_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( O | D | D | W | O | R | L | D | : ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( M | U | N | C | H | ' | S ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( O | D | D | Y | S | E | E ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ /---\ ( FAQ ) \---/ *====================================* * Game Information * *====================================* Rated: [T] Teen System: Microsoft XBox Genre: Platformer Blocks Needed: Less Than 30 per file Players: 1 Player US Release Date: 11/14/01 Japanese Release Date: N/A European Release Date: 03/14/02 Developer: Oddworld Inhabitants Publisher: Microsoft (US) and Atari (EU) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ODDWORLD: MUNCH'S ODDYSEE An FAQ written by Turbo Speed Copyright 2004, 2007 Turbo Speed FOR DISPLAY ONLY ON GAMEFAQS.COM AND NOWHERE ELSE E-Mail at turbosp@gmail.com VERSION 1.7 Created May 29, 2004 Completed June 23, 2004 Last Updated September 7, 2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All copyrights and trademarks contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! ======================================================================= This is an FAQ written by MegaSonicManZ2. He only approves this guide to be displayed on GameFAQs.com. It cannot be displayed on another site, edited for it's copyrights, or exploited for your own selfish gains. If you want to display this guide on your site, you must e-mail me a request of permission and the URL of what site you want to display it on. If the site is decent and okay with me, I will let you have it displayed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( T | A | B | L | E ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ _ _ / \ / \ ( O | F ) \_/ \_/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( C | O | N | T | E | N | T | S ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction =============== | |_>- 1.a Why Did You Write This FAQ | |_>- 1.b What Is This FAQ For? | |_>- 1.c What Information Is In This FAQ? | |_>- 1.d Why Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee? | |_>- 1.f Where Can I Find A Copy Of This Game? | |_>- 1.g How can I find what I want if it's here? | |_>- 1.h What Can I Do To Help? | |_>- 1.i What Kind of E-mail Do You Want? 2. Other Things =============== | |_>- 2.a Vendos | | | |_2.a.a Normal Vendos | | | |_2.a.b Industrial Vendos | |_>- 2.b Odd Objects | |_>- 2.c Characters | | | |_2.c.a The Natural World | | | |_2.c.b The Industrial World | |_>- 2.d Game Controls | |_>- 2.e Gamespeak Controls | |_>- 2.f Quarma | |_>- 2.g Hints, Tips, and Interesting Tidbits | |_>- 2.h Oddworld Story Information* 3. FAQ ====== 4. Boring Stuff =============== | |_>- 4.a Version Updates | |_>- 4.b Copyright Information | |_>- 4.c Special Thanks 5. End of Document ================== * = There are very BIG SPOILERS under this section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 1. ( I | N | T | R | O | D | U | C | T | I | O | N ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my FAQ on Munch's Oddysee! If you are one of those people out there who need help on identifying enemies or items, lost the helpful instruction booklet that came with this game, or just have a question on the game for me to answer, this FAQ is for you! a. Why Did You Write This FAQ? ------------------------------ I wrote this FAQ because I liked this Oddworld game. It's the first 3-D Oddworld game and it's a must play for anyone who isn't slow in the head. b. What Is This FAQ For? ------------------------ This walkthrough teaches you to get everything in the game. It's like your universal tool in beating this game. Though it's still not fully finished. c. What Information Is In This FAQ? ----------------------------------- I'm glad you asked. I included some information in the games and an FAQ for the whole game. Anything about this game you ask about and I will answer. d. Why Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee? --------------------------------- If you ask that, here's another question: "What kind of idiot would ask that kind of question?" Seriously, Munch's Oddysee is an awesome game and any XBox owner who doesn't have a copy must be a fool. It's a must play as much as Halo, only more overlooked and underrated. Take a look at the review down here to see what I think of this game: --------------------------------------------------------- I was walking around at my local rental store and saw this game on the shelf. I looked around more and couldn't find anything I haven't played. This was the only game I hadn't tried yet. I rented it and ran home. I was literally blown away and flipped off of my chair when I played this game. I really mean that. Story 10/10 Very original and awesome. If you are one of the people tired of saving a damsel in distress or saving the world from some guy with too much free time on his hands. Here's the story: In a distant galaxy, there's a planet called Oddworld. There was a meat processing factory called Rupture Farms. Rupture Farms and all other refineries and factories are run by a ruthless race called Glukkons. Glukkons enslaved a race of native creatures called Mudokons. There was a certain Mudokon named Abe who worked in Rupture Farms and never knew freedom. He thought he had a good job. But one day, Abe saw a flyer that read: "Coming soon from Rupture Farms, something New and Tasty!'' and since there was a board meeting of Glukkon directors at the same moment, he decided to eavesdrop. He saw the Glukkon directors standing on the platforms around a circular platform with the CEO standing on it looking at the TV in front of him. The flat screen TV had graphs of how much money Rupture Farms was making. The profits looked very grim since Scarabs and Paramites (examples of wildlife on Oddworld) were becoming scarce. The president CEO of Rupture Farms had a plan to make their profits soar off the charts. He then reminded all the Glukkon directors of New and Tasty and revealed what it was. New and Tasty was a Mudokon head coated in candy and on a stick. Abe panicked and tried to escape the factory. After a narrow escape, Abe looked at the moon and saw an imprint of a Mudokon hand on it. Abe reached out to the moon and fell off a cliff. He was found the next morning by a Mudokon tribesman called "Big Face" who took Abe under his wing and predicted he would save Oddworld from Rupture Farms. Before poison gas was released into the Mudokons in the factory, Abe pulled a switch that killed the factory power and rescued all the Mudokons in the factory. Abe became known as a legend among the Mudokons. Later on, there was a place called Necrum. Necrum was a place Mudokons bought their dead. But one day, the Glukkons started digging up the Mudokon bones there for no known reason. They used Mudokons with their eyes stitched shut to dig up the bones. Meanwhile, Abe was with a group of free Mudokons that found a vending machine labeled "Soulstorm Brew" with a Glukkon head icon close to it. The Mudokons started ordering the brew, until Abe spoke up. "Don't drink that!" Abe cried to the Mudokons. "Why not?" a Mudokon asked. "Well, that brew is made by Glukkons and is probably bad for you!" The Mudokons ignored him and ordered anyway. The Mudokons forgot their past and it was costing them their future. It didn't take too long for the Mudokons to get addicted to the brew. The Glukkons quickly noticed this and took advantage of their addiction by letting the Mudokons have as much brew as they wanted if they were willing to work for them. They fell for it. The only work the Mudokons had to do was get tortured and get their tears extracted. Abe soon learned that the brew was made of Mudokon bones that were being taken from Necrum and had Mudokon tears added to the brew to increase the taste and make it more addicting. Abe then sneaked into the brew boiler and messed around with the controls. After Abe was long gone and out of the brew factory, the boiler overheated and exploded. Abe also helped cure the addiction of brew for the Mudokons. Now Abe was convinced that there were still some Mudokons out there that had to be rescued. Abe set out to rescue them. Meanwhile, there was Munch. Munch was the last of his race, the Gabbits. Munch was all alone and constantly searching for other Gabbits. While he was looking for the tenth time, he was caught in a trap set up by Vykkers Labs and had sonar implanted into his head. Munch then befriended some creatures called Fuzzles that helped set him free. Munch and Abe then met each other and figured out that they needed to team up and cooperate to save their respectable species' from extinction. Story 10/10 Of all the plots from the games I've played, this undoubtedly has the best one I've ever seen. I really mean a lot when I say that. Gameplay 10/10 The game engine is surprisingly odd (Okay, that might not be a surprise). Instead of the usual games where you constantly fight, you need to have a brain to win at this game. That's right, strategy is everything in this game. You use the revolutionary Gamespeak game engine to communicate with others (Fuzzles, Mudokon natives and Scrubs) and gain their help to beat levels (pulling switches, fighting off enemies, ect.). You have to be on your toes to win at this game. The game is still real fun, though. Gameplay 10/10 This is truly what all games should be like. Music and sound 9/10 The voices are well done. Everyone from Abe and Munch all the way down to the Meeps and Fuzzles have have voices. The music is good, but only comes on in battle and sometimes, for no reason at all. Probably to scare you or caused by some kind of glitch that couldn't be ironed out. There's also the fact that there are only two or three different songs that have minor differences between them. Graphics 10/10 The graphics are beautiful and well detailed. Oddworld Inhabitants sure took advantage of what the X Box can really do. They make the game look like real life. There's not much to say about the graphics on the game except that they are exceptionally good. Graphics 10/10 [Insert praise about graphics here]. Replay Value 10/10 There are alternate endings in this game. Each depends on how many rescues you made or how many things you let die. You should really rescue as many Mudokon Scrubs, Fuzzles, and Egg Crates as you can for the best ending the game can let you get. Can you get them all? Buy or rent? You shouldn't be asking me that! You should go steal it (like I did) or buy it as soon as you spot it at the store. It's really that good of a game. Anyone who doesn't own this game and owns an XBox doesn't seem to want to be taken seriously. My Grand Total 10/10 e. Where Can I Find A Copy Of This Game? ---------------------------------------- Judging the year it is now, you might only be able to find a copy in a used game store for a low price. If the price is low, the seller doesn't know how valuable this game really is. I found it used for only 10$. f. How Can I Find What I Want If It's Here? ------------------------------------------- You could press Ctrl + F if you upload this to your computer on the Wordpad. If you upload this on notepad, you will need to go to help or something related to that. I highly suggest not printing this guide; it could waste a lot of your perfectly good printer ink. f. What Can I Do To Help? ------------------------- Just have a question on the game, information I don't have here that you think should go here in the FAQ, or a spelling error warning, send it to me. g. What Kinds of E-mails Do You Want? ------------------------------------- The kinds on this list: - Spelling error reports and their location in the FAQ - FAQs - Praise ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 2. ( O | T | H | E | R ) ( T | H | I | N | G | S ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm putting this information here for anyone who has either lost the instruction booklet or doesn't get the descriptions in the booklet. These are also with some of my own descriptions (which actually make sense). | /------------\ |2.a>- Vendos| \------------/ These are special power-ups scattered throughout levels to aid you in obstacles. Go up to one and press A within the range of the Activation Arrows (see the Odd Objects section for more information on Activation Arrows). | =2.a.a>- Normal Vendos= \---------------------/ | |_>Expresso =========== Booklet Description: Feel free to express yourself! --------------------------------------------------- Useable by: Abe and Munch ------------------------- Increases running speed of Munch and Abe to run through dangerous areas and obstacles, such as a room full of popper Sligs and mines. | |_>Bounce ========= Booklet Description: Make yourself jumpier! ------------------------------------------- Useable by: Abe and Munch ------------------------- Makes you jump higher to overcome obstacles or overcome dangers. This is more useful for Abe than Munch, but it still works for Munch. Only for a limited time. | |_>Aqua Bounce ============== Booklet Description: Makes Munch jumpy with a splash of aqua. ------------------------------------------------------------- Usable by: Munch only --------------------- Makes Munch leap higher from the water, but not the ground. Only for a limited time. | |_>Zap ====== Booklet Description: Allows Munch to "zap" attack enemies! ---------------------------------------------------------- Usable by: Munch only --------------------- Gives Munch a Zap Attack that can be used his sonar for a limited time. More useful than Abe's nearly useless slap attack. | |_>Invisible ============ Booklet Description: Now you see me, now you don't. --------------------------------------------------- Usable by: Abe and Munch ------------------------ Turns you invisible so you can sneak past enemies unseen. (Duh!) Only for a limited time. | |_>Health-Up ============ Booklet Description: N/A ------------------------ Usable by: Abe and Munch ------------------------ Allows you to recover all the health you lost from injuries, being attacked by others, and Abe being in the water. | |_>Sobe Vendo ============= Booklet Description: N/A ------------------------ Usable by: Abe and Munch ------------------------ Same as Health-Up, only under a different name. | | | =2.a.b>- Industrialist Vendos= \----------------------------/ | |_>Blitz Packer =============== Usable by: Big Bro Sligs and Sligs ---------------------------------- This is THE most powerful weapon availible to Industrialists and shoots rapidly like a machine gun. Very good combination with Big Bro Sligs. | |_>Snuzi ======== Usable by: Vykkers ------------------ This is a gun that shoots syringes at your enemies. Found in the last level only. | |_>Lil' Hacker ============== Usable by: Vykkers ------------------ This is a sword-like knife used by Vykkers that can kill you in three hits only. This is my favorite Vendo weapon and I would rather use it than a Snuzi because it kills faster. /-----------------\ |2.b>- Odd Objects| \-----------------/ These are items and objects that you will need to brave Oddworld. Everything serves it's purpose. Note: I will list the objects from the instruction booklet in case anyone lost it or can't understand the joke descriptions it provides. After all, what kind of description is "Industrialists donate to the fund!" for an instruction booklet? Oh, and the objects are listed in alphabetical order. Enjoy. | |_>- Activation Arrows ====================== Booklet Description: A is for arrow and for Action. --------------------------------------------------- These look like circles pointing at their center at an object you can activate with the A button. You will find these all over the place in the first couple of levels on the Information pillars, Spoocelocks, Travel Wells, Egg Nests, Vendos, Levers, and, if ever, some Lulu's Fund machines. | |_>- Bonepowder Keg =================== Booklet Description: Boom! Any Questions? ----------------------------------------- Bonepowder Kegs look like red barrels with a Mudokon skull and crossbones marking it. Abe can pick these up and throw them at enemies from a higher ground than theirs. Do not attempt to throw one of these at an enemy if the enemies have firepower and are on the same level you are they can blow up the barrel while you are holding it because that would get you killed. | |_>- Chant Circle ================= Booklet Description: This is a chance for chants. ------------------------------------------------- Chant Circles cannot be used by neither Munch nor Abe, but by the Mudokon natives and, if ever, Scrubs. When you get Mudokons to follow Abe, just tell them to work and they will start walking to the circles and chanting to trigger a mechanism, such as a door opening or a travel well opening up. You can find lots of these on Storm Circles. | |_>- Chant Suppressor ===================== Booklet Description: Doesn't give your chants a chance. ------------------------------------------------------- God, I hate these things. They are there in some levels and can zap Abe or any of his chants that get in range. These stop you from possessing the enemies in the area. I know the only way to possess any enemies in the surrounding area of a Chant Suppressor is to lure the enemies away from it and then possess them when you are in a safe area. | |_>- Crane ========== Booklet Description: Hoist, heave, repeat as necessary. ------------------------------------------------------- These are simple cranes that can only be controlled by Munch through a Remote Control Machine. You usually use these cranes for picking Bonepowder Kegs and dropping them on the enemies or picking up enemies and dropping them into a Recycler. Seeing them be dropped into the Recycler is a real, priceless experience. | |_>- Egg Nest ============= Booklet Description: Reincarnation comes to Oddworld. ----------------------------------------------------- These are little nests that are empty when both Munch and Abe are up and alive, but there will be a blue egg with white spots in the nest when one of them is dead. To bring the dead one back, walk up to the nest and press A to reincarnate the lost character. I hate it when Abe is dead and Munch has to walk the way to the nest to bring him back 'cause he's so slow with only one leg to walk on. | |_>- Employee Status Board ========================== Booklet Description: Have you checked your employee status lately? ------------------------------------------------------------------ I really like this thing. Without it, you would be in doubt about how many enemies are still in the level, how many rescues need to be made, and, if ever, how many managers are there. This is probably the most useful thing in the game to some players. | |_>- Exploding Crate ==================== Booklet Description: Like a Bonepowder Keg, but different. ---------------------------------------------------------- The description would make sense if you know what a Bonepowder Keg really is like. The only difference is that you can't carry the crate with your hands. You need a Crane to pick it up. It's also larger and a different color. That's basically all the difference. | |_>- Footswitch =============== Booklet Description: Put your best- only?- foot forward to get through the door. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a switch that opens a door when you stand on it and has a time limit of how long the door can stay open depending on the level. Some can last for 30 seconds, some can last half a second. | |_>- Fuzzle Cage ================ Booklet Description: Munch can zap them, or they can really put the bite on you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlike Scrubs, Fuzzles have to be freed from a cage to be taken to a Rescue Portal. In the first few levels, go up to the activation arrows surrounding the cage and press A. The Fuzzle in that cage will be freed. Only Munch can free them from inside. | |_>- Information ================ Booklet Description: If you've got a minute, it's an easy read. --------------------------------------------------------------- These are pillars with buttons on them. The industrial version is a metal pole with a sign that reads "INFO" on it. The native version is a rock with a button and some sticks sticking out of it. To get the info, press the button and a screen with a title, instruction, and a picture will appear on the screen. You will see a few of these in the first few levels, but there will be absolutely none in the last few levels. | |_>- Ladders ============ Booklet Description: Climb your way to a better life. ----------------------------------------------------- These are actually just plain, simple ladders. The industrial one is made of metal and has blue climbing bars, while the native is a tall tree stump with wooden climbing bars. That's basically all about ladders. | |_>- Lever ========== Booklet Description: Pull your way to a better life. ---------------------------------------------------- Levers are what they say they are. They activate mechanisms; usually to open doors. But in this game, most levers come in large groups and need to be pulled almost at the same time (about 2 or 3 seconds in between). To get past these, gather Mudokons in front of some switches and tell them to work. If you do, the Mudokons will pull the switches. You will really need to master doing this if you want to get past even the first or second level. | |_>- Lulu's Fund Vendo ====================== Booklet Description: Industrialists donate to the fund! ------------------------------------------------------- These are Vendos that only work for rich Glukkons when you possess them. When you take control of the Glukkon, make him walk to the Vendo and donate all his moolah. When he's broke, the possession will wear off and the Glukkon will shout "I'm screwed," "I'm finished," or " Oh no! Wha'd I do?!" | |_>- Mines ========== Booklet Description: By land or sea, ker-powie! ----------------------------------------------- Like the description says "By land or sea," the mines come in both a water and land version. The water mines float in the water and are covered in massive spikes. The land ones are smaller and usually come grouped together in massive sets and groups. | |_>- Mudokon Egg Crate ====================== Booklet Description: Fragile! Handle with care! ----------------------------------------------- These are egg crates each filled with four Mudokon Eggs. You will start finding these to rescue in Level 23 (The Loading Dock). You have to throw these into Rescue Teleport Wells. | |_>- Mudokon Resurrection Totem =============================== Booklet Description: Make new friends, literally. ------------------------------------------------- Mudokon Resurrection Totems are found in certain levels where you need to get the help of Mudokons to beat the levels. When any of the Mudokons die, they can be bought back with this resurrection totem. But there's a catch: They can only be found in certain places and to bring back each Mudokon, you need 10 spooceshrub. | |_>- Recycler ============= Booklet Description: Chop your enemies or friends into mulch. ------------------------------------------------------------- Recyclers are awesome! Whenever you find one with a crane, you could drop some enemies into it. You could grind them into meat and get rid of them. Of course, you and any of your friends can be killed by this Recycler. Editor's Note: Just because I feel like it, I can list how to get into the Recycler with Munch and escape it alive. Get Munch into a wheelchair and get to the Recycler. The wheelchair will be sucked into the Recycler, but Munch will come out unharmed. | |_>- Remote Control =================== Booklet Description: N/A ------------------------ I was being nice enough to add the Remote Control to this list. The remote control is something that only Abe can weild control of. Get close to it and press A to gain control of either a Snoozer or a Crane. | |_>- Rescue Portal ================== Booklet Description: Guide the liberated back home. --------------------------------------------------- This is a weird circle that sits on the ground with another circle with birds circling it above it. When you have some Scrubs or Fuzzles with you, press A in the inner circle of the portal and the Scrubs and Fuzzles will be taken through a portal and freed. In exchange for each rescue you make, you will get two Spooceshrub. | |_>- Rescue Well ================ Booklet Description: N/A ------------------------ Another thing I was being nice enough to include was the rescue well. These are found in only in Levels 23 through 25. When you want to save some Mudokon Eggs, pick them up and approach the Rescue Well. Drop the eggs inside and they will be rescued, but you will not get any Spooce for rescuing eggs. | |_>- Shaman Circle ================== Booklet Description: Shaman from the sky. ----------------------------------------- When you are the inner part of this circle, press A and the Shaman will show up and explain something to you. If you don't want to hear it, just press A again and you will interrupt him and he'll go "Fine! Be that way!" Interesting Tidbit: If you stand in the inner part of the ring and press A, you will hear the Shaman yell "Stand in the outta ring, stupid!" | |_>- Spoocelock =============== Booklet Description: You need Spooce to open one. ------------------------------------------------- When you gather enough Spooce, walk up to one of these and press A to donate Spooce until it doesn't need anymore. These look like weird posts with two screens. One screen has the number of Spooce needed and the other has a description of what it will unlock. These are usually attached next to Transformation Shrines and Mudokon Resurrection Totems and are needed to activate their effect. | |_>- Spooceshrubs ================= Booklet Description: Find 'em, collect 'em, grow more of 'em. ------------------------------------------------------------- These are probably the single most important element in the game. You need to collect Spooceshrubs (little, green lumps in the ground) to open Spoocelocks, use Resurrection Totems, use Tranformation Shrines and possess your enemies. | |_>- Storm Circle ================= Booklet Description: Get Natives to activate these and then see the changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- These are basically large groups of Chant Circles with a large stone thing in the middle of each one. When you get Mudokons to chant on all of the Chant Circles of a Storm Circle, a special effect will happen to the natural enviroment around you. | |_>- Teleporter =============== Booklet Description: Get out already. ------------------------------------- There are two different kinds of teleporters. One teleporter is a normal one that teleports you to the coresponding teleporter and can let you teleport back. The other teleporter one teleporter with Munch's face drawn on it and the other is a teleporter with Abe's face drawn on it. These two teleporters are fused together and at the end of every stage. To exit the level through these teleporters, get Abe to stand on his teleporter and Munch to stand on his. It's that simple. | |_>- Transformation Shrine ========================== Booklet Description: Transform the Natives. ------------------------------------------- Transformation Shrines are large stones with a red ball implanted in it. Next to the stone is an activation Spoocelock and in front of the shrine is a circle of stones where you need to have your Natives to stand in to be transformed. Activate it through the Spoocelock and have Natives standing in the circle to transform one of them into a Tomahawker. If you want to get Mudarchers, get some Tomahawkers and go to a different type of shrine to transform them. | |_>- Travel Wells ================= Booklet Description: Whether by water or by land, may you travel well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To be sent somewhere else across the air or sometimes through a pipe, jump into one of these. Some are in the water and some are in the ground. | |_>- Vendos =========== Booklet Description: Beverages, guns, everything you need. ---------------------------------------------------------- See the Vendos section in this FAQ for more information on Vendos. | |_>- Zapper =========== Booklet Description: Ouch, that zaps! ------------------------------------- Zappers are a rare find. When you activate these somehow, the zapper will be able to stop enemies from entering some areas in some levels. They are as useful as they are rare. /--------------\ |2.c Characters| \--------------/ Please note that there will be no descriptions on the enemies lists because there isn't any description even in the booklet on them. =2.c.a>- The Natural World= \-------------------------/ /------\ |Heroes| \------/ Munch ===== Booklet Description ------------------- Amphibian, revolutionary, Fuzzle freedom fighter. ------------------------------------------------- General Description ------------------- A playable character. He can swim, use certain Vendos, help and command Fuzzles, use the wheelchairs and gain control of Cranes and Snoozers. Abe === Booklet Description ------------------- Floor-waxer, revolutionary, visionary. -------------------------------------- General Description ------------------- A playable character. He can run fast, slap, commmand Mudokons, rescue Scrubs, pick up objects, friends and enemies, and possess his enemies. /--------\ |Wildlife| \--------/ Scarabs ======= Booklet Description ------------------- Not as charming as they look. ----------------------------- General Description ------------------- Non-playable character. A huge red thing with four legs, freaky-looking jaw, and human-like abs and chest. They don't have arms. If they see you, they will attack you for food. Paramites ========= Booklet Description ------------------- Too hungry for your own good. ----------------------------- General Description ------------------- Non-playable character. A short brown/green thing with four legs, and six claw things on it's face to eat. And by eat, I mean to attack you. Avoid them like the Scarabs. Meeps ===== Booklet Description ------------------- They're docile, and they're furry. ---------------------------------- General Description ------------------- These are weird-looking sheep that can only be found in the Meep Herder Village. The only thing they have that's different from Sheep is they have only one foot and one eye. They also have a face that's a little more on the floppy side. Fuzzles ======= Booklet Description ------------------- Munch's lethal little friends. ------------------------------ General Description ------------------- These are little, fuzzy creatures that are usually being abused by Vykkers for their own selfish gains. They are always found in cages that Munch can zap with his sonar device. To find more, click on the left trigger to activate the sonar and Munch will point in the direction the closest Fuzzle is. Munch will be able to command the Fuzzles attack. /--------\ |Mudokons| \--------/ Scrub ===== Booklet Description ------------------- Shackled by the Industrialists. ------------------------------- General Description ------------------- These are Mudokons that are enslaved by the Industrialists. They have prisoner uniforms and are a very pale blue; almost gray. Abe needs to gather them and rescue them through the rescue portals. Native ====== Booklet Description ------------------- Still free on Oddworld. ----------------------- General Description ------------------- These are free Mudokons that are a semi-dark green and have feathers on their heads. They also have wristbands that look like bandages. Abe can lead these Mudokons and get them to help him pass certain obstacles. Tomahawker ========== Booklet Description ------------------- A Mudokon with a club mentality! -------------------------------- General Description ------------------- When you find certain Transformation Shrines, you can turn the Mudokons you gathered into Tomahawkers, stronger Mudokons with a huge club and white-painted skin. Mudarcher ========= Booklet Description ------------------- A Mudokon with a SpooceBow. --------------------------- General Description ------------------- If you have just gotten Tomahawkers, you can take them to a different Transformation Shrine (the one with the picture of a Tomahawker with an arrow in front of it pointing at a Mudarcher) for Transformation into a Mudarcher. Mudarchers can fire laser-like arrows from their SpooceBows at enemies. These are the strongest Mudokons in the game. Shaman ====== Booklet Description ------------------- A spiritual guide. ------------------ General Description ------------------- This guy is a Mudokon Shaman who gives you instructions when you are at the beginning of the level and some suggestions of what to do next. If you don't want to hear him talking, press any button to interrupt and he'll get mad and leave. =2.c.b>- The Industrial World= \----------------------------/ Note: When I list the enemies in a group, I'm listing them from least powerful to most powerful. /========\ |Glukkons| \========/ Booklet Description ------------------- The true enemies of Oddworld, for whom appearance and exploitation are everything. =----------= Glukkon List ------------ Pud Chump Wanna-Be Big Cheese Glockstar /=====\ |Slogs| \=====/ Booklet Description ------------------- A Slig's best friend and always off-leash. /=======\ |Snoozer| \=======/ Booklet Description ------------------- You might think they're snoozing... but you'd be wrong. /=======\ |Vykkers| \=======/ Booklet Description ------------------- Favorite pastimes include product development on lab animals, or performing open skull surgery on Gabbits. =---------= Vykker List ----------- Scientist Sawbones Shot Doc Armored Scientist Armored Sawbones Armored Shot Doc /=======\ |Interns| \=======/ Booklet Description ------------------- Loyal pain merchants for the Vykkers. =---------= Intern List ----------- Worker Shock Rocker Shooter Armored Worker Armored Shock Rocker Armored Shooter /=====\ |Sligs| \=====/ Booklet Description ------------------- A penchant for beatings and shootings. =-------= Slig List --------- Slacker Bouncer Popper Armored Bouncer Armored Popper /=============\ |Big Bro Sligs| \=============/ Booklet Description ------------------- The meanest, shootin'est form of Slig =---------------= Big Bro Slig List ----------------- Big Bro Slig Armored Big Bro Slig /-------------------\ |2.d>- Game Controls| \-------------------/ =Triggers= \--------/ Right Trigger ------------- Show Health and Quarma status Left Trigger ------------ Chant (Abe only) Sonar (Munch only) =Control Sticks and D-Pad= \------------------------/ Left Thumbstick --------------- Movement (sneak/walk/run) Left Thumbstick (click) ----------------------- Quicker Sneak D-Pad ----- Toggle Camera Right Thumbstick ---------------- Aim Weapon Right Thumbstick (click) ------------------------ Fire or use weapon =Remaining Buttons on XBox Controller= \------------------------------------/ Start Button ------------ Pause B, X, and Y Buttons ------------------- Gamespeak (see section on Gamespeak below for more specific commands) A Button -------- Jump/Action White Button ------------ Center the camera Black Button ------------ Switch between Abe and Munch Back Button ----------- Not Used (except in menu) /------------------------\ |2.e>- Gamespeak Controls| \------------------------/ Y Button -------- Tap: Greet Individual Press and Hold: Greet Large Group X Button -------- Tap: Tell Group to Wait Press and Hold: Fart or Belch B Button -------- Tap: Instruct others to work (Abe only) Press and Hold: Instruct others to attack /------------\ |2.f>- Quarma| \------------/ Remember the part in the game when the Mudokon Shaman tells you that you must have higher quarma for the rescues you make? You can get more quarma to get better endings. First of all, there are THREE endings! Not two, THREE! I can't see why everyone thinks there are only two endings. If you have any questions, remember to e-mail me at turbonoisetank@att.net. I will never answer your question if you don't post a question. Please bear in mind I will only answer questions on the game endings. /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ |>- Angelic Quarma Ending (It took me a long time to get this one)| \-----------------------------------------------------------------/ How to obtain: Fill up the Quarma Bar at 75% or more. You get an FMV of Abe and Munch on Lulu's flying yacht in the cargo area loading Labor Eggs aboard with some other Mudokons that were loading some eggs and got into a fight. "Now let's go git the Gabbiar" Abe says as Munch starts nodding ambitiously. Abe and Munch sneak behind the suite that Lulu is staying in to one of the windows while Lulu has a pleasant conversation with his Slig servant. "Hey boss," the Slig says pointing into a newspaper "it says here you're going to blow your whole fortune on the Gabbiar." "No way," said Lulu "where did those idiots get such a crazy idea? I hate that fishy crap!" Abe then posessed Lulu. "Git dressed." Lulu said (while he was posessed) to his Slig servant. "Where we goin'?" asked the Slig. Then at the Gabbiar Auctioning, Lulu came in with a flashy disco enterance. Lulu came in and another Glockstar and his finacial advisor seemed intimidated. The bidding started and Lulu continued to spend large amounts of his fortune until the posession wore off. "What the hell is goin' on here?" Lulu asked. "That's what I'd like to know!" said his Slig servant. Just up close to the roof in a hiding place were Munch and Abe. Abe was exhausted from possessing. "I want the Gabbiar," Munch said to Abe "Git me the Gabbiar!" Abe then found the strength to continue posessing for a little bit longer. Lulu was posessed again and bid two million moolah (currency in Oddworld). Then the posession wore off for a few seconds. The other Glockstar was told by his finacial advisor "Break the Bank!" "I'm goin' all the way," the other Glockstar said "Two million, five hundred thousand!" Everyone else looked really surprised. The Vykker bidder guy started saying "Going once, going twice, going, going, goi-" It was at that moment, Lulu was posessed again and yelled "Three million moolah!" Abe just had to keep Lulu posessed long enough to make sure he doesn't say no. "I can't beat that!" the other Glockstar said as he started crying. "Hurry!" Munch said to Abe as he looked exhausted. The Vykker bidder started saying again "Going once, going twice, going, going.." as Lulu tried to free himself from the posession. "SOLD!" the Vykker bidder yelled as Lulu was freed from the posession and Abe colapsed. "Sold to the gentleman Lulu for three million moolah!" Lulu and his Slig started shouting "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" a shout so loud, there were some Mudokon Villagers miles away asking "Do you hear something?" You will then get a newspaper clip of Lulu in the streets selling his Glockstar clothing holding a cardboard sign that said "Help Lulu's Fund!" and a picture of a police lineup of criminals that looked like Munch, Abe and some other Mudokons like the Shaman and a Mudarcher that says "Outlaws still at large." You will now see the rest of the FMV showing Abe and Munch on Lulu's flying yacht with the can of Gabbiar. Abe will then say "That's a lot of baby gabbits, how you gonna take care of them all?" "I dunno. I never thought 'bout it." Munch said. Then Abe said awkwardly "You know, whenever I leave a mean place like that, it blows up!" Abe said as he pointed at Vykker's Labs which was about ten miles away from them. Meanwhile, inside Vykker's Labs, there were those two Vykkers from earlier that captured Munch earlier in the story talking about Lulu and the Gabbiar. "What an idiot!" one of them said. "I know, he must be bankrupt by now!" the other Vykker said as the two of them walked to the lab area and saw tons of dynamite everywhere and a timer that said "Guess who?" The two Vykkers hugged each other in fear and said "We're screwed!" Abe and Munch looked and saw Vykker's Labs blowing up in the distance and falling out of the sky. When Vykker's Labs fell out of the sky, it revealed another moon that looked like the one with an imprint of Abe's hand, only it had an imprint of Munch's foot. You will then get a congratulations message that tells you to take a nap because you earned it and will be followed by the credits. /---------------------\ |>- Good Quarma Ending| \---------------------/ How to obtain: Fill up the Quarma Bar some point between 50% and 75%. The endings will be the same as the Angelic Quarma ending, only you will get this message after the FMV: "GOOD QUARMA YA DID IT! Not only did you save the Gabbits from extiction and helped Abe rescue his unborn brothers, but ya rescued a whole bunch of Scrubs and Fuzzles, too! But... you didn't rescue everyone, didja? Ya want to try rescuing 'em again?" You will also be given these 2 choices of what to do next: "Yeah, I just know I can get Perfect Quarma!" or "Nah, What more do ya want from me? I won!" If you chose "Yeah" you will be sent all the way back to level 3 (Hey, at least it's not level 1!) to try again. If you chose "Nah" you will see the credits and hear that cool Vykker theme :) /--------------------\ |>- Bad Quarma Ending| \--------------------/ How to obtain: Fill up the Quarma Bar less than 50% by level 23 (that's right, you don't get to see the whole game with bad quarma). There are some key differences if you have Bad Quarma throughout the game, such as altered newspapers saying "Mudokon Scrubs transferred to higher security level," because you forgot to rescue them. The Shaman will talk to you more rude ways. An example is when you meet the Shaman at a certain point. Example Good or Angelic Quarma "Heya! I got ya this neat resurrection totem and this all-new transformation shrine that lets you turn your Mudokons into mean, green fighting machines. Consider it a gift from yours truly!" Bad Quarma "Pee-YEW! I can smell your Quarma and it stinks from here! But anyways, I got ya this resurrection totem and the transformation shrine that lets you turn your Mudokons into mean, green fighting machines. Consider it a gift from yours truly, even though you don't deserve it." BIG TIME UPDATE THANKS TO THE GOLDEN VORTEX! *---------------------------------------* Abe and Munch are talking to each other about getting the eggs out of Vykkers Labs when a deformed fuzzle lands in front of them saying (in the fuzzle language) "Why didn't you save us?" and another deformed one appears saying "They did things to us!", another says "Bad things", followed by another deformed fuzzle saying " really bad things!" Munch pleads with the fuzzles saying "I was just trying to help out Abe!" but the Fuzzles reply "Wrong answer!" Abe says "Wrong answer? What does that mean?" A fuzzle with nails stuck into [it] shouts " over here" where he is sitting next to an alarm button. "What goes around, Comes around" and Abe and Munch plead for him to stop as the fuzzle jumps onto the alarm button. With that the fuzzles go beserk and they start attacking Abe and Munch and as the attack starts the camera moves up to two fuzzles perching on rafters above roaring in demonic laughter. Then cut to Irwin and Humphreys room where Abe's head has been put on a trophy with the plaque "loser" underneath and you see Humphrey making a phone call. "Hello Lady Margret?" You see Munch strapped in a chair with cut here drawn on his chest. "We've got your brand new lungs right here! We can do the transplant as soon as your available" Dramatic music on zoom in on Munch's terrified face. Humphrey then looks straight at Munch and with a evil smile he says "see you then" Irwin appears and out of nowhere pulls out a drill and two circular saws, blurting out "Surprise!!" You here Munch whimpering and the drills starting to move. On the health machine (that you see on the second fmv clip) everything goes blank and we hear a shivering Vykkers laugh as it ends. *----------------------------------------* Once again, if you choose "Nah", you will hear that cool Vykker theme in the credits. /----------------------------------------\ |2.g Hints, Tips, and Interesting Tidbits| \----------------------------------------/ - Your possession orbs cannot travel across the water. Remember that, especially when you think that a possesion orb always stops on the water because of lack of Spooce. - The distance the posession orb travels depends on the amount of Spooce you put into it, however, the posession time can last as long as you want it to. - If you somehow get into the office of a Glukkon, a laser will kill you when you make it inside. - When you get to the end of the stage and find the pads with Abe and Munch's faces on them, you can get Abe and Munch to stand on any of them and you will exit the level because the pads are connected together. - If you get close to a recycler, you would normally die. If you used Munch and a wheelchair, the wheelchair would get sucked inside and Munch would come out unharmed. - The Sawbones Vykkers are more deadlier than the Shotdocs. The Sawbones' "Lil' Hacker" can kill you in three hits (and at full health)! The reason could be that when they swing the Hacker, they take out more tiny blades from behind their backs with their other arms and strike all at the same time. - You know the Sligs in the game? When they see you once, they can run after you forever unless you run off a cliff to lower ground, jump to a higher area (the Poppers will still shoot you), and if they hit a land mine. Otherwise, they can chase you forever. Scary... - When you make it to the end of Fluoride Testing (the teleport pad secluded in a caged area full of Interns), the Interns will come and slap you after you are gone, but you will still hear Munch yell "Ow!" O_0' - When you posess a Glukkon, you can make him talk through Gamespeak and say things like "Everybody loves me," "Enough about you; let's talk about me," and "I'm gonna need an *** the size of a truck to fit this wallet!" - If you need to posess enemies that are in the range of a Chant Supressor, you can lure the enemies you need to posess out of the range of the Suppressor, quickly make an orb, and use it on an enemy before he runs away to the safety of the Chant Supressor. - If you have any more interesting tidbits or anything that you think belongs here, e-mail it to me! - From AIRIN'20_1985: If you possess a Slig, then insult a fellow slig, he will occassionally say "KISS MY (BLEEP)!" It actually censors it, too! /------------------------------\ |2.h Oddworld Story Information| \------------------------------/ There's a lot of things to know about the story information. There's some good information in the instruction booklet. I simply thought you might want to know any of this information if you are a first-time player of Oddworld games or just wanted to see any of this if you rented this game without an instruction booklet included. Quintology Information ====================== "Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee is the second part in the five part Oddworld Quintology. Each game reveals more about the strange and bizarre universe that is Oddworld, and its varied inhabitants. Thus far, we've accompanied Abe in the first installment, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and in an extra game, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus. In Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, Abe meets Munch for double the Oddworld punch including a new 3D view of Oddworld. Even though you can play as either Abe or Munch, the struggle doesn't get any easier as the forces of industry continue to decimate the planet for their own greedy gains. Future games of the Oddworld Quintology introduce new dilemmas, new villains, and most importantly, new and unlikely heroes like Abe and Munch. Be forewarned: the inhabitants live on Oddworld together, and as the story unfolds, characters that are overlooked could prove really important in the big picture. Oddworld is so big that we've only just scratched the surface and barely explored the depths of THE ODD." The Story ========= "We first met Abe, hapless floor-waxer-become hero, in Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, where he rescued his fellow Mudokons from Rupture Farms and struck a major blow to the Glukkons of the evil Magog Cartel. Then, ancestral spirits showed him there was more to the slaughter of his fellow Mudokons than met the sutured eye. Because of this, in Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus, Abe had to save the remaining living Mudokons as well as save the spirits of his dead Mudokon ancestors, sabotaging the Soulstorm Brewery boilers in the process. It was a lot of work for a simple Mudokon like Abe, but in the end he was successful. In Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, our new hero Munch is the last surviving Gabbit on Oddworld. Gabbits were an amphibious species that were hunted to the verge of extinction for their lungs and their eggs. Munch finds out that one can of Gabbiar (egad, them's Gabbit eggs!) remains, and that the Vykkers and Glukkons have it in their possession. In much the same predicament, Abe needs to find the eggs containing his unborn Mudokon brothers, which just happen to be warehoused in Vykkers Labs. But Abe can't break out his shell-shackled family without help from Munch, and vice versa. Together our heroes must find the eggs in order to save their respective species from total extermination." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ 3. ( F | A | Q ) \_/ \_/ \_/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I have a question on the game. How do I send it? A: Send me an e-mail with the question inside. I will then put it up here for all to see. I can't put up a question you don't ask! Q: What is your e-mail address? A: My e-mail address is now turbosp@gmail.com Q: What kind of questions will you accept? A: Send me an e-mail with the address given above and make the subject "Oddworld FAQ". I will not take questions that have multiple misspellings, cuss words, or about some other game I haven't heard of. Q: I sent you a question and it isn't here! A: One of the following things could have happened: * You mistyped my e-mail address * You typed my old e-mail addresses * You didn't type the subject "Oddworld FAQ" * There were too many misspellings and the message was unreadable * You used bad grammar (Example: yo sup dawgs wats da ansur to da kweshtun) * It was a stupid question (Example: What game is this?) * You asked about a game I've never heard of * The question was in a foreign language * I detected a virus in the e-mail Q: Why is this section so short? A: Hello! I need questions! If you have one, send it! Q: I bring the Scrubs to some switches and tell them to get to work. I do a "Hi, y'all" and "Get to work." They don't pull the switches. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? A: Pardon my lateness in a response, but I think you might not have enough scrubs. When there are more switches than scrubs, the scrubs will refuse to do anything and pretend that they are wondering what to do. Either that, or you're telling the scrubs what to do with Munch. Q: I know the game is rated T, but my disk says it's rated E. Is there something wrong with my copy or something? A: It could just be some sort of typo. Either that, or you have a pirated copy. If the game disk doesn't have the picture of Abe and Munch on the front, it must be a pirated disk. Don't worry if you do; just don't count on selling it any time soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 4. ( B | O | R | I | N | G ) ( S | T | U | F | F ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.a >- Copyright Information ============================ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All copyrights and trademarks contained in this document are owned by Oddworld Inhabitants, their respective trademark and copyright holder. You shouldn't steal from them. This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be displayed on any other website or reproduced and sold without my permission. If you violate any of the listed above warnings, you are violating copyright laws. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.b >- Creditor Information =========================== Turbo Speed doesn't like to give info about himself. Sorry! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.c >- Version Updates ====================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 DATE: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 I have finished creating and making this FAQ. I also have sent it in to GameFAQs.com for content review. Version 1.2 DATE: Friday, June 25, 2004 I added the extra section on interesting tidbits to my FAQ. Now my guide is longer! =) Version 1.5 DATE: Sunday, July 4, 2004 I inserted a review in this to make the FAQ longer and to give the readers a good idea of what this game is like if they haven't played it. Oh, and Happy Independence Day (if you are in America)! Version 1.55 DATE: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 Wow! I actually got an FAQ and a Tidbit! I added those to the guide and altered the Z in my name in the ASCII art at the bottom of the FAQ. Version 1.65 DATE: Sunday, September 5, 2004 Sorry I didn't update for so long. I got another FAQ to add and added the fact that I now have a gmail address! If you have anything useful, don't hesitate to send it in! Version 1.67 DATE: Tuesday, October 10, 2004 Not much of an update this time. I just removed my old e-mail address from this guide. I also added the fact that my new username is Turbo Temjin. Don't get confused and start asking "Hey, where's that MegaSonic guy's guides?" It's actually me. I'm still keeping the ASCII at the end of the guide. Version 1.7 DATE: Sunday, September 9, 2007 Updating older info on myself, and announcing that I am no longer updating this FAQ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.d>- Special Thanks ==================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Oddworld Inhabitants for developing this game and dumping Sony to work with Microsoft Microsoft for publishing this awesome game (though they didn't do much advertising for it....) Me for being born and making this FAQ for this awesome game The Storm for sending me a little detailed info on the Bad Quarma Ending Golden Vortex for sending me extremely detailed info on the Bad Quarma Ending Microsoft for making the Xbox with enough specs to play an Oddworld game Me again for remodeling the FAQ celebrating the new look of GameFAQs CJayC for owning the only video game website with encyclopedic knowledge and information on video games Sony for having the honor of being dumped by Oddworld Inhabitants (In your face, Sony!) AIRIN'20_1985 for sending me 1 tidbit(s) so far. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 5. ( E | N | D ) ( O | F ) ( D | O | C | U | M | E | N | T ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------