[Murakumo] Japanese ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide Copyright 2002 by Cacophanus See contact information at the bottom of this guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.1b Last Updated November 13th, 2002 - August 3rd - Main FAQ update. - November 13th - Added musical information, cleaned up a little syntax, finalised secrets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: I. Introduction II. Menus III. Controls IV. Game Information V. Scenario Walkthrough VI. Expert Mission Walkthrough VII. Extras and Secrets VIII. Bumph ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction "High speed chase action" is the buzz phrase the game tries to sell, and it isn't far off. Good fun, but brutally short. On the upside though, despite being a fun game, the music is nice and funky and the designwork, by Takashi Aoyagi, is super slick. Overall, great stuff!! Due to the nature of FAQs, plot spoilers are unavoidable. You have been warned! The music used for Japanese TV commercial/trailer is by "Do As Infinity" and is called "Walk Under The Sun". I still do not know the name of the composer for the in game music however. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Menus Scenario Free Mission (has to be unlocked) Expert Mission (has to be unlocked) Option - Game System - Vibration ON/OFF - Caption ON/OFF - Cockpit Arrange (you can also change the cockpit HUD colour) - Subjective View - Information ON/OFF - Enemy ON/OFF - Distance ON/OFF - EX Weapon ON/OFF - Main Weapon ON/OFF - Armor ON/OFF - Calling ON/OFF - Condition ON/OFF - Vernier ON/OFF - Activity Time ON/OFF - Speed ON/OFF - Lock-On ON/OFF - VERY useful!! - Height ON/OFF - Frame ON/OFF - Location ON/OFF - Objective View - Information ON/OFF - Enemy ON/OFF - EX Weapon ON/OFF - Condition ON/OFF - Vernier ON/OFF - Activity Time ON/OFF - Speed ON/OFF - Lock-On ON/OFF - VERY useful!! - Location ON/OFF - Sound - BGM Volume 1-100 - Voice Volume 1-100 - SE Volume 1-100 - Controller Assign - A-Type = Inverted Vertical Controls - B-Type = Normal Vertical Controls - Exit Database - Reports - Music Mode (has to be unlocked) - Special Movie (has to be unlocked) - Replays - Special Arts (has to be unlocked) Save Load Quit Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Controls Default: D pad/Left Analogue = Movement (A Type or B Type) R = Boost L = Back Boost A = Main Weapon B = EX Weapon Y = View Change (Subjective/Objective) (X = not used) This can be modified to suit your wishes. Your HUD is best viewed in "Objective Mode" (3rd Person View), very helpful for tracking your opponents. The game is also compatible with the "Top Gun Fox2 FlightStick" (the pad works just fine though). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Game Information Glossary: A.R.K. - Pronounced "ark", it stands for Artificial Releflexive Kineticicoid. It carries powerful motion capture sensors. Whilst manned, the A.R.K.s utilise very powerful A.I. (Artificially Intelligent) systems. Due to the advanced nature of these A.I.s, most A.R.K.s are now unmanned. Lugnal - A very ingenious engineering company, and the creators of A.R.K. technology. Their beginnings are shrouded in mystery, and they also have very powerful influences within the American government. Oliver Port - It was built as an experimental ideal city for the SPS Project. Lugnal propelled the project forward as its powerful leader. There are also aerials all over the city that can send and receive microwaves in various places. Its population is already over one million and still increasing. Team Murakumo - Setup by Lugnal to suppress any misuse of A.R.K.s, it's first priority is to protect the citizens of Oliver Port. The Japanese word "murakumo" means "a gathering of clouds". Meet "Team Murakumo": LX-55 Cloud Breaker 01 Pilot: Gerald Rothschild (aka: Cloud 1) Main Weapon: M213P Hyperion (Gaitling Gun - 10,000 solid rounds) EX Weapon: LAAM-22 (Multi Missile Launcher - 72 solid rounds) This is the most versatile of the A.R.K.s available. Good mobility and speed, you will use it a lot. Good tip is to listen for the multi missile reload "click" so that you know that it is ready (it is about a 4 second delay between each reloading). Naturally you cannot fire your gun whilst your missiles are being deployed. Also make sure that you have your target locked-on, otherwise you will waste missiles. LX-55 Cloud Breaker 02 Pilot: Christie Linklatter (aka: Cloud 2) Main Weapon: T-1000SR (Plasma Sniper Rifle - 500 energy shots) EX Weapon: T-200HD (Beam Scatter Unit - 12 energy volleys) This is the fastest Cloud Breaker unit (bar the LX-30R), the only downside is almost no armor. The shots are very accurate though, but be frugal with your beam scatter shots, you only have twelve. LX-55 Cloud Breaker 03 Pilot: Levin Kirk (aka: Cloud 3) Main Weapon: M20A2F Prometheus (Bazooka - 200 solid rounds) EX Weapon: T-780E3 (Charged Cannon - 12 energy shots) This has the most powerful weapons, but they can be difficult to use (you also handle pretty poorly too). The Bazooka is a great weapon, and tracks well. The Charged Cannon though is difficult to use. LX-55 Cloud Breaker 04 Pilot: David Nives (aka: Cloud 4) Main Weapon: M63PS Titan (Rapid Fire Shotgun - 300 solid rounds) EX Weapon: U3RCR Satellite (Energy Shield - 16 uses) This is the heavyweight of the group. Great armor and good defense with the shield, but the downside is that you accelerate slowly and handle very poorly, that being said it has the highest top speed. The shotgun is a beast of a weapon though. LX-55 Cloud Breaker 05 Pilot: Lisa Wakura (aka: Cloud 5) Main Weapon: U9E Clair De Lune (Hyper Vibration Blade - infinite usage) EX Weapon: LAAM-S7 (Pulse Missile Launcher - 20 solid rounds) This is the kung-fu queen of the group. The swords fire off energy waves, so you can keep a little distance. The drawback, they track very poorly. On the upside your handling is great (you can also use the pulse missiles to nail an opponent in place, or so it seems). LX-30R Geo Sweeper (can only be used in Free and Expert Mission) Pilot: Gerald Rothschild Main Weapon: T-1400VS (High Voltaic Gun - 10,000 energy shots) EX Weapon: T-790V EP (Voltaic Cannon - 16 energy shots) The beast of beasts. Super fast, great handling, tough armor and deadly weapons. The catch? You can be TOO fast on occasions, overtaking your enemy and taking a lot of damage. The weapons, whilst powerful, have a small lock-on window (but track great anyway). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Scenario Walkthrough A few things that I should mention before I start: 1. Each of the main enemies you face in each mission follows a set path. In most cases this won't matter, but for a few of the trickier missions it will make it much easier if you remember the path. 2. The "back boost" function (L button) is very useful for cornering quickly, but remember that it uses your vernier power to initiate the back boost. 3. The main thrusters on your A.R.K. will push you forward, so moving up and down can be difficult. On some of the heavier A.R.K.s it is important to take this into account. 4. You have limited ammunition, whilst in most cases this shouldn't be a problem, be aware that you cannot fire away ad infinitum. 5. After the first mission all of the five "Cloud Breakers" are available for mission selection (bar the LX-30R of course ^_~). At the End of each mission you get... Evaluation: Total Time = shorter gives a better rank. Internal Damage = less gives a better rank Defeated Enemies = more gives a better rank. Enemy Attack = less gives you a better rank. Collisions = less gives you a better rank. Average Speed = faster gives you a better rank. You are then asked to watch your replay: A = Yes B = No You are then asked if you want to save your replay: A = Yes B = No You are then asked if you want to save your game data: A = Yes B = No Onto thye missions then... (key - CB = Cloud Breaker) Mission 1: Junction Target: LD-301 Area: Oliver Port (Central) Easy mission, after all it is the first mission. You can only use CB1 on this mission. Take out the LD-301, it doesn't move much. It shouldn't be hard. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 2: Disaster Target: LD-541A Area: Port Oliver (Bayside) Slightly trickier, not be much though. You can now choose the other A.R.K.s in Team Murakumo. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 3: Sleep Hard Target: LD-541 Area: Port Oliver (Central) Your targets are now begginning to move around a lot. Stick to this LD-541 like glue. Watch out for its back weapons though! Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 4: Upcoming Waves Target: LD-526 Area: Hellios Park Island A fast opponent that likes to duck and weave between objects. This is a fairly open mission (unlike the previous city missions), the catch is keeping up with the LD-526. Judicious uses of boosts will help here, along with well timed missile volleys. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 5: Transfixion Target: LD-526 Area: Victoria Beach After the hilarious cutscene, you basically have to kill the same opponent again. Watch out for the missiles this time though, they are more frequent. Again, a fairly open mission but you need speed to take out this sucker. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 6: Night Intrude Target: UNKNOWN Area: San Alameda This is a dual mission. First get close to the Lugnal transport, and I am mean REALLY close (opening fire on it doesn't seem to matter, even though you are instructed otherwise). This should "complete" this part of the mission, next (after a loading screen) you will have to fight a high speed spider A.R.K. It also has a habit of cornering really quickly, so allow yourself time to move with the target (otherwise collisions will occur, damaging your mission's end rank). Also watch out for an orange circle it emits out of its backside, it will damage you if you go through it. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 7: Anarchy Dogs Target: 1221PA Area: Port Oliver (Old City) Same deal as before, except your enemy moves much faster. Recommended A.R.K. : CB2 Mission 8: Shaker Target: LD-776F Area: West Norton Two things about this enemy, it has lots of back weapons and that one of the back weapons - if it connects - will limit your mobility. It also ducks and weaves between buildings a lot. Keep a safe distance, but don't neglect its destruction. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 9: Territory Target: LF-224 Area: Muse Line You have to defeat three high speed and heavily armored A.R.K.s They also have a habit of nipping under the oil rigs (they can also gain/lose altitude better than you too). This is a fairly tough mission. The latter half involves you going underground for a bit, pay attention the tunnel. It does not go straight! Recommended A.R.K. : CB2 Mission 10: Gangrion Target: LD-431 Area: Industrial Geofront You start off in a tunnel, so pummel your target with your main weapon. After you depart the tunnel you will be in a fairly open space, but be wary. There are lots of missile boats and gun turrets about, not to mention the back weapons of the LD-431. The latter half of the mission (if you haven't defeated your target ) involves you going into the duct system, the fan blades can be destroyed but moving between them is easy enough. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 11: Collapse Target: LX-30 Area: Industrial Geofront One of the toughest missions the game has to offer. You only have a set time to destroy the LX-30, on top of this you are in a cramped tunnel system. Learn the track of this mission, learn it good. There is a hairpin turn near the beginning of the level, use your back booster here to corner it quickly. As for the last bit, be wary. The LX-30 enters a very narrow "tunnel" to your right. The door in front is closed, not taking stock of this may mean your target will escape. Recommended A.R.K. : CB3 Mission 12: Lightning Target: LX-30 Area: Port Oliver (Bayside) Time to nail this sucker. Kill the LX-30 quickly, you will only have a few opportunities to do so. Not only is it moving super fast, it ducks and weaves between buildings like a demented demon. To top this off somewhat, there are missile turrets EVERYWHERE. If you are not fast you could be dispatched yourself. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 13: Crack Down Target: C-305 Area: Everford This is a slightly different mission, DEFEND the target. All your Team Murakumo mates are onboard the "Fat Stork", so fall back and wait for the bad guys to overtake you. This allows you to deal with them quickly. Recommended A.R.K. : CB3 Mission 14: Stinger Target: LF-651 Area: Port Oliver (Old City) A VERY fast target this one, moves about too. Watch out for its "beam scatter" back weapon (like CB2's), very nasty if not evaded. Fairly open environment, so it is easy to follow the target. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1, CB2 Mision 15: Narrow Gate Target: LX-S7-A Area: Loren Canyon This is a very constrictive environment, and your target moves slowly. This may sound easy, but you will overshoot your target if you are not careful. After defeating the main target, it will launch its missiles. Destroy those to finish the mission. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 16: Solid Storm Target: LD-742F Area: Rainway Bay Easy mission, difficult opponent. Your target has a VERY effective flamethrower that it shoots backward at you. So keep adjusting your position behind it likewise. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 17: Judgment Sear Target: LX-30L Area: Undersea Armory The LX-30 is back! Upgraded too, it now has a "beam scatter" back weapon like CB2's (much more effective too). The first part of the mission is underground, like Mission 10, the second part of the mission is in the destroyed remains of Oliver Port. Whilst your target replenishes it's armor, you won't. Be aware of this. This is the last mission, so enjoy the cutscene and ending movies ^_^ Recommended A.R.K. : CB1, CB2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Expert Mission Walkthrough A lot of these missions feel like "I told you so" lectures from the bods at From Software. A lot your opponents are the "lesser targets" you faced in the Scenario mode, but now they are mean. Mission 1: City Slicker Target: LD-541A Area: Port Oliver (Bayside) Similar to Mission 2 from Scenario mode, bar the fact that your target REALLY moves about now. Stay on target! Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 2: Going Home Target: LX-30L Area: Industrial Geofront This is Mission 11 backwards with the upgraded LX-30. From the off it will enter a small "tunnel" on the left, follow it and stay in the upper half of the tunnel. The LX-30L pops back "up", so it is a safer position to deal with this pink menace. Recommended A.R.K. : LX-30R Mission 3: Fireball Jail Target: 1221PA Area: Hellios Park Island This is the spider A.R.K. from Mission 6, but in the area from Mission 4. You know the drill! Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 4: Ice Maiden Target: LF-651 Area: Port Oliver (Old City) Remember that nasty glowing high speed target, well it is back. Same routine. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1, CB2 Mission 5: Touch Down Target: LX-S7-A Area: Victoria Beach Simple, kill it quickly. It has VERY powerful back missiles. Recommended A.R.K. : LX-30R Mission 6: Gunstar Target: LD-431 Area: West Norton Probably one of the most challenging missions you will face in the game (very satisfying to complete it though). Your target will move within a very small area, but it turns very quickly. Learn it's path and time your missile volleys for when it pops above the top of the buildings. At the beginning of the mission, your target will veer off to the left out of sight. Ignore this and fly straight, the target will fly back into your sights. Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 7: Red Fiction Target: LD-742F Area: Loren Canyon This is the flamethrower baddie from Mission 16, but in a VERY enclosed space things can get difficult. Stay on target! Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 8: Junk Baller Target: LF-224 Area: Everford Tough mission. You have to defeat ALL enemies in order to complete the mission. Recommended A.R.K. : LX-30R Mission 9: Count 3 Target: LD-301, LD-541A, LX-30L Area: Port Oliver (Bayside) Kill all enemies, but be frugal with your missiles! Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 Mission 10: Ace Number Target: LD-301 Area: Port Oliver (Central) The easiest enemy in the game shows you what it has got. Nasty mission, stay on target! Recommended A.R.K. : CB1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Extras and Secrets Free Mission: You unlock this by completing Scenario mode. You can also use the LX-30R now. Expert Mission: You unlock this by completing Scenario mode with all missions at an average A rank or higher. You can also use the LX-30R now. Special Movie: You unlock this by completing Scenario mode. To unlock all the movies, re-complete the last mission of Scenario mode with each pilot until they are all present (you will receive a different ending movie each time). The last movie is obtained by completing all missions in Expert Mission at SS rank (it is the 2001 "Tokyo Game Show" promo movie in case you are curious). Special Arts: You unlock this by completing Expert Mission. Music Mode: You unlock this by completing Expert Mission with all missions at SS rank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Bumph Contacting Me: If you have any corrections or additions to this guide, please send a note to "cacophanus@yahoo.co.uk" for inclusion in the next revision. Copyright Notice: This document is Copyright 2002 Cacophanus. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site outside of GameFAQs. It may not be distributed electronically outside of the GameFAQs web site, and it may not be distributed otherwise at all. The latest version of this document on the GameFAQs web site will hold the current Copyright and distribution information. At this time, this document is exclusive to GameFAQs; please do not ask for reproduction rights without compensation. Cacophanus http://cacophanus.net/ ---EOF---