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Its just a shame that it had to come down to buying up leagues to make sure that you will have no competition to cut into your sales. I tip my hat to the NBA for turning down offers to buy the rights to make games for the NBA. They did the right thing. Anyways, back to the point, I'm here to teach you how to become an effective pitcher in MVP '05. Pitching is harder in this years game, since they added the hitters eye, and the pitching meter is much harder, particularly if you use Pared's All Star Sliders, in which your control is set to -50. I hope this guide helps you on your way to winning that elusive world series. ----------------------------------- Updates ----------------------------------- March 4, 2005 Started the guide today. Trying to finish it by tomorrow night. Shouldn't take too long, its just a pitching guide. ----------------------------------- Table of Contents ----------------------------------- I. The Art of Pitching A. Types of Pitches B. Control c. Movement D. Velocity II. The Art of the K A. Striking Batters Out B. The Need for IBBs C. Perfect Games/No-Hitters III. Outro ----------------------------------- The Art of Pitching ----------------------------------- A. Types of Pitches The types of pitches in the game. 4 Seam Fastball (4FB) Every pitcher has this pitch. Its your straight up, just basic pitch. This pitch is often used as the first pitch in an at bat, and is, for the most part, just a speed pitch. There is no movement on it. Velocity is usually between 85-103 MPH. Can be good to catch batters looking, and is complemented well by a good quick Splitter, or a slow Changeup. 2 Seam Fastball (2FB) This is another form of the fastball. Is often used to get batters out who don't bite on breaking balls. Has more movement than a 4 seamer, but gives up some speed to accomplish it. Often moves in and out of the zone, confusing the batter into swinging at a ball outside of the zone. Velocity usually between 80-90 MPH. Complemented well by a Changeup. Changeup (CHG) This is your textbook offspeed pitch. It has the arm action of a fastball but when it comes out of the pitcher's hand it is much slower than the fastball. Used in 2 strike counts to get batters to swing early. Velocity usually between 70-85 MPH. Complemented well by a high velocity fastball. Circle Changeup (CCH) Basically the same as a changeup, with a little more movement. The grip of the ball is different, but it behaves almost exactly like a normal changeup. Complemented well by a high velocity fastball. Curveball (CRV) An offspeed pitch with a good amount of movement. Used to fool batters into thinking a pitch is in the zone, when it is going to move out of it. Movement is usually 12-6 or 9-3/3-9. Velocity usually between 70-80 MPH. Depends on pitcher. Complemented well by a solid fastball, and a fast changeup. Cutter (CUT) The cutter is basically a 4 seam fastball that moves. Probably the most effective version of the fastball. Velocity usually between 85-98 MPH. Complemented well by a good changeup. Forkball (FRK) Almost like a curveball, but usually a little faster. Used in the same way as a curveball. Velocity usually between 70-85. Complemented by a slow changeup. Knuckleball AkA Knuckler (KNU) Slowest pitch in the game by far. Used to just stump batters. It is thrown and it floats around, often changing direction 5-6 times, and then comes over the plate. Normal velocity is usually between 50-60 MPH. Complemented well by a good fastball. Knucklecurve (KCV) A combination of the knuckleball and the curveball. A slower version of the curveball with more movement. Velocity about the same as a curveball. Complemented well by a fastball. Palmball (PLM) Straight up thrown pitch. Thats all it is. Has 12-6 movement on it. The pitcher palms it. Velocity usually between 65-75. Complemented well by a good fastball. Screwball (SCR) A pitch that, as it's name implies, screws up the batters concentration. Moves from 1-7, and velocity is usually between 70-80. Complemented well by a good fastball. Sinker (SNK) A sinking fastball. Not a very effective pitch in the game as far as I've seen. Has a bit of movement on it. Velocity usually between 80-90. Complemented well by a changeup. Slider (SLD) A slow fastball with a grip of movement. Often slides from one side of the plate to the other. Very hard to read from the batters box. Velocity usually between 80-90. Complemented well by a curveball. Slurve (SLV) A combo of a slider and a curve. Not very effective, because it lacks the movement of a curveball, and the speed of a slider. Velocity usually between 80-85. Complemented well by a fastball. Split-finger Fastball AkA Splitter (SPL) Best pitch in the game. Its a fast pitch with alot of downward movement. On a count with 2 strikes throw this below the zone and rack up the Ks. Velocity usually between 85-90. Complemented well by an 0-2 count. B. Control Control is the ability to put a pitch where you want it to be, every single time you go out and throw a pitch. Particularly important on faster pitches such as the fastball and splitter. Important on pitches with a lot of movement as well. Control may be sacrified in order to get more movement or more velocity on a pitch. I would recommend against it though, unless you are a seasoned pitcher. C. Movement Movement is how much the ball moves. Movement comes into play on almost every pitch, but is most important on pitches like the slider, curve, and splitter. Movement, in my opinion is much more important than velocity, and even more important than control. D. Velocity Velocity is how fast a pitch goes. Most important on fastballs, where you want all the speed you can get on the ball. I would gladly give up velocity for movement or control, except on the 4 seam fastball. A slow 4 seam fastball is trouble waiting to happen. ----------------------------------- II. The Art of The K ----------------------------------- When it comes to pitching everyone wants to know one stat, and that stat happens to be strikeouts. On statsheets a strikeout is recorded as a K. Striking out batters is a great feeling, especially in certain situations, such as when the bases are loaded with 2 outs. Being able to strike out batters is one of the most important parts of the game, and that is why I dedicated a whole section to them. A. Striking Batters Out 0-0: I recommend a fastball as your opening pitch, try to put it down and away, but in the zone, so that if the batter gets antsy and swings at it, it usually grounds out to the second baseman. 0-1: This is where you want to stick your breaking ball. I usually put it low in the zone, middle or away. Use a slider, or a curveball for this situation. Alternatively, you can throw another fastball, high and away, which usually causes them to swing late, but you raise your chances of giving up a home run this way. 0-2: This is your ideal situation. Pitchers love this count. Anything will work in this situation, but your best off with a changeup or breaking ball out of the zone. If you have a splitter, throw it below the zone, and the strikeout is yours. 1-0: To get here, I assume you missed the mark on a pitch, losing it out of the zone. Best thing to do here is power a fastball in the zone. Try going middle away, and hopefully you can get that strike. 1-1: Treat this just like a 0-1 count. 1-2: Treat this just like a 0-2 count. 2-0: If you start fall behind like this your best best is to throw a breaking ball high in the zone. They aren't likely to swing here, so make it count and get a strike. 2-1: Put a fastball low in the zone. If you have a cutter, this is the place to use it. Anything fast will work well in this situation. 2-2: This is probably the roughest count in the game. I almost never get this count, but when I do, I usually throw an offspeed pitch out of the zone. 3-0: If you fell this far behind your either playing out of your league, or you need to change your pitcher. Best bet here is to throw a fastball, almost in the middle of the zone. They will not swing here, they always take on 3-0. If this is a power hitter up to bat, I suggest you throw one out of the zone and walk him. 3-1: Put another fastball outside in this situation. If its a power hitter, I would throw another outside of the zone. 3-2: The full count. Its your decision here. You can bet that they will swing at anything close to the zone, so try putting one just outside the zone. If you need the strikeout, I recommend a breaking ball away and low. B. The Need for IBBs IBB is the statistical note for an Intentional Base on Balls. This is where you pass on the batter, letting him go to first uncontested. Most people don't use this, but they need to. Giving an IBB in the right time can save a game, or a series, or a season. I recommend throwing IBBs to these people if you have no one on base: Barry Bonds (Jon Dowd) Vladimir Guerrero Albert Pujols Don't be afraid to walk a batter if you feel he might get the better of you. I've even walked people with the bases loaded. I gave up a run, but the next guy was much more managable, and I struck him out. Act sensibly. C. Perfect Games/No-Hitters The elusive perfect games and no-hitters. If you get one of these, you've reached the pinnacle in pitching. A perfect game is when no one gets on base at all. A no-hitter is when the pitcher gives up no hits, but runners make get on base via walk, or error. I have yet to get one this year, but I got 2 or 3 of them last year. ----------------------------------- III. Outro ----------------------------------- You can contact me with comments or questions, or even corrections for the guide, at Removed (sorry but the idiotic questions are just too much). Please use the topic title MVP, so I know what your letter is about, and I can around to it sooner. Thanks. I would like to thank EA, for not giving up even when they knew they were beat. I also want to thank some of the guys from IGN's MVP board. Sdotface, Bing, Foggdawg, Angel, J, Matt, and Dave. This guide is Copyright 2005 Chris Fuqua.