______________________________________ *PHANTASY STAR ONLINE: EPISODES 1&2 FULL WALKTHROUGH* _______________________________________ For Nintendo Gamcube FAQ/Walkthrough made & written by me, Kttulu ( Pat Pender). Copyright Shizz: This walkthrough is (C),you may not take any of my information without my permission. If you wish to take any of the information stated, you may email me at pattywacker_7@hotmail.com. It has taken my many days and hard work to write this, and I would not appreciate it getting stolen. So with that, enjoy the walkthrough :) ---------------------------------------------------------- |Table of Contents| ---------------------------------------------------------- |EPISODE 1| 1.1: Introduction 1.2: Creating your character A: Physical B: Force C: Range 1.4: Techniques 1.5: Your MAG and you 2.1: Walkthrough- Forest 1&2, and Hunter Guild quests B: The Dragon 2.2: Walkthrough- Caves 1, 2 and 3, and Hunter Guild quests B: De Rol Le 2.3: Walkthrough- Mines 1&2 and Hunter Guild quests B: Vol Opt 2.4: Walkthrough- Ruins 1, 2 and 3, and Hunter Guild quests B: Dark Falz |EPISODE 2| 3.1: Walkthrough- VR Temple- Alpha, and Beta B: Barba Ray 3.2: Walkthrough- VR Spaceship- Alpha, and Beta B: Gol Dragon 3.3: Walkthrough- Central Control Area- Jungle, Mountain & Seaside B: Gal Gryphon 3.4: Walkthrough- Seabed Lower levels & Upper levels B: Olga Flow |EXTRA| 4.1: Rare Items 4.2: Soul Eater FAQ 4.3: Akriko?s Frying Pan FAQ 4.4: Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE WALKTHROUGH -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 -------Introduction------- Phantasy Star Online: Episodes 1&2 is a role-playing game made by Sega in 2002. You used to be able to play it Online, but recently, Sega has discontinued the service because of the release of Phantasy Star Universe. In my honest opinion, Phantasy Star Online ( PSO) is much better and more fun, apposed to PSU. There have been a lot of comments supporting this on many PSO fan based web sites. But if you?re a cheap ass 15 year old with a Gamecube/ XBox, such as myself, you really have no need to go spend 450$ on an XBox 360 eh? Anyways. PSO is the kinda game you could play for hours and not get bored. My highest level is a level 93 which is extremely low compared to other players who write walkthroughs that have level 120?s, has been playing for a total time of 268 hours and he still is not done. The highest level you can get is 200, so if your one of those people who likes to get everything the best in a game, you?ve got a solid 400-500 hours of gametime. It is only 29:99$, if not lower, so if your debating in buying it or not, I assume after your done reading this, your mind will be changed. Now?. Since online mode is gone, a nice few people have stopped playing. Now , don't immediately close this site and just forget about it because even though Online is more fun, the game is still just as good offline. I myself have never played the game on Online, and I do enjoy it. And plus, if you have friends that share the same interests as you, convince him/her to buy it also, because there is a multiplayer mode which is kind of like Online, but you know the people your playing with. Wow I really stretched this intro out. Anyway, enjoy the walkthrough. 1.2 -------Your Character------- In PSO, you have 12 different characters to choose from; 3 classes, and 4 in each class.Let?s start with the hunters. HUmar = Hunter and Human HUmar?s are the normal swordsman/technique characters in the game. They use weapons for their main attack, and have access to SOME techniques. Their stats are all pretty decent. HUnewearl = Hunter and Newman Pretty much the same thing as HUmar, but this character has better magic strength, and a bit less attack power. HUcast = Hunter and Android This Hunter has the highest attack power out of all of them, which means he can use powerful weapons, at a lower level. Since he is an Android, he also has access to using Traps, but no techniques what so ever. HUcaseal = Hunter and Android Decent Attack power, can you traps, no techniques; stronger accuracy and evasion power. |Rangers| RAmar = Human and Ranger Main weapons are guns of all sorts. Can use some techniques; good accuracy, and overall, a well balanced out character. RAmarl = Human and Ranger Decent Accuracy with guns, but higher magic strength, which means these characters can use some techniques, and do quite a nice bit of damage. RAcast = Android and Ranger No use of techniques, but are much more proficient when using guns; good attack power. RAcaseal = Android and Ranger No use of techniques, but are much more proficient when using guns; good evasion power. |Forces| FOmar = Force and Human Probably the strongest magic attacks, but not as high in defensive as the others. FOmarl = Force and Human Stats are all balanced pretty well; good magic strength FOnewm = Force and Newman and also = my favorite character :) Strong in all the techniques, Balanced out Defense and TP, not the best HP, probably best in class with magic power Those are all of the characters in the game. When you do choose a character, you may customize it?s face, hair, hair color, there costume, skin color, proportion,name, and if you want, you can make it Auto, which means the game designs a character randomly for you; don?t like it, you can just keep doing it as much as you want. AND as a bonus, if you get 10,000 dollars (which is called Meseta) (which is easy to find and get), you can access the dressing room option,which means you can completely change your characters looks, but keep their level and ect. 1.3 -------Techniques------- These are the techniques that forces use, and some hunters use. Foie: Enemy is hit with a fire ball to inflict damage. Gafoie: User surrounds itself with large balls of fire, to hit all nearby enemies. Rafoie: User casts an inferno on a group of enemies to inflict damage Barta: User casts ice in a single direction to cause damage Gabarta: User casts shards of ice everywhere in front of him to cause damage Rabarta: User casts large shards of ice everywhere around him to hurt enemies Zonde: Enemy is hit with a stroke of Lightning Gazonde: Damages a group of enemies with Lightning Razonde: User casts a circle of Lightning, hitting everything near by Grants: One enemy is targeted, and struck by a blast of light Megid: One enemy is attacked by a shadowy ball, which can cause instant death Resta: User heals itself, how much is depended on the level Anti: User cures itself of all curses such as poisoned, paralyzed and ect. Reverser: Brings back a team mate to life Shifta: Makes User temporarily do more damage Deband: Makes User have temporarily higher defense Jellen: Makes an enemy have temporarily lower attack power Zalure: Makes an enemy have temporarily lower defense Ryuker: Makes a telepipe back to Pioneer 2 They are all the techniques. 1.4 ------- Your MAG------- A MAG is basically your pet. It hovers around your shoulders and gives you attack/defense/magic strength boosts; depending on what you feed it. You can basically feed it all the items that heal you. They evolve at level 10, 35 and 50, and all look different. Each time it evolves, it can use a Photon Blast, which are magic attacks that your MAG casts on enemies and can be very effective and helpful. List of MAGS coming soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Now without further ado, lets begin the walkthrough: ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Episode 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 The Forest Hunter Guild quests |Battle Training| 500 Meseta| This is your first quest, it?s fairly simple, and you have a hunter who helps you learn and what not. So start off talking to the client and talk to Kireek, your helper. Now head down to the Forest. It?s pretty basic, just kill the monsters, open doors, and son enough, you?ll find a hunter lying on the ground face first. The door to this room is always white on the front so look out for it. Talk to the man lying down, walk straight up and you will see a little white shiny thingy. Just walk into it and you'll automatically pick it up. Some wolves will appear, kill them, and then go back to talk to the man lying down. After explaining everything what happened, talk to Kireek and he'll tell you to go back and get a reward. A TP should pop up. |Magnitude of Metal| 500 Meseta| Enter the Forest, and head straight down through some doors that have switches. Soon enough, when you get to a place that overlooks another part of the forest, you?ll see a pink android. Team up with her, and go back to the room where you started off and you?ll find the missing MAG. Talk to her and get your reward. |Claiming a Stake| 700 Meseta| Enter the Forest and walk straight through the blue lasers, and to the door straight ahead. This will be big area and to your left, you'll see a man who?s name is Racton. He?ll tell you that he needs 3 capsules that our in various parts of the Forest. One is in the room where you started off, another is in the room AFTER you do the room with the white floor , in the stream, and the last one if where you found the MAG in the previous quest. Get all 3, go back and talk to Racton, and get your reward. |Journalistic Pursuit| 1200 Meseta| You?ll be teamed up with a journalist named Nol for this quest. This is also the first quest, that you go into Forest 2, so be prepared. Go to the Forest, kill some Booma?s and just follow the path and you?ll eventually find a RED portal that says Forest 2. This portal is usually located after the room with the white floor, where capsule number 2 was in the previous quest. Anyway, once in Forest 2, head straight where you'll find a broken bridge and a computer across the broken bridge. Head upwards to the next room, kill some boomas and what not and go to the next room. In this room, you?ll see another door to your left with a switch. Press the switch, but don?t go in yet. No make your way through the area until you see a switch. Press it, and go to the door you opened with a switch a minute ago. Now you can cross the bridge. Click on the computer, and Nol will say a bunch of crap. Now walk across the bridge and she?ll want to go back. Get your reward. |The Fake in Yellow| 800 Meseta When you enter the forest, to your right, there will be a huge #@$ rappy. Click on it, the screen will shake, and it will disappear. Make your way through a few doors and like 50 rappies until you end up in the room with the blue laser door. Again you?ll see the big rappy. Click on it again and it will disappear.Kill the rappies there and move on. Shortly after, you?ll find the rappy again.Click on it and it will say ???. Click on it again and it will say ???...???. Click on it 1 more time and it will start speaking, and reveal to you that it is indeed ascientist, and that he will return shortly to pioneer 2. Exit through the TP and get your reward. |Native Research| 2500 Meseta You have 20 minutes to get all 5 species of the beasts in the forest. All right- lets start with the Boomas. Go to the room ahead of you where you start off and kill all the boomas there. When there all dead, you?ll get sample numero uno. Next, go to the room inside of the blue laser door. 3 Monests will come down. Don't worry about the flies, just kill the Monets. When all 3 are dead, you will receive data number 2. Now make your way through the forest until you find the portal that takes you to Forest 2.WAIT! Don't go in the portal. When you step in the portal, wolves will come out. Kill them all to get data number 3. Now go in the portal. When you enter. Try to skip all of the boomas/wolfs/monests.Go to the large circular room that that is southwest of the blue laser door. In this room, there will be rappies. Kill all of them to get data number 4. Next, go in the blue laser door, and you will be greeted by some Hildebears. There are about 4 or 5 there so be careful. Once you kill them, go back to pioneer 2, and get your reward. |Forest of Sorrow| 1500 Meseta| The same client who hired you to do Native research is back, and she wants to come to Forest 2 with you. So, go to Forest and make your way to Forest 2. Head down the long pathway that has 3 doors on the left side, and has that blue laser door on the right side. Now make your way to the end of this room, killing all the monsters along the way, and enter the door at the end on the left. This is a circular room with a whole lotta Hildebears so be careful. In the room, there's a small passage on the left. Go in it, and there will be a baby Hildebear there. Talk to it, and go out and kill some Hildebears. When all are dead, talk to the baby again. Go in the TP and get your reward. |Gran Squall| 1000 Meseta| Head to the Forest and make your way to the blue laser room. You?ll find a ranger by the name of Bernie. Team up with him and head down a few doors. You?ll come across a door that had yellow electricity around it Bernie will unlock it. Enter the room, and make your way to Forest 2. Go through Forest 2 until you find the room where all the Hildebears were in the previous quest. Kill all the monsters there and head in the green triangular warp portal that?s there. You?ll warp up to the top of the dome, and awaiting you are some Monests, Boomas and Rappies. Kill them all and head through the door that you unlocked. Kill a Hildebear that's there and you?ll see an android lying down. Talk to her and Bernie will tell you to go back and get your reward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Dragon- Boss of the Forest Enter the large square portal atop of the dome and get ready for your challenge. |Dragons attack patterns| Walk around: Simply, the Dragon walks around and tries to walk on you. When he walks towards you, just go to his feet and attack them. Fire ball: The Dragon will hover above you and shoot out some fire balls. Try to not stand directly in front of him, stand far back, and it?s easy to see where the fire ball is going to go. Earth Shaker: The Dragon stomps on the ground, inflicting a lot of damage. This is very easy to dodge, because the radius of the shake is only an inch away from the dragon- so all you have to do is stand back and it wont hit you. Tunneling: When Dragon is low on health, he will tunnel underground and try to hit you. For best results, go to the farthest you can to a part of the wall, and just run along side of it. If you?re in the middle of the arena, you?re an easy target. This move does hurt a lot so be careful. When the dragon is walking around, attack his feet until he crumbles to the ground, Then run to the Dragons head, which is half buried in the ground and continuously attack it until he gets up. Repeat the process. Dragon is not that difficult and you shouldn?t have overwhelming trouble against him. After killing him, and gaining the 350 experience he gives, go back into the portal to Pioneer 2, and go talk to the Principle. You now have access to the Caves. 2.2 The Caves Hunter Guild quests |The value of money| 300 Meseta| In this quest, you don?t have to go to the Forest or Caves or anything. All you have to do is talk to your client, and she will tell you that she wants her husband to stop buying weapons. Her husband is in the place where you can buy items and such, and he?s the first person you will see in there. Talk to him and when you get a choice to say something, say ?You?re a fool?. Return to your client and speak with her. She now wants her husband to shop spending. Go talk to the husband, and he?ll somewhat agree. Go back to the wife and collect your Meseta. |Addicting Food| 1500 Meseta| This quest is fairly long. Your Client wants some cake, and you must find her some. Go to Caves 1 to start. Make your way through Caves 1, and Caves 2, until you?re at Caves 3. In Caves 3, you will eventually come across 3 nurse-looking people. Talk to the girl over the counter to receive a cake. Collect your Meseta. |The Lost Bride| 2500 Meseta| This quest is not so long as Addicting Food and you get more money. Your client is getting married next week and she wants to lose some weight. Go to the Caves and make your way to Caves 2. In Caves 2, look for that big open room with the waterfall?s to the left and right side of the room and a faint rainbow in the air. When your client sees this room, she?ll want to go back. Collect your Meseta. |Secret Delivery| 4500 Meseta| Your Client needs you to take a package to YN-0117 before 45 minutes. YN-0117 is an android by the way. Anyways, make your way to Caves 2. Now, eventually you?ll come across another figure on the map. You cant make your way over there yet, so keep going straight. You?ll come across a big room with a door on the left, right, and in front of you. Go in all of them, and click the switches. Now Go back to where you seen the android on the map and make your way to there. Click on the android and enter YN-0117. Collect your Meseta.|Note| along the way, you?ll find other robots just standing by the walls. If you click them, you can have the choice of putting YN-0117 in. If you do, the room will go dark, and the robot will start attacking you. Be careful. |The Grave?s Butler| 3500 Meseta| Your client wants to know if her butler is alive. Go to the Caves and you?ll find messages on the ground. Read all of them. Soon enough, you?ll get to a message and your client will want to go back. Collect your Meseta. |Waterfall Tears| 1800 Meseta| Your Client?s twin sister is missing and you must find her. Go to Caves 1, and make your way to Caves 2. You?ll soon enough find the room where the waterfalls are. The twin sister is there and will attack you. Attack her couple of times and she?ll fall. Go back and collect your Meseta. |Black Paper| 2000 Meseta| Same client, but this time, they want the criminal for taking her sister dead. Go to Caves 1, and make your way to Caves 2. You?ll soon enough find the room where the waterfalls are, and 3 people there. When there done talking, they?ll see you, and disappear. One will stay and try to kill you. After that, go out the new door you unlocked, and in the next room, you?ll find the people again. Talk to the twin sister, and go back to Pioneer 2 to get your Meseta. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |De Rol Le- Boss of the Caves |His attack patterns| Spikey things: De Rol Le will chuck a few spike things that explode out of his arse onto the raft. Try to kill all of them around you, and go to a corner to try to dodge the rest. Blue orbs: His main attack; he'll go along side of the raft and shoot a bout 15 blue balls at you. There is no proper way to dodge this, because the balls go in random directions. Just try to move through them and if you get hit, so what, because this attack isn?t overpowering. Rock Slide: You wont see this move too often, but De Rol Le gets on the roof and just climbs, making rock come down. Just go stand in a corner as far as you can, and you?ll dodge it. Laser: This is his most powering attack. The lights will flicker off, and he'll get in front of the raft and shoot a laser at you. For best results in dodging, run to one side from the other. So, if he shoots at you, he?ll aim to the left, then just run to the right and mostlikely, you will dodge it. Antenna Poke: When he comes aboard the raft, he?ll eventually start trusting his antenna on the raft trying to hit you, just run away when you think its going to come down to dodge it. When De Rol Le comes aboard the raft, just hit the crap outta him, after 9 or 10 hits on him, he?ll try to his is you with his antenna. So after 9-10 hits, run out of the way and you?ll see the antenna hit the raft, when this happens, go back to him and hit him 2 times, then run back again, to dodge antenna. Repeat the Process. When you have him killed, go talk to the Principle. You should now have Mines unlocked. 2.3 The Mines Hunter guild quests |Knowing one?s heart| 3500 Meseta| Your Client has been sort of e-dating a person named Cal. She thinks something happened to him and wants to go the Mines to try to find him. You?ll get lots of messages from him, which doesn?t really help at all. Anyways, eventually you?ll find a room with a big computer in it. Click on the computer to find out that the computer is Cal. After some emotional talking, Cal tells us that he is going to commit suicide. (Shut himself down). Your client will get a disk and get a back up copy of Cal, and he will shut down. Go back to Pioneer 2 to get your Meseta. |Dr. Osto?s research| 5500 Meseta| Your Client(s) will want you to go to the Mines and find Osto's research and collect it on a disk. Go down to Mines 1, and soon enough, you will find a girl android by the name 'Sue'. Talk to her and she will accompany you. Later on, you will find a room with a computer in it and you will get the research. After this, Sue will copy the data, and ask you your name. There?s a side quest you can do later on, to get the Soul eater, if you want this weapon, do NOT tell Sue your name. Go to Pioneer 2 and get your Meseta. |Unsealed Door| 6000 Meseta| Your Client wants you to go the mines and check out the monsters that came from Osto's research. You will be accompanied by a level 12 Ranger named Mome, which is hell,because he dies so easy. Anyway, you?ll start off in Mine 2, and you need to find Mines 1. Get there, and go through some doors. You?ll eventually find a big sqaure boss-looking portal.Go in it and you have to fight De Rol Le again. Mome will fake dead. Kill him and go back to Pioneer 2 to get your Meseta. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Vol Opt- Boss of the Mines |His attack patterns| Shoot Zonde: In his first form, this will all he do to attack you. Bring Sol Atomizers, because this attack paralyzes 90% of the time. There's now ay to doge it, so just live with it. Column Stomp: In his second for, Vol opt will send a red laser at you, aiming at you. When he does this, just run around him and the column's won't hit you. Heal: Vol Opt heals himself 12 health....... yeah? 12. Green blob of destruction: Vol Opt shoots out a green ball at you. If it hits you, you will be trapped in a little piece of rock, and Vol Opt will shoot a laser at you. This move his is strongest and it most likely will kill you 1 shot. However, this ball comes out so slowly, you can WALK around Vol opt and it wont it you. Missiles: In his second form, Vol opt will fire missiles at you, just run around him to dodge, but if it does it you, it does not do that much damge. Attack Vol Opts screens in his first form, and attack the things that pop up when he goes of screen. Try to hit the thing that's red. In His second form, just attack anywhere. You don?t need to be at a certain place to inflict damage. Just dodge his attacks and soon enough, he will explode. Take the portal that comes up, go into the black area as far as you can and a portal saying RUINS 1 will come up. Click it to access the Ruins. 2.4 The Ruins Hunter guild quests |Doc's secret plan| 5500 Meseta| Your Client has made a new weapon, and he wants you to test it out. Go to the Ruins with your android friend, and just go in rooms and kill stuff. Soon enough you?ll collect all of the data. Go back and collect your Meseta. |Seek my master| 6000 Meseta| Your client, is hot. Just kidding. Anyway, your client wants you go to the Ruins and find her master, she?ll come with you. Make your way to Ruins 2, and find the room that?s friggen humongous, and you will see an old guy lying on the ground. You cant talk to him yet, because you got to kill like a MILLION monsters first. Beware, there?s 2 chaos bringer?s that come up, and a lot of Demenians. Don?t let your client get surrounded or she will die. After you kill them all talk to the guy lying down, and after some talking, he'll die. Go back to Pioneer 2 and get your Meseta. |From the Depths| 8000 Meseta| You must go to the Ruins to find a missing research team. You will start off at Ruins 2. Make your way to Ruins 3. You?ll team up with a hunter at the start of Ruins 3. Anyway, make your way to the room where there?s like 8 rooms to go in and it?s a square room with a place in the middle you cannot access without a portal. Go in all the rooms and find 3 different switches. Now go to the room that had the lasers, and go in the warp. You'll end up in the middle of the square room. Click on the computer thingy that's there and after some talking, go back through the portal. Your companion will now leave you.Go back to Pioneer 2 and get your Meseta. |Soul of Steel| 8000 Meseta| You need to make your way through Mines and into Ruins. During the Mines scenario, you will encounter several NPCs who will attempt to kill you. There will also be a bit of mini-games (mostly follow-the-leader and avoid-being-seen). Just listen to your NPC partners and this part shouldn?t be a problem. When a timed event occurs, you need to head down to Ruins and press the switch on a raised platform. One tip is that you need to destroy the white rock in the ?Tic-Tac-Toe? room to be able to make the timed switch. After the countdown ends, you must find Ult. After several tries, she will appear in a long corridor. Find her one last time. After a cut scene, you will be at the Medical Center. Go to the Hunter's Guild room, and speak with the woman walking around. Read the letter she gives you to end the quest.To get the real (long) ending, you must do several other quests before playing this one. Tell Sue your name in 'Dr. Osto's Research.? Find Bernie in'Unsealed Door' then speak to Sue in that same quest. Return to Bernie and tell him what Sue told you. In 'Waterfall Tears' find Sue and ask about Black Paper. Next, find and speak with Bernie. In ?Black Paper,? you can question Sue on P2. After that, speak with Bernie in Caves. Then play and complete "Doc's Secret Plan." Once you have completed this sidequest, play 'Soul of Steel,'making sure that the Mag Cell evolves 3 times in Mines, first at the computer terminal, then after the screen shakes (find Dr. Montague and Elenor using your Area Map), and finally, after dispatching the WORKS crew. After finding Ult in Ruins 3, you need to respond ?Rescue Elenor,? and say ?No? 3 times to Dr.Montague. After gaining control of your character again, talk to the woman andleave. A cut scene will ensue. Collect your reward afterwards. Apparently, if you answered "No" three times and you reload "Soul of Steel" again, Elenor will be waiting for you in Forest, where you can find out some more information.Note: normally when you complete a quest for the first time, it becomes unavailable until you beat all of the other quests. However, if you do this extra sidequest within Soul of Steel successfully, the quest will be available with new content. | The retired Hunter| ??? Meseta| Your Client Donoph wants to kill 10000 monsters before he dies. He's at 9001. Basically, go to the ruins and kill monsters until Donoph says you're at 10000. He will then die. Go back to Pioneer 2 and get your Meseta. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Dark Falz- Boss of the Ruins |His attack patterns Form 1| Mega Barta/Mega Foie: Falz will shoot at crazy Barta or Foie at you. It's impossible to dodge the foie, but to dodge the barta, just don't stand still, run around a bit and it might not hit you. Spiky Things: When Falz puts his head down giving you an opportunity to attack, he'll spit out spike things that will float around. There easy to dodge, but you probably can just kill them 1 shot so get them out of the way. Pilla: Falz will shoot Pilla at you, which is a Photon Blast. This move does do a lot of damage and is hard to dodge. Just run around and you might pass through it. |His attack patterns Form 2| Falz does the EXACT same thing as form 1, but this time he is going around a trench , and when he does Pilla, he?ll stomp the ground, making you run slower. |His Attack Patterns Form 3 {Hard+ modes only} Falz has a form 3 if your in Hard mode or above. Invincibility: Half the time your fighting this cheap ass, he will be shining, which means he is invincible, and you will do no damage to him. Blue swirl: Falz will hover up very high and shoot blue balls at you like De Rol Le. Run around the circle to avoid. Talon Swipe: When Falz decides to come down, he'll try to hit you with his Talon thingy. Stand back for best results in dodging. Mega Grants: Another attack that does A LOT and is unavoidable. This attack does A LOT so get ready to heal, and weather you like it or no, it is impossible to dodge. Desperate cheap attack when he?s low on life: Falz steals your body, temporarily eats you, and if you hit him, the damage you do, will be done to you also.You will known when he does this because when he does, on the map, Falz will turn the color of your arrow. To be done no damage from this, simply do not attack. Soon enough, the @!#$% will die. Congratulations, you have beat Episode 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walkthrough Episode 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 VR Temple I would first like to just point out that there are no quests in Episode, unless your Online. Now, in Episode 2, the enemies are all from Episode 1, but all mixed up. For example, in the VR Temple, there are Demenians from the Ruins, Poison Lilly?s from the Caves, Hildebears from the Forest and so on . Central Control Area and Seabed however have their own enemies. Anyways, since there aren?t quests for me to walk through, ill just tell you the enemies and strategy and what not. Let's get started. VR Temple The VR Temple is made up of twists, turns and has a maze layout to it. There are many areas that are actually just mazes with enemies in them. This can be fatal, if you get trapped in a corner. Also, watch out for torrents that shoot Foie out at you. Some places in the temple, you have to destroy walls to get into the new room. You?ll know when a wall is breakable, because on the map, the wall counts as a door, and if its not open, it will be red. Also, the walls there don?t look like normal walls, there white and have cracks going through them. When you get to a room that is shaped like an S, your going the right way. That?s about it? when you get to the end, you will find VR Temple Beta. Beta is literally the exact same as Alpha, there are no new enemies, it?s just a bit shorter. Nothing to explain about it. |Barba Ray- Boss of the Temple |His attack patterns| Pig Rays: Barba ray will place these little ?Pig? Rays onto the raft, that can poison you. Fairly hard to dodge- just go to the side and go as far back as you can. They are pretty harmless anyway. Antenna Poke Up through raft: Barba ray will go underneath the raft and shove his antennas up through it that can cause poison + it hurts a lot. To dodge, after the first antenna comes up, look for where it came up, then run back and forth. Same thing as De Rol Le's Antenna poke. Blue Orbs: Barba Ray will go to the side of the raft and shoot the EXACT same balls as De Rol Le. Try to go in between the balls. When Barba Ray shoves his head on board, attack the crap out of him. Unlike De Rol Le, he will not fire his antenna down at you, so just keep attacking until he leaves. Repeat the Process. 3.2 VR Spaceship The Spaceship is much harder then the Temple. There are many room without light to see,with chaos sorcerers blasting you like a European racehorse. Anyways, there are some pretty cool looking rooms in the Spaceship, so try to enjoy them. The Spaceship is smaller then the temple, and no maze-like rooms. If you find a Garanz, that means you are going the right way. O and I forgot to say, the rooms without any light, yeah.. theres no switches until probably the room you unlock by killing the monsters so your going to have to fight in the dark. Anyway, you'll find Beta soon enough, and the only thing different in Beta, is that it is a bit bigger, and there are some rooms filled with purple mist that is poisonous and will hurt you. So what out. |Gol Dragon- Boss of the Spaceship |His attack patterns| Stomp: Gol Dragon will pound the ground, and make some of the ground pop up and try to hit you, to avoid, just don?t be to close to him. Walking: Just like Dragon from the Forest, he will walk around and try to step on you. Simply don?t go in front of his feet to dodge. Foie/Zonde/Barta: The Dragon will hover above you and unlike Dragon from Forest, shoot either barta, zonde, or foie. This is hard to dodge, but try to stand back and run between the attacks. Bring Sol Atomizers, because zonde does paralyze. Duplication: When Gol Dragon gets low on health, he will make another form of himself, which CAN do damage to you. No way you can dodge this. When Gol Dragon is walking around, go up to his feet and slash the heck outta them. He will fall after a few hits, then go attack its head. Repeat the process. 3.3 Central Control Area There are 4 parts to the CCA. Jungle, Mountain, Seaside, and the CCA itself.You see, to gain access to the central control area, you must go to the mountain, seaside, and jungle areas to unlock the security switches. Jungle Yes, there are monkeys. Actually, there like Orangutans. Once you've found the teleport to the second half of the Jungle area,you're really almost there. You'll emerge into a rather small level here. There area a couple pools of water and some neat steps that lead up onto a plateau that overlooks the ocean. Take a break here and gasp at the magnificent view and marvel at what a good job the programmers did here. In this room, there's ariver that runs between the two banks. You'll then be able to go back down the other side into another watery room. There is also a small underground cavern here that leads from the river. Don't go there as it's a dead end. You MAY haveto hit a switch in there but normally, it's just a waste of your time. Remember,this level is also built in a circle...sorta. You can still pick a direction andgo around. You'll eventually come across a room with a large, terraced hill init that is basically swimming in water. This is always the mini-boss room. See below for details. Once you've beaten the mini-boss, you can toy with the remaining enemies or head out into the next room. You'll come to a teleport and you'll see a computer there. Activate the computer (the blue one that looks like a tv screen) and head back to the CCA. Soon enough , you will find Mericarol, which is a mini boss. Defeat it and go back to the CCA. Mountain The Mountain is kind of annoying, there are quite a few ridges that divide the path and make "rooms" but most everything is just the same hill. It can be a pain to figure out where the heck you're going. One thing to remember is that the despite all of the paths that lead all over the place about halfway to the top,you'll have to go through the door guarded usually guarded by a laser-barrier. The switch for said barrier is usually at the bottom of the hill. If not, you may have to go to the top of the hill to hit it. (It's usually opposite of the place you started) Once you hit the switch, go to about midwayup the hill and you'll see the door I alluded to earlier.It can be tricky to find it so check your map to see ALL the doors around that area. There is one other thing here too. You'll see a path leading up to a metal platform. If you're stuck at the bottom of the hill, this may be the way you have to go. Otherwise, it is a shortcut from the top of the hill to the bottom though there is usually a Sinow Berill there. Before you leave through the laser-guarded door though, look out off the plateau at the ocean at sunset. Anyways, soon enough you will find the mini boss, Gibbles (No pun intended). It is a weird name, but Gibbles is ferocious. He will jumpup in the air, and pound the ground.Be aware, he is very powerful. Seaside Possibly the most fantastic-looking place in the entire game, the Sea Side is just that:a large sandy beach with a very LONG sandbar for you to walk out on. Layout wise, this level is a lot simpler than the other two and consists mainly of two ENORMOUS rooms by the ocean. It's a great place to look out over the water if you like that kind of graphics. Connected to the two large rooms are a few other alcoves and tangled passages but this place is built pretty straight forward.Sometimes you'll have to look at your map to see where the next door is but if you could handle the previous two (err...three sorta) areas, this is the same thing really. You'll probably start in a room adjacent to the large ocean rooms.Once you've fought through those, it's just a couple passages and a few rooms to the boss room and the final switch. You will find the Mini boss soon, which is surrounded by those purple things that poison you upon contact. Central Control Area Once you have all the switches unlocked, the huge Central Control Center door will open,giving you access. Note that this place is very small, but tough. All you have to do here is walk straight and you will find the boss portal, but beware of the Sinow Berills and the red lasers going around. |Boss of the CCA- Gal Gryphon |His attack patterns| Twister: When in air, Gal will fire tornado's at you, that follow you. To dodge them, just run away from them, and they will never catch up and hit you. Wing Swipe: Gal will fly through the arena, trying to hit you with its wing. This is pretty hard to dodge, seeing how big he is, but just try to not stand in front of him. Stomp: Gal will come down and stomp the ground. The Radius is much larger then the Dragon?s,and does much more damage. To avoid, do not be close. Walk: Gal will Walk around, trying to hit you. To avoid, don't go near his feet, until he is stopped. Scary Laser: Gal will stop moving and just stand there, and fire out a big scary blue laser that does a lot of damage. However, the laser only goes in front of Gal, so just go to his feet or something. Very easy to dodge. When Gal Gryphon is on ground, attack his feet until he lifts off. Taking a gun with you to shoot him in the air is a good idea, seeing how Gal is in the air 50% of the time. 3.4 The Seabed I personally LOVE the seabed. It is very hard and LONG but fun nonetheless. You'll notice a lot of different enemies in here. I?ll begin making a Little explanation. You will meet some octopuses which are called Dolmolm and Doldomn. They aren?t very dangerous, but Doldomn can stun you. You will also notice some boxes were enemies come out. Those boxes are called Recobox, and you should destroy them as soon as possible, seeing as they are VERY annoying. The labs are also full of Sinow Zoas and Sinow Zeles, which force you to un equip your weapons if they hit you. Though the most dangerous enemies are the dark ones. Delbiters are very powerful, even being at normal level. They are quick and annoying. Some other strange enemies are the Morphos, which kinda remind me from the Chaos Sorcerers of Episode 1. You should really take care. Seabeds are also known for their high difficulties level on hard, very hard and ultimate mode. It?s a great place for getting experience, though also a dangerous one. Some of the passages are also very confusing, and you will have to return to other rooms every now and then. Elly will be telling you a bit about the Upper Levels while you proceed, and you will be also able to download some of Flowen?s messages. Once you reach the red warp, go to the lower levels. Lower Levels are not much of a difference, same length and pretty much same layout, so just use the same strategy as Upper levels. |Boss of the Seabed- Olga Flow I would first like to point out that this is the last boss in the game, and the funnest. |His attack patterns| Sword Swipe: Olga Flow will come near you and swing his sword, trying to hit you. Its pretty hard to dodge, but just try not to be close. Green Swirl: Olga?s sword will make a huge green wave, and will spin around the entire arena.To dodge this, run towards the green swirl. For Example. If Olga Flow is charging his attack going to the left, follow the green going to the left. The Green Swirl will start from the right, and will end right at you. Sword Swipe v.2: Olga Flow will send his sword flying straight down at you. This is as much as impossible to dodge, just try not to be near. Walking: In stage 2, Olga will walk around trying to walk on you, don't be in front of his feet if you are attacking them. Pilla: Olga Flow as the Photon Blast Pilla, like Dark Falz. This hit does A LOT of damage, and if your not high enough of a level, most likely kill you 1 shot. This is not an over exaggeration either. Its impossible to dodge. Mega Crazy Retard Stomp: Olga will stomp the ground and rocks will crumble the arena.Try to be at the wall when he does this to try to avoid. Sword Swipe v.3: Olga will swing his sword in a full circle, sending you to the ground. To avoid, try to be far away. Giel: Olga has 2 pet Mag?s named Giel?s. They will attack + paralyze you. Kill these to get them out of the way. If you're a Force, Olga?s attribute is ???. At one second, foie will do 400 to him, the next second, it will do 46. Its pretty hard, but just keep all 3 of the basic spells on your customize. Rangers, just stand back and shoot the @#$%! Outta him. Hunter's, you will have the hardest time, because you must attack his feet close up, and are an easy target for the Giel,Pilla and everything else Olga attacks with. So bring Scape dolls. Once you have killed him, congrats, you have beat Episode 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extras ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Rare Items |Physical| KALADBOLG- "A legendary sword long sought after by warriors. It?s special attack freezes enemies." ATP+320 ATA+45 ATP Needed: 340 DURANDAL- "A legendary short sword known as "The Knight's Blade." It?s special attack steals experience points." ATP+376 MST+15 ATA+45 ATP Needed: 360 AKIKO'S FRYING PAN- "The ultimate weapon?-- hard, yet supple and smooth!" ATP+250 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 250 DB'S SABER- "Replica of a saber once used by the military. An extremely Common replica." ATP+250 ATA+43 ATP Needed: 320 TOY HAMMER- "Once a child's toy, it has been refined over the years to become the ultimate toy. Its power is devastating." ATP+400 ATA+1 ATP Needed: 412 CRAZY TUNE- "AUW 1985 Model. Made by Kikoku." ATP+255 ATA+30 ATP Needed: 412 ANCIENT SABER- "Legendary sword found in the ancient ruins. Its absorbs enemy experience." ATP+544 ATA+50 ATA Needed: 740 KAMUI- "AUW 1977 Model. Made by Tengai." ATP+650 ATA+55 ATP Needed: 700 RED SABER- "This red saber is a prototype, so its finish is incomplete. Letters, which say "He," are carved on the hilt." ATP+489 ATA+51 ATP Needed: 502 DB'S SWORD- "AUW 3075 Model. Replica by Torato Co. No compromises were made to allow it to reach its apex of refinement." ATP+340 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 600 ELYSION- "The ancient characters on its blade produce magic. Its special attack is the fire bomb." ATP+368 ATA+52 MST Needed: 680 VICTOR AXE- "A one-handed axe with a Photon blade. Its special attack steals HP." ATP+420 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 400 LAVIS CANNON- "Few facts or even rumors are known about this ultimate sword. Its abilities are a mystery." ATP+750 ATA+54 ATP Needed: 800 YASHA- "AUW 2018 Model. Made by Kikoku." ATP+550 ATA+50 ATP Needed: 650 OROTIAGITO- "AUW 1975 model. Made by Dousetsu." ATP+800 ATA+55 ATP Needed: 850 TSUMIKIRI J-SWORD- "Owned by Orochi Agito, the blade was made along the same lines as Agito, with a carved seal on the blade." ATP+756 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 910 |Daggers| BLADE DANCE- "A short sword named for its dance-like attack. Its special attack paralyzes enemies." ATP+180 DFP+10 ATA+30 ATP Needed: 385 BLOODY ART- "A legendary short sword named for all the blood that it spilled. Its special attack halves enemy HP." ATP+275 MST+10 ATA+32 ATP Needed: 412 CROSS SCAR- "A legendary short sword that leaves cross-shaped scars on its victims. Adds lightning damage." ATP+220 ATA+32 ATP Needed: 463 TWIN CHAKRAM- "This round sword was built for short-range attack. The attack speed is very fast and it can kill with 1 hit." ATP+250 ATA+32 ATP Needed: 480 LAVIS BLADE- "A mysterious blade for use with both hands. It's very powerful, and if you use a certain item, it will become..." ATP+550 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 850 |Swords| LAST SURVIVOR- "A sword said to protect its bearer in any battle. Its special attack steals HP." ATP+321 ATA+30 ATP Needed: 470 DRAGON SLAYER- "A legendary sword borne by one who defeated a dragon. Adds an explosive fire attack." ATP+352 ATA+30 EVP-15 ATP Needed: 480 FLOWEN'S SWORD- "Replica of a sword once used by the military. An extremely common replica." ATP+300 ATA+28 LCK+5 ATP Needed: 430 CHAIN SAWD- "A large sword with small, spinning Photon blades. Its special attack steals enemy HP." ATP+525 ATA+36 EVP-15 ATP Needed: 700 RED SWORD- "This sword is a prototype, so its finish is incomplete. Letters, which say "a," are carved on the hilt." ATP+681 ATA+37 ATP Needed: 630 ZANBA- "A legendary long sword said to be able to slice through anything in a single stroke." ATP+438 ATA+38 ATP Needed: 710 BERDYSH- "A very powerful sword. Only Android Hunters can use it due to it's stringent requirements." (Misspelling of 'it's' is present in description- H4PR) ATP+290 ATA+40 ATP Needed: ?? FLOWEN'S SWORD- "AUW 3083 Model. Replica by Mick Co. Even experts have difficulty determining its authenticity." ATP+291 ATA+19 LCK+5 ATP Needed: 382 SEALED J-SWORD- "An ancient sword with its power sealed with an unknown stamp. The seal will open when all techniques are used." ATP+525 ATA+35 ATP Needed: 710 DARK FLOW- "Sword eroded by Olgaflou DNA. Its power is awakened when its owner is in danger." ATP+900 ATA+60 ATP Needed: 971 |Partisans| HARISEN BATTLE FAN- "A special weapon created from the idea of traditional entertainment. Its special attack paralyzes enemies." ATP+280 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 412 CHAMELEON SCYTHE- "This scythe is considered a work of art because of its intricate design. Its special attack confuses enemies." ATP+180 ATA+30 ATP Needed: 412 BRIONAC- "A legendary long sword made from precious pure Photons. Its special attack steals enemy TP." ATP+182 ATA+33 ATP Needed: 475 VJAYA- "A legendary long sword for the wealthy. Can launch a powerful attack at the cost of Meseta." ATP+220 MST+10 ATA+36 ATP Needed: 480 GAE BOLG- "A legendary long sword that is said to become sharper with every blow. Its special attack freezes enemies." ATP+220 ATA+36 LCK+5 ATP Needed: 500 SOUL EATER- "A cursed scythe that drains HP from the user. Its special attack drains HP for a powerful strike." ATP+185 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 165 SOUL BANISH- "A cursed, but powerful scythe that drains HP." ATP+370 ATA+45 ATP Needed: 850 MADAM'S UMBRELLA- "Proof of Madam. Madam's dignity boosts the effective range of Shifta and Deband." ATP+280 ATA+40 MST Needed: 500 IMPERIAL PICK- "The blades can kill an enemy with only one hit. Its special attack can take away half of an enemy's health." ATP+300 ATA+41 ATP Needed: 785 PLANTAIN HUGE FAN- "When you wave this magic fan once, it produces a very strong wind, which blows enemies away." ATP+306 ATA+38 MST needed: 690 MADAM'S PARASOL- "Proof of Madam. Madam's dignity boosts the effective range of Resta and Anti." ATA+220 ATP+70 MST Needed: 570 |Double Saber?s| DOUBLE SABER- "A double-bladed Photon sword. Its special attack steals enemies' TP." ATP+152 ATA+30 ATP Needed: 235 STAG CUTLERY- "A legendary double-bladed sword usable only by male Hunters and Rangers. Causes Confusion." ATP+235 ATA+35 ATP Needed: 343 TWIN BRAND- "The ultimate double-bladed sword, only for masters. Its special attack halves enemy HP." ATP+240 ATA+39 ATP Needed: 400 TWIN BLAZE- "Flames from both ends of this magic cane will burn enemies. Its special flame attack is very powerful." ATP+538 MST+40 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 685 DOUBLE CANNON- "A mysterious ultimate weapon. Its abilities are unknown." ATP+650 ATA+45 ATP Needed: 900 MUSASHI- "A pair of swords bearing the name of a double sword wielding master." ATP+330 ATA+35 ATP Needed: 385 YAMOTO- "A pair of swords bonded with ultra low temperature Photons. Its special attack freezes enemies." ATP+390 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 470 ASUKA- "A pair of swords bonded from ultra-high temperature Photons." ATP+570 ATA+50 ATP Needed: 650 SANGE & YASHA- "A pair of Katanas that work perfectly in concert with one another." ATP+710 ATA+50 ATP Needed: 800 |Slicers| DISKA OF LIBERATOR- "A legendary throwing blade used by a Hunter called "The Liberator." Causes confusion." ATP+146 MST+10 ATA+31 ATP Needed: 480 DISKA OF BRAVEMAN- "A legendary throwing blade for the brave. Sacrifices HP for a powerful special attack." ATP+167 ATA+31 ATP Needed: 495 SLICER OF ASSASSIN- "A legendary throwing blade used by elite assassins. Its special attack can kill instantly." ATP+125 DFP+10 ATA+28 ATP Needed: 475 FLIGHT CUTTER- "This throwing weapon was based on the ancient ninja's weapon." ATP+260 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 820 (thanks to ragol.com for classifying this weapon) FLIGHT FAN- "When thrown, this fan can kill several enemies at once. Its special attack steals 12% of the enemy's experience." ATP+200 ATA+34 ATP Needed: 500 RED SLICER- "This red slicer is a prototype, so its finish is incomplete. Letters, which say "cl," are carved on the grip." ATP+200 ATA+38 ATP Needed: 750 RAINBOW BATON- "Wand with the magic stone Iritista embedded in it." ATP+368 ATA+40 ATP Needed: 570 4.1 Rare items |Ranger| |Handguns| VARISTA- "A legendary, high-performance pistol. Its special attack causes paralysis." ATP+210 ATA+38 EVP+10 ATA Needed: 110 CUSTOM RAY ver.00- "A pistol used by military mechanic group "Team00." Proves the bearer to be a member of the team." ATP+195 ATA+50 ATA Needed: 114 BRAVACE- "A legendary pistol reserved for high-ranking officials aboard Pioneer 1. Adds Lightning damage." ATP+230 DFP+15 ATA+40 ATA Needed: 118 SUPRESSED GUN- "Short gun with a supressor. It has accuracy that is trust- worthy." ATP+270 ATA+40 ATA Needed: 110 **10 Star Handguns** HOLY RAY- "A special gun that impales enemies with a giant spear. Its special attack paralyzes enemies." ATP+300 ATA+70 MST Needed: 680 RED HANDGUN- "This red handgun is a prototype, so its finish is incomplete. Letters, which say 'i,' are carved on the barrel." ATP+300 ATA+46 ATP Needed: 140 YASMINKOV 2000H- "An antique model that's popular among certain hardcore fans. The power is as strong as the new model." ATP+360 ATA+45 ATA Needed: 164 RUBY BULLET- "An ancient gun said to have been given to the human race by a devine being around AUW 1980." ATP+350 DFP+10 ATA+60 ATA Needed: 160 **12 Star Handguns** HEAVEN PUNISHER- "The ultimate gun, a weapon veiled in mystery. "Divine Punishment," its special attack, is based on time... ATP+330 ATA+50 ATP Needed: 210 GULD MILLA- "A mysterious weapon. Its abilities are unknown." ATP+200 ATA+30 ATA Needed: 190 |Mechguns| M&A60 VISE- "A legendary machine gun from the Vise Corp. Sacrifices HP for a pwerful special attack." ATP+25 ATA+15 LCK+5 ATA Needed: 120 H&S25 JUSTICE- "A legendary machine gun from the Justice Corp. Its special attack freezes enemies." ATP+30 ATA+18 ATA Needed: 122 L&K14 COMBAT- "A legendary machine gun from the Combat Corp. Its special attack paralyzes enemies." ATP+30 ATA+18 LCK+10 ATA Needed: 124 SAMBA MARACAS- "Shaking the maracas with a Latin rhythm produces shock waves to damage enemies." ATP+10 ATA+10 ATA Needed: 100 TWIN PSYCHOGUN- "These guns convert thought patterns into a laser beam to destroy enemies." ATP+40 ATA+23 ATA Needed: 100 RED MECHGUN- "The red mechgun is a prototype, so its finish is incomplete. Letters, which say "ff," are carved on the grip." ATP+50 ATA+25 ATA Needed: 155 YASMINKOV 9000M- "An antique model that's popular among certain hardcore fans. The power is as strong as the new model." ATP+100 ATA+27 ATA Needed: 168 |Shotguns| FINAL IMPACT- "A legendary shotgun with tremendous power. Its special attack steals enemies' experience points." ATP+170 ATA+36 LCK+10 ATA Needed: 125 METEOR SMASH- "A legendary shotgun with power that rivals a meteor strike. It's special attack steals enemy TP." ATP+160 ATA+36 EVP-30 ATA Needed: 125 CRUSH BULLET- "A legendary shotgun made with concentrated pure Photons. Its special attack steals enemy HP." ATP+133 ATA+34 EVP-30 ATA Needed: 122 YASMINKOV 7000V- "An antique model that's popular among certain hardcore fans. The power is as strong as the new model." ATP+450 ATA+67 ATA Needed: 190 SPREAD NEEDLE- "A custom shotgun that shoots countless needles. Its special attack paralyzes enemies." ATP+188 ATA+40 EVP-30 ATA Needed: 135 POWER MASER- "A mysterious weapon. Its abilities are unknown." ATP+270 ATA+37 ATA Needed: 160 |Rifles| VISK-235W- "A legendary rifle crafted by Visk, one of the three masters. Its special attack paralyzes enemies." ATP+250 ATA+53 EVP+5 ATA Needed: 118 WALS-MK2- "A legendary rifle crafted by Wals, one of the three masters. Its special attack confuses enemies." ATP+280 ATA+56 ATA Needed: 120 JUSTY-23ST- "A legendary rifle crafted by Justy, one of the three masters. Its special attack halves enemy HP." ATP+320 ATA+58 ATA Needed: 125 FROZEN SHOOTER- "The latest freeze gun uses latent heat energy to fire a freeze bomb. Its power to freeze is excellent." ATP+254 ATA+199 ATA Needed: 162 YASMINKOV 3000R- "An antique model that's popular among certain hardcore fans. The power is as strong as the new model." ATP+400 ATA+96 ATA Needed: 171 MASER BEAM- "A special gun that shoots lighting. Its accuracy is top class." (spelling error correct) ATP+230 ATA+37 ATA Needed: 160 EGG BLASTER- "A special gun made by a mysterious scientist out to conquer the world. Does fire damage." ATA+330 ATA+40 ATA Needed: 140 ANO RIFLE- "This rifle was used as the military Android's primary weapon in a certain country. ATP+410 ATA+64 ATA Needed: 174 ANTI ANDROID RIFLE- "A government certified scientist created this high- performance rifle based on the A-35 rifle function." ATP+350 ATA+60 ATA Needed: 163 SNOW QUEEN- "A mysterious weapon. Its abilities are unknown." ATP+350 ATA+60 ATA Needed: 162 ANGEL HARP- "A wondrous gun whose effects are said to be enhanced by the power of love." ATP+320 DFP+10 ATA+60 ATA Needed: 120 BURNING VIST- "A mysterious weapon. Its abilities are unknown." ATP+540 ATA+40 ATA Needed: 164 DARK METEOR- "Long range weapon eroded by Olga Flow DNA. When equipped, two different attacks can be used." ATP+280 ATA+45 ATA Needed: 190 |Photon Launchers| INFERNO BAZOOKA- "A powerful bazooka with highly destructive shells." ATP+410 ATA+41 EVP-20 ATA Needed: 142 GUILTY LIGHT- "A legendary Photon launcher said to have been created by an outlaw." ATP+250 ATA+38 ATA Needed: 120 RED SCORPIO- "This was a highly regarded Photon launcher of a certain secret society." ATP+300 ATA+42 ATA Needed: 150 PANZER FAUST- "It fires a very powerful rocket bomb. Its special attack can confuse enemies." ATP+500 ATA+42 ATA Needed: 181 IRON FAUST- "A mysterious weapon. Its abilities are unknown." ATP+580 ATA+42 ATA Needed: 181 NUG2000 BAZOOKA- "A bazooka said to have been favored on the battlefield by a brave warrior of ancient times." ATP+660 ATA+30 ATA Needed: 200 4.1 Rare Items |Force| |Canes| FIRE SCEPTER:AGNI- "A legendary magic cane containing the power of fire. Its special attack adds fire damage." ATP+95 MST+25 ATA+31 MST Needed: 470 CLUB OF LACONIUM- "A legendary cane made of the sturdy Laconium metail. Its special attack adds explosive fire damage." ATP+150 ATA+36 EVP+25 MST Needed: 430 MACE OF ADAMAN- "Legendary cane of Adaman, when equipped, boosts Barta. Its special attack freezes enemies." ATP+170 ATA+68 EVP+30 MST Needed: 440 BRAVE HAMMER- "A legendary battle cane for brave Forces. Its special attack uses TP to launch a powerful strike." ATP+220 DFP+30 ATA+43 MST Needed: 470 ALIVE AQHU- "A legendary battle cane made for a Force for intense fights. Its special attack steals enemies' HP." ATP+230 DFP+35 ATA+65 MST Needed: 480 ICE STAFF:DAGON- "A legendary magic cane containing the power of ice. Its special attack freezes enemies." ATP+105 MST+30 ATA+33 MST Needed: 480 STORM WAND:INDRA- "A legendary magic cane containing the power of lightning. Adds lightning damage." ATP+120 MST+35 ATA+34 MST Needed: 490 FLOWER CANE- "Magical cane made for females. A useful weapon, its exquisite look also makes it a popular gift." ATP+180 ATA+41 MST Needed: 348 BROOM- "This is a cleaning tool that was found in the ancient ruins. Something is carved on it. It increases mental strength." ATP+230 ATA+35 MST Needed: 348 PLANTAIN LEAF- "A huge leaf. Weapon becomes more powerful once in contact with water." ATP+280 MST+20 ATA+45 MST Needed: 590 FATSIA- "A huge leaf. Weapon becomes more powerful once in contact with water." ATP+280 MST+20 ATA+45 MST Needed: 590 CADUCEUS- "A special weapon made from a legendary cane. Its ripple effect boosts the power of Grants." ATP+360 DFP+40 ATA+54 MST Needed: 720 STING TIP- "A special battle cane with needles on its tip. Its special attack steals TP." (Note: Has a sword icon, despite being described as a cane) ATP+170 MST+30 ATA+40 EVP+40 MST Needed: 450 WINDMILL- "The windmill-shape gives this cane power. In order to execute its special attack, hold the wind energy, and..." ATP+310 MST+35 ATA+44 EVP+50 MST Needed: 690 THE SIGH OF A GOD- "A magical lightning charged cane. Boosts Zonde techniques. Its special atttack adds lightning damage." ATP+180 MST+35 ATA+40 MST Needed: 653 BRANCH OF PAKUPAKU- "A branch that gives off a fragrance that puts Chao into a trance." ATP+267 DFP+15 ATA+45 MST Needed: 600 TECHNICAL CROZIER- "A special magical cane for Forces, made by an adept in science and magic. Casts Barta." ATP+135 ATA+36 MST Needed: 285 MAGICAL PIECE- "Magical Heart-Key cane. Boosts mid level attack techniques. Its special attack adds lightning damage." ATP+240 MST+30 ATA+42 MST Needed: 800 SUMMIT MOON- "The stone on this cane increases your mental strength. Its special attack is lightning." ATP+280 MST+55 ATA+42 EVP+44 MST Needed: 650 TWINKLE STAR- "Star tipped cane. Boosts 3 types of low level attack techniques. Its special attack adds lightning damage." ATP+175 MST+55 ATA+40 MST Needed: 670 STRIKER OF CHAO- "Chao tipped cane. Feel empowered with this popular character on your side." ATP+325 DFP+35 MST+55 ATA+50 MST Needed: 695 EVIL CURST- "The eyes on top of this cursed cane can kill enemies. Its special attack can also kill enemies." ATP+666 ATA+44 EVP+50 MST Needed: 999 PROPHETS OF MOTAV- "An ancient document left by the developers of techniques. There may be secrets hidden inside..." ATP+250 ATA+35 MST Needed: 900 PLANTAIN FAN- "When you wave this magic fan once, it produces a strong wind, which blows enemies away." ATP+150 MST+55 ATA+42 MST Needed: 630 **12 Star Canes** PSYCHO WAND- "A mysterious cane known only as the ultimate cane. Its abilities are unknown." ATP+400 DFP+50 ATA+55 MST Needed: 900 4.1 Rare Items |Enemy Parts| BOOMA'S CLAW- "Enemy weapon made from the right arm of a Booma." ATP+315 ATA+48 DRAGON'S CLAW- "A Dragon's claw was used to make this weapon. Its special attack is Foie." ATP+580 ATA+44 ATP Needed: 600 SORCERER'S CANE- "Made from a Sorcerer's cane. Boosts mid level attack techniques and reduces TP cost by 10%" ATP+360 ATA+53 MST Needed: 756 GOBOOMA'S CLAW- "Enemy weapon made from the right arm of a Gobooma." ATP+345 ATA+50 ATP Needed: 336 GIGOBOOMA'S CLAW- "Enemy weapon made from the right arm of a Gigobooma." ATP+500 ATA+55 ATP Needed: 600 DELSABER'S BUSTER- "Delsaber's hand, now an enemy weapon. Powers up 100% if used with a SHEILD OF DELSABER. Lightning damage. (Misspelling of 'SHEILD' is correct) ATP+350 ATA+44 ATP Needed: 295 BELRA CANNON- "Belra's right hand was remodeled into this enemy weapon. Its special attack is even more powerful..." ATP+500 ATA+45 ATA Needed: 187 S-BERILL'S HANDS #0- "Sinow Berill's hand, now a weapon. Some say there is room for further refinement, but..." ATP+197 ATA+30 ATP Needed: 450 S-RED'S BLADE- "Sinow Red's hands were remodeled into a weapon. Attack and defense are increased with its special attack." ATP+350 ATA+39 ATP Needed: 821 GAL WIND- "Gal Gryphon's wings, now an enemy weapon." ATP+310 ATA+40 EVP-15 MST Needed: 800 RAPPY'S FAN- "Enemy weapon made from the wings of a Rappy" ATP+146 ATA+35 ATP Needed: 480 G-ASSASSIN'S SABERS- "Enemy weapon made from the two arms of a Grass Assassin." ATP+360 ATA+35 ATP Needed: 390 BRINGER'S RIFLE- "An enemy weapon made from a bringer's hand. Its special attack cuts enemy HP to 1/4." ATP+388 ATA+63 EVP-20 ATP Needed: 140 HILEDBEAR'S CANE- "Hildebear's head was used to make this weapon. Boosts Foie. Its special attack can shoot fireballs." ATP+230 DFP+30 MST+35 ATA+50 MST Needed: 400 HILDEBLUE'S CANE- "Hildeblue's head was used to make this weapon. Boosts Barta. Its special attack freezes enemies." ATP+318 DFP+35 MST+35 ATA+52 MST Needed: 700 PAN ARM'S BLADE- "An enemy weapon made from the hands of a Pan Arms. Its special attack paralyzes enemies." ATP+270 ATA+34 ATP Needed: 568 GI GUE BAZOOKA- "Gi Gue's body, now an enemy weapon." ATP+620 ATA+40 ATA Needed: 200 BARANZ LAUNCHER- "Baranz's parts were used to create this enemy weapon." ATP+240 ATA+40 ATA Needed: 181 S-BERILL'S HANDS #1- "Sinow Berill's knuckle with Photon camouflage." ATP+321 ATA+30 ATP Needed: 600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Eater Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. You must have completed all quests once and beaten the game once (so you can choose between normal or hard) 2. After you have done the above, select normal (or whatever diff) and complete the quest ?Dr. Osto?s Research. In this quest, you must NOT tell your name to Sue (If you do or did already, stop and try this quest on another difficulty). After you complete the quest and Sue leaves, a telepipe will pop up. Don't go in it. Talk to the other NPC on the map (red and black RAmar (human ranger)). Then go in the telepipe and finish the quest. 3. Now, do the quest ''Unsealed Door?. You will see Sue again. Talk to her until she leaves. You will see SUE outside the shops and near the bank when you start the quest ?Waterfall Tears?. Talk to her then continue. 4. Next, do the quest ?Waterfall Tears?. You will fight Anna twice during this quest. When you defeat her in Caves 2 (a rainbow is in the room), you will see a green arrow not that far up (if you did everything correctly to this point), this is Kireek. Defeat him and go back to the guild to complete the quest. 5. In the next quest, ?Black Paper?, you will encounter Kireek again. This time I am not sure about if his arrow shows up on the map, but he will be in the Dark room near the warp to Caves 2. Defeat him a second time and then finish the quest. 6. In the final quest From the Depths'', just get to the end of the quest (in Ruins 3) when you have to copy the monument data (at the computer). When ASH leaves your party to look for survivors, DO NOT take the telepipe. Instead, find the warp back to Ruins 2 and you will see two arrows. These arrows are for Ash and Kireek. Defeat Kireek a final time and you will receive the Soul Eater. 4.3 Akriko?s Frying Pan Walkthrough Enter into an offline game where you have all quests unlocked (beat normal mode for example, then go back into normal). Start the Secret Delivery quest, and as soon as you exit the Hunter's guild, a man will be in front of you and slightly to your left. Talk to him, and he'll begin to babble about strong weapons and such. You'll get two answers to his questions, either !! or ??. Answer !! to both, and he'll discuss weapons with you. He'll give you the first approval and says there are 4 more that you must get, but he doesn't know where they are. Well here they are: Claiming a Stake Value of Money Gran Squall Lost Bride Enter these quests and then look talk to all townspeople. Each quest has one of the four approvals.Please note that in all quests including the original Secret Delivery, you must beat the quest. You cannot enter, get approval and then exit. Once complete go back to Secret Delivery and talk to the original man. He'll tell you to talk to the boss. His 'boss' happens to be a woman over near the bank. Talk to her to gain the Frying Pan. Feel free to cancel this mission now, as you do not have to beat it again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Conclusion You have just read the Pat Pender PSO Walkthrough. I hoped you enjoyed it. It took me about a week to fully write, and I did write most of this by myself, but got some help from OrochiJin with the Soul Eater FAQ. I would also like to thank Terekane of Darkness and DarkNightWing, for after reading their walkthrough about a billion times when I first got the game, for inspiring me to write this. |My Character?s| Pat: Level 94 FOnewm, Currently in Mines in Ultimate Kttulu: Level 83 HUmar, Currently in Forest in Ultimate Ktulu: Level 104 HUcast, Currently in CCA in Ultimate Death: Level 31 RAcast, Currently in Caves in Hard -------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you Sega for making this Wonderful amazing game, and GameFAQ?s for putting this walkthrough on their website.