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First, I would like to start off by saying that these may not be completely accurate, as most of these CAPs are for rookies and minor league prospects. As you may know from watching baseball, there are many "cant miss" prospects that miss, and many players who pop out of nowhere to become stars. Most of these players have not stepped up to bat or been atop the mound at a major league park so there rankings are based on what will probably happen. Also, there are a lot of players who need to made, so I am not going to rate each one as I do not know enough about them. I am only going to do the top prospects, so I am sorry if your neighbor who is in class AA isnt here. As usual, if you have any problems with my ratings, would like to contribute, or have a request, drop me a line. -------------------- -------------------- UPDATES -------------------- Version .6 - More players added - Adam LaRoche, Shane Spencer, Jesse Craine, Prince Fielder, Cory Lidle, Jeremy Reed Version .5 - First update. First CAPs for Kevin Youkilis, Kaz Matsui, Kevin Millar, Larry Broadway, Joe Mauer, Scott Kazmir, and Zach Greinke -------------------- Contents -------------------- 1. Pros 2. Prospects 3. Copyright -------------------- 1. PROS -------------------- Boston Red Sox - Kevin Youkilis Edit: David Bernard, a 3B on the AA Team. He's 6'1 207. Good Enough. First Name: Kevin Last Name: Youkilis Birth Date: 15 Birth Month: March Birth Year: 1979 First Position: 3B Second Position: 1B Throws: RIGHT Bats: RIGHT Batter Ditty: Rock Jersey Number: 55 Face: 5 Hair Color: 5 Hair Style: 8 Facial Hair: 1 Bat Color 4 Fielding Glove: 5 Elbow Gaurd: 2 Shin Gaurd: None Wrist Band: None Socks: Low Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Classic 3 (im not really sure here) Contact vs RHP: 69 Contact vs LHP: 60 Power vs RHP: 48 Power vs LHP: 43 Bunting: 40 Plate Discipline: 90 Durability: 80 Speed: 65 Stealing Tendency: 40 Baserunning Ability: 40 Fielding: 50 Range: 50 Throwing Strength: 70 Throwing Accuracy: 65 Outlook: This guy is one hell of a prospect. He has a .501 OBP. Anyone who manages to get one base half the time he gets up to the plate automatically classifies himself as a possible star. He'll start the season behind Bill Mueler but may be able to grab a starting nod. He doesnt have a lot of power but managed to bat over .300 so he's not just good for his walks. Boston Red Sox - Kevin Millar Edit: Just create someone for him. First Name: Kevin Last Name: Millar Birth Date: 24 Birth Month: September Birth Year: 1971 First Position: 1B Second Position: UTIL Throws: RIGHT Bats: RIGHT Batter Ditty: Heavy Rock Jersey Number: 15 Height: 6'0 Face: 3 Hair Color: 1 Hair Style: 7 Facial Hair: 6 Bat Color: 2 Fielding Glove: 3 Elbow Gaurd: 1 Shin Gaurd: 1 Wrist Band: None Socks: High Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Vlad Guerrero Contact vs RHP: 75 Contact vs LHP: 79 Power vs RHP: 67 Power vs LHP: 75 Bunting: 40 Plate Discipline: 60 Durability: 70 Speed: 50 Stealing Tendency: 30 Baserunning Ability: 65 Fielding: 70 Range: 65 Throwing Strength: 70 Throwing Accuracy: 70 Outlook: Still a solid player, should start for the Sox this year and still play solid ball, hitting only slightly below 300 and a good amount of HRs. New York Mets - Kazuo Matsui Edit: Create it... First Name: Kazuo Last Name: Matsui Birth Date: 23 Birth Month: October Birth Year: 1975 First Position: SS Second Position: IF Throws: RIGHT Bats: SWITCH Batter Ditty: Whatever...Latin, Dance, Pop, it all works Jersey Number: 25 Height: 5'10 Body Type: Athletic Face: 3 Hair Color: 5 Hair Style: 7 Facial Hair: 1 Bat Color 2 Fielding Glove: 2 Elbow Gaurd: 2 Shin Gaurd: 2 Wrist Band: 3 Socks: Low Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Matsui Contact vs RHP: 78 Contact vs LHP: 83 Power vs RHP: 63 Power vs LHP: 68 Bunting: 80 Plate Discipline: 30 Durability: 95 Speed: 95 Stealing Tendency: 80 Baserunning Ability: 85 Fielding: 90 Range: 90 Throwing Strength: 85 Throwing Accuracy: 85 Outlook: A 28 year old rookie. Not unusual anymore after Godzilla came to Manhatten last year. Just like Hideki, Kaz's HR total will drop, but he will still grab a lot of hits and steals. He has the qualities to become a Gold Glove SS. Matsui to Reyes will be a nice double play tandem. New York Mets - Shane Spencer Edit: Create Him (he's 5'11, around 210. If there is a minor leaguer like that then just edit him and move him up) First Name: Shane Last Name: Spencer Birth Date: 20 Birth Month: February Birth Year: 1972 First Position: RF Second Position: LF Throws: RIGHT Bats: RIGHT Batter Ditty: Rock Jersey Number: 47 Height: 5'10 Body Type: Athletic Face: 1 Hair Color: 3 Hair Style: 5 Facial Hair: 1 Bat Color: 3 Fielding Glove: 2 Elbow Gaurd: NONE Shin Gaurd: 1 Wrist Band: 3 Socks: Low Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Matsui Contact vs RHP: 65 Contact vs LHP: 77 Power vs RHP: 60 Power vs LHP: 70 Bunting: 50 Plate Discipline: 40 Durability: 70 Speed: 65 Stealing Tendency: 30 Baserunning Ability: 50 Fielding: 65 Range: 65 Throwing Strength: 65 Throwing Accuracy: 75 Outlook: A vet who will help out the Mets OF. Currently in legal trouble being accused of beating some man in Miami. He could start but probably will come off the bench. He has a nice bat against lefties, hitting a little over .300 for his career against southpaws. Minnesota Twins - Joe Mauer Edit: Create Him First Name: Joe Last Name: Mauer Birth Date: 18 Birth Month: April Birth Year: 1983 First Position: C Second Position: UTIL Throws: RIGHT Bats: LEFT Batter Ditty: Rock or Country Jersey Number: 7 Height: 6'4 Body Type: Athletic Face: 7 Hair Color: 2 Hair Style: 7 Facial Hair: 1 Bat Color: 1 Fielding Glove: 2 Elbow Gaurd: 1 Shin Gaurd: 1 Wrist Band: 3 Socks: Low Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Garciapara? Contact vs RHP: 75 Contact vs LHP: 72 Power vs RHP: 62 Power vs LHP: 60 Bunting: 65 Plate Discipline: 70 Durability: 75 Speed: 65 Stealing Tendency: 55 Baserunning Ability: 70 Fielding: 90 Range: 85 Throwing Strength: 90 Throwing Accuracy: 90 Outlook: The #1 Prospect in the game is starting the season behind the plate for Minnesota. He can get on base but his power is still developing. He caught half of the runners who tried to steal on him last year in the minors, and his superb fielding skills should continue into the pro level. Atlanta Braves - Adam LaRoche Edit: Create (Height 6-3) First Name: Adam Last Name: LaRoche Birth Date: 6 Birth Month: November Birth Year: 1979 First Position: 1B Second Position: UTIL Throws: LEFT Bats: LEFT Batter Ditty: Heavy Rock Jersey Number: 19 Body Type: Skinny Face: 7 Hair Color: 5 Hair Style: 5 Facial Hair: 1 Bat Color 1 Fielding Glove: 2 Elbow Gaurd: None Shin Gaurd: None Wrist Band: None Socks: Low Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Burnitz? Contact vs RHP: 77 Contact vs LHP: 65 Power vs RHP: 73 Power vs LHP: 60 Bunting: 50 Plate Discipline: 70 Durability: 75 Speed: 68 Stealing Tendency: 30 Baserunning Ability: 60 Fielding: 80 Range: 75 Throwing Strength: 80 Throwing Accuracy: 75 Outlook: Looks to be the frontrunner for the Braves starting job this season. Last season in the minors he had a breakout season, proving that he had the power to hit more than 13 (he blasted 20) and he improved him patience at the plate. He knows his time has come and is fully prepared to take over the bag. Cincinati Reds - Cory Lidle Edit: Create (6'0) First Name: Cory Last Name: Lidle Birth Date: 22 Birth Month: March Birth Year: 1972 First Position: SP Second Position: NONE Throws: RIGHT Bats: RIGHT Batter Ditty: Rock Jersey Number: 15 Body Type: Skinny Face: 5 Hair Color: 4 Hair Style: 3 Facial Hair: 6 Bat Color 1 Fielding Glove: 2 Elbow Gaurd: None Shin Gaurd: None Wrist Band: None Socks: Low Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Crouched Contact vs RHP: 22 Contact vs LHP: 26 Power vs RHP: 25 Power vs LHP: 34 Bunting: 40 Plate Discipline: 40 Durability: 80 Speed: 50 Stealing Tendency: 30 Baserunning Ability: 30 Fielding: 70 Range: 65 Throwing Strength: 65 Throwing Accuracy: 70 Delivery: Style 3 Stamina: 79 Pickoff: 60 Pitch 1: Fastball Control: 75 Velocity: 92 Pitch 2: Splitter Movement: 80 Control: 79 Velocity: 81 Pitch 3: Changeup Movement: 55 Control: 70 Velocity: 75 Pitch 4: Curveball Movement: 76 Control: 65 Velocity: 79 Outlook: He's a veteren pitcher, could be an asset to any team. He's not gonna improve much anymore but he could be a good addition to your rotation. -------------------- 2. PROSPECTS -------------------- Montreal Expos (AA Team) - Larry Broadway Edit: Matt Drumright, a 1B. He's 6'4 just like Broadway First Name: Larry Last Name: Broadway Birth Date: 17 Birth Month: December Birth Year: 1980 First Position: 1B Second Position: UTIL Throws: LEFT Bats: LEFT Batter Ditty: Rock Jersey Number: 8 Face: 4 Hair Color: 1 Hair Style: 3 Facial Hair: 1 Bat Color 1 Fielding Glove: 2 Elbow Gaurd: None Shin Gaurd: None Wrist Band: None Socks: High Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Alou Contact vs RHP: 48 Contact vs LHP: 53 Power vs RHP: 48 Power vs LHP: 54 Bunting: 40 Plate Discipline: 30 Durability: 75 Speed: 47 Stealing Tendency: 30 Baserunning Ability: 55 Fielding: 65 Range: 75 Throwing Strength: 75 Throwing Accuracy: 65 Outlook: Larry should break into the MLB in one or two years, its just unknown at what position. Nick Johnson is 1B, and that is Larry's primary position. He is too slow to take on the OF, but has good range as he pitched in high school. He has good power but is inconsistant at the plate. Kansas City Royals (AA Team) - Zach Greinke Edit: Jesus Ludwick, RP First Name: Zack Last Name: Greinke Birth Date: 21 Birth Month: October Birth Year: 1983 First Position: SP Second Position: NONE Throws: RIGHT Bats: RIGHT Batter Ditty: Rock Jersey Number: 24 Face: 2 Hair Color: 3 Hair Style: 2 Facial Hair: 1 Bat Color 1 Fielding Glove: 3 Elbow Gaurd: None Shin Gaurd: None Wrist Band: None Socks: Regular Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Closed Contact vs RHP: 32 Contact vs LHP: 29 Power vs RHP: 26 Power vs LHP: 24 Bunting: 50 Plate Discipline: 60 Durability: 70 Speed: 75 Stealing Tendency: 50 Baserunning Ability: 55 Fielding: 75 Range: 65 Throwing Strength: 65 Throwing Accuracy: 70 Pitcher Delivery: Moyer Stamina: 53 Pickoff: 55 Fastball Control: 39 Fastball Velocity: 93 Pitch 2: Changeup Movement: 70 Control: 30 Velocity: 71 Pitch 3: Curveball Movement: 80 Control: 25 Velocity 79 Outlook: Greinke is a great athlete all together. He was a position player before he moved to the mound. He has a great fastball clocking in the low to mid 90s and his curveball and changeup are above average. He still needs to develop his control and stamina but could see time in the pros late this year or next. New York Mets (Team AA) - Scott Kazmir Edit: Er...someone. He needs to be a pitcher who is about 6'0 First Name: Scott Last Name: Kazmir Birth Date: 24 Birth Month: January Birth Year: 1984 First Position: SP Second Position: NONE Throws: LEFT Bats: LEFT Batter Ditty: Rock Jersey Number: 1 (alternate is 78) Face: 2 Hair Color: 2 Hair Style: 4 Facial Hair: 1 Bat Color: 1 Fielding Glove: 3 Elbow Gaurd: None Shin Gaurd: None Wrist Band: None Socks: Low Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Upright Contact vs RHP: 18 Contact vs LHP: 20 Power vs RHP: 10 Power vs LHP: 14 Bunting: 65 Plate Discipline: 70 Durability: 65 Speed: 50 Stealing Tendency: 10 Baserunning Ability: 50 Fielding: 70 Range: 55 Throwing Strength: 70 Throwing Accuracy: 70 Pitcher Delivery: Ohka Stamina: 55 Pickoff: 60 Fastball Control: 44 Fastball Velocity: 96 Pitch 2: Slider Movement: 65 Control: 55 Velocity: 84 Pitch 3: Changeup Movement: 70 Control: 60 Velocity 80 Outlook: The Mets are looking to make Kazmir their ace for the future when they declined all trade rumors saying that he would be the corner stone of their pen. He has been compared to Josh Beckett, as he has a fastball in the mid to high 90s. He is pretty consistent, and his only question mark is with his stamina. The Mets are trying not to over work him by keeping him playing minimal time. Some scouts believe if he cannot improve he could retreat to a closer or relief man. Minnesotta Twins (AAA Team) - Jesse Crain Edit: Terry Coleman, SP. Just change his position and it works out fine. First Name: Jesse Last Name: Crain Birth Date: 5 Birth Month: July Birth Year: 1981 First Position: SP Second Position: NONE Throws: Right Bats: Right Batter Ditty: Rock Jersey Number: 27 Face: 4 Hair Color: 6 Hair Style: 5 Facial Hair: 7 Bat Color: 1 Fielding Glove: 3 Elbow Gaurd: None Shin Gaurd: None Wrist Band: None Socks: High Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Crouched Contact vs RHP: 30 Contact vs LHP: 15 Power vs RHP: 20 Power vs LHP: 14 Bunting: 65 Plate Discipline: 60 Durability: 70 Speed: 70 Stealing Tendency: 40 Baserunning Ability: 50 Fielding: 75 Range: 60 Throwing Strength: 65 Throwing Accuracy: 40 Pitcher Delivery: Style 8? Stamina: 42 Pickoff: 65 Fastball Control: 50 Fastball Velocity: 93 Pitch 2: Slider Movement: 75 Control: 53 Velocity: 84 Pitch 3: Changeup Movement: 65 Control: 65 Velocity 72 Pitch 4: Knucklecurve Movement: 55 Control: 53 Velocity: 68 Outlook: Crain is a great overall athelte. He was drafted by the twins to be a RP/SS, but the Twins moved him to the mound indefinatly. He has been lighting in up minor league ball. His fastball can reach 95 and he has good control on it too. His slider is hard and has good movement. He can consistantly throw both for strikes. He also has his changeup and knucklecurve but they are subpar and wont be used as a closer. With only Joe Nathan in front of him there is a good chance he will see his way into the majors this year as the Twins' closer. Milwaukee Brewers (Team AAA) - Prince Fielder EDIT: Create Him. He's pretty heavy (250 at 6'0) and its hard to find someone that fits his height and weight. First Name: Prince Last Name: Fielder Birth Date: 9 Birth Month: May Birth Year: 1984 First Position: 1B Second Position: UTIL Throws: RIGHT Bats: LEFT Batter Ditty: Hip Hop Jersey Number: 28 Face: 14 Hair Color: 1 Hair Style: 3 Facial Hair: 1 Upper Body: 5 Bars Lower Body: 9 Bars Biceps: 5 Bars Thighs: 6 Bars Bat Color 4 Fielding Glove: 2 Elbow Gaurd: None Shin Gaurd: None Wrist Band: None Socks: Low Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Crouched Contact vs RHP: 74 Contact vs LHP: 63 Power vs RHP: 73 Power vs LHP: 65 Bunting: 20 Plate Discipline: 75 Durability: 65 Speed: 40 Stealing Tendency: 20 Baserunning Ability: 30 Fielding: 65 Range: 60 Throwing Strength: 55 Throwing Accuracy: 40 Outlook: Prince Fielder's power bat and plate discipline are in his genes. He is the son of Cecil Fielder. But he actually is a little faster than his father, and may be able to play some corner outfield if he loses his weight. He really needs to watch his weight, as he is at time high into the 250s. He may make his way upto the Brewers this season if he can stay in shape. Chicago White Sox (Team AAA) - Jeremy Reed Edit: Matt Jones, CF. Fits him nicely. First Name: Jeremy Last Name: Reed Birth Date: 5 Birth Month: June Birth Year: 1981 First Position: CF (could go either way, plays both in the minors) Second Position: RF Throws: LEFT Bats: LEFT Batter Ditty: Rock Jersey Number: 8 Face: 4 Hair Color: 7 Hair Style: 3 Facial Hair: 1 Bat Color: 1 Fielding Glove: 2 Elbow Gaurd: NONE Shin Gaurd: NONE Wrist Band: NONE Socks: Low Catcher Mask: 1 Batting Gloves: On Batting Stance: Upright Contact vs RHP: 72 Contact vs LHP: 60 Power vs RHP: 50 Power vs LHP: 46 Bunting: 65 Plate Discipline: 80 Durability: 75 Speed: 82 Stealing Tendency: 85 Baserunning Ability: 75 Fielding: 70 Range: 65 Throwing Strength: 65 Throwing Accuracy: 75 Outlook: He could be the CF of the future for Chicago. He has only slightly above average speed but is very aggressive on the bases. Hits good against righties but is weak against lefties (.352 v .256 in the minors). He doesnt have much power so dont expect a lot of HRs but he has the speed off the hit to hit a lot of doubles. -------------------- 3. COPYRIGHT -------------------- Copyright 2004 Justin Charles Do Not Use without permission Special Thanks to ESPN for scouting reports and EA for leaving out people for me to create.