=============================================================================== ObsCure - Walkthru/Faq - System: Playstation 2 Version: 1.5 Written By: Darque Developer: Hydravision Publisher: Europe - Microids Publisher: North America - Dreamcatcher Interactive =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 0.0 ~ Table of Contents =============================================================================== 0.0 - Table of Contents 0.1 - Controls 0.2 - Characters - Main Walkthru - 1.0 - Part One ~ Prologue 2.0 - Part Two ~ Administration 3.0 - Part Three ~ Classrooms 4.0 - Part Four ~ Library 5.0 - Part Five ~ Dining Hall/Sick Bay 6.0 - Part Six ~ Administration Revisited 7.0 - Part Seven ~ Amphitheater 8.0 - Part Eight ~ Basement 9.0 - Part Nine ~ Loose Ends 10.0 - Part Ten ~ Dormitory 11.0 - Part Eleven ~ Library Revisited 12.0 - Part Twelve ~ Garden 13.0 - Part Thirteen ~ End Game - End Main Walkthru - 0.3 - Items/Weapons 0.4 - Enemies/Bosses 0.5 - Clues Transcript/Flair Transcript 0.6 - Reported Bugs 0.7 - Version History 0.8 - Legal info, Credits, Contact Info, and Everything else =============================================================================== 0.1 - Controls =============================================================================== Left Analog Stick - Moves your character and is used to manipulate your Items menu Right Analog Stick - Used to manipulate your Weapons Menu Control Pad - Used to give instructions to your Teammate X Button - Used to Attack with an Aimed Weapon or to activate items or to interact with things on screen Square Button - Use your character's Special Aptitude Circle Button - Switch between your active character and your Teammate Triangle Button - Switch between targets when Aiming and to cancel menus L 1 Button - Activate your Flashlights "Boost" mode R 1 Button - Aims your weapon and forces you into "walk" mode L 2 Button - Activates your Item Inventory R 2 Button - Activates your Weapon Inventory Start - Brings up Pause/Load Menu Select - Brings up Documents menu (Use L 1 and R 1 to cycle between your Character screen, Map and Clues screen) Control Pad: Left (makes your Teammate wait) Control Pad: Right (makes your Teammate follow you) Control Pad: Up (asks for help - Teammate will help in combat or look for nearby items and/or use special aptitudes) Control Pad: Down (change your Teammates weapon, pressing down repeatedly will cycle thru their weapons) =============================================================================== 0.2 - Characters =============================================================================== - The Main Five (Taken From the ObsCure game Manual - with some notes added) - Kenny Matthews ============== Kenny is an accomplished athelete who spends most of his time playing basketball with his friends and hanging out with Ashley. Albiet just an average student he is considered a cool pal because of his status as the captain of the school's basketball team. He is the bullying type who acts a bit quicker than he thinks. Had he known what they were exposing themselves to, he would have probably thought twice before throwing himself into such a dangerous situation... Special Aptitude: Kenny has a great physical strength, which allows him to run faster, hit harder, and be more resilient. When you press the - Square - Button, Kenny will start sprinting for a period of time. [note: After a short while using Kenny's Sprint ability he will slow down considerably and will need to "catch his breath" before he can use this ability again.] Shannon Matthews ================ Shannon is Kenny's younger sister but isn't anything like him. A clever and brilliant student, she dresses in a slightly provocative and rebellious fashion to downplay her brains and to look older... She has an answer to every question and a huge heart to help people out. Special Aptitude: Shannon can take care of her companions better than the others. More over by pressing the - Square - button, Shannon will give you precious information about the current riddle. If she is your teammate, you can call on her to help you by pressing the up directional button. [note: When the manual says she "cares for her companions better" it really means she gets a +25% bonus when using healing items on them. This bonus also seems to affect herself] Ashley Thompson =============== In spite of her beautiful looks and her salon membership, she is not easily impressed. Ashley can also turn quite tough on her opponents when necessary. Smug and even slightly cheeky, she tries to act mature while playing it cool in all situations. She is Kenny's girlfriend and therefore is the first one to worry about his disappearance. Special Aptitide: When playing Ashley you certainly have an edge in most fights. She is the only one double shooting with a fire weapon. She has a remarkable bat swing! During combat, once you have aimed using the R 1 Buttone, fire or hit using the - Square - button instead of the - X - button. [note: This will cause Ashley to take 2 attacks at once. Rather affective. one other thing of note, Ashley seems to do more damage with all weapons] Stanley Jones ============= Stanley Jones prefers spending his time dragging himself through life and playing around rather than studying. He is often involved in mischief and has an eye for good deals. Laid back and quite cunning, he is Kenny's best friend. Special Aptitude: By playing Stanley, certain doors or cubboard locks are no longer obstacles. Standing next to them, Stanley picks them by pressing on the - Square - button. Whenever you press the - Square - button he will tell you if there is something to pick up in the room [note: That last part is a typo on their part - what he really will do is tell you if there are any locks around] Josh Carter =========== Josh Carter is the typical small reporter who spends his leisure time reading science fiction novels and working on his movies. Curious as a student he is always searching for various scoops and tends to get carried away a little too easily. He always thinks that he is onto the greatest and hottest scoop of the century. This time he may well be right! Special Aptitude: By playing Josh, you will see objects and clues blinking immediately every time you enter a room (whereas for the other characters, the objects only blink when you pass them by). At any point, by pressing the - Square - Button, Josh tells you if there are any objects left for you to pick up in the room. - Other Important characters - Mr Friedman =========== The principal of Leafmore. Ms. Wickson =========== The school nurse Mr. Garrison ============ The school Janitor Mr. Walden ========== One of the teachers =============================================================================== - MAIN WALKTHRU - =============================================================================== Before you begin there are a few things I should explain about the following walkthru. First off, when I refer to compass directions I mean that quite litterally. If you're unsure which direction you are facing, press the - Select - button and bring up your map. You can see which direction your character is facing from there if you are unsure. When I refer to top, bottom, left and right I am refering to a direction on your screen. Items and Enemies lists: These are lists of items and enemies found in a - NORMAL - game. Their exact locations are listed within the walkthru description for the area. A note on game difficulty: As you progess to more difficult games Easy -> Normal -> Hard you will find far fewer items and the enemies you encounter will become gradually tougher. A Note on Enemies Lists: I ONLY list enemies that are already in each area when you first enter or appear as you move around. There may be ADDITIONAL enemies that appear when you perform actions, come close to specific locations in an area or take items. "These" enemies will be described within the walkthru, but they will not appear on the lists. A Note on difficulty setting differences. ----------------------------------------------------------- Easy: If there are additional items in an area that | can be found in an EASY difficulty setting | game; they will be listed in boxed in text at | the end of each area description for easy | reference. | Hard: If an item is not present in a HARD difficulty | game it will be listed here as well. | Special: Items found in a SPECIAL game will be | Likewise be added here. | ----------------------------------------------------------- The differences between Normal and Hard, and the bonus items you get in Special Mode will be added at a later date. =============================================================================== 1.0 ~ Part One ~ Prologue =============================================================================== ======= == Gym == ======= ==================== = Basketball court = ==================== - Characters: Kenny After the opening movie you find yourself in control of - Kenny - There's not much to do here other than shoot a few baskets with the Basketball in front of him. Walk up to it and Press - X - if you want and he will shoot a basket. Once that gets boring you can either explore the room some or head toward the door you see in the background. As you near the door Kenny will make a few comments about his cell phone ringing. Enter the door. =============== = Locker Room = =============== There's not much to do in this room either. Walk up to the cellphone on the bag and press - X - to trigger a - cutscene - After the scene you can either explore the Locker Room, Bathroom and Showers or exit and track down the thief. ============ = Bathroom = ============ There nothing here, but you'll get a few comments if you go up to things and press - X - =========== = Showers = =========== There isn't anything here either. ==================== = Basketball court = ==================== - Cutscene - After the cutscene follow the thief outside. You will get a prompt telling you to activate Kenny's special apptitude by pressing - square - Do so and he'll run faster, but after a while he will need to stop and catch his breath. Exit the building. ================ == EAST WALKWAY == ================ There's not much to do here, so continue following the thief. ========== == Garden == ========== ================ = Mansion Area = ================ Kenny will make a comment as you go down the path. There's not much to do here so head to the right side of the building and enter the celler doors. ========== = Celler = ========== - Items: Sticky Tape Flashlight Pistol -Demo: Taping a flashlight to a weapon Enter the room and walk into the light, you'll notice a ladder but you can't use it yet. There are some items on the barrel to your right. Pick up the - Sticky tape - and a popup will appear telling you how to use it. Pick up the - Flashlight - and a - Cutscene - Will activate. After the Cutscene you'll find you now have a - Pistol - as well. After the Cutscene a - Demonstration - of how to Tape a Flashlight to your Weapon will occur. Do so to continue, and now you will be able to use the ladder. Decend. ============ == Basement == ============ =========================== = North/South Hallway (a) = =========================== -Demo: Aiming a weapon and Boosting your Flashlight Kenny will make a comment as you enter the hallway, there's not much to do so just follow it and enjoy the strangeness of it. At the end he'll encounter something and you'll get a - Demonstration - on how to - Aim - your weapon and - Boost - your Flashlight. As Boosting can weaken the enemies you encounter this is a good thing to take note of. Just be careful of overheating your Flashlights. After the Demonstration enter the door. ============= = Cage Room = ============= There's not much to do, but lots to see. This room is filled with cages and a large lighted chamber to one side. Other than Kenny's comment on it, there's nothing else you can do here at this time. There are two doors leading out of this room, but only one is unlocked. Use the door on the other side of the lit chamber to go to the next area. ============= = Hole Room = ============= Not much to do here, there's a big hole in one corner of the room, a cabinet you can't use and two doors. Take the unlocked one. ======== = Cell = ======== - Characters: Dan - Demo: Switching teammembers and 2 player mode Wow, not the best place to live. Approach the person in the corner and a - Cutscene - will occur. After the Cutscene you'll now have - Dan - as a teammate, and a popup will appear telling you how to switch between characters and how to activate 2 Player mode. Press - Circle - to switch between Kenny and Dan. Press - Start - on a controller in Port 2 to activate 2 player mode. Exit the room. ============= = Hole Room = ============= Once you enter, Dan will comment about the cabinet and will find a gun within. Once he's armed continue onto the Cage Room again. ============= = Cage Room = ============= - Enemies: 2 Biters 1 Stage 3 Mutant As you move thru the room the door that was locked earlier will be thrown off it's hinges and a huge monster will appear. Stand and fight this - Stage 3 Mutant - or run, if you choose to fight make sure to Boost your flashlight or it will be far harder to kill. As you continue to the exit - 2 Biters - will appear in your way. Avoid them or kill them. With Dan's help you can clear the room, but it may be easier to just avoid combat for now. Near the exit you will find someone has placed a cage in front of the door. Using Kenny push against it and he will shove it out of his way. Once the way is clear use the exit and head back to the Hallway. =================== = N/S Hallway (a) = =================== - Enemies: 2 Biters 1 Stage 3 Mutant Once in the Hallway another Mutant will force it's way in, and will Kill poor Dan. Fight or Run, but the end result will be the same. Once you've made it to the ladder - or - have been defeated a - Cutscene - will occur and the Prologue will come to an end. =============================================================================== 2.0 ~ Part Two ~ Administration =============================================================================== =========================== == ADMINISTRATION BUILDING == =========================== ============== = Break Room = ============== - GATHERING POINT - - Characters: Shannon Ashley Josh - Items: Disc Baseball Bat Energy Drink - Flair: School Newspaper After the - Cutscene - you will find yourself in control of - Josh - and you will see - Shannon - sitting on a couch at the bottom of your screen and - Ashley - standing on the left side. Pick a teammate and and a Popup will appear, and a small - Demonstration - on how to use a Teammate will occur. If you picked Shannon she'll give you some advice that you should pick the lock of the room. Press - Circle - to switch between teammate and a prompt to press the - Select - button will appear. Do so and you can access your Map screen, Characters screen and Clues screen. Check them out and then once you're ready it's time to explore the room. There is a - Baseball Bat - on one of the tables behind Ashley, and a - Disc - on a table on the left side of your screen. Smashing the vending machines will allow you to gain an - Energy Drink - from them as well. On a table below Shannon's starting point is a "School Newspaper". It's a piece of flair that adds to the game's atmosphere but doesn't have any real affect. You'll see three doors in this room, all three are locked but one happens to have a glass window in it. Doors with Glass Windows are breakable if you attack them. Break the glass and then use the door to enter the storage room. ------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL MODE: You will find the - Morgenstern Bat - on the | table instead of the Baseball Bat. | This is THE most powerful melee weapon you | can find. One hit from this is about as | powerful as a Revolver shot. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================ = Storage Room = ================ - Items: Reel of Wire Grab the - Reel of Wire - off the shelves and exit the room. ============== = Break Room = ============== - GATHERING POINT - Make sure the Reel of Wire is in your "active item slot" using the - L2 - button and - Left Analog Stick - and then go up to the door on the left side of the screen. Next press the - X - button and your character will now pick the lock of the door. If a lock is pickable your character will usually say so. Locks you can't pick either need to be broken (as with Glass Doors) or require a Key. Though there are many doors that cannot be unlocked. Pick the lock and exit. ================ = East Hallway = ================ Now that you're able to roam around you'll find yourself in a hallway with lockers on both sides. There will be a door at the end of the hall and one on the south wall, but both are locked so just ignore them. Heading west will take you to the Main Hall. ========================= = Main Hall - 1st Floor = ========================= - Map: Administration Building - Flair: "Just Say No" poster When you first enter the camera will pan backwards and you'll see a large angled view of the Main Hall. There will be a map of the Administration Building next to your characters on the wall, grab it and a prompt will flash telling you to press your - Select - button. Do so and your map screen will appear. Pressing - Square - will bring up a small Help Popup Pressing - Triangle - will exit out of this screen. Pressing - Circle - will allow you to warp back to your current GATHERING POINT. A very hand feature. Note: While you can use the Map's "warp" feature to get back to your current GATHERING POINT quickly, for this walkthru it will be assumed you walk everywhere without "warping". If you feel the need to "warp" by all means do so. Other than the "Just Say No" poster pinned to one of the noteboards, there's nothing else of intrest here. All of the doors in this section (you can see them on your map - 1 to the south, 1 to the north, 1 to the north west and 1 to the north east) are currently locked. There are stairs leading to the second floor, but for now continue exploring the rest of the ground floor. Cross the room and enter the West Hallway. ================ = West Hallway = ================ - Flair: Basketball Game Schedule On your map you can see there are 6 doors here, and other than the Basketball Schedule on the noteboard there's not much to look at either. The door on the West End is locked so ignore it, starting from the right you can check each door in turn. ===================================== = Meeting Room (Door 1: South side) = ===================================== - Items: Sticky Tape Here we find ourselves in some sort of meeting room. There isn't much of intrest here so just grab the - Sticky Tape - on the first table and then leave the way you came. ==================================== = Locked Door (Door 2: South side) = ==================================== This door is locked so just keep moving. ======================================= = Boy's Bathroom (Door 1: North side) = ======================================= - Items: Energy Drink - Flair: Graffiti When you enter your character will comment on the smell and you'll see a shadowy blackness on the walls that will slowly go away. A little disturbing but harmless. There's an - Energy Drink - in the second stall, and some "Grafiti" on the walls. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There are no items here. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================== = Girl's Bathroom (Door 2: North Side) = ======================================== - Flair: Poster When you enter the camera will focus on an airvent, and your character will mention there is a draft. There is a "Poster" on the wall, but the main point of intrest is the vent. Using your teammate you can climb up to it, but at the moment you can't do anything with it. Keep this vent in mind though as you'll need to come back here later. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - Disc - in the stall nearest to the vent. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================================== = Locked Door (Door 3: North side) = ==================================== This door is currently locked so just ignore it. Time to go to the second floor. ========================= = Main Hall - 1st Floor = ========================= Head up the stairs. ========================= = Main Hall - 2nd Floor = ========================= Climbing the stairs will bring you to the second floor. This area is "n" shaped with doors on either side. ============= = West Side = ============= - Door 1: Locked - Door 2: Locked ============= = East Side = ============= - Flair: Beauty Club Poster - Door 1: Locked - Door 2: Locked - Door 3: Glass Door There is a "Beauty Club Poster" on the noteboard between Door 1 and 2, looking at it will give us some small insight into Ashley's character. The 3rd door on this side has a glass window you can break, do so and enter. ============= = Classroom = ============= - Flair: Note on desk - Items: Screwdriver This is a dimly lit classroom, on the desk is a "note" that indicates that a screwdriver was lost in this room. As that screwdriver is something you need to continue move over to the bookshelf that's on the same wall as the door you came in thru. Stand to one side of the bookshelf and you will find you can push it. Once it has been moved, check the area under it and you will find a - Screwdriver - If you can't find it, keep pushing the Bookshelf and you will free it eventually. Once you have it in hand, it's time to go back to the Girl's Bathroom. ========================= = Main Hall - 2nd Floor = ========================= When you exit the Classroom an event will take place where the building starts to shake. Your characters will comment, but nothing else will occur. ========================= = Main Hall - 1st Floor = ========================= We're just passing thru. ================ = West Hallway = ================ Enter the Girl's Bathroom. ======================================== = Girl's Bathroom (Door 2: North Side) = ======================================== Make sure the Screwdriver is your active item and then press the - X - button in front of the vent. Josh will lift his companion up and you can now use the Screwdriver to open the vent. Once you have opened the vent, press the - X - button and your characters will automatically go to the next area. On the way, if Josh is one of your characters he will comment on the fact it's so dark, at which point whichever girl is with him will put him in his place. If you are using Shannon and Ashley, no event will occur. ====================== = Teacher's Bathroom = ====================== - Items: Energy Drink You now find yourself in yet another Restroom, this time one for the teachers. There is an - Energy Drink - on top of the lockers directly in front of you, grab it and use the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There are NO items here. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================ = Teacher's Lounge - 1st Floor = ================================ - Items: Rusted Key - Flair: "Teacher's" Magazine Note from the Ministry of Health You now find yourself in an L-Shaped room. Just above your starting postion is a "Teacher's Magazine" on the counter. To the right side of your screen you can see a table next to the wall, on it is a flashing object. Grab it and you will gain the a - Rusted Key - which will come in handy later. Across from the table is a noteboard where a "Note from the Ministry of Health" about the use of Energy Drinks is tacked to it. There's not much else to see, and the two doors out of this room are locked, so head up the stairs. ================================ = Teacher's Lounge - 2nd Floor = ================================ - Items: Key to the teachers' room Disc - Flair: Notebook with Grades Stan's Grades Picture of Mr. Friedman Go down a little and you'll find a - Disc - on the table across from the locked door. On the table next to it you'll find a "notebook" with your character's attendence records and grades. It seems someone else has noticed Kenny's disappearance. Up from this is a round table with "Stan's Grades", which your character will comment on. It would seem Stan's in bad shape. On the wall above the couches you can see a "Picture of Mr. Friedman", the school's principle, when he was younger. Past the tables and the glass partition you'll find another door leading out, between this door and the filing cabinets you can see a keyholder with the - Key to the teachers' room - Grab it and enter the door next to your character. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There is no Disc here in Hard mode. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================== = Contraband Storage = ====================== - Clue: Documents about the building of the school After a few moments in this room your character will tell his or her companion not to make so much noise, but it would seem your teammate isn't too blame. You can see 3 large filing cabinets in the middle of the room, 2 of which have a wheel you can turn to move their postion in the room. Moving the right-most one will reveal a door at the far end, but without the wheel for the middle one you can't access it at this point. On the far right shelf you can find the - Clue: Documents about the building of the school - Grab it and read it now, or grab it and read it later. If you want to look at Clues you've collected you can press the - Select - Button and re-read them on the Clues page. There's another locked door in here, so ignore it and go back the way you came. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - Disc - on the shelf on the left side of | your screen. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================ = Teacher's Lounge - 2nd Floor = ================================ Now that you have the Door to the Teachers' room, you can now unlock and use the doors to this room on the 1st and 2nd floor. We still have to check out the 3rd floor, so exit using the 2nd floor exit near the stairs. ========================= = Main Hall - 2nd Floor = ========================= You'll find yourself on the west side. Head toward the center and take the stairs leading up. ============= = 3rd Floor = ============= Now that you have the Rusted Key you can open the door here, unlock it and enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - First Aid Kit - in the small lit area at | top of your screen. It is laying on the floor. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ========= = Attic = ========= - Items: Metal Bar Note the ominous music when you enter, something is not right. Go up the stairs and into the Attic and you will get attacked by some strange creatures. You can either stand and fight or run for the exit. Fighting will just waste your health as you will not be able to defeat the - 3 Biters - before they can overwhelm you. Though keep in mind you can't die in this encounter, but to fight it out at this point would be a waste. Either way, if you try to escape back to the 3rd floor or are injured to near death a - Cutscene - will occur. After the Cutscene you will be prompted to press the - Select - Button, do so and look at your map, your next goal will be marked in red. Also you will find that the north, east and west doors leading out of the Administration Building are now unlocked. Grab the - Metal Bar - off the ground from it's place near the window Mr. Walden broke and then leave the Attic. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is an - Energy Drink - in the bottom right | corner of the room. On a paint can below the ladder. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= = 3rd Floor = ============= Nothing new ========================= = Main Hall - 2nd Floor = ========================= Head down the stairs. ========================= = Main Hall - 1st Floor = ========================= Head north and you will find the exit is now unlocked. Use it to access the Courtyard. ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - - Scene - Items: Disc Entering the Courtyard will activate a - Cutscene - After the Scene grab the - Disc - off of the bench just south of your starting point. This is also your new GATHERING POINT should you use your map to return. Now head West toward the Classrooms. =============================================================================== 3.0 ~ Part Three ~ Classrooms =============================================================================== ============== == CLASSROOMS == ============== ============================== = Main Hallway - First Floor = ============================== - Enemies: 3 Biters 1 N Mutant - Items: Aluminum Bat Energy Drink Energy Drink - MAP: Classrooms When you first enter you'll see some more biters eating what appears to be the remains of a student. Almost immediately these - 3 Biters - will attack you. Kill them and begin your exploration of the Classrooms. Before entering any rooms, we'll collect all the items you can find here first. You'll see a door right above your character's, but don't enter it yet. Instead go forward and near the lockers on the right side you'll find your next weapon the - Aluminum Bat - This is the best melee weapon you can get in a normal game so you may get a lot of use out of it. Next, continue down the hall to the Vending Machine on the left side of your screen. Break it and you will find an - Energy Drink - inside. Continue past the trophy cabinets and you'll see a map flashing on the left wall. Grab it and take a look. Just beyond this you will see 3 more vending machines, you can break the 2 upright ones but nothing will be inside. The vending machine on it's side however contains an - Energy Drink - for you to take. Now that you have all the items, go back to the entrance and look at your map. Starting from the east, try each door and work your way westward. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The Energy Drink you find in the tipped over Vending | Machine in Normal mode is not here. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =================== = Office (Door 1) = =================== - Character: Stan - Items: Paper Cups (3 max) - Clue: Censored Newspaper Entering the room will activate a - Cutscene - After the Cutscene you can now add - Stan - to your group. To the right side of your screen is a watercooler in the corner of the room, on it you can collect up to 3 - Paper Cups - You'll need them, so grab them. In the opposite corner is a locked cabinet you can pick, inside is the - Clue: Censored Newspaper - Once you have that you'll be ready to move on. whoever you didn't take with you will go back to the GATHERING POINT. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - Disc - on the desk near the bottom of | your screen. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================== = Locked Door (Door 2) = ======================== ====================== = Storeroom (Door 3) = ====================== - Items: Old Pistol Pistol Ammo: 15 Low Powered Flashlight - Demo: Handguns Aiming and Firing Inside this storeroom you will see some items flashing on the shelves to your left. Grabbing them will get you - Old Pistol - Once you have the Pistol you will get a - Demonstration - on how to use it and how to Aim and Switch between targets. Also on the shelves you will find some - Ammo - for your Pistol and a - Low Powered Flashlight - Take a moment to tape your Flashlight to your Pistol before moving on. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The Old Pistol and Pistol Ammo are not present in | Hard Difficulty. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================== = Boys Bathroom (Door 4) = ========================== - Items: First Aid Kit Unlike the last locked door, you can actually pick this one. Attempt to and a - Biter - will attack you. Kill it and then finish picking the lock on the door. Inside you will find yourself in a very dark room, using your flashlight go to the right of the door and you'll find a - First Aid Kit - in the corner between two urinals. Time to move on. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There is no First Aid Kit in Hard mode. Don't waste | your time or health on this door. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================ = Stairwell - Double Doors = ============================ - Items: Sticky Tape The set of double doors next to the bathroom will take you to a stairwell. At the top you will find two things, some - Sticky Tape - on the shelves next to the second floor entrance and the chained 2nd Floor Entrance. You will need to find some way to get rid of the lock and chain, so for now head back to the first floor. ============================== = Locked Door - Lab (Door 5) = ============================== - Items: Energy Drink Sticky Tape Disc The door is locked, but as you pass the lockers on the way to the last door on this level something will be more than happy to make an entrance for you. An - N Mutant - will break thru the wall and attack you. This creature, which looks like a person shaped like a lower case N is tougher than any creature you've come across so far so be careful. You will probably need to kill it to continue so use your handgun and make sure to Boost your flashlight. Once it is dead enter the hole it made to access the Science lab. Note: The N Mutant will not make an entrance until after you have added Stan to your group. On the lab table near the chalkboard you will find an - Energy Drink - and on the lab tables at the rear of the room you will find a - Disc - and - Sticky Tape - respecively. Exit and head to the last door. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: You will not find a Disc here, instead you will find | 15 rounds of - Pistol Ammo - in it's place | | Hard: While there are no changes in the items you find here | in Hard Mode, you will have to change your strategy | for dealing with the N Mutant as it is almost | impossible to kill the thing in a non-special game | using only melee weapons. | | Instead, - Boost - your flashlight at it and the N | Mutant will move away from you. Once it moves away | from the opening it made in the wall, quickly run | inside the hole. | | This won't deal with the fact you will have to go | around it to use the Acid you get in the Science Lab | on the entrance to the 2nd floor. | | Once you exit this room you will find that the N | Mutant is now between the opening in the wall and | the Stairwell doors. And your way to (Door 6) is | clear. | | Once you are done with Science Lab (Door 6) you can | either use your flashlight to chase the N Mutant | down the hall and past the Stairwell doors (thus | giving you access to the stairwell) - OR - you | can simply run around it (if you are lucky) | | You can use this strategy on Normal and Easy as well | but you will have more than enough ammo, so it might | be easier to just kill the thing in Easy/Normal. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================== = Science Lab (Door 6) = ======================== - Enemies: 5 Biters - Items: Disc - Clues: The Mortifilia - Key Item: Sulfuric Acid When you first walk into the room - 5 Biters - will appear and attack you, your companion will tell you that you'll need to use light against them. Run around the single work counter at the bottom of your screen and rush to the windows. Break them using your gun or a melee weapon and any Biter caught in the light will die almost instantly. Once they are dead, go back to the single workstation and grab the - Clue: The Mortifilia - and then the - Disc - off the middle workstation beyond this. At the back of the room you will find a large bottle of Acid on the counter under the chalkboards. This will allow you access the 2nd level. Use the Paper Cups on the Acid and then you will have 35 Seconds to run back out into the main hallway, thru the double doors and then up the stairwell. When you are ready, use the Cups on the Acid and then run to the stairs. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There is NO Disc here in Hard Mode. | | Also you only have 30 seconds to get to the 2nd | floor stairwell entrance with the Acid before your | Cup is ruined. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================ = Stairwell - Double Doors = ============================ - Items: Sticky Tape Use the Cup with Acid on the 2nd Floor Door and you'll get a scene of the chain melting off. If you fail to do it in time your cup will be ruined, but you still have 2 more to work with. Grab the - Sticky Tape - if you didn't get it earlier and enter the 2nd Floor. =========================== = Main Hallway - 2nd Floor= =========================== - Enemies: 1 Stage 1 Mutant - Items: Energy Drink Low Powered Flashlight In the distance you can see what appears to be a student messing with a vending machine. You can leave him alone or approach him, if you Boost your light at him, you will see a black smoke come off of him. If you get too close - 2 Biters - will appear and both they and this - Stage 1 Mutant - will attack you. After they are dead you can break the Vending Machine and get an - Energy Drink - for yourself. I'd advise ignoring him for now and heading to the far East side of the Hallway. Near the Exit there is a locker you can pick open that will give you a - Low Powered Flashlight - Once you have this, work your way east and check each door in order. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - Disc - near the left wall - right above | where you entered from the stairwell. | | Hard: The Low Powered Flashlight is missing in Hard. | | Instead you can find an - Old Pistol - in a locker | you will have to unlock. The locker is between | Door 1 and Door 2 on the North wall (right side of | your screen) | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================== = Classroom (Door 1) = ====================== - Items: Compass Needle - Flair: Walden's Satchel When you first enter you will see a flashing item on the tables in the middle of the room. Avoid the temptation to grab it and instead move over to the windows and break the only one that's not shuttered... just to be safe. Once you've added some light to the room, go grab Walden's Satchel, inside you will find the - Compass Needle - After you get the needle run to the light coming in from the broken window as - 2 Biters - and - 1 Stage 1 Mutant - will appear and attack you. Fend them off as needed, but with luck the light will kill them. Exit the room and you will now find a much more dangerous - Stage 2 Mutant - waiting for you in the hall (and the Stage 1 mutant you saw earlier is now gone... keep in mind this mutant will appear even if you killed the Stage 1 Mutant Earlier) Kill it, heal as needed and continue. ==================================== = Locked Door - Classroom (Door 2) = ==================================== - Items: Pistol Ammo (30) Energy Drink When you attempt to pick the lock of this door - 2 Biters - will appear and attack you. Kill them, finish unlocking the door and enter. Inside you will find - Ammo - for your pistol in a vent near the window as well as an - Energy Drink - in one of the booths at the bottom of your screen (The East wall on your map) To get the Ammo you will need have a teammate to reach it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: You will only find 15 rounds of Pistol Ammo and the | Energy Drink is not here in Hard Mode. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================== = Locked Door (Door 3) = ======================== ============================== = Friedman's Office (Door 4) = ============================== - Items: Disc Compass Needle Library Key Videocasette: Subject 37 Pistol Ammo (15) Gun with a light - Clues: Photo of the Twins Letter from Wickson to Herbert - Notes: Note From Friedman - Flair: Phone Message from Ms Wickson Break the glass and enter the room, to your character's left is a - Disc - on a filing cabinet. In the foreground you can see a desk with a computer on it, go up to it and press the - X - Button to start a scene where you play back the messages Ms Wickson left for Mr. Friedman. Sounds like trouble. Once that's done, go into the lit doorway and into Friedman's office. He's not around but he's left lots of things for you. Pick up the - Compass Needle - and - Clue: Photo of the Twins - off his desk. You can also find a - Note - informing you that he's at the Library. Sadly you don't have the key... yet. On his wall you will see an old map above a low bookshelf, with two places on it that look like Compass Needle's should go. Use the two Compass Needles you've collected and you can now activate this Puzzle. You don't currently have the solution to this puzzle so you have 3 choices 1) Keep moving dials until you figure it out. 2) Keep searching this level (Door 5 is all that's left) 3) Keep reading. To solve this you must point the Compass needles so that they point at the spot where Longitude 330* and Latitude 20* intersect. A spot off the North West coast of Africa on the map. Use the Left Analog Stick to manipulate the Left Compass Needle and the Right Analog Stick to manipulate the Right Compass Needle. Do so and a safe will be revealed. Inside the Safe you will find the following items - Library Key - Grabbing this item will prompt you to look at your map. - Videocasette: Subject 37 - - Gun with a Light - - Pistol Ammo - - Clue: Letter from Wickson to Herbert - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There is no Pistol Ammo in Friedman's Safe in Hard | Mode. | | SPECIAL: Instead of a Gun with a Light you will find the | Extremely Powerful - Laser Gun - | | This is a 6 shot Revolver with a built in Laser | you can use by - Boosting - the weapon. Unlike | the Laser you find later in the game, the laser | on this weapon will recharge like a flashlight | and can be used time and time again. | | You can't tape a Flashlight to this weapon, but | with the built in laser you really won't miss it. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= = Glass Door - Office = ======================= - Enemies: 1 Biter When you approach this door - 2 Biters - will attack you in the hall (if you didn't encounter them earlier in an encounter with the Stage 1 Mutant near the vending Machine) As soon as you enter another - Biter - will attack you, kill it and search the room. There's nothing of note in this room except for one item: A plaque near the window that holds an important Clue. --------------------------------------------------- Plaque near Window | A commemorative Plaque | for a scientific expedition. | You can see the coordinates on it.| Longitude 330* - Latitude 20* | --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There are 15 rounds of - Pistol Ammo - on the | leftmost desk in this room | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================================== = Main Hallway - 2nd Floor - Part 2 = ===================================== Once you feel you're done with the Classrooms, it's time to move to the next area. Exit the building and head back to the courtyard. Unlock and exit the 2nd floor. =========== == Walkway == =========== Outside the whole foundation will be shaking, but nothing else happens. Run forward and pass the entrance to the Sick Bay, just past this is a door leading to a staircase that will take you back to the courtyard. ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - On your map you will find the Library is directly East of the COurtyard. =============================================================================== 4.0 ~ Part Four ~ Library =============================================================================== =========== == LIBRARY == =========== ============================== = Main Hallway - First Floor = ============================== - Map: Library When you first enter the camera will pan and you'll see someone alot like Dan sitting on some steps in the foreground and the black shadowy mist moving over the walls. To one side of the door is a - Map: Library - grab it and take a look. This hall is L-Shaped, avoid the temptation to head toward the student and instead move along the North/South Portion of the hallway and a - Cutscene - will occur as the Stage 1 Mutant transforms rather painfully into a Stage 2 Mutant. Run toward the glass door at the far north and stand your ground against the - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - that will now attack you. Once they are dead you can freely explore the place. Go back toward the entrance and take the first door up from it. One word of caution: The black mist on the walls means there is another enemy lurking about. After a certain number of rooms have been explored another - Stage 2 Mutant - will appear in the Main Hallway (I don't know if it's random or after a specific Room has been explored) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: At the far East end of the East/West part of this | hall you will find a - Disc - on a bench to the left | of the door. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================ = Classroom - Door 1: Left side of N/S Hallway = ================================================ - Items: Disc There's a Disc on a desk near a breakable window. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: No Disc will be found here in Hard. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================ = Classroom - Door 2: Left side of N/S Hallway = ================================================ - Enemies: 1 Biter - Items: Sticky Tape Kill the - Biter - and grab the - Sticky Tape - off of the table near the windows. There's an Overhead Projector you can use a bit later, but you won't be needing it. =========================================================== = Glass Door - Offices - Door 3: North end of N/S Hallway = =========================================================== - Items: Scrap of Paper Library Key - Clue: Letter from Walt Kerridan - Flair: Scrap of Paper Go to the far West side of the room and pick up the - Scrap of Paper - off of the counter. Now you need a light source to be able to make use of it. You can either go back and use the overhead projector you saw earlier, or better yet break a window and use the Scrap of Paper in front of it. You will see a series of Number: 2432 Head back toward the door you came in and go thru the open doorway next to it. At the far end of this side room you will find a safe, enter the code you just discovered and hit the green [ENT] button and you will open it. Inside you will find the - Library Key - and a - Clue: Letter from Walt Kerridan - =============================================================== = Locked Door - Classroom - Door 4: Right side of N/S Hallway = =============================================================== - Enemies: Black Mist - Items: Good Quality Flashlight Unlock the door and inside you will find a strange black mist floating around the room. Unlike the other enemies you've encountered, there's nothing inside it to shoot. Getting caught in it will slowly drain your health so lure it near a window. Once you have it where you want it, break the window and it should die, though more likely it'll just back off. Or optionally just shoot out all the windows and catch it in a "light crossfire". Once it's been disposed of, Pick the lock on the cabinet in here to get a - Good Quality Flashlight - This one is far better than the ones you've found so far and weakens enemies faster AND lasts longer. Tape it to your gun if you want, or save it for later. ============================ = Double Doors - Stairwell = ============================ These doors are currently locked, so pass on by. Now it's time to head town the East/West part of the Hallway ================== = Boy's Bathroom = ================== - Items: Pistol Ammo (15) Inside this room is a vent you can unscrew, and as before you will need 2 characters to do it. Do so and you will be rewarded with - Pistol Ammo - for your efforts. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: An - Energy Drink - replaces the Pistol Ammo. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =================== = Girl's Bathroom = =================== - Items: Energy Drink Other than the - Energy Drink - in the 3rd stall, there's nothing much to spend time on. ============================================== = Main Library - First Floor - Far East Door = ============================================== - Items: Disc - Clues: Necrology Expedition Notes Unlock and enter the Library, and then make your way down the stairs. when the camera angle shifts, move to the cardboard box between the bookshelves and get the - Clue: Necrology - Past this is a table with a - Disc - on it. Once you've done this, go behind the bookshelf you see on the right side of your screen and a - Cutscene - will take place. After the Cutscene check your map and you will see your next stop. Grab the - Clue: Expedition Notes - off of Friedman's desk and exit the library. Note: There's a door to the right of the desk Friedman was sitting at, but it's currently locked. But do remember it for later. ============================== = Main Hallway - First Floor = ============================== Keep moving. ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - Once you exit the Library Building something will crash offscreen, though what remains a mystery. =============================================================================== 5.0 ~ Part Five ~ Dining Hall/Sick Bay =============================================================================== ======================== == DINING HALL/SICK BAY == ======================== ================== = Janitor's Room = ================== - Items: Semi Auto Shotgun Shotgun Ammo (7) Pistol Ammo (15 x 2) Good Quality Flashlight The Janitor's Room is to the right of the Dining Hall entrance. As you approach, you hear the Janitor encounter... something. Enter the room and you will see that something climb up into the ceiling. Check the open shelves to find: - Semi Auto Shotgun - - Shotgun Ammo - - Pistol Ammo - - Pistol Ammo - Go around the overturned table to find the Poor Mr. Garrison. Near his body is a - Good Quality Flashlight - Now would be a good time to tape that Good Quality Flashlight to your brand new Shotgun. Ammo is scares for it at the moment, so stick to your Pistol. Past Mr. Garrison is another door, take it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The Shotgun Ammo is missing and you will only find 1 | pack of Handgun Ammo in the cabinet. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================== = Surveillance Room = ===================== - Items: Surveillance Videotape Key to Dining Hall (ground floor) Inside this room are a panel of 6 monitors and a vcr, in effect the school's surveillance system. There's a - Surveillance Videotape - on the right side of the counter and a - Key to Dining Hall (ground floor) - near the monitors. Grabbing the key will cause a - Cutscene - to occur. After the cutscene check your map and your next goal will be marked on it. Before you go use the VCR next to the monitors to look at the two Video Cassettes in your Inventory. The Surveillance Video Tape will give you a - Cutscene - showing Kenny getting captured, as well as showing that it was Mr. Walden that let the creatures loose on the school. The Videocassette "subject 37" will show a - Cutscene - of Kenny in a cell somewhere. Now it's time to tackle the Dining Hall and Sickbay, head back to the Courtyard. ================== = Janitor's Room = ================== Poor Mr. Garrison. ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - Now before you enter the Dining Hall you have to decide how you want to approach it. You can either: 1) Explore it fully, room to room. 2) Rush to the end and explore it later. While you can explore it now, keep in mind that in this section enemies RESPAWN so you will use a lot of ammo if you take the slow approach we've done so far. Later you can clear all the enemies out and can search the place in safety. Once you've decided, enter the Dining Hall =========================== = Dining Room - 1st Floor = =========================== - Enemies: 1 Hanger 1 Biter - Items: Pistol Ammo (15) - Map: Dining Hall/Sickbay In the foreground you will see someone hanging from what looks like a noose. As you move forward you will find that it's in fact the victim of a new kind of enemy "The Hanger". Kill the - Hanger - and move around the partitions, a single - Biter - will appear and attack you. Kill it and move on. You can either grab the items now, or leave them til later. There is a - Map: Dining Hall/Sickbay - near the doors leading into the Kitchen and some - Pistol Ammo - on a table near the body of the victim you saw when you first entered this area. From here you can either take the stairs to the 2nd Floor - or - you can take the double doors and enter the kitchen. If you want to brave the kitchen now, go to the next section. If you want to skip it and go to the 2nd floor drop down 2 sections. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The Pistol Ammo will not be available in Hard. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= = Kitchen - 1st Floor = ======================= - Enemies: 2 Biters - Items: Energy Drink Automatic Pistol This room is a dead end, and - 2 Biters - will greet you. Kill them and grab the - Energy Drink - off of one of the counters and an - Automatic Pistol - off the counter in the S/E corner of the room (use your map if needbe) Other than this the place is clean, and all the doors are locked, head back to the dining hall. But note that if the lights are off, new enemies will have appeared in there. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - Disc - near the spot you find the Energy | Drink on the counter. | | Hard: The Automatic Pistol will not be found in here in | Hard Mode. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =============================== = Dining Room (a) - 2nd Floor = =============================== - Enemies: 1 Hanger 2 Biters - Items: Energy Drink Energy Drink Ammo: Shotgun (7) Kill the - 2 Biters - and - Hanger - that greet you. You will see a a Large Box with a Triange on it attatched to the East Wall. You will need to pick the lock to open it, and inside you will find your next Puzzle, but you don't have all the pieces you need for it yet, so ignore it for now. Items you can find are an - Energy Drink - in a vending machine close to the fuse box, another - Energy Drink - is on one of the south side tables and finally there is some - Shotgun Ammo - near the knocked over dining cart in the South West corner of the room. Once you're ready take the double doors and enter the next area. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: A - First Aid Kit - replaces the Energy Drink on the | table. | | Hard: The Energy Drink on the table in Normal will not be | here in Hard. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= = Kitchen - 2nd Floor = ======================= - Items: Disc First Aid Kit There are no monsters here, so feel free to loot the - Disc - and - First Aid Kit - off the counters. One is in one corner and one is in the other. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: Instead of a Disc and First Aid Kit you will instead | find an - Automatic Pistol - and an - Energy Drink - | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =============================== = Dining Room (b) - 2nd Floor = =============================== - Enemies: 1 Hanger 1 N Mutant - Key Item: Toolbox - Items: Shotgun Ammo (7) Box of Fuses Once you're inside, move forward a little bit until you're next to a table with some glass racks on it and grab the - Shotgun Ammo - from it. And just to be safe, switch to your Shotgun. Move forward slowly and you will get attacked by a - Hanger - Once it's dead, move forward slowly until the camera angle changes, you will see "something" laying on the ground and a dark blotch in the far left corner of the room. You will also see another door leading out and a box of some kind highlighted by a spotlight. As you move forward the "something" will get up: It's an - N Mutant - Kill it quick and move toward the door, Ms Wickson will freak out and say that she will NOT open the door until the lights are on. Note: Sometimes an additional - Hanger - will spawn and assist the N Mutant. Move into the light and unlock the Toolbox you find next to the wall (it's under the dark cracks). But be careful as another - Hanger - will appear in the dark spot in the corner either during or after you've unlocked the box. Once it's dead, finish unlocking the toolbox (if you need to) and get the - Box of Fuses - Now it's time to head back to the Fuse box you passed earlier. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There will be no Shotgun Ammo to be found. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= = Kitchen - 2nd Floor = ======================= This place is still clean, so grab the items if you passed them earlier. =============================== = Dining Room (a) - 2nd Floor = =============================== - Enemies: 2 Biters 1 Hanger When you enter, you will find that more enemies have appeared. Kill the - 2 Biters - and the new - Hanger - and approach the Fuse Box. Attempt to unlock it and a - Hanger - will appear from your left and a - Biter - will come running up the stairs. Once these are delt with finish opening the Fuse Box and use the Box of Fuses on it. Now you will start the next puzzle. Be quick though, as more enemies may appear. -Puzzle: Fuse Box 1-2-3 4-X-5 6-7-8 Each Number represents a switch on the pannel, with the X being a damaged spot you can't work with. Quickly flip fuses 1-2-3-4-6-7 (the order doesn't matter) and the lights should come on and a - Cutscene - will occur. Now the Dining Hall is free of monsters. If you rushed to get this point without getting items or exploring rooms on your way you can now go back to them without any problems. Refer to the above sections to loot the Dining Hall. Any items will still be where they are supposed to be, but NO enemies will appear in the rooms. Once you're ready, head to the Infirmary. ============= = Infirmary = ============= - Items: Wheel First Aid Kit First Aid Kit Disc - Clue: Letter from Friedman to Wickson Enter the Infrimary to trigger a - Cutscene - As Ms Wickson is of no help, loot the place. You can find a - Clue: Letter from Friedman to Wickson - on the reception counter. Behind the counter, on a chest of drawers is a - First Aid Kit - Behind the glass partition is a glass cabinet you can break that contains another - First Aid Kit - and on the desk to the left of the cabinet is a - Disc - Finally, on the double doors leading to the 2nd floor walkway is a - Wheel - Ms Wickson was using to keep the doors locked. This wheel is very much like the ones in the Contraband Storage room back in the Administration Building. Grab it and check your map, it's time to head back to the Administration Building. Exit the room using the now "unlocked" door. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The First Aid Kit on the chest of drawers will not | be there. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== == Walkway == =========== Find some stairs and head down to the courtyard. ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - Make sure you're prepared and then head to the Administration Building =============================================================================== 6.0 ~ Part Six ~ Administration Revisited =============================================================================== =========================== == ADMINISTRATION BUILDING == =========================== Important note: TAKE THE WEST SIDE DOOR ============= = West Hall = ============= When you enter you'll see a - Cutscene - of the Main Hall which is now in shambles and filled with Mutants. You can either take the safe route, or you can take the dangerous route. For the safe route: Head to the Girl's Bathroom For the dangerous route: Head to the Main Hall. =============================== = Main Hall - Dangerous Route = =============================== - Enemies: 3 Stage 2 Mutants - Items: Shotgun Ammo (7) When you enter - 3 Stage 2 Mutants - will attack you in a group, if you're not prepared for this you will likely get slaughtered. If you kill them enter the ruins of the Main hall and find some - Shotgun Ammo - on top of a fallen Noteboard. Once you're ready head into the Teacher's Lounge (skip to that section). ================================ = Girl's Bathroom - Safe Route = ================================ Use the vent like before - This takes 2 characters if you didn't brave the Main Hall - and enter the Teacher's Bathroom ====================== = Teacher's Bathroom = ====================== Exit into the Teacher's Lounge. ================================ = Teacher's Lounge (1st Floor) = ================================ No matter which route you took to get here, head up to the 2nd floor. ================================= = Teacher's Lounge (2nd Floor ) = ================================= Nothing has changed, head to the next room. ====================== = Contraband Storage = ====================== - Clue: Documents about the building of the school Get the - Clue: Documents about the building of the school - off the shelf if you didn't get it earlier. Next use the Wheel on the middle set of storage shelves. You can now move the shelves out of your way. Move the Left and Middle one all the way to the left, and the Right one all the way to the right. You can now access the door at the far end of the room. ========================= = Storeroom (2nd Floor) = ========================= - Clue: Photos of the Basement - Items: Reel of Film 22 Pistol Ammo (30) Shotgun Ammo (14) Disc Nothing much in here, on one shelf you can find a - Clue: Photos of the Basement - on the other you can find some - Pistol Ammo - some - Shotgun Ammo - a - Disc - and a - Reel of Film 22 - Head back the way you came. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: You will not find a Disc, Shotgun Ammo or Pistol | Ammo in this room in a Hard Game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================== = Contraband Storage = ====================== Keep moving. ================================ = Teacher's Lounge - 2nd Floor = ================================ - Items: Amphitheater Key Enter the Teacher's Lounge and you will get another - Cutscene - after the scene you will find you now have the - Amphitheater Key - Press - Start - and look at your map, time to head to the Amphitheater. ================================ = Teacher's Lounge - 1st Floor = ================================ You can only open one door, now it's time to brave the Main Hall ============= = Main Hall = ============= - Enemies: 3 Stage 2 Mutants - if you didn't kill them already - Items: Shotgun Ammo (7) - If you didn't get it already You can either stand and fight, or run for the North Exit. Fortunately the mutants seem to have moved deeper into the room and you can make it if you run for the front door. If you choose to flee you will likely take no damage. If you choose to fight, the - Shotgun Ammo - is on the fallen message board in East side of the Main hall. ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - Head east and enter the parking lot. =============== == Parking Lot == =============== - Items: First Aid Kit If you came here earlier in the game, you will now find that someone has parked a van in the Parking lot. (actually this van appear right after you finish with the Dining Hall) The rear of the Van is locked but you can pick it, if you do - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - will appear and attack. Once they are dead you can claim your prize from the rear of the van a - First Aid Kit - NOTE: If you pick the lock on the van (causing the Mutants to appear) more mutants will spawn here later even if you kill the two that appear now. If you do not unlock the van no Mutants will be here when you have to return this way later in the game. So you might wait until you have to return this way to claim the First Aid Kit for yourself. So judge the risk based on your need. Now head for the Amphitheater. =============================================================================== 7.0 ~ Part Seven ~ Amphitheater =============================================================================== ================ == AMPHITHEATER == ================ ========= = Lobby = ========= - Items: Disc Sticky Tape - Map: Amphitheater Not much to do here, grab the - Map: Amphitheater - that's next to the door and the - Sticky Tape - on the desk next to the Map. On the counter in front of the entrance is a - Disc - Head deeper into the room to activate a - Cutscene - Wow, Friedman looks good for being about 150. There's a door to your right, take it. ============== = Auditorium = ============== - Items: Wooden Plank First Aid Kit Sticky Tape - Key Item: Screen/Screen controls - Flair: Characters can do a mic-test When you enter your character will mention that's it's too quiet, though nothing seems to be lurking for you. Head onstage and grab the - Wooden Plank - it will come in handy in a bit. Just for fun use the Mic on the podium if you want. After that get off the stage and head up the middle isle until you reach the control panel. Use it and a screen will come down. Keep going up the middle isle and on the right side top row seat is a - First Aid Kit - Behind the seats are some speakers, and one in the left hand corner holds some - Sticky Tape - for you to take. There are two doors, one on each side of the stage. But since we have to come back this way later ignore them for now and head back into the Lobby. ========= = Lobby = ========= Head north past the photos and the statue and take the stairs to the 2nd floor. =========== = Catwalk = =========== - Enemies: 2 Biters - 2 Biters - are here and you can't avoid them on this narrow space, kill them quick and keep going. =================== = Projection Room = =================== - Items: Shotgun Ammo (7) - Key Item: Projector In this red-lit room there will be a shelf full of film reels, on it you will find some - Shotgun Ammo - Climb the stairs and use the Reel of Film 23 on the Projector to get a - Cutscene - Once you're done, head back to the Auditorium. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: You will find a second pack of - Shotgun Ammo - next | to the first one on the shelf. This one also has 7 | rounds. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== = Catwalk = =========== Head to the stairs. ========= = Lobby = ========= Down the stairs and into the... ============== = Auditorium = ============== You have 2 doors to choose from, but take the one on the right side of the stage near the door you just entered from. ================= = Dressing Room = ================= - Items: Shotgun Ammo (7) There's some - Shotgun Ammo - on the dressing table right in front of you. Grab it and then take the door to your left. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is also a - Disc - laying next to the Shotgun | Ammo. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= = Backstage = ============= - Items: Pistol Ammo (15) - Flair: Safety Warning There is some - Pistol Ammo - next to the large pillar in the middle of the room. The door on your right leads back to the Auditorium, and the Ladder is useless currently. Make a special note of the "Safety Warning" next to the ladder, it is important. Your only real choice is to use the Elevator. First: Use the Safety Switch next to the Elevator. Second: Call the elevator and get in, but don't use it yet. Third: Use the Wooden Plank inside the Elevator - this will prove useful later. Finally use the Elevator to go to the second floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: To the right of the Pillar you will also find a | - First Aid Kit - on the floor. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= = Storage - 2nd Floor = ======================= - Enemies: Blobwoman - Items: Energy Drink When you enter you will get a - Cutscene - showing off your newest enemy: The Blobwoman! She looks mean but is actually kinda weak, just stay back and shoot her as needed. She's only really vulnerable when she's releasing her "spawn". If you get too close she will slap you down - so stay back. Once she's dead grab the - Energy Drink - off the crate near the Blobwoman's "feet". You can now use the ladder to go back to the Backstage area, but before you do there is One VERY IMPORTANT thing to do first. USE THE SAFETY LEVER NEXT TO THE ELEVATOR... or bad things will happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: A - First Aid Kit - replaces the Energy Drink in this | room. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= = Backstage = ============= Decend the Elevator Shaft to go to the next area and to activate a - Cutscene - =============================================================================== 8.0 ~ Part Eight ~ Basement =============================================================================== ============ == BASEMENT == ============ =============== = Boiler Room = =============== - GATHERING POINT - - Items: Disc First Aid Kit Pistol Ammo (30) Good Quality Flashlight Depending on if you used the SAFETY in the 2nd Floor Storeroom or not you may now be one kid short. Once everyone is safe, or after your character cries over your lost comrade, you're now ready to search your new GATHERING POINT. And keep in mind, the Elevator is now useless (in case it wasn't obvious), and there is no map of this area for you to access. This is the Boiler Room and there are a lot of items to acquire here. There is a - Disc - and a - First Aid Kit - directly in front of the Elevator on a pallet. On the table to the right side of the exit is a - Good Quality Flashlight - And finally on a pallet right next to the now ruined Elevator is some - Pistol Ammo - Reorganize your group as needed and head thru the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: You will not find a Good Quality Flashlight in this | room, instead you will find a much more powerful | - Very Powerful Flashlight - in its place | | Hard: You will not find a First Aid Kit, there will only | be 15 rounds of Pistol Ammo and the Good Quality | Flashlight will be missing. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================= = East/West Hallway (a) = ========================= - Enemies: 2 Stage 2 mutants - Items: Energy Drink Follow the hallway and eventually you'll come to a T-Juntion where - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - will attack you. Once they are dead, search the dead end to the west for an - Energy Drink - Head north and enter the door. ========================= = East/West Hallway (b) = ========================= There's nothing in this hallway except for 4 exits (not including the door you just came thru) Head to the Right of the door you just came in first and take the door at the end of the hallway. (East) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: Head East and you will find 7 rounds of - Shotgun | Ammo - under some vines coming down from the ceiling | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =================================== = Door 1: North/South Hallway (b) = =================================== - Enemies: 1 Stage 1 Mutant (Now) 1 Stage 2 mutant (Later) - Items: Shotgun Ammo (7) In the foreground you will see a - Stage 1 Mutant - Kill him and then head south to the dead end, there you will find some - Shotgun Ammo - UPDATE: You do not have to kill the Stage 1 Mutant. If you leave him alone (which includes NOT BOOSTING your light at him) he will leave you alone. Just walk past him and get the Ammo. Note: If you come back later (after a certain Cutscene) a Stage 2 Mutant will replace him even if you kill him now. Head back into the East/West Hallway you came from. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - First Aid Kit - next to the Shotgun Ammo | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================== = Door 2: Locked = ================== The second door is currently locked so pass it and keep moving West, also passing the door you first used to enter this area. Eventually you will come to a path that splits off to the North. Take it and enter the door at the end. ================================= = Door 3: Cages and Prison Cell = ================================= - Clue: Prisoner's Letter - Items: Pump Action Shotgun Lever Light Grenade Inside this room you will see a lot of cages, including 2 very tall ones. Just in front of the Right Cage you will find a - Clue: Prisoner's Letter - Grab it and go over to the Left Cage. Push the cage and eventually you will reveal a - Semi-Auto Shotgun - Take a moment to tape a good flashlight to it and then hand it to your teammate, or use it yourself if your teammate already has the Shotgun you found earlier. If you haven't saved recently, now might be a good time. Now go back to the Right cage and push it to reveal a side room. Inside there is a - Lever - on the table you will need in a bit. Grabbing the Lever will activate a - Cutscene - showing yet another level of mutation these mutants can attain. When the scene is finished you will find you are now in close quarters with a massive - Stage 3 Mutant - Boost your lights and kill that sucker quick! Once it's dead, heal as needed and go into the cell it came out of to find a - Light Grenade - Now that this room is done head back to the East/West Hallway. Before leaving, if you haven't saved recently, now is also a good time to do so. ================================== = East/West Hallway (b) - Part 2 = ================================== - Enemies: 2 Stage 3 Mutants Now we have a problem, - 2 Stage 3 Mutants - have parked themselves in the hallway south of your position. It will take them a moment to move in on you and that's all the time you need to prepare. You can either toss your brand new Light Grenade at them (toss it as soon as you hear them as it takes a moment for it to detonate) to kill them both instantly - or - you can fight it out. If you decide to shoot it out, after one drops go back into the room you came out of to reload and heal if needed. Once you're ready go back into the hallway and finish the last one. After it's dead move on to the last door in this area. ============================ = Door 4: Examination Room = ============================ - Enemies: 1 Stage 1 Mutant (before stage 3 mutant scene) 1 Stage 3 Mutant (after stage 3 Mutant scene) - Clue: Leonard: Development - Items: First Aid Kit If you came in here earlier you would have found a single - Stage 1 mutant - in here, now you will find a - Stage 3 Mutant - ready to greet you instead. Note: Killing the Stage 1 Mutant will not prevent the Stage 3 from appearing. Run down the stairs so it doesn't corner you and then shoot it until it drops. Once it's dead be sure to grab the - First Aid Kit - off the exam table, and the - Clue: Leonard: Development - off the counter on the right side of the room (in the darkend area) Between the counter you found the Clue and the counter with the lab equipment there is a place on the wall where you can use the Lever you found earlier. Use it and a cubbyhole with a ladder will open up. Use the Ladder to decend into the Subbasement area. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - Disc - on the counter to the right of | the Examination Table. | | Hard: The First Aid Kit is missing here. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================ == Sub-Basement == ================ ======================== = L-Shaped Passage (b) = ======================== - Enemies: 1 Stage 2 Mutant - Items: Pistol Ammo (15) Just in front of the ladder is a small area with some - Pistol Ammo - Grab it and go south on the passage and you will see a door to your left, you can either take it or continue down the passage. If you continue down the passage you will run across a - Stage 2 Mutant - Past this enemy you will eventually come to a ladder that is too high for you to reach currently, so your only choice is to go back the way you came and enter the door. ======================== = Prison Area (Part 1) = ======================== Kenny! Watch the - Cutscene - and when you wake up... ======================== = Prison Area (Part 2) = ======================== - GATHERING POINT - - Characters: Kenny - Items: Metal Bar with Hook Pliers ALL OF YOUR ITEMS You wake up to find yourself in a cell and without weapons or items. - Kenny - is alive but injured in the cell next to you, and is now your Teammate. The rest of the characters will be in the other cells in this room. Search the bed for a - Metal Bar with Hook - Switch to Kenny and go to the left side of the cell, he'll mention he sees some Pliers, but that's not important at the moment. Instead USE the Metal Bar with Hook for a - Cutscene - of you gaining your freedom and your new "problem". It seems you now need the help of the previously comatose Ms. Wickson, but first you will have to find a way out of here. Grab the - Pliers - between the door and a desk, and then use them on the flashing chest next to Kenny's cell to get - ALL OF YOUR ITEMS - back. There are two doors out of this area, but only one is unlocked so your options are limited. Choose a teammate (you will need one) then heal and reequip as needed. If you choose to have Kenny in your team you WILL need to heal him as he is seriously injured. ======================== = L-Shaped Passage (b) = ======================== - Enemies: 1 Stage 3 Mutant If you cleared the Stage 2 Mutant out earlier you will find you still have a - Stage 3 Mutant - to deal with. Kill it and run to the end of the passage and you will find a ladder that is out of your reach. Using your Teammate climb the wall and use the Metal Bar with Hook to bring the ladder down. It's now time to go back to the school. =============================================================================== 9.0 ~ Part Nine ~ Loose Ends =============================================================================== ================ == West Walkway == ================ - Items: Disc Head south on your map, and then west to the front of the unnamed building on your map. In front of this building on a bench is a - Disc - so make sure to grab it. The unnamed building is locked so ignore it. Now head east and you will come to a door that's barred with a lock, use the Pliers to open it so you can access the Courtyard again. Note: There is a gate to the North, but you don't have the code yet so ignore it for now, but you will be coming back here later. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - First Aid Kit - on a bench at the South | end of this walkway. At this camera angle it will be | at the top of your screen. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - Enter the Courtyard for a - Cutscene - and a new GATHERING POINT. Once you're ready find a set of stair to the 2nd floor Walkway and then head for the Infirmary. =========== == Walkway == =========== Head for the Infirmary. ======================== == Dining Hall/Sick Bay == ======================== ============= = Infirmary = ============= - Items: First Aid Kit Enter the Infirmary for a - Cutscene - Poor Ms Wickson, we hardly knew you. Grab the - First Aid Kit - in the chair Ms Wickson used to be sitting in and now exit. She mentioned the garden and an entrance to it is near the Gym so go back to the Courtyard and head toward the locked gate to the East Walkway. =========== == Walkway == =========== Find some stairs and head down. ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - Use the Pliers on the door and enter the East Walkway =============== == East Walkway == =============== You can enter the Gymnasium, but there's nothing in there. You can try the door to the gardens, but it's locked. You can cut the lock on the Dormitory... let's try that. =============================================================================== 10.0 ~ Part Ten ~ Dormitory =============================================================================== ============= == DORMITORY == ============= ========================= = Main Hall - 1st Floor = ========================= - Enemies: 1 N Mutant 1 Stage 2 Mutant - Items: Pistol Ammo (15) Energy Drink - Map: Dormitory Grab the - Map: Dormitory - off the wall next to the entrance and prepare for battle. There's an - N Mutant - in the middle of this room and chances are good it's already seen you. After it's dead cautiously head toward the North end of the Main Hall as there is a - Stage 2 Mutant - hiding in the shadows that is just waiting to play with you. Once they're dead, get the - Pistol Ammo - from the junk at the rear of the room and an - Energy Drink - from a locked locker close to where you fought the N Mutant. Check your map and then enter the door on the west side closest to the entrance. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: 7 rounds of - Shotgun Ammo - lay on the ground under | the area you pick up the MAP to this building. | | Hard: The Pistol Ammo is no longer here. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =================================== = Door 1 - West Side: Living Room = =================================== - Items: Shotgun Ammo (14) - Key Items: Chimeny Flue There are only two things that you should worry about in this room. One is some - Shotgun Ammo - on a table near the door, and a "Chimeny Flue" on west wall (you can now see it on your map) Note: Make sure to get the Shotgun Ammo Exit the room and keep searching the First Floor, the next two doors on the West side are locked so enter the East side door directly across from the door to this room. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - First Aid Kit - in a chair directly | across from the door to this room. | | Hard: Only 7 rounds of Shotgun Ammo will be found. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================== = Door 2 - West Side: Locked = ============================== ============================== = Door 3 - West Side: Locked = ============================== =================================== = Door 4 - East Side: Gaming Room = =================================== - Enemies: 1 Biter 2 Hangers - Items: Disc Pistol Ammo (15) - Clues: Newspaper Articles As soon as you enter you will be attacked by - 2 Hangers - and a single - Biter - Kill them and then grab the - Pistol Ammo - off of the chair to the left of the door. Then go to the middle of the room and grab the - Disc - off the floor, it's in the middle of the room near two boards that have fallen and formed an X pattern. On the table next to this you can find a - Clue: Newspaper Articles - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The Disc is missing. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================= = Door 5 - East Side: Girl's Bathroom = ======================================= - Items: First Aid Kit This room is pretty bleak, run to the back of this room to find a - First Aid Kit - for you to collect. Behind the broken toilet is a hole in the wall that leads into the next room. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The First Aid Kit is unfortunately gone in Hard. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================================================== = Door 6 - East Side: Locked Door - Boy's Bathroom = ==================================================== - Items: Energy Drink Just as bleak at the last room you were in, but there is an - Energy Drink - in one of the sinks, might as well grab it. Since the door is locked, head back into the Girl's Bathroom and then back to the main hall. Pass the open doorway for now and head into the last room on this level. =============================== = Door 7 - West Side: Bedroom = =============================== - Enemies: 2 Hangers 1 Stage 2 Mutant - Items: Pistol Ammo (15) Light Grenade As soon as you enter - 2 Hangers - and a single - Stage 2 Mutant - will rush you. Kill them and your prize within this room is some - Pistol Ammo - on the bookshelf in the South-West Corner of the room. In the middle of the room is a single bunkbead that holds an ever useful - Light Grenade - on it. Grab everything and leave, it's time to head to the 2nd floor. ============= = Stairwell = ============= - Items: Statue Halfway between the 1st and 2nd floors you will find a - Statue - on a desk. Make sure to grab it. ======================== = 2nd Floor: Main Hall = ======================== When you first enter your character will comment that he or she doesn't feel too well and needs the antidote quickly. If you approach the middle of the room, the camera will pan backwards and your character will inform you that the floor is weak. It is. To cross this floor you can either do it the hard way or the easy way. For a challenge, look at the floor and you will see some areas are different than the rest of the floor, these are the weak spots. Walk carefully and try to avoid them. Save first. The easy way is to - Aim - your weapon so you are in walk mode and just walk carefully across them. - Use the easy way - There are 5 doors on this floor, but only 2 you can use. There's one in the north wall that you can unlock, and the one in the south wall that leads to your destination. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There are two items here, both near the West-most | door on the NORTH WALL. One is a - Disc - across from | the door. The other is 7 rounds of - Shotgun Ammo - | around the area under the boarded up window. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================ = Door 1 - North Side: Bedroom = ================================ - Enemies: 2 Stage 2 Mutants 1 Biter - Items: First Aid Kit Shotgun Ammo (7) Pick the lock on this door and enter. Inside you will be attacked by - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - and a - Biter - Near the boarded up windows is a cardboard box with some - Shotgun Ammo - inside and one of the Northmost Bunkbeds holds a - First Aid Kit - =============================== = Door 2 - North Side: Locked = =============================== ============================== = Door 3 - West Side: Locked = ============================== ============================== = Door 4 - East Side: Locked = ============================== Make sure to - Aim - your weapon and walk from here on in until you reach the South Door. ======================================== = Door 5 - South Side: Living Quarters = ======================================== - Enemies: 1 weak Stage 1 mutant (east side) 1 weak Stage 1 mutant (west side) - Items: Pistol Ammo (15) This room is divided into two sections. On the west side you will find several beds and a - WEAK Stage 1 Mutant - sitting in a chair. A single bullet from your pistol will kill it, but you can also ignore it as he won't attack you. If you go up to him you can even talk to him. (though his dialogue is pretty limited) There's a door on the north wall, but ignore it for now. On the east side is a large chest of drawers, some more ruined furniture and a - WEAK Stage 1 Mutant - in a chair with it's back to you. Kill it or ignore it. Beyond the Mutant is a Cabinet you can unlock, inside is some - Pistol Ammo - Once you're ready, go to the chest of drawers and you will find you can push it. Do so and it will collapse into the bricked over wall you can see behind it. This leads to... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There are 2 Energy Drinks in this room. The first | - Energy Drink - is on the bed directly in front of | door you used to enter this area from the Main Hall. | The second - Energy Drink - is in the east section | on a table near the seated mutant. | | Hard: The Pistol Ammo is missing. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== = Hidden Room = =============== - Clue: Expulsion from the Scientific Community - Key Item: Safe On the desk in this small room is the - Clue: Expulsion from the Scientific Community - Grab it and then move over to the bed. Next to the bed is a pile of junk containing a large - Safe - (remember the Prisoner's Letter). Walk up to it and press the - X - button to pick it up. Exit the room and head back to the door we passed earlier. ======================================== = Door 5 - South Side: Living Quarters = ======================================== Go to the West side of the room and then into the north door. =============== = Small Study = =============== - Items: Disc - Key Items: Chimeny Chute This room is pretty dismal, but what it holds is important. Walk over to the "Chimeny Chute" to the right of the door with the character holding the safe and press the - X - button, your character will drop the safe down the chute. Take a moment to - RE-ARM YOUR CHARACTER - Now it's time to head back to the 1st floor, but first grab the - Disc - off of the small nightstand standing on the left side of the door. Exit the room and prepare for combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There are 15 rounds of - Pistol Ammo - on a desk on | the left side of this room. | | Hard: Nothing is missing, but I would like to give an | important safety tip. | | Once done with this room, if you haven't been using | the MAP to warp back to the current Gathering Point, | - NOW - would be a good time to try it out. | | Then return to the Dormitory and once inside enter | the (Door 1 - West Side: Living Room) by way of the | 1st Floor Main Hall. Otherwise you may run out of | ammo if you haven't been avoiding combat to this | point. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================= = Door 5 - South Side: Living Quarters (Part 2) = ================================================= - Enemies: 1 Stage 1 Mutant 1 Stage 3 Mutant Run to the left side of your screen and get ready for battle as a - Stage 3 Mutant - and a - Stage 1 Mutant - will approach and attack you. Note: These appear even if you killed the WEAK Stage 1 Mutants earlier. Also the WEAK Stage 1 Mutants will now be gone if you left them alone. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: Instead of a Stage 1 Mutant, a Stage 2 Mutant will | take its place. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================= = Main Hall - 2nd Floor = ========================= - AIM - your weapon and WALK across the floor and take the stairs. ========================= = Main Hall - 1st Floor = ========================= - Enemies: 1 Stage 3 Mutant A - Stage 3 Mutant - has made the Hall it's lair. Kill it and head toward the West side room with the Chimeny Flue you checked out earlier. ============================================ = Door 1 - West Side: Living Room (Part 2) = ============================================ - Enemies: Blobwoman - Items: Shotgun Ammo (14) (RESPAWN) Key to secret Library Office - Clues: Map Of Basement An Old Manuscript when you enter a Blobwoman (who has seemingly teleported into the room somehow) will attack you. Kill it the same way you did the last one. Once it's dead make sure to get the - Shotgun Ammo - off of the table near the door. This ammo is a RESPAWN which is why it was so important to grab the Shotgun ammo the last time you were in this room. Next go to the Chimeny Flue and collect your prizes from the Safe. You will gain a - Clue: Map of Basement - - Clue: An Old Manuscript - and a - Key to Secret Library Office - When you get the - Clue: Old Manuscript - You also activate a - Cutscene - that fills in a lot of details. Looks like the next stop is the Library. ========================= = Main Hall - 1st Floor = ========================= Head Outside ================ == East Walkway == ================ Continue to the COurtyard ============= == Courtyard == ============= - Gathering Point - Restock, heal and choose your teammate and then head toward the Library. =============================================================================== 11.0 ~ Part Eleven ~ Library Revisited =============================================================================== ==================== == LIBRARY (PART 2) = ==================== ========================= = Main Hall - 1st Floor = ========================= Nothing really new here, but if you didn't kill the kinda random - Stage 2 Mutant - earlier it'll now want to fight you. Kill it and head for the far east door. ======================= = Library - 1st Floor = ======================= Go to the door you couldn't open earlier. With the key now in your possession you can access Friedman's secret office. ================= = Secret Office = ================= - Items: Reel of Film 24 Very Powerful Flashlight Statue Wow, this place is almost a museum full of African artifacts. At the far end of the room is a chair with a - Reel of Film 24 - on it. When you grab it you will be prompted to look at your map. It would seem the Amphitheater is your next target. Make sure to grab the - Very Powerful Flashlight - off the desk. This is the best Flashlight you can find, strong and long lasting. You might resist the urge to tape it to one of your weapons now, save it for later. Finally grab the - Statue - off a table near the West Wall on your way out. ======================= = Library - 1st Floor = ======================= Head up the stairs and use the door. ========================= = Main Hall - 1st Floor = ========================= when you enter you will meet Mr. Walden again in a - Cutscene - He's not looking to good is he? He also steals your - Clue: Map of Basement - You will no longer be able to look at this Clue in your Clues section. And to add insult to injury it also would seem that Walden has locked you in the Library. But in his haste he was nice enough to unlock the stairwell for you. Go to the double doors and enter the stairwell. ============= = Stairwell = ============= - Items: First Aid Kit At the first landing is a door, take it before going to the 2nd Floor. On the floor near the door to the second floor is a - First Aid Kit - make sure to grab it when you come back this way. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The First Aid Kit is missing. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= = Library - 2nd Floor = ======================= - Item: Statue You're now in the area that was overhanging the ground floor of the main library. Go to the far end and you will find the 3rd - Statue - Grab it and head back to the door, re-enter the Stairwell and continue to the 2nd Floor. Make sure to grab the First Aid Kit near the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - First Aid Kit - on the ground between | a pair of bookshelves near the East end of this area. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================= = Main Hall - 2nd Floor = ========================= - Enemies: 2 Hangers - Items: Disc After the - Cutscene - dispose of the - 2 Hangers - and then grab the - Disc - off of the lockers directly in front of the Stairwell doors. Looking at your map you can see there are 4 doors in this section: 2 on the West Wall, 1 on the north and 1 on the east. Head south of the stairs and take the West door closest to the still LOCKED exit and then work your way north and then east. ================================= = Door 1 - West Side: Classroom = ================================= - Items: Energy Drink Energy Drink Energy Drink There's not much in this classroom, but what is in here is more than useful. First there are no enemies, so take your time. There are 3 Energy Drinks in here, the first - Energy Drink - is on the right side of the Teacher's desk in front of the chalkboard. The second - Energy drink is on the left most desk on the front row, and the final - Energy Drink - is on the counters to the left. Make sure you're healed and reloaded before moving to the next door. And if you're still using Pistols, this would be a good time to switch to a shotgun. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - Disc - on the right side of the room | near the windows. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================== = Door 2 - West Side: Unused Classroom = ======================================== - Enemies: 1 Stage 3 Mutant - Items: Revolver! Shotgun Ammo (7) There are three things you should note when first entering this room. 1) It's small 2) It's pitch dark 3) There's an angry - Stage 3 Mutant - wanting to eat you. As soon as you enter, - Aim - - Boost - and when you hear the whine: fire. After it's dead you will find some - Shotgun Ammo - on a set of stacked up desks near the west wall (it'll be at the bottom-ish area of your screen) Before you leave make sure to grab the - REVOLVER - from the stacked desks near the boarded up windows (This will be on the right side of your screen) This is THE best Pistol in the game, and possibly better than any Shotgun you've found as well. Take a moment to tape the Powerful Flashlight you found in Friedman's secret office to it. At this point, let your Teammate use the Shotgun, and keep the Revolver for yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is another pack of 7 rounds of - Shotgun Ammo - | in this room. It lays in the same area as the first | pack, but closer to the door to this room. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =============================== = Door 3 - North Side: Locked = =============================== ================================= = Door 4 - East Side: Classroom = ================================= - Enemies: 3 Hangers - Items: Sticky Tape Pistol Ammo (15) Pistol Ammo (15) Almost instantly - 3 Hangers - will attack you when you enter this classroom. Dispose of them and head down the center aisle, grab the - Pistol Ammo - off of one of the desk to the left and some - Sticky Tape - off of the single desk sitting in front of the right window. In the top left corner of your screen you'll also see some more - Pistol Ammo - Still no key, and no more doors to go into. But if you look at the large bookshelf you will notices part of a white door peeking out from the left side. Get beside the Bookshelf and shove it out of the way to expose a door. You can now enter the room behind Door 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The Pistol Ammo on the desk is gone. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================== = Locked Classroom = ==================== - Enemies: 2 Hangers 1 Biter - Items: Key Sticky Tape Disc Light Grenade - 2 Hangers - and a single - Biter - will attack you as you enter. Once they are dead head to the left and get between the space between the desks and the windows. On one of the desks is a - Key - You can now leave the Library if you want. But before you do, continue around the room. One of the desks right of where you found the Key will hold some - Sticky Tape - and a - Disc - There is also a Locked Cabinet under the TV. Open it to find a - Light Grenade - You're now finished with the Library, time to head to the Amphitheater again. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is NO Disc here, but a - First Aid Kit - sits | on a table between the two doors to this room. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================= = Door 4 - East Side: Classroom = ================================= Return to the Main Hall ========================= = Main Hall - 2nd Floor = ========================= Head to the exit and unlock it. =========== == Walkway == =========== - Items: Disc As you leave the Library from the 2nd floor, take a moment to search the bench to the right side of the door. You will find a - Disc - Now find some stairs and head to the ground floor. ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - =============== == Parking Lot == =============== The Van will still be here, grab the - First Aid Kit - now if you didn't earlier. But be prepared for the - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - that will appear. Sometimes - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - will be here waiting for you and sometimes they will not. I'm not sure what triggers this, but it may depend on if you got the First Aid Kit earlier or not. ================ == Amphitheater == ================ ========= = Lobby = ========= Head up the stairs. =========== = Catwalk = =========== ================== = Projector Room = ================== Use the Reel of Film 24 on the Projector for a - Cutscene - and a code: 0582 If you're using Shannon, she'll point out that there is a door that that code could possibly be used in. A door at the North West part of the school. If you're not using Shannon, head there anyway. Remember that Gate you couldn't enter when you exited the Basement earlier? It's now time to return to it. Head back to the Courtyard =========== = Catwalk = =========== ========= = Lobby = ========= =============== == Parking Lot == =============== Fortunately nothing new has appeared here. Exit into the courtyard. ============= == Courtyard == ============= - GATHERING POINT - Head West and enter the door leading to the West Walkway. ================ == West Walkway == ================ Head west and then North. Keep moving past the manhole you came out of to escape the Basement and approach the Gate to the north. To the right of the gate is a place to Input a code. Unlike the safe in the library, there is no "feedback" here so you kinda have to pay attention to what you're doing here. You will note that one button is pushed in, and depending on how you move the control pad or Left Analog Stick a different button becomes pressed. Press the buttons 0 and hit - X - now do the same with buttons 5, 8 and 2 Finally press the green button. The Gate will now open. Once you're ready enter the Gardens. =============================================================================== 12.0 ~ Part Twelve ~ Garden =============================================================================== ========== == GARDEN = ========== ================= = Garden Area 1 = ================= - Items: A Pump Action Shotgun Shotgun Ammo (14) There are a couple ways to handle this area, and depending on the order you do things different challenges will appear. The First way has more enemies, but they are easier to deal with. The Second way has fewer enemies but the combat is a bit trickier because of how they appear. === The First Way === The first way is to run down the path until you reach an open area and then enter the shack in the left corner of your screen. If you do so the camera angle will pan over the roof and you will see that there is a weapon on top of this small building. Once the camera focuses on your character again, you will see a Stage 2 Mutant coming around the side of the building. Don't worry about it for now as it will not attack you while you're in the shed so go ahead and get the - Shotgun Ammo - off the ground. To get the weapon off the roof, equip a melee weapon and attack the inside wall of the shed. It should fall down through the hole in the ceiling. Pick up the - Pump Action Shotgun - It only holds 2 shots at a time, but this is the best Shotgun in the game. In fact it may be the best weapon in the game. Tape a Flashlight to it and exit the shack and then kill the - Stage 2 Mutant - and the - 3 Biters - that appear with it. Once they are dead make your way to the right side of your screen and take the path you find there. After you pass what appears to be 2 dead bodies - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - will attack you. Kill them and move on. Eventually you will reach a gate to the next area. === The Second Way === Head down the path to the small clearing, but instead of entering the shack take the right hand path. As you pass the 2 dead bodies you will get caught in a crossfire between - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - and - 2 Biters - Once they are dead head back to the shed and enter it. The camera angle will pan as above, but this time no Stage 2 mutant will appear. After you get the - Shotgun Ammo - and the - Pump Action Shotgun - (Hit the inside wall with a melee weapon as above) head back outside. Unlike in the first way, no enemies will attack you. Head back down the right hand path until you reach a gate. Enter it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: Close to the area the 2 Stage 2 Mutants (and 2 Biters | depending on which way you handled this area) ambush | you is a pack of 15 rounds of - Pistol Ammo - sitting | on the ground. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================= = Garden Area 2 = ================= - Enemies: 1 Stage 3 Mutant - Items: Pistol Ammo (15) Almost as soon as you enter this area a - Stage 3 Mutant - will attack you. Kill it quickly and head toward the bottom of your screen on the path. This path will turn to the right side of your screen and will take you to a bridge. Cross the bridge and you will find the path splits off to the left and right. Take the right path and grab the - Pistol Ammo - at the dead end. Now head back and take the left hand path, a - Stage 3 Mutant - will appear on the right hand path and begin to chase you. At this point you have two options. You can either stand and fight - OR - rush to the end of the left path and force your way into the next area. To do this, attack the wall at the end of the path and eventually it will break allowing you access into the next section. Note: There is a good chance the Stage 3 Mutant will corner you if you don't kill it so you might as well stand your ground and fight first. Then when it's safe, break the wall and move to the next section. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: Next to the Pistol Ammo you find in Normal, you will | also find an additional pack of 15 rounds of | - Pistol Ammo - and a - First Aid Kit - | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================= = Garden Area 3 = ================= - Items: Statue Follow the path and eventually it'll split to the left and right. Take the right path and you will reach a small gazebo, you will also hear the roar of a mutant as a - Stage 3 Mutant - appears and begins coming down the path you just came from. Kill it and then enter the gazebo. Grab the 4th - Statue - and - 4 Biters - will appear. Once they are dead make your way back to where the path split and this time take the left hand path. Eventually you will arrive at a gate, but - 2 Biters - will appear to harrass you. Either kill them or just go thru the gate. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: On a bench to the LEFT of the Gazebo you will find a | - Disc - and a - First Aid Kit - | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== = Mansion = =========== - Items: First Aid Kit Shotgun Ammo (7) Energy Drink Energy Drink Lever This place should look familiar to you, it's the Mansion you came to at the begining of the game. This time however there are some items you can aquire. There is a - First Aid Kit - on the left side of the house, between the Mansion and the wall. Go around the house and climb the stairs to the back door and you will find some - Shotgun Ammo - Decend the stairs and now instead of continuing your exploration of the backside of the mansion, head down the path back toward the school (this is the way Kenny used to get here in the Prologue) On your way back you will see an item flashing on the ground on the left side of your screen. Grab this - Lever - as you will need it. Head back to the mansion and either climb the stairs onto the terrace - OR - move toward the celler entrance and - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - will appear and attempt to catch you in a crossfire. (one comes out of the celler and one from the left side of your screen) Once they are dead climb the terrace (if you aren't there already) and grab the - 2 Energy Drinks - off the railing. Now it's time to go back to the celler. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There is only 1 Energy Drink on the railing | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ========== = Celler = ========== - Items: Pistol Ammo (15) Disc Note: If you avoided the Stage 2 Mutants in the Mansion area they will follow you into the Cellar. As soon as you enter, head into the darkened area above your character and grab the - Pistol Ammo - off the shelf. Now head into the room and you will find a - Disc - on top of the barrel to your character's right. Finally use the Lever on the mechanism between the 3 large barrels and the shelf against the right hand wall. This will reveal a ladder leading to the basement. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The Pistol Ammo is not here in Hard. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ =============================================================================== 13.0 ~ Part Thirteen ~ End Game =============================================================================== ============ == Basement == ============ =========================== = North/South Hallway (a) = =========================== - Enemies: 2 Hangers - Items: Shotgun Ammo (7) Shotgun Ammo (7) There is a - Hanger - close to where you enter this area so be careful. There is also some - Shotgun Ammo - on the ground on some sort of metal square toward the bottom of your screen. Grab it and then head down the tunnel. Toward the end you will see a hole in the wall with some more - Shotgun Ammo - in it, and just past this is another - Hanger - just waiting for you to shoot it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There is no Ammo of any kind in this room now. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= = Cage Room = ============= - Items: First Aid Kit Energy Drink - Clue: Observed Mutations There is a table under a light that holds a - Clue: Observed Mutations - Grab it and begin making your way thru the room. Once you get close to the lit chamber - 2 Stage 2 Mutants - will appear. One directly in front of you and one will begin moving around the room from behind you. Kill them quickly so they don't overwhelm you. Once they are dead move around the lit chamber toward the door, but don't enter it yet. There is an - Energy Drink - on a small table on the right side of your screen and a - First Aid Kit - on a table further down and on the left side of your screen. Once you have these go ahead an use the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The First Aid Kit is no longer available. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= = Hole Room = ============= Nothing really new here, but the door that was locked earlier is now unlocked. Take it or check out the Cell. ======== = Cell = ======== - Enemies: "Dan" Stage 1 Mutant Poor Dan, looks like he's back in his cell. But it also seems he's succumbed to the Mortifilia in his system, and has become violent. Either put him out of his misery or go back the way you came and take the other door. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There are 7 rounds of - Shotgun Ammo - on the ground. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================== = Observation Room = ==================== - Items: Energy Drink Disc Sticky Tape - Flair: Notes on Test Subjects This is a room with a lot of vines in one corner and a raised elevation. Go up onto the elevation and grab the - Disc - sitting in the corner (right in front of the stairs) There is also an - Energy Drink - on the chair. There are some papers on the floor, check them and you will be able to read the "Notes on Test Subjects" which seem kinda grim. Beside the notes is some - Sticky tape - on the floor. Now there are three doors in this room. The one you came in from. A door on the same wall (left side of your screen, up by the vines) And a door at the top of your screen (on the elevation) For now, take the door at the top of your screen and enter the Storage Room. ================ = Storage Room = ================ - Enemies: Hanger - Items: Laser - Clues: Photos of Mutation When you first enter you will see your characters as if looking at them from behind a fan. Move them forward to change the camera angle and get a better view of this room. On a large crate you will find the - Clue: Photos of Mutation - This shows the progression of someone mutating from normal, to stage 1 and then finally to stage 2. Once you have this go over to that tall cage you passed on the left side of the room and push it toward the front of the chamber. This will reveal a small side room that contains a - Hanger - for you to kill and a - LASER - on the counter to the left of the sink. This laser is THE most powerful weapon you can find. But it has very limited ammo and you cannot recharge it. Save it for something big. This room is finished and you have two exits out of here other than the door you entered. The Ladder leads to Friedman's secret office in the LIBRARY and the Door on right wall leads to the East/West Hallway (b) (you will enter thru the door that was locked earlier) There's no real reason to go to either place so go back the way you came and go into the Observation room. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a - First Aid Kit - on the crate next to the | Clue: Photos of Mutation. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================== = Observation Room = ==================== Go down the stairs and this time take the only door you haven't used yet. The one on the left side of your screen up by the vines. ================= = Indoor Garden = ================= - Enemies: 1 Stage 3 Mutant - Items: First Aid Kit Energy Drink This room is cramped and a - Stage 3 Mutant - is just inside. Run toward the bottom of your screen, - Aim - - Boost - and begin firing at it. Once it is dead go around the plant holders in the middle of the room and you should see a door on your right. Don't take it yet, instead go around the other side of the plant holders and grab the - Energy Drink - on the shelves between the ladder going down and the big wiggly vines. In the corner of the room, near the vines, you will also find a - First Aid Kit - Now you have two exits out of this room, other than the door you entered from. Just for fun take door to the right as you will need to know this location because you will have to come back here later. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The First Aid Kit is missing. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================ = Big Red Room = ================ Wow, it's a Big Red Room full of vines. Not much to see here, but on the right side of your screen you will find a massive door that look alot like the kind of door Ms Wickson told you to find. Unfortunately it's locked, so we'll have to find away to change that. On the left side of this room you will come to a door like all the others you've run across so far. This door leads to the North/South Hallway (b). You now have opened and have access to every room within the Basement level. Once you're ready head back to the Indoor Garden and take the ladder down to the Sub Basement. ================= = Indoor Garden = ================= Take the ladder down. ================ == Sub-basement == ================ ============= = Vine Room = ============= - Enemies: 1 Biter - Items: Disc Pistol Ammo (15) Shotgun Ammo (7) This room is more or less like it sounds, it's a store room full of vines. Kill the - Biter - that has taken up residence and then search the shelves for a - Disc - Make your way around the tipped over table and head to the door. But before taking it make sure to grab the - Pistol Ammo - and - Shotgun Ammo - off of the table to the left of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: There is no Disc on the shelf. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================== = Machinery Room = ================== - Enemies : Blobwoman When you enter this round room your character will comment on the machinery in the center. As you move forward you will see some sort of strange machine going up from the floor to the ceiling. Connected to this are 4 podiums that look like they have a spot for you to place something on them. You will want to place a statue on each one, but before doing that move around the machinery and a - Blobwoman - will take notice of you and attack. Once the fight is over place a statue on each podium and then move to the area near Blobwoman's "head". There's a place for a lever, but you don't have it yet. There's only one other door out of this room, so take it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: On the walkway near the door leading to L-Shaped | Hallway (a) is a - First Aid Kit - and 7 rounds of | - Shotgun Ammo - | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================== = L-Shaped Hallway (a) = ======================== - Enemies: 3 Stage 3 Mutants - Items: Light Grenade Shotgun Ammo (7) There's a right way to handle this room, and a way to get dead quickly. If you have one, equip a Light Grenade and then head down the path. The camera angle will change and you will need to run toward the top of your screen. In the distance you will see a doorway. Run to that door and do not stop even though you will pass a hallway that appears to go East/West. Once you get to the door, turn around and throw the grenade. In a flash - 3 Stage 3 Mutants - will be killed. Note: If you do NOT have a Light Grenade worry not. Just before the north door, in the middle of the hallway about level with the light on the right wall is a - Light Grenade - for you to grab and use. The North Door leads to the Prison Area you rescued Kenny from, so ignore that. Instead go back to the 4 way junction and take the path to the left of your screen. It's a dead end, but a dead end with some - Shotgun Ammo - for you to pick up. Go back to the 4 way junction and this time take the path leading to your right. There's a door at the end so take it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy: There is a second pack of 7 rounds of - Shotgun | Ammo - laying next to the first. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= = Cellblock = ============= - Items: Disc Shotgun Ammo (7) There are 4 doors in this room, the one you came in (at the top of your screen) 1 on the left wall and 2 on the right. The doors on the left and right near the entrance are locked so take the 2nd door on the right side. Before that though, make sure to grab the - Disc - on a pallete and some - Shotgun Ammo - between the overturned cart and the wall. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard: The Shotgun Ammo is now gone. | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ======== = Cell = ======== - Items: First Aid Kit Lever Grab the - First Aid Kit - on the bottom bunkbed and the - Lever - between the foot of the bed and the wall. Exit. ============= = Cellblock = ============= Go back thru the door at the top of your screen. ======================== = L-Shaped Hallway (a) = ======================== Head back to the 4 way junction and take the bottom path back to the Machinery Room ================== = Machinery Room = ================== Use the Lever on the sparking mechanism near the front end of the now dead Blobwoman and a - Cutscene - will occur. Looks like it's time to check out the Big Door in the Big Red Room so head back to the vine room ============= = Vine Room = ============= - Enemies: 2 Biters - 2 Biters - have appeared to avenge their friend, kill them and take the ladder to the Basement area. ============ == Basement == ============ ================= = Indoor Garden = ================= Nothing really new, head toward your right and take the door. ================ = Big Red Room = ================ - GATHERING POINT - - Items: Walden's Bag First Aid Kit x2 Pistol Ammo (30) Shotgun Ammo (14) Entering the room will cause a - Cutscene - to occur, once that is done you will see the rest of your characters enter the room. In the middle of the room you can see Walden's Bag hanging from a vine, grab it to gain - 2 First Aid Kits - some - Pistol Ammo - and some - Shotgun Ammo - Heal up, reload, choose your teammate and most importantly.... SAVE YOUR GAME This is your last chance, so make the most of it. Once you are prepared, enter the now open Big Door. ======================== = Behind the Big Door! = ======================== The first thing that will happen is a - Cutscene - after that you will have to fight Leonard. =============================== - BossFight: Leonard (part 1) - =============================== This fight is actually rather easy when you know what to do. Basically Shoot the 5 vines you see that go from the ground to the ceiling. Your character will automatically aim at them as they would any other enemy so it will not be difficult to attack them. Avoid his limbs and the black smoke he causes to appear on the floor and then shoot the vine enough and they will break. Once they break a spot of light will appear on the floor. GET IN THE LIGHT or you will die from his "Black smoke attack". After this attack run to the next vine and continue. Do this to all 5 vines (they are spaced out all around his body so you will have to go ALL the way around him to get them all) If you find you can't go any further in some places you can use the blackened area around his base, but be careful as this area will damage you quickly. Once all 5 have been destroyed this battle is over. =================================== - End BossFight: Leonard (part 1) - =================================== Once he is defeated, you will be treated to another - Cutscene - as the ceiling comes down; burying Leonard and allowing your characters escape. But it's not over yet, Leonard still wants to play. =============================== - Bossfight: Leonard (part 2) - =============================== There isn't much of a strategy on this one. See that light coming down from the ceiling, it'll kill him, it just takes time. Avoid his limbs and heal when he hits you and eventually he will die. You don't even have to attack if you don't want to. While it's possible to attack him when his head is exposed, I haven't noticed it having any real affect on how quickly he dies, but you have the ammo so it's better to be safe than sorry. Shoot him as needed. He only has 2 attacks, a downward swing and a sweep attack. The downward swing is easy to avoid, you cannot avoid the sweep however. To avoid the sweep you need to attack Leonard as he's roaring. A short roar will preceed a swing and a longer roar will preceed the sweep. While he's making the longer roar, aim and fire and you will shoot him in the head, causing him to abort his attack. Note: This ONLY affects his sweep attack, you cannot stop him from making the downward swing so just dodge to the side to avoid it. It won't take long for this fight to end. =================================== - End Bossfight: Leonard (part 2) - =================================== Once you have defeated him, sit back and enjoy the ending. Don't turn off your game during the credits though, after they roll you will get a chance to save your game (do so) and then see what Bonuses you have unlocked. Congratulations on beating this game =) =============================================================================== 0.3 ~ Items/Weapons =============================================================================== =============== == Basic Items == =============== Disc: Used to save your game progress Energy Drink: Healing Item (30% Health Restored... give or take) First Aid Kit: Healing Item (75% Health Restored... give or take) Sticky Tape: Used to tape Flashlights to Pistols/Shotguns =============== == Flashlights == =============== Low Powered Flashlight: Weakest - Short Duration (About 8 seconds) Good Quality Flashlight: Medium Brightness - Longer Duration (About 10 seconds) Very Powerful Flashlight: Brightest - Longest Duration (About 15 seconds) ================= == Melee Weapons == ================= Baseball Bat: Weakest Attack Power Metal Bar: Weaker Attack Power Alluminum Bat: Weak Attack Power Morgenstern Bat: Medium Attack Power ============ == Handguns == ============ Old Pistol: 15 Round Clip - Weak Firepower Gun with a light: 15 Round Clip - Low Firepower - Good Quality Flashlight Automatic Pistol: 10 Round Clip - Low Firepower - Faster Firing Speed Revolver: 6 Round Clip - Medium Firepower Laser Gun: 6 Round Clip - Medium Firepower - Laser (Rechargable) ============ == Shotguns == ============ Semi Auto Shotgun: 7 Shots - Medium Firepower A Pump action Shotgun: 2 Shots - High Firepower ================= == Light Weapons == ================= Light Grenade: 1 use item - Will Kill ANY non-boss enemy in a wide area Laser: VERY POWERFUL weapon - Limited Power ======== == Ammo == ======== Pistol Ammo: Reloads any Pistol type weapon Shotgun Ammo: Reloads any Shotgun Type Weapon ========= == Tools == ========= Reel of Wire: Used to lockpick certain doors/containers Screwdriver: Used to unscrew certain vents Pliers: Used to break certain padlocks ========= == Video == ========= Videocasette: Subect 37 Cutscene of Kenny in a cell Surveillance Videotape Cutscene of Kenny's Capture/Monsters release Reel of Film 22 Cutscene of Leonard's Mutation Reel of Film 24 Cutscene of The Friedmans setting up shop Gives Code: 0582 ============== == Plot Items == ============== Paper Cups Use with Acid to access the 2nd floor of the Classrooms Compass Needle 2 Total - Use on Friedman's Map Puzzle Scrap of Paper Use on broken window or the overheard projector Gives Code: 2432 Box of Fuses Use on Fusebox Puzzle in Dining Hall Wheel Use in Contraband storage room to reveal hidden storeroom Wooden Plank Use on Elevator in Amphitheater to access the Basement Metal Bar with Hook Use to escape your Cell, and to gain access to the West Walkway Statue: 4 total Used to open the Big Door leading to Leonard Lever: 3 total Used at various places to open doors or secret passages ======== == Keys == ======== Rusted Key: Key to the Attic of the Administration Building Key to the teacher's room: Key to the Teacher's Lounge. 1st and 2nd floors. Library Key: Key to the Library Building's 1st Floor Entrance Library Key: Key to the Main Library within the Library Building Key to Dining Hall (ground floor): Key to the Dining Hall Amphitheater Key: Key to the main entrance of the Amphitheater Building Key to secret Library Office: Key to Friedman's office off the Main Library Key: Key to the Library Building's 2nd floor entrance =============================================================================== 0.4 ~ Enemies/Bosses =============================================================================== A Note on enemies: With the exception of possibly the endboss, all enemies have a black mist that you can dispel by - Boosting - your flashlight. While covered in this black mist enemies appear to be a little tougher. Also if you come in contact with the mist your character will begin to take damage from the mist itself. A Note on enemy names: These names were created by me as nowhere in the game are these creatures described (except for Mortifilia... which you don't encounter and of course the Endboss Leonard... all other enemies are not referenced within the game) so I have tried to give them each a simple descriptive title. If I come across the real name for these creatures I will update accordingly. == Update 1.3 == Thanks to IkariWarriorKH we now have a few of the names used during the production of this game. He noticed that these were listed within the "Making of" video you can unlock. While it's uncertain if these are "official" they were the ones used during production, and thus I will likely "rename" some or all of the creatures in the main faq accordingly. But for now I will only list them for accuracy and convienience. Production Name - Translation - Name used in Faq ---------------------------------------------------- Reine Queen Blobwoman Mordeur Mordor(???) Biter Homme-Arbre Man-Tree Stage 3 Mutant Crabe Crab N Mutant Grimpeur Climbing Hanger ---------------------------------------------------- == Update 1.5 == == Kyle Horsfall sent the following info about the creature names via email == [[ I read through your walkthrough, and I'd like to say that it was incredibly helpful. However, that's not why I'm writing you. Though my reason isn't exactly important, I figured that maybe you'd be interested. In your naming section, with the production names, I do believe that the production names are all french. So I'd like to point a few things. On the first one, 'Reine', you have it right in translating it to 'Queen'. On the second one, 'Mordeur' translated means 'Killer'. On the third, this is going to sound neurotic, but in the translation you would switch the words around, making it 'Tree-Man' rather than 'Man-Tree'. The fourth looks right to me. The fifth however, should be 'Climber' instead of 'Climbing'. Like I stated before, it wasn't overly important, I just figured that you may want to know.]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Thank you for the email and the corrections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Update 1.5 - Note on creature names == Because of the age of the guide (my fault), the amount of work it would take to alter ALL of the creature names in this guide, and the fact there are no "official" names (just those in the production video) I've decided that I most likely will not alter the names in this guide to avoid possible confusion in those who have used the previous editions of it. This was one of the reasons I had decided against it when the production names were discovered, and I think it might be for the best. This view might change in the future, but it is unlikely. Again, thank you to those who provided translations. == End Update == Biter ===== Video Cutscene: The Attic of the Administration Building This creature looks like a Human Torso, with a useless head, two legs that look like they were once arms and a sideways opening mouth where the rib cage used to be. The Biter is a weak enemy, but it has the ability to bite and hold down on you, thus allowing it's black smoke cover to damage you or to allow other enemies to attack you easily. It also has a spit attack and can pounce on you. Stage 1 Mutant ============== Video Cutscene: The Cell you find Dan in. This creature was once human. All of it's hair has fallen out and it now has a gaunt complextion. This is one of the weakest enemies, they will pull a knife on you and attack if you provoke them. Stage 2 Mutant ============== Video Cutscene: Library - Main Hall This creature is far more feral looking, while it still resembles a human being it now has short tentacles projecting from where it's mouth was. The black mist this creature gives off is far more pronounced than that of a Stage 1 Mutant. Far more dangerous than a Stage 1 Mutant or Biter, the Stage 2 Mutant will leap at you and pound on you with it's flailing limbs. The best way to deal with them is to keep back and fire at them with your weapons. Stage 3 Mutant ============== Video Cutscene: Basement This hulking behemoth is the most dangerous "normal enemy" you will encounter. It's easily twice the size of a normal person and powerfully built. The tentacles on it's face have trippled in size and it can now use them to attack. This enemy is DANGEROUS; being able to kill your character in two hits (for the weaker ones - possibly 3 for the stronger ones like Kenny) Also if it manages to grab you, your character is more or less dead. Keep your distance and shoot at it with your most powerful weapons. Hanger ====== Video Cutscene: NONE Sadly there is no video of this enemy, and it's rather difficult to describe this creature. It kinda resembles a human crossed with a insect of some kind. It crawls around on the ceiling and attacks you from above. While not overly dangerous, it can grab your character with it's long tentacle and slowly strangle them. Keep your distance from them. If you are grabbed by it, you can escape by wiggling your left analog stick or if your teammate attacks it the Hanger will drop you. Black Mist ========== Video Cutscene: NONE On two occasion you will encounter a "black mist" like each Mortifilia infected enemy gives off, but without a creature to attack. It's only real attack is to engulf you and slowly weaken your health. Dispel it by Boosting or exposing it to sunlight (from a window) N Mutant (mini-boss) ==================== Video Cutscene: NONE This enemy, which looks like a person who has been bent backwards in a lower case N shape, only appears in 3 places. One side of this creature is the victims bloated arm, the top is the torso, and the other side is the victims fused legs. While not overly powerful, this enemy CAN attack you at range. When it stomps the ground several spines will be released and attack you through the ground. Also, it's large size makes evading it rather difficult. Boost your light and fill it full of lead. While it is possible to attack it in melee, you will take a lot of damage from it's black mist cover. Blobwoman (mid-boss) ==================== Video Cutscene: 2nd Floor Storage room of the Amphitheater This HUGE creature looks like a bloated and deformed woman. It lays on its stomach and releases biting sluglike creatures from the folds of its body. One of its arms has grown to gigantic size and if you get to close it will pummel you with it. This creature is only vulnerable when its head is exposed. While it is protecting its head with an arm, don't waste your bullets on it. When this enemy is releasing its leechspawns or when wheezing start shooting. Do not try to attack this creature with a melee weapon as it can hit you with it's deformed right arm. This attack does a lot of damage AND will knock your character to the ground. Other than its arm, the only other way this creature can attack you is by releasing small sluglike creatures from its body. These creatures will attack you in a group and can slowly grind your health down as well as keep you off balance. Leechspawn ========== Video Cutscene: 2nd Floor Storage room of the Amphitheater These little sluglike creatures are one of the means the Blobwoman can attack you. They will swarm in a group and leap at your characters to bite them with their little beaklike mouths. Aim at them and Boost your flashlight and they will disolve. Leonard (End-Boss) ================== Video Cutscene: Go through the BIG DOOR at the end of the game. Wow, this sucker looks like a giant tree-man thing. He has one massive arm, and a large spiked tentacle coming out of his head. Unlike other enemies you cannot dispel the black mist that surrounds Leonard. Leonard has 3 attacks in his first form and 2 in his second. His first attack is a downward swing which will slap your character around and do a fair amount of damage. His second attack causes 3 to 5 bursts of "black mist" to rise up from the ground. These can be both annoying as well as dangerous as they will knock your character to the ground as well as damage them. He tends to "spam" them in the same place, so you can die quickly if you get caught in them. When you see the ground turn dark under your characters feet, run to the side. His final attack in his first form is the "black mist attack". After you break one of his vines, run into the spot of light that appears on the ground. If you are NOT in the LIGHT when the "black mist attack" occurs, your character will DIE... no matter what your health is like. Leonard only does one "black mist attack" per vine, so after he performs this attack you are now free to continue attacking his other vines. In his second form Leonard retains his downward swing, but loses both black mist attacks. In it's places is a tentacle sweep attack that you cannot dodge. Just before he makes the sweep he will give a long roar and expose his head. Attacking his head at this point (but before he actually attacks) will disrupt the attack. =================== == COMBAT DATA == =================== Some notes on Combat: - The "dark aura" that surrounds the various enemies both increases the enemies toughness and is a "damage field" that will slowly sap your character's health. It takes far fewer hits to kill an enemy when boosting your flashlight - When you have 2 characters using boosted weapons, it seems to take less hits overall to kill the various enemies (about 20% it seems) This might reflect a difference in character attack power, so further testing is needed. - The number of hits to kill are a variable, the first number reflects an enemy who is affected by a BOOSTED flashlight. The second number reflects an enemy who is covered by a "dark aura" - All combat data was gained using Shannon. Different characters may have different attack powers. (more testing is needed) The test was also done on Normal Mode. Enemies may be weaker on easy and tougher on Hard - The Queen and N-Mutant appear to get "stronger" as you encounter them later in the game. Both of these enemies are most likely "mini-bosses" - Firearm attack power is as follows from weakest to most powerful Old Pistol -> Gun with a Light/Automatic Pistol -> Shotgun (7 Shots) -> Revolver -> Pump Action Shotgun (2 shots) The Gun with a Light and the Automatic Pistol seem to have the same Attack Power, so only the "Gun with a Light" is listed below. - Melee wasn't tested... Biter ===== Pistol - 2 Gun w/ Light - 2 Shotgun - 1 Revolver - 1 Pump Action Shotgun - 1 N-Mutant ======== Pistol - 8 (first Encounter) 16-21 (Later Encounters) Gun w/ Light - ? (first Encounter) 10-16 (Later Encounters) Shotgun - ? (first Encounter) 5-8 (Later Encounters) Revolver - ? (First Encounter) ? (Later Encounters) Pump Action Shotgun - ? (First Encounter) ? (Later Encounters) Stage 1 Mutant ============== Pistol - 3-4 Gun w/ Light - 2 Shotgun - 1-2 Revolver - 2 Pump Action Shotgun - 1 Stage 2 Mutant ============== Pistol - 7-8 Gun w/ Light - 4-5 Shotgun - 2-3 Revolver - 3 Pump Action Shotgun - 2 Stage 3 Mutant ============== Pistol - 27-31 Gun w/ Light - 17-19 Shotgun - 7-10 Revolver - 6-12 Pump Action Shotgun - 5-6 Hanger ====== Pistol - 6-8 Gun w/ Light - 4-5 Shotgun - 2 Revolver - 2-3 Pump Action Shotgun - 2 Queen/Blobwoman =============== Pistol - ??-83 Gun w/ Light - 36-50 Shotgun - 21-27 Revolver - 24-28 Pump Action Shotgun - 16-17 =============================================================================== 0.5 ~ Clues Transcript/Flair Transcript =============================================================================== Note about Clues and Flair: Clues are in-game memos, images and text you can pickup and read that add to the overall story of the game and fill in the plot. These items can be accessed via your Characters/Maps/Clues menu by pressing the - START - Button. Flair are similar to Clues (as in they have a splashscreen image and text) and add to the story. Unlike Clues these items can ONLY be viewed at their current location. They cannot be accessed via the Characters/Maps/Clues menu. ==================== == Clues Transcript == ==================== Documents about the building of the school. =========================================== [IMAGE: A floorplan of the school and a work order] Issued by: Cabinet MAC SCHMIND Official works acceptance Document Project No. 503 Building receiving the public Private high school FINANCIERS: Mr. Leonard FRIEDMAN Mr. Herbert FRIEDMAN PRIME CONTRACTOR: MAC SCHMIND Associates ARCHITECT: Richard MAC SCHMIND Date of acceptance of the works: October 1899 Date works commenced: January 1902 Description of the service: Function: High School, Set of a number of buildings consisting of: a main building with classrooms and administrative rooms, a library, a gymnasium, a dormitory, a double dining hall, a theater, a sick bay and different practical work rooms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mortifilia ============== [IMAGE: Notes and pictures of the Mortifilia plant] The Mortifilia comes in the form of ciphers. Classification appears difficult. This endemic plant allows microscopic buds to appear, which do not appear destined to form a new plant but to possibly generate other leaves (for closer examination). The parasites and spider-like appearance explain its capacity to propagate in an excessive manner. Hypothesis verified by the presence of an oversized sucker ensuring proliferation. Detailed examination of the buds: the bud shows a stupefying germinative power. Hundreds of lines at the neck confirm that the species has phenomenal longevity. Cutting the xylems: the ducts are completely dry, no trace of humidity. How are these chlorophyll cells irrigated? The black substance released comes from glands located on the root; it is poisonous to its biological environment. During a darkness - light - darkness sequence, variations in dioxygen concentration are observed, whether DCPIP is present or not. The plant is particularly sensitive to exposure: it fears the light! This plant transgresses the rules of phytology. Molecular analyses show genetic associations that enable the Mortifilia to be defined as a non-recombinant isolat at the genetic level; this means that it does not have a sexual process for exchanging genetic material, but a parasexual one. I attempted to experiment during which a transient diploid node was formed. In this node, mitotic cross-over was produced at low frequency. The diploid node then self-haploided through the loss of chromosomes Using this system, two distinct species could exchange genetic material. Conclusion: It is certain that the Mortifilia possesses abnormal properties. Notwithstanding its incredible longevity, the plant is particularly receptive to crossbreeding. Research must be continued and the genotype of these cells must be examined in detail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Censored newspaper ================== [IMAGE: A stack of newspapers in a cabinet] Strange disappearance The Leafmore high school is, once again, at the heart of the controversy. In effect, Greg Anderson, a second-year student, disappeared on Monday night. It was after classes that his friends in the dormitory notified his absence. He had gone to the sick bay after feeling unwell and it was there that he was seen for the last time. Another student disappears! The list of disappearances from Leafmore has got even longer, with a new victim, Tom Maheust. The police have no real clues at this date and a lot of parents have decided to change their children from the school. In 5 years no less than twelve students and no trace has been found. The Leafmore affair: the police react New measures have been taken by the police in the "Leafmore disappearances" affair. After the disappearance of a sixteenth student, Richard Craig, last Thrusday. Controversy at Leafmore "But what are the police doing? When will they order the closing of this school?" said Mr. Flynt when coming out of police headquarters, after the disappearance of his son, Harry. The answer was not long coming. The principal of the establishment, Mr. Friedman, came this morning to meet journalists: "It seems that the furious lunatic wreaking havoc on our premises is only interested in the students staying in the dormitory. We have, therefore, by agreement with the forces of law and order, closed access until order returns. Closure of the Leafmore dormitory Three years after the last disappearances at Leafmore, none of which have been solved, Herbert Friedman, principal of the high school, officially announced that everything was back to normal. "Although the perpetrator of these crimes is still loose, It seems that the closing of the dormitory calmed the ardor of the mental patient responsible for these disappearances". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photo of the twins ================== [IMAGE: A picture of Mr. Friedman and his brother in a black and white picture] It's our principal when he was young, in double... I didn't know he had a twin brother! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter from Wickson to Herbert ============================== [IMAGE: An old letter] My dear Herbert, I am writing to you in secret. Leonard would leave me if he knew I was meddling in his work. You are his twin brother and sometimes it seems to me that you understand him better than I. That is why I would like you to speak to him. We quarreled last night. He is completely obsessed with his research and I fear he will go too far. He wants to attempt the experiment on himself, I am certain. You know him, he is capable of it. That would be foolish, the subjects treated are only stable after three weeks. There may be secondary effects that appear much later. Please, try to reason with him. Yours, Elisabeth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter from Walt Kerridan ========================= [IMAGE: An old letter] Dear Leonard and Herbert, I am writing to you as your friend. I have just come out of the Seattle conference where your book "Eternal life is possible" had an explosive effect. Your discoveries totally contradict the theories of Dr. Leon Korsenberg and I expect an unfavorable reaction from the council. You have virulent detractors who fear that your research is immoral and casts a slur on the entire scientific community. I have analyzed the file. Your theory certainly goes against the first law of medical ethics. You understand that without the support of a reputation, it will have no other destiny than sinking into oblivion. And, sadly, I do not have sufficient weight to prevent that. You may find salvation outside the scientific community, you know. I fear that sanctions may even be taken against you and I cannot advise you strongly enough to locate your work in a safe place. I remain, my dear friends, yours sincerely, Your loyal friend, Walt Kerridan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Necrology ========= [IMAGE: An old newspaper] Destiny strikes the Friedman family again. The community is in mourning at the death of Leonard FRIEDMAN. More than a citizen, the city has lost a brilliant, conscientious and dynamic researcher. Leonard worked to advance the work of the brotherhood, not recoiling from any obstacle. The scientific community, despite its differences with the duo, admitted that "He was among those who could have helped us advance in giant steps". As all the events surrounding this unusual family, the death of Leonard Friedman remains enigmatic. Although a good pilot, Leonard lost control of his craft before crashing into the sea. His twin brother Herbert, the only escapee from this terrible accident, was rescued from the open sea off Long Island. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expedition documents ==================== [IMAGE: A journal and several photos spread across a desk] The vegetation is really very strange, particularly the trees. Two more porters have disappeared and we have discovered a slashed corpse. The natives are frightened and want to leave the island. Yet, I think we are reaching our goal. The flora is evolving in parallel with our progress, which is difficult, both physically and morally. Bizarrely, the fauna is becoming rarified, the atmosphere leaden, the silence heavy. The specimens found here and the geology show that this island was cut off from the world and has followed a parallel ecological development for three thousand years. But this period of time would not be sufficient to cause such brutal changes. That would need millions of years. Something has accelerated the evolution of the species and this ecosystem. I want to find out what it was. We have a trail: black putrefying matter, which appears overnight on the vegetation, appears to be more and more prevalent as we progress northwards. Traces indicate that this may come from a tubercular plant. Tomorrow, we must reach the volcanic peak. The soil is light in this part of the island, which should facilitate our analyses of the sub-soil. Leonard Friedman, Travel journal, June 21 1895 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter from Friedman to Wickson =============================== [IMAGE: A letter on a counter] Elisabeth, You were not there, so I am leaving you this message. I hope it will be sufficiently clear. This morning I surprised Mr. W. coming out of the amphitheater. I suspect it was he who left the lock chamber open last night. That idiot is putting everybody in danger. You know that the current instability means that we cannot take the least risk. We must do something. Try to engage him in conversation today, you may be able to learn more. Herbert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photos of the basement ====================== [IMAGE: Several pictures of the basement level on top of a graph-paper map] These photos were taken when the school was being built. There are basements everywhere under us! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prisoner's letter ================= [IMAGE: An old and extremely damaged letter] If you are reading this letter, you have probably been, as I was, locked up by Herbert Friedman. I can't get out but you might be luckier than me. I am afraid I will soon be used as a guinea pig, like all the other students... If you do get out, I have put together, in a safe hidden in the dormitory, all the proof necessary to bring down Friedman. Find the... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leonard: development ==================== [IMAGE: A scattered file on Leonard - Pictures included] January 18, 1903 Leonard seems to have handled the treatment reasonably well. No special symptoms. March 24, 1903 After a few days his skin is covered with melanoma. The tumors are not metastasizing very much, but their large number is causing a worsening in his general condition. March 30, 1903 The hypersensitivity of the skin to UV radiation and the first lesions resulting from this are similar to Xeroderma Pigmentosum, an inherited illness. This illness is due to a mutation of the gene that protects against skin cancers. But, in theory, this illness is hereditary. April 18, 1903 Henceforth, Leonard will protect himself from the sun, but the damage is done. The light rays have caused an acute reaction in the Mortifilia gene inserted into his system. We did not forsee this, because our previous guinea pigs remained in their cages. At present the entire surface of Leonard's skin is suffering profound mutations. May 25, 1903 The mutations appear to have slowed down. They are, however, spectacular, and I ask myself how he can survive in this condition. The wounds have transformed into scabs that look as though they will remain, like the bark of a tree. The damage to his skeleton and his metabolism appear irreversible. His temporal lobes and his upper members are the most affected parts. June 30, 1904 His condition has stabilized. His mental condition concerns me as much as the appearance he has taken on, if human appearance can still be spoken of in his case. The only hope to cure him now is to have new guinea pigs who have suffered in the same way, in order to test a therapy aimed at eradicating the gene and returning the subject to his initial condition. September 24, 1926 This research is very long. I will not live long enough to achieve my goal. Unless I inject myself with the treatment and remain in the shadows until the serum is discovered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newspaper articles ================== [IMAGE: Several newspaper clippings about missing persons] Newspaper cuttings referring to the disappearances. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expulsion from the scientific community ======================================= [IMAGE: An old professional looking letter] OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY OF THE CONGRESS Dear Sirs, Following the conference in Seattle, where your publications and particularly your work entitled "Eternal life is possible" were the subject of much discussions, the experts examined your research... As it was generally accepted that the use of your knowledge cannot be controlled, nor can the ecological, social and ethical consequences of your discoveries in the field of life be measured, we had to reach a decision on the maintenance, or not, of the research budgets. What safeguard can be imposed against the eugenic temptation foreseen by your hypotheses? Sacrificing the enrichment of breeding for the benefit of an artificial and very certainly contagious life cannot receive our support. The contribution of your work to the knowledge of individual characteristics is one thing, but modifying the transmission of these characteristic by such inhuman means is another. As a consequence, the Office of Technology of Congress, in agreement with the international scientific commission has issued a report ruling on your expulsion, for life, from this community. We will be required to legislate on the archiving or destruction of your research on cellular prolongation. In conclusion, no assistance will be allocated to you; your equipment and all your work will be confiscated and re-sold. Sworn State agents will arrive on 8th October to seal up the premises. As regards Leafmore High school, a commission will decide on the necessity of closing it or not. Cordially yours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map of Basement =============== [IMAGE: A map of the basement level on graph paper] A map of the basement! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An old manuscript ================= [IMAGE: This is a - Cutscene - showing off an old scrapbook] It's December 2nd 1969. My name is Alan Gardner and this is my diary... 26! I have now counter 26 cases of missing persons connected with the school. Strange that the police have never come up with anything about it... Our school was founded in 1902 by twin brothers Herbert and Leonard Friedman. Herbert is still our principal. That would mean he's at least a hundred years old! I just found their birth certificates. Judging by that date, they... How have they stayed so young for so long?! I found this photo of a woman with Herbert... or Leonard. She looks a lot like Ms. Wickson. According to this marriage certificate, Ms. Wickson and Leonard got married in 1885. Leonard was last seen in 1921. He supposedly died in a plane crash, but they never found his body, or even the plane... I found some articles about the Friedman brothers and their experiments, said to be so original that they "went beyond human morality". In 1890, they went on an expedition to Africa to find medicinal plants. They stayed for six months and brought back a large number of hitherto unkown varieties. One strange speciment, Mortifilia, became the basic subject of their research. I have discovered horrible photos of disfigured people in his office... I absolutely must find his lab. Underneath the high school! In the basement! I managed to follow him unnoticed through the garden to the basement of their house. I searched the lab and according to Friedman's notes, the antiaging serum has yet to be perfected. The photos of half-human creatures bear witness to the failed attempts. Prolonged exposure to the sun results in mutation. There is also a big door in one room, I don't know what's behind it, but I think I understand how to open it. There is a mechanism with the little statues, I've seen three of them around the library and one in the gardens. Tomorrow I'll go and try to see what's going on behind that door... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Observed Mutations ================== [IMAGE: Drawings of the Mortifilia and some mutants] Post-treatment mutations. Type 1: Generalized melanomic attack Prolonged exposure to UV creates micro-cancers in every individual, combated by the cells using specific proteins. The treatment stops the creation of these proteins. The subject therefore develops numerous skin cancers. These cancers revive the inert mutagenous properties of the treatment. The cancer becomes general and often gives rise to type 2,3 and 4 mutations. Type 2: Polytrophy of the members Very frequent, this mutation causes hypertrophy in the subject or hypertrophy in one of its members. It manifests itself in the over-development of the arms, of only some phalanxes, the tongue, etc. The hypertrophy is sometimes generalized and causes wounds that are often gangrenous. Type 3: displacement of the central nervous system The nervous system is relieved and then replaced by a hybrid nervous system. The symptom is spectacular, as the head is neglected to benefit other organs. It is often lost by the subject after long days left without bloodflow. Type 4: merging In a non-sterile environment, the subject somtimes comes into contact with foreign bodies. On occasion, these bodies (fly, ameba) have merged with the subject. The results are very variable. Sometimes very little of the original individual can be recognized. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photos of mutation ================== [IMAGE: Photos of someone mutating due to Mortifilia] It's revolting! But what happened to this poor person? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================== == Flair Transcript == ==================== = School Newspaper = [IMAGE: A Picture of the Leafmore School Newspaper, with a pic of Shannon in the bottom left corner.] School Newspaper Shannon Matthews carried the LEAFMORE colours high. She won the final of the "Champion Genius" broadcast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = "Just Say No" Poster = [IMAGE: A Just Say No poster] An advert against the use of drugs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Basketball game schedule = [IMAGE: A schedule for the 2003-2004 school year] The basketball game schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Graffiti = [IMAGE: Some graffiti on a wall] Graffiti... an art in itself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Poster = [IMAGE: A piece of paper with a message on it, it says "They are among us" several people have drawn all over it.] Whoever put up this poster thinks we were invaded by extra-terrestrials. Another paranoiac. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Beauty Club Poster = [IMAGE: A poster about a Beauty Club demonstration. Ashley is featured on the poster] An advert for the beauty club. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Note on desk = [IMAGE: a notepad laying on a desk, among other items] "A screwdriver was lost in this room during the renovation work. Please let me know if you find it, thank you. Mr Garrison." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = "Teachers" magazine = [IMAGE: A magazine open to the article "Ten ways to tame your students"] The "Teachers" magazine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Note from the Ministry of Health = [IMAGE: A note tacked to a noteboard.] Note from the Ministry of Health Please note: The result of the free sale of "energy drinks" is an acceleration in the nerve exchanges between the brain and the muscles and an increase in intellectual performance. Be Aware: That the absorption of "energy drinks" causes addiction in the majority of consumers. That this product also causes serious headaches and intestinal pains in vulnerable persons. For these reasons, we order that the sale and consumption of "energy drinks" are prohibited in all school establishments, effective today. Any contravention will be punished by the law in effect, on the same basis as for drugs traffickers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Notebook with Grades = [IMAGE: An open notebook on a table, with the names of several students displayed. As well as days missed, their grades and a notation on each student.] A teacher forgot his notebook. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Stan's Grades = [IMAGE: An open folder on a table, displaying Stans grade and file info. The flavor text is different depending on which student sees this item] Shannon: Stan's grades are really pretty sorry. Ashley: Stan's a total bonehead. Josh: Stan's grades really suck. Stan: My school record! Kenny: Stan's school record. Not brilliant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Picture of Mr. Friedman = [IMAGE: Pictures on a wall of the principal, Mr Friedman when he was younger] This guy looks really like our principal, but younger. But why two photos, is he a megalomaniac or what? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Walden's Satchel = [IMAGE: An open satchel full of papers] It's professor Walden's satchel. But what was he doing with all that stuff? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Phone Message from Ms Wickson = [IMAGE: An answering machine with a voiceover message] Today, at 5:38 P.M. Hello? Mrs. Smith? This is Ms. Wickson. Could you ask Mr. Friedman to come see me as soon as possible? It's an emergency! I can't leave the infirmary! Make sure he comes quick! Thanks! Today, at 6:50 P.M. Herbert? If, if you're there, pick up the phone... Please... come quickly... I, I don't know what's going on, but I.. I think it has something to do with the experiments.. I saw several students... who.. well... It's really bad, come quick! Oh no! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Scrap of Paper = [IMAGE: A piece of paper with something marked out. You will see this when you pick up the Scrap of Paper item] A scrap of paper. The text was covered up. I need a light source to read it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Safety Warning = [IMAGE: A yellow plaque warning about elevator] Using the elevator: for your safety, make sure you activate the security lever after using it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Notes on Test Subjects = [IMAGE: scattered reports on failed test subjects] Subject 22 - February 17 Age: 17 years Rhesus: 0 negative Preparation for test No. 1735: Preparation in sterile conditions, for 50 hours at 37*C, of 7.2 mg/ml of XGM and 100 mM of methylglioxak prepared in a swab of phosphate 100 mM pH 7.8. Exposure time to UV after injection of the agent: 72 hours Waiting time before Injection of the treatment: 20 days Pathology level: Level 3 (metastatic) Reaction to the treatment: day 1: General condition: stable pathology Temperature: 33*C day 2: General condition: unstable pathology Temperature: 38*C day 3: General condition: numerous hemorrhages Temperature: 43*C FAILURE: death of subject. CONCLUSION: In man, the apoptosis of pericytes induced by the XGM is governed by the inducement of an oxidizing stress. This stress must be controlled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== 0.6 - Reported Bugs =============================================================================== - It's been reported that there is a small chance the game might glitch and you will not be able to exit the room you are currently in. The cause is not known, and so far it has only been know to happen in the room containing the Revolver. - There is a small chance the game might freeze after adding Josh as your teammate. This freeze will occur after he says "Let's Go" This has been reported by two different people. - There is a small chance the game will freeze when loading a new area. The cause is unknown. ============== == Updated Info == ============== == Broucoulacas reported this bug via the gamefaqs message board == [[ This actually happened to me a couple weeks after I got the game; I decided to screw around in the game and killed off everyone but Stan before the library 1st time; whenever I went for the scene talking to the principal, the game would freeze at the loading screen. I tried it again using Stan without anyone else (but them not dead) and it froze again. Tried a couple more times with Stan and the game would freeze at loading after that cutscene. I re-loaded and switched to Shannon and the next scene loaded fine. I don't know if this is my copy of the game or if it's more prevalent. ]] == Mohammad El-Etrebi reported the following bug via email == [[ when I talk to Friedman in the library and when the cut scene begins and when he says "I dont wanna see ur face until tomorrow morning" the screen goes dark and the game freezes but when I skip the video before that sentence the game continues normally. ]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: I haven't experienced this one, but if it happens it would seem skipping the in game movie will bypass it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Jessica Johnson reported the following bug via email == [[ I don't know hw many people this has happened to. I just baught the game Obscure for my PS2 and three times the game froze in the amplatheatre in the room with the elevator, just after passing the elevator. ]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: No know cause or cure for this one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == This is a bug I myself encountered recently == After rescuing Kenny, my partners would no longer fire their weapons and would report that they were "out of ammo" despite being well stocked. Saving the game, without even exiting and reloading seemed to fix this glitch. =============================================================================== 0.7 - Version History =============================================================================== 1.0 - Initial version. Started April 18th 2005 1.1 - First Update. April 24th 2005 - Item Differences between Easy and Normal Added. - Easy Difficulty Reference added to Walkthru notes. - Altered Leonard Strategy to be more clear. - General additions and corrections. - Added some info on the Enemies/Bosses. 1.2 - Second Update. April 26th 2005 - Maps section added (to be done later) - More corrections based on new data. - Minor cosmetic changes to make things a bit easier to read in places. - Item Differences between Normal and Hard Added. - Some notes on how to survive Hard mode easier added. - Items found in Special mode added. 1.3 - Third Update. May 1st 2005 - Changed the version number to be accurate. - Included a transcript of the Clues to 0.5 - Clues Transcript/Flair Transcript - Listed all items that can be found in game, including the ones Unlocked in Special mode in 0.3 - Items/Weapons - Merged the "Flair" section with the Clues section - Added a "Reported Bugs" section. Added 3 bugs to said section - Added a note on the Production names for some of the creatures that were recently found by IkariWarriorKH 1.4 - Fourth Update. May 22nd 2005 - A few minor additions to the main walkthru - Flair Transcript added - Note about the differences between "Clues" and "Flair" added to avoid possible confusion - Item information altered to reflect tests on the strength of each Flashlight/Weapon - Combat data on all "normal" enemies and "mini-bosses" added. Including how many hits are needed to kill each using the various Firearms in the game. 1.5 - Fifth Update. April 4th 2006 (a much needed one) - Some minor modifications and corrections - Map Section removed - Added additional bug reports - Note about emails added to section 0.8 - Emailed translation info added to monster section - Note on creature names added. Altering the names further is unlikely at this point. =============================================================================== 0.8 - Legal info, Credits, Contact Info, and Everything else =============================================================================== Legal info ========== - This document is protected by international copyright laws. - This document Copyright (c)2005 Darque. - This document was written for use on Gamefaqs.com. No other site has permission to use this document. - "Playstation" and the "PS" are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. - ObsCure was developed by Hydravision and (c)2004 by MC2/Hydravision - All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Credits ======= Thanks to CjayC for www.gamefaqs.com Thanks to IkariWarriorKH for pointing out the existance of the Production names for some of the enemies were located in one of the unlockable movies - AND - for suggesting I add a Bug Report section Thanks to radioraheem for bug reports and being a cool poster on the Gamefaqs board in general =) Thanks to Broucoulacas for giving me a bug report via the gamefaqs board. Thanks to Mohammad El-Etrebi and Jessica Johnson for emailed bug reports. Thanks to Kyle Horsfall for additional creature name translations. Thanks to anyone reading this guide =) I hope it was useful =) Contact Info ============ For questions or corrections I can be contacted at: darque_ness - AT - hotmail - dot - com Replies may be slow though. (as in weeks or months) A question on the Gamefaqs message board for ObsCure will get a faster reply. Emails ====== Unless the emailer asks me directly to do so, I will NEVER list a person's email address in the faq. To do so could lead to spam, and spam is bad. ===============================================================================