********** MVP Baseball 2005 Roster Management Guide Version 1.0 Created by: Bruce Bruce (CodeNamePlasmaSnake) Last Updated: May 7, 2005 ********** Table of Contents 1. Introduction / History (Section 1) 2. Navigation (Section 2) 3. Disclaimer (Section 3) 4. Position Players (Section 4) A. Indispensable B. Everyday C. Situational D. Backup E. Tips 5. Pitchers (Section 5) A. Ace B. Starter C. Spot Starter D. Relief E. Closer F. Tips 6. General Information Tips (Section 6) 7. Credits (Section 7) 8. Contact Information and Closing Comments (Section 8) _______________________________________________________________________________ (Section 1) Introduction / History Welcome to the MVP Baseball 2005 Playing Time and Roster Management Guide. My Name is Bruce Bigg, and this is my first FAQ on GameFAQs. Fortunately, I have an extensive background in my both baseball and the art of video games, so this will hopefully go smoothly and help out many of my follow users. This FAQ is the product of a recent topic on the MVP Baseball 2005 board, and I figured my answers in that thread could be of great assistance. Without any further ado, let's sit back and try to improve the quality of your team, while also keeping your team's chemistry as high as possible. I will continue to add tips if anymore come to my mind. 5/7/2005 - Version 1.0 completed and submitted _______________________________________________________________________________ (Section 2) Navigation This is obviously a small FAQ, so no one should get too lost. Just in case, though, I have labeled each section. You can simply hit Ctrl+F to find what you are looking for. _______________________________________________________________________________ (Section 3) Disclaimer Just the usual stuff, folks. I, Bruce Bigg, have no ties with EA Sports or the development team behind MVP Baseball 2005, which is a registerd trademark. Also, I, Bruce Bigg, claim ownership of the guide. I know it is not a big deal, but my time and effort went into it, so please do not reproduce it without my prior consent. With that out of the way, let's have fun! _______________________________________________________________________________ (Section 4) Batters / Fielders MVP Baseball 2005 has four type of playing time contracts for position players. There are as follows: indispensable, everyday, situational, and back up. The following is a guide as to what kind of contract you should sign individuals to and how much you should play a guy who possesses a certain contract. I will also provide the reader with some tips that will help in the creation of a solid team of batters and fielders. A. Indispensable: You should only sign players to indispensable contracts if you plan on playing them just about every, single game. Such players are Manny Ramirez, Todd Helton, etc. There are many guys in MVP 2005 who have indispensable contracts, but do not deserve them. Do your best to avoid signing such players. If you have been saddled with one of these pains in the neck, attempt to resign them for an "everyday" contract or trade them. If you think you are going to get away with sitting an indispensable, you aren't, so don't try it. Playing time = 90%-100% of your games B. Everyday: These are generally good players, but not the superstars of the league. Unless you have a true star who slid by on an everyday contract, you might want to consider playing them only about 75% of the time. This is because you need someone to be benched in order to get your other guys in. As long as everyday players get in most of the time and perform well, they will remain pleased. Of course, only sign a player to an everyday contract if you actually plan giving them a spot in your starting line up. Playing Time = 75%-85% of your games C. Situational: Right here is the biggest issue I have with EA Sports. In real life, a situational player can mean different things. He could be a guy who hits particular pitchers well, which is what EA portrays them all as. For example, Bernie Williams is a much, much better hitter from the right side of the plate. The Yankees are now platooning him at DH, so he can get a lot of at-bats against lefties. Unfortunately, some "situational" players are just pinch hitters, pinch runners, or defensive replacements. EA should have included this option. Unfortunately, they didn't, so we must forge ahead. Generally, situational players desire to be everyday players against the type of pitching they hit well. Thus, let's say Bernie Williams had a "situational" contract in MVP 2005. He wants to play about 80% of the time against lefties. This also means he does not want a lot of starts against righties. From my experience, playing a situational player against the type of pitching they do not excel with will more than likely upset them. Playing Time = varied (It depends on type of pitching they excel against. Obviously, a hitter who clobbers righties is going to play a lot more than one that does the same with the lefties.) D. Backup: For the most part, it does not take a lot to keep these players happy. A start or two a week, as well as sprinkling them in for late inning defense, should keep your true backups happy. Playing Time = 15%-25% of your games E. Tips: - Don't get too greedy in regards to your bench. It is great having a star on your bench, but they are only going to get annoyed. Plus, it is highly unrealistic. As I preach through most of the guide, keep it real. - Try to get bench players that have a particular skill, like base stealing ability or good defense. That way, they actually some value on your bench. Also, make an attempt to have bench players with multiple positions. If a guy only plays one position, it lowers his usefulness and also means that you are always going to have sit a particular player to get the bench guy into the game. Obviously, utility players are a great find. - Avoid becoming a George Steinbrenner. Yeah, it's awesome having a ton of bombers on your squad, but you also want contact hitters, great defenders, etc. The higher the level you play on, the harder it will be to rely on the long ball. Always be prepared to play some small ball. When it comes to avoiding a Steinbrenner mindset, you will also want to avoid a ton of older stars. Unfortunately, players over the age of 30 seem to generally drop dramatically after the season. Obviously, it will be difficult to completely avoid signing older stars to your team, but don't get like the Yankees. Age will eventually catch up to you. - If you have a number of good players at a particular position, consider moving them to another position. This happens in real life all the time, so it isn't unrealistic to do so here. You shouldn't go nuts with it, though. Obviously, a catcher isn't going to move to short stop. Outfielders, though, move to first all the time. Be creative to get all of your best players into the game, but like I said, don't get silly with it. - This is something I have suggested to a number of people. I realize it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I hope it helps out. Minor league teams are always a source of low team chemistry. This is because there are too many indispensable contracts to deal with and too many guys playing for a level they are too talented to be at. Here is what I did. I take some of the indispensable players and edit them to decrease their talent and potential. Thus, you will be able to sign them to lesser contracts and keep them happy. _______________________________________________________________________________ (Section 5) Pitchers As we all know, pitching can make or break a team. After all, it does win the championships. Anyway, there are actually five type of pitcher contracts in MVP 2005: ace, starter, spot starter, relief, and closer. Let's take a closer look. A. Ace: Aces are the best starting pitchers in the big leagues. You need only think of Randy Johnson or Tim Hudson to get a mental picture of what an ace is capable of. An ace wants to be at the top of your rotation. If you have more then one ace on your staff, they should be the top pitchers in the rotation. Placing a starter or spot starter above an ace will probably annoy them. This should go without saying, but obviously an ace wants to get the ball every fifth day, at the very least, and he expects to get around 30 starts during the season. B. Starter: Typical starting pitchers can get the job done, but they are not the sure things that aces usually are. Starters will help eat innings and give your team a chance to win, which is all you can ask. Like an ace, starters want to be in a normal rotation, but they really won't care what spot in the rotation they hold. C. Spot Starter: Personally, I try to do something with these guys as soon as I take over a team. Either make them full time starters, full time relievers, or trade them. A player with a spot starter contract will be content pitching out of the bullpen, but they also want some starts sprinkled in there. If all of your starters stay healthy and perform, there won't be many starts for this guy to get, eventually getting him angry. If you are able to get a player with 60+ stamina to accept a relief contract, do it! You can still use them in spot starts, if needed, but they won't complain about it if they don't start at all. D. Relief: Here is a place where your team's chemistry can really go down the old drain. I outlined the issue and solution in the previously mentioned topic, so I will reproduce it here: Obviously, this game's stamina system, like last year, is screwed up. You can pitch a reliever every day and actually have a three man starting rotation, if you want. Thus, you can begin to fall into a trap. You have six or seven guys out in the pen, but only three or four that you really trust. The other two or three are usually crappy middle relievers, which is what most middle relievers usually are. Because you only trust a few guys and can pitch them almost every game, that's exactly what you do. When I was playing with the Yankees, almost every game was Stanton and Gordon matching up in the 7th and 8th, leading to Rivera for the three or four final outs. While this is going on, those other relievers are just eating up contracts and screwing with the chemistry. Here's what I did: - First of all, you have to break the mindset that you can pitch your relievers everyday. I know it can be tempting, but play it like real life. If your closer pitches three days in a row, shut him down on the forth and let your set-up man get the save, if you get into that situation. This will also allow you to move some guys up that day's depth chart. If they are going to be in your pen, you need to trust them in bigger situations than blow outs. Also, don't be cheap and pitch relievers two innings all the time. Big time relievers, like a Gordon or Rivera, only do that late in the season or in the playoffs. Again, my tip is to work the bullpen like it's real life and ignore the stamina system. - Second, don't always have your starting pitcher go deep into the game. This sounds like a contradiction to what you usually want to do, but it works in the context of this game. If your starter has given up 2 or 3 runs, is down to 45% stamina in the 7th, and you have a comfortable lead, give him the hook. Yeah, you could probably go the whole way with him, but you need to start feeling out these other relievers. Even if they give up a few runs, you can just scramble your set up men and closer, still salvaging the victory. - Third, once you give these other relievers a shot, find out which ones you actually play well with. In the end, even a decently rated middle reliever might not be your cup of tea. If that is true, find a way to get him off your team and now. You will only bury him in your bullpen and affect the team's chemistry. While playing as the Yankees, I just couldn't pitch with Karsay. He's decent in the game, but I hate most guys with only three pitches. So, I sent him down to Columbus and recalled Mendoza. He ended up having a killer year. - That leads me to my last tip. There are gems in your minor league system, especially AAA. A lot of broken down vets, satisfied with a AAA contract, are probably floating around your system. If not, there are plenty in the more financially secure organizations, like the Yankees. Either send down the guys you don't like or trade them for a minor league vet, because some of them, like a Mendoza, are often over rated in this game. You might say, "If I can't trade them and have to send them down, they will be annoyed about playing for AAA." This is true, but you probably won't play them on the major league level, anyway. Either way, they are going to be annoyed, so you might as well have them be pissed down in the minors. Throw them on the trading block in order to offset some of their anger. E. Closers: Oddly enough, EA retained this contract from last year's game, but none of the closers are actually signed as such. I would probably just avoid giving anyone such a contract. What's the point? If they stink up the joint, you can move them out of the closer's role and not anger them. F. Tips: - Have the ability to toss a variety of different pitchers at your opponents. Indeed, this isn't quite as important as it is in real life, but you have to remember: keep it real! It is also a great feeling to master both the flame throwers and the offspeed junk tossers. - Make sure your bullpen has pitchers to fill the various roles. You want at least one pitcher with 50+ stamina to serve as your long reliever. A lefty is necessary, as well. There are so many great left handed power hitters, and there is no worse feeling that giving a tying home run late in the game. Do your best to avoid this by having the ability to match up. - If you are trying to keep your payroll down, think outside the paradigm. You don't need some 5 million dollar pitcher to end games, especially in a video game. In 2004's game, I used El Duque as my closer. When Rivera got hurt in this year's game, I threw Proctor into the role, and he worked out pretty well. Closer is one position that you really can skimp on, so go for it, especially if you have another guy available with decent stuff. - Also, most relievers are just overpaid. I will remind you of what I said above: check out your AAA club. You probably have a cheap vet who has stuff just as good as the $3 million man on your big club. Get rid of the over priced reliever if you can. You will be amazed at some of the good prospects you can get for middle relievers who are overrated. _______________________________________________________________________________ (Section 6) General Information and tips I will use this final section of the guide to divluge some general stuff that I couldn't find a better place for above. Some of these tips will be really useful to people who are new to the game of baseball. - When you first take over a team, check out the payroll section. You might be able to lower some player's contracts. The opportunity might arise to dramatically increase a player's happines for a few $100,000. Lastly, if you can get a player on your big league team that accepts a minor league deal, do it. He will almost always have a green happy face even if he rarely plays. - Use the disabled list! All the time, I see posts from guys who are find themselves with no space on their bench. This is because you have injured players that haven't been moved to the DL. The only time you don't want to move a guy to the DL is if he is only out a few days. Anything more than two weeks warrants a trip to the DL. - Unfortunately, the disabled lists in MVP come with their downside. Once a player has been injured for a long time, they will probably never be happy again during the year. EA should have fixed this from last year's game, but they didn't. Thus, if an everyday player misses a few weeks, he will probably be angry the rest of the year. You can either ignore this or trade the player if this is annoying you. - Decide early what you need more of: relievers or bench players. The last thing you want is some guy that just takes up space on your squad.Every player on your roster should play some role. If you can't define a player's role in two seconds, get rid of him or send him down. - DON'T HAVE THE CPU OPTIMIZE YOUR ROSTER!!! Just don't. Take the few seconds to edit things yourself. Auto-optimize a single player if you want, because they usually doesn't screw anything up. But that damn CPU Optimize will destroy rosters. Using the positional rankings can reduce the problems, but it's still easier and quicker to just edit things yourself. _______________________________________________________________________________ (Section 7) Credits EA Sports - Thanks for creating the best baseball game on the market Bruce Bigg - Creator of this FAQ My fellow GameFAQers - Thanks for asking the questions that motivated this guide's creation _______________________________________________________________________________ (Section 8) Contact Information If for some reason you disagree with what I have had to say (hopefully not) or if you want additional information (gladly welcomed), please e-mail me at: big_daddy_bruce@hotmail.com Also, if you have a tip that you think should be in the guide, send that my way, too. I will gladly add it and credit you for your help. Copy 2005 Bruce Bigg aka CodeNamePlasmaSnake