~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______ _ _____ __ ______ _ | ___ \ (_) | _ |/ _| | ___ \ (_) | |_/ / __ _ _ __ ___ __ | | | | |_ | |_/ /__ _ __ ___ _ __ _ | __/ '__| | '_ \ / __/ _ \ | | | | _| | __/ _ \ '__/ __| |/ _` | | | | | | | | | | (_| __/ \ \_/ / | | | | __/ | \__ \ | (_| | | | |_| |_|_| |_|\___\___| \___/|_| | | \___|_| |___/_|\__,_| | / | / |/ |/ ~ The Sands of Time ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Author: Medevilglitch Real Name: Vincent Reau Email: Medevilglitch5[at]yahoo[dot]com Date: 6/26/04 Latest Update: 6/25/04 Size: 58 KB Platform: Gamecube ASCII gamecube controller by:Namod65/Medevilglitch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A. Inroduction B. Basics Ba - Controls Bb - Displays/Menus C. The Prince Ca - Movement Cb - Attacking/Combat Cc - Weaponry Cd - Health/Recovery Ce - The Sands of Time D. Characters Da - Prince Db - Farah Dc - Vizier Dd - Sand Creatures E. Dangers Ea - Enemies Eb - Traps F. Rewards Fa - Sands of time Fb - Sand Vortex Fc - Sand Vision Fd - Sand Cloud Fe - Water G. Walkthrough Ga - Opening Gb - The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults Gc - "You Have Unleashed the Sands of Time" Gd - "Had I Really Seen Her?" Ge - A Secret Passage Gf - The Palace's Defense System Gg - A Booby-Trapped Courtyard Gh - Death of a Sand King Gi - "I'll Try To Find a Way In" Gj - Climbing the Tower Gl - The Sultan's Zoo Gm - Atop a Bird Cage Gn - Cliffs and Waterfall Go - The Baths Gp - "There's Something Glowing Up There" Gq - Above the Baths Gr - A Long Buried Secret Gs - Daybreak Gt - A Soldier's Mess Hall Gu - The Drawbridge Gv - A Broken Bridge Gw - "I'll Meet You at the Baths" Gx - Waterfall Gy - A Cavern of Ladders Gz - An Underground Reservoir Gaa- Out of the Well Gbb- The Sultan's Harem Gcc- "What Did You Call Me?" Gdd- The Hall of Learning Gee- Observatory Gff- Hall of Learning Courtyards Ggg- On the Ramparts Ghh- A Prisoner Seeking an Escape Gii- "At Last We're Here!" Gjj- The Hourglass Gkk- "Farah! Come Back!" Gll- Climbing the Tower of Dawn Gmm- The Setting Sun Gnn- Honor and Glory H. Tips, Hints, and Cheats I. Version History J. Legal Information K. Contact Information L. Credits/Closing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A. Introduction Hi gamers. Thanks for checking out my guide to "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" for Nintendo Gamecube. This game is an add on to the series of the other PoP games. This game is different from the others. It starts out by you trying to impress your Father by taking the time dagger. Of course your plan backfires and all the people in the palace, except for the Prince, Farah, the evil Vizier, turn into mindless sand zombies. Your mission is to defeat all of the sand monsters in the palace and kill the Vizier. Have fun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B. Basics Ba - Controls (B) Button: Sword(Attack) (A) Button: Action(Jump/Roll) (Y) Button: Dagger(Retrieve sand/Freeze enemy) (X) Button: Cancel Action(Put sword away/Let go) (R) Button: Special Action(Run on wall, push/pull, swing on bar/rope, drink water); Block(Only in combat mode) (L) Button: Rewind(hold); Slow motion(tap) (D-pad)(Right): Alternate View (C) Stick: Look(First-person camera) (Start) Button: Pause/Main Menu Bb - Displays/Menus Main Menu: Select "Start New Game" when you get to the main menu. It will show you a big balcony that the prince is standing on. You must guide the prince through the curtain to start a new game. Select "Load Saved Game" To bring up a previously played game. Select "Options" to bring up the options menu. See Options below. Select "Extra Features" to see the "Making Of" video or the "Credits" you can also unlock the original "Prince of Persia" Game (Explained how to unlock later) Options Sound: Allows you to change volume of voices, music, and sound effects. Display: Allows you to turn off and on the Text Tutorials. Camera: Allows you to Switch between Normal and Inverted. Controller: Allows you to view controller options, and turn the rumble on or off. Language: Allows you to control what language the text and characters speak in. Pause Select "Continue" To resume game. Select "Quit" To quit the game. Select "Options" To view the options menu. Main Game Displays Most displays are in the upper left corner. The blue bar at the top is the Prince's Health Meter. The little white circle below the curve in the health Meter is the Time Circle. The yellow circles below the Time Circle are the Sand Tanks. The white strips next to the yellow circles are the Power Tanks. Health Meter - Shows the Prince's current state of health. Hard falls, enemy attacks, and traps all cost the prince health. When all health is lost, the game is over(unless you decide to rewind). You can replenish the health by drinking water. You can increase health meter by finding secret areas explained later. You can increase health meter by finding secret areas explained later. Time Circle - Shows how much rewind time is available. A full circle is 10 seconds. Also serves as a timer for the power of Slow Motion and Haste. Sand Tanks - Shows how much sand the dagger has. Each time you kill an enemy with your dagger, you gain 1 full sand tank. But each time an enemy kills you, and you are forced to rewind, your sand tank loses 1 full sand tank. You can increase your sand tank by stabbing sand clouds with your dagger. Power Tanks - When you collect enough sand, the dagger will grow its first power tank. You can use the power tanks to use Slo-Mo, or Haste. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____ ______ C. The Prince / L \ ________________ /_R____\ _/_______\_ _/ \_ _/________\_ <------ "Z" / \/ \/ ____ \ / ___ \ / \_Y_\ _ \ Control| / \ \ Start / / \ | \ | ------->| CS | | S | | A | |X| | Stick | \ ___ / / \ \____/ \_/ | | | _____________ | | \ \/ \/ [B] / |\_ _ \ / __ _/| / \_ _| |_ \ / / \ _/ \ / \__ |_ D _| | | | C | __/ \ / /\ |_| / \ \ _/ /\ \ | | \ / \ / | | | | \_____/ \______/ | | | | | | | / \ | \ / \ / \ / \ / \___/ \___/ Ca - Movement You Move the Prince with the control stick. You Jump/Roll with the (A) Button You attack with the (B) Button You use your dagger with the (Y) Button You let go or put away sword with the (X) Button You rewind and use Slo-Mo with the (R) Button You run on walls, push/pull, swing, drink, and block with the (R) Button You change view with the right (D-pad) Button You Look with the C-stick You pause with the start button Cb - Attack/Combat Use the (B) Button to strike your enemy with your sword. Use the (Y) Button to retrieve sand from enemies you have knocked down on the ground. Use the (R) button to block an enemy’s attack. Advanced Attacks (Vaulting Attack) Use the (A) Button to vault over an enemy while next to an it. (Vaulting Attack+ Retrieve) Use the Vault attack then follow it up with a slice of your sword for an easy knock to the ground. (Wall rebound Attack) Use the (A)+(B) Buttons while next to a wall to come speeding toward your enemy, giving it a easy knock to the ground. (Wall Vault Attack) Use the (A)+(A) Button to jump over an enemy’s head off a wall. (Counter) Use the (R) button to block an enemy’s strike, then follow it up with a strike with your sword. Power Attacks (Slo-Mo) Tap the (R) button briefly to enter Slo-Mo. (Freeze) If you have a full Power tank, Use the (Y) Button to strike an enemy with your dagger. He will freeze in the air. Quickly press (B)+(B) to kill it fast. (Haste) When you have a full power tank, you have the ability to freeze time and fast foreword yourself, easily killing all enemies around you. Press and hold the (R) button then press the (L) button to freeze time. Use the control stick to target enemies and press (B)+(B) to kill them. Cc - Weaponry. Your first sword is a crappy, almost useless sword. It has the capability to kill enemies, but not easily. This sword you start out with. No nedd finding it. Your second Sword is a slightly more powerful one. It can kill enemies easier and can break down certain walls. Your third sword is a very powerful sword. it can kill enemies very easy and can break down walls in one hit. Your fourth and final sword is the most powerful of all. It can kill enemies in one hit. Your dagger(that you get throughout the game)is more than a weapon. The dagger is the only container strong enough, besides the Hourglass, to hold the sandsof time. Whoever wields the dagger can control time by using up the sands within. Cd - Health/Recovery The skinny blue bar at the top of the screen is your health meter. It tells you how much life/health you have. Falling down large areas, being attacked by sand creatures, or getting caught in a trap all cost the Prince health. By drinking water from a nearby fountain, pool, or other source, you gain back health that you lost earlier. By drinking from a magic fountain(tells you where they are in guide), your health bar is topped off and your health bar increases its length(more health). Ce - The Sands of Time The Sands of Time is a terrible, primordial substance that changes and corrupts every living thing it touches. Only through the Dagger of Time can that awesome might of the sands be harnessed. The Dagger confers extraordinary powers on its possessor, enabling him/her to seamlessly bend the fabric of Time itself. The Hourglass - Long ago the Sands of Time were sealed away within an impregnable Hourglass. When the Prince commits the unimaginable sin of unlocking the Hourglass, releasing the Sands, the reason for this precaution becomes evident. The Dagger - More than a weapon, the Dagger of Time is the only container strong enough, besides the Hourglass, to hold the sands of time. Whoever wields the dagger can control time by using up the sands within. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D. Characters Da - Prince - The youngest son of King Sharaman of Persia. A gifted athlete and swordsman, the Prince is eager to prove himself in battle. Instead, his desire to win honor and glory leads him inadvertently to unleash an evil force upon the Sultan's kingdom. Saving the day will take all his wits, agility and courage. Db - Farah - The beautiful daughter of a conquered Indian Maharajah, Farah has every reason to hate the Prince who has destroyed her world. But the Prince has the Dagger of Time - the only weapon that can defend against horrors that he has unleashed. So Farah must stay close to him, if she wants to survive... Farah has a health meter which is represented by a red bow in the upper right hand corner. If she dies, your mission is over. When she yells help in combat, help her. Dc - The Vizier - A traitor in the Maharajah's service, the Vizier tricks the prince into opening the forbidden Hourglass, unleashing the Sands of Time upon an unsuspecting world. Now the Vizier wants the Dagger of time to fulfill his ultimate, diabolical plan. Dd - Sand Creatures - No living thing is immune to the destructive powers of the Sands of Time. Contact with the sand will transform any man, woman, or beast into a Sand Creature, a hideous mockery of its original form. Incapable of speech or feeling, Sand creatures are driven by a blind, single-minded instinct to hunt down and kill anything that lives. Because the sand creatures are not alive, they cannot be killed. They can be destroyed however, with the Dagger of Time. The Vizier, Farah, and the Prince are the only inhabitants of the sultan's palace to escape the transformation by the Sands of Time. They are protected by Three artifacts, as ancient as the Hourglass itself. *Farah's Medallion *Vizier's Staff *Prince's Dagger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E. Dangers Ea - Enemies Sand Creatures are your worst enemy. They are almost everywhere. They can teleport close to you if you are far away so don’t try running. Other than the human Sand Creatures, There are Animal Sand Creatures as well. Scarabs, Birds,and Bats. The Vizier is the Only Boss at the end of the game. Eb - Traps Traps are dangerous and easy to be killed by. There are eight kinds of traps you will encounter while saving the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F. Rewards Fa - Sands Of Time The same sand that flows in the veins of Sand Creatures can also be found loose, swirling throughout the palace. Fb - Sand Vortex A Sand Vortex may form in a particular place, either spontaneously, or as the result of a successful fight against Sand Creatures. Entering a Sand Vortex will give the Prince a brief, hallucinatory vision of the future. Fc - Sand Vision Visions give prince a glimpse of the dangers that lie ahead as he finds his way through the Palace. They also offer the player an opportunity to save the game. Fd - Sand Cloud When you see a cloud of loose sand, grab it! Collecting Eight of these will cause the dagger to grow an additional Sand Tank, Permanently it capability to hold sand. Fe - Water Drinking water will increase the Prince's Health Meter. Drink as much as you need to be fully replenished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G. Walkthrough Ga - Opening When you start the game, you will see yourself running through a rainy forrest. You will meet with your father. You will talk. Gb - The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults Run through the curtain. He will tell you his tale. How he got started on his journey. You will wake up on the ground. You will see a few men trying to break open a door. When you get close enough to them, a rock falls on them. run to the right and climb up the rock pile. You can either jump or wall run to the other side. Climb up the other rock pile. Run straight into the wall and press the (R) Button. when you are hanging on press the (A) button to pull yourself up. There will be a large rock that falls on the bridge. Jump to the other side. Go to the right and wall run across. Use the (R) Button to wall walk. Immediately run to the left. Break the items that are in your way by using (B). Run straight and kill the guard. Climb up the ladder and kill the other two guards. Go into the door that is left of the ladder. There should be a pool of water there. Like before, break the objects with your sword. Climb down the rock pile and kill the four guards. Enter the door the one guard was guarding. A rock will break the bridge in front of you so you will have to wall run. Climb up the ladder. Go into the door to your left. If you have lost health, take a drink with (R). Kill the four guards. Run to the wall and jump to the ledge. Climb past the face and the press (A) to get up. Press (X) when you get to the next face and climb past it. then drop to the next ledge. Drop again to get past the face and then drop into the hole. Climb up and enter the hole. Kill the four guards. Climb up the tall poll, jump onto the poll with the stub at the bottom, then jump to the really tall poll with the stub on it. then jump to the ledge. To climb a poll, Press (A). Press (A) to jump from a poll. Go in the door behind the curtains. Save. Gc - "You Have Unleashed the Sands of Time" Wall run on the LEFT wall. Now Wall run on the RIGHT wall and Jump to the ledge while running. Now wall run on the RIGHT wall. Now, run up the wall and press (A) to jump to the next wall. Once you reach the opposing wall press (A) and only (A). Repeat until on the ledge.Run through the curtains. Wall run to the ledge. Now wall run and jump. Wall run up the left wall while looking at light. Wall run to ledge. Repeat. Climb down and avoid spikey polls. Get to edge of ledge, wall run, then the grab ledge. Climb to end of ledge and jump to next ledge. Repeat. Avoid spikey polls. Wall run on LEFT wall and jump to ledge.Run. Grab onto ledge. Drop to next ledge. When ledge breaks, drop or jump. Jump onto poll at end of ledges. jump to next poll. When you get to the last poll, slide down and drop. Go to rock pile. run up it and pull yourself up. Wall runup the wall and jump to hand. Run up wall. Run up his head and press (A)then once you get to the other wall press (A). Repeat. Walk up to dagger. A rock falls on you and you will use your dagger to go back. Wall run to the door. Wall run and jump. Repeat. Avoid spikey polls. When you get to the fivepolls at once, run through the door to your left. Now drop down to the ledge.More spikey polls. Jump on ledge. Walk out door. You talk to your father. The Vizier tricks you into opening the sands of time. Now you have to fight A fewzombies. Once you have defeated them, run into the sand vortex. Save. Gd - "Had I Really Seen Her?" Run to the gate where Farah ran into. Go through the hole on the right side of the gate. Run up the stairs and you will see Farah. Follow her. Rocks will fall right in front of you. Go back and enter the door to your left. Wallrun from the stairs to the bottom of the stairs. Go behind the broken part in the steps and catch the sand cloud with your dagger. Run to the back of the room to the bars. Wall run and jump from bar to bar. Jump from the last bar to the ledge. Wall run from platform to platform. Then jump to bar, and swing to ledge. Run through door. Go to your right. Climb up the rocks to catch another Sand Cloud. Run through the door on the otherside of the room. Turn left. Jump to bar. Then swing and grab the next bar. Repeat. Run through to fountain. Get a drink if you are low on health. Go to your right. Go through door. Wall run to bar. Swing from bar to bar untill at ledge. Wall run to bar. and drop to ground. Kill the enemys. Find the bar with the lamp on it in the corner of the room. Wall run up the wall then jump on the bar. Jump on wall, then press (A) to jump on next bar. Repeat. Jump into hole. Save. Ge - A Secret Passage Run forward. Drink water if you lost health. Break boxes and chairs in the doorway. Turn to your right and catch sand cloud. Turn back. Wall run up wall, jump and grab bar. Turn around on bar and swing onto ledge. Drop onto rocks and enter hole in wall. Follow the curtains into the dark room. Walk on bridges to platform in the middle. You will drink from fountain. Your health will increase. This is a magic fountain. Drop down onto rocks. Drop to floor. Wall run over the hole in the floor to catch the sand cloud. Drop into hole. Run to the left. Farrah will grab you and tell you that it was your fault that the sands of time got out.(It was, but you were tricked). Kill the scarabs. In the back of the room, there is a pool of water if you've lost health. Run forward. To your right is a door. Enter it. Jump across to ledge. Run to your right. You will see 3 birds carrying the hourglass. Wall run accross when ledge falls. Enter door. Jump on poll. Keep jumping on polls until you got to the one next to the long one that is to far to jump to. Jump onto ledge and drop to floor. Wall run and jump on poll. Slide down. Kill the scarabs. Catch the sand cloud. Wall run and jump to poll. Jump to next poll, Then to ledge. Climb on rocks. Wall run and jump to bar. Jump to next bar, then to ledge. Wall run and jump onto ledge with polls. Catch the sand cloud. Jump on poll next to sand cloud. Jump to ledge. Climb on side of ledge and climb underneath crack in wall. Drop to next ledge. Drop again and again to get to floor. Kill the scarabs. Climb onto poll. Slide down. Kill Sand creatures. Get sand cloud in corner of room. Run to other side of room. Save. Gf - The Palace's Defense System Run to your left. Pull the cabinet to the left or right. Walk through secret door. Run down stairs. Wall run and jump to opening. Catch sand cloud. Step on pressure plate. Run through door. Rocks will fall in front of you. Run to your right. Wall run and jump to platform. Move box onto pressure plate. Run through door. You will see a picture of a large platform in the middle of the room. Pull out lever from wall. Quickly run onto platform and jump to themiddle. A survivor asks you to set up the defense system. Step on the pressureplate that is glowing. Move the lever that spins the platform around(It is theone with the arrow moving in a circle). Raise it once. Spin it so that the new moon plate is above the new moon axle. Now lower it. Get the new moon axle. Raise it again. Spin it twice. Raise it twice. The half moon plate should be glowing. Get the half moon axle. Spin it so that the cresent moon plate is above the cresent moon axle. Lower it and get the axle. Raise it once. Spinit so that the axles match their moon pattern at the top and raise them. Run across the platform and climb up the ladder to the left. Pull the lever. Slide down the ladder and kill the monsters. Run out the door. Save. Gg - A Booby-Trapped Courtyard Run up the stairs in front of you. Avoid traps. Pull lever out of wall. Run up stairs. Walk past spikey polls. Wall run to ledge in front of you. Walk across. Jump to next ledge. Jump over to door. Wall run to ledge. Walk across ledge with blades. Jump to ledge. When blades are gone, jump back to ledge and drop to door. Run through. Kill enemys. Save. Gh - Death of a Sand King Run straight forward. Climb over rocks. Catch sand cloud. Climb over rocks. Run straight forward. Once you are in line with the steps, stop. Turn in the opposite direction of the steps. Run onto pressure plate on wall. Run to pillar. Climb up it. Jump straight up onto poll. Swing to ledge. Jump to next ledge. Avoid the spinning sword. Wall run and jump to ledge. Avoid traps. Wall run and jump to grab bar. swing into doorway. Climb on rocks. Wall run and jump to ladder. Climb up it. Wall run. Jump to other side. Catch sand cloud. Run forward. Climb on rocks. Wall run up and jump to ledge to avoid spikes. Climb over and drop. Follow the hallway. Enter dark room. Yep. Another magic fountain. Run forward and grab bar. Swing and swing until you get to ledge. Move to the right and jump to ledge. Wall run and avoid blade. Wall run up to grab ledge. Jump. Grab bar. Switch direction. Swing to ledge. Wall run again and avoid blade. Wall run. Avoid blade. Jump. Run forward. Wall run. Avoid blade. Step on pressure plate. Wall run again. Avoid blade AGAIN. Run in door. Pull lever out of wall. Wall run on either side. Avoid blade. Avoid spinning sword. Wall run up to prssure plate and immediately jump. Grab onto ledge Jump to ledge on other side. Jump to ledge on other side. Jump to ledge. Wall run on the right side avoid blade. Run through door. You will see Farah fighting monsters. Kill all of them. (This is probobly the hardest part of the game if this is your first time. If you need a good move visit my Hints, Tips, and Cheats section) Save. Get a drink if you are in need of health. Follow farrah. Wall run thrice. Kill monsters. Save. Gi - "I'll Try To Find a Way In" Run up the stairs. Catch the sand cloud. Run the other way. Run until the rocks fall. Wall run. You will drop on a green circle.. Wall run to the next green circle. Wall run to bars. Swing to the next green circle. Turn around. Wall run to brown platform. Wall run to platform. Spin the lever a full 360 degrese. Break barrels. Drop to bottom. Enter door. Fight monsters. Run back(away from door)and catch sand cloud. Run back into door. Save. Gj - Climbing the Tower Climb up rock pile to your left. Wall run up and gab ledge. When part of ledge falls, jump and grab bar. Swing on bars until you get to the top. Wall run and avoid blade. You guessed it. Another magic fountain. Wall run back and climb up ladder. Run forward until rocks fall. Wall run and avoid blades. Wall run again. Avoid blades. Press button. Wall run again and enter door. Turn to your right. Wall run. Walk forward. Walk down steps. Open door for her. Walk back up steps. She will open the door for you. Walk into door. Wall run off steps. When you get to the cymbol, jump. Drop . Try to avoid trap. Walk up stairs. Go in door. Pull lever out of wall. Avoid traps. Wall run. Now your back to where you started. Walk down steps. Wall run. Again. And wall run up to stairs. Pull lever. Walk down steps and pull lever. Do it again. And again. Fight monsters once to the bottom. Run to the right side of the room. Push/Pull the box onto the pressure plate. Now to the left side of the room. Push/Pull that box onto the other pressure plate. Run up the platforms you have raised. Open the gate. Save. Gk - The Warehouse Run through the gate. Wall run. Wall run again. Climb over the right ledge of the stairs. Catch the sand cloud. Run up the steps. Fight the monsters. There are only 4 of them. Save. Gl - The Sultan's Zoo Climb up cliff in front of you. Grab onto tree. Jump to next cliff. Jump down. Get in the middle of the blue area. JUmp to bar. Swing over gate. Open the gate for her. Kill the birds. Run into door. Move box. Run back out. She will open the gate. Swing. Jump to wall. Swing. Jump. Swing to ledge. swing on bars to get to ledge. Climb ladder. Wall run. Wall run. Swing. Jump. Wall run up and grab bar. Pull lever. Jump to cliff. Save. Gm - Atop a Bird Cage Drop to cliff below. Drop to bar. Swing to gate. Run forward. Pull lever. Enter gate. Kill scarabs. Climb on rocks. Wall run. Jump. Pull lever. Enter gate. Catch sand cloud. Move box. Walk down to gate. Pull lever out of wall. Avoid traps. Run and jump across bridge. Save. Gn - Cliffs and Waterfall Run to the door that Farah is next to. Wall run to get to the other cliff. Climb up tree. Jump to next tree. Climb up and jump to cliff. Fight off birds. Wall run to ledge. Climb around ledge and jump to tree. Slide down and catch sand cloud. Climb back up tree. Jump to next tree. Then to next tree. Now jump to cliff. Fight off birds. Climb onto ledge and drop down to cliff. Jump across broken bridge and spin lever. Now, head back. You should know how to do it. Enter gate. Kill scarabs. Follow hallway. Kill scarabs. Walk down steps. Enter hole. Kill monsters. Save. Go - The Baths Run forward and up the steps. Move object onto pressure plate. Run into doorway. Avoid Swinging log. Drop to bottom. Wall run up back wall and jump to grab bar. Swing to next bar. Wall run up and jump from wall to wall. Enter the door. Fight monsters. Run up stairs. Save. Gp - "There's Something Glowing Up There" Push woman statue into pressure plate. Wall run up and step on other pressure plate. She should strep on the pressure plate in the water. Catch sand cloud when you run in gates. Rotate lever. Run out gates and immediately run right. Run up onto ledge. Jump to bar. Move Yourself so you can swing to next bar. You cant swing to next bar. Jump onto poll. Jump to next poll. Jump to bar. Move yourself so you can swing to next bar and then lever. A gate should move halfway up. Drop. Run to other side of room and do the same thing. Its not going to be exactaly the same. But you have to do it by yourself. Now push box through gate. Run through gate with swinging log. Get back to other door. Run down the steps to your right. Grab box and move it down waterfall. Move it twords ladder. Walk up ladder and catch sand cloud. Jump into door in wall. Jump from there to other door. Wall run up and grab bar. Keep swinging until you get to the edge. Break barrals blocking door way. Step on plate. Avoid swinging swords. Fight monsters. Save. Gq - Above the Baths/Gr - A Long Buried Secret Run up stairs. Run to the left. Move cabinet in front of bar to the far right corner. Jump onto cabinet then to bar. Swing to poll. Jump from poll to poll. Now jump to bar. Drop. Catch sand cloud. Run back the other way. Wall run to other side. Get the new sword. Wall run back and break the shabby looking door. Run down steps and break the other door. Run forward. When you get to the gate, Turn right and break wall. Run down steps. Run right. Movebox in front of bar. Jump on box. Wall run and jump on bar. Swing to next bar.Swing to platform. Jump to next platform. Get on the edge. Climb the ledges and get to the bottom. Wall hop up the wall to get to the top. Walk to end of ledge. Jump to next ledge. Jump to platform. Catch sand cloud. Walk to edge and drop to ledge. From ledge, jump to platform. Jump to next ledge. Then to where Farah is. If you rotate the lever 90 degreese, the gate will open, but rotate it another 90 degreese, break the wall and you will unlock POP1.If you decide to play POP1, you will have to do it all over again. But if you continue then you can unlock POP1 from the main menu. Open first gate and fight scarabs. Move box. Wait for Farah to get to the other side run on platfroms. Climb on ladder. Run forward and fight monsters. Save. Gs - Daybreak Run forward and break wall. Run forward to the gate. Run left. Break barrels. Step on plate. Enter gate. Kill enemys. Run up the stairs. Save. Gt - A Soldier's Mess Hall Run back down all the steps. Climb on big pile of rocks. Wall run to bar. Swing to bar, then to ledge. Jump from the ledge to the bar. Swing from the bar to the ledge. Jump up both ledges. Catch sand cloud. Go back and jump to the bar. Swing to platform. Wall run to next platform. Step on the pressure plate. Enter gate. Run to your left. Jump to bar. Swing to the next bar then to ledge. Wall run up to ledge. Avoid traps. Wall run off cymbol and jump to lever. Enter gate. Run to the right down the steps. Jump to lever. Lead Farah back up the steps to gate. She will climb under the gate and open it for you. Catch sand cloud. Wall run up on cymbol and jump to lever. Leave the building. Run until your view changes. Jump onto the scaffold. Run across gate. Get health if needed. Fight monsters. Save. Gu - The Drawbridge Run back across bridge and enter door. Rotate the lever. Enter gate. Run to the left and run up the first set of stairs. Turn around and wall run to bar. Turn around and swing to bar above you. Turn around again and swing to bar above you again. Now swing on bars until you get to ledge. Pull lever. When Farah pulls her lever, pull yours again. Now climb on rocks and Wall run to ledge. Jump to next lever and avoid blade. Jump to the bridge. Jump through hole. Break barrels and wall run to bar. Swing to ledge. Run into door. Wall run and jump to pull lever. Walk on bridge. She will move it. Jump to ledge.Jump to next ledge. Then to ladder. Climb up. Run to your left. Wall run to lever. A ladder will come out of the wall. She will climb up it. Lead her back to gate. She will climb under a hole. She will open the door. Run across and kill birds. Save. Gv - A Broken Bridge To your right is a water fountain. And to your left is a sand cloud. Catch it! Run back to the gate. Face Farah. Now run in the opposite direction and grab edge. Drop and move to your right. Jump to poll. Now jump to mini poll. Jump north to ledge. Chimy to th left until you can't chimy any more. Now jump from wall to wall, only this time you will go down instead of up. When you Get to the bottom, run as fast as you can to the left. Wall run up, jump and grab bar. Turn around and swing to the wood thing. Grab side of wood thing and drop to platform. Jump onto ledge in pillar. Chimy around and jump to poll. Slide down and catch sand cloud. Jump to next poll.Climb all the way to the top. Jump to ledge in pillar. Chimy all the way to the left and drop. Move to the left and pull yourself up. Use control stick to walk across thin beam. Chimy to the right. Enter door. Walk down the far right steps. Wall run and jump to bar. Swin from bar to bar. Save. Gw - "I'll Meet You at the Baths" Drop down to wood ledge. Drop to platform. Run to beam. Jump to next beam. Walk on beam until you get to wood Gate. jump across and avoid gate. Walk down sloped beam. Jump to next beam. Jump to next beam. Fight off birds. Walk down to wood extension on beam and jump. Walk up sloped beam and pull lever. Walk down lader. Walk straight forward and through the hole. Catch the sand cloud. Walk back out hole and find open gate. Pull lever. Fight off scarabs. Find the other open gate and pull the lever out of the wall. Now quickly run back up the ladder, back across the beams and back to where you started. Wall run across the gate. Catch sand cloud. Run nto door and pull lever. Run out other door and wall run to the other side. Step on pressure plate. Climb down ladder and run through gate. Keep runing forward. Break the wall. Walk across the log. Break barrals and climb down to ledge. Walk until ledge breaks. Drop to the other ledge. Walk until that ledge breaks. Drop to next ledge, then drop to water. Fight scarabs. Get onto rock and cach sand cloud. Face the water fall. Get on the mound right of the rock. Wall run up to ledge. Climb across log. Drop don to cliff. Jump through waterfall. Climb across log. Fight off the bats. Wall run to the cliff. Drop to ledge. Move to the left. Jump to next cliff. Now o the next cliff. Wall run to sand vortex. Save. Gx - Waterfall Run across log into cavern. Break Wall. Run until you get to the wood planks. Wall run to the other wood planks. They will break so you will have to run to the other ones fast. They will also break So you will have to run to the cliff. Run in the cavern and break the wall. Keep wall running until you get to ledge. Fight off the bats. Chimy to the Right until ledge breaks. Jump up an grab ledge above. Jump to Pointy thing coming out of celing. Jump to wood. Wall run To next wood planks and wall run. Jump to pointy thing. Jump to next pointy thing. Now jump to ledge. Chimy to your right. Jump from pointy thing to pointy thing until you get to cliff. Save. Gy - A Cavern of Ladders Jump to ledge in front of you. Jump fom pointy things until yu get to cliff. Catch sand cloud. Run across bridge. Wall run to wood planks. Fight bats. Wall run to lader. Slide halfway down. Spin around and jump to wood planks. Break box. Jump back on ladder and slide all the way down. Wall run. Slide down ladder. Wall run across. Fight bats. Wall run across. Slide down ladder. Run through big opening and break wall. Turn to your left. Get on rock pile. Wall run up. Jump onto rope. Swing to saveing point. Save. Gz - An Underground Reservoir Run to right and jump on ledge. Jump to higher ledge. Chimy to the right. When you get to the half circle ledge, drop to the one below. Walk on beam. Jump to the next beam. Chimy to the left to beam. Walk accross. Chimy to the left and walk on next beam. Fight off bats. Walk to the other side of the circle ledge. Jump onto broken part of pillar. Walk on beam about halfway and jump to rope. Swing to gate in front of you Chimy around to the left and to the beam. Walk half way and jump on rope. Swing to next rope. Swing into wall. Wall run up to ledge. Avoid traps and walk into door. Pull lever. Fight off bats. Drop down and avoid big poll with swords. Walk in door and push box. Drop down. Fight off bats. Push box to sand cloud. Wall run up. Catch it. Climb up ledge on right. Jump to next ledge. Walk on beam about halfway, then jump to rope. Swing on ropes. When you get to the rope that shows you a large white circle above it, Climp the rope. When you exit the well, you'll have to fight off some Sand Creatures. On one side of the Platform is the sand vortex. Go to the other side of the room and catch the sand cloud. Save. Gaa- Out of the Well Run Through doorway. Keep runing forward until you can't run any more. Jump straight ahead to rope. There is a white pressure plate and a yellow pressure plate. It doesnt matter whitch one you push first. To push them, you have to jump off your rope, hit the plate, and jump back on the rope. Do theat with both plates. Enter gate it opened. Walk down the steps and to the left is a sand cloud. Pull out yellow lever from wall. Step on white plate. Jump to platform. Wall run on the right wall. Avoid blade. Avoid spikes by jumping when your above them. Run up steps and avoid swinging swords. Run down stairs and fight sand creatures. Save. Gbb- The Sultan's Harem Run forward and into the pool. Run to your right into the curtains. Break the wall to your left. Break next wall. Run through curtains to your left. Wall run up and pull lever. Run back to curtains. Don't enter them. Go to the right and catch sand cloud. Now run through curtains. Run all the way back to the saving point. Run to the far left curtain. Go through it. Wall run and jump. Catch sand cloud. Run back and break walls. Help Farah fight off Sand Creatures. Save. Gcc- "What Did You Call Me?" Farah wakes you up. Run forward. Move statue. Run to gate. Walk in it. Move the lever a full 360 degreese. Run down the hallway and move the mirror the opposite direction that it is already in. Fight Sand Creatures. Save. Gdd- The Hall of Learning Run back to the mirror you moved earlier. Follow the light. It should be touching another mirror. Move it back so it shines on the other mirror. Move that mirror out so it touches the bookshelf on the other side of the room. Follow the light. Move that mirror to the almost broken wall. Break the wall. Move that mirror so it touches the cymbol. Wall run up twice. Chimy to the left and jump. Walk on beam. Jump to ledge. Wall run to the left. Chimy on ledge and jump to bar. Jump to next bar. Jump to platform. She will pull a lever. Run straight to the pillar with the plate on it. Wall run up. Press the plaate and jump immediately. Keep jumping until you get to the top. Wall run to the next ledge. Now wall run and jump to ladder. Climb up. Run to the right and catch sand cloud. Avoid traps. Wall run up and jump to wood beam. Walk across beam. Fight bats. Jump to next wood beam. Drop down. Wall run and avoid traps. Break wall in front of crystal. Follow hallway. Yup. Another Magic Fountain. Run back to platform in the middle. There should be a beam. Walk across. Move light to the right one spin. Run to the right and walk on beam. The right half of the beam should break off. Run on the left half. Jump to platform. Jump to bar above. Swing to wall, jump, and grab higher bar. Jump to beam. Jump again . Fight off bats. Drop. Move mirror closest to the light, into the light. Move the other mirror so the light is touching the crystal. Now wall run down to ledge. There should be an open area for that near the mirror you just moved. Drop twice. Chimy around. Jump to platform. Wall run to mirror. Move the light so it touches the cymbol. There should be some platforms sticking out of the wall In the direction of where the light is pointing. Get to the last one. There should be a rope at the tip of it. Jump to the rope. Jump from ropes to wall with ledges. Chimy around until you get to ladder to your right. Climb up the ladder. Break the three walls in a row. Pull the lever and move the mirror out. Walk across platforms that came out of the wall. Move the far mirror into the light so it is touching the mirror you pulled out of the broken wall. Move that mirror so it is touching the crystal in the last broken wall. Run to the crystal room. Wall run up and drop from ledges. Get to last ledge and drop to your left onto the broken pillar. Run into gate. Grab your new sword. Pull out lever. Quickly run to the gate you opened. Run down steps and hallway. Then steps again. Fight off the Sand Creatures. Save. Gee- Observatory Run back up onto platform. Run up the steps. Jump to lege in front of you. Run to the left. Catch sand cloud. Now run back to your right. Swing on bars until you get to platform. Turn lever three times. Swing on bars and polls until you get to red lever. Spin that once. Get to poll then turn and jump on bars and levers. Push in pressure plate. Wall run back to blue switch. Swing on bars and polls. When you get to poll turn to other lever. Jump on bars and pull it. Slide down large ropes. Walk into hallway. Walk into gate. Avoid traps. Run into gate. Push pressure plate. Walk into gate. Pull out lever. Avoid traps. Walk out. Fight Sand Creatures. Save. Gff- Hall of Learning Courtyards Climb up ladder in the corner of the courtyard. Jump to next beam. Fight birds. Jump to next beam. Jump on rope. Swing to wood plank sticking out of the wall. Climb up and jump to bar. Swing to platform. Wall run and grab wood beam. Jump to bar Swing to the top of the platform. Fight birds. Wall run and grab beam. Jump to rope. Swing to next rope, then to platform. Wall run down. Drop down and pull lever. Exit. Climb on ledge to get to the other side. Enter door. Run to the left. Wall run down. Avoid swinging swords. Fight scarabs. Catch sand cloud. Enter gate. Go up stairs. Fight scarabs. Wall run across. Twice. Run up stairs. Exit gate. Jump across the gap. Fight Sand Creatures. Walk back to gap. Get down to bottom. Catch sand cloud. If you walk all the way back to the other side, there is another sand cloud. Get back up. Save. Ggg- On the Ramparts Jump over gap. Run to gate. She can't open the gate. Jump over to the side of the ledge to the left. Jump to bar. Swing to beam. Cimy across and jump to other gate. Run to the sand cloud. Try not to fall. Catch sand cloud. If you fall, its not a big deal. When you catch the Sand Cloud, Fall. Climb down ladder. Wall run onto plate. A platform should come out of the wall. Quickly wall run to the next plate. Another platform should come out. Do this Two more times. On the last one. An elevator platform comes up. Wait until it goes down. You will have to wall run more. Go down elevator. Now you have to wall run and jump to get to the platform. Do this 2 more times until there is no plate. Jump to the bar and swing to ladder. Slide down. Now you have to wall run, Jump to bar, and swing to platform multiple times. On the last one, you jump to a bar and swing to the ladder. Slide down. Fight Sand Creatures. Save. Ghh- A Prisoner Seeking an Escape Run around the hall and catch the Sand Cloud. Go back. Move box onto plate in the back of the room. Enter the gate. Wall run up and step on plate. Avoid the large swords. Enter gate. Catch Sand Cloud. Pull both white switches. Wall run and jump up to get to the top. Wall run up and jump to get to beam. Fight off bats. Jump to beam in front of you. Jump to one side of the beam to plate. Immediately jump back. Jump to other plate. Immediately jump back. To a wall to wall jump menuver. Wall run up on either side and grab bar. Swing, jump, and jump again to get to next bar. Do the same to get to the beam. Now jump to large bar and swing to ledge in front of you. Wall run up to plate to the right. Immediately jump to platform that comes out of wall. Do this until at top. On the last one, wall run up and jump to beam. Now jump to ladder. When at the top, Jump to bar, then to ladder. Do this again until at the top. Fight Sand Creaturs. Run up steps. Save. Gii- "At Last We're Here!" Run back up steps. Run up big steps. Catch sand cloud. Run down big steps. Step on plate. Run down steps and wall run Onto platform the plate raised. Wall run onto wood platform in front of you. Wall run up to the plate. Do the same thing to get up to wood platform. Push box down. Move it under the orange plate NW of the box. Wall run up and step on plate. Run in gate. Catch Sand Cloud. Run across bridge. Kill birds. Run into door. Catch Sand Cloud. Run in the opposite direction. Keep running. Break wall. Yup another magic fountain. Run out gate onto platform. When you get high enough, Sand Creatures come. Kill them. When it stops, wall run up onto white cymbol and jump to grab lever. Get on the elevator With Farah. Save. Gjj- The Hourglass Run forward through the gold infested hallway. Climb up onto ledge. Wall run thrice. On the last one, wall run and jump to bar. Swing to hourglass. The Vizier will cast a wind spell and will be thirsty for the dagger. You will let go of a poll. You will get the dagger. but end up in a dark room. When she says the word that opens the door and you now have complete control of the Prince: Run down the long and almost never ending steps. When you get to the end, you will have to go through a series of doors. Step in front of each door. When you hear splasing water, that is the door for you. It will lead you out of another door, so keep listining for that splash. Eventually you will get to the top. Do the same thing. Eventually you find Farah. You two have some "Special time" together. Now your Swordless. Run through the halls and avoid the sand creatures. You should come to a place with lots of angled mirrors. Push the mirror that reflects the beam to the right in front of the main beam, then move the one that will bend it back left in its path. Adjust that mirror so that it hits one of the pillars on the back wall. Those pillars are mirrors also, and will end up pointing the beam back your way. Now, head to the other side of the room, and move the mirror that will reflect the light into its path, then the last one, so that the light bounces onto the light-up switch, removing the force field. Run back and fight the Sand Creatures. Save. Gkk- "Farah! Come Back!" Run back into the mirror room. Break the scruffy looking door. Exit the room. Wall run to the bars. Swing and get up to the ledge. Fight Sand Creatures. Save. Gll- Climbing the Tower of Dawn Drop to ledge that is East of you. Chimy around until you cant jump to the next ledge. All you do is drop. Walk on beam until under the bar. Jump on bar. Swing and jump to get to the top. Break shabby door with your sword. Yup, another magic fountain. Now wall run up on white cymbol. Jump onto lever. Swing to bar. Swing up into trap door. You'll have to jump once on the wood door. Climb up.You dont have to save. Wall run up to ledge east of you. Chimy across ledges until you get to the top. Jump on poll. Jump to next poll. Jump to beams. Jump to bar. Get on the end of the bar. Swing and jump. Fight bats. Jump to any poll. Slide down. Wall run across and jump, jump, jump, etc. Wall run up and jump. Pull yourself up. Run across bridge and fight Sand Creatures. Save. Gmm- The Setting Sun Wall run and jump to bar in front of you. Swing and jump to beam. Jump to the next two beams. Jump to poll. Jump to next poll. Now do a jump, jump thing to get to the top. Run to the ledge to the right. Chimy to the platform. Fight bats.Wall run up and do a jump, jump, ect. thing. When you get to ledge, chimy to the right. Fight bats. Jump from beam to beam. Chimy to beam. Walk to the end of the beam and drop. Chimy to the end of the bar. Swing, jump, and grab beam. Fight off bats. Jump from beam to beam. Chimy across. Do a wall to wall jump. Chimy across. Jump up. Chimy around the ledges. Jump to bar. Siwng from bar to bar until at ledge. Chimy all the way arond until you can't chimy any more. Do a wall to wall jump. Only this time you will go down and not up. Enter door and step on plate. Wall run across to enter door. Climb up ladder. Jump to next ladder. Fight off bats. Jump to next ladder. CLimb up. Jump to next ladder. Fight Sand Creatures. Climb up rock pile. Save. Climb back up onto the rock pile. Climb on the poll. Jump to bar. Swing from bar to bar. Chimy around to the end of the last bar. Swing and jump to the hole in the wall. Get onto ledge above ledge. Jump to beam. Walk across beam. Get onto platform. Wall run to the next platform. Wall run again. Walk onto beam. Get into hallow pillar. Do a wall to wall jump. Once at the top, run across bridge. Wall run to other platform. ru across bridge. Climb on rocks and onto beam. Fight bats. Run across bridge. Wall run. Wall run again. Jump to poll. Jump to circular lookout tower. Climb on top of it. Climb on poll. Jump from poll to bar. Swing from bar to edge. Run to the right. Wall run and jump to ladder. Climb up ladder. Jump to poll. Jump in door. Farah will fall down a hole. Fight Sand Creatures. Save. Gnn- Honor and Glory You will se yourself fighting the Vizier. You will rewind the whole thing. You will tell Farah your story. Now you have to fight the Vizier. Fight three of his clones. When the real one starts coughing, whack him with your sword. When you two are out side and you have control of the prince, hit him with your sword a couple times. Yay. The game is beaten. It was all a story, that really happened. Lets hope that the sequal is better and cooler. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H. Tips, Hints, and Cheats Tips/Hints. Enemies - If you need to learn a good move that will leave your opponent on the ground, try the wall rebound attacks. So you dont have to scroll up, they are (A)+(A) and (A)+(B). (A)+(A) Is the wall vault attack. (A)+(B) is the wall attack. I think that (A)+(B) is a better move because it knocks most enemies to the ground. Some enimies block the move, however, so you have to use your wall vault attack. Also, try to capture as much sand from an enemy as possible. Try to kill them more with your dagger and less than your sword. Birds are also sometimes hard to kill. Try to block their attack with (R) then attack them with your sword. Rewards - Try to get as many Magic Fountains and Sand Clouds as you can. Don't avoid them because you don't think they are important. They are the most important factors in the game. Luckily for you, you dont have to find them them for yourself. I tell you where they are during the walkthrough. If there are any other hints or tips you need, Email me at Medevilglitch5[AT]yahoo[DOT]com. Include your Email adres so i can email you back. Thanks. Cheats. POP1 Level 1 remake Plug a controller into slot 1 and one into slot 4. Start a new game and enter this code as soon as you gain control of the prince.Code Effect While holding B on controller 4, press A, B, Y, X, Y, A, B, X on controller 1. Play through a remade 3D version of level 1 from the original Prince of Persia. Contributed By: Giygas199X Passwords Classic Prince of Persia level passwords Enter one of these in the password screen to jump ahead to that level.Password Effect LRARUC - Go to Jafar battle KIEJSC - Go to level 2 VNNNPC - Go to level 3 IYVPTC - Go to level 4 RWSWWC - Go to level 5 GONWUC - Go to level 6 DEFNUC - Go to level 7 SVZMSC - Go to level 8 DBJRPC - Go to level 9 MZFYSC - Go to level 10 BRAYQC - Go to level 11 UUGTPC - Go to level 12 Contributed By: kenb215 Unlockables Unlock Prince of Persia 1 *Note: the wall you break looks like a regular, unbreakable wall. After hitting it 3 times it will break. Unlockable How to Unlock POP1 After you get the sword that can break walls, go through the cavern until you get to a lever and break the wall north of it. Go into the passage. Contributed By: GoodGame1 If there are any cheats that are wrong or new cheats that you would like to submit, please e-mail me at Medevilglitch5[AT]yahoo[DOT]com. You should include your name or Gamefaqs.com ID to get credit. Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. Version History ----------------------------- Version .25 - 6/17/04 - 32 KB ----------------------------- Completed Sections A-Gi. Next goal: Complete section G ----------------------------- Version .85 - 6/20/04 - 56 KB ----------------------------- Completed all levels Next goal: Hints, Tips, and Cheats Section ----------------------------- Version 1.0 - 6/25/04 - 58 KB ----------------------------- Completed all of it. Next goal: Review and edit. ----------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. Legal Information This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This means that you can not take this FAQ and sell it or call it yours. If you want to post this on a site you must e-mail me first and I will probably say yes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ K. Contact Information E-mail - Medevilglitch5[AT]Yahoo[dot]com AIM Screen Name - cameradude9 If you have any questions or comments about the guide, please e-mail me. Make sure you make them clear and understandable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L. Credits/Closing Ubisoft for creating the best action game ever. Nintendo for having the game made for gamecube. CJayC for the best game site on the internet. Namod65 for helping me with my first guide. Sam Roberts for letting me borrow the game while I was writing the guide. _______________________________________________________________________________ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | \/ | ___ __| | _____ _(_) | __ _| (_) |_ ___| |__ | |/ _ \/ _` |/ _ \ \ / / | |/ _` | | | __/ __| '_ \ | |\/| | __/ (_| | __/\ * /| | | (_| | | | || (__| | | | | | | |\___|\__,_|\___| \_/ |_|_|\__, |_|_|\__\___|_| |_| |_| |_| |___/ Medevilglitch _______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2004 © Vincent Reau End of Document