========================================================================= *********** PHANTASY STAR ONLINE EPISODE I & II: NEWB FAQS*************** ========================================================================= ___________________ / \ / MADE BY \ / \ / Geehater \ /___________________________\ Introduction: This guide is for people new to the game who have some pretty basic questions that wouldn't normally be in other FAQs. That’s why I made this. A guide that is used for new players of the game that need some answers to their questions. If you would like me to answer some questions or add them to the list just contact me using one of the addresses at the end of the FAQ. How to use this Guide: If you have a question and want to know if its on first decide what kind of question it is (example: What is a monogrinder?) You would think it would be under items but, it is not so check all of them. When you notice its under weapons 2.1 then just scroll down to that question. That’s all you have to do. Or you can press Ctrl + F, then type in the number. ======================================================================== <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SECTIONS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ======================================================================== 1. General FAQs 1.1 How much does this game cost? 1.2 Is it free to play online? 1.3 What is this "duping" I hear about? 1.4 Is ___ a dupe? 1.5 Where can I get this game? 1.6 How do I revive a dead person? 1.7 Which character should I use? 1.8 What do the techniques do? 1.9 How do unlock harder modes? 2. Weapon FAQs 2.1 I found a monogrinder what is it for? 2.2 Is it true you can get Kireek's weapon? 2.3 What is a percent? 2.4 What is a Hit percent? 2.5 Why are the letters of the weapon green? 3. Armor FAQs 3.1 How do I know if my armor has slots? 3.2 What does an addslot do? 3.3 Why can't my force equip this? 3.4 Is there any rare armor? 3.5 Is it worth it to buy armor from the store for 30,000? 4.Shield FAQs 4.1 Can a Shield have a slot? 4.2 Do shields have a percent? 4.3 Why can't I equip this? 4.4 Are there rare shields? 4.5 What does a shield even do? 5. MAG FAQs 5.1 How come when I feed my MAG items it's stats go up but I feed it a different item then they go right back down? 5.2 My MAG changed how it looked! What happened? 5.3 What is a MAG cell? 5.4 Where can I find a MAG Cell? 5.5 What is an ELENOR mag? 6. Online FAQs 6.1 Do I need a ISP to go online? 6.2 I herd PSO doesn't work with AOL is this true? 6.3 How many people can play together online? 6.4 IS this game worth it if I can't go online? 6.5 How am I supposed to talk to people in a different language? 6.6 My game is used how do I use the codes to go online? 6.7 How many legits are there online, and how many thousands of people play online? 6.8 What do I get for doing Challenge mode? 7. Offline Multiplayer 7.1 I beat forest but, every time I play I have to start over. 7.2 Do all characters have to be on one memory card? 7.3 Can I do Hunter's Guild Quests in multiplayer? 7.4 What’s battle mode? 7.5 Can I go online multiplayer? 8. Hunters Guild FAQs 8.1 Can I get rares from quests? 8.2 Where is the Hunters Guild? 8.3 What’s a SoaB run? 8.4 Can I play a certain quest more than once? 8.5 How do I download new quests? 8.6 Are there Episode 2 quests? 9. Rare item FAQs 9.1 What’s a Photon Drop for? 9.2 How do I know if my item is rare? 9.3 Where can I get a ___? 9.4 What’s a drop rate? 9.5 Do bosses have rare drops? 9.6 Can I find rares in the quests? 9.7 How Do I get animal parts such as a Booma's right arm? 9.8 What is a Syncesta? 10. Normal Item FAQs 10.1 What's a monomate? 10.2 Why can't I use a monofluid? 10.3 What’s a "material" used for? 10.4 What’s an amplifier of ____ for? 10.5 What’s a Scape Doll? 11. Boss FAQs 11.1 Forest 11.2 Caves 11.3 Mines 11.4 Ruins 11.5 VR Temple 12.6 VR Spaceship 12.7 Central Contral Area 12.8 Seabed 12. Side Notes 13. How To Contact Me 14. Credits 15. Self Information ======================================================================== <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE FAQs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ======================================================================== SECTION 1 General FAQs 1.1 Q: How much does this game cost? A: You can find it brand new any where from around 40 to 50 us dollars 1.2 Q: Is it free to play online? A: No, it costs 8.95 a month to play this game online. You may play offline without paying the fee. 1.3 Q: What is this "duping" I hear about? A: Duping is the process of copying items using a glitch in the game to your advantage. Many people dislike dupers." 1.4 Q: Is ___ a dupe? A: You can normally tell if it’s a dupe by one of two things. One if someone gives you a super rare item then its probably a dupe. Second of all if it have a high percent like a 300% then it is a dupe. 1.5 Q: Where can I get this game? A: This game could be hard to find depending on where you live. The easiest way would be to order it offline. But if you can't do that then your best chance would be to check a video game store such as: Gamestop, Funcoland or some other store like that. 1.6 Q: How do I revive a dead person? A: There's two ways in a level and theres always the return the ship way. One way is with an Item called "Moon Atomizer. And the other way is to use the Force only technique Reverser. 1.7 Q: Which character should I use? A: This is a very open question. Depending on how you play the game there are different answers. Here is a little info about each class: HUNTERS HUMAR (Hunter/Human/Male) Humars are the best balanced characters in the game. They can use some heal and attack techniques. A lot of newb's and n00bs use this type of guy. HUNEWEARL (Hunter/Newman/Female) Hunewearls have the lowest HP of the Hunter Class, but they can learn higher level techniques than a HUmar. HUCAST (Hunter/Android/Male) This type of Hunter has no techiques on the account of being an andriod but they have the highest HP and Strength out of everyone. HUCASEAL (Hunter/Android/Female) This type of hunter has good ATA and they are strong with dagger type weapons. RANGERS RAMAR (Ranger/Human/Male) They are the HUmars of the Rangers. They are a good choice for a new player or a first time ranger. RAMARL (Ranger/Human/Female) They have the lowest defense and the lowest HP in the Ranger Class. Many call this the best single player offline character. RACAST (Ranger/Android/Male) RAcasts have the best ATP in the Ranger Class. They can´t use techniques, like all the other androids, but they can use traps. RACASEAL (Ranger/android/Female) Same as RAcast but, instead of high ATP the have high defence. FORCES FOMAR (Force/Human/Male) Like all the Human male characters they are the most even stats and a better at more than just one thing. FOMARL (Force/Human/Female) A great support Force. Their support techiques are great for multiplayer games. FONEWM (Force/Newman/Male) One of the better characters in the game. They have good close combat skills along with being a force which means techiques. FONEWEARL (Force/Newman/Female) They have the greatest MST in the game. But their downside is they have low HP and arn't very good at close combat. Their TP is also the highest in the game.Probably the best thing about them is piercing Megid. 1.8 Q: What do the techniques do? A: Here is a small bit of info for each one. Foie: A Fire Ball attack. Barta: A line ice wave that hits enemy's in front of you. Zonde: A bolt of lighting hits 1 enemy. Gifoie: A Fire Ring circles you for a few seconds.. Gibarta: A blizzard hits surronding enemies and may freeze them. Gizonde: An electric attack which hits only one enemy. Rafoie: A fire explosion hits enemy's in the area of the attack. Rabarta: An ice attack which hits enemy's around you. Razonde: A ring of electrites hits surronding enemies. Grants: Powerful attack that uses a lot of TP. Megid: An attack that kills enemys in one hit(not 100% of the time) Resta: Restores your HP and at higher levels it heals teammates. Anti: Heals poison and other things at higher levels. Reverser: Revives a dead player. Shifta: Increases the ATP points of your friends and yourself. Deband: Increases defence of your team mates and yourself. Jellen: Lowers the enemy´s ATP. Zalure: Lowers the enemy´s defence. Ryuker: Creates a teleipe to Pioneer 2. 1.9 Q: How do unlock harder modes? A: Hard: Beat either episode on normal difficulty setting to unlock the hard difficulty setting for both episodes. Get to level 20 or higher to unlock the hard difficulty setting in online mode. Very hard: Beat either episode on hard difficulty setting to unlock the hard difficulty setting for both episodes. Get to level 40 or higher to unlock the hard difficulty setting in online mode. Ultimate: Beat either episode on very hard difficulty setting to unlock the hard difficulty setting for both episodes. Get to level 80 or higher to unlock the hard difficulty setting in online mode. SECTION 2 Weapon FAQs 2.1 Q: I found a monogrinder what is it for? A: This is a one time use item (as all green boxes are) that increases one item's ATP by 2 and gives the weapon a +1 added to its title. Digrinders add +2 and Trigrinders add +3 Example: Saber + Monogrinder = Saber +1 2.2 Q:Is it true you can get Kireek's weapon? A: Yes, you have to do some certain quests the right way. To find out the right way please refer to a Quest FAQ. If you wish to find it without using a guide there is one bit of advice I would give you. If you don't want to know stop reading. *Spoiler* Don't tell Sue Your name or you can't get it.*End Spoiler* 2.3 Q: What is a percent? A: A percent like how effective you weapon is against a certain type of enemy. if you have 10% Native it does 10% more damage. Example: Say you do 100 damage but with 10% Native against a Booma you would do 110 damage. 2.4 Q: What is a Hit percent? A: A hit percent appears after the normal four percent. It adds a percent to your ATA. Example: You have 100 ATA + 10% Hit= 110 ATA 2.5 Q: Why are the letters of the weapon green? A: If the letters of a weapon are green that shows it has some sort of percent. There are also green Armor which shows slots and green shields that show better stats. Gold letters of any item show that it is a rare item. SECTION 3 Armor FAQs 3.1 Q: How do I know if my armor has slots? A: One way you can check by going to your item screen then going to the armor and press "L" once. Then it should say at the bottom of the info screen if it has any slots. Another way is if the letters of the armor are green. If the letters are white then it won't have any slots most of the time. 3.2 Q: What does an addslot do? A: An addslot adds a slot to any armor with less than 4 slots. A piece of armor may only have up to four slots. 3.3 Q: Why can't my force equip this? A: It may not be equipable by your force or your level is to low. 3.4 Q: Is there any rare armor? A: Yes, you find it like any other rare...by luck. 3.5 Q: Is it worth it to buy armor from the store for 30,000? A: It depends if it’s a great armor it maybe. But if its barly better than what you already have or you can easily find them in a level then no. Its good to buy one if you haven’t got any new armor for a while and have a ton of mesta. A good way to check is first compare it to your current armor and then do a run through of the highest level you can get to while collecting every item. If you find one then problem solved. If you don't you may want to buy it after all. SECTION 4 Shield FAQs 4.1 Q: Can a Shield have a slot? A: Sadly no. 4.2 Q: Do shields have a percent? A: No, but the have resistance toward certain types of techniques. 4.3 Q: Why can't I equip this? A: One of many reasons could be your problem, depending on what armor you have certain armor is only equitable by a certain class or race. Or simply your level isn't high enough yet. 4.4 Q: Are there rare shields? A: Yes, an example is "Kasami Bracer" 4.5 Q: What does a shield even do? A: It raises your DFP and EVP. SECTION 5 MAG FAQs 5.1 Q: How come when I feed my MAG items it's stats go up but I feed it a different item then they go right back down? A: First of all each item increases a certain stat by an amount and lowers other stats by a certain amount. Lets say Monofluid increases MIND by 15. The you use a monomate that decreases MIND by 10. And you continue going back and forth between the two. Making it much harder to raise your MAG. 5.2 Q: My MAG changed how it looked! What happened? A: You MAG "evolved" to it's next form. When they evolve the first three times they also gain a new Photon Blast. MAGs evolve and get a photon blast at level 10, 35, 50. 5.3 Q: What is a MAG cell? A: A MAG cell evolves your mag into a special MAG if it meet the requirements of the MAG cell you have. 5.4 Q: Where can I find a MAG Cell? A: You can find them online during Halloween and Christmas. 5.5 Q: What is an ELENOR mag? A: An ELENOR mag is the mag elenor has in the game. You may get it by duping someone's or hacking it. I'm not sure but, I've herd if you have it while online you can get banned. SECTION 6 Online FAQs 6.1 Q: Do I need a ISP to go online? A: Yes in addition to the 8.95 you must ALREADY have a working ISP. 6.2 Q: I herd PSO doesn't work with AOL is this true? A: Yes and no. It doesn't work with AOL but, I have heard it works with AOL broadband. 6.3 Q: How many people can play together online? A: If you mean in a team playing a level then the max is 4. If you mean in the lobby you may have a lot more. I'm not sure of the exact number. 6.4 Q: Is this game worth it if I can't go online? A: If you have friends who will play it with you and you like RPG's then it probably it would be. If you don't have friends who will play with you then just check out websites and see if the game is right for you. The game is highly addictive. None of my friends play it and I still love the game. 6.5 Q: How am I supposed to talk to people in a different language? A: There are preset words and phrases that when you use then the automaticallytranslates to the users language. To get to these press 'X' twice during game play to make it appear and go to the right screen. 6.6 Q: My game is used how do I use the codes to go online? A: You need to e-mail Sonic team and they will reset it for you. After that it should work normally. 6.7 Q: How many legits are there online, and how many thousands of people play online? A: About 11000 play online. And around 10000 cheat in some way. (Question and Answer from falkenjeff128) 6.8 Q: What do I get for doing Challenge mode? A: If you complete it in under nine hours you get a S-Rank which is a weapon of your choice that you can name and grinds to around 200. SECTION 7 Offline Multiplayer 7.1 Q: I beat forest but, every time I play I have to start over. A: You have to beat the level in single player so you can start at a higher level each time you start. 7.2 Q: Do all characters have to be on one memory card? A: No, you can transfer them over from another memory card. 7.3 Q: Can I do Hunter's Guild Quests in multiplayer? A: No, you cannot do them in offline multiplayer. NOTE: It can be done with an Action Replay but, certain missions with NPC that work with you will overite the character in that spot. It will erase who ever is in that spot! On the side note this is one of the ways people have gotten the ELENOR mag. 7.4 Q: What's battle mode? A: Battle mode is where you can compete or fight your friends. 7.5 Q: Can I go online multiplayer? A: No, You can only go online one player. SECTION 8 Hunters Guild FAQs 8.1 Q: Can I get rares from quests? A: Depend on what you mean. If you mean do you get a rare from doing a quest no only a few quests can you get rares from. If you mean can I find them then yes. 8.2 Q: Where is the Hunters Guild? A: When you turn the game on in single player or multiplayer. Its just to the right of where you start. In multiplayer you can only use the Hunter's guild in Battle and Challenge. 8.3 Q: What’s a SoaB run? A: SoaB = Soul Of A Blacksmith. It’s a quest where you go through multiple levels fighting the bosses which doesn't happen in most other quests. 8.4 Q: Can I play a certain quest more than once? A: Yes, after you beat every quest you may redo them as much as you want. 8.5 Q: How do I download new quests? A: you must have online for PSO then go to the website and then you download them. 8.6 Q: Are there Episode 2 quests? A: Not yet, but should be someday. SECTION 9 Rare item FAQs 9.1 Q: What’s a Photon Drop for? A: An online quest. In that quest you exchange them for other items. 9.2 Q: How do I know if my item is rare? A: There's two ways to check. One if the items letters are gold/yellew or if you drop it and its box is red. 9.3 Q: Where can I get a ___? A: Check out this page by Derek Davenport. http://faqs.ign.com/articles/394/394902p1.html 9.4 Q: What’s a drop rate? A: A drop rate is your chance of an enemy dropping a certain item. 9.5 Q: Do bosses have rare drops? A: Yes, some of the best items such as the Yamato come from bosses. 9.6 Q: Can I find rares in the quests? A: Yes, you can find rares anywhere. 9.7 Q: How Do I get animal parts such as a Booma's right arm? A: You find them like any other rare. 9.8 Q: What is a Syncesta? A: Its an Item Item makes the lavis cannon into a lavis blades and then the lavis blades into a double cannon. SECTION 10 Normal Item FAQs 10.1 Q: What's a monomate? A: A monomate restores your HP by around 50-100. 10.2 Q: Why can't I use a monofluid? A: Androids can't use monofluids and if your TP is full you can't use them. 10.3 Q: What’s a "material" used for? A: A ____ material incenses which ever stat ____ by 2. Example: Power Material gives you ATP +2 forever. 10.4 Q: What’s an amplifier of ____ for? A: It can be combined with another item. 10.5 Q: What’s a Scape Doll? A: A scape doll automatically revives you when you die. ======================================================================== <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BOSS FAQs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ======================================================================== 11.0 Notes Instead of listing a FAQ of the bosses I figured I'll just write as much as I know about each of them at the current time. The HP levels of the bosses are just guesses if you happen to know the exact number please contact me and tell me. Also the first number is offline and the second is online.Thanks 11.1 FOREST BOSS: Dragon/ Sil Dragon(ultimate) HP: Normal: 1200-1800 HP: Hard: 2000-4200 HP: V.Hard: 4500-8750 HP: Ultimate: 10000-16500 Strategy: This is a dragon so naturally it will shoot fireball at you. One of its attack is standing on the ground and breathing fire at you. the ways to avoid this are to stay far away from it or be below its feet attacking it. The main strategy is to attack it until it falls. But watch out if it steps on you or falls on you. A low level force could possibly be knocked out from just that. Once its below about 75% Hp it will go to it's second form. You can know when it changes because it has an animation of sorts. It stands and roars and during that you can't damage him. now in it's "2nd form" the only difference is it now it can fly into the air the fly into the ground with a burrowing attack. The dodge that stay along the edges of the area and watch the map and you see his dot coming toward you then move. It is said that if you stand next to the door you're off the map and he can't get you. I've never had that work for me so I don't know if it's true or not. You can try it if you wish. 11.2 CAVES BOSS: Del Rol Le/Da Ra Lie(ultimate) HP: Normal: 4000-5500 HP: Hard: 4500-7500 HP: V.Hard: 10000-17000 HP: Ultimate: 11000-21000 Strategy: When it's around you swimming attack using ranged attacks such as a gun or slicer. When it lands on the raft attack it's head at full force. 11.3 MINES BOSS: Vol Opt 1/Vol Opt Ver. 2(ultimate) HP: Normal: 2400-3500 HP: Hard: 3500-5500 HP: V.Hard: 5500-12000 HP: Ultimate: 12000-18200 BOSS: Vol Opt 2/Vol Opt Ver. 2 (Form 2) HP: Normal: 4000-7500 HP: Hard: 6000-13000 HP: V.Hard: 8000-25000 HP: Ultimate: 16000-27750 Strategy: In the first form attack the red screens and when the heads pop out like in whack a mole hit the red one and destroy it. Continue until form one is defeated. In Form two just dodge all his attacks and attack whatever that hurts him. After about 1 minute you should be able to know what he's doing before he does it. 11.4 RUINS BOSS: Dark Falz HP: Normal: 2500-4000 HP: Hard: 5000-7500 HP: V.Hard: 8500-13500 HP: Ultimate: 10000-19000 BOSS: Dark Falz 2 HP: Normal: 3500-5000 HP: Hard: 5000-8000 HP: V.Hard: 8000-10000 HP: Ultimate: 9000-16500 BOSS: Dark Falz 3 (Not on Normal) HP: Normal: XXXXXXXXX HP: Hard: 4000-8000 HP: V.Hard: 9000-13000 HP: Ultimate: 10000-21000 Strategy: First you have to destroy a certain amount of these flying spike guys. The number you must defeat changes as the difficulty goes up. After you complete that form Falz's true first appears. In the first form depending on your level and style of play you may want to take out the little flying guys. If they barly harm you just attack one of the leg like heads. Continue hitting them until Falz's first form falls. Falz second form can be a bit harder because if he freezes you the finishs you off with another attack it could really be cheap. So for this form take in freeze resist if you have them. Either way carry a few scape dolls. Continue to attack Falz's "belly" or whatever it is. After a while Falz 2 will fall. If you are playing normal then congratulations you just beat falz. If you are playing Hard or Higher you got another round with Falz ahead of you. third form falz has some cheap moves he can pull on you. First of all make sure you have a handgun it will help you a lot. Falz Has a cheap attack where he takes a copy of you in his mouth. THis is like a Voodoo doll. When you do damage to him it does the same to you. For Example you do 100 damage to him then it will do 100 damage to you. You could still attack him and heal your HP or you can just wait out the attack until he gives you your self back. Whatever your choice Anyway when Falz flies up so high its almost off screen run around the circle making sure you dodge the Megid attack. If it hits you that scape doll you have will help you. Continue to shoot Falz when he's far and using your strongest attack when he's close to you and Falz 3 will bow to your feet in no time. Now congratulations Falz has been defeated by you so collect your reward! Those boxes better be worth all that work. 11.5 VR TEMPLE BOSS: Barba Ray HP: Normal: 2000-3600 HP: Hard: 3600-6900 HP: V.Hard: 5500-10000 HP: Ultimate: 7700-13600 Strategy: When it's around you swimming attack using ranged attacks such as a gun or slicer. When it lands on the raft attack it's head at full force. And Run in a random pattern when the posion spike things come from below the raft. 11.6 VR SPACESHIP BOSS: Gol Dragon HP: Normal: 4800-7500 HP: Hard: 6000-12000 HP: V.Hard: 8000-17500 HP: Ultimate: 9990-24500 Strategy: Same as Dragon except it doesn't fall as easy and it can clone itself. Just damage the clone a little and it should go away. Beat down the dragon as fast as you can and the match will be yours. 11.7 CENTRAL CONTRAL AREA BOSS: Gal Gryphon HP: Normal: 7000-9000 HP: Hard: 9500-14000 HP: V.Hard: 11500-20000 HP: Ultimate: 13600-30000 Strategy: This guy is basically a powered up Dragon. His weakness is barta type techs but, they are hard to use on him beacuse he stays in the air a lot. Since he's so fast your best bet is to take any type of attack that will works for you. When he gets tornado's to chase you just run as fast as you can. Try to stay at full HP he has some strong attacks that can do a lot of damage. 11.8 SEABED BOSS: Olga Flow HP: Normal: 5000-7700 HP: Hard: 6300-9800 HP: V.Hard: 9000-19000 HP: Ultimate: 12500-23000 BOSS: Olga Flow 2 HP: Normal: 6500-8500 HP: Hard: 8000-12100 HP: V.Hard: 10000-21000 HP: Ultimate: 16000-27000 Strategy: Make sure you have a good handgun weapon with you. In his first form shoot with you gun when you have the chance. try your best to dodge hit attacks you will need all your items for his second form. After many shots the big guy should go to his second form. His second form mostly all you can see are his feet. This form is quite strong. Make sure you cast Jellen and all the others. After you have those 4 set you can start fighting Flow. Make sure you have a few Scape Dolls. Keep your HP high while trying to dodge his attacks. When on the offence just attack like crazy and heal when needed. If you are a force his element weakness changes. So just guess and check what it is. It may take a few tries to beat him so leave a telepipe in front of the port to his lair. 12.0 Side Notes If anything you see is wrong tell me and I'll change it as soon as possible. If you need to contact me for any reason here is how you may contact me: 13.0 How To Contact Me E-Mail: xeramako@sbcglobal.net AIM: Xeramako MSN Messenger: Cloudstrife4816@yahoo.com GAMEFAQs Name: Geehater 14.0 Credits Geehater Sega 15.0 Self Information I have received many e-mails about my character levels and such so I decided to add a small section about it. Hopefully this will reduce the amount of e-mails I receive and can respond to your game related questions. Phantasy Star Online 1/2 Phantasy Star Online 3 Name: *Thunder* Name: *Thunder* Level: 130 CLv. 1(online) CLv. 7(offline) Race: HUnewearl Race: HUnewearl