Scarface: The World Is Yours, Wii, Walkthrough Contents Basics [0001] Controls [0002] On Foot [0003] Vehicles [0004] Cops [0005] Cop Meter [0006] Cop Escape [0007] Cop Heat [0008] Gangs [0009] Turf Gangs [0010] Active & Inactive Gangs [0011] Gang Heat [0012] Paying Down Heat [0013] Cop Heat [0014] Gang Head [0015] Balls [0016] Blind Rage [0017] Cash [0018] Saving [0019] Coke [0020] Coke Runs [0021] Coke Runs Part 2 [0022] Coke Runs Part 3 [0023] Coke Run Tips [0024] Turf [0025] The Different Turfs [0026] Fronts [0028] Storehouses [0029] Reputation [0030] 1 Menu [0031] Music [0031] Exotics [0032] Weapons [0033] Driver [0034] Boat [0035] Empire [0036] 2 Menu [0037] Main [0038] Stats [0039] Cheats [0040] Options [0041] Profiles [0042] Controller [0043] Credits [0044] Henchmen [0045] Driver [0046] Boat Pilot [0047] Arms Dealer [0048] Enforcer [0049] Assassin [0050] Heath [0051] Drug Dealers [0052] Repairing Exotics [0053] Weapon Dealers [0054] Conversations [0055] Sperm Banks [0056] Walkthrough [W052] Combat Tutorial [W053] Tony’s Downfall [W054] The Return [W055] The Road To Sosa [W056] Felix [W057] Reputation Upgrade 1 [W058] Gasper Gomez [W059] Little Havana Missions [W060] Pedro’s Pawn Shop [W061] Reputation Upgrade 2 [W062] Cabana Cigar [W063] Oakley Drive-In [W064] Babylon Club Redux [W065 The Diaz Brothers [W066] Havana Storehouse [W067] Reputation Upgrade 3 [W068] Downtown Missions [W069] Freedom Town Redux [W070] O’ Grady’s Liquor Store [W071] Reputation Upgrade 4 [W072] Fidel’s Records & Tapes [W073] U-Gin Shotgun Bar [W074] Babylon Club [W075] Marina Storehouse [W076] The Island Missions [W077] Reputation Upgrade 5 [W078] Nacho Contreras [W079] The Dock Boss [W080] The Informer [W081] Nacho’s Tanker [W082] South Beach Missions [W083] Macau Fast Food [W084] Chi Peso Trattoria [W085] Swansong Hotel [W086] Sun Ray Hotel [W087] Reputation Upgrade 6 [W088] Shoreline Storehouse [W098] Un-Load [W099] Deliver [W100] Reputation Upgrade 7 [W101] North Beach Missions [W102] Angel Dust Donut Shop [W103] Whippet Gambling [W104] Peninsula Lounge [W105] Stein Jewelry [W106] Coco’s Lounge and Disco [W107] Leopard Storage [W108] Sandman Missions {W109] The Plantation [W110] Tranquilandia [W111] Reputation Upgrade 8 [W112] Bolivia [ENGM] 100% [E100] Reputation Levels [E001] Femme Levels [E002] Exotic List [E003] Henchmen [E004] Garage [E005] Boathouse [E006] Mansion [E007] Unique Collectibles [E008] Furniture [E009] Decor [E010] Investments [E011] Weapons List [E012] Weapon Upgrades [E013] Extra Island Missions [E014] Kidnapped [E015] Gangland [E016] Baggage Check [E017] Contra Band [E018] Cheats [E019] Word from the Maker [WFTM] ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== Basics [0001] Controls [0002] On Foot [0003] C Button: Alternate Fire/ Shove/ Melee Counter Hold Z Button: Lock Target/ Strafe Control Stick: Character Movement B Button: Fire Hold B Button + Control Stick: Punch/ Melee Attack Hold A Button + Control Stick: Sprinting A Button: Talk/ Taunt + Button: Crouch/ Wall Cover - Button: Get Into Car/ Pick Up Weapon 1 Button: SAT Phone Menu 2 Button: Pause Menu Control Pad Up: Reload Control Pad Right: Equip Weapon/ Conceal Weapon Control Pad Left: Equip Weapon/ Conceal Weapon Control Pad Down: 180 Turnaround Shake the Nunchuk: Blind Rage Flip Up the Nunchuk: Taunt Vehicles [0004] C Button: Hand Brake/ Brake/ Reverse Hold Z Button: Lock Target Control Stick: Steering B Button: Fire Hold B Button + Control Stick: - Hold A Button + Control Stick: - A Button: Gas/ Horn + Button: Change Camera Views - Button: Exit Vehicle 1 Button: SAT Phone Menu 2 Button: Pause Menu Control Pad Up: Reload Control Pad Right: Equip Weapon/ Conceal Weapon Control Pad Left: Equip Weapon/ Conceal Weapon Control Pad Down: Look Back Shake the Nunchuk: - Flip Up the Nunchuk: Horn/ Taunt Cops [0005] Cop Meter [0006] As you cause crimes the border of your map will gradually be filling up white. Depending what kind of crimes you’re causing and how remote they are from the public depends how fast this border will rise, infact you can have massive gang wars without it rising at all just because no public are around and it’s off the road. Taking a machine gun into a bank and plugging a few at the protective glass however will get you plenty of attention. In addition to this the police will be driving around on patrol responding to reports and if you’re caught red handed your meter will rise immediately. Once the entire border is full you’ll need to escape which brings me to the next section. Cop Escape [0007] Once you’ve filled the border of the map completely white the cops will be after you and by after you, I mean trying to kill you. The aim therefore is to get out the red ring that is now surrounding where you just were. Of course if you’ve got some police cars after you, you’ve got to lose those as well which can draw out the chase. Perhaps the most annoying feature of Scarface is the fact that you have a timer to escape the police, you have the time it takes for the white border to deplete to get away from the cops or as the game so frankly puts it “You’re ****ed” after which no matter what you do you’re going to die and you can’t go into any menus. While this is a rather simple matter at first each time you escape your Cop Heat goes up and it becomes harder to escape each time. Cop Heat [0008] Each time you escape from the police, or cause crimes under the watchful eye of the police or even kill a cop it’ll raise your heat. As your heat increases the lengths at which the police go after you increases, while at first you could get away just but going around a block now you have to leave the whole area while the swat team is after you and tyre spikes are set up. In addition to this police patrols will increase meaning they’ll be more police cars just wandering around the streets which makes it a lot harder to get on with you, erm, business. Watch your heat meter though because if it reaches the top they’ll be an indictment and the police will claim some, if not all your money to pay off their heat level. Gangs [0009] Turf Gangs [0010] Each area of the game is controlled by a gang run by one of your rivals. In each area there are set places (nests) where gang members meet up and generally hang around hoping that you turn up, presumably. Once you’ve found one of these gangs you can either try to intimidate them for extra balls and to decrease gang heat or kill them, the latter being the preferred method. At the start of the game these gangs are pretty rubbish a couple of guys with guns and the rest just trying to punch you so they’re not going to cause you a lot of trouble but later gangs are little armies complete with bazookas, machineguns and over 30 members. Therefore it’s best to come prepared, call a driver first, this does two things, gives you a second man to help take on the gang and once inside the car gives you some extra amour. Also make sure you’ve got some pretty good weapons on you. All this effort does not go unrewarded; gangs will leave money, coke, balls and even give you turf in disputed areas. Note that you can only wipe out gangs in Owned or Disputed areas; if you take out a gang in another area it’ll be nothing but a hassle and they will reappear. Also if you let gang members get away after wiping most of them out they will reappear. Active & Inactive Gangs [0011] Once you’ve found a gang area it’ll appear on the map as a Skull, however these gangs won’t always be active and then they’ll appear as a shaded Skull, best to wait a while until the gang turns up. Gang Heat [0012] As with Cop Heat Gangs have their own Heat meter. This increases as you kill more gangs, and generally do any of the missions in the game. For the most part this gang heat is nothing to worry about but higher Gang heat levels means it’ll be harder to prefer coke runs, Gangs will attack on sight and if the meter rises to full a gang retaliation is certain, which includes attacking your fronts, car bombs and drive bys. Paying Down Heat [0013] Cop Heat [0014] The main way to lower Cop Heat is to press 1, select Empire, then Heat, select Cop Heat and then press left on the control pad to pay to have your heat lowered. The Higher the heat and your reputation the more you’ll have to pay. The other way to do it is find a cop when you’re not being chased and talk to him, sweet talk him by filling the meter just right to decrease your heat, for free, plus you’ll get some balls to boot. Gang Head [0015] The main way to lower Gang Heat is to press 1, select Empire, then Heat, select Gang Heat and then press left on the control pad to pay to have your heat lowered. The Higher the heat and your reputation the more you’ll have to pay. The other way to do this is find a gang member and intimidate them but filling the meter just right, you’ll also get balls for this. Another way is to make cocaine deals with, dealers. Once you’ve unlocked the Enforcer if you play his missions your gang heat will also decrease after you complete one. Balls [0016] “Amigo, the only thing in this world that gives orders is balls. Balls. You got that?” Balls are very important in the world of Scarface, pretty much every action you take in the game will give you balls but how much is the question. Shooting a guy will give you balls but if you’ve locked on to him you’ll get less balls than if you’re using free aim and what if you dismember his arm in the process, or even better, shoot off one of his balls then to add insult to injury you call him a ****ing ass sucker, all this will give you balls. As will driving carelessly and performing jumps, let’s not forget talking to people or completing missions. Yes Tony has a lot of balls but what does it get you? Well as you progress through the game you can get femmes, these lovely ladies will increase your health, balls and whatnot, provided you’ve got the balls, also it fills your blind rage meter. Blind Rage [0017] As you gain balls for whatever reason a little white bar around your health will be filling, this becomes the main reason for getting balls as once it’s full you can unlock Tony’s Blind Rage mode. To do this shake your nunchuk (really hard, come on it’s often life or death) and your screen will turn blood red, you become invincible, your bullets will home in on selected targets and to cap it all every kill you make in this mode will refill your health making it a very important function. You’ll want to keep it saved for large groups and when you’re close to death. Note even when you Balls meter is filled any extra balls will still be added to your total. Cash [0018] Cash is split into two sections, Clean Cash and Dirty Cash. Clean Cash is the cash in your bank, basically that’s safe from anything but yourself and indictments, however each time you launder money the bank will take a cut. The percentage of this cut depends on heat levels, and how well you negotiate via a meter, you must fill just the right about to get the best rate. Dirty Cash on the other hand is what you have on your person, this is where all your money ends up after missions and whatnot but if you die you lose it all. Not a big deal when it’s only a couple of thousand but if it’s over a million you bet you get quite annoyed so it’s best to launder that money to the bank even though they’ll take a cut it’s not really worth risking that large a sum of money. Note that when you spend money it’ll always come out of your dirty cash first so if you’re going to die and you’re pretty sure you can’t get away then you might as well spend that money on something, anything, it’s just going to go to waste. Saving [0019] Banks aside from being places that rip you off are also the place you go to save, so it looks like you’re depositing that money if you like it or not. Of course the game gives you chances to save after various missions but the bank is the main place. Coke [0020] Cocaine is the foundation of your empire and has been in short supply since your downfall. You can pick up the odd gram or so from the people you kill but that isn’t really going to be enough. You have to make deals with the dealers which will sell you mass sums of Coke for mass sums of money. However you make more money than your lose so it’s always worth it, unless you blow the deal that is. The coke you have on your person you can sell to your fronts for cash but the larger sums you’ll have to distribute to all your fronts. This brings me to my next section. Coke Runs [0021] After you gain a storehouse you’ll be able to do coke runs and the first one will be waiting for you in your storehouse for you to practice. To start off to unlock a coke deal you have to press 1, then select Empire, then Business and select one of the leads, complete this mission and providing your gang heat isn’t too high you’ll get a larger supplier deal. Go meet with the dealer and negotiate the price for how many grams using the normal meter method and then transport it to your store house. After you’ve done this you’ll be able to go on Miami Distribution mission where you give out coke to all your fronts. This is where you make the big money and the only way you’ll get those expensive exotics. Other gangs won’t be happy with this however and they’ll come after you in cars and even attack your fronts forcing you to defend them. Once you’ve collected your money head to a bank to end this mission. Coke Runs Part 2 [0022] After you’ve been invited to the Islands and made a deal with “The Sandman” you’ll be able to get even larger shipments from the islands, great you might think, however there is a catch. You need to psychically transport the coke via boat to one of your storehouses. On the Island side you’ll have pirates after you and trying to kill you and on the Miami side you’ll have boarder patrols trying to kill you so it can be pretty tough. However it’s worth the effort, larger shipments means more money from each front. Coke Runs Part 3 [0023] At the very end of the game and after you’ve “bought” the plantation from “The Sandman” you can go to any storehouse and start a Miami Distribution mission, all for $500,000. No more hassle. Coke Run Tips [0024] SAVE BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT THE MISSION. Simple really this is a lot of money at stake and a lot of things can go wrong so saving before hand means you can just quit and go back without being annoyed that you’re losing all your hard effort. Keep your Gang Heat Low, I can’t stress this enough, the higher it is the more gangs will come after you and attack your fronts, each front you visit will increase your gang heat so it can’t be avoided but lets make the start as easy as possible. Same goes for cop heat, last thing you need is to be defending one of your fronts and then they turn up and you have to run away from them causing damage to your car. You can’t decrease Gang or Cop heat in mission so don’t even try. Choose a car that’s both fast and has good amour, at the start you wont have them but I recommend the Stampede and Bodog Stampede. Saying that provided you can handle a faster car it can be do in say, the Rattler, however in a Stampede it gives you more room for damage. Drive carefully but fast, if you’ve got the whole of Miami to cover then that car is going to take a hell of a beating so lets try to not bump into things shall we. Get use to the route you’re going to take and make sure it’s the best one. You can’t repair cars in the mission so don’t even try. If a front is being attacked on the other side of Miami just leave it, no point rushing over there, causing damage to your car and then you might not even make it. Then you have to go back to those fronts you missed. Use it instead as an opportunity, when a front is being attacked rarely are you spotted by a rival gang meaning you can collect money in peace. Repair fronts and reduce heat after each run. Make it a point after each run to repair those fronts that were damaged and to pay off your Gang and Cop Heat; you’ll still make a profit, provided you weren’t completely useless. Buy exotics you want before laundering it to the bank to reduce their cut. You can end distribute missions any time you want simply by going to the bank, if you don’t think you’re going to make it then quit before you lose all that cash. Despite the last tip fortune favours the bold; if you can complete the coverage then the demand will increase for next time which means more money. Turf [0025] The Different Turfs [0026] Little Havana Tony’s Home Turf, pretty slim pickings and rather low brow fronts but hey, everybody has to start somewhere. South West Corner of the Miami Map. Downtown Things start to get a little better here with more clubs and upmarket shops but it still isn’t fantastic. Just up from Little Havana in the North West Corner of the Miami Map. South Beach Home of the hotel, pretty good turf but prices are pretty steep here. It’s in the south east corner of the Miami map. North Beach You’ve hit the big times, high end shops and clubs and the prices reflect this, north east corner. The Islands The islands is where a lot of the cocaine is grown, you can’t really buy any turf here and it’s full of gangs that will kill you, no police here, the drug barons are the law. Fronts [0028] This is the list of the fronts you can own in each turf, note you have to first unlock that turf to access them and complete the mission set by he owner of the front, then you have to cough up the cash to buy the place. It’s a lot of work really. LITTLE HAVANA Pedro's Pawn shop Oakley Drive-in theatre Cabana Cigar DOWNTOWN U-Gin Shotgun Bar O'Grady's Liquor Store Babylon Club Fidel's Records SOUTH BEACH Macau Fast Food Chi Peso Trattoria Swansong Hotel Sun Ray Hotel NORTH BEACH Angel Dust Donut Shop Peninsula Lounge Whippet Gambling Stein Jewellery Coco's Lounge and Disco For each turf you own you can add security cameras and henchmen to protect them. This will buy you previous time when your front is under attack but unless you actually turn up they’re next to useless. Storehouses [0029] View storehouses as the boss of a turf, you need to own all the fronts in a turf and own 90% of the turf before you can take on a storehouse. These will be heavily guarded but you normally have some henchmen backing you up, here is the list of storehouses: Havana storehouse - located in Little Havana Marina storage - located Downtown Leopard storage - Located in North Beach (Says South Beach but it isn’t true) Shoreline storage - located in North Beach Reputation [0030] Your rep is perhaps the most important thing to Tony; you gain Reputation by completing missions, buying fronts and taking over storehouses. Once you’ve gained enough reputation you’ll be able to upgrade at your mansion which will unlock more exotics and even turfs. A lot of the time you’ll get enough reputation just by completing the mission in an area but if you’ve done all them and you’ve still got 100,000 reputation points to go until you can carry on what are you to do? Well you buy exotics from the 1 menu. Exotics are never completely useless so you’ll never be wasting your money but they can give you massive amounts of reputation, there’s something about owning a solid gold pelican which makes the average man respect you. 1 Menu [0031] Enter By pressing 1, surprisingly. Music [0031] Select the song or genre of songs to be played. If you don’t select anything it’ll just be random shuffle, with over 100 songs it’s quite a nice selection of signed bands including songs from the movie. Exotics [0032] Here you can buy all sorts of things from cars to spacesuits, from henchmen to boats. Some are incredibly helpful others are just a bit of fun. I intend to include a full exotic list so check the contents. Weapons [0033] You must buy the Arms Dealer from the exotic page for this option to be unlocked. Here you can buy weapons, ammo and upgrades for selected weapons. They will appear at Tony’s weapon locker or the boot of an exotic car meaning you can get new weapons or more ammo quite easily. Driver [0034] You need to have bought the Driver from the exotic menu to have this option unlocked. The Driver transports any of the exotic car’s you own to your current location in double quick time. He will also hang around providing you with backup until he gets kills, you tell him to leave or he gets lost. Boat [0035] You must have bought the Boat Pilot from the exotic menu for this to appear, in addition to that you much either be on a dock or in the water for it to appear, as boats don’t work on land, odd that. He will also hang around providing you with backup until he gets kills, you tell him to leave or he gets lost. Empire [0036] Here you can check what the next mission is, follow up leads given by Felix or “The Sandman” and take part in coke deals. You can also switch to one of your henchmen using this menu. Also you can check on your turf and repair fronts and give them security. You also can reduce heat levels using this menu and lets not forget it gives us a map which is most useful. 2 Menu [0037] Enter By pressing 2, surprisingly. Main [0038] Gives you the run down of your main stats. Stats [0039] In-depth stats which is a must have in this sort of game after GTA made it so. Cheats [0040] Input cheats or replay past missions Options [0041] Fiddle around which various options. Profiles [0042] Choose to load saved games, handy for when you’ve messed up. Controller [0043] Gives you a run down on the actions buttons take. Credits [0044] Shows the credits I would presume. Henchmen [0045] Each must be purchased from the exotic menu to be activated. To play as one of the playable henchmen check under Empire then business and then their icon should appear underneath the missions. Driver [0046] This henchman allows you to call for a car to be delivered near you provided it’s near a road. You can also select car related missions via the business menu which the driver will do instead of Tony. Boat Pilot [0047] This henchman allows you to call for a boat when you’ve at a dock or swimming. Arms Dealer [0048] This henchman allows you to buy weapons, ammo and upgrades via the phone which will appear in your office and the boot of your car. Enforcer [0049] This henchman is selected under the business section and comes complete w ith a grenade launcher. He’ll perform missions not suited for Tony. After completing a mission he’ll also lower gang heat so he’s very handy w hen you’ve got a lot of heat but no money. Assassin [0050] This henchman, or rather henchwoman is selected under the business section and comes complete with a sniper rifle. She’ll perform missions not suited for Tony. Heath [0051] You can see I wasn’t paying a load of attention when I made this as health is all the way down here but you really don’t need me to tell you this. Your health meter is the round red circle in the bottom right hand corner of the screen as you take more damage the circle will get lower, if it goes completely you die. Note that each car has its own health meter measured separately from Tony. Drug Dealers [0052] Hanging around will be small time drug dealers, they’ll buy 100g of coke. They appear on the map as white dots but in truth you’re probably better just selling it to one of your fronts. However when you’re strapped for a few extra bob they can be a life saver. Repairing Exotics [0053] Exotic cars and boats once they get damaged enough will need to be repaired before you can call them again, so you have to pay for that in the 1 menu. If they get destroyed then it’ll take a lot more money to repair them. You can repair them for a much cheaper price at garages and floating boat stations so if you can repair them there rather than in the menu it’ll save you money. Weapon Dealers [0054] At set locations weapon dealers will be waiting to sell you weapons you’ve unlocked along with ammo and upgrades. While these become next to useless after you get the arms dealer from the exotics menu but it’s best to check back to them after every reputation upgrade. Conversations [0055] Miami and yes even The Islands are full of interesting people, you can strike up a conversation with quite a few people and aside from being very entertaining it gets you extra balls. Some hints on conversations is that each Front Manager will have a conversation with Tony as will pretty much anybody important to the story line. Also talk to those people on the street that look different; they’re bound to have something interesting to say about why they’re dressed in stockings. Sperm Banks [0056] I have found two sperm banks, one is located in Little Havana near the way to Shady Grove (Tony’s Island) in the area that is often used for drug deals and the other is in the Industrial Zone as you come in, by the gas station. They looks very much like a blood banks. You sell your balls for cash at these banks, so if you’re running a little low you might think about donating. ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== Walkthrough [W052] Combat Tutorial [W053] “Yeah man, we were in the army in Cuba” As you might expect this will just take you through the basics, firstly you’ll switch between some camera modes, choose the one you like, you can change it later under options. Now you meet your Sgt who looks a lot like the Harbour guy on The Islands. First head to the red dot. Now pick up the gun in the other red dot but pressing -. Now shoot the three targets just to the side of the red dot. Now go to the other red dot, press + to push yourself up against the wall and shoot out the targets while doing this. Now you’ll be asked to kill a civilian, now Tony has morals…of sorts and he won’t kill anybody who he doesn’t think deserves it so aim at her and attempt to shoot her but he won’t. Now some rebels will attack the camp, you can lock onto them using Z or just take them out free aim. Don’t forget you can taunt your enemies by flipping the nunchuk or pressing A. Once you’ve taken out most of the attackers there should be one guy standing a distance away, kill him and pick up his AK-47. Now go into a Blind Rage by shaking the nunchuk. That should end the tutorial. Tony’s Downfall [W054] Cue probably one of the best intros for a game I’ve ever seen. After this you’ll end up on the landing of your mansion, first ting first turn around and take out the assassin coming in behind you (those movie buffs will remember this guy is the one that killed Tony in the movie). Now shake the nunchuk to enter Blind Rage mode and rush downstairs killing everybody in your path and head to the left. Hopefully you’ll get to the room before you run out of blind rage so you’ll clear it out as well if not then enter the room and take out the guys on either side of the room and behind the pool table, don’t forget to taunt them each time you kill somebody to get more balls and to raise your rage meter. Now keep going to the right from the pool table, this will trigger a cut scene where a henchman will reveal a hidden passage. Enter the passage and take the health kit if needed and go down. After the second corner there should be somebody waiting so take him out with ease. Keep going down and you’ll reach a fork, take out the guys coming after you first and then head left to take out the guy in the room and keep going down the previous path, which will explode. Now go left and take out the guys in the next room, go right and then shoot the guys coming through the doorway and don’t forget the guy that’s right at the end of this room down a ditch of sorts. Go through the doorway taking out the few guys that remain in your way and up the stairs. The Return [W055] “Everyday above ground is a good day.” Well you’ve made it outside the mansion and your car is waiting, sadly you’re on the wrong side of the mansion. Now I like to use blind rage for this part to take out the gang members in front of you, on balcony and the guys on the far right as well as taking out the first few guys around the corner because it makes things so much easier. Now after you get around the corner the fuzz will turn up so you’ve only got ~3mins to make your escape so no time to dawdle. Take out the guys rushing towards you and note that in the alcove there is a medial pack for you to use or indeed come back to. Take out the guys coming up the steps and keep going. Now what I can only imagine is one of Tony’s pets comes and takes out one of the gang members for you. Take out the rest and head on up to the open area which can be rather hard to clear as there will be gang members everywhere so your blind rage should be nearing full at this point, use it when you can. Head on up the steps making note of the health pack if needed and go through the gate taking out the guys in your way. Head into the maze and be careful that nobody sneaks up behind you in this circular maze and take out the numerous gang members waiting around, make use of the cover (who knew hedges could block bullets). Of course this is a good time to use blind rage if you have it but seeing as I just told you to use it, I doubt you do. Now get out the maze and head up the stairs where a cut scene will take place and the police will come and take out the remaining gang members while you make a run for it, mission over. Reputation: -20,032,006 Exotics: -69 Turf [%]: -100 Balls: -1,000,000 Drugs [g]: -2,500,000 Total Cash: -$65,884,703 The Road To Sosa [W056] Rival gangs have taken control of your old Empire. You must regain control of Miami’s four main Turfs: Little Havana, Downtown, South Beach and North Beach to regain the power and reputation you need to take on Sosa. Reputation: - Exotics: +2 Turf [%]: - Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: +$1000 After the cut scene get in your car and follow the instructions and head on over to the Babylon Club in Downtown to meet with Sheffield. After you’ve met him you’ll be told to go talk to Felix at the Miami Marina but not before some cops from Vice turn up and tell you your mansion is in their hands unless you cough up $10,000. Don’t forget to talk to them afterwards to get a conversation and some balls. Felix [W057] “In this country, you gotta make the money first.” Now head on down to Coco’s. After the short cut scene you can get to grips with dealing coke, here you have to hold the A button to fill the meter until it gets to the end, go too far and you’ve failed don’t go far enough and you either fail or get a rubbish deal. Now go try it for real, if you get a good deal you should get $10,000 which is the right amount to buy back your mansion so what are you waiting for? Get back to your mansion and pay off those pigs. Reputation: +50,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +350 Drugs [g]: +100 Total Cash: - Reputation Upgrade 1 [W058] Now head on to your newly acquired mansion to your office 14 new Exotics are unlocked. $5,000 drug suppliers have been unlocked. The Micro SMG and Chainsaw have been unlocked to be bought from weapon dealers. Gasper Gomez [W059] “**** Gasper Gomez…” After the upgrade you’ll end up at the La Normde[sp] hotel, you’ll walk past the front desk and end up upstairs. Go up the ramp and be confronted with a barrage of bullets as there are gang members everywhere. If you can use blind rage at any point here do so, it’ll make things a lot easier, if you don’t you’ll have to crouch and take out the guys on the lower floor and get below those on the higher one so they can’t shoot at you. Now go around the corner to the stairs taking out those that are guarding it, remember to reload by pressing Up on the control pad when ever you’re not being shot at. Head upstairs and shoot the window in front of you and there will be a health pack on the other side, take out those men coming towards you and while you’re on the balcony go around to the other room and shoot the guy hiding behind the wall and then carry on up the other stairs taking out anybody left. Now you have to master hand to hand combat, press Z to shove him and push him to the ground and hold the B button and swing the wiimote to throw punches. After he’s lost his health he’ll take a quick trip to the pool side, on the ground floor. Now you’ve got to get to the underground parking and steal the armoured car with all the cash in it. Turn around and shoot at the helicopter taking out the guys shooting at you first but keep shooting until the helicopter bursts into flames. Pick up the health kit if needed and head downstairs. If you can use blind rage around this point just to make short work of these guys but if not make sure to stay low and to retreat if you’re taking a beating. Now get to the elevator. Downstairs take out the guys in the lobby and note the health pack behind receptions desk if you need it. Get down to the basement parking and I would recommend blind rage to take out all these guys but if you can’t then just go slow and watch out for the guys on the elevated level. Now get to that armoured car, be careful as gang reinforcements will turn up in two cars, either take them out or just get in the armoured car and run like mad. Now that you’re in the van you’ve got to make it to the bank Downtown, luckily for you the game gives you directions and tells you to use the freeway, so follow that advice. It’s easy enough as this armoured car can take a massive beating so just keep going. Once at the bank just go talk to the women at the desk then go talk to Jerry No go downstairs and talk to Susan. Here is where you get your first chance to launder money, the Bank is going to take a percentage of every deposit you make and you’ve got to negotiate that percentage. Hold the a button until the meter fills to the right about, if you stop too soon or late the bank is going to take a massive percentage, up to 30% in some cases, or only 1%. It all depends on your heat and reputation. Reputation: +55,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: +$46,000 - $49,500 After this you’ll gain a SAT phone and the exotic menu, here you can buy exotics, you’ll be forced to buy the driver but he’s the most useful exotic anyway. Now off to the pawn shop to peddle your wares. Pedro’s Pawn Shop [W061] “I want what’s coming to me.” This is an easy mission, first grab the van out front and head off to the drop point, now go back to the store to pick up the next crate and drop off it at the next drop point. When you get the third crate the cops will turn up (sooner if your timer runs out). Lose the cops, it’s easy enough because your heat should be low go get out of the red ring and try to lose the cop cars that will be tailing you as you head to the next drop off point. Remember to do this before the white line around the border of the map depletes completely or you won’t be able to lose the cops and you’ll fail the mission. Now get back to the manager to complete the mission. Reputation: +3,485 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +485 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - You can now buy this front for $50,000. If you don’t have the money on you then I recommend completing some of Felix’s leads which will give you cash, balls and open up drug deals. Reputation: +12,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +20 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$50,000 Reputation Upgrade 2 [W062] 16 new exotics are unlocked. $10,000 drug suppliers are unlocked. The Shotgun has been unlocked. Cabana Cigar [W063] “You know what capitalism is? Getting’ ****ed.” Rush on over to the highlighted dock get in the boat and chase after her, be careful to avoid the barrels and don’t shoot at the boat. Now after a while the papers will start blowing away into the water, you just have to run over the red marks to pick them up (I guess they get picked out of the prop or something). You have to get them all so if you miss one get back to it double quick and keep chasing. Don’t let her get further than 500m away or you’ll lose her and fail the mission. Once you reach more open water she’ll bring in some men, just shoot back, you get unlimited ammo in boats so you can miss as often as you want. Once you’ve got all the papers destroy the boat. Reputation: +5,460 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +230 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: +$10,000 You can now buy this front for $75,000 Reputation: +10,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +20 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$75,000 Oakley Drive-In [W064] “How you like that, eh?” Get in the car to the side and equip the Micro SMG or whatever sub or full machine gun you have and start aiming at the drivers of the cars, this will be much easier that just shooting at the car and waiting for it to explode. You can ram into the cars to stun the driver to give you a clearer shot. Once you’ve taken out the first wave a second should appear. After you’ve taken those out the leader will appear with some gang members in the back shooting at you. Aim for the gunmen first and then the driver last or you could just shoot the hell out of the car. If your car starts to have flames coming out of the hood bait out. Blind rage can be helpful when you’re out of a car so bare that in mind. Also remember there is ammo in the back of the drive-in, so collect it if you run out. After all that hassle go talk to the manager. Reputation: +46,560 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +780 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: +$80,000 You can now buy this place for $100,000 Reputation: +20,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +20 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$100,000 Babylon Club Redux [W065 Return to the Babylon Club. First of all for those wondering how to unlock this mission you have to have 90% turf in Little Havana, you should already have 60% from the fronts you’ve bought but to get extra turf % complete Felix Leads in Little Havana and wipe out the gangs. Now as you may or may not have noticed Tony is feeling a little down and numerous people are cocking guns. Take out the guys in front of you and then get to the Kitchen out the back, this holds a medical pack and stops you being surrounded as they all have to come towards you via one of two passages which meet at the bottom, hang around there and take out those that come to you. Use blind rage wherever you can to speed up the whole process. After you’ve taken out most of them another one will turn up, shoot him. The Diaz Brothers [W066] “…and **** the ****in’ Diaz brothers!” You’ll start in the middle of Diaz turf (in their motor show room infact) and with only a chainsaw to your name. At first it’s simple enough, they’re all armed with melee weapons and the chainsaw is quite a weapon at close range, don’t forget to swing the wiimote to slice off arms, legs and heads for extra balls. Collect those packages to get some free coke and after you’ve taken out everybody upstairs head down and take out those waiting for you. Now is were it can be annoying in the next building they’re armed with long ranged weapons so enter blind rage mode and take them out that way, then pick up the weapons they drop so you can use them when the feeling takes you. Now head into the managers office and kill Edgar. Grab the car and go after the remaining Diaz brother, shoot at the car and once it starts flaming Alonzo will get out, simply shoot him dead. Reputation: +70,350 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +2.675 Drugs [g]: +504 Total Cash: - Havana Storehouse [W067] “You’re getting outta here right now! Don’t push me, baby, don’t push me!” Take out those in front of you and circle around the main area, take out the guy on the roof and clear out those on the ground, it isn’t hard really. After this head on over to the office killing those that rush you, in the office should be three guys, one of which is the manager kill him and some cars will come crashing in through the wall, protect the vans. Go into blind rage once you’re close enough and take them all out. Now another group should come in through the main entrance, kill them quick before they damage the vans. Mission over. You can now start Miami Distribution missions where you transport coke to all of your fronts and pick up large amounts of money, best to save before doing any drug runs and check out my hints if you’re having a problem. Reputation: +102,920 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +10 Balls: +1,480 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - Reputation Upgrade 3 [W068] 16 new exotics are unlocked. $20,000 drug suppliers are unlocked. The AK-47 and .45 Automatic are unlocked. Downtown Missions [W069] Freedom Town Redux [W070] “When you got ‘em by the balls, their hearts and minds gonna follow.” This is quite a hard mission as you haven’t got a single weapon to you name at the start. Beat up the first two guys that come towards you with machetes and nick their weapon, rush around to the left past the green tents and kill anybody over there and steal their weapon, if nobody is over there somebody will turn up. If you have blind rage at this point it’ll make things easier but if not go slow and watch out for the guys on the roof. Note there is a health kit around the back of the tents as well. After a car comes by you can always get in there and use it as armour. Once you’ve taken out the newly spawn guys on the roofs Pablo will try to escape via the dock, kill the guys that have come off the boats and give Pablo chase. As you’re very lucky to have a Gun boat come it’ll be complete with two SAW’s at the front, simply press B and anything in front of you will die, go after Pablo and fill his boat with holes. Reputation: +53,660 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +1,220 Drugs [g]: +109 Total Cash: - You can now start working on the downtown fronts. O’ Grady’s Liquor Store [W071] “****’em all! I bury those cock-a-roaches!” Hopefully you’ll have an AK-47 if not it’ll be slightly harder for you. The General aim of this is to stop the attackers from breaking the stock so try not to help them out in that regard. The first wave of attackers will come by the front entrance, make short work of them, the next will come from the side entrance so get ready and take out those before they can even get in the store. The third wave will come around the back and come in from the back door and the front entrance, I like to such blind rage at this moment just to stop you being overwhelmed. Now after you’ve taken out those you’ll get a message saying “they’re closing in” a couple will come in through the front entrance and the back door but the main worry is the guys that come in through the side entrance, they’re all equipped with shotguns so if they get too close they’re going to make short work of you. Once they’re dead talk to the manager. Note that there is health behind the counter and in the back room if you need it. Reputation: +44,947 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +1,649 Drugs [g]: +5 Total Cash: +$100,000 You can now buy the store for $120,000 Reputation: 45,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +15 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$120,000 Reputation Upgrade 4 [W072] 14 new exotics are unlocked. $50,000 island drug suppliers are unlocked. The M-79 and Mac 10 have been unlocked. Fidel’s Records & Tapes [W073] “I’m Tony Montana! You *** with me, you ***in’ with the best!” Quite an easy one really, get yourself a fast car and chase after him, you can’t kill him but instead you have to get him out of his car so you and beat him up. You can do this by either ramming his car (thus stunning him) then pulling him out or you can shoot his car until he bails out, the latter is a bit riskier as you might kill him or the car will explode. Once he does come out beat him up, take the tapes and return them to Fidel. Reputation: +15,188 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +1,297 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: +$60,000 You can now buy the store for $160,000 Reputation: +75,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +15 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$160,000 U-Gin Shotgun Bar [W074] “Shoot that piece of shit.” In this mission you get to play as the Assassin, which is odd as it isn’t unlocked yet so Tony shouldn’t have an Assassin, oh well. Follow the red markers and get to the advantage point within the time limit, be careful as at the end of the run you’ll have to do a series of jumps, make sure to keep your speed up and hit the jumps at the right points to land safely at the next point, needless to say if you miss you’ve effectively failed the mission. Now you have to scan the many boats using the Sniper Rifle, to zoom press Z and then use the upper and lower control pad to zoom in and out, look out for the guy wearing a blue hat and a purple jacket. He was in a small orange boat for me. Don’t kill random people as that’ll cause everybody to speed up and make it harder, so keep your cool. Reputation: +10,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - You can not buy this store for $80,000 Reputation: +40,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +15 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$80,000 Babylon Club [W075] “You need people like me.” The first thing to do is make sure you know the layout before you start the mission, the mission starts at the back of the club by the toilets and you have to escort this guy from there to the back entrance, that means you have to go through the main dance area (or behind it) then past a seating area, through the kitchen and out the back door. Now you’ve got to rush to the toilets to prevent anybody killing him before you get there, here is a tip if you wait just down the stairs almost everybody will just run past you or stand there and not shoot at you so you can build up your rage meter and get a better gun, seeing as you’re stuck with just a pistol. Now get the VIP to follow you and head up the stairs after you’ve cleared most of them (note that no matter how many you kill more will appear so you have to keep moving) Now once you can see the dance floor use blind rage to take most of them out and go behind the dance area, be careful about losing the VIP as he can’t keep up with you in rage mode. Now head to the kitchens and then the exit is just at the back there. Pick up the health kit if needed along the way. Take him to the gate and kill anybody that comes through that door until his car turns up. Loads of guys will come through that door so blind rage is a lot of help here. Reputation: +55,692 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +1,423 Drugs [g]: +3 Total Cash: +$250,000 You can now by the club for $1,000,000 which is a lot of money at his stage in the game. I recommend doing some drug runs or playing as the Enforcer to get some extra money. Reputation: +600,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +15 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$1,000,000 Marina Storehouse [W076] “Do you know what a chazzer is? It’s a pig, that don’t fly straight.” As with all storehouses you’ll need to own 90% of the turf in the area, if you’re short then take out some gangs in the area and complete so of Felix’s leads in the area to get a few % here and there. Now they won’t be giving up without a fight so get in a car and drive around (hopefully with a henchman in the passenger seat and take out them all on the ground floor, if the car starts to flame then it’s best to bait out but you should be able to clear them up without and hassle, now head upstairs noting the health pack near by. You can use wall cover by I find it restrictive if a guy gets pass you, also note health under the stairs there if you need it. Once you’ve take out those at remaining at the top of the roof a new wave will appear from one of the garages, infact you can shoot at them from the roof before they reach the stairs so do that. Now you can either wait a little bit back then shoot the oil cans when they come up the stairs or wait around the stairs and shoot them coming up. I prefer the latter but if you’re going to do the latter destroy the barrels before you start hanging around that area. This is the perfect time to use blind rage mode to swipe them out with ease. After you’ve done that a helicopter will appear, just keep shooting at it until it explodes just keep moving and shooting. Reputation: +155,212 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +10 Balls: +1,303 Drugs [g]: +10 Total Cash: - The Island Missions [W077] You can now visit the Islands, either by plane or by driving your boat out to sea. Now head out to meet “The Sandman”. Reputation: +50,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash:- After you’ve been to the Venus bar you might need to increase your Reputation, you can do this by completing the various missions on the islands which are marked by a white cross and they don’t appear on the mission list or you could just by some exotics, I prefer the latter but if you want 100% later on you’re going to have to do those Island missions anyway. Check out Extra Island Missions for some help on them. Reputation Upgrade 5 [W078] 15 new exotics are unlocked. $100,000 island drug suppliers are unlocked. The carbine Assault rifle and Bazooka are unlocked. Assassin, Driver and Enforcer henchmen can unlock addition missions. Nacho Contreras [W079] “Well, you stupid ****, look at you now!” Take out the first two gang members and head towards Nacho, he’ll close the door he came through so you’re going to have to go through the door to the left, which, naturally is full of guys with guns. Being cramped conditions it shouldn’t be too hard to hit them before they cause any damage to you. Go down the stairs and you’ll come to a large room with stairs going up, rush forward past the stairs and take out the guys waiting. Now go up the stairs and take out those gang members but don’t forget the drugs in the lower corner. Keep going until you reach a room which opens out onto a large baloney system, there is health to the left and this is a good place to use blind rage. There will be guys rushing all over the balcony system so make your way along killing those in the way and on the different levels, when you reach the doorway take care as there should be a large number of guys there, once you get up the top of the stairs you’ll reach a checkpoint. Keep crouched and take out the guys hanging around the next room and make it to the balcony and up the stairs, Take them out a distance and be careful you don’t get shot in the back from the higher levels. Once you reach the control room use wall cover and take out the guys waiting and pick up the health pack if needed. In the next section be aware of all the oil barrels, if you’re standing near one of these and it goes off it’ll be game over. Of course this works both ways. Make your way down the stairs killing those in the way and blowing up barrels. Use Blind rage if your health is low and you’ve collected the health kit. Collect the drugs at the bottom of the stairs. Now follow the constricted path taking cover, crouching and shooting all Those that get in the way, be careful this place is littered with barrels as well. Once you’ve gone across the wooden bridge you’ll reach a checkpoint, it’s almost over. Take out the two guys that are coming towards you. Now there are two snipers at the far end, either use blind rage or rush towards them and kill them quickly or take cover and pick them off from afar, note the last method doesn’t really work because they have sniper rifles and provided you’re a good shot rushing at them should kill them before they kill you. Now just use the sniper rifle you picked up to shoot Nacho, it might take a few hits but do it before he reaches the boat. Reputation: +502,260 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +452 Drugs [g]: +1000 Total Cash: - The Dock Boss [W080] “Who put this thing together?” You have to protect the oil barrels and the Dock boss; thankfully you’re given a SAW for this mission. Take out those coming via the road and once they’re under control turn around and take out those coming in from behind. After those reinforcements will arrive by helicopter on the platforms, don’t enter that area or they’ll completely surround you, instead wait for them to come to the starting area and take out all that you can see. You should be able to take out quite a few while they’re running along the higher level. Final wave will come via boats, head over to the side and shoot those coming up from the dock now turn around and take out those few stragglers coming in for the other directions. Reputation: +54,255 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +851 Drugs [g]: +93 Total Cash: - The Informer [W081] “So how do I know you’re not a “chivalo” too?” Is it just me or did that cut scene make no sense at all “this guy 5 meters away from us is an informant, I want you to kill him.” Then he magically appears on a boat. Oh well. Chase after him and equip a machine gun of some sort, kill the guys in the other two boats and instead of spending 10mins trying to get the boat to explode just aim for the guy driving. Reputation: +25,595 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +119 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: $100,000 Nacho’s Tanker [W082] “***’em all! I bury those cock-a-roaches!” The aim here is to keep the support copter intact, from the attack boats, however I’ve never managed to keep it alive but try regardless as the longer it stays up the less chance they’ll shoot you. The helicopter will make a few laps of the tanker; take out everybody you can see to prevent you taking damage. After two runs it’ll land on the bow. You’ve reached a check point. Great a bomb, that makes no sense at all but whatever, you’ve got a minute to defuse it. Take out the guy that is just in front of you go down the right hand stairs and shoot the guy going up the other side, now shoot the guy coming along the side. Defuse the bomb now. After that rush up to the bow of the ship and use the mounted gun to take out the two boats once they appear in range. You now have 3mins to defuse the bomb in the cargo hold; things start to get difficult now. Make your way down to the cargo hold using the stairs; don’t hang around as you’ll be shot at. Once you’re down in the cargo hold use your blind rage and duck in and out of the crates, there are a few health kits laying around so find them if you’re running low. Once you’ve cleared the floor defuse the bomb. You have 3min to defuse the last bomb and its right back at the stern. Head on up and don’t worry about the boats that have appeared. Rush up killing those that get in your way and defuse the last bomb without worrying about wiping out all the gang members, I believe they’re infinite. After you’ve defused the bomb the captain will appear, go up and take him out. Rage is good to use around this time as you’ll be surrounded. There are quite a few health kits lying around though. You’ll end up back in a dock in Miami, one you reach the top of the ramp you’ll hit a checkpoint. Head towards the foreman and fill your rage meter, once full use it and you’ll clear the dock in no time flat. Reputation: +268,050 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +3,610 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - South Beach Missions [W083] Macau Fast Food [W084] “C’mon, pelican!” This is a nice easy mission to start off your entrance to South Beach. All you have to do it take out any boats that come near the one collecting the shark fins, as you’re in a helicopter it’s no problem at all. Just try not to hit the boat you’re protecting. Reputation: +26,060 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +212 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - You can now buy the store for $200,000 Reputation: +20,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +15 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$200,000 Chi Peso Trattoria [W085] “You got good stuff here. Class A shit.” This mission is as hard as it is to pronounce the name; if you can pronounce that name with ease then it’s just hard okay. At first rush out to the front with the manager and take out the goons after you’ve killed the last follow the manager around to the side and rush up on the terrace taking out the first car as you go, once up take out the cars and the vans they turn up. Blind rage is a good at this point. Once a message flashes up “Regroup inside” get inside and make sure you’re first down the stairs as sometimes they’ll be a couple of guys at the bottom which will make short work of the manager. Once inside all you have to do is fend off the attacks from the three entrances, pay close attention to the radar and watch out for the manager. Reputation: +96,980 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +1396 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - You can now buy the store for $2,000,000 Reputation: +80,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +15 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$2,000,000 Swansong Hotel [W086] “Me, I always tell the truth--even when I lie.” Head on down the docks at the bottom of the beach, take out the two guards at the entrance and get to the end of the pier taking out the four guards at the far end as you go, now head over to the right and take out anybody you can on the side. Take out the last man and get in the boat. Now get in the boat and rush up to the yacht and start plugging at it with the onboard guns ignoring the other boats, you should destroy the boat before they destroy yours but it’s going to be close, keep a slight distance from the yacht to cause maximum damage. If it starts flaming attempt to finish the job and jump out, hopefully it’ll still explode. Now I found this very hard the first time I did this so if you’re having problems get up to Reputation level 6 and buy the Cigarette Gun Boat and just bypass the whole pier and attack directly, you should finish it off in no time then. Reputation: +103,720 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +744 Drugs [g]: +29 Total Cash: - You can now buy the hotel for $5,000,000. Try drug runs, plus the gangs in this area carry a lot of money. Reputation: +100,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +15 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$5,000,000 Sun Ray Hotel [W087] “Why don’t you try sticking your head up your ass? See if it fits.” First things first, call a fast car and park it at the foot of the stairs; you’ll need that for later. Head on up to the dealer’s room. After the cut scene quickly take out your gun and shoot the guy that is fast closing in on you, now take out the rest that should be hanging outside the room. Get in your car and give him chase, he’s got a really fast car so keep up. Keep shooting his car until it explodes, if you don’t destroy it before he reaches the trailer park he’ll get a helicopter and you’ll have cross over a load of ramps and then shoot him while he’s firing back at you, so it’s best to kill him before that. However if you don’t and you have to take him out in the helicopter get out of the car and keep moving while you shoot him, I think he has a grenade launcher. Reputation: +134,545 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +1,909 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: $100,000 You can now buy the hotel for $5,000,000 Reputation: +120,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +15] Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$5,000,000 Reputation Upgrade 6 [W088] 13 new exotics are unlocked. $250,000 island drug suppliers are unlocked. The Sniper Rifle and Deagle are unlocked. Shoreline Storehouse [W098] “Maybe you can handle one of them first class tickets to the Resurrection.” Hmm it’s locked up, seems they don’t want to face you. There are two ways inside, via boat and by driving a car over the wall by the side. The latter is the preferred method. Call a well armoured car like the Stampede and drive in the centre of the compound. Drive into the compound and take out the few guards, get out of the car and enter the building. Now would be a good time to use blind rage as there will be gunmen on top of the shelves, kill the manager who should be in the top office or along the top there somewhere. Now shoot the guys coming through the doorway, there will be a lot of them. Once out take cover and take out the guys on the ground being aware of the snipers on the roof tops. Now that they’re out of the way there will be more attackers arriving via boat. Get in your car (or one of the left over cars) and head down to the dock. You should make short work of the boats and this is another good place to use blind rage. Reputation: +514,244 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +10 Balls: +2,374 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - Un-Load [W099] “Can’t you stop saying “****” all the time?” This is quite a hard mission so be ready for a long haul. Grab a heavy armoured vehicle (so the Stampede then) rush in and take out all the guards in the first stage, the car should be able to take all the damage but if you have to get out of the car and you do get hurt there is a medical pack near the start. Once finished dealing with them all (watch out for the guy hiding in the train cart) park the car away from the entrance of the garage and enter it heading up to the highlighted van. A driver will now appear, you need to protect him from the newly spawned guys, which is a pretty simple job. There is another medical pack just inside the garage if you missed it. Take out the guys coming through the train cart and carry on crouched, keep low and take out the few guys hanging around. Once you go far enough a whole horde will spawn just the other side of the train carts near to the building, go around and take them all out in one fell swoop. Now take out the guys hiding behind a water trailer, or something. Note the health pack on the side just encase you need it, but if you’re careful you shouldn’t be hurt at this point. Now you should reach a building full of guys with AK-47’s and they’ll have advantage points everywhere taking shots at you and to top it off there are oil drums scattered around the place. Enter blind rage mode as you go in and head up the stairs to the right, it’s important to get up onto the balconies or it’ll become a lot harder, go nuts in blind rage and just clear out the few remaining after that, remember to back track to health packs if you need to. Once you’ve got through that get to the second van and protect the second driver. Now go find a heavily armoured vehicle, there are quick a few lorries around so you could borrow one of those if you wanted, or get your own car, either way head on to the other side of the road and prepare to set loose the dogs of war. Take out most of the guys outside driving around but try not to drive it into the garage because they’ll shoot it to hell and chances are you’ll either get caught in the explosion or caught in a barrage of bullets. Keep killing all of his men and once you enter the garage ( on foot) go into blind rage and clear it out until you get a cut scene, the door to Nacho’s lieutenant will now be open enter it. He’ll play a little game of hide and seek now with him most of the time staying behind a screen then periodically coming out and attacking you. That’s your chance to lay into him with explosives or machineguns and blind rage is good at this point, he’ll also have henchmen come in so kill them and build up your rage meter, stay low under the desk so you won’t get hurt. After a while you’ll kill him. Mission over. Reputation: +340,098 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +6.683 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - Deliver [W100] “…then when you get the money, you get the power.” Drive the van to your storehouse, once you hit the freeway you’ll be attacked by rival gangs, if the decoy truck is still with you then it’ll help you out but honestly it’s nothing you can’t handle and you’ll get to the store house without too much hassle. Now get a fast vehicle and head towards Little Havana, yes I know that is says go back but in a little while it’ll tell you the other truck is being attacked, get to Maribel as fast as you can Don’t let your henchman in the car when he brings it to you as he might stop Maribel for getting in the truck. Don’t defend the truck as instructed just get in the truck, wait for Maribel to get in too and drive off. Once you’ve got away you’ll be followed by a couple of cars, this can be quite a problem if the van takes too much damage so shoot back and I repair the van on the way to the storehouse as it’s on the way. Once you’ve reached the storehouse you’re done for the day and you’ve got yourself two store houses full of drugs. Reputation: +201,236 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +206 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - Reputation Upgrade 7 [W101] 12 new exotics are unlocked. All drug suppliers are unlocked. The SAW and Missile Launcher are now unlocked.(I highly recommend the SAW) North Beach Missions [W102] Angel Dust Donut Shop [W103] “Come on, made way for the bad guy.” A simple mission really, all you have to do is follow the red markers while being chased by the police. You shouldn’t have any problems at all in this mission, just make sure you keep your speed up when you’re on the rail tracks, however the game even tells you this when you reach them, after you’ve lost the cops return to the donut shop and talk to the manager. Reputation: +77,135 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +305 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - You can now buy the store for $200,000 Reputation: +25,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +12 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$200,000 Whippet Gambling [W104] “I got ears, you know. I hear things.” Firstly you’ll need a very fast car for this mission secondly his mission can either be very infuriating or very easy. You’ve got to ram his car at quite some speed at the side to stun him, then rush out and get in his car, now this is were it goes either way, if you don’t kill him he’ll come after you in another car shooting at you which can cause a lot of damage to your new car so it might explode or you could kill him but if you cop heat is high you’ll be killed by the cops, if you cop heat is low however and you kill him you’ll be able to get away no problem with nobody shooting at you. Either way drive it to the chop shop in South Beach to complete the mission. Reputation: +27,142 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +306 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: +$175,000 You can now buy the shop for $3,000,000 Reputation: +100,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +12 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$3,000,000 Peninsula Lounge [W105] “I never ****ed anybody over in my life, who didn’t have it coming to them. You got that?” First things first kill the guards, infact you can kill them as soon as you get out the door and they won’t react at all. Now head on outside taking great care to kill the guys with chainsaws before they reach you, clear a path to the boat in the dock. You don’t need to kill them all you only need to get to the boat and give chase, infact you can run past them all if you’re fast enough without taking too much damage if you so wish. Now just destroy the boat, you can use the boat supplied and use or own weaponry or you could call your own boat, like the Cigarette Gun Boat for instance, either way it shouldn’t be too hard. Now go back to the Lounge and talk to the manager. Reputation: +52,611 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +373 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: +$200,000 You can now buy the place for $8,000,000 Reputation: +175,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +12 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$8,000,000 Stein Jewelry [W106] “So, you got the money.” Firstly get a nice car, you know the type, quite fast, in a good condition or you could take his car if you really wish, either way get to the North Beach bank. Walk in weapon drawn this way you’ll be surprising them instead of the other way around, take out all of them in the bank and be careful as they’ll be all over the place, check behind you. After you’ve got rid of them some will run off, get after the straggler ignoring the cops, keep a little distance to prevent your car being full of holes and follow him until he reaches the gang’s hideout at the top of a multi-storey car park. This can be quite hard, if you’ve got blind rage then use it and clear out the gang in seconds but if not if you go up that ramp you’ll be entering a wall of bullets, either take a good armoured car up there or wait for some of them to come down to meet you. I don’t even think you have to kill them all. Well while you’re up here you might as well drive off the roof using that ramp, you know you want to… Reputation: 102,835 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +405 Drugs [g]: +150 Total Cash: +$500,000 You can now buy the store for $12,000,000 Reputation: +$200,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +12 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$12,000,000 Coco’s Lounge and Disco [W107] “I carve him up real good.” Kill the two guys that come through the door and rush outside and up onto the roof. Grab the snipe rifle if you haven’t got one (lets face it, not something everybody carries around) crouch down and zoom in on the sniper shooting at you, he’s across the road in the last green building to the left. Now take out the guys in the cars that have turned up, don’t let them get into the building. Duck down again, take our your sniper rifle and take out the newest sniper which is on top of the beige building just to the left of the last sniper’s position Take out the four guys that are coming in on foot, crouch down again and take out the third sniper who is hiding down across the road by some trees. Take out the helicopter that has just appeared. Note that there is an ammo box and health kit on the roof if you need it, after this duck behind the glass pyramid thing and quickly take out the sniper on top of the roof above you, do this quickly as there are guys coming in on foot so take them out, now go talk to Coco. Now of course you can do this differently, after you’ve got on the roof and taken out the first sniper you can run down to the office and protect Coco from there taking out people as they come into the office and then running out and taking out the snipers but I prefer this method, proves you’ve got balls, you know. Reputation: +253,346 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +478 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - You can not buy the club for $13,000,000 Reputation: +300,000 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +12 Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: -$13,000,000 Leopard Storage [W108] “Amigo, the only thing in this world that gives orders is balls.” Okay first things first call yourself a car, hopefully you have the Bodog Stampede by now. Get in it and take out the first set of guards at the front gate, head in further in the car to the other side to take out the next group, you will have noticed you’re now locked in, wipe all the guys on the ground, some are armed with SAWs so be careful, now head on up to the roof to take out the sniper, be doubly careful as they seem to spawn quickly so you’ll likely have to kill them a couple of times. Head down and let in your henchmen via the side gate. Now duck in the garage to the left, use your blind rage and take out the helicopters with your SAW. If however you don’t have blind rage ready right by the side of the side entrance there are some ship containers, hide between them as the copters won’t be able to shoot you, or at least won’t be able to get a very clean shot and they’ll fly right over you so attack them there. Quite easy really but note there is health on the corner of the main building, up on the roof and in the garage if you need it. Reputation: +754,340 Exotics: - Turf [%]: +10 Balls: +620 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - The Plantation [W110] “Nothing we can’t fix.” Man the mounted gun and shoot anything that comes through the entrance of the plantation, this is a rather simple matter just make sure to take them all out before they get past your line of sight because if the two henchmen die that’s mission over, for some reason, so that means the cars then, take out the drivers. After all the fun head on up to the house taking out the two guys that are attacking as you go. After talking to the Sandman rush outside and take cover and attack the next wave of attackers, be warned if the Sandman takes too much damage you fail the mission. Take out the two cars that come down the road then a helicopter will land some men on the opposite buildings roof so take them out with your SAW. Next a helicopter will come from behind and start attacking you, make short work of it either with the SAW or a bazooka type weapon or blind rage. Next a wave of men will appear on the left from the trees which can be annoying, take them out quickly, blind rage is good here as well. Lastly a Bodog stampede will appear so take out the drivers before they cause too much damage. Now talk to the Sandman. Reputation: +609,330 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +1,333 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - Tranquilandia [W111] “This is paradise, I’m tellin’ ya.” No other way to put it, this mission is very hard and my method does take some faith but it does work. From the start crash the boat into the left beach and charge up to the pillar box with SAW blazing, don’t stop or take cover just kill everybody in the way. Enter the pillar box and kill the guys within. If you dawdle they will set up defensive positions and start shooting at you from the pillar box and new enemies will keep spawning. There is health in the pillar box so collect that if you need it, also restock on ammo for your saw “release” the dead hostage and follow the path around to the left. (You can go across the river mouth and wipe out the guys there too but there is little point.) While going up the path take out the stray guard. Take cover behind the rocks and take out the first few guys of the next camp, back sure to take out the guy in the guard tower, build up your rage meter if it isn’t already full and use it to swipe out the camp once it’s full, there isn’t an unlimited amount of people here so you can go slow and steady if you wish, collect the three drug packages in the camp (two in the buildings one on the outside to the left. Now head across the bridge and duck into the little shack, come out after you’ve healed and restocked on ammo, take out the guys rushing towards you and the guy in the tower, take out the guys on the other side of the bridge using your bazooka (found in the shack you were just in) now rush in and use your blind rage if you have it, if not keep low and take out the guys in the towers, there are three of them. Once you’ve cleared out the camp there will be one building full of enemies, go through the door avoiding the sight of the windows and go nuts on the horde inside with your SAW (fully loaded I hope) , release the hostage now go upstairs to collect the drug package and heal if needed. The other packages are just outside the building you just released the hostage from and one of the buildings to the left. Now for the hardest part of the mission, get in the boat and head towards the last camp, take out those you can in your boat (don’t let it be destroyed) and land right at the end out of the view of most of them. Hide behind the large tree and fill up your rage meter and rush up the hill diving into the first house you meet, there is a health pack in this house two, if you’re feeling brave you can go out and swipe out the rest or wait for them to come find you, the latter of course being the easier option. Find the last three packages and release the last hostage, now get back to the boat, follow the river avoiding the fire and get the hell out of here back to the sandman. Reputation: +1,030,506 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +4,358 Drugs [g]: +481 Total Cash: - Now go talk to the Sandman and buy the plantation for free Reputation: - Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: - Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - While this doesn’t seem that interesting, it is, you can no go to any of your storehouses and buy coke straight from your plantation which means no need to complete a mission, then go to the islands to perform a deal, then taking it back to Miami. Reputation Upgrade 8 [W112] All exotics are unlocked (they already were). All suppliers are unlocked (they already were). All weapons are not unlocked (they already were). However the world will forever remember your name and the final show down with Sosa is unlocked provided you’ve completed all the missions. Bolivia [ENGM] First thing first, you only have a Deagle with one clip in it so take down three of the guys rushing towards you and nick their weapons and head down to the room on the bottom, don’t kill anybody else before you get that far as after you’ve killed four people reinforcements will arrive and you’ll be made to look like a sieve. There is also a health pack in this room so if you do take a lot of damage you can heal yourself. Anyway build up your rage meter and once its full charge out and take out the guys on the balcony behind you and anybody you can see. After this you should be able to venture outside the room for brief spells and take out the odd person before ducking back in for cover but don’t get too close to the centre of the field as Sheffield has a bazooka. After you’ve killed a suitable amount of people you’ll get the message “kill Sheffield”. Head on over to the side with the gate open to go up to the balcony, head on up and swipe out whoever is left and go into the room where Sheffield is and kill him (interesting to note you get different death scenes depending on what weapon you choose). Pick up the Bazooka, aim it at the highlighted door to make a hole in it and head down to it. Once you go in far enough you’ll have a cut scene with Gomez, if you have blind rage use it and head to the right and up the stairs and dive into the room to the left. If you don’t have blind rage fall back through the blown up door and take out anybody that comes towards you and build it up that way, it’s unlimited enemies so you won’t get anywhere trying to take them all out before progressing. Once you’ve got to the room upstairs build up your rage again by taking out the enemies coming through the door, once done keep going around the pathway to the end room, take out the guys inside and anybody coming through the door, there isn’t unlimited enemies here and they seem to stop coming just before you get a full blind rage meter. After they’ve stop coming edge down the steps take out anybody you can but it’s probably best to retreat upstairs again because they will start coming through the door again and you’ll be trapped from both sides if you stay on the stairs. Build up your rage meter and use it to go down the stairs and chase Gomez into the small room at the side. Alternately and something I did a lot of because I got fed up of waiting in the room with the stairs I use the blind rage in the room upstairs and then rush around the roof and down the stairs, however you’ll lose your blind rage before you reach the last room with Gomez so you’ll have to duck out the blown out door and build up your rage meter again, then rush into the small room at the back with Gomez. Either way kill him in here and take out the remaining guards and I mean remaining, after that it’s just you and Sosa. There is also a health kit in this room, collect it. Oddly enough Sosa is a pain in the ass to kill and will take load clips of AK-47 ammo in the chest and not even flinch. Keep low and duck behind the couches and fire at him whenever you have a chance. A couple well placed round in the head will be enough to finish him off. If you die at any point in the mission you’ll end up right at the start which is infuriating if you get killed by Sosa. Reputation: +82,048 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +10,256 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: - 100% [E100] As with all games like this merely completing the main game won’t get you 100% however in Scarface it’s quite easy to get compared with others of this sort. All you have to do is have all the exotics, so it’s just a case of doing the drug runs over and over again so you can afford them, you need to have wiped out all the gangs, that one is quite hard as you have to find them, they’re well armed and they won’t always been there but here is a link that might help in some small degree. You also need to have all the femmes and have completed all the missions on The Islands; they’re marked by white crosses, check in the extra section for advice on how to beat them. Races don’t need to be completed ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== Reputation Levels [E001] There is a number of Reputation points you need to gain the next level or letter in the name Scarface, there are 8 reputation levels and each level will unlock exotics, weapons and turfs. Next follows the number of reputation points you need to get to the next level. Level 1: 50,000 points Level 2: 150,000 points Level 3: 500,000 points Level 4: 1,000,000 points Level 5: 3,000,000 points Level 6: 6,000,000 points Level 7: 12,000,000 points Level 8: 20,000,000 points Femme Levels [E002] As you gain balls you’ll unlock femmes, five women that will have nothing to do with you until you get enough balls, aside from standing around you mansion like a ****ing statue they will upgrade your balls, health and stamina, there are a total of 12 upgrades, that’s each girl twice and the last one gives you three upgrades in one. Here is the list of number of balls points you need for each femme. Femme 1: 25,000 balls Femme 2: 50,000 balls Femme 3: 100,000 balls Femme 4: 250,000 balls Femme 5: 500,000 balls Femme 6: 600,000 balls Femme 7: 700,000 balls Femme 8: 800,000 balls Femme 9: 900,000 balls Femme 10: 1,000,000 balls Exotic List [E003] Henchmen [E004] Key employees to help you rebuild your empire. Driver Cost: $15,000 Reputation Bonus: 11,000 Info: The driver allows you to call for a car in Miami or the Islands. You can choose driver missions from the business page. Unlocked: You’re forced to buy him after you get the exotic menu. Boat Pilot Cost: $40,000 Reputation Bonus: 60,000 Info: The Boat Pilot enables you to call for any boat you own when near the water. Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Arms Dealer Cost: $15,000 Reputation Bonus: 37,000 Info: The Arms Dealer enables you to buy weapons over your phone. Weapons are delivered to your weapon locker and the trunk of your car. Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Enforcer Cost: $30,000 Reputation Bonus: 40,000 Info: The Enforcer comes with his own grenade launcher. You can choose Enforcer missions from the business page. Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Assassin Cost: $100,000 Reputation Bonus: 200,000 Info: The Assassin can do your dirty work for you. You can choose assassin missions from the business page. Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Garage [E005] Armored, turbo-charged vehicles with room in the trunk for all the weapons you need. They can be selected from the mansion garage or by calling the Driver henchman. QM Convertible Cost: Owned start of the game. Reputation Bonus: 100 Info: - Unlocked: Owned start of the game. Bandit Cost: $10,000 Reputation Bonus: 2,400 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Orient YV Cost: $12,000 Reputation Bonus: 3,000 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Stretch Limo Cost: $250,000 Reputation Bonus: 20,000 Info: Call for your limo, then select your destination and relax in style. Very useful for getting to and from your mansion. Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. GPV Offroad Cost: $14,000 Reputation Bonus: 1,000 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Santa Monica Cost: $15,000 Reputation Bonus: 2,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Monterery Shark Cost: $24,000 Reputation Bonus: 3,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Caballo El Ray Cost: $16,000 Reputation Bonus: 1,500 Info:- Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Lakota Fastback Cost: $40,000 Reputation Bonus: 1,500 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Mojave Cost: $28,000 Reputation Bonus: 5,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Tomahawk SS Cost: $18,000 Reputation Bonus: 5,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. GS Wolhabend Cost: $45,000 Reputation Bonus: 20,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Lighting Cost: $25,000 Reputation Bonus: 25,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Delphine Cost: $50,000 Reputation Bonus: 40,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Conick N29 Cost: $70,000 Reputation Bonus: 20,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Ambassador Cost: $180,000 Reputation Bonus: 140,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Fellini Cost: $190,000 Reputation Bonus: 60,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Panther Cost: $80,000 Reputation Bonus: 45,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Brahma Cost: $120,000 Reputation Bonus: 55,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Bacinari Cost: $460,000 Reputation Bonus: 240,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Pumah Cost: $65,000 Reputation Bonus: 100.000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Stampede Cost: $200,000 Reputation Bonus: 150,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Rattler Cost: $3,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 400,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Albatross Cost: $675,000 Reputation Bonus: 250,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Ariel MK III Cost: $1,200,000 Reputation Bonus: 290,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Odin VH88 Cost: $160,000 Reputation Bonus: 50,000 Info: Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Whiskey Ghost Cost: $10,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 2,000,000 Info: This one of a kind, gold-plated antique limo was once owned by Al Capone. It is irreplaceable. Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade MPD Cruiser Cost: $200,000 Reputation Bonus: 200,000 Info: - Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Bulldozer Cost: $250,000 Reputation Bonus: 100,000 Info: - Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Bodog Stampede Cost: $8,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 400,000 Info: - Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Boathouse [E006] Powerboat Cost: Owned start of the game. Reputation Bonus: 100 Info: - Unlocked: Owned start of the game. Jet Boat Cost: $10,000 Reputation Bonus: 4,600 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Picklefork Cost: $53,000 Reputation Bonus: 25,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Antique Trickcraft Cost: $35,000 Reputation Bonus: 45,000 Info:- Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Floatplane Cost: $350,000 Reputation Bonus: 60,000 Info: Call for your floatplane, then select your destination and relax in style. Very useful for getting to and from the islands Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Cigarette Boat Cost: $160,000 Reputation Bonus: 180,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Attack Boat Cost: $35,000 Reputation Bonus: 30,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Fan Boat Cost: $4,000 Reputation Bonus: 5,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Sports Fishing Boat Cost: $350,000 Reputation Bonus: 120,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Racing Boat Cost: $750,000 Reputation Bonus: 250,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Cigarette Gun Boat Cost: $1,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 250,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Yacht Cost: $4,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 1,000,000 Info: - Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Mansion [E007] Restore your mansion or give it a new look. Renovate Cost: $25,000 Reputation Bonus: 47,000 Info: Restore the mansion to its original, classic look. Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Modern Cost: $400,000 Reputation Bonus: 100,000 Info: Change the look of the mansion. Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Eclectic Cost: $400,000 Reputation Bonus: 300,000 Info: Change the look of the mansion. Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Unique Collectibles [E008] Place and move collectibles by going to your office and accessing Pimp My Mansion. Manny’s Remains Cost: $8,000 Reputation Bonus: 10,000 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Gina’s Remains Cost: $8,000 Reputation Bonus: 19,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Modern Art Cost: $147,000 Reputation Bonus: 90,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Authentic Spacesuit Cost: $1,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 750,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Inca Gold Cost: $1,600,000 Reputation Bonus: 450,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Ghengis Khan Armor Cost: $2,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 1,000,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Easter Island Head Cost: $16,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 2,000,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Apollo Space Capsule Cost: $20,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 2,500,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade King Tut Sarcophagus Cost: $28,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 4,000,000 Info: - Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade The Liberty Bell Cost: $22,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 3,000,000 Info: - Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade The Faith Diamond Cost: $18,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 3,000,000 Info: - Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Furniture [E009] Place and move furniture by going to your office and accessing Pimp My Mansion Liquor Cabinet Cost: $7,000 Reputation Bonus: 8,000 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Comfy Chair Cost: $2,000 Reputation Bonus: 1,000 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Cigar Stand Cost: $4,000 Reputation Bonus: 5,000 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Jukebox Cost: £3,000 Reputation Bonus: 4,000 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Projection TV Cost: $55,000 Reputation Bonus: 45,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Vending Machine Cost: $2,500 Reputation Bonus: 3,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Liquor Display Cost: $4,500 Reputation Bonus: 5,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Antique Comfy Chair Cost: $41,000 Reputation Bonus: 20,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Drink Machine Cost: $2,000 Reputation Bonus: 4,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Beer Cooler Cost: $1,000 Reputation Bonus: 2,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Grand Piano Cost: $120,000 Reputation Bonus: 50,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Humidor Cost: $80,000 Reputation Bonus: 68,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Phone Booth Cost: $2,000 Reputation Bonus: 5,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Marble Bench Cost: $15,000 Reputation Bonus: 12,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Hardwood Chair Cost: $35,000 Reputation Bonus: 40,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Slot Machine Cost: $6,000 Reputation Bonus: 10,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Chaise Lounge Cost: $450,000 Reputation Bonus: 250,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Video Poker Cost: $8,000 Reputation Bonus: 5,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Decor [E010] Place and move decor by going to your office and accessing Pimp My Mansion Stuffed Pelican Cost: $700 Reputation Bonus: 2,000 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Bong Cost: $2,000 Reputation Bonus: 1,000 Info: - Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Stuffed Tiger Cost: $24,500 Reputation Bonus: 60,000 Info:- Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Exotic Fern Cost: $500 Reputation Bonus: 2,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Vintage Wine Cost: $8,000 Reputation Bonus: 11,000 Info: - Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Marble Statue Cost: $10,000 Reputation Bonus: 5,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Tropical Plant Cost: $3,000 Reputation Bonus: 1,000 Info: - Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Bronze Bust Cost: $15,000 Reputation Bonus: 19,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Pizza Man Cost: $4,000 Reputation Bonus: 6,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Solid Gold Pelican Cost: $120,000 Reputation Bonus: 68,000 Info:- Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Giant Liquor Bottle Cost: $85,000 Reputation Bonus: 120,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Flowers Cost: $1,000 Reputation Bonus: 2,000 Info: - Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Cognac Fountain Cost: $300,000 Reputation Bonus: 600,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Solid Gold Bust Cost: $1,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 350,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Exotic Palm Cost: $11,000 Reputation Bonus: 5,000 Info: - Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Genuine Ming Vase Cost: $1,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 1,555,000 Info: - Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Inca Mummy Cost: $450,000 Reputation Bonus: 550,000 Info: - Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Solid Gold Tiger Cost: $3,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 2,550,000 Info: Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Investments [E011] Increase your Reputation by investing in worldwide businesses. Montana Records Cost: $100,000 Reputation Bonus: 61,000 Info: Unlocks new music tracks and creates a new playlist Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Montana Holdings Cost: $2,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 40,000 Info: Fronts will cost you 10% less to purchase. Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Montana Fitness Cost: $1,500,000 Reputation Bonus: 200,000 Info: All of your henchmen gain 50% health. Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade. Montana Productions Cost: $1,200,000 Reputation Bonus: 443,000 Info: Unlocks all of Tony’s Clothing options in the cheat menu. Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade. Montana Legal Cost: $40,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 700,000 Info: Visibility events reduced by half (cops look the other way). Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. Montana Sports Cost: $20,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 2,000,000 Info: Maximum bets go up for all your gambling Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Montana Finical Cost: $50,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 3,000,000 Info: Lander all of your cash with 0% interest. Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Montana Defence Cost: $60,000,000 Reputation Bonus: 5,000,000 Info: Carry an extra weapon and maximum ammunition. Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Weapons List [E012] Lead Pipe Cost: Found Unlocked: When you find it Clip cost: - Used in indoor plumbing and outdoor beatings. Machete Cost: Found Unlocked: When you find it Clip cost: - Bushwhack or just whack. Chainsaw Cost: $400 Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Clip cost: - Great for cutting down trees and your way out of a deal gone wrong. .38 Automatic Cost: $100 Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Clip cost: $50 Default pistol. Tucks in under your shirt nicely. .45 Automatic Cost: $300 Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade Clip cost: $150 Classic blend of power and accuracy. Deagle Cost: 1,600 Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Clip cost: $50 One bullet equals one very large hole. Micro SMG Cost: $600 Unlocked: First Reputation upgrade. Clip cost: $150 This common sub-machine gun is great at close rang but jumps around a bit. MAC 10 Cost: $1,000 Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade Clip cost: $150 You could sign your name on the broadside of a barn with this weapon. Shotgun Cost: $3000 Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade Clip cost: $100 Classic blasting power. Lacks range but doesn’t require much skill to aim. AK-47 Cost: $700 Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade Clip cost: $150 Maximum damage at long range, if you can keep it steady. Carbine Assault Rifle Cost: $2,400 Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Clip cost: $150 When you need to take on an army, this “little friend” is all the help you’ll need. M-79 Cost: $2,800 Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade Clip cost: $5,000 If you’ve got a gopher problem, this will fix it. Sniper Rifle Cost: $800 Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Clip cost: $1,000 Keep your distance. Bazooka Cost: $3,000 Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade Clip cost: $20,000 Things will go “boom”. Missile Launcher Cost: $5,000 Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Clip cost:$20,000 Absolutely unnecessary, but definitely worth it. SAW Cost: $8,000 Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade Clip cost: $150 Known as “Ol’Painless” because they won’t even feel it. Weapon Upgrades [E013] Upgrade: Micro SMG Cost: $30,000 Unlocked: Second Reputation upgrade Upgrade: Micro SMG Cost: £40,000 Unlocked: Third Reputation upgrade Attaching this stock increases your weapons accuracy Upgrade: .45 Automatic Cost: $50,000 Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. This silencer will keep the cops from showing up so quickly. Upgrade: Micro SMG Cost: $50,000 Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade. This silencer will keep the cops from showing up so quickly. Upgrade AK-47 Cost: $60,000 Unlocked: Fourth Reputation upgrade This double-clip attachment means you reload in half the time. Upgrade: MAC 10 Cost: $70,000 Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade The extended clip size means you need to reload less often. Upgrade AK-47 Cost: $150,000 Unlocked: Fifth Reputation Upgrade This shotgun attachment turns one weapon into two. Upgrade MAC 10 Cost: $100,000 Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade Attacking this stock increases your weapons accuracy. Upgrade: Carbine Assault Rifle Cost: $100,000 Unlocked: Sixth Reputation Upgrade This double clip attachment means you reload half the time. Upgrade: MAC 10 Cost: $200,000 Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade This silencer will keep the cops from showing up so quickly. Upgrade: Carbine Assault Rifle Cost: $300,000 Unlocked: Seventh Reputation Upgrade This grenade attachment turns one weapon into two. Island Missions [E014 These appear as white crosses on the islands and won’t appear under business in the 1 menu but you’ll need to complete them to get 100%. Kidnapped [E015] “I don’t need this shit in my life.” Talk to the man in the Venus Bar, drive to the hotel in a car with good armour and take out all those you can in the car. If you keep your distance you can take out quite a few without any hassle but when you get close don’t dawdle as there is a time limit, you have to storm the compound, if you have blind rage its best to use it when you’re going up the stairs, the stairs can be a problem spot as you can be shot at from all angles so take care. Naturally once you get on the top floor don’t shoot the girl, heal yourself with the medical pack if needed and lead the girl back to your car. There shouldn’t be anybody left alive downstairs but keep your eye on the radar. When you’re driving her back watch out for gangs in cars but they shouldn’t be too big a hassle. Reputation: +60,556 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +2,639 Drugs [g]: +137 Total Cash: - Gangland [E016] “You know we aren’t the only dopers on the block.” Talk to the guy outside the hotel on fountain rock, now be fair warned this can be a very hard mission because there are loads of these guys. Take out the first three guys in the hotel and note the health kit in the room if you need it. Now head across the street and shoot the guys on the roofs, keep moving as I think they’re equipped with sniper rifles. After you’ve killed them a new group will turn up in the hotel, call a driver and use your car as extra defence. Drive around the hotel shooting all of them with some relative ease; trust me it’s a lot harder doing it on foot. Now head on up, use blind rage as they will have taken defensive positions on the roof and can make Swiss chess out you. Now that you’ve taken them out on the roof more will arrive via car. Get on the roof and use the mounted gun to make short work of them. However note that the mounted gun doesn’t cover the stairway up to the top floor so always be aware of where they are so they don’t sneak up behind you. Reputation: +35,292 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +2,573 Drugs [g]: +126 Total Cash: - Baggage Check [E017] “C’mon man, that’s not gonna work. You can’t do it that way, I’m telling you. You know how you pick the chicks in this country?” Talk to the guy in red outside the hotel on fountain rock, he’s only available after you’ve completed Gangland. Seem s that the hotel has a problem, some of the prostitutes are fact transvestites, there are three of them in total and to be honest, it’s pretty obvious which ones it is, when you’ve found a candidate get in close and press C, this will make Tony give a kick to the crotch, it isn’t a women it’s not going to hurt much more as a man. Make sure you don’t kill anybody. Reputation: +24,104 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +26 Drugs [g]: - Total Cash: $15,000 Contra Band [E018] “Who do I trust? Me!” This mission is found in Devil’s Cay, a small island that does appear on the map to the south west. Take the specified boat to the check point, avoiding the mines in the water. Also take care once you start to approach the desired location cause there will be a number of pirates hanging around. Now somebody has stolen the boat, get after it in one of your own being careful not to follow too closely as you’ll be filled with lead, keep your distance and don’t destroy the boat. After a while a couple of attack boats will turn up, take out the gunners first as they can cause a lot of damage and then keep following the boat to a small cove. Wipe out the gang on the beach while staying on your boat, after you’ve taken them out go ashore and pick up the bazooka and refill on ammo, collect the fishing boat and return to Devil’s Cay. Avoid the helicopter that has now appears, by swaying to and through with the boat you should be able to dodge most of the bullets. Now head to that boat repair station to the right, shoot out the cans and gas stations on it before getting on and now mount one of the mounted guns and take out the copter. Keep heading towards Devils Cay. Go around the other side of the island because there is a massive frigate covering the port. Get out on the other side of the island and get to an advantage point and fire a couple bazooka shots into the side of the frigate and you’ve made short work of it, now just get the boat to the dock. Reputation: +77,087 Exotics: - Turf [%]: - Balls: +298 Drugs [g]: +90 Total Cash: - Cheats [E019] To enter a cheat go to the 2 menu and select cheats, then press – to submit a new cheat and cycle between the letters by pressing up and down on the D-pad. I chose not to include mission cheats nor fashion cheats. OLDFAST - Antique racer 666999 – Bacinari DOZER – Bulldozer MARTHA - Change time of day NOBALLS - Decrease Gang Heat GOBALLS - Increase Gang Heat FLYSTRT - Decreases Cop Heat DONUT - Increase Cop Heat FPATCH - Fill Balls Meter AMMO - Max Ammo TUNEME - Real "The World is Yours" music track MEDIK - Refill Health TBURGLR - REPAIRS CAR BUMMER – Stampede RAINY - Toggle Rain Word from the Maker [WFTM] Well that was a long FAQ, well for me anyway being only the second full walkthrough I’ve done. Scarface was a great game and I had a lot of fun with it, normally I’ll be wishing for a sequel but that’ll never happen and nor should it. One down side would have to be the graphics, being a straight port from the PS2 the Wii version suffers. Well I think that about covers everything. If you wish to use this guide in whatever capacity then feel free to use it, a little credit would be nice. Also if you’re looking for something to do check out