/=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=\ ||Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 & 2 for Nintendo Gamecube (All Versions)|| ||Amplifier, Barrier, and Merges FAQ || \=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=/ Version FINAL Written by Samus Knight 7/03/2003 Email samusknight@talgrp.com (Read note below!) NOTE: As of July 12th, 2003 my ISP provider is requiring me to cancel my account and create a new account. So my email address will no longer be valid at that point. Due to abusive use (spam mail, viruses), I will not be posting my new address at that point. I apologize for any inconvenience. If you wish to contact me please do so via AIM, GameFAQs message board, or PSO. Thank you and happy gaming! See you on Ragol. TABLE OF CONTENTS * What's New/Version History * IMPORTANT NOTE * INTRODUCTION * FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) * EXPLANATION: HOW TO CREATE A MERGE - * FORMULA: HOW TO CREATE A MERGE - ELEMENTAL MERGES - ASSIST MERGES - RECOVERY MERGES * EXPLANATION: LEVELS NEEDED TO CREATE MERGES - ELEMENTAL MERGES - ASSIST MERGES - RECOVERY MERGES * EXTRA STUFF - * Soon To Come - * Credits/Thanks - * Contact Info - * Legal Info * What's New/Version History: v0.9 - Just wrote the FAQ. Much is still needed to be fixed. v1.0 - Added some more information and spruced up the FAQ. V1.1 - Fixed a slight typing error. Merges have low defensive and evasion power, not offensive power. Also added the "What's New" column and fixed up the FAQ a little more. v1.2 - Added the required levels to create a specific merge. Changed the what Shifta/Deband Merges increase to coverage. v1.3 - Added by how much each merge increases a technique by and added a few websites to the list of those who can display my FAQ. v1.4 - Added some information and added an important section. Please read it before sending me emails or attempting to contact me. v1.5 - Restored the contact info and a little bit more. Possibly the final version... FINAL - This is the final version. Added some information to clear up a few questions I have been asked. --- * IMPORTANT NOTE: This is probably the last update I will be doing to the FAQ. Everything has been pretty much been covered. I am no longer giving out permission to use my FAQ on any other sites so please do not ask. Please keep all questions related to the contents of the FAQ. Also check the FAQ carefully before asking a question already covered. It makes getting an answer alot easier. --- * INTRODUCTION: Many people go about asking for help on what amplifiers are for and how they are used. So here I have compiled some answers on what amplifiers are, what they are used for, and how to create a merge from one. I hope this information is of help to you. Now onto the FAQ! --- * FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Q: What is an amplifier? A: An amplifier is an item when combined with a barrier, creates a shield which can increase the effects of certain techniques. Amplifiers are in green boxes with white font so you have to look more harder to obtain one. Q: I found a (Insert name) Barrier. What does it do?/What is a barrier? A: There are several types of barriers. Support, Recovery, Green, Blue, and Red. You can tell the difference between these kinds of barriers because their names are all in capitals. Don't confuse them with the common barrier. These look like any common armor as they are not labeled by a red box. Barriers are in blue boxes but are in capitals so they are easy to spot. With an exception to the Red, Blue, and Yellow Merges which are considered 9 star rare items and are labeled in red boxes, all merges are in blue boxes when created and remain in capital letters. Q: Why can't I create a merge? I have Amplifier of (Insert Name) and (Insert name) Barrier! A: Some amplifiers can only be combined with a specific barrier. Like a Amplifier of Zonde can only be combined with a Yellow Barrier. Try any other one and you can't combine the two. Also some you must be a specific level for some barriers to successfully combine the two. Q: What are the advantages to merges? A: Some merges increase the effective power of a technique making it stronger. Equip a Zonde Merge and the power of your Zonde will be greater. Also the shield will appear on your character's left arm. There are some merges that increase the power of all techiques of a certain kind. These merges are called Red, Yellow, and Blue Merges. Red increases Fire techniques, Yellow increases Lightning, and Blue increases Ice. Plus a merge of a certain elemental type can increase your resistance to that type when equipped. Q: What are the disadvantages of merges? A: The defensive (DFP) and evasion power (EVP) of merges are incredibly weak. The elemental resistance they increase is only of what technique type they increase so while a Foie Merge may increase your Fire resistance (EFR), it has no effect to your other resistances. Also since they increase technique power, they're really only suitable for force characters. Q: Where can I find amplifiers/barriers? A: Amplifiers and barriers can be found virtually everywhere. However people seem to have more luck finding them at the Seaside Area on Episode 2. Some people have even claimed to have found merges themselves so keep an eye out for those as well. An alternative to getting barriers if you have trouble finding those is to trade photon drops in Gallon's Shop to Paganini. 1-15 photon drops gets you Recovery and Assist Barriers. 16-99 photon drops adds Blue, Yellow, and Red Barriers to the list. These barriers won't have any extra added defense or evasion so choose carefully if you want to waste drops on one or find it yourself. For more information on photon drops check out a FAQ on Photon Drops. Q: I found a Star Amplifier but your FAQ doesn't cover anything on it! A: Star Amplifier although named "amplifier", isn't related to the kind used on barriers to create merges. Star Amplifier is used on a fully grinded wand type weapon to create Twinkle Star or Spirit Garment to create Brightness Circle. Q: Can I use your FAQ on my site? A: See the important note at the top of the FAQ. --- * EXPLANATION: HOW TO CREATE A MERGE To create a merge, you must have the respective amplifier and barrier. Equip the barrier and hilight the amplifier in your item pack. Select Use and you will create a merge named after the amplifier used. --- * FORMULA: HOW TO CREATE A MERGE FORMULA KEY Amplifier of XXXXX + YYYYY BARRIER = ZZZZZ MERGE XXXXX = Type of Amplifier used. YYYYY = Type of Barrier equipped. ZZZZZ = Type of Merge created from combined Barrier and Amplifier. --- ELEMENTAL MERGES --- --- Amplifier of Yellow + YELLOW BARRIER = YELLOW MERGE Amplifier of Zonde + YELLOW BARRIER = ZONDE MERGE Amplifier of Gizonde + YELLOW BARRIER = GIZONDE MERGE Amplifier of Razonde + YELLOW BARRIER = RAZONDE MERGE --- EXPLANATION: Yellow Merge increases the power of all lightning techniques by 20%. Zonde, Gizonde, and Razonde Merges increase the power of their respective spell-types by 30%. --- Amplifier of Red + RED BARRIER = RED MERGE Amplifier of Foie + RED BARRIER = FOIE MERGE Amplifier of Gifoie + RED BARRIER = GIFOIE MERGE Amplifier of Rafoie + RED BARRIER = RAFOIE MERGE --- EXPLANATION: Red Merge increases the power of all fire techniques by 20%. Foie, Gifoie, and Rafoie Merges increase the power of their respective spell-types by 30%. --- Amplifier of Blue + BLUE BARRIER = BLUE MERGE Amplifier of Barta + BLUE BARRIER = BARTA MERGE Amplifier of Gibarta + BLUE BARRIER = GIBARTA MERGE Amplifier of Rabarta + BLUE BARRIER = RABARTA MERGE --- EXPLANATION: Blue Merge increases the power of all ice techniques by 20%. Barta, Gibarta, and Rabarta Merges increase the power of their respective spell-types by 30%. --- ASSIST MERGES --- --- Amplifier of Shifta + ASSIST BARRIER = SHIFTA MERGE Amplifier of Deband + ASSIST BARRIER = DEBAND MERGE --- EXPLANATION: Shifta Merge increases the coverage (range) of Shifta while Deband Merge increases the coverage (range) of Deband. --- RECOVERY MERGES --- --- Amplifier of Resta + RECOVERY BARRIER = RESTA MERGE Amplifier of Anti + RECOVERY BARRIER = ANTI MERGE --- EXPLANATION: Resta Merge increases the coverage (range) of Resta while Anti Merge increases the coverage (range) of Anti. ---- * EXPLANATION: LEVELS NEEDED TO CREATE MERGES To create certain merges you must be at least a specific level. Thanks to PSO-World.com for the information: FORMULA KEY XXXX MERGE - LVYY XXXX = Type of Merge. YY = Level needed to create Merge. ---- ELEMENTAL MERGES ---- FOIE MERGE - LV06 GIFOIE MERGE - LV12 RAFOIE MERGE - LV18 RED MERGE - LV24 BARTA MERGE - LV07 GIBARTA MERGE - LV14 RABARTA MERGE - LV19 BLUE MERGE - LV25 ZONDE MERGE - LV08 GIZONDE MERGE - LV15 RAZONDE MERGE - LV20 YELLOW MERGE - LV26 --- ASSIST MERGES --- SHIFTA MERGE - LV16 DEBAND MERGE - LV14 --- RECOVERY MERGES --- RESTA MERGE - LV11 ANTI MERGE - LV13 --- EXTRA STUFF --- * Soon To Come: - THIS VERSION IS THE FINAL VERSION SO NO MORE WILL BE ADDED. * Credits/Thanks Let's face it, a FAQ can't be created without a little help. So this section is to give credit and thanks to those who contributed information and more. - GameFAQs posters on the PSO Ep. 1&2 message board for most of the info collected. - GameFAQs for adding my FAQ to their website. Thanks! - PSO-World for the Level requirements and the percents on which each spell is increased by for a merge. Visit www.planetdreamcast.com/psoworld for more information on merges. - To you, the reader. Without you this FAQ probably wouldn't even exist. - All those who asked for help on how to create a merge or what amplifiers and barriers are for. * Contact Info Before you attempt to contact me, remember that I am not giving permission anymore to use my FAQ and I probably won't be updating it any longer. Also check the FAQ carefully before asking any questions that are already answered here and keep questions related to the contents of this FAQ. Thanks! AIM Screen Name: SamusKnight2K Email Address: samusknight@talgrp.com (Read note at top of FAQ) GameFAQs Screen Name: SamusKnight2K * Legal Info This FAQ may only appear on the following website(s): - http://www.gamefaqs.com - GameFAQs - http://www.psolife.com - PSO-Life - http://www.devimension.com - Devimension FAQ Copyright 2002-2003 Frank Foster. Nintendo Gamecube is trademark of Nintendo. Phantasy Star is a trademark of Sonic Team/Sega. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this FAQ on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.