Reign of Fire Walkthrough By J. Phillips Last Updated 6/03/03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Table of Contents II. Contact Info III. Version Info and Credits IV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) V. Introduction IV. Story/Background VII. Controls VIII. Human Missions IX. Dragon Missions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Contact Info ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: J. Phillips E-mail: Feel free to e-mail me with any questions and I will do my best to reply quickly! If I can help you, that is. Just put "Reign of Fire FAQ" in the subject line. However, DO NOT ask me how to get the dragon missions. The FAQ tells you how to. MAKE SURE YOU READ THE FAQ AND WALKTHROUGH THOROUGHLY BEFORE YOU E-MAIL ME ABOUT ANYTHING. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Version Info and Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/13/03 Version 1.1--Began writing the FAQ. Got through the Table of Contents, Contact Info, Version Info and Credits, Introduction, Story/Background, Controls, the first human mission, and parts of the second human mission. 1/14/03 Version 1.2--Finished up the second human mission, as well as the third and fourth. 1/16/03 Version 1.3--Finished the fifth human mission. Yikes, took me a while. 1/17/03 Version 1.4--Completely finished the human missions. Submitted to GameFAQs and will work on dragon missions very soon. 1/18/03 Version 1.5--Minor changes and corrections. Started dragon missions and got all the way to Mission 4. 1/21/03 Version 1.6--Finished the dragon missions (as well as the FAQ). Will not update until I gain all Platinum and Devastator medals (to reveal what this accomplishment yields). If that ever happens, anyway. 1/02/03 Version 1.7--Minor changes and corrections. Hopefully I will not get too many more e-mails concerning the way to get the dragon missions. Thanks to Bam! Entertainment and Spyglass Entertainment for making this game. Thanks to Nintendo, since GameCube is one of the best systems ever! Thanks to my father, who took me to see this excellent movie in theaters and inspired me to desire the game. Thanks to my mother, who bought me the game for Christmas. Thanks to Sharkgrin on the GameFAQ's message board, who helped me with one of the dragon missions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I become a dragon? A: Finish the Origin of Species level in the human missions. Q: May I post your FAQ on my site? A: E-mail me and we'll see about it. Q: I keep getting burned alive! Help! A: You've got to find somewhere to douse yourself. Shoot an upside-down "U" shaped water tube or a water tower and drench yourself. On certain levels, a helicopter will fly over you and release water. Q: How do I become a dragon? A: I already answered this! But fine, I'll be nice. Finish Origin of Species and you can play as a dragon. Q: How do I beat Terminus? A: Read my FAQ. If that doesn't help, turn off the game, take it to a trading store, and sell it. Q: How do I become a dragon? A: You know, I'm getting tired of this. All right, ONE MORE TIME. Finish the level called Origin of Species and you will be able to play as a dragon. Q: How long did it take you to beat this game? A: Well, I stopped in the middle to finish Final Fantasy VIII, but altogether I'd say it took about a week or so. Q: Can I e-mail you about anything? A: No, not anything. E-mail me about my FAQ's, and make sure to put "[Name of FAQ] FAQ" in the subject line. Q: How do I become a dragon? A: I'M NOT ANSWERING THIS ANY MORE. DO NOT E-MAIL ME ABOUT IT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is copyrighted (c) by J. Phillips and cannot be posted on any other site without my permission (since I am J. Phillips, obviously). If I discover that you have taken my FAQ and posted it without permission... wow, will I be angry! First I'll ask you to take it off, and I'll probably never let you use any of my FAQ's again. Just because I tell you that you may use one FAQ doesn't mean you can use ANY or ALL of them. Be respectful, please! Now that I'm done threatening you, I must describe what this FAQ is about. First of all, I've only had this game since Christmas, which isn't too long for me. As of now I know how to survive through the missions, but I don't know how to get the best medals in each. I'm extremely sorry if that's what you came looking for. I'm just not that good yet! Perhaps, if I get good enough, I will go through and label all the objectives needed for the medals later in life. Way later. So don't expect it soon. However, the game does let you know what you need to do in order to get the next medal. Just look at the Mission Success screen after each mission. The last thing I want to do in this FAQ is confuse you. I know how it is to read a FAQ and be in worse shape than you started because it's so confusing. So if I screw up somewhere, let me know. If I say something is there, and it really isn't, e-mail me. Also, I don't know of any cheats in this game. I'm not sure if you get anything special for beating every level and acquiring the best medals for each. So don't ask me. I'm just a loser who sits around playing video games and writing FAQ's all day long. I can't think that much, all right? This is my first FAQ for a game that is not first-person puzzle, so bear with me. I'll do well. I promise. It's been written for GameCube, but I'm sure that not much is different for other consoles. The only different thing is probably the controls. So... I think I'm finally done rambling, so here goes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Story/Background ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I suppose I could just say, "Watch the movie!" But this game is much different than the movie. So I can't do that. Instead, I'll quote several pages out of the instruction manual: "Reign of Fire is based on the scorching blockbuster movie of the same name. In present day London, twelve-year old Quinn watches as his mother, a construction engineer, inadvertently awakens an enormous fire-breathing beast from its centuries-long slumber. Twenty years later, the world has become scarred and overrun by this massive beast and its many offspring... The year is now 2024. In just a few decades the human race has found itself on the verge of extinction. Now only a small number of human outposts remain scattered around the globe, and they must defend themselves from constant attacks from Earth's new dominant species: Dragons. Now Quinn, and a few heavily-armed soldiers under the command of the dangerous Denton Van Zan, decide to fight back against the beasts. It's time to fight fire with fire..." In this game, you'll play as one of the Kentucky Irregulars, led by Denton Van Zan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Controls ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Humans Simple Control Stick - Aim R Button - Fire Minigun L Button - Fire Primary Weapon Z Button - Secondary Weapon Y Button - Flip View A Button - Accelerate B Button - Brake Control Pad - Change Camera Start/Pause - Pause X Button - Horn Humans Advanced Control Stick - Accelerate/Brake/Steer C Stick - Move Weapon R Button - Fire Minigun L Button - Fire Primary Weapon Z Button - Secondary Weapon Y Button - Flip View Control Pad - Change Camera Start/Pause - Pause X button - Horn Dragons Simple Control Stick - Pitch and Roll A Button - Accelerate A Button (Double Tap and Hold) - Speed Surge B Button - Slow R Button - Fireball L Button - Napalm Breath C Stick (Left or Right) - Evade C Stick (Down) - 180 Degree Turn Y Button - Flip View X Button - Pick Up Control Pad - Change Camera Start/Pause - Pause Dragons Alternate Control Stick - Pitch and Roll A Button - Fireball B Button - Napalm R Button - Accelerate R Button (Double Tap and Hold) - Speed Surge L Button - Slow C Stick (Left or Right) - Evade C Stick (Down) - 180 Degree Turn Y Button - Flip View X Button - Pick Up Control Pad - Change Camera Start/Pause - Pause ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Human Missions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- At the beginning of the game, you'll only be able to play as humans. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY THE DRAGON MISSIONS AFTER YOU FINISH "ORIGIN OF SPECIES". Do NOT e-mail me asking about how to get the dragon missions! Work on the human missions and you'll get them. Mission 1 - Basic Training You'll start your "mission" at the fort. Van Zan will tell you to follow him. He'll explain what you need to do, such as rotating the guns and accelerating. Also, the radar at the top left of the screen is explained here. Blue dots are friendlies, red dots are enemies, and yellow dots are objectives. Pick-ups appear green, and you can also identify them easily as they have arrows pointing to them in mid-air. Finally, purple dots are water pipes, which will be especially useful throughout the game. Follow the green arrow around the fort, as Van Zan says. After all this fun stuff, Van Zan will lead you out of the fort. Follow him. The first thing he will have you do is shoot down the balloons up above. It's quite easy. Put the crosshairs on them and press R. Van Zan will then lead you to one of the pick-ups. Rockets! Use these to destroy some more balloons by pressing L. Then follow Van Zan to some heat-seeking missiles. Use these to destroy the remaining balloons. Put your crosshair over a target and it will lock. Push the Z Button and the rocket will home in on the target. This is especially useful against the weaker dragons, as they'll go down in one hit. To finish off this level, race Van Zan back to the fort. He's not tough, and I'm not sure what happens if you lose... maybe some pitiful soul will tell me one day. This mission isn't too difficult to get a Platinum medal. Mission 2 - Into the Breach This is the level that actually impressed me. Rather hectic for the beginning of a game. When you begin, you'll be in the fort again. Jakyls are attacking the farm trucks, so it's your duty to follow the green arrow and shoot them down. Some more will come over a hill and you must protect one of the trucks as the driver attempts to start it. The Jakyls are across the river; don't try to go to them. Wait for them as they begin to swim across, then unleash some lead on 'em. Van Zan will command you to escort them back to the fort. This is where the Spitfires come in. As you reach the fort, some more Jakyls will attack and Van Zan will warn you of the Spitfires. Shoot down the Jakyls and keep moving or else the Spitfires will be upon you. See that meter up at the top, below your radar? That's your heat meter. If you get too hot, you'll catch fire. Shoot a nearby water pump to and drive through the water to douse yourself. Remember, water pumps appear purple on the radar. Once you get inside the fort, the Spitfires will attack the gunners. Grab the heat-seeking missiles and use those to bring down all the Spitfires. Van Zan will tell you to go to the East Gate. Follow your radar. Grab some more ammo and then go to the East Gate. Bring down the Spitfires. A large dragon will come as well. Take her down with the replenishing ammo. This is all quite easy--just use heat-seeking missiles and grab some more if you need to. Once the enemies are defeated, you must meet a group of engineers at the west gate and escort them to the power relay. As you make your way up the hill, Jakyls will increase their efforts to take out the engineers. Use your machine gun to plow through them and continue on. Spitfires will also continue to attack with fireballs. To avoid the fireballs, simply continue moving. Dragons aren't too good at leading their targets, so movement easily distracts them. Continue to fight off the Spitfires as the engineers repair the power relay. Van Zan will then tell you to, "Go! Go! Go!" so do so. Follow the green arrow, as usual, and fend off any Jakyls that happen to be in your way. You will see one of the walls explode, and Jakyls will begin to swarm inside. Now you must go over to the shelter to protect it. What I usually do here is get right in front of the shelter and take down the Jakyls as they enter the wall. This gives you good accuracy and is quite easy to keep them from getting into the shelter. About halfway into this, Spitfires and larger dragons will attack you continually. Defend yourself as best as you can, but your first priority should be that shelter. Watch your radar and make sure that, as you fight off Spitfires, no red dots are approaching you. If they are, concentrate on those, as they are most likely Jakyls. If you catch fire, there is a water tower to your right. Shoot it a bit and water will pour out. Douse yourself and continue battling. After a minute or so of mercilessly slaughtering Jakyls, you should be finished with this mission. Mission 3 - Fallen Angels This mission is a little more difficult. Make sure to keep moving, as there are numerous dragons and tons of fireballs will pelt you throughout the mission. You have to follow the convoy and rescue Alex. First, though, I want you to scout up ahead. Go out the gate that the convoy is taking and follow the road. It should turn left and be surrounded by two large hills on either side. Drive through this a bit and you'll be able to see the arrows that signal a pick-up off in the distance. It's up a hill. Don't get it yet. Instead, wait where you are and watch the radar. Some Jakyls should appear. Take them down before the soldier tells you that they're approaching. As soon as the soldier tells you of this, the convoy should be coming up to you. It's a good idea to rid the area of Jakyls before the convoy reaches you. If you can't, it doesn't hurt anything. Just take them down as the convoy continues forward. Go up the hill with the convoy, taking out the rest of the Jakyls on the way up. Before the convoy reaches the top, though, grab the pick-up. Note the water towers and pumps here. You might need them later. Then go back to the convoy. As you reach Outpost 13, dragons will begin their attack. Make sure you're at the top of the hill, or a little ahead of the convoy. The dragons will attack from the front. About three Spitfires and one large one. Take these down with your heat-seeking missiles. Remember, the Spitfires will die with one missile, so don't waste your ammo by shooting three or four at them. The large gray ones, however, take three or four shots to bring down. You'll approach a road and turn right. Stay at the front or near the front and a few more dragons will appear. Take them down as well. Use your heat-seeking missiles sparingly, though. You've only got sixteen (less if you used some earlier). If a dragon is heading straight for you or straight away, take aim and use your normal rockets. This is the easiest way to pick off dragons with the rockets. This is where it gets a little hectic. More gray dragons will appear. And you'll probably be low on heat-seeking missiles. Do your best to pick them off with rockets and your minigun. If you catch fire (which is likely), go ahead and turn left, where a water pump awaits. If any of the convoy vehicles have caught flame, shoot the pump as they pass beneath to save them. Even more grays and Jakyls will appear as you pass through the pump. You'll turn left. KEEP MOVING! Don't stay still or you'll be fried. A bunch of water towers will come up on the right; use them to douse friendlies or yourself. You're almost to the helicopter. Once you reach that, it'll be a little bit easier. You'll get more rockets and heat-seeking missiles and, best of all, a health pack. I don't know about you, but I almost always need this when I reach this point! Don't waste your heat-seeking missiles right now. Use a few, but try to use more of your rockets and minigun. Many grays appear here. Alex will fix the helicopter and lift off. But, of course, you must escort her back, as the chopper is not combat ready. Figures, doesn't it? So start heading back the way you came. Some friendlies might be on fire, so make sure to douse them on the way out. Your life will probably severely deplete on your way back. Continue moving around and firing at the dragons. Don't stop unless you don't see many dragons around. If you do stop, make sure to take aim and fire quickly, then quickly get moving again. Otherwise, you're toast. Follow the convoy back through the road. This will be the most hectic part of the level. Stay toward the front. At the top of the hill are more pick-ups: some heat-seeking missiles and another health pack. Thank goodness! Make sure to douse more flames here. If you have the time, anyway. You'll come down the hill. Relax. Not too many dragons will appear here. No more Jakyls. Only a few more grays, and not too many Spitfires. Just stay alive. Continue on in to the fort and you'll accomplish this mission. Mission 4 - Firefight You're a crummy fire truck in this mission. The only weapon you have is the machine gun. The L Button sprays a stream of water and the Z Button releases a water bomb. Try not to go up steep hills as best as you can, since this thing will go no faster than molasses rolling uphill on a hot summer day in Montana. First, go left. You'll see a water pump. Go toward it and to its left is a gate. Go through here and follow the green arrow. Don't follow it too far, however. You may end up in the lake. You'll have to go around it. Jakyls will attack you from the front. With the help from a gun turret and a jeep, they should be no problem. Continue following the road. You'll pass the lake and a right turn will take you into some hills. A pack of Jakyls will attack you here. Continue along the road and engage some more Jakyls. The first farm is near. Go down and put out the flames with your water cannon and stop so the farmers can enter your vehicle. You may need to douse them as well before they get in. Douse the entire farm until it is clear of fire and pick up all the farmers. When you're full, you'll need to retrace your steps and head back to the fort. Spitfires and Jakyls will attack you. Just keep moving and plow through the Jakyls ahead of you. Take the farmers to the south entrance as Quinn says. Don't grab the health pack unless you absolutely need it. You shouldn't right now. Drive up near the wall and the farmers will exit. Go back to the farm (and run over some Jakyl bodies while you're at it) using the same path as before. This time you have to pass the farm and head to the second one. Alex (played by a really awful actor) will notify you of a large dragon headed your way. Don't worry about it now. Concentrate on getting the farmers and that equipment Van Zan told you about. It's near the house on the right as you enter the field. The huge beast will come upon you within seconds, so grab that pick-up! It's time to worry about that big dragon. There is no way to bring it down, and it will most likely destroy this entire farm. Do your best to douse the flames as the dragon spews them. Use the water bombs to soak places out of your cannon's reach. Pick up the farmers and follow the arrow. You'll go through rough terrain, and the dragon will be on your tail. Keep moving. Grab the health pick-up no matter what, as it will reappear each time you arrive. Drop off the farmers. Head to the third farm. This time you won't have to worry so much about dousing the farm. The dragons won't go after it. No, this time they'll go after you. Get in there, get the farmers, and get out quickly before the large dragon shows up. The health pick-up is back; make sure to grab it before you drop off the farmers, since you'll be extremely vulnerable. Or you can wait until after all the farmers are out, then grab the health pack. This way you'll end the mission with lots of health, and more than likely get the health requirement on the Mission Success screen. This will end the mission. Mission 5 - Storm Front Wow, a video from the movie now! In this mission, you're going to search for proof of the single male in Dover, where a defeated port turned into a nesting ground lies. You must lead the convoy to the port entrance. Van Zan orders you to take the point. Get up there and one of the Irregulars will say, "Targets ahead." A large gray dragon will appear. You probably won't be able to take her down, but you can try. Keep going forward and to the right a bit. You'll find a road that leads up the hill and left. Follow it. While it IS a good idea to take down that gray, it's not extremely threatening, since it takes so long to turn around for another shot. Continue along this path, shooting down Jakyls as you go. Whatever you do, don't stop unless you're letting the convoy catch up. Stopping will make the convoy stop and become vulnerable. Also, don't be afraid to use your tank cannon. You have plenty of rounds in this mission. Keep moving. The path will turn right a bit and you'll come to a crossroad. Turn left. Continue along this path. Jakyls and Spitfires will continually assault you. Take them down as you move along. Use the tank cannon if you need to in order to take down the big grays. As you approach the bridge, stop. Allow the convoy to go through while you take out the numerous Spitfires in the air. Kill off any Jakyls nearby. Basically, you should do your best to clear the sky and ground of any enemies before moving on. It's not likely, but do your best. Before the entire convoy crosses, go get the pick-ups on the other side of the bridge. You'll get a new secondary weapon, which scatters as you fire. It doesn't seem to help too much, so I'd stick with the primary weapon. There is another bridge up ahead. Keep surviving and make your way across. The big grays will try a new tactic: lifting small tugboats and dropping them in your proximity. Stay away from a gray carrying something, as she is likely to drop it on you. This battle gets even more hectic. More grays will bombard you with fire and tugboats. The Spitfires are even more numerous. I can't help you much here, except to say that the best thing to do is stay with the convoy and take the dragons down! Whenever you hear somebody say, "Over here!" it means they've encountered a gray. Rid your area of grays first, as they are the most dangerous. Eventually, you come upon a peaceful little trailer home. However, it won't stay peaceful for too long as a large beast tramples through and attacks you. An Irregular will shout, "What the HELL is that thing?!" That's your cue to get to the front and blast away at the monstrosity with your tank cannon. It won't take much to bring down the beast. Onward! But a second one will immediately take the place of the first from the right. Take her down as well. This is probably where many of your comrades will die. Numerous grays appear, and there's another beastie. Spitfires still abound in this territory--the only thing you can do is battle the ground beasts, then attack the grays. The ground beasts are the most dangerous now. There are about four in this area, and should be your main concern. If you catch fire anytime here, look for the helicopter soaring in the skies. It will douse you if you need it to. Beware of the ground beasts. They will come from behind. Don't get in front of them, or else they'll blast you with fire and quickly drain your health. The road veers to the right, and now you'll begin to see the port. Grab the pick-up before you head down the hill. As you go down the hill, watch for two more ground beasts. Take them down. As soon as they die, watch the sky for three grays. Kill them as quickly as possible. You'll approach the fort now. More ground beasts will attack and even more grays will come after you. Do your best to kill the ground beasts, but you can't worry too much about the grays now, especially if your life is low. If your health is rather high, don't hesitate about killing those grays. If it's low, though, get over to the weak point in the fort (marked by the arrow) and blast through it with your cannon. Mission accomplished! Mission 6 - Origin of Species There is a time limit on this one, so you've got to move fast! Also, it can be kind of confusing, so pay special attention to where I tell you to go. It's a miniature maze in this fort, and if you take a wrong turn, you could get stuck for a while. Your mission is to get three eggs and bring them back. Go forward and down a hill. A spiked fence should be to your left as you come down. You'll turn left and come around a bend. Two possible paths here, left and right. To the left you will see a dragon. Approach it, turn left, cross the railroad tracks and nab a pick-up. Now engage that dragon. Directly in front of you should be some water barrels in case you catch fire. Shoot them to douse yourself. This can be done just about anywhere in the fort. Your L Button will fire a sort of grenade, with short range. The Z Button fires a missile. Use the grenades for now to take out the dragon. Once she's down, pick up her egg. Go to the right and you'll go down another hill. The spiked fences will be on either side this time. At the bottom are some more missiles. Pick them up and turn right to battle a ground beast. Use a few missiles if you like, but make sure to save plenty of them. Destroy the ground beast and continue forward. Turn left and you'll see a health pick-up. Save it for later if your health is good. Pass it and turn left, onto a broken down bridge. On this bridge, turn right. Don't go forward. Take that right path all the way until it ends and turn left. Further ahead on this new path is a split path. You can go forward or left. Turn left. Go straight on this path and you'll jump over the water. Landing on the other side, turn right. Here's another health pack and a ramp. Grab the health and jump the ramp. On the other side of the crates lies a dragon. Take her down using missiles and grenades, then steal her egg. There's only one exit out of here. It's to the west (look at your radar to see which way is west). Go across the bridge and turn right. It should look a little familiar. Cross another bridge and turn right at the intersection. This is the place with that first ramp. Jump that ramp again. This time, don't ramp to the right. Instead, make your way up the hill that's ahead and slightly right. As you come up over the hill, you'll see a pick-up. Dash ahead and grab it. You'll pass a dragon on your left. After grabbing the missiles, turn and fight the dragon. This one is tougher than the others. You'll probably lose a lot of health here. Continue attacking it and avoiding its napalm breath until it falls. Snatch the egg and go back down the way you came. Turn right and ramp. This ramp leads you back toward the entrance. To your left is another ground beast. Take her down and use the ramp behind her. Turn right. Yet another ground beast! Take her down and you'll be close to the beginning of the level. If you saved that first health pack, this is where it will be. Go up the hill to the right, then turn around at the top and make your way up the second hill (the very first one you came down in the level). Once you're up here, spot the entrance to your left and head toward it. End of mission. Mission 7 - London's Burning Your egg samples prove helpful. The origin of the species has been discovered, and in this mission, you must travel back to London to face HIM. The Bull. First thing you should do is turn a little to the left and grab the pick-up nearby. Water grenades. Now you have to hold your own here. Spray any vehicles or men that have caught on fire with your water cannon. Your army consists of three missile launchers. Guard these at all costs. They are more important than anything else right now. You might lose one. If so, that's all right. Don't lose any more. Also, pay attention to the ammo dump, near where you got the pick-up. That's even more important than the missile launchers, as it could destroy everybody. Once the triangulators are set up, you have to move along with a convoy and hose them down whenever necessary. A good way to do this is to push up on the control pad twice. Your camera will be high above you, giving you a better view of who is on fire. Don't worry about dragons too much here. Just put fires out. You'll go along a road and Van Zan will warn you of an approaching enemy. Stay behind the convoy as they line up. The dragon will swoop down and blast them all, so you need to avoid her napalm breath and retaliate with your water cannon. She may blast them more than once, but it's also likely that she'll hit once and then take a nasty pounding by Van Zan and his troops. If she stops attacking, help out and shoot at her with your minigun. As you pass a bunch of apartments, you may notice a pick-up to your right. You can get it by passing the apartments, turning right, and going in an alleyway. It's a health pick-up and could be useful, but I doubt you'd need it right now. Another dragon will attack. Use the same strategy as before. This one will attack more than once, though, so be prepared. When the dragon goes down, Van Zan will lead you to the right. Stay behind the convoy and follow it. This will allow you to see everybody. You'll approach the downed team now. More dragons than before arrive. Stay near the APC (the six- wheeled vehicle that will go up a small hill is the APC). Protect this as much as possible! If you lose this, you lose the mission. It shouldn't take long for the men to load up. Van Zan will turn everybody around and you'll start heading back the way you came. Use the same tactics as before. This time, linger around the middle of the convoy. Check behind you every so often to make sure that nobody's on fire. Very soon this mission will end. It's probably one of the easiest in the game. Mission 8 - Bullfight Now on to one of the more difficult missions in the game. You have to destroy the females, then bring down the male. Doesn't sound too difficult, but these females are much tougher than the ones you encountered in Origin of Species. It'll take some time to bring these ones down. Countless grays and Spitfires will swarm all over the place and Jakyls are very menacing foes on the ground. It's time to get serious. Grab the pick-up. Let Van Zan battle the nesting female. You MUST concentrate on the flying females, lest they easily defeat you. Destroy them first, then help Van Zan out with the nesting female. Don't catch fire, but if you do, there is a water tower far, far to your left. Beware, it is near another of the nesting females. Get back to Van Zan as quickly as possible. Once she's down (and it will take a LOT to kill her), you'll move on to the next one. Follow Van Zan. More pick-ups. Mercilessly attack this one with your rockets (not homing missiles) and she'll fall easily. Third one is more difficult. The female is heavily guarded by other, flying females. These are the large kind, so don't hesitate about launching rocket after rocket on them. Getting hectic? Good. Just keep pounding them all until all that's left are Jakyls. Then help Van Zan with the nesting female. You will most likely be considerably low on health by now. Don't worry, a pick-up is very near. It's near the fourth nesting female, so be EXTREMELY cautious. In other words, quickly go past her and nab the pick-up. This female is deadly. Her napalm breath will drop your life FAST. Stay far from her and pound her with missiles. You're probably low on missiles, now, too. The female will go down in time. If you haven't grabbed the health, do so now. Last chance. The Bull is up and he's ready to do battle. Actually, the Bull won't attack you. He is guarded by several females. Use your missiles to take them down, but use them sparingly. Once they are down, concentrate EVERYTHING you have on the Bull. He'll circle in and out of the mission area, so keep moving in the general area and unload on him. After a while, Van Zan will state that he's too strong. At this point, Quinn arrives on horseback, ready to act as bait while you attack him. Quinn will stay in the same spot, running in circles. Follow your green arrow and you'll find some pick-ups. Health and rockets! Just in the nick of time! Grab the rockets and chase the Bull as he chases Quinn. This is it! You've got to smash him! Use every single rocket, all the while holding the R Button to pound him with lead. The Bull's energy will be exhausted and he'll plummet to the ground, ending this difficult battle. Mission 9 - Ashes to Ashes Time to face the Bull. This is the most difficult (and frustrating) of the human missions. Go forward and meet up with your men. You're in command now, so take the point and go left. Jakyls are the first to attack. Take them down and turn left. Continue on and more Jakyls will attack you. Take them all down as well. You must kill every single one before your men will move forward. Go forward and you'll pass a destroyed tanker. Go around it and you'll find a small ramp. Use this to get over the wall. And here he is. From the ramp, go forward until you can turn right. Turn right and go forward a bit until you see the Bull begin to charge. This is a good time to unleash lead and a few tank rounds on him. Aim for his head. Two hits to the head are good. Watch for his tail. He likes to slash out with it, and his napalm will easily incinerate you. If you catch fire, there is a small lake nearby. Use it to cool yourself off, but don't go too deep. You'll die. There's a good hiding spot near here. From the part in which you came off the ramp, turn right and continue on past the streets. There's a partially destroyed wall that juts out of the wall to your right. This is a very good spot since the Bull can't hit you with his napalm breath too well. However, you are still susceptible to attacks by females, so be careful. And this may not work too well since the Bull likes to tower over you and thrash with his tail. Use this area wisely. Another good spot to stick around is near the lake. Circle around this and he'll have a tough time reaching you. Your allies on this mission are incredibly stupid and will most likely die within the first few minutes. Don't expect much help. Very soon he'll call for help. Pound him as much as possible here. More dragons will approach, but they're only the smaller Spitfires and aren't much of a threat. Concentrate on the Bull. He'll summon more help, and this time you should beware of the incoming swarms. Try to take down some of the small dragons, but keep an eye on the Bull and continue attacking him, too. If you attack him enough with tank rounds and lead, he'll scamper away. You've got to chase him across two more ramps (straight across from the first one). Here are some pick-ups. Grab them immediately, then get out of this corner! It's a nasty spot to get caught by the Bull. He can fling you up with his tail, and with some sort of glitch he'll keep you up in the air and pound you. You'll need to go around this area. Keep moving. As far as I know, there is only one place to douse yourself, so stay away from his napalm! It's to the right of that ramp. There's a tiny pond far from the ramp. Like I said, keep moving, but don't go too far from this pond, as your tank is so slow. The strategy I used here is a very time-consuming one. It took me a long time (and numerous attempts) to finally defeat this guy. What I did was circle around and around the buildings, getting shots off at him whenever I could. He will summon more grays, and you really should take these ones down. They will harass you until they die, and, luckily, there is a limited number of them. Once you kill them all, it makes your job a bit easier because the Bull will still attempt to summon them. Use those times to either catch up with him or pound him with bullets. Hopefully you don't end up like I did and use all your tank rounds before Van Zan says, "You've almost got him, boy. Now finish him!" This battle is long. And difficult. The most I can do now is wish you luck. After a while, the Bull will finally fall. Human missions are over and for all that you get a lousy ending! But what's great about this level is that, once you beat it, you get Platinum! Or so I think. The first time I beat it, I could have sworn I was not going to get any medal, but I got Platinum. Thank God. Now it's on to the dragon missions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Dragon Missions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragons, dragons, everywhere. These missions are much more easy than the human missions. Your dragon is very tough, can maneuver rather well, and has a nice set of unlimited weapons. It shouldn't take long to pass each mission. A good tactic to use is a slow-down attack. Hold the B Button and fire at a foe. Once you come upon that enemy, push forward so that you begin hovering. This will make the game much easier, especially in missions like Terminus and Apocalypse. Mission 1 - Proving Grounds Much like the first mission in the human campaign, your first dragon mission is training. This one will help you get familiar with the concept of flying a dragon. Let me explain a few things about dragons. Holding the A Button accelerates your speed. You can go faster by pressing A twice and holding it. This is a speed surge. The B Button slows down. Hold B and push forward to hover over the ground. The heads up display is a little different than the humans. It's at the top of the screen. The very bottom bar is health. It may look like a lot, but the bar works a little differently. You'll find out soon enough, once you get hit a few times. On the left is your fire meter. When you use breath weapons, this bar is drained. Hovering and using a speed surge drain the stamina bar, which is on the right. You'll be commanded to do a few simple tasks at first, such as turning left and right, performing a speed surge, etc. You must follow your sister for a bit, use fireballs on the human enemies, and napalm some stuff. Not too difficult. Next you'll have to pick up a small vehicle and drop it. Again, not tough. That's the end of the first dragon mission. Mission 2 - The Tower Your mission: destroy the tower. Sound easy? Well, there's a little more to it than that. First you must defend the nesting female. Turn right and follow your green arrow. You'll see the nesting female and you are commanded to destroy the nearby humans. They are red on your senses, so engage them and bombard them with fireballs. Won't take long to completely wipe them out. Next you have to destroy the warship. Follow the green arrow. This is just as easy as that patrol. Continually bombard the warship with your fireballs and give it a little napalm. Aim for the gun turrets first. Come back for another pass if you need to, and it should be defeated. This will leave the tower vulnerable. Destroy the turrets along the wall of the tower and the vehicles patrolling outside. Once again, shouldn't take too long. Now you must pick up the fuel containers and drop them on the tower. Stay in front of the fuel containers and head toward them. You'll see an "X" close over any one of them. When you see the "X", hold the X Button and you will swoop down and lift the fuel container. Make sure to hold X. Once you've got the truck, carry it back to the tower. Your camera angle is now higher so that you can see what you're bombing. When you're above the tower, release the X Button and you'll drop the container. If it lands on the tower, you'll be commanded to do it again. So do it again. You'll have to do it a third time. If any enemies try to attack you, make sure to wipe them out before attempting to lift a container. Once you've done it three times, the mission will be complete. Not too difficult, eh? Wait until Terminus. Mission 3 - Terminus In this level, you've got to rescue your sisters and destroy the train. Don't be fooled by the way the commands are worded. It will sound like you have to free them, THEN destroy the train. However, it is MUCH easier (and not so frustrating) if you destroy the train first, then release your sisters. Head toward the train. Destroy the two helicopters nearby, then the vehicles on the train itself. Be careful not to hit your sisters. Once this is done, you'll probably be near one of the local gun turrets. Destroy any of them nearby. Once things have calmed down a little bit, focus all your firepower on the rear engine. It's the very back of the train, and it seems invincible. It's not. Continue slamming it. Make sure this thing is down before the train enters the tunnel. The train will enter a tunnel and three Harrier jets will appear. Do battle with these guys and, once they've fallen, go on ahead to the tunnel exit before the train reappears. There are some gun turrets here. Destroy them and the vehicles nearby. While battling these, the train will probably appear. Finish off your rivals and then turn your attention to the train. Time to cripple it. Concentrate everything you have on the engine, the very front of the train. Blast it into oblivion without hitting your sisters and the train will stop, thankfully. Now you should have little or no resistance at all. Snatch the cages off your sisters until this command appears: "The sisters are grateful. Now smash the humans." Actually, there will be one more dragon still encaged. Free her, then finish off the train. This level is actually quite easy. You just have to go about it in the right way. Mission 4 - Retribution Quite an easy mission. Go forward and defeat two gun turrets. Continue onward and destroy three more. Now you not only get to destroy the others... you must annihilate them! This will be fun! Rampage around and knock out all the other ones nearby. Destroy the jets and helicopters and small ships as well. Next you must defeat the enemy jets. Take them down and you will be commanded to destroy the super guns. Go on ahead and destroy some of the enemies surrounding one of the guns. Once you cleanse a particular area, destroy one of the super guns. They are tough compared to the other vehicles and stuff, but no tougher than the engines on Terminus. They will fall quickly. Continue to do so. Cleanse an area, then destroy a super gun. By the way, are you recognizing this place yet? That's right, it's the old seaport in Dover, where you found all the eggs in the human campaign. The reason you are here, as a dragon, is to cleanse this place and use it as a nest. The humans will flee soon enough, once you destroy all the super guns. Like I said, an easy mission. Mission 5 - Slipping the Net The humans are now attempting to capture you in a radar net, and you've got to stop them. Also, you must destroy all the mobile missile bases. This mission, too, is really easy. It's not too tough being a dragon, is it? Your first objective is to take out the missile launcher over the hill. Not difficult. Follow the green arrow, then engage the launcher. It's pretty weak and has no escorts, so it should fall extremely quickly. Your senses will then direct you over to another missile launcher, but first you'll see a human riding a motorcycle. You've got to stop him. Follow your green arrow and get to this guy as quickly as possible, as he is trying to set up a triangulator. Using a speed burst works well here. Make sure to go around the fort. If you don't kill the guy, don't worry about it. You'll get more chances. Now you have to continue taking out the missile launchers. Follow your senses again. This one is in a field, and you'll most likely encounter a biplane or two on the way. They aren't much of a threat. One fireball will take them down. Destroy this missile launcher and continue on to the next one. Very soon you'll see another human on a motorcycle (or on a horse if you happened to kill the first one). Track him down and kill him. After the next missile launcher, which is on the road, Quinn will come out with his horse. Final triangulator. Sometimes I miss this one since the triangulator is set up so close to the fort, but do your best to get him. There should be only a few missile launchers remaining. The final one is coming down a hill with a bunch of heavily armed escorts. It may appear ruthless, but in reality it will be quite easy to penetrate through the guards and destroy the launcher. Just unleash a torrent of fireballs in their direction and you'll soon defeat the missile launcher. Mission accomplished. Mission 6 - Bitter Harvest Starve out the fort! Sweet! Won't this be fun? Sometimes it will seem that you have totally annihilated a crop, but you will not be allowed to continue. If this happens, just keep blasting the crops until your senses tell you to go elsewhere. The crops will eventually fall. The first crop is really easy. Give it a little napalm and it will be down in no time. The second one is a little tougher. Make sure to wipe out any helicopters nearby, as they pour water on the crops. Also, destroy any nearby vehicles, as they either attack you (and prevent you from nuking the crops) or put out the fires. So destroy the humans first, then napalm the crops. More helicopters will come to the aid, so make sure to destroy them before continuing your rampage. Wipe out the crop completely. Burn every single plant. Then continue on to the next one. This one is as easy as the first. Destroy the missile launcher in the sandbags, destroy the sentry gun atop the tower, then napalm the crops. Move on. After the next crop, you'll see a truck trying to escape. While you are not given any specific directions, go destroy that truck. Really simple. Then you have to go and burn the flocks. On the way there, you will encounter a missile launcher. Destroy it and continue forward, where one of your sisters is hovering about. Engage the biplanes and the missile launchers, then focus on burning the livestock. After a few seconds' worth of smashing, you'll be commanded to destroy another truck as it attempts to escape. Simple. Burn, baby, burn. Continue scorching the livestock and this mission will be complete. Mission 7 - Apocalypse You might notice that the music on the mission select screen has changed. This level rocks! Finally, the ultimate showdown with the humans in the fort, and your ally is none other than the Bull! That's right, your most feared enemy in the human missions is now your most important ally. First, destroy the outpost. Extremely easy. Use the slowing down attacking strategy, and you'll quickly knock them out. Concentrate on the guard towers as you approach, then slice your way through the missile launchers. Here he is, the Bull himself! You've got to continue destroying that outpost. He will totally annihilate some enemies, and you've got to work on protecting him. Just destroy all the humans who are nearby. Now you've got to stay close to the Bull. He will pull away; follow him and engage the human air units. Some of these planes are tough, and will take several hits to die. Stay near the Bull as you crush the enemies. Cutscene. Dragons have weakened the east side. Follow the Bull and engage the east side of the fort. Destroy all the guns, tanks, and air units. Watch for those planes, though. They like to sneak up behind you and pound you with lead. Don't stray too far from this side, or you'll be an easy target for the stronger sides of the fort. Once the east side is crippled, you've got to advance to the north. Be very careful here. If you get caught in a maelstrom of bullets, you'll lose health quickly. Pick off one or two turrets at a time, turn around, and come back for another pass. Flame and repeat. Eventually the north side will fall as well. Be patient. West side is actually the easiest. This one will fall within a minute, maybe even less. Not too many turrets here. Pay special attention to the missile launcher atop a tower outside of the fort. It could do damage, so destroy it first, then work your way to the fort. Like I said, this one is easy. Now it's time to finish off the fort. Tons of air units will attack now, so beware of those. This is a nice time to get lots of kills if you're striving for a medal. The fort is rather weak, so pelt it with fireball after fireball and it will soon fall. Dragon missions have been accomplished! You have finished this game. Make sure to check out my other FAQ's. This document Copyright (c) 2001 J. Phillips and can be in no way reprinted, posted on any other web site, or used for anything else other than personal use whatsoever.