----------------------- Sega GT 2002 Version - 2.0 Date Submitted - 10/10/03 Last Updated - 9/12/03 Written by MRadford (Michael Radford) ------------------------ ======== Contents ======== 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE FAQ i. About the Author ii. History iii. Contact information iv. Review 2. THE IMPORTANT THINGS i. Controls ii. Driving Tips 3. INTRODUCTION TO THE GAME i. Main menu ii. Sega Get mode iii. Chronicle Mode iv. Quick Battle v. Time Trial vi. Replay Mode vii. Options ix. Load and save 4. SEGA GT MODE WALKTHROUGH i. Your first car ii. Tune up iii. Official races / Event Races iv. Tune up (2) v. Official races vi. Your second car vii. Concluding chapters viii. The cars 5. TIME TRIAL Try to beat the worlds time! 6. ENDING i. FAQ's ii. Thanks and credit ======================== 1. Introduction to the FAQ This guide has been written with the intention of giving enough advice and Help to aid you through the game. There is no defied way to finish the game so if you wish to do something a bit differently, the by all means do. Disclaimer: This guide and walkthrough is protected under international copyright law, the reproduction or unauthorized linking to it is illegal. If you wish to use this guide on your site then please contact me at: mike8580@hotmail.com Currently you should only see this guide on the sites www.gamefaqs.com, Nowhere else. Should you see this guide on another site then please contact me at the above address. *NOTE - if you are going to email me then please avoid putting things like "hi" in the subject, as I may believe this as junk mail and will be deleted without being viewed. As anyone on hotmail will tell you, we get shed loads of junk mail, so please include the title of the game in the subject. Thanks. i. About the Author Us writers like this part of the guide because it's where you can brag about our work. Fortunately I won't, anyway, my name is Michael Radford and I've written a few guides in the past but never published that many on gamefaq's, however I will be sending in some of my older guides soon, hopefully! ii. Version History 09/12/03 - V. 2.0 - Added a few bits and pieces to the guide as well as changed some of the contact details around. The moral of the story is: the wise man reads the guide before mindlessly writing in asking something written clearly in the guide'. I know that doesn't include everyone but you do get some. This is also likely to be the last update in the guide unless I have missed something drastic, there will be another update in around as week marking this as a final version. 11/10/03 - V. 1.0 - The guide is up now. All of the necessary parts of the game are now up, more updates and cleanup coming soon. --- iii. Contact information As mentioned above if you want to put the guide on your site or to anything about the game then READ-THE-GUIDE-FIRST! One of the most annoying things in the world is being asked something that is stated or even repeted in the guide. Lastly, please don't ask for help on how to get passed the license tests because apart from coming round to your house and doing it for you, there is no real way to help. If you are sure I haven't answered something then contact mike8580@hotmail.com and PLEASE put the subject as something like SEGA GT and not something like "hi" because it looks like junk mail and gets thrown away. If there is no response the junk mail filter probably mistook you for junk mail, don't blame me blame it. --- iv. Review Sega GT is a SEGA title, so you have probably guessed that, it is of a very high standard and is a revolution racer of the Xbox. When Project Gothem Racing, a title which came in most people who bought the Xbox when it came out it showed the world just how good racers can look, now Sega have released Sega GT for some time now it is still going strong, firstly when you start you have a very small amount of money, leaving you only able to buy one of five cars, the first few races you take part in are more of induction but when you get past it and are buying top model cars this game really comes into it's own. GRAPHICS Well it's an xbox title so according to law with an exception of a few this game has to have ace graphics and it does, all of the cars have almost perfect reproduction of their real life counterparts. Also the weather is very well done, especially the rain, this although is hard to drive in with some cars looks amazing, press the black button to shift to the 3rd person type view to really appreciate these. There are also lots of very detailed landmarks dotted around here and there, however sometimes there is a few that look exactly the same here and there which sort of spoil the idea of uniqueness from each track. But like any game it has its bad points, for one there is the audience, as there is no real need to do to much work in racing games on the people watching it would be nice if they weren't just a blop of motionless pixels, also in some parts of the track the textures lie somewhat un-finished, this is a shame because if you are in a slow car and crash on at least on part on any track it will look like you have crashed on the moon. There is a damage meter on the screen however, with all my best attempts of smacking into walls and such there is no visible signs of damage to the car, a bit unrealistic but really these are only minor flaws. 8/10 SOUNDS Overall the sounds are good each car has a fairly realistic sound where others have a poorer quality and can get irritating. The good thing is that you have your own radio in the pause menu, the music there is ok but in this department it is sad to say that it falls second place to some of the other racing games around as the skidding sound from your ties where at times is quite good some times is abysmal and the cheer from the crowd leaves a lot to be desired, oh well. GAMEPLAY This is the important bit, how the game really plays, and to an extent it does well. There are three main modes of play. SEGA GT MODE: this is the main chunk of the game and what you will hopefully be spending a great deal of your time on; QUICK RACE: this is if you just want to have a race with a group of friends after a night out; chronically, this is a rather odd mode that makes use of the older cars. So firstly: SEGA GT MODE - The way go in this mode is very much the same as what you do it Gran Turismo, you have a small amount of money for you to buy a rather low range car. You will be keeping this car for sometime, all the cars handle diffrently and react very well to the different aspects of the surface you are driving on. You have to participate in some races for the money to buy upgrades to your car, one of these races being a drag race, cool. There is nothing partially different to GT on the upgrades so if you have played it then you should have no trouble and if you haven't it is simple to get to grips with. You can also buy the cheaper used upgrades, these are not as good as the originals but they do work and you can feel the difference. And finally when you have to sell your car you have to put it on the market and create your own asking price, this is clever feature, put it to low and you are ripping yourself of and put it to high you will never sell it. This mode is very good and cleverly done as well as long enough to keep you interested until you are at the top of the racing food chain. QUICK RACE - You now have access to a lot of cars and a fair number of tracks, it is fast to get into and you will be going in a few minutes, the only gripe here is the difficulty, there is a very easy and a very hard mode, these should not have been included as you can hardly tell any difference between them and the easy of hard setting, but that aside it is very well done and the range of courses are good, these include a long one with not too many corners to gain a high speed, a one with a lot of winding corners and even a rally course. chronicle - a rather cool extra mode, this is a race with all old cars, when you start the screen is like an old TV picture, this then fades into full color, the idea is to win as many races the league of races, this mode is ok but it does not really keep you riveted and you will to play it will unfortunately subside after a while. OVERALL All in all this is a good game with a few flaws letting it down. Voom! + Realistic Cars + Good Tracks + The main mode is fun Boom! - Some parts of the track is a bit dodgy - The sounds leave something to be desired - The people have turned into large blobs!!! Summary I recommend to all but die hard fans of SEGA GT to rent it first as it won't suit everyone. Time to completion - Around 10 hrs. ======================== 2. The important things. i. Controls You won't get too far if you don't know this, so here's an in-depth look at the controls. In Menus. Analogue pad, D-pad = Navigate menu A button = Enter / Confirm B button = Go Back When Driving. Analogue pad, D-pad = Steering A button = Accelerate B button = Handbrake X button = Brake Y button = N/A Black button = Change camera angle White button = Rear View Left trigger = Shift down* Right trigger = Shift up* * Shifting is for MT (Manual Transmission) only When Paused / Watching A Replay. Y button = Change BGM (Background Music) (pause) = Take Snapshot (Replay) --- ii. Tips on Driving Like all other racing games you should always take the corners wide, I know ASCII art isn't my strong point so lets confuse you. light Bent -_-_-_-_-_ A light bend is a turn that is not sharp or hard to get around. If the turn that you are coming up to is going left then head to the right of the road and ease into the turn without braking. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | | | \ | Do not brake. | \ | | __ | | | || | | || < THATS'S YOU! | | || | -- | | | -------------------------- 90* Turn -_-_-_-_- Yep, this is a turn through 90* only break for a second before you get to a corner. And no the car does not get smaller in the game when you do this turn. _________________ \ \ _ _ _ | < ACCELERATE as soon as you move out of the turn. |_ _ _| ----| | _______ \ | | \ | | / | < BREAK to about 50 mph here. | \ | | __ | | | || | | || | |__|| -------------------------- Hairpin -_-_-_- The hardest type of corner in the game, you have to go painfully slow to get around these, while minding the walls to avoid sustaining damage. ____________ /.............. \ / \ | | | | | | | | | /--------- \ | < TURN slowly into corner | / / \ \| | | | | || < SLOW right down to make the turn | | | | || | | | | __ | | | | | | || | | | | || | | | |__|| | | | | ACCELERATE - By simply pushing the A button, you will accelerate. This can sometimes be trickery then what you first expect. Although on straights it is simple enough, when taking corners in can be hard to get the timing dead on and not lose time. After you have slowed down after any relatively sharp corner, turn the wheel but do not hit the gas yet. Now, get about halfway around it, then hit it. Also, when you are sliding on an icy track, just let go on the accelerator for a few moments then just press it repeatedllty, not turning at all and you should come out of the slide. BRAKING - Again, easy at the start, but hard to get it right for super- fast lap times. Before a corner, brake, giving yourself plenty of time to slow to a tunable speed. The better your brakes are, the less time you need to apply them before the corner. When you get to the turn, release the brake and turn the wheel. Turning hardly ever involves braking while turning RALLIES - When you rally, there is hardly any very sharp turns, this means that a whole lot of braking is not necessary, in this case then just nudge the wheel in the correct direction, only braking when you are going to fast to get around on of the bends. -------------------------- Chicane -_-_-_ A Chicane is a small series of light bends. The best way to go round them is quite often to through them. If you can see a straight line thought the bends then just follow it, even if it means going over grass or rubble. If there is no possible way to do this, just lean of the power and take each bend on the inside. ___ | | | | | | | | | |___| | \ \ \ | \ \ | | | | / / | / / | | | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Drops and Hills -_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Sorry in advance for the ASCII art in this one, those dots on the road are supposed to be hills. Take the first hill slowly so that you don't fly off into the air and lose time on the second hill. You will find this kind of thing more on a rally course. | ____ | | | | | | | | | | |____| | | | |...........| |:::::::::::| < SMALL HILL |...........| | | |...........| |...........| |:::::::::::| < LARGER HILL IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS |...........| |...........| | | | | ======================== 2. Introduction to the game i. Main Menu This is what you see as soon as you press the start button, go to either new or load game and let the fun begin. As this guide is expecting you never to have played the game or even if you have, to make it easier for you to follow, go to new game. --- ii. Sega GT Mode The main mode in the game, this is where the main bulk of the faq is concentrated. The idea being you have a tiny amount of dosh to buy a rather second rate car. You progress until you get to the state of the fastest driver! --- iii. Chronicle Mode This mode allows you to race classic cars from the 1970s and early 1980s. You have to win races and upgrade your car, before going to a menu that allows you to assistant cars by completing a sheet. --- iv. Time Trial You must of heard of a time trial, it's an endless race with your ghost car in an attempt to break your record for the time around a track. --- v. Save and Load Take a guess what you can do here save and load your game? Damn right! *gasp* --- iv. Options You can customize things to your hearts content. One thing that will help is change the map to 3D. This way you get a good idea of the corners which You're going to have to take and what speed to take them. ======================== 3. Sega GT Mode Walkthrough *Note* This is a rough guide on what to do in the game. Do not take this as a definitive order. If I put "buy this car", but you have your eye on another one then buy all means buy that one. It may not be the best and it will make the game harder but hey, you may get lucky. If you have had any success with other cars then I would like to hear from you, just email me on mike8580@hotmail.com *Note When you race, the computer will automatically pit you against cars equal to your own, so if you have a super car and go on a really easy level hoping for a quick win, you will be challenged by cars of the same power as you. First off, you need to know all the jargon that will help you a lot through the game. For those not fluent in "car-speak" here's all the notes for what you need: DP (Damage Points) - This is the amount of damage you car can take before it is to mashed up to drive. WEIGHT - Yep, the car's weight, if your car is a heavy thing then it will be very hard to handle as well as take a long time to speed up. Basically the lower the number the better. DRIVE TRAIN - This is how the engine puts power to the all important wheels, the first letter stands for where the engine is located and the second letter is which wheels will be powered, although not consistent with some vehicles you can get advantages and disadvantages from almost all the different types so here they are FF - Front Engine, Front wheel drive Good points - Cars like this are good all rounder and will be adequate for beginners but they can be deadly when in the hands of a professional. Bad points - Cars may under steer at odd occasions but not that much of a problem FR - Front Engine, Rear wheel drive Good points - These have a lot more power behind them so they can be a lot faster then FFs. Bad points - They, especially on some cars will overseer allot, especially on the wet roads. MR - Middle Engine, Rear wheel drive Good points - Without doubt some of the fastest cars in the game are MR cars, they also have very good acceleration and are light Bad Points - They can be a bit pricey. 4WD - Front engine (normally), 4-wheel drive Good points - They are very steady and they can get lot of grip to turn sharply, often they are rally cars. Bad points - They can be quite slow and heavy, these should only be used in off-road races rallies. HORSEPOWER - The actual power of the engine, it determines how much power the car has and the higher the number the better the top speed. However, the higher the horsepower the more prominent the bad points that the car suffers from (listed above) are. TORQUE - No not talk, TORQUE! This is how much power from the engine the wheels get out onto the road. The higher the number the faster the car will accelerate. --- Alrightly then! Let's go, hit the SEGA GT MODE wait an unbearably long time for it to load and start. As Murry would say "GO!, GO!, GO!" i. Your first car You start the game with a rather pathetic $13,000, it may sound a lot, but You're going to have to buy a cheap car, in fact there are only 5 cars you can buy at the moment, and here they are: Fiat Punto HGT Abarth $11,700 HP: 128 Torque: 120.7 Drivetrain: FF Weight: 1100kg With a good ammout of money to spare this can be tuned up quite a bit, this means that this is a good choice. (7/10) --- Honda S600 $5,540 HP: 56 Torque: 37.3 Drivetrain: FR Weight: 695kg This car is very cheap, why? because it is a load of rubbish. It's slow it can not take damage and it is all round un-good. It maybe a good car in real life but this ain't real *laughs and points* (2/10) --- Peugeot 206 2.0 S16 $13,000 HP: 135 Torque: 143.1 Drivetrain: FF Weight: 1050kg Rather expensive isn't it? it will take up all of you money so there will be no tuning can be done at the minute. For that it only gets a six (6/10) --- Toyota Celica 1600GT $8,750 HP: 113 Torque: 104.8 Drivetrain: FR Weight: 955kg A very nice, fast car. There is a lot of room for extras and would be be a good car to start with. Should be the car of choice if you dislike the one below. (7/10) --- Toyota TE27 Levin $8,130 HP: 113 Torque: 104.8 Drivetrain: FR Weight: 885kg This car is cheaper then the 1600GT and its better as well. You should give serous thought to buying this one, only thing is it looks ike it has been thrashed with an ugly stick. (8/10) * --- Toyota Sports 800 $5,950 HP: 44 Torque: 49.1 Drivetrain: FR Weight: 580kg This is quite easily the worst car in the game, its cheap, nasty and has a lower top speed then a snail on slow pills. And 44HP WTF! On the plus side it is light, very light, but probbly because it has a engine made of cardboard. Otherwise, StAy AwAy! (1/10) My recommendation is that you buy the rather ace (for a starting car) Toyota TE27 Levin as it combines quality with cheap car-e-ness. Of course this is just a guide and if you and the Sports 800 then go for it. So now you have a car, it's time to spend your remaining $4,870 on some mods. Which takes us to the... --- ii. Tune up Welcome to the Tune Shop! It's time to tune the Levin up. But if you don't know what you are doing choosing mods is quite tricky, so here are all of them, which are selectable at the moment and of course, which ones you need. BRAKES - Ha! What do I need brakes for, they slow me down and I want Speeeeddd! Well you do because, as we all know: Car - Brakes = Ditch. That and everyone laughing at you, do you want that? Of course not. With out brakes you will not slow down and fall off the track. The brakes come in: Normal and Semi-racing. Another will be unlocked later but we don't need that yet. The better the brakes you buy the longer you can maintain speed on your laps and gain precious seconds. SUSPENSION - Suspension is another of the three most important mods for a car. It lets you take corners much faster. However, you only want to buy one set as they are reasonably expensive. Always go for the best one, normally semi racing or racing if you have it. TIRES - Another important one. Use these to transfer your power to the ground. Try to go for the semi racing or racing if you can get it, the others are not much cop, they will make you skid and have no grip. The upper end will make you stick to the road like the well-glued lightning you are. Another one, always check your tires on the damage screen, they wear out quite fast. TRANSMISSION - Kind of an irony this one, by closing down your top speed you will go faster. An example being if you are in a straight and your car has a maximum speed of 120 mph, but you only get to around 90. This mod will shorten the width of each gear, this will make your top speed around 110 mph but on that straight you will always get to it. Be warned this mod can act as a hindrance to some more powerful cars. If you get to your top speed easily then don't buy this mod as it will only slow you down. MUFFLER / AIR CLEANER - A good one this, and it shows in the price. This mod improves engine performance and increases horsepower, only buy the best one, even if it means waiting a while :( . WEIGHT REDUCTION - Gets all of that useless stuff out of your car and leaves you alone with the engine. These again are very expensive but totally worth the money. Your weight and torque will dramatically improve. There are three stages of weight reduction, you must start at level one before upgrading to level two and then to three, this does cost a lot of money so it's best to do it over time. BOLT-ON TURBO - This is what we like. The best horsepower enhancing mod in the game. This is not always essential and some cars have it already. However, if you have the cash then it is a good move. Also, with it you can have two more mods. INNER COOLER - Only available when you have the bolt-on turbo. It is a good way of increasing the horsepower of your car. TURBINE - Again, only available when you have the bolt-on turbo. It is a good way of increasing the horsepower of your car. TUNED ROM - If you are stuck on what to buy then go for this. It will raise the power of the car and is quite cheap. PORT POLISH - This is not exactly a barging, and the amount of power you get isn't exactly huge. When you complete the game and have a load of super cars it is worth it, for the moment it's better to stay away. N/A TUNE - This is not the best mod ever made. It's ok in the way that it raises horse power but you cannot add on the bolt on turbo or the inner cooler or turbine. If you must get it then wait until you can afford the best one otherwise you will regret it when you can't compete with the competition, don't say I didn't warn you. TRANSMISSION (HIGH GEAR KIT) - There is little use for this mod as of yet and will only be useful in very powerful cars. Why? You will lose acceleration but horsepower and top speed will rise. Like other mods it can be a hindrance rather then a help for less powerful cars as they don't have the horsepower to handle the acceleration decrease. There is also the used parts shop. Here you can buy stuff for the garage and ghost cars. Don't waste your money on these yet, you'll need every penny, cent whatever. *NOTE - It is also possible to get Nitrous Oxide here, look on the FAQ section at the bottom to see how to get this. Ok so we are all raring and ready to go on our current $4,870. You should buy: Brakes - Semi racing Tires - Semi racing Suspension - Semi racing This will drain your funds a bit so don't buy anything else. Now go back to the main screen and pull the left trigger. You will now see that your parts are added and there state of damage, at the minute they are all blue since you have not used them. In the future they will change so here is what the colors will change to and mean: Blue = Unused, they will work fine. Green = Fine and working Yellow = When you see yellow the part is starting to wear out, consider changing Red = Very worn. Change now! Wait longer may cause them to brake mid-race Black = Broken, you cannot race until you change it. *NOTE - Always check the damage after a race to see if you need a replacement, if you do you just simply go to the part shop and buy it again, this repairs it. For the engine, just select "engine overhaul". Don't let the parts slip into the red otherwise the risk of them being broken in a race is very high. Ok, you have your car. You have your mods. But now we really need to tune the car in fine detail. A lot of people are afraid of doing this as it can sometimes mess up your car, if that happens just go to set to default and all will be well again. First to adjust the car we need to be in the garage so head there and choose the Levin (it should be the only car there). Now to the tune symbol and lets get going. There are three main areas in which you can make alterations on the car. These are the suspension, the tire camber and the boost pressure. Unlike in Gran Turismo (sorry to keep bringing it up) there are not billions of thing to adjust, this may in some hardcore fans eyes make it slightly more liner, but for most people it makes the game understandable and not get to alter everything on the car. SUSPENSION - This is a very important setting. Changing it can correct the problems in the drive train. For example a FR car will not turn as well as say an MR. Altering this will not rectify the problem, but it may take away some of the more frequent headaches. The higher the setting the car will be more responsive, but unstable and difficult to drive. The opposite would be to decrease the rating, your car will be easily controlled but very hard to turn. You need to know what you are doing for this one. If the car will not turn well when you try you are encountering a problem known as "under steer". To help decrease the top bar and increase the bottom one, this way the car will turn harder. The same is true if you are turning too much. This is "overseer" and can be corrected by increasing the top and decreeing the bottom. Always be sure you decrease and increase by the same amount for the best stability. Increasing this will make the cars suspension wear out fast, the higher it is the faster it goes so keep an eye on it and if you can't afford the repairs then take it down a bit. TIRE CAMBER - This is the amount of traction that the wheels will get when turning. If you are under steering then increase the front camber thus more grip. For the over steering take up the rear camber, this produces more power and less turn. Be warned increasing the camber puts more traction for the wheels so they will wear down fast. BOOST PRESSURE - This sounds good doesn't it? It actually won't appear on several cars because it is the power for cars with turbo-chargers. If you don't have one you can't alter it. The higher the adjustment the faster your car will go. The draw back being you will destroy your engine after a few laps if you are not careful. I recommend you put this down to about a quarter, not the full amount, this will keep a good balance of speed and engine wear. --- Ok for the Levin, take the front suspension to just under a quarter forwards and the rear a quarter backwards. Move the front camber forwards just a small bit and leave the rear. This is just my driving style. Again, try to find your best driving setup. Whew, that's all that's out of the way, now lets get driving. --- iii. Official races / Event Races It's time to make some dosh, some ker-ching, some "green" and so on and so forth. There is only one way of making money, this being the EVENT RACES. What we are going to do is earn money in the EVENT RACES to buy mods and improve the car, then do a OFFICIAL RACE and eventually get all the licenses and complete the champion's race. So lets do it. Unfortunate I can't help you with the tracks as they are randomly so you may have to wait until the guide gets updated with all the tracks and the stratageys that you can use to get round them. I recommend you do any of the first two event races you can choose one. The height the prize the harder the race but with the Levin in it's state you should be able to beat the competitors by a bit, if not keep going until you get the number one spot. There is also the drag race, this is better to do in manual as it allows you to go MUCH faster. To do this, when the race starts rev the engine hard. When you start and the clock hits one second shift to second. Now when ever your rev counter hits the red shift up a gear. Simple. At the moment the only race that is not advisable is the "one make race". The opponents seem to be much harder and you tend to get pulverized, don't ask me why. Also, you will notice you get a prize for finishing first and there is also a special prize. This is got by starting the last lap forth or less and then winning. This is very easy in these early races. ** Note - There are three event races: HOT HATCH, GROUP B MONSTERS and TOURING CAR. Do not attempt the special prize in these events. There is a glitch on the game that never lets you get the SUPER RACING MUFFLER, STAGE 3 TURBINE AND STAGE 3 NA TUNE mods. These are near enough essential if you want to compete the game. So to put it simply NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER TRY TO DO THAT UNTIL YOU GET THESE MODS, unless you don't plan on doing season two that is. If you do you will have to start again, no matter what your driving ability if you do not have them you will be slaughtered. That aside, when you get around $30,000 it is time to buy some more upgrades. A good way to get money is sell any extra cars that you may have picked up for a VERY high price. If it is worth $10,000 then sell it for $40,000 / $50,000 and it eventfully will be sold, even if you have to wait a while, there's always at least one sucker out there with more money then brain cells. --- iv. Tune up (2) You should have around $30,000 before proceeding to this stage. First go to the parts shop and buy the first weight reduction and tuned ROM. Also, if needed repair your car. Now do some more event races until you are ready to cry with pain, and get up to around %30,000 again. I know it's a lot when you only get around the $4,000 mark for a race but you'll thank me when you blitz the competition. --- v. Official Race Now it is time to test the car in a test to try to get the license test. So repair the car and lets get going. How to complete the tracks will come later but to be perfectly honest you don't need it for these. The official race, as mentioned before, is split into three races and then a license test. The licenses go: C, B, A, S, SS and are all fairly easily. Except that last one SS grrr. For this, the C license however just use your Levin to beat the competition. Your car doesn't seem to get wear in this mode. Spooky huh? So don't feel the need to keep looking at it. For now you have to win at three races: Speed Ring 2002, Tide Street Battle and Rampart Cup. These are very simple and should pose no problem in your mighty Levin. Also you will get a Mazda Cozmo Sport. You may want to keep it as it is the only time in the game when it can be ascertained but for this walkthrough I would sell, we're going to get a great car, which will see you all the way to the end of the game soon. After winning these trials put you trusty Levin up for sale, I recommend around $30,000. This will insure a sale and a large sum of money. STAGE ONE So now we are going to do a license test. For the C license you will have the Peugeot 206 2.0 S16. This is a good car which is well balanced and wouldn't under/over steer if you offered it money, yes partially because it's a car. A thing to notice is on all official races in the first season there is a gauge on the right hand side. If it is a qualifying test or a license test will alter where is papers but it decreases if you make a mistake or hit something, when it is empty you will have to start all over again and yes face those loading times agghhh. This test is ridiculously easy, just make sure you keep contact to a minimum and you'll be fine. Just a last note, there is a point where there is a chicane with a small extend off the track past the white and red markers, if you drive over this then you can effectively drive thought the chicane, doing this will not cause points to be taken off. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE THE C LICENSE! --- vi. Your Second Car By this time you should have been able to have sold both the Cozmo and the Levin, you have the prize money from the Official races and of course that $30,000 you had from before. This leaves you with a lot of money and no cars. So its time for car number two. SAVE THE GAME FIRST. Now, go to the car shop and under Lotus to the Elise, there are two here so go to the second one and buy it. Now under the part shop, buy everything for it except suspension, you'll see why soon. You should have enough for it all. If not reload the game and try not to buy all the weight reductions and port polish yet as this is a big drain on the money. --- vii. Concluding chapters Ok since you have one mean machine at your control you can go about to the Official race instantly, in fact there is no need now to do another event race again! Hooray! From now on there is no more money scraping. You should now be able to annihilate any other cars on the road. So get to the next license test, the B license. STAGE TWO The stage two races are called "Spirit Hawk Cup", "Imperial Garden 2002" and "Desert Heat Cup". You should once again anaihilate the other cars and finish first with no proplems what so ever. You will now have two new cars from wining Spirit Hawk Cup and Imperial Garden 2002, these being the Fiat 1000TCR Berline Corsa and the Fiat Abarh 131 Rally. You should also have the Skyline 2000 GR-R from winning two of the races. You will also have the Racing suspension, go to suspension in the parts shop and buy this for the Elise. Now sell the Corsa and the Skyline, a better one is coming soon. Also if you don't want to rally just yet, sell the Abarth. Now go to licence test B. For this you're using a Integra Type R, a fairly simple and fast car to drive like the 206. However, this one is slightly more prone to over steer so be more careful. The course is also straight forwards, it is slightly more twisted then the previous one so don't go too fast you only need to beat the required time. Like the last one this is unbelievably easy, just be careful on the corners and you should pass it first time. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE THE B LICENSE! STAGE THREE There is a good chance you have not sold those cars yet as you should have put them up for around three times the asking price. However, you're Elise should have little to no wear. If the car is worn out a bit, do a few event races and repair it if you already don't have the money. After the car has been repaired it's time to do yet another license test. This is simple isn't? For stage three once again you are going up against lesser cars. Although the computer does try to improve them to match you, you should easily win the next four races, which are: "Emerald Challenge", "Windmill Cup" "Burning Wheel Cup" and "Summer Solstice Cup". After you successfully complete these you will find four more cars in your garage: the Skyline GT-R Racing Ed the 300SL, Savanna RX-3 Racing Ed and the Zero. All these cars are very good. Out of all of them I prefer the Zero, but I would recommend keeping all three cars. If you are short of cash sell the 300SL. Also Racing brakes are now available, so go and put them on the Elise to. Now it is time for the License test. You are driving a Ford Mustang. Although supposed to be good in real life, this thing will under steer badly, this means to go slower through corners. However, time is on your side for this so just take it nice and easy. The easier way to fail on this one is to let the counter fall to zero after so many mistakes, and even that's hard. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE THE A LICENSE! By now you have probably reached a sale for your other cars that you had on the market so repair your Elise and get ready for the next stage. Amply named STAGE FOUR Now you should have four cars, the Zero the 300SL (if you haven't sold it) the Skyline and, have course, the trusty Elise. If you want to tune another car you should have plenty of money to do so now. I would recommend the Skyline as it is a fantastic car. For this stage unlike the pervious one, there are only three races. The "Dancing Horizon Cup", "Eagle Flight" and "Ironside International". Here is where it gets quite a bit harder. The Elise and Skyline will be able to beat the opponents but you may not be finishing miles ahead this time. However, after you have completed these you will have two more cars. These being the Alfa Romeo Tipo 33/2 Strandale, and the Ford Mustang GT390. Also Racing tires are now available, these are much better then the ones that you have being using and I recommend that you switch to these for all the cars that you use to compete with. Also put the Alfa up for sale. Another thing to point out is that the Ford GT Concept is now available to buy for a whopping $500,000. Yes this is the car on the box, however, it is not that good and certainly not worth all that money. Even if you have got around that figure don't buy this car yet, you will be very disappointed. So, on to the S license test. Oddly for this we are using a rally car; the Tommi Makinen Lancer Evolution to be precise. And there is just this and one more license test left to go. Don't give up now! This car under steers a LOT so when you go through a corner take it slowly. Approach all corners from the outside brake, turn and then let the car slide around the corner, not exactly a power slide but it works well. After you make it round the corner and the car starts to become level with the road, then put your foot down. Try to accelerate just before the car is level with the road and don't try to steer or you will end up in a spin. This one may take a few tries as it is quite hard until you get used to the different way of driving, then you'll be fine. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE THE S LICENSE! Only one more license test to go, can you feel your heart pounding. If not check to see if your heart is beating and if not I recommend the hospital for everyone else read on to the exiting world of... STAGE 5 And the last License test. But five more races stand in the way. Does this game never end? The good thing is that you win something for every race here, so, and this should be second nature by now, repair the car your using, preferably the good old Elise and lets get cookin. The races are "Rolling Flame Cup", "Autumn King Battle", "Raging Typhoon", "Ardent World Cup" and "Huntsmen International". These races are all fairly hard, especially since they are all five laps long and take ages so you may want to have some coffee or something while you do these. However, the rewards for winning are good. When you manage to finish you will have an Audi Sport Quattro, a Ford GT, a 240Z Racing Ed and a Super Seven R500R (Yes, that old looking thing by Catterham that thrashes everyone in drag racing). Sell the Audi and I would recommend buying the Impreza 22B Sti Ver. that you have unlocked. Also for any cars that you are using buy and install the Racing inner cooler. Ok now it's the time you've all being waiting for. By far the hardest license test in the game, the SS. For this test you are you using a Jaguar E-Type. Great, another English car like the Elise, this will be a breeze. Well, no. The E-Type, unlike the Elise is as much use as a to quote: 'Clenex in a snot party'. You turn the wheel and the car goes in a straight line. Then when you get the damn thing to turn it slides, Aghh, this is going to get very, VERY, annoying. And there really isn't that much help I can give to you. there are two chicanes on the circuit, providing your speed is fast enough then drive straight over it. Also, if you begin to slide give the wall a nudge, or a whack if you are going fast. Not a very expert way I know but it is the only way to avoid an abysmal time. The only Other thing I can recommend is that you keep trying until you do finish it, believe me if you have got up to this bit you will eventfully. If you are so stuck then email me on the above address and I will try to help you. Good luck on this one. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU HAVE THE SS LICENSE! (whew!) Well that's it, you now have all the licenses. But there is one more challenge left. You now have to finish first in the World Tournament. STAGE SIX The last one to do before season one comes to an end. If you go to official race you will see one remaining race to complete. The "World Tournament". All the cares here are very competitive, so use the Elise. Yes I know you bought it all the way back in Stage two but it is still a fantastic car, and now it is tuned and upgraded as much as possible. The competition is very tough, the main problems will more or less come from the GT40 and the Concept. You will find yourself overtaking and being overtaken. Fortunallty though, this time there is no damage limit, so feel free to block and push them. If you are in the lead, always check behind you and if the GT40 is about to overtake you drive in front of it and don't let it get to the behind side of you. This race may take a few tries and if you really cannot do it, then try the Skyline but the Elise is your best bet. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU ARE NOW THE FASTEST DRIVER! For the record here are all the competitions you have entered and what you won for them all note occasionally these are the special prizes: Stage one Speed Ring 2002 Nothing Tide Street Battle Win Mazda Cosmo Sport Rampart Cup Nothing Finish first in 1 race Lotus Élan Sr.1 Unlocked Finnish first in all 3 races Nissan Z432R Unlocked Stage two Spirit Hawk Cup Win Fiat 1000TCR Berline Corsa Imperial Garden 2002 Racing Suspension unlocked Desert Heat Cup Win Fiat Abarth 131 Rally Finish first in two races Skyline 2000 GT-R unlocked Stage three Emerald Challenge Win Skyline GT-R Racing Ed. Windmill Cup Win 300SL Burning Wheel Cup Win Zero Summer Solstice Cup Win Savanna RX-3 Racing Ed. Finish first in two races Racing Brakes unlocked Finish first all four races Unlock Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Stage four Dancing Horizon Cup Win Alfa Romeo Tipo 33/2 Stradale Eagle Flight Win Mustang GT390 Ironside International Racing Tires now available Complete all three races Ford GT Concept now available Stage five Rolling Flame Cup Racing intercooler unlocked Autumn King Battle Win 240Z Racing Edition Raging Typhoon Impreza 22B Sti Ver. unlocked Ardent World Cup Win Super Seven R500R Huntsmen International Win Ford GT Finish first in one race Win Audi Sport Quattro Stage six World Tournament Dodge Viper GTS/R And here is every single car in the entrire, try to get them all. Acura NSX Alfa 147 2.0 T.Spark Alfa 145 Alfa 156 Superturismo Alfa 155 T.Spark Guila Sprint GTA Tipo 33-2 Stradale AUDI TT Coupe S3 quattro Audi Sport Quattro Caterham Super Seven R500R Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Corvette Sting Ray Chevrolet Camaro SS Chevrolet Camaro Z28 Chevrolet Chevelle Viper GTS-R Dodge Charger Zero Fiat Punto HGT Abarth Fiat Barchetta Giovane Due Fiat Coupe 20V Turbo Fiat 1000TCR Berlina Corsa Fiat Abarth 131 Rally Ford Mustang GT Ford Mustang GT390 Ford Ford GT Concept Ford GT Ford GT90 Honda NSX-R '02 Honda NSX Type-S Honda NSX Type-S Zero Honda NSX-R '92 Honda Integra Type R '01 Honda Integra Type R Honda Civic Type R '02 Honda Civic Type R '98 Honda S2000 Honda S600 Jaguar E-Type Jaguar Mark 2 Caspita Lexus SC430 Lexus IS300 5-Speed Lotus Elise Type 72 Lotus Exige Lotus Espirit (2002) Lotus Espirit (1977) Lotus Elan Sr.1 Lotus Europa Special Mazda RX-7 Type RS (VI) Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (V) Mazda RX-7 Type RS (IV) Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (IV) Mazda Efini RX-7 Type R Mazda Savanna RX-7 Infini (FC) Mazda Savanna RX-7 GT Turbo Mazda Savanna RX-3 Mazda Savanna RX-3 Racing Mazda Miata '01 Mazda Miata '89 Mazda Cosmo Sport Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Tommi Makinen edition Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Evolution IV Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Evolution III Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Evolution II Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Evolution Mitsubishi Lancer GSR IC Turbo Mitsubishi Starion 4WD Rally Mitsubishi Starion GSR-VR Mercedes-BenzCLK 430 Coupe Mercedes-BenzE500 Mercedes-Benz190E 2.5-16 Mercedes-Benz300SL Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec R33 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II R32 Nissan Skyline RS Turbo C R30 Nissan Skyline 2000GT-R Nissan Skyline GT-R KPGC10 Nissan Skyline GT-R Racing Edition Nissan 350Z Nissan Fairlady Z Version S 2seater (Z32) Nissan 240Z Nissan 240Z Racing Nissan 240ZG Nissan MID 4 Nissan Z432R Opel Speedster Opel Astra Coupe Peugeot 406 Sedan 3.0 V6 Peugeot 307 2.0 Peugeot 206 2.0 S16 Peugeot 205 T16 Renault Clio Sport V6 24V Renault 5Turbo II 1.40HV Turbo Renault A110 Suburu Impreza WRX Sti Suburu Impreza WRX STi Version VI Suburu Impreza WRX Sti Version V limited type RA Suburu Impreza WRX STi Version IV Suburu Impreza WRX Sti Version III Suburu Impreza WRX Sti Version II Suburu Impreza WRX Sti Version Suburu Impreza 22B Sti Ver. Suburu Alcyone SVX Suburu Alcyone VR Turbo Toyota Supra RZ Twin Turbo Toyota Supra 2.5GT Twin Turbo Toyota Celica XX 2000GT Toyota Celica SS-II Toyota Celica GT-Four Toyota Celica 1600GT Toyota Celica Racing Edition Toyota Trueno GT Apex Toyota Levin TE27 Toyota Sports 800 Toyota MR2 Group S Toyota MR2 SW20 Toyota MR2 AW11 Toyota Supra 2800GT Toyota Supra 2000GT ======================== 5. TIME TRIAL Try to go around any track as fast as possible and send your time in. I will upload It onto the guide if it is real. ======================== 6. Ending i. FAQ's Q - What's the best car in the game? A - That really depends on your style. I would have to go with the Lotus Elise or the Exige, for early on in the game they are light and very powerful. --- Q - I'm short of money, what can I do? A - If you have a load of cars sell some off for about three times more then what you got it for. If not then try to win Event races --- Q - How do I change the BGM? A - While racing, press pause and then the Y button --- Q - Is it possible to get NOS? A - It is indeed, to get it lose a race on a data with the last did get as 5 (5,15,25 etc). Then on the following day look in the used parts shop. On the very far right there is a question mark, this is NOS and can only be used in drag races by pressing the Y button. BTW, NOS stands for Nitrous Oxide, for those not in the know. --- Q - I cannot get passed the X licence A - The only thing I can suggest is to take the corners as fast as possible and don't go around a corner if it is quicker to drive through the small elevations on the sides of the road. --- ii, Thanks and Credit. Big thanks for to all the people who contributed to this . Also to the people at SEGA for making the best games ever, and the DC did not deserve the deprival it suffered from PS2 Fan Boy/Girls. And lastly to the people at GameFAQs for reading this walkthrough and to Cjay for making the best damn gaming help site in the universe, rock on!