======================================================================= _ _ _ _ ____ _____ ____ | \ | | | | | | | _ \ | ____| / __ \ | \| | | | | | | | | | | _| / / _` | | |\ | _| |_| |_ | |_| |_ | |___ _ | | (_| | |_| \_|(_)\___/(_)|____/(_)|_____|(_) \ \__,_| Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment \____/ XBOX (JPN) Basic translation Guide and FAQ Version 1.0 (23/02/2004) ======================================================================= Copyright Notice ---------------- Copyright (c) 2004 tanoshimi (alastair_aitchison@hotmail.com) This guide may be reproduced without permission, provided no part is altered or removed, including this copyright notice. The current version of this guide is available from: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ Please feel free to mail me any comments/suggestions/corrections so that this guide can be of use to further players. Version History --------------- Version 1.0 (23/02/2004) + Added registration details section + Added pronunciation and text input sections + Added more questions and items to the animal/plant/food sections + Added basic descriptions of the weather and tipster websites o Overhauled task descriptions for Phases 2 and 3 Version 0.6 (18/02/2004) + Added details of the fishtank and naming fish + Added details of the jyanken (paper, scissors, stone) game + Added further interaction with CD, and list of CDs + Added further interaction with Window + Added lots more items to the animal/plant and food/drink lists o Modified document layout and spacing Version 0.5 (09/02/2004) First Public release. o In-game and menu navigation o Actions to pass task list for phases 1-4 o Details of the animal/vegetable guessing game ======================================================================= /***************** CONTENTS *****************/ A. Introduction B. Controls and Menu Navigation B.1. Main Game B.2. In-game Menu C. Starting the Game ------------------------------------- 1. Phase One : Identification 1.0. Registration 1.1. Summary 1.2. Task List 2. Phase Two : Interaction 2.1. Summary 2.2. New Features 2.3. Task List 2.3.1. Television 2.3.2. Curtain 2.3.3. Window 2.3.4. CD Player 2.3.5. Air Conditioning 2.3.6. Lighting 2.3.7. Clock 2.3.8. Refrigerator 2.3.9. Coffee Maker 2.3.10. Wastepaper Bin 2.3.11. Toaster 2.3.12. Radio 3. Phase Three : Advanced Interaction 3.1. Summary 3.2. New Features 3.3. Task List 3.3.1. Telephone 3.3.2. Cooking 3.3.3. Vacuum Cleaner 3.3.4. Care for a plant 3.3.5. Magazine 3.3.6. Washing 3.3.7. Video Player 4. Phase Four : Virus! 4.1. Summary 5. Phase Five : 5.1. Summary 5.2. New Features 6. Game Over ------------------------------------- X. Japanese Language X.1. Text Input X.2. Pronunciation /******************************** A. INTRODUCTION ********************************/ In this game, you are a 'test monitor' (i.e. Beta Tester) for P.A.S.S. - a product developed by the ARK corporation. P.A.S.S. (Personal Assist Secretary System) is a robotic assistant. When it first arrives, your P.A.S.S. has no knowledge, and you must teach it to identify objects in your room by speaking through the XBOX voice communicator (the game comes with a mic, or you can use the one you use for XBOX Live!). As time goes on, you can teach P.A.S.S. to perform complex tasks and hold a conversation. The game is based on the time setting of your system clock, and in order to maintain your position on the 'test monitor' programme, you must successfully teach your P.A.S.S. a number of tasks within each phase of the programme. At that point, ARK collects your P.A.S.S. and upgrades it to the next phase. The gameplay mechanics are relatively straightforward, and will be familiar to anybody who played 'Seaman' on the Dreamcast. It's not the most interesting game for others to watch you play, but it's a refreshing change from FPSs or RPGs, and you get a bizarre sense of achievement when your P.A.S.S. successfully learns a new task! !!!WARNING : Nihon-go ga wakarimasu ka?!!! Due to the nature of this game, it is crucial that you have *some* knowledge of spoken Japanese. Some reviews would suggest that you have to be fluent but I don't think this is the case at all. In fact, at the start of the game you only have to say single words to identify common household objects - and then as the game progresses you find yourself gradually using more complicated dialogue patterns. I think that this makes it an ideal learning tool for beginner/intermediate Japanese students, since it teaches listening and spoken skills, whereas many self-taught students like myself focus more on reading and writing. This guide was written using only a basic knowledge of Japanese and the use of a good dictionary. It is not complete, nor necessarily 100% accurate, but I hope that it will help other non-fluent Japanese speakers to enjoy this game. /******************************** B. CONTROLS AND MENU NAVIGATION ********************************/ ============== B.1. MAIN GAME ============== D-PAD = (Normal view) Select object to interact with (Seated view) Pan camera Start = Speak / Interact with object A = Speak / Interact with object B = Switch from object <--> P.A.S.S. X = Camera Mode Y = Menu White = Save Game (select left option to save, right to cancel) R-Trigger = Take photo (while in camera mode) ================= B.2. IN-GAME MENU ================= In-game menu (By pressing Y) options are as follows: [SCHEDULE] Switches between date / time view [P.A.S.S. O.S.] (Operating System) [MANUAL] Allows you to check the P.A.S.S. manual, which shows the list of words learned so far, and those remaining to clear the phase. Cleared tasks will be shown with a red tick. [PHOTO GALLERY] View any photos you've taken throughout the game. [WEB] Visit a number of fake web sites, including those of the manufacturer, ARK [MEMO] Here you can read the memos you receive throughout the game. You will receive a number of memos, including technical support from ARK corporation, and the diary notes that P.A.S.S. makes as she learns new things. [INBOX] This is where new messages will arrive. Once read, they will be filed into the appropriate box. [ARK] You'll get a new message at the start of every phase [SUPPORT] Support on the various tasks [P.A.S.S.] Your P.A.S.S. keeps a diary of the various things she learns each day here. [MERU MAGA] Mail shots for various shops [MERU TOMO] Messages from friends [OTHERS] Anything that doesn't fit one of the above... /******************************** C. STARTING THE GAME ********************************/ The start screen gives the following menu options: [NEW GAME] When you start a new game, you'll be asked to input your name. This is a Japanese game so surname goes in the top box, first name in the second box. Your P.A.S.S. will understand and say your name, so try to spell it right! Consult the 'Text Input' section for more details. Select the third option to start the game. [LOAD GAME] Select a saved game to load. Saved games are identified by the name of the player and the date/time last saved. If no save games are found, this option is greyed out on the title screen. [OPTION] [TEXTURE] - select textures for certain in-game objects [Yuka] = Floor [Tenjo] = Ceiling [Kabe] = Wall [Katen] = Curtain [MIC TEST] - test the mic input level [ICON DISPLAY] - position the in game icon display [Top] [Bottom] [SOUND] - alter the in-game sound levels [BGM level] [SE level] [Voice level] [Headset Output] [DEMO MOVIES] - view demo movies (non-interactive) of other games [N.U.D.E.] [Kung Fu Panic] [Mech Assault] [True Fantasy Live Online] [Blinx] [Wild Rings] /******************************** 1. PHASE ONE : IDENTIFICATION ********************************/ ======================== 1.0. REGISTRATION ======================== When you first start a new game, you'll receive a message from ARK, with a registration form to complete. The fields in green are as follows: [Surname (Kanji)] = Not editable [Name (Kanji)] = Not editable [Surname (Furigana)] = If you entered your name in Katakana, this will be the same as above [Name (Furigana)] = As above [Date of Birth] = YYYY/MM/DD format [Sex] = Male/Female [Occupation] = Default value is Sarariman (Office worker) [Favourite Genre] = Default value is Ongaku (Music) The choices for [Occupation] are: [Shogakusei] = Schoolchild [Chugakusei] = Junior Highschool Student [Kokosei] = Highschool Student [Daigakusei] = University Student [Roninsai] = Jobless Person [Mushoku] = Unemployed [Shufu] = Housewife [Sarariman] = Salaryman (Office worker) [Jieigyo] = Self-employed [Kaisha Yakuin] = Company Director [Isha] = Doctor [Kyoshi] = Teacher [Geinojin] = Entertainer / Artist [Pro Yakyuyushu] = Pro baseball player and the choices for [Favourite Genre] are: [Eiga] = Cinema [Bungaku] = Literature [Ongaku] = Music [Anime] = Anime [Chiri] = Geography [Sekaishi] = World History [Nihonshi] = Japanese History Once you've completed the form, select the button at the bottom left to continue. The T.V. news will come on (you can skip by pressing A), and then the doorbell will ring, as your new P.A.S.S. is delivered and phase one starts! ======================== 1.1. SUMMARY - PHASE ONE ======================== During phase one, your main objective will be to teach your P.A.S.S. the names of the various objects in your flat. When you press the D-Pad each object will be highlighted with a red arrow, and it's name will be shown (in kana) in a box in the top-left of the screen. Clicking 'A' will make your P.A.S.S. move over to the object. You then need to teach her the name of the object by pressing 'A' and saying the name. If she can't understand you at all then you might see a lot of kana appear in the top left corner of the screen (ninshiki dekimasen). Try to vary the pitch or timing of your pronunciation. If she understands some of what you say, you might find her stuttering the correct phrase. Saying: 'So, so' = That's right Will help P.A.S.S. to improve quicker. Once your P.A.S.S. learns the name of an object (normally after getting it right several times in a row), she will turn around and say: = XXX. I get it! At this point, that item will become checked in the task list. You will have three days to learn all the objects in this phase before phase two commences. Sometimes, your P.A.S.S. will get confused and mishear you. Try saying: 'Chigau' = Wrong /or/ 'Iie' = No and then repeat the correct word. At times, P.A.S.S. may forget the right name for an object it had previously learned (you'll hear a sound effect when this happens that sounds like the wrong answer in a game show). In this case, you will need to reteach that word in order to pass the phase. Sometimes, P.A.S.S. may overheat and will walk away into the next room for 10 minutes rest. There's not much you can do, but you can still operate the CD and Television while you wait for her to return. You can check what objects your P.A.S.S. has learned (and which ones are remaining) by going to the menu and selecting 'P.A.S.S. O.S.' at any time. ========================== 1.2. TASK LIST - PHASE ONE ========================== You might want to start off by greeting your P.A.S.S.: 'O-haiyo' = Good morning The following is a list of objects needed to clear phase one: 'Bedo' = Bed 'Karendar' = Calendar 'Eacon' = Air-conditioning 'Mado' = Window 'Katen' = Curtain 'Bideo' = Video 'Terebi' = Television 'Maru Teberu' = Round table 'Maru Isu' = Round chair 'Rajikase' = Radio cassette player 'Denwa' = Telephone 'Isu' = Chair 'Notopasocom' = Notebook personal computer 'Tokei' = Clock 'Posuta' = Poster 'Gomibako' = Wastepaper bin 'Denki' = Light switch 'Moppu' = Mop 'Sojiki' = Vacuum cleaner 'Minibengin' = Mini-penguin (!) N.B. P.A.S.S. also recognises the words: 'Pi-shi' = PC 'Kurina' = (Vacuum) Cleaner but teaching these won't clear the task. After three days, if you've learned all the words above, P.A.S.S. will be taken away to be upgraded and you'll start phase two. /******************************** 2. PHASE TWO : INTERACTION ********************************/ ======================== 2.1. SUMMARY - PHASE TWO ======================== The first thing you'll have to do in phase two is to name your P.A.S.S. The default option is: = Twenty-one I'd recommend that you pick something memorable, as from now on, your P.A.S.S. will respond to her own name (as well as to yours!). I chose 'Kasumi'. Refer to the 'Text Input' section if you need help. Whereas phase one was about identification, phase two is concerned with teaching your P.A.S.S. to interact with the various objects in the room. When you first try to interact with an object in phase two, P.A.S.S. will say: = Show me And you will then need to explain a number of steps as to how to interact with that item. Once an action has been learned once, P.A.S.S. will remember how to do it without following through all the stages. ============================= 2.2. NEW FEATURES - PHASE TWO ============================= GREEETINGS ---------- Sometimes, when you say 'O-haiyo' to P.A.S.S., she will say: = Please show me a new greeting. 'Konnichiwa' /or/ 'O-haiyo gozaimasu' WEB --- There is a new website - 'Otenki chanzu tenki yosoku' where you can make predictions of tomorrow's weather. The front page shows an icon to represent the current weather conditions. The options are as follows: [FORECAST] Literal translation is 'Konkai no tenki yosoku o suru' = '(Make a) forecast this time around.' Select an icon from the bottom of the screen to make your prediction: [Hare] = Fine Weather [Kumori] = Cloudy [Ame] = Rain [Raiun] = Thunder [Taifu] = Typhoon [Yuki] = Snow [PREVIOUS FORECAST] Literal translation is 'Zenkai no yosoku no kekka o shiridai' = 'Know the result of last time's estimate.' [ABOUT THIS SITE] Literal translation is 'Kono saito no koto o shiridai' = 'Find out about this site' [PRIZES] Literal translation is 'Nani ga moraeru ga shiridai' = 'What you can win. CARDS ----- From phase two onwards there is a new setting in the P.A.S.S. O.S. menu screen so that you can now play blackjack with P.A.S.S. to win credits. You start with 100 credits and can raise the bet amount from 1 upwards. ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, (MINERAL) GUESSING GAME ------------------------------------------ When you say the name of certain objects, P.A.S.S. might say: = Please show me. What is XXX? = Please show me. Is it an animal? Is it a plant? You should reply: 'Shokobutsu' = Plant /or/ 'Dobutsu' = Animal If you say the name of a plant, you may then be asked: = Please show me. Is X a vegetable, fruit, or flower? You should reply: 'Yasai' = Vegetable /or/ 'Kudamono' = Fruit /or/ 'Hana' = Flower If you say the name of a flower, you may be asked: = Please show me. Does X grow from a seed or from a bulb? You should reply: 'Tane' = Seed /or/ 'Kyukon' = Bulb If you say the name of an animal, you may then be asked: = Please show me. Is X a carnivore, an herbivore, or an omnivore? You should reply: 'Nikushoku' = Carnivore /or/ 'Soushoku' = Herbivore /or/ 'Zasshoku' = Omnivore If you say the name of an animal, you may then be asked: = Please show me. Does X walk, swim, or fly? You should reply: 'Arukimasu' = Walk /or/ 'Oyogumasu' = Swim /or/ 'Tomimasu' = Fly You may also be asked: = Please show me. Do you like X or not? You should reply: 'Suki' = I like it /or/ 'Kirai' = I dislike it You may also be asked: = Please show me. What colour is X? You should reply: 'Aka' = Red /or/ 'Ao' = Blue /or/ 'Midori' = Green /or/ 'Shiro' = White /or/ 'Kiiro' = Yellow /or/ 'Kuro' = Black /or/ 'Haiiro' = Grey /or/ 'Orenji' = Orange /or/ 'Murasaki' = Purple If you identify two or more of the same type, P.A.S.S. might say: = Isn't it similar to a XXX? You should reply: 'Hai' = Yes, it is /or/ 'Iie' = No, it's not If you mention an object that P.A.S.S. already knows, she may say back the facts above that you have taught her. You should say: 'Hai' = Yes /or/ 'Sore de ii' = That's good Here is a list of some of the objects P.A.S.S. recognises: Shokubutsu (Plant) 'Anenome' = Anenome 'Asuparagasu' = Asparagus 'Banana' = Banana (duh!) 'Burokkori' = Broccoli 'Buruberi' = Blueberry 'Gerepufurusu' = Grapefruit 'Gobou' = Burdock 'Hakusai' = Chinese cabbage 'Himawari' = Sunflower 'Jagaimo' = Potato 'Kabocha' = Pumpkin 'Kanashion' = Carnation 'Kiui' = Kiwi 'Kosumosu' = Cosmos 'Kyabetsu' = Cabbage 'Meron' = Melon 'Mikan' = Tangerine 'Moyashi' = Beansprouts 'Ninjin' = Carrot 'Ninniku' = Garlic 'Pineappuru' = Pineapple 'Rabenda' = Lavender 'Ringo' = Apple 'Sakuranbo' = Cherry 'Suisen' = Daffodil 'Sumire' = Violet 'Tamanegi' = Onion 'Tomato' = Tomato 'Tomorokoshi' = Sweetcorn Dobutsu (Animal) 'Amagaeru' = Tree Frog 'Aribaeto' = Alligator 'Azarashi' = Seal 'Chinpanzee' = Chimpanzee 'Dachou' = Ostrich 'Gorira' = Gorilla 'Haena' = Hyena 'Hakuchou' = Swan 'Harinezumi' = Hedgehog 'Hayabusa' = Peregrine Falcon 'Iguana' = Iguana 'Inoshishi' = Boar 'Kangaru' = Kangaroo 'Karasu' = Crow 'Kawasemi' = Kingfisher 'Kirin' = Giraffe 'Kitsune' = Fox 'Neko' = Cat 'Nezumi' = Mouse 'Nihon Zaru' = Japanese Macaque 'Ningen' = Human 'Panda' = Panda 'Raion' = Lion 'Shimarisu' = Chipmunk 'Shiro Kuma' = Polar Bear 'Shiro Sai' = White Rhino 'Suzume' = Sparrow 'Tsubame' = Swallow 'Uguisu' = Nightingale 'Usagi' = Rabbit 'Wagyu' = Cow ========================== 2.3. TASK LIST - PHASE TWO ========================== Your task list for phase two will involve learning to interact in the appropriate way with each of the following items. When you successfully clear a task, P.A.S.S. will say: = Ok, I've learned another task. If you then say: 'Yokku Yatta' = Well Done 'Sankyu' = Thankyou P.A.S.S. will reply: 2.3.1. TELEVISION ----------------- To switch on the TV: 'Terebi' = Television 'Suiichi' = Switch = Ok, which switch? 'Migi' = Right = Right, I'll press the right switch To turn the TV off: 'Kesu' = Switch Off = I turned the TV's power off 2.3.2. CURTAIN -------------- You must teach your P.A.S.S. to open/close the curtains: 'Katan' = Curtain = What shall I do with the curtain string? 'Hiku' = Pull = Ok, I'll pull the string. 2.3.3. WINDOW ------------- Open the Window: 'Mado' = Window 'Suraido' = Slide = What direction should I slide it in? 'Hidari' = Left = I'll slide the window to the left. 2.3.4. CD PLAYER ---------------- Play a CD: 'Rajikase' = Radio/Cassette Player = Radio or CD? 'Shide' = CD 'Suiichi' 'Purei Botan' = Play Button = Ok. I'll press the play button. You can control playback as follows: 'Tsukeru' = Turn On 'Kesu' = Turn Off 'Mae no torakke' / = Previous track 'Mae no kyoku' 'Tsugi no torakke' / = Next track 'Tsugi no torakke' You can also select CDs by their Genre: 'Shide Oruta' = Alternative CD 'Shide Rokku' = Rock CD 'Shide Minzo' = Ethnic CD 'Shide Dansu' = Dance 'Shide Anime' = Anime 'Shide Tekuno' = Techno Alternatively, you can choose the number of an individual CD: 'Shide Ichi-ban-me' = 1st CD (Secret of Ultimatum) 'Shide Ni-ban-me' = 2nd CD (Breath of Earth) 'Shide San-ban-me' = 3rd CD (Infinity tools featuring dANA) 'Shide Yon-ban-me' = 4th CD (Class 7 Party) 'Shide Go-ban-me' = 5th CD (Spiral Unity) 'Shide Roku-me' = 6th CD (New Century Folklore) 'Shide Nana-ban-me' = 7th CD (Fire Tractor) 'Shide Hachi-ban-me' = 8th CD (Synonym Quartet) 'Shide Kyu-ban-me' = 9th CD (Javajanjah) 'Shide Ju-ban-me' = 10th CD (Face Mucom) 'Shide Juichi-ban-me' = 11th CD (Neo Classics) 'Shide Juni-ban-me' = 12th CD (XBOX Playlist) N.B. You can play your own tracklist saved on the XBOX harddrive by selecting disc 12. 2.3.5. AIR CONDITIONING ----------------------- 'Eacon' = Air conditioning = What shall I do with the air conditioning? 'Suiichi' = Switch = The settings range from 18 to 30 degrees. Choose a new temperature: 'Ju-Hachi Do' = 18 degrees /or/ 'Ju-kyu Do' = 19 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju Do' = 20 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju-ichi do' = 21 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju-ni do' = 22 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju-san do' = 23 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju-yon do' = 24 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju-go do' = 25 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju-roku do' = 26 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju-shichi do' = 27 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju-hachi do' = 28 degrees /or/ 'Ni-ju-kyu do' = 29 degrees /or/ 'San-ju do' = 30 degrees 2.3.6. LIGHTING --------------- 'Denki' = Lightswitch /or/ 'Shomei' = Lighting /or/ 'Akari' = Light 'Suuichi' = Switch = Which switch? 'Midori' = Green /or/ 'Aka' = Red /or/ 'Aoi' = Blue /or/ 'Shiro' = White If you say 'Shiro', P.A.S.S. will then ask: = Which white switch? 'Mannaka' = Center 2.3.7. CLOCK ------------ You must teach your P.A.S.S. to tell the time: 'Nan-ji desu ka?' / 'Ima Nan-ji?' = What time is it? 2.3.8. REFRIGERATOR ------------------- You must get P.A.S.S. to get something from the fridge (located in the other room): 'Reizoko' = Fridge = Ok. There's MS cola in the fridge. Shall I get that? 'Hai' = Yes 2.3.9. COFFEE MAKER ------------------- 'Kohi' = Coffee 'Kohi meka' = Coffee Maker = Right. I'll brew some coffee. Would you like Arabic beans, or medium roasted granules? 'Arabiki' = Arabic (beans) /or/ 'Chubiki' = Medium Roasted (granules) = Ok. I'll make XXX. How many sugars would you like? 'Mittsu' = One /or/ 'Futatsu' = Two = Ok. XXX sugars. Do you want milk as well? 'Hai' = Yes /or/ 'Iie' = No 2.3.10. WASTEPAPER BIN ---------------------- You must teach your P.A.S.S. to take out the rubbish: 'Gomi' = Rubbish = Ok, what shall I do with the rubbish? 'Suteru' = Throw Out N.B. Be sure NOT to say 'Gomibako' -> 'Suteru' or else your P.A.S.S. will throw the actual bin out as well... 2.3.11. TOASTER --------------- 'Pan' = Bread = How do you grill bread? 'Tosuta' = Toaster = Ok, I'll grill bread in the toaster. Light or dark toasted? 'Karuku' = Light /or/ 'Kongari' = Dark = Got it. I'll grill light/dark bread in the toaster. Would you like butter or margarine on the bread? 'Bata' = Butter /or/ 'Magerin' = Margarine = Ok, would you like jam or honey on it? 'Hachimitsu' = Honey /or/ 'Jamu' = Jam 2.3.12. RADIO ------------- Turn on the Radio: 'Rajikase' = Radio/Cassette Player = Radio or CD? 'Rajio' = Radio 'Mein suuichi' Turn off the radio: 'Kesa' = Turn Off = I turned off the radio's power OTHER COMMANDS -------------- You might find these commands useful if P.A.S.S. sits at the table and you need to tell her to move: 'Tachiagatte' = Stand Up 'Suwaru' = Sit Down 'Yoko' = Lie 'Dozo' = Please... (as in showing someone where to go) Assuming you pass the above tasks in the time limit, your P.A.S.S. will be taken away at 9:00 on the last day of the phase, and returned at 17:00 with a new set of tasks loaded, ready for phase three... /******************************** 3. PHASE THREE : ADVANCED INTERACTION ********************************/ ========================== 3.1. SUMMARY - PHASE THREE ========================== Phase Three is noticeably more difficult than phase two for non- Japanese speakers. P.A.S.S. speaks faster, and uses longer, more complicated phrases. However, her pronunciation is still clear, so after a few repeats, you should be able to pick up the key words of what she is saying and look them up in a dictionary. There's less tasks to do in phase three, but each one has several stages to follow in order to pass. The other difference in phase three is that, whereas up to now, P.A.S.S. generally waited for you to say something before responding, she will now ask you questions without prompting, and other certain time-based actions will happen without your input (such as the telephone ringing and you will need to answer it). =============================== 3.2. NEW FEATURES - PHASE THREE =============================== You will notice a few new items around the flat - there's a Flower Pot, and a Magazine Rack which you'll need to use to pass this phase. There's also a new website, 'Tipster' - from which you can place bets on horses. Also, P.A.S.S. can now remotely operate objects without having to move over to them, using her laser eyes! WEB --- You can now access the 'Tipster' website - from which you can place bets on horses. The front page gives the following options: [Jikai no Resu] = Next Race Shows details of the next race: The date, race name, and the distance. Select this option with 'A', use Up and Down to select a horse. Y shows a picture of the horse and their previous win record A lets you select the bet (Up and Down changes amount of bet) [Zenki no Resu no shutsubahyo o-miru] = View results of Previous Race [Ruuru o-miru] = View the Rules FOOD & DRINK GUESSING GAME -------------------------- As in phase two, there is a guessing game when you mention certain objects: = Please show me. Is XXX food or drink? Tabemono (Food) 'Hanbaga' = Hamburger 'Harmaki' = Spring Roll 'Itarien Piza' = Italian Pizza 'Kabayaki' = Kabayaki 'Kakiage' = Shrimp / Vegetable Fritters 'Katsudon' = Udon 'Kimuchi' = Kim Chee 'Medamayaki' = Fried Eggs 'Misoshiru' = Miso Soup 'Nabemono' = Stew 'Omurette' = Omelette 'Ramen' = Ramen 'Reimen' = Reimen 'Risotto' = Risotto 'Sandouichu' = Sandwich 'Shabu Shabu' = Shabu Shabu 'Shirumono' = Soup 'Suteki' = Steak 'Takikomigohan' = Seasoned rice 'Takuan' = Pickled Radish 'Tenpura' = Tempura 'Yakitori' = Yakitori Nomimono (Drink) 'Gurepufurushu Jusu' = Grapefruit Juice 'Jinjya Eru' = Ginger Ale 'Kakateru' = Cocktail 'Minaru Wata' = Mineral Water 'Orenji Jusu' = Orange Juice 'Rikyuuru' = Liqueur 'Ringo Jusu' = Apple Juice 'Tomato Jusu' = Tomato Juice 'Uiski' = Whisky 'Wain' = Wine ============================ 3.3. TASK LIST - PHASE THREE ============================ 3.3.1. TELEPHONE ---------------- Soon into phase three, the phone will ring. It's best to get this task out of the way now, since otherwise the caller will keep ringing back and it's very annoying! When they call, P.A.S.S. will say: = What should I do with the receiver? 'Toru' = Lift up = Ok, I've picked up the receiver. What shall I do now? 'Hanasu' = Speak = (To) What shall I say? 'Juwaki' = Receiver P.A.S.S. will now answer the phone. If you are quick enough, this will pass the task. However, sometimes you need to get P.A.S.S. to practice answering the phone once more. If this is the case, she will ask you a question after putting down the phone (ends in ..ka?). You should reply: 'Hai' = Yes The next time the phone rings, P.A.S.S. will answer it automatically. This will then pass the task. = I've passed. I'm glad. You can get an interesting result by saying 'Denwa o-hanasu', as your P.A.S.S. will end up talking to the phone! 3.3.2. COOKING -------------- 'Ryori' = Cooking = Ok. What should I cook? 'Gohan' = Meal 'Tsukuru' = Make = Ok. I'll see what's in the fridge. = There's Potato, Carrot, Onion, Beef, Fruit Jelly = What shall I make with them? If you ask for something which there are no ingredients, P.A.S.S says: = Sorry, I can't make that. Think of another dish to cook please. 'Gyudon' = Rice with beef and vegetables /or/ 'Raisu kare' = Curry & Rice /or/ 'Shichu' = Stew = Shall I stir fry the onions? 'Hai' = Yes = Shall I do the potatoes? 'Hai' = Yes = Is one carrot enough? 'Hai' = Yes = The fruit jelly. Shall I put it in the curry? 'Iie' = No = So, they're a dessert. 3.3.3. DO THE VACUUMING ----------------------- This is definitely the easiest task in phase three: 'Sojiki' = Vacuum Cleaner 3.3.4. CARE FOR A PLANT ----------------------- 'Uekipachi' = Flower Pot = Ok. What shall I do with the plant pot? 'Ueru' = Plant = What shall I plant? 'Tane' = Seed = I've planted the seed. Now what shall I do? 'Mizu' = Water If P.A.S.S. brings out a glass of water, you'll need to tell her that was wrong, so: 'Iie' = No = What should I do? 'Joro' = Watering can 3.3.5. READ A MAGAZINE ---------------------- 'Magajin raku' = Magazine rack = There's a magazine in the magazine rack 'Zasshi' = Magazine = Ok. What shall I do with the magazine? 'Rodoku' = Read aloud (N.B. 'yomu' = read will make P.A.S.S. read to herself, but this will NOT pass the task in your task list) = There's only a magazine about XXX. Will that do? 'Hai' = Ok. I'll read the magazine. = I've read it. 3.3.6. DO THE WASHING --------------------- 'Sentaku' = Washing = Ok. What do you do the washing in? 'Sentakuki' = Washing machine = Right. What shall I wash? 'Yogoremono' = Dirty clothes = Ok. I'll wash the clothes. You can also say the following, but it won't clear this task: 'Sentakuki' = Washing machine = What shall i do with the washing machine? 'Mawasu' = Spin = I understand. I'll spin the washing machine. 3.3.7. VIDEO PLAYER ------------------- 'Bideo' = Video = Ok. What shall i do with the video? 'Miru' = Watch = You want to watch a video. I understand. = Here's the video. Please look at it. Doh! P.A.S.S. thinks you want to look at the video, so try again: 'Iie' = No = Right. Sorry for my mistake. Now, click on the video player: = Right. What shall I do with the video player? 'Kakeru' = Play = What shall I play in the video? 'Teppu' P.A.S.S. will read a list of all available videos, just say the name of the one you want: 'Burinkesu' = Blinx /or/ 'Torufanotashiribuonrino' = True Fantasy Live Online /or/ 'Jyokkizu Rodo' = Jockey's Road /******************************** 4. PHASE FOUR : VIRUS! ********************************/ ========================= 4.1. SUMMARY - PHASE FOUR ========================= At the end of phase three, P.A.S.S. will be taken away by ARK corp. as usual at 9:00AM. However, when she is returned at 5:00PM you will notice that something seems wrong. To start with, her hair is now green, and her body is yellow! Also, she no longer responds to any commands to interact with objects. In fact, her word list is very limited indeed. If you say 'nice' words to her, she will simply grunt, such as: 'Erai' = Great 'Kawaii' = Cute 'Kokoro' = Heart / mind / spirit 'Yasashii' = Kind 'Arigato' = Thankyou 'Gomen' = Excuse me 'Kakkoii' = Good-looking 'Kimochii' = Feeling Good 'Daijyobu' = Ok 'Kippo' = Good news 'Inochi' = Life 'Shinpai' = Care 'Sankyu' = Thankyou 'Shiawase' = Happiness / good luck 'Sorede ii' = Good (because of that) 'Anshinsshiru' = Peaceful 'Ureshii' = Happy However, if you say 'nasty' words she will shout at you, such as: 'Kiritsu' = Rules / regulation 'Kanashii' = Sad 'Taikutsu' = Boredom 'Kudaranai' = Good for nothing / stupid 'Kichigai' = Mad 'Tsurai' = Painful / heart-breaking 'Kirai' = Dislike 'Tsukarete' = Tired out 'Nikui' = Hateful 'Shinitai' = Hopeless 'Urusai' = Noisy 'Sabishii' = Lonely It seems that when P.A.S.S. was taken away, she was infected with a virus at the ARK corporation! In order to remove this virus, check your email. You should have an urgent message from ARK regarding the virus - you can easily identify it because it has an exclamation mark over the envelope symbol in the left-hand column. Read this message to the end and press the 'A' button to agree for ARK to take P.A.S.S. away and fix her. You should then get another message back shortly (again, with the exclamation mark) to say that ARK will collect P.A.S.S. at 9:00AM the next morning. After P.A.S.S. is taken away, you'll see a CG sequence of the virus being removed, and at 5:00PM when she is returned, she'll be back to normal. Phew! /******************************** 5. PHASE FIVE : ********************************/ ========================= 5.1. SUMMARY - PHASE FIVE ========================= Assuming all went well, the virus should now be removed and P.A.S.S. will be returned to you, better than ever! There's no new task list to complete in phase five, but there are new items and games to play, and you can interact with existing items in new ways (cleaning the window). There's also some new features in the P.A.S.S. O.S. menu. ============================== 5.2. NEW FEATURES - PHASE FIVE ============================== [WORDS] Shows words that P.A.S.S. has learned about you: Your name, her name, and the names of 5 friends. You can now change these if you want. [SCHEDULE] You can use this option to tell P.A.S.S. to repeat certain tasks at the same time each day. [Alarm] [Vacuuming] [Sweep the floor] [Water the flower] [Take out the rubbish] JYANKEN (Paper, Scissors, Rock) ------------------------------- You can now play this game against P.A.S.S. - it's exactly the same rules as you used to play in the playground at school.Paper beats Rock. Rock beats scissors. Scissors beats paper. If you both have the same, it's a draw. There's nothing to gain if you win, but it's still fun to play, and P.A.S.S. seems to enjoy playing it. 'Jyanken' = Paper, Scissors, Rock = Do you want to play a game? 'Hai' = Yes = Ok, let's play P.A.S.S. will then say and on the third word, show her hand. At the same time, you must say: 'Jyan' = Paper /or/ 'Ken' = Scissors /or/ 'Pon' = Rock After the game, P.A.S.S will ask: = would you like to play again? 'Hai' = Yes /or/ 'Iie' = No FISHTANK -------- 'Suisou' = The settings range from 18 to 30 degrees. What would you like to change the setting to? If you read Support Mail 9, it will mention 22 - 28 degrees being being optimum, so say: 'Ni-ju-go do' = 25 degrees Having set the correct temperature in the tank, we should now feed the fish: 'Nettaigyo' = Tropical fish 'Esa' = Food P.A.S.S. will ask you if you'd like to name the fish. 'Hai' = Yes You'll then be given a kana input screen to choose your fish's name. See the 'Text Input' section for more details. (You can change this at a later stage by going to the [WORDS] option in the P.A.S.S. O.S. menu.) WINDOW (REVISITED) ------------------ You can now clean the window: 'Madofuki' = Clean window = Ok, I'll clean the windows. What should I use? 'Zoukin' = Cloth /******************************** 6. GAME OVER ********************************/ Chances are, if you're reading this bit of the guide, you will have already experienced the 'brown screen of death'... If you ignore P.A.S.S. for a number of days, she gets lonely and may run away. The screen will turn brown and P.A.S.S. will give a monologue, then you'll see the message: [P.A.S.S. ga kaishusaremashita. Taituru ni modorimasu ka?] = P.A.S.S. has left. Would you like to return to the title screen? Also, if you fail to pass enough of the tasks in the time limit for each phase, or if you fail to apply the antidote in phase four, P.A.S.S. will be taken away. You may also get the brown screen if your XBOX has been left unplugged and the system date resets to a date previous to the date when the save was made. There's not much you can do, unfortunately, other than set the clock back and try again... /******************************** X. JAPANESE LANGUAGE ********************************/ ========================= X.1. TEXT INPUT ========================= There are several points in the game where you may be required to input free text using an onscreen keyboard. The symbols correspond to Japanese syllables as follows: -------------------------------------------------- -------- | wa | ra | ya | ma | ha | na | ta | sa | ka | a | |kanji | -------------------------------------------------- -------- | o | ri | | mi | hi | ni |chi | shi| ki | i | | kana | -------------------------------------------------- -------- | n | ru | yu | mu | fu | nu |tsu | su | ku | u | -------------------------------------------------- -------- | '' | re | | me | he | ne | te | se | ke | e | |small | -------------------------------------------------- -------- | ' | ro | yo | mo | ho | no | to | so | ko | o | |decide| -------------------------------------------------- -------- '' and ' are used to modify consonant sounds as follows: ka", ki", ku" etc. = ga, gi, gu etc. ha", hi", fu" etc. = ba, bi, bu etc. sa", shi", su" etc. = za, ji, zu etc. ha", hi", hu" etc. = ba, bi, bu etc. ta", te", to" etc. = da, de, do etc. ha', hi', hu' etc. = pa, pi, pu etc. If you're reading this guide, I'll assume you're not Japanese, in which case you can ignore the 'Kanji' option. [Kana] switches between the two Japanese syllabaries: Hiragana and Katakana. Both sets contain exactly the set of syllables and are pronounced the same way, but it is normal to write foreign words and names in Katakana. (In Katakana, the symbols are more straight and angular - Hiragana is more curvy.) [Small] allows you to insert small vowel sounds AFTER a syllable which modify the pronunciation. e.g. 'shi' + small 'ya' = sha A small 'tsu' is placed BEFORE a syllable to indicate a double consonant e.g. 'ya' + small 'tsu' + 'ta' = yatta EXAMPLE SURNAMES ---------------- su + mi + su = su-mi-su = Smith fu'' + ra + u + n = bu-rau-n = Brown shi'' + small 'yo' + n + so + n = jyo-n-so-n = Johnson ========================= X.2. PRONUNICATION ========================= Knowing how to pronounce words in Japanese is actually much simpler than in many other languages since, generally speaking, each syllabic kana is always pronounced the same way, no matter what other characters precede or follow it. So the kana for 'mi' will always be said the same, whether it be in: 'MItsubishi', 'KonaMI', 'MIyamoto', 'TsunaMI' (For comparison, consider how the letters 'ough' are pronounced differently in the following English words: Cough, Thorough, Through, Rough) The vowel sounds are short: 'a' as in the english word 'Hat' 'i' as in the english word 'Hit' 'u' as in the english word 'Moo' 'e' as in the english word 'Red' 'o' as in the the English word 'God' If you still have problems getting P.A.S.S. to understand you, try the following tips: - Every syllable is evenly stressed, unless otherwise noted. - Every syllable is pronounced (i.e. there are no 'silent' ps as in the English word pneumatic), with some exceptions: - if a word ends ...masu, the final u is not normally voiced (so 'uekimasu' --. oo-eh-ki-mas) - if a word begins ry..., the first r is not explicitly voiced (so 'ryori' --> yo-ri - when said at natural speed, 'suki' (to like) will sound like 'ski'