___ _ _ . _ .' `. ___/ ___/ , _ / __. .___ | ___/ | | / | / | | | | .' \ / \ | / | | | ,' | ,' | ` ^ ' | | | ' | ,' | `.__.' `___,' `___,' \/ \/ `._.' / /\__ `___,' ` ` ` _____ . ( _/_ .___ ___ , __ ___. ___ .___ ____ `--. | / \ / ` |' `. .' ` .' ` / \ ( | | | ' | | | | | | |----' | ' `--. \___.' \__/ / `.__/| / | `---| `.___, / \___.' \___/ . __ . _ . / | .___ ___ _/_ / / ` _ __ ___ | | / \ / ` | |,---. | | | / .' ` | /\ / | ' | | | |' ` | | ` / |----' |,' \,' / `.__/| \__/ / | /---/ / \/ `.___, . .____ /| , _ , _ , _ , _ __. / ___ ___. / \ |' `|' `. |' `|' `. .' \ |__. / ` .' ` /---'\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ,' \ / ' / / ' / `._.' / `.__/| `---|. |/ By John T Perkowski Disclaimer: Copyright (c) 2003 John T Perkowski The guidelines for using this FAQ are simple; don't sell it or give it away, and don't reprint it without obtaining my permission. You may not incorporate any part of this FAQ into your own guide without obtaining my express written permission and providing a large bribe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( T | a | b | l | e ) ( o | f ) ( C | o | n | t | e | n | t | s ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ 1. Introduction 2. What is Live Ammo? 3. Basic Ammo Types 4. Combination Suggestions for Basic Ammo 5. Upgraded Ammo Types 6. Combinations Suggestions for Upgraded Ammo 7. Final Words =============== 1. Introduction =============== Welcome to my Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Live Ammo Guide. This will be the fifth guide I've written, but only the third actually published. This is basically a beginner's guide to Live Ammo and its many uses. I've written this guide for those who are curious, or those who are beginners and need a bit of info. If you feel I've left something out or I am incorrect, feel free to email me at the email address you see in the Final Words section. Please note that this guide will contain as few spoilers as possible, which is why I split up the early and late game ammo types. ===================== 2. What is Live Ammo? ===================== Most of the enemies in the game favor guns. Stranger is not one of them. Instead, he hunts for animals in the wild, and uses the captured beasts as ammunition. Why use a lead bullet when you can fire off an angry swarm of hungry Bees? There are many different types of Live Ammo, and this guide will give you the basics of each type, and some practical uses. Stranger uses his crossbow to fire the ammo, which has two slots. The Left Slot if fired with the L Trigger and the Right Slot is fired with the R Trigger. You can equip different ammo types on each side of the crossbow, but you can't equip the same type on both sides. The crossbow is only useable in first person mode, which is accessed by clicking the right thumbstick. I will often make mention in this guide about live capture. Enemies captured alive are more useful than dead enemies, so a lot of this guide will focus on capturing outlaws alive. To do a live capture, simply stand next to the fallen enemy and hold the X button. =================== 3. Basic Ammo Types =================== +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Z|A|P|F|L|Y| +-+-+-+-+-+-+ The workhorse of Stranger's arsenal, the Zapfly is the only Ammo you have an infinite amount of. Used to hunt the other ammo types, the Zapfly also can be fired charged up. To charge the ammo, don't fire it for 3 seconds and it will charge on its own. Charged Zapfly shots can used to activate mechanical devices or to knock out enemies for live capture. Any device that can be activated will have a blue circuit. Fire the Zapfly at the circuit. Individual Zapflys will not be able to knock out an enemy in one hit, but it will take off a little bit of their stamina. These are also one of the two ammo types that can set off explosives. Looks like a small Purple bug, and works on every enemy. Doesn't upgrade during gameplay. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |C|H|I|P|P|U|N|K| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Another mainstay of Stranger's arsenal, the Chippunk does NO damage to an enemy. Instead, once it is fired, it starts sending out insults in all directions. The area of effect is shown on your radar. Any single enemy who is unaware of Stranger and in the area of effect will run over to the Chippunk in an attempt to step on it. Only one enemy at a time will run over, and if the enemy sees Stranger, the enemy will attack him instead. Multiple Chippunks can be used to draw the enemy further away from large groups, just make sure they are within earshot of each other. Useful for luring an enemy into an ambush for a live capture. Doesn't work on your main bounties, though, so don't waste the ammo. Looks like a chipmunk. When equipped in your crossbow, it makes funny comments. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |B|O|L|A|M|I|T|E| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ A very handy spider to have around! Once fired at an enemy, it instantly wraps them up in webbing. Gags them too, so they can't cry for help. Once captured, they are easy pickings for a live capture. Only works on one enemy at a time, and doesn't work on your main bounties. Also, some enemies can simply break the webbing, but they are easily spotted by thier armor. +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |S|T|U|N|K|Z| +-+-+-+-+-+-+ Like the Bolamite, the Stunkz are used to incapacitate enemies. Unlike the spider, though, the Stunkz can incapacitate up to three enemies caught in its area of effect. Once fired, it unleashes a gas that makes enemies puke. While thus vomiting, they can be live captured for bounty. They can be fired at enemies or at the ground near enemies. The stun time isn't as long as the Bolamite, but the multi-enemy stun feature is invaluable. Looks like a black and white Chippunk. Doesn't work on your main bounties. +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |F|U|Z|Z|L|E| +-+-+-+-+-+-+ Fuzzles can be thought of as shootable traps. They don't do a lot of damage, but once a Fuzzle latches unto an enemy, the enemy will run around screaming and trying to get the Fuzzle off. While occupied, they aren't firing at you. Fuzzles stick to any object they are fired at, so set them on walls or ceilings for a funny ambush. Don't waste time though, as multiple Fuzzles will eventually kill even the toughest enemy. Looks like a Tribble with big eyes and even bigger teeth. Works on Boss fights, making them a vaulable part of your arsenal. They will never attack Stranger, so don't worry about walking past them. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |T|H|U|D|S|L|U|G| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Another useful toy. These carapice covered creatures can knock down practically every enemy in one hit! While knocked down, Stranger can stroll over for a quick capture. Thugslugs also do a fair amount of damage, so they make a good general purpose weapon. Think of Thudslugs as shotgun rounds. Works on every enemy, but particularly useful on Boss fights. Looks like an armadillo rolled up into a ball. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |S|T|I|N|G|B|E|E|S| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ These angry insects swarm at an enemy like bullets fired from a machine gun. Cannot be used to knock out or stun an enemy, so if your going for a live capture, this is NOT the correct ammo to use. Still, when faced with a large group of enemies, nothing is handier than a set of angry bees thirsting for Outlaw hide. Looks like a really large bee and works on Bosses. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |B|O|O|M|B|A|T|S| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This flying bat has a firey temper that literally explodes on contact! NOT a subtle weapon, so if your trying to sneak around don't use any of these. Think of Boombats as shootable grenades. The area of effect is slightly larger than the Stunkz, so its possible to get multiple enemies with one Boombat. Stranger can only carry a max of eight, but they work on Bosses too! Just don't expect a live capture. This is the only other ammo type that can set off explosive barrels. Be careful, as Stranger can be hurt by the explosions. +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ |S|N|I|P|E|R| |W|A|S|P|S| +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ Not recieved until mid-game. These HUGE wasps are one shot kills on anything they hit except Bosses. You must have the Binocular upgrade to use them (activated by the black button), so make sure to pick it up once it becomes available. These nifty wasps are Stranger's revenge on every sniper he is unable to snipe in the early stages of the game. Due to the method of fire, this can't be combined with any other ammo type. Doesn't upgrade during gameplay. ========================================= 4. Combination Suggestions for Basic Ammo ========================================= This section is devoted to some basic combination ideas for your live ammo. They are more ways to use the ammo in combination than listed here, so make sure to experiment as much as possible. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |T|H|U|D|S|L|U|G| : |Z|A|P|F|L|Y| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ This is your basic 'main bounty/boss fight capture alive' setup. Use the Thudslug to knock 'em down, then the Zapfly to chip away at thier stamina. Rinse and repeat. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |C|H|I|P|P|U|N|K| : |B|O|L|A|M|I|T|E| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Again, the basic method of capturing lone outlaws. Lure the outlaw over with the Chippunk, and when they try stepping on it, Bolamite them. Cash in the bank. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |C|H|I|P|P|U|N|K| : |Z|A|P|F|L|Y| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ Works pretty much like above, only you use a charged Zapfly. Doesn't work on some of the tougher enemies though, so be careful. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |C|H|I|P|P|U|N|K| : |S|T|U|N|K|Z| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ Out of Bolamites? Here is a good alternate plan. Lure them over, then make them vomit thier way into a live capture. +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |F|U|Z|Z|L|E| : |Z|A|P|F|L|Y| +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ Good for injured, but alive, captures. Make the enemy run into the Fuzzle trap, then watch them do the two-step while you line up a stun shot. One depress of the X button later, its payday. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |C|H|I|P|P|U|N|K| : |B|O|O|M|B|A|T| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Not feeling nice anymore? I don't blame you. Use this not-so-subtle method of disposing enemies. Lure one enemy over, then send in the BOOM. Make sure to vaccum up those corpses though. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |S|T|I|N|G|B|E|E| : |T|H|U|D|S|L|U|G| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Who says you can't have it all? The stopping power of a shotgun combined with the rapid fire of a machine gun. For those times when negotiations break down. ====================== 5. Upgraded Ammo Types ====================== This section focuses on mid-to late game upgraded ammo. Most of these ammo types are designed to kill an enemy, since getting people alive becomes less of a priority. Don't read this section unless you want some minor spoilers. Note that you don't get all of these types at once, so some types will be useable with some of the basic ammo. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |C|H|I|P|P|U|N|K| |B|L|A|S|T|E|R| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Thought they were annoying enemies before? Now they come equipped with loudspeakers! Identical to the basic Chippunk, but they lure over three enemies instead of one. Looks like a Chippunk with a speaker above each ear and a chinstrap microphone. +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ |B|O|L|A| |B|L|A|S|T| +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ You're upgraded Bolamite now webs up to three enemies in one shot! They have to be standing in a group for this to work, but thats three easy captures for one shot. Looks like a slightly bigger Bolamite. +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ |S|T|U|N|K| |V|A|C| +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ The stench of your upgraded Stunkz is so bad, that it actually sucks air out of the area. Any enemies within a wide radius get sucked right into the effect. Knocks them down, but doesn't dizzy or stun and only light damage. However, fire one of these at a trap, such as a fanblade, and minced enemy will appear. Fire it near an edge to send the enemies on a nice long trip. Stranger is immune to this effect, so feel free to fire it at your feet. Looks like a Stunkz with a gas mask on. +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |R|A|B|I|D| |F|U|Z|Z|L|E| +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ These upgraded monsters do decent damage on top of all the other Fuzzle effects. So now they stagger enemies AND hurt a lot. Side note: They make a chinsaw-like noise when equipped, just to give you an idea what they can do. Don't use more than two on an enemy if you want them alive. Looks like a Langolier (from the Steven King movie), or a Fuzzle after it had too many of whatever it is Fuzzles have on a night out. They still don't like the taste of Stranger though. +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |H|O|M|I|N|G| |S|T|I|N|G|B|E|E|S| +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 'Dodge this.' Your machine gun rounds now track, making them harder for enemies to avoid. They don't track around sharp corners, but they will follow a moving enemy without you have to move the reticule. They look like a red version of regular Stingbees. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |T|H|U|N|K|S|L|U|G| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ I don't think this is thier correct name in the game, but you get the idea. The upgraded versions do more actual damage than stun damage, making them more effective against armored targets. Looks like a Thudslug, but a darker in color and long spikes on its shell. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |B|O|O|M|B|A|T| |S|E|E|K|E|R|S| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Not only do these track like the Homing Stingbee, but there are also three of them for each shot fired! Rare is the enemy that can survive a direct blast from this effect. Careful! Stranger can be hurt by these too! These look like a Boombat with dynamite strapped to its head. ============================================ 6. Combination Suggestions for Upgraded Ammo ============================================ Here we have advanced ammo mixes. Use them at your leisure, but don't forget to experiment with other combinations! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ |C|H|I|P|P|U|N|K| |B|L|A|S|T|E|R| : |B|O|L|A| |B|L|A|S|T| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ A simple update of your orginal basic trap. Lure over three times the live enemies for three times the capture. +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |S|T|U|N|K| |V|A|C| : |B|O|O|M|B|A|T| |S|E|E|K|E|R| +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ Spread out enemies? Need to save ammo? Bring on a meeting of the minds with the Stunk Vac, then Boombat them up. Three dead enemies equals one happy Stranger. +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ |S|T|U|N|K| |V|A|C| : |B|O|L|A| |B|L|A|S|T| +-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+ Need some live enemies? Yes you will, even late in the game. Make them pay for trying to use cover by using the Stunk Vac, then Bola Blast the knocked down enemies. Perfect for cleaning up unsightly messes. Just make sure you know you can only wrap up three at a time. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |B|O|O|M|B|A|T| |S|E|E|K|E|R| : |H|O|M|I|N|G| |S|T|I|N|G|B|E|E|S| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ I call this the 'Hiding? Seek!' combination. Good for taking down enemies who love cover and armored enemies. Indescriminate gunfire... I mean indescriminate beefire and explosions are a hallmark of first person shooters, and Stranger's Wrath doesn't disappoint. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |B|O|O|M|B|A|T| |S|E|E|K|E|R|S| : |T|H|U|N|K|S|L|U|G|S| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Big boom meets big thunk. This combination is great against late game bosses who need to be killed as quick as possible. For those times when Stingbees just don't do damage fast enough. =========== Final Words =========== I just want to give a big thank you to the following people: Lorne Lanning - For creating a wonderful setting and a great story. Oddworld Inhabitants - For bringing his vision to life in a great game. CjayC - For allowing me to post this. God - Cause he gave me the desire to write this Faq. Everyone who reads this - For putting up with my odd sense of humor. Do I need correcting? Want to send a thank you? Please send an email to amakusa42@hotmail.com, and put 'Stranger's Wrath Faq' in the subject heading. If you don't put that in the subject heading, I will delete the email!!