NINJA GAIDEN DETAILS GUIDE. Publisher: Tecmo Creator: Team Ninja Date: 03/02/04 Genre: Action/Adventure Co-author: Aaxe Author: Refreshment (GCPS) TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. Introduction. II. Version History. III. Details Guide. IV. Thanks/Credits. V. Legal stuff. VI. Contact information. I. Introduction. This guide started as a the "Some interesting details" topic in Gamefaqs "Ninja Gaiden Board" as a tribute to Ninja Gaiden, wich has prove to be not only a very fun, incredible looking, challenging game but also a game that offers a considerable amount of cool and subtle details. This guide has the risk of passing as inane but take in mind developers create this game worlds from ground cero, realizing them in their minds and materializing them through thounsands of hours of code, sweat, blood and tears So the reason for the guide is to apreciate that. As for the details listed we picked the ones that are subtle but also the ones that while obvious are too damn cool. So heres hope you find this guide amusing in a very good way and who knows? maybe this is yet another incentive to replay this great game this time paying close attention to the surroundings II. Vesion History. 05/10/2004....................Hurricane Pack section added. 19/05/2004....................Corrections and more details for errors section. 30/04/2004....................Version 1.1 Added normative grammar errors. 19/04/2004....................Version 1.0 First attempt. III. Details Guide: How to read: The thematic is inside the >>>Theme<<<. Followed by the subject between ===Subject=== and proceeds with the person that made the contribution. The themes are: Levels, Enemies/creatures, Ryu, Weapons, Water, Grammar errors & other mistakes and Miscelaneous. >>>Levels<<< ===CHAPTER 1=== Adriyan311 -Ok everyone, lets backtrack to the beginning of the game. We are at a waterfall. We move forward for a bit, and a flower-kunai comes flying down and leaves a note for us. We later find out Ayane sent it to us. We reach Murai later on. Talk with him, and Ayane is rushing towards us. She finally reaches Murai, to tell him "Master Murai, the Hayabusa Village --- Mr Ryu...." This leaves me in shock. The way she says "Mr Ryu" sounds like she didn't expect him to be here. Well why is that? If she sent kunai notes to him, she was trying to help him get there and yet she runs in there at the end of the first level like a madman and then is surprised to see Ryu there. I'm honestly at a loss to why she wouldnt be expecting him. CHHS68 -On chapter 1 in the room with the trapdoor, if you fall down it while fighting any other ninja that falls down it with you dies. Refreshment -When you destroy the torches near the incline the pieces will slide gently. -Also when you destroy the jars in the rooms, the pieces stay for a quite a long time. -You can see the leaves falling from the trees in the corridor that leads to Murai. -On chapter 1 in the outside areas that are high enough you can see an a huge mountain (or inaptive volcano) that is very similar to Japans mount Fuji. -Chapter 1 begins at day time. When you fall through the trap door and make it pass the caverns the day turns to dusk. And at the begining of chapter 2 dusk turns to night as soon as you enter the well. -At the entrance of Ninja fortress if you look to the mountains is posible to see a very thin layer of mist going through the trees. ===HAYABUSA VILLAGE==== Aaxe -In Hayabusa Village, if you stand behind the board on the ground where you first fight the mages, you can shoot the targets with arrows and receive essence. Author's Note: The left target gives you yellow essence, the upper right one gives blue essence and the other one red essence. And you can get a maximun of 10 essences for each target. Thanks to "mmaag" for the correction regarding the number of orbs you can get. Moose master -Hayabusa is the Japanese word for the peregrine falcon,so maybe the bird that appears in the two cut scenes is an ancestor spirit,or perhaps it is the guardian of the clan. Refreshment -First time in Hayabusa village the sky is clear so is posible to see the stars, upon your return its raining and all the stars are blocked by the clouds. -Other interesting detail in Hayabusa village. If you notice the bridge where you fight against the Captain horseman below there isnt any water, when you return in chapter 13 and its raining youll see a water cuarrent moving there. -When its raining in the village instead of each step kicking dust it raises small drops of water. Yea, crap but.... -In Hayabusa village when you fight the multiple horsemen you can knock them in the fire and they take damage. But the same aplies to Ryu. -On chapter 2 in the sliding hill that ends in the moat you have the option to jump while slading down and reach 3 branches to swing to the other said over the obstacle. It seems not to have any function save for looking cool. ===CHAPTER 3=== Adriyan311 -If you look outside when on the airship (chp 3), you can see cities. What many might not notice is this: There are various types of cities that pass you by,and each one of them are slightly different in lighting/construction. Obviously this resets after sometime. Jamma182 -On Chapter 3, the window you have to smash to get into the generator room has tape over it or something, but before you smash it, look through the window opposite. You cannot see any tape at all. Mmaag -In the small Intercom Room connected to the Crew Compartment in the Airship has a wall clock. If you look closely you will notice the Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball symbol on the clock face. Shadowryu2 -In ch.3 after you cross over the wire there's a black vigoorian guard dude, and he can do this one throw where he knees you and you go flying. He did that to me and i fell off the edge, instantly 'game over'-ing me! lol. Tweedyclouds -If you are trying to get those missing scarabs on successive play, be careful if you miss any in chap 3 you can never go back, 'cause the Airship blown up. Refreshment -In chapter 3 office and in the main bridge you can see real or better said acurate world maps. One is on the wall and the other one in a monitor. -In the main control bridge, where you get the key card, looking at the ground in the front part of the room is posible to see the sky, even the lighted city sometimes. -In the battle with General Fatso, you can see water driping from the sides of the airship. -Inside the airship you can see the world oscilating due to the ship turbulance. -Once you destroy the energy generator most of the lights (ilumination) turns red. -In the airship chapter when outside if look down you can see the lights of the city shining. -Also outside the airship in the place that has the destroyable generators you can knock the guards out of the ship sending them over the rails. Whats interesting is that you cant get orbs from the dead bodies. I dont know if this was intentionally programed like that, but it makes sense since the guy knocked most be so far away. -In chpt 3 at the officer office looking at the wall there are many pictures, one of them is from a airship very similar to the Hindenburg. This one is the famous (infamous) ship that on May 3 1937 lifted off the Frankfurt airfield for Lakehurst and got burned in mid air. -Interesting is the fact that the chapter 3 ends exactly like that. -Also at the chapters 3 begining you have the chance to interact with the bed and it says something along the lines of "its not time to think about sleeping". -Not just the picture on chapter 3 looks like the Hinderburg but the entire Airship is a replica of the Hinderburg. -You have rooms like the Crew rooms similar and the pasenger rooms down to the furniture has the same style. -The same inclined panoramic windows. -They even rendered the "gas cells" for the airship similar. The "gas cell" is the one big room before the boss fight. -The gas tanks in the cell room look like Hydrogen tanks. This makes alot of sense since the airships explodes at the end. ===TAIRON=== Aaxe -Once Tairon is occupied, you can see Helicopters flying around in the sky everywhere (even in the Monestary). Adriyan311 -Once you defeat the tentacle fiend for the first time (chp 5), in the next chapter, you can cross over the Monastery Annex towards the Monastery. While on the crossover bridge, if you look a bit to the left, you can observe a fenced off area, which you go to via the stone circles in chp 13. Doomsdays -The ninja whose body holds the nunchucks apparently held 2 of them. If you check his body at chapter 13 (after the everybody becomes fiends), you'll find that he has another pair. Unfortunately, Ryu can't hold another one and go dual nunchucks. Refreshment -The clocktower in Tairon works. Each minute the large hand moves and each hour the short one. -The clocktower reflects the XBOX realtime clock. -Muramasa wasnt joking in the pamphlet near Hans bar about being the last day offer. As soon as the night ends in Tairon (after chapter 7) the pamphlet is removed from the wall. -In the different chapters that happen in the imperial city (Tairon) the time of the day changes. From day, dusk to night. -During day time in Tairon every light is turned off even does big freaking lights in Han's bar. -Enter Muramasa's shop in Tiron city and look to the left. There'll be a Warhammer hanging in the wall very similar to Rachels one but not as cool looking. -At Han's bar theres a handle for a drink dispenser? that has the form of a creature. -You can see the sunken ship in the corridor that leads to the monastery some chapters before 11. -The arcade machine in Han's bar is quite similar to the real Ninja Gaiden arcade machine. But the Ninja Gaiden arcade machine has an extra 3 buttons and joystick to acomodate a second player for multiplayer. It wouldnt make sense to put the extra buttons since the other NG games dont feature multiplayer. -An obvious one. The X-shaped object near the windmill shurinken is a copy of the XBOX prototype that appeared at the GDC. -In the Imperial city early chapters theres a corridor with a water channel to the side where you fight some Spider Ninjas. There are even small balconies that are above the water. Here you can see the fish from chapter 11. And also above the draw bridge. Is posible to hit the fish with arrows and they react. ===THE CATHEDRAL=== Mmaag -The stained glass of the Altar Hall in the Monastery has a the Great Flame Dragon on the left side and the Great Bone Dragon and the right, foreshadowing Ryu's two encounters with dragons later on. The dragons are drawn in the more classic Japanese style. Void of Genocide -The cathedral of Tiron is a nice mixture between Middle Eastern and Gothic architecture (along with other such elements from proto-Christian architecture that maybe the developers didn't know about but where there anyway) -On the outside, the Cathedral has a very typical Middle Eastern look and it even looks as if it were a centralized floor plan (Like some Proto-Christian Churches adapted from Roman mausoleums, which were inspired by Etruscan burial sites, which were round) even though on the inside is not. -The gothic elements on the outside are the Rose Window in the main facade ( and the Flying Buttress ( around the building. The entryway (the two ramps) was made up by Tecmo, but even if we take it in consideration, the Cathedral is made up of just one Nave ( instead of the usual three used for service (as you can see on the left and the right of the main nave in the picture) -There are two small naves in the area near the Chancel (, but they are just for decoration, it seems, since the other two naves had to run lateral to the main nave. -Around the Chancel, one can see an ambulatory, but it seems to be just for show and cannot be accessed. The ambulatory was a half circle with small chapels where the relics of saints were placed. It was designed to be accessed by the faithful during Processions. ( The ambulatory is around the apse (Letter A) -The arches inside the Cathedral are Middle Eastern and can be found in many Mosques (Red and white strip coloring around the arch) -Also, for it being a Cathedral, it is devoid of any chairs for the faithful. Maybe, like in the Mosques, the faithful have to knee? This explains the absence of many other Gothic elements. Refreshment -When you kill Alma the roof cathedral gets destroyed. If you go outside of the cathedral from many places,I.E. by the doors or the walkaway you can see the dome is gone. -Also after Alma every room in the cathedral gets destroyed from the library to the monk's room. You can see alot of books in the floor. Something interesting, if you go to pick up the Mhytos books after the destruction they will be in the same place yet the glass bookcases and everything is destroyed. -At the library before the fight against Alma i just opened the glass case with the explosive Shurinken. After the Alma fight i returned and all the cases were destroyed and the items (scarab and elixir) were laying on the floor. -Also after the cathedral dome is destroyed you have a beautiful outside look of Tiron city and the mountains from within the cathedral inside. This is better apreciated if you go to the second floor. It just a flat texture but the thought is there. ===UNDEGROUND CEMENTERY=== Aaxe -You can see the Hidden Underground Passage from the Grail room in the Underground Cemetary. There are windows there. Refreshment -In chapter 7 if you dont cross the bridge and instead fall to the bottom the first time the bridge will be there after you defeat the Tentacle fiend. ===MILITARY SUPPLY BASE=== Bane_v2 -In the Military Base Warehouse there is no background music until you turn the power on. Then the music starts, skips a bit at the beginning as if there isn't full power yet and then finally plays normally. Spy Hunter X -In the level "Military Supply base" as soon as you walk through the door to the tunnel after the first save point, the outside will instantly turn from dusk to night. Even if you go back after entering. ===THE AQUEDUCTS==== KKKKKK -It is an odd little detail in the Aqueducts. So you go through peristyle passage and end up in that room full of bats/fish. Instead of opening that door at the end, equip the flails, and then run up the door to the underground sanctuary, flying bird flip off, move analog stick in the opposite direction, and hit X. You should land on top of a hidden ledge. Follow it around to find a chest with a LOTG. Now turn to the right and look in first person view (or with a bow is better so you can zoom). There is a mural hanging there that shows the 4 deities sitting around smoking from a pipe!! hahaha They're color coded and everything. Curiously, there is another one in the next room that drops down when you shoot an arrow that the red switch that has a more faded picture. Refreshment -On The Aqueducts B2 the walls have pipes that drip water to a small channel near the wall, this channel extend all around the basement. I noticed this because i didnt understand why the floor wasnt flooded with water. ===THE CAVERNS=== Aaxe -The tree next to the Imperial Gates has a stone face in it with which you may interact. -In the Magma Cavern, your vision is impaired by a heat effect. -Everytime the cavern shakes in the Ice and Magma Caverns, stuff falls from the ceiling. -When the Purple Fiends tunnel, they are visible by a little grey cloud on the ground. In the Caverns, this cloud is blue to account for the ice. Dragondude r -In the Caverns, there's a pool of water separating the Ice Cavern and Fire Cavern. Doesn't exactly explain how they coexist, but noticeable anyways and it's located on the other side of the melting pot, where you get the Cog. Refreshment -After you melt the iron pieces in the ice world a dense fog covers the room for some time. ===CHAPTER 13=== Aaxe -After you reactivate the Twin Serpents Statue, and teleport back to Hayabusa Village, you can no longer see the Portal in the sky given that Hayabusa Village is presumably somewhere in Japan. -The night of the Fiendish Awakening is a full lunar eclipse. You can see this from the Path to Zarkhan (the teleporters). -In the Pyramid when you fight the bugs, the magical doors that keep Ryu in the room react to his presence like water. Gasnoo -In the pyramid after the second form of Alma, at the mirror thingy, if you do an attack with the DDB, the after-image thing won't show in the mirror. You know, the black arc that appears when you attack. And if you hold down Y, the purple energy stuff around the sword won't appear in the mirror image. Author's note: This also happens with Nimpo techniques and charge moves. Void of Genocide -The area where you fight Alma a second time, the temple is a typical Aztec temple. Refreshment -When you enter the arena where the Alma fight will take place stand there without activating the cinema. Take out your bow and look on top of the pyramid. There is Rachel chained like in the cinema. Heres the cool part, if you shoot here she dies and you get a GameOver screen. Nice. ===THE LABYRINTH=== Aaxe -The giant Fiends in the Labyrinth display the same body style as the Emperor (and to an extent Alma). That is, a detached head with wings on it. -Chapter 14, Vengeful Spirit could have a double meaning. The Vengeful Spirit could be Doku as much as it could be Ryu. That is, Doku was destroyed by Ryu once, Ryu screws up the Awakening, and then he kills Doku. Doku then curses him. Ryu on the otherhand is obviously a Vengeful Spirit, otherwise there wouldn't be a game. ===THE CORE=== Aaxe -The Door to the Core has pictographs of the 4 Deities in it. -The Core is completed upside down, as it is attached to the bottom of the Imperial Palace. You spend the whole level actually traversing down, not up. -The walls of the room in which you use Serpent, Deity of Creation harness fetuses (i.e. creation). -The umbilical cords feeding the fetuses in the 4th level of the Core actually have stuff moving through them. Gross. -Once you use the Deity statues in the Core rooms, the rooms pulse with energy -I always wondered why the Dragon Sword/DDB looks like metal when they were carved out of bones (presumably out of creatures like the Flame Dragon). Well, I just noticed something that ties it all together. The Flame Dragon is not the same type of Dragon as the Dragons mentioned in the Mythos. All but one of them were good guys. When you're playing Chapter 15, The Core, once you get to the Decayed Soul Door, the camera will pan up. At the very top (bottom, actually) of the Core where the Gate to the Underworld is, you can see teeth jutting out of the top, and they look like the same material that makes up the Dragon Sword. -The statues in the Core all give off a different effect once they're placed (Raptor - Yellow Fountain, Wolf - Blue Sphere, Devil - Green Whirlwind, Serpent - Blue Electricity, Demon - Red Fire). -The central column in the Core looks like it's a giant tree or mass of muscles, but once you get to the top, you can see what it really is. Womens' upsidedown heads have hair flowing out of them and proceed down into the lower levels. -In the Core, the enemies will spawn right next to you before you defeat the room. After you defeat the room and have to go back into it, they'll all spawn around the door that you have to open to exit. Author's note: Just get close to the door and press the stick up and "X" at the same time. KiLLerInstinct101 -The raptor deity room features all Dinosaur fiends and also the room is made of stones. (remember in the flinstones cartoons where everything was made of stone!) -The wolf deity of wisdom room features nerve cells. The Devil deity of immortality room features eye balls which some how relates to immortality. -The serpent deity of creation features unborn embrios or fetuses. -The demon deity of destruction is the core imperial palace area where there are teeth and a bone spiral stair case.(bones and teath are left over even after you are destroyed supposebly) J Pizzle -In the core chapter, when you offer demon, the door opens and you see the stairs. if you walk around on the stone platform before the door without actually going through it and look, the stairs dissapear. Coolest thing IMO. RuffRyderZilla -There is a nice view of Tairon at the Core. I was surprised to the Monastery. Void of Genocide -In the Core's entrance, overhead the sphinxes, you can see a series of twisted columns. They are Salomonic Columns ( NG's salominc columns are not as twisted as the ones in the picture, though. -In the same entryway, in the floor, you can see the Aztec calendar ( Refreshment -The eyes in the Core room track Ryu's movement. ===CHAPTER 16=== BlackiceDaOg -You can also shoot Rachael when she comes to help you in chapter 16. >>>Enemies/creatures.<<< ===CROWS/RATS=== Refreshment Despite being atmospheric details you can "interact" with these animals. -If you kill a crow itll drop a small blue orb. -Same with the rats, kill one and youll get an orb. ===BROWN & WHITE NINJAS=== Mmaag -While Ryu's basic shurikens are cross throwing stars, Brown and White Ninjas throw 3 sided curvy throwing stars ===HORSEMEN==== Refreshment -When you take the Horsemen of the horses with the bow they stay stunned in the ground longer than when you shoot the arrow to on foot enemies. It makes sense, since they fall from a considerable hight and speed. ===UNDEAD FIENDS=== D.J. Tuchalski -The undead Fiends look just like the Greater Bonewalkers from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Matt Glover -The biting attack of the undead fiends can also be taken away by hacking off one of their arms. Refreshment -If you cut the head of the undead they wont do that biting attack. -An obvious one regarding the zombies not mentioned yet. When you take their heads off they loose the hability to follow Ryu. They just start attacking randomly. -Some zombies attack with a big mace. At the end of the mace handle theres a small chain attached that animates with very convincing physics, it moves everywhere. ===VIGORIAN SOLDIER=== Refreshment -The vigorian guards and soldiers both have loading rutines after they constantly shoot for some seconds. ===VIGORIAN GUARD=== Aaxe -You can knock the grenade launcher out of the hands of the MSATs. ===BLACK SPIDER NINJA=== Aaxe -The Black Spider Ninja Clan ninjas can do the Whirlwind Slash from the original Ninja Gaidens, but Ryu cannot. Perhaps, this is where he learned it. KiLLerInstinct101 -When you fight black spider ninja's they will most of the time if not all throw incediary shuriken at you. If you do a move with an animation to it say Ultimate essance attack or Blade of nritti(or annother combo) the incediary shuriken will either not hit you or if its stuck into you already before the animation will blow up but you will not be harmed. Marneshi -If you get caught by an Inc. Shuriken, you can roll away from the damage if you time it so it explodes mid-roll. Just a neat little trick. Matt Glover -The black spider ninjas you fight are all extremely pale. ===RED DRAGON FIEND=== Refreshment. -The Red fiends get stuned when they try to ram you and instead hit the wall. ===ALERT CHOPPERS=== Refreshment -Alert choppers red lights reflects in the water. ===ARMY SOLDIER FIEND=== Refreshment -The fiend transformed army guards have 3 eyes. One of them is above the mouth where the nose is supposed to be. -Is posible to decapitate the Soldier Fiend. Whithouth the head they have trouble tracking Ryu's movements just like the Undead Fiends. Infact this enemy shares the same animations rutines with the Undead Fiends and like them is the only enemy that remains attacking even after they have been decapitated. ===ELITE FIEND=== Refreshment -The Elite Fiend is the most powerful form of the fiends, the one with pincers in the hands. Anyway at high dificulties, specially "very hard", at the Core, in levels 3 and 4, they have an special attack. The Fiend will hug/grab Ryu and proceed to go down the ground with Ryu dumping him in the previous room. The problem is that it resets the state of the upper room so youll need to star killing all over again if you havent unlocked the doors. ===GHOST FISH=== Matt Glover -Against the ghost fish - if you have the dragon sword or kitetsu equiped and contuinously jump and use the Blade of Nittri attack, they will never touch you. ===MURAI=== Refreshment -In chapter 1, throwing shurinkens to Murai will make him knock them with the nunchakus back to Ryu. I think this is the only boss that does that. ===AIRSHIP COMMANDER=== Refreshment -Also the fatguy from the airship is in fact a general. You can see decorative stars in both lapels near his neck. ===TANKS=== Refreshment -In the cinema before the tank fight you can actually see 3 soldiers heading to the tank. Thats how the tanks are operated in real world. One MachineGun man, one that operates the canon and the other manuvers the tank. ===HELICOPTER=== Refreshment -The Helicopter reflector actually reflects light in the enviroment. Is not something incredible but i wasnt expecting it since the lighting effects in the game are quite bare bones, for frame rate purposes. -The helicopter raises wind and dust when it flys close to the bridge Ryu stands during the fight. -Looking close at the helicopter it posible to see the two pilots heads. I even think they have helmets. I saw this by zooming with the bow when the helicopter finished doing the under bridge pass. ===ELECTRIC WORM=== Shinobier -Did you know that you could break electric worms, electricity ball with your weapon? timing is rather tricky but it sure is cool thing to do. ===GUARDIAN=== Refreshment -If you hit chapter 10 boss in the feet with a strong attack hell kneel. I wonder if the inspiration for this weakness comes fron the Achile's heel tale from Greek mhytology. -This boss head is the weak point. The dragon always takes damage in the head, it doesnt even matter if it enters the "no damage" fase. ===DOKU=== Tamashii-sosaku -Doku means poison in japanese. ===ICE CAVERN BOSS=== Refreshment -The ice cavern boss has hair in the back and neck. Its actually rendered by the Xbox and not just a texture. ===CAVERN DRAGON BOSS=== Flyingmoogle4 When fighting the fire dragon in Chapter 12, you can jump onto his head, by pushing A and then A again over his head, when he puts it down. After he will shake you off, and you can push Y to slam his head into the ground for quite a bit of damage. I think this only happens on the bottom floor. Refreshment -The fire cavern Dragon likes to byte Ryu. When he grabs Ryu after the dragon ends the munching Ryu actually stands up inside the mouth and with its hands and feet starts opening the beast jaw. Whats really cool is that if you start hiting "X" instantly and quickly Ryu will open the beast mouth even faster taking less damage. ===DEMON OF THE FIEND REALM (GOGHON)==== Aaxe -His throne is composed of three eyed skulls just like him. -Gogohn appears very bored while Ryu is fighting in the Fiend realm if you look up at him mid-fight. He only perks up when he throws fireballs at you (and laughs). Refreshment -The Lord Demon in the fiend realm has a fire ball attack, if those enemies he summons are close to the attack explosion they take damage. ===DARK DISCIPLE=== Aaxe. -Murai summons the Dark Dragon to attack you in one of his moves, and you can use many of the same combos when you get the Dark Dragon Blade. -When Murai uses the Dark Dragon Blade, it completely negates the use of Ninpo Goatism -If your in ninpo animation while dark murai tries the dark dragon technique, he wont do it, he'll teleport to the rock then right back. >>>RYU<<<< Aaxe -The Future Ninja outfit gives off a gold Phantom rather than Blue whenever Ryu does a teleport. By extension, in HP1, the Wind Run move is gold instead. -Ryu can run on the ceiling (thanks to Renamon and oasisbeyon) -The Ashtar Costume that you get with the Hurricane Pack, the only thing that changes after you beat Doku is his eyes turn solid red. -Ryu's helmet has a Dragon's face on it. -Ryu has 3 walking animations per weapon (nudge, walk and run). -When Ryu stands over a rock or stair or something, his foot will move over it accordingly instead of clipping through it (dead bodies included). -Ryu's rolling animation always has his weapon unsheathed, unless it's a cutscene animation going through a door. -If you play with the Space Ninja outfit, Ryu will still turn into a Fiend with the Space Ninja outfit. -Ryu's DOA ninja outfit looks a lot like the Shadow Ninja Masters. -As I stated before, when Ryu runs or jumps, he automatically throws 3 or 4 shurikens. What's really cool, is that you can throw 1, 2, 3 or 4 shurikens while standing, and he has a different animation for each. If you tap B super fast four times, he'll cross his arms over accordingly for 4 different shuriken tosses. Dayday386 -The war hammer, dabilahro, and vigoorian flails all have jewels at the bottom of them, kinda like the jewel that ryu put at the bottom of his sword to power it up, but they dont glow. Fireseen -If you walk with your sword (dragon) out, Ryu holds it in that stalking/ready stance (to the side of him in one hand, angled downward, slow walk). He WON'T sheath it, and it looks pretty cool. If you do this with the Nunchaku, he will hold them like Murai did in your first boss fight (crossed over in front of you). Yet again, he won't put them away untill you move faster. I'm betting the same walk animation is with the Vigoorian Flails, and I don't know about the Warhammer/Dark Dragon Blade/Plasma Saber/Wooden Sword/Unlabored Flawless/Dabilahro. Authors note: It works with the Dragon Sword, Saber, Kietsu, Vigorian Flail, Chacos, even with the bow. But not with the powerful 2 handed weapons, DDB, Warhammer, Dabilahro or the spear gun. The exact way to get the animation is to tilt the stick lightly to activate the walking animation while the weapon is out, and do not interrupt the walking animation by runing or stoping or Ryu will automatically put out the weapon. Major Power -Ryu turns his head to lock-on enemies. I really notice this when I had him blocking some clawed fiends that were circling him. He seems to lock on one enemy at a time. If the enemy start out in front, he will look over his shoulder if they are behind him. He'll also lock-on enemies when he's not blocking, like when he is running or standing above an enemy. NitestalkerX -Ryu never blinks, he might in cutscenes, but not "in game". Props08 - Ryu never runs with his sword unsheathed for more than 4 steps. Psychotic Kiske -In just about every cut scene where Ryu is in a confrontation with an enemy, he fortify's his stance by twisting/shifting his ankles, spreading his legs to distribute his weight evenly. RYO SAN -During the FMV's you'll notice ryu has 'two' black scarfs while his in-game model only has the one. Strider M -Ryu's Agility stays exactly the same with the added weight of having the War Hammer or Dabarlo(sp?) equipped. He can also stay afloat of water with these equipped. Sub0123 -In the Chapter 2 movie where Doku kills Ryu, the piece of cloth that is over his mouth is black, but it was blue before. The Shoon -Ryu's stats as listed in the DOA3 instruction manual: Birthday: June 15th, age:23 Blood Type: A Height/Weight: 5'10", 154 lbs Body size: B41" W33" H36" Fighting style: Haybusa style Ninjutsu Occupation: Owner of curio shop (Anybody know what the hell Curio is?) Likes: Sushi Hobbies: Mountain climbing, fishing Vidd -When charging the Dragon Sword for an Ultimate attack Ryu is actually only holding the sword with his right hand. His left hand is open, palm facing the handle. Zero Beat -Before the train crashes, when the camera zooms in on Ryu's eyes, you can see some of the blood vessels in his eyes. Refreshment -Everyone of the equiplable weapons can be seen on Ryu, take special atention to the bracelets. -After leaving a body of water small water drops drips from Ryu. -If standing above a body of water, put the bow in first person view, youll see the bow reflection in the water and everytime you shoot youll see 2 arrows -In the balancing bridge in the fire world. Let Ryu stand there. You can see how Ryu corectly distributes its body weight. This is the best place in whole game to notice that animation detail. -Acording to what height you drop Ryu will react diferently. If you drop from a big height Ryu will absorve the impact with his legs and be stuned for a second. -When Ryu is below the water surface bubles come from Ryu (dont get any funny ideas). The interesting thing comes from switching to first person view, the bubles really look like they are coming from Ryu's mouth. -The blue outfit has a dragon design in the bandana (or metallic crown) on its forehead. >>>WEAPONS<<< Aaxe -With the Dragon Sword or Kitetsu, the single X slash will come out differently depending upon the enemies orientation. If Ryu is completely in-line with them, he'll do an overhead slash, if the enemy is directly behind him, he'll do a turning overhead slash, if they are to his left, he'll slash from left to right and vice versa if they are on the right. -If you do Crimson Slash with the Dragon Sword (X, X, X). You can do it with a regular X or a 6+X or an On-Landing X. If you do an On-Landing X, the following X will look differently than if you just stood there and did X. Ryu will raise the DS vertically, instead of keeping it totally horizontal. This means that they just didn't paste the two animations onto each other. They must have either mo-capped or programmed the two different scenarios. -I don't know if it's because of the Hurricane Pack. Someone should check the original game. -Every single hit with Kitetsu's UT gives off an Essence Explosion like you've just sucked up a Blue or Red Essence. This is the only weapon that does this. (The DDB, Nunchaku and Flail only give off the ET Essence Explosion. I just now noticed that the Flying Swallow for Kitetsu leaves behind a little red trail. The DS doesn't do this. -The Lunar has a new set of walking/nudging/running animations with the Lunar out (like the DS/Kit/WS and the Nun/Flail). -When you do an aerial decaptition with the Windmill Shuriken, it actually spins the body around as well as cutting the head off. -The collision detection in this game is insane. If you scrape a weapon along the ground, the correct amount of sparks will fly out. Even if you Windmill Slash over a curb and just barely nick it, you'll get just a little spark. -The ledgendary samurai was named miyamoto musashi. He used the wooden sword once and it was against his only rival, kojiro sasaki. That was also the last time he used it. He made the wooden sword on the ferry ride to the island where they would have the duel, it was carved out of one of the boat oars. This is why the wooden sword turns into that paddle when fully upgraded. -When you upgrade the Plasma Saber to Mk II. It crackles with energy. - The Plasma Saber is longer than the Dragon Sword. It clips through the desk when Muramasa holds it. -The charge moves for the Dark Dragon Blade glow purple like the blade really should. -When Ryu finishes his Storm of the Heavenly Dragon, he makes a motion like he's wiping the blood off of the blade. -The Wooden Sword/UF glows when your health is low to signify the increase in power. -Shurikens stay stuck in whatever they hit, and they make the appropriate sound (clang with metal, thunk with wood). -There is an undocumented move for the Dragon Sword. You can get a unique move on landing from a jump if you hit X. It's sort of like a spin slash. -The Six Paths Spin with the Level 2 Warhammer impales man-size enemies on the tip. They will swing around until they die and other enemies can be struck by their body. -The jewels in the Dabilahro and War Hammer definitely glow. And their swings have different colors (Flail - blue, Hammer - teal, Dabi/Kit - red, Plasma Sword green, TDS/UF/Wooden Sword - white). -The War Hammer also breaks up the ground with its regular Surging Wave attack -The move for the Ultimate Technique for Kitetsu is called Bassara. Bassara is Greek for fox, and it is one of the things that Ryu says to make platform in the fight with the Emperor. DMC12 -Some interesting facts about the Unlabored Flawlessness: The Eku (boat oar) was used by Okinawans as a defensive weapon against Samurai. They were fishermen so it was a readily available object. It was effective because the reach could keep an attacker at bay. Technique often involved kicking the "blade" up to fling sand in a Samurai's eyes, leaving him open to a lethal attack. Doomsdays -The Spear gun has a lot of recoil, Ryu backs up with every shot. Maynardjk -Also, big rocks and the thing that needs a "heavy and blunt object" can be broken by the Lunar. I think at lv 2 or 3 only. I haven't tried using the lv 1 Lunar to break it. Props08 -If you perform a combo and toss the windmill shuriken mid-combo, it can decapitate most enemies (like those army guys in ch7). Spy Hunter X -The bow you find in chapter 2 has an arc when firing an arrow (ie., you have to judge the arc when shooting long distance). When you get the strong bow, it fires the arrow straight no matter how far away. Zeroslayer -With the Wooden Sword you cant make cutting attacks. I.E. decapited an enemy. Refreshment -Fighting Murai in chapter 1 and Lord Doku with the Dragon Sword some times the weapons will collide and get sort off tangled, hit "X" rapidly will stun the enemy. This gets more dificult in Hard and Very Hard modes. -AFDS Cores go through enemies so you can hit multiple targets with a single shot. -Firing the bow in first person view you can see that each arrow type (besides the obvious destruction effects) have a different body, feather and head. -When firing an arrow in places with low light conditions or iluminated just by fire like for example inside underground places, cementary, Village 2, etc the arrow will cast light through all the trajectory. A dynamic light. -Weapons sparks also iluminate the surrounding area. -When you fire an arrow to an enemy it will stick to the body part that hits for some seconds. Its funny to hit an enemy in the but and watching runing after Ryu with his ass impaled. Vidd -In the Fiend-realm-type place in HP#2, the slash trail of the DS (that is, when you look through the slash, everything's slightly brighter) is much more pronounced. The TDS also glows brighter than usual. -The Windmill Shuriken - when folded up on your arm - you can actually see the four individual blades. Doesn't seem like much, but considering it's VERY difficult to tell, it shows how much detail's in the game. Volt Omega -As you upgrade the War Hammer, more blades and orbs are added to it. As you do likewise with the Dabilahro, grooves and curves are added to its design. >>>WATER<<< Wakazashi26 -The blur of the water as you swim down the fissure has the same distortion as when salt water and fresh water mix. Refreshement -They did a good job with water. Water that moves with current doesnt reflect the surrounding enviroment. On the other hand tranquile water reflects the enviroments. Yet not enemies or Ryu. -When Ryu or an enemie walks through water the wakes produced distorts the reflecting pattern. -When you submerge and get out of a river water drips from Ryu, thats easy to see. You can get the same effect in shallow water also, if Ryu is walking and does a roll the water will start driping from hes body. -Enemies make wakes when they are standing in the water. Yet one small but interesting mistake happens when the fiends create wakes even though they dont have feet. Maybe its some sort of energy disipating the water? >>>GRAMMAR ERRORS & OTHER MISTAKES/BUGS<<<< Adair -When you first go below the monastery Ryu gets chased down a passage by a large rolling stone statue head. Ryu makes his final escape from it by jumping out onto some bars in a cavern at the end of the passage. The stone head falls down into the depths of the cavern, but when Ryu makes his way to the bottom of the cavern the head is nowhere to be seen. There is no debris either. Adriyan311 -Ok everyone, lets backtrack to the beginning of the game. We are at a waterfall. We move forward for a bit, and a flower-kunai comes flying down and leaves a note for us. We later find out Ayane sent it to us. We reach Murai later on. Talk with him, and Ayane is rushing towards us. She finally reaches Murai, to tell him "Master Murai, the Hayabusa Village --- Mr Ryu...." This leaves me in shock. The way she says "Mr Ryu" sounds like she didn't expect him to be here. Well why is that? If she sent kunai notes to him, she was trying to help him get there and yet she runs in there at the end of the first level like a madman and then is surprised to see Ryu there. I'm honestly at a loss to why she wouldnt be expecting him. Auburn -When Ryu pulls the DDB out of the ground in the underground part there is no hole where the blade was embedded in the ground. -In the custcene where Ryu grabs the DDB he is looking at the ground and then turns his head to see Rachel before she starts calling out his name. His spidersense must have been tingling or something. Bolth of Ramuh -At the end of Chapter 3, the airship goes down in a fiery explosion. However, hydrogen explosions are almost clear. Bumgut -Look at the size of Doku's sword when he is fighting you - it is quite a bit bigger than when he drops it and you use it - it is then dragon sword sized. Darth Reven -In chapter 14-15, when Ryu is a fiend, you see white streakes across his arms and eyes, but in that cut scene when Ryu falls towards the emperor, Ryu has no white streaks. Did anyone notice this? DMC12 -When you return to the Hayabusa village, walk near Kureha's grave but don't get close enough to trigger the cut-scene. Zoom in with your bow and take a look at the jewel, it curves to the left. Now trigger the cut-scene and you will see that the jewel is now pointing to the right. -Did anyone else wonder how the heck that sunken ship in chapter 11 got there? It's surrounded by walls on all sides. The city would have been built around it or the ship was built there and sunk. DrizztLink -In the cutscene where Murai falls down the hole, Ryu's right eye is brown. Fizzguy47 -I also got an extra life of 1000 gods from the ritual room fiend challenge. -Also when in the coffin chamber at the upper level, using the Dabi's charge Y attack will depress the switch but the plate doesn't move. Jeff M Grayum -On the back of the case for Ninja Gaiden, there is a checklist of things the game supports. This list says the game supports the use of a memory unit, but in the booklet, under saving your game, it clearly says the game does not support a portable memory unit. Jpix -One of the more obvious ones that people have probably noticed are that the descriptions for the armlet of benediction and the armlet of fortune are switched around. -I beleive it was the book of genesis that displays during loading. it has a typo where it has the word "to" placed right next to another "to" ie. it looks like "to to". -After the first fight with alma. Rachels strikes doku with her warhammer. if you watch the scene with english subtitles, you will notice that doku says, "..that such power has to go waste". Had it been written correctly it should have read "..that such power has to go TO waste" more than likely this was some sort of translation error. Matt Warner -I was reading your FAQ, and I noticed that you forgot something that's a pretty major blunder on Team Ninja's part. Easiest way to do this: Beat stage one to view the cinematic that shows Ayane running up to alert Murai and Ryu that the Hayabusa Village is burning. She gets to the top of the walkway, throws the doors open and says something to the effect of "Master! The Hayabusa Village...Master Ryu..." Now exit out to the movie viewer option, load up the conclusion of the first Tentacle Demon battle, and listen to Ayane's voice! It's completely different. In chapter one, she sounds suspiciously like Rachel, particularly when she says "Master Ryu". At the end of Chapter 5, however, she's reverted to a much higher, little-girl type voice. My guess is that Team Ninja got Tara Strong (Rachel) to fill in for the voice of Ayane so they could get the demo out the door, then hired another voice actress for the remaining part without going back to change Ayane's first set of lines. She only speaks twice in the entire game, but it's still rather suprising that nobody seems to have noticed this. Maynardjk -I don't know if this has happened to anyone but the contents of the 4 chests in the area, where the portal in Tairon that connects the Fire cavern and Hayabusa Village, sometimes interchange. It happened to me that the ghost fish was at the other chest rather where it was suppose to be. Refreshment -The Chapter 15 "The Core" introduction has an incorrectly written word: "Feeling the blood of the Fiends pounding in his "viens"..." When the correct word is "vein" -Heres another interesting mistake. The page 10 of the manual says: Projectile weapon attack: Use your projectile weapon with A button. The Shoon -On the armlet of the moon Team Ninja spelled engraved "Ingraved", but they spelled it right on the armlet of the sun and the armlet of tranquility. -In the beginning of chapter 9 when you start at the gate, go to the left lane of the road and stand ust outside the entrance to the tunnel. Ryu's feet are sunk into the ground. -When you get the Dark Dragon Blade in the Hayabuse village, go to the first flight of stairs leading to the graveyard and walk up about 4-6 steps. Equip the DDB and stand as close as you can to the wall and face it. Now press Y to do the move where he jumps up and stabs downward. When he lands he should be floating. -There's no handles on the Monastery doors. -There's no echo in the monastery after it gets destroyed. -When fighting Doku for the first time do the haze straight slash on him. If he blocks it the wavy effect of the dragon sword will continue longer than it should. -When in the ritual room (the room where you get the grail and do the zombie fiend challenge) you can see the room where you get the skull key and the wolf deity from two little windows near the floor on each side of the grail's altar. Now, when the hidden underground and the room with the wolf deity and skull key get flooded no water gets into the ritual room, even though the windows are hollow. Timebomb13rob -We all know if have the Kitetsu and the Armlet of Tranquility armed your health bar won't diminish or increase. But, if you use a Ninpo like the IceStorm, Inazuma or Inferno (but not Firewheel) during the animation your bar will increase like if Ryu didn't have the Kitetsu equipped. >>>MISC.<<< Aaxe -Before HP2 was even out, a very observant NG fan found "Take It Easy" in the song listing. This tune is not played anywhere in the game. Ever. It only appears in the song list, never being played. -"Take it easy" is now played as the savepoint/buy point in Hp2. :p *Authors note: Special thanks to Derek Monago for pointing this out and the poster that created the first thread explaining this. -The Fiends that come straight from the Fiend Realm have green blood (i.e. Imp Fiends, Tentacle Fiend, etc...) -The Fiends that were once human in the Earth Realm keep their red blood (Dragon Fiends, Fiendish MSATs, etc...) -Whenever you flee from an encounter, different enemies have different ways of disappearing. Fiends just teleport away like they teleport in, but Ninjas do a little smoke bomb disappearance thing. The best way to see this is in the very first chapter with the very first encounter, readjust the camera to look at the two Shadow Ninjas as you run away from them. -The jar breaking sound is almost exactly the same as the Zelda jar breaking sound. An homage to be sure. -The last time you can open the Monk's safe, the ledger says that it's as useful as a dog turd. -The dead ninja at the beginning of the Caverns holds a map unlike any other map in the game. It looks like he drew it himself, and it shows how the different levels are connected. You can't bring it up with the white button. You have to go into the map screen to see it. It's pretty cool. (He even drew a little dragon... Awww... -Dai, the last dead Spider Clan Ninja, isn't dead at the top of the Imperial Palace Gate before you enter the Caverns. So, the last date in his diary, February 29th, is absolutely recent to the events in Ninja Gaiden. -Fiend blood is green, and human blood is red. But, the Fiends that were once human have red blood as well. Bane_v2 and Fondlenanners It deals with the nine Life of the Gods kanji. Fondlenanners wrote: Rin - Strength Pyo - Focus To - Harmony of Spirit Sha - Healing Kai - To Sense Danger Chin - Knowing the Thoughts / Fighting Patterns / Techniques of Others Retsu - Invincible Zai - Mastery of the Elements Zen - Enlightenment / To Bring All Others Together Dark Falz213 -The sound of Ice Storm Lv. 2 is exactly like a sandstorm in Ald Ruhn in Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Darth Reven -If you look at the Dark Disiple, you'll see a backwards "S" symbol on his cloak. Ironically, that Same "S" symbol is on Ayane's C1 black Shinobi attire in DOA3. Weird huh? Dreadnought nemesis -This may seem obvious but the Demon Statue is the Dark Statue from the NG 1. Guilty Spark 343 -In the monk's room, where the safe is, if you look behind his desk at the planet on the globe holder... deal. You can see that the planet looks like Jupiter. On the bottom hemisphere, you can see the Great Red Spot, the largest storm in the solar system, and the longest running one as well. Goatism -When you knock enemies into the water they die. I.e. samurais into the pond that you slide down the hill into on chapter 2. Gotran56 -If you experinment and never got the oxygen thing in chapter 11 and went straight to that save thats under water, by that time your breath meter should be low, but if you save while the breath meter is low, and die, then come back the breath meter will be full again. -The owls eye is more than just the eye, its the wing too. Maynardjk -You can get two elixir of devil way from the dead ninja near the clocktower in Tairon. First is from Ch.4 up to Ch.8 and the second is from Ch.13 up to Ch.15. Rikumaru -Once you get NG2 early in the game (most likely chapter 4 on sucessive play), if you come back later (say around chapter 12) and shoot the clock tower again it produces another NG2 chest, though "no more of this item can be carried". Ryouga21 -Heres how you know you have all the Life of the Gods. Where it shows those bright Japanese letters in the start menu, if every single one is bright and they do not change even after you use a Life of the Gods/Thousand Gods, you have every one. I had got the last Life of the Gods, my bar went all bright, then back to all black because I didn't have all the Life of the Gods/Lives of the Thousand Gods. After I used the last Lives of the Thousand Gods the letters stayed bright. SafePit -I noticed this glitch. If you go back to the Holy Grail room after getting the Life of 1000 Gods (the 60 Fiend Challenge), and defeat the Zombies again, a chest appears that you can't open. Kind of disappointing after all that work! -Also you can find 2 more Iron Ore then you need in the Magma Caves, but haven't found a use for them. Shadowryu2 -I think this one works, some1 try it out b/c it accidently happened to me, anyways: I was playin, and decided to start over from the beginning of ch.2 (i was only on ch.3 at the time) and at the end, where Ryu suits up in his new suit, since I didn't feel like sitting there and watching it, I skipped it with the START button. This made Ryu keep his dumb old blue costume but the cinemas stay the same. (i can tell this wasn't the cheat version b/c from that very saved game i already had gotten past there, watched the cinema, and got the new black suit.) Teron S number 17 -Before you fight the fire dragone and get the deity in the cut scene ryu has the same weapon as he does in the game, like the bow on his back equiped with a dabilharo or a wind mill shuriken and a dragon sword. Tintedsun -I dont know if this was mentioned before or not but, in the chapter where you get the air tank thing, your vision is impaired with black cloudy stuff when swimming under water. -In the manual it says that ryu can run accross water which he can which is a cool little extra, but he can only run across water that is deep enough to swim in, he cant run across the water that is shallow, also, i think if you keep tapping A you keep running on top of the water until you stop tapping it, even if you are running into a wall. -Right before you get the third piece of the stone tablet for the serpant statue, you read a diary that tells the location of all the pieces. Thought it was wierd since i didnt need it but i dont know. Refreshment -Talisman of rebirth doesnt save Ryu from drowning. -The strange filter effect you see at the Core rooms is also used at the Han's Bar roof top at night time. -At the end of chapter 12 or any other that features a cinema with the Dark Disciple in it, look for some good close ups to the Dark Disciple masked face. Look closely.... you can see very clearly the eyes.... those are Murai eyes. -Since Tairon acts as a big HUB in the game, developers made an effort so that in most open spaces is posible to see the game main landmarks, these are the Clock tower, the Palace and the Cathedral. -Every map that is laying somewhere (I.E. not on a dead ninja) is textured correctly with the exact map pattern that suposely represents before the pick up. It may not seem such a big deal but developers could easy put a generic model laying there and after the pick up represent the map. -If you kill a enemie near a ledge it will slide down, hit the ground and desintegrate. -When cuting an enemie underwater (fish only one) the blood effect is different it disolves in the water. -Enemies react correctly to explosion locations. If you make an explosion near an enemy instead of hiting it directly, the body will fly to the oposite direction of the explosion. -A hughe difference in sucesive play is that you get to use all of your weapons against the Dark disciple in the final battle of the game. -The "Guillotine Throw" is a move brought from the Ninja Gaiden arcade game, yea from the late 80's beat'em up. -You can destroy the missiles (RPG) in mid air with an arrow. -When human enemies arent aware of Ryu's presence they are on alert or have patroling rutes. The Samurais sheathe the sword and start looking around. Officers toy around with the plasma baton or patrol. Army guards patrol or the rocket launcher guy stand around watching side to side. UltimateMasterChief -If you look in the baskets which you recive arrows frow,the actual arrows will be lying in there. Vidd -If you shoot the engraved stone in that same realm in HP#2 you hear Rachel scream and get a game over, just like shooting her in The Fiendish Awakening or when escaping the volcano. -For as much emphasis they put on the daggers Ryu sheaths on his legs in the costume cutscene, he never uses them whatsoever. Volt Omega -At the end of Chapter 2 (after Doku kills Ryu) and the Falcon flies in, Ryu's carcass looks exactly like the (non-FMV) dead Ninjas. >>>HURRICANE PACK DIFFERENCES AND ADITIONS<<< Aaxe -Hatamoto is not considered a boss anymore. He does not have a Boss life Guage, and he can now be knocked from his steed. Right before the fight, he taps his mount twice with his foot. He does three times the damage of the regular Samurai when on foot. (His one uppercut Slash will remove 3/4 of your starting life gauge). -Shadow Alma seems to be Alma's reincarnated evil side. She has black tear stains on her face, and her abdomen is missing the Globe that contained Alma's soul/humanity, whatever. Her Firewheel attack is much worse, and her teleport throw has a greater range. -Shadow Rachel seems to be Rachel's potentially evil side. You can't see her face, but she has a tentacle on her right arm (where Rachel's grappling hook resides), and she actually uses it as such. She also has the huge Stripper boots like Rachel. -The Shadow Imps have a singular eye protruding from their mouth on the stump of their neck. -The skulls that made up the Core in the original game and HP1 are now floating around the Shadow Realm. There are two skulls connected by a spinal column. -The Bezerkers and Shadow Alma share design traits (rows of spikes on their backs, etc.) -Vigoorian Ninja resemble the Vigoorian Samurai slightly, and the Windmill Shuriken can hit Ryu on the way to him and on the way back. IV. Thanks/Credits. Special thanks to aaxe, for sugesting creating a guide out of the topic. Thanks to DeathBlade2099 for granmar corrections. Credits and thanks to everyone that contributed with details, these people are clearly identified in the guide. All sites/links are the sole property of their repective owners. V. Legal stuff. The game, code and its rights is property of Tecmo Ltd. If, for any reason, you want to make reference or use this guide in a site your welcome to do so as long as you give proper credit to the people that invested time creating this document. But before doing it, try contacting Refreshment first, the e-mail adress can be seen at "Contact info". VI. Contact information. E-mail adress: For any constructive critic, detail, contribution you wish to make or errors this guide might present.