MMMM MM MMMM M MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M MMMM M M M M M MMMM MMMMMM M M M MMMMMM MMMMM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M (I'm terrible at ASCII art...) Version Information .01 - 2/18/05 - Reorganization of guide. Basic skeletal structure laid out. .02 - 3/7/05 - "Skeletal". I wish. Format finished. .03 - 3/8/05 - Made slight adjustments to some things. Began long wait. .04 - 3/22/05 - More slight adjustments. I think I'll send this off to GrooveSim and see what he thinks of it. .05 - 3/26/05 - WEC's! Update to weapons section. .06 - 3/30/05 - Finally got a code. Updated the vehicles as a result. .07 - 4/11/05 - And then there was... DEMO! Controls updated. .08 - 4/12/05 - I had a chance and took it. Minor updates, copyright written. .09 - 4/18/05 - Multiplayer hands on! Weapons updated. Second sending to Groove. Sections (1)Welcome (2)Movement (3)Characters (4)Weapons (5)Vehicles (6)Enemies (7)Bosses (8)Multiplayer (9)Map Editor (10)Credits (11)Copyright (1) WELCOME Hey everyone. Welcome to my first FAQ. I decided to do it on Pariah for a number of reasons, mainly since I've been following Pariah since I heard about it since June 2004 and also because its so damn cool. As its my first FAQ bear with me, I'll try to get everything in. If I miss something feel free to email me, I'll credit you in the proper place. If you think my FAQ is bad or could use something I'll take suggestions, as long as there reasonable. So with that out of the way, lets get to the FAQ. (1.1) THE STORY Earth, in the late 22nd century became so overrun with humanity that its resources were taxed far beyond capacity. Soon there were too many people for Earth to support and resources became even scarcer. Compounding the situation, extreme shortages of all kinds existed all over the world, food, lumber, metals, even oxygen. Many of the larger more wealthy nations saw colonization of different world to be their salvation and the new space race was on with the goal of mass colonization of the fertile, lush planets discovered in the Alpha Centauri system nearby. The migration of the wealthy from Earth resulted in an even more rapid deterioration of our planet. A century and a half later, Earth was a n abandoned shell of a planet, scavenged and ravaged. As mankind explores new solar systems and colonizes new worlds and as space travel becomes more economical, it becomes more logical to completely remove the most hardend criminals to an off world centralized site. Earth became the logical location to build the facilities to house these criminals. Earth, being the center of humanities exploration was central to all colonies, yet isolated enough to provide to provide an excellent location for a prison planet. The year is now 2520 and the Earth Prison Facility has 7 large prison installations located along the west coast of the North American continent. The facilities have been running for 114 years, but all is not perfect. There have been a surprising number of breakouts and in general, the escapees have not made it off planet, but have created a great deal of trouble for the authorities on planet. Raids and skirmishes occur frequently between escapees and guards. The bureaucracy in charge of the prisoners are under funded and have not deemed the situation as high enough risk to warrent more resources to clean up the problem. The most notorious of the facilites lies in the desert wasteland of Northern California. San Quentin Correctional Facility, North of waht used to be San Francisco. The prisoners call it "The Anvil". (2) MOVEMENT Your not going to get very far without it. Heres the basic controls and a few useful manuvers. Default Left Trigger - Pull out Bone Saw Right Trigger - Fire Weapon [X] - Reload/Interact [Y] - Weapon Selection Wheel [A] - Jump [B] - Dash White - Healing Tool Black - objective D-Pad - Scroll Through Weapons Right Analog Stick - Freelock/Aim Left Analog Stick - Move; climp up/down ladders Right Analog Button - Zoom In Left Analog Button - (Hold) Crouch Back Button - Nothing Start - Bring up Main Menu (3) CHARACTERS You'll meet a lot of people in Pariah. Most of them don't like you, and since they want you dead your more than happy to return the favor. The important ones are listed here. (3.1) Jack Mason In short, you. Jack Mason is an ex-military doctor who was discharged for a variety of reasons, mostly insubordination and failure to follow orders. As such he has been demoted to work far beneath him, but since he's so burned out he could really care less. At the start of the game, he is ordered to pick up a prisoner off the high security prison planet Earth. All goes according to plan until the actual liftoff, at which point his ship is shot down. Never one to take things lying down, he grabs a gun and sets off to find a way off the planet with his "prisoner" before the bio-containment system activates and "cleanses" the planet via nuclear detonation. Manual - Jack is a doctor for the Transgenic Control Commission (T.C.C.). Through a series of demotions Jack's once brillient career now has him doing routine transportsof parients/prisoners for the numerous military-run prison complexes around the solar system. (3.2) Karina The prisoner in question. Little is known about her origins. She was placed in a bio-weapon experiment of some sort and was the sole survivor of the t149 varient. The researcher in charge of the project thought it was her chromosomes. Wanted dead by a lot of people because the virus she carries could be spread and the potential infection vector is unacceptable. Manual - Karina is the subject of Jack's latest prisoner relocation assignment. Mysteriously, her transfer orders lack the usual backround information. All Jack knows is that she is reported to have a transgenic virus and his task is to transport her off earth to a medical facility. She has been held in the infamous prison known as "The Anvil" for a number of years. (3.3) Stockton The apparent director of the project that Karina was a part of. He inherited it from his father, and is determined to see it through to the end. Jack reports to him before he is shot down. Determined to end the infection before it can spread, and has no reservations about deploying his guards to kill Jack and Karina. Manual - Stockton is the warden of the military prison known as "The Anvil". Jack reports directly to him during the mission. (3.4) Flight Officer Nathen Stubbs A hotshot pilot. A member of the MSA, he is transferred to Earth after graduation. Flies CAP runs while waiting for better work. Unfortunatly, his aim isn't as good as his piloting skills. Manual - Stubbs is the pilot for Jack's medical transport. (4) WEAPONS Your not going to get far without them. There are 7 weapons in the game, and almost all of be upgraded 3 times using Weapon Energy Cores, which are aquired from enemies. The more upgrades you get, the more effective the gun, which means you can upgrade you favorites easily, but be warned, the higher levels cost a LOT and you could be spending them on your med device... (4.1) Bulldog Your everyday machine gun. High rate of fire, low accuracy, carried by enemy grunts, etc. Its nothing special, but you have to start somewhere, and for a basic weapon you'll find yourself falling back to it quite a bit. Manual - The trusty assualt rifle (nicknamed: "The Bulldog") is standard issue for combat situations in 2520. The weapon fires high velocity rounds and is equipped with a zoom mode for more distant targets. Recoil makes burst firing the most tactically efficient method to employ it. It can also be equipped with armor piercing rounds for greater damage to targets. Clip Size - 40 Reserve Ammo - 160 Reload Speed - Fast Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Minimal Usefulness - 4/10 1st Upgrade Fire Accelerator WEC Cost - 1 Increases the rate of fire. Clip Size - 40 Reserve Ammo - 160 Reload Speed - Fast Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Minimal Usefulness - 5/10 2nd Upgrade Recoil Stabilizer WEC Cost - 2 Decreases recoil, basically an accuracy booster. Clip Size - 40 Reserve Ammo - 160 Reload Speed - Fast Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Minimal Usefulness - 6/10 3rd Upgrade Armor Piercing WEC Cost - 3 Somewhat deceptive name, this gives it a massive damage boost. Clip Size - 40 Reserve Ammo - 160 Reload Speed - Fast Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Medium Usefulness - 7/10 (4.2) Fragrifle Read: Shotgun. This is used for everything you think it would be, close range combat and general grunt killer. Higher levels really give this thing a punch. Manual - The frag rifle produces intense killing power at close range, though due to the spread of the shot, its efficiency rapidly trails off at medium to long range. Clip Size - 6 Reserve Ammo - 24 Reload Speed - Slow Range - Close Damage - Medium Usefulness - 5/10 1st Upgrade Servo Reloader WEC Cost - 1 Effect - Decreases reload time, which is a godsend for this gun. Get it ASAP. Clip Size - 6 Reserve Ammo - 24 Reload Speed - Fast Range - Close Damage - Medium Usefulness - 7/10 2nd Upgrade Magneto Concentrator WEC Cost - 2 Effect - Any frag rounds that miss the target and are imbedded within range of the target are drawn to the concentraror round on contact. Clip Size - 6 Reserve Ammo - 24 Reload Speed - Fast Range - Close Damage - Medium to High Usefulness - 8/10 3rd Upgrade Titanium Concentrator WEC Cost - 3 Effect - These rounds may persist even after killing a target, allowing for multiple uses. Clip Size - 6 Reserve Ammo - 24 Reload Speed - Fast Range - Close Damage - High Usefulness - 8/10 NOTES - After level one, when you miss a target at close range and hit the floor, walls, or ground, the shot will leave a shard of metal imbedded in the surface. If you hit your target while they are near the shard, it will fly into them, for all intents and purposes, its a mine. (4.3) Grenade Launcher Exactly what you think it is. Being explosive its fun to use, and has great crowd clearing potential. The higher levels are devestating to watch ^_^ Manual - The grenade launcher packs a hefty explosive charge into a fist sized projectile, yielding devastating results when launched into a group of hostiles. The upgraded launcher can us remote detonation projectiles to lay traps for the unwary adversary. Additional upgrades allow the grenades to attract debris from the surrounding area and incorporate it into the weapon's fragmentation effect. Clip Size - 6 Reserve Ammo - NA (All Ammo in Clip) Reload Speed - NA (No reload) Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Medium Usefulness - 6/10 1st Upgrade Remote Detonator WEC Cost - 1 Effect - Adds a remote detonator to the grenades. When a grenade is fired, it switches to a detonator. Fire again to detonate. Great for indoors when you KNOW someone is around the corner. Hold down the trigger to fire multiple grenades and release it to detonate them all at once. Clip Size - 8 Reserve Ammo - NA (All Ammo in Clip) Reload Speed - NA (No reload) Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Medium Usefulness - 8/10 2nd Upgrade Fragment Attractor WEC Cost - 2 Effect - When you fire the grenade, it will pick up and attract debris to it. When it explodes, the debris goes everywere, adding substantial power to the grenade. Clip Size - 10 Reserve Ammo - NA (All Ammo in Clip) Reload Speed - NA (No reload) Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - High Usefulness - 9/10 3rd Upgrade Target Leech WEC Cost - 3 Effect - This makes the grenade stick to a target. I'm sure you can imagine what that entails ^.^ Clip Size - 12 Reserve Ammo - NA (All Ammo in Clip) Reload Speed - NA (No reload) Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - High Usefulness - 9/10 (4.4) Plasma Rifle For all intents and purposes, this is a far better Bulldog. As you might expect, this causes considerable damage, and at higher levels, the blasts are so bright you need to wear protective goggles. This may to limit the weapons use in night-time maps. Manual - The plasma rifle is a high energy weapon cabable of inflicting heavy damage via rapid fire charge particle bursts. The plasma rifle's upgrades require you to hold down the trigger to charge the sphere before releasing it. Clip Size - 40 Reserve Ammo - 150 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Medium Usefulness - 5/10 1st Upgrade Arc Sphere WEC Cost - 1 Effect - A charged shot. Hold down the trigger to charge and release it to fire. Note that the ball will zap anyone it travels near it as well. Note that this will consume all your remaining ammo in the gun, so only use it when you get low. Clip Size - 40 Reserve Ammo - 150 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Medium Usefulness - 6/10 2nd Upgrade Defese Sphere WEC Cost - 2 Effect - Same as before, except when the ball hits a surface it will stick to it and zap anyone who comes near it. Basically its now a turret. Clip Size - 40 Reserve Ammo - 150 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Medium Usefulness - 6/10 3rd Upgrade Explosive Sphere WEC Cost - 3 Effect - Damage increase for the ball, with the added effect of it exploding after it has expired. Clip Size - 40 Reserve Ammo - 150 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Close to Mid-range Damage - Medium Usefulness - 8/10 (4.5) Rocket Launcher Another self-explanatory weapon. Use of it should be fairly obvious, don't use it in close quarters, do use it to take out vehicles, particuairly tough enemies, and potential barriers. At higher levels, it can fire 2 rockets at once, and then it can fire 4 HOMING rockets at once. Unreal Tournament anyone? Manual - Your standard, heavy duty, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle rocket launcher. Designed with one purpose in mind - to obliterate anything in its way. With WEC upgrades the rocket launcher is a serious threat on the battlefield. Clip Size - 1 Reserve Ammo - 4 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Mid-range Damage - High Usefulness - 5/10 1st Upgrade Heat Seeking WEC Cost - 1 Effect - Adds a heat seeking effect to your rockets. Lets you lock onto humans and vehicles. Clip Size - 1 Reserve Ammo - 4 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Mid-range Damage - High Usefulness - 7/10 2nd Upgrade Dual Warhead WEC Cost - 2 Effect - Lets you lock on and fire on two targets at once. Uses one rocket. Clip Size - 1 Reserve Ammo - 4 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Mid-range Damage - High Usefulness - 8/10 3rd Upgrade Quad Warhead WEC Cost - 3 Effect - Lets you lock on and fire on up to FOUR targets at once. Uses one rocket. Clip Size - 1 Reserve Ammo - 4 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Mid-range Damage - High Usefulness - 9/10 (4.6) Sniper Rifle Theres always one somewere in every FPS. This has always been a precision weapon, and you either love it or hate it. Either way, you're going to have to learn to use it. Typically, this weapon is used to counter-snipe enemy snipers, take down targets that you really don't want to get close to, thin out resistance, and generally give you the edge. Higher levels give you an infared scope for night sniping, then a "rail gun" effect that lets you shoot through things like shields. Manual - Once exclusively used by military personnel, this modern sniper rifle has found its way into the black market and is now commonly found in the armories of weapons dealers throughout the system. When upgraded, the scope allows the user to isolate targets by heat source, making them easier to pick off. Clip Size - 4 Reserve Ammo - 20 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Mid to Long range Damage - High Usefulness - 7/10 1st Upgrade Enhanced Vision WEC Cost - 1 Effect - An thermal scope for night sniping. Beware, friends and foes have the same heat signiture, be sure to check your targets when using this. Clip Size - 4 Reserve Ammo - 20 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Mid to Long range Damage - High Usefulness - 7/10 2nd Upgrade Expanded clip WEC Cost - 2 Effect - Expands clip size. Clip Size - 6 Reserve Ammo - 20 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Mid to Long range Damage - High Usefulness - 8/10 3rd Upgrade Armor Piercing WEC Cost - 3 Effect - This gives your Sniper the power to punch through things like shields and armor. Clip Size - 6 Reserve Ammo - 20 Reload Speed - Medium Range - Mid to Long range Damage - High Usefulness - 10/10 (4.7) Titans Fist This is a BFG without the pesky ammo requirements. Point, charge, death. Clip Size - No Clip Reload Speed - No Reload Range - Close to Medium range Damage - Insane Usefulness - 10/10 (4.8) Bone Saw A serrated laser saw. Its awesome. Its also melee only. Left trigger pulls it out, after that Right trigger to swing it. Fairly effective, no upgrades. Manual - The bonesaw is a standard tool in any Field Medic kit. A high energy oscillating blade allows the operators to amputate limbs or tissue at the molecular level, for later reattachment at a medical facility. Used as a weapon, the bonesaw severs and cauterizes veins and arteries instantly, cutting off the blood supply to the victims organs. (4.9) Healing Tool Its not a weapon, but you'll probably end up using it more then those anyways. This is used to heal you, but be warned, any amount over 20 and your vision blurs. It can be upgraded 3 times like everything else. Manual - Advanced diagnostic and repair device that operates at a micro-cellular level to affect repairs to living tissue. The contents of each cartridge is injected into the bloodstream, where nanite repair units travel to the area of injury and apply corrective micro-surgical repairs. 1st Upgrade Quick Injector WEC Cost - 1 Effect - Speeds up the healing process by cutting the injection time by more than half. Another must-have upgrade. 2nd Upgrade Health Booster WEC Cost - 2 Effect - Adds an extra bar to your health. Get this ASAP to. 3rd Upgrade Adrenal Increase WEC Cost - 3 Effect - As well as adding another health box, it increases the time you can sprint. Flag runners dream. This isn't actually as critical as the other to, but you can get it early if you want. (5) VEHICLES Vehicles have recently become a staple of FPS games, and Pariah is no execption. As you might expect from the people who brought you Unreal Tournaments Onslaught, these pack all the punch you could want. Some are single seaters, others aren't. (5.1) Vehicle Controls - Left Trigger - Nothing Right Trigger - Fire Weapon [X] - Enter/Exit Vehicle [Y] - Nothing [A] - Accelerate [B] - Hand Break White - Reverse Black - objective D-Pad - Nothing Right Analog Stick - Steer Left Analog Stick - Accelerate (Foreward)/Reverse (Back) Back Button - Select Voice Channel (Xbox LIVE) Start - Bring up Main Menu (5.2) Turret/Gunner Controls Left Trigger - Fire Machine Gun Right Trigger - Fire Rockets [X] - Enter/Exit Vehicle [Y] - Nothing [A] - Nothing [B] - Nothing White - Nothing Black - Objective D-Pad - Nothing Right Analog Stick - Steer Left Analog Stick - Accelerate (Foreward)/Reverse (Back) Back Button (Xbox LIVE) Start - Bring up Main Menu (5.2) Wasp Armament - Single forward mounted machine gun Speed - Very fast Armor - Light Seats - One Notes - A modified ATV with a fair armament. Driver is exposed but speed compenstates. A hit and run vehicle with several apparent uses. Manual - Single man, 3 wheeled trike with mounted gatling gun. Used by Scavangers; these vehicles have been build up from parts of old or stolen equipment. Fast and agile; used many times by the Scavangers for quick raids on prions to free more of their own. (5.3) Bogie Armament - Dual mounted machine guns (Driver), swivel mounted rockets (Passanger) Speed - Moderatly fast Armor - Medium Seats - Two Notes - 2 man attack vehicle. The driver gets a foreward-fixed machine gun, the gunner a dual rocket system. Medium armor. Powerful but not overly so. Manual - Two-man All Terrain Vehicle. The driver can shoot the front mounted machine guns directly in front while the passanger cna control the vehicles rocket launcher or machine gun in a full 360 degrees. Made from similar parts as the Wasp, the Bogie is larger and has some storage capacity. It is the most prized vehicle of the Scavangers for its power and manuverability. (5.4) Dart Armament - Dual forward mounted plasma cannons Speed - Very fast Armor - Light Seats - One Notes - Single man attack vehicle. Better then the Wasp. But has massive aiming issues. Manual - Single man hover vehicle with dual mounted plasma cannons. This quick vehicle is used by the prison guards on patrol or for fast ground transfer between prisons. (5.5) Dozer Armament - Twin Heavy Cannons Speed - Slow Armor - Heavy Seats - Four Notes - I hate this thing. Its got armor that can take all of the pitter patter of raindrops and its weapons suck. I was promised heavy las-cannons. I got actual cannons. As in the kind that fire large iron balls. That were removed from the military's arsenal around the time they started making iron-sided ships. Sure, the balls explode, but the mere fact that they exist is bad enough. That you need a fair knowladge of ballistics and not a little luck to actually hit something is a traversity. And that they have the balls to pit you in one against Darts that can very well take you apart in about, say, 5 seconds of sustained fire, is a part that will cause you to throw down your controller in rage and call on every deity you know to curse whoever came up with the idea of showing twin las-cannons in the trailer and delivering "old iron-sides" cannons instead. Manual - This large, tank like vehicle is slow but very well armored and can transport a number of people. When fully loaded and everyone useing their weapons, it's a moving fortress. Read - This large, slow moving target is a nice way to commit suicide in heated matches. If you can get anyone else to come with you, they'll gladly commend you for getting them killed quicker then they could blink. (6) ENEMIES Well it wouldn't be an FPS if there wasn't someone to shoot. There are 3 factions in the game, the Guards, the Scavangers, and the *When I know*. All of them want you or Karina dead and have considerable firepower, so you better learn how to beat them. (6.1) The Military Alliance Security Basically these are the guards of the prisons. You won't run into them for a while, which is good because they can all dish out the pain quite easily. Types - Grunt, Rocketeer, Riot Guard, Drone Type 1 - Grunt Armament - Plasma Rifle, Grenade Launcher Armor - Helmeted Appears in - Difficulty - Fairly Easy Notes - You will see these guys _everywere_ after you first encounter them. They can be hard in groups but they aren't anything to worry about alone. Type 2 - Rocketeer Armament - Rocket Launcher Armor - Full body suit, helmet Appears in - Difficulty - Medium Notes - These bastards will hit you with rockets from just about everywere. They also tend to charge you, so take them out first when you see them. Type 3 - Riot Guard Armament - Bulldog Armor - Full body suit, helmet, Riot Shield Appears in - Difficulty - Medium Notes - These aren't people you'll want to reckon with. Their shields can take just about anything short of a charged up plasma ball or a rocket. They are also quite adept with the Bulldog they have so try to take them out fast. Type 4 - Drone Armament - Single Laser Armor - Light Appears in - Difficulty - Medium to Hard Notes - I loathe these. Their laser hits hard and their hard to hit. Your best bet is a fully upgraded Bulldog. Take them out first if you see them. (6.2) The Scavangers Scavangers are escaped prisoners that live off of the wasteland Earth has become. They all seem to wear blue goggles and hooded cloaks. They designed and built the Fragrifle. For unexplained reasons, there has recently been a lot of Scavanger activity, and they are becoming increasingly aggressive. Types - Grunt Type 1 - Grunt Arament - Bulldog Armor - None Appears in - Crash Site Difficulty - Easy Notes - Not a real threat, they appear early on and disappear by Hot Pursuit. (6.3) The Mercenaries Prisoners who manage to escape usually join a mercenary clan. These clans roam Earth prowling for trouble and profiting from skirmishes, dirty deals and rough trading. They frequently make use of abandoned buildings as strongholds. Types - Grunt, Corporal Type 1 - Grunt Arament - Bulldog/Fragrifle/Grenade Launcher Armor - Normal Appears in - Difficulty - Easy Notes - You'll see them everywere after Reservoir. They have a tendancy to go in groups and will carry a variety of weapons. However they aren't really profiecent with them so their threat level isn't to high. Type 2 - Corporal Armament - Bulldog/Fragrifle/Grenade Launcher Armor - Full Body Suit, Helmet Appears in - Difficulty - Medium Notes - These are a step up from standard grunts but still aren't really a threat. (6.4) Shroud Only encountered in the last level, Shroud are a fearsome force. They use a laser weapon that hits hard and are heavily armored. There are two types, the Soldier and Assassin. Type 1 - Soldier Armament - Laser Rifle Armor - Heavy Full Body Suit Appears in - Difficulty - Hard Notes - These guys would give you hell if you had to fight them on even terms. But since the whole time you fight them you have the Titans Fist, they're reduced to a mere hard. Theres no real stats I can give you for them, as the Titans Fist doesn't distingush between Dead and Living, if you hit them with it, they will die. Simple as that. Type 2 - Assassin Armament - Twin Swords Armor - Cloaking Appears in - Final Boss Fight Difficulty - Hard Notes - These are some hard hitters. Not because of their damage, which is insignificant since you can heal pretty much indefinatly, but because you can only kill them when their not cloaked. Even if you see them and shoot, if they are cloaked, it does nothing. The best way to deal with these ******* (their all female) is to charge the Titans Fist and run toward one of them while they aren't charging the boss. When they uncloak to attack, hit them. They will die. NOTE - I promised myself I would at least finish this before the first edition was done, but then I realized that no one had problems with the levels anyway. So ... yea. I'll get around to it. Tell then, I'll just put in the hard parts. Which are the boss fights and that forsaken Dozer business. As I have already explained the bosses, if they can be referred to as such without offending the term, I will explain the Dozer thing here. Get in the Dozer. Die. Repeat about four times. Realize its hopeless in the damn thing. Whip out your sniper and harry the Darts, switch to Rockets as they come closer and blast the bejeezus out of them. Realize you don't have enough Rockets for all the Darts. Die. Die. Die. Get back in the Dozer. Crawl its pittery ass over to a cornor and camp the Darts. Sooner or later, give or take about five deaths before you master the ballistics of the thing, you'll win. There you go. Thats exactly how I did it. I am proud to report that no controllers were harmed in the making of that walkthrough, though a plate containing breakfast had to be disposed of after the seventh death. (7) BOSSES (7.1) Stockton At the end of (7.17) you will encounter the raving warden of the Anvil. He'll go on and on about stuff and then proceed to attack you with his Titan's Fist. This fight isn't so much hard as it is obscure; the game never really gives you a clear hint on how to beat him. So lets start with his attacks, of which he has a whopping two. First attack - He'll fire a blue beam across the room from right to left. This attack is pathetic, as you will always see it coming and can simpley duck under it and continue pounding him. Second attack - He'll use the real shot of the Titans Fist and fire a large shot with splash damage at you. This is the attack you don't want to reckon with, as you can never tell if he's standing there innocently or standing there plotting your imminent demise. Also, the attack itself hurts to the tune of around 3 health boxes. Like it or not, your probably going to get hit by it at least once. So how do you kill him? Well every time you knock his health down to about a forth or less, he'll run up to one of the eight generators around the room and proceed to gain it all back again. However, when he's running for the generator, all the other ones will lose their sheilds. At this time you should whip out your Bulldog and fire into the central red part of the generator. It doesn't take long to kill one and you might get two or three in if you've thrown Stockton for a loop. After he charges up they'll get their shield back, which causes you to repeat the process. After all eight are down just kill him. Also, note that knocking Stockton around is as easy as whipping out a level 3 Grenade Launcher and shooting him once. This will make him cry and yell you were lucky and how he will beat you and how the virus is like Viagra to him etc etc etc. If you do it right you won't even need to pick up an ammo pack. (7.2) Shroud Assassin At the end of the last mission you will encounter this coward. She sits in her happy little bubble up in the vortex of energy and sics her pet protages' on you. She's also someone who likes to talk about how she will kick your ass seven ways to Sunday while not doing a damn thing to stop you. So lets get down to the attacks, in which she has poor old Stockton beat by maxing out at three. First attack - She charges her force field and lets it implode, doing damage to everything in the room if your not behind a pillar. If you are then nothing happens. Second Attack - After you kill off everyone else she'll start firing energy beams at you. Again, the magic pillar will stop these to. Third Attack - This isn't really an attack but her assassins will periodically stop and heal her whenever she feels she needs to regain whatever amount of health you've shot out of her. This attack gets very annoying as the assassins are invincible while doing it. So how to kill her. Its quite easy. First take care of all the other assassins (About eight in two groups of four, see the section on Shroud enemeies to learn how to best dispose of them) so she can't heal. This will also shut her up, which is a welcome respite from the trash talking she's been doing up until this point. Then charge the Titans Fist to its maximum and let her have it. After hammering her for a bit she'll start the energy beams business and you'll have to watch out. Note that its going to take quite a few shots to kill her so keep running around to the handy healing pillars to get ammo. (8) MULTIPLAYER Beaten the campaign have we? Well then it's time to head online. Multiplayer for Pariah is robust and fun as all hell. This section will cover the changes from single-player, the different Modes of play, and general tips for each. (8.1) Changes from Single-Player A few things have changed from the campaign of Pariah. All of them are listed here. You gain WEC's by killing other people. Note that you will not get one WEC per kill, its more like one for every 3-4 kills. Also note that you need to go and pick it up before someone else beats you to it. Yes its annoying, but on the plus side snipers can't camp anymore. There are 1-16 players for Xbox Live, and 2 per Xbox for system link. Vehicles are somewhat useful. By that they are also deathtraps. Avoid. (8.2) Modes All of the types of MP games are standby's of the FPS genre are present here. They are: Deathmatch - (1-16 Players) We all know what this is. Get to work ;) Team Deathmatch (1-16 Players) - Self-Explanitory Capture the Flag (1-16 Players) - When Kill-the-other-guy affairs are just to simplistic Siege (1-16 Players) - The Pariah version of Unreals famous Assault mode. One team attacks, one defends. Frontline Assault (1-16 Players) - The Pariah version of Onslaught. For those who are adept at missing awesomeness, there are two teams. Both of them have a base. From that base, they have to capture control points. (8.3) Tips for Deathmatch Pick a loadout that lets you do maximum damage. Most will go with Destroyer or anything with a Sniper Rifle. Note that Lightweight is very good for just about everything and tends to get me on top faster then the others can blink. (8.4) Tips for Team Deathmatch Pretty much the same. Sans Destroyer. Everyone seems to have a forsaken SR in this so expect to be shot from afar quite a bit. The bright side is that everyone tends to suck at sniping. If there are _any_ vehicles, take them. Just to make sure the other team doesn't have them. (8.5) Tips for Capture the Flag Keep someone with the Rocket/SR loadout at base and rush the other teams base with everyone else. This tends to end in big fights in the middle so if you can win that your ok. The RL/SR guy can usually handle just about everything. (8.6) Tips for Siege Beware. Most of these are A. Custom Maps and B. Poorly Designed. The siege point can typically be shot from just about everywere and the few that don't have spawn glitches. Well, some don't. Those are very good. And rare. So unless your on the spindizzy server, watch your back. (8.7) Tips for Frontline Assault *As the situation calls for it* (9) MAP EDITOR Tips on how to use it, what to do. (9.1) What the hell is this? The map editor is a feature that is fairly new to the Xbox console. With it you can craft your own levels and store them for other players to download. Prove their worth in the arena or have them shot to pieces by better efforts, its one of Pariah's best features. Its fairly simple to use and this section is mainly for tips on how to build the best maps. (9.X) Names I'm not sure where I'm going to put this but for the first editon of this thing right here will work. If your going to put your map online, give it a decent name. Or failing that, give it a name that isn't like _every_other_one_. Like Death Crater or anything that has any remote connections to the substance that is both red and oxygen carrying. Spindizzy is awesome but seriously, five maps in row that went like this: Bloody Shores Blood Rituals Bloody Crater Bloody Forest Blood Rites is way to much hemoglobin. I'm not saying these maps aren't GOOD, they are, thats why there there, but forsaken it, PLEASE THINK ABOUT A NAME! (10) CREDITS Me, for taking the time to type all this. GrooveSim, for his amazing pre-release FAQ that kept the newbies informed and for reviewing the early parts of my guide. Want to contribute? Send me an e-mail at (11) COPYRIGHT This guide is copyright (c)2005 Austen La Place because I spent untold hours writing it. This guide may only be hosted by however if you wish to host it... 1. You email me with a request to host the guide on your site. 2. You respect my copyright and do not distribute it to other sites without my permission. If anyone see's this guide hosted by ANY site that is not or listed here e-mail me. I'll stick you in the credits for your trouble. Furthermore, this may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.