PHANTASY STAR ONLINE EPISODE I & II Hunter's Guild FAQ written by Timothy Chen Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Timothy Chen [] _________________ Table of Contents ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1. Introduction 2. Hunter's Guild Quests -Quest Walkthrough -Magnitude of Metal -Claiming a Stake -Battle Training -Fake In Yellow -Journalistic Pursuit -Gran Squall -Native Research -Forest of Sorrow -The Lost Bride -The Value of Money -Secret Delivery -Grave's Butler -Addicting Food -Waterfall Tears -Black Paper -Letter from Lionel -Soul of a Blacksmith -Knowing One's Heart -Dr. Osto's Research -The Unsealed Door -Retired Hunter -Doc's Secret Plan -Seek My Master -From the Depths -Soul of Steel -Unlocking Quests 3. Sidequests -Soul Eater Quest -Walkthrough -Fastest Way to Complete -In-Depth Soul Eater Walkthrough (by Harlequin) -Akiko's Frying Pan Quest -Walkthrough -Fastest Way to Complete -Soul of a Blacksmith Quest -Walkthrough -Fastest Way to Complete -Sue and Bernie Quest -Walkthrough -Fastest Way to Complete -Hildebear Baby Quest -Walkthrough -Fastest Way to Complete -Soul of Steel Subplot -Walkthrough -Fastest Way to Complete -Donoph Baz (DB) “The Retired Hunter” Subplot -Walkthrough -Fastest Way to Complete 4. Online Quests -Retrieval -Lost Heat Sword -Lost Ice Spinner -Lost Soul Blade -Gallon's Treachery -Rappy's Holiday -Extermination -Mop Up 1 -Mop Up 2 -Mop Up 3 -Mop Up 4 -Endless Nightmare 1 -Endless Nightmare 2 -Endless Nightmare 3 -Endless Nightmare 4 -Today's Rate -Phantasmal World #1 -Phantasmal World #2 -Phantasmal World #3 -Phantasmal World #4 -Event -Dream Messenger -Maximum Attack 2 -Principal's Gift -White Day -Pioneer Halloween -Pioneer Christmas -Shop -Gallon's Shop -Pioneer Warehouse -VR -Seat of the Heart -Respective Tomorrow -Reach for the Dream -Labyrinthine Trial -Towards the Future -Bluestar Memories -Voice Operation -Control Tower -East Tower -West Tower 5. Download Quests -Quest Walkthrough -Central Dome Fire Swirl 6. Forging Items -Dr. Montague -Walkthrough -Fastest Way to Complete -Enemy Parts List 7. Frequently Asked Questions 8. Revision History 9. Acknowledgements 10. Author's Final Words _______________ 1. Introduction ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is a FAQ for the videogame PHANTASY STAR ONLINE EPISODE I & II. If you have any questions, comments, corrections, information, etc., regarding my FAQ, please feel free to email me at I will read and respond to every letter if I have the time. Remember to put something about PSO in the subject so that I don’t delete it by mistake. I have decided to only allow my current/future FAQs to be used on,, and Keeping my FAQ versions updated is annoying enough as it is, I don't like it when my FAQs aren't updated if I don't do it personally. Therefore, do not ask me if you can use my FAQ for your website. ________________________ 2. Hunter's Guild Quests ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Aside from the main adventure, you can also take on several quests by going to the Hunter's Guild and selecting a proposition. These quests are not necessary to progress in the game, but most of them advance the already light storyline. Also, these quests sometimes yield lots of Meseta, and, occasionally, subquests offer item rewards for your efforts. There are three quests to begin with, and more are unlocked by completing the main adventure (Forest-Ruins), as well as completing the quests that are available. Quests are divided into Tiers, which, when all the quests in one Tier are completed, unlock more Tiers with even more quests to play. ================= Quest Walkthrough ================= Magnitude of Metal ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: None NPC Partner: Elenor (RAcaseal) Reward: 500 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Find Elenor and speak with her. Answer "I'm looking for it" and she will accompany you to search for the Mag. Return to the very start of the area to find the Mag (near the Transporter). Notes: None Claiming a Stake ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: None NPC Partner: None Reward: 700 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: To begin the quest, find Racton near a downed spacecraft. After a brief conversation, you are prompted to find the Capsules scattered throughout Forest 1. A capsule is located at the beginning of the area (near the Transporter). Capsule 2 and 3 are located northwest and northeast of the map, respectively. Return to Racton after collecting all of the capsules to end the quest. Notes: This is one of the quests in which an NPC has a WEAPONS EMBLEM for you. Battle Training ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: None NPC Partner: Kireek (HUcast) Reward: 500 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Speak with Kireek on Pioneer 2, and then speak with your client. Head down to Forest 1 and make your way towards the upper right corner of the map by going clockwise. Once you find Ash, pick up the Data Disk in the same room and be prepared to fight a couple of wolves. Dispatch them and speak with Ash, then Kireek, to complete the quest. Notes: None Fake In Yellow ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1 Quests NPC Partner: None Reward: 800 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Pipe down to Forest 1, where you will encounter a lone Rappy. Speak with it, and it will run away. Make your way towards the upper left corner of the map by going clockwise. You will encounter the lone Rappy again in a room full of Rappies. Dispatch these Rappies before attempting to talk to the lone Rappy. Finally, meet with this lone Rappy once more and speak to it several times to discover that it really isn't a Rappy. Once you're done, pipe back up and collect your money. Notes: This is the ideal place to find the rare counterparts of the normal Rappy in Episode I, by either playing through the quest repeatedly, or using the Telepipe Trick. You can also speak with Elenor (whom you met in Magnitude of Metal), although nothing happens. Additionally, to unlock the GBA mini-game Chao, return to Forest 1 after the finishing the quest (but before collecting your Meseta), where you will see a bunch of Rappies. There is a Chao hiding in the green shrubs (in the direction the Rappies are facing). Press the Action button to see a cutscene, and some cool music begins. Afterward, return to Pioneer 2, where you will see a machine that enables you to download the Chao mini-game for your GBA. Journalistic Pursuit ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1 NPC Partner: Nol (HUnewearl) Reward: 1200 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Head down to Forest 1, and make your way to the red Transporter (by going clockwise), which will transport you to Forest 2. In F2, you need to find and examine the Terminal (by going counter-clockwise north of your starting position). The bridge is broken, so you need to head southwest a bit to activate the switch, which fixes the bridge. Return to the Terminal, which ends the quest. Notes: None Gran Squall ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1 NPC Partner: Bernie (RAmar) Reward: 1000 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: In Forest 1, make your way to the lower right corner of the map, where you'll find Bernie. Answer "Yes" to his question, and he will join up (Note: Bernie needs to be in your party to unlock a door). Now, head to the Forest 2 Transporter (by going clockwise), located at the upper left corner of the map. In Forest 2, you need to find a girl at the Central Dome. To do so, take the green Warp, and fight your way to the injured girl to end the quest. Notes: This is one of the quests in which an NPC has a WEAPONS EMBLEM for you. Native Research ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1 NPC Partner: None Reward: 2500 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This quest requires you to kill a certain type of enemy within the allotted time. This quest goes through Forest 1 and 2, so you need to move quickly. After killing the enemies in each room, a message will pop up, telling you that you have collected the data for that enemy type. There are five types of enemies that you must kill, most of which are located in Forest 2. Notes: None Forest of Sorrow ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, Native Research NPC Partner: Alicia (FOmarl) Reward: 1500 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Head through the door that requires a blue switch, and fight your way to the red Transporter. In Forest 2, head south (on the map) one room to find a Hildebear (Hildelt) baby in the corner. Speak to it, and it runs away. Fight your way counter-clockwise to the room at the lower right of the map. Fight off the enemies in that room before attempting to talk to the baby. Answer Alicia with either response* to end the quest. Notes: This is an ideal place to find the rare counterpart of the Hildebear (Hildelt), since there are tons of them in this quest. *[See the Hildebear Baby Sidequest for more information.] The Lost Bride ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Caves NPC Partner: Cicil (FOmarl) Reward: 2500 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Your client (and partner) will follow you around in an attempt to lose weight. Because of this, the quest will end if she eats too many 'Mates. Therefore, you need to heal her with spells (Resta) when she is hurt. To complete the quest, head to the west of the map (by first going south, and then west), where you will find the Cave 2 Transporter. In Cave 2, head left and then south (on the map), where the quest will end in the "Waterfall" room. Notes: This is one of the quests in which an NPC has a WEAPONS EMBLEM for you. The Value of Money ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Caves NPC Partner: None Reward: 300 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This entire quest takes place on Pioneer 2. Talk to the NPC in the City Shops. Answer "No, I don't understand" and “Because you're a fool" to both of his questions, and return to your client. After speaking to her, chat with the NPC in the City Shops one more time to finish the quest. Notes: This is one of the quests in which an NPC has a WEAPONS EMBLEM for you. Secret Delivery ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Caves NPC Partner: None Reward: 4500 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: You need to deliver a Package to an NPC (Elenor) in Cave 2 within the allotted time. Cave 1 should not be a problem; you can tell if you're on the right track if you pass by your old friend, Bernie. The Transporter to Cave 2 is directly west (on the map) from your starting point. In Cave 2, you need to activate two switches (blue and purple), both located near the lower left of the map. You need not speak with any of the Androids in this quest except for Elenor. Once the switches are activated, retrace your steps north, and take the green Warp to find Elenor. Mission accomplished. Notes: A NPC in this quest kicks off a subquest if you answer "!!" to both of his questions. [See “Sidequests” section for more information] Grave's Butler ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Caves NPC Partner: Matha (FOmarl) Reward: 3500 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: You will notice Messages on the ground as you run through Cave 1 and 2. You can ignore all of them except the last Message in the "Waterfall" room. The Cave 2 Transporter is located near the bottom right of the map, which requires you to take the green Warp. In Cave 2, just make your way to the Message located northwest from the starting point. Notes: None Addicting Food ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Caves NPC Partner: None Reward: 1500 Meseta Difficulty: 2/3 Tips: This is a fairly difficult quest, because enemies come in large waves, and ends in Cave 3. Cave 1's map is the same as that of Grave's Butler's (head south, then east). Cave 2's map is the same as that of Secret Delivery's (head west, then south). To end the quest, find the Cake girls by going directly north and then east. When you find them, speak to the Cake girl behind the shop, and select either "Cake." Notes: This is an ideal place to find the rare counterpart of the Pofuilly Slime in Episode I. There are two in the same room, which can be split into a total of 8. Do the Telepipe Trick here. Waterfall Tears ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Lost Bride, Secret Delivery, Grave's Butler, Addicting Food NPC Partner: None Reward: 1800 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Various NPCs will attempt to kill you in this quest. Just make your way to the "Waterfall" room to end this quest. Notes: This is THE ideal place to find the rare counterpart of the Lily in Episode I. In Cave 2, there is a room in which 5 Lilies spawn. Walking near the locked door in the same room causes 4 more Lilies to spawn, making that a total of 9 lilies in one room. Do the Telepipe Trick here! Also, this may be the first time you fight Kireek for his SOUL EATER (found in Cave 2, after speaking with Anna in the "Waterfall" room). Black Paper ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Lost Bride, Secret Delivery, Grave's Butler, Addicting Food, Waterfall Tears NPC Partner: None Reward: 2000 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Another quest that spans all of Caves. Various NPCs will attempt to kill you in this quest. Generally, after defeating an NPC, they will say something funny, like "I'm screwed." Anyway, just make you way to Cave 3, where you will find Kroe by heading north into the room that looks like a "magnet," and then heading east. Notes: This may be the second time you fight Kireek for his SOUL EATER (found in Cave 1) Letter from Lionel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Mines NPC Partner: None Reward: ??? Meseta Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: You need to find all of Lionel’s parts. In Forest 2, look for his head by taking the green Warp near the Central Dome (look behind you). On the way there, you will find a Ranger who has found something (remember how he looks). In the Central Dome, you will encounter a Hildebear (or Hildelt). You must defeat him in order to unlock the door near the “bridge” room. There, you will encounter another ‘bear (or ‘delt); kill it to get Lionel’s right arm. Anyway, once you have Lionel’s head, check the Quest Board. When Lionel asks a question, say that you will look for the rest of his body parts. After that conversation, find his right leg in Forest 1, his left leg in Cave 2. Check the Quest board again and return to Pioneer 2, where you’ll get the last of Lionel’s body parts from the Ranger standing outside of the Hunter’s Guild room. Notes: Right Leg: F1, Head: F2, Right Arm: F2, Left Leg: C2, Left Arm: P2 Soul of a Blacksmith ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Lost Bride, Secret Delivery, Grave's Butler, Addicting Food NPC Partner: None Reward: God Hand, Suppressed Gun, or Technical Crozier Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: Collect three types of Minerals for the Blacksmith. Forest 1 has two Minowites (only need one), and Forest 2 has the Dragon Fang (defeat Dragon Boss). Caves has three different types of Minerals, but you only need one. Cave 1 has a red Mineral, Cave 2 has a green Mineral, and Cave 3 has a blue Mineral. However, Cave 3 has the most lucrative Mineral. Notes: To get one of the rewards, you must play this quest in Ultimate and retrieve the blue Mineral from Cave 3. Also note that the enemies here come in large numbers, almost as if you were playing in an online quest (excellent place to level up). Knowing One's Heart ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Mines NPC Partner: Elly (FOnewearl) Reward: 3500 Meseta Difficulty: 2/3 Tips: Fight your way to the room located across the map to the right, ignoring any Warps. The room before the quest ends is a "Dark" room. Keep your NPC alive or else the quest ends. Notes: None Dr. Osto's Research ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Mines NPC Partner: Sue (HUnewearl) Reward: 5500 Meseta Difficulty: 2/3 Tips: Head down to fight an NPC (the same one you fought in a previous quest). After you defeat him, head down, then left to find Sue. Speak with her, and she will join you. Fight your way across the map to a room that has a Computer. Check the Computer, which ends the quest. Notes: Dr. Montague can be found loitering in Pioneer 2 in this quest. The Unsealed Door ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Mines, Secret Delivery, Dr. Osto's Research NPC Partner: Mome (RAmar) Reward: 5500 Meseta Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: Mome is incredibly stupid, because he doesn't heal himself sometimes. Put Resta on you Action Bar and be prepared to heal him when he is injured. This quest begins in Mine 2, and you must head back to Mine 1, where you will find a Transporter to the Underground Channel; De Rol Le (or Da Ral Lie) must be defeated. Luckily, Mome pretends to be dead, so you can concentrate on killing the boss instead of healing your partner (in the Dreamcast version, Mome stuck around to fight alongside with you, but because he died so easily, Sonic Team took him out of the battle in this version). Notes: Dr. Montague can be found loitering in Pioneer 2 in this quest. Retired Hunter ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Ruins NPC Partner: Donoph (HUmar) Reward: ??? Meseta Difficulty: 2/3 Tips: Another timed quest; however, all you have to do is defeat 100 enemies. How hard can it be? Just make your way around the area, although you need to backtrack several times. By the time you reach the “Hallway,” you should have defeated enemies in about 8-9 rooms. Notes: To further the storyline, when Donoph speaks with you at the beginning of the quest, respond “!!.” After defeating the 100 enemies, return to P2, and speak with Alicia (FOmarl). You will hear a chime, which opens up F2. (Nothing special, though). Also, this can only be done on Ultimate (maybe Very Hard) mode. [See the Donoph Baz (DB) “The Retired Hunter” Subplot for more information] Doc's Secret Plan ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Ruins, Secret Delivery NPC Partner: Elenor (RAcaseal) Reward: 9000 Meseta Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: To complete this quest, you must escort Elenor around Ruins 1, so she can test out her weapon. The first Test Area is just two rooms into Ruins 1. Dispatch all the enemies that appear to get a message that details your accomplishment. Continue to Test Area 2 and 3, and do the same. Return to P2 (Pioneer 2) and collect your money. Notes: After completing this quest, Dr. Montague promises to forge an item for you if you bring him the right materials. [see “Forging Items” section for more information] Seek My Master ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Ruins NPC Partner: Shino (RAcaseal) Reward: 6000 Meseta Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: Fight through Ruins 1 by going counter-clockwise. In Ruins 2, head right on the map two rooms. Then head up to find a Quest Item: Kamui. Continue a bit more to find another Quest Item: Yasha. The next big room holds the last Quest Item you collect, the Sange. Defeat all of the enemies in the room, and speak to the NPC (Zoke) to complete the quest. Notes: The NPC located near the Check Room on Pioneer 2 will convert the real Agito (1975) into an Orotiagito. From the Depths ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Ruins, Doc’s Secret Plan NPC Partner: Ash (HUmar) Reward: 3500 Meseta Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: From the Depths is a quest full of switch puzzles. Halfway into Ruins 2, you will meet a FOmarl NPC, who, after chatting with her a bit, attacks you. At the same time, a wave of enemies spawn. The cool thing is the enemies can take out the FOmarl for you. Afterwards, continue on to the Transporter (located to the north on the map). In Ruins 3, you will meet up with an old friend, Ash, who will accompany you for the rest of the quest. To end the quest, you must check the terminal on the raised platform in the middle of the room that looks like a "Tic-Tac-Toe" board. In that room, take the northeast passage to find a warp to a room with a blue switch. After activating the blue switch, head back to the "Tic-Tac-Toe" room and head to southeast passage. Continue to the end to find a green switch. Return to the "Tic-Tac-Toe" room and head to the southwest passage to find a warp that takes you to a "Dark" room with a red switch. With the red and blue switch activated, take the northwest passage in the "Tic-Tac-Toe" room to find another warp that takes you to the raised platform. Check the computer, and Ash will leave you. Pipe back to P2 and collect your money. Notes: This may be the last time you fight Kireek for his SOUL EATER (located in Ruins 2, after Ash leaves your party). Soul of Steel ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Tier 1, unlock Ruins, Doc’s Secret Plan, Unsealed Door NPC Partner: Elenor (RAcaseal), Dr. Montague (FOnewm) Reward: 3000 Meseta Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: You need to make your way through Mines and into Ruins. During the Mines scenario, you will encounter several NPCs who will attempt to kill you. There will also be a bit of mini-games (mostly follow-the-leader and avoid-being-seen). Just listen to your NPC partners and this part shouldn’t be a problem. When a timed event occurs, you need to head down to Ruins and press the switch on a raised platform. One tip is that you need to destroy the white rock in the “Tic-Tac-Toe” room to be able to make the timed switch. After the countdown ends, you must find Ult. After several tries, she will appear in a long corridor. Find her one last time. After a cutscene, you will be at the Medical Center. Go to the Hunter's Guild room, and speak with the woman walking around. Read the letter she gives you to end the quest. Notes: To get the real (long) ending, you must do several other quests before playing this one. Tell Sue your name in “Dr. Osto’s Research.” Find Bernie in “Unsealed Door,” then speak to Sue in that same quest. Return to Bernie and tell him what Sue told you. In “Waterfall Tears,” find Sue and ask about Black Paper. Next, find and speak with Bernie. In “Black Paper,” you can question Sue on P2. After that, speak with Bernie in Caves. Then play and complete "Doc's Secret Plan." Once you have completed this sidequest, play “Soul of Steel,” making sure that the Mag Cell evolves 3 times in Mines, first at the computer terminal, then after the screen shakes (find Dr. Montague and Elenor using your Area Map), and finally, after dispatching the WORKS crew. After finding Ult in Ruins 3, you need to respond “Rescue Elenor,” and say “No” 3 times to Dr. Montague. After gaining control of your character again, talk to the woman and leave. A cutscene will ensue. Collect your reward afterwards. Apparently, if you answered "No" three times and you reload "Soul of Steel" again, Elenor will be waiting for you in Forest, where you can find out some more information. Note: normally when you complete a quest for the first time, it becomes unavailable until you beat all of the other quests. However, if you do this extra sidequest within Soul of Steel successfully, the quest will be available with new content (you also get rewarded, again). ================ Unlocking Quests ================ ______________________________________________________________________ | | | | | TIER | QUEST | PREREQUISITES | |______|______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Magnitude of Metal | None | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | 1 | Claiming a Stake | None | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Battle Training | None | |______|______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Fake In Yellow | Clear all Tier 1 Quests | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Journalistic Pursuit | Clear all Tier 1 Quests | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | 2 | Gran Squall | Clear all Tier 1 Quests | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Native Research | Clear all Tier 1 Quests | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Forest of Sorrow | Clear all Tier 1 Quests, Native | | | | Research | |______|______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | The Lost Bride | Tier 1, unlock Caves | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | The Value of Money | Tier 1, unlock Caves | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Secret Delivery | Tier 1, unlock Caves | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Grave’s Butler | Tier 1, unlock Caves | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Addicting Food | Tier 1, unlock Caves | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | 3 | | Tier 1, unlock Caves, Lost Bride, | | | Waterfall Tears | Secret Delivery, Grave’s Butler, | | | | Addicting Food | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | | Tier 1, unlock Caves, Lost Bride, | | | Black Paper | Secret Delivery, Grave’s Butler, | | | | Addicting Food, Waterfall Tears | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Letter from Lionel | Tier 1, unlock Mines | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | | Tier 1, unlock Caves, Lost Bride, | | | Soul of a Blacksmith | Secret Delivery, Grave’s Butler, | | | | Addicting Food | |______|______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Knowing One’s Heart | Tier 1, unlock Mines | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Dr. Osto’s Research | Tier 1, unlock Mines | | 4 |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | | | | | Unsealed Door | Tier 1, unlock Mines, Dr. Osto’s | | | | Research, Secret Delivery | |______|______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Retired Hunter | Tier 1, unlock Ruins | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Doc’s Secret Plan | Tier 1, unlock Ruins, Secret Delivery | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | Seek My Master | Tier 1, unlock Ruins | | |______________________|________________________________________| | 5 | | | | | | | | | From the Depths | Tier 1, unlock Ruins, Doc's Secret | | | | Plan | | |______________________|________________________________________| | | | | | | | | | | Soul of Steel | Tier 1, unlock Ruins, Doc’s Secret | | | | Plan, Unsealed Door | |______|______________________|________________________________________| _____________ 3. Sidequests ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Within several quests are NPCs that initiate subquests. Some of these extra quests yield Rare Weapons if the objectives are completed. In addition, some of these sidequests can only be done once per difficulty to get a Rare, but that enables you to get up to four Rare weapons for each subquest. Of course you could always make another character and have him or her complete these objectives to get even more Rares. Quick Notes: -Only one Rare per difficulty -Complete the quest to save NPC conversations -Complete all quests to replay all quests ================ Soul Eater Quest ================ Walkthrough ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To get the SOUL EATER from your “friend,” Kireek, you must speak to various NPCs within several Hunter’s Guild quests. Afterward, you actually fight Kireek several times before he coughs up the SOUL EATER. To begin this sidequest, you need to play the “Dr. Osto’s Research” quest, where you meet up Sue. After you finish the quest, Sue asks for you name. Reply “No. Sorry...” and finish the quest. Next, find Sue in “Unsealed Door” and complete that quest. If you spoke with Sue, Kireek should be waiting for you in “Waterfall Tears,” located in Cave 2 after speaking with the NPC in that quest, Anna. Defeat Kireek and complete the quest. Next, you will find Kireek in “Black Paper,” located in a “Dark” room in Cave 1. Defeat him a second time, and complete the quest. Finally, in “From the Depths,” you will find Kireek in Ruins 2. However, you must complete all of your objectives for this quest before he appears. In other words, after Ash leaves your party, Kireek will appear in Ruins 2 to fight you one last time. Defeat him, and the SOUL EATER is yours! Fastest Way to Complete ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Have Ruins unlocked and play the following quests in order: -All of Tier 1 -Dr. Osto’s Research (Don’t tell Sue your name!) -Secret Delivery -Unsealed Door (Speak with Sue) -Lost Bride -Grave’s Butler -Addicting Food -Waterfall Tears (fight Kireek) -Black Paper (fight Kireek) -Doc's Secret Plan -From the Depths (fight Kireek) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In-Depth Soul Eater Walkthrough (by Harlequin) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Soul Eater Walkthru Final copyright 2002 Christopher Powell Welcome to the updated Soul Eater Walkthru. I wrote this guide because all of the other guides I've seen are incorrect in some way or another and most of them require you to complete every offline quest to get it. As you'll soon discover, you don't. This is the final version of this walkthru, use it in good health. How to get a Soul Eater Getting the Soul Eater requires you to complete a number of offline quests, but not all of them. Two beneficial side effects of this are that you'll level up a bit and, if you follow the steps in order, you'll also unlock Dr Montague so he'll convert enemy parts for you. You'll get 2 shots at him in this guide. Now, to get down to it. 1: Complete Forest, Caves and Mines offline. 2: Complete the following quests: -Battle Training -Claiming a Stake -Magnitude of Metal -Addicting Food -The Lost Bride -Secret Delivery -The Graves Butler -Doc's Secret Plan Doing the above should have unlocked Waterfall Tears. Check to make sure it's on the list. When you finished Doc's Secret Plan, you unlocked Dr Montague as well. 3: Do Dr Osto's Research. At the end of the quest, Sue will ask your name. DO NOT tell her. After not telling her your name, enter the pipe and finish the quest. This will unlock Unsealed Door. Note:Take any enemy part to Dr Montague and he will convert it for you. If you want to do more than one, just cancel the job and restart the quest to change another part. 4: Do Unsealed Door. Along the way, you'll see Sue. Talk to her and finish the quest. This should have unlocked From the Depths. Check the list to make sure and continue. Note:Take any enemy part to Dr Montague and he will convert it for you. If you want to do more than one, just cancel the job and restart the quest to change another part. 5: Do Waterfall Tears. You'll fight Anna twice during the quest. After you whup her the second time, DO NOT go into the telepipe. Look at your map. There should be a green arrow just north of you. That's Kireek. Follow your map to get to him. After a short cutscene, he'll try to kill you. It's imperative that he does not succeed. After you slap him around a bit, he'll run away. Pipe up and finish the quest. This will unlock Black Paper. 6: Do Black Paper. In Caves 1, check your map. There should be a green arrow on it to the east of the start. That's Kireek again. He still wants to kill you. Follow the map and take him on again. He'll run away again. Finish the quest. 7: Do From the Depths. Ash will join you in Ruins 3. After you get the Monument Data, Ash will go off to look for survivors. Backtrack to Ruins 2. Check your map. The two arrows are Ash and Kireek. Wind your way back to their location. You'll notice Ash lying unconscious on the ground. Big surprise. Kireek is pretty insane this time, it's for keeps. If you manage to survive, you'll be rewarded with the Soul Eater. Notes: -Make sure you have less than 30 items in your inventory when Kireek dies or else you won't get the Soul Eater. -Don't stand near Kireek when you cast Resta or you will heal him. This goes for Shifta/Deband as well. -Kireek uses a Soul Banish in hard mode and up, but you can't get it from him. You still get the Soul Eater. This ruins the replay value of this side quest, IMHO. The Fine Print: This guide is protected by US copyright law. Any unauthorized use of this guide can and will be punishable to the full extent of the law. Currently, it is only allowed to be posted at GameFAQS, forums and LPSO forums. If you see this guide anywhere else, please e-mail me at If you wish to use any or all of this guide, just e-mail me at the above address for permission. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you have questions or comments on this walkthrough, you can e-mail them to the author at If you cannot get in touch with the author, you may e-mail me at +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ======================== Akiko’s Frying Pan Quest ======================== Walkthrough ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To get AKIKO’S FRYING PAN, you must collect several WEAPONS EMBLEMS from the Weapons group. There are 5 EMBLEMS to collect, each located in a different Hunter's Guild quest. To begin the quest, play “Secret Delivery” and find an NPC walking around in orange and blue. Reply “!!” to both of his questions to receive the first WEAPONS EMBLEM. Complete the quest and look for the rest. The other four Weapons members are in the following quests: “Claiming a Stake,” “The Lost Bride,” “Gran Squall,” and “The Value of Money.” Collect all of the EMBLEMS, remembering to complete each quest, and return to the man who gave you the first one. Speak with him, and he should introduce you to the leader. Speak with the woman near the Check Room to receive AKIKO’S FRYING PAN. Fastest Way to Complete ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There really is no fast way to complete, because you must finish all of the Hunter’s Guild quest before you are allowed to play any of them again. Therefore, speak to the man in “Secret Delivery” as soon as you can, preferably before you complete any of the quests that have a Weapons member. Have Caves unlocked and play the following quests in order: -All of Tier 1 -Secret Delivery (speak to member, reply "!!" twice) -Gran Squall (speak to member) -Lost Bride (speak to member, reply "Enthusiasm") -The Value of Money (speak to member) -All of Tier 2, 3, 4, and 5 -Claiming a Stake (speak to member) -Secret Delivery (speak to leader) ========================== Soul of a Blacksmith Quest ========================== Walkthrough ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is probably the most difficult quest to obtain a Rare, simply because you can only receive a Rare if you play this quest in Ultimate mode. Once you have this quest in Ultimate, play through the quest, collecting the first two materials in Forest 1 and 2. Once you have the first two materials the Blacksmith wants, you have an option as to what the last material will be. Each Cave area has a material, but only Cave 3’s blue material is worth a Rare item. In other words, to get the Rare, you need to trek all the way to Cave 3 and collect the material there. All other material give you crap items. Once you have three materials (one from F1, one from F2, and one from Caves), return to your client, where you are prompted to select from three choices: blade, gun, or staff. Selecting “blade” gets you GOD HAND. Selecting “gun” gets you SUPPRESSED GUN. Selecting “staff” gets you TECHNICAL CROZIER. Because you are only allowed to get a Rare once per difficulty, you can only attempt this quest for a Rare item once per character. To get more than one Rare, you would have to create another character, and do the same thing. Quick Notes: -Ultimate mode only -One Rare per character Fastest Way to Complete ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Open up Ultimate mode, unlock Caves, and play the following quests in order: -All of Tier 1 -Lost Bride -Secret Delivery -Black Paper -Addicting Food -Soul of a Blacksmith (find materials for Blacksmith) ==================== Sue and Bernie Quest ==================== Walkthrough ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This quest begins if you tell Sue your name in "Dr. Osto's Research." Then, you get to see a bunch of conversations spanning many quests. In the end, however, you get nothing. The quests include: "Unsealed Door," "Waterfall Tears," "Black Paper," "Doc's Secret Plan," and "Seek My Master." Note that you can interrogate Sue in "Waterfall Tears" and "Black Paper." If you do, remember to speak with her until she disappears to save the conversation. Fastest Way to Complete ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Have Ruins unlocked and play the following quests in order: -All of Tier 1 -Dr. Osto's Research (tell Sue your name) -Secret Delivery -Unsealed Door (speak with Bernie, then Sue, and tell Bernie about Sue) -Lost Bride -Grave’s Butler -Addicting Food -Waterfall Tears (interrogate Sue on P2 about Black Paper, find Bernie in C1) -Black Paper (interrogate Sue on P2, find Bernie in C1) -Knowing One's Heart -Doc's Secret Plan -Seek My Master (speak with Bernie) ==================== Hildebear Baby Quest ==================== Walkthrough ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This quest is a mystery. In "Forest of Sorrow," when you encounter the Hildebear Baby for the second time, your NPC partner, Alicia, asks you a question. If you respond with the second answer and speak with the Hidlebear Baby, it will run back to the first room in which you encountered it. Find it again and speak with it. Afterwards, you can find a Moon Atomizer in the shrubs next to the Hildebear Baby. That's where the mystery begins, as no one seems to know what to do after that (unless, of course, that concludes the sidequest). Fastest Way to Complete ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Unlock Caves and play the following quests in order: -All of Tier 1 -Native Research -Forest of Sorrow (speak to Hildebear Baby to get a Moon Atomizer) ===================== Soul of Steel Subplot ===================== Walkthrough ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To see a different ending (which provides more information on the scenario), you must complete the Sue and Bernie sidequest before playing the “Soul of Steel” quest. When you do play it, you must get the Mag to “move” three times. [see Soul of Steel quest under “Quest Walkthrough” for more information] Fastest Way to Complete ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Unlock Ruins and play the following quests in order: -All of Tier 1 -Dr. Osto's Research (tell Sue your name) -Secret Delivery -Unsealed Door (speak with Bernie, then Sue, and tell Bernie about Sue) -Lost Bride -Grave’s Butler -Addicting Food -Waterfall Tears (interrogate Sue on P2 about Black Paper, find Bernie) -Black Paper (interrogate Sue on P2, find Bernie) -Doc's Secret Plan -Soul of Steel (Mag must “move” or evolve three times) -Soul of Steel (speak with Elenor on Forest 1) ============================================ Donoph Baz (DB) “The Retired Hunter” Subplot ============================================ Walkthrough ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Some interesting information is revealed in the “Retired Hunter” quest. After completing the quest, you can enter a new area to access even more information if you have completed several other quests. If you speak with Alicia in the “Retired Hunter” quest after you have completed “Native Research” and “Forest of Sorrow,” you can unlock Forest 2 when Donoph “leaves” your party Although you seem to receive nothing for completing this subplot, there may be something more to it. Perhaps, there is a connection between this sidequest and the Hildebear Baby quest, since Alicia Baz (!) makes an appearance in “Native Research” and “Forest of Sorrow.” You do receive a Moon Atomizer for completing the Hildebear Baby quest; perhaps, you can use it here. This is just speculation, so don’t take my word for it. There also seems to be another mystery. Bernie makes an appearence in the "Retired Hunter," but the conditions for seeing him are unclear. If Bernie does make an appearence, there will also be an alternate ending. Fastest Way to Complete ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Unlock Ruins and play the following quests in order: -All of Tier 1 -Native Research -Forest of Sorrow (get Moon Atomizer?) -Retired Hunter (speak w/Alicia before completing your objective to unlock F2) ________________ 4. Online Quests ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ These are online-exclusive quests that cannot be accessed in the offline game. To play one, simply go to the Hunter's Guild and speak with the woman at the counter. All members must be in the Hunter's Guild to load up a quest. All quests can be accessed in either Episode I or Episode II. ========= Retrieval ========= Lost Heat Sword ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is an easy retrieval quest. Simply work your way through Forest 1 and 2. At the end, you must defeat the Dragon, who will drop the lost Heat Sword. Return it to Hopkins to end the quest. Notes: None Lost Ice Spinner ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Another simple objective. Fight through Caves 1, 2, and 3 and face off with De Ro Le. Defeat it to retrieve the Ice Spinner and return it to Hopkins to end the quest. Notes: None Lost Soul Blade ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Make your way through Mine 1 and 2. Fight Vol Opt to retrieve the Soul Blade. Return the weapon to Hopkins to end the quest. Notes: None Gallon's Treachery ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 2-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: This is a very fun quest, but can be somewhat frustrating. You start off in Cave 3, where you must defeat a few enemies to unlock a door. Activate the switch in this room and return to the previous room. The first event begins when you step on a floor switch, at which point flames appear behind you. Simply run to the warp at the end of the area to successfully complete this event. Now, you must unlock the Judgment Door by completing 3 events in the "Hot-Lava Room," the "Jet Black Room," and the "Optical Illusion Room." -Hot-Lava Room: This time, you must destroy impediments in your way. It is wise to you use Mechgun-types here. Enemies spawn in the final room, but focus on destroying the rock. A floor switch is revealed after destroying the final rock. Stand on it to return to the main room. -Optical Illusion Room: All you have to do is defeat all of the enemies. The catch is that you must stay on screen, as the camera pans to the left and right. -Jet Black Room: The room is completely dark and the map has been removed during this portion of the quest. The best strategy is to stay next to the wall of the rooms. Find the two floor switches to open the door. In this room, find two floor switches to open up the door, but be wary of the Smashers and confuse traps. The final room is a big fence maze. Again, find your way to door, activating the four floor switches along the way. Find the computer terminal and select "Deactivate the seal." -When you return to the main room, Gallon will direct you to several floor switches which will unlock the Judgment Door. Stand on them to reveal more floor switches that warp you to Ruins 2. The first event is not terribly difficult. Simply make your way to other end of the area. Warning: in this area, spirits periodically appear. When they do, do not move until they disappear. If you are caught, you will warp back to your last "check point." Since this part is timed, try not to get caught at all. At the end, you find a Shiva Stone. Now, you must return the stone to Gallon. In this event, a single spirit chases your party. There's one switch you must activate to unlock a door. Too bad there are enemies to contend with along with this spirit. Watch out for the confuse traps in this room. The third event is similar to past events. Make your way to the end of the area, making sure the flame behind you doesn't catch you. The final event proposes a moral dilemma. If any of your party members were caught by the flames or spirits, they will be imprisoned in a poisonous room (Note: to stop the poison, stand on one of the switches and attack the rock). The members that successfully completed these events are given an option: Sacrifice the Shiva Stone to save your party members or keep the Shiva Stone. Sacrificing the Shiva Stone yields a Fragment of Friendship Quest item. Keeping the Shiva Stone will return you to Pioneer 2. Either way, the quest ends here. Notes: Second player is given a Jukebox, which can be accessed from the Quest Board. If you complete all events successfully with all party members, find a man on Pioneer 2 to transform the Shiva Stone into a Rakonia Stone. [See the Rappy's Holiday online quest for more information.] Rappy's Holiday ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: None Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This quest has a bunch of mini-games where you can earn points to unlock other sections of the quest. Notes: If you have the Rakonia Stone, give it to one of the Rappies in this quest to get a HEART OF POUMN. ============= Extermination ============= Mop-Up Quest #1 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is a timed quest (higher difficulty = less time), but clearing a room adds more time to the clock. This takes place in Forest 1. Notes: None Mop-Up Quest #2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is a timed quest (higher difficulty = less time), but clearing a room adds more time to the clock. This takes place in Cave 1. Notes: None Mop-Up Quest #3 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is a timed quest (higher difficulty = less time), but clearing a room adds more time to the clock. This takes place in Mine 1. Notes: Mop-Up Quest #4 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is a timed quest (higher difficulty = less time), but clearing a room adds more time to the clock. This takes place in Ruins 1. Notes: None Endless Nightmare #1 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is similar to the Mop-Up quests, except you are not timed. When you reach the final room, you fight wave after wave of enemies. Defeat them all to finish the quest. This takes place in Forest 1 and 2. Notes: In the final room, the camera shifts from behind the character to a slightly lower view looking up. Returning to Pioneer 2 will change the camera to the default camera perspective. This applies to all Endless Nightmare quests. Endless Nightmare #2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is similar to the Mop-Up quests, except you are not timed. When you reach the final room, you fight wave after wave of enemies. Defeat them all to finish the quest. This takes place in Cave 1 and 2. Notes: None Endless Nightmare #3 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is similar to the Mop-Up quests, except you are not timed. When you reach the final room, you fight wave after wave of enemies. Defeat them all to finish the quest. This takes place in Mine 1 and 2. Notes: None Endless Nightmare #4 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is similar to the Mop-Up quests, except you are not timed. When you reach the final room, you fight wave after wave of enemies. Defeat them all to finish the quest. This takes place in Ruins 1 and 2. Notes: None Today's Rate ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Notes: Phantasmal World #1 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This is the Episode II version of Endless Nightmare. You start off in Jungle North and fight wave after wave of enemies in Seaside. Notes: On Ultimate mode, fter you have completed the quest, you get 1 Lucky Coin from NOL (Pioneer 2) for each player in the team, so you can get up to 4 Lucky Coins per run-through. On Normal through Very Hard, you get 1 Lucky Coin regardless of the number of players. You can use these coins to play the Roulette game to get various prizes like the elusive TP materials and the rare shield, BLACK GEAR (25 DEF, 80 EVD). [see the Gallon's Shop quest for more information] Phantasmal World #2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: You start off in Mountain area and fight your way to the Central Control walkway. Notes: On Ultimate mode, fter you have completed the quest, you get 1 Lucky Coin from NOL (Pioneer 2) for each player in the team, so you can get up to 4 Lucky Coins per run-through. On Normal through Very Hard, you get 1 Lucky Coin regardless of the number of players. You can use these coins to play the Roulette game to get various prizes like the elusive TP materials and the rare shield, BLACK GEAR (25 DEF, 80 EVD). [see the Gallon's Shop quest for more information] Phantasmal World #3 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: You start off in Seabed Upper and fight your way to Seabed Lower. This quest is difficult on Ultimate mode, and should not be soloed unless you are confident in your skills and/or have high level characters. Notes: On Ultimate mode, fter you have completed the quest, you get 1 Lucky Coin from NOL (Pioneer 2) for each player in the team, so you can get up to 4 Lucky Coins per run-through. On Normal through Very Hard, you get 1 Lucky Coin regardless of the number of players. You can use these coins to play the Roulette game to get various prizes like the elusive TP materials and the rare shield, BLACK GEAR (25 DEF, 80 EVD). [see the Gallon's Shop quest for more information] Phantasmal World #4 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: Infinity/3 Tips: This quest takes place in Control Tower. Fight your way up the 10 Floors, and then make your way back down. This quest is so hard that you WILL die. Many times. Notes: On Ultimate mode, fter you have completed the quest, you get 1 Lucky Coin from NOL (Pioneer 2) for each player in the team, so you can get up to 4 Lucky Coins per run-through. On Normal through Very Hard, you get 1 Lucky Coin regardless of the number of players. You can use these coins to play the Roulette game to get various prizes like the elusive TP materials and the rare shield, BLACK GEAR (25 DEF, 80 EVD). [see the Gallon's Shop quest for more information] ===== Event ===== Dream Messenger ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This quest takes place on Seaside. Follow the glowing orbs to a section of the area, defeating some enemies on the way. Complete this task in the allotted time or the quest ends. Notes: Your reward is a Key Item that allows you to download the NiGHTS Score Attack minigame into your GBA. [See the "Pioneer's Warehouse" quest for more information.] Maximum Attack 2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Notes: Principal's Gift ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 2 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Work together with another player to complete this quest. You and your partner are separated by a laser fence. When you clear the wave of enemies, activate each switch simultaneously to advance. Since you only have 15 minutes, you need to communicate accordingly. Notes: To get a Candy with an inscription of your partner's Section ID, you cannot use the light switch at the very beginning. Complete the quest as usual. White Day ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: You need to find 3 Flowers in Cave 3. When you do, return to Pioneer 2 and hand them over to the Naru sisters. They will wrap a Flower Bouquet for you. Give it to your client to end the quest. Notes: To get a Magic Rock "Heart Key", on a male character, take the Candy you got from the Principal's Gift quest as well as the wrapped Flower Bouquet you got from the Naru sisters in this quest to the Principal to receive a Present. Replay the quest with the Present on a female character and bring it to the Principal to receive the Magic Rock "Heart Key". Pioneer Halloween ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: This quest takes place in the Jungle area. Find the Naru sisters to get one Cake for each person in the team (so up to 4 per try). There is also a hidden room with a bunch of NPC Rappies. Talk to the lone Rappy to the left and answer his question correctly (solution = 25 Rappies) to receive a Lemon Cake. Notes: Each player gets a unique Cake depending on his or her Section ID or Guild Card number. If you give 8 different cakes (trade with other players) to a hidden Rappy in the quest, you will receive a Jack-o-Lantern. Open it up to get a random Mag Cell. One Jack-o-Lantern per character. If you want a specific Mag Cell, take your Jack-o-Lantern offline. Start a game and open up the Jack-o-Lantern. If you don't get the Mag Cell that you are after, reset the game and try again. If you get the Mag Cell that you want, save and quit. Pioneer Christmas ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: Christopher, Mary, and Christine Number of Players: 1 Reward: 500 Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: All you have to do is bring the wrapping paper to the Naru sisters found in the Mountain area. To get past the boulders, you must solve a puzzle. Each puzzle has 3 levels, level 1 being the easiest and level 3 being the hardest. When you bring the wrapping paper to the woman, she will offer to wrap something for you using your unique wrapping paper. [see the Gallon's Shop quest for more information] Notes: To get a Christmas Present, complete the level 3 puzzles without any errors to unlock level 4. Get a perfect on level 4 to get the Christmas Present. One per character. Level 3: Puzzle 1: 313123 (22s) Puzzle 2: 1243243 (25s) Puzzle 3: 32154351 (28s) Puzzle 4: see picture (33s) .........O.........O .O.......5.........3........O 2,9......O.........O.......6,8 ........1,7........4 Level 4: Puzzle 1: 1313132 (18s) Puzzle 2: 31243142 (20s) Puzzle 3: 525413142 (24s) Puzzle 4: see picture (30s) .........O........O .O......2,7......5,9........O .........O........O........1,6 ........3,10.....4,8 For puzzles 1-3, the numbers correspond to the floor switch you must press starting from left to right. For puzzle 4, the numbers represent the order in which you must press the floor switches. The numbers in parenthesis are the time limits. If you donate nine presents wrapped in different wrapping paper/ribbon to the woman on Pioneer 2, you will get another Christmas Present. One per character. [see the Gallon's Shope quest for more information] ==== Shop ==== Gallon's Shop ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: N/A Tips: As the name implies, this is a shop of sorts. The pink door that is usually locked is now open. Speak with the NPC there to transport to Gallon's Shop, where you can purchase various things and play some minigames to earn Gallon Points. You can also find a Key Item on the ground that will enable you play the minigame Puyo Pop on your Gameboy Advance. -Buy Music Disks: You can purchase Music Disk #1, #2, #3, #6, and #7 for 10,000 Meseta or 30 Gallon Points. -Wrap Presents: You can wrap almost any item in the game for 10,000 Meseta or 15 Gallon Points. You can get even more wrapping paper choices by playing the Pioneer Christmas quest. Each player gets one of eight wrapping paper/ribbon combinations. Trade with other players to get all 8 colors. Then talk to the NPC in the Gallon's Shop quest and give him each colored present in order to save that color for future wrapping. [see the Pioneer Christmas quest for more information] -Button-mashing minigame: tap the A-button as fast as you can to earn Gallon Points. -Check Guild Card amount: you can check the number of Guild Cards you have on the current memory card. The more you have, the more Gallon Points you get. -Roulette minigame: you can use the Lucky Coins that get from the Phantasmal World quests to play a Roulette minigame. Land on a character for a prize, ranging from materials to nine-star rares (with percents) and more. In addition, you can find a hidden NPC named HOPKINS on Pioneer 2 that will take Photon Drops in exchange for various services: trade for items; add elements to S-RANKS; add percents to non-S-RANK weapons. -Adding S-RANK Elements: speak with Hopkins with Photon Drops in your Item Pack. Elements are ranked A, B, and C and cost 50, 40, and 30 Photon Drops, respectively. A Elements: Arrest, Demon, Hell, Jellen, and Zalure. B Elements: Beserk, Chaos, Geist, Kings, and Spirit. C Elements: Blizzard, Burning, HP Revival, Tempest, and TP Revival. -Adding percents: speak with Hopkins with Photon Drops or, if you have them, Photon Spheres, in your Item Pack. 20 Photon Drops add 5% and 1 Photon Sphere adds 30% to any attribute (except Hit) of your choice, up to 100% for any weapon. 3 attributes is the max. Notes: For information on exchanging Photon Drops for items, see the Photon Drop FAQ on GameFAQs. Pioneer Warehouse ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Notes: == VR == Seat of the Heart ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box Prerequisites: Unlock Seabed offline NPC Partner: Elly or Kireek Number of Players: 1 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Once you unlock Seabed offline, you can access Seat of the Heart for that difficulty. This quest has two sections. Upon completion of the first section, you can save your data and return here at any time, even if you quit the quest. During the quest, you are asked a series of questions. Unless you plan on getting the RAGOL RING, the responses you pick are irrelevant. You start off in Temple Beta and follow the story to VR Spaceship Beta. Defeating the Gol Dragon ends the first section, so you can save your progress and return to the story at a later time if you decide to do so. The second section starts off on the Central Control walkway that usually leads up to the Gal Gryphon boss fight. Here, you are accompanied by either ELLY or KIREEK, depending on whether or not you have met certain conditions offline. If you or your partner dies, the quest ends, so bring some Scape Dolls if you have some. When you reach the end of the walkway, you will find a transporter to the Control Tower. Here, you must destroy (or have your NPC activate) control panels to advance. If you have ELLY in the team, she will activate the correct control panel; if you have KIREEK in the team, he will destroy the correct control panel. If you destroy an incorrect control panel, enemies will spawn and the door will remain locked. Reach the end and defeat Epsilon. Take the transporter to Seaside and take the warp at the NE section of the map to return to Pioneer 2. Notes: To get the RAGOL RING, you must do the following: complete all of the quests that follow the Sue and Bernie sidequest (including Knowing One's Heart), and tell SUE your name during the Dr. Osto's Research quest. Once you have completed these objectives, KIREEK should join your team instead of ELLY during the Seat of the Heart quest. If this is the case, you must then provide the correct responses and destroy the correct control panels. Correct responses: -You can count on me -Do not hand over IDs -Hand IDs over -Enter the Teleporter -Let's go -Scold her -Jump off Correct control panels: F1: Middle F2: Nearest locked door (last) F3: Second left (third) F4: Nearest entrance (first) F5: Second from locked door on the left side (fourth) After completing the Control Tower portion of the quest, head to the Seaside area and find ELLY for the RAGOL RING. Note that RAGOL RING acts like a Scape Doll and disappears if you die with it in your Item Pack. Should you have Scape Dolls in your inventory, it will disappear instead of using a Scape Doll. A long time ago, I heard a *rumor* that defeating Dark Falz with it equipped increases the number of times it revives you before disappearing. Respective Tomorrow ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Respective Tomorrow is similar to the popular online quest, Towards the Future. In this quest, make your way through most of Episode II's areas, fighting each boss at the end. Notes: There are two hidden sidequests in Respective Tomorrow: the secret area, Control Tower, and the WIS hunt. -To find the secret area, activate the computer terminal in the rectangular room. Defeat all of the enemies first. Next, find the hidden passage in the room that leads to a secret section of Seabed. Activate the red switch to unlock a laser fence. Go through the secret section of Seabed to find a Transporter that leads to the Control Tower. -The WIS hunt starts when you speak to the soldier hidden in a corner on Pioneer 2. Answer "Yes" to all of his questions and the WIS sidequest begins. There are a total of 30 WIS, 6 in each area (including the secret area). Complete the WIS sidequest and achieve SS Rank (in Ultimate mode) to recieve a rare prize: first time, CUSTOM BARRIER ver.00; second time, CUSTOM FRAME ver.00; third time, CUSTOM RAY ver.00; fourth time, WORKS GUARD; subsequent times, Scape Doll. SS Rank requirements: collect all 30 WIS, finish Control Tower in less than 5 minutes, have an overall time of less than 40 minutes, and maintain less than four deaths. Reach for the Dream ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Notes: Labyrinthine Trial ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 2-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Your team must find 30 capsules within 15 minutes. The most difficult part is finding all of the hidden passageways and meeting the time limit. You are given a rank at the end of the time limit which will assess your skills as a Hunter. The final capsule spawns after you return to Pioneer 2 and return to Cave 2. Notes: To get the WHITE RING, you must achieve an A Rank in Ultimate mode. To get A Rank, collect all 30 capsules within the time limit. Towards the Future ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Fight your way through most of Episode I's areas, fighting a boss at the end of each area. Notes: There are many sidequests in Towards the Future: assume the role of the Dragon boss, trade Candy for FLOWER BOUQUET, "test" your love, transform a BRANCH OF PAKU PAKU into a STRIKER OF CHAO, and obtain the PURPLE RING. -Turn into the Dragon: To become the Dragon, have two players of the same gender speak with the FOmarl by the checkroom. She will mention some lost paperwork; find them (in the Principal's room) and return them to her. She will give player 2 some access codes. Enter them into the computer terminal in the first area, and player 2 will be the Dragon boss. Press A to use it's breath attack, B to tail whip, X to fly (if you receive enough damage, press X to dive into the ground. When underground, press X again to charge at your party members), and R to collapse to the ground. If your party members are injured, their character shrinks. -Candy to FLOWER BOUQUET: In the Principal's Gift quest, you can get Candy that has an inscribed Section ID of the person you did the quest with. If you bring the Candy to the FOmarl by the checkroom, she will exchange the Candy with a FLOWER BOUQUET. You must play with someone that has the same Section ID as the one inscribed on the Candy to get the FLOWER BOUQUET. [see the Principal's Gift quest for more information] -Test your love: Two players of opposite genders are required to for this sidequest. Speak with the FOmarl by the checkroom to get access codes (player 2). Enter them into the computer terminal in the first area to start the quest. The objective is to stay as close to one another as possible throughout the entire quest (except during boss battles). You get a Luck Material for doing well. -BRANCH OF PAKU PAKU to STRIKER OF CHAO: if you have a BRANCH OF PAKU PAKU, you can transform it into a STRIKER OF CHAO by bringing it to the hidden Waterfall room in Ruins 1. To get to this location, put the BRACH OF PAKU PAKU into your inventory and head to the Medical room on Pioneer 2. Take the warp and you find yourself in the hidden Waterfall room. Wait a bit and a message appears; the BRANCH OF PAKU PAKU transforms into a STRIKER OF CHAO. The percents on the original weapon doesn't carry over. -PURPLE RING: To get the PURPLE RING (Very Hard and Ultimate only), achieve SS Rank for the quest. Requirements for SS Rank: Kill the maximum (197) or minimum (19) number of enemies including bosses with a completion time of less than 60 minutes and no deaths. Bluestar Memories ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC NPC Partner: Orland and Break Number of Players: 1 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Notes: Voice Operation ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Notes: ============= Control Tower ============= East Tower ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Online-exclusive areas and enemies can be found in this quest. You start off in the area leading up to the Control Tower. Simply make your way to the Transporter to enter the Control Tower. There are a total of ten levels to the Tower. Fight your way to the end to fight a mini-boss, Episilon, to end the quest. Notes: If you speak with Hopkins hidden in a corner of Pioneer 2, he will introduce you to his father, Paganini, who will introduce you to a sidequest. After defeating Epsilon, collect the data Paganini wants and return to Hopkins. From now on, Paganini will be able to add elements to your S-RANK weapons. [See "Gallon's Shop" for more information.] West Tower ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Platform: GC, X-Box NPC Partner: None Number of Players: 1-4 Reward: Meseta Difficulty: 1/3 Tips: Same as above, except you start off in Upper Seabed. Defeat the enemies to unlock the door to the Control Tower Transporter. Make your way to the top and defeat Epsilon to finish the quest. Notes: If you speak with Hopkins after completing the sidequest in the "East Tower" quest, Paganini will introduce you to another sidequest. In Seabed, find a room with a computer terminal and collect the data from it. You don't have to enter the Control Tower and defeat Epsilon to complete this sidequest. At any rate, return the data to Paganini, and from now on, he will add percents to your non-S-RANK weapons. [See "Gallon's Shop" for more information.] __________________ 5. Download Quests ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================= Quest Walkthrough ================= Central Dome Fire Swirl ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Prerequisites: Download Quest (X-Box only; available offline in PSO Plus) NPC Partner: Dr. D (FOnewm) Reward: ??? Meseta Difficulty: 3/3 Tips: This quest is unique in that your objective is to save several people from a raging inferno (not really) in Forest 2 and on the Central Dome. There are 9 people trapped in the inferno, and you must rescue each one and put out all of the fires. The quest is split up into three Areas, and each has 3 victims and a number of fires. Once you clear out one Area, the next opens up. Although you don’t fight enemies as often as other quests, when you do they will come in swarms (sometimes 8+ enemies onscreen). When you rescue someone, you must “Set The Coordinates” (first option). Note that you cannot use techniques, so bring extra‘mates (Forces will have to melee to put out the fire). Use a projectile weapon because the fire damages you if you get close enough. The victims cannot sustain too much damage, either, or else you will fail the quest, so put out the fires as quickly as you can. -The first Area is simple; find and rescue each victim by putting out the Area fires. One particular victim is on the Bridge, which must be fixed by pressing the red switch. The rest are easy. -In the second Area, speak with the woman, Anna, behind the locked door, who tells you about Bogarde. Find and rescue him, who tells you to rescue Anna. Return to the woman you spoke to, and she opens the door. The other person is easy to rescue, just eliminate all of the enemies to open up a passage. -The last Area is easy, but is crawling with enemies. Put out the fires and defeat all of the enemies to open up the warps. Once you save your last victim, return to P2 and speak with your client. You client asks for you to save one more person. Respond “Accept” twice and return to Forest 2. You can find the person by returning to the room in which you saved the last victim. Speak with him, and he runs away. Use the Area map to locate him and speak with him again. If you walk forward a bit, four Hildebears (Hildelts) jump down. Be careful, because regardless of the difficulty you are playing in, they are as strong as Ulimate mode Hildelts. Dispatch them and return to Pioneer 2 to collect your money. Notes: In the Dreamcast version, after saving the Doctor, you could speak with a kid on P2, who calls you the “BurningRanger.” He also forks over the “Glory of the past” item, which can be exchanged for a Mark3 Mag from the Tekker (also in this quest, somewhere on P2). In the X-Box version, the kid only calls you the “BurningRanger” and you get nothing. ________________ 6. Forging Items ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ First off, an enemy part is an item that can be found only from certain enemies whose body parts can be created into a weapon or armor. Parts usually end in “Arm,” indicating that you have found the body part of an enemy. ============ Dr. Montague ============ Walkthrough ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To convert a part into a weapon or armor, you need to talk to Dr. Montague in a Hunter’s Guild quest in which he makes an appearance. These quests include “Unsealed Door” and “Doctor Osto’s Research.” However, for him to actually want to create an enemy part into an item that can be equipped, you must complete “Doc’s Secret Plan.” Once that quest is complete, he will promise to create items for you if you bring him materials (enemy parts). Quick Notes: -Convert item once per visit -Dr. Osto’s Research or Unsealed Door only Fastest Way to Complete ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The fastest way of unlocking the required quests is to do the following in the same difficulty after unlocking Ruins: -All of Tier 1 -Secret Delivery -Doc’s Secret Plan -Play Doctor Osto’s Research (or Unsealed Door) Note: If you have more material for him, just play the quest again to convert another part. Note: The X-Box version requires that you complete “Dr. Osto’s Research” before he will convert items for you in the “Unsealed Door” quest. Enemy Parts List ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is a list of enemy parts and from whom they are found: _________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Enemy Part Name | Enemy Name | Name of Created Item | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Belra’s right arm | Belra | Belra Cannon | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Booma’s right arm | Booma | Booma's Claw | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Bringer’s right arm | Bringer | Bringer’s Rifle | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Delsaber’s left arm | Delsaber | Shield of Delsaber | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | |Delsaber’s right arm | Delsaber | Delsaber’s Buster | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Dragon’s Claw | Sil Dragon | Dragon’s Claw | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Gal Griffon’s arm | Gal Griffon | Gal Griffon Wing | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Gi Gue Body | Gi Gue | Gi Gue Bazooka | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Gobooma’s right arm | Gobooma | Gobooma’s Claw | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | |Gigobooma’s right arm| Gigobooma | Gigobooma’s Claw | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | |Grass Assassin’s arm |Grass Assassin| G-Assassin’s Blade | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Hildebear’s Head | Hildebear | Hildebear’s Cane | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Hildeblue’s Head | Hildeblue | Hildeblue’s Cane | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Pan Arms’ arm | Pan Arms | Pan Arm’s Blades | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Parts of Baranz | Baranz | Baranz Launcher | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Rappy’s Wing | Rappy | Rappy Fan | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | S-beat’s arms | S-Beats | S-Beats Blades | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | Sinow Berill’s arms | S-Berill | *S-Berill’s Hands #0 | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | | S-red’s arms | S-Reds | S-Red’s Blades | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| | | | | |Sorcerer’s right arm | Sorcerer | Sorcerer’s Cane | |_____________________|______________|____________________________________| *This weapon can be upgraded into S-Berill’s Hands #1 with a Berill Photon. _____________________________ 7. Frequently Asked Questions ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Q. How do you beat Kireek? A. Kireek is a pushover if you realize that any support or curative techniques also affect him; when you battle him, do not cast Resta, Shifta, Deband, etc. Instead, either use items or run into a hallway where he cannot follow to cast your techs. Q. What else should I know before I fight Kireek? A. Make sure you have an open slot in your Item Pack or else you will not receive the SOUL EATER. Q. Can I get a SOUL BANISH if I do this on Ultimate? A. No, only a SOUL EATER. Q. What happens after all Hunter’s Guild quests are completed? A. All quests become available. Q. What happens if I talked to [insert NPC name here] and quit without completing the quest? A. That conversation wont be recorded unless the quest is completed. Note that it is important that you complete a quest after speaking with a WEAPONS member, otherwise the Emblem you get in the quest wont be saved. This goes for all related find-and-seek quests. Q. What happens if I quit the game immediately after receiving a Rare from a quest before I complete the quest? A. You still will not be able to get another Rare for that difficulty level. Funny how the game saves that (even if you quit before completing the quest), but not when you talk to NPCs like the WEAPONS members (and then quit). Q. What if I have more than one enemy part for Dr. Montague to forge into an item? A. You can only create one item per visit, so just quit the quest and reload it again. Q. What is Download Quests? A. This would be the place where you would load up a quest that you downloaded from the Network Server. Currently, there are no downloadable quests for the GameCube version. The X-Box version, however, has one at the moment. Q. In the Dreamcast (and probably PC) versions, you could not find Rare items from enemies or boxes in quests. Has that changed? A. In the GameCube (and probably X-Box) versions, you CAN find Rares, which makes quests worth playing. Q. Can you play a Hunter’s Guild quest in Multi-mode? A. Unfortunately, you cannot. However, there is Challenge mode where you can earn some average (but pretty cool) Rare items if you complete it within 7 hours. Reward for Offline Challenge Mode (one S-RANK, A-RANK, and B-RANK prize per character): S-RANK (complete C-Mode within 7 hours) -Crazy Tune -Akiko's Chinese Wok -Flower Cane -Broom -Toy Hammer -Chameleon Scythe -Harisen Battle Fan -Samba Maracas A-RANK (complete C-Mode between 7 and 13 hours, or get S-RANK and play any C- Mode area again) -God Shield: Genbu B-RANK (complete C-Mode with a time of more than 13 hours, or get S-RANK and play any C-Mode area again) -God Shield: Seiryuu Q. Are there Episode II Quests? A. As of right now, the only quests available for Episode II are online. I would imagine there would be some downloadable ones in the near future... *Update* Since the release of Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II Plus, three Episode II quests are available for people who buy that version: -Seat of the Heart -East Tower -West Tower Q. What is the Telepipe Trick? A. Basically, whenever you enter a new area (through any Telepipe), the enemies respawn. If you were to Telepipe to Pioneer 2, and piped back, there is chance that the enemies will respawn as its rare counterpart. The trick is to do it in a room where there are many of the same enemies so that you have a higher chance of it respawning as a rare version of the enemy. Note that this trick doesn’t work online, since the enemies are set every time a game is made. One more thing: if you do see a rare enemy, don’t leave the area (don’t Telepipe anywhere) because it will probably respawn as its more common equivalent. Finally, even if you attack the enemy, the Telepipe Trick will still work. The following offline enemies have rare counterparts: -Rag Rappy or El Rappy -Hildebear or Hildelt -Posion Lily or Ob Lilly -Pofuilly Slime You can tell if it is the rare version of the enemy because it looks different from it’s more common equivalents. ___________________ 8. Revision History ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1/15/05 - Huge update on the Online Quests section, with more to come 1/2/05 - Since it's the New Year, I decided to actually upload the 7/26 update 7/26/04 - Online Quests section added (incomplete), fixed some errors 1/10/04 - ATM, only,, and may use my FAQs 12/21/03- Included an In-Depth Soul Eater walkthrough, cleared up some things 11/3/02 - Reformatted some sections to make reading/updates smoother 11/1/03 - Fixed some minor errors, and added a new Sidequest 6/16/03 - Expanded some sections, fixed some mistakes 5/5/03 - Very small update on a couple of sections 5/2/03 - Fixed some more small errors and cleared up a few things 4/25/03 - Fixed a miniscule error, expanded some sections 4/24/03 - Rares From Quests is now Sidequests, added Download Quests section 1/29/03 - Skimmed through the FAQ for errors (grammatical, mostly) 1/27/03 - Fixed an error, and updated some parts 1/24/03 - Small update, fixing some parts of the FAQ 1/21/03 - Finished Forging Items section 1/20/03 - Finished Rares From Quests section 1/19/03 - Update of Hunter’s Guild Walkthrough section 1/18/03 - Initial writing of FAQ ___________________ 9. Acknowledgements ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ All the data in this FAQ was gathered through my experience of all three console versions of PHANTASY STAR ONLINE. I would like to thank the people who e-mailed me with corrections or submissions: -Harlequin(e-mail: Thank you for contributing your Soul Eater Walkthrough to the Hunter's Guild FAQ. -Harbinger of Dreams: Thank you for submitting a cool trick: "Just a hint if you want to get the frying pan a fraction faster, if you really cant be bothered completeting a level where you have an NPC coming along with you a la 'The Lost Bride' you can actually just get the emblem from the respective character, go into the level and let your NPC teamate die, you will fail the quest but you will keep your emblem from that level, saving you from trudging through the level just to get the emblem ;)" Note that since you have to beat all of the quests in order to get the Frying Pan, using this trick won't make any sense. But, if you have unlocked all of the quests and decide to get the Frying Pan, this may save some time. ________________________ 10. Author's Final Words ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Please email me if you have some information you would like to share, or if you have a gripe about something in the FAQ (or me in general). You can email me at I hope you enjoyed this FAQ. Thanks for reading. -Tim