===================================== Electronic Arts - MVP Baseball 2004 Playstation 2, X Box, Gamecube and PC Gameplay Tuning Sliders FAQ v. 1.0 Written by rsefken Exclusively for gamefaqs.com ===================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. What is a Slider? 4. Changing Sliders 5. Slider Breakdown and Definitions 6. When Should You Make Changes To You Sliders? 7. Slider Examples a. Rookie - Not Available b. Pro Setting - rsefken c. All Star Setting - Pared FIA d. MVP Setting - Pared FIA 8. Strategies 9. Special Thanks 10. Contact and Legal Information ============= INTRODUCTION ============= There are some players who are satisfied with the game MVP 2004 at the default settings. However, many players know it is possible to adjust certain settings within the game to make gameplay more to your liking. Setting the sliders of the game will allow you to make whatever type of game you want. ================ VERSION HISTORY ================ 4/5/04 - CARDINALS OPENING DAY! Initial Submission to gamefaqs.com ================= WHAT IS A SLIDER? ================= A slider is a setting that can be adjusted within a game of MVP 2004 to tweak the game in any way you see fit. If you prefer offensive games, you can adjust your hitter contact and power to make your team more of a powerhouse. If you prefer pitching battles, you can lower the same settings to make pitching that much more important. Want faster outfielders? Slower infielders? Tons of injuries? More diving catches? Pitchers who can go the distance? Adjusting the game sliders can help you to find the exact setting for your gameplay needs. This FAQ contains several suggested slider settings to get you going. Please note, however, that slider settings are not an exact science. You should constantly adjust your slider settings to fit the changing needs of your skill level, your team, and the type of game you wish to experience. ================= CHANGING SLIDERS ================= TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM SLIDERS: a. Click on "Options" from the main menu b. Click on "Gameplay Tuning" c. Begin to adjust slider values using the D-Pad (up and down to choose new slider, left and right to adjust value) d. To insure that your slider settings are not deleted, click on "Save Options" and save your new settings each time you change them. TO CHANGE SLIDERS WITHIN DYNASTY MODE a. Click on "Options" on the Dynasty Mode menu b. Click on "Gameplay Tuning" c. Begin to adjust slider values using the D-Pad (up and down to choose new slider, left and right to adjust value) d. To insure that your slider settings are not deleted, click on "Save Dynasty/Quit" and save your dynasty after each game played or simmed. The following slider settings can be adjusted in MVP 2004 (Default value=0): Pitch Speed User Pitcher Fatigue CPU Pitcher Fatigue User Batting Contact CPU Batting Contact User Batting Power CPU Batting Power User Bunting Ability CPU Bunting Ability User Outfielder Speed CPU Outfielder Speed User Infielder Speed CPU Infielder Speed User Baserunning Speed CPU Baserunning Speed User Throw Speed CPU Throw Speed User Throw Accuracy CPU Throw Accuracy User Runner Aggression CPU Runner Aggression Runner Injury Frequency Pitcher Injury Frequency Batter Injury Frequency Fielder Injury Frequency CPU Steal Rate User Dive Difficulty User Catch Errors CPU Catch Errors User Runner Steal Speed CPU Runner Steal Speed User Runner Steal Delay CPU Runner Steal Delay Bullpen Fatigue Rate Bullpen Fatigue Grace ================================= SLIDER BREAKDOWN AND DEFINITIONS ================================= Pitch Speed + = Faster pitch speed (Raise when you are finding it too easy to hit pitches) - = Slower pitch speed (Lower when you are having too much trouble judging pitches) NOTE: Changing the pitch speed has an effect on the force of the balls hit. Faster pitch speed = further hit balls Slower pitch speed = shorter hit balls Many people find that by changing the pitch speed, they automatically have to compensate by raising or lowering USER and CPU BATTING CONTACT and USER and CPU BATTING POWER (see these categories for more details) User Pitcher Fatigue + = Pitcher fatigues more quickly (Raise when starters are consistently going deep into games) - = Pitcher fatigues more slowly (Lower when pitchers are getting too tired too quickly) NOTE: You will likely throw more pitches than the computer (if you are someone who likes to go for the strikeout like I do), so some people like to lower the user pitcher fatigue to get their pitcher to last longer. However, at default setting of 0 most staff aces have no problem going 9 innings, and some of your 2, 3, and occasionally 4 pitchers will go 8 or 9 consistently. Most players tend to like to raise the computer’s fatigue to get them to use the bullpen earlier. If you leave it at default, you will see a lot of complete games from the computer’s pitchers. User Batting Contact + = Makes your hitters have improve contact (Raise to have less balls off the end of the bat or the handle) - = Makes your hitters have less skill with contact hitting (Lower if you are getting great contact every time) NOTE: User Batting Contact is drastically adjusted from Pro to All Star to MVP setting. If your contact is higher, you have a larger hot zone, meaning you can swing a little early or late and still get good wood on the ball. Conversely, with your contact lowered, your hot zone shrinks and your chances of good contact are reduced. Players tend to make the following suggestions for batting contact: PRO SETTING: Set your batting contact in the negative range for more realism. Several sliders have suggested as low as -20, though somewhere between here and -10 tends to work for most players. ALL STAR: Since the difficulty takes a big jump on this level, several sliders have been written suggesting a setting between 0 and +10. For more challenge go lower, for less challenge go higher. MVP: Another big jump from All Star. Sliders have suggested anything from 0 to +20 that I’ve seen. Personal preference and skill must come into effect when choosing this and any slider setting. CPU Batting Contact + = Makes CPU hitters have improve contact (Raise to have less balls off the end of the bat or the handle. If this setting is too high, CPU will rarely or never take pitches in the strike zone as they should. Furthermore, if this setting is too high, the CPU will almost never swing at a pitch unless it is a strike) - = Makes CPU hitters have less skill with contact hitting (Lower if CPU gets great contact every time. Also lower this setting if CPU hitters rarely or never take pitches in the strike zone as they should. Furthermore, lower this setting to get CPU to chase pitches just out of the strike zone) NOTE: Like User Batting Contact, CPU batting contact is drastically adjusted from Pro to All Star to MVP setting. If CPU contact is higher, they have a larger hot zone, meaning they will hit more of your pitches, take less pitches. Also, they will rarely swing at pitches outside of the strike zone and almost always swing at the ones in the zone, reducing the number of strikeouts. Conversely, with the CPU contact lowered, their hot zone shrinks and the CPU’s chances of good contact are reduced. Also, they will more frequently swing at pitches outside the strike zone and take pitches that are in the zone, increasing the amount of strikeouts. Players tend to make the following suggestions for CPU batting contact: PRO SETTING: Set the CPU batting contact just inside the negative range for more realism. Several sliders have suggested as low as -10, though somewhere between here and 0 tends to work for most players. Some players who have exceptional pitching skill may actually want the CPU contact to go above 0, though if you go too far above, you will rarely get strikeouts. ALL STAR: Since the difficulty takes a big jump on this level, several sliders have been written suggesting a setting between -30 and -10. For more challenge go lower, for less challenge go higher. MVP: Another big jump from All Star. Sliders have suggested anything from -40 to -20, with a few lower and a few higher. Personal preference and skill must come into effect when choosing this and any slider setting. User Batting Power + = Makes your batters hit for more power (Raise when your hits are not going far enough or with enough power behind them and if you see a decrease in HRs or triples) - = Makes your batters hit for less power (Lower when there is an abundance of HRs or triples to the gap, or when you simply want to have more of a challenge) NOTE: Like Batting Contact, User Batting Power is drastically adjusted from Pro to All Star to MVP setting. Much of your adjustments will come from personal preference. Do you prefer pitcher’s duels or slugfests? Some people prefer realism while other just want to crank out the dingers. Take your personal preference into account when adjusting User Batting Power. Players tend to make the following suggestions for User Batting Power: PRO SETTING: Since the pitching is easier on Pro than on the above settings, your chances of hitting for power will automatically be increased. Therefore, a setting somewhere between -17 and -10 is suggested by those who want a challenge. However, if you prefer more offensive games, increase this to between 0 and -10. Some players set this as low as -20 and as high as +10 or more. Higher settings mean more HRs. Lower settings mean less. ALL STAR: Since the pitches are coming in with more velocity, your chances of hitting a HR are increased some. There are players who set this as high as +10 (many HRs) and others who go as low as -10 (possibly fewer than normal) or more. Somewhere between 0 and 5 seems to be the norm. Use personal preference when deciding this setting (How many HRs do you want to hit?) MVP: Very similar to the settings I have found for All Star. Again, it all comes back to personal preference. Some suggest a contact between 0 and 5, while others are higher and some are lower. Testing over a period of several games will help you find a comfortable setting. CPU Batting Power + = Makes CPU batters hit for more power (Raise when CPU hits are not going far enough or with enough power behind them and if you see a decrease in CPU HRs or triples) - = Makes CPU batters hit for less power (Lower when there is an abundance of CPU HRs or triples to the gap, or when you simply want to have more of a challenge from the CPU) NOTE: Like Batting Contact, CPU Batting Power is drastically adjusted from Pro to All Star to MVP setting. Much of your adjustments will come from personal preference. Do you prefer pitcher’s duels or slugfests? Some people prefer realism while other just want to crank out the dingers. Take your personal preference into account when adjusting User Batting Power. Players tend to make the following suggestions for User Batting Power: PRO SETTING: The computer on Pro doesn’t tend to hit THAT many HRs, especially if you are skilled at pitching. Some suggestions for the PRO setting have ranged from -5 to +10. Think of your personal preference. Some players feel that the computer is way too powerful if they are above 0. Others like the excitement of the homer and want the setting higher. Adjust to your personal preference. ALL STAR: Again, personal preference comes into play, but suggestions have been similar that that of the pro setting (-10 to +10). Play several games and adjust settings accordingly. MVP: Very similar to ALL STAR, though some players lower the CPU Power because they find that they are giving up too many HRs. I have found settings suggested with anything from -15 to +5 and up. Adjust as you see fit. User Bunting Ability CPU Bunting Ability + = Improves the chances at a successful bunt (Raise when your hitters foul off or pop up many bunts) - = Lowers the chances at a successful bunt (Lower when your hitters are reaching base or getting RBIs too easily on a bunt. NOTE: Most players tend to raise their bunting ability, since the default setting of 0 leaves you little room for error. The best way to judge what setting you should use is to play an exhibition game with the bunting setting set at 0, then raise to 5, then 15, then 20 etc. If you pop up too many bunts, raise your ability. If you are getting too many successful bunts to be realistic, then lower it. User Outfielder Speed CPU Outfielder Speed + = Makes outfielders move faster (Raise if you feel the CPU’s or your OF is too slow or if the CPU or you are giving up too many doubles and triples) - = Makes outfielders move slower (Lower if you feel the CPU or your OF is too fast or if the CPU or you are giving up enough doubles and triples) NOTE: Most players agree that the User Outfielder Speed on default of 0 is way too slow, while the CPU Outfielder speed on default of 0 is a bit fast. The general consensus is to raise the user speed and lower the CPU speed, though some tend to raise both. Others who wish for more of a challenge or a more offensively based game will lower the settings. Since the computer tends to get everything hit their way, though, most players like the idea of making the CPU speed significantly lower than that of the user. I have seen this setting anywhere from -10 to +5. User Infielder Speed CPU Infielder Speed + = Makes infielders move faster (Raise if you feel the CPU’s or your IF is too slow or if the CPU or you are giving up too many hits between infielders) - = Makes outfielders move slower (Lower if you feel the CPU or your IF is too fast or if the CPU or you are not giving up enough hits between infielders) NOTE: Most players agree that the User and Computer Infielder Speed on default of 0 is way too fast IF you are someone who likes a challenge or who likes to see more singles through the infield. By lowering the infielder settings, you will see more realistic fielding play with more hits through the hole and more need to go for diving plays. Plus, since it seems the computer gets everything on the infield because of its flawless diving mechanic, you will probably want to set the CPU lower than the user to even out the field. I have seen this setting anywhere from -12 to +5. User Baserunning Speed CPU Baserunning Speed + = Increases baserunning speed (Raise if you feel that your speed or the CPU’s is too slow, or if there is a shortage of triples) - = Decreases baserunning speed (Lower if you feel that your speed or the CPU’s is too fast, or if there is an abundance of triples) NOTE: Again, adjusting baserunning speed is based completely upon personal preference. By lowering baserunning speed you will cut back on the unrealistic amount of triples that tend to happen in the game. Remember, though, adapt this setting to your own skill level. As a tip, make sure to use the cutoff man on long hits to the outfield to ensure that runners stop at second and don’t go for that extra base. I have seen this setting anywhere from -10 to +10. User Throw Speed CPU Throw Speed + = Makes all balls thrown in the field faster with the exception of pitching (Raise this setting if you feel that your throws from base to base are not fast enough, if you are missing out on double plays because of speed, if your outfielders seem to have especially weak arms, or if you are having problems throwing out stolen base attempts). - = Makes all balls thrown in the field slower with the exception of pitching (Lower this setting if you feel that your throws from base to base are too fast, if your outfielders seem to have particularly strong arms, or if you have no problems throwing out even the fastest runners on steal attempts). NOTE: The general opinion is that the computer has a significant advantage over the user with fielding and throw speed, because of the fact that it always hits its red area (though you don’t see it). Therefore, many users lower the computer throw speed significantly lower than that of the user. Whether or not you lower the user throw speed is purely personal opinion, though it tends to be more of a challenge and more realistic on a lower setting. I have seen this set anywhere from 5 to -10. User Throw Accuracy CPU Throw Accuracy + = Makes all balls thrown in the field more accurate and on target (Raise this setting if you find that your throws around the infield and outfield are frequently off target, if you have difficulty with large red sections on the fielder meter, or if you simply want to decrease your number of throwing errors). - = Makes all balls thrown in the field off target and much less accurate (Lower this setting if you find that your throws around the infield and outfield are always on target, if you never make throwing errors around the bases or while throwing out a steal attempt, or if you simply want to increase the realism of the game by having occasional off target throws). NOTE: The computer tends to make almost no errors on the default 0 setting. If you feel that this is ok, don’t adjust this slider. However, you will need to go into negative numbers in order to have the computer occasionally make off target throwing attempts. I have seen this setting anywhere from 0 to -10 or lower. User Runner Aggression CPU Runner Aggression + = Makes runners more aggressive on the basepaths (Raise if you find that your players will not go for the extra base when they should. Also raise if the computer is not stealing bases against you) - = Makes runners less aggressive on the basepaths (Lower if you find that your players are too aggressive on the basepaths, are getting thrown out too often while attempting to advance to another base, or if the computer is stealing too much on you). NOTE: Though some players claim that by increasing the CPU runner aggression you will see more steals from the computer, I have yet to have that happen to me. Personally, the computer will almost only run on a 3-2 count with 2 outs and nothing else. By adjusting some sliders you maybe able to increase the computer’s willingness to steal, but until now it has been unfounded. This setting is typically somewhere between 0 and +15, though if you feel the need for the challenge, drop down into the negative numbers. Runner Injury Frequency Pitcher Injury Frequency Batter Injury Frequency Fielder Injury Frequency + = Number of injuries will increase (Raise if you rarely or never get injured) - = Number of injuries will decrease (Lower if you are experiencing too many injuries) NOTE: This game has almost no injuries on the default setting. Some players find that they will almost never sustain injuries if they do not have their injury frequencies set on at least 15, and some will go as high as 30. If you don’t want injuries at all, go lower. If you want to maintain the realism and have some more, go 15 or more, though some actually suggest as high as 30 or 35. A default 0 session will keep you virtually injury free. CPU Steal Rate + = Make the computer attempt to steal more bases (Raise if the computer is not attempting steals) - = Make the computer attempt fewer stolen bases (Lower if the computer attempts too many steals) NOTE: The computer will almost never steal, even with their Steal Rate on +50. Adjust to +50 and hope for the best. Some players have suggested that by increasing the CPU Baserunning Aggression the computer will attempt to steal more. However, they will be more aggressive at ALL baserunning, so adjust CPU Baserunning Aggression at your own risk. User Dive Difficulty + = Makes it more difficult to rob the pitcher by use of diving catch (Raise if you frequently make successful diving catches to rob the CPU of base hits or if you want to see a slight increase in errors) - = Makes it easier to rob the pitcher by use of diving catch (Lower if you have trouble making successful diving catches to rob the CPU of base hits or if you want to see a slight decrease in errors) NOTE: If you are someone who makes many diving catches and like the ability to rob the computer of hits using dives, you will want to lower your setting or keep it at 0. For every notch you move above 0, it will get more difficult to rob the computer with diving catches. -20 to +20 is a pretty consistent setting, though some players go significantly above or below this. User Catch Errors CPU Catch Errors + = Causes more errors to occur during the game (Raise if you are experiencing very few errors) - = Causes less errors to occur during the game (Lower if you are experiencing too many errors) NOTE: Errors are virtually non-existent in this game at default 0, and you will continue to see very few unless you raise both the user and CPU catch errors. It is all personal preference, though most users I have polled enjoy errors set anywhere from 5 to 35, with 25 being the average setting I have seen. User Runner Steal Speed CPU Runner Steal Speed + = Runners will run quicker on steal attempts (Raise if players are getting thrown out more than 50% on steal attempts) - = Runners will run slower on steal attempts (Lower if players are getting thrown out less than 50% on steal attempts) NOTE: At the default setting, many players feel their runners are too fast on the basepaths. Others feel that default is just right. I have seen this setting put anywhere from +10 to -10 and sometimes a little more or less. Personally, I have found that by preloading a steal (taking a step, hitting up to start the steal, then taking another step) I will steal as soon as the windup starts, which means I do not need my baserunning speed too high. I lower my baserunning speed several spaces below 0, because I find that I still steal between 50 and 60% of attempts, which is about normal. User Runner Steal Delay CPU Runner Steal Delay + = Makes your player wait longer to start running on steal attempts (Raise if you feel that you or the computer get too good of a jump on steals) - = Makes your player start quicker on steal attempts (Lower if you feel that you or the computer waits too long to start running on steals) NOTE: See the above note under STEAL SPEED about preloading a steal. By using that method, you may find that your steal speed is way too fast at default and may want to increase your delay. However, if you can’t quite get the hang of preloading your steal, try to move your slider into the negatives to make up for it. Bullpen Fatigue Rate + = Makes the pitchers you warm up in the bullpen fatigue quicker (Raise if you find that you can leave your pitchers warming up for an extended period of time and they will not get tired) - = Makes the pitchers you warm up in the bullpen fatigue slower (Lower if you find that your pitchers get tired quicker than you had expected or hoped) NOTE: A good rule of thumb is to not leave a pitcher warming up more than an inning. Be careful if you warm up more than one pitcher at a time that you sit the remaining pitcher if you bring one in. Some people don’t adjust this setting at all. The average setting is anywhere from -10 to +10, though somewhere around -5 to +5 seems to work well. Bullpen Fatigue Grace + = Pitcher will take a longer time to get warmed up in the bullpen (Raise this to allow pitchers more time to warm up) - = Pitcher will take less time to get warmed up in the bullpen (Lower this to speed up bullpen sessions) NOTE: Some players claim that raising this setting actually allows players to continue throwing in the bullpen without getting tired as quickly. Some have stated that it is the time it takes after a reliever pitches for his stamina to get back up to 100%. I have found that both seem to be true, so I tend to raise this setting. If any of these three are correct, I would want this setting higher, which has seemed to make my games in general and bullpen sessions more realistic and interesting. Either way, most people suggest raising it up above 0. Anywhere from 0-15 seems to be the norm, so adjust it as you feel the need and see how your results are. ================ SLIDER EXAMPLES ================ SLIDER EXAMPLE DISCLAIMER: The following sliders are simply suggestions for getting started and finding your footing with adjusting your settings. Feel free to adjust these settings to meet your individual needs. If you have suggestions for changes, please e-mail me at the link below so I can suggest the changes to the original author. Furthermore you should NEVER use ALL STAR and MVP sliders for PRO setting, and vice versa. The game play dynamics are completely different between the three game modes, so be sure to use the right sliders for the right setting for the best possible gameplay. ====================== ROOKIE SLIDER EXAMPLE Not Available ====================== Adjusting sliders doesn’t do much in Rookie, considering it is meant mostly as a stepping-stone into PRO (considered the NORMAL level of MVP 2004.) If you have developed some challenging ROOKIE sliders, contact me to have them posted here. ==================== PRO SLIDER EXAMPLE Submitted by rsefken ==================== * Pitching Aids - I turn them all off EXCEPT for the vibration function * Pitch Speed: 0 (no need to mess with this in rookie or pro) User Pitcher Fatigue: 3 (If you work for a lot of strikeouts, you might want to lower this. Personally, I think it is a realistic setting) CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 8 (Less pitches = less fatigue, so this may even need to be raised. I typically can’t get the CPU to go to the bullpen until the 7th or later.) User Batting Contact: -16 (I find it too easy to hit otherwise) CPU Batting Contact: -6 (At this setting, the computer will take more balls in the strike zone. If you go too much higher, they will swing at anything in the strike zone. Also, at this setting, they will occasionally chase after well pitched off-speed pitches just outside the strike zone, this increasing your amount of Ks.) User Batting Power: -14 (Still hitting well over 400ft. on many of my HRs) CPU Batting Power: 12 (They hurt you on pitching miscues you throw on this setting, which is how it should be, yet because their contact is lower and your outfielders are faster below, they do not get as many triples.) User Bunting Ability: 23 (If you go much higher, you will NEVER foul off or pop up bunt attempts, which you SHOULD occasionally do) CPU Bunting Ability: 23 User Outfielder Speed: 12 (In comparison to the computer, the user is at a huge disadvantage for outfielding. I feel that without raising this setting, my players are far too slow to stop triples) CPU Outfielder Speed: -8 (More diving attempts made on this setting, but by raising the Computer Catch Errors setting below, they will be less aggressive and make more mistakes) User Infielder Speed: -2 (Makes you work harder on infield grounders, even occasionally needing to use a dive) CPU Infielder Speed: -9 (More hits between fielders, and since they make so many diving catches, you need the advantage) User Baserunning Speed: -4 (less triples. I was averaging two or three per game at 0) CPU Baserunning Speed: -9 (same as above) User Throw Speed: -6 (This setting gives a much more realistic feel to all plays. The only thing this would hinder is throwing out runners at second, but since the computer never runs, you will rarely if ever run into this problem) CPU Throw Speed: -8 (Same as above) User Throw Accuracy: -4 (Larger red areas, making you have to be more careful with your throws and timing) CPU Throw Accuracy: -7 (Catchers throw out about 35-40% of steal attempts) User Runner Aggression: 10 (for both CPU and User will help to make for more realistic baserunning styles) CPU Runner Aggression: 12 Runner Injury Frequency: 22 (adjust these according to the number of injuries you wish to see) Pitcher Injury Frequency: 20 Batter Injury Frequency: 22 Fielder Injury Frequency: 22 CPU Steal Rate: 50 (won't matter, they only run on 3-2 counts with two outs... at least in my last 50 games that's all they've run on) User Dive Difficulty: 15 (makes it more difficult to make huge diving stops against the computer) User Catch Errors: 25 (helps to make a realistic number of errors in your games) CPU Catch Errors: 35 (many more misses on diving catches) User Runner Steal Speed: -1 (to steal efficiently, take a one step lead, then hit the up button, then finally hit the second step. They run right on the windup) CPU Runner Steal Speed: 10 (might help to increase computer steals on PRO) User Runner Steal Delay: -4 (quicker jump) CPU Runner Steal Delay: -9 (much quicker jump) Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 5 (speeds up fatigue just a bit and requires you to really pay attention to bullpen sessions) Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 12 (pitcher takes a while to warm up, but not ridiculous. Just be observant. Also, pitcher does not start to tire too quickly) ======================== ALL STAR SLIDER EXAMPLE Submitted by Pared FIA ======================== *Pitching Aids - All pitching aides off, including vibration * Pitch Speed: -7 (This actually has an effect on force of balls hit... raise/lower at your own risk) User Pitcher Fatigue: 4 (Better user fatigue) CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 9 (Remember to work the count! Still having a problem getting the CPU to use it's bullpen earlier though...might be a game specific thing this year) User Batting Contact: 9 CPU Batting Contact: -25 (This is relative. Here, the Batters will take strikes as they should. They also don't get as solid contact as they should. If you find yourself pitching too well or overpowering the CPU batters, bump this up towards -17. Be WARNED - You WILL throw less pitches, meaning your pitchers will go longer if the hits are quick outs.) User Batting Power: 4 (Back down to here... you shouldn't be able to hit bombs at will, at you were practically able to before....) CPU Batting Power: 9 (just about right) User Bunting Ability: 30 (Careful on bunting a high pitch... you WILL pop it up!) CPU Bunting Ability: 30 User Outfielder Speed: 16 CPU Outfielder Speed: 4 User Infielder Speed: -7 CPU Infielder Speed: -10 (Now you'll see some more "seeing eye singles!") User Baserunning Speed: -2 CPU Baserunning Speed: -4 (MAKE SURE YOU HIT THE CUTOFFS TO LIMIT TRIPLES!) User Throw Speed: -1 CPU Throw Speed: -7 User Throw Accuracy: 5 CPU Throw Accuracy: 0 User Runner Aggression: 0 CPU Runner Aggression: 10 Runner Injury Frequency: 18 (Just so we can get a few more injuries going...) Pitcher Injury Frequency: 18 Batter Injury Frequency: 18 Fielder Injury Frequency: 18 CPU Steal Rate: 50 (Still having a big problem with steals... Not something we can really affect) User Dive Difficulty: 18 User Catch Errors: 27 (C'mon, we needed more errors!) CPU Catch Errors: 27 (The CPU will now drop diving attempts, so it limits the amount of unrealistic catches...) User Runner Steal Speed: -9 CPU Runner Steal Speed: -9 User Runner Steal Delay: -5 CPU Runner Steal Delay: -5 Bullpen Fatigue Rate: 6 Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 12 ====================== MVP SLIDER EXAMPLE Submitted by Pared FIA ====================== Pared’s MVP Sliders are virtually the same as his ALL STAR settings, with the exception of the following changes: User Batting Contact: 5 CPU Batting Contact: -23 User Batting Power: 7 CPU Batting Power: -10 CPU Outfielder Speed: 6 =========== STRATEGIES =========== When playing games on the slider settings above, some players find difficulties with certain aspects of the game. Feel free to use the following information to help increase your chances of success and to make the game more interesting/challenging: 1. There are many more mistake pitches thrown by the computer in PRO game mode as opposed to ALL STAR and MVP game mode. Use that fact to decide how to adjust your User Hitter Contact and Power sliders. 2. On ALL STAR and MVP setting, the computer’s pitcher will throw many more pitches out of the strike zone, so be more selective with your swings. Work the count and try to fatigue the pitcher faster. By learning which counts tend to bring about certain pitches, you can work many more walks into games. On PRO, you can expect 1-3 walks per game for a patient hitter. For ALL STAR and MVP, expect 2-5 for a patient hitter. Just take your time and learn how to judge pitches off the pitcher’s hand. 3 Pitch around the corners. When you get ahead in the count, throw a breaking ball down out of the zone, high fastball (2 or 4 seam) just above the strike zone, or a change up inside (just barely a ball inside). Your chances of the computer chasing when you throw a good pitch in these areas is high, increasing your strikeouts. 4. Use the hitting control for the system you play with. For example, with the Playstation 2, hold the left analog controller to direct your hits in the direction you wish. If you are going for homeruns, preloading the batter to pull high will increase your chances, and make you feel like you have more control of the game. 5. Hit your cutoffs when playing against the computer. Use it virtually every time the computer offers it as a possibility. You will notice the number of triples cut down dramatically. 6. To increase your chance at a successful stolen base on these settings, take the first step of your lead, then hit up on the D-Pad to preload your steal, then take the second step. Your player will run as soon as the windup begins, increasing your chances for a successful steal. Be careful though. If the CPU goes for a pick off, you have to quickly cancel the steal by hitting right on the D-Pad. Manual sliding can definitely assist in getting you back into the base without the player applying the tag. 7. Staff aces are difficult to beat when you play them against the computer, and likewise goes for the computer playing your staff ace. Don’t adjust your sliders based on one or two games played with staff aces. Play several games before making changes, and make sure to work the strike zone and pitch counts. Don’t give the CPU advantages. 8. The computer will rarely steal if ever. Don’t over adjust sliders trying to get the computer to steal. Throw the CPU Steal Rate to +50 and just hope to get something interesting. ========================================= WHEN SHOULD YOU MAKE CHANGES TO SLIDERS? ========================================= First, try one of the slider combinations listed below for at least 5-10 games. Only make changes to sliders after you have played at least five games with five teams of various skill levels at a particular slider setting and find that you do not like a particular setting as is. Settings can vary according to skill level, number of games played, team chemistry, opponent, and the actual team you choose to play as. Hitting problems are typically a timing or aiming issue. Pitching problems are usually a button timing issue. If you find that teams are succeeding in accordance to how they should succeed in the Major Leagues, do not make changes if you want to keep the game fair and legitimate. However, if you are hitting an exorbitant amount of HRs with a team not known for HR hitting, adjustments should be made. Likewise, if you haven’t hit a HR in ten games, tweak the following sliders to your liking. Slider mechanics is not an exact science, so feel free to adjust these to your needs. =============== SPECIAL THANKS =============== - Pared FIA for some pretty incredible slider settings on ALL STAR and MVP setting - The gamers who have shown there is a definite need for this kind of FAQ - Gamefaqs.com for posting this slider FAQ - Everyone who has made suggestions for improvements ============================== CONTACT AND LEGAL INFORMATION ============================== If you wish to use the information contained in this document on your website, FAQ or for any other purpose YOU CAN’T. This document is subject to 2004 U.S. and Canadian Copyright This FAQ is for personal use only. This FAQ may not be reprinted or reproduced, in part or in whole, in any form, including, but not limited to, electronic transmission and magazine publication, unless prior consent is given by the author. This FAQ may not be sold to anybody, commercial or otherwise. Referencing or altering of this FAQ is expressly forbidden. If you would like to use this information on your personal website only, e-mail me at rsefken@hotmail.com, and I will more than likely allow you to. Anyone copying my information and using it as their own will not be happy with the consequences. Please simply ask for permission in writing, and if it is granted you must give me credit for my work. The most updated version of this FAQ can always be found at www.gamefaqs.com. If it is found on any other site, it has been stolen. Please report abuse to me immediately by e-mail. Thank you. If you would like to submit suggestions, changes, or corrections, please e-mail me at the address below. This FAQ is a work in progress and can always be changed or improved. E-Mail Address rsefken@hotmail.com Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. The author of this FAQ is in no way affiliated with Electronic Arts, EA Sports, EA Canada, or any member of the MVP Baseball 2004 development team.