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All rights reserved. ============================================================================== +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ I. Version History II. How To Use This Guide III. Game Terms IV. Boss Tactics 4.1 Noh Master 4.2 Thunder Master 4.3 Armor God 4.4 Snake Charmer 4.5 Cannon Master 4.6 Armor God Revisited 4.7 Chiyome V. Closing 5.1 Final Thoughts 5.2 Credits 5.3 Contact Info 5.4 Legal ============================================================================== I. Version History ============================================================================== Version 1.0 (1/28/2006) Finished Initial Guide ============================================================================== II. How To Use This Guide ============================================================================== Welcome to my second FAQ! This guide covers the U.S. version of the Playstation 2 game, Red Ninja End of Honor. This game has some of the toughest and frustrating boss fights you will see in a game. This guide will provide strategies to help you through the fights with minimal frustration. I will point out patterns of attack the bosses use, and provide tips to counter them. *Please Note* I am playing this game on hard difficulty. Your encounters with a boss may be different based on the level of difficulty you are playing on. For example, a boss may or may not use a certain tactic while fighting you, so the tips that are provided may or may not apply to your fight. You may be asking yourself, "Why is he playing this game on hard mode?!" You may also be asking, "Does he like punishment and pain?!" I chose to play this game on hard difficulty because I figure they will throw every tactic they have at me, and so I can point out all their strategies and help you beat them easily no matter what level you play on. I would also like to point out the strategies I give you are based on what I encountered and what I did to defeat them. That being said, maybe you have found a better tactic to use than what I did. You may read my tips and be like, "That sucks." Please feel free to contact me (see contact info section) with what you did and I will test it out and give you full credit in the FAQ. I have to test the strategy on hard mode and have it work to give you credit. A strategy may work on easy and normal mode, but may or may not work on hard mode, that's why I have to test it out first. The point of this FAQ is to provide tips and strategies to defeat the bosses, so multiple strategies will benefit everyone. On to the pain! ============================================================================== III. Game Terms ============================================================================== Lock On - Using the R1 button to lock on to an enemy. Backflip - An evasion technique used when you have a lock on to an enemy and press down on the left analog stick+x button. You have to be in tetsugen range to perform this move. Roll - An evasion technique used when you have a lock on to an enemy and press left or right on the analog stick+x button. You have to be in tetsugen range to perform this move. Tetsugen - A wire weapon that can have a hook, blade, or weight attached on the end of the wire. Blade - An edged weapon placed on the end of the tetsugen. You start game with this. Select by pressing left on dpad(not analog stick) when you obtain the fundo. Hook - A hook placed on the end of the tetsugen. It is used for attaching to posts, swinging, climbing otherwise unreachable areas, and pulling down certain objects. You get this in stage two. You must map it to the triangle or circle button from the items screen to use it. Fundo - A weight placed on the end of the tetsugen. You get this in stage three. Select by pressing right on the dpad(not analog stick). Blade Wire Attack - Throwing your blade tetsugen into a locked on enemy and hitting square as soon as it hits them to cause damage. You can aim for the head of an enemy by pressing up on the left analog stick after it's thrown, but before it reaches the enemy. You can aim for the feet by pressing down on the left analog stick after it's thrown, but before it reaches the enemy. Fundo Wire Attack - Throwing your fundo at a locked on enemy. This can be thrown around the head of an enemy by pressing up on the left analog stick after it's thrown, but before it reaches the enemy. You can hang an enemy by wrapping the fundo around their head and jumping off or over a higher platform to the ground. You can throw it at the feet of an enemy by pressing down on the left analog stick after it's thrown, but before it reaches the enemy. 3 Hit Combo - A combo you can perform by locking on to the enemy and hitting the square button three times when in close proximity to the enemy. 4 Hit Combo - A combo you can perform without having a lock on an enemy and hitting the square button four times when in close proximity to the enemy. Ninjutsu Gauge - The blue gauge under your health meter. Matrix Ninjutsu - Hitting the L1+Square button when you have a full ninjutsu gauge to slow time and move faster than your enemies. ============================================================================== IV. Boss Tactics ============================================================================== 4.1 Noh Master His Attacks - Throwing Knives - He throws three knives toward you. He can jump and throw these from the air also. - Downward Slash - He turns slightly and slashes down with his sword. - Standing Slash - He stands in place and slashes horizontally, then downward. - 180 Horizontal Slash - His sword glows blue and he spins in 180 degrees. He slashes horizontally during his 180 degree spin. - Jumping Slash - He jumps high in the air toward you and slashes down with his sword. - Tornado Slash - He jumps in the air towards you while spinning with his sword. - Spider Man - He ducks then shoots spider webs in an arc toward you. The webs cause paralysis if hit. - Spirit of the Spider - He glows white and fires a white glowing projectile toward you. The projectile causes paralysis if hit. - Crouching Tiger - He quickly slashes down, then up. He glows white and hovers slightly off the ground. He then goes in a straight line toward you with his sword. - Shadow Clone Jutsu - Second attack stage. He creates two clones of himself that share his attacks and attack independently. First Attack Stage Strategy First off, we want to get rid of any remaining barricades to give ourselves room to work with. Lock on to him with the R1 button, give the Noh Master space, and you can bait him to use his tornado slash attack or throwing knives to destroy the barricades for you. Dodge these attacks by keeping a lock on him and moving to the left or right so you are circling him, but be careful not to trap yourself by the barricades. Now that those are out of the way, it's time to show him the power of the kunoichi. If you get too close to the Noh Master, he will use either his downward, standing, horizontal slashes, or throw knives to get you off him. We want to give him space to bait him to show us what attack he will use, and to give us room to dodge and counter his attacks. Keep yourself locked on to him and keep moving in a circle around him, never standing still. If he goes tornado slash, if you are circling him it will miss. When he misses, quickly throw your blade wire into him and quickly press square to damage him. You can cause more damage by aiming for his head by moving the left analog stick up after you throw it, but before it hits him. If you are too slow with your wire attack, he will deflect it or shake it off. If he throws his knives, keep circling him and hit him with a blade wire attack after he throws them. If he goes crouching tiger on you, circle and follow him and rip him with a 3 hit lock on combo or a 4 hit unlocked on combo as soon as he lands. The timing on this has to be precise, because he gets cheap and will parry your attack. If you want to be safe, then just use a blade wire attack instead of the combo. If he goes spirit of the spider on you, circle him and hit him with a blade wire attack. He looks wide open for a combo, but he isn't, so just use a blade wire attack. Wear him down to 50% health or below to get to his second attack stage. Second Attack Stage Strategy When his health is 50% or below, he likes to use his shadow clone jutsu to create clones of himself. You end up fighting three of him. Two of his clones are fake, and it only takes one hit to kill them. Problem is, his clones have all the same attacks he has, and when you kill his clones, he likes to make more. While performing this attack, he is in the middle and his clones appear to the left and right of him. Keep the Noh Master and his clones in front of you at all times so they don't attack you from behind. If you are close to him when he starts his jutsu, quickly release R1 and lock on to one of his clones on either side. Throw your blade wire and quickly hit square to eliminate one of his clones. If you know which one is the Noh Master and which one is a clone, let the remaining clone live and concentrate blade wire attacks on the Noh Master. If you kill the remaining clone, he will do the jutsu again so it's easier to let one clone live. If you are out of blade wire range when he starts his jutsu, watch and pick out one of his clones. When they start coming your way, lock on to the clone you picked out, wait for him to perform an attack, then hit him with a blade wire attack. Easier said then done, especially when all three are coming your way. If you get overwhelmed, release your lock on and run away while using the right analog stick to move the camera to see where your enemies are. If you know which ones are the clones, let one of them live and focus on the Noh Master with blade wire attacks. Use the same dodge/attack pattern you used in the first attack stage strategy, while avoiding his clone, to wear him down and he will fall to your blade wire skills. Ninjutsu Gauge Strategy If you have a full ninjutsu gauge during the fight, save it for use when he is in his second attack stage. You use the gauge by hitting L1+square and it slows down time. You likely will only get to use your gauge once during the fight, since it's difficult to combo the Noh Master without him breaking it due to fighting mechanic cheapness. Using the Noh Master/One Clone tactic, wear him down with blade wire attacks until he has about 1/3 of life remaining. Hit your ninjutsu gauge and run up and 4 hit combo him over and over till your meter runs out. If he's not dead after this, he will have little life left. If he clones again, use the same tactics you were before using your ninjutsu and finish him off. 4.2 Thunder Master Her Attacks - Shaolin Soccer - First attack stage. She runs toward you and slide tackles you. - Thunder Sickle - First/third/fourth attack stage. If pillars are active, this attack causes electrocution when hit. She can use this as a ranged attack if she is in the trees. - Electric Eel - Second attack stage. She fires a bolt of electricity from her sickle. It arcs toward you and follows you outward before returning to her sickle. She can use a smaller version of this to surround herself with electricity. - Zatch Bell - Second attack stage. She fires a bolt of electricity from her sickle that zig zags left to right towards you. - Thunder Strike - Second attack stage. She fires a bolt of electricity from her sickle at the ground and lightning strikes upward from the ground. - The Big Ohm - Second attack stage. She sticks her sickle in the ground and jumps in the air off her sickle. She creates a huge wave of electricity that flows upward and outward in a circle. First Attack Stage Strategy You can't harm her yet, so don't try. Stay out the middle area between the trees unless you like Kurenai extra crispy. Instead, look at the electrified pillars toward the outside of the trees. You must disable three of these pillars to make her vulnerable. Now she will be chasing you around to make sure you don't disable them. As you run toward the pillars, keep an eye on your radar. If it's green when you are next to a pillar, go ahead and combo the pillar to disable it. If it shows she is chasing you, either hit the pillar once or twice and run to the next one. If she gets close enough to you, she will go shaolin soccer or hit you with her thunder sickle. You can bait her to do this by running behind a pillar, letting her get close, and running to the next pillar when she attacks. After disabling the three pillars, the electricity stops and she's now open for attacks. Find her on your radar, lock on, and she will start running towards you. When she gets close, she will use the shaolin soccer attack. Avoid this by circling around her. When she misses her slide tackle, follow her and she will be prone to a 3 or 4 hit combo attack. Let her get up off the ground, bait her to slide tackle you, and smack her around again. The pillars will go active again after you deal some damage to her. She will jump into the trees and use her thunder sickle to try to electrocute you before jumping back on the ground to chase you. Run away from the trees when you see the pillars go active or see her jump into the tree to avoid her attack. Again, don't try to attack her and go after the pillars, baiting her if you need to. After they are disabled, she is vulnerable again to your bait/combo tactic. She will go into her second stage attack after taking damage and the pillars crumble. Second Attack Stage Strategy The pillars are destroyed for good and she goes in the middle area of the trees. She now will use either her electric eel, zatch bell, thunder strike if you are close and her big ohm attack if she can't find you. When she goes to the middle area, lock on to her. Don't try to hide behind the trees, her electricity attacks go through them and if she can't see you, she will use her devastating big ohm attack. Keep her visible to get her to use her electric eel. You can avoid this three ways, one, is to keep running in a circle when she fires it, two, the safer way, is stay out of it's range by sticking close to the pillars, three, by jumping over it without a lock on. Credit to Dark_Symphony's FAQ for the jumping evasion. As soon as you see the electricity start to come back to her sickle, move in behind her and hit her with a 4 hit combo if you used the circle evasion or jump tactic, or use a blade wire attack if you used the ranged evasion tactic. When you knock her down, she will be facing you. Quickly move behind her before she gets up, but give her a little space or she gets up and attacks you. When she gets up, she will lose track of you. Smack her down with a 4 hit combo, and get behind her and repeat the strategy. Do this correctly and she won't get another attack off until her third stage. If you want to play it safe, back up to the pillars as she gets up and bait her to use the eel attack again. Move in when it returns and attack. Deal enough damage to get a cutscene and begin stage three. Third Attack Stage Strategy After the cutscene, she jumps into the trees and attacks with her thunder sickle. Keep moving, check your radar to see where she is, and make sure you have your grappling hook equipped to the triangle or circle button. You have to make her fall out of the tree she's in while avoiding her lightning attacks. Don't lock on to her until you know what tree she's in, since it's hard to see where her lightning will hit when you lock on. Her attack starts out with 3 small strikes and ends with a large strike. Run in a circle pattern, not stopping, to avoid the lightning strikes. After you see and/or hear the big lightning strike, quickly lock on to her and get close to the tree she's in. Throw your grappling hook into the tree she's in and keep hitting the square button to bring the tree branch and her to the ground. If you grapple the right tree, the lightning attacks stop. If you grapple the wrong tree, the attacks continue, so hit R1 to let go and run. When she falls to the ground, don't try to attack her when she gets up or she will attack you. Give her a little space, and she will get up and jump into another tree, so you will have to repeat the pattern. If you are close to her when she falls out of a tree, lock on to her and immediately run to the tree she jumps to and throw your hook into it and pull it down. Repeat this tactic when she falls and jumps into another tree. Do it correctly and she won't get another attack off while she's in the trees. Drop her out of enough trees and she goes back to her second attack stage pattern. Repeat the tactics you used in the second stage to wear her life down to a sliver and she will go into her fourth attack stage. Fourth Attack Stage Strategy She jumps to the top of a tree and attacks with her thunder sickle. Keep moving and check your radar to see where she is. You have to climb the tree she's in while avoiding her lightning attacks. Don't lock on to her until you know what tree she's in, since it's hard to see where her lightning will hit when you lock on. Her attack starts out with 3 small strikes and ends with a large strike. Run in a circle pattern, not stopping, to avoid the lightning strikes. After you see and/or hear the big lightning strike, quickly lock on to her and get close to the tree she's in. Throw your grappling hook into the tree she's in and quickly jump and pull yourself up to the branch and climb up. She won't strike the tree she's in, so you're safe for the time being. You can be hit with her lightning strike if you miss time a jump or stray too far on a branch. You have to climb the tree by jumping on the big, dark green branches with leaves. Work your way up the tree by jumping up to the higher branches. Keep working your way upward and the branches get smaller. Keep going upward till you have only two branches above you. You are now in blade wire range to drop her out of the tree. Use a blade wire attack on her and you get a cutscene. Ninjutsu Gauge Strategy Since you can combo her, you will likely get to use your ninjutsu twice. If you have a full gauge at the start of the fight and want to use it in the first attack stage, slow down time and go after the pillars. If you want to use it in the second attack stage, slow down time to easily avoid her attacks and combo her. If you want to use it in the third attack stage, slow down time to quickly find the tree branch she's in and pull it down. If you want to use it in the fourth attack stage, slow down time to quickly find the tree she's in and to climb it. 4.3 Armor God The attacks - Kaioken - First/second attack stage. He lowers his swords to his sides and charges up a wall of energy around him. He is invincible during this display of energy and you take damage if you are too close. - Teleportation - First/second attack stage. He disappears then reappears in front of you. He follows up with an attack. He appears toward Akemi in the second stage. He tries to destroy the cannon, then Akemi during this attack. He will alternate between reappearing in front of you and towards Akemi in second stage. - Single Cut - First/second attack stage. He slashes down with one sword. He gets the blade stuck in the ship's deck. - Twin Blades - First/second attack stage. He slashes down with one blade, then slashes down with a second blade. Both blades get stuck in the deck of the ship. - Cross Cut - First/Second attack stage. He draws both of his swords simultaneously and cuts downward in a "x" pattern. He gets both blades stuck in the ship's deck. First Attack Stage Strategy There are three ways to approach this fight. One, is to attack the Armor God without Akemi's help. Two, is let Akemi fire at the Armor God with the cannon. The third way is to use a combination of Akemi's attacks and your own. We will be using the backflip technique and switching between our blade and fundo a lot in this fight. This strategy will be using Kurenai's and Akemi's attacks. Listen to Akemi's audio clues to tell you when she is going to fire the cannon. More importantly, look for the white circle on the deck of the ship. This circle is where Akemi is going to fire a cannonball. You want to draw the Armor God into the circle and Akemi will fire the cannon. Don't be around the area when she fires it or you take damage. Lock on to the Armor God. We are going to bait him to teleport by backing up off him. When you give him space, he will teleport directly in front of you and attack with either single cut/twin blades/cross cut. To avoid his attacks, just backflip out of the way when he appears in front of you. Either strategy below works well. The Blade Way - After you avoid his attack, run up and slash him till he gets his sword or swords unstuck. Give him space to teleport in front of you, backflip out of harm's way, and attack. Repeat this pattern, while drawing him closer to wherever the white circle is. After he takes a cannonball, he will use his kaioken, so get back. Do the bait, evasion, attack tactics when he starts teleporting toward you again. Draw him towards the white circle again also. The Fundo Way - Switch to your fundo. After you avoid his attack, run to the side or behind the Armor God. Throw your fundo around his head and rapidly press square to bring him down to a knee. Switch back to your blade and slash him while he's on the ground. When he starts to get up, he will use his kaioken, so get back. He will start teleporting toward you again. Switch back to your fundo. Ideally, you want to drop him to a knee around wherever the white circle is, but you can get him to teleport there without wrapping the fundo around his head and pulling him down. Do the bait, evasion, fundo head wrap, pull down, blade attack tactics when he starts teleporting toward you again. Draw him to the white circle on the ship deck as well. Either way you used, keep chipping away at his life to get to his second attack stage. Second Attack Stage Strategy When he is below 50% health, he will teleport towards Akemi. If you don't act quickly, he will destroy the cannon. If you get real lazy, he will attack Akemi after he destroys the cannon. If you let Akemi die, it's game over, so don't. Switch to your fundo and lock on. You must throw it around the Armor God's head and press square repeatedly till he drops to a knee. Switch to your blade when he's on the ground and run up and slash him over and over. When you see him start to get up, he will go kaioken, so back off. He's going to start teleporting toward you again after doing this. Use the same evasion, blade, and/or fundo tactics you used in his first attack stage. Akemi will also help you out with the cannon again if you didn't let the Armor God destroy it. Beware he may try to destroy the cannon and attack Akemi again. If he teleports Akemi's way and starts moving toward her, switch back to your fundo and pull him down again. Do it correctly and he will never destroy the cannon or Akemi. Ninjutsu Gauge Strategy You may get to use your ninjutsu twice depending on the strategy you use. The fundo way will let you hit the Armor God with combos. The blade way will let you hit the Armor God once or twice at a time. If you want to use it in the first attack stage, slow time to avoid the Armor God's attacks and to use the fundo/blade combo tactic. If you want to use it in the second stage, slow time when you see the Armor God go towards Akemi. This will give you plenty of time to wrap the fundo around his head and pull him down. 4.4 Snake Charmer Her Attacks - Slim Jim - First/second attack stage. She cracks her whip downward, brings it over her head and cracks her whip downward again. - Snake Bite - First/second attack stage. She cracks a whip and a wall of fire comes your way in a straight line. She can use this if you are on the same island as her. She can use this as a ranged attack if you aren't on the same island. - Dominatrix - First/second attack stage. She cracks her whip around rapidly to create a green vortex of energy. - Snake Charm - First/second attack stage. She waves her arms up and down to summon snakes. The snakes will chase you and latch on if they get close. Stab them off you by hitting square when they latch on to your body. - Wire Fu - Second attack stage. She uses her whip to cling to a rock high in the cavern. She swings back and forth and glows red when she's about to attack. She jumps from where she was swinging toward you in a straight line and delivers a flying kick. If you are on the same island as her, she can cling to a rock above the island. She glows red when she is about to let go and delivers a drop kick toward you when she lets go of the rock. First Attack Stage Strategy You get a cutscene and get your weapons and items back. The object here is to snatch the keys off the Snake Charmer's sexy body before the poison kills Akemi. During the fight, Akemi's life slowly drains away. If you let Akemi's life run out, she dies and it's game over. Time is against us in this fight, so our attacks have to be efficient to have Akemi survive three rounds of battle. The Snake Charmer has one set of keys around her neck, another set around her waist, and a last set around her ankles for you to grab heh. We will be using blade wire attacks on her head and feet to get the keys, and combos to get the keys from her torso. Each of her three body parts has a health meter. When you deal enough damage to make the health in these parts disappear, she drops a key. You must pick up the key after she drops it. After you defeat a body part, you can't damage it again, so don't waste time. After the cutscene, stay where you are. The Snake Charmer will jump right in front of you. Rip her with a 4 hit combo when she lands. This attack will damage her torso part. She will get up and jump to one of the three islands. Follow her to the island she jumps to. If she jumps to another island when you get there, follow her again. On the islands, she may use her either one of her snake charm, snake bite, dominatrix, or slim jim attacks. If she is snake charming, she is wide open for attack. Three choices here, depending on her body part health. If she has torso health remaining, 4 hit combo her. If she has head health remaining, hit her upside the head with a blade wire attack. If she has health in her feet, aim a blade wire attack at them to drop her. If she uses her snake bite attack, she cracks two fire attacks. She is vulnerable after she uses a whip attack or you can wait for her to use her second attack. Run out of the way to the left or right to easily avoid it. Quickly hit her with a combo or blade wire attack at her head or feet depending where she has health remaining. If she becomes a dominatrix don't get close to her without her permission or you get slapped around. Give her space and use a blade wire attack on her head or feet while she's in her vortex. If you need to hit her torso, wait until she stops spinning her whip and move in for a combo. If she snaps into a slim jim attack, backflip out of the way. Wait till she misses with her second attack and hit her with a combo or blade wire attack depending where she has health remaining. Defeat all three body parts and collect the keys. Go towards Akemi to proceed to the second attack stage. Second Attack Stage You get a cutscene and fight the Snake Charmer again. Time is really against us now. The Snake Charmer has full health, a new attack, and Akemi's life is still draining away. You have got to be kidding, but we have to soldier on. You can now pull down the rocks above the islands if you attach your hook to a button and mash square when you attach to a rock. There are three rocks above each island. Pulling the rocks down limits the Snake Charmer from using her wire-fu attack all the time. She can still attach her whip to the metal posts hanging between the islands. You should only pull down the rocks if she isn't on the same island as you. After the cutscene, if you start out on the same island as the Snake Charmer, give her space to get up and let her come to you. Combo her if she doesn't execute an attack. Avoid and combo or hit her with a blade wire attack if she does execute an attack. If you start out on a different island from the Snake Charmer, pull down a rock above the island you are on. She will get to the island you are on by using her wire fu attack. Lock on to her and when you see her glow red, run to the left or right or roll to the left or right to avoid it. You have to wait for her to bring her whip down after she lands if you want to combo her. If you don't wait and move in too quickly, you get knocked up in the air. You can also play it safe and hit her with a blade wire attack after she lands. Now the fun part begins. Fun if you are sadistic that is. The Snake Charmer stands up and flees after you knock her down with a combo or blade wire attack. You have choices after you knock her down. One choice is to run to a different island after you knock her down. When she gets up, she may jump to your island right in front of you. Quickly hit her with a combo if she does. She may jump up to a rock above the island if you don't get to her fast enough. If you are quick and have good tetsugen skills, you can pull her down off the rock to the ground before she does a wire-fu drop kick attack. If she doesn't jump to your island, go ahead and pull down one of the rocks above you and wait for her to use her wire-fu to get to your island. Dodge the flying kick and combo or blade wire attack when she lands. Another choice is to stay on the same island after you knock her down. Quickly pull down any remaining rocks while she is on the ground. She will get up and flee but you will keep her from using the rocks to attack you. Track where she is after you pull down the rocks. If she is on an island and using her first stage attacks, quickly get to that island and evade, then attack, based on the attack she uses. If she is swinging from the rocks, either stay on the island you are on or quickly move to another island. Evade when she starts to glow red and follow up with an attack. You can run to a different island or stay where you are and pull down any remaining rocks. Once all the rocks are gone on all three islands, she can only grapple two metal posts hanging between the islands to execute a wire-fu attack. You eliminate her drop kick wire-fu attack by doing this as well. If you choose to get rid of the rocks, she jumps to the islands and attacks like in her first attack stage. The same evade/attack tactics apply. Drop her then get to another island. If she jumps in front of you, combo her and move to another island. On occasion, she may use her wire-fu attack off the metal posts. Evade and follow up with your attack of choice. If you don't pull down any rocks, she uses her wire-fu often and Akemi may run out of time. Work fast and drop the Snake Charmer's life out to get a cutscene. Third Attack Stage Strategy The Snake Charmer is dead and you get a cutscene giving you a hint what to do. The objective here is to drop a huge, jagged rock on the giant snake's head. Akemi doesn't have much life left, so we must hurry. Make sure you have your hook mapped to the triangle or circle button. Get to the island closest to the snake. This is island 1 on the diagram below(so not to scale heh). You will be on the snake's left. The rock you need to grapple is very close to the snake, but you don't need to get into the water to grapple it. Go to the edge of the island, so you are almost face to face with the snake. Stand where the [x] is on island 1 in the diagram below. Use your grappling hook to grab the jagged rock. You know you have the correct rock if it's close to his head and has a long, sharp edge to it. If you have the wrong rock, hit R1 to let go. Mash the square button when you grapple the correct rock and you will go to the rankings screen. / \ / \ \ / \ / _._ (/\ (/ <---- Rock ./'-.-'\. `/ / ` /'-------`\ (/ /'--_.-._--`\ ` /--(|) (|)--\ Snake ----> (----\__"__/----) \----|v.v|----/ \---| | |---/ `\-|-^-|-/' `|---|' |=-=| |---| |-=-| _.-=-=|---|=-=-._ ( |___| ) ( `-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-` ) (` <> <> <> <> <> <> `) (`-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-`) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(` <> <> <> <> <>`)~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(`-=-=-=-=-=-=-`)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(`<> <> <> <>`)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~)~~~~~~~~(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)~~~~~~~~(~~~ ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~([x] )~~ ~) (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) (~ ) 3 (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) 1 ( <---- Islands ~) (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) (~ ~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~ ~~~) (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) (~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)~~~~~~~~(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) 2 (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ninjutsu Gauge Strategy The Snake Charmer is prone to combos, but you will knock her down and she runs away after you hit her with one. This means you will only get to combo her once before your gauge runs out. You will likely only get to use your gauge once in the fight, unless you start the battle with a full gauge or go after her snakes. In the first attack stage, you can use your matrix jutsu to give yourself time to target a body part and get a key from it. In the second attack stage, you can slow time to pull down the rocks above the islands so she can't swing from them. You can also use it to quickly get to an island she's on and combo her. In the third attack stage, you can slow time to get to island 1 in the diagram above and pull down the rock before Akemi's life runs out. However you use it, definitely use it, because at the very least you are buying Akemi time. 4.5 Cannon Master His Attacks - Grenades - First attack stage. He rolls these explosives in your direction. They are timed and don't explode on contact with you. - Shoulder Thrust - First/second attack stage. He crouches and lowers his shoulder into you. Close quarters attack. - Roundhouse Kick - First/second attack stage. He turns and delivers a high kick that knocks you down. Close quarters attack. - Pipe Dreams - First/second attack stage. He raises his cannon over his head and swings it downward to knock you down. Close quarters attack. - Berserker - First/second attack stage. After taking consecutive damage, he glows red and charges at you in a straight line. He is invulnerable during this charge and attack. - Cannon - First/second attack stage. He fires his cannon at you. In the first attack stage, he fires either a single shot traveling in a straight line at you, or a single shot at the ground. In the second attack stage, he either fires three consecutive shots at you, traveling in straight line, or he fires the three shots in a spread pattern at the ground. First Attack Stage Strategy After the cutscene, it's game on. The Cannon Master has a huge cannon that makes him slow to move and turn around. We will use our speed to our advantage in this fight. Lock on to him. See the brick pillars? You can use these to get behind the Cannon Master and make him lose track of you. He will roll grenades all over the place trying to draw you out so he can pop you with his cannon. The grenades are easy to avoid, since they don't explode on contact. They are timed so just keep moving from pillar to pillar to avoid them. Do not get in front of the Cannon Master unless you like a facial of cannon fire or want to be punished by his close quarter attacks. If you do find yourself in front of him, backflip out of the way of his cannon fire to avoid it. Use the pillars to get behind him and move in to slap him around with 3 or 4 hit combos or blade wire attacks before he turns around. Retreat to the pillars when he starts turning around. Move around the pillars to get behind him again and hit him hard. If you get several attacks in, he may use his berserker attack. He gets all butt hurt that you are smacking him around and goes all Dragon Ball Z on you. Just run and hide behind a pillar to avoid this attack. Keep up the hit and run tactics and you will get a cutscene. Second Attack Stage Strategy Welcome to the thunder dome. You can fall off the edges into the lava, so watch your step. Beware of the vents that have steam coming from them, lava will shoot up from time to time. Somehow he upgraded his cannon to semi-automatic. He will pop three rapid fire shots before he has to reload. Keep yourself locked on to him and circling him. When he turns his cannon your way, either roll to the side or backflip out of the way to avoid his fire. Be careful if you choose to backflip to avoid his fire, since you could backflip right off a ledge into the lava. Choose your strategy below. The Blade Way - When he drops to a knee to reload, move in and punish him with a combo attack. As he starts to get up, back up and start circling him again, and roll or backflip when he points his gun your way. Wear his health down to about 50% with this evasion/combo tactic and the game will prompt you to pull a pipe down. See fundo way strategy once you get the prompt. The Fundo Way - Make sure your hook is equipped to the triangle or square button. Wait for the Cannon Master to reload and go to about the middle of the steel platform. Throw your hook up to a pipe above you and press the square button rapidly to pull it down. Switch to your fundo. We have to climb the pipe we just pulled down and use our fundo to hang him several times. Evade his cannon attack and wait for him to reload. Go to the near edge of the steel platform, where it starts to get slightly higher, and jump up to the pipe and pull yourself up. You can also run down the steel platform and jump up to the pipe. The Cannon Master will shoot at you from below while you are on the pipe. Simple to avoid this by jumping straight up when he fires. Keep moving down the pipe and jump to avoid his fire until you are in fundo wire attack range. Wait for him to reload and throw the fundo around his head. Once it is around his head, jump off the pipe to the opposite side of him and he will take a good deal of damage. He will use his berserker attack and charge you after you hang him. Jump up to the pipe or roll out of the way to avoid it. He will keep firing three shot volleys without reloading now. Roll or backflip out of the way and quickly jump up to the pipe. Work your way down the pipe again, jumping up when he shoots, and get into fundo range again. Throw it around his head and jump off the other side to string him up. Hang him a few times to get a cutscene and rankings screen. Ninjutsu Gauge Strategy Since the Cannon Master is prone to combos, you will likely get to use your gauge at least twice. If you want to use it in the first attack stage, slow time when you get behind him and rip him with combos. If you want to use it in the second attack stage, slow time when he is reloading his cannon and move in to combo him if you are using the blade way strategy. If you are using the fundo way strategy, slow time when he is reloading, climb the pipe, and use your fundo to hang him. You can also wait use it after you have hung him once to avoid his cannon volleys and give yourself time to climb the pipe and wrap the fundo around his head. 4.6 Armor God Revisited The Attacks - Kaioken - First/second attack stage. He lowers his swords to his sides and charges up a wall of energy around him. He is invincible during this display of energy and you take damage if you are too close. In the second attack stage, he can use this in conjunction with his armor all to charge his energy and shoot fireballs. The fireballs erupt upward and land in an outer circle around him. - Teleportation - First/second attack stage. He disappears then reappears in front of you. He follows up with an attack. - Single Cut - First/second attack stage. He slashes down with one sword. He gets the blade stuck in the floor. - Twin Blades - First/second attack stage. He slashes down with one blade, then slashes down with a second blade. Both blades get stuck in the floor. - Cross Cut - First/second attack stage. He draws both of his swords simultaneously and cuts downward in a "x" pattern. He gets both blades stuck in the floor. - Armor All - First/second attack stage. Left and right arm armor pieces. His right arm will shoot out blue fireballs that home in on your location. His left arm will shoot out red fireballs and land in front of him. In the second attack stage, he can use this in conjunction with his kaioken to charge his energy and shoot fireballs. The fireballs erupt upward and land in an outer circle around him. - Wall of Fire - Second attack stage. He stands still and shoots a streaming wall of fire from his armor. The fire shoots straight and travels to the left or right. First Attack Stage Strategy Seems the Armor God was toying with us the first time around. Now he wants to play for real. He has the same blade attacks as before and now is utilizing his armor to make himself a threat this time around. He is going to teleport and throw fireballs like he was in street fighter. It will take patience to wear his life away, so be ready for an endurance test. First off, we need to get him to stop shooting fireballs at us. The key is he has two pieces of armor on that let him do this. We are going to use our blade wire attacks to strip them off him. Lock on to the Armor God and constantly circle him and backflip to evade the fireballs. The blue balls follow you, the red balls land around the Armor God. Lock on to him and move away from him to bait him to teleport in front of you. He will follow up his teleportation with the same blade attacks he used on the ship, so the backflip is in order to evade the blade attack he uses. Instead of moving in to slash him, use a blade wire attack to strip off a piece of his armor. It doesn't matter where you hit him with the wire attack. After the piece flies off, he loses one of the fireball attacks. Bait him to teleport in front of you again and evade it. Follow up with another blade wire attack to strip off a second piece of armor. Once he loses those pieces, he's the same chump you fought on the ship. Be warned however, the armor pieces will return to his body while you are fighting him. When you see a piece start flying towards him or he starts using the fireballs on you again, you will have to use a blade wire attack to strip him again. He uses his kaioken in this fight way too often. You can be hit by his returning armor pieces. It's cheap so be warned you have to deal with it. You will be going back and forth between stripping and attacking him. Don't try to use the fundo in this fight. He shakes it off way to often and he will teleport and get an attack in. When you deal enough damage to him, he will drop to a knee. Quickly move in and strip any armor pieces he may have on and/or combo him until he starts to get up. Upon getting up, he goes kaioken so back up. Once you wear his life to about 60%, consider yourself under the second attack stage and he gets new attacks. Second Attack Stage Strategy He starts using two more attacks in this stage. He will use a more powerful version of his kaioken when he has his armor pieces on. It will look like it is raining fireballs. They land in a circle around him, so don't stray too far from him to avoid them. His other attack is his wall of fire. When you see him start to stand still, get out from in front of him fast unless you like Popeyes Chicken, Kurenai flavored. Run behind him when he uses this attack and either strip any armor pieces he has on or combo him until he stops the attack. If you strip an armor pieces during his wall of fire, it will cancel the attack. He goes back and forth between his teleportation then blade attack and wall of fire. Make sure you keep his armor pieces away from him to take his armor all and kaioken attacks away and this attack stage ends up easier than the first. Grab all the elixirs and potions in the corners of the room before you kill the Armor God. You will have another boss fight after he is defeated and some more potions and elixirs will appear in the same spots during the next fight. Defeat the Armor God and you get a cutscene. Ninjutsu Gauge Strategy It comes in very handy in this fight. As soon as you have a full gauge, use it. Slowing time will give you plenty of opportunity to take his armor and combo away at him. It makes the fight a lot shorter using it as soon as it's full, since you have to constantly pull his armor off and you are only able to get a few hits in between his blade attacks. You will get to use your gauge at least three times during the battle so you don't have to hold back. 4.7 Chiyome Her Attacks - Levitation Holmes - First/second attack stage. She floats up in the air and surrounds herself in a ball of wind. Her wind attacks all come from this position. - Wind Slash - First/second attack stage. She moves her arm down to her left or right side before attacking. She releases a visible wall of wind that comes toward you. She can start the wall of wind to the left, right, diagonally, or in front of her. In the second attack stage, these attacks get faster, bigger, longer, and more powerful. - Circle of Wind - First/second attack stage. She moves her arm down to her left or right side before attacking. She releases visible gusts of wind that start in a circle pattern around her and flow outward. In the second attack stage, these attacks get faster, bigger, longer, and more powerful. - Microburst - First/second attack stage. She crosses her arms, lifts her arms high over her head, and pushes her hands outward in front of her to signal this attack. She releases a visible wall of wind in front of her that comes toward you rapidly. In the second attack stage, these attacks get faster, bigger, longer, and more powerful. - Wind Tunnel - First/second attack stage. She crosses her arms, lifts her arms high over her head, and pushes her hands outward in front of her to signal this attack. She releases visible gusts of wind that start in a circle pattern around her. The wind rotates and circles around her and spirals outward before returning to a single gust directly underneath her. In the second attack stage, these attacks get faster, bigger, longer, and more powerful. - Whirlwind - First/second attack stage. She crosses her arms, lifts her arms high over her head, and pushes her hands outward in front of her to signal this attack. She releases visible gusts of wind that spin in front of her then spiral outward and follow you. In the second attack stage, these attacks get faster, bigger, longer, and more powerful. - Wind Scar - First/second attack stage. She crosses her arms, lifts her arms high over her head, and pushes her hands outward in front of her to signal this attack. She releases two huge, visible walls of wind on the left and right in front of her. The wind flows toward you and has a gap between the left and right walls of wind. In the second attack stage, these attacks get faster, bigger, longer, and more powerful. - Banshee's Cry - Second attack stage. She levitates and screams while gathering a huge amount of energy. She releases 3 shadow ninjas while she starts to collect energy. Note the first time she uses the attack, she releases the ninjas. Anytime your ninjutsu gauge isn't full, she will release more ninjas at the start of this attack. She sucks up rocks into her vortex of energy and releases the energy when the rocks get big enough. The rocks explode outward in all directions. She is invulnerable during this attack and the rocks will knock you down if you get close. You must use your slow time ninjutsu to penetrate her in this state. - Wind Barrier - Third attack stage. She is surrounded by an invisible shield of wind. You get knocked down if you get close. First Attack Stage Strategy After the cutscene, she will levitate and use wind attacks. The objective here is to get her back to the ground for our attacks. We will be using the trusty fundo in this fight. We will have to wrap the fundo around her head and use square to pull her down to the ground. Lock on to Chiyome. She will use her wind attacks once you get close. She is vulnerable for a few seconds after an attack so you have to stay in tetsugen range. She tips some of the attacks she uses. If you see her move her hands down to the left or right of her, she will use either her wind slash or circle of wind. If she lifts her arms over her head, she will use a more powerful attack like her microburst, wind tunnel, whirlwind, or wind scar. To avoid the wind slash, if she starts it to the left of her, run to the right. If she starts it to the right of her, run to the left. If she starts it in front or diagonally, run to the left or right. To avoid her circle of wind, pick out a single gust of wind and run to the left or right of it. The gust travels in a straight line outward. To avoid her microburst, it starts out in front of her so quickly run or roll to the left or right. It's a little tricky to avoid her wind tunnel because it is always in motion and returns back to her. Stand still and watch to see if a gust comes in your direction as it spirals outward. If it does, run or roll to the left or right of it. If it doesn't, hold your ground. Watch the wind behind Chiyome to see when it starts to return. When you see the wind start to come back, jump straight up in the air to avoid it. Her whirlwind attack will start in front of her before coming your way and tracking you. Circle Chiyome and roll to the left or right if a gust gets close. To avoid her wind scar, look for the gap in between the wall of wind on the left and right sides and run between it. After you avoid whatever wind attack she used, quickly move in and throw the fundo at her head and mash square to bring her down to the ground. She yells as she falls to the ground heh. Once she hits the floor, she's vulnerable. Switch to your blade and hit her with a 4 hit combo. She will get up and levitate and use the wind attacks again. Repeat the evasion/fundo/blade tactic till she has about 50% health and get to her second attack stage. Second Attack Stage Strategy After the cutscene, you are assaulted by 3 of our cheap friends, the shadow ninjas. You can't approach Chiyome while she is gathering energy. We have to use our ninjutsu in this part of the battle to get a chance to attack her. This is where the shadow ninjas come into play. We have to fill up the ninjutsu gauge by punishing those rook shadow ninjas. Once it is full, we have to use our matrix jutsu when she is surrounded by the boulders. Ninjutsu Gauge Strategy Hit L1+Square to slow down time and equip your fundo. You have to run in between the boulders surrounding Chiyome and wrap the fundo around her head and pull her down by mashing square. You know you have pulled her down when her vortex of energy goes away. Switch to your blade and attack while she's on ground. If you fail to pull her down, she will use her banshee's cry and you will have deal with the shadow ninjas to fill your gauge again. Once she gets up, she may use her banshee's cry again or start to use her wind attacks again. Repeat the ninjutsu gauge strategy if she uses the banshee's cry. Her wind attacks get more powerful and harder to avoid this time around. She uses the same attacks as in the first stage and they get faster. The same evasion/fundo/blade tactics apply. She will go back and forth between using her wind attacks and banshee's cry when she takes damage. Grab the potions and elixirs around the room as needed. Drop her life down to a sliver to get a cutscene and begin the third attack stage. Third Attack Stage Strategy This part of the game is well done with the atmosphere and music. It is fitting having you end Chiyome's life the same way she found you. You will find Chiyome by a tree after the cutscene. Don't get too close to her or you will get messed up by an invisible wind barrier. Chiyome doesn't move from the tree so switch to your fundo and wrap it around her head. Jump over the tree branch above her and she will hang. Game son! ============================================================================== V. Closing ============================================================================== 5.1 Final Thoughts This concludes my second guide! I hope this guide for the tough game, Red Ninja End of Honor, gives you the tips you need to defeat all the bosses with ease. I must say despite the flaws and frustration had with this game, I got an extreme sense of accomplishment passing the levels and defeating the bosses. I believe I have become a better gamer and improved some platforming skills after playing this. If you are a Tenchu fan, you might be able to appreciate what they were trying to accomplish in this game. The game was unbalanced and flawed, but I believe rewarding to those who have the patience to stick through it. Hopefully you didn't stealth kill your controller, console, and/or game in playing through this. 5.2 Credits First, I would like to thank Tranji for making a decent entry in the stealth/ ninja genre and Vivendi Universal for publishing it. Here's hoping a polished sequel gets made. I would like to thank Dark_Symphony's FAQ for Noh Master the Thunder Master boss tips. Thanks to GameFAQ's for having the best game help site ever and posting helpful links to help me write this. Finally, I would like to thank all my friends in the GameFAQ's Red Ninja End of Honor message board, which without them, I would not have thought about writing this guide. Special thanks to bshwalker, you inspired me to write this, thanks. 5.3 Contact Info Questions, comments, and tips for and about this guide are appreciated and welcome. You can drop me an email about this guide, at gmoney609@netzero.net and I'll do my best to answer any questions or comments you may have about the guide or game. If you are submitting a boss strategy, it will be tested, and you will get full credit for submitting it in this guide. Please let me know what name you want next to your contribution, so I can credit you(preferably your board/post name). Lastly, Put Red Ninja in the subject line, so I know it's not spam and doesn't get deleted. 5.4 Legal This document is Copyright © 2006 Gary King a.k.a. "JoMama609". All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express consent of the author. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This guide may be found at the following website http://www.gamefaqs.com and is granted permission to use by the author of this guide.