Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones MEZMERIZE/HYPNOTIZE - PS2/XBOX/PC FAQ/Walkthrough Authored by VampireHorde __ ___ ______ _____ __ ___ ______ ____ ____ _____ ______ / |/ // ____//__ / / |/ // ____// __ \ / _//__ / / ____/ / /|_/ // __/ / / / /|_/ // __/ / /_/ / / / / / / __/ / / / // /___ / /__ / / / // /___ / _, _/_/ / / /__ / /___ /_/ /_//_____/ /____//_/ /_//_____//_/ |_|/___/ /____//_____/ __ ____ __ ____ _ __ ____ ______ ____ _____ ______ / / / /\ \/ // __ \ / | / // __ \/_ __// _//__ / / ____/ / /_/ / \ // /_/ // |/ // / / / / / / / / / / __/ / __ / / // ____// /| // /_/ / / / _/ / / /__ / /___ /_/ /_/ /_//_/ /_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ /___/ /____//_____/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ ___________ ____ ___ __ _____________________ _ __ / _/ |/ /_ __/ _ \/ __ \/ _ \/ / / / ___/_ __/ _/ __ \/ |/ / _/ // / / / / , _/ /_/ / // / /_/ / /__ / / _/ // /_/ / / /___/_/|_/ /_/ /_/|_|\____/____/\____/\___/ /_/ /___/\____/_/|_/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for clicking on the FAQ. Welcome back to Persia, young Prince! I will give an exact breakdown of how to finish the most daunting platforming puzzles, how exactly to use the environment to utilize the Quick/Speed Kill properly and of course, all the areas for all secret Health Upgrades. If you've played both the Sands Of Time and the Warrior Within games, then everything I mention here shouldn't be difficult to figure out. I strongly urge that you play the Two Thrones game first before resorting to this guide. Only read my strategies of you are stuck or need extra info on Quick/Speed Kills. All right, enough from me, FIGHT! *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ MEZMERIZE - THE CHARACTERS +++ \ | __|__ / \ | __| _ \_ _|__ / __| |\/ | _| / |\/ | _| / | / _| _| _|___|____|_| _|___|_|_\___|____|___| --THE PRINCE The original wise-cracking, fun-loving, talking-to-myself Prince from the Sands Of Time returns! No more of this "I'm-so-goddamn-pissed-that- I'm-gonna-look-like-Hugh-Jackman-and-say-BITCH-in-a-game!" attitude from the Warrior Within. Finally, we get to hear what the Prince is thinking...both of them. --THE DARK PRINCE Who is he? He's quite simply your better half. The Dark Prince pops in occasionally when certain sequences involve complicated platforming. Allergic to water for some reason. A little Dahaka infection, perhaps? --THE VIZIER The King Prick that set the wheels in motion in the Sands Of Time returns for Round 2. Due to the Sands of Time never being released, the Vizier technically never died and returns in this game to claim the Sands back. --KAILEENA The Queen Bitch that set the wheels in motion for the Warrior Within is back. Looking a lot different than her WW look, the queen is taken from the Prince and sacrificed selfishly by the Vizier. Her death brings about the Prince's darker side. --FARAH Yes, the bow-equipped pain in the ass from Sands of Time also returns and still sports an attitude as sharp as Jessica Alba's No-Nudity clause (ooh, I'm NASTY!). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ QUESTION! - THE CONTROLS +++ _ \ | | __| __|__ __|_ _| _ \ \ | | ( | | | _| \__ \ | | ( | . | _| \__\_\\__/ ___|____/ _| ___|\___/ _|\_| _) --DEFAULT CONTROLS (THE PRINCE): X BUTTON : JUMP/ROLL SQUARE BUTTON : PRIMARY ATTACK/STAB TRIANGLE BUTTON : SECONDARY ATTACK CIRCLE BUTTON : THROW WEAPON/DROP DOWN/PICKUP WEAPON L1 BUTTON : USE SANDS OF TIME L2 BUTTON : LANDSCAPE VIEW (WHEN PROMPTED) L3 BUTTON : NOT USED R1 BUTTON : RUN ALONG WALLS/RUN UP A WALL/MOVE ITEM R2 BUTTON : FIRST PERSON MODE R3 BUTTON : RE-CENTER CAMERA BEHIND CHARACTER LEFT ANALOG : MOVE CHARACTER RIGHT ANALOG : ROTATE CAMERA --EXTRA CONTROLS (DARK PRINCE) TRIANGLE BUTTON : USE CHAIN TO SWING (WHEN RUNNING/JUMPING) CIRCLE BUTTON : HURRICANE ATTACK (PRESS REPEATEDLY) ++DARK PRINCE NOTE: The Dark Prince cannot use or pickup secondary weapons from fallen enemies. He is equipped with the chain from the minute he transforms and it cannot be replaced. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ B.Y.O.B. - THE ENVIRONMENTS +++ _ ) \ \ / _ \ _ ) _ \ \ / ( | _ \ ___/_) _|_) \___/_) ___/_) Just like in the previous two games, the environment is important in getting through the game. In this case, the environments can now be used to the Prince's advantage to get the drop on his enemies. Instead of fighting the bad guys head-to-head, the Prince can do one of two things: use stealth or use the area around him. (More info in the walkthrough.) A couple of new additions have been added to the environment: --WALL GAPS The Prince can jump in between walls and stay there infinitely (similar to the Split jump move from Splinter Cell). Move the analog stick down to make him slide. From there, the Prince can either drop down and go for a kill or try a Quick/Speed Kill --WALL SHUTTERS** When the Prince runs along VERY long walls, there will be wall shutters that the Prince can jump from to reach another shutter or a balcony. Press the R1 Button and then the X Button to get to farther areas (use as many times as needed). **NOTE: When controlling the Dark Prince, you are urged to use the chain to reach another shutter. Run along the wall, jump, and then toss the chain to swing farther. --STAB SQUARES Also new to the series are Stab Squares (as I like to call them). When the Prince sees these squares on a wall, he can run up to them and then stab them to hang on. From there, the Prince can either run along the wall or jump higher. If you feel stuck in an area, look around to see these squares. --CURVED WALLS Another new addition, the Prince can now run along curved walls. Later in the game, the environment will get much trickier and the Prince will easily get stuck. Look for curved walls and run along them so that the Prince can get to his objective faster. --BRONZE SLITS These look like those coin insert things found in vending machines (only big and Bronze). Run up to this Slit and then stab it down to open a new door or ledge. --SAND PLATES Scattered throughout the game are Sand Plates that have a large beam of light coming out of it. There are usually 3-4 guards surrounding the plate that you need to eliminate in order to access it. Accessing the Sand Plates grants the Prince newer powers or more Sand Credits. --SAND CREDITS Sand Credits are obtained by finding them in hidden Golden Chests, certain Sand Plates, and successful Quick/Speed Kills. Everything else like poles, ledges, etc. are back and should be too familiar for all PoP veterans. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ VICINITY OF OBSCENITY - THE ENEMIES +++ \ \ /_ _| __|_ _| \ |_ _|__ __|\ \ / _ \ __| \ \ / | ( | . | | | \ / ( | _| \_/ ___|\___|___|_|\_|___| _| _| \___/ _| _ \ _ ) __| __| __| \ |_ _|__ __|\ \ / ( | _ \\__ \ ( _| . | | | \ / \___/ ___/____/\___|___|_|\_|___| _| _| The Prince encounters newer enemies in this game (with a few ones from Warrior Within thrown in). Although there aren't many varieties as in previous games, it doesn't mean they're easier to defeat. OR ARE THEY? --ARCHER --GUARDS These guys aren't too difficult to defeat. When fighting them on ledges or balconies, simply toss them off the ledge (you need to un-equip the second weapon to toss them) --FOREMAN The Foreman is only seen around Sand Plate areas. He's usually guarded by 3-4 guards and wears a black and red armor piece. --SAND WRAITHS --DEMON DOGS --FEMALE GUARDS Use lots of evasion and use the jump attacks. --INVISIBLE GUARDS --GREEN GOLLUMS Use the same strategy as the guards for these guys. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +++ ATTACK - QUICK/SPEED KILL +++ \__ __|__ __| \ __| | / _ \ | | _ \ ( . < _/ _\_| _|_/ _\\___|_|\_\ Similar to the God Of War game, when prompted the Prince can initiate an attack from behind or above for a sort of stealth kill. In most cases, the Prince can use the environment and sneak around an enemy to get the drop on them. (I will go more in-depth on this feature in the walkthrough) When the screen starts to shimmer in cat-vision style, press the Triangle Button to start the kill sequence (the enemy MUST be unaware of your presence or the attack is canceled). During the attack, the screen will turn gray for a split second and the dagger the Prince is holding will shimmer. Press the SQUARE Button each time you see the dagger shimmer to complete the kill sequence. Some Quick kills have multiple dagger attacks (especially on bigger enemies or multiple ones), so be on your guard when initiating the attack or you will get thrown off. Quick kills can be initiated from top ledges, chains, and wall gaps and are better than melee combat in all ways. ++DARK PRINCE NOTE: The Dark Prince uses Speed Kills. Unlike the Prince, there is no shimmer on the screen to wait for to kill the enemy. Initiate the kill sequence and when the Dark Prince grabs hold of the enemy, bash the Triangle Button repeatedly to strangle them. Simple! That's all you need to know for the Two Thrones. On to the walkthrough! *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** __ __ / /_/ /_ ___ / __/ __ \/ _ \ / /_/ / / / __/ \__/_/ /_/\___/ ____ __ __ __ _ ______ _/ / /__/ /_/ /_ _________ __ ______ _/ /_ | | /| / / __ `/ / //_/ __/ __ \/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __ `/ __ \ | |/ |/ / /_/ / / ,< / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / |__/|__/\__,_/_/_/|_|\__/_/ /_/_/ \____/\__,_/\__, /_/ /_/ /____/ ++AUTHOR'S NOTE: I encourage you to use Quick/Speed Kills rather than melee combat. If you're stuck in an area with enemies and think there is an alternative method for the Quick Kill, there probably is one. This Walkthrough will map out EVERY Quick Kill opportunity, so read on! *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** The descent into madness begins. All over again. --MISSION OBJECTIVE: FIND KAILEENA Roll under the door and head left. Run up the large baskets and jump from ledge to ledge. Use a wall run to reach the next area. From there, run up the wall and shimmy on up to the top. Drop down and use the ladder. Slide down and then head to the next area. As you head down the way, look for the pole to grab onto. Jump from pole to pole to the ledge up on top. Head down the ledge and hop over the railing. Jump to the pole and then turn around to jump to a ledge to shimmy. Shimmy over and jump down. Now do a wall run all the way to the end and then jump up and shimmy to the left. Jump over the ledge and to the Water Fountain Save Point. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE RAMPARTS +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ______ ____ /_ __// // // __/ / _ \ / _ | / |/ // _ \ / _ | / _ \/_ __// __/ / / / _ // _/ / , _// __ | / /|_/ // ___// __ | / , _/ / / _\ \ /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/|_|/_/ |_|/_/ /_//_/ /_/ |_|/_/|_| /_/ /___/ Head down the way and use the Landscape View. Take the ladder up and head down to the nearby door. --OBJECTIVE: LEARN THE QUICK KILL After the Quick Kill lesson, use Landscape View again to see your environment. See that pole on the left of the screen? Hop over the ledge and slide down. Use a Quick Kill on the nearby Archer to kill him. From there, use a wall run to the next ledge. Shimmy to the right until you get to the end. See that ladder? Jump from that ledge to reach that area. Take the ladder down but wait for the enemy below to walk away. Use a Quick Kill and then continue down the corner. Fight off the next guard (or don't) and then use a wall run and jump. Shimmy up and onto the next area. Climb up the ladder and turn left. Wall run to the curtain and slide down. Fight off the three guards (or don't) then head into the shack they emerged from. Climb up the ladder ad jump to the next ladder (turn around) and head up. Run up the wall and jump to the ledge. Jump to the ladder and head up to the next area. Jump down and head for the door. There is a ledge next to the door so jump up to it. Jump up and use the wall run to the next ledge. Start the Quick kill on the Archer. Once he's dead, head for the ladder and slide down. --OBJECTIVE: USE AN ENVIRONMENT QUICK KILL Here's your first chance to use the environment for a Quick Kill! After sliding down the ladder, use First Person view to see ledges on top. Run up to those ledges and jump from each one. When prompted, start the Quick kill on the first guard. After that, sneak up on the Archer and do the same to him. Jump over the ledge the Archer was guarding and head for the ladder. Go up and over the ledge to find the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE HARBOR DISTRICT +++ ________ ______ __ _____ ___ ___ ____ ___ /_ __/ // / __/ / // / _ | / _ \/ _ )/ __ \/ _ \ / / / _ / _/ / _ / __ |/ , _/ _ / /_/ / , _/ /_/ /_//_/___/ /_//_/_/ |_/_/|_/____/\____/_/|_| ___ _________________ _______________ / _ \/ _/ __/_ __/ _ \/ _/ ___/_ __/ / // // /_\ \ / / / , _// // /__ / / /____/___/___/ /_/ /_/|_/___/\___/ /_/ Continue on down and use a wall run and jump to the next ledge. Shimmy on the ledge all the way to the right then climb up. Cross the beam to the next ledge. Jump from the next beam to reach the next area. Jump from the beam to the next one. Below will be two enemies. Jump down from the top beam and initiate the Quick Kill for both fools. Head for the corner and run up the wall and jump to the beam. Jump up and cross the next beam to next area. Head down the way to the next beam and jump to it. Climb up and then jump between the wall gaps and slide down. Fight off the two baddies (or don't) and jump for the next beam. Jump from beam to beam and look for a Wall Gap. Jump to it and climb up to the ledge. From there, make a LONG jump (do not use a wall run) to the next beam and then jump to the next Wall Gap. Slide down and initiate the Quick Kill on the guard below (turn around to initiate the cat vision). --OBJECTIVE: USE ENVIRONMENT FOR QUICK KILLS Head up the stairs to the next area. Use Landscape View to see the area. Across from the Prince is a large wooden scaffolding. Do you see it? Slowly sneak to the ledge (but don't jump to it yet!) and the pigeons nearby will distract the nearby guard. Stay hidden or the pigeons will give you away! Once the coast looks clear, jump to the ledge on that wooden scaffolding and initiate the Quick Kill on the first guard. From there, sneak up on the Archer and use a Quick Kill. Now head up the ladder and jump to the railing but do not jump over yet! There is a lone Archer roaming around. Either use a Quick Kill or use combat to get him. Head for the corner and roll to the next area. --OBJECTIVE: USE ENVIRONMENT FOR QUICK KILLS Run up the wall to the top ledge. Use Landscape View to see a large wooden beam above the baddies. Do you see it? Use a wall run and jump and jump on the beam. Initiate the Quick Kill on both of them. Once that's done, do a wall run to the beam and climb up. Jump over the gap and head up the stairs to the blocked off corner. From here, use a wall-to-wall jump to make it to the top. Jump from ledge to ledge and shimmy down to the balcony. Continue crossing and jumping beams to the next area. Hop over the railing to another Quick Kill area. --OBJECTIVE: USE ENVIRONMENT FOR A QUICK KILL Jump over the railing and past to the next ledge. Use Landscape View to see two guards on the bottom. The guard on the left will turn occasionally, so watch him. When he turns around, jump down and initiate the Quick Kill on both of them. Now continue through and jump the beam to the ledge and shimmy to the left side. Climb up the next beam and jump over. Jump the gap to the next area. From there, do a wall run and jump to the beam on the left to grab it. Jump on the wall to the left and hop to the higher beam. Jump over the gap to the next area. Head for the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE PALACE BALCONY +++ ________ ______ ___ ___ __ ___ _________ /_ __/ // / __/ / _ \/ _ | / / / _ |/ ___/ __/ / / / _ / _/ / ___/ __ |/ /__/ __ / /__/ _/ /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/ /_/ |_/____/_/ |_\___/___/ ___ ___ __ _________ _ ____ __ / _ )/ _ | / / / ___/ __ \/ |/ /\ \/ / / _ / __ |/ /__/ /__/ /_/ / / \ / /____/_/ |_/____/\___/\____/_/|_/ /_/ This next part will be a little tricky. Jump over the railing and onto the ledge. Across from you is the Palace Balcony with a guard. Do a Wall Run (the guard will walk away while you do this) and jump to the next railing but do not hop over yet. --OBJECTIVE: USE ENVIRONMENT FOR QUICK KILLS Use Landscape View to see a ledge just above the immobile guard. Hop over and run up the nearby ledge next to the entrance and climb up. Shimmy to the beam and wait for the Archer to leave. Initiate the Quick Kill and then sneak to the nearby fence. Use Landscape View again to see two Archers. One all the way in the back and one nearby that moves left to right frequently. When the nearby Archer looks away, scurry to the area next to him. Climb over the table and run up the wall and jump to the beam. Cross the beam and initiate the Quick Kill on both Archers. --OBJECTIVE: LEARN HOW TO USE STAB SQUARES AND WALL SHUTTERS Near the Archers is a large pedestal with two Stab Squares above it. Follow the instructions indicated onscreen to learn about how to use these two items. Jump to the top balcony and then use a wall run and shutter jump to reach the next area. Now step on the nearby switch to open the door and continue through. --OBJECTIVE: USE ENVIRONMENT FOR QUICK KILL In the next area, Landscape View will confuse you here but follow these instructions: use a Wall Run and stab the square. Drop down and jump the gap to the other Stab Square. Initiate the Quick Kill on the guard below. Jump on the second pillar and jump to the beam across from you. Climb up and hop over the railing. Use Landscape View to see an Archer facing forward. See that long ledge on the right side of the screen? Run up the wall to it and shimmy to the beam above the Archer. Jump to the Wall Gap across the beam and slide down. Turn around. You know what to do here. --OBJECTIVE: USE ENVIRONMENT FOR QUICK KILLS Now hop over the railing and jump to the beam. Initiate another Quick Kill from above. Head for the door to see furniture blocking the way. Break them but stay hidden! Once the alerted guard goes back to his post, sneak in and run up the wall. Shimmy and hop behind him and use a Quick Kill. Look for Stab Squares above. Run up the wall and use the Squares. Use a Wall Run and stab the next square. Wall run again to the next balcony. Now use Landscape View to see an Archer across the way. Use a Wall Run and shutter jump and initiate the Quick Kill on the Archer. Now run up the wall next to the door and jump for the beam. Jump to the next beam then jump straight up. Shimmy over and jump to the next ledge. Use Landscape View to see two guards. Hop over the railing and use the nearby Stab Square. Wall Run and jump to the next ledge and cross the beam. Jump over the Wall Gap and slide down and initiate the Quick Kill. For the other guard, look up to see another beam. Run up the wall and jump to it. Cross the beam (but don't jump!) and turn right to see some Stab Squares. Jump to the one across you and then use a Wall run and stab. Jump across the gap to the next beam and then jump to the Wall Gap and slide down. Initiate the Quick Kill. --OBJECTIVE: OPEN THE DOOR Enter the next room and look for a Stab Square. Run up the wall and stab it. Use a wall run and shimmy on the ledge all the way to the right and climb up. Head for the corner and run up the wall to trigger the opening of the door and then jump at the same time to reach the beam above it. Now enter the room to find the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE PALACE +++ ________ ______ ___ ___ __ ___ _________ /_ __/ // / __/ / _ \/ _ | / / / _ |/ ___/ __/ / / / _ / _/ / ___/ __ |/ /__/ __ / /__/ _/ /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/ /_/ |_/____/_/ |_\___/___/ Now it's death trap time! Use a Wall run and then roll out of the way and head around the hall. Simply cross the sawblades when it's clear and then run up the wall when the spikes rotate. Hop over the ledge and use another wall run and jump to the next area when the sawblades are clear. Wait for the spikes to rotate and then run up the wall to the area above. Pass the sawblades and head for the Rotating Handle and turn it clockwise to open the trapdoor above. Just near the handle is a large bronze slit on the wall. Run up to it and press the attack button to initiate a secret step block. Quickly run up the step block and up to the top room. Find the Water Fountain across from you and save. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE THRONE ROOM +++ ________ _____ ____ _ ______ ___ ____ ____ __ ___ /_ __/ // / _ \/ __ \/ |/ / __/ / _ \/ __ \/ __ \/ |/ / / / / _ / , _/ /_/ / / _/ / , _/ /_/ / /_/ / /|_/ / /_/ /_//_/_/|_|\____/_/|_/___/ /_/|_|\____/\____/_/ /_/ --OBJECTIVE: USE ENVIRONMENT FOR QUICK KILLS To the right of the Water Fountain is a Stab Square on the wall above. Do you see it? Head for the ledge underneath it and use Landscape View to see an Archer on the balcony. Run up the wall and stab it. Use a Wall run and climb up the ledge. Use a wall run and shutter jump for a Quick Kill (press the initiate button or the Quick Kill won't happen). Now use another wall run to the next area. Run up the wall to the higher ledge and use Landscape View. You'll see a Stab Square on the left side of the screen, a shutter on the right, and a ledge to shimmy underneath it. Use a Wall Run and shutter jump to the nearby ledge. Jump and use the stab square. Jump across the gap and shimmy onto the beam. Cross the beam and then jump towards the Wall Gap and slide down. Initiate the Quick Kill. Run up the wall and up the ledge. Shimmy to the right and use the stab square. Wall run and jump to the large pillar and WAIT! Move the camera to watch the Archer on his patrol. When he turns around, move and then jump to the pillar and then jump to the railing and hop over. Sneak up to Archer and initiate the Quick Kill. See those stairs? DO NOT USE THEM! --OBJECTIVE: INITIATE A DOUBLE SPEED KILL Look for another pillar across from the Archer. Hop over the railing and jump to the pillar. Turn around and then jump to the Wall Gap across the two guards and slide down. Initiate the kill and continue. NEW POWER ACQUIRED: RECALL After the cutscene, the Prince can once again Rewind time (if he royally screws up something). Continue down the hall and activate the switch at the end by running up at it to open the door. Continue past the crumbling balcony. Jump across the first gap but do NOT jump the second gap! Look for a Stab Square above and access it. Use a Wall run and stab and then another wall run to the next ledge. Wall run to the nearest curtain and slide down. Enter the room to find the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE TRAPPED HALLWAY +++ ________ ______ _________ ___ ___ ___ _______ /_ __/ // / __/ /_ __/ _ \/ _ | / _ \/ _ \/ __/ _ \ / / / _ / _/ / / / , _/ __ |/ ___/ ___/ _// // / /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/ /_/|_/_/ |_/_/ /_/ /___/____/ __ _____ __ __ _ _______ __ / // / _ | / / / /| | /| / / _ \ \/ / / _ / __ |/ /__/ /_| |/ |/ / __ |\ / /_//_/_/ |_/____/____/__/|__/_/ |_|/_/ Head down the hall for some more spiked traps. Roll your way past them to the end of the hall and run up the wall to activate the switch for the door below. Head down the stairs to a large room with six pillars. The floor will crumble so keep going. Access the nearest pillar and climb up. Jump to the next one and then jump to the next one but stay put! Turn left to see a ledge on the wall. Jump to it and climb up. Shimmy to the right and jump up. Shimmy all the way to the right and jump to the next pillar. Turn around and look for stab squares on the wall. Jump to them and use them. Use Wall runs and stabs to get to the next pillar. Jump to the last pillar and jump towards the wall on the left to land on a beam. Jump to the ledge across the beam and jump towards the curtain. As you slide down the curtain, jump before you reach the bottom to access a Wall Gap. Slide and jump down and then access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE RUINED PALACE +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ __ __ ____ _ __ ____ ___ /_ __// // // __/ / _ \ / / / // _// |/ // __// _ \ / / / _ // _/ / , _// /_/ /_/ / / // _/ / // / /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/|_| \____//___//_/|_//___//____/ ___ ___ __ ___ _____ ____ / _ \ / _ | / / / _ | / ___// __/ / ___// __ | / /__ / __ |/ /__ / _/ /_/ /_/ |_|/____//_/ |_|\___//___/ Continue down the hall for more spiked traps and doodads. Run and roll past them to the next area. --OBJECTIVE: FIND GOLDEN CHEST Jump the large gap to the next ledge. Head down and then use a Wall run on the next wall. Defeat the guard and then jump the ledge and shimmy to the left. Defeat the two guards that emerge and then enter the hall they came from to find a large Golden Chest. Open it to find 10 SAND CREDITS. Now look for the nearby ledge and climb up. Defeat the guard and then look for a Stab square on the wall. Jump to it and stab it. Jump up and stab another one and then jump up to the ledge and shimmy left. Jump across the large gap and then use a Wall Run and shutter jump to the next ledge. Shimmy to the exit and use the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE ROYAL CHAMBERS +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ____ __ __ ___ __ /_ __// // // __/ / _ \ / __ \\ \/ // _ | / / / / / _ // _/ / , _// /_/ / \ // __ | / /__ /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/|_| \____/ /_//_/ |_|/____/ _____ __ __ ___ __ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ / ___// // // _ | / |/ // _ ) / __// _ \ / __/ / /__ / _ // __ | / /|_/ // _ |/ _/ / , _/_\ \ \___//_//_//_/ |_|/_/ /_//____//___//_/|_|/___/ Head down the stairs and enter the next area. After the cutscene, use the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE SEWERS +++ ______ __ __ ____ ____ ____ _ __ ____ ___ ____ /_ __// // // __/ / __// __/| | /| / // __// _ \ / __/ / / / _ // _/ _\ \ / _/ | |/ |/ // _/ / , _/_\ \ /_/ /_//_//___/ /___//___/ |__/|__//___//_/|_|/___/ Move forward and jump to the swing pole. Swing from bar to bar to the next ledge. Head down the path and jump to the next swing pole but DO NOT JUMP! Jump to the swing pole and shimmy all the way to the other side and jump down. Jump to the swing pole and vault higher to the upper ledge and shimmy to the left. At the end, jump down the Wall Gap and slide all the way down and jump down. --OBJECTIVE: DESCEND FURTHER INTO THE SEWERS Defeat the green devils (or don't) and head down the hall towards the Bronze Slit on the wall. Run up and stab it to trigger the wall. Jump down the open hole and slide down the Wall Gap. At the bottom, jump across to the swing pole and jump down to the bottom of the room. --OBJECTIVE: ACTIVATE THE DOOR At the bottom room, head for the corner and use Landscape View to see two Stab squares on the left side of the screen. Run up the wall and stab it. Jump up and stab again and then Wall Run to the ledge. Shimmy all the way to the right and then jump to the nearby pole to bring it down. Once it's done, slide down and exit the newly opened door. Cross the beam and then jump to the Wall Gap across from the Prince and slide down. Jump down and continue on down the path. Use Landscape View on the next area to see three ledges on the right side of the screen. Do you see them? Make a long jump to the closest ledge and jump up. Continue on up and then jump to the nearby pole to bring it down. Turn around and jump for the swing pole. When the moving stab square gets close, jump and stab it and make a quick wall run to the ledge. From there, use Landscape View to see another area. Use a Wall Run and slide down and then jump down. Move forward to activate the Dark Prince. +++ AREA: THE SEWERS (DARK PRINCE) +++ ______ __ __ ____ ____ ____ _ __ ____ ___ ____ /_ __// // // __/ / __// __/| | /| / // __// _ \ / __/ / / / _ // _/ _\ \ / _/ | |/ |/ // _/ / , _/_\ \ /_/ /_//_//___/ /___//___/ |__/|__//___//_/|_|/___/ See that large block with the Lion symbol? Press the Triangle Button to pull it forward and open the door across from you. Destroy the enemies (or don't) and head for the door before it closes. Jump the beam to the next beam and jump to the pole. Slide down and destroy the enemies and continue through. --OBJECTIVE: FIND THE GOLDEN CHEST In the next area, jump down the large gap to find a Golden Chest. Run up the wall and then jump and swing with the chain to reach the next ledge. Jump and chain swing two times on the next beam to reach the other side and slide down the Wall Gap. In this area, turn to the left chamber and activate the Lion Switch to open the door on the right side. Quickly run for the door before it closes. Once that's done, run up the wall and shimmy to the left and jump up. Turn around to see a ladder. Wall run to the ladder and climb up. Head for the corner and find the Bronze Slit on the wall. Activate it (don't jump down) and then jump to the nearby swing pole. Swing to the next swing pole and then wait for the spikes to rotate away. Do a wall to wall jump and head for the top. Continue through and jump the beam to the Wall Gap and slide down to the bottom. --AREA: THE SEWERS (THE PRINCE) After the transformation, head up the nearby ledge and jump up to the top. Jump the gap to the moving stab square and stab it. Do a wall run to the next area and continue down the hall (destroy the enemies if you want). Look for the Bronze Slit and activate it to open the door. Run under it to the next area. --OBJECTIVE: GET HEALTH UPGRADE #1 In the next area are two paths: the path on the right has sawblades and spikes and a Water Fountain and the path on the left leads to a Health upgrade. Take the left path. Jump the gaps, cross the beams, jump the beams to the Golden Water Fountain and head for it. Drink the water to activate the mini-game. --HEALTH UPGRADE MINI-GAME: Move forward to activate the sawblades. Pass them and head for the beam but DO NOT CROSS YET! Instead of trying to dodge the arrows on the wall, jump down the beam and shimmy all the way to the end and then jump up and jump past the sawblades to the next beam. Roll past the spikes and the lone sawblade towards the light to upgrade your health! Go back to the room with the Water Fountain. Get past the sawblades and spikes and save your game. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE TUNNELS +++ ______ __ __ ____ ______ __ __ _ __ _ __ ____ __ ____ /_ __// // // __/ /_ __// / / // |/ // |/ // __// / / __/ / / / _ // _/ / / / /_/ // // // _/ / /__ _\ \ /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ \____//_/|_//_/|_//___//____//___/ Continue down the path and use a Wall run and jump to the next ledge. Do a long jump to reach the ladder and then climb up. Jump the gap the ledge and jump. Time your jumps to the top so that you don't get pelted with arrows and emerge out of the sewers. Head on down the path and jump the gap. Across from you are two Archers. You can try jumping the next gap and initiating Quick Kills but its possible that you'll blow it. If it goes wrong, just engage iin battle and destroy them. Look for the ledge on the wall and run up to it. Jump up to the top and shimmy to the right. Jump the gap and shimmy to the right. Jump the gap and make your way up. Quickly jump up after the arrows shoot and jump up again. At the top, shimmy to the right and jump up. Jump up tow ledges to the top of the building. Use the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE FORTRESS +++ ______ __ __ ____ ____ ____ ___ ______ ___ ____ ____ ____ /_ __// // // __/ / __// __ \ / _ \/_ __// _ \ / __// __// __/ / / / _ // _/ / _/ / /_/ // , _/ / / / , _// _/ _\ \ _\ \ /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ \____//_/|_| /_/ /_/|_|/___//___//___/ Use the Landscape View to see a long Wall Gap in front of you. Use the nearby Wall Gap and slide down and wait for the nearby guard. --OBJECTIVE: UNLOCK THE SAND PLATE When prompted, initiate the Quick Kill on the nearby guard. From there, use a Quick Kill on the Forman to release the lock on the Sand Plate. NEW POWER ACQUIRED: SAND TANK On the nearby wall, use a Wall Run when the spikes rotate and jump the nearby swing pole. Jump to the next swing pole and land on the ledge. Fight off the Archer then make a long jump for the chain across from ledge. Slide down the chain and activate the Quick Kill. There are two more enemies down this area. Use Quick Kills or fight them off. --OBJECTIVE: FIND THE GOLDEN CHEST Before climbing to the next area, head down the path and jump over the railing. Find the Golden Chest for some Sand Credits and head back. Look for a stab square and jump to it and stab it. Jump up and stab the next one. Use a Wall Run and stab the square. Use another Wall Run and shutter jump two times to the next ledge. Jump down and look for the other ledge and run up to it but DO NOT jump over the railing. Watch the two guards as they patrol the upper area. When they turn around, use the Quick Kill on both of them. --OBJECTIVE: OPEN THE DOOR Once the guards are gone, use the Rotation Handle and turn it counter- clockwise to open the door. Use a Wall Run when the spikes rotate to the next area. +++ AREA: THE FORTRESS (DARK PRINCE) +++ ______ __ __ ____ ____ ____ ___ ______ ___ ____ ____ ____ /_ __// // // __/ / __// __ \ / _ \/_ __// _ \ / __// __// __/ / / / _ // _/ / _/ / /_/ // , _/ / / / , _// _/ _\ \ _\ \ /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ \____//_/|_| /_/ /_/|_|/___//___//___/ After the transformation, use a Wall Run and chain swing to the next ledge. If you want, jump down the ledge and initiate a Speed Kill and then go back up. Use a Wall run and chain swing and then jump to the nearby chain. Slide down the chain and initiate another Speed Kill. From there, jump down and destroy the enemies down here. See that pole in dead center of the court? Jump to it and climb up. Swing past three swing poles and then activate the Bronze Slit. Now exit the area. --MINI-GAME: CHARIOT RACING Control the chariot and follow the path. When the second enemy chariot sidetracks you, keep pushing him to the left before heading into the overpass so that he crashes. After passing the overpass, stay right and fight off any enemies that jump on. Now stay left and the chariot will do a slow motion jump. Stay right and watch for the man with the fruit stand! Veer left and the chariot will do another slow motion jump. From there, stay on the path and everything will follow through. Once that's done, it's back to basics. Head into the room and jump up the ledges to the top. Climb the ladder and jump the ledge. Jump the ledge again to the next ladder and to the top. Head for the railing and hop over it. Jump to the ladder and climb up. Now jump the gap and shimmy to the left and jump the next gap to the ladder and climb up. Jump the gap again and hop over the ledge. Continue on down towards the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE LOWER CITY +++ __ ____ _ __ ____ ___ _____ ____ ________ __ / / / __ \| | /| / // __// _ \ / ___// _//_ __/\ \/ / / /__/ /_/ /| |/ |/ // _/ / , _/ / /__ _/ / / / \ / /____/\____/ |__/|__//___//_/|_| \___//___/ /_/ /_/ Move forwards and use Landscape view to see a beam on the right. Cross the beam and jump to the next beam. Cross the beam and then jump towards the ledge and shimmy to the right. Jump down twice and shimmy to the right to the next beam. Cross the beam and jump the gap to the next area. Use a Wall Run and shutter jump and initiate a Quick Kill on the immobile guard. From there, use a Quick Kill on the guard inside (if you want). Use Landscape View to see a Stab square in the middle of the screen. Hop over the ledge and jump down and stab the square. When the guard closes in, initiate the Quick Kill. Use a Quick Kill on the guard across from you also. Now cross the nearby beam and jump to the swing pole. Swing and jump to the Wall Gap and slide down and wait! --OBJECTIVE: UNLOCK THE SAND PLATE When prompted, initiate the Double Speed Kill on the guards below. After that, use the Quick Kill on the Forman and then access the Sand Plate to get some Sand Credits. Now exit the area under the Wall Gap and make a left. Fight off the two guards and then look for a stab square on the wall. Run up to it and stab it. Wall run to the right and climb up the ledge. Jump down and fight off the two demon dogs. Once that's done, continue down the street and use the Wall Run to the other side. Jump the next gap to the other side and then jump the next gap to the next building. +++ AREA: THE LOWER CITY (DARK PRINCE) +++ __ ____ _ __ ____ ___ _____ ____ ________ __ / / / __ \| | /| / // __// _ \ / ___// _//_ __/\ \/ / / /__/ /_/ /| |/ |/ // _/ / , _/ / /__ _/ / / / \ / /____/\____/ |__/|__//___//_/|_| \___//___/ /_/ /_/ Eliminate the demon dogs (or don't) and then jump and chain swing to the next area. Run past the crumbling floor and wall run to the swing pole but DO NOT JUMP! Climb the swing pole and jump up the ledge. Use a Quick Kill on the Archer. Wall run and chain swing to the next ledge. The floor crumbles so quickly go around the corner and make a jump and chain swing to the far ladder (do NOT use a Wall Run). Climb the ladder to the top and use the Water Fountain across the mini-pool. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE LOWER CITY ROOFTOPS +++ __ ____ _ __ ____ ___ _____ ____ ________ __ / / / __ \| | /| / // __// _ \ / ___// _//_ __/\ \/ / / /__/ /_/ /| |/ |/ // _/ / , _/ / /__ _/ / / / \ / /____/\____/ |__/|__//___//_/|_| \___//___/ /_/ /_/ ___ ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ ___ ____ / _ \ / __ \ / __ \ / __//_ __// __ \ / _ \ / __/ / , _// /_/ // /_/ // _/ / / / /_/ // ___/_\ \ /_/|_| \____/ \____//_/ /_/ \____//_/ /___/ Across the Water Fountain, move the camera to see an Archer on the adjacent roof. When he turns around, jump the gap and use a Quick Kill on him. Now jump down the railing and eliminate the Archer below. From there, use a Wall Run and shutter jump twice to the next ledge. Now go the corner and jump the gap to the next building. Run up the wall and use a Quick Kill on the Archer. Now use Landscape View to see two Archers across the way patrolling around. When both Archer are looking away, jump the gap and quickly use Quick Kills. If they see you, throw them both off the balcony. Now run up the wall to the upper ledge. Make a LONG jump to the lower balcony and then use Landscape View. Use a Wall Run and shutter jump to the chain and slide down. Use the Quick Kill on the nearby Archer. Once he's down, quickly hide near the pillar and use landscape View to see the Archer. When he turns around, use a Quick Kill. --OBJECTIVE: ACQUIRE HEALTH UPGRADE Exit to the next area and look for a stab square on the wall. Run up the wall and stab it and jump the gap to the ledge. Jump up to the upper ledge and then jump up again to the top. Use a Wall Run and then stab the square to latch on. Jump down and stab the square and then jump down. As you land on the street, you'll see two doors. The door with the red walls is the exit and the door on the lower steps is where the upgrade is. Access the two stab squares on the adjacent wall and then wall run and stab the Bronze Slit to open both doors. Head for the lower door. Make your way down to the bottom and head through. Break open the Golden Chest to find some Sand Credits. Head to the end of the hall and run up two walls to the Golden Water Fountain. Drink from it to trigger the mini-game. --HEALTH UPGRADE MINI-GAME #2: Roll past the rotating spikes and cross and jump the beam. Quickly make for the center of the beam and WAIT! After the arrows are thrown, quickly cross and then jump across to the next beam and climb up. Cross further and you'll see three ledges that slide in and out. Wait for the bottom ledge to slide out and then make the jump. Quickly jump up to the top and access the light to upgrade your health! Now head back to the street. At the exit, use the Bronze Slit to exit this area back to the street. Access the Bronze Slit outside to open the doors again and then enter the area with the red walls and access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| Get ready because it's boss battle time! *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE ARENA +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ___ ____ _ __ ___ /_ __// // // __/ / _ | / _ \ / __// |/ // _ | / / / _ // _/ / __ | / , _// _/ / // __ | /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ |_|/_/|_|/___//_/|_//_/ |_| Continue down the path to see a large behemoth (sorta like the Gigante boss from Resident Evil 4). Head into the arena to trigger the boss battle. --BOSS BATTLE: THE BUTCHER PART 1 This boss cannot be weakened conventionally. Striking him will not hurt him so you'll need to blind him permanently in order to defeat him. Around the arena are two ledges to climb up. Access either one and climb up to the top of the arena. STRATEGY: Once the battle starts, move upwards to find the first walkway with the stab squares. Access the stab squares and jump your way to the top. Cross the ledge and make the long jump towards the boss. Just like the Quick/Speed Kills, the dagger will shimmer each time for maximum damage. Press the button for each shimmer to blind the boss's eye. Once the Prince blinds the first eye, he jumps down and it's time for the second eye. Find the second walkway and head up to the top ledge. Jump the beam towards the boss and use the Speed Kills to blind him permanently. Now that it's blind, you can start doing some damage! --BOSS BATTLE: THE BUTCHER PART 2 Slash away at his legs like crazy! Use evasive rolls and keep slashing until he finally keels over. After he keels, press the Quick Kill buttons to finally destroy the boss. See how easy that was! _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE ARENA TUNNEL (DARK PRINCE) +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ___ ____ _ __ ___ /_ __// // // __/ / _ | / _ \ / __// |/ // _ | / / / _ // _/ / __ | / , _// _/ / // __ | /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ |_|/_/|_|/___//_/|_//_/ |_| ______ __ __ _ __ _ __ ____ __ /_ __// / / // |/ // |/ // __// / / / / /_/ // // // _/ / /__ /_/ \____//_/|_//_/|_//___//____/ Use a Wall Run to the other side. Run up the wall to the ledge and shimmy left. Jump up to the sliding ledge and make a quick jump and chain swing to the next ledge. Now climb up to the top. Move down the hall and make a jump and chain swing to the next ledge. When the stone block moves away, jump up to the top. Go down the hall and access the ladder and go all the way down. Activate the Lion Switch and then jump to it and head for the top and quickly exit the door before it closes. Use a wall run and chain swing to the next ledge. Shimmy down and then jump and chain swing to the next ledge. Jump up and then jump past two more beams to the other side. Head down the path the water pool. Watch the cutscene and then access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE BALCONIES +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ___ __ _____ ____ _ __ ____ ____ ____ /_ __// // // __/ / _ ) / _ | / / / ___// __ \ / |/ // _// __// __/ / / / _ // _/ / _ |/ __ | / /__/ /__ / /_/ // /_/ / / _/ _\ \ /_/ /_//_//___/ /____//_/ |_|/____/\___/ \____//_/|_//___//___//___/ Use a Wall Run and shutter jump to initiate the Quick Kill on the Archer across from you (wait for him to turn around). Use the Quick Kill on him and then another Quick Kill on the nearby guard. Climb up the ledge and use Landscape View to watch the patrol of the Archer cross the way. When he turns around, wall run and shutter jump to land behind him. Use a Quick Kill and then hop over the railing. Jump the gap and hop over and use a Quick Kill on the other guard. --OBJECTIVE: UNLOCK THE SAND PLATE Hop over the next railing and access the stab squares on the wall. Wall run to the next square and stab it and then wall run and jump tot the chain. Slide down the chain and initiate the Quick Kill. Cross the beam and jump over to the next chain and slide down. Initiate the Quick Kill on the first guard and then use another Quick Kill on the second guard. Head around the corridor to the open doorway and you'll see the Forman all by himself (if you killed the guards around you silently). When he's turning around, initiate the Quick Kill. Now access the Sand Plate to acquire a new power NEW POWER ACQUIRED: THE EYE OF THE STORM --OBJECTIVE: USE EYE OF THE STORM Climb back up to the corridor to encounter some enemies (two guards and two Archers). Eliminate them and then look for the switch on the wall. Run up to it to open the door. From there, use the Eye of the Storm and make it to the door before it closes. Now roll under the door and make a left to find the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE DARK ALLEY +++ ________ ______ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ______ __ /_ __/ // / __/ / _ \/ _ | / _ \/ //_/ / _ | / / / / / __/\ \/ / / / / _ / _/ / // / __ |/ , _/ ,< / __ |/ /__/ /__/ _/ \ / /_/ /_//_/___/ /____/_/ |_/_/|_/_/|_| /_/ |_/____/____/___/ /_/ Head to corner and use a continuous wall jump to the top. Stab the square up on top and then wall run to the ledge. Climb the ladder up to the top area. Head down the bridge and jump down slowly to distract some pigeons. STAY PUT! Use Landscape View to see two Archers: one on the lower left and one on the upper left of the screen. When the nearby Archer heads for the bottom of the screen, head over to him and use a Quick Kill. For the other Archer, climb back up the ledge and jump over the railing on the other side. When the Archer walks by, the Prince will duck for cover. Once the Archer turns around, jump the gap and start the Quick Kill. Now run up the wall to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene, move forward and use a Quick Kill on the nearby guard on the lower area. Look for a stab square on the wall and run up to it and stab it. Wall run to the next square and stab it. Wall run again to the next ledge and fight off two enemies. Throw them off the roof and then jump the gap to the next roof. Throw those enemies off the roof to trigger a cutscene. After that's done, enter the room and cross the beam. Jump to the Wall Gap and slide down. Turn around and jump to the stab square and stab it. Now Wall Run to the nearby curtain and slide down. Exit the area and run up the wall to the upper ledge down the street. See that red curtain? Use a Wall Run and then jump to the bottom ledge before you fall down. Head down the hall and to the corner. Use a continuous wall jump to the top and shimmy left and access the beam. Jump the beam towards the balcony and then wall run to the next area. Now climb up two ladders to the top and then access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE TEMPLE ROOFTOPS +++ ________ ______ ____________ ______ __ ____ /_ __/ // / __/ /_ __/ __/ |/ / _ \/ / / __/ / / / _ / _/ / / / _// /|_/ / ___/ /__/ _/ /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/ /___/_/ /_/_/ /____/___/ ___ ____ ____ ______________ ___ ____ / _ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __/_ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __/ / , _/ /_/ / /_/ / _/ / / / /_/ / ___/\ \ /_/|_|\____/\____/_/ /_/ \____/_/ /___/ After the cutscene, jump down and hold the BLOCK BUTTON! Invisible enemies will attack and you must be on your guard. Defeat them all and then look for the stab square on the wall where Farah was standing. Run up to it and stab it. Jump up and shimmy all the way to the right and then jump the gap to the nearby pillar. Climb up and jump the gap to the stab square. Jump to it and stab it. Wall run and shutter jump to the next ledge and then make a long jump to the platform below. Hold the BLOCK BUTTON to keep from being attacked by invisible enemies. Destroy them and then move the large bell. Drag the large bell under the Sun symbol on the wall. Run up the wall and access the Bronze Slit to open two doors. --OBJECTIVE: ENTER THE PALACE Jump on top of the bell and do a wall run back to the previous ledge and enter the door before it closes. Now use a Wall run to the next ledge and shimmy right. Jump the gap to the stab square and stab it. Wall Run to the next ledge and shimmy left. Jump the gap to the stab square and stab it. Now jump towards the Bronze Slit to activate some ledges. Jump down and shimmy left and then jump up. Jump the gap and jump up and shimmy right. Drop down and shimmy right and then jump towards the stab square and stab it. Wall run and jump to the next ledge. Run up the wall to the top and fight off some demon dogs. --OBJECTIVE: USE CURVED WALL RUNS When the coast is clear; head for the area with the Sun symbol on the ground and then use Landscape View. See that swing pole? To access it, the Prince will have to use a Wall Run on the curved wall. Get on top of the stone and then Wall Run around the wall and then jump tot eh swing bar. Swing and jump to the Bronze slit and stab it. Access the raised pedestal and climb it up. Use another curved Wall Run to the next area and another curved Wall Run to access the swing bar on top. Swing to the ledge on the right side. Jump the large gap to the other side and climb up. Run up the wall and use the stab square. Wall run and jump the swing pole and swing to the beam but DO NOT JUMP TO THE NEXT LEDGE YET! --OBJECTIVE: UNLOCK THE SAND PLATE When the guard turns around, make the leap to the ledge and climb up. Use Landscape View to see a beam on the left side of the screen. Do you see it? Hop over the railing and jump to the beam BUT DO NOT USE THE QUICK KILL YET! Jump to the stab square across from you and use a Wall Run and shutter jump to the next square. Wall run to the next square and stab it. Once prompted, initiate the Double Speed Kill. After that, sneak up on the Foreman and use a Quick Kill on him. Access the Sand Plate. NEW POWER ACQUIRED: SAND TANK Now grab the large bell and drag it to the corner with the two stab squares on the wall. Climb up the bell and run up the wall and stab the squares. Jump and stab the other one and head for the top. Now for an environmental puzzle! --DOME PUZZLE: Across from the Prince is another balcony with a Rotation Handle. Access it and press the Analog Stick UP. Now jump down and access the stab squares nearby. Make the curved wall runs to the next side and jump up the ledge and down the wall. In this area are two Rotation Handles. Access the closest one and press the Analog Stick DOWN. CUTSCENE. After the cutscene, access the handle the Prince is standing in front of and press the Analog Stick DOWN. Access the other handle and press the Analog Stick UP. Go back to the other handle and press the Analog Stick UP. CUTSCENE. After the cutscene, access the handle the Prince is standing in front of and press the Analog Stick DOWN. Now fight off some demon dogs. Once that's done, climb back to the first Rotation Handle and access it. Press the Analog Stick UP to finish this puzzle. --OBJECTIVE: EXIT THE AREA Now jump down and drag the large bell towards the wall with the Bronze Slit. Run up the Bronze slit and stab it to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene, stab the Bronze Slit again and enter the door on the left. Shimmy on the ledges and jump the gap to the square and stab it. Wall run to the next area. Run up the wall and stab the square and then jump straight up. Shimmy and jump from ledge to ledge to the top. Jump to the stab square and then Wall Run to the next area. Access the Water Fountain at the end of the hall. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE TEMPLE (DARK PRINCE) +++ ______ __ __ ____ ______ ____ __ ___ ___ __ ____ /_ __// // // __/ /_ __// __// |/ // _ \ / / / __/ / / / _ // _/ / / / _/ / /|_/ // ___// /__ / _/ /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ /___//_/ /_//_/ /____//___/ Exit the room by running up the Bronze Slit and stabbing it. Head down the stairs to transform. Now hop over the ledge and make a long jump to the farthest ledge. Jump down and then jump to the next beam. Initiate the Speed Kill on the guard and then kill the demon dog. Wall Run to the next ledge and use Landscape View. Wall run, jump, and then chain swing two times to reach the next area. Now Wall run and jump to the beam. Jump to the second beam and initiate the Speed Kill on the guard below. Fight off the two demon dogs and then activate the Lion Switch. Wall run to the switch and then run straight up and jump towards the ledge. Enter the next area and drop down and shimmy towards the Lion Switch. Activate it and then jump on it. From there, use Wall run and chain swings two times and then two shutter jumps to the next area. Use Speed Kills on both guards and kill the demon dog. Enter the balcony and use Landscape view. Wall Run and chain swing to the next wall and then jump and chain swing again to reach the ledge. Wall run and chain swing in between the statues to hold on. Jump and chain swing to the next statue and then jump across to the other ledge. --OBJECTIVE: FIND THE GOLDEN CHEST Wall Run to the other ledge and then run up the wall and jump to the ledge above. Jump up and use Speed Kills on both guards on the balcony. Use Landscape View to see the next area. Use a curved Wall Run to the nearest curtain and slide down and then jump and chain swing to the next curtain and slide down. Destroy all the enemies and then access the switch to open the door. Step on the next switch and then use the Eye of the Storm as you head up the stairs past the traps to the door and enter. +++ AREA: THE TEMPLE (THE PRINCE) +++ ______ __ __ ____ ______ ____ __ ___ ___ __ ____ /_ __// // // __/ /_ __// __// |/ // _ \ / / / __/ / / / _ // _/ / / / _/ / /|_/ // ___// /__ / _/ /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ /___//_/ /_//_/ /____//___/ Access the Rotation Handle and rotate it until the water is drained in the room. Fight off two shadow enemies and then look up. See that broken pillar? Run up the wall and jump towards it and climb up. Jump to the next broken pillar and climb up. Jump the large gap to the ledge. There is a hard to see swing pole across from you. Make a long jump to access it. Get on top of the pole and jump up to the top pole. Swing and jump to the poles on the other side. --OBJECTIVE: ACQUIRE HEALTH UPGRADE #3 See that opening on the wall with the green curtain? That's the room to the Health Upgrade. Swing and jump towards it. Wall Run to the curtain and slide down and jump to the next curtain. Head down the corridor to the Golden Water Fountain. Drink the water to access the mini-game. --HEALTH UPGRADE MINI-GAME #3: Use a Wall Run and use continuous shutter jumps until the Prince grabs hold of a broken pillar all the way at the other end. From there, use timed jumps from pillar to pillar until you reach the ledge. Now walk into the light for the health upgrade! Now exit the area and climb up the wall and step on the switch and enter the door to end up back in the room with the drained water. Make your way up there again but this time, ignore the room and head for exit above the roof. Enter the next room and use the Rotation Handle to open the door. Exit the room and then use Landscape View. Use a curved Wall Run to the red curtains and then slide and jump down the bottom. Enter the next room and run up the wall and stab the Bronze Slit to open the door. Slow down time to enter the door and then make your way down the path. Use a Wall Run and hop over the ledge. Climb the ladder to the top and access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE MARKETPLACE +++ ______ __ __ ____ /_ __// // // __/ / / / _ // _/ /_/ /_//_//___/ __ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ____ ______ ___ __ ___ _____ ____ / |/ // _ | / _ \ / //_// __//_ __// _ \ / / / _ | / ___// __/ / /|_/ // __ | / , _// ,< / _/ / / / ___// /__ / __ |/ /__ / _/ /_/ /_//_/ |_|/_/|_|/_/|_|/___/ /_/ /_/ /____//_/ |_|\___//___/ After the cutscene, go around the corner and use a Wall Run and jump to the next ledge. Shimmy right and then jump the gap to the Wall Gap and slide down but DO NOT JUMP DOWN. --MISSION OBJECTIVE: FREE FARAH FROM HER CELL --OBJECTIVE: INITIATE A DOUBLE KILL Use Landscape View to see two guards. When both guards turn around, jump to the beam (don't jump down!) and trigger the double kill on them. Once that's down, get the large basket at the other end and drag it to the switch to open the door. Enter the door and head around the corridor and then run up the wall to the top. In the next area, you'll see three guards. Use Landscape View to see two poles and two stab squares. --OBJECTIVE: USE STEALTH INSTEAD OF COMBAT Trust me, trying to do three Quick Kills here is NOT a good idea! Instead, jump to the pole and then jump to the next pole. Look down to see if there are no pots underneath and then slide down (so that you don't break them and make any noise). Quickly grab the large basket in the corner and drag it to the other area (do not break any pots!). Climb out of there to the top ledge. --OBJECTIVE: INITIATE A DOUBLE KILL Cross the beam and jump the gap to the stab square. Now Wall Run and shutter jump two times and then stab the last square. Wait patiently and then initiate the Double Kill when prompted. Now go to the Bronze Slit in the corner and stab it. CUTSCENE. After the cutscene, drag the large basket to one of the switches and then step on the other one to open the door. Now exit out of this area. Turn right and climb up the ladder. Run up the wall and stab the square and jump up. Shimmy left and climb up to the top. Wall run and shutter jump to the square and stab it. Wall run to the ledge and shimmy right. Jump the gap and stab the square. Wall run and jump to the beam. Make another long jump to the next beam and then jump the gap to the stab square. Wall Run and shutter jump twice and then stab the square. Now Wall Run and jump to the beam. Jump to the next stab square and then Wall Run to the next area. Head down the hall and access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE MARKET DISTRICT +++ ______ __ __ ____ __ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ____ ______ /_ __// // // __/ / |/ // _ | / _ \ / //_// __//_ __/ / / / _ // _/ / /|_/ // __ | / , _// ,< / _/ / / /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ /_//_/ |_|/_/|_|/_/|_|/___/ /_/ ___ ____ ____ ______ ___ ____ _____ ______ / _ \ / _// __//_ __// _ \ / _// ___//_ __/ / // /_/ / _\ \ / / / , _/_/ / / /__ / / /____//___//___/ /_/ /_/|_|/___/ \___/ /_/ Jump down the balcony and use a Wall Run and jump to the ledge. Shimmy right and drop down. Use the stab squares and then jump up and shimmy right. Cross the beam and jump to the Wall Gap and slide down. --OBJECTIVE INITIATE QUICK KILL AND THEN A DOUBLE KILL Initiate the Quick Kill on the nearest guard (make sure the other guard is AWAY from him). After that quickly climb the ladder and then make a leap to the ledge across from you. Shimmy left and then initiate the Double Kill when both guards are in front of each other. Next to the ladder is a Bronze Slit. Run up to it and stab it to open the door. Slow down time and head for it before it closes. Run down the corner and then run up the wall and up to the ledge. --OBJECTIVE: UNLOCK THE SAND PLATE In this area are three guards and one Foreman. So far, I haven't found a possible to initiate four Quick Kills in this section. But cross the beam and jump to the next beam. Across from the beam is a set of stab squares on the wall. Jump to them and stab them and then Wall Run to the end. Initiate the Quick Kill on the nearest enemy and then eliminate all the reinforcements. Once they're all gone, access the Sand Plate to gain some Sand Credits. Now look for the large basket in the corner and pull it out to trigger a cutscene. After that, drag the basket to the Bronze Slit adjacent from where you pulled the basket. Run up to it and stab the Bronze Slit to open the door. Enter the door quickly and then climb the ladder up to the top. Use a Wall Run and shutter jump twice to the next area. CUTSCENE. After the cutscene, access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE BOWERY +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ____ _ __ ____ ___ __ __ /_ __// // // __/ / _ ) / __ \| | /| / // __// _ \\ \/ / / / / _ // _/ / _ |/ /_/ /| |/ |/ // _/ / , _/ \ / /_/ /_//_//___/ /____/ \____/ |__/|__//___//_/|_| /_/ Go down and do a Wall Run and jump to the ledge. Jump up and shimmy left towards the Archer. Use a Quick Kill on him and then hop over the railing. Make the long jump to the beam and then jump to the ledge on the wall across the beam. Shimmy right and then drop down. Go forward to trigger a cutscene. +++ AREA: THE BOWERY (DARK PRINCE) +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ____ _ __ ____ ___ __ __ /_ __// // // __/ / _ ) / __ \| | /| / // __// _ \\ \/ / / / / _ // _/ / _ |/ /_/ /| |/ |/ // _/ / , _/ \ / /_/ /_//_//___/ /____/ \____/ |__/|__//___//_/|_| /_/ Hop over the railing and then jump and chain swing to the ledge. Jump down to the courtyard below and defeat all six enemies that appear. To exit this courtyard, look for the only lighted lamp next to the adjacent door. Run up the wall to grab the ledge and climb up. Jump up and then make a jump and chain swing to the beam. Jump to the adjacent railing and hop over. Head inside the brothel area and run up the wall to activate the switch for the door. Slow down time and then exit the room. Move forward and use Landscape View. You'll see a large curtain and a Rotation Handle on the upper right side of the screen. --BROTHEL PUZZLE SOLUTION: Hop over the railing and slide all the way down the curtain to the bottom. Destroy the enemies and then hop onto the pole that is completely straight and climb it up. Jump to the middle pillar and shimmy left then climb up. Jump up and the camera view will show an Archer across from you. Leap to the railing and then sneak up and use a Quick Kill on the Archer. Use a Wall Run to the next area and destroy the two enemies that appear. Go around the area but WATCH OUT for the Archer on the adjacent balcony! When he turns around, do a Wall Run to his area and then use a Quick Kill on him in the room he enters. In the room the Archer entered, look for the corner next to the large bed and use a continuous Wall to wall jump to the top. Exit the room and turn right to find the Rotation Handle. Rotate it to bring down a swing pole. The Archer will see you no matter what so block his arrows. Now do a Wall Run and chain swing to the next balcony and then go around the corner and eliminate that pesky Archer! Enter the room he emerged from and hop the ledge to transform back. +++ AREA: THE BOWERY (THE PRINCE) +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ____ _ __ ____ ___ __ __ /_ __// // // __/ / _ ) / __ \| | /| / // __// _ \\ \/ / / / / _ // _/ / _ |/ /_/ /| |/ |/ // _/ / , _/ \ / /_/ /_//_//___/ /____/ \____/ |__/|__//___//_/|_| /_/ Hop over the window and pass through the sawblades (use the Eye of the Storm if you need to) and head for the dead end. Run up the wall and use the Stab square and jump up to the top BUT BE CAREFUL! There are two Archers standing guard! When the coast is clear, use Quick Kills on both Archers and then move forward to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene, access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| Now it's time for another boss battle! *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE BROTHEL +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ___ ____ ______ __ __ ____ __ /_ __// // // __/ / _ ) / _ \ / __ \/_ __// // // __// / / / / _ // _/ / _ |/ , _// /_/ / / / / _ // _/ / /__ /_/ /_//_//___/ /____//_/|_| \____/ /_/ /_//_//___//____/ Move forward to trigger another boss battle. This is a two-part battle that seems complicated on a first try. After fighting and weakening the boss, she will continuously jump from area to area. When you reach her, she jumps again (before you can even strike her) and then you have to reach her area AGAIN. She continues this annoying strategy and the only way to kill her is to literally stop time. Here's how to defeat her: --BOSS BATTLE: THE PURPLE WITCH PART 1 Just like the first boss battle in the Warrior Within game, the witch will use combos and kicks. Block and use counters against her to quickly decimate her and AVOID staying on the ledges. Avoid her SUPER cheap kicks by using constant evasion and then counter her melee attacks. Once her health reaches 75%, she and the Prince enter a shoving battle. --BOSS BATTLE: THE PURPLE WITCH PART 2 (DARK PRINCE) Each time the witch jumps to another platform (there's only two areas she jumps to), the Dark Prince has to make his way to her. And when he does make it to her area, she jumps again! Irritating as it seems, the secret is to use the Eye Of The Storm on her when you reach her. After the witch jumps, make your way to her area (kill those sand monsters to replenish Sand). When you approach her, QUICKLY activate the Eye of the Storm and then attack her until she jumps off. Repeat this tactic over and over. When her health reaches 5%, attack her and win the shoving battle to finish the battle. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE PLAZA (DARK PRINCE) +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ /_ __// // // __/ / _ \ / / / _ |/_ / / _ | / / / _ // _/ / ___// /__ / __ | / /_ / __ | /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ /____//_/ |_|/___//_/ |_| Head for the door that Farah opened. Jump to the curtain and then jump to the ledge and shimmy right. Jump the gap to the next area. Go the corner and leap to the ledge on the wall. Jump up and then use a jump and chain swing to the beam. Jump the gap to the next ledge. Go the corner and use a Wall Run and two shutter jumps to the ledge. Shimmy right and jump down to the next area. Destroy the enemies that appear and then head for the left side of the courtyard. Use Landscape View to see a swing pole. Ignore the two pillars and look up to see the swing pole with the red flag on it. Run up the adjacent wall and then jump and chain swing to the beam and head for the ledge. Use a Wall Run and chain swing and then two shutter jumps to the top of the pillar. Shimmy right and then make the leap for the balcony. Hop over the window and enter the building. Use Landscape View to see two swing poles. Wall Run and jump and then chain swing to the next ledge. Shimmy right and then jump and chain swing to the chain. Slide down and initiate a Speed Kill on the guard below. Jump down and use another Speed Kill on the other guard. Head to the switch on the wall; and then run up to it to activate it. Destroy the enemies that appear first and then activate the switch again. Slow down time to exit the door. Head down the street and eliminate the lone guard. Enter the alley and then roll down the blocked alley to the other side. Go around the corner and jump into the pool to transform back. Access the Water Fountain in the room. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE UPPER CITY +++ ________ ______ __ _____ ___ _______ _________________ __ /_ __/ // / __/ / / / / _ \/ _ \/ __/ _ \ / ___/ _/_ __/\ \/ / / / / _ / _/ / /_/ / ___/ ___/ _// , _/ / /___/ / / / \ / /_/ /_//_/___/ \____/_/ /_/ /___/_/|_| \___/___/ /_/ /_/ This area looks quite confusing. On a first glance, you'll actually think you're stuck! GLITCH?!? Of course not! Climb up the wooden contraption and then Wall Run and jump to the upper balcony. A-ha! And you were stuck there for how long? Anyway, access the Rotation Handle and turn it clockwise. Now jump back down and grab the wooden contraption and drag it to the end of the path. Climb up that thing and then jump to the wall and then jump again to reach the beam. Cross the beam and make the jump to the Wall Gap and go up to the very top. Turn around and leap for the beam. Look below to see two guards. Use Quick Kills on both of them and then access the Rotation Handle to open the door. Jump the gap to the ledge and then shimmy above the door and then drop down and enter. Destroy the lone guard and exit outside. Use a Wall Run and shutter jump three times to the next balcony. Enter the next area and use Landscape View. See that chain? Use a Wall Run and jump to the beam. Jump the beam to the chain and slide down. Eliminate the enemies that appear and then access the switch on the wall. Enter the door and watch for the guard. --OBJECTIVE: INITIATE QUICK KILL AND A DOUBLE KILL Use a Quick Kill on the nearest guard but DO NOT move down any further! There are two guards that you can use a Double Kill on from above. Go back to the door you entered and run up the adjacent wall and leap to the ledge. Shimmy right to the balcony and the Wall Run and shutter jump to the farthest beam. Jump to the next beam and initiate the Double Kill! Head into the alley and climb the ladder. Use a continuous wall to wall jump and then hop over the railing. Jump the gap to the wall and then leap from the wall to the beam. Cross the beam and jump up to the next area. --OBJECTIVE: UNLOCK THE SAND PLATE Use a Wall Run to the beam and then jump from the beam to the ledge. Shimmy on the wall and then jump down twice to the lower ledge. Make a Wall Run and two shutter jumps to the next ledge and then initiate a Quick Kill on the guard below. Use another Wall Run and shutter jump to the next ledge and STAY PUT! The pigeons will distract the guards and give you away if you move too much! Once the guards are back to normal, use a Wall Run and jump to the beam. Move down the beam and hang down. When prompted, initiate the Double Kill on the guards and then use a Quick Kill on the Foreman. Access the Sand Plate for a new power! NEW POWER ACQUIRED: WINDS OF SAND Activate the switch on the wall by running up to it and enter the door before it closes. Go around the corner and look for the large basket. Drag it to the wall and then climb up and run to the top. Jump down and head down the corner. Climb up the stone and run up the wall and stab the square. Wall run and jump and then stab the other square. Jump up and shimmy right and climb up. Access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE CITY GARDENS +++ _________________ __ ________ ___ ___ _____ ______ / ___/ _/_ __/\ \/ / / ___/ _ | / _ \/ _ \/ __/ |/ / __/ / /___/ / / / \ / / (_ / __ |/ , _/ // / _// /\ \ \___/___/ /_/ /_/ \___/_/ |_/_/|_/____/___/_/|_/___/ Wall Run to the swing pole and swing to the stab square. Wall run and stab the next and drop down. Shimmy right, jump, and shimmy all the way to the right and then jump down to the beam. Jump to the next beam and jump up the ledge. Shimmy right and then jump to the next beam. Jump up and stab the square and then Wall Run and stab the next square. Wall Run to the ledge and wait for the guard. Use a Quick Kill on him. Now hop the ledge and jump to the swing pole and swing to the next balcony. Hang on the ledge of the balcony and shimmy right. Drop down and then leap to the pillar. Drop down and shimmy right, then climb up. --OBJECTIVE: INITITATE FOUR SEPARATE QUICK KILLS In this courtyard are four guards (two walking around and two immobile). Jump from palm tree to palm tree (lower yourself on the first palm tree to jump to the second one). Jump all the way to the ledge on the wall at the other end and then shimmy all the way to the right and wait. GUARD #1: He's under you. Wait for him and then initiate the Quick Kill from above when prompted. GUARD #2: He's also walking around. Use a Quick Kill when he gets close to your area. GUARDS #3 & 4: When both walking guards are toast, use Quick Kills o both of them. Now head for the Bronze Slit on the large pillar (with the statue on top) and run up and stab it. Climb and jump back on the palm trees to the pillar you came from and shimmy all the way left. Drop down and jump to the next beam. Jump up and shimmy all the way left and then climb up. Jump the gap to the ledge, drop down and stab the square, and then drop down again. Look for the beam near the ledge and jump to two more beams. Shimmy right and then jump to the swing pole. Swing and jump towards the wall, jump from the wall to the upper swing bar and then jump to the top. --OBJECTIVE: UNLOCK THE SAND PLATE Cross the beam and jump to the palm tree. Lower yourself down the palm tree a little and then leap towards the next beam. Jump the gap to the stab square and stab it. Wall run and stab the next square and then wall run to the beam. Cross the beam and then lower yourself and initiate the Quick Kill on the Foreman. After that's done, eliminate the other two guards and then access the Sand Plate. NEW POWER ACQUIRED: SAND TANK Now stab the Bronze Slit on the wall and jump back up to the top using the palm tree. Jump the beam to the opened door and then Wall Run to the next ledge. Shimmy left and drop down. Jump to the next beam and then jump up and shimmy to the right. Jump to the ledge on the wall and drop down to the bottom ledge. Initiate the Double Kill on both guards. From there, use a Wall Run to the swing pole. On the pole move a little to the right and then swing to the ledge and shimmy all the way to the right. Initiate ANOTHER Double Kill on the two guards below (be careful because the camera angle switches during the kill and you may get thrown off because of it). After that's done, run around the waterfall area to the other side and find the Golden Chest and break it for some Sand Credits. Now jump to the bottom of the waterfall area to trigger a nifty little mini-game! --MINI-GAME: RIDE THE SAND MONSTER! The monster that appears is NOT a boss! Attack its legs from behind until it keels over. Press the Triangle Button to mount it and then press the button when the dagger shimmers. From there, the Prince will temporarily take control of this big monster! Control his movements with the Analog Stick but be quick! If the monster slams into a wall, the Prince dies and you'll have to start over (or waste a Sand Tank rewinding). Quickly head for the door to destroy it and then make way to the other door. Control the monster down the long path until you reach the end. Once that's done, climb the ladder up to the top and access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| --OBJECTIVE: ACQUIRE HEALTH UPGRADE Before continuing on, its time to get another Health Upgrade! Just near the Water Fountain is an open hole to roll under. See it? Roll under it and head down the hall. Shimmy on the ledges and drop down. Drop down another set of ledges and then jump to the ladder and slide down. Jump to the next ledge and access the Golden Water Fountain. Drink from it to trigger the mini-game. --HEALTH UPGRADE MINI-GAME #4: Roll past the first set of rotating spikes to the other side. Now do a well-timed Wall Run past the dual sawblades to the next area. Roll past the spikes and then roll past the lone sawblade. Now run towards the light to upgrade your health! Make your way back to the top and access the Water Fountain again. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE CANAL +++ ______ __ __ ____ _____ ___ _ __ ___ __ /_ __// // // __/ / ___// _ | / |/ // _ | / / / / / _ // _/ / /__ / __ | / // __ | / /__ /_/ /_//_//___/ \___//_/ |_|/_/|_//_/ |_|/____/ Head for the corner and climb up the stone pedestal. Do a continuous Wall to wall jump to the top and climb up. Do another Wall Run to the next ledge and shimmy left. Jump to the ladder and slide on down. Jump to the ledge and then jump to the swing bar and swing to the next area. Access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| (Wow, that was the shortest level ever!) *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE PROMENADE +++ ________ ______ ___ ___ ____ __ ________ _____ ___ ____ /_ __/ // / __/ / _ \/ _ \/ __ \/ |/ / __/ |/ / _ | / _ \/ __/ / / / _ / _/ / ___/ , _/ /_/ / /|_/ / _// / __ |/ // / _/ /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/ /_/|_|\____/_/ /_/___/_/|_/_/ |_/____/___/ Enter the next area, and turn left but DO NOT go down the stairs! There is a guard down there! Instead, climb up that wooden crate and jump up to the swing pole above. Swing to the next pole and then wait for the guard to walk under you. Initiate the Quick Kill and then grab that wooden basket. Drag the basket to the left side of the huge door next to the railing and hop on it. Do a Wall Run and then at the end of the wall do a continuous Wall to Wall jump to the top but DO NOT climb up yet! Hang on the ledge and watch the guard. When he turns around, use a Quick Kill and then activate the switch on the wall. Use a Wall Run and shutter jump to the farthest ledge. Shimmy right and jump up. Do a continuous Wall to Wall jump to the top from the ledge. At the top, use Landscape View to see two shutters. Wall Run and shutter jump twice to the next area. Enter the door to transform. +++ AREA: THE PROMENADE (DARK PRINCE) +++ ________ ______ ___ ___ ____ __ ________ _____ ___ ____ /_ __/ // / __/ / _ \/ _ \/ __ \/ |/ / __/ |/ / _ | / _ \/ __/ / / / _ / _/ / ___/ , _/ /_/ / /|_/ / _// / __ |/ // / _/ /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/ /_/|_|\____/_/ /_/___/_/|_/_/ |_/____/___/ Go forward and jump to the chain and slide down. Use a Speed Kill on the guard below then jump down and eliminate the two demon dogs. From there, access the Bronze Slit on the wall to lower the large shutters. Wall Run and chain swing to the curtain and slide down. Jump from the curtain and chain swing to the next ledge. Eliminate the six enemies here and then access the Bronze Slit in the corner to close another pair of shutters. Wall Run and chain swing and shutter jump three times to the next ledge. Destroy the lone guard and then Wall Run and shutter jump three times and then chain swing to the next balcony. Destroy the four enemies and then Wall Run to the beam and jump to the next ledge. Access the Bronze Slit on the wall to OPEN a pair of shutters. Now jump back on the beam and jump over the opened shutter to the other side. To access the top of the other open shutter, run up the wall to the right of the door and jump to the top. Use Landscape view at the top to see a swing pole. Wall Run then jump and chain swing twice to the next area. On the ledge, hang down and shimmy all the way to the right and activate the Lion Switch. Jump to it and then Wall Run to the ladder and climb down. Activate the Lion Switch and then jump on it and Wall Run and jump to the pool of water to transform back. --OBJECTIVE: UNLOCK THE SAND PLATE Getting the Quick Kills here will be difficult but follow this strategy: hop over the railing and jump to the swing pole. Swing to the next pole and then swing to the beam. Cross it and jump to the chain. Slide down the chain but DO NOT KILL the guard below! Wait for him to leave and then jump down and climb up the nearest wooden scaffolding to the top. Use Landscape View to see that there are actually TWO Foremen in this area. Wall Run and shutter jump twice and initiate the Quick Kill on the Foreman on top. Carefully wait for him to turn around before making the Quick Kill. When he turns, Wall Run and shutter jump and initiate the Quick Kill on him. One down, one more to go. First, break open the Golden Chest to get some Sand Credits. Jump down and quietly make your way to the other Foreman. Watch for the other guards and make sure they don't see you sneaking up on him! Initiate the Quick Kill on him and then eliminate the last two guards. Access the Sand Plate for some Sand Credits. Now enter the newly opened door and head down the corridor. Jump on top of those block smashers and swerve around each one to the next area. Use Eye of the Storm and then head for the end of the corridor and access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE ROYAL WORKSHOP +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ____ __ __ ___ __ /_ __// // // __/ / _ \ / __ \\ \/ // _ | / / / / / _ // _/ / , _// /_/ / \ // __ | / /__ /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/|_| \____/ /_//_/ |_|/____/ _ __ ____ ___ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ ___ | | /| / // __ \ / _ \ / //_// __// // // __ \ / _ \ | |/ |/ // /_/ // , _// ,< _\ \ / _ // /_/ // ___/ |__/|__/ \____//_/|_|/_/|_|/___//_//_/ \____//_/ Access the Bronze Slit and jump down to trigger a cutscene. On a first glance, this will seem like the most complicated puzzle in the whole game but its not (it just happens to be the longest one to solve)! --STATUE MOVING PUZZLE SOLUTION: The whole point of this puzzle is to move the large statue from the north end to the south end. The only problem is that the statue's scepter gets caught in the rafters in the middle and you have to rotate it around and then back to the way it was. Sounds really complicated, but here's how it goes: Run to the statue's scepter and climb it (it looks like a pole) and climb up. Jump left to the scaffolding and then run up the wall and jump to the swing pole. Shimmy to the left and climb up. Jump to the ledge on the left and shimmy left and drop down. Jump the gap to the left and shimmy all the way left. Drop down and shimmy on the swing pole until you are across the stab square on the wall. Jump to it and stab it and then Wall Run to the left and climb up. Run up the wall and jump to the top beam and you'll see a Rotation Handle. There are two Rotation Handles; the other is across from you that you can access by climbing the nearby ladder and crossing the scaffolding to the other ladder. Okay, here's what to do (this is gonna be long and tedious): #1: Rotate the handle so that the arrow is pointing CIRCULAR LEFT. Now stab the Bronze Slit. #2: Go to the other Handle and make sure the arrow is pointing RIGHT and then stab the Bronze Slit. #3: Access the other handle (keep the arrow at CIRCULAR LEFT) and stab the Bronze Slit. #4: Access the handle (keep the arrow pointing RIGHT) and stab the Bronze Slit TWICE. The statue should be right next to you, so jump the gap to the book it's holding to the other handle. #5: Rotate the handle so that the arrow points CIRCULAR RIGHT and stab the Bronze Slit. #6: Access the other handle and rotate it so that the arrow points LEFT. Stab the Bronze Slit. #7: Go to the other handle (keep the arrow at CIRCULAR RIGHT) and stab the Bronze Slit. Now go back to the other handle. #8: Rotate the handle so that the arrow points RIGHT. Stab the Bronze Slit. #9: Access the other handle (keep the arrow pointing CIRCULAR RIGHT) and stab the Bronze Slit. #10: Access the other handle (keep the arrow pointing RIGHT) and stab the Bronze Slit. #11: Go back to the other handle and rotate it to CIRCULAR LEFT and stab the Bronze Slit. #12: Finally, go to the other handle (keep the arrow pointing RIGHT) and stab the Bronze Slit to finish this puzzle and trigger a cutscene. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE KING'S ROAD +++ ________ ______ __ _______ ___________ ___ ____ ___ ___ /_ __/ // / __/ / //_/ _/ |/ / ___/ __/ / _ \/ __ \/ _ | / _ \ / / / _ / _/ / ,< _/ // / (_ /\ \ / , _/ /_/ / __ |/ // / /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/|_/___/_/|_/\___/___/ /_/|_|\____/_/ |_/____/ --MINI-GAME: CHARIOT RACING I can't help you in this part. My only advice is to watch the road! After the chariot race, you will enter a boss battle so prepare yourself! --BOSS BATTLE: SWORDSMAN & AXEMAN These two are impossible to get a combo. No matter what you do, you CANNOT hurt them! IT'S UNFAIR! But wait, there is a tactic here: STRATEGY: Perform a combo on the Swordsman (he'll block your attacks) and the camera angle will ALWAYS change to show the Axeman about to strike you from behind. Quickly roll away and the Axeman's weapon will get stuck on the pavement! Now strike the vulnerable Axeman like crazy (but watch out for the Swordsman) to damage him! Do this tactic one more time and the Quick Kill sequence will initiate for both bosses! Perform the Quick Kill when prompted to shave off 50% of both of the bosses health bar! Repeat the tactic again to finish the battle. (You need TWO Quick Kill sequences to kill both bosses). +++ AREA: THE KING'S ROAD (DARK PRINCE) +++ ________ ______ __ _______ ___________ ___ ____ ___ ___ /_ __/ // / __/ / //_/ _/ |/ / ___/ __/ / _ \/ __ \/ _ | / _ \ / / / _ / _/ / ,< _/ // / (_ /\ \ / , _/ /_/ / __ |/ // / /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/|_/___/_/|_/\___/___/ /_/|_|\____/_/ |_/____/ --OBJECTIVE: OPEN THE DOOR After the cutscene, destroy all enemies to open the door then enter. Run up the wall on the left side then shimmy to the right and hop over the railing. Enter the pool of water to transform back. Head to the wall and run up to the top and hop over the railing. Access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE PALACE ENTRANCE +++ ______ __ __ ____ ___ ___ __ ___ _____ ____ /_ __// // // __/ / _ \ / _ | / / / _ | / ___// __/ / / / _ // _/ / ___// __ | / /__ / __ |/ /__ / _/ /_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ /_/ |_|/____//_/ |_|\___//___/ ____ _ __ ______ ___ ___ _ __ _____ ____ / __// |/ //_ __// _ \ / _ | / |/ // ___// __/ / _/ / / / / / , _// __ | / // /__ / _/ /___//_/|_/ /_/ /_/|_|/_/ |_|/_/|_/ \___//___/ Move forward to trigger a cutscene. Once that's done, turn around and break open the Golden Chest for some Sand Credit --ELEVATOR PUZZLE SOLUTION: Wall Run and shutter jump to the ledge. Make the leap to the Wall Gap and climb up. Turn around and jump to the railing and hop over. Turn the Rotation Handle and enter the door. Head down the hall and jump to the curtain from the torn cage and then jump to the ledge. Shimmy left and climb up the ledge. Run up the wall and jump to the top ledge. Do a continuous Wall to Wall jump and climb to the top. Eliminate both guards and then Wall run and jump to the swing bar. Swing twice and jump and stab the square. Wall run to the right and then hop over the railing and jump to the other stab square. Use Landscape View to see a moving ledge. Wall Run to the ledge and then quickly run up the wooden wall and jump to the stab square above. Wall run and jump to the swing pole but DO NOT jump yet! Climb the swing pole and jump and then swing to the next pole. Swing to the balcony and destroy the two enemies. DO NOT ACCESS THE ROTATION HANDLE YET! --OBJECTIVE: ACQUIRE HEALTH UPGRADE Across the Rotation Handle are a triple set of stab squares on the opposite wall. See them? Hop over the railing and jump to the stab square. Jump up twice and then do a wall to wall jump to the switch t open the opposite door. Once you hit the switch, drop down to the stab square under it and stab it! Slow down time and drop down and jump back to the balcony. Enter the door and then follow the long corridor to the Golden Water Fountain. Drink from it to trigger the mini-game. --HEALTH UPGRADE MINI-GAME #5: Use the Eye of the Storm as needed. Wait for the rotating spike on the opposite side to turn over and then make the leap. Leap to the next ledge and then run up the wall to the sliding ledges. Quickly jump from ledge to ledge to the top. Up here, slow down time and pass the X-style sawblades and wait for the spikes to turn. Now run for the light to upgrade your health! Now access the Rotation handle and turn it. Enter the room and run up the wall and stab the square. Now jump up to the top and then head for the other railing and jump over. Jump to the square and stab it. Wall Run to the moving platform and then make a leap to the opposite ledge. Shimmy to the left and then do a wall to wall jump to the top but DO NOT climb over yet! Shimmy left and then hop over and do Quick Kills on the two guards. Now do a Wall Run and jump to the swing bar. Swing and jump to the next one and then jump and do a wall to wall jump to the stab square and stab it. Wall Run to the right and drop on the ledge. Shimmy right and then leap to the balcony but DO NOT hop over. Instead, shimmy on the railing all the way to the right and then leap to the elevator where Farah is waiting. --OBJECTIVE: MEET FARAH ON THE OTHER SIDE After the cutscene about freakin' pomegranates, destroy the two enemies and then access the Rotation handle and turn it to activate the moving walls. Head for the wall and do a wall to wall jump to the top before the opposite wall moves forward. On the top, run up the next moving wall and stab the square. Wall Run when the wall moves forward. Jump up and stab the next square, and then jump up to the top. Do a Wall Run to the moving stab square on the other end and stab it. Do another Wall Run to the next ledge. When the wall is down, do another Wall Run to the red curtain and slide down and jump to the beam. Shimmy left, cross the next beam, and jump to the Wall Gap and go up. Turn around and jump to the stab square. Wall Run and jump to the opposite stab square and then wall run to the ledge. Shimmy right and drop down. From here, do a Wall Run and jump to the opposite square and stab it. Wall Run and stab the next square and then jump to the swing pole. Swing to the next stab square and stab it. And then Wall Run when the moving wall has stopped and access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE HANGING GARDENS +++ ________ ______ __ _____ _ ____________ _______ /_ __/ // / __/ / // / _ | / |/ / ___/ _/ |/ / ___/ / / / _ / _/ / _ / __ |/ / (_ // // / (_ / /_/ /_//_/___/ /_//_/_/ |_/_/|_/\___/___/_/|_/\___/ ________ ___ ___ _____ ______ / ___/ _ | / _ \/ _ \/ __/ |/ / __/ / (_ / __ |/ , _/ // / _// /\ \ \___/_/ |_/_/|_/____/___/_/|_/___/ --OBJECTIVE: UNLOCK THE SAND PLATE Move forward and use Landscape View. Drop down to the ledge and shimmy all the way right and jump up. Head down the balcony and Farah will lower the first shutter. Wall Run and jump to the swing pole and drop down. Slide down and initiate the Quick Kill on the first guard. Eliminate the second one as well. Now Wall Run to the stab square and stab it. Wall Run again and then jump to the moving platform. Quickly climb up and jump to the swing pole. Jump up two more poles to the top beam. Make the long jump to the next swing bar and jump to the upper ledge. After Farah, closes the shutter, Wall Run to the ledge and drop down. Slide down and initiate a Quick Kill on the first Foreman below. After that, quickly eliminate the second Foreman (so he doesn't call reinforcements) by tossing him off the balcony. Do the same for the last guard and then access the Sand Plate for some Sand Credits. After the cutscene, hop over the balcony and jump to the stab square. Jump up to the next square and stab it. Wall Run to the left and then wall to wall jump to the ledge and wait. Once the wall comes back out, wall to wall jump to the top ledge and shimmy left. Climb up and jump to the ledge and shimmy all the way left. --OBJECTIVE: INITIATE A DOUBLE KILL Shimmy all the way left and drop down to the Wall Gap. Slide down to see two guards. Wait until both of them walk underneath you and then trigger the Double Kill on both fools. Now Wall Run all the way to the ledge on the opposite side. Shimmy left and then jump to the swing pole and swing to the next ledge. Shimmy all the way right and then leap to the balcony. Access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE STRUCTURE'S MIND +++ ________ ______ _____________ __ _______________ _____ ________ /_ __/ // / __/ / __/_ __/ _ \/ / / / ___/_ __/ / / / _ \/ __/ __/ / / / _ / _/ _\ \ / / / , _/ /_/ / /__ / / / /_/ / , _/ _/_\ \ /_/ /_//_/___/ /___/ /_/ /_/|_|\____/\___/ /_/ \____/_/|_/___/___/ __ ________ _____ / |/ / _/ |/ / _ \ / /|_/ // // / // / /_/ /_/___/_/|_/____/ Move forward and jump to the Wall Gap. Slide down carefully past the two sawblades and drop down. Roll past the spikes and the sawblades to the end of the corridor to a puzzle. In this area are three Rotation Handle docks and two ledge pillars with multiple ledges in two corners. --ROTATION HANDLE PUZZLE SOLUTION The point of the puzzle is to raise all three Rotation handle docks to the top of their locations. It's really simple but also long and tedious. Here's what to do: #1: Access the farthest handle from the entrance and raise it UP. #2: Access the handle nearest the door and raise it UP TWICE. #3: Access the farthest handle and bring it DOWN. #4: Access the middle handle and raise it UP. #5: Access the farthest handle and raise it UP. #6: Access the middle handle and bring it DOWN. #7: Access the nearest handle and bring it DOWN. #8: Access the middle handle and raise it UP TWICE. #9: Access the nearest handle and raise it UP to finish this puzzle. Now head for the raised bridge to trigger a cutscene. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE WELL OF ANCESTORS +++ ________ ______ _ ________ __ ____ ____ /_ __/ // / __/ | | /| / / __/ / / / / __ \/ __/ / / / _ / _/ | |/ |/ / _// /__/ /__ / /_/ / _/ /_/ /_//_/___/ |__/|__/___/____/____/ \____/_/ ___ _ _________________________ ___ ____ / _ | / |/ / ___/ __/ __/_ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __/ / __ |/ / /__/ _/_\ \ / / / /_/ / , _/\ \ /_/ |_/_/|_/\___/___/___/ /_/ \____/_/|_/___/ --OBJECTIVE: MAKE IT TO THE BOTTOM OF THE WELL Make a Wall Run and chain swing to the next ledge. Wall Run and chain swing again to the beam. Cross the beam and then jump and chain swing to the long chain. Slide down the chain and jump on the beam. Quickly cross it and then jump to the next ledge. Wall Run and chain swing to the next ledge and then make a leap for the beam. Quickly move left and drop down twice. Now Wall Run and chain swing twice on the opposite side. Wall Run and chain swing to the next ledge and destroy the enemies that appear. Now go back to the ledge and Wall Run to the next one. Drop down in the corner and slide down the Wall Gap to the bottom and drop down. Eliminate the enemies that appear and then jump the chasm and chain swing twice to the next ledge. Quickly climb up and then Wall Run and chain swing twice to the beam. Drop down twice and then use Landscape View. From there, Wall Run and chain swing four times to the other side. Go down the entrance and jump and chain swing to the other area. Go down the stairs and kill the enemies. Just near the open wall is a ledge to shimmy on the right. Do you see it? Shimmy on the ledge going left and then jump down. Wall Run three times to the left and then run to the middle platform. Destroy the enemies and then cross the beam and jump to the Wall Gap and slide down and drop down. Enter the corridor and then watch the sawblades. Wall Run when it's clear to the ledge and then quickly shimmy all the way to the right. Drop down and quickly shimmy left and make the leap to the left ledge. Shimmy right and then drop down under the sawblade. Shimmy right and then climb up to the top. Roll past the triple sawblades and then make a jump and chain swing to the other side. Quickly run up the wall to the right and shimmy all the way right. Jump the gap to the ledge and drop down three times. Shimmy right to a long hallway. --OBJECTIVE: GET PAST THE DEATH TRAPS Roll past the sawblades. Wait for the spikes to turn and then slow down time and Wall Run and shutter jump from the left side to the ledge. Jump up and then jump the gap to the ledge on the opposite side. Shimmy all the way right and then carefully jump down. On top of the third sawblade is a ledge to run up to. Wait for it to rotate and then run up to it and shimmy right. Activate the Lion Switch, jump to it, and then leap the gap to the ledge across from it. Shimmy all the way right and then drop down. Roll past the last set of sawblades and step on the switch and exit. CUTSCENE. After transforming, destroy the enemies with your new secondary weapon. Once their gone, look for the exit with the crack on it and destroy it. Access the Water Fountain on the other side. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: WELL OF ANCESTORS (THE PRINCE) +++ ________ ______ _ ________ __ ____ ____ /_ __/ // / __/ | | /| / / __/ / / / / __ \/ __/ / / / _ / _/ | |/ |/ / _// /__/ /__ / /_/ / _/ /_/ /_//_/___/ |__/|__/___/____/____/ \____/_/ ___ _ _________________________ ___ ____ / _ | / |/ / ___/ __/ __/_ __/ __ \/ _ \/ __/ / __ |/ / /__/ _/_\ \ / / / /_/ / , _/\ \ /_/ |_/_/|_/\___/___/___/ /_/ \____/_/|_/___/ --OBJECTIVE: ESCAPE THE WELL Move forward and turn left to see a wall and a gap. Wall Run to the next gap and destroy the invisible enemy. Follow the walkway and then make another jump to the next area. Destroy the invisible enemies and make a U-turn around the walkway. Wall Run to the next ledge and then jump to the next one. Head to the corner and do a Wall to Wall jump to the top. Destroy the invisible enemy and Wall Run to the next ledge. Wall Run on the next ledge to the other side. Turn right and jump past two ledges. On the other end, Wall Run to the next ledge and turn left (you'll see a Water Fountain across from you). Jump past two ledges to the next walkway and destroy the invisible enemy. Wall Run twice to reach the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE LABYRINTH +++ ________ ______ __ ___ _____ _____ _____ __________ __ /_ __/ // / __/ / / / _ | / _ ) \/ / _ \/ _/ |/ /_ __/ // / / / / _ / _/ / /__/ __ |/ _ |\ / , _// // / / / / _ / /_/ /_//_/___/ /____/_/ |_/____/ /_/_/|_/___/_/|_/ /_/ /_//_/ --OBJECTIVE: ESCAPE THE LABYRINTH Step on the switch to pen the door and then exit the area. Follow the long corridor to end up at a dead end. Run up the wall on the right to grab the ledge. Climb up and shimmy left. Jump the gap, shimmy right, and drop down twice. Shimmy right, drop down, shimmy right, jump up twice to the top. Step on the switch to exit the area. Now make the leap to the swing bar and swing to the next one. Shimmy left and then swing to the next swing pole. Drop down twice, shimmy right, and then swing and jump twice to reach the ledge. Run up the wall and climb up four ledges. Jump the gap to the swing pole and then rotate the camera to see a set of stab squares. Shimmy to the right and swing and jump to the double set of stab squares and stab it. Jump and stab, Wall Run and stab, jump to the swing pole to the next stab square and stab, Wall Run and jump to the swing pole to the top of the area. Now destroy the blocked exit and destroy the enemies. Jump the gap and access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE UNDERGROUND CAVE +++ __ ___ _____ _______ ________ ____ __ ___ _____ / / / / |/ / _ \/ __/ _ \/ ___/ _ \/ __ \/ / / / |/ / _ \ / /_/ / / // / _// , _/ (_ / , _/ /_/ / /_/ / / // / \____/_/|_/____/___/_/|_|\___/_/|_|\____/\____/_/|_/____/ ________ _ ______ / ___/ _ | | / / __/ / /__/ __ | |/ / _/ \___/_/ |_|___/___/ To the right of the Water Fountain is a gap with a cracked wall on the other side. Jump the gap and destroy the wall. Slow down time and jump past the rotating spikes to the other corner. Run up the wall and grab the ledge and jump up. Shimmy right and climb up to the top. Destroy the next cracked wall and eliminate the enemies that appear. Now Wall Run to the left to reach the Wall Gap and climb up to the top. Jump the gap to the stab square. Drop down to the swing pole and swing to the next ledge and climb up. Do a Wall to Wall jump to the top and stab the Bronze Slit to activate the moving ledges. Slow down time and then Wall Run and jump to the ledges. Quickly climb up and jump the next one to the other side. Destroy the enemies (for some reason, the enemies glitch up in the PS2 version) and then stab the Bronze Slit. Cross the beam and jump to the large pillar. Shimmy left, drop down twice, shimmy left, and then jump to the next ledge. Destroy the cracked wall and eliminate the enemies. Run up the wall to the stab squares. Wall run and stab your way to the other side (you should be used to this by now). Destroy the enemies and then destroy the cracked wall. Turn left and run up the wall and jump to the top. Wall run to the farthest swing pole and swing to the next one. Shimmy right and then swing and jump to the Wall Gap and slide down. Drop down and destroy the enemies. Across the ledge is a stab square. Jump the gap and stab the square and climb up. Shimmy left, jump and stab the square, jump up and shimmy right to the top ledge and climb up. Cross the beam and jump towards the pillar. Turn left and jump to the next pillar. Jump t the ledge and destroy the enemies waiting for you. Now enter the cave and destroy the cracked wall. --OBJECTIVE: ESCAPE THE UNDERGROUND CAVE Do a Wall Run on the right and stab the far square. Wall Run and then jump to the opposite ledge and climb up. Shimmy right and jump up twice. Jump the gap to the beam and then jump up to the top beam. Now leap to the Wall Gap and climb up to the top. In this next area, slow down time and then roll past the three spikes, climb over the smasher and leap to other side. Now head up the stairs and run up the wall to the stab square. Jump and stab the next square and then Wall Run to the balcony. Access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE ROYAL KITCHEN +++ ________ ______ ___ ______ _____ __ /_ __/ // / __/ / _ \/ __ \ \/ / _ | / / / / / _ / _/ / , _/ /_/ /\ / __ |/ /__ /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/|_|\____/ /_/_/ |_/____/ __ ___________________ _______ __ / //_/ _/_ __/ ___/ // / __/ |/ / / ,< _/ / / / / /__/ _ / _// / /_/|_/___/ /_/ \___/_//_/___/_/|_/ --OBJECTIVE: SOLVE THE DINING ROOM PUZZLE Run up to the Bronze Slit and stab it and then quickly enter the door. Destroy all the enemies until they are ALL gone. Or if you can't wait for them to die, go up the stairs and run up the wall to the stab square. Jump up and stab the next square and then Wall Run and jump to the beam. Cross the beam and then jump to the stab square and stab it. Wall Run to the swing pole and swing to the balcony. Run to the other side, cross the beam, and jump to the stab square and stab it. Wall Run and jump to the next beam. Cross the beam and make the long jump the stab square and stab it. Now Wall Run to activate the door switch and then enter the door. Go up the stairs and access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE SECRET PASSAGE +++ ________ ______ ________________ __________ /_ __/ // / __/ / __/ __/ ___/ _ \/ __/_ __/ / / / _ / _/ _\ \/ _// /__/ , _/ _/ / / /_/ /_//_/___/ /___/___/\___/_/|_/___/ /_/ ___ ___ ___________ _________ / _ \/ _ | / __/ __/ _ |/ ___/ __/ / ___/ __ |_\ \_\ \/ __ / (_ / _/ /_/ /_/ |_/___/___/_/ |_\___/___/ Go up the stairs and then leap for the swing pole. Shimmy left and then swing to the next pole. Swing to the ledge and climb up to the top and hop over the railing. Run up the wall to the top and then go down the hallway to the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| (Wow, nothing really secret about this level!) *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE LOWER TOWER +++ __ ____ _ _________ __________ _ _________ / / / __ \ | /| / / __/ _ \ /_ __/ __ \ | /| / / __/ _ \ / /__/ /_/ / |/ |/ / _// , _/ / / / /_/ / |/ |/ / _// , _/ /____/\____/|__/|__/___/_/|_| /_/ \____/|__/|__/___/_/|_| Turn left and climb up the scaffolding. Wall Run to the swing pole and swing to the next ledge. Defeat the invisible enemy and then look for the ledge on the wall. Run up to it and climb up. Climb up three times to the top and shimmy left and climb up. Wall Run to the swing pole but DO NOT JUMP! Shimmy left and then jump to the Wall Gap and slide down. Drop down and cross the beam. Jump to the swing pole and jump to the ledge but DO NOT CLIMB UP! --OBJECTIVE: INITIATE QUICK KILL Shimmy to the left and watch the guard. When he turns around, climb up and use the Quick Kill. --OBJECTIVE: BRING THE STONE TO THE TOP Access the Rotation Handle and turn it. Now look for the ledge on the right of the scaffolding and jump up to it. Leap to the beam across from it and then leap to the opposite beam. Jump to the second tier and destroy the invisible enemy. Cross the beam on the other end and then jump to the other beam and climb up. Jump to the next one and then cross to the third tier. Destroy the invisible enemy and turn the Rotation Handle. Now jump to the beam and then jump to the next beam across from it. Cross the beam and make the leap to the other side of the scaffolding and drop down. Grab and drag the stone under the stab square and then climb on it. Wall Run and stab your way to the pillar. Climb down a little and then jump to the next stab square. Now stab and Wall Run your way to the swing pole. Swing to the next pole and then turn around. Swing and jump twice to the top scaffolding. --OBJECTIVE: GET PAST THE DEATH TRAPS Run across the way and jump to the next swing pole. Turn around and then swing to the top scaffolding. Now head for the door on the other end. Do a well timed Wall Run and two shutter jumps the next area. Slow down time and quickly roll past the rotating spikes to the other end. Jump the gap and stab the square. Wall Run and shutter jump twice and stab the square. Jump up twice and then Wall Run to the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE MIDDLE TOWER +++ __ __________ ___ __ ____ __________ _ _________ / |/ / _/ _ \/ _ \/ / / __/ /_ __/ __ \ | /| / / __/ _ \ / /|_/ // // // / // / /__/ _/ / / / /_/ / |/ |/ / _// , _/ /_/ /_/___/____/____/____/___/ /_/ \____/|__/|__/___/_/|_| --OBJECTIVE: BRING THE STONE TO THE TOP Run up to the Bronze Slit and stab it to open the door. Quickly exit and destroy the enemies that appear. Now run up the wall and stab the square. Jump and stab the next one and then Wall Run to the RIGHT. Run up and stab the square. Wall Run to the next square, and then Wall Run and shutter jump to the large wooden pillar. Turn around and jump the gap to the scaffolding. Climb up and use Landscape View. This puzzle is just as similar as the one in the Lower Tower. Access the Rotation Handle and turn the handle. Look for the beam and jump to it. Cross it and jump up and then jump for the second tier (with another Rotation Handle, but don't access it yet). Go to the elevator-thingy and grab and drag the stone to the next elevator. Now access the Rotation Handle and turn it. Now across the handle are three swing bars on top of each other. Jump to them and jump to the top. Swing to the top tier and destroy all the enemies up here. Grab and drag the stone to the next elevator (drag it ALL the way in to trigger a short cutscene) and then run up the wall to the ledge and shimmy right. Wall Run and jump to the next elevator. Hop over the railing and jump to the beam. Cross the beam onto the ledge and then do a Wall to Wall jump on the adjacent wall. Jump to the top ledge and shimmy right. Hop to the adjacent beam and then leap to the scaffolding. Run up the wall and stab the square and then Wall run to the swing pole and jump twice to the scaffolding. --OBJECTIVE: ACQUIRE FINAL HEALTH UPGRADE As soon as you jump onto the scaffolding, use Landscape View to see an entrance underneath it. Drop down on the beam below and then drop down again and shimmy to the entrance. Make your way down the path and jump up from ledge to ledge to the Golden Water Fountain. Drink from it to trigger the mini-game. --HEALTH UPGRADE MINI-GAME #6: This is the last upgrade so be ready! Roll under the rotating blade and the rotating spikes. Slow down time and do a well-timed Wall Run to the other end and then do a Wall to Wall jump to the top. This next part is the trickiest: do a well-timed Wall Run and then make a leap to the beam before you fall. Now cross the beam and jump to the next beam and drop down. Jump the gap to the ledge and roll past the last three sets of spikes to the shining light to finalize your health bar! Exit back outside to the beam. Jump to the beam on the right side and climb up, then jump to the scaffolding. Now jump to the top balcony to another doorway. --OBJECTIVE: GET PAST THE DEATH TRAPS In this next area, slow down time and do a well-timed Wall Run past the spikes and then shutter jump to the stab square. Do another well-timed Wall Run and then shutter jump twice to the next stab square. Wall Run to the ledge and then do another well-timed Wall Run and shutter jump three times to the next stab square. Jump the gap to the ledge and go down the hall. Roll past the spikes and blades and try to make it so that the Prince hangs on the ledge (he doesn't need to jump from the spikes). Jump to the stab squares and jump to the top and climb up. Use a Quick Kill on the nearest guard and then eliminate the second one. --OBJECTIVE: BRING THE STONE TO THE TOP Wall Run and swing two times to the next balcony. Go around and Wall Run to the opposite scaffolding. Run up the wall and jump over to the other side. Destroy the enemies that appear and then go up the walkway and jump to the scaffolding with the stone. Drag it into the elevator and then hop over the railing on the left and jump the gap to the ledge. Jump to the next ledge and destroy the enemies. Go around and then jump to the swing bar and swing to the second tier with a Rotation Handle. Turn the Handle and then look for the beam to cross. Make the leap to the next ledge and then run up the wall. Destroy the enemy and then go around the corner. The beam is above you so jump up and then leap to the third tier. Destroy the two guards and then grab and drag to the stone to the other elevator (push it ALL the way in) to trigger a short cutscene. Head into the elevator the stone was previously at and hop over the railing. Jump to the adjacent elevator and climb over. Hop over the other railing and eliminate the enemies waiting for you. Jump to the adjacent beam and then jump up to the ledge on the wall. Jump up again and shimmy left to the pillar and jump to it. Climb up and then jump to the scaffolding. Run up the wall to the stab square and then Wall Run and shutter jump to the next stab square. Wall Run and stab the next one, drop and stab, and then drop down to the bottom. Destroy the enemies here and then look for the stab squares outside the metal cages. Run up to it and Wall Run and stab your way to the beam. Jump the beam and make your way to the other side. Once at the opposite scaffolding, run up the wall and stab the square. Wall Run and shutter jump to the pillar and climb up. Leap to the ledge and shimmy right. Head into the entrance and access the Water Fountain. _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE UPPER TOWER +++ __ _____ ___ _______ __________ _ _________ / / / / _ \/ _ \/ __/ _ \ /_ __/ __ \ | /| / / __/ _ \ / /_/ / ___/ ___/ _// , _/ / / / /_/ / |/ |/ / _// , _/ \____/_/ /_/ /___/_/|_| /_/ \____/|__/|__/___/_/|_| Make a long Wall Run and stab the square. Wall Run to the next ledge and shimmy left. Do a Wall to Wall jump to the top and shimmy left. Jump the gap to the squares and jump to the top. Run for the swing pole and swing to the next pole. Shimmy right (or left) of the swing pole and then swing onto the ledge. Shimmy left and jump to the top of the area. Hop over the railing and head for the sliding ledge on the opposite side and jump for the swing pole and swing twice to the balcony. Go up the stairs to the exit and then access the Water Fountain (either one is fine). _) | __| _` |\ \ / _ \ __ \ _ \ | __ \ __| \__ \ ( | \ \ / __/ | | ( | | | | | ____/\__,_| \_/ \___| .__/ \___/ _|_| _|\__| _| *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ AREA: THE TERRACE +++ ________ ______ _____________ ___ ___ _________ /_ __/ // / __/ /_ __/ __/ _ \/ _ \/ _ |/ ___/ __/ / / / _ / _/ / / / _// , _/ , _/ __ / /__/ _/ /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/ /___/_/|_/_/|_/_/ |_\___/___/ Walk up the stairs and turn right. Go up another set of stairs and look for switch on the wall. Head for the open door and go down the long hallway. Hop over the railing and leap to the next balcony. Destroy the cracked wall and go down the stairs and into the elevator. It's time to end this! --BOSS BATTLE: VIZIER PART 1 Use evasive rolls and strike after he misses his attacks. When he lunges his pillars, roll away. Keep attacking him and rolling away from his counters. There's no complicated fighting, just be evasive. Once his health reaches 75%, the second part of the battle begins. --BOSS BATTLE: VIZIER PART 2 Now it's SPEED KILL TIME! Ignore all the floating debris, it's just there to confuse you. Notice that the Vizier floats from pillar to pillar. What you need to do is run up to the pillar that the Vizier is floating in front of and run up against it and begin the Speed Kill sequence when it initiates. When you start the Speed Kill, be patient and press the button when the dagger shimmers! Don't rush into it or he'll throw you to the ground! The Prince needs to do three sequential (and successful) Speed Kills to trigger the next sequence. --BOSS BATTLE: VIZIER PART 3 After three successful Speed Kill sequences, the Vizier flies to the top of the structure. Your goal is to jump and swing our way to the very top of where he is. I'm sorry but I cannot spoil this part of the game for you. You must do this part yourself...You there yet? Once you reach the top, jump at the Vizier and once the dagger flares, press the button to end the battle! Congrats, you beat the game! BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! The descent out of madness starts here. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ THE MENTAL REALM OF MADNESS +++ ________ ______ __ ________ ___________ __ /_ __/ // / __/ / |/ / __/ |/ /_ __/ _ | / / / / / _ / _/ / /|_/ / _// / / / / __ |/ /__ /_/ /_//_/___/ /_/ /_/___/_/|_/ /_/ /_/ |_/____/ ___ _______ __ __ ___ / _ \/ __/ _ | / / / |/ / / , _/ _// __ |/ /__/ /|_/ / /_/|_/___/_/ |_/____/_/ /_/ --BOSS BATTLE: DARK PRINCE The Dark Prince does not attack (he is part of you, remember?). Attack him with the sword until you enter the Prince's mind. As the conversation rages on, the Prince must jump from platform to platform and attack the helpless Dark Prince. If you miss a jump, you won't die, so don't worry about making a mistake. Keep making your way to him and attacking him until Farah shows up. Once Farah shows up, follow what she says and walk up the stairs to the light. Now enjoy the REAL ending. You deserve it, Mon Congrats! .___________. __ __ _______ _______ .__ __. _______ | || | | | | ____| | ____|| \ | | | \ `---| |----`| |__| | | |__ | |__ | \| | | .--. | | | | __ | | __| | __| | . ` | | | | | | | | | | | | |____ | |____ | |\ | | '--' | |__| |__| |__| |_______| |_______||__| \__| |_______/ *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ HYPNOTIZE - SECRETS +++ __ ____ __ ____ _ __ ____ ______ ____ _____ ______ / / / /\ \/ // __ \ / | / // __ \/_ __// _//__ / / ____/ / /_/ / \ // /_/ // |/ // / / / / / / / / / / __/ / __ / / // ____// /| // /_/ / / / _/ / / /__ / /___ /_/ /_/ /_//_/ /_/ |_/ \____/ /_/ /___/ /____//_____/ --GOODIES: BABY TOY OF DEATH WEAPON - Finish Easy Mode to unlock this secret code. --VIDEO GALLERY: Finish the game to unlock the Video Gallery. --ARTWORK GALLERY: Collect more than 1500 Sand Credits throughout one gamesave to unlock everything for all three games (Sands Of Time, Warrior Within, Two Thrones). You DO NOT need to purchase these items because as the Sand Credits increase, all the priced content will automatically unlock itself. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** +++ RADIO/VIDEO: GAMEPLAY VIDEOS +++ ___ __________________ _________________ ________ __ | / /____ _/___ __ \___ ____/__ __ \__ ___/ __ | / / __ / __ / / /__ __/ _ / / /_____ \ __ |/ / __/ / _ /_/ / _ /___ / /_/ / ____/ / _____/ /___/ /_____/ /_____/ \____/ /____/ If you are having a difficult time in certain areas of the game, please visit this site: The site has video walkthroughs for numerous popular games including all three Prince of Persia games. Don't hesitate! Visit them now and watch streaming vids of how to beat Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is only for use on GameFAQS. You may not copy, link, or reproduce this FAQ on your publication or website without permission. If you want to use this FAQ, please e-mail me at I have no problems with anyone who asks. December 2005.