requested files... downloading... download successful. Click Button 3 to run the Pulse Blade basic training executable... Directions: ... loading Pulse Blade high attacks training mission pack... pbha.mk5 loaded... execute Pulse Blade high attacks on target Sub-Zero... 1. Cutting Blade: 1 2. Stomping Blade: Up - 1 3. Circling Swipe: 2 4. Back Kick: 3 5. Knee Strike: 4 6. Twisting Edge: Down - 3 7. Thrusting Sword: Down - 4 ... Pulse Blade high attacks training mission complete... loading Pulse Blade Lifting Blade pop-up attack training mission pack... phlb.mk5 loaded... Directions: ... execute Pulse Blade Lifting Blade pop-up attack on target Sub-Zero... 1. Lifting Blade: Back - 2 Directions: ... performance meets required parameters... execute Pulse Blade Lifting Blade pop-up attack followed by 2 additional Pulse Blade Lifting Blade attacks while target Sub- Zero is still airborn... >Tap Back - 2, Back - 2, and Back - 2 again while Sub is still in mid-air to juggle him. ... Pulse Blade Lifting Blade pop-up attack training mission complete... loading Pulse Blade low attacks training mission pack... pbla.mk5 loaded. Directions: ... execute Pulse Blade low attacks on target Sub-Zero... 1. Sweeping Edge: Back - 1 2. Downward Stab: Down - 1 3. Low 2-Hit Strike: Down - 2 4. Sweep Kick: Back - 3 ... Pulse Blade low attacks training mission complete... loading Pulse Blade Impale training mission pack... pbi.mk5 loaded... Directions: ... IMPALE INSTRUCTIONS. Lodge Pulse Blade in target Sub-Zero...do not withdraw Pulse Blade... execute Pulse Blade Impale attack... >Tap the SM Button to Impale Sub-Zero and complete the mission. Mission Complete! You earned 150 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 4: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Cyrax was eventually reprogrammed by Sub-Zero to defeat Shao Kahn. Once the Emperor's attack on Earth was foiled, Cyrax had no further instructions and shut down in a barren desert. He was recovered by Special Forces agents Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs who restored his soul through a dangerous technical procedure. He has sinced joined forces with them to protect Earthrealm from otherworldly threats. Directions: By joining one attack to another in rapid succession, the human cyborg, Cyrax, can more effectively attack his foes. His training at the Special Forces proving grounds began with Ninjitsu combo training. 1. Ninja Strikes: 1 - 1 - 1 2. Stealth Blast: 1 - 1 - 2 3. Yellow Doom: 1 - 1 - 3 4. Full Gore: 1 - 1 - Up - 2 Directions: Practice Cyrax's Ninjitsu Cyborg Strikes pop-up combo. 1. Cyborg Strikes: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 Directions: Exceptional! Now you must attack Jax with the Cyborg Strikes once more and, before he hits the ground, juggle him with any attack. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 1, and to make it easy just Tap 1. Directions: Well done! Now expand upon your combo training by learning Cyrax's Style Branch combination attacks. A Style Branch combo starts with one style and changes to another style for added effectiveness. You will now learn Cyrax's Pain Killer Style Branch combo. It starts in Ninjitsu and goes into Sambo. 1. Pain Killer: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 - CS Directions: Excellent! Now execute the Pain Killer combo and juggle Jax in the air with any attack you have learned. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 1 - CS, and to make it easy just Tap 1. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Jade Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 5: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Jax assigned Cyrax to the realm of Outworld. His mission was to scout out potential threats from that realm and report his findings to Jax back in Earthrealm. On one of his ports to Outworld, Cyrax was ambushed by a large reptilian creature. During the battle, the arm console that allowed him to traverse the realms was damaged. He was stranded in Outworld. Directions: Cyrax had not recognized the warrior he fought to be Reptile due to the lizard's strange metamorphosis from his previous form. He defended against Reptile's assault with his Sambo attack combinations, among other techniques, and eventually defeated him. 1. 3 Step Rush: 1 - 1 - 1 2. Quicksand: 1 - 1 - 4 Directions: Practice Cyrax's Sambo Ketchup pop-up combo. 1. Ketchup: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 Directions: Exceptional! Now you must attack Reptile with the Ketchup combo once more and, before he hits the ground, juggle him with any attack you have learned. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 1, and to make it easy just Tap 1. Directions: Well done! Now expand your combo training by learning one of Cyrax's more advanced Sambo combination attacks. 1. Mustard: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 2. Self Destruct: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 - Toward - 2 - Up - 2 Directions: Excellent! Now for a Branch Style combo that starts with Cyrax's Sambo fighting style and goes into his Pulse Blade fighting style. 1. LK4D4: 1 - 1 - Back - 2 - Toward - 2 - CS Directions: Now repeat that last combo and finish it with any attack you have learned. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 2 - Toward - 2 - CS, and to make it easy, jsut Tap 1. Mission Complete! You earned 175 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 6: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: After Reptile scurried away in defeat, Cyrax was approached by a vampire woman named Nitara who had been watching the fight. She offered to return Cyrax to his Earthrealm home if he could retrieve for her a mystical orb from its hiding place. Nitara could not approach it herself, but Cyrax's Earthrealm technology would allow him to enter the harsh environment the orb had been concealed in. One technological advancement of Cyrax's cybernetic systems is his Slice and Dice cutter (Back - Toward - 4). This mechanism can cut through opponents even at a distance. Directions: Attack Nitara with Cyrax's Slice and Dice cutter. 1. Slice and Dice: Back - Toward - 4 2. Slice and Dice: Back - Toward - 4 3. Slice and Dice: Back - Toward - 4 Directions: Well done! But that hurt Nitara a bit too much. This time she will not be so passive. 1. Back - Toward - 4 2. Back - Toward - 4 3. Back - Toward - 4 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 7: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: When Cyrax had not reported back from Outworld at the pre- designated time, Jax knew something was wrong. He sent the new recruit Kenshi to search for Cyrax. Another special attack made possible by Cyrax's bionic implants is his Spinkick (Down - Back - 3). Cyrax is able to deal multiple blows by spinning on one leg and repeatedly smacking his opponent with the other. Directions: Show Kenshi how the Spinkick attack works. 1. Spinkick: Down - Back - 3 2. Spinkick: Down - Back - 3 3. Spinkick: Down - Back - 3 Directions: Well done! But Kenshi came here to rescue you, not to be insulted. This time he will not allow such an attack. 1. Down - Back - 3 2. Down - Back - 3 3. Down - Back - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 200 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 8: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Eventually, Agent Kenshi became stranded in Outworld as well when the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency was destroyed by a member of the Red Dragon clan. Jax and Sonya would have to find some other way to return both Kenshi and Cyrax to Earthrealm. Perhaps one of the most versatile technological advancements in Cyrax's arsenal is his Detonator (Toward - Back - 1). From a cavity within his chest, he can expel a timed bomb to blow his opponents to pieces. Attack Sonya. Directions: Attack Sonya with short-range Detonator. FIRE IN THE HOLE!!! 1. Detonator: (Close) Toward - Back - 1 Cyrax's arsenal also has a long-range Detonator (Back - Toward - 1) to be used against opponents who like to keep their distance. Directions: Very explosive! See if you can hit Sonya from a further distance with a long-range Detonator. FIRE IN THE HOLE!!! 1. Detonator (Far): Back - Toward - 1 Directions: Good shot! Now see if you can attack Sonya after she has been blown into the air by a Detonator blast. FIRE IN THE HOL!!! 1. Back - Toward - 1, and to make it easy, just Tap 1. Directions: You are indeed a demolitions expert. But now comes your final lesson with the Detonator. Detonate Sonya into the air and then juggle her with the Spinkick. 1. Back - Toward - 1, and Down - Back - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 250 Gold Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 9: <<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Next, you will learn Cyrax's more advanced combos. You will spar against Johnny Cage. Cyrax has never liked any of Johnny Cage's movies and felt especially robbed of his eight bucks when he saw Johnny's film, NINJA MIME. Cyrax is going to beat those eight dollars out of Johnny Cage's skull. Directions: Perform Cyrax's Ninjitsu Pain Killer Style Branch combo and then juggle him with the Slice and Dice special attack. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 1 - CS, Back - Toward - 4 Directions: I guess that is WHAT HE GETS? Now perform Cyrax's Ninjitsu Pain Killer Style Branch combo and then juggle the prima donna with the Spinkick special attack. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 1 - CS, Down - Back - 3 Directions: Staying in character, Johnny seems to have miraculously come back life? Now perform Cyrax's Style Branch combo beginning with the Sambo style then into the Pulse Blade style, and juggle him senseless with the Slice And Dice special attack. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 2 - Toward - 2 - CS, Back - Toward - 4 Directions: Now that is what I call entertainment! Finish him off with one final Branch Style combo that starts with Sambo, goes into Pulse Blade, and juggles the pretty-boy with the Spinkick. 1. 1 - 1 - Back - 2 - Toward - 2 - CS, Back - Down - 3 Mission Complete! You earned 300 Sapphire Koins. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission - 10: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Pre-Mission Introduction: Most impressive! You have learned much through your journey. You have mastered many fighting styles and beaten many opponents. But there is one opponent you still need to confront... It is one thing to defeat a foe that does not share your thoughts. It is a completely different situation when confronting a foe that can anticipate your every move. Your final test will be to face a mirror image of Cyrax. If you can win 3 out of 5 matches, you will have complete your training. Good Luck. Directions: Win 3 out of 5 matches in a duel to the death. >Cyrax uses his sword a lot during this battle. Dodge or block those attacks, and follow up with some combos learned in Konquest Mission #9. Do not use his Detonators as they are harmless. Cyrax's Throw also blows, so stay away from that as well. Just use little combos on him to slowly but surely whittle away his health. Mission Complete! Congratulations! You have finished your training! This journey is complete. But the road to your destiny is long traveled, and there is always more to learn. You earned 300 Sapphire Koins. After you have completed all 218 Konquest missions, you should end up with (pending you haven't been spending them already): > 10,260 Sapphire Koins. > 0 Onyx Koins. > 10,080 Jade Koins. > 10,155 Ruby Koins. > 11,5235 Gold Koins. > 0 Platinum Koins. A total of 42,030 Koins accumulated. Happy spending in the Krypt! Congratulations! Your quest has come to an end. You have indeed achieved enlightenment. There are now two paths before you: that of a selfless defender, or that of a conquerer of realms. You are to choose. Blaze and Mokap now have become playable. To access Blaze in either Arcade or VS Mode, highlight Raiden on the Character Select Screen and Tap Down + Button 3. To access MoKap, highlight Cyrax on the Character Select Screen and Tap Down + Button 3. The game will allow you to reset all of your completed Konquest missions in order to earn more kurrency, otherwise it states that you have already completed them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= XV. Kodes and Secrets: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance does feature an abundane of fun and interesting things to unlock, including two secret characters, an infinite money trick and some other fun goodies. Below I will list all of the kodes and secrets I know of so far. If anyone knows of any more, feel free to E-Mail me them and I will post them here, fully credited to you. And no, there are no extra Fatalities for the characters, and there are also not any Stage Fatalties as confirmed by the man himself, Ed Boon. We will start with the easiest stuff first. Some of these might not even be considered secrets in certain people's minds, but I will list them here anyway. >Random Select: As with every other Mortal Kombat before it, except the original, there has been a Random Select option. To do this, hit up and Start, on the Character Select Screen to have the computer select your fighter for you. Player 1 has to Up and Start on Shang Tsung's picture, and Player 2 has to Up and Start on Quan Chi's picture. >Alternate Costume: To choose your character's alternate costume, just select them by hitting Start. Their portrait on the right or left, will change to them in their alternate outfit. The desired character's alternate costume, must have already been unlocked in The Krypt in order for it to appear. >Stage Select: This only works in Versus Mode. To select your stage hit the SM Button to bring up the sidebar which allows you to choose your stage. Press Left or Right to choose the desired stage, and hit the SM Button again to return to the Select Screen and contiue the fight. You must have unlocked the hidden arenas in The Krypt before they can become "playable." >Victory Pose Select: Each character has three end-of-battle poses. Perform the following when the "Finish Him/Her" message appears. Note: If you run out of time performing your fatality or if you end the match with your weapon, your character will automatically perform the pose of the last stance he or she was in. (Taken from Gamewinners .com) 1: Strike your opponent in your character's first form. 2: Strike your opponent in your character's second form. 3: Execute your characters fatality. >Unlock Blaze: To unlock this mysterious character, play through all 218 Konquest missions, and an FMV will appear showing Blaze going through a Kata, thus allowing you to play as him. On the Select Scree, hit Down and Start on Raiden's picture to pick Blaze. >Unlock MoKap: To unlock MoKap complete all 218 Konquest mission, and MoKap will be playable. On the Select Screen, hit Down and Start on Cyrax's picture to pick MoKap. *NOTE* Blaze and MoKap's Move Lists will be displayed at the end of the Kodes and Secrets Section. *NOTE* >Infinite Coins: To receive infinite koins, complete the following: (Taken from gamefaqs.com) 1.) Choose a Vs. Game and load a profile for each fighter, 2.) Wager one round normally with R2 3.) After first fight have ONLY P1 open the wager tag, 4.) Have P1 press right, you will hear a koin sound, 5.) Then press up, now you will hear koins being bet, 6.) The sound will stop so then press R2 again to exit the wager, 7.) Now both players choose a character, 8.) Have P1 beat P2, P1 will win the koins, but P2 will NOT lost anything. Below is the key to what koins you will bet. For Step 4, just tap Right as many times as you need for whatever koin you desire. When you open the wager tab with P1 the koins are as follows to bet since you can't tell what koin you are betting. Right once and up = Onyx Right twice and up = Jade Right three and up = Ruby Right four and up = Gold Right five and up = Platinum Right six and up = Sapphire Below are the full Move Lists for the two Secret Characters: Blaze and MoKap. *NOTE* Neither of them have Fatalities, so please do not E-Mail me asking. *NOTE* -=-=-= Blaze: -=-=-= Stats: Status: Guardian Alignment: Unknown Weight: ??? Height: ??? Styles: Hapkido, Jeet Kune Do, and Xing Yi Difficulty: ? Description: Blaze is a fighter completely engulfed in flames. He is bald, and has yellow eyes. There are also chains wrapped around his wrists. He fights barefoot, and has a wrist guard around his right wrist. Story: The mysterious Outworld elemental known only as Blaze had long been on a quest throughout the realm. During his quest, an ancient sect of holy men still serving the long dead Dragon King ambushed him on a bridge. The holy men enslaved him through mystic incantations and forced him to protect the last known Great Dragon Egg. For many years he has remained submerged beneath the molten rock of the incubation chamer as 'Guardian of the Egg.' -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hapkido Move List: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Back Hand Strike: 1 >Face Strike: Back - 1 >Twisting Fist: Down - 1 >Neck Chop: 2 >Open Palm: Down - 2 >Axe Kick: 3 >Knee Knockdown: Toward - 3 >Hop Sweep: Back - 3 >Back Sweep: Down - 3 >Snap Kick: 4 >Front Sweep: Down - 4 >Backside Kick: Back - 4 >Front Thrust Kick: Up - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Flowing Water: 2 - 2 - 1 >Inner Power: 2 - 2 - 4 >Spectre Blast: 3 - Back - 1 >Lethal Legs: 4 - Back - 4 >Liftoff: 4 - Up - 4 >Burning Soul: 2 - 3 - Up - 4 >Sinking Leaf: Toward - 3 - Back - 3 >Doombringer: 2 - 3 - Back - 1 >Firefly: 2 - 3 - CS - 2 - 4 >Fever: 2 - 3 - CS - 2 - 3 - 3 - 4 >Heat Stroke: 2 - 3 - CS - 2 - 3 - 3 - Back - 4 >Wildfire: 2 - 3 - CS - 2 - 3 - 3 - CS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Jeet Kune Do Move List: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Leading Straight Punch: 1 >Hook Fist: Down - 1 >Knuckle Fist: Back - 1 >Duck 'n' Jab: 2 >Low Knuckle Fist: Down - 2 >Stepping Snap Kick: 3 >Low Punch: Down - 3 >Side Kick to Knee: Back - 3 >Side Kick to Face: 4 >Sweeping Kick: Back - 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >High Hooking Kick: Up - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Straight Blast: 1 - 1 >Spotlight: 2 - 2 - 4 >Sticky Legs: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 4 >Outer Gate: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - Back - 4 >Arson: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - Back - 3 >Burnout: 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - CS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Xing Yi Move List: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Straight Punch: 1 >Power Fist: Back - 1 >Low Palm Strike: Down - 1 >Axe Strike: 2 >Eagle Strike: Down - 2 >Tiger Strike: Toward - 2 >Front Snap Kick: 3 >Low Elbow Strike: Down - 3 >Rising Knee: 4 >Hopping Back Kick: Back - 4 >Toe Strike: Dowm - 4 >Lifting High Kick: Up - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Surefire: 4 - 2 >Casualty: 4 - 3 >Honor and Disgrace: 2 - Back - 1 >Assault and Battery: 1 - 1 - 4 - 2 >Seek and Destroy: 1 - 1 - 4 - 3 >Deadzone: 1 - 1 - Up - 4 >Backlash: 1 - 1 - Back - 4 >Three Powers: 1 - 1 - 2 - Back - 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Special Moves List: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Flame Ball: Back - Toward - 1 > Flame Uppercut: Back - Down - Back - 2 > Flame Charge: Down - Toward - 3 Fatality: Blaze has no Fatality in this game. Ending: Having been enslaved through sorcery to guard the molten incubation chamber, Blaze was finally freed once the dragon egg had hatched. He then resumed the quest he had undertaken before being subdued by his captors. -=-=-= MoKap: -=-=-= Stats: Status: Motion Capture Specialist Alignment: Unknown Weight: ??? Height: ??? Styles: Karate, Tai Chi, and Tae Kwon Do Difficulty: ? Description: MoKap looks like a regular guy. He has no special trademarks that make him stand out from the other fighters. He does have motion capture "balls" all over his body though. He is in a black and blue jumpsuit, and wears a backwards baseball hat. He also fights in his sneakers. Story: A former martial arts teacher on the North side of Chicago, the man commonly referred to as Mokap was called upon by Johnny Cage to do some motion capture work for his new movie "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance." Mokap was flown to Hollywood to begin his first session, which consisted mainly of the Crane and Snake styles. Although many other martial artists were used, Mokap was brought in repeatedly for his cast knowledge of fighting techniques. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Karate Move List: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >Lunge Punch: 1 >Low Hook Punch: Down - 1 >Side Elbow Punch: Back - 1 >Knife Hand Chop: 2 >Knife Hammer Strike: Toward - 2 >Low Palm Strike: Down - 2 >Front Thrust Kick: 3 >Low Jabbing Punch: Down - 3 >Cutting Kick: Up - 3 >Side Thrust Kick: 4 >Low Kick: Down - 4 >Shin Thrust: Back - 4 >Flip Kick: Up - 4 >Double Flip Kick: Up - 4 - Up - 4 >Shove: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Smash TV: 2 - 4 >Bone Breaker: 3 - 4 >Big Blast: 1 - 1 - 4 >The Foot Sword: 3 - 3 - 3 >Cutting Hands: 2 - 3 - 4 >Closing Credits: 1 - 1 - Back - 1 >Chopping Hands: 1 - 2 - Toward - 2 >Cameo: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 >Prequel: 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 >Director's Cut: 1 - 1 - Up - 4 - Up - 4 >Box Office Smash: 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 >Acoustic: 1 - 2 - CS - 2 - 3 >Mechanical: 1 - 2 - CS - 2 - CS - 4 >Optical: 1 - 2 - CS - 2 - 2 - Back - 1 >Magnetic: 1 - 2 - CS - 2 - CS - 1 - 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tai Chi Move List: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Mid Palm Strike: 1 >Rising Spade Hand: Back -1 >Pushing Hands: Toward - 1 >Dual Fist Strike: Down - 1 >Chopping Strike: 2 >Quick Uppercut: Back - 2 >Rising Uppercut: Down - 2 >Straight Kick: 3 >Low Lean Kick: Down - 3 >Spinning Roundhouse: 4 >Low Spin Kick: Down - 4 >Standing Sweep: Back - 4 >Taunt: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Empty and Full: 1 - 1 >Blind Justice: Back - 2 - 3 >Temple of Heaven: 2 - 2 - 3 >Play By Ear: 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 >Cutting the Roots: 2 - 2 - CS - 4 >Dark Fists: 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 >Fading Light: 2 - 2 - 2 - Back - 1 >5 Poison Hands: 2 - 2 - CS - 1 - 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tae Kwon Do Move List: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Side Kick: 1 >Hook Kick: Back - 1 >Double Hammer Fist: Down - 1 >Downward Axe Kick: 2 >Twin Fist Punch: Down - 2 >Spinning Heel Kick: 3 >Rolling Strike: Down - 3 >Ankle Smash: Back - 3 >2-Hit Axe Kick: 4 >Nitro Kicks: Back - 4 >Spinning Back Kick: Down - 4 >Reversal: SM >Throw: Toward - SM Kombo Chains: >Clearness of Mind: 4 - 4 >Take Out: Back - 3 - 3 >Peaceful Wind: 1 - 1 - Down - 3 >Special Forces: 4 - Back - 3 - 3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Special Moves List: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Fireball: Back - Toward - 1 > Flipkick: Down - Back - 4 > Charge Punch: Down - Toward - 3 Fatality: MoKap has no Fatality in this game. Ending: MoKap Man was the primary martial arts talent for motion capture during the production of Johnny Cage's movie based on recent events in Outworld. He was referred to the game designers at Midway Games and used in the production of the Video Game adaptation of the movie. The End. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Loading Screens: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The following "section" is not considered a kode or secret. I just had no other room to fit it. So in the Kodes and Secrets section it goes. I thought that the loading screens in the game were well done enough for me to write about them. Below I will list each and every loading screen, and describe it. There are 39 in total, along with 8-10 in the Konquest Modes. So away we go to the loading screens... Konquest Loading Screens: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > A monk hopping exposed pieces of rock across a pit of lava. > A monk between two rocky ledges with Asian writing on the cliff, climbing to the top. > A monk pointing into the distance of a barren rocky desert with a skeleton lying close to him. > A monk wading through waist-deep swamp water to meet someone on an exposed piece of land. > A monk walking down a forest pathway with a walking stick, with a skull attached to the top. > A monk climbing a rocky cliff at night to reach a man standing at the top, looking down. > A monk walking along a snow filled valley to a house on a hill. > A monk walking through a dimly lit cavern to a shadow hiding in the shadows. > A monk looking around a rock to find a skeleton. > A monk climbing along a rocky ledge to reach a tower of sorts. Regular Loading Screens: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Johnny Cage with his arms on his hips in front of a movie set. > Kano in a menacing pose standing in front of a brick wall. > A close-up of Kano's face with his red eye glowing in a torn up building. > Kenshi without his blindfold looking into a well as green "souls" swarm up, thus blinding him. > Kenshi in a fighting pose, with his blindfold on, in front of a pink sky backdrop. > Kitana holding her long hair in her alternate outfit in front of a mountainous backdrop. > Kitana in her regular outfit, striking a fighting pose, with her fans spread. > Kung Lao lowering a lantern into a lake with the sun setting; a silhouette of Liu Kan in the background. > Li Mei just standing there in her regular costume. > Nitara standing in her Select Screen pose in front of a full moon. > Shang Tsung's Palace at night, with the Soulnado rising out the top. > Quan Chi in a fighting pose with a mean look on his face. > Quan Chi's hand going over the engravings on the Dragon King's tomb. > Quan Chi on his knees in front of the Dragon King's tomb. > Quan Chi running across a narrow bridge over a pit of lava. > Quan Chi standing in front of the Dragon King's tomb, knuckles pressed together. > Quan Chi standing with his head down in front of his inner sanctum, light pouring in from behind him. > Quan Chi looking out at the Dragon King's army as they stand before him. > Raiden standing there with his left fist radiating lightning to a blue sky backdrop. > A close-up of Raiden's face as he stands on Shang Tsung's island. > Reptile in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ninja Form), Reptile from Mortal Kombat 4 (Half Ninja, Half Reptile), all the way to Mortal Kombat:Deadly Alliance (Full Reptile). > Test Your Might screen with a picture of bamboo, a bloody piece of iron, and a shiny diamond. > Shao Kahn's bloody helmet laying at the stairs leading to his throne. > Quan Chi and Shang Tsung approaching Shao Kahn as he sits in his throne. > The Dragon King's army, standing at attention. > Shang Tsung and Quan Chi standing over a corpse in front of the Soulnado as the Dragon King's army looks on. > Sub-Zero, with his fist extended, in his regular outfit. > Jax with an arm in front of him, standing in front of the Outerworld Investigation Agency logo. > Bo' Rai Cho chugging a beer at a campfire. > Sub-Zero in his alternate costume, and Frost standing in a frozen canyon. > Sonya and Jax standing in fron of an American flag. > Cyrax in his regular outfit, and next to that, just his face without the mask, revealing he is African American. > Sub-Zero in his alternate outfit with his hands together forming an iceball. > The Deadly Alliance, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, standing there expressionless. > Kenshi as he holds his glowing red Katana. > Moloch with a menacing scowl on his face and his eyes glowing. > Shang Tsung and Quan Chi bowing to Shao Kahn in his throne room. > The mortals sitting around a campfire with Raiden giving them instructions. > Liu Kang and Kung Lao practicing Katas at the Wu Shi Academy. > A picture looking down the long walkway to Shao Kahn's throne. There you have it. The brilliant loading screens Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance showcases. Just put that in there to educate people on the brilliance of this game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=- XVI. Kredits: =-=-=-=-=-=-=- This FAQ is copyright Mike Zielinski. You cannot steal or borrow this FAQ without written consent from me. This FAQ is exclusive to gamefaqs.com, gamespot.com, cheatcc.com, and cheatplanet.com. If you wish to post this FAQ/Move List, you must E-Mail me at globalops21@yahoo.com with a link to your website before you post my FAQ, as well as another link after you post the FAQ, fully credited to me. I hope you all enjoyed this, and I hope it taught you something about Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.