Mortal Kombat: Deception Raiden FAQ Version 1.0 (Final) By: Anthony Ngo 'anigz @' 'anigz @' Date written: November 30, 2004 contact info: Table of Contents: 1) Biography (Parts 1 & 2, first person perspective) 2) How to get Raiden 3) Why Raiden? 4) Moves - Nan Chuan - Jujutsu - Staff - Special Moves - Fatalities w/ratings 5) Combos - Nan Chuan - Jujutsu - Staff - Style Branching Combos 6) Strategies 7) Credits 1) Biography Part 1: "I was well aware of Onaga, the former ruler of Outworld. Shao Kahn had been his advisor until he poisoned the Dragon King and stole Outworld for himself. But Onaga had somehow returned, more powerful than before. His powers seemed augmented by a force previously exhibited by only the Elder Gods. Even the might of the Deadly Alliance combined with my own could not defeat him. I did the only thing I could: I released my god- like essence in an attempt to destroy them all." Part 2: "By the time my energies reformed in Earthrealm, I was aware of all that had transpired. I became disgusted with the doings of mortals. It was Shujinko's vanity and desire for glory that had led to the return of the Dragon King. I will no longer allow the will of men to determine the fate of this realm. They will fight for it, or I will destroy them. All will fear the new God of Thunder." 2) How to get Raiden Complete Konquest Mode and return the Realm of Order. You will find Raiden around area E-3 or E-4 surrounded by Seidan Guardsmen. Challenge and defeat the Thunder God to obtain the key to his Koffin in the Krypt. 3) Why Raiden? To answer this question, I'll ask another one. WHY NOT? Granted, for newcomers, Raiden will be a difficult character to use. For MK veterans, he plays exactly the same as in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Massive combo ability, quickness, and new moves (CLASSIC moves) that make him significantly more powerful than in MK:DA. Raiden's combo ability, though difficult in some aspects, rivals that of Shujinko's. His fighting styles (Nan Chuan, Jujutsu, and Staff) remain unchanged from MK:DA. 4) Moves (as seen in the move lists) Controls (Abbreviation) XBOX PS2 Up (U) D-Pad Up D-Pad Up Down (D) D-Pad Down D-Pad Down Toward (T) D-Pad Left/Right D-Pad Left/Right Back (B) D-Pad Left/Right D-Pad Left/Right Attack 1 (1) X Square Attack 2 (2) Y Triangle Attack 3 (3) A X Attack 4 (4) B Circle Change Style (CS) L. Trigger L1 Block (BLK) R. Trigger R2 Throw (THR) Black R1 Pick Up Weapon (PUW) White L2 Distances (Abbreviation) Opposite end of screen (OS) Sweep (S) Close (C) - Nan Chuan Name Button Combination Lightning Jab 1 Low Strike D + 1 Uppercut B + 1 Shoulder Slap T + 1 Rainbow Chop 2 Palm Uppercut D + 2 Overhead Chop B + 2 Dual Thunder Palms T + 2 Stepping Snap Kick 3 Shin Strke D + 3 Hook Leg Knockdown B + 3 Hop Side Kick 4 Low Chin Strike D + 4 -Jujutsu Name Button Combination Open Hand Strike 1 Bearhand Chop B + 1 Low Strike D + 1 Bent Wrist Strike 2 Thunder God Palm T + 2 Diagonal Fist D + 2 Front Snap Kick 3 Sweep B + 3 Back Sweep D + 3 Front Thrusting Kick 4 Front Sweep D + 4 -Staff Name Button Combination Overhead Strike 1 Low One Handed Poke D + 1 Upward Strike 2 Charged Stick B + 2 Low Strike D + 2 Leaping Strike 3 Reaching Poke B + 3 Sweeping Strike D + 3 Reverse Thrust 4 Staff Blast U + 4 Sweeping Swing D + 4 -Special Moves Name Button Combination Shocking Lift Kick THR Static Teleport D,U + 3 Lightning Bolt D,B + 1 Shocking Touch T,T + 2 Flying Thunder God T,T + 4 -Fatalities w/ratings Fatality 1: B,D,T,D + 1 (S) As in the opening movie sequence, Raiden will begin his God-essence release spell. He will then raise his hand in the air and lightning strikes as both Raiden and his opponent are blown to pieces. Not really my favourite fatality. anigz rates this: 1/5 Fatality 2: U,D,T,T + 1 (OS) Raiden raises his hand to the sky and absorbs lightning energy. He then annihilates his opponent with lightning until his opponent is blown to pieces. A typical fatality for a Thunder God, but at least he's not killing himself in the process. anigz rates this: 3/5 Hara-Kiri (Suicide): T,U,U,B + 1 Raiden uses his God-essence release spell to blow himself up. anigz rates this: YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO USE THIS BECAUSE RAIDEN IS A THUNDER GOD and YOU SHOULD NOT LOSE AS A THUNDER GOD!!! 2/5 5) Combos - Nan Chuan Name Button Combination Hits/Damage Thunder Clap 2,3 2/13% Trickster 1,1,B + 2 3/15% Electric Strike 2,B + 1 2/11% The Middle Way 2,B + 2 2/10% Knowledge and Skill 1,1,3 3/18% Finishing Touch 1,1,2,3 4/20% Natural Way 1,1,2,B + 2 4/18% Wake the Dead 1,1,2,B + 1 4/19% - Jujutsu Name Button Combination Hits/Damage Heavenly Strikes 3,4 2/17% Long Arm Pokes 1,1,2 3/19% Essence of Strength 1,1,3,4 4/22% Reigning God 1,1,3 3/18% Thunder God Fists 1,1,B + 1 3/19% - Staff Name Button Combination Hits/Damage Slap Down 4,4 2/12% Great Lightning God 4,4,4 3/16% Pain From Above 4,4,3 3/19% Static Stick 4,4,B + 3 4/24% - Style Branching Combos Abbreviations NC - Start from Nan Chuan J - Start from Jujutsu Style: Name Button Combination Hits/Damage NC: Power Bolts 1,1,2,CS,1,B + 1 6/29% NC: Out of Order 1,1,2,CS,1,3,4 7/31% NC: Blackout 1,1,2,CS,1,3,CS,4,4 9/34% NC: Rend 1,1,2,CS,1,3,CS,4,3 9/35% NC: Sparky 1,1,2,CS,1,3,CS,4,B + 2 10/37% J: Fireworks 1,1,3,CS,4,4 6/24% J: Dark Thunder 1,1,3,CS,4,3 6/25% J: Chain Lightning 1,1,3,CS,4,B + 2 7/27% 6) Strategies For starters, Raiden can be played as a pure aggressor. Abusing the style branching combos will almost guarantee a win. Using Raiden requires a bit of practice, however. The only special move you should rely on is the static teleport. If used at the proper time, you can set up a rather painful combination attack like Sparky or Rend. Basic Kombat skills like sidestepping attacks, ducking, forward step, back step and blocking are also good ways to start up a killer combo. Against Onaga: ABUSE SPARKY and REND like NO TOMORROW. Simply touch a Kamidogu around the arena and utilize either combo when Onaga is stunned. There are 6 Kamidogu and if you use 3 either round, you will kill Onaga with these combos. Flying Thunder God is somewhat effective as well when used correctly. If it's blocked, however, you're in for a rough ride (Dragon throw or a combo). 7) Credits Thanks to Midway for adding another great game to an overall amazing fighting game series. Thanks to the overall FAQ/Move List of MZielinski for the X-Box Controls. Thanks to The Faceless Master for his one page fatalities list. Thanks to gamefaqs and neoseeker for putting this FAQ up. This FAQ is written by Anthony Ngo (anigz @ and cannot be posted without my consent.