o -/- / /| / / | / | /| / | /| / |/ |/ |/ |/-| / /_| / / _ _ | | /|||\ /_ /| / \__/ /-|||_\ /_ / |/ Hurricane Pack Bestiary By aaxe Version 2.5 Copyright Information --------------------------- Copyright 2004, aaxe This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Just contact me via GameFAQs if you wish to reuse this material. History --------- Version 2.5, 12-30-2004 - Updated Content. Version 2.0, 09-28-2004 - Added Hurricane Pack 2 information. Reorganized Hurricane Pack Sections. Version 1.5, 09-15-2004 - Added Hurricane Pack 2 information. Version 1.0, 08-24-2004 - Initial release. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction 2. Classifications a. Humans b. Fauna c. Machina e. Lesser Fiends 1. Abomination 2. Humanoid 3. Serpentine f. Greater Fiends g. Dragons h. Deities 3. Ratings 4. Bestiary a. Regular Enemies b. Bosses 1. Chapter 1 - Murai 2. Chapter 2 - Hatamoto 3. Chapter 3 - General Dynamo 4. Chapter 5 - Tentacle Fiend 5. Chapter 6 - Zombie Dragon 6. Chapter 7 - Alma 7. Chapter 9 - Tank Battalion 8. Chapter 9 - Attack Helicopter 9. Chapter 10 - Inferno Worms 11. Chapter 10 - Zombie Drake 12. Chapter 11 - Doku's Corporeal Form 13. Chapter 12 - Ice Fiend 14. Chapter 12 - Inazuma Worm 15. Chapter 12 - Smougan the Flame Dragon 16. Chapter 13 - Alma Awakened 17. Chapter 14 - Doku's Spiritual Form 18. Chapter 15 - Supreme Fiend Gogohn 19. Chapter 15 - Vigoor's Angelic Feminine Form 20. Chapter 15 - Vigoor's Devilish Masculine Form 21. Chapter 16 - Dark Disciple 22. Hurricane Pack 2 - Shadow Alma 23. Hurricane Pack 2 - Shadow Rachel 6. Hurricane Pack 1 Disclaimer 7. Hurricane Pack 2 Disclaimer 8. Credits --Introduction-- Ninja Gaiden's character roster is fairly robust. The character design in this game is consistently good from the first Chapter to the final battle. The cast is very diverse, and little to no repetition in character design is committed in the game. That being said, there is a natural evolution of the Fiendish creatures in this game as there are character traits that are shared between characters. The most noteworthy of these are the Serpentine Fiends and the Humanoid Fiends. The humanoid Fiends progress in complexity from the brown and fairly simple Lesser Fiend up to the grotesque Alma Awakened and Feminine Emperor forms. They share common attributes as disjointed heads and feet, cranial winglets, spontaneous levitation and supreme acrobatic ability. Unfortunately, there is no official source of every character's name. This can make conversations about specific encounters tedious. The only official names have been gathered from interviews with Itagaki and the manual itself: Alma, Lord Doku, Supreme Fiend Gogohn, Holy Vigoor Emperor, Gurdu (and his Deity offspring), Gamov, Rachel, Ayane, Murai, Dark Disciple, Tentacle Fiend, Zombie Dragon, Smougan the Flame Dragon, General Dynamo, SATs, MSATs, Gallas, Ghul, the Shadow Ninja Clan and the Black Spider Clan Ninjas (their individual names as well). Any name listed in this guide other than these listed names is strictly of my own creation. Please note, that this document only supplies very brief strategies. This document will outline the Hurricane Pack versions of the enemies. --Classifications-- The game delineates between several classes of character in this game. These classes can be summed up as humans, fauna, undead, Fiends, Greater Fiends, Dragons and Deities. There are very distinct differences between these types of creatures. Humans ------ The humans are composed of the Shadow Ninja Clan, Spider Ninja Clan, SATs, MSATs, Vigoorian Military and possibly Doku's Samurai. The defining characteristic to a human in this game is the presence of a soul and their characteristic of mortality. A character with a supernatural ability does not necessarily make them non-human. Examples - Ryu, Rachel, Black Spider Ninjas, Soldiers, etc. Fauna ----- The game is populated by various creatures that belong to the animal kingdom. While some of the members of this group are fairly ghastly, I classify these creatures as Fauna. The more monstrous variety show no distinct Fiendish traits, so I'll still classify them as Fauna. Examples - Pill Bugs, Cyclops Wasps, Bats, Crows, etc. Machina ------- Those characters or enemies that have no possession of self-awareness are designated as Machina. The Sentries, Tanks, Helicopters, and whatnot populate this group. Obviously, some of these Machina are operated by humans. Examples - Fire Posts, Sentries, Gun Turrets Lesser Fiends ------------- There is a significant back story to the Fiends. In summary, the Fiends are the descendants of the Ancient Tribes, and they are sentient, conniving creatures. However, they lack a soul. They take on all manner of shapes, appearances and severity although there are common themes among their stature. Basically, there seem to be three types of Lesser Fiends in the game: Undead, Humanoid and Serpentine. 1. Abominations - Halfway through the game, Ryu happens upon the Underground Cemetery and awakens the denizens therein. Since the appearance of these creatures predates the large emergence of the Fiends for the most part, I'll classify these creatures as the Undead. It can be argued that the Undead are simply Fiends themselves, however, as stated in the Book of Vigoor. The official names of these creatures are Ghuls and Ghul Archers. Other examples include the Fiends that take no humanoid shape in the game, whatsoever. 2. Humanoid - These Fiends differ greatly in appearance, but share a common theme. They have no feet and float above the ground, somewhat. They are highly acrobatic and possess teleportation ability. The most severe and evolved of these forms resemble the Emperor's first form such that they have disembodies heads that sprout winglets. 3. Serpentine - Fiends of this type exhibit dragon-like qualities. Since the Dragons in this game arose from the Serpent Deity, we'll refer to them as Serpentine. They are bipedal as well, but they have huge, reptilian frames and possess tails. Some varieties of this class possess damaging breath abilities and can be considered evolved versions of the regular Gallas. Greater Fiends -------------- There are only three of these creatures in the game: Doku, Alma and Gogohn. Unlike their Lesser brethren, they possess a soul. Examples - Doku, Alma and the Supreme Fiend Gogohn Dragons ------- There are at least two varieties of Dragons in this game. One type we never really see but are alluded to by the story. They consist of the Thirteen Dragons created by the Serpent Deity and that fought Vigoor. The youngest of these Dragons becomes the Dark Dragon of which the Dark Dragon Blade is carved. You can see the remains of these creatures at the pinnacle of the Core, such that their bones appear almost metallic, and the Dark Disciple is capable of summoning one in the final battle. The lesser variety of these creatures are encountered several times in the game. The Zombie Dragon appears to be the remains of a great creature, and the Smougan the Flame Dragon itself is a still living beast until Ryu smites him. The abomination in the Inner Sanctum appears to exhibit dragon-like qualities as well, so we'll place it in this category as well. Examples - Smougan the Flame Dragon and the 13 Dragons born from the Serpent Deity, the youngest of which becomes the Dark Dragon Deities ------- There are many Deities composing the Mythos of this game. There is Gurdu which was the most omnipresent of the group. He split into four Deities which are represented by the Statues that Ryu collects to activate the Core. There is Vigoor who is the Ancestor of all Evil Deities, and there are his Deity offspring. You battle a rebirth of Vigoor in Chapter 14. Examples - Gurdu, his quartered pieces, Vigoor and his Spawn of Evil Deities --Ratings-- The ratings for constitution will be derived from blows from the True Dragon Sword or Unlabored Flawlessness. The strikes used will be a single X slash, Crimson Slash (X,X,X), Izuna Drop, Flying Dragon Falling Slash and Flying Swallow along with a single shuriken throw. The constitution ratings are as follows: Frail - One shuriken will kill this character. Very Low - This character can be killed with one Flying Swallow attack. Low - A single Flying Swallow followed by one Crimson Slash combo will kill this creature. Normal - Multiple Flying Swallow techniques and a single Crimson Slash will be needed for a victory. Durable - These creatures are able to withstand multiple Flying Dragon Falling Slash combos from the Unlabored Flawlessness. Hardened - These creatures and characters possess boss level constitution and require significant effort to kill. The difficulty rating is determined by the enemies' combat abilities at the time Ryu encounters them. Otherwise, most enemies would be listed as easy. The difficulty ratings are as follows: Harmless - These characters pose no threat to Ryu whatsoever. Ryu must actively attempt to be killed by them. Easy - Ryu's combat abilities far outshine this classification of enemy. Normal - This classification poses the first threat to Ryu. Formidable - These enemies are difficult to kill and are capable of easily dispatching Ryu. Deadly - Deadly characters can kill Ryu one or two attacks and are extremely resistant to damage. --Bestiary-- This section will include the name, class, description, location, constitution, difficulty, abilities and discussion of each creature or character in the game. I'm most familiar with the abilities of these characters on the Very Hard difficulty level, so I will comment as such. I will update this from time to time when official names become available. Keep in mind that almost every enemy becomes very easy once you have acquired the Unlabored Flawlessness. I won't post strategies as it is difficult to die if you keep your health low with the UF. Regular Enemies --------------- Name: Shadow Clan Ninja Class: Human Description: A ninja dressed in a white shozoku, wields a katana and shuriken Location: Chapter 1, The Way of the Ninja Constitution: Low Difficulty: Normal Abilities: shuriken, Blocking, Reverse Wind, Helmet Splitter, Violent Gale, 3 hit combos, 5 hit combos, horizontal slash, vertical slash, Wall Running Discussion: Even these lowliest of enemies pose a threat, such that their abilities are similar to Ryu's at that stage in the game. They tend to form ranks and wait for opportunities to strike Ryu. They will interrupt most of Ryu's charge moves with shuriken and can wall run outside of Ryu's vicinity to hit him with a Helmet Splitter. Strategy: It's best to concentrate on these enemies first as they most usually drop Blue Essence that you can use for Ultimate Attacks. They are most vulnerable after their five hit combos. Name: Bat Class: Fauna Description: A purple bat Location: Most Chapters Constitution: Frail Difficulty: Harmless Abilities: Flight, bite Discussion: Bats provide very little threat. It takes an inordinate amount of bites to kill Ryu, while a single shuriken will kill a bat. They are mostly used in game to heal and gain Essence. Strategy: None. Although, you can use the respawn points as Yellow Essence collection points. Kill two with shuriken and then unleash Gathering Clouds with the Flail an the Armlet of Benediction for maximum Essence collection. Name: Crow Class: Fauna Description: A black crow Location: Chapters 1 and 13, The Way of the Ninja and Fiendish Awakening Constitution: Frail Difficulty: Harmless Abilities: Flight Discussion: Crows provide no threat whatsoever. They do not possess an attack ability. A single shuriken will kill a crow, and they are mostly used in game to signify death. Strategy: None Name: Samurai Foot Soldier Class: Human Description: A samurai foot soldier completely covered in the traditional samurai yoroi, including mask; wields a katana Location: Chapter 2, The Hayabusa Ninja Village Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Normal Abilities: extreme Blocking, horizontal slash, vertical slash, 3 hit combos, Blade of the Undefeatable, launching combo, counter attack Discussion: These enemies must have their guard broken before they can be struck. Their training is such that they will block almost any normal strike, while a comrade will take the opportunity to attack Ryu. Strategy: Their guard must be broken to inflict damage. Therefore, use Divine Cicada or any other combo listed in the Advanced Combo FAQ as Guard Crush to initiate a Guard Break then attack. Name: Mage Class: Human Description: A magic user that floats above the ground; wields two Sai Location: Chapter 2, The Hayabusa Ninja Village Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Difficult Abilities: teleportation, limited flight, 6 instance homing-projectile magic, 3 hit combos, 7 hit combos, extreme mobility Discussion: These enemies can be troublesome such that it is difficult to hit them outright. They will teleport around Ryu waiting to attack and then immediately disappear if not struck. They can also cast green fireballs at Ryu with extreme accuracy and the fireballs actually seek. Strategy: To defeat them, attack immediately after their combo is finished as they put their Sai away. You can also kill them with one arrow while they're preparing their Fireball. They can also be struck normally during this period. Name: Mounted Samurai Archer Class: Human Description: A samurai outfitted in yoroi, including mask, riding an armored steed; wields a bow Location: Chapter 2, The Hayabusa Ninja Village Constitution: Durable/Normal Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: arrow resistant armor, archery, Horse Kick, Horse Trample Discussion: The Mounted Archer accompanies the Spearman and is notoriously difficult to kill. The horse has extremely high constitution, but the Archer can be shot with arrows to dismount him. Once the rider is knocked from his mount, he unsheathes his katana and becomes a typical Samurai Foot Soldier. Strategy: Wait in the blind corner of the clearing and set up the two horsemen to attack you at the same time. When the Archer passes, slash his horse once and immediately go into First Person bow mode and fire at his flank or top of his head. You can only get one or two arrows off before he's ready to fire again. If you have a chance to fire at him from the front, aim for the horse's neck, and it will not be deflected by armor. Name: Mounted Samurai Spearman Class: Human Description: A samurai foot soldier completely covered in the traditional samurai yoroi, including mask, armed with a spear Location: Chapter 2, The Hayabusa Ninja Village Constitution: Durable/Normal Difficulty: Normal Abilities: arrow resistant armor, Spear Impalement, Spear Thrust, Horse Kick, Horse Trample, Overhead Spear Twirl, Lateral Spear Twirl Discussion: The Mounted Spearman is very fast and is able to diversely use his spear to harm Ryu. Like his mounted brethren, he, too, can be knocked from his horse. Strategy: Use Mounted Samurai Archer Strategy. You don't need to slash the horse, though. Simply shoot him as he rides away from you and towards you. Name: SAT (Special Attack Team) Soldier Class: Human Description: A soldier wearing gray soldier outfit with face mask, wields a stun baton Location: Chapters 3, 4 and 5, The Skies of Vengeance, Imperial City Infiltration and The City of Fiends Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Normal Abilities: Blocking, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Firearm, Stun Baton, Throat Slice Discussion: SATs possess the ability to slit Ryu's throat and kick him away for significant damage. Additionally, periphery SATs will lay down suppressive fire upon Ryu. Strategy: These enemies represent the first group of assailants that can attack Ryu through his block single handedly. Don't block excessively, and try to use moves that can setup a launch. You should get a Level 2 Dragon Sword as soon as you can at this point for Flying Swallow. Name: MSAT (Mechanized Special Attack Team) Soldier Class: Human Description: A soldier encased in a gray robotic armor, wields a light saber Location: Chapters 4 and 5, Imperial City Infiltration and The City of Fiends Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Normal Abilities: shuriken resistant armor, Blocking, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Firearm, Light Saber, Throat Slice, Flip Kick Discussion: MSATs possess all of the abilities of the SATs with the additions of Shuriken immunity and a Flip Kick Strategy: See SAT Soldier Name: SAT Riot Guard Class: Human Description: A soldier wearing black soldier outfit with face mask; wields a stun baton and a riot shield Location: Chapters 3, 4 and 5, The Skies of Vengeance, Imperial City Infiltration and The City of Fiends Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Normal Abilities: extreme Blocking, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Firearm, Stun Baton, Knee Bash, Shield Bash Discussion: The Riot Guards can stun Ryu with their Shield Bash as well as utilizing the standard attacks employed by the standard MSATs. They possess a knee combo as well. Strategy: See SAT Soldier Strategy Name: MSAT Riot Guard Class: Human Description: A soldier encased in a black robotic armor; wields a stun baton and a riot shield Location: Chapters 4 and 5, Imperial City Infiltration and The City of Fiends Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Normal Abilities: extreme Blocking, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Firearm, Stun Baton, Knee Bash, Shield Bash, Flip Kick Discussion: The Riot Guards can stun Ryu with their Shield Bash as well as utilizing the standard attacks employed by the standard MSATs. They possess a knee combo as well along with a Launching Flip Kick. Strategy: See MSAT Soldier Strategy Name: SAT Grenadier Class: Human Description: A soldier wearing blue soldier outfit with face mask; wields a stun baton and a grenade launcher Location: Chapters 4 and 5, Imperial City Infiltration and The City of Fiends Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Grenade Launcher, Stun Baton, Throw Discussion: This heavy infantry soldier wields a grenade launcher and uses it to pelt Ryu with grenades at a distance. You can either close the distance, and he will throw the gun away, or you can knock it out of his hands. Strategy: Attack him before any other SAT as you will be showered with grenades. You can knock the Grenade Launcher out of his hand with a Azure or Scarlet Dragon. Name: MSAT Grenadier Class: Human Description: A soldier encased in blue robotic armor; wields a stun baton and a grenade launcher Location: Chapters 4 and 5, Imperial City Infiltration and The City of Fiends Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Grenade Launcher, Stun Baton, Throw, Flip Kick Discussion: This heavy infantry soldier wields a grenade launcher and uses it to pelt Ryu with grenades at a distance. You can either close the distance, and he will throw the gun away, or you can knock it out of his hands. Strategy: Attack him before any other MSAT as you will be showered with grenades. You can knock the Grenade Launcher out of his hand with a Azure or Scarlet Dragon. Name: Black Spider Clan Ninja Class: Human Description: A ninja dressed in a blackish, green shozoku, armed with a Ninja-to and Incendiary shuriken Location: Many Chapters, Usually Tairon and Dworku Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: Blocking, extreme mobility, Reverse Wind, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Violent Gale, Windmill Slash, Shark Attack, Incendiary Shuriken, Wall Running, Helmet Splitter, throw Discussion: The Black Spider Clan pursues Ryu throughout the game and pose a significant threat even at late stages of the game. They possess many tactics that even Ryu cannot master. Additionally, they will take every opportunity to skewer Ryu with an Incendiary Shuriken. They have been upgraded with a throw ability as well. Strategy: Perfect your Counter Attack technique, and the Black Spider Clan will prove a much lesser threat. Additionally, avoid Flying Swallow and the Guillotine throw, as that will only set them up for opportunities to hit you with Incendiary shuriken. They dodge Flying Swallow outright. If you Roll or do a Combo Ender right before the Shuriken explodes, you'll take no damage. Name: Gallas Class: Serpentine Fiend Description: A red, dragon-like biped with large black horns and a long tail Location: Many Chapters, Tairon, Dworku, The Core Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: shuriken/arrow resistant hide, 2 hit Combo, Rush, Jumping Rush, Tail Swipe, Bite Throw, Head Butt, Rolling Rush, Flame Breath Discussion: These Fiends are very large and have a very high constitution. They can ram Ryu and lunge at him. Gallas have a tail swipe, and every move that they have can break Ryu's guard. Their Bite is a throw which is extremely damaging as well. Strategy: Hopefully, you'll have Unlabored Flawlessness most of the time that you have to fight these creatures. Flying Dragon Falling Slash will make you almost immune to them as it stuns them perfectly, and they'll stand up to be hit by the aerial attacks of the combo. However, Ryu does not possess an attack that will interrupt the Bite animation, so watch out. You can cheaply do Divine Cicada off of a wall and then immediately Wind Path off of them onto a wall and repeat. This will interrupt even their Bite. Unfortunately, they can use their Flame Breath to knock you out of this. These Fiends can damage you greatly from off screen. Use Flying Dragon Falling Slash, and immediately roll away upon its completion. Unfortunately, not even Earth Splitter will kill these Fiends outright. Name: Monk Fiend Class: Undead Fiend Description: A large, skeletal creature composed of arms and a spinal column that is armed with a gigantic magical scythe Location: Chapters 6 and 7, The Monastery and The Hidden Underground Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: extreme mobility, Spine Swing, Lunge, 2 hit Combo, teleportation, Ritual, Glyphless Ritual, Overhead Scythe Twirl, Lateral Scythe Twirl Discussion: Monk Fiends are first encountered on the Monastery Altar where they throw off their disguises to reveal their truly heinous form. They have a wide array of magical and melee attacks and are always accompanied by Lesser Fiends. Strategy: The Monk Fiend's most troublesome attack is the magic attack that he'll do off screen and will be accompanied by a Glyph on the floor. He'll twirl his Scythe above his head, and you will instantly be Guard Crushed. If you don't move immediately, you'll be damaged greatly (or killed outright on Very Hard). This is different than the Ritual he casts as there is no floor Glyph. Additionally, they cannot be hit out of either of their Teleportation Attacks or the Ritual. Even if you kill the Fiend, but the Glyph is still on the floor, you will still take damage. Flying Swallow will work on this enemy, but they will teleport more than not. Name: Ghul Class: Undead Fiend Description: A huge, skeletal, humanoid creature that is armed with either a gigantic war ax or mace Location: Chapters 6 and 7, The Monastery and The Hidden Underground Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Normal Abilities: shuriken/armor resistant hide, Kiss of Death, 360 Swing, horizontal swing, vertical swing Discussion: Ghuls are very large and have a very high constitution. You can Haze Straight Slash or Flying Swallow them to remove pieces their bodies and prevent them from chewing on you. Strategy: Deal with any Archer Ghuls first. Then either Haze Straight Slash or Flying Swallow them immediately, so they won't be able to do their Kiss of Death. There is a way to reliably launch these creatures, by hitting them with 2 consecutive Azure Dragons. They will be launched into the air, and you can finish your Blade of Nirrti. Unfortunately, you have to use Azure Dragon only. Scarlet Dragon will not launch. Name: Archer Ghul Class: Undead Fiend Description: A huge, skeletal, humanoid creature that is armed with a gigantic bow and arrow Location: Chapters 6 and 7, The Monastery and The Hidden Underground Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: shuriken/armor resistant hide, Volley Discussion: Ghuls are very large and have a very high constitution. They will constantly pelt Ryu with man-sized arrows that can break Ryu's guard and launch him. Strategy: Deal with these Ghuls before you attack anything else. Once they attempt to arm their bow, they cannot be interrupted. So, Reverse Wind out of the way. Then hit with your most destructive combo. Also, see Ghul. Name: Cyclops Wasp Class: Fauna Description: A large, buzzing insect like creature with a single eye, possess a single stinger Location: Chapters 6, 7 and 13, The Monastery, The Hidden Underground and Fiendish Awakening Constitution: Very Low Difficulty: Normal Abilities: flight, Sting Discussion: Cyclops Wasps are always found in swarms and can repeatedly sting Ryu. They are MUCH more aggressive in the Hurricane Pack. Strategy: Use the Flails to kill two of them, and then repeatedly perform Gathering Clouds. Name: Lesser Imp Fiend Class: Humanoid Fiend Description: A brown, humanoid creature with talons for arms and a misshapen head Location: Many Chapters after Tairon Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Normal Abilities: extreme mobility, burrowing, 2 hit Combo, horizontal slash, running slash, Reverse Wind, Backflips Discussion: These are the 2nd Fiends that you encounter in the Dworku Monastery courtyard. They attack in packs, but as long as you block, counter attack and Intercept, you can manage the threat. They are sometimes accompanied by their more evolved brethren. Strategy: The Hurricane Pack granted these creatures Guard Breaking ability. As such, you can no longer just Counter Attack. You will have to be very active in your defense. However, if you see a non-Guard Break move coming, you should definitely Counter Attack it. They are VERY acrobatic and difficult to actually hit with Flying Swallow or regular quick strikes. Name: Imp Fiend Class: Humanoid Fiend Description: A purple, humanoid creature with three talons for hands and a misshapen, flaming head, and no feet Location: Many Chapters after Tairon Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: extreme mobility, burrowing, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, 4 hit launching combo, horizontal slash, vertical leap attack, running slash, Helmet Splitter, Backflips, Burrow Surprise Discussion: These Fiends resemble those that Ryu encounters in the Dworku Monastery courtyard. They attack in packs, and are much more capable of inflicting damage. They have a fairly diverse array of attacks with even the ability to strike Ryu in the air. Strategy: See Lesser Fiend Strategy. The only thing that makes these creatures more dangerous than the Lesser Fiends is the fact that they can easily launch Ryu and hit him out of the air. Name: Greater Imp Fiend Class: Humanoid Fiend Description: A huge, purple monstrosity with a disconnected head, cranial winglets, gigantic claws and jewels stumps for feet Location: Chapters 14 and 15, Vengeful Spirit and The Core Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: shuriken/arrow resistant hide, extreme mobility, burrowing, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Immolation, Claw Grab, Claw Sweep, horizontal slash, Burrow Surprise Throw, Blocking Discussion: Greater Imps are arguably the most dangerous enemy in the game including some bosses. They are at least as agile as Ryu while being two to three times his size. Their arsenal rivals most bosses and are usually accompanied by Phantom Fish or other Greater Imps. Strategy: These Fiends are possibly the most difficult enemy in the game. Their repertoire is vast and deadly. Additionally, you'll never fight these things singularly. Whatever the case is, never stop moving, and limit your use of moves that cause recovery (i.e. Flying Swallow, Cremator). If you've dispatched their underlings, you can cheaply do Divine Cicada off of a wall and then immediately Wind Path off of them onto a wall and repeat. This won't work though if one has tunneled and is waiting for you to screw up. They cannot be stunned by Cremator, either. Name: Vigoorian Infantry Class: Human Description: A soldier wearing brownish-green war armor with face mask wielding an combination automatic rifle/grenade launcher complete with bayonet. Location: Chapters 8 and 9, Tairon Under Alert and Military Supply Base Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: Blocking, 2 hit Bayonet Combo, 3 Hit Bayonet Combo, Grenades, Bayonet Impale and Detonation, Suppressive Fire, Concentrated Fire, Counter Attack, Vertical Bayonet Slash, Trip Discussion: This heavily armored soldier wields an M16 complete with Bayonet and grenade launcher. They use it to pelt Ryu with bullets at a distance. They can even increase their fire rate by hardening their stance, and they love to setup cross fires. They will also launch grenades, and can impale Ryu on their weapons shortly before detonating him. Additionally, the HP gave them a second, quicker, short range throw. Lovely. Strategy: Soldiers like to setup crossfires, but fortunately, these guys are very susceptible to Flying Swallow and launching. You have to be a bit tricky in your placement, though, as their bayonet moves are slightly faster than Ryu's. They have no answer to the Windmill Shuriken either. Unfortunately, they will Counter Attack incessantly. Name: Vigoorian Heavy Infantry Class: Human Description: A soldier wearing brownish-green war armor with face mask wielding a RPG Location: Chapters 8 and 9, Tairon Under Alert and Military Supply Base Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: RPG Launcher Discussion: This heavily armored soldier wields an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade). They are extremely patient and accurate especially in teams of two. The explosion from the RPG damages Ryu greatly and will launch his body away. Strategy: I wish you had access to a True Dragon Nuclear Warhead for these POS's. You will have to be very random in your Roll Jumping to not get hit with the RPG. Fortunately, you can shoot it out of the air with an arrow if you're quick. If you're going to Flying Swallow do it to them, and not around them. You can also see when the are primed as their launcher will actually have a rocket attached. You can watch them commit this action before they fight you. Name: Machine Gun Turret Class: Machina Description: A gun turret with four barrels manned by a Vigoorian Soldier Location: Chapters 8 and 9, Tairon Under Alert and Military Supply Base Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Normal Abilities: Concentrated Fire Discussion: While turrets can't be destroyed, their operators can be killed quite easily. Strategy: With the Strong Bow, it only takes two hits to kill them. Name: Carrier Gun Turret Class: Machina Description: A gun turret on top of the Armored Personnel Carriers with two barrels and a grenade launcher Location: Chapters 8 and 9, Tairon Under Alert and Military Supply Base Constitution: Low Difficulty: Normal Abilities: Concentrated Fire, Grenade Launcher Discussion: These turrets can be destroyed by Ryu's projectiles. Strategy: If you can see them in the distance, use arrows to destroy them. If you are already in range, dispatch them with the Windmill Shuriken in 3 hits. Name: Sentry Class: Machina Description: A small helicopter with a blue laser gun. Location: Chapters 9 and 11, Military Supply Base and The Path to Zarkhan Constitution: Frail Difficulty: Normal Abilities: Laser Attack Discussion: Sentries patrol several areas and can launch Ryu with their Laser Attacks. They can be destroyed with one hit from most arrows and the Windmill Shuriken. Strategy: You can quickly dispatch these enemies in the places that they appear. In one location, you have a limitless supply of arrows, so take them out in first person. In the moat, simply exit the water as soon as possible and use the Windmill Shuriken. Sometimes, you'll have to use the DS, though. Name: Fiendish SAT Soldier Class: Human Description: The remnant of a mutated MSAT Soldier, pink with an exposed chest and talon lined head Location: Chapters 8 and 9, Tairon Under Alert and Military Supply Base Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: blocking, extreme mobility, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Throw, Stun Slash, Helmet Splitter, Fireball, Backflip Discussion: This creature is a mutated SAT that is extremely agile and well equipped. They can even launch fireballs at Ryu and will throw him at any opportunity. They are physically faster than Ryu as well. Strategy: Movement is key in this fight, as is the reserved use of recovery moves. Launch and Izuna Drop these Fiends as much as possible. Once the Soldier is low on health or all alone, it will resort to a constant bombardment of Fireballs. It can now charge its fireball while backflipping in the HP. Name: Pill bugs Class: Fauna Description: A large, green arthropod with talons all over its body Location: Chapters 10 and 13, The Aqueduct and Fiendish Awakening Constitution: Very Low Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: jump, lunge, tackle Discussion: Pill bugs appear in groups of five or more. They can prove to be very troublesome, as they'll usually leap at Ryu all at the same time. Once attached, they will knock him to the ground and continue to feed on him. Strategy: While it only takes a few hits to kill them, you have to fight them in groups of six or more at a time. Additionally, you usually have to fight at least 40 in a row. Stay on the walls, and don't be afraid to burn up your Firewheels. However, you are not totally immune to their attacks with Firewheel. You need to continuously move in this battle. Name: Reptile Fish Class: Fauna Description: A huge, reptilian, aquatic creature with two appendages used to capture prey Location: Chapter 11, The Path to Zarkhan Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Very Low Abilities: Bite, Swipe Discussion: These large aquatic beasts swim in the moats of Zarkhan. Once Ryu is equipped with the Harpoon Gun, these creatures pose little threat. Strategy: Once you have the Harpoon Gun they pose no threat on any difficulty. Name: Fiendish Vigoorian Soldier Class: Humanoid Fiend Description: The remnant of a mutated Vigoorian Soldier, huge purple and possess a gigantic bayonet Location: Chapter 11, The Path to Zarkhan Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: Bayonet Impale and Detonation, Bayonet Swipe, Bayonet Lunge, 3 hit Combo Discussion: This huge Fiend is the mutation of a Vigoorian Soldier. They attack much like Zombie Fiends, but have the ability to impale Ryu in the ground and detonate a grenade on top of him. They are one of the most hardened enemies in the game. Strategy: See Zombie Fiend Strategy. The only difference here is that I think it's impossible to decapitate these menaces. They have the most health of any normal enemy in the game, and cannot be launched (although they can be knocked down). When you kill one, make sure you use the Essence for an UT. Name: Lesser Phantom Fish Class: Fiend Description: A translucent, floating fish phantasm Location: Chapters 14 and 15, Vengeful Spirit and The Core Constitution: Frail Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: Bite, Tackle Discussion: Lesser Phantom Fish appear in schools and can all attack Ryu at the same time. They must be struck before they attach to Ryu, or they will have to be knocked off. They inflict little damage singularly. Strategy: These fish pose quite a problem to most players initially, but are fairly easy once you figure out how to beat them. If you continue to jump and slash, and not combo, you can continuously keep them from attaching. Additionally, they release all manner of Essence very regularly, so you can burn some Firewheels on these pests. If you slip up, though, you can expect to lose a lot of health while you attempt to shake them off. Name: Phantom Fish Class: Fiend Description: A larger, translucent, floating fish phantasm Location: Chapters 14 and 15, Vengeful Spirit and The Core Constitution: Frail Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: Bite, Tackle Discussion: Larger Phantom Fish appear in schools and can all attack Ryu at the same time. They must be struck before they attach to Ryu, or they will have to be knocked off. They normal damage singularly and will kill Ryu outright in schools. Strategy: See Phantom Fish Strategy Name: Bast Fiends Class: Fiend Description: A feminine, humanoid sized, feline enemy with glyphs covering its body and face, along with elongated ears Location: Many Chapters after Tairon Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: Pounce, Stalk, Throw, Uppercut, Wall Run, Aerial Pounce, Flying Swallow Discussion: They possess the ability of both bipedal and quadruped locomotion. They are also able to leap great distances in both a fully extended and pouncing positions. They rival Ryu's arsenal of moves and are EXTREMELY difficult to hit outright. Name: Ogre Fiends Class: Fiend Description: A huge, bipedal reptilian monster that wears a Triceratops mask, wields a gigantic club and possess five eyes Location: Many Chapters after the Caverns Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: Swing, Scream, Uppercut, Pounce, Charge, 3 Hit combo Discussion: Their bodies and weapons dwarf Ryu's size, so they possess the ability to inflict huge amounts of damage. If you can kill the creatures w/o destroying their masks, you are much better off as they become Berserker once their masks have been destroyed. Name: Shadow Imp Class: Humanoid Fiend Description: A huge, white monstrosity with gigantic talons for appendages, spike stumps for feet and is adorned with many yellow eyeballs. It's cranial area is composed of a taloned mouth with a single giant eyeball protruding out of it. Location: Phases 3 through 5 Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: extreme mobility, burrowing, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, 4 hit launching combo, horizontal slash, vertical leap attack, running slash, Helmet Splitter, Backflips, Burrow Surprise, Slide Attack, Slide Trip, Pummel Discussion: These Fiends are EXTREMELY annoying and have an extremely advanced range of techniques. Name: Mechanized Vigoorian Infantry Class: Unknown Description: A soldier wearing brownish-green robotic war armor wielding an combination automatic rifle/grenade launcher complete with bayonet. Location: Phase 2 Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Normal Abilities: shuriken resistant armor, Blocking, 2 hit Bayonet Combo, 3 Hit Bayonet Combo, Grenades, Bayonet Impale and Detonation, Suppressive Fire, Concentrated Fire, Counter Attack, Vertical Bayonet Slash, Trip, Defensive Bayonet Impale Discussion: This creature is very similar to the Vigoorian Infantry aside from the higher rate of fire, bigger clips and shuriken immunity. Name: Mechanized Vigoorian Heavy Infantry Class: Human Description: A soldier wearing brownish-green robotic war armor wielding a RPG Location: Phase 2 Constitution: Normal Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: shuriken resistant armor, RPG Launcher Discussion: This creature is very similar to the Vigoorian Heavy Infantry aside from the EXTREMELY high rate of fire and shuriken immunity. Name: Vigoorian Berserker Class: Fiend Description: A huge, monstrous knight with skeletal armor, clawed feet and hands, horned head and a long reptilian tail. Wields a huge two-handed sword. Location: Phase 4 Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: Counter Attack, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, 4 hit Combo, Flaming Dash, Double Flaming Dash, Flaming Ritual, Fireball Volley, Huge Seeker Fireball, Berserker Transform, Uppercut, Forest Winds and Mountain Fires, Ultimate Technique. Discussion: This is the most robust enemy in Ninja Gaiden. Its repertoire rivals even Ryu. To defeat it, it is absolutely necessary to utilize the Intercept technique as they Block and Counter Attack almost every regular move outright. Name: Vigoorian Ninja Class: Human Description: A ninja dressed in white and purple shozoku with shin guards and facemask. Very reminiscent of Doku's Samurai, possibly even belonging to the same army. Wields a katana and a Windmill Shuriken. Location: Phases 1, 3 and 4. Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: extreme Blocking, extreme mobility, Reverse Wind, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Violent Gale, Windmill Slash, Shark Attack, Windmill Shuriken, Wall Running, Helmet Splitter, throw, Backflip Discussion: This enemy is very well-rounded as well. It can withstand an entire DS UT. It can interrupt many of Ryu's moves with its extremely annoying Windmill Shuriken. Bosses ------ The HPs adjusted the difficulty of almost every boss, such that cheap strategies that were fairly abusable before have been rendered totally useless. To see the most expedient (yet maybe not most colorful) strategies. See http://www.master-ninja.com/ng. I'll put my own thoughts here. Again, this section will not contain UF strategies as most of these enemies fall very easily to a low health UF combo. However, he has not updated his videos with the HP. Name: Murai, Shadow Ninja Clan Leader Class: Human Description: An extremely muscular ninja dressed in a white gi who fights with nunchaku Location: Chapter 1, The Way of the Ninja Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: shuriken reflect, Blocking, Counter Attacking, Reverse Wind, Back Flip, Auspicious Phoenix, 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Flip Toss, Throw and Kick, Reverse Kick, horizontal strike, vertical strike, Weapon Lock Discussion: Murai is a formidable opponent who takes very little damage during the fight. He is extremely defensive and doesn't leave a lot of opportunity for striking. He can attack with single strikes, Combos, Counter Attacks and throws. He can also defend against most of Ryu's arsenal even going so far as to reflect his shuriken back at him. Strategy: If you stay in the distance where Murai will tend to flip or Auspicious Crane, you can use short combos on him. This fight is all about patience given your sparse movelist at this stage in the game. You can also be somewhat successful offensively with using combos that begin with Windmill Slash. Murai doesn't seem to Counter Attack this move very much, and I can get a very high ratio of Weapon Locking with it. He received a bit of an aggression upgrade with the HP, but for the most part is unchanged. He is now able to totally negate an ET/UT, and he is very versed with dealing with the Lunar and Nunchaku as well. Name: Hatamoto Class: Fiend Description: A warrior wearing a demonic yoroi, including mask, armed with a huge war staff, with a severely disfigured steed Location: Chapter 2, The Hayabusa Ninja Village Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: shuriken/arrow resistant armor, Spear Impalement, Spear Thrust, Horse Kick, Horse Trample, Overhead Spear Twirl, Lateral Spear Twirl Discussion: This warrior is accompanied by many mages, and while his abilities are not so different from his mounted underlings, he does inflict much more damage upon Ryu. Additionally, he cannot be knocked from his steed. Strategy: Using a bow here is very useful as you are guaranteed a kill on the Mages if they are in their Fireball animation. Additionally, once you've dispatched all of them, Hatamoto is susceptible to them as well. Every time you kill a Mage, try to use the Essence for a UT. I can't see any differences in this character from the HP. Name: General Dynamo Class: Human/Machina Description: A severely corpulent, cybernetic soldier with a gigantic, electrical cannon grafted onto his left arm. He is a one-star General as evidenced by his lapel markers. Location: Chapter 3, The Skies of Vengeance Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Normal Abilities: 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Lightning Volley, Concentrated Lightning Volley, Electrocution, Electrical Shield, Roundhouse Smash Discussion: This rotund soldier has a fair amount of offensive options. And, he laughs maniacally throughout the fight. Strategy: He can be defeated with combinations of the Flying Swallow and Violent Gale during his charging times. Dynamo is also very susceptible to Windmill Slash combos. In the HP, he throws out his Electrical Shield a lot more, is almost totally Flying Swallow resistant, but still is very defeatable using Violent Gale. Name: Tentacle Fiend Class: Fiend Description: A gigantic mass of eyeballs, flesh, tentacles and talons Location: Chapters 5, 7 and 15, Dworku, Hidden Underground and The Core Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Normal Abilities: Tentacle Swipe, Fireballs, Tentacle Poke, Tentacle Flail, Leg Grab Discussion: While this Fiend appears troublesome, it is in fact fairly easy to kill. It will continually launch fireballs onto the ground and lash out in all manners with its tentacles. It can also shield itself with its Tentacle Flail as well. Strategy: Flying Swallow the Tentacles, but watch out for the Tentacle Flail. The spot in the fight where you are the least vulnerable to the tentacles and fireballs is right in front of it. Make sure that you kill the tentacles quickly after one another to setup a Storm of the Heavenly Dragon Gleam. The Tentacles are almost constantly doing something now in the HP, however, you can still stand in front of it and be immune to the Fireballs. Name: Zombie Dragon Class: Undead, Dragon Description: The remains of a gigantic dragon, only the bones and cartilage are left Location: Chapter 6, The Monastery Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: shuriken/arrow resistant armor, Spinal Shot, Lower Tail Swipe, Upper Tail Swipe, Stomp, Swipe, Bite Discussion: The Zombie Dragon fills up the entire Cavern and positions itself on the ledges. Ryu must attack the limbs of the creature while avoiding it's melee and projectile attacks. If it happens to bite Ryu, he will attempt to eat him. Strategy: You can Flying Swallow the limbs pretty incessantly with Red-Hot Iron Brand. Just make sure to not tack on the Dragon Emperor Kick, as its recovery will make you vulnerable. Watch out for the Stomps and Swipes, and the tail will swipe twice unless its moving to base another leg. There is a sweet spot to the right of where the Dragon places its feet that can be used to duck under the Upper Tail Swipe. You can no longer use shuriken or arrows against this creature in the HP. Name: Alma Class: Greater Fiend Description: A large, pink Fiend with tentacle hair, cranial winglets and a large globe in her abdomen Location: Chapter 7, The Hidden Underground Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Bubble Drop, Firewheel, Column Toss, Leg Toss, Strafing Run, Leg Toss, Divebomb Discussion: Alma's first form is arguably Ryu's greatest challenge in the game. Alma's agility makes her mostly impervious to Ryu's entire arsenal. Ryu must adopt a purely defensive strategy with Alma to defeat her. Strategy: You pretty much have to stay in the danger zone in this fight to provoke her to do something you can retaliate against. That is, you need to stay close enough to her for her to do her melee attacks more frequently. She is VERY hard to hit with Flying Swallow, so only do it if she has to recover from a fail Drop Kick or combo. She is also vulnerable right when she starts to summon her pink fireballs. If you can't hit her out of it, prepare to perfectly Roll Jump. To my knowledge, no one has discovered a 100% reliable way of damaging her. She can dodge Flying Swallow at any time (even during attacks). She didn't appear to gain any new techniques with the HP, but she is extremely defensive against Essenceless UT's. Name: Tank Class: Machina Description: A tank supplied with a mounted machine gunner Location: Chapter 9, The Military Supply Base Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Normal Abilities: Cannon Blast, Suppressive Fire, Steamroll Discussion: The Tank Battalion consists of two of these vehicles. Ryu can defeat it with a combination of Explosive Arrows and Armor-piercing Arrows. Strategy: Dodge the initial blast and quickly make the Mounted Machine Gunner retreat by firing an explosive arrow in his vicinity. Then setup station next to the treads, and pummel the tank with first person arrows. However, in the HP, you can no longer simply stand in one place. It will continually attempt to run you over now. You have to constantly reposition, now. Name: Attack Helicopter Class: Machina Description: A Hind-type attack helicopter, equipped with a gatlin gun, heat-seeking missiles and Incendiary Bombs Location: Chapter 9, The Military Supply Base Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: Suppressive Fire, Concentrated Fire, Strafing Run, Bombing Run, Missile Volleys Discussion: While this Helicopter is invulnerable during Ryu's first run-in with it, Ryu proves a greater challenge the second time. He possesses enough ordinance to surgically destroy the aircraft. Strategy: You have to be a pretty good shot with first person bow for this fight. Use Roll Jumping to avoid the missiles, but you have to be fairly precise with its implementation. Always run at 90 degrees to the attack vector. When the helicopter goes under the bridge, you'll have the hardest time dodging the missiles due to proximity. Use armor piercing arrows here and refill your quiver from the bins on each side of the bridge. This encounter received no upgrades in the HP. Name: Inferno Worm Class: Fauna Description: A huge worm with rows of fangs and fire control abilities Location: Chapter 10, The Aqueduct Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: Slap, Fire Ring, Bite Discussion: Since this creature never occurs in pairs, Ryu can dispatch it reasonably. The Fire Ring it shoots can be jumped through. Strategy: Arm your Explosive Arrows and jump through the Fire Rings. After each Ring, you can quickly get off a shot. Bird Flip off of the side wall and do the Y move for whatever weapon you like whenever it attempts to slap you. Singularly, this creature is not too much of a problem. You can use the cavern walls to Bird Flip and Y attack with the two-handed weapons. When two worms are out, stay in the forward right side area, and roll out of the way of the Slaps. If both Worms are going to fire projectiles, use a Ninpo to get them to retreat. Name: Zombie Drake Class: Undead, Dragon Description: A huge, decaying biped with large wing-like bone structures and a cylindrical head Location: Chapter 10, The Aqueduct Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: Laser Immolation, Wing Sweep, Stomp, Chomp, Gust, Leap Discussion: This huge creature can easily navigate its own cavern and can rack up huge damage on Ryu. Strategy: Ryu can attack its legs, and the creature will lower its head while stunned. I tend to use two-handed weapons for this fight along with explosive arrows. You can setup a pretty reliable loop attacking his legs and then rolling away when it does its little jump. Unfortunately, while this creature gained the ability to fire the Laser between its own legs, it doesn't use this ability when it really should. If it holes up at the end of the Sanctuary where Ryu came in, you can continually Blade of Nirrti it. Name: Lord Doku Class: Greater Fiend Description: A large samurai warrior, possibly without physical shape, only exists as a purple flame inside armor, wields Kitetsu Location: Chapter 11, The Path to Zarkhan Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: shuriken/arrow resistant armor, Shockwave, Stab of Extinction, Dead Soul Bind, Ice Breath, Haze Straight Slash, various Combos, horizontal Slash, vertical Slash, Spin Slash, Weapon Lock Discussion: Ryu's revenge on Doku for the murder of his entire village is brought most easily through the use of the Dabilahro or Unlabored Flawlessness. Strategy: Use Murai Strategy. You have to stay in the danger zone here, too, to get him to do something you can retaliate against. Use small combos. In the HP, he diversifies his attacks greatly. However, you can Intercept almost everything he does outside of his Haze Straight Slash. Even the long 5 hit Combo is totally Interceptable. Name: Ice Fiend Class: Fauna Description: A white and pink abomination with two huge arms and rows of fangs Location: Chapters 12 and 15, The Caverns, The Core Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Normal Abilities: shuriken/arrow resistant hide, Stomp, Flip, Chew, Ice Shot, Stationary Ice Geyser, Chasing Ice Geyser, Swing, Jab Combos Discussion: This disgusting creature can utilize its massive bulk and command over the ice element to destroy Ryu. However, its bulk also proves to be helpful to Ryu as the creature is not terribly mobile. Strategy: This creature has possibly the largest amount of health in the game. Fortunately, most of its attacks are terribly telegraphed. Therefore, it's easy to avoid them and attack its backside. His range is deceptive, though, so watch out for his jabs and grabs. It didn't appear to receive any upgrades in the HP in the first fight. However, when you have to fight it again in the Core, you must also put up with a stream of 30 Imp Fiends courtesy of Gogohn. Name: Inazuma Worm Class: Fauna Description: A huge worm with rows of fangs and electrical conductive abilities Location: Chapter 12, The Caverns Constitution: Durable Difficulty: Normal/Deadly Abilities: Slap, Lightning Shot, Environment Charge, Bite, Coil Discussion: Singularly, the Inazuma Worm is fairly easy to deal with, but in pairs, the Worms can be quite destructive. You have limited options in the caves in which you encounter them. Explosive Arrows and ground combos (when they miss moves) are Ryu's only recourses. Strategy: Singularly, this creature is not too much of a problem. Roll at the last second to avoid the Lightning Balls, and immediately fire of an Explosive Arrow. You can use the cavern walls to Bird Flip and Y attack with the two-handed weapons. Name: Smougan the Flame Dragon Class: Dragon Description: A gigantic, golden Dragon with four legs and massive wings Location: Chapter 12, The Caverns Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: Flame Wing, Fire Breath, Fireball, Bite, Platform Raise Discussion: This magnificent creature is capable of nearly devouring Ryu along with utilizing its fiery arsenal. Strategy: I prefer to stay on the top center platform as the Dragon won't waste time shooting fireballs and will frequently attempt to bite. It's pretty easy to avoid this, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to hit it after it misses. You can also Wind Path off of its head and inflict significant damage during the unique animation. While Smougan will diversify his attacks a bit more, he can still not bite you if you stay in the upper left corner of the upper-center platform. Name: Alma Awakened Class: Greater Fiend Description: A large, grotesque, purple and black arachnid transformation with huge winglets covering her body and a large globe in her abdomen Location: Chapter 13, Fiendish Awakening Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: shuriken/arrow resistant armor, extreme mobility, Twirl, 2 hit Combo, Globe Fireball, Firewheel, Column Toss, Leg Cradle, Strafing Run, Talon Strike Discussion: Alma Awakened is arguably the most upgraded of all of the enemies in the HP. Her Globe Fireball is now very deadly and extremely fast. It must be Roll Jumped. She will no longer simply run into Dragon Gleams or Ninpo. She can Twirl Dodge every single thing that Ryu can do, and she can charge her Globe Fireball whilst Twirling now. This encounter is as difficult as the initial encounter now, as she can cancel every single move that she has into a Twirl Dodge. Name: Doku's Spirit Form Class: Greater Fiend Description: A spiritually, translucent representation of Doku's physical form Location: Chapter 14, Vengeful Spirit Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: shuriken/arrow resistant armor, flight, extreme mobility, extreme reach, 2 hit Combo, 7 hit Combo, Soul Bind, Distance Soul Bind, Haze Straight Slash, horizontal slash, vertical slash, Spin Slash Discussion: Several of Doku's abilities have been substantially upgraded for this fight. In the HP, you can no longer repeated Blade of Nirrti and then Reverse Wind. The initial Y in Blade of Nirrti, knocks him away. Name: Supreme Fiend Gogohn Class: Greater Fiend Description: A great, green monstrosity with bat-like wings, huge arms, cloven feet and three eyes Location: Chapter 15, The Core Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: Wing Dive, Fireballs, Swoop Strike, Overhand Strike, Fiend Summon, Lasso Throw, Dash Strike Discussion: The final of the Greater Fiends that Ryu can dispatch is a very worthy adversary. Along with having to deal with Gogohn himself, Ryu must battle every Fiend that Gogohn summons as well. Strategy: You can continually run after Gogohn and continually do an Air Destruction Slash. This will interrupt everything but the Wing Dive attack he does. While it takes little damage off, you will be able to defeat Gogohn very easily if you're consistent with your Roll Jumping to pursue him. In the HP, he summons Bast Fiends instead of Imp Fiends. This fight is fairly challenging, now. Name: Vigoor's First Form Class: Deity Description: The largest creature with which Ryu must contend, a gigantic living statue that resembles Alma to a point Location: Chapter 15, The Core Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Formidable Abilities: Blocking, multiple Laser Ray configurations, multiple Swipes Discussion: Ryu levitates up to this creature using a platform of bedrock. Ryu can attack the jewels on its chest and shoulders to affect damage. Strategy: Equip the TDS and attack the teal orbs on Vigoor's chest and shoulders. There are at least two types of Laser series. One series will consist of many pairs of two parallel lasers that move laterally around the body. You can move up and down into the gaps between the lasers. The second type moves diagonally all around Vigoor. There are sweet spots where you can sit and not be touched by these lasers. They are conveniently to the lower left and right of Vigoor's chest and parallel to the orbs on its shoulders. Vigoor will also swipe at you with its hands. Once you inflict enough damage on a set of orbs, the camera will pan out showing Vigoor wince in pain. Once you destroy the orbs on its chest, you can still maneuver and attack during this animation. Because of this Vigoor will frequently protect them with its arms. In the HP, another series of Lasers were introduced that move in opposite directions. However, it is just as easily defeated due to the fact that you can simply Ninpo it to death. Name: Vigoor's Second Form Class: Deity Description: A humongous mountain of skulls and skeletal arms Location: Chapter 15, The Core Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: Skull Flurry, Bite, Pounce Discussion: Ryu's adversary, Vigoor, in his true form is truly hideous. However, since Vigoor's only weapon (the skulls themselves) can be destroyed for damage, Ryu can dispatch this God as easily as the rest of his adversaries. Strategy: Unload all of your projectiles against it starting with Explosive Arrows, since you won't be needing them anymore. Equip the Flail. And continually do Dragon and Phoenix as they attack. Do not finish the combo, though, as you will be hit with huge lag on the last X. This is a use of the combo breaking technique listed in my advanced combo FAQ. You need to be ready to stop the combo at any time to avoid the big skull. When Vigoor jumps onto the platform, simply roll underneath him and attack his legs. It didn't appear to receive any upgrades in the HP. Name: The Dark Disciple Class: Deity Description: Murai takes a demonic form with purple skin, black tears, and huge talon hands Location: Chapter 16, The Dark Dragon Blade Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Normal Abilities: shuriken/arrow resistant hide, MANY Dark Dragon Blade Combos, Impalement, Shuriken Toss, Shuriken Shield, Dark Dragon Summon, Torpedo, Toss, Helmet Splitter, teleportation, Ninpo resistant Dark Dragon Blade Discussion: The Dark Disciple received the second most profound upgrade. You can no longer Flying Swallow him at all unless you are trading damage with an attack. This is a difficult fight now. Name: Shadow Alma Class: Greater Fiend Description: A Greater Fiend that resembles Alma with gray skin, black tears, huge clawed hands and feet, and a much more prominent set of cranial winglets, back spires and forearm talons. Location: Phase 5 Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: 2 hit Combo, 3 hit Combo, Fire Drop, Supreme Firewheel, Meteor Toss, Leg Toss, Strafing Run, Divebomb, Flying Swallow Discussion: This creature is capable of every technique reminiscent of Alma. Unfortunately, you must fight Shadow Imps along with this battle. Name: Shadow Rachel Class: Greater Fiend Description: Greenish Feminine form with a tentacle coming out of her right arm socket and a clawed hand on her left arm. She is adorned fanged clothing, and her head seems to have been cloven in half with an ornate headdress placed just above her mouth. She is covered in black markings and thorns. An interesting note is that she appears to animate backwards. Location: Phase 5 Constitution: Hardened Difficulty: Deadly Abilities: Tentacle Stab, Tentacle Swing, MANY Combos, Short Dash, Long Dash, Double Dash, Tentacle Lash, Talon Slash, Evil Eye, Knee Bash, Lariat, Ground Strangle, Tentacle Spin Discussion: Next to nothing is known about this creature and its motivations. No Ninpo (not even Inazuma) is effective on it. --Timely Boss and Sub Boss Strategies-- I'll probably be updating this FAQ with strategies for beating the bosses in the time allotted. Most of these strategies will work on Very Hard. Shinobier from the Master Ninja website (see credits) contributed greatly to this section. Unfortunately, for those in the Tournament, the times are reduced in Normal, so some of the regular enemy timings are extremely difficulty to achieve. Keep in mind that most of these encounters after Alma become very easy with proper use of a powered up Unlabored Flawlessness. I will add these in time as many of these strategies will no longer work in the Hurricane Pack. --Hurricane Pack 1 Disclaimer-- The Ninja Gaiden download content is now available for the 2nd round of the Master Ninja Tournament. It has become evident that the engine has fundamentally changed from the scoring, to the fighting, to the character lists, to the moves themselves. As such, I have created Hurricane Pack sections in most of the FAQ's, since all of this information will always be valid given that the Ninja Gaiden game disc remains. --Hurricane Pack 2 Disclaimer-- Hurricane Pack 2 has been released, there are many new as well as upgraded creatures. They have been added to this document with appropriate statistics. Many of the bosses make repeat and TOTALLY unique appearances in Hurricane Pack 2. I will outline these differences in further updates. --Credits-- There hasn't been a reliable source of enemy names presented, yet. So, this information is only composed of names found in the game itself, Itagaki interviews, information granted by Sour_Tofu and the game's manual. All other sources are considered unofficial. Many of the boss strategies come from Shinobier's vids. Check out his site at http://www.master-ninja.com/ng Tecmo Team Ninja Microsoft GameFAQ's