GUIDE STARTED: 19th September 2004 ____ __ /\ _`\ /\ \ \ \,\L\_\ __ ___ ___ ___ \_\ \ \/_\__ \ /'__`\ /'___\ / __`\ /' _ `\ /'_` \ /\ \L\ \/\ __//\ \__//\ \L\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \L\ \ \ `\____\ \____\ \____\ \____/\ \_\ \_\ \___,_\ \/_____/\/____/\/____/\/___/ \/_/\/_/\/__,_ / ____ __ __ /\ _`\ __ /\ \ /\ \__ \ \,\L\_\/\_\ __\ \ \___\ \ ,_\ \/_\__ \\/\ \ /'_ `\ \ _ `\ \ \/ /\ \L\ \ \ \/\ \L\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_ \ `\____\ \_\ \____ \ \_\ \_\ \__\ \/_____/\/_/\/___L\ \/_/\/_/\/__/ /\____/ \_/__/ +-==========================================================================-+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- || --------------------- Second Sight ------------------------- || || ---------------------- A full FAQ/Walkthrough ------------------------ || || ----------------------- By casanova973 ----------------------- || || ------------------------ AKA Dominic Smyth ---------------------- || || ------------------------- --------------------- || || -------------------------- Version 2.2 -------------------- || || --------------------------- Written in NotePAD ------------------- || || ---------------------------- 79 Characters Per Line ------------------ || || ----------------------------- Size so far: 215KB ----------------- || ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-==========================================================================-+ Check out my other FAQs here at GameFAQs: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1: Introduction 2: Version History 3: Basic Controls 4: Your Psi Powers 4A: Telekinesis 4B: Healing 4C: Psi Blast 4D: Charm 4E: Projection 5: Characters 6: Weapons 7: Tips 8: Walkthrough 8A: Isolation 8B: Preperation 8C: Experimentation 8D: Fieldwork 8E: Escape 8F: Madness 8G: Rescue 8H: Reliance 8I: Entrapped 8J: Streetlife 8K: Teamwork 8L: Breakout 8M: Conspiracy 8N: Infiltration 8O: Childcare 8P: Confrontation 8Q: Redemption 9: FAQ 10: Review by Diddly 11: Stats 11A: General Stats 11B: Level Stats 12: Mini-games 12A: Earth Impact 12B: X Space '92 13: Legal Stuff 14: Email Policy 15: Credits SPOILER WARNING! PLEASE READ!: This guide tends to be very detailed to Second Sight. Therefore, there will be a lot of spoilers in this guide. I recommend using your browser's find function (Ctrl+F) and typing in what part of the game you need help with. Thank you. ===============\______________________________________________________________ 1: Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== "When John Vattic wakes in a secure medical facility, something is terribly wrong. Stolen from his mind are his recent memories. Left in their place is an incredible power that threatens to tear his psyche apart." Hello, and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Second Sight. I am casanova973 and this is my 8th guide for GameFAQs. I hope you enjoy reading this guide because if you don't, I will feel that this guide was a complete waste of time. A game like this definately needs a Full FAQ/Walkthrough for it. The controls and gameplay are quite hard to get to grips with, there are levels in the game that seem impossible to complete, and sometimes it is just nice to find out some fun things to do. But, you must take in that writing FAQs takes a lot of one's time and effort, so treat our FAQs nicely! I would have never found out about this game until I saw the advert on T.V. I watched the advert and thought to myself, "hmmmm... this game looks fun, I should take a look at it...", and so I did. I read some reviews on GameFAQs, asked at the message boards and I found no one who didn't like this game. I then tried to find some good prices for the game, and that worked too. But not long after I discovered this game I realised that this game had no FAQs written for it. So, here I am, playing Second Sight and writing a FAQ on it! ==================\___________________________________________________________ 2: Version History ----------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== Date format: dd/mm/yy Version 0.3 (19/09/04) ---------------------- First version of the guide. I bought the game yesterday and got to the mission "Rescue", then I started this guide. Bits here and there have been done, but this version seriously isn't worth reading. The next version should have some level walkthroughs in it. Version 0.5 (20/09/04) ---------------------- Quite a big update. I added the first four levels to the walkthrough, and I also started work on the character section and the psi powers section. Added an Email Policy and Credits. Next update should be a complete list of psi powers and maybe another level to the walkthrough. Version 0.6 (23/09/04) ---------------------- Next one and a half levels of walkthrough have now been added. Started adding some FAQs but I still need to work on this guide a lot harder and quicker if I want to complete it any time soon. Also added some to the psi powers section. Version 0.8 (01/10/04) ---------------------- Finished the rest of the Madness level and I also completed the Rescue level. Quite a big update. The next update should have some more levels added to the walkthrough, and I'm hoping it will be quite soon. Version 0.9 (03/10/04) ---------------------- Added Reliance to the walkthrough. Also checked my Email inbox - I had about 20 messages about Second Sight. I added some reader submissions, check the credits section to find your name if you did send me something useful. Next update should have the walkthroughs for Entrapped and Streetlife. Version 1.1 (05/10/04) ---------------------- Yay! Got the guide to 100+KB. I mentioned in the previous version that I would complete the next to levels in the walkthrough (Entrapped and Streetlife) but I found myself writing up for Teamwork and I also added the full walkthrough for that level as well. Version 1.2 (08/10/04) ---------------------- Added some contributions sent in from some readers, and also got to the Confrontation level in the game myself. The next update/version should include the Breakout and Conspiracy level walkthroughs because I know people are in desperate need of help for the Conspiracy level. Version 1.3 (09/10/04) ---------------------- Added another contribution and added the Breakout and Conspiracy levels to the walkthrough. It looks like this guide might get completed by version 2 which shouldn't be very long. I'm hoping to finish this guide before the end of October. Version 1.4 (10/10/04) ---------------------- I completed the whole game myself :D and I am really impressed with how the story worked out. The last level got a little confusing but in the end it was fun. I also added two more levels to the walkthrough: Infiltration and Childcare. The next update should include the last two levels in it, and the update after that I will put in the Weapons Section. Man, this is so exiting! Version 1.5 (13/10/04) ---------------------- I have been really busy lately with homework and stuff so I haven't had time to work on this FAQ. All I have done for this update is add two new sections. I added an excellent reciew written by Diddly, and I also started a new section on stats. I haven't finished it yet, but don't expect the next update to come any time soon because I probably won't have the time to update this FAQ until the weekend maybe. Version 1.6 (15/10/04) ---------------------- Completed all the stats of my own game, so if anyone has their own stats, I'll be happy to put them in this guide. I am hoping the next version to be the second to last update, then that will be the last version hopefully. Version 1.7 (17/10/04) ---------------------- Yay! I got to sleep quite late last night, and I got home at about 4:00pm. I had a lot of time and I was planning on doing some homework, but this guide was so nearly complete it was actually hurting me that it was so close but so far away... so I finished off this guide instead of doing my homework. I completed Redemption and also added the Weapons Section. Let me just tell you guys that I have really enjoyed working on this project, and this has so far been my best and most enjoyable guide. Thanks again for all your help! Version 1.8 (19/10/04) ---------------------- I cheanged the ASCII art at the bottom of the page and I also changed the layout slightly so the reader submissions look different slightly. I might call it the final version if I recieve no submissions by the end of October. And because of this update I have now got the guide up to 200KB which was my target before I started this project! Version 1.9 (20/10/04) ---------------------- Added a submission from Dave Gong, and I also added a new section to the guide, mini-games. Check out the section, but I only added it for KB because I already made a mini-games FAQ seperately. Version 2.0 (24/10/04) ---------------------- I decided to let timesplitters network host this guide. Version Final (19/11/04) ------------------------ Added some contributions. So after a long month of hard work this guide is finally over, and I can now play and write for GTA: San Andreas, The Getaway: Black Monday and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Thank you everyone who read and contributed to this guide! =================\____________________________________________________________ 3: Basic Controls ------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== The controls for this game are very different to other games as I'm sure you know if you have played this game before. This section should dust up a few itchy questions and it should help you understand the controls a little easier. These controls were taken from the game manual, but the explained controls section was made by me. MOVING CAMERA: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ACTION | CONTROL | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Move around in 3rd person view | Left analogue stick | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lean left & right in 1st person | Left analogue stick | | view | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Switch between 1st & 3rd person | L3 button (click left analogue | | view | stick) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Switch between 3rd person view | Triangle | | follow-cam (locked angle) & dynamic | | | cam (free camera angle) | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Look around in 1st person view, or | Right analogue stick | | move dynamic cam in 3rd person view | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Crouch/stand up | Square | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pause game | START | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ USING WEAPONS & PSI POWERS: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ACTION | CONTROL | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Choose weapon in invenrory | Up and Down directional buttons (X to | | select) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Choose psi power from those learned | Left and Right directional buttons | | | (X to select) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Lock on to target | Press/hold L2 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Change target while locked on | Hold L2 + right analogue stick | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Fire weapon or use psi power on | R2 | | locked-on target | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Manual aim with equipped weapon / | Right analogue stick | | refine aim when sniping | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Move object when using telekinesis | Right analogue stick | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Get out weapon/hide weapon | R3 (click right analogue stick) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Punch when unarmed, or pistol whip | Circle | | / club when armed with a weapon | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ CONTEX-SENSITIVE CONTROLS: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ACTION | CONTROL | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Interact with environment / special | X | | moves | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Special moves (peek through doors, | R1 | | press against walls, etc.) | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Basic controls (explained): MOVING CAMERA: Move around in 3rd person view: This is the most simple button or move you can do in any game. Just move the left analogue stick to move your character around. The weaker you are, the slower you move, but you can decide how fast you want your character to move by putting more or less pressure on the stick. Simple. Lean left & right in 1st person view: When you are in first person view (see control below) you can move left or right by moving the left analogue stick. You can't actually move your body completely in first person, but you can look to the left and right slightly. Switch between 1st & 3rd person view: Press L3 to change your view to first person. In first person view, you can aim your gun by holding L2 and do what you would normally do in 3rd person view, but you can't move your body. This is good to use if you want to be precise with your shooting and psi powers if you don't have a sniper rifle. Ideal for headshots. Switch between 3rd person view follow-cam (locked angle) & dynamic cam (free camera angle): Allows you to move the camera using the right analogue stick. Very handy for seeing things that the fixed camera doesn't easily show such as doors just behind you; when R1-ing next to walls to peek out it can show a larger field of view; and for moving around to select a target for TK. <----Thanks to Philip Cook for that small section. Look around in 1st person view, or move dynamic cam in 3rd person view: When you are in first person view, you can look around by simply moving the right analogue stick in the direction you want to look in. If you are peeking through doors or little vents, use the right analogue stick to look around. Crouch/stand up: Press the square button to crouch when you are standing up. You can walk and run normally but you cannot shoot or punch when your character is crouched. You use this button a lot, especially in stealth mode. When you are crouched, press square again to stand up again. Pause game: Press START to pause your game. USING WEAPONS & PSI POWERS: Choose weapon in invenrory: Pressing up or down on your D-pad will let you cycle through the weapons you have picked up. In your weapon inventory, it freezes the game completely so you can't get shot or you can't move. When you have selected what gun you would like to use, press X to select it. But, if you spend about 5 seconds in your weapon inventory not pressing anything, it will close and you will jump straight back into the level. Choose psi power from those learned: Throughout the game, you learn different psi powers. The further you are in the game, the better your psi powers get. To look through the psi powers you have unlocked, press right or left and press X to select what power you need to use. See section 4 for more info on how to control your different psychic powers. Lock on to target: If you select a psi power or a gun, you can aim by holding L2. The aiming system for this game is slightly different to other games, especially the controls. If you select "Telekinesis", different objects you can control will be circled in a grey colour; but one will be blue. That blue (sometimes orange/red) circled object is the object you are aiming at. Press R2 to fire. Fire weapon or use psi power on locked-on target: R2. Simple. Aim at a person/object and press R2 to shoot your gun/psychic power. I don't think I can put that any simply. Manual aim with equipped weapon/refine aim when sniping: When you have a power in equipped (or a weapon) and you are aiming at something, use the right analogue stick to move the little dot in the middle of your aiming circle thing. If you push the stick hard enough, you will change what you are aiming at completely to a new target. As for holding a sinper rifle, the right analogue will just move your aim so you can aim more precisely and get more headshots. Move object when using telekinesis: Select your telekinesis power and hold L2 and highlight an object. Then hold R2 and you can move the object by moving the right analogue stick. If you move the right analogue stick in one direction and release R2, you will throw the object across the room. Get out weapon/hide weapon: If you have no weapons out, press R3 to get them out. When they are out you can put them away by pressing R3 again. Punch when unarmed, or pistol whip/club when armed with a weapon: This is a very helpful button. Unarmed, pressing circle will make your character punch and kick. With a gun in your hands, you will perform a pistol whip. Somtimes, performing a pistol whip is more useful than shooting someone, because it kills them a lot quicker (unless you have a really powerful gun). CONTEX-SENSITIVE CONTROLS: Interact with environment/special moves: Press X, I suppose? I have never used this control before... Special moves (peek through doors, press against walls, etc.): R1 is used a lot in this game. If you stand by a door you should see a little message on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. It should say something like "(R1) peek". Pressing R1 by a door will change the camera straight into first person, and you can peek through doors and see what's inside. R1 is also used to press against objects and use stealth, but you'll learn more about that by playing through the game. Found any controls I missed that you think are important? Email me at: ==================\___________________________________________________________ 4: Your Psi Powers ----------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== Throughout the game, you will unlock different psychic powers. In the early stages in the game, you unlock quite a few, but it doesn't take you long until you have all the controls. Anyway, this section should explain all of your psi powers and how to use them. SPOILERS IN THIS SECTION! BE CAREFUL! =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 4A: Telekinesis =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= By focusing his thoughts on a single object, Vattic can move it without touching it. As Vattic becomes more experienced with telekinesis, he'll be able to move heavier objects. Select Telekinesis then hold the L2 button to lock on to an object. Press the right analogue stick to lock on to a different object if necessary. Finally hold the R2 button to bring the chosen object under Vattic's control and use the right analogue stick to move it. Telekinesis is the very first psi power you can unlock. It is my favourite psi power in the game, and trust me - it helps you a lot. In one of the levels further on in the game, your Telekinesis gets more powerful, and you can pick up heavier objects like guards and planks of wood. Oh, and when you are in control of an object, you can move it about by moving the right analogue stick, and you can also throw things about by releasing the R2 button. What I like most about this power is not the throwing guards into walls part, but you can actually take guns off the floor with this power. This reminds me so much of that X-men film... Don't you remember? //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Luke: When you have someone in a telkenisis grab switch to 1st person you can lift them up and down. This is great for smashing them into ceilings then down onto the floor. I think it might kill enemies faster than bashing them into walls! In the asylum lobby where the prisoner escapes there is a nice bug window in the ceiling thats great to throw the guards through. Also if you click the right stick to switch to guns during a TK grab you can blast them in the air. Nice. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Ting Wu: When you get the telekinesis upgrade (when you can pick people up) if you equip a gun and carry on holding L2 the person will still be floating and you can shoot him (R2) while he's floating! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 4B: Healing =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Vattic channels the power of his mind to accelerate his own healing and restore his damaged body. While concentrating on his restoration, Vattic is vulnerable to attack. Select Healing then hold the R2 button until Vattic is healthy again. It may be possible to focus Vattic's healing power to the benifit of others. Hold the L2 button to lock to another person (press the right analogue stick to select other people) then hold the L2 button. A very useful psychic powers. You can use Healing whenever you want as long as you have enough psi power. But, although you can use this power whenever you want, try not to do it in the middle of a battle. It might heal you, but if you get shot during the process of healing it just slows you down, so find a quiet place to heal if you need to. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 4C: Psi Blast =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= The psi blast is a highly-destructive concentration of psychic energy that Vattic can hurl at his adversaries. As Vattic becomes more experienced in its use, the psi blast may become an even more intimidating force. Select psi blast then hold the L2 button to lock on to an object. Press the right analogue stick to lock on to a different object if necessary, then hold the R2 button to form the psi blast and release to throw it. Each blast uses an amount of psychic energy. The psi blast is not as important as the previous two psi powers but it is quite useful sometimes. I can't think of anywhere or at any time that you have to use this power to progress in a level, so you don't have to use it. After a couple of levels your psi blast gets more powerful. So, instead of just shooting an invisible blast aty somone, Vattic creates a circle of psi power and releases it in a group of enemies. So basically when you are surrounded by a group of enemies, select psi blast to blow them all away. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 4D: Charm =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= When Vattic wraps his psychic energy about himself, he can obliterate his presence from the mind of any nearby human. Physical contact with another person though, is a different matter.... Select Charm and then hold the R2 button to go invisible. The effect will last until the R2 button is released or Vattic's psychic energy drains completely. Occasionally, Vattic's charm power can alter or calm the attitude of comrades. With Charm selected, hold the L2 button to lock on to a target mind (use the right analogue stick to change the lock if necessary), then press the R2 button to coerce that person. Do not attempt to charm enemies - contact with a mind so full of aggresion can temporarily wipe out Vattic's psychic energy. This is a very helpful psychic power. It makes you invisible to enemies for as long as you need it to or until you run out of psychic energy. When you are using Charm, don't crouch. Guards/enemies won't be able to see you when you have your Charm on, so crouching will just slow you down. And always find a quiet place to turn your Charm off and refill your psychic metre. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from selmiak: You also get visible when you touch an enemy. Avoid that. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Ting Wu: If you're in a mission and you hide in a cupboard sometimes a guard gets you out the cupboard. To solve this problem use charm when a guard is outside the door, and is about to open it and keep on using charm until he closes the door, and he wouldn't see you. (This doesn't work unless you use charm at the right time). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Philip Cook: You can't charm cameras or use charm when in view of anybody, it'll wipe out your psi-meter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 4E: Projection =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= When Vattic invokes this ultimate expression of his psychic self, he is able to force his mind to leave his body and go where his physical form cannot. The ghostly astral self is able to move and interact in all the ways that the physical body can and is invulnerable to detention or harm. However, the flesh is not durable; while Vattic's consciousness is travelling, his body is left unoccupied with all of the defencelessness that that impiles. It may even be possible, through an extreme act of will, to violate the mind of another and wrest control from its owner. Select Projection and press the R2 button to eject Vattic's mind from his body. All of the normal movement controls apply. Approach an unsuspecting human and press the X button to suspend their consciousness and take possession of their motor functions for a short time. Vattic's mind will whiplash back to his body when psychic energy is exhausted or corporeal distracts his concentration. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Philip Cook: Handy Tip possess someone and shoot one of your enemies then bail out (Square), the two (or more) will continue to shoot at each other until either the possessed is dead or all other enemies; this will avoid the guard 'coming- to' and radioing in the dead bodies. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =============\________________________________________________________________ 5: Characters ---------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== This is a list of all the characters in the game: NOTE: These descriptions were taken from the pause menu. John Vattic - A MIT scientist whose principle research work is investigating the underlying scientific credibility of parapsychology. Co-opted onto the WinterICE squad under the recommendation of Jayne Wilde. Six months later he finds himself picking up the pieces of a shattered life - what happened WinterICE? Colonel Starke - WinterICE commanding Officer Following several accomplished tours of duty, Colonel Starke elected to leave mainstream service in order ro head up small specialist operation teams such as WinterICE. He has pioneered in the use of parapsychology in counter-terrorist operations. Jayne Wilde - Civilian Advisor Her claims to poessess precognitive abilities are taken very seriously by the military comman and Wilde's psychic advice has apparently guided the team away from potential disaster on a number of previous occasions. John Vattic has been co-opted onto the WinterICE team under Jayne's recommendation. Tex - Explosives expert Tex's wise-cracking attitude can often rub others up the wrong way but the other squad members have discovered that this exterior belies the excellence and expertise of a true brother in arms. JC (Juan Carlos) - Weapons Specialist Thought softly spoken, JC is an accomplished expert in his field who can turn his hand to almost any weapon, new or old. Cortelli - Communications officer Cortelli's ability to wring a signal out of even the most outdated comms lash-up has gained the team vital intelligence on earlier missions. It's reputed that he can take a full pack over the boot camp assault course faster than anyone else on the squad. (Tex would, of course, argue the point). Ballard - Field Medic Ballard's dedication to his work doesn't leave much time for conversation. However, his quietness and calm inspire much confidence in his patients as he patches them up quickly and efficiently, even under heavy fire. Franklin - Reconnaissance/Sniper This veteran's ice-cold demeanour doesn't mean that she lacks passion, but it ensures that very little is capable of breaking her concentration as she takes aim for surgically precise shot. Prof. Grienko - Russian parapsychology researcher Grienko began his career as a brilliant student in St Petersburg under Pavolov. During the second world war he was discredited after collaborating with German research in POW camps. Officially killed at the end of the war but also rumoured to be involved in a secret project instigated by Stalin in Siberia. Allegedly sighted at a USHC pipeline station in Western Siberia where he was attempting to contact US authorities in order to claim political asylum. At the time Grienko claimed to have psychic research results which would change the world. Pavlov - One of the greatest physiologists of his generation, Pavlov worked in Russia in the early twentieth century. He is most famous for his research work into conditioned reflexes and higher brain functions. ==========\___________________________________________________________________ 6: Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== This section of the guide should explain all of the different guns you can find in the game. The first paragraph under each gun is the description taken from the game, and everything else is just made up by me. I have made an in-depth guide for Second Sight about weapons, and you can check it out at this link: Layout: Power : How powerful it is out of 10 Accuracy : How accurate it is out of 10 Speed : How fast it reloads out of 10 (10 being the fastest) Clip Size : How many bullets it can hold in one round Durability : How long this weapon is going to last you Rareness : How rare/common the weapon is out of 5 (5 being VERY common) Best used for : (e.g stealth, gun fights) Overall : My overall socre of the weapon out of 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Animal Tranquilser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hand weapon which fires micro-darts containing a fast acting neural toxin. The toxin is potent and incapacitating but ultimately harmless. Since the toxin must reach the brain in order to take effect, the point of entry is critical. Headshots are immediately effective, hits on other parts of the body will have a delayed reaction. This is the first Tranquiliser you use in the game. It is quite a pointless weapon in this game and I don't think you use it at all once you have picked up the Heavy Tranq. (Military Tranquilliser). Whenever you use this weapon, aim for the head. If you shoot a guard in the chest or on a limb, they will see you and shoot you then all the guards will be on your tail. It can hold three darts at a time but whenever you fire one dart, it takes a long time to reload, so never use this weapon to fight against guards, only use it for stealth. Power : 8/10 Accuracy : 9/10 Speed : 3/10 Clip Size : 4/10 Durability : 10/10 Rareness : 3/5 Best used for : Stealth Overall : 7/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Military Tranquiliser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heavy-duty military tranquilliser with engineering and functuallity identical to the animal tranquilliser. Applications include crowd control and sensitive stealth operations. In my opinion, this gun is almost identical to the Animal Tranquiliser. It's a two-shot kill, it takes really long to reload after one shot, and it is quiet and best used for stealth. I'm not sure if it has more power than the Animal Tranquiliser, though. Power : 8/10 Accuracy : 9/10 Speed : 3/10 Clip Size : 4/10 Durability : 10/10 Rareness : 4/5 Best used for : Stealth Overall : 7/10 ~~~~~~~~ Pistol ~~~~~~~~ General-purpose semi-automatic with an 8 shot clip. Easy to reload and capable of surprising accuracy in trained hands, this is a good all-round sidearm. It maybe not as powerful as the two Tranquilisers but it works for everything and it is probably the most commonly used gun in the game. Like all the other guns in the game, this gun is an instant kill if you hit someone in the head. It has good accuracy, average speed and average power. An average gun I would say but very common. Power : 6/10 Accuracy : 9/10 Speed : 7/10 Clip Size : 7/10 Durability : 9/10 Rareness : 4/5 Best used for : Everything Overall : 7/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .45 Pistol ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Standard issue .45 calibre semi-automatic pistol. Packing a big punch and a seven shot clip, this weapon is favoured by private security firms and government enforcement agencies. The .45 Pistol is almost the same as the normal Pistol. It has the same stats and I don#t think there is any difference between the two guns. Maybe this onw has more power but it still kills enemies in three shots. Power : 6/10 Accuracy : 9/10 Speed : 7/10 Clip Size : 7/10 Durability : 9/10 Rareness : 4/5 Best used for : Everything Overall : 7/10 ~~~~~~~~~~ Revolver ~~~~~~~~~~ Reliable and rugged, the old style 6 shot revolver is still a firm favourite of the "Saturday Night" crowd. Nice description from the game ;). Erm, another pistol. The same as the other two pistols but it is a bit more powerful. Erm.... yeah! Power : 7/10 Accuracy : 9/10 Speed : 7/10 Clip Size : 7/10 Durability : 9/10 Rareness : 3/5 Best used for : Everything Overall : 7/10 ~~~~~ SMG ~~~~~ Compact submachine gun with fast fire rate and high portability. Commonly used by security forces when extra firepower is required. Excellently suited to short-range combat limited in accuracy and penetrating power at longer distance. The very first machine-gun in the game. You use it throughout the game in almost every level because all enemies carry this gun. It is probably the most accurate machine-gun in the game, and it is also a quiet gun so it usually won't alert too many other guards when you shoot someone with it. This is probably my favourite gun in the game. Power : 7/10 Accuracy : 9/10 Speed : 9/10 Clip Size : 8/10 Durability : 9/10 Rareness : 4/5 Best used for : Gun shoot-outs, best used at close range Overall : 9/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sniper Rifle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The weapon of choice for long-range combat. A precision optical scope allows for pinpoint aiming and high velocity rounds are extremely accurate at impressive distances. The 5 shot clip is slow to reload. The only Sniper Rifle in the game, but unlike other games with Sniper Rifles, this one doesn't turn the whole screen into the scope, but instead a small aiming scope appears at the bottom-right of the screen. Also, you don't really aim the sniper yourself, but instead, you choose the target, then it automatically zooms in on the target, then you can move the aim slightly with the right analogue stick for pin-point accuracy. This gun is slow at reloading, and it is almost useless at close-range. You only use this gun properly in the missions in Dubrensk. Two or three shots in the chest will be enough to kill one enemy, but headshots kill instantly. Power : 8/10 Accuracy : 10/10 Speed : 7/10 Clip Size : 7/10 Durability : 7/10 Rareness : 3/5 Best used for : Long range shots, accuracy shots Overall : 8/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soviet Rifle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mass produce, somewhat outdated but nevertheless functional this automatic rifle carries a 24 round clip. Medium fire rate and limited accuracy are compensated for by reliability and durability. The second machine-gun in the game. It is not as quick as the SMG but it is way more powerful. It also can shoot a bit longer making it better at long and close-range. It is a very loud weapon so don't use it in a building unless you have been spotted or you want to be caught. Power : 8/10 Accuracy : 9/10 Speed : 8/10 Clip Size : 8/10 Durability : 7/10 Rareness : 2/5 Best used for : Close range and in gun shoot-outs Overall : 7/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soviet Pistol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, the game doesn't give a description of the gun, so I will try my best to give you a good description. The Soviet Pistol is a rare gun but I can't really spot any obvious differences between this and the other pistols. It is probably not as powerful as the other pistols, but it is definately more accurate. You probably will never use this gun unless you have no other choice. Power : 6/10 Accuracy : 9/10 Speed : 8/10 Clip Size : 7/10 Durability : 7/10 Rareness : 2/5 Best used for : Close range shooting Overall : 7/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Assault Rifle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Powerful US military rifle with rapid-fire rate and excellent stopping power from a 32 round magazine. Again quite a rare gun. It is probably the most powerful of the three machine- guns in the game, but it is let down by accuracy. I know you expect a machine- gun to be inaccurate and hit and hope sorta thing, but this gun is all over the place. I think you might have some fun playing with this weapon. Power : 9/10 Accuracy : 6/10 Speed : 8/10 Clip Size : 7/10 Durability : 6/10 Rareness : 2/5 Best used for : Close range shooting Overall : 7/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sawn-off shotgun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Double barrelled shotgun with cut-down barrels and stock. The modification allows for better concealment and effective close range combat. Single shot damage is high but this weapon is inaccurate at long range and has a slow reload rate. Out of the two shotguns in the game - this one is the worst. It is only used in one level (Streetlife) and it is very powerful. But the thing I really hate about this gun is that it can only carry two shotgun-shells at a time. So if you were to have a gun-fight with the NSA Agents for example, you would spend most of your time reloading if you were to use this gun. Power : 9/10 Accuracy : 6/10 Speed : 5/10 Clip Size : 4/10 Durability : 5/10 Rareness : 1/5 Best used for : Close range shooting Overall : 5/10 ~~~~~~~~~ Shotgun ~~~~~~~~~ Modern shotgun with pump-action reload and an 8 shot clip. Devastating at close range this is not a weapon for the faint hearted. The normal Shotgun is used a lot more often than the sawn-off and I am very glad of that. It probably has the same amount of power as the sawn-off shotgun but it has a much bigger clip size and it also has more accuracy. I would pick this over the sawn-off shotgun any day. Power : 9/10 Accuracy : 6/10 Speed : 6/10 Clip Size : 7/10 Durability : 7/10 Rareness : 3/5 Best used for : Close range shooting Overall : 7/10 =======\______________________________________________________________________ 7: Tips ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== In this section, I will tell you some essential tips that you should know before you start the game. - Always look at your psi metre. Under your health metre (the red line on the top left of the screen) is a blue line. When the blue metre is full, that means you have a full amount of psychic powers. If you are wanting to sneak past some guards with your Charm on for example, wait in a quiet place until your psi metre is full, then you can have more time wandering about before your Charm runs out. - Stealth is always better than just running in and shooting. Pick your enemies one-by-one instead of just shooting randomely at whatever your gun points at. It seems that in most levels in this game, especially "Experimentation", the enemies just keep coming back. Keep that in mind. - When you have unlocked the psychic ability "Healing", don't just use it whenever you fell like it. Always find a quiet place with no guards before you heal because if you heal in the middle of an arena, the guards will just shoot at you and it will just take you even longer to heal. - First-aid kits never run out. If you see a first-aid kit hung up on a wall, remember where it is and use it again when you desperately need it. - Sometimes in levels, you will see a small icon on the top-right corener of your screen of a person, and an arrow pointing in the direction they are in. This icon only shows when you need to find someone, though, and it's not there all the time. Use it when you need to. - If you run out of psychic energy, your screen will go all fuzzy and black and white, making it really hard to see. You just have to wait a couple of seconds until you're back to normal, but try and keep your eye on the blue metre on the top-left of your screen. - If an enemy knocks you down in a gunfight, your character will not move unless you move him. Keep pressing any button while you are down otherwise John will just lie there and will get shot to death. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TIP SUBMITTED BY ARDACK: Just thought I would mention this to you as I have read your FAQ posted on Gamefaqs and found it interesting nonetheless. If you charm your way behind a guard and grab them with the context sensitive action (press X) then instantly press circle the guard will be knocked unconscious. This causes the guards to disappear for good as long as you don't set off any alarms. Also if another guard sees the body the alarms will be set off so make sure you move the bodies into the dark with your upgraded your telekinesis. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Alfredo Gaitan: I passed the game, and i found out of the sepecial controls; theres the choke; no gun------- throw strait throw----wall slam \ KO---kick leg out and elbow hit the guys face rifle/auto-pistol--------^^^ \KO-- kick leg out and snap neck the whack with the gun, it varies with gun type; rifle----horizontal whack, more of a glass breaker and KO. pistol, one handed------vertical what, mostly used if you dont have PSI or ammo. auto-pistol-------almost like the rifle there is a healing glitch that can be used as a candle, press and hold the activation button for half a second (if he starts to heal, you did it wrong) and let go and do it again till it looks like he is healing, but he can move around, keep doing it tho. psi attack, if you use it in close cuarters and the enemy is still arked on the ground, the pool of bloodl apear and the enemy is then dead, its usefull against the psichic soldiers, one hit KO. on projection, it corporeal pain. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from G72029a: hey, i was just checking out your faq and saw something about the "shocktroopers" and about how their hard to beat. i found a bit of a way to save ammo for when you are killing them. once one comes, equip psi attack. when he is near, hold R2 down to make the blast, but make sure you hit him (dont aim at him and use the missle, only the wave thing). after you knocked him down, his sheild will be gone, so get an automatic (semis are'nt as good for these guys) and start shooting him like crazy (if you DO have a semi, aim for head.. automatic too).he should die in a few hits, which saves ammo alot for me. it works very well later in the game when a large group of them come and surround you, or are near you. i hope this helped. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Philip Cook: USING WEAPONS & PSI POWERS: Lock on to target: Grey is not selected, Blue is inanimate selected, Orange animate selected, basically if you pick up and throw somebody they'll stay orange while alive; handy to know if they're knocked out as they'll still select as orange (takes a second to switch from orange to blue when they die) Also useful for people that are just out of sight you know you've got them and not the crate next to them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ==============\_______________________________________________________________ 8: Walkthrough --------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== This is the main part of the game. Play through it to earn 100% completion of the game. This section should explain how to get through each level step-by- step. Enjoy! =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8A: Isolation =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= The game starts off with an opening movie of the doctors pushing you through into the test lab. When you are in control of John, yuo are locked inside a room by a bed. John will start talking to himself, trying to remember what happened and why he is in this place, but he can't remember a thing. Look on the left side of the room. There is a glass/plastic door. There is a switch on the other side of the door. Press left on the D-pad and select "Telekinesis". Hold L2 and when you have locked on to the switch, hold R2 to take control of the switch and pull back on the right analogue stick to open the door. You think you're surprised? John didn't even know what he just did. When you are out of the first room, go through the door on the left of this room. When you are through the door, look around this room. This room is perfect for practising your Telekinesis. There is a lot of electric equipment around, so practise on them before you move on to the next room. When you feel you are done messing up the patient room, go through the other door in the room. As you enter through the automatic doors, you will watch a small cut-scene. A blue circle will circle the man, and things start going a bit crazy. After the cut-scene ends, you are in control of John again, and you should get a little message on your screen saying something like "Discovered Heal ability!". When you get that message, press go to your psychic abilities inventory and choose Healing. When you have selected Healing, hold R2 to heal yourself. You will lose some of your psychic power and swap it for health (see section 4B). After that, go through the next door. Select Telekinesis again and run through the doorway. You should now be in a long hallway, with two guards standing on the other side. Using Telekinesis, pick up the barrel next to the two guards from where you are standing and throw it against the two guards. Both of the guards should eventually run away in your direction. Press circle to punch and kick them. When you have killed both of them (or knocked them out), one of them will drop a security pass, so pick it up - you'll need it. Moving on: run straight down the hallway and on your left there should be a door. To the left of the door should be a switch thing. Press X by the switch and John should swipe his security pass on it and the door will open. When you go through the room, you should notice that there is some equipment in here. Ignore the equpment and just run through the door on the other side of the room. When you are through that door, run through the other one on your left. As you enter this room, a surgeon or a doctor will run around screaming because you're not meant to be in here. One punch should knock him out for good. Go over to the computer at the back of the room and press X. You are now in control of the computer. This will be the first time you have used a computer in the game (unless you count the pause menu as a computer) but there will be a lot more computers later on in the game. Click the mouse (X) and click on "MAP OF THIS FLOOR". Clicking this should open up a map of this floor... Duh! Anyway, move the left analogue stick to change rooms. Go to the big hallway in the middle of the map, then go to the little dot to the RIGHT of the hallway. A blue/white explanation mark will appear on the bottom right hand of the screen. Press X and the code for the elavator will show up. The code is always 8461. So, now you know the code to the elavator, head over to it and press X on the switch and John will enter the code. When the lift opens, run inside it, and the screen should black out, indicating that the level is complete. If the screen doesn't black out here, it means you don't have enough health to carry on. Select Healing, and hold R2 if this is the case. Now just stand in the lift again and you should complete the level. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8B: Preperation =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Six months ago..... I will split up this training course into two parts: JC's Pistol Training and Franklin's Sniper Training. I'm sorry, but the parts in between those two courses are just to simple for me to explain. You'll have to do that part by yourself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JC's Pistol Training ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, you start this part with no ammo to your pistol, and that's because JC just wants you to practise aiming first. Start by aiming at the first target that appears, then use your right analogue stick to change targets. Next, JC will ask you to aim at the head of the middle target. Do so by using the right analogue stick. When that is done, he will hand you over some ammo. Practise your aiming on the three targets. You can move on when you are out of ammo. You are know gonna have to put all that training to the test. JC will throw you a handfull of bullets, and you'll need to practise shootingt the targets. You need 250 points in this part to move on to the next part of training. Headshots get you more points, obviously, so aim at the head. The targets come in a random order, so just do your best to keep track of the different target. 250 is nothing - try and beat my score of 574. When you have done that, JC will lead you into the next room. Crouch behind the thing in front of you and press against it. When JC gives you the signal, you can shoot the four different guards and begin the training excersise. You shouldn't have too much trouble with this course, but it is quite difficult. Take them out from all different angles and in whichever order feels most comfortable. When you have destroyed all four targets, JC will call you over again and congratulate you. He will then tell you to shoot your way through and go back to the compund gates. Go straight and go through the rooway on your right. Head up the slope thing and then press X to open the door. As the door opens, press square to duck down, then run straight to the small wall nearest to you on the left. Take the guards out as they come to you and then make your way up the ladder on the far left of this area. Duck through the tunnel, then make your way up the ladder on the far left. When you are on the platform, press X by the edge and you should hang on to the edge. Use the left analogue stick to move across the ledge, then when you reach the end, you should see another guard patrolling above you. Press R1 to get up on the ledge, then shoot the guard up there (he might have jumped off and he might be on ground level now) and then shoot the other guard from up there. Duck through the tunnel on your right. Take the very first right and get out. Shoot all the guards (don't worry about being seen) and make your way to the gates on the far right of the course. Watch out for the guard that jumps out on you from around the corner. Run through the gate to complete your Pistol Training. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from selmiak: After the first gun training and when JC wants you to go out and kill these guard don't go up the slope, but go back to where you came from, say up the stairs and along the hallway. There will be a door leading to the right. Go in there. It's the lockerroom. Vattic says he thinks he's not supposed to be here. So what? Grab the gun that's lying around there. That's much better than the tranquilizer, isn't it? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Franklin's Sniper Training ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you see JC in the hallway thing, turn around and go left to meet up with Franklin. When you are at the Sniper course, Franklin will explain what to do. You'll need 250 points again to move on, but this time you'll be hitting targets from a lot further away. Just keep your finger on L2 and reload when you need to. Sniping in this game is probably a lot easier than using a pistol. Try and beat my high score of 765! - Damn, Ting Wu got 813 :( Franklin will now lead you to the briefing room where you will be told your mission. Watch the movie - it's quite important for you to get a good understanding of the story so far. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8C: Experimentation =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Okay, this level starts with a short movie. Vattic comes off the lift and something really cool happens when he gets off the lift and the guard sees him. Anyway, as soon as you are in control of Vattic, you unlock another psi power: psi attack. So, when you are in control of Vattic, run over to the dead guard, pick up his firearm and get on to the computer. You will notice that you have four options. Click on: "CCTV STREAMER". Look at the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Click the "X" button to disable the camera. Go through all of the cameras (click the right arrow) and make sure that all of them are disabled, this makes the level a lot easier. You can tell what cameras are off because somewhere it should say "STATUS: Off". Anyway, when all the cameras are disabled, exit the CCTV streamer, then click on "UNLOCK DOOR". Next select the map of this floor. Now, you are done with the computer, exit by pressing triangle. Now that you have unlocked the door, run through it (it's just to the left of the computer) then go right at the end of the hallway. At the end of this hallway go through the door on your left. You will now watch a cut-scene of the police blocking your escape. Let me just tell you this now: Do NOT try and fight the police. We all know how cool these psychic powers are, but the police never go away, no matter how many officers you kill. You can, however, go over to them and kill a few to pick up their guns, but don't stay there expecting them one day to just go away. Now, with that said, I'll tell you what to do next. Run straight as you go through the door and jump over the little stream thing in front of you. You should see some wooden boxes in front of you here, kick them out of the way and you should see some vents. Duck down and crawl through the vents. When you get out, run through the door in front of you and a cut-scene will play. John will start talking to himself about sneaking past the guard in the hallway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, so now you're in one end of a hallway with a guard on the other end. I have to tell you know though: stealth is always a MUCH easier and better option than just shooting through all the guards, especially in this level. So, with that said, crouch down and stay by the wall on your right. You should see two small closet things on your right. Get in the one nearest to you. Select your Telekinesis and throw the barrel to your right. This will be the first time you have ever been in one of these closets. You can peek out of these things by pressing R1, and you can also shoot, but in this case, just concentrate on distracting the guards. So, now you should have thrown the barrel across the hallway and the guards should have run away in shock by now. If the guards are still there, don't worry about them seeing because you just collected a checkpoint. If they see you, they will warn the guards and you won't be able to beat this level easily. Anyway, just run through the automatic door on your far right when you leave this closet thing. In this room, you will find some boxes and some TV screens. Ignore all of them and just go through the other door. Crouch down and when you see an opening on your right in between the glass, look down the hallway. Stand between the glass and look towards the guard. Crouch down and use your Telekinesis to throw the barrel AWAY from you. The guard will follow the barrel. When the guard turns away, go down the hallway and go through the very first doorway on your right. Go down the stairs and then through the door. Another cut-scene will now play. This is another cool cut-scene of Vattic showing off one of his new psychic abilities. When the cut-scene ends, you will get another message on your screen saying something like: "Discovered Charm Ability!". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, you should be behind a black barrier in another hallway. Select your new Chram ability and walk to the other end of the hallway invisible. The guard won't have seen you if you were using Charm so just go into the next door. You are quite near the end of the level here. You should now be in a room with loads of gorillas locked up in their own little crates. Walk to the centre of the room and the gorillas will begin to have a fit when they see you. This is okay. Go to one of the gorillas and select your Charm ability. Hold L2 and target one of the gorillas, then hold R2 to calm them down. When the red light above the gorillas' head goes green, that means that the gorillas are calm again. But, you must stay invisible, or the gorillas will get angry again. Run to the lab thing just behind the gorillas with Charm on, then sneak up on the doctor. When the doctor has been knocked out, head over to his desk and pick up the Patience Records pass. Ignore the computer for now. Now, leave the lab thing and put on Charm and walk past the gorillas and out of the door. Hide behind the black barrier and wait until your psychic energy bar is full again. When you are ready, put your Charm back on and run to the other end of the hallway and out of the door. Recover your psychic energy again if you need to. Run through the next door and again make sure you have your Charm on. Run up the small set of stairs and straight across through the next doorway to the right of the guard. Run down the stairs and keep your Charm on because there is a doctor in this room and if he sees you he will put the alarm on. Hide behind the table if you want to refill your psychic energy bar. When you are ready, put your Charm back on and run to the near right of the room, past the guard and out of the door. Just wait here for a bit until your psychic energy bar is full again. Go left as you come through the door and left again. Straight ahead is the patience records room which you cannot enter without a pass. Don't worry, though, because you picked up the pass in the gorilla test lab. Crouch down as you enter the room and out your Charm on. The computer you need is at the back of the room, on the left. Press X on the computer to complete the level. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Alternative Route from Philip Cook: In the big glass corridor section head into the left-hand corner and you'll find a crawl vent head through and at the other end head through the first door on the right. Nix the guard as quietly as possible and TK the fans to speed up the decontanimation. Go into the now open room and head for the balcony use TK on the switch and you'll drop the barrier on the conveyor belt in the big glass room. Retrace your steps and hop onto the conveyor. Nix the worker and head into another vent and you'll enter the records room from opposite the door all the better to get a bead on the ambush team. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8D: Fieldwork =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Six months ago..... Watch the opening movie. As soon as you are in control of Vattic, hold L2 and shoot every guard that appears in your sight. There are quite a lot of guards in this part, but thanks to your sniper rifle, it picks them out one-by-one. Take cover with the rest of WinterICE behind the blue fence if you need to. When Starke signals, continue up the hill and take cover behind one of the obstacles. The guards are still here, though, so keep your finger on L2. JC will help you shoot the guards more than anyone else, so let him do his own shooting. When Starke signals again, continue up the hill and take cover behind the wooden barrel in front of the cave. Two more guards will start shooting you from the cave so just shoot them from where you are now. When the two guards from the cave are dead, make sure you run into the cave first so you can pick up their guns. Now, choose one of your guns other than the sniper rifle because the next part is close-range shooting. When you run into the cave, Starke will order Tex to get some explosives and blow up the cave-in so that the team can get through. A short cut-scene will show Tex blowing up the rocks. Now, continue along down the cave and when you get to some blue explosive barrels, some more guards will come. Take cover behind one of the rocks, then shoot the two guards. When they are dead, get out your sniper rifle again and start shooting some of the guards shooting from the big building. Run down the hill and take cover behind the grey wall once WinterICE has caught up to you. Take out some of the guards who are shooting from behind rocks and let Franklin and JC take the guards from the building. After a short while of shooting, Tex will shout at Starke, telling him that Jayne has run off. Starke orders you to follow Jayne. Follow the arrow on the top right of your screen to find Jayne. She ran into a hut to the left of the building. As you enter the hut, a cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So now you're trapped in a blown-up building with Jayne. Follow her as she runs down the hallway and up the ladder. She will run to the door in front of you but it is locked. To unlock it, head up the stairs, but when you are at the top of the stairs, don't move because one of the machines will blow up. Run acroos the balcony and go right and go through the doorway on your left. In this room, you will find a first-aid kit and a Soviet Rifle lying on the table. Press X by the first-aid kit and pick up the gun. Now, leave the room and to your right you will see a ladder going up. Head up the ladder and pull the leaver and the door will unlock. Head back down the ladder and down the stairs and go through the doorway. Another small cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow Jayne as she runs through the door. Duck down behind the blue barrels with Jayne and get out your Heavy Tranq. Wait for the guard to step into the open with his back to you. When he turns away, shoot him in the head with the tranquiliser. When the first guard is down, keep your head down and slowly make your way to the far right of the room. There are two more guards left in this room, though, so you'll need to take them both out before they can scream for help. When they are both dead, use the first-aid kit if you need to and run through the doorway; Jayne will follow. Now, as you enter the big room, press against the white pillar on your left. Jayne will take her own cover so don't worry about her unless she screams for help. Stay press against the white wall and first shoot the guards on the balcony. Then, take out the few guards who appear on ground level. Jayne will tell you when all of them are dead. When all the guards are dead, climb up the ladder and go right. There should be a doorway but it's quite hard to see so wait for Jayne if you can't find it - she'll show you the way. Follow her right through the doorway and along the tracks. Jayne will lead you through a door on your right, and that room is the control room. Go over to the right of the room and you should find a computer. The Terminal is locked, however, and you can't access the computer without a password. Jayne finds a piece of paper not long after, and that piece of paper has the password: 'snow'. When you are on the computer, click on the wastebasket, then open the file. You don't have to read this file, but just click once again to move on and watch a video of Starke talking to John via walky-talky. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run through the door with Jayne and duck behind one of the boxes for cover. Shoot the guards as quickly as possible, then head down the ladder with Jayne. Run through the big doorway in front of the ladder and make sure you are with Jayne. Go through the tunnels and then you will soon come to a door. Now, in this room are about 6 guards. They are all at the back of the room. I recommend just shooting your way through all of them by yourself, and just forget about Jayne for now. You will find about 4 guards waiting for you behind some barrels. Kill them all at once. The other guards will just be shooting you from diffrent parts of the room. When all the guards in the room are dead, JC will come in and the level will be complete. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8E: Escape =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= You start this level back in the same room that you finished the "Experimentation" level. As soon as the level begins, duck because a guard will enter the room looking for you. If you stay out of his view it will be for the best. Creap towards the back of the room (opposite the door) and select Charm. It is not hard to sneak past the guards in this room, just watch their movement and stay out of view from the camera and you'll be fine. When you get past the guards go through the door and enter the elavator. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the cut-scene ends, go right and a cut-scene will play. After the cut- scene you unlock a new psychic ability: Projection. The cut-scene should explain what it does. Anyway, heal yourself if you need to, then run across the wall on your left. Do NOT go any further than the wall, though, because the camera will see you and reinforcements will come. If you stand right at the edge of the wall, you should be able to shoot the camera with your tranquiliser without the camera seeing you. Now, when the camera has been destroyed, re-activate the laser field by using the same switch that was used in the cut-scene. This will prevent the guards from coming through later. With the first camera and guards out of the way, hide in the little area next to the laser-field and select your psi power Projection. Make sure you have a full psychic energy bar before you try this. Put on Projection, then go back to where the first camera was and look to the right, you should see a little tunnel. Go through the tunnel and go right when you're out of it. Just to your left you should see another turning. Go down this path and you should see two green switches - one on your right and one on your left. Press both of them, then press square to cancel the Projection. Make sure the lights are red before turning off your Projection. When you are back like Vattic again like normal, two guards should come from the same elavator that you come, but they can't get past because you turned on the lasers, hehe. So, unless you want to hear the guards bitchin' about their lunch break, put on your Charm and run out of their view towards the nearest camera. Go back down the stairs and go back to the tunnel again. But, don't go through the tunnel completely just yet, just wait a bit for your psi metre to recharge and then select Projection. Run left out of the tunnel with Projection, then run straight past the workers through the lasers, then go right and press the switch to turn off the lasers. Now press square and go back as Vattic. Select Charm and run back through the workers and run through where the lasers were then crouch behind the nearest box to you on the left. Wait behind the box until your psi metre is full. When your psi metre is full, select Charm again, and run to the left and press X against the guard to get him in a headlock. Then press Circle to snap his back, or X to throw him across the room. When the guard patrolling is dead, look to the right side of the room and you should see a saught of lift. Press X to open the door of the lift and stand on it. Then select Projection. Using Projection, open the door to the lift then run to the right and you should come to a switch. Press X on that switch to activate the lift. Now you can return back as Vattic. When the lift heads up to the top floor, a cut-scene will play. The cut-scene will show Vattic blasting the guards away with a new psychic attack: Psi Blast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you are back in control of Vattic, run to the far left and press against the corner of the wall so you can see up the slope. The guards know you are here now so pull out a gun (you should have an SMG from one of the guards) and shoot the two guards hiding behind the wall and behind the boxes. Not after long a guard will come running down the slope in your direction, so shoot him before he gets close to you. Now the three guards at the top of the slope are dead, more guards will come up to your floor from the lift you used. Shoot all three of them and pick up their weapons. When the three guards are dead, make your way up the slope and go left and left again. If anyone gets in your way, blast them with your SMG. Heal if you need to. Now, if you look up the next slope, there should be some guards taking cover behind the big white box. Shoot them all before they get a shot in at you. If you took a lot of damage from these guards, heal. When the guards are dead, head up the slope and crouch behind the nearest box (the one in the centre of the room). A guard should come out from the left, kill him however you want, I broke his neck, but some just like to blast his head off. When the guard is dead, run to where he came from, then press the button on the wall to open the fence just to the left of the room. Run through the room where the fence was, then shoot the guard standing in the middle of the room. Pick up his Pistol, then press against the corner of the wall to the right and you should see a group of guards talking about you. They will soon split up and each one takes a pillar as cover, but some just stand in the middle shooting you. Take cover behind the nearest pillar, and you just need to do the best you can to kill all of them. It shouldn't be too hard to kill all of them, but when they are all dead, pick up their guns. When you have finished all the guards, run to the lift thing at the back of the room. This is the same kind of lift that you used earlier on in the level so you should know what to do. Select Projection, then press the switch on your right. When you are going up the lift, you might want to heal. When you get off the lift, run to the left with an SMG in your hands and head up the ramp and kill the guard behind the pillar, Take his gun and press against the pillar. Shoot all of the guards in this area. When all the guards are dead, head down the ramp and go left. You should see another ramp going up in front of you. Head up the ramp and kill the guard/s shooting you from behind the boxes. Continue going left and up the next ramp then kill the guard from behind the white box. Head up the next two ramps and kill every single guard you see. When you have finished heading up the ramps, a whole group of guards will come out. You can use your Psi Blast on these lot, or if you want you can just shoot them. When they are all dead run over to the white car and press X to get in it and end the level. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Alternative route sent in from Philip Cook: Project through the first barrier, turn off the barrier and head into that alcove and turn them on wait until guards have gone then project past the cameras straight up the corridor on each side of the corridor leading to the doctor and the 'morgue?' are the controls for the two cameras [Warning The doctor will come out once and on his way back will turn the left hand switch back on, just turn it off again]. Use Project to get to the turbine and press the button, eventually the turbine will overheat and shutdown the barrier. Q. The doctor has a laptop, but I can't find the password anyone know where to look? Theory the barrier goes down at 2.00 I didn't see a clock, but I know you can TK clocks and make them run faster so... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8F: Madness =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Start by heading up the ladder in front of you and getting on to the watch tower. Explore the watch tower and you will notice that there is a fence blocking your way around it. Hang off the fence to get around it. Pick up the Sniper Rifle and press the button to turn off the light. Get out your Telekinesis and aim it towards the building. You should lock on to a small object so bring it over to you and pick it up. When you have the Outhouse key, head back down the ladder and off the watch tower. Select your Chamr and run through the middle of this area through the guards and up the stairs. Crouch down when you get up the stairs and recharge your psi metre behind the small wall. When your psi metre is full again, sneak up on the guard patrolling and break his back. Look around for the shed in the corner. You should be able to open it because you picked up the Outhouse key earlier. Inside the shed you will find a shotgun, so pick it up, and make your way to the front of the building, and you should find some stairs going down. Head down the stairs and climb through the window. When you climb through the window a cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the cut-scene has ended, your Telekinesis will be upgraded. Head down the path on your left and kill the guard at the bottom of the stairs. You might want to kill him using Telekinesis, or you can just sneak up on him and break his neck. Anyway, when he's dea, pick up the library key that he drops out of his pocket. When you have the library key, head down the stairs and go left. Go left again then head up the stairs then go up the spiral staircse. When you get to the top of the spiral staircase, go through the only door on your right to enter the library. When you are in the library, none of the dctors will know who you are so whatever you do, don't go around starting trouble, because the last thing you want now is all the doctors chasing after you. So, go over to the nearest doctor and press X to talk to them. The doctor will tell you where Jayne is being held. When you know where Jayne is, go over to the desk lit up by green lights. Look around the desk and you should find a clipboard with a piece of paper on it. When you find the piece of paper, press X to read it. The piece of paper will say the new password: mad2Behere. Once you've read the piece of paper, go over to the computer on the right and press X to log in. Vattic will enter the password so when you are on the desktop, click on the picture of a computer then click on the picture of a door. When you have clicked on the door, click on the top button to unlock the door on the top floor of the library. When that door is unlocked you are finished with the computer. When you get off the computer, run over to the far left of the library and climb up the ladder. When you're up the first ladder, head up the next ladder in front of you, then go through the door on your right. When you are through the door, go right (there are no guards in this room) and on the wall in front of you you should see a little vent. Duck down and head through the vent. When you reach the end of the vent, you should see a guard with his back to you. When you see the back of him, put your charm on, climb out of the vent and put him in a headlock and break his neck. When the guard is dead, head to the right and go down the stairs. Keep going right and go down the next set of stairs. On this floor, you will see another guard wandering about. Put your Charm on and sneak up on him and break his neck. When he's dead, climb down the next set of steps but when you get to the bottom put your charm on. If you look to your right there will be a doorway with a guard facing you. Put your charm on and go around him. Make sure he is facing away from you before you choke him to death. When you kill him, pick up his gun and head up the stairs. When you get up the small set of stairs, go left then head through the doorway. When you are through the doorway duck down and press against the small wall. Select Charm when you are ready then go through the two doctors and all of the patients lying down in their beds. Head through the doorway at the back of this room and go right into a dark corner to refill your psi metre. When it is full, run to the end of the hallway then go through the doorway on the left. When you are through the doorway go straight and head through the wooden door. When you are through the door, go over to the desk at the back of the room and pick up the security pass thing on the table. When you have the pass, leave the room and go left then go left again and head down the stairs. When you are down the stairs put your charm on and sneak past the doctor. Head over to the door at the back of the room and use the swipe card to open the door. When you are through the door, go left and hide in the dark corner to refill your psi power metre. When your psi metre is full again, head up the small set of stairs in front of you and go right. A short cut-scene will play and you will reach the second checkpoint. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Select your Chamr and run straight. You don't need to put your charm on just yet, but when you walk into the big, open room, a patient will be wandering about. Duck down and go left. Two guards will come from the path just on the other side of the room, so when you see them, put your charm on and run towards the same path where the two guards came from. When you are through the doorway go right, then put your charm on and head left. Run to the doorway at the other end of the hallway past the guard, then go right and go through the doorway on your right again. Crouch down and hide in the near corner from where the doorway is to refill your psi metre. When your psi metre is full again, wait for the guard to walk across the room. When he does, follow him with your Charm on and when he goes through the doorway on your right, sneak up behind him and choke him to death. When he's gone, go back out through the doorway and press X on the computer to your left. When your on the computer and you have entered the password, click on the picture of a computer and then open the file that appears. The file you read will contain the code for the first ground. When you know the password, head through the doorway on your left (as you face the computer) and press against the wall on your right. You should see a guard patrolling up and down the corridor. The best thing to do here is to wait for him to walk away from him then sneak up behind him and snap his neck. Okay, so now you've killed the guard, run down the hall with your Charm on and run to the third gap in the wall to your left (the one behind the green light thing) and just wait by the door with your Charm off so you can recover your psi energy. When your psi energy bar is full, head out of the little area and look to your left. You should see a camera on the wall on your left quite high up. From where you are standing now, you should be able to see what direction the camera is looking in. Run towards it when you see it look to your right. It should stay focused on the hallway to your right for quite some time... well, enought time for you to run to the camera. Anyway, when you get to the camera just stand directly underneath the camera and it won't be able to see you. Get out your Tranquiliser gun and shoot the guard on the other side of the hallway. Make sure you hit him in the head because if you don't you will have to shoot him about three more times to kill him and that wastes time and it makes a lot of noise. When you have taken care of the guard, press X on the button by the gates and Vattic will enter the code (7791). The gates will open so step through them and go left. Run to the end of the hallway and a cut-scene will play when you get to the top of the stairs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the cut-scene finishes, head up the stairs and head right through the doorway. Put your Charm on, then run to the right and you should see a guard on your left packing a shotgun. Get behind him and strangle him to death. When you've killed him, go back to where you were going (from where you entered the big room, you were running to your right). Keep going straight and at the end of the hallway, stop moving and put your Charm on. You should see a guard standing outside of the door on your left. Get him in a headlock and kill him. When he's dead, continue along down the same hallway in the same direction and hide outside one of the doors on your left. Get out your Tranquiliser gun and shoot the camera above the fence. Now, be careful when you are doing this because guards will come out of nowhere and before you know it, the alarm will turn on. Now, once you've taken down the camera, run to the fence and use Telekinesis on the switch just on the other side of the fence. When you have the fence opened, put your Charm on and run into the room on your left and kill the guard patrolling. When he's dead, run out of the room and head left. When you get to the locked gate, put on your Projection and with your Projection on, run back into the room and unlock the "WWW UPPER" door. Press square to cancel your Projection as soon as you can and then run through the door you just opened. When you are through the door, go left and run through the door straight ahead. When you go through the door a cut-scene will play and you will complete the mission. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8G: Rescue =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Okay, you start off on the roof of the Asylum with Jayne. It is pouring down with rain and you need to escape with Jayne. Start by getting out your Charm and putting it on Jayne. When you see a small picture of a body by her face on the top-right of your screen, that means she is following you. When you have her attention, go left and head up the stairs. Head right at the top of the stairs then go right again. Head to the end of this roothtop and then go right and climb down the stairs. Run to the end of this ledge and then climb down the ladder. When you are down the ladder, jump in the little water feature in the centre of this area and pick up the Heavy Tranq. When you've picked up the Tranquilser, run over to the green door and a cut-scene will play. It will just show some lightening hitting the door and Jayne running about scared. When the cut-scene ends, run over to her and hold L2 to target her with Charm. Hold R2 to heal her. You might need to spend quite a lot of time charming her, and you might need to use a whole bar of psychic energy on her, but it won't take longer than that. When you finally have Jayne's attention, run through the green door. Press against the wall on your left. Use Telekinesis on the guard on the other end of the hallway and when he is dead, Jayne will run off in fright because you killed him. So, when you've taken care of the guard look around the hallway and on one of the walls you should see a locked door with planks of wood and yellow tape around it. You should also notice the hole underneath the door. Duck through the hole and now you can forget about Jayne because she can't follow you. So, once you are through the door, climb through the window on the opposite side. Go left when you are outside and use Telekinesis on the plank of wood that is blocking off the door. If you take too long on this bit, guards will come and take Jayne away, so you must be quick here. Anyway, if Jayne needs calming, uise charm on her but if she doesn't then just go back outside. When you have Jayne's attention and you are outside in the rain, you should be able to see a ladder hanging down above your head. Use Telekinesis to bring it down to your level. Climb up it when it is ready and then head up the stairs. When you are running up the stairs, get out your Heavy Tranquilser and when you get to the top of the stairs shoot the guard patrolling. When the guard has been taken care of, go left and head up the wooden ramp then cross over the narrow plank of wood. Just as you are crossing it a cut-scene will play. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Sam Potter: Hi. I have some information that you might want to put in your Second Sight guide. On the mission 'Rescue' just before you reach the bridge which falls down there is a skylight to the left. If you look down you will see a padded cell. If you kill the crazy man inside (I used telekinesis) you can cross the bridge without it falling down and Jane being left on the other side. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You start off this checkpoint on one side of the roof and Jayne is on the opposite side. Wait for a bit for a guard to come out from behind Jayne but he won't come out all the time. Lock onto the plak of wood by Jayne with Telekinesis and use the right analogue stick to pull it up. Jayne will walk across it but when she is, move backwards so you can give her enough space to get off of the plank of wood. When Jayne is safely on your side, run straight and on your right you should see a small hole in the wall leading to some vents. Head inside the vents and head all the way to the other end. When you get out of the vent, put your Charm on and kill the guard with his back to you quickly but quietly. The guards outside will be shooting at Jayne but she will be alright because she will run away. So, once you've taken car of the first guard, turn around and head through the doorway on your left with Charm on. Go right and climb up the ladder and kill the two guards up there with your hands so that none of them see you. When the two guards are dead, go back down the same ladder you came up on and Charm Jayne becuse she probably needs calming. Go right and you should come to a fence. Now, I've gotten hunderds of Emails asking me to help them getting around this fence, so once you've read this part, do not Email me again about help for this level. It is simple. Hang off the wall to the left of the fence, then move your camera so you can see all of John's back. The hard part here is turning the corner, so all you do is keep the left stick pushed left and move the camera so it is directly behind John. Some people tell me that this doesn't work for them, but it does, so just keep trying. If you've spent hours and hours trying to get around the corner, your game is messed up because I used this strategy on two different Second Sight games and PS2's, and it works well with both. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Razeman: I would like to inform you of some information that you might want to put on your Walkthrough for Second Sight. I was playing the Gamecube version and was stuck on the Rescue mission at the part that you mentioned in your FAQ section of your walkthrough. When I tried to climb and hang over the ledge, then hand- over-hand to the side, it didn't work. So I tried changing the camera angle. Nothing. I must have tried that over and over at least ten times. I believe that there is a glitch in the Gamecube version and possibly other systems as well. Please post this on your walkthrough for anyone that might be having the same problem as me. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Steven Dill: On the rescue level, at the part where everyone has trouble, you say to hang off of the wall. Try this instead. Go down the ladder to the balcony with the locked door and hop on the small wall. Press R1 against the wall thats closer the other balcony to press against it, then make your way across. You might get spotted by the guards in the rooms, but I think this is easier and the way the makers of the game intended you to go. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Nicole: Hey just letting you know that in the rescue mission where everyone has trouble with getting around the fence......after several what seemed like a hundred failed attempts to hang off the wall and shimmy around that corner, I found out that it was a hell of a lot easier to just stand on top of the edge and run across the corner. You have to run towards the other side while staying as close as possible to the corner meeting points. Did it that way in one shot. Also you have to get the balcony key from the patient in the the third room on the right before you can open the doors to let whats her name in. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// So, once you have finally worked out how to turn the corner while you are hanging off it, keep swinging to the left until you are hanging above a balcony. When you feel that you are hanging over the balcony, press X to drop off the wall and go through the yellow double-door. Go through the door on the other end of the hallway and get out your Heavy Tranq. or your Pistol. Shoot the guard in the head and then progress down the hallway and kill the other guard. Now, from the door you entered the hallway by, run into the door directly in front of you (past the two doors on your right) and kill the guard in there if there is one. Now, go to the back of the room and on the desk thing on your left there should be a glowing object, that is the balcony key. Pick it up, then head through the door on your right. When you are back in the hallway, go straight and go through the door in front of you. Go right and open the balcony door and Jayne should be just outside waiting for you. When you are with Jayne, Charm her if she needs it, then run back down the hallway and go through the doorway on your right. Climb up on to the red platform thing and then go through the hole and press X on the button. The lift will go up so Charm Jayne again and when she is on the lift with you, press the button again. When you are at the bottom floor, you reach the final checkpoint. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go straight down the hallway and go through the doorway. Take note of the bench just to your right because you are going to be using that for cover. Shoot the guard patrolling on the other side of the pool from the bench with your SMG and more guards will come out. Jayne will run off in fright because of the loud noises but just ignore her for now. Stay crouched behind the bench and just wait for guards to come to you. Shoot them when they are quite close but don't let them get too close or they will be able to shoot you quite easily. When you have shot some guards, head over to the small pillars around the pool on your left where the first guard was patrolling. Walk along the side of the pool and there will be two guards shooting you from the other side of the pool behind cover, so kill them both if you haven't already. When you have killed them both, there should be another guard shooting you from behind a bench so kill him as well. When he's dead, shoot the guards on the balcony just above the bench and then run through the door just in front of you. When you get through the door, shoot the guard hiding behind the wall on your right and heal if you need to. Run down the stairs and shoot the other guard if there is one. Now head down the next flight of stairs to kill the final guard. Now all the guards are dead go back up the stairs and go outside again and find Jayne and Charm her. Lead her back through the same door and go down the stairs. When you get to the very bottom a cut-scene will play and you will complete the level. Phew. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8H: Reliance =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Six months ago... The level starts will a small opening movie of Starke having a little conversation with Vattic. You start off by the camp-fire and with a sniper rifle in your hands. Head left and follow Starke and he will warn you about snipers. Hold L2 and kill whoever gets in your way. When you have taken care of some snipers a cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head through the tunnel with the colonel and when you are just at the end of the tunnel there will be a sniper on the ledge above you. Kill him before he can get a shot in at either of you. When the first sniper is down, follow the road as it curves left and there will be a sniper in the distance so you should be able to kill him easily with your sniper. Move further down the road and another sniper will pop up. The colonel will move on and start shooting another sniper, so help him if he needs help. WHen that sniper is dead, keep running down the road and a building will appear on the left of your screen. Walk a little further and another cut-scene will play and you will reach the next checkpoint. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head straight and take the road as it forces you left. Go to the pile of boxes on your left and climb on top of them to get into the USHC grounds. Duck through the small gap in the wall and crawl to the end of it to end up in a hallway. Head down the hallway and another cut-scene will play. Equip your tranquiliser gun and peek through the nearest door to you. Shoot the guard nearest to you by the pool table in the head, then aim carefully and shoot the guard playing 'Earth Impact' in the head. Go inside the games room and pick up the guns on the floor. Run over to the arcaed game at the back of the room and press X to play it. This is just a small mini-game put in by the developers. When you play it once, you can play it whenever you want by clicking on Applications on the pause menu. When you have got bored of the arcade game, head out the room and go up the stairs to your left. When you are up the stairs, peek in the first room to your right. There is a guard behind the boxes but he will come out after a short while. When he comes into your sight shoot him quickly and quietly with your Tranquiliser. Run into the room, pick up the guard's gun and use the health pack at the back of the room. When you have full health, head out of the room and go right then peek through the next door and shoot the two guards in here. Head inside the room and press X on one of the computers. John will send a message to the colonel and the colonel will turn the power on. head to the back of the room and on top of the drawers is a piece of paper. On top of that piece of paper is the managers key. You have to press X in order to pick up the key. When you have the key, leave the room and go right and head through the last door on the right. Go straight and head through the next two doors. You will now enter the left building. There is one guard on the top floor (the floor you're on now) and two guards on the bottom floor. Go right and the guard patrolling should be on the other side of the room. Run to the end of the pathway and press against the last pillar on your left. Wait behind the pillar for the guard to come, then quickly shoot him in the head with your Tranquiliser. You must kill him with one shot here if you want to make this mission as easy as possible. When you shoot the guard, go through the door on your right or behind you, then go through the next one to get outside in the snow. You will be on a platform above the guards; go right and go down the ladder. Now, I don't know if it is possible to do this part without being seen, so when you go down the ladder, the alarm will go off. Guards will come out from loads of different directions so you just need to do the best you can to kill all of them and lose as less health as possible. When Starke calls for help, head over to where he is (follow arrow at top-right of screen) and shoot all the guards around him. Take note of the health pack on a wall somewhere on the right and also use all the cover you can. When all the guards are dead, Starke will heal himself and then stand by the fence. Talk to him, then climb up the same ladder you came down by. When you are up the ladder, equip your sniper rifle and climb on to the roof just infront of you. As soon as you step on the wood, a sniper will shoot you from the cliff. Quickly kill him then climb down the ladder then press the switch in the small shed to open the fence. Climb back around the fence then go to where the colonel was standing. Climb on top of the table, then press X to climb over the wall. Go left to find Starke and another cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow Starke as he runs down the road. Snipers will apear from the mountains so keep your sniper close and shoot everyone who appears in your view. You will shortly come to some tracks. Climb over the barrier then go right on the tracks. You will run through a tunnel then run into a run-down train station. Don't worry about getting hurt in this station, because you and Starke are the only ones there. Run into the train, then come out of the other side. When you get out the train, go through the doorway then pick up the shotgun and the station key hung up on the wall. When you have picked up the station key, run back through the train and open the huge gate on your left with the station key. Make your way up the stairs with Starke then go left and a cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start shooting all the different guards with any gun other than the Tranquiliser and once you have killed a few, step back a few yards from the guards and put on Projection. With Projection, jump down through the hole in the floor, and possess one of the guards. Shoot all the other guards and when they are all dead, stand next to a red barrel and shoot it to kill yourself (as a guard). Go back as John and jump down through the hole to meet up with Starke and to watch an ending movie. Level complete. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8I: Entrapped =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= So, you have escaped the Asylum and now you need to escape the NSA agents through the sewers. Start by heading down the stairs by yourself (don't make Jayne follow you just yet) and going into the sewers. Go into and through the tunnel and a short cut-scene will play of the guards coming through the sewers. After the cut-scene, head straight into the next tunnel and put Charm on if you need to. Wait under the tunnel and when you see a guard walk across the face of the tunnel from left to right, put charm on and follow him and strangle him. When the first guard is dead, run into the tunnel just in front of you and select Telekinesis. Use it on the gate at the roof of the tunnel to open it. The guard on the floor above will investigate, but he will eventually go away. When you feel that the guard has gone back to what he was doing before, press R1 under the gap to climb up it and put charm on as you are climbing up. Get behind the guard (make sure he doesn't see you, this guard has a shotgun) and strangle him. Pick up his shotgun, then run over to the door on the right somewhere. Peek through it and equip your Tranquiliser, and when the guard walks right in front of your face, shoot him in the head making a less noise as possible. When this guard is dead, put your Charm on and run back to Jayne and get her to follow you using Charm. By this point, none of the guards should know where you are. Run back to the door you just came from with Jayne, then run down the stairs and slide down the ladder. Select Projection and run through the door on the left. Possess one of the guards with your upgraded Projection and kill all the other guards you can find. When you think you have killed all the guards in here, run to the door (as the guard) but don't open it if you have enough psi power. When you are back as John, quickly open the door and snap the guard's neck (he should be just by the door because that's where you just put him). If you find any other guards in this area kill them quickly before they can set off the alarm. If the alarm does go off in this room, don't worry about it because you can just hide in the corner and they will go away quite quickly. Head up the ladder that leads on to the platform on the right (as you enter this area) and select Telekinesis. Use Telekinesis quickly on the two switches in the centre of this area because they will change back after about 10 seconds. When you have successfully pulled both of the levers, duck down and crawl through the really wide gap in the wall. If this hole is covered by a gate, you need to pull both the levers again. When you get to the end of this gap or tunnel, whatever you want to call it, put Charm on and run behind the two guards. Strangle them both and drag them into the dark corner so that the other guard doesn't find the dead body. When you have taken care of the two guards, head through the green door on the left opposite the big gap in the wall. Pull the two levers and let Jayne in. Heal her if she needs it (she probably won't because so far you have used stealth) then run back through the same green door you just came from. Run to the end of the passageway and head left with Charm on Kill the guard patrolling around this area. If you see any other guards in this area, kill them straight away. After that, head into the centre of this area and climb on to the centre platform and pull the lever to watch another cut-scene. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from selmiak: In the room with the two levers you tell the reader to use TK on them both at the same time and then crouch throug the wall. There is another way. Go to the fence-door at the very end of the room. You walk over a fence on the ground. Remember it I'll come to that in one second. Go to the fence door. Look through it an you will see another lever. Use TK to push it. Then turn around and lock your TK on the lever now available down under that fence on the ground (remember). Push it with TK and it will open. You can climb in there and throgh some very narrow sewers you will come to the lever that opens the fence-door and then you can let Jayne in. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quickly equip your shotgun or another powerful gun you might have picked up, then start taking out the guards coming from the door on the balcony above. Once you've taken care of some enemies from the balcony, climb down the ladder and shoot the guards that appear from the other door. When the guards stop spawning from the door, head through the door nearest to you and heal yourself and Jayne if she needs it. Head through the doorway and up the stairs then go through the door on your left. Now this bit has a lot of enemies. You can't sneak past all these enemies so I think it's best if you just shoot your way through this part. If you are desperate for health or Jayne is, go to the hole in the wall just by the door you came in by. When you think all the guards in this part are dead, run to the other end of the sewers. You should come to two gates. Select Telekinesis and use it on the lever above the gate on the left. When you get the gate open, run through it with your shotgun equipped, then quickly shoot the guard in the tunnel. Run to the end of the tunnel and a cut- scene will play. If you find any other guards around here, kill them as soon as possible. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First of all, kill any guards patrolling in the sewers if there are any. Then climb up the ladder just on the left and run to the end of the platform. A short cut-scene will play showing your escape route, then after the cut-scene, Jayne will tell you that she will wait at the bottom of the lift while you turn back on the lift. Head back down the ladder and go left then run to the back wall and climb up the ladder. When you get up the ladder, go right and hang on the thing sticking out just above you. Shuffle across this part, and when you get to the opening climb up. Hang back down the next wall below you this time, then shuffle across until you find a ladder and a cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Climb up the ladder and when you get near the top, put Charm on. Ignore the guard running across you, and just stand by the wall in front of you and recover your psi power. Make sure the other guard has his back to you and when he stops moving, go up behind him and strangle him. When you have this guard down, run left and run to where the other guard was running to. Put Charm on so he doesn't see you then snap his neck. Pick up his Sniper Rifle and just check that Jayne is OK, then run back to the laser field. If Jayne calls for help stand on the balcony and shoot any guards you see. Put on Projection and run through the lasers. Run through the doorway on the right sumwhere and press the button to turn off the lasers. Possess the guard in the hallway then jump off the balcony to kill the guard. Go back as John and run to the hallway and meet up with Jayne. When she is back with you, run through the same doorway and heal her and you if you need health. When you both have full health head down the hallway and run through the doorway on the right, then climb down the ladder and go through doorway then go up the steps. Go through the next doorway then you should be in quite a big area of guards. I don't think it is possible to sneak past these guards so I think you will be better off just shooting your way through them. Just look out for Jayne's health bar and you should be alrite. When you think all the guards on your level are dead, run to the back of this area and on the right somewhere you should see a small ladder going up. Head up the ladder and shoot the guards up there. Run through the tunnel and when you get to a cage thing on the left shoot the guard behind the bars. Keep on following the tunnel and shoot all the guards you see (this bit will be a LOT easier if you don't use stealth and just shoot your way through). At the end of the tunnel will be a ladder. Climb up it to end the level. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8J: Streetlife =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= NOTE: Just try and stick to my walkthrough because it will make this mission as easy as possible. Also, don't get any of the NSA agents' attention, because if you do, you might be better off just restarting the level because those guys are hard to shake off. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Lynn: Instead of getting out by the vent, I got out of the garage by the front door. Let me explain a little more precisely. As soon as the level starts, I go upstairs search the sawn (just to have it) then I go back downstairs and I'm heading to the back of the garage. I open the vent, I go through, stop at the end get the tranquiliser out and shoot the guard standing here in the head. I get the telekinesis out, pick up his gun with the telekinesis and i go back, making a U turn, inside the garage through the vent. There and this is where it is the fun :) An agent is still behind the metalic door preventing you to escape, (he is even taunting you) but... you can escape by the front garage door... let me tell how... Still at the back of the garage, crouch... so you are undercover. Then select telekinesis and push the garage door button (no no... I'm not crazy)... so the garage door opens and... surprisingly the guard don't know what to do (because he doesnt see you, you are crouched at the back of the garage) So don't let him think too long... bring him inside the garare with telekinesis (stay crouched) knock him once or twice on the wall. then close the garage door (just in case some would want to see what you would do with this poor man.. hehehe) either by telekinesis on the button or by going to the button on foot and pusing it by hand ;) I prefer going by foot because the agent is knocked down but not dead. After that, finish him off the way you like (with the gun you got from the first killed agent, your fists, or the way I prefer telekinesis him and knocking him on wall, floor and ceiling till death. If you run out of psi power, just recharge, you have the time when the agent is knocked down) Dont forget to pick his gun. So here it is... the front garageway is safe. Now open the front door again. head left, lean at the corner... oh god an agent is standing still... Get the tranquiliser out... shoot him in the head while the agent patroling the passageway is not here and get his body to you with telekinesis (if not the other agent patrolling will notice the body) Another way of getting rid of this agent is simply telekinesis him to you and finish him off in front of the garage (the way you like... I still prefer bringing the agent up the sky with telekinesis and let him fall down... the higher you get him... the tougher will be the fall for him. You can also try to eject him far away from the level, it sometimes works) Don't worry the other agent won't notice one of them is missing. There are one or two agents left (the one patrolling, and another, not always here, patrolling in the passageway where the previous 'standing still' agent was) I like to telekinesis them... but you can tranquilise too (be careful to not be spotted if you miss the shot... the telekinesis is safer) Telekinesis their weapon to you after all that (I like to do that) That is 4 or 5 agents out very easily... and if you don't get spotted (normally you wouldn't)... your are safe for the rest of the mission... no agents at the start place means no worries during your back and forth for the gang members. I didn't use charm at all in this level!!! The rest of the mission is as you already describe it except I deliver the "package" by the same way i got to pick it a U turn again.. lol... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// Watch the opening movie and when you start off in the garage, head up the stairs and pick up the sawn-off shotgun on the shelves. Head back down the stairs then go right and in between the shelves is a small vent in the wall, duck down and press X to open the vent. Climb through the vent and when you get through to the other side, get out your Tranquiliser gun and shoot the guard in the head. Get out of the vent and pick up his pistol. Crouch down behind the yellow rubbish dumb and shoot the agent if he walks past. Head as straight as possible (as if facing the yellow rubbish-dump) and past the stairs. If an agent spots you here, kill him before he can call for backup because if he does, it will be very hard to progress in the level. Run past the stairs on the left and go into the big area. To your left will be three gang members. Go over to them to watch a cut-scene. The cut-scene will show Vattic trying to reason with the gang members, but they won't let Vattic past. When you are back in control of Vattic, climb up the ladder just next to the broken-down police car. Run across the rooftops to view another short cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run straight and go right then quickly slide down the ladder on your right. Stand on this ledge and kill the NSA agent however you want (I like to use Telekinesis on him, but you could just simply shoot him). However, if you do shoot the gang member, restart from checkpoint because you won't be able to complete the level if you do. When the agent is dead, follow the gang member into the garage just on the right. Watch the cut-scene then enter the garage to watch another cut-scene. When you are back in control of John, run over to the female gang member, then talk to her. She will give you a package that you need to deliver. When you have the package, run to the right (from the door you came in by) and go through the doorway. Head through the next door on your left (it might be locked so just wait for other gang member to open it) then go through the next doorway in front of you. Head up the ramp or stairs on the left then go through the blue door. Run straight past the stairs on your right and go past the yellow rubbish dump on your right (put Charm on as you run to the yellow dump just in case there are any agents nearby). Go right up the stairs then press the buzzer to the left of the door. A man from the other side of the intercome will speak to you and after that a cut-scene will play and you will reach the next checkpoint. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go back to the same door and the man will unlock the door for you. Out your charm on and go left past the yellow rubbish-dump. Kill any agents by hand if you see one, then go past the stairs and run over to the three gang members and yet another cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, run with the gang members and press against the wall in the left so you have a good view of the area you just came from. Equip your most powerful gun (Sawn-off shotgun) and shoot the agents as they approach. The sawn-off might not be so good for so long here though because after you fire two shots you have to reload and that takes ages, so it might be easier to get out your pistol for this. When you get overrun by the agents, run down the stairs just by the basketball courts and heal yourself if you need to. Run back and shoot as many agents as you can. Pick up their weapons and run left to where all the other Vipers are. Press against the wall just to the left of the gang member wearing a blue track-suite and just keep on shooting agents as they come. The gang members will order to head to the fire escape, so run with them and press against the green and yellow rubbish-bin. Shoot the agents that appear then heal. Run back to where the gang members went (the fire escape) and a cut-scene will play. If you don't view the cut-scene, there are still more agents running loose, so run back and kill the remaining agents. When all the agents are gone, run back to the other gang members and watch the cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is very close to the end of the level here. Head up the ramp guarded by the gang members then just climb up the series of ladders until you come to a window. Climb through the window then run to the table in the middle of the room and read the paper to view the ending movie and to end the level. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Alternative route sent in from Philip Cook: After talking to the gang members don't climb the ladder, head back and to the right, you'll approach the cutscene from the other end of the alley and can get to the MIB quicker. After picking up the package follow the guy you've saved who'll unlock the interior doors go all the way through and you'll get a revolver and some other weapon I forget what. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8K: Teamwork =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Six months ago... The opening video will show WinterICE walking around and some snipers shooting from the distance. When you are in control of John, equip your sniper rifle and quickly pop a couple of heads. Take cover behind one of the objects like the rest of WinterICE and jsut use your sniper rifle to pick out one-by-one different snipers from the building in front. It shouldn't take long before you take out all of the snipers so when they are all gone, the colonel will call everybody in and he will give orders to people. Head up the hill with Cortelli and JC and enter the building and a cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start by heading to the window on the right and just shooting some guards as they appear from the distance. Whateveryou do here, just don't let them get close to the building. Once you killed a few guards, another guard might enter the building so keep your eyes peeld for him and if you do see him, make sure you kill him before he can damage the communications equipment. Keep shooting guards and when you notice that your sniper is running low on ammo, equip your soviet pistol and run across the tracks and pick up the dropped weapons and shoot the guards as they keep on coming from the other side. Run right to the end of the tracks and you might see a projected child from the project standing by the door. Run back to JC and Cortelli and you should find some more guards. JC will be guarding the building from the other side this time so go on and help him. The Soviet Rifle is probably the best gun to use here. Once you're done killing some more guards, Cortelli will tell you to come up to him. He will give you a message to give to the colonel so when he has given you the message, run back down the hill and meet up with the colonel and watch another cut-scene. Run up the hill a little and another cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You start off by the dead end you visited earlier on in the mission. Follow WinterICE through the tracks and the guards will start shooting from where you started this level. Get out your sniper rifle and shoot the guards with your fellow teammates. When they are all dead, follow the team back through to the other side of the building and down the hill. Meet up with WinterICE and then stay with them and shoot the guards that appear from the building on the right. When the colonel gives you the order, go with Franklin into the building and look around. Head past the table and enter the doorway on your left and a cut-scene will play of Franklin talking to John about something about a sniping view... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run through the door on the left and go over and talk to Starke. Head back and enter the left building (the one opposite the one Franklin is in) and a cut- scene will play. When the cut-scene ends, put on Projection and run through the laser fence. Run to the end of the hallway and go right then right again down the hill. Follow the projection child into a small base and possess the guard then pull the lever to open a door. Return back as John in normal form then go to the colonel and talk to him and watch the cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, run with the majority of WinterICE and take cover behind one of the wooden plank things. Shoot as many guards as you can with your soviet rifle then watch the cut-scene of Tex opening the main door. When he has done that, find some more cover and heal you and anyone else who needs healing. Get out your sniper rifle and shoot every guard you see. After that, Starke will order the team to move up. Head up the ramp with the colonel and shoot some more guards behind cover. Heal yourself and anyone else who needs it, and when you have killed enough guards, Starke will order the team to get to the big door in the centre of the base. Jayne will tell the colonel that she found a key on the floor someone, then Starke will give the order to look around for a door that might fit the key. Run around for a bit, and when John says to himself something about a locked door, go over to the colonel and talk to him. Now watch the cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run down the tunnel and take cover behind one of the boxes. Shoot all the guards in this area and when you have killed enough, a cut-scene will play and you will complete the level. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8L: Breakout =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Wait for Startke to open the door for you then press against the nearest pillar on your left. Shoot a few guards and then Starke will order you to move on and keep behind him. He will warn you of the enmies coming up from behind so shoot them as quick as you can then pick up their weapons. Go back with the colonel and help him take out the last two guards. When they are down, go with him through the door on the left. If you have enough time, headshot the guard standing in the bathroom while Starke takes care of the guard behind the sofa. Stand around for a bit while Starke gives his final word to one of the leading Vipers. When Starke is ready, head out of the room with him head left down the corridor. You should now be outside on the fire escape. After you go down one flight of stairs, Starke will tell you to find another way around to open the fire escape door. Wait around for a bit and shoot the NSE agents on the other side and on the ground level. Heal Starke if he needs health, then go back on to the same level as the purpple fire exit and select Telekinesis. Aim at the lift by the window on the left, and move the lift so it reaches the bottom floor. Run back down the stairs and shoot some more agents with Starke if you have enough ammo. Run all the way to the bottom where all the agents are coming from and then run on to the lift and press the switch to take you to the window. When the lift stops, climb through the window and go left then take out the guard waiting by the door. Open the door then run down the steps (don't worry about the door closing because it never does) to meet up with Starke again. Help him take out the last few agents then run back with him through the fire exit. Run down the corridor with Starke and kill the guy at the end. Heal yourself and the colonel if he needs it, then head out on to the fire escape. Run down the stairs with him then go left and pick up the Sniper Rifles on the floor. Take out some agents on the other side of the fire escape then follow Starke on to the ground level. Head through the door and again press aginst the pillar on the left for cover, then take out a few guards. Once you have got rid of the guards behind the table move forward to the next set of pillars and take out some more guards. When Starke gives you the order, head through the next door on the left and take out the three guards in here. Open the double-doors at the back of the room to complete the level. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8M: Conspiracy =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= NOTE: A lot of people have difficulty completing this level, so let me start by telling you that this level is a lot easier than you think it is. Also, if you are seen by any agents or guards in this level, it is very hard to shake them off. Therefore it might be a lot easier to just restart from the nearest checkpoint. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Selmiak: If an Agency Agent, cleaner or Securitycam discovers you all the doors will be locked. You won't be able to leave the location you are in. If you are in the hallway you can hide in the bathroom. If you are in one of the offices you can hide in the wall closet. So search for the closets before you do anything else and because I say so. If you got discovered, quickly run to the closets and walk in. Now you can see through the hole. Make sure your Psi-Power meter is full. Heal just a bit, let it refresh and so on. If you see a head popping up outside through the hole use your dissappearing power as fast as possible. The agent will open the door, see nothing, ask himself if he sees ghosts or something and close the door again. Hah, can you do THAT Snake??? This doesn't work if about 5 Agents see you jumping in the closet. Then you better restart because you will be dead. --- Another thing, in the sent in walkthrough for conspiracy there is missing that you need a password to get into the computers. You get the password from the other office. There is a mark on a desk. If you read it Vattic will think about the password and then use it. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// Okay, so when you are in control of Vattic, face the computer and run up the steps on your right and Charm your way past the agent and the cleaner. Take the corner as it turns left then follow the path straight until you hit a dead-end. Go through the door on your right and look on the shelves to your left. There should be some UVD equipment so press X to read it and pick it up. Put Charm on and head left out of the other door. Ignore the guard standing on the left because it is very hard to get him in a chokehold from the position he is in. Run to the end of the corridor and a cut-scene will play about the security system. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run left and run all the way to the dead-end and crouch. When your psi metre is full again, Project and run straight and head through the first set of doors on your left. Run to the second desk on your right and read the note on the filing cabinet. Press square to return back as Vattic then refill your psi metre again. When your psi metre is full again, project and run through the first door on your right this time. Go right and enter the computer in the corner (by the camera) and log in as s.hanson. Click on the top left icon and then click on the security camera icon. Turn off the three security cameras then return back as John again. Recharge your psi metre and select Charm. Run through the same door on the right with Charm on and hide behind one of the desks or even in the wardrobe to refill your psi metre. When it is full again, put Charm on and kill the cleaner quietly by the window. If the cleaner on the other side of the glass sees you, don't worry about her because she won't set off the alarm. If the alarm does go off, hide in the wardrobe again untill the agents go away. Now, go over to the other computer (not the one you went on earlier, this computer is nearer the windows and wardrobe). If an agent walks into the room looking for the cleaner, just duck behind the computer and make sure he doesn't see you then just wait for him to leave the room. When you are alone in the room again, go on to the computer and log on as s.hanson again. Click on the top left icon again and read the second Email called "Dubrensk Update". Read it then save the attachment on to the desktop. Go back on to the desktop and drag the attachment to the top left icon. Now get off the computer and go on the other computer in the corner of the room. Click on the Movie Player icon and press OK so the movie starts to play. Get off the computer then put Charm on. Go through the door and go right then enter the next door on your left. Recharge your psi metre then project and possess the guard by the security system. Run through the security detector and go right and send the guard up the lift. Return back as Vattic and select Telekinesis. Go to the security detector and aim Telekinesis on the detector. Keep using Telekinesis as you move through the detector so the alarm doesn't go off. Run straight and enter the door on your left and run to the big TV to end the level. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8N: Infiltration =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Six months ago... After the quite long opening movie, a short cut-scene will play showing where two sinpers are. The first bit of the level is really easy, and it's just a case of accuracy with the sniper. Equip your Sniper Rifle, then stand by the nearest board on the left. Aim your sniper and move around so you have a clear view of the other sniper up in the window just ahead. Hit him in the head. When the first sniper is dead, run straight past the boards and if you see another guard patrolling on the floor, kill him before he spots you. Now when you have the guard patrolling down, stand by the last board to your left and aim your sniper at the roof of the building to your left. Shoot the sniper up there then run right and through the only door that opends on your left. Head out through the next doorway and a cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heal if you need to then head up the ladder in front of you (on your right from the doorway). Run straight and when the wall on your right ends put your Charm on then head down the ladder in front of you. Run up the ramp at the back of the helicopter to get inside then pick up the sniper rifle and the rusty key. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Selmiak: There is an odd glitch I dicovered. If you are in the Helicopter go to the rear right corner (seen from above) if you now approach the boxes and run a bit in a small circle it can happen that you end up like you were under something, say firstperson view and you can crouch around a bit but are not really under something. This happened in the free camera view mode. Haven't tried for locked camera. --- If you hide in the helicopter and posess a soldier outside try to posess a sniper and get rid of the other snipers with his rifle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// Run back outside of the helicopter with Charm on and then go up the same ladder on the left that you used before. Run left and stop using Charm when you are really desperate, then climb up the three walls up ahead. When you are at the top, slowly walk up to the sniper on the bridge and snap his neck, then step on the part of the bridge which has now been lifted up so you can bring it back in line with the other part of the bridge. Select Telekinesis and use it on the switch on the wall on the right to lower the next part of the bridge. Do what you did on the last guard on the sniper just in front of you now and make sure that noone sees you. Jump over the railing on the left and do the same with this sniper. Slide down the ladder, jump over the ledge then follow the path until you reach a door on your right. Open the door and put Charm on. Run right with Charm on and notice the two tables in this hallway because you can use those as hiding places. Make sure you are not visible to the snipers outside because they are watching you through the windows on your left. If anyone does see you and the alarm goes off, hide under one of the tables to shake them off. So, when you reach the end of the hallway, you will be in a very small room full of boxes. Duck down behind the boxes and recharge your psi metre. Put your projection on and run outside and take the first left possible and possess the guard standing on this ramp (the one by the bell). Using this guard, kill the guards patrolling around this area. I think there are only three. Anyway, make sure that the guard you have possessed is the only guard out there before you turn back as Vattic because you will be spotted otherwise. Return back as Vattic and run into the place you were just in with Charm on and kill the guard you possessed earlier. When you are the only person left, run to the other end of the arena and head down the stairs. When you get down the stairs, make a sharp right turn and follow this path around the corner for another cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure your psi metre is full, then run to the second set of stairs on the right and put Charm on. Chokehold the guard with his back to you and make sure he is dead. Do the same with the next guard walking away from you. If you hear another guard getting confused, don't worry about him/it for the moment because nothing will happen. Head back to where the first guard was (on top of the stairs) but don't go down the stairs. Instead take the pathway on the left then open the door on your left. In this room there is just a pile of boxes and a fireplace. Duck down and head through the fireplace and equip your tranquiliser. Wait at the other end of the fireplace so you can see the guard with his back to you but DON'T get out yet. Shoot the guard in the head with your tranquilsier gun then get out and unlock the door. Head right when you are outside, then look down off the balcony and shoot the guard down there in the head with your tranquiliser. Run to the end of the balcony when the guard below is dead, and you will come between two paths - straight on or left; go left. There are two guards in the Red House on your right so try not to let them see you just yet. Run to the other end of the Red House and look through the window. Quickly shoot the two guards dead with a soviet Rifle (a tranquiliser won't shoot through the glass) then select Telekinesis and use it to move the plank off wood locked on to the door. If you are seen here by one of the two guards, the best place to hide is in one of the fireplaces'. Go inside the Red House when you have opened it, then pick up the church key on the table. The note on the table is just a diary of one of the villagers', but you don't have to read it. From now on don't worry about being seen because most of the guards know you are here, so shoot to kill. Go left then left again and shoot the two guards hiding behind the boards. Go ahead and kill the third guard here. Equip your Sniper Rifle now then shoot some guards on the other end. Guards will spawn from all over the place; the pier on the left where there are quite a lot of snipers, on top of the ladder and some even come from the alleyway you just came from. The best thing to do here is to keep your sniper equipped and take out as many snipers as you can because they cause the most damage. After a while, when you think you have killed enough guards, climb up the ladder on your right a bit then heal. A pile of crates will be blocking your way across, so what you need to do here is to hang off the wall and shuffle across then climb up as soon as you can. When you are on the right side of the crates, get out your Soviet Rifle (it should have a lot of ammo) and run towards the pier (straight on). Use the crates on this path as cover and shoot as many people as you can. There will be a lot of snipers from the pier and even more guards shooting you from where you just were. Try and get to the building as quick as possible then run to the back of the building and heal. When you have full health and your psi metre is full, smash the window (at the back of the building) and use Telekinesis on the switch by the door to open it. Run around and open the door then quickly press the button on the right to turn on the radio signal and Starke will contact you. Take a quick breather, then equip your sniper rifle. Run out the door and shoot as many people as possible and when you are overrun by guards, equip your soviet rifle and shoot as many guards as you can. Run back across the pier then go left and follow the path until another cut-scene plays. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cut-scene will show the church on the other side of the building and an enemy dressed in black and with night-vision goggles; these enemies can be known as Shocktroopers. When you are in control of Vattic, run towards the building and a Shocktrooper will jump out on you. The Soviet Rifle is probably the best gun to use against these guys as they are quick and powerful. Shoot the guy in the chest a few times to break his shield, then aim at his head to finish him off. However you kill these guys, don't let them attack at you as they carry powerful SMG's or Soviet Rifles and they are very quick. So now you have killed the first Shocktrooper, run through the door that was shown in the cut-scene, then run to the end of the hallway and you should be able to see the church from that end of the hallway. Equip your Sniper Rifle and use it to take out the two guards patrolling around the church - there should be one on each side of the church. When you have done that run into the church (there are no enemies here) and a cut-scene will play. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8O: Childcare =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Six months ago... After the cut-scene with Grienko, run around the corner and ignore the door on your right and just run through the door at the end of the hallway. Run right to the end of the corridor and you should see a child projection. Ignore the first door on your right and just turn the corner and go through the door on the left. When you are through this door, ignore the staircase and the lift and just run through the door almost opposite the door you came in by. Select and use Telekinesis on the big generator in the middle of the room. When you have used almost a whole bar of psychic energy on the generator, the child will tell you to go to the lab. Exit through the two rooms you came in by, then turn the corner and go through the door on the left. Head up the ramp and make a sharp left turn then go right through the door and into the lab for a cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the cut-scene is over, run through the door on your right (the one opposite the one you came in by). Equip your Tranquiliser gun and wait by the door until a guard comes through the door and up the ramp. Shoot him in the head the moment he stands still, then go through the door in front of you (not the one at the bottom of the ramp). Shoot the guard in this room before he sees you and before he leaves the room. Go through the door at the bottom of the ramp then go left then press against the wall on your right. Shoot the guard standing here in the head with your Tranquiliser gun. When he is dead, wait at the corner of the wall so you can see where you just came from, and when the guard enters through the door at the other end of the hallway, quickly shoot him in his head. Now crouch in the corner and project. Run through the door on the left (the one you went to earlier to use the generator) and head up the stairs. Possess the guard on the stairs and use his hand print on the scanner to open the door. When you are in the control room, go over to the computer on the right up the ramp then click on the hand print icon to turn off the hand print scanners so anyone can use them. Get off the computer and shoot the other guards in this room (especially the Shocktrooper) then return back as Vattic. Head back up the stairs and into the control room and finish off any remaining guards. Go through the door at the back of the room and go down the stairs and go through the two doors. When you are out of the second one, kill the two or three guards in here trying to kill the two children. Try not to panic here or you'll just end up dying. Heal when all the guards in here are dead then run over to the two children for a cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Equip any gun, then run through the door behind you and project in the hallway. Run through the next door and possess the guard in the hallway. Use him to shoot the camera in the corner by the door then un-possess him and return back as Vattic. Recover your psi metre a bit then put Charm on and run back into the same hallway and kill the guard you just possessed. Run to the other end of the corridor and go through the door on the right. Head up the stairs and enter the control room again. Shoot the two guards shooting the child, then use Charm on the child to calm him down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the cut-scene, run through the door you just came from, then run down the stairs out of the door and follow Nadja's projection. Head through the next two doors and in the big area you have been in previously with the two children. Run to the far right of this area then open the door. Kill the guard in this hallway and anyone else you see. Run through the other door and run down the corridor a bit and a cut-scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run with Nadja back to where you just came from, and when you enter the room with quite a few guards in it, kill all of them as quick as you can. More guards will come from the two doors in here, so watch out for them. When you have killed enough guards, you probably won't be able to find Nadja, and that's because she is using Charm. When she comes out from her Charm, follow her back through the cells and kill the guard at the end of the corridor. Run up the stairs and enter the control room. There will be two Shocktroopers in here, so make sure you have lots of ammo and full health before you enter the control room. When they are both dead, head up the ramp and go over to the door on the left. Nadja will tell you not to hurt the professor then she will unlock the door. =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8P: Confrontation =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= After the short opening movie, wait for a bit and shoot the three NSA agents that come running in the room. Make sure you kill them all before they can call for backup. Run over the dead bodies and pick up the dropped ammo and the elevator key that one of the guards dropped. Now, put Charm on and go left out of the room and run right to the end where the laser fence is. Look to your right and call both of the elevators down and when one opens up for you get inside and go up. When you get to the top floor, stand just outside the elevator for now and project. Run around the corner and possess the white guy on the right (because he has an SMG). Kill the other guard then run through the door on the right. Shoot all the guards in here and when you run out of psi energy go back as normal and recharge your psi metre. If you didn't manage to kill all the guards in that room, then project again and kill the survivers. If you did however kill all the guards in there, put Charm on and run into the room and kill the guard you just possessed. When you are the only one left standing in this office, pick up all of the ammo, then run through the door on the left of the room (from the door you came in by) and project in here when you have a full psi metre. Run out through the other door and head right and possess the nearest guard. Take out as many agents as you can in this hall, then return back as Vattic when you run out of psi energy. Project again and take out the remaining agents with another agent. If any other agents shoot you during your projection, don't worry about them and just shoot them back without panicking or else you will die. When you are sure that all the agents are dead apart from one (the one you possessed), run out to the hallway and kill him and pick up every single last drop of ammo because you will really need it for the next part of the level. I am telling you that you MUST collect all the ammo you find because you will fail the last part of the mission without it. When you collected all of the ammo, run through the only door that is open and a cut- scene will play. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, you will probably find that this is the hardest fight in the whole game. You are up against men with the same abilities as you (I don't know what they are called). The are very hard to kill and I think there are five of them in total. The only way to kill them is to shoot them. If you remember the Shocktroopers from the previous levels, these guys have the same shield and same health but can shoot back at you with their own psychic powers. They are really hard to beat anyway, and all I can say to you here is good luck because I can't really give you any help at all during this fight. Just don't let any of these guys heal because you will never kill them, and also if you run out of ammo or are very low on health, you are probably better off just restarting from the checkpoint. When all of them are dead, a cut-scene will play so when it finishes, don't shoot the agent, just run to the door around the corner to complete the level. //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Tidus: When they break out of their tanks, hit them with a psi attack. Surprisingly this completely destroys their shields in one hit. After you destroy their shields, use your SMG to quickly finish them off. If you have any time between enemies, run someplace moderately safe and heal yourself before attacking the others. If one of them starts trying to use telekinesis to blow something up in your face, move behind a wall until they throw it so you don't sustain damage. When I used this technique, I used less than half of the ammo I had collected and beat them all on the first try. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Dave Gong: During the fight with the five psychics, right when they drop down you can use the Psi Attack to wipe out their shield. Then use the shotgun at very close range, one to two shots should kill them after that. Just keep doing it and the fight is very easy. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tip sent in from Ben Bradfield: Ok, when I fought them, I discovered they all have weakenesses. The first one is simple, don't shoot, just use Telekenises to throw him onto the wall when he falls down and gets stunned, pull out your SMG and open fire. When any of them power up a psycic ball just aim Telekenises then tap the fire button, and it will make them not throw it. Some of them you can't use Telekenises on, so just shoot at them because they can't block bullets. When they run away to heal, chase them and once they start healing open fire with the SMG. So in summary all you have to do is slam the ones onto the wall that block bullets then shoot at them while there stunned. Then just shoot the ones that block psycic powers, and when they go to heal finish them off. I hope this helps the people who got stumped on this part. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 8Q: Redemption =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Six months ago... After the quite.... sudden and loud opening movie, wait behind the yellow lockers and take out the two Shocktroopers with your SMG one at a time. When they are both dead, wait for a moment in the room and heal. Pick up the guns that the enemies just dropped and run out the door then head down the ramp and scan your hand on the door to your left. Head down the stairs and at the bottom take an immediate right for a short cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you are at the bottom of the elevator, run to the end of the path but stop as soon as you get to the bottom of the steps. Press against the wall on your left so you can see the back of a Shocktrooper shouting at one of the scientists. Put Charm on and silently sneak up behind him and kill him so he doesn't see you. Go into the room with the scientist when the Shocktrooper is dead but don't kill the scientist. Talk to him quickly, then scan your hand on the switch by the doorway. Quickly Project when you have pressed the switch and run out of the doorway and go left. Run through the doorway and possess the nearest Shocktrooper. Use him to kill as many other enemies as you can, and take this time for granted because you don't get your own shield everyday, you know. When you have killed about three or four enemies, either possess another Shocktrooper and kill the remaining guards, or go in there yourself as Vattic and finish them all off. When you have killed all the Shocktroopers yourself, run to the far right of the room and go through the doorway for a cut-scene. Now, you might be a little confused when you end up in the interrogation room, but just don't panic and follow my instructions to get through it. Wait in the room for a bit and soon a hologram of yourself will appear. Keep waiting in this room until Hanson comes in with a guard. When they take John away, run to the isolation room (where you started the game) for a cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WWhen you have pinched yourself and are ready to play on, quickly project and run down the stairs to possess the guard with his back to you. Run into the room in front of you (as the Shocktrooper) and shoot the guard by the doorway, then waste some guards on the balcony. Un-possess when you are out of psi energy and project again when your psi bar is full. Kill all of the Shocktroopers in this room, then run in as yourself and finish off the rest of the guards in here. Heal if you need to, then run through the doorway at the back of the room for another cut-scene. Run to the child's projection then run to the far right of the cells (you should remember this part from the Madness level). It doesn't matter if the guards see you here, because there won't be a lot of them and you will be able to kill them all yourself. If you are having trouble with the guards, open some of the cells to free the mental people and they will help you. Use Telekinesis on the switch behind the fence when you are ready, then go left and kill any guards you find then run into Jayne's room and wait for a while. Heal if you need to, and soon a cut-scene will play and you will end up back in the Zener Base. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As soon as you are back in control of Vattic, run straight and go down the stairs and on to the scafolding. Kill the Shocktrooper behind the plank of wood then use that for cover and kill the guards down below. Heal if you need to and if the wood isn't giving you enough cover, run back to where you started the checkpoint and kill the guards from there. Heal when you need to, then run to the bottom of the scaffolding and kill anymore guards you see. When you are at the bottom go left and head through the tunnel and another cut-scene will play. You will now be in the same building as the one you were in in the Conspiracy level. Run down the hallway on your left and go through the door at the end of the hallway. Wait in this room for a while, then you will go back to the present. Run through the doorway and into the big open area in front for another cut-scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHECKPOINT #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now you are up against the rest of Hanson's army. This is probably the second hardest fight in the whole game (after the one in Confrontation) but it can be made a lot easier. Unlock the children from their cells and they will help you waste the enemies. If you are ever low on ammo, there is a whole army of weaponary by the crate on the right somewhere. It might help if you pick them up just before you start shooting the enemies. Shocktroopers will also appear here and there during the fight, and guards will come from different directions. If you are ever low on health, go into one of the children's cells and heal because none of the guards follow you in there. During this long fight, you will probably think that the enemies never go away, and that you need to do something other than kill them to complete the level. Well, you don't, all you need to do is shoot the enemies until they all go away. When they all go away, the final cut-scene will play of Hanson and the children and you have completed the level and the game. Congratulations! I hope this guide helped! (MORE TO BE ADDED) ======\_______________________________________________________________________ 9: FAQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== This is the Freqently Asked Questions section (FAQ) and it should answer all of the most commonly asked questions for this game. So, on with the questions! ============================= Q: I'm on the Isolation level, and I'm in the elevator but the level won't complete. What am I doing wrong? A: As I mentioned clearly in my FAQ, you need to have full health to complete the level. Just use your healing ability until your health metre is full again, then re-enter the lift. ============================= Q: I heard about some mini-games, what are they and how do I unlock them? A: Well, as far as I know, there are two mini-games in this game: Earth Impact and X-SPACE '92. I am planning on writing a mini-games FAQ soon, so look out for that within the next month to find out more. ============================= Q: I'm stuck on the mission "Rescue", but your FAQ doesn't cover it yet, do I have to wait for your FAQ to be updated or can you tell me now? A: I have recieved two Emails now asking the same question: I'm stuck on the mission Rescue. Both times, they are stuck on the bit where there is a fence and they can't get around it. Just hang off the wall, and change your camera angle so you can make it easier for yourself. Then drop off the wall when you're hanging over a balcony. On this balcony is a door. Open the door and run through the hallway and shoot all the guards. Go through the door the other end of the hallway and Jayne should be waiting in the hallway. If she's not there, she'll be on the other side of the yellow door. ============================= Q: I heard that this game has good music, is it true? A: Take it from a Second Sight lover: this game has excellent music. It sets the scene perfectly, with high pitched piano notes and a choir singing in deep voices - it just makes this game almost perfect. ============================= Q: Is this a good game? A: Yes, of course it is, why do you think the reviews are so high and why do you think that I'm writing a FAQ on it? ============================= Q: I'm stuck on Conspiracy... A: Tip sent in from Umang. Thanks a LOT!: Ok, Finished "Conspiracy", u can thank me later! Here it goes,once you're bck in control after the cut scene, take the hallway on your right (you will be facing the main entrance, which will be locked, for obvious reasons!), take out your tranquilliser gun, as you'll want to keep a low profile in this mission. Take cover and shoot the agent when he appears. Now run to where you can see a crate and go through the door on the right. Pick up a UVD Disk from one of the boxes, exit through the door on the right and tranq the agent on the left. Look out for a cleaner around this area, as if she spots you she'll set off the alarm. Head down the corridor to the end and possess the agent over on the right. Go into the room on the right and to the hand scanner under the camera and use it to deactivate it. Go back into the corridor and pistol-whip the agent by the sensor. Return to your body and quickly tranq the guard you possessed and head to the sensor. Use your telekinesis on it while you pass under and it won't set off the alarms. Head to the end of the corridor and read the notice, then go back through the sensor and into the room on the left where the camera is. Tranq the cleaner then use the computer near the door to turn off the cameras. Now use the other computer and read the emails, then transfer the movie attachment to the UVD disk. Go back to the other computer and play the movie file. Leave the room and go back through the sensor then through the door next to the notice to see the movie playing. ============================= Q: My stats go down when I abort a mission. HOw do I stop this from happening? A: Tip sent in from Matt Wolf: Just had a quick tip to mention. If you're concerened about your game stats, don't abort a mission. I was playing last night and decided I needed to quit so I aborted a mission 5 seconds in and then had that count as an "attempt" in the game stats for that level. Kind of irritaitng; I gues you turn the console off instead of aborting to keep your stats low. Also, quick question, are there any other unlockables if the game is beat on challenging? Good work on the walkthrough so far! ============================= Q: How do I use Telekinesis then shoot someone in mid-air? A: I think you click R3 when you have the enemy in the air, then hit R2. I might be wrong, though... ============================= Q: I see that there are two difficulty settings in the game, Normal and Challenging. What are the difference between these two difficulty's? A: Well, I have only beat a couple of levels on challenging mode, and I don't think there is a huge difference between the two settings. I think the enemies are harder to kill and your psi energy bar runs out more quickly, but I think the objectives are almost the same so my walkthrough should be able to get you through the challenging part of the game. I might be wrong, though, so if I am please tell me. ============================= More FAQs to be added the more people Email me with questions. ====================\_________________________________________________________ 10: Review by Diddly --------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== This is a review by Diddly that he showed me quite a while ago. I have his permission to post his review on this guide, but you can check out the real review with screenshots here: The second psychic ability-related third person actioner to grace our consoles this month, Second Sight comes from Free Radical, the makers of Timesplitters. SS consequently looks a lot like a third-person Timesplitters adventure, with the same cartoony, slight offbeat character models and detailed levels. You play John Vattic, who awakens from a coma in what turns out to be a medical facility where he has been subjected to surgery and experimentation. John is a real mess, his body and mind are broken, he doesn't know his name, he can't remember his past, all he knows is that his only hope for survival is to escape and unravel the mystery that has led to his imprisonment. Escaping from the facility is his first task, and it soon becomes clear that his captors not only don’t want him to escape, but fear him as well. As he explores, he finds fragments of his past that reveal involvement in a covert military mission investigating psychic research in Siberia... A mission that went badly wrong, and left him empowered (or cursed) with awesome psychic abilities that can devastate the people and the world around him. Haunted by disturbing flashbacks, tormented by his strange powers and gripped by the sickening fear that he may have been to blame for what happened in Siberia, John Vattic begins searching for some sort of explanation... Via flashbacks the game flits from the present (with John escaping from the research facility) and then back six months in time to the Siberia mission. John starts off as no more than a civilian adviser, but wisely Colonel Starke and WinterICE (the special covert military team that seconded him) trained him in weapons usage and when the bullets start to fly you soon grab a sniper rifle and send some back in the other direction. These early levels in Siberia play much like any other third-person shooter, and the excellent AI gives a nice squad feel to them as your team goes to work, but John learns to harness and control his amazing psychic abilities in the present - it’s a neat, Tarantinoesque way of telling a surprisingly absorbing story. John controls in a pretty standard way before he gains his psychic powers, movement is controlled with the left stick and the right points the camera. You can change to a first person view at any time with a click of R3, but can’t move, only lean around corners. John also does a bit of Solid Snake/Sam Fisher-style sneaking and can hug walls, hang from ledges, crouch, crawl through ducts and pipes and even peek round doors - it's even possible to ease a door ajar, pull out you weapon and shoot someone before they even know you’re there! - And Snake and Sam can’t do that. You get a typical selection of weapons throughout the game; I already mentioned the sniper rifle (amazingly it has auto aim in the third-person view which makes things a bit easy), pistols, machine guns and shotguns. John can also punch and kick downed enemies (although he has a tendency to keep trying to punch them when they’re on the floor for some reason). L2 locks onto and highlights targetable objects and persons, and R2 fires your weapon (or psychic power). When John uses his psychic powers things get really interesting. Telekinesis is the first one he remembers how to use, and you can levitate objects (chairs computers, enemies etc.) - enemies can be bashed against walls or lifted high into the air and dropped - if you have a weapon then you can even levitate them and the shoot them! Throwing enemies around with mind power is great fun, and looks really painful too thanks to the excellent ragdoll physics and the fact that you can throw almost anything that isn’t screwed down around too - glass smashes and there’s even quite a bit of destructible scenery, bullet holes and all. Healing is self-explanatory, but smartly you can also heal other people, meaning you make an excellent paranormal medic during the WinterICE squad assaults and co-op sections with the Colonel and other members of the team. Psi Attacks are powerful but drain the psi gauge quickly. A Psi Attack is a focused (best aimed in first person) beam that throws an enemy backwards violently. Psi Blast is like a smart bomb, and send a wave of energy shooting out around you, knocking anyone off their feet but draining all your psi energy (it builds back up in time). Charm is basically the ability to make yourself invisible for a short time. The old MGS2 ‘hide in a locker trick’ works beautifully for John, and if an enemy guard looks in you can just turn the charm on, disappear, and off he goes, mystified as to where you went - sweet or what? Your Charm ability also calms people down if they’re in a disturbed state, and can make them trust and follow you. Projection is another neat trick - basically and out of body experience it allows your 'spirit' to scout areas ahead, unlock doors and pass through laser trip alarms. You can also take possession of enemies' bodies and use them to pull levers, open doors or turn their weapons on their friends. Your abilities are all accompanied by impressive visual effects (particularly the light- bending psi attack), and if you overuse your powers and empty your psi gauge everything goes first a bit woozy, and encourages you to be more careful in the future. Combining powers to get around problems is cleverly worked; for instance there might be a guard locked in a hut that you need to enter. You could just shoot him through the window and risk him alerting fellow guards, so you sneak round the back, peep through the window, distract him by moving something in the room with telekinesis and then kill him with a psi attack - then you can switch back to telekinesis and lift the bar from the door. Neat. Another time you may have to take over control of a guard (you need to make sure John is tucked away somewhere safe when you do this) to unlock a door that requires handprint identification. Figuring out the best way to approach each level and how best to use John’s powers is what makes Second Sight so good, few games mix up gunplay, action, stealth and basic puzzling so well. As in Timesplitters 2 developers Free Radical even slipped an arcade game in to play if you want a break (called Earth Impact, it’s a sort of space war/asteroids clone) and the game even keeps detailed stats for each level, which depending on how competitive with yourself you are, might encourage several replays (I was amazed how little I used the powerful Psi Attack throughout the game). Computer networks play a part in SS, and sometimes you’ll have to access computer terminals and can turn off CCTV cameras that would otherwise have alerted the enemy to your position, but if you spot the cameras you can shoot them or even destroy them with your telekinetic power. At times in the game (mostly due to the fact that you can heal yourself) John will feel so powerful that you’ll feel invincible, but if you flaunt stealth and cleverness too often eventually you’ll be taken down, although it’ll usually take five or six heavily armed guards to do so. John Vattic’s amazing abilities make Second Sight a fascinatingly different adventure, there’s only the similarly themed Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy to compare it to, and it’s difficult to say which is the better game. SS’s only problems are a slightly annoying and intrusive lock-on aiming system (though nowhere near as bad as the laughable one in Headhunter Redemption), the fact that John likes to keep trying to punch downed enemies when he should be kicking them, and a bit of clipping (John and enemies disappear into walls and other objects), otherwise this is a tight and interesting game that’s well worth a look. 8/10 =========\____________________________________________________________________ 11: Stats -------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 11A: General Stats =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Time spent playing : 11:38:59 Attempts : 51 Successes : 30 PSI units used : 232.83 Telekinesis : 21% Healing : 26% Psi Pulse : 5% Psi Blast : 1% Charm : 36% Projection : 7% Possession : 4% Distance Travelled : 62.6km Your blood lost : 1795.8 Their blood spilt : 4125.9 Mucky feet : 8999 HI-SCORES : JC's Training : 574 Franklin's Training : 765 Earth Impact : 5870 =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 11B: Level Stats =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Isolation: Time spent playing : 0:17:31 Fastest time : 0:03:15 Attempts : 3 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 44% Least kills : 3 Morality rating : 0% Least shots fired : 0 Headshots : 0% Highest accuracy : 0% Least hits taken : 2 PSI units used : 6.17 Telekinesis : 46% Healing : 54% Deaths averted by heal : 3 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 1.6km Your blood lost : 0.0 Their blood spilt : 14.5 Mucky feet : 142 Preperation: Time spent playing : 0:43:0 Fastest time : 0:18:20 Attempts : 3 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : - Least kills : 0 Morality rating : - Least shots fired : 107 Headshots : 19% Highest accuracy : 87% Least hits taken : 3 PSI units used : 0.00 Deaths averted by heal : 0 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 2.8km Your blood lost : 0.0 Their blood spilt : 0.0 Mucky feet : 0 Experimentation: Time spent playing : 0:46:03 Fastest time : 0:09:10 Attempts : 2 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 85% Least kills : 1 Morality rating : 0% Least shots fired : 0 Headshots : 20% Highest accuracy : 62% Least hits taken : 0 PSI units used : 34.28 Telekinesis : 12% Healing : 33% Psi Pulse : 27% Charm : 28% Deaths averted by heal : 10 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 7.1km Your blood lost : 292.3 Their blood spilt : 585.6 Mucky feet : 2059 Fieldwork: Time spent playing : 0:30:27 Fastest time : 0:10:50 Attempts : 4 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 30% Least kills : 25 Morality rating : 11% Least shots fired : 156 Headshots : 7% Highest accuracy : 60% Least hits taken : 46 PSI units used : 0.0 Deaths averted by heal : 0 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 3.6km Your blood lost : 70.8 Their blood spilt : 208.5 Mucky feet : 385 Escape: Time spent playing : 0:52:03 Fastest time : 0:08:43 Attempts : 9 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 21% Least kills : 37 Morality rating : 7% Least shots fired : 325 Headshots : 10% Highest accuracy : 63% Least hits taken : 33 PSI units used : 25.58 Telekinesis : 3% Healing : 30% Psi Pulse : 1% Charm : 55% Projection : 11% Deaths averted by heal : 6 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 5.7km Your blood lost : 226.4 Their blood spilt : 595.0 Mucky feet : 1362 Madness: Time spent playing : 1:04:29 Fastest time : 0:12:46 Attempts : 3 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 94% Least kills : 3 Morality rating : 79% Least shots fired : 4 Headshots : 3% Highest accuracy : 72% Least hits taken : 0 PSI units used : 42.36 Telekinesis : 18% Healing : 18% Psi Pulse : 5% Charm : 56% Projection : 3% Deaths averted by heal : 7 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 9.2km Your blood lost : 182.3 Their blood spilt : 292.0 Mucky feet : 936 Rescue: Time spent playing : 0:48:33 Fastest time : 0:09:16 Attempts : 2 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 34% Least kills : 20 Morality rating : 5% Least shots fired : 107 Headshots : 18% Highest accuracy : 62% Least hits taken : 47 PSI units used : 15.44 Telekinesis : 32% Healing : 15% Psi Pulse : 3% Charm : 50% Deaths averted by heal : 2 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 2.4km Your blood lost : 74.4 Their blood spilt : 148.0 Mucky feet : 452 Reliance: Time spent playing : 0:48:52 Fastest time : 0:13:45 Attempts : 2 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 32% Least kills : 19 Morality rating : 24% Least shots fired : 91 Headshots : 14% Highest accuracy : 71% Least hits taken : 20 PSI units used : 1.65 Telekinesis : 29% Projection : 14% Possession : 22% Deaths averted by heal : 1 Possessed deaths : 3 Distance travelled : 5.1km Your blood lost : 77.6 Their blood spilt : 170.1 Mucky feet : 249 Entrapped: Time spent playing : 1:08:47 Fastest time : 0:25:08 Attempts : 5 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 17% Least kills : 45 Morality rating : 15% Least shots fired : 239 Headshots : 12% Highest accuracy : 62% Least hits taken : 26 PSI units used : 35.49 Telekinesis : 54% Healing : 12% Psi Pulse : 1% Charm : 27% Projection : 5% Possession : 1% Deaths averted by heal : 3 Possessed deaths : 26 Distance travelled : 7.0km Your blood lost : 103.8 Their blood spilt : 411.1 Mucky feet : 326 Streetlife: Time spent playing : 0:22:40 Fastest time : 0:07:32 Attempts : 2 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 43% Least kills : 14 Morality rating : 12% Least shots fired : 67 Headshots : 4% Highest accuracy : 73% Least hits taken : 32 PSI units used : 8.08 Telekinesis : 16% Healing : 40% Charm : 44% Deaths averted by heal : 3 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 2.3km Your blood lost : 61.6 Their blood spilt : 123.8 Mucky feet : 168 Teamwork: Time spent playing : 0:37:06 Fastest time : 0:15:43 Attempts : 2 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 43% Least kills : 41 Morality rating : 0% Least shots fired : 309 Headshots : 11% Highest accuracy : 61% Least hits taken : 101 PSI units used : 9.95 Telekinesis : 6% Healing : 67% Projection : 25% Possession : 2% Deaths averted by heal : 4 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 4.3km Your blood lost : 161.2 Their blood spilt : 443.7 Mucky feet : 791 Breakout: Time spent playing : 0:26:34 Fastest time : 0:08:59 Attempts : 4 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 16% Least kills : 27 Morality rating : 0% Least shots fired : 243 Headshots : 6% Highest accuracy : 51% Least hits taken : 66 PSI units used : 8.14 Telekinesis : 26% Healing : 68% Projection : 1% Possession : 5% Deaths averted by heal : 5 Possessed deaths : 2 Distance travelled : 2.5km Your blood lost : 192.0 Their blood spilt : 268.7 Mucky feet : 876 Conspiracy: Time spent playing : 0:11:13 Fastest time : 0:08:24 Attempts : 5 Successes : 1 Stealth rating : 87% Least kills : 0 Morality rating : 100% Least shots fired : 33 Headshots : 44% Highest accuracy : 45% Least hits taken : 0 PSI units used : 11.29 Telekinesis : 11% Charm : 58% Projection : 21% Possession : 10% Deaths averted by heal : 0 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 0.6km Your blood lost : 3.2 Their blood spilt : 21.5 Mucky feet : 27 Infiltration: Time spent playing : 0:19:22 Fastest time : 0:18:02 Attempts : 1 Successes : 1 Stealth rating : 19% Least kills : 27 Morality rating : 18% Least shots fired : 151 Headshots : 30% Highest accuracy : 70% Least hits taken : 59 PSI units used : 11.28 Telekinesis : 4% Healing : 12% Charm : 53% Projection : 10% Possession : 21% Deaths averted by heal : 1 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 2.1km Your blood lost : 46.4 Their blood spilt : 127.7 Mucky feet : 183 Childcare: Time spent playing : 0:32:25 Fastest time : 0:08:45 Attempts : 2 Successes : 2 Stealth rating : 35% Least kills : 18 Morality rating : 22% Least shots fired : 240 Headshots : 12% Highest accuracy : 61% Least hits taken : 72 PSI units used : 9.34 Telekinesis : 20% Healing : 38% Charm : 19% Projection : 5% Possession : 18% Deaths averted by heal : 3 Possessed deaths : 2 Distance travelled : 2.7km Your blood lost : 145.6 Their blood spilt : 259.5 Mucky feet : 319 Confrontation: Time spent playing : 0:06:18 Fastest time : 0:06:18 Attempts : 1 Successes : 1 Stealth rating : 35% Least kills : 7 Morality rating : 12% Least shots fired : 234 Headshots : 24% Highest accuracy : 41% Least hits taken : 2 PSI units used : 4.16 Healing : 5% Charm : 21% Projection : 16% Possession : 58% Deaths averted by heal : 0 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 0.5km Your blood lost : 0.0 Their blood spilt : 100.5 Mucky feet : 258 Redemption: Time spent playing : 0:19:27 Fastest time : 0:19:27 Attempts : 1 Successes : 1 Stealth rating : 18% Least kills : 45 Morality rating : 0% Least shots fired : 601 Headshots : 19% Highest accuracy : 42% Least hits taken : 199 PSI units used : 9.61 Healing : 33% Charm : 11% Projection : 34% Possession : 22% Deaths averted by heal : 4 Possessed deaths : 0 Distance travelled : 3.1km Your blood lost : 158.2 Their blood spilt : 255.7 Mucky feet : 466 They are all my stats for the game. You must take note that because I write my FAQ at the same time as playing the game, the "Time Playing" category my be my weak sopt. If you have your own level statistics, I will be happy to put them in my guide and we can have a little competition ;). Email them to me at: ==============\_______________________________________________________________ 12: Mini-games --------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== I have now completed this game and I have found two mini-games so far, Earth Impact and X Space '92. I have written another in-depth FAQ on the mini-games at GameFAQs with the high scores and everything, but this section should just tell you how to unlock each game and what they are about. You can check out this section on a sperate page at: =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 12A: Earth Impact =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= Earth Impact is an arcade game you can play whenever you want once you have played it once. To play it, get to the Reliance level, then enter the USHC building. Crouch through the vents to get inside the building, then go into the first room on your left. Kill the two guards in here. One of the guards you killed was playing on an arcade game, and the other guard was playing pool. Go over to the arcade game and press X to play it. When you have played Earth Impact once, you can play it whenever you want, wherever you want, just by simply clicking on the Applications button on the pause menu. Earth Impact is a great feature in this game. But, the one bad thing is, is that it is really addictive. When you play it once, you will want to play again, and again... and again. It kind of drags you away from playing the game, so you need to be strong if you want to get on with the game. In Earth Impact, you are a Space Ship in space, and you just have to go around shooting other space ships and getting as many points as possible. The game is played from a sky-view camera angle, and it is 2-D. It plays like an average arcade game would play, so it's kind of like and arcade, in your PS2. Here, I will make a list of all the items I have found so far in this mini- game: Yellow Stars - You can find yellow stars just by shooting and blowing up another space ship. They give you an extra amount of points (I'm not quite sure how many points you get for collecting a yellow star). But, if you see a yellow star but you don't collect it in time, it will go away. Spanner - The spanner also appears if you kill a certain enemy. It fills up a bit of your life metre and it gives you a few points. But, like the yellow star, this item disappears if you don't collect it in time. Rocks - When you start the game, you start off between three rocks, all different sizes. There is one huge one, one tiny one, and one about half the size of the huge one. If you shoot the tiny one, sometimes and item comes out of it. If you shoot a medium size rock, three tiny rocks come out of it, and if you shoot a massive rock, two medium sized rocks come out of it. But don't get too upset if you don't get an item from a tiny rock because they sometimes don't appear. Tip from ytse: I found this mini-game actually easier when you go the heavy way (the ships give enough health supply to simply fly toward them whil shooting). =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= 12B: X Space '92 =-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+=-+= This mini-game is a lot harder to find than the Earth Impact game. They are almost the same type of game but this one is more classic and original. I like X Space '92 because it is a lot harder and more addictive (in my opinion). Use the D-pad to move your ship to the side and to the right or left, and press X to shoot bullets. The other enemies in this game will shoot back at you, but you can't deflect their bullets by hitting them with your own. The only way to avoid being hit is to dodge the bullets. You unlock this mini-game in the Madness level. After the first checkpoint, run through the lobby and follow the path past another guard and you should find a computer behind a desk. Run down the hallway the same direction as the computer with Charm on and there will be a guard standing by a door on the left somewhere. Shoot him with a Tranquilsier, then enter the room and use Telekinesis to get the game down from the first shelf on your left. When you have it, run back to the computer you were at earlier and put in the floppy- disk. Once you have played it once, you can play it whenever you want if you go to Applications on the pause menu. When you start the game, a few basic enemies will start shooting at you. Kill them all easily and don't lose a life here. Then after they have gone, different enemies will come then more of the same ships will come in a diagonal line. When they clear off the screen, some balls will drop down on you. You cannot blow them up, so just shoot the one on the left or the right until you have enough space to get around them. After this, the game pretty much just starts getting repetitive. ===============\______________________________________________________________ 13: Legal Stuff -------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. In other words, do not do anything at all to or with this guide without MY permission. If you do, I will take things very seriously. You can find the latest versions of this guide at GameFAQs ( and/or Gamedestination ( ================\_____________________________________________________________ 14: Email Policy ------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== Quite a lot of people (or aliens!) have been sending me Emails for different reasons. More than half of the Emails I have received didn't apply by my simple rules that used to be in this section. That being, I decided to change my Email policy. Basically, if you have something that you found in the game that is NOT YET covered in the guide, please tell me. If I find it in my guide, I will block your Email address at the click of a button, and you will never be able to send me Emails again. I have done it before, so don't think I won't do it to you. If you are sure that your piece of information isn't covered in my guide, Email your information to If your contribution isn't covered in my guide, I will be happy to add it and give you credit. If, however, you don't want your name or Email address published all over the web, you can simply tell me that and I will pretend I did it myself. For example: I once received an Email from an anonymous writer, asking me to change, slightly, the structure of the guide. You will see that the section title design and the info at the top of the guide has changed. The person requested to keep their name anonymous in the guide and they asked me to keep their name hidden. The person sent me an attachment of my guide with layout changes in the exact same format as my guide. Now that's what I like to see. So, if you have any new guide additions you'd like to show me, please do, but make sure they look nice. There are some things that I really don't want you to Email me about, and I will try and give you the list: - Don't tell me something that isn't true. It is just stupid to tell me something you heard somewhere else, like a rumour. After a while it just gets annoying so please don't be telling me rumours or lies. - Speak English when you are writing to me, I don't no any other language! I do no some slang, though... - Try and keep the grammar clear. Don't make a huge paragraph of writing instead of a couple of lines, or even a couple of paragraphs. Also, try and spell correctly. There, I think that's all I need to say about you emailing me. But, if I do get some other junk I will update my guide telling you what else not to do when you're Emailing me. Send your messages to this address: Do not add me to your MSN list. I have loads of contacts and people I have never met talk to me about Second Sight. I don't want you to add me to your MSN list just to talk about games, and if you do I will block you on sight and you will never be able to Email me again. Email me if you need help. ===========\__________________________________________________________________ 15: Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== So far, I'd like to thank the following people for making this FAQ possible: GameFAQs - Such a great site, and for hosting this guide Gamedestination - For hosting this guide when the site launches Free Radical and Codemasters - This wonderful game! I don't think you can make psychic powers this much fun in a computer game! Timesplitters Network - I originally decided to only let GameFAQs and Gamedestination host this guide, but I recently got an Email from F-rott to ask permission to host my guide on his Timesplitters site. I accepted his offer so now this guide can be found at: Luke - For a tip on Telekinesis. And also the very first person to send me in something useful for my guide. Razeman - Another tip for the Rescue level. Steven Dill - Another tip for the Rescue level. Nicole - Yet another tip for the Rescue level. =-------= + Umang + - Sent in a half walkthrough for the Conspiracy level. LOADS of =-------= people have asked me to help them with the Conspiracy and I still haven't completed it, so thanks a lot to you, Umang! Matt Wolf - A tip on why your stats go down when you abort a mission. That should clear up a few Emails so thank you Matt! Ardack - For a tip about making dead bodies staying out of sight so other guards don't see it. selmiak - For some wonderful tips on my guide that made it a lot better in different ways. Thank you selmiak! All I did was copy & paste his text and put it into my guide and fixed up some glaring spelling errors. Oh and also a big shout out to selmiak because he has submitted the most information to this guide!!! Alfredo Gaitan - A tip that I put in the Tips section. It explains all the different moves Vattic does in a chokehold. Thank you Alfredo! Lynn - A huge tip for making the beginning of the Streetlife level a lot easier. Crazyreyn - A great full FAQ/walkthrough for Second Sight and for helping me through the Conspiracy level. You can check out his guide at: =--------= + Diddly + - For a wonderful review to put in my guide. It is a brilliant =--------= review and I am proud to have it in my guide :D Sam Potter - A tip for the Rescue level. I thought that it would be impossible for there to be so many tips on one level. Tidus - The first person to send me a tip on how to beat those psychic guys or at least an easier way to. Dave Gong - For another strategy to kill the five psychic soldiers in the Confrontation level. Ting Wu - A lot of tips for Telekinesis and Charm. He also had to tell me that he beat my score on Franklin's Sniper Training....:@ (angry smilie) =-------------= + Philip Cook + - Loads of submissions and alternative strategies for some =-------------= missions. They helped alot. Me - For saving up for this game, and for writing the only guide (so far) for this game. ___ ____ ____ __ __ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _____ ____ _/ _ \__ |__ / / _/ _` (_-