=============================================================================== Game: EA SPORTS Rugby 2005 (PAL Version) (Playstation 2 Version) Type: Guide/World League Walkthrough Update: 1/12/2005 Version: 1.0 Author: X-Narz E-mail: piratexnarz@gmail.com =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to find anything in guide, then press Ctrl+F and type in what you are looking for. This will save you the time of having to look through the whole guide for a piece of information that could have easily been found with the search. This file is 79 characters wide. To get the best possible results when reading this guide, make sure that the numbers and letters line up. 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== !!!WARNING!!! =============================================================================== This guide contains information that will render this game to Severe Mediocrity! You have been warned. =============================================================================== CONTENTS =============================================================================== 1. Version History 2. Introduction 3. Practice Mode 4. Attacking From Kick-Off 5. Defending From Kick-Off 6. Attacking From Ruck 7. Defending From Ruck 8. Attacking From Scrum 9. Defending From Scrum 10. Attacking From LineOut 11. Defending From Lineout 12. Scoring A Try 13. Converting A Try/Penalty 14. World League 14.1 World League Summary 14.2 Buying Players 15. Playing Against Humans 16. F.A.Q 17. Contact Information 18. Copyright Information 19. Acknowledgments =============================================================================== VERSION HISTORY =============================================================================== Version 1.0: 01/12/2005 -Finished Guide. At this point, I am done playing the game. It's just too boring and there are other better games to play. In short, updates will only happen if there are enough replies to warrant one. Otherwise, have a Merry Christmas. Version 0.1: 25/11/2005 -Began Guide. There isn't a guide for this game on Gamefaqs.com so I thought, why not? =============================================================================== INTRODUCTION =============================================================================== Before we begin, there are a few things I'd like to point out. 1. I have not included the game controls in this guide because they would make this guide's size unnecessarily larger and well, I don't feel like copying something that is already in the game manual which you should have. 2. The difficulty level I'm playing on is Hard. If you're not playing on Hard level, then the game should be even easier. Even so, the strategies I've written below would only apply when you're playing on Normal difficulty or against a very weak team on Hard. If you're able to maintain possession of the ball after getting tackled for the majority of time, then the strategies below would apply to you. In the case where you hardly get possession of the ball, then I might add some strategies later on. But with the information in this guide, you should be able to play adequately on hard level in World League at least. Oh heck, just read. Or better yet, just play the game. 3. The camera angle I use is Classic 2. If you're not playing with this camera angle, then things might seem a bit confusing. Just remember that as I will make references that will only apply when Classic 2 is used. 4. I am assuming you know enough on the rules of rugby and understand the game. If you don't, check out the Rugby 101 from the game menu and try out Practice Mode. If that still doesn't help, you've bought the wrong game. 5. [Classic X] refers to the Set Piece Plays. When you have possession of the ball from the ruck or scrum, by pressing Left on the Directional Buttons, you will initiate the Set Piece. After passing, press X. This is similar to other Set Pieces such as [Classic O] but instead of pressing X, you press O and etcetera for the rest. 6. Since you can't change your players' position during the game, make the necessary changes beforehand after selecting your chosen team to play as. I'm telling you this so that put your quickest players in the Centre position. Now that's all clear, let's begin. =============================================================================== PRACTICE MODE =============================================================================== Before you begin, you should first practice in Practice Mode. The training is pretty simple and I don't think you need any help from me to complete them. If you do, you obviously need help in some other areas and I'm not your guy. =============================================================================== ATTACKING FROM KICK-OFF =============================================================================== Getting the ball back from the kick-off can be difficult as this is dependent on a number of factors which includes how high and how far the ball is kicked. Generally you'd want to kick to the right of screen where most of your players are gathered. The angle you should aim at to increase your team's chance of winning the ball is about 20-30 degrees. Using the [Right Analog], decrease the length of the arrow to about half. Power up the kick to max and it should land just on the 10-Metre Line which is what you want. Kickers vary so adjust the angle accordingly. Okay, I said the ball should land just on the 10-Metre Line but you don't want that to happen. Rather, you want to jump for the ball before the other players catch it. Once the ball is in the air, press [L2] to change to the player nearest the ball and hold [R2] while running forwards towards the ball. Once you see the ball descending, press [O] to jump for the ball. Time your jump so that you catch the ball at your highest height. Basically, as soon as you reach the 10-Metre Line, jump. If done perfectly, you'll get the ball but most of the time, you won't. Alternatively, you can forget about winning the ball back and instead gain 50 metres. Yes, that's right, a cool 50 metres! To do that, increase the length of the arrow then aim to the left of screen at about 45 degrees towards the centre of one of the line markings just to the left. If done correctly, this is what you should see on-screen: Key: ==== [O] - your players [X] - opposition player [===] - Halfway Line [---] - 10-Metre Line [/] - This is the "Arrow" Kicker | ===============O=====O=====O=============== <-Halfway-Line / / / --- --- --- | X Aim for the | centre of Opposition Player of this line Now, once you've aimed your arrow properly, press [X] to power up your kick. Remember, don't let go of the [X] button until your kicker has kicked the ball. Your kicker will automatically kick the ball once the maximum power has been reached. While pressing [X], the arrow will increase in length and as it does so, it will cut across one of the small line markings just to the left. If it does, perfecto! Now, just press [L1] once, to change player and hold [R2] to sprint straight downfield towards the ball. As you run down the field, be prepared for what happens next. If the ball goes out of touch on the bounce, well, you don't have nothing to worry about. If it should happen to go behind the try line, the opposition player may touch it down. If the ball doesn't go out of touch or behind the try line, the opposing player may pick up and kick to touch or run with it. If the opposing player happens to run with it, run your player towards him to tackle him. Whatever you do, do not attempt the flying tackle by pressing [X]. Should you happen to miss, there won't be any backup except the fullback and he's 80 metres downfield! Unless you're absolutely directly in front of the opposing player which is the only time you should attempt the flying tackle, just play it safe and go for the easy tackle. =============================================================================== DEFENDING FROM KICK-OFF =============================================================================== The opposition will either kick off the normal way in which case you should be able to out-jump the incoming player, or they will commit a blunder (As I've heard from the commentary) and kick too far up field. This "blunder" is however more of a threat than the former. With the former, you'll have to press [O] to jump for the ball because if you don't, the ball will remain stuck in mid-air. Okay, maybe not...unless the game crashes...which it has done on two (now three) occasions. Anyway, if you miss-time your jump and the ball bounces loose, pounce on it immediately, either by pressing [X] to dive on it, or just run over it to pick it up and then get tackled or an 80 metre sprint for a try. More on this later. Sometimes, well, most of the time, you won't have to jump for the ball because (A), they'll kick it too far for them to reach it in time, or (B), your players will automatically jump for it and then initiate a rolling maul. As I had mentioned above, the "blunder" occurs when the computer kicks to the left of the screen, the opposite end of where most of your players are. In this instance, quickly get possession of the ball and try to gain as much ground as you can. Do not attempt to kick the ball up field whatsoever. You can kick to touch but more likely you'll get tackled which will result in a knock-on. What I usually do is press [X] to pounce on the ball. Then press [X] to bring in more players to the ruck, protecting it. When the rest of my players are back in formation, pass to the Fly-Half for him to kick up field. =============================================================================== ATTACKING FROM RUCK =============================================================================== Suppose you have possession of the ball right after you kicked off. Well, congratulations. Now depending on what team you're playing as and what team the opposition is, you'll have to apply an appropriate strategy here. If you're both evenly balanced, like say New Zealand vs. South Africa, then you can employ the [Classic X] or [Classic O] Strategy, if possible. I tend to prefer [Classic X] as the end receiver always has space to run forward. I should also add, while the Strategies may be useful when you're first playing, or when your team consists of weaks-auce, as soon as you play as a top team, it, like all things EA, automatically becomes redundant eye-candy. When you're playing against a higher ranked team, for example, Fiji vs. France, then you'll have to use the [Pocket] Strategy. If this can't be used, then pass ([L1] or [R1]) and then kick towards touch. While you may be tempted to keep possession, the fact is that you're in your own half and as soon as you get tackled in the next play, you'll turnover possession putting yourself under pressure. When you're in possession inside the opposition's half, what you do next depends on what kind of team you're playing as and against. I'll assume you're playing as one of the weaker teams against a top team. If you're behind their 22-Metre Line, then the best option is to use [Classic O] Strategy. The [Classic X] Strategy doesn't offer as much space to run. If you've crossed the 22-Metre Line, then at this point, you should be expecting to score a try. Use the [Classic O] or [Classic X] Strategy and once you're near the try line, press [X] to dive. I usually scrap the Set-Piece Plays if I have a very fast Centre. From the ruck, pass [L1] or [R1] to one of you backs, usually the Fly Half, then sprint (hold [R2]) diagonally forward, pass, usually to your centre while maintaining the diagonal run. Find space and just run for the try line avoiding any tackles at all cost. This may mean having to run to as far as the far corner. If you're stuck in your own half, then the obvious play is to kick to touch. Just make sure the ball is kicked as far left or far right as possible. Otherwise, the opposition Full Back may catch it and run straight back right to where you kicked from. Well, as reward for reading this far, I will now bestow upon you the secret to beating this game to pulp. Be warned though, from hereon, the game's difficulty will take a significant kamikaze nosedive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try-Scoring Play ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a sure way of scoring tries. Just make sure you have a fast Centre. Be warned that this strategy might not be quite as successful if you're playing on Hard difficulty because against certain teams, you'll hardly get any possession. KEY === [1,2,3,...,9] - Opponent Players [A,B,C,...,I] - Your Players [G] - Half Back [A] - Forward [B] - Fly Half [C] - Centre [D] - Centre [G] - Scrum Half [9] - Opponent Full Back [*] - Ball Carrier [/,\,|] - Direction of Motion Step 1 ====== The first step in orchestrating this Try-Scoring Set Play is to secure possession. Then, wait for your Scrum Half to get in position and, before you pass out, wait for your other players to get in position. Don't wait too long though or you'll lose possession or get penalised. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 8 8 777 HHH F E D C B A G* I I I Step 2 ====== Pass out to your Fly Half and run diagonally forward for just less than a second. From here you have a couple of options. You can either kick out to touch, making sure the ball bounces out, you can kick downfield or you can pass again to your Centre and attempt to score a try. What I usually do is kick downfield. As soon as the Fly Half gets the ball, I immediately press and hold the [X] button while running diagonally. This means the ball will be kicked to open space where the opposition Full Back has to run across field to gather the ball. This gives your players time to catch up. Remember to let go of the [X] button early if the opposition players are quick. You don't want to get tackled now do you? If however, I'm deep inside the opponents half, I'll go for the try. That is, pass out to my Centre. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 8 8 777 \ HHH F E D C B* A G I I I Step 3 ====== If you've decided to go for the try (and good on ya!), then you'll have to pass to your Centre. The tackler (5) will try to tackle you but you should have released the ball by then. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 8 8 \ 777 F E D C B* HHH A G I I I Step 4 ====== Now that your Centre has the ball, accelerate in the same diagonal direction. If it looks like your Centre will not have much room to move because the opposition players are advancing too fast, then do the quick pass by pressing [L1] to quickly pass to your next Centre (D) before you (C) receive the ball from the Fly Half (B). 8 1 2 3 4 6 8 8 8 8 \ 5 777 F E D C* B HHH G A G I I I Step 5 ====== You should start to see gaps appearing. This is where you should run. If there are no gaps, then you'll most likely get tackled. Resist the urge to keep passing the ball out to your wingers as they'll most likely get tackled without gaining significant ground. 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 1 2 3 4 \ 5 777 F E D C* B HHH A G I I I Step 6 ====== Once you're through he gap, keep running. Other players (8) will come in to try to tackle you so maintain the diagonal run for the moment. 8 8 \ 6 8 8 8 8 1F 2E 3 D4 C* 5 777 B HHH A G I I I Step 7 ====== Once you're in the clear, start running forward. Don't let go of the [R2] button. ^ | C* 8 8 1F 2E 3 D4 8 8 8 8 8 Step 8 ====== Soon, you'll see the opposition Full Back heading straight your way. Now, if you had been using the Side View Camera Angle, you won't see him until it's too late. That's why it's way better to use the Classic 2 Angle. 9 ^ | C* 8 8 1F 2E 3 D4 8 8 8 8 8 Step 9 ====== As soon as the Full Back is near enough, do a 90 degree turn infield. This is important. This sharp turn will leave your would-be tacklers in your dust. 9 C*-----> 8 8 1F 2E 3 D4 8 8 8 8 8 Step 10 ======= As soon as you're clear from the reach of the Full Back, start straightening up. Remember, the other players (8) will tackle you if you continue the horizontal run. From hereon, just keep running straight forward. The players following you will be almost comical. Don't forget to score the try near the posts to make your conversions easier. Word of advice, get over the try line first before running towards the posts. 5 points is better than 0. ^ | | / / 9 C* 8 8 1 2 3 4 8 8 8 8 8 =============================================================================== DEFENDING FROM RUCK =============================================================================== The opposition has possession of the ball from ruck and you defending. What do you do? Simple, stop them from gaining territory. Whilst you may be impatient to win the ball back by pressing [X], this hardly does anything except leave you short out wide. But the Scrimmage Bar tells you you have control. Forget the Scrimmage Bar! This game still plays like Rugby 2004, at least in the ruck situation. You'll know whether you have possession by which way the camera angle swings. If you're defending, you'll be playing down the screen and if you're attacking, yes, you'll be playing up screen. If you're not clear by what I mean by screen, it's the TV screen. Okay, now that you know that, you won't waste time getting more players to the ruck. The only time when you should use [X] is when you have possession of the ball. When you're defending, remember to always keep your men on-side. You'll know whether you're offside by the cursor. If it's flashing, you're off-side. Just change player by pressing [L2] to switch to an on-side player. Wherever on the field you're defending, as soon as the ball is passed out of the ruck, quickly press [L2] to change player and sprint towards the ball carrier and attempt the diving tackle. If you're deep in your own half, you may want to be a bit more cautious. Remember, when the opposition is deep in its own half, they're more likely to kick for touch. You could try to tackle them before they get the kick out and force a knock-on, otherwise, just sit tight on defence. When you're defending right on your try line, the computer will more than likely attempt the drop goal. You can't really do anything since the Fly Half will be positioned just beyond your reach. Whatever the case, if it looks like the computer will definitely be scoring a try, then the best try to concede would where it's most difficult to convert from, hint, hint. If for some reason you happen to get penalised for an offside and the computer is playing advantage near the try line, then you could kill the ball [R3] and force them to take the 3 points. This should only be done if you're ahead on points. With respect to Defensive Set Piece Plays (The one where you press the Directional Buttons), I don't really see the point in using them. I mainly use the [Classic] or [Tight] just for your information. When the opposition carries out a Set Piece Play, the best thing to do is the flying tackle. The most difficult to defend against and which the computer seems to be able to pull off quite successfully is the [Pivot] Set Play. The most effective way to defend against this is to not use the flying tackle until the end receiver has possession. Otherwise, just run towards the ball carrier. =============================================================================== ATTACKING FROM SCRUM =============================================================================== The most important aspect of a scrum is to win the ball. Underline most important so you don't forget how important it is. Before feeding the ball into the scrum, pick a Set Piece Play by pressing one of the directional buttons. Choose [Pocket] if you're deep in your own half and want to kick to touch. Otherwise, the one I usually go with is the [Classic X] Play. Now, press [X] to feed the ball into the scrum and right after pressing [X], press [[]] to hook the ball. You must press the two buttons within milliseconds of each other. Once you have possession, start driving forward by pressing the [Analog Stick] forward. If you're able to, keep driving forward until it stops. Sometimes, the opposition pack will be stubborn so you can't do anything else but pass out. Against some teams, the forward pack will try to rotate the scrum 90 degrees thus giving them possession at the next scrum. To defend against this, press the [Analog Stick] in the opposite direction the scrum is rotating. At the same time, quickly press [L1] or [O] if the scrum is being rotated counter-clockwise or [R1] or [[]] if clockwise. You have to do this before the scrum rotates 90 degrees because once the scrum starts to rotate, it will continue rotating. =============================================================================== DEFENDING FROM SCRUM =============================================================================== There is no way in hell that you will be able to win the ball against the head. This is true for 99% of the time. Yes, there have been occasions where I have been able to, but, it's nothing to get worked up about. Instead, you should be focusing more on your defence. Once, the ball is in, push against the scrum and then to the right or left to prevent them from gaining territory. Once the ball is passed out, you know what to. If the scrum is right near your try line, you could push early to give the other team a Free Kick. Hopefully they'll choose to run which is far better to defend against than the scrum. If not, keep pushing first until the computer changes its mind. With the scrum, you'll get pushed backed until all the Number 8 has to do is put his hand down on the ball for an instant try. If you saw the game between Wales and Fiji (Nov. 2005), you'll see a classic example of this. By the way, Fiji just lost, 11-10. Thinking about using Defensive Set Piece Plays? Well, it's entirely up to you. =============================================================================== ATTACKING FROM LINEOUT =============================================================================== This is one area which I haven't bothered much in. This hasn't been helped with Lineout Training a notable absent in Practice Mode. The one which I normally use is the [X] Play. Generally, you want to press both the [X] button and the [Down] button at the same time and release the [X] button once your jumper has jumped high enough. If you've got a good jumper like Chris Jack (NZ) and a good Hooker such as Bill Gadolo (FJ), then you're set. Once caught, you'll have the rolling maul so press [X] to bind more players and press forward on the [Analog]. Sometimes you'll have to wait a bit longer before the maul rolls forward. Otherwise, just pass out and run and/or kick. =============================================================================== DEFENDING FROM LINEOUT =============================================================================== Basically, you can't win the ball here so just concentrate on what happens after the ball is thrown in. From there, just defend like you would in a Ruck or Scrum situation. =============================================================================== SCORING A TRY =============================================================================== There a numerous ways to score a try. However, the one (actually 2)which I use and which always guarantees at least 4+ tries per game is the one which I will mention. Also, this is the only way I know how to. The key to scoring a try is to have players with very high attributes in Speed and most important of all, Acceleration. Someone like England's Jason Robinson or New Zealand's Doug Howlett is prime candidate. Now, the players who are most involved in attacking play are the Centres. If you've got quick Centres, then you'll be scoring heaps of tries. Therefore, it pays (Well, in World League at least) to have very quick Centres. Before the match begins, switch your quickest players to the Centre. This is usually your wingers. Your wingers don't usually get to have the ball as much as they'd like to so it's only fair. Now once that's done, it's time to score tries. From the ruck, do not press any of the Direction Buttons to initiate a Set Piece Play. Wait for your players to line up then pass out to your Fly Half ([L1] or [R1]). Immediately sprint forward diagonally by holding [R2] for about half a second before passing out to your Centre. Do not get tackled or it will all end. Once the ball is in your Centre's hand, continue sprinting diagonally forward. Look for gaps that will appear and run through those. You should then be able to straighten up. If the Opposition Full Back happens to come running at you, sprint horizontally in- field then diagonally forward once you've evaded his reach. After that, it's an easy race to the try line. The next method of scoring tries is with the Full Back. Someone with very high Speed Attributes like Fiji's Rupeni Caucaunibuca is excellent choice. When the opposition kicks the ball downfield, switch to the fast Full Back and pick up the ball. Then run diagonally forward towards the sidelines to evade the players. Look for gaps and run through them. From hereon, watch out for the Full Back and it should be an easy try. =============================================================================== COVERTING A TRY/PENALTY =============================================================================== Basically, who your kicker is determines how well you're going to kick. Someone like England's Johnny Wilkinson will be perfect for this job. Before you kick, account for the direction the wind is blowing and how strong it is. This can be ignored if you're directly or almost directly in front. If it's blowing to the right, you'd want to move the pointer a bit to the left and vice versa depending on the strength of the wind. Also, the further out you are to the side, the more you have to compensate. Once that's done, press [X] to start filling the gauge. Press [X] once again to stop the gauge and [X] for a third time to stop it in the centre of the "Accuracy Zone". And that's it. My best advice is to practice a bit in Practice Mode until you feel comfortable. =============================================================================== WORLD LEAGUE =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World League Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The World League compromises of 12 teams in 3 divisions. You start at the bottom and eventually try to make your way to the top Division. Each season consists of 11 matches as well as a Knockout Cup. Getting good results earns you money which you can use to buy better players to improve your team and be able to compete against some of the stronger teams. Earning money is the main aim of the game. You begin with 12 credits to your account. Each win gives you: 6 Credits - Division 3 8 Credits - Division 2 10 Credits - Division 1 15 Credits - Knockout Cup while a draw gives you half. For a loss, you get a million zeros. Also, you get 1 Credit per try scored. Coming top of the Division gets you: 60 Credits - Division 3 80 Credits - Division 2 100 Credits - Division 1 80 Credits - Knockout Cup At the end of each season, your total Credits are added and subtracted from your total maintenance. Happen to get a negative result and it's goodbye for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buying Players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like I said before, earning money is the name of the game. Only by bringing in new players will you be able to play competitively. Below are the players you should bring in once you've earned enough money. Remember, before splashing the cash, ensure that you have enough money to cover the Trade Points as well as Maintenance Fees. It took me until Season 2 before I had enough dough. I lost all but 2 matches in the first Season but I scored a few tries so my balance wasn't looking too bad. The first person you must get is a fast Centre, and there's no one faster that J.Robinson. Next up is another Centre, D.Howlett. That should get you through to Division 2. Now when you've got enough money, get R.Caucaunibuca and put him as a Full Back. From here on, you should be winning most of your matches. The next buy is obviously a Fly Half. B.Russell is perfect as he's affordable and can kick those crucial conversions over. When you have enough money to spend again, get two forwards with good rucking attributes. P.Vickery and E.Andrews were my choice. Well, with those players, you should be able to win the Divison 1 Trophy as well as the Knockout Cup. Once you've amassed enough cash, start spending. I decided on the following players because of their value for money. They had low maintenance points and while some of them weren't the best players available for their respective positions, my team as a whole were more than capable of winning every match. The following list of players is my final starting line-up (Before I got bored due to the lack of competitive games against the CPU and quit playing the game): TEAM POS. PLAYER TRADED PLAYER ---------- ---- --------- ------------- Gloucester PR P.Vickery J.Crossland Fiji HK B.Gadolo J.Arjoud Stormers PR E.Andrews T.Garcia Crusaders SR R.McCaw T.McDonald Crusaders SR C.Jack G.Simpson Cats FL C.van der Linde M.Donnison Northampton FL T.Smith E.Vander Free Agent N8 N.Breedt W.Williams South Africa SH B.Russell R.Damm Newcastle FH J.Wilkinson K.Davies Free Agent WG G.Rees H.Katalau Blues CT D.Howlett C.Berti England CT J.Robinson F.O'Leary Chiefs WG R.Randle G.Nawali Fiji FB R.Caucaunibuca L.Kelly =============================================================================== PLAYING AGAINST HUMANS =============================================================================== If you're able to play competitively against the computer, then you should have enough skills to beat another player. When playing against humans, there a few things to remember: 1. Human players always display a set pattern of playing. Exploit this to your advantage. 2. Mix things up as they too will latch on to your patterns and even emulate them if it's successful. 3. The only way to improve your game is too play against tougher opponents than yourself. =============================================================================== F.A.Q =============================================================================== This is the Frequently Asked Section or F.A.Q for short. That's pronounced F.A.Q. or FAQ...why am I doing this? Anyway, I've taken the initiative to include some answers to the questions which have not actually been asked yet, with the aid of my psychic powers. Q. I want to play a game of rugby but instead, I only get to practice. A. Read the game manual. You have to complete the obligatory practice before you can play. Q. I can't complete the training. How do I kick to touch? A. One part of practice which can be frustrating, especially while first playing it, was the kick to touch part. What you have to do is kick to touch. However, this is made difficult with the default side camera angle. You can only change the camera from the pause menu while playing a game and you can't play a game until you've completed training. Anyway, just aim the kick towards the touch line, while powering up your kick. If you've aimed correctly, well done. Otherwise, just keep trying and aim to get the ball kicked out, got that? Out of touch. =============================================================================== CONTACT INFORMATION =============================================================================== Should you wish to contact the author, the e-mail address is [piratexnarz@gmail.com]. Please indicate the subject as [Trash]. DO NOT send spam, virus, or any other malicious e-mails of any sort. =============================================================================== COPYRIGHT INFORMATION =============================================================================== This document is copyright 2005 X-Narz. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This file may be hosted on the following site ONLY: GameFAQs [www.gamefaqs.com] No other sites will be considered. =============================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGMENTS =============================================================================== Since there's very little about the game worthy of praise except for the tunes, I'd instead like to thank Axl Rose, for giving us something to hope for every year.