____ _____ ____ _ ____ _____ / ___| | ____|/ ___| / \ / ___||_ _| \___ \ | _| | | _ / _ \ | | _ | | ___) || |___| |_| | / ___ \ | |_| | | | |____/ |_____|\____|/_/ \_\ \____| |_| ____ ___ ___ ____ |___ \ / _ \ / _ \|___ \ __) || | | || | | | __) | / __/ | |_| || |_| |/ __/ |_____| \___/ \___/|_____| Sega GT 2002 FAQ/Walkthru By Jason "Winchester20" McKinley This document is protected by international copyright laws. Do not copy, alter, or enhance in part or in whole. This document is meant for personal home use and may not be re-posted or used in any way in any other publication. Due to recent problems, I'm no longer giving out permission to post this on sites that do not already have it. Those sites are GameFAQs, CheatCC, and IGN. Those are the only ones authorized to post this. Please do not email me asking for permission. It's not going to happen. Sorry, but you know how it is, there's always a few who ruin it for the majority. This game had been out for a good long while and still didn't have a walkthru. I figured I'd fix that, seeing as how I had to replay it when my Xbox died and took all my saves with it. (You want to talk about some serious unhappy thoughts) FAQ Versions Version 1.3 5-07-03 Added the "TCS" section. Completed the Chronicle Mode walkthru. Added the section on the Quick Battle Mode. Version 1.2 4-27-03 I've added the "Car Specs" section. This section has every car in the game with it's fully upgraded specs, price, what event races it can be used in, and drive train. Prize cars are in their correct manufacturers category. Also included the model year number. Added a "Price of Upgrades" section that tells the amount of a complete upgrade from stock form. Have begun the "Chronicle Mode" walkthru, with directions for the first few of the cars. A couple of new things added to the "Tips" section. Added the "Parts Performance Life" section. Version 1.1 4-24-03 Small update. Included corrections in the prize allocations for the Official and Event Races. Also included a new strategy in the "Tips" for winning the special races. A big tip of the hat goes to Michael Mattai for those! Also added the rest of the prize cars that you can win in the event races. Version 1.0 4-10-03 "In the Beginning..." Constructive criticism is always appreciated. I say constructive. If there's a mistake or if you have a tip you want included, be polite. I don't respond well to idiots. All correspondence can be sent to winchester20@hotmail.com. --------------------------------------------- TCS - Traction Control System The Illegitimate Spawn of the Devil or Why you really should turn this option off! --------------------------------------------- I had NO idea how badly this setting hurts the overall performance of whatever car your driving. To be honest, I had forgotten about this thing a long time ago and was only reminded about it by a contributor (thanks again, Chris). He sent it to me as a tip for getting better times on the drag strip. Well, I had to try it before I could put it in the FAQ, so imagine my surprise when I shaved a full second and a half off my best time! And did it with the automatic transmission! Previously, I felt that the only way to get the best times in the drag was with the manual. It still is, but when you can knock down an 8.5 in the quarter mile with the auto, why bother? This got me to wondering what times I could turn out on the other courses. Obviously, I was going to have to adjust my suspension settings, as the current ones caused the cars to oversteer badly, but that wasn't a problem. As I settled into the new settings, I discovered not only increased acceleration in the straights, but also the ability to corner at signifigantly higher speeds. I'm now blowing away all my old best times and the game is almost new to me again. Once more, you'll HAVE to adjust your suspension but you'll be able to find the "sweet spot," and when you do, you'll be racing at faster times than you ever thought possible! --------------------------------------------- GETTING STARTED --------------------------------------------- First thing to do, go into the "options" and set your map to 3D. This makes it very easy to see at a glance what kind of corner is coming up. Also, I'm not going to tell you to check your car to see if it needs an overhaul on a particular part. It's up to you to make sure your racer stays in good condition. I'd also like to point out that opponents are for the most part randomly generated for each race. So it's very possible that in a race where I have to maneuver around a particularly fast car, you might not. Or you might have a particularly fast competitor in a race that gives me no problems whatsoever. So keep that in mind and don't email me to tell me I'm wrong about a certain race. In those instances you'll more than likely be able to pass that problem car in the first corner. OK. Here's Winchester's Word's of Wisdom for getting started. At the start of the game you are only capable of purchasing a couple different cars. And guess what? They all suck. To be perfectly honest, it doesn't matter which one you get cause the first few levels of the game are ridiculously easy. So pick whichever of the cheapies you like. I picked the Celica. Now, DON"T spend any money on it. Go to the "Official" Races. There are only three races in Stage One. For the sake of this FAQ, I number the races from left to right. Pick the middle one or "Race Two." Win this race and you will receive the Cosmo Sport, a car that is much better than any of the cars you can purchase at the outset. Select this car as your current racer and put the cheapie you bought up for sale. Now, I'd like to take a moment to talk to you about selling your cars. You can sell your car for the price you bought it for and even more. A good rule of thumb is you can sell it for half again what you paid for it. For instance, I bought a Celica as my first car for $8,750. I sold it for $8000 in just one race. I actually could have sold it for a little more than $12,000 within five to seven races but I wanted the money right away. Keep that in mind. If you want money right away, sell it a little cheaper. If you're going for the bigger dollar amount, it's gonna take a little more time to sale. Now, if you frequent the Board at GameFAQs, you'll learn that you can make a living off of selling cars for more than what they cost. The favorite is the GT Concept, bought for $150,000 and sold for $200,000. Easy 50,000. A couple of problems though. First, the GT isn't unlocked at the beginning of the game and even if it was, who's got 150 G's to spend at the start? Also, the game won't allow you to own two of the same car, so you lose out on one of the best cars in the game. But, there is another way. Look into the Honda and Acura Dealerships. Between these two, there are a total of 5 NSX cars, all for around 100,000. You can purchase one of these cars, tack on 50,000 to what you paid for it, and sell it for easy money. And you can still own an NSX, a car worth adding to your stable. Now, typically, the NSX won't sell right away. Usually, it'll take 5 to 7 races to sell, but sometimes you'll get lucky and it'll go in just one race. And sometimes, it could take as long as 10 races to go. It's fairly random. Admittedly, most people aren't gonna have 100 G's available very early in the game either. But you can with about an hour's worth of work in the Event Races. Either way, I recommend buying and selling the NSXs as soon as you can afford to. It's a nice source of auxiliry income. EXTRA NOTE: The easiest way to figure the out how much you can safely sell your car is this. Whatever the amount the game automatically pulls up when you select the car to sell, multiply that by 3. Alright, so we have our Cosmo. If you want to play the game at a more challenging level, use the Cosmo as your starting car and follow the rest of the walkthru with whatever cars you want. What I'm going to do is get myself an even better car. I recommend ya'll do this as well, because it will make the game a lot easier. But it's up to you. I am, however, going to get myself a Lotus Elise (the Exige, not the Type 72) and upgrade it as much as possible. This car is considered by many to be one of (if not the) best cars in the game. You'll be smoking the competition with this thing and getting those "perfect" runs in nearly every race (perfect runs are where you drive the race without damaging you car. As a reward, the game gives you half again your reward money). So, turn on Cartoon Network, or a movie, or nothing, and start driving those Event Races. Keep this in mind; the tracks used for the events change with each race. So look around at the different races that are available and pick the short ones. If there aren't any, go into a race and exit it. This will cause all of the tracks to change. Now pick a short one and fire it up. Alright, my Elise is ready to go and I'm gonna assume yours is too. By the way, I use a High Gear ratio transmission on my Elise. For the inquisitive minds, it took me 23 to 25 event races to get to this point. I'm not exactly sure on the race number but I'm on day 27 and I ran a few races before starting work on my Lotus. I have not won a license yet so the money prizes in the event category were 4000 for 1st with an additional 2000 for the perfect runs. Now, Race 2 of Stage One is complete. Take your Lotus and win Races 1 and 3. When you begin, just shoot up the middle between your competitors. You'll be in the lead well before you get to the first corner. Complete the races and collect your winnings. These should be easy perfect runs. Before you continue to the License Test, I would advise you to go ahead and beat the drag races. It's a lot easier now than it will be later and the Elise will win it easily. Make sure you use the manual transmission for this. Shift gears just as you reach the redline. And last of all; be sure to win it 3 times so you can receive the special prize car. OK. Now for the License Test. This one is a breeze. The car is a front wheel drive, making it easier to handle. If you've played any of the Gran Turismo games, the skills you learned there will help you here. Remember to brake early, before you come to the corner. Make sure you car is traveling in a straight line for maximum braking effect. If your car is turned even a little bit, you will lose critical braking power and if you mess up this initial step, it will adversely affect your entire performance throughout the turn. You'll want to utilize as much of the road as possible for your turn. Position your car so that it is on the outside of the curve. What I mean is, if you're coming up on a left-hand turn, your car should be on the right side of the road well before you reach it. After braking, steer your car towards the inside of the curve or the apex. Just before you reach the apex, gently begin to apply power. You should now be aiming for the outside of the curve in preparation for exiting it. Continue to increase power through out. You should be at full throttle when you have completely transitioned out of the turn. This takes A LOT of practice to perfect. If you've played Gran Turismo, then you know well what I'm talking about. For really good guides on proper driving technique, visit the 3 different Gran Turismo FAQ pages at GameFAQs. You can find a wealth of info there. --------------------------------------------- STAGE TWO --------------------------------------------- Alright, we have the "C" license and it's now time for Stage 2. We want to run Race 2 (races are numbered from left to right) first because it will unlock the "racing suspension" upgrade. With this race, you once again just shoot up the middle and you will have a sizable lead before you reach the first corner. Another easy perfect run and a new part upgrade as well. Make sure you get it. If you need money, do some event races. You can do the last 2 races of Stage 2 in whatever order really. But for the sake of consistency, we'll run them in order from left to right. Race 1 is a fairly easy course with a long straight-a-way right at the start, giving you the opportunity to gain a sizeable lead. This time, head to the right of your competition instead of the middle. There's more room between the wall and cars, giving you less of a chance for the accidental bump. With your victory in this race, you are awarded the 1000TCR Berlina Corsa, a car for which I have no use whatsoever. In all the times I've played this game, I've driven this car once, just to see how it was. Needless to say, I was not impressed. You'll also unlock and make available to buy the 70's model Skyline 2000GT-R. Race 3 takes place on a short and sweet track. Pass all the cars by steering to the right. Even though your first corner is a short distance away, your upgraded Elise can take the lead before you come to it. Three laps later, you're not only finished with another "perfect" run, you are also awarded the Abarth 131 Rally car. Now we come to the "B" License. This one is fairly easy as well. You'll be driving an Integra and it's a very nice handling car. Same advice as before. Brake early, make use of all of the track as you can, and accelerate out of the corner. Just keep at it. For some people, these tests are nothing and for others, it causes controllers to somehow mysteriously end up in pieces. --------------------------------------------- STAGE THREE --------------------------------------------- Alright, Stage Three. First race we want to do is Race 2, again. The reason being is that with the completion of Race 2, one of the prizes you will be given is Racing Brakes. And brakes are good. Racing brakes are better. Shoot up the right-side, passing the competition on your left, and you'll get in the lead before the first corner. Three laps and you're done. Perfect. You're awarded the Racing Brakes and the Mercedes 300SL. Go buy your new brakes. You should have more than enough. Our next race will be #1 of Stage Three. This race is on a more difficult track. Quite a few hairpin turns exist on this monster, and it's LONG. This one will take a while to beat and you'll have to stay on your toes to make sure you avoid bumping into other cars and walls. When the race starts, head up the middle, between the two rows of cars. You'll be able to attain 2nd place before you reach the first corner. Once past the first corner, the road should open up on the left side, allowing you to pass the leader. The reason being is that the next turn is to the left, and the game will prep its car for this by moving it to the right. From there on, it's just a matter of staying off the walls. Three laps later, your done. You're rewarded with the Skyline GT-R Racing Edition. Race 3 takes place on a very user friendly track. At the start, scoot up the middle and you'll gain 1st place well before the first corner. It's all downhill from there. Stay off the walls and take in an easy, perfect victory. You're rewarded with the Zero for your efforts. Race 4 takes place on a medium length track. No real surprises from this course. You start out on a long straight-a-way, which gives you plenty of time to get up to first place. There is one place to be careful, however. There is a hard right corner after the straight-a-way and, after you've gotten some serious velocity built up, it's easy to enter the corner at too high a speed and hit the wall. Other than that, it's a simple 3 laps to victory. You are rewarded with a Savanna RX-3 Racing Edition and the Corvette Stingray is unlocked and made available for purchase. The "A" License test takes place on a short track with no difficulty and has you driving the Mustang GT390. What makes this test more difficult than the others is that the Mustang is a good deal heavier than any of the test cars you have yet driven. This means your braking technique needs to be even better than before. If not, your going to waste valuable time sliding around corners instead of powering through and out of them. Practice makes proficient. --------------------------------------------- STAGE FOUR --------------------------------------------- The first race we want to beat is Race 3. Winning this one means Racing Tires. The track is fairly large with a number of hard turns. Be careful, or you'll end up in the wall. At race start, head up the middle. Now, you may notice that there's a car ahead of you that's accelerating as hard as you are, and you are unable to catch it. Don't worry. Ahead is a gentle turn to the right, followed a short distance later by a hard right. Stay on the right side of the road, hugging the wall, and you should slide past him with no problems. Your car is capable of cornering a great deal faster than the game's car. Four laps later, you win the option to buy Racing Tires. Make sure you pick them up before the next race. The next challenge will be Race 1. The track here is short and simple. Pass the competition by hugging the wall to the right and you should be able to take 1st before coming to Corner #1. Avoid contact and collect your reward after 4 quick laps, the TIPO 33/2 Stradale. The Stradale is a nice car, but if you want to make some serious bucks, you can sell it for $1,000,000. No that is not a typo. $1,000,000 can be yours if you are willing to part with this car. Keep in mind that if you do sell it, you will not be able to get another. Race 2 is on the Speed Ring. Ridiculously easy. Do your 4 laps and collect your prize, the Mustang GT390. And with the completion of all the races in Stage 4, you unlock and make available for purchase the Ford GT Concept, arguably the best car in the game. Check this one as a definite must-buy. The "S" License takes place on a medium length, medium difficulty track. But you also get to drive the best of all the test cars, a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI, the Tommi Makinen version. There's not much of an opportunity to get it up to high speeds but there are lots of corners. You going to have to be on your game for this one and chances are you'll have to replay it a few times before you clear it. Don't get discouraged. --------------------------------------------- STAGE FIVE --------------------------------------------- Race 1 is the first to fall against our driving skills. Beat it, and you will unlock for purchase the Racing Intercooler. You'll also make available for purchase the Audi Sport Quattro. This track is of medium length with medium to hard difficulty. There are quite a number of hairpin turns. Take care that you do not misjudge and hit a wall. To begin, hug the right wall and pass all your competitors. You are in a long straight-a-way so you'll have plenty of room. As in Race 4 from Stage 3, there is a hard right at the end of the straight-a-way, so be careful. After you've completed the 5 laps, make sure you go and buy the new intercooler. Race 2 is next. This is a long track with a few tricky corners. Be careful! It's an aggravating thing to be almost finished with a long race and accidentally tag a wall, necessitating a retry. When you start, head up the middle to gain the lead. You should be able to attain 1st place before you make the first turn. Stay alert and complete the 4 laps. You will be awarded the 240Z Racing Edition, a fine little car. Race 3 takes place on an easy, short track. At the start of the race, hug the right-hand wall to pass the competition and gain the 1st place position. Maintain your lead through the 5 laps of the race and you will be awarded the Impreza 22B STi Version. Speaking for myself, the 22B is my favorite AWD car in the game. Race 4 is another driver friendly track. Hug the right side of the road and jump out in front. Maintain your lead for 5 laps and win the Super Seven R500R. Race 5 is on a rather nasty track. Hairpin turns all over the place. You can still get in the lead fairly quick though. Shoot up the middle between your opponents and you should at least get in the 2nd place spot. The first turn is a gentle one to the right and should give you an opening to scoot out in front if you need it. Pay close attention to the race, otherwise you'll end up scraping the wall. Settle in cause this is a 5 lap race on just about the biggest track in the game. When completed, you'll be awarded with the original Ford GT, known everywhere else as the GT40. Very nice. The "SS" License is naturally the toughest one in the game, it being the last one. The track contains some pretty hard turns, but what makes this one so difficult is the car you're stuck with, the Jaguar E Type. This car is VERY easy to send into a slide. If you do not brake properly before entering the corner, you're going to be sliding around in it, unable to recover and accelerate correctly. This one will probably take a bunch of attempts to clear. Alright, so you now have your SS License and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Before we run the single Stage 6 race, we need to take care of some of the Event races. You see, when you complete the final test race, the game goes into Season 2 and changes the prizes for the all of the events. There are cars to be won in a few of the events that we can't get anywhere else. --------------------------------------------- EVENT RACES --------------------------------------------- 70's Event Race Time to go to your Garage and find a car to use from the 70's. The way you find out which cars can be used in which races is to go to "My Garage." Pick the category, "Change Your Car." Now, as you highlight each car, pull the left trigger and it will bring up the list of all the different events and which ones that particular car can enter. For the 70's race, I'm going to use the 240Z Racing. Some of you might want to use the Chevelle and that is a viable alternative. The Zero is also a good pick. But when I think of the 3, the 240 is the better all-around car (plus it looks nicer). The Chevelle can be upgraded to over 800 HP, but in this race, you don't need it. What you do need is great handling and that's where the 240 shines. But pick whatever you want. Just remember that you have to win the "special" prize. That means you have to be in 4th place or worse when you begin your last lap, so keep that in mind. You should have more than enough money to fully upgrade whichever car you choose, and I do recommend doing a full upgrade. Winning the race from 4th place in one lap can be tough and you'll want all the advantage you can get. Now, there are 2 schools of thought on how to win the "special" prize. One is to run the race on a long track, giving yourself a good deal of track and time to catch up with the lead. The other is to pick a small track, the idea being that the car in 1st won't have a lot of time to get ahead of you, thus making it easier to catch up to him. Both work, so whichever idea appeals the most to you, go with that one. I personally like the short track method myself. Now, go and get your car, upgrade it, and win both the 1st place prize and the special prize. You will be rewarded with the Jaguar Mark 2 and the Celica Racing Edition. I can't give you any specific advice on the actual running of the race because the tracks in the "event" category change with each race. Good luck! --------------------------------------------- 80's Event Race --------------------------------------------- We currently have no 80's-built car in our garage, so we're going to have to buy one. Now, you're probably at the point where you need to get some money. So, take your Elise and go whoop some tail in the "open" event races. Win as much money as you think you need and then come back. For this race, I chose the Savanna RX-7 GT Turbo. A spunky little thing, I had no problems using it. In fact, not only did I win the "special" prize, I did it without damaging my car in the process, thus earning the "perfect" bonus. The two cars that you win for this run are the MID 4 and the Supra 2800GT. --------------------------------------------- 90's Event Race --------------------------------------------- For the 90's you have a choice to make. You already own a car that qualifies for this particular event, the Impreza 22B. Or you can spend some money and buy a different one. The choice is up to you. Personally, I'm going to use the Impreza. You see, not only can I use it in the 90's event, but I can also use it later on in the Winding Road Race. Whatever you choose, pick it and race it. For your trouble, you'll win the RX-7 Type RZ IV. Now we come to a point in the game where you will have to decide how to proceed. The Hot Hatch Event, Group B Monsters, and Touring Car Races are important for future upgrades. If you race in these now, you will not be able to get the 3rd Turbo and NA upgrades or the Super Racing Muffler in Season Two. Now, for the Group B and Touring Races, this is not a problem as they do not offer cars for prizes. But the Hot Hatch Event does. Of the two cars you can win, the Clio is a solid runner and the 205 is very forgettable. That being said, even though the Clio is a good performer, there are plenty of other vehicles that are better. Also, you'll use the Super Racing Muffler a HECK of a lot more than you will use either of those two prize cars. My advice, leave the Hot Hatch unraced. You won't miss those cars at all. But if you just have to have them, I recommend using the Integras for this event. Either one will work well for the race. Now, on to the next event. --------------------------------------------- Super Car Event --------------------------------------------- Oh yeah, baby! Everybodies favorite event. You have a few choices here. There are three cars in your garage that qualify for this event; the Ford GT, the Zero, and the TIPO 33/2. In my opinion, the only real choice here is the GT. And even that one is not all that hot. Nope, in my humble opinion, the only real car for this race is the GT Concept. If you want to use one of the cars you already own, go ahead. I'm going to go and buy that GT. With the GT Concept, your opponents are going to be made up of cars like the Viper, the original GT, and the GT90. It can be tricky getting that "special" prize car. Now that we've cleared the Event Races, when can finish out Season One in the Official category. Get back into your Elise, or, if you have it, your GT Concept, and finish out the season. --------------------------------------------- STAGE SIX --------------------------------------------- The final race is on a very user friendly track. Whip around the competition by racing up the wall on the right. Maintain your lead for the 5 laps and you'll receive the best and biggest prize purse yet. Not only do you get the Viper but you are also given 150,000 bucks! And if you had a perfect race (which you should have) the prize money gets boosted to $225,000! How sweet it is! --------------------------------------------- SEASON TWO --------------------------------------------- Now we come to the second half of the game, Season Two. Here the game picks up in difficulty. The Elise will no longer be blowing away the competition as it has been. Meaning, you'll have to work a little for the 1st place position now. You can also drive the GT Concept if you like. Most of the races in the Official category are now 5 laps long, but the prize value is also increased. You won't be winning any more cars from the official races, but you will get more upgrades. The event races now have new cars to win, and in the case of three specific ones, you will also get some more performance parts. All right, let's get to work. --------------------------------------------- OFFICIAL RACES --------------------------------------------- STAGE ONE-RACE TWO Hop back into your Elise (or Concept car). We're gonna take care of Race 2 in Stage One. It's a pretty big track and with 4 laps to complete. Watch out for the hard corners, there are a few of them. You'll have to really use some skills to have a perfect on this one. I had to race against the Lotus Esprit and it stayed right on my tail throughout most of the race. Beat this one, and you'll get the Super Racing Tires. Be sure to buy them before you continue to the next race. STAGE TWO-RACE ONE This one takes place on the Speed Ring. Easy money! You should be able to easily get a perfect run on this one. Win it, and receive the 4th and final weight reduction. STAGE TWO-RACE THREE Race Three takes place on that track with all the hairpin turns in it. Hang tough and when it's won, you'll receive the Super Racing Intercooler. STAGE THREE-RACE ONE A nice, quick race that will unlock the Original Tuned Suspension. You should have no problems getting a perfect run here. STAGE THREE-RACE THREE This race is on a medium length, medium difficulty track. This one may be a bit of a challenge. In my race I had to beat the Super Seven R500R. This car has insane acceleration but not so high a top speed. Unfortunately for us, this track doesn't offer a lot of places to use our speed advantage. So, to beat him, you're going to have to be good in the corners. That said, this isn't that difficult to win. There are 5 laps, so you shouldn't have too hard of a time catching up and passing him. Once this one is won, the Super Racing Brakes are unlocked for purchase. --------------------------------------------- EVENT RACES --------------------------------------------- HOT HATCH RACE The first race up for a beating should be the Hot Hatch. As I stated before, I recommend one of the Integras for this. I personally like the 90's model better, but that's just me. A big bonus for buying the 90's version is the added plus of being able to use it in the 90's Event race. Buy whatever you want to use, upgrade it, and win the race. You will be rewarded with the Super Racing Muffler. WINDING ROAD RACE Next, you should take on the Winding Road Race. You can stay in your Integra, or hop in the Impreza 22B for this race. I like the Integra because it handles incredibly well on the slippery road. Much more than even the Impreza. Use whatever you like, so long as you can win with it. The reason we are doing this race now is to get the Starion 4WD Rally to use in the next race. GROUP B MONSTERS You will use the Starion you just won in this event. Upgrade it, hop in, and use it to spank the competition. You'll need to be in 4th place when you begin your final lap so that you can get the MR2 Group S. And you will not only get the prize car for winning, you will also make available for purchase the 3rd and final Turbo upgrade. It costs a whopping 30,000 but it is well worth it, giving cars that use it a sizable boost. TOURING CAR RACE For this one, I recommend the Mercedes CLK 430, a very capable car, especially when upgraded. If you need some money, go run an event race or two. Be careful with the CLK. It doesn't take much to get the rear end to swing around. If you're not braking properly, it will slide around and bump into a wall. Other than that, this is a pretty easy race. Win it, and you'll be rewarded with the 3rd and final NA Upgrade. BATTLE OF THE 90's I picked my Integra for this race. You should also have in your garage the Impreza 22B and the RX-7. Or you can just buy a new car to play with. Whatever you want. Fortunately, there is no "special" prize car so you can just drive to win. Once you have won, you'll be awarded the GT90, a car that can be upgraded to insane power. SUPER CAR EVENT Grab your GT Concept and win yourself one more vehicle. This jewel is the Caspita, one of my favorite cars. When you're driving this thing and get it up to speed, an airfoil on the rear end deploys. Looks cool as can be. This car can also corner on a dime. A worthy addition to anyone's garage. That's it for winning cars and upgrades. There are still a lot of courses left to beat in the official races. You can use your Elise or GT Concept to put them away, or you can start playing around with all the cars you have. It's up to you. But my recommend if you get stuck is to use the Elise. You may not completely blow them out, but it is still going to be easier to make those perfect runs with the Lotus. There is still lots of money to be made, cars to buy, and cars to upgrade! My advice for making easy money is to complete all the races in the official category. Once you've beaten them, the race in Stage 6 is opened. It's the fastest way to make money. It takes less than 4 and a half minutes to do the 5 laps around this track. In the Elise, my average time is 4 minutes, 10 seconds. With the GT Concept, it's 4:03. Whatever car you use, keep in mind that you are racing against the Viper, and the Lotus Esprit is also usually in there. They're fairly easy to get around, all you have to do is make it to the big hairpin turn. The Viper almost always ends up in the dirt and the Esprit is always on the far outside, making a pass very easy. When you do your perfect run you are awarded $45,000. --------------------------------------------- TIPS --------------------------------------------- Adjusting the suspension can have a huge effect on the handling characteristics of your car. Making the front springs soft and the rear ones hard will make the car turn easier. This can be too much of a good thing, however. Too much will cause the car to oversteer, meaning the rear tires are travelling on the outside of the path the front wheels are making, causing a spin out. Conversely, if you have a car that already turns too easily for your tastes, reverse the above directions to get more understeer. I've found that on the Elise, I can adjust the front springs all the way to the left (softest setting) and rear springs all the way to the right (hardest) and have no problems. This setting may not work for you, but for me it's awesome. Makes the already great Elise corner like a Formula One racer. Play around with it to find what you like. I also ALWAYS max out the camber on the front and rear wheels. Camber is the amount of angle a wheel is set at vertically. If you are looking at the front or back of the car, camber is how much the wheel is tilted inward at the top. You see, when a car is cornering, the center of gravity of your car shifts to the outside. If you have no camber, that weight shift means that only the edge of your tire is accounting for traction. With camber, that weight shift causes all the tire surface to engage the asphalt, making it possible for tighter turns. The drawback is this does increase tire wear, so you'll have to buy them more often. But in my opinion, the trade off is well worth it. Always save your game before you buy or upgrade a car. You see, it may turn out that the car isn't as good as you thought it would be. Here's a good example. I was needing to race in the Touring Car category under the Event Races. I bought and fully upgraded a Lexus IS400. Thinking I was gonna go in there and blow away the competition, you can imagine my shock when the Mercedes CLK was beating me by a BIG margin. I mean I couldn't even keep it in sight (this was after I'd beaten all the license races and the game difficulty was at its highest). So, I reloaded my game, bought and upgraded the CLK, and went on to win the race. This can be an expensive lesson if you fail to heed my advice. Later in the game, car selection will be a major factor. As I talked about earlier, racing with the Viper will almost always pit you against the GTs. Certain cars will pit you against certain others. For instance, the Europa, a fine car as far as it goes, is considered a "super car" in the world of Sega GT, and can end up pitting you against the likes of the Viper or the GTs. So if you find yourself struggling to win, pick a different car to drive. To get the "special" awards, you must be ranked in fourth place or lower when you begin the last lap. Then you must finish in first place. This is where track selection really counts. Typically, you'll want a shorter track. That way, the cars in front of you don't get too far ahead. The drawback though is that you don't have as much time to catch up to them. UPDATE: Michael Mattai says you can also get up in front of the competition at the start of the race and block them all, all the way around the track. Just before you cross the finish line, let them get out in front so that you're in 4th or lower when you cross. It's then a simple thing to get back up to first place. To use Nitros in the Drag Racing Event, you need to lose on a day that ends with a 5. For example, on day 25 you enter the race and lose. Go to the Used Parts Store and it should be all the way over to the right. The game will show it as a question mark. Sometimes it may not be there. Just try try changing your current car and then taking a look. That should make it come up and then you can switch back to the first car. To use it in the race, simply hit the "Y" button when you're ready. Generally, this is how I decide on which transmission to use. If the car has a 6 speed tranny (NSX, Corvette Z06, GT Concept), I'll equip it with the Close gear transmission. With a 5 speed, it depends on the performance. If it will get up to 170 or better with the normal tranny, I'll slap it with the Close gear kit. If the normal transmission can't get that high, I'll give it the High gear kit. With a 4 speed tranny (70's cars for the most part), it automatically gets the high gear. One thing to keep in mind, the normal transmission is not inferior to the 2 you can buy. Think of it as being in the middle of the buyable ones. A balance between acceleration and speed. Oh course, this is just a general rule. Some races will call for a different transmission based on the track. Chris Thompson sends this: "One tip for the drag strip is to take traction control off. I got a 8.877 in the gt concept NO nitro like this." I was amazed at how big a difference this made. With the GT Concept and using the automatic transmission, I knocked down an 8.497! WITH the automatic tranny. Great tip! --------------------------------------------- CHRONICLE MODE --------------------------------------------- One of the cooler game modes available, it will be a source of great fun, but will also be the source of some of your greatest anger. While most of the cars are well balanced against the competition, a few of them are miserably underpowered to compete in the later races. The main focus of this section will be to help the reader in the selection of upgrade parts. For most cars, this isn't a big issue, but for those crappy cars, it can be all the difference in the world. With that in mind, my one really major complaint with this mode is that you can only purchase one part upgrade per race, even if you have points enough to purchase another. Why the game developers did this is beyond me, but it makes it impossible for you to upgrade your car fully with all the parts that are available. Note that as you play through this mode, more cars added to the menu. You start out with only 70' Skyline GTR KPGC 10 This is a really good all around car. There are no glaring performance problems and so no drastic need for upgrades. A good choice to begin this game mode with. Stage One - 70's When you begin, you can go to the left or right on the competition. It's not a big difference either way. The first few corners should offer you the chance to pass and get into first. The key thing to remember is to stick to the inside of the curves. The AI cars will all swing out wide, affording you the opportunity to pass. As your car is stock, make sure you brake well ahead of time for the corners, as the Skyline will slip and slide around in them. This is an easy 1st place. I recommend buying the tire upgrade with this victory. Stage Two - Early 80's With your new tires, shoot up the middle and within the first two curves you should be able to attain first place. It's easy to maintain your lead after this, as you car will now be able to corner signifigantly better. I won this race by like 20 seconds. With a total of 7 points now, you should purchase the bolt on turbo. Even though we are beating the pants off the competition, this car performs well enough with the new tires that there are no really vital upgrades that are needed, so, lets buy the best and work our way down to the worst, or least expensive parts. Stage Three - Late 80's At the start, run up the middle, and when you come to the first corner, shoot to the inside. With this move you should at least hop up to second, but you will probably get first (I did). It's all downhill from there. With your newly aquired 5 points, it's time to shed that extra holiday-weight. In other words, buy the weight reduction. Stage Four - Early 90's This is the first race to give you some competition. I said some, not a lot. Your Skyline is now handling really well, but the opponents are a bit more challenging. It'll take a few corners to get up into first, but if you stick to the inside, it won't be too long. Keep an eye on your rearview mirror on that last leg of the track, as it's fairly straight and any power cars will have a chance to catch up with you. You may need to block them to keep your position. With your total of 6 points, buy the brakes. Stage Five - Late 90's This one will test your driving skills. I had to race against an NSX, and even though the Skyline is quicker in the corners, the NSX's power edge is a bit tough to overcome. It took me nearly a whole lap to gain first place, and with the long straight-a-way, I had to do a LOT of blocking. So stay on your toes and stay in first place, it's only two laps. With your points, buy the port and polish. Stage Six - Early 21st Even though the competition is made up of better cars, there are so many corners that it's not really that difficult of a race to win. No real advice for this is needed. I beat the competition by a hefty margin and so will you. With the completion of this series, the 94' Skyline GT-R V-spec II R32 is unlocked for the "Quick Battle" portion of the game. 75' Savanna RX-3 Another all-around good car. It has no glaring deficiencies that need to be addressed at the outset. Stage One - 70's No problems with this one. You should win this race by a substantial margin. Again, with your newly aquired points, purchase the tires. Stage Two - Early 80's Your newly aquired tires will allow you to weave in and out of the AI cars with no difficulty, and thus secure your 1st place postion. 2 quick laps later and you're done. You should once again buy the the bolt on turbo upgrade with your points. Stage Three - Late 80's Another easy race. Take your 5 points and buy the weight reduction. Stage 4 - Early 90's Even with the NSX in this one, it's not too difficult. Use your cornering abilities well and you'll have no problems. When you're done, buy yourself some new brakes. Stage 5 - Late 90's Again, this is the first real challenge in the series. A Subaru Impreza kept the lead for almost the whole first lap. Just execute your corners correctly and you'll eventually take first. There just aren't a lot of room for mistakes in this one. Pick up the port and polish. Stage 6 - Early 21st As before, this is an easy race because of all the curves. You'll win it handily. The completion of this series unlocks the 67' Cosmo Sport in Quick Battle. 72' Celica 1600GT A well balanced car that will give you no serious trouble. It has no real performance problems to speak of. Stage 1 - Late 70's Once again, your car by far out-performs the competition. You'll win by a large margin and with the 5 point reward, you should buy the tire upgrade. Stage 2 - Early 80's Stick to the insides of the curves and corners and you'll climb your way to the top with little real effort. You should now have 7 points total. As before, use them to buy the turbo upgrade. Stage 3 - Late 80's No worries here, either. Again, the inside of the corners is where you're going to be able to pass the easiest. With your 5 points, get the weight reduction. Stage 4 - Early 90's No problem. The competition will stay pretty close on your heels but as long as you make no serious mistakes, you'll hang on to the lead. After you win, go ahead and get those new brakes. Stage 5 - Late 90's As before, this is the toughest race of the series. Execute your corners correctly, do a little blocking as needed, and you'll win the race. The place to really keep an eye on the competition is on the long straight-a-way. Make sure you don't let them get in front of you. Your final purchase should be the port and polish. Stage 6 - Early 21st No real trouble. Your car's greater cornering ability will have you out in front with little effort. By the end of the race, you will have a sizable margin of separation from the competition. With the completion of this series, the 82' Supra 2800GT is unlocked for use in Quick Battle. 65' Giulia Sprint GTA This car is our first car that's not so well-rounded. Power wise, it compares favorably with the previous ones we've had. It's main problem is handling. It's rearend is pretty squirrely, so your cornering technique is going to have to be better than average. Make sure you brake correctly before you enter the corner, or the rearend will begin to slide and you'll lose speed and acceleration. Stage 1 - Late 70's As stated above, our car isn't the jewel automotive achievement that we would hope it to be, so pay attention to your entry in the corners. The rearend will slide around real easily if you're not on your game. That said, you should still be able to win the race without too much trouble. Upon completion, but that tire upgrade! This is an absolute must have. Stage 2 - Early 80's Well, now, that's a lot better. Your car is now handling a lot more like you'd want it to. Use the insides of those corners to there utmost potential to get to 1st place. Once that is done, you should be able to maintain it with little effort. With your points, we're going to now purchase the weight reduction. Even though the car is handling a lot better than before, that rearend is still want to slide around. The weight reduction will take care of that. Stage 3 - Late 80's No problems to speak of. Your crash diet has not only made your car handle a good deal better, but it's better acceleration gets you out in the lead real quick. With your victory achieved, purchase the turbo upgrade. Stage 4 - Early 90's This time, Stage 4 seemed to be a little easier than in preivous races. My guess is the gear ratios are a little better for this car that with the preivous ones. Anyway, I completed this race with a much larger lead than before. Your total points should be 6. With those points, purchase the Port and Polish upgrade. Stage 5 - Late 90's Again, I finished with a larger margin than with the other cars. Use the corners to get the lead. After that, unless you make a large mistake, nobody comes close to catching you. Go ahead and buy the brakes. Stage 6 - Early 21st This was by far the most difficult race to date. The Elise Exige stayed right on my tail the entire race. No margin for error. Keep an eye on your rear view mirror so you can block him if necessary. ANd it most likely will be necessary at some point. If you need to restart, by all means, do so. It is a race that can be won, it's just a bit more difficult then before. This series completion will unlock the 67' TIPO 33/2 Stradale for Quick Battle Mode. 73' Europa Special This is the best car we've had to race with yet. I personally like the Europa a good bit, enough so that it is a permanent fixture in my garage in the main game. No specific problems with it in its stock configuration. Even the stock tires are alright on this thing. Of course, that doesn't mean they won't be the first thing to go. Stage 1 - Late 70's No problems whatsoever. You should win this handily and by a large margin. As I stated above, by the tire upgrade. Stage 2 - Early 80's Again, this is a very easy race to win. The new tire upgrade allows you to hit those corners even quicker, giving you the performance edge needed to jump out front early on. With the 7 points you now have, buy the turbo upgrade. Stage 3 - Late 80's Easy victory. You should be able to get first place before you even make it to the first turn. At the very least you should make it to second place. With the win, you will have a total of 5 points. Pick up the weight reduction. Stage 4 - Early 90's Easy cheese. You should now have 6 points total. Pick up the brakes now. Stage 5 - Late 90's You should be in first place after the first corner (it's nice having a decent car, isn't it?). It's no trouble maintaining that lead afterwards. With your victory, pickup the suspension upgrade. Stage 6 - Early 21st You'll finish this with such huge lead it's not even funny. Congratulations. With the completion of this series, the 64' Elan SR.1 is unlocked in Quick Battle mode. 70' Corvette Stingray My favorite car of the Chronicle Mode. The Corvette is one of my favorite car series in real life, hence my love for them in video games. This car has the most power of any in this mode. Unfortunately, that is offset by its poor handling. In stock configuration, it feels about as responsive as a drunk cow. Lucky for us there are upgrades. Stage 1 - Late 70's This race actually proves to be a little difficult. The Jaguar E Type is a comparable car to the Vette in performance, the problem comes in that the Vette cannot corner well in its stock form. That said, this race is still easily winable, so don't worry too much about it. First thing to buy is, of course, the tires. Stage 2 - Early 80's Easy victory. It's amazing what a set of tires will do for a car, isn't it? Anyway, with this victory, you have a total of 7 points. The next purchase should be for the weight reduction, cause this thing is still one heavy son of a gun. Stage 3 - Late 80's Yet another easy win. With your total of 8 points, pick up the brakes upgrade. Stage 4 - Early 90's A little bit trickier of a race, the Skyline and the Fairlady Z stayed right with me throughout. Not a whole lot of room for error here. Your 10 points should now buy you the trubo upgrade. Stage 5 - Late 90's Another close race. The Supra and the S2000 stayed on my heels, enough so that if I'd made any real mistakes, it would have cost me the 1st place position. Your final purchase should be the suspension upgrade. Stage 6 - Early 21st Fairly easy win. With all the turns in this track, there's no way the AI cars will be able to keep up with you, unless you screw up. This series unlocks the 71' Camaro Z28 in Quick Battle mode. 71' 240Z A capable car, the 240Z is a good, all-around racer. No great deficiencies exist that need to be corrected. Stage 1 - Late 70's No problems at all. Won this race by a huge margin. Again, your first purchase should be a set of tires. Stage 2 - Early 80's Again no worries with this one either. Your new tires will have you flying around the corners and the competition. Go ahead and get the turbo upgrade. Stage 3 - Late 80's At the gun, shoot up the middle. Before you even come to the first corner, you should have no trouble at attaining 2nd. After the first corner, you should be in first and on your way to a sizable lead. No surprises after that. Maintain your lead for an easy 1st place victory. Go ahead and purchase the weight reduction. Stage 4 - Early 90's Again, shoot up the middle at the start. By sticking to the inside of the first few corners, you should soon find yourself in the lead. The tracks should begin to feel comfortable by now, and this one holds no real difficulty. Avoid mistakes and take home your prize. Keep an eye on the NSX. In the long straight-a-way at the end of the lap, it'll use it's speed advantage to close the gap and, if you're not careful, steal the lead from you. Pick up the port and polish. Stage 5 - Late 90's As in previous series, this race will be the toughest of the lot. That long straight-a-way will give the opposition to close the gap with their more powerful machines. Keep an eye on your six, and block them out if you need to. Buy the brakes for the final race. Stage 6 - 21st Move to the right side of the road and angle into the inside of the 2 corners that first come up. You should be able to slip out front. After that, it's just a question of maintaining the lead, not too difficult with all the turns this track has to offer. Make no serious mistakes, and you'll win it hands down. Completion of this series unlocks the 71' Nissan 240ZG in Quick Battle. 73' RENAULT A110 This car handles fairly well in stock form but it has a serious power defficiency. It's top speed out of the box is 90 MPH. This means that we're going to be focused mainly on power upgrades. Stage 1 - Late 70's This race isn't too difficult. You do need to keep an eye on the Corvette in the straight-a-ways, as it's power advantage can cause you some trouble if you let it. That said, you will still have the advantage in the corners, making up a little for the power vacuum. And if you followed my advice about turning off the TCS, that will also help you, making your car accelerate a little bit better. Even though we need the power, you should still pick up the tires first thing. Stage 2 - Early 80's This isn't too tough of a race. Utilize the insides of the first 3 or 4 curves, exploiting them to gain the lead. There are lots of turns over all, enabling you to win fairly easily. That said, keep an eye on the pursuit, or you'll find yourself playing catch up. With the 7 point total you now have, buy that turbo upgrade. You're gonna need it! Keep this in mind though, even with the turbo upgrade, it's not going to increase your top speed. All it will do is up your acceleration. Stage 3 - Late 80's Swing out wide left when you begin, and cut to the inside right of the first corner. This should get you up to 4th place. Again, shoot to the inside of corner 2 and this should secure you 2nd place. First place is a little bit ahead of you now, but that's ok. The big hairpin turn ahead should yield you the oportunity to take 1st. Once you get the lead though, you'll probably end up having to block out your pursuers, so stay frosty. Go ahead and get the weight reduction. This isn't technically a power upgrade, but with the lightening of the load, it will do a good deal in boosting your acceleration. Stage 4 - Early 90's This one is going to really challenge you. And I mean that with all seriousness. You are going to have to be perfect in the corners, you're going to have block those that are behind you. And even then, this race will probably take you a few times to beat. That 90 MPH top speed is a real handicap here with your competition made up of the likes of RX-7s. So, settle in, and prepare to get emotional. Use those first handful of turns for all they're worth. Even then, you'll only be able to get up to 3rd or 4th. You'll most likely stay in this position for most if not all of the first lap. Remember to keep an eye on your rear and make sure nobody passes you. On lap 2, those first corners that helped you move up in rank are going to do so again. Once you've got the lead, hang on to it! Lose it now, and you'll be hard pressed to get it back. I can't really give you any better directions than that. Remember that you have an infinite number of retrys cause you're probably gonna need them. When you finally win the top spot, purchase the port and polish. Power, more power. Stage 5 - Late 90's Oh boy, if you thought the last one was tough, get ready to hurl your controller! This is just like the last race, only this track is really working against you. There are many straight shots for the computer to establish great leads and to catch up those you've passed. I don't really have any other tips than the ones above. Use the corners and don't be afraid to knock around the competition. I can almost guarantee that you'll have to restart this one a few times. The first lap will most likely see you in a trailing position. Hang in there, and work your way up. Pay close attention to your rear-view mirror. Lose your lead and it will almost certainly remain lost. Don't worry too much though. I'm speaking a lot of doom and gloom, but you CAN beat it. If you have some skills, you should beat it within a few races, if not in the first couple or three. Upon completion, purchase the muffler upgrade. Stage 6 - 21st This race is a cakewalk compared to what we just went thru. Many, many turns with very few straight shots. Watch your corners and you should have very little difficulty. One thing you can do to give yourself a little edge (although some will call this cheating) is in the first few corners. At the start of the race, you will come upon 2 gentle curves to the right. After that is a hard cut-back to the left, followed by another hard cut-back to the right. The barrier wall doesn't follow these cut-backs, allowing you to travel over the sand and cut the distance you must travel in half. Even though you can't travel faster than 40 mph or so on the sand, the short cut is short enough to make this a quicker alternative. As I said, purists will look down on this, but if you're having a hard time, and you can live with it, do it. With the winning of this series, you'll unlock the 02' RENAULT CLIO Sport V6 24V for use in Quick Battle. 69' Honda S600 Why in the world this car ended up in this mode of play is beyond me. 56 HP!! How in the world are you supposed to beat RX-7s, NSXs, and Imprezas with this P.O.S.!? I haven't played the Chronicle Mode since I first got the game, but that said, I've never been able to score all golds with this hunk of junk. Now, admittedly, I'm a bit better driver than I was then, but I'm still not looking forward to this series. If you haven't yet, TURN OFF THE TCS! You're gonna need every ounce of performance from the hamster under the hood, and the TCS will only hurt you. Stage 1 - Late 70's As bad as this car is, this race is winnable. The thing is so pathetic, you won't need to brake that much in the corners. Negotiate them as smoothly as possible and you'll be able to slide out up front. Now, for your first upgrade, you'd probably think we should get a power upgrade. If we could get a good one with 5 points, we would. But right now, the biggest performance enhancer we can get are the tires. So get 'em. Stage 2 - Early 80's Again, stay off the brake and on the gas as much as absolutely possible. Smooth and gradual through the corners. It's not too difficult as the car's performance when it comes to speed is laughable. But now, with our total of 7 points, we can get that turbo upgrade and do a little good to that hamster in his wheel. Stage 3 - Late 80's As ever, stay nice and elegant through out the corners and by the end of the first lap, you should be able to get out front. Keep an on the rear view and block if you need to. The weight reduction is going to further your cause more that anything else we can get now, so go ahead and purchase it. Stage 4 - Early 90's Follow the same formula as in the previous races. Remember, staying off the brake and on the gas is the key. It's easy to do. You WILL have to block on the long straight-a-way at the end of each lap, especially the last lap. If you don't, you WILL lose. Get the port and polish upgrade. Stage 5 - Late 90's Here's the test of your manhood. Or womanhood, if that's applicable. This track caters to speed, and that's the one thing we don't have a lot of. You will be perfect in every way, or you will lose. You will have to block. Be ruthless. And win. Buy the suspension upgrade, as the next track is all about cornering. Stage 6 - 21st This race is a piece of cake compared to the last 2. Use your handling advantage and scoot out front. I did it about half way through the first lap. After that it's just a matter of making sure nobody gets in front of you. Congratulations. I have to admit that this time through with the S600, it was a hell of a lot easier than way back when. I actually made gold in every race my first time through. With this well earned victory, you have unlocked the 99' Honda S2000 for use in Quick Battle. 61' Jaguar E Type A very fine car. This is actually one of my favorites to use in GT mode, a sleeper car as it seems like nobody ever talks about it. It already comes with a respectable amount of power and agility. Race and enjoy it! Stage 1 - Late 70's An easy race. The only hard part is being careful to keep the car on track, cause in it's stock form, the rear end of this Jag is a little squirrelly. But, as I said, this race poses no real problems. With your 5 points, be sure to buy the tires. Stage 2 - Early 80's Your new tires make this race even more of a slaughter than the previous one. Zip around the corners and take the easy victory. Go ahead and purchase the turbo upgrade. Like lambs to the slaughter, right? Stage 3 - Late 80's You'll be in first place before you reach the first corner. You would have to be really bad in order not to win this one. Purchase the weight reduction next. Stage 4 - Early 90's Another easy one. This car is just too good. With your victory, purchase the suspension upgrade. Stage 5 - Late 90's Compared to the other times we've had to race this, and the cars we've had to use, you'd have a hard time remembering this one is supposed to be the hard one of the series. I literally blew the doors off the competition. Next purchase should be the port and polish. Stage 6 - 21st Hey, here's a shocker. This race is no trouble. Victory by a huge margin. The prize must reflect the difficulty achieveing it. The 67' Jaguar Mark 2 is unlocked for use in Quick Battle. Yippy. 72' Toyota Levin TE27 One of those good, all-around cars. And, it's the last car in the mode. Oh yeah. Strap in and finish this thing. Stage 1 - Late 70's Even in stock form, this race should not be difficult. Purchase the tires (bet you didn't see that one coming). This race will complete the first horizontal line of gold medals, and unlock the 73' Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R for use in Quick Battle. Stage 2 - Early 80's The first 3 gentle curves of this course turn it into a slalom. Weave in and around the opposition to take the lead. And as long as you don't make any serious mistakes, you'll never see your pursuit again. Pick up the turbo this time around. This will also complete another horizontal line of medals, unlocking the 84' Skyline RS Turbo C(R30) for use in Quick Battle. Stage 3 - Late 80's Vroom, vroom, I'll be glad when this is over, won't you? Stick to the right and then the inside of the right hand turn ahead, this will give you the first place position. It's downhill after that. Your next purchase should be the wieght reduction. You will also unlock the Mazda Miata for use in Quick Battle. Stage 4 - Early 90's You need only pay a little attention to this race. The Supra will bite ya on the rear if you don't pay attention. Almost happened to me (the Animated Adventures of Superman were just a little too distracting). Anywho, the 96' Honda Integra Type R is unlocked with this victory. Nice! Oh, and purchase the port and polish when you finish. Stage 5 - Late 90's This isn't too difficult. Our Levin is cruising along pretty good now. You need only keep an eye on the NSX. Your victory unlocks the 01' Lotus Elise Exige. Oh yeah, it's only like one of the best cars in the game! The next race is all about cornering, so by the suspension. Stage 6 - 21st No real troubles. The Skyline R34 was my most serious contender, and I had it beat about 2/3 of the way around the first lap. Just don't mess up. What marvelous advice, right? And so ends our Chronicle Mode Career. The final cars that will unlock are the 85' Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT APEX (AE86), the 02' Honda NSX Type R, and the 67' Toyota 2000GT. Congratulations. --------------------------------------------- QUICK BATTLE --------------------------------------------- Quick Battle is a mode of play that gives you an opportunity to up the ante in difficulty if you like. You can make it as hard as you want (there are 5 levels of difficulty) and you can also pick from a small assortment of cars that the game provides or you can upload your own garage from the GT mode. Picking from your own garage will almost insure your victory, even on the very hard setting. To make it "sporting," if you will, you should select from the cars the game provides. You have a choice of AT or MAN transmissions, and can choose between it being in normal (stock configuration) or lightly tuned, which for sure gives you a little more power, but beyond that, I don't know exactly what "lightly tuned" means, i.e., what parts are added and what settings are changed, but it will keep the playing field level with your competition. You can also choose to race versus another player, or if you want, you can watch the game race against itself (WTF?). If for some reason you wish to do this, you will select how many cars will race, from 2 to 6. You will also have to choose the cars that will race. To each his own, I guess. Iron City Circuit - unlocks Tornado Pass Tornado Pass - unlocks Blue Steel Speedway Blue Steel Speedway Green Castle Pass - unlocks Wild Country Circuit Wild Country Circuit - unlocks Standing Knight's Speedway Standing Knight's Speedway Sun Orchard Park - unlocks Brick Raceway Brick Raceway - unlocks Turquoise Sea Park Turquoise Sea Park Falcon Wing Circuit A - unlocks Falcon Wing Circuit B Falcon Wing Circuit B - unlocks Desert Super Wing Desert Super Wing White Steps --------------------------------------------- PRIZE ALLOCATION --------------------------------------------- As stated before, the races in each stage are numbered from left to right. If you don't know your left and right, call your Momma, DON'T email me. OFFICIAL RACES FIRST SEASON LICENSE TESTS Stage One Race One - None Race Two - 67' Mazda Cosmo Sport Race Three - None Complete one race, the 64' Lotus Elan Sr.1 is unlocked for purchase Complete three races, the 72' Nissan Z432R is unlocked for purchase License Test - C License Stage Two Race One - 65' FIAT 1000TCR Berlina Corsa Race Two - Racing Suspension Race Three - 74' FIAT Abarth 131 Rally Complete 2 races, the 73' Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R is unlocked for purchase License Test - B License Stage Three Race One - 72' Nissan Skyline GT-R Racing Edition Race Two - 54' Mercedes 300 SL and Racing Brakes Race Three - 78' DOHMU Zero Race Four - 72' Mazda Savanna RX-3 Racing Edition Complete four races, the 70' Chevy Corvette Stingray is unlocked for purchase License Test - A License Stage Four Race One - 67' Alfa Romeo TIPO 33/2 Stradale Race Two - 68' Ford Mustang GT390 Race Three - Racing Tires Complete all three races, the 02' Ford GT Concept is unlocked for purchase License Test - S License Stage Five Race One - Racing Intercooler Race Two - 73' Nissan 240Z Racing Edition Race Three - 98' Subaru Impreza 22B STi Version Race Four - 01' Caterham Super Seven R500R Race Five - 66' Ford GT Complete one race, the 83' Audi Sport Quattro is unlocked for purchase License Test - SS License Stage Six Race One - 00' Dodge Viper GTS R EVENT RACES SEGA Drag Racing 1st Prize - 68' Dodge Charger Special Prize - 70' Chevy Chevelle Battle of 70's 1st Prize - 67' Jaguar mk2 Special Prize - 72' Toyota Celica Racing Edition Battle of 80's 1st Prize - 85' Nissan MID 4 Special Prize - 82' Toyota Supra 2800GT Battle of 90's Special Prize - 96' Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (IV) Hot Hatch Event 1st Prize - 02' Renault CLIO Sport V6 24 valve Special Prize - 87' Peugeot 205 T16 It should be noted that if you run this race in the first season, you will be unable to unlock the Super Racing Muffler in the second season. You must also not race in the Group B Monsters and Touring Car Races in the first season, as you will not be able to unlock the final Stage 3 NA and Turbo Upgrades. Super Car Event 1st Prize - 67' Toyota 2000GT Special Prize - 77' Lotus Esprit SECOND SEASON OFFICIAL RACES Stage One Race One - Nothing Race Two - Super Racing Tire Race Three - Nothing Stage Two Race One - Weight Reduction #4 Race Two - Nothing Race Three - Super Racing Intercooler Race Four - Nothing Stage Three Race One - Original Tuned Suspension Race Two - Nothing Race Three - Super Racing Brakes Stage Four Race One - Nothing Race Two - Nothing Race Three - Nothing Race Four - Nothing Stage Five Race One - Nothing Race Two - Nothing Race Three - Nothing Race Four - Nothing Stage Six Race One - Nothing EVENT RACES Battle of 90's 1st Prize - 95' Ford GT90 Hot Hatch Event Unlocks the Super Racing Muffler Group B Monsters Special Prize - 85' Toyota MR2 Group S Unlocks Turbo Upgrade Stage 3 Super Car Event 1st Prize - 89' Jiotto Caspita Touring Car Race Unlocks NA Upgrade Stage 3 Winding Road Race 1st Prize - 84' Mitsubishi Starion 4WD Rally --------------------------------------------- CAR SPECS --------------------------------------------- The specs shown here are after the car has been fully and completely upgraded. (and yes, they include the Super Racing Muffler) I came up with the cost of the prize cars by doubling their default "for sale" price. In case you never noticed, when you go to put a car up for sale, the number that the game comes up with by default is exactly half of what you pay for it. For general information, I used the bolt-on turbo on every car I could. (Duh, right?) ---- FORD ---- 01' Mustang GT $35,000 HP - 559 Torque -645.8 lb-ft Weight - 1156 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - None 68' Mustang GT390 Prize Car ($41,500) HP - 661 Torque - 589.8 lb-ft Weight - 972 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - none 02' Ford GT Conecpt $150,000 HP - 850 Torque - 762.3 lb-ft Weight - 902 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Super Car Event 66' Ford GT Prize Car ($200,000) HP - 511 Torque - 444.1 lb-ft Weight - 900 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Super Car Event 95' Ford GT90 Prize Car ($300,000) HP - 1244 Torque - 1056.7 lb-ft Weight - 1123 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Super Car Event --------- CHEVROLET --------- 02' Corvette Z06 $49,000 HP - 778 Torque - 736.0 Weight - 1095 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road 70' Corvette Stingray $49,600 HP - 881 Torque - 663.5 lb-ft Weight - 1257 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 01' Camaro SS $29,000 HP - 632 Torque - 640.1 lb-ft Weight - 1215 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road 71' Camaro Z28 $33,000 HP - 647 Torque - 844.2 lb-ft Weight - 1169 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 70' Chevelle Prize Car ($31,500) HP - 863 Torque - 825.4 lb-ft Weight - 1235 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road ----- DODGE ----- 00' Viper GTS/R Prize Car ($109,000) HP - 701 Torque - 628.6 lb-ft Weight - 1244 KG Drive train - MR? (Vipers are FR, aren't they?) Useable in - Super Car Event 68' Charger Prize Car ($56,500) HP - 814 Torque - 840.3 lb-ft Weight - 1241 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road ------ NISSAN ------ 00' Skyline GT-R V-spec II R34 $57,480 HP - 747 Torque - 770.9 lb-ft Weight - 1200 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Winding Road 97' Skyline GT-R V-spec R33 $51,500 HP - 727 Torque - 666.0 lb-ft Weight - 1183 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 94' Skyline GT-R V-spec II R32 $44,500 HP - 687 Torque - 607.8 lb-ft Weight - 1104 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 84' Skyline RS Turbo C(R30) $21,800 HP - 424 Torque - 360.7 lb-ft Weight - 889 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 73' Skyline 2000GT-R $19,000 HP - 341 Torque - 289.3 lb-ft Weight - 854 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 70' Skyline GT-R KPGC10 $15,000 HP - 338 Torque - 279.4 lb-ft Weight - 815 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 02' 350Z $35,000 HP - 615 Torque - 595.8 lb-ft Weight - 1104 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - none 92' Fairlady Z Version S 2 Seater (Z32) $30,700 HP - 626 Torque - 571.6 Weight - 1200 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 71' 240Z $15,000 HP - 329 Torque - 336.5 lb-ft Weight - 714 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 71' 240ZG $22,000 HP - 329 Torque - 336.5 lb-ft Weight - 736 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 85' MID4 Prize Car ($50,000) HP - 469 Torque - 411.5 lb-ft Weight - 929 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 72' Z432R $23,000 HP - 239 Torque - 199.5 lb-ft Weight - 692 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 72' Skyline GTR Racing Edition Prize Car ($50,000) HP - 253 Torque - 189.6 lb-ft Weight - 885 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 73' 240Z Racing Edition Prize Car ($66,000) HP - 390 Torque - 352.3 lb-ft Weight - 950 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's ------ TOYOTA ------ 97' Supra RZ Twin Turbo $44,800 HP - 687 Torque - 712.9lb-ft Weight - 1156 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 90' Supra 2.5GT Twin Turbo $32,000 HP - 585 Torque - 530.1 lb-ft Weight - 1191 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 82' Celica XX 2000GT $21,140 HP - 338 Torque - 287.2 lb-ft Weight - 929 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 99' Celica SS-II $22,200 HP - 387 Torque - 264.5 lb-ft Weight - 850 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 92' Celica GT-FOUR $33,020 HP - 549 Torque - 463.0 lb-ft Weight - 1060 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 72' Celica 1600GT $8,750 HP - 217 Torque - 201.4 lb-ft Weight - 688 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 85' Sprinter Trueno GT APEX (AE86) $13,680 HP - 289 Torque - 248.3 lb-ft Weight - 674 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 72' Levin TE27 $8,130 HP - 217 Torque - 201.4 lb-ft Weight - 626 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 66' Sports 800 $5,950 HP - 122 Torque - 125.4 lb-ft Weight - 359 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road 85' MR2 Group S Prize Car ($90,000) HP - 630 Torque - 462.0 lb-ft Weight - 1060 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 93' MR2 SW20 $32,000 HP - 547 Torque - 498.4 lb-ft Weight - 955 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 84' MR2 AW11 $24,000 HP - 336 Torque - 300.4 lb-ft Weight - 788 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 72' Celica Racing Edition Prize Car ($43,000) HP - 246 Torque - 165.7 lb-ft Weight - 855 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 82' Supra 2800GT Prize Car ($25,000) HP - 360 Torque - 364.8 lb-ft Weight - 933 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 67' Toyota 2000GT Prize Car ($23,800) HP - 228 Torque - 190.0 lb-ft Weight - 854 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Super Car Event ----- HONDA ----- 02' NSX Type R $118,600 HP - 580 Torque - 470.8 lb-ft Weight - 964 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - none 02' NSX Type S $115,570 HP - 571 Torque - 460.9 lb-ft Weight - 1007 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - none 97' NSX Type S Zero $98,570 HP - 571 Torque - 460.9 lb-ft Weight - 1034 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 90's 92' NSX Type R $104,300 HP - 575 Torque - 452.5 lb-ft Weight - 929 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 90's 01' Integra Type R $24,100 HP - 449 Torque - 299.4 lb-ft Weight - 885 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Hot Hatch, Winding Road 96' Integra Type R $23,580 HP - 408 Torque - 278.8 lb-ft Weight - 797 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Battle of 90's, Hot Hatch, Winding Road 02' Civic Type R $22,000 HP - 438 Torque - 296.3 lb-ft Weight - 894 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Hot Hatch, Winding Road 98' Civic Type R $19,980 HP - 377 Torque - 228.2 lb-ft Weight - 771 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Battle of 90's, Hot Hatch, Winding Road 99' S2000 $33,800 HP - 510 Torque - 314.0 lb-ft Weight - 937 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 69' S600 $5,540 HP - 154 Torque - 103.5 lb-ft Weight - 460 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road ---------- MITSUBISHI ---------- 01' Lancer Evo VII $29,980 HP - 590 Torque - 534.8 lb-ft Weight - 1078 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Winding Road 00' Lancer Evo VI Tommi Makinen Edition $32,780 HP - 585 Torque - 520.7 lb-ft Weight - 1042 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Winding Road 99' Lancer Evo VI $32,480 HP - 581 Torque - 514.0 lb-ft Weight - 1042 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 98' Lancer Evo V $32,480 HP - 581 Torque - 522.4 lb-ft Weight - 1042 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 96' Lancer Evo IV GSR $29,980 HP - 572 Torque - 482.1 lb-ft Weight - 1034 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 95' Lancer Evo III GSR $29,680 HP - 548 Torque - 459.8 lb-ft Weight - 955 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 94' Lancer Evo II GSR $28,980 HP - 527 Torque - 458.3 lb-ft Weight - 946 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 92' Lancer Evo GSR $27,380 HP - 507 Torque - 439.0 lb-ft Weight - 937 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 85' Lancer GSR IC Turbo $16,400 HP - 357 Torque - 341.0 lb-ft Weight - 788 Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 84' Starion 4WD Rally Prize Car ($68,000) HP - 573 Torque - 480.6 lb-ft Weight - 960 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 80's, Group B Monsters, Winding Road 88' Starion GSR-VR $30,250 HP - 405 Torque - 475.2 lb-ft Weight - 1007 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road ----- MAZDA ----- 01' RX-7 Type RS (VI) $41,500 HP - 612 Torque - 503.6 lb-ft Weight - 972 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road 01' RX-7 Type RZ (V) $43,000 HP - 612 Torque - 503.6 lb-ft Weight - 964 Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road 97' RX-7 Type RS (IV) $37,780 HP - 571 Torque - 464.6 lb-ft Weight - 972 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 91' Efini RX-7 Type R $38,500 HP - 549 Torque - 463.0 lb-ft Weight - 946 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 90' Savanna RX-7 Infini (FC) $28,430 HP - 498 Torque - 436.9 lb-ft Weight - 946 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 83' Savanna RX-7 GT Turbo $16,900 HP - 382 Torque - 356.0 lb-ft Weight - 758 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 75' Savanna RX-3 $15,800 HP - 227 Torque - 219.4 lb-ft Weight - 731 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road 01' Miata $31,400 HP - 351 Torque - 278.5 lb-ft Weight - 788 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road 89' Miata $20,500 HP - 263 Torque - 225.4 lb-ft Weight - 674 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 67' COSMO SPORT Prize Car ($19,700) HP - 281 Torque - 228.6 lb-ft Weight - 692 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - none 72' Savanna RX-3 Racing Edition Prize Car ($50,000) HP - 211 Torque - 156.9 lb-ft Weight - 820 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's 96' RX-7 Type RZ (IV) Prize Car ($40,000) HP - 571 Torque - 464.6 lb-ft Weight - 946 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road ------ SUBARU ------ 01' Impreza WRX STi $33,230 HP - 568 Torque - 505.2 lb-ft Weight - 1104 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Winding Road Race 99' Impreza WRX STi Version VI $30,000 HP - 568 Torque - 485.6 lb-ft Weight - 964 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 98' Impreza WRX STi Version V Limited Type RA $29,190 HP - 568 Torque - 484.2 lb-ft Weight - 920 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 97' Impreza WRX STi Version IV $31,500 HP - 564 Torque - 479.1 lb-ft Weight - 946 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 96' Impreza WRX STi Version III $28,850 HP - 559 Torque - 464.3 lb-ft Weight - 946 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 95' Impreza WRX STi Version II $28,400 HP - 549 Torque - 428.3 lb-ft Weight - 937 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 94' Impreza WRX STi Version $28,000 HP - 499 Torque - 419.2 lb-ft Weight - 920 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 91' ALCYONE SVX $39,950 HP - 527 Torque - 499.1 lb-ft Weight - 1235 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 87' ALCYONE $29,290 HP - 258 Torque - 268.6 lb-ft Weight - 832 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 80's, Winding Road 98' Impreza 22B-STi Version Prize Car ($33,000) HP - 572 Torque - 494.1 lb-ft Weight - 964 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road ----- ACURA ----- 97' NSX $91,070 HP - 604 Torque - 467.3 lb-ft Weight - 1078 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 90's ----- LEXUS ----- 02' SC430 $50,000 HP - 597 Torque - 566.5 lb-ft Weight - 1376 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - none 02' IS 300 5-Speed $38,000 HP - 483 Torque - 458.9 lb-ft Weight - 1144 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Touring Car, Winding Road ---------- ALFA ROMEO ---------- 02' Alfa 147 2.0 T.Spark $21,000 HP - 334 Torque - 295.7 lb-ft Weight - 972 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Hot Hatch, Winding Road 97' Alfa 145 $20,500 HP - 334 Torque - 298.9 lb-ft Weight - 937 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 00' Alfa 156 $31,000 HP - 442 Torque - 385.5 lb-ft Weight - 1042 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Touring Car, Winding Road 98' Alfa 155 T.Spark $19,800 HP - 323 Torque - 303.8 lb-ft Weight - 1007 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Battle of 90's, Touring Car, Winding Road 65' Giulia Sprint GTA $40,000 HP - 261 Torque - 262.1 lb-ft Weight - 591 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road 67' TIPO 33/2 STRADALE Prize Car ($655,350) HP - 452 Torque - 285.5 lb-ft Weight - 464 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Super Car ---- AUDI ---- 00' TT Coupe $27,800 HP - 467 Torque - 426.2 lb-ft Weight - 1113 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Winding Road 01' S3 Quattro $22,200 HP - 436 Torque - 385.5 lb-ft Weight - 1130 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Hot Hatch, Winding Road 83' Sport Quattro $53,000 HP - 558 Torque - 444.0 lb-ft Weight - 1007 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 80's, Group B Monsters, Winding Road ------- RENAULT ------- 02' CLIO Sport V6 24V Prize Car ($30,250) HP - 495 Torque - 461.4 lb-ft Weight - 1060 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Hot Hatch, Winding Road *NOTE* This car is upgraded with everything but the Super Racing Muffler for the simple reason that it's impossible to. 85' 5TURBOII 1.4OHV Turbo $23,000 HP - 350 Torque - 309.5 lb-ft Weight - 561 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Group B Monsters, Winding Road 73' A110 $28,000 HP - 255 Torque - 155.6 lb-ft Weight - 574 KG Drive train - RR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road ------------- MERCEDES BENZ ------------- 02' CLK 430 Coupe $36,700 HP - 582 Torque - 605.5 lb-ft Weight - 1187 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Touring Car, Winding Road 94' E500 $42,000 HP - 688 Torque - 683.1 lb-ft Weight - 1340 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 90' 190E 2.5-16 $37,500 HP - 479 Torque - 374.1 lb-ft Weight - 1025 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 90's, Touring Car, Winding Road 54' 300SL Prize Car ($98,000) HP - 489 Torque - 407.0 lb-ft Weight - 867 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road ------- PEUGEOT ------- 02' 406 Sedan 3.0 V6 SE $26,500 HP - 469 Torque - 467.4 lb-ft Weight - 1148 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Touring Car, Winding Road 02' 307 2.0 $20,500 HP - 335 Torque - 338.8 lb-ft Weight - 955 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Hot Hatch, Winding Road 02' 206 2.0 S16 $13,000 HP - 335 Torque - 340.6 lb-ft Weight - 771 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Hot Hatch, Winding Road 87' 205 T16 Prize Car ($15,500) HP - 393 Torque - 346.4 lb-ft Weight - 854 KG Drive train - 4WD Useable in - Battle of 80's, Group B Monsters, Winding Road *NOTE* This car is upgraded with everyting but the Super Racing Muffler for the simple reason that it's impossible to. ---- FIAT ---- 02' PUNTO HGT Abarth $11,700 HP - 285 Torque - 260.8 lb-ft Weight - 815 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Hot Hatch, Winding Road 02' Barchetta Giovane Due $14,500 HP - 285 Torque - 262.4 lb-ft Weight - 806 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Winding Road 93' Coupe 20V Turbo $25,000 HP - 414 Torque - 420.5 lb-ft Weight - 1007 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Battle of 90's, Winding Road 65' 1000TCR Berlina Corsa Prize Car ($16,000) HP - 171 Torque - 139.7 lb-ft Weight - 349 KG Drive train - RR Useable in - Winding Road 74' ABARTH 131 Rally Prize Car ($22,000) HP - 296 Torque - 270.1 lb-ft Weight - 710 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Winding Road ---- OPEL ---- 00' Speedster $32,000 HP - 324 Torque - 322.1 lb-ft Weight - 679 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Winding Road 02' ASTRA Coupe $28,500 HP - 409 Torque - 358.7 lb-ft Weight - 1029 KG Drive train - FF Useable in - Touring Car, Winding Road ------ JAGUAR ------ 61' Jaguar 'E' Type $44,000 HP - 507 Torque - 479.2 lb-ft Weight - 745 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road 67' Jaguar MARK 2 Prize Car ($30,000) HP - 442 Torque - 468.9 lb-ft Weight - 1187 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road ----- LOTUS ----- 02' ELISE Type 72 $26,000 HP - 267 Torque - 273.7 lb-ft Weight - 473 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - none 01' ELISE EXIGE $55,000 HP - 379 Torque - 270.1 lb-ft Weight - 485 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - none 02' Esprit $38,600 HP - 705 Torque - 571.6 lb-ft Weight - 1060 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Super Car 77' Esprit Prize Car ($23,000) HP - 325 Torque - 263.9 lb-ft Weight - 785 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Super Car, Winding Road 64' ELAN Sr.1 $21,000 HP - 224 Torque - 225.1 lb-ft Weight - 412 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - Winding Road 73' EUROPA Special $34,200 HP - 257 Torque - 208.0 lb-ft Weight - 482 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Super Car -------- CATERHAM -------- 01' SUPER SEVEN R500R Prize Car ($70,000) HP - 305 Torque - 196.5 lb-ft Weight - 460 KG Drive train - FR Useable in - none ------ JIOTTO ------ 89' Caspita Prize Car ($80,000) HP - 605 Torque - 355.2 lb-ft Weight - 815 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 80's, Super Car ----- DOHMU ----- 78' Zero Prize Car ($60,000) HP - 318 Torque - 333.3 lb-ft Weight - 657 KG Drive train - MR Useable in - Battle of 70's, Super Car --------------------------------------------- Price of Upgrades --------------------------------------------- This section includes the total price of upgrading a stock car to it's full potential. As there are a couple of variations, ie, some cars will use a Stage 3 Turbo, and others will only allow a bolt-on turbo upgraded to a Stage 2, I'll list each full price with the different combinations. Oh, and prices will also include the High Gear ratio transmission, and only the High Gear one. $130,000 with a Stage 3 Turbo Upgrade $103,000 with a Stage 3 NA Upgrade $123,000 with the bolt-on turbo upgraded to a Stage 2 Turbo --------------------------------------------- PARTS PERFORMANCE LIFE --------------------------------------------- This section is dedicated to showing the player how long a part will last before it is necessary to do a tune up or purchase a replacement. There are two settings that will be used to demonstrate this. One will be the default settings the car is originally with at purchase. The other will be with them set at the maximum, meaning boost pressure will be maxed, the suspension will have the front springs at max softness while the rear ones will be set at max hardness, and the camber for both front and back will be maxed. One thing that is interesting to note is that the settings are the only factor that consider into how quickly or slowly a part will wear out. It does not matter how you drive on the course. It doesn't matter how long the course is. If you exit out of the race as soon as soon as it starts, the parts will still recieve a set amount of "wear." You have no idea how long it took to get these numbers and to test them. I hope they prove useful. CAR AT DEFAULT SETTINGS TIRES 8 races to GREEN 11 races to YELLOW 15 races to ORANGE 18 races to RED ENGINE (NA and Turbo) 12 races to GREEN 13 races to YELLOW 14 races to ORANGE 15 races to RED BRAKES 8 races to GREEN 10 races to YELLOW 13 races to ORANGE 15 races to RED SUSPENSION 12 races to GREEN 13 races to YELLOW 15 races to ORANGE 16 races to RED CAR AT MAX SETTINGS TIRES 5 races to GREEN 8 races to YELLOW 11 races to ORANGE 14 races to RED ENGINE (Turbo only) 6 races to YELLOW 7 races to RED *at full boost, the engine never showed green or orange, it skipped right past them and went on to yellow and red* BRAKES 8 races to GREEN 10 races to YELLOW 13 races to ORANGE 15 races to RED SUSPENSION 12 races to GREEN 13 races to YELLOW 15 races to ORANGE 16 races to RED As you can see, the results are a little surprising. Boosting the turbo reduces your engine life by half, for a performance gain that quite frankly, I've never been able to really notice. And as it's usually the most expensive fix, my advice is to leave the boost pressure alone. As for the suspension, regardless of how you adjust it, the performance life remains the same. Brake wear also does not change. That leaves the tires. In my opinion, the handling boost far out weighs the slight loss of performance life. But ultimately that's for you to decide. A word on retrys. It seems that retrys do not effect the part's life. You can restart a race as many times as you want and as far as the parts are concerned, you've only raced once. One last thing on this. The part's life is unaffected by upgrades. What I mean is, that regardless of wether your car has just the bolt on turbo, or has the Stage 3 Turbo, engine life remains the same. If the tires are normal or super racing, they will wear at the same rate. An NA engine's life is the same as the Turbo's (that is, the same as the turbo at it's default boost pressure). --------------------------------------------- Thanks go to Sega, for making a great game. Also to people at the GameFAQs Boards, THE place to go to for gaming help. I'd give more specific info on what tips came from who but that's virtually impossible as everthing I learned was learned when the game first came out. If you have a contribution, email me at winchester20@hotmail.com. PLEASE make sure it's a REAL contribution. Don't email me saying you think the *blank* is better then the Elise or you don't like the order I put the races in. Any ideas or contributions that I incorporate into future versions will be credited to the originator. Copyright 2003 Jason "Winchester20" McKinley