Author: Immortals Contact: Version: 0.7 Date: 3rd February 2003(Project started late August 2002) Next Update: Depends on response and what new info becomes available Please Contact me if you have info for the following: * Lyrics to songs not already there * Any other titbits about the game * Any factual mistakes about the game please point out * Any points that could be made clearer or were omitted please point out. * Better Test Run times. * You want to write/improve a section Don't Contact me if: * You are having trouble finishing the game and haven't read both the relevant section of the FAQ AND section 9 (FAQ about finishing the game). If you still have problems I will be happy to answer your inquiries. Please put a subject on your email. It will reduce the chances that I will think it is spam, which I normally delete without reading. The COMPLETE JSRF FAQ and WALKTHROUGH DO NOT REPRODUCE WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. Contents: 1. Intro 2. Review 3. General questions about game 4. Controls 5. Walkthrough 5.1 Zero Beat Graffiti Challenge 5.2 Story of JSRF (Transcript of DJ Professor K) 6. Street Challenges (Thank you Josh Lesnick) 6.1 What are Street Challenges? 6.2 First Things First (the cassettes) 6.3 Grind Combos 6.4 Air Combos 6.5 Tricks 6.6 Points 6.7 Special Challenges 7. Graffiti Souls 8. Characters and how to unlock 9. FAQ about finishing the game 10. Test Runs 11. Vs Mode 12. Secrets/Glitches/Things to Notice 13. Music 13.1 What songs are played when 13.2 Lyrics to selected songs 14. Sites that have permission to use this FAQ 15. Thanks ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. INTRODUCTION ================ This is my first (and probably last) FAQ so please forgive any formatting problems I may have (I used Word 2000). Firstly I'd like to thank Josh Lesnick for allowing me to incorporate his faqs into this one. He has saved me a lot of time. My main motivation in writing this FAQ was to provide a complete guide to everything JSRF. At the time of writing there was no such thing. Anyone with any useful information on this game can email me at the above address (you will of course get full credit if included). Anybody wanting to write a section for this FAQ can contact me also. Any suggestions about how I can improve this FAQ are also welcomed. Anyone wanting to post this FAQ on a website must ASK ME FIRST (and besides, if I agree you'll always receive the latest version). I regard the theft of intellectual property a major crime and will take action against anyone who chooses to infringe these laws. The latest copy of this FAQ can always be found at ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. REVIEW =========== It's an awesome game :) Graphics - 9/10 It compares extremely favourably with the Dreamcast Version. (In fact it probably isn't fair to compare the two) A constant 60 fps. Virtually no slowdown. (Slowdown occurs when you have many characters in the garage - but if you're spending too much time in the garage you're not playing the game properly!!). No noticeable popup (draw - in) except in the Skyscraper district. Excellent sharp colourful texturing. Have a look at 99th St and the moving advertisements. Puuuurdy..... Blurring effects when boost dashing. Overall extremely well done. I cringe when I think what this game would have looked like if it were put on the PS2. I think even a GameCube version would have suffered slightly. I have to take a point off because of the minor slowdown in garage. Also the lighting sometimes goes through buildings. Lacks true reflections (when looking at mirrors you don't see yourself). Sometimes you can stand on platforms which don't appear to be there. All comparatively minor complaints. Sound - 8/10 Supports Dolby Digital 5.1 but I don't have the setup. Good soundtrack taken by itself but not quite as good as the original. Nice mixing of tunes. Would have given this a 9.5 if they had allowed you insert your own songs. Gameplay/Control - 9/10 Minor control issues such as getting off rails. Also since controls are camera sensitive the switching camera can cause unexpected results. After graffiti -ing you tend to head in a straight line (I don't know whether this is intentional or not) This can be annoying when trying to shave seconds of your best Test run times. Lastability/Replayability - 9/10 It will take you about 50 hrs to finish (including obtaining all the characters etc.) the first time you play it. Once you finish the game Test runs provide a lot of the depth to the game which most people don't appreciate. It is NOT too easy as many people have said. It is very easy to pass the game but difficult to master. I'm still constantly playing the Test Runs and if you can beat most (or some) of my times and still find it too easy then I take your point. I have to take a mark off because there is almost no point playing the very easy story mode again (Multiple difficulty levels next time Sega) and also the Jet Tech is severely flawed and boring. My Tilt 10/10 Truly original game. Incredibly under appreciated which is why it deserves it's own complete FAQ. A better one player experience than Halo (yes I've finished it on legendary) IMHO. There's something indescribably soothing about holding down the R trigger button and spray painting :) OVERALL 9.5 EASILY ONE OF THE BEST GAMES ON THE XBOX. I've played a lot of games on practically every platform and it angers me when I see the most popular games are unoriginal, shallow "me-too" games. Minor things keep it from being perfect. (see below) Things I would like to have seen improved * include CUSTOM SOUNDTRACK *Allow you to pick and choose the songs you wish to play. (In test run for example you can only pick ONE song - your garage music) * Instead of Jet Tech replace it with either Jet Graffiti 2 (the skyscraper district could have had a doozy) or one where you graffiti while the cops are shooting at you. (Like in Chapter 7 - Shibuya terminal but harder) * A higher difficulty level for the story mode. It's ridiculously easy. Or maybe a second difficulty setting * Decreasing the times for JET in the test runs would have meant that people would have appreciated the depth and quality of level design. * Differing characters - There are 24 but there are only about 12 with different stats and even then they all feel pretty similar * On the menu screen allow us to go back to the main menu or quit the current task (especially annoying in test runs) * Some way to insert your own graffiti (Not make your own) None of these (except maybe the last) would have been hard to implement ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. GENERAL QUESTIONS ABOUT GAME ================================= What is JSRF? It is a Xbox only game made by Smilebit. It is the sequel (some say remake depending on whether you follow the story or not) to the Dreamcast only game Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio in Western countries). It's gameplay deviates quite a bit from the original (more than let's say Tomb Raider 1 -> Tomb Raider 2) Does the PAL version of the game support PAL60 mode? Yes A dog ate my manual/I have the pack in version. Where can I download the full manual? Try It's the Pal version but I doubt there's any significant difference. I take no responsibility however for following directions for manuals not design for your particular system. There may or may not be a similar manual on the US site. Does this game support Dolby Digital 5.1? Yes (but how extensively it is used I don't know since I don't have speakers) Does this game support Progressive Scan? Don't know (someone tell me) Does this game support a Custom CD track? No Is this game in production anymore? No. From anecdotal evidence I suggest that it is quite hard to find in shops Of course this refers to the standalone version of the game. Is this game rare/common? Being a pack-in has effectively increased the supply of this game so it is now quite easy to find. Can I get this game as a pack in? Apparently, in the US they have a Sega Pack with JSRF and SEGAGT 2002 on the one disc. JSRF is identical to the stand alone version including the Clutch Glitch. Also available in Europe and Australia (together with Halo/DVD Dongle for RRP A$460 ~ $US 250. What age group is this game aimed at? I think the European rating of 11+ is about right. There are some mild cases of violence (extremely mild - this is a cartoon remember). I think at 11 they know that they shouldn't graffiti in real life. Also some of the lyrics to the songs are questionable (but for the most part they are incoherent so ....) Has this game made an appearance on TV? It's on the video clip for No Doubts "HellaGood". From memory it shows beat and gum on Dogenzaka Hill. They are using an Xbox controller but the gaudy green X has been removed. (perhaps a third party controller) Will there be another Jet Set Radio game? Will Jet Set Radio Future be put on another console? IMHO the answer to first question is maybe and the second question no. Even though both games were critical successes neither sold particularly well (Although the chances have improved with the release of the game as a pack in giving the game wider exposure). A version will also be on GameBoy Advance. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. CONTROLS ============ They're there. (In the manual and in the game). analogue control (left) - movement analogue control click (left) - the shuffle (also stops you grinding on the ledges of halfpipe analogue control (right) - Lets you look around when stationary analogue control click (right) - N/A A - Jump B- Boost Dash (need 10 cans to execute) X - Tricks / handplant (when at the edge of halfpipe) Y- Tricks R trigger - Spraypaint L trigger - Move camera to forward position Digital control - N/A (for menus only) The autospray feature is extremely useful. Not only does it save your right index from RSI but it helps you complete the test runs in the MINIMUM time. This is because provided you successfully spraypaint the first part of the tag, if you're holding down the R trigger then you are guaranteed to spraypaint the next part of the tag as quickly as possible. Furthermore, if there is no tag to spray and you hold down the R trigger then it will not spray (Only for about 3 secs however). If it were not for this time restriction, then the game could do without the R trigger button (if you are near a tag and have spraypaint it automatically graffiti's for you). What this means is that if you have a number of separate tags to graffiti in close proximity then provided you have enough spraycans you should hold the R trigger. If you miss the first part of a tag however, it takes a little recovery time and so if you're on a rollercoaster in Sky Dinosaurian square for instance you will not be able to complete the graffiti as quickly as possible (since you can't go back for it without a significant time penalty). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5. WALKTHROUGH =============== This game is generally considered very easy to finish. Remember there are no time limits. The map adequately tells you were every graffiti is (press start and the graffiti tags are represented by the small light orange dots.) Going to the garage also replenishes your health (but not your cans). Health cans and spray paint cans reappear 120 seconds after you collect them. For hard to get graffiti souls see the graffiti soul section. To get from one level to another press start and one of the trigger buttons to see the map. I recommend that you use JLesnicks spoiler free walkthrough (a list of objectives) to pass the game since that it all that is required... but if you're too lazy to figure anything out for yourself then the walkthrough below should help you. Note that this walkthrough also contains story spoilers. Any section where I have written "this is so easy...." and you disagree you can email me and tell me where you had problems. I have passed the game many times and so find everything in this game easy:) Additionally what character you choose doesn't really matter. They all feel pretty similar. Also, if you're running low on energy and you get to a graffiti stop (a special graffiti tag which allows you to save and change characters) you can change characters and have all their lifebar!! - How easy is this game?! Save as often as possible. You can't really get stuck in this game (unless the clutch glitch in chapter 7 exists) Secondly I know that people like to 100% a game like this so it will help you to know that there are cassette tapes in each level. Pick them up ASAP for your street challenges register. (If you complete a street challenge without having picked up the cassette first you will not get the corresponding graffiti soul) Obviously you have to progress through the chapters in order. Additionally the order in the walkthrough is the quickest way but not the only way of passing the game (I have passed it in less than 5 hrs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1 Go straight across the bridge and -Talk to Gum, complete her challenges The challenges are all self explanatory. *DOGENZAKA HILL STAGE IS UNLOCKED -Go to Dogenzaka Hill -Complete the Graffiti Challenge (4 ss , 3 - s , 4 - m, 4 - lrg , 1- xlrg) Just spray paint every single tag. If you miss one refer to the map. None of them are hard. (If someone wants to put a walkthrough in here be my guest. You'll get credit) -Find Beat, follow and talk to him a few times Just pull the right trigger button to talk to him and then jump from building to building to follow him. It doesn't matter if you fall, just try again. -Defeat Beat at City Rush I would get as many cans beforehand so that you get a couple of boost dashes. Remember cut corners. You should win easily.. but if you don't you can follow my Jet Rush tactics for this level. NB It is actually possible to go faster than test runs in this level since you start off with all cans (but in the Test Run modes you start off with no cans) -Defeat the Rokkaku Police (10) The enemies in this game are incredibly easy. You can just knock them down using your ram move. (Just run forward and he/she will automatically shoulder charge when near an enemy). You can also boost dash into them. Once they have been knocked down just spray paint them. If they catch you, you can either boost dash to escape or just grind the rail. *SHIBUYA TERMINAL IS UNLOCKED -Go to Shibuya Terminal -Complete the Graffiti Challenge (10 - ss , 15 - s , 8 - m, 2 - lrg , 0 - xlrg) Again no walkthrough needed (but anyone can send one in). All the graffiti are as marked on the map. They are all on ground floor -Find Poison Jam, follow and talk to them a few times You do not have to take the exact same route to talk to them. Just go up to them and press the right trigger -Find Combo, complete his challenge You must follow the exact path otherwise it won't register. Remember near the end (staircase rail to slow down - either push backwards and/or push the left analogue trigger button). If you forget the pattern just talk to him again -Defeat the Rokkaku Police use the same tactics you did in Dogenzaka Hill ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 2 *CHUO STREET, ROKKAKU-DAI HEIGHTS, AND 99TH STREET ARE UNLOCKED -Go to Chuo Street, accessible through Shibuya Terminal -Defeat the Rokkaku Police x2 Defeat the tanks. Spray paint either side of the tank. Then jump up and spray paint the occupant (who comes out once you spray paint either side of the tank). Alternatively you can grind the cannon of the tank to get to the occupant. There are 5 tanks. Next you'll have to defeat Hayashi. Find the set of stairs (it's near the explosion marked on the map). Go up the stairs and defeat Hayashi by either knocking him down and spray painting him or knocking him off the ledge. -Complete the Graffiti Challenge (6 - ss , 3 - s , 7 - m, 6 - lrg , 3 - xlrg) -Find and talk to Poison Jam and beat them at City Rush If you have trouble then you can look at the Jet Dash for this level in the Test Runs section -Go to Rokkaku-dai Heights, accessible through the Garage -Objectives in Rokkaku-dai Heights: -Find Poison Jam, follow and talk to them a few times *NOTE: You must defeat Poison Jam at Chuo Street before they'll show up here. -Defeat the Rokkaku Police x3 -Complete the Graffiti Challenge (10 - ss , 9 - s , 3 - m, 6 - lrg , 3 - xlrg) Firstly note that you must have talked to Poison Jam otherwise they don't knock down the gate. Once you get to the 2nd graffiti stop use the familiar (grind pole - jump - grind billboard - fall on wire) tactic to advance. At the place where you beat Hayashi and co. use the less familiar (grind pole - jump - billboard grind - jump - grind pole - jump) tactic to advance -Go to 99th Street, accessible through the Garage -Objectives in 99th Street: -Defeat the Rokkaku Police x2 Grind up the arm of the cherry picker and spray !! There will be police in both the lit section and unlit section -Complete the Graffiti Challenge (11 - ss , 12 - s , 7 - m, 3 - lrg , 1 - xlrg) There are 3 sections in this area. The main section, the lit area and the unlit area. In the main area grind the black wire leading from the handrail to get on the pink wire which contains 3 tags. In the unlit area there are 4 police. Grinding the two ground level billboards will get you to all but 1 tag. You have to use the familiar (grind wire - jump - grind billboard - fall on wire) tactic to get it. In the lit area, any one of the 3 ground level billboard will get you to the rooftop. Once there use the (grind wire - jump - grind billboard - fall on wire) tactic. -Find Rapid99, talk to them *NOTE: You must complete all the Graffiti Challenges of Chuo St, Rokkaku- dai Heights, and 99th Street before they'll show up. -Defeat Rapid99 in Flag Battle *NOTE: You must have at least 25 Graffiti souls before they will agree to challenge you. Some tips in Flag Battle - Firstly, there are 5 flags. You must collect MORE than any of your three opponents. (Ties aren't good enough). Therefore 3 flags will definitely win you the battle. 2 flags may win you the battle (If each of your opponents gets one). Secondly, the placement of each flag is entirely predictable so if you're too lazy to chase after the 2nd flag for instance just go to the place where you know the third flag is going to appear. In general the flag battle flags are in the same place they are for the Jet Flag battle so feel free to use the tactics described there. (Strangely in this case the position of the 4th flag is in a different place. It is right under the dragon.) Lastly, when you use boost dash you may want to aim at your opponent. There is a fair chance they will be knocked out of the race. (note that this can be a disadvantage because if you only have 2 opponents you MUST collect three flags to win) Exit this level by jumping on the dragon (The straight one with its tail on the ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 3 *THE TOKYO UNDERGROUND SEWAGE FACILITY IS UNLOCKED -Go to the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility, accessible through Rokkaku-dai Heights Left of the garage pipe entrance there is a metal gateway. Go through that and head left. -Objectives in the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility: -Complete Garam's challenges -Tag all the door switches Remember this level is very linear. There really is only one way up. It forks in places but it's quite easy to get around. Use Halfpipe to get over 4 grates. Then use halfpipe to get up to platform. Tag Switch 1. Use halfpipe to get over the next 4 grates. Grind handrail and use halfpipe to get to next platform. Tag Switch 2. Go obvious way to graffiti stop 2. Tag switch 3. The main route is forward but we'll go left and down stairs into the chamber with lots of water. Make your way to switch 4. Make your way back (or just fall in the water) and go to the right "spiral chamber" and tag switch 5. Go back to graffiti stop 2 and go forward into half pipe (ignore chamber on right) Tag switch 6. Make your way through tunnels with blue/brown piping until you reach switch 7. More tunnels and blue/brown piping leads to graffiti stop 3. Go down stairs, turn around and go under them. Grind the next blue rail you see. Tag switch 8. Go back to the base of the stairs and grind the other nearby blue pipe. Tag switch 9. Exit through the hole (you'll note that you won't be near the graffiti stop 3 which is why we had to do it in this order) Eventually you'll reach hole with pipe spiralling down leading to switch 10 *THE BOTTOM POINT OF THE SEWAGE FACILITY IS UNLOCKED -Go to the Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility -Objectives in the Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility: -Find Poison Jam -Defeat Poison Jam at Graffiti Tag First tag battle for this game. This is laughably easy. Anyone who has played the first game will agree. This level has three chambers. Follow Poison Jam and they will eventually fall down the chambers (one in each chamber). Fall down the first chamber. Collect the cans. Tag Poison Jams back by pressing and holding the right trigger button. This is extremely easy. Remember that you run faster than them and can cut corners. 30? cans defeats them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 4 *HIKAGE STREET, KIBOGAOKA HILL, AND THE SKYSCRAPER DISTRICT AND PHARAOH PARK ARE UNLOCKED -Go to Hikage Street, accessible through Shibuya Terminal -Objectives in Hikage Street: -Defeat the Rokkaku Police x3 Two set of police (You can use the standard methods to beat them) and Hayashi. To beat Hayashi grind up a leg of the machine reasonably slowly. Just hold R to spray paint. Remember that every time you successfully spray paint a part of the machine the position of the legs change so be aware of that. You may want to try to jump off one of the legs if you are finding a certain part of the machine difficult to graffiti. Avoid the bombs by jumping over them. It's a long way down. -Complete the Graffiti Challenge (7 - ss , 7 - s , 9 - m, 4 - lrg , 2 - xlrg) -Go to Kibogaoka Hill, accessible through the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility -Objectives in Kibogaoka Hill: -Defeat the Rokkaku Police Grind the lines or jump anywhere near them. The second set of Helicopters are half way across the level. -Complete the Graffiti Challenge (3 - ss , 8 - s , 2 - m, 4 - lrg , 4 - xlrg) There are many caves in this level. For this graffiti challenge you do not have to go into any of those caves. Some people have difficulty getting the tags on the LHS of the 1st area. At the beginning where there appears to be 2 telegraph poles there is actually a 3rd one (behind the left one). Grind that. -Go to the Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park, accessible through 99th Street -Objectives in the Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park: -Defeat the Rokkaku Police x2 -Complete the Graffiti Challenge (1 - ss , 3 - s , 4 - m, 6 - lrg , 2 - xlrg) Since so many people get frustrated at this part here is an explicit walkthrough for this level We will get the obvious tags first. From the graffiti stop go down to the main area (with the spinning circular disc). On the way graffiti the small tag on top of the pyramid. Once you get to the circular disc there are five obvious tags (ss, 2 x S , M , XLRG). Graffiti those. Now head back to the graffiti stop (NB people who have experimented may have noticed that you can get on the circular disc and jump off to grind a crane arm. This is both difficult and pointless IMHO. There are easier ways to do this). There should be 10 tags left. (11 shown on the map because one is a graffiti stop). Look at the map . We will now get the bottom two tags. Face the road (while on the graffiti stop). You will see two parallel blue lines. Grind the right line and jump to the satellite dish. From there jump to the left Satellite dish. Keep jumping from dish to dish until you get to the top of the building. Graffiti the M tag. Look in the direction of the crane . You will see a L tag. Go there and graffiti. 8 left... Make your way back to the graffiti stop. We will now get the tag in the bottom left corner (of your map). Again from the graffiti stop facing the road take the right blue line and jump on the Satellite Dish. This time however jump to the right Satellite Dish. Keep jumping from dish to dish until you reach the brown metal arm, grind this and jump off, graffiti the two tags here (M,L). 6 left... Jump back to the graffiti stop yet again. This time we'll take the left blue line. (As you can see the left line is the pathway to 60-70% of the level). Jump from ramp to ramp until you reach a billboard which you can grind & jump to the top of another building. From the top of this building you can go three places, 1) back down via the "Rokkaku Bear" ramp ii) to railway tracks (which lead to other levels later on) iii) Up blue plumbing pipe. We take the third option. Graffiti the M tag. 5 left... Note that this is where we meet both Poison Jam and Zero Beat. Jump to the next building (the one with all the cans). From here we take the right path. Get the large tag on top of the next building (by grinding the blue pipe). Jump down and head up ramp. Keep going forward until you reach another M tag (actually a graffiti stop) From here we head right. Jump over t the next building and use the ramp to get to the top of the next building where there is a large tag. graffiti this and head back to the graffiti stop you just created. This time we'll go left (on the map). Keep heading in this direction until you get to the building with a cross of spraypaints. Look at the map. There is on right, left and forward. You should be able to figure it out from here (get the right and left ones first). -Find the Immortals *NOTE: You must complete all the Graffiti Challenges at Hikage Street, Kibogaoka Hill, and the Skyscraper District before the Immortals will show up. -Defeat the Immortals at Graffiti Tag Not a real graffiti tag challenge. They give up after you spray paint them a couple of times *HIGHWAY ZERO IS UNLOCKED -Go to Highway Zero -Defeat the Immortals at Graffiti Tag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 5 -Objectives at the Future Site of the Rokkaku Expo Stadium: -Practice RollerBall with Jazz Just go one round of the circuit -Defeat the Doom Riders at RollerBall Talk to the Noise Tanks to initiate this. Beating your opponents in rollerball is extremely easy. Just beat your opponents to the ball and outrun them for one lap. Don't bother passing the ball to your team-mate (Jazz). Gain speed by grinding off the billboards and grinding of the edges of halfpipes and rails. You should win by a country mile (regardless of opponent) -Defeat the Immortals at RollerBall -Defeat Love Shockers at RollerBall -Defeat the Rokkaku Police (BUG MACHINE) Grind up it's legs. The only way it can harm you is by dropping a bomb. (Touching the machine doesn't harm you) The bomb disperses in concentric circles. You can jump over these circles. You must also spray paint the body by going underneath the machine (as it is in bomb dropping mode) and then jumping and spraying. There's plenty of spray paint and health cans around the place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 6 *THE FUTURE SITE OF THE ROKKAKU EXPO STADIUM IS UNLOCKED -Destroy 190 Noise Tanks. You can find them in these areas: -Dogenzaka Hill (102 in this area) -Shibuya Terminal (71) -Chuo Street (84) -Rokkaku-dai Heights (69) -99th Street (85) Don't bother about the NT on top of the chimney in Rokkau-dai Heights. For those who are interested it is possible to get him (but why bother). You must grind the chimney slowly and have a backward upright stance. Stances are related to tricks which as far as I know are random. There is also an element of luck . On a side note, you can't complete any of the graffiti soul challenges while destroying the noise tanks but you can collect graffiti souls. (Strange don't you think?). -Go to the Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park and talk to Poison Jam *SKY DINOSAURIAN SQUARE IS UNLOCKED -Go to Sky Dinosaurian Square -Defeat the Noise Tanks at Graffiti Tag this one can be quite tricky. Just stay on the red line and graffiti. There are pit stops for the Noise Tanks on one of the skyscrapers and at the beginning and you will have to chase them back on the main red line. If they start tagging your back just jump or slow down to a stop. (you can actually die this way but it's quite difficult even if you try) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 7 -Talk to Clutch in the Garage *NOTE: You'll need at least 40 Graffiti Souls for him Clutch Glitch- To avoid this glitch, note that Clutch's appearance is 100% predictable. He starts off at Kibogaoka Hill (near the beginning graffiti stop) and stays there for about 90 secs. He then moves to the skyscraper district and stays under the gate for about 2 mins. Finally he goes to Chuo street (near the headless dinosaur) and stays there for over 3 minutes. The pattern then repeats. It doesn't matter what you do, he still follows this pattern. If you look at the spot where he is supposed to appear (when he's supposed to appear) you'll see that Clutch just pops onto the screen!! He doesn't skate in. So in summary just wait in one of the 3 places until he decides to appear right in front of you. (People only get this glitch if they start to repaint the graffiti tags and ignore what DJ Professor K has to say) -Find Clutch in the area given by Professor K and talk to him. The area alternates between these areas: -Kibogaoka Hill -The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park -Chuo Street -Go to 99th Street, Defeat the Immortals at Graffiti Tag (you can also do this in Chapter 8) *THE FORTIFIED RESIDENTIAL ZONE IS UNLOCKED -Go to the Fortified Residential Zone, accessible through the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility -Objectives in the Fortified Residential Zone: -Tag the Blue Switches 4 on ground floor 1 each in "section" 1 - 4 -Tag the Red Switches and the Golden Rhinos that get in your way. You're suppose to tag 16 switches but I only count 11. I think some of them are "false". don't worry. Following below will get you pass this part in quick time. 1st floor now open. Go up spiral staircase - #1. Down straight staircase - jump - up spiral staircase #2. Defeat bad guys #3,#4,#5 You are now on level 2. There are four exits. A left straight staircase (short), a middle spiralling staircase (only used to get to level's 4 and higher), a right straight (longer) staircase and a ladder. Take the left staircase. #6. Go down staircase and FALL to green area. There is a switch in this area #7. Make your way back up to level 2 (graffiti stop). This time take the right staircase #8. go obvious route. Before grinding up straight stairs take out #9 on level 3. Up stairs to #10. Leads to #11 (jump after spiral staircase) -Find Yoyo, talk to him Take spiralling staircase from level 2 (near the graffiti stop). From there go up another staircase. You now have access to a new part of the level which wasn't available to you before you tagged the red switches. From here it will probably take you 30 mins or so to get to Yoyo. (The first time you play it). Don't bother looking at the map. There is only one way to go. Go pass the barbed wire fence. You must also go past the "rooftop things" (falling platforms) that fall down. To progress pass the falling platform puzzle you fall down with the falling platforms to the level just above ground floor (not the floor with the tyres but one level up) Jump the gaps and keep going right. There will be a series of these. You'll pass the third graffiti stop and eventually get to Yoyo. -Defeat the Golden Rhinos Just use the ramps and collect spray paint to spray. This is easy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 8 -Go to Chuo Street and defeat the Golden Rhinos - Mecha-arm-man You must get him flat on his face before you can spray him. If he's at a place where you can't reach him and he shoots his arm at you avoid his arm and then grind up it. He will then be flat on his face and you can spray him. If he shoots his arm at ground level just boost dash him to knock him flat on his face and then you can spray him. -Go on to Highway Zero and defeat the Golden Rhinos -FireLady (You can defeat Firelady first but it's probably better to defeat Mecha-arm-man first since the Highway Zero is nearer to the Skyscraper district) Remember that you can ram her to knock her over. (Boost Dash not required and probably shouldn't be used because of the scarcity of cans). Spray her after knocking her over -Find Zero Beat in the "Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park", talk to him (you must have defeated the golden rhino's in Highway Zero and Chuo St first) *THE SITE OF THE TOKYO LINE IS UNLOCKED -Go to the Site of the Tokyo Line -Objectives in the Site of the Tokyo Line: -Defeat the Golden Rhinos It's a train and you must spray paint the LHS and RHS of both trains. I recommend stocking up on cans so that your can count is maximum before launching an assault. Don't worry, the train won't go ahead without you. You can try to catch up to the train by maintaining maximum speed or you can sacrifice ten cans and use a boost dash. Either way avoid it's two attacks. The minicar which forces one set of tracks unusable or the electric shock which force one line of the track to become unusable. *ALL AREAS LOCKED EXCEPT SHIBUYA TERMINAL (Note: The Tokyo Line never becomes accessible again after this) -go to Shibuya Terminal Defeat zero beats. They take the same route all the time. Defeat A.KU.MU - Step 1: Make sure you have full (or near full) health and full spray cans. You can get health cans near the middle and spray cans virtually anywhere. You can ram (not boost dash) the shadow guys to get more cans Step 2: Get up to the platform - There are three ways you can get up to him. I'll describe one way since IMHO it is easier than the other 2 ways. Locate the two sets of telegraph poles. The inner left pole is slightly slanted. Grind up that. Jump to the billboard. Jump off the billboard etc.... until you reach the stairs and walla!! Step 3: Knock him over - Boost dash him when he starts shooting the fireball things (not when he punches the air). You will need to do this twice. Step 4: Even when he stands up now he will still be "spray able" so just collect enough graffiti and spray. It doesn't really matter if you take some damage. Just don't die. If you run out of cans or energy just fall (or better still grind and jump off the stairs and do air tricks so you don't lose any energy.) and pick up health cans from the bottom Congratulations... You've finished the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 9 AND OPTIONAL TASKS All the tasks listed here are among the tasks not needed to beat the game. All of these tasks can be done during "Chapter 9," the endless chapter that takes place after you finish the game. Chapter given in parenthesis denote the chapter the event becomes available. -Find the cassettes and complete the street challenges for each stage. -Find 100 more Graffiti Souls in addition to the 40 you needed to show Clutch. Of all the souls, you start out with 20, 40 are available from the start in all the stages, you get 65 total from completing the Street Challenges, and you get 5 souls each from unlocking Zero Beat, Poison Jam, and The Immortals -Meet and talk to Rhyth a few times in Rokkaku-dai Heights to unlock her character. (Chapter 2) -Find and talk to Boogie at Kibogaoka Hill to unlock her character (Chapter 4) -Defeat Jazz at City Rush in the Future Site of the Rokkaku Expo Stadium to unlock her character (Chapter 6) -Defeat Soda at City Rush in Highway Zero to unlock his character (Chapter 6) -Defeat Love Shockers at Flag Battle in Hikage Street (Chapter 6) -Defeat the Doom Riders at City Rush in Dogenzaka Hill (Chapter 6) -Defeat Cube at City Rush in the Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility (Chapter 7) -Tag all the new Police/Zero Beat markers (The markers start as Police "Caution" signs, then change into Zero Beat graffiti in Chapter 8, then back into "Caution" signs after beating the game) (Chapter 7) -Tag the new markers in the Fortified Residential Zone (Chapter 8) -Play the Test Runs; you'll be allowed to play only on the stages in which you've completed all the Street Challenges. Get JET rankings to unlock characters. (Chapter 9) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Zero Beat Graffiti Challenges In Chapter seven there are no more graffiti challenges to complete. Instead the Golden Rhino's (and later Zero Beat) graffiti over your graffiti. You can graffiti over this. This is OPTIONAL and as far as I know doesn't effect anything (such as uncovering characters). You can do this in Chapter eight or the endless Chapter nine as well. Two sets of number will be given here. The first set (if given) indicate the number of tags that you have tagged and that have not been re-tagged by the police. The second set (or first set if only one is given) indicate the remaining tags to be graffitied. If only one set of numbers is given it means that in that level you were not required to complete a graffiti challenge. I'm not keen on writing a walkthrough for this section. You should be experts at this part of the game by now. Dogenzaka hill (0 - SS , 0 - S, 2 - M, 4 - L , 0 - XL)/(11 - SS , 8 - S, 10 - M, 6 - L , 1 - XL) Shibuya Terminal (5 - SS , 5 - S, 4 - M, 0 - L , 0 - XL)/(7 - SS , 14 - S, 6 - M, 4 - L , 3 - XL) Chuo St (4 - SS , 2 - S, 1 - M, 3 - L , 1 - XL)/(12 - SS , 10 - S, 7 - M, 5 - L , 3 - XL) Rokkaku Dai Heights (9 - SS , 7 - S, 1 - M, 1 - L , 0 - XL)/(5 - SS , 13 - S, 3 - M, 10 - L , 4 - XL) 99th St (9 - SS , 9 - S, 5 - M, 3 - L , 0 - XL)/(4 - SS , 13 - S, 10 - M, 7 - L , 4 - XL) Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility (11 - SS , 6 - S, 5 - M, 2 - L , 0 - XL) Yes you do have to grind/jump and repeat to get the three graffiti tags and graffiti soul up the vertical shaft. What makes this hard is that there are grates that get in the way which cause you not to be able to jump and you fall a little. Try to execute the jump before you slide onto the grate, that way you'll be making progress. There are "stopping platforms" at about 40m, 70m and 100m which can also get in the way but allow you to rest. This part is frustrating (even for someone who has passed it many times) but just keep at it. Bottom of the Sewage Facility(4 - SS , 14 - S, 4 - M, 4 - L , 2 - XL) Hikage St (5 - SS , 10 - S, 7 - M, 4 - L , 1 - XL)/(3 - SS , 4 - S, 7 - M, 4 - L , 5 - XL) Kibogaoka Hill (3 - SS , 8 - S, 2- M, 3 - L , 1 - XL)/(6 - SS , 7 - S, 11 - M, 6 - L , 5 - XL) There are two tags which people find hard to get to. They appear to be located on the bottom half of the map but in reality the entrance to the cave system it is in the top half of the map. Skyscraper district and Pharaoh Park (0 - SS , 0 - S, 3 - M, 5 - L , 1 - XL)/(1 - SS , 6 - S, 6 - M, 14 - L , 3 - XL) General - It's hard to get around this place especially the first time. From the beginning graffiti stop face the road and you will see two blue rails. These two rails allow you to go anywhere in the level. I will call the left blue rail and the corresponding path "Path 1." Path 1 leads to the railway track on this level. It also eventually leads to the second graffiti stop on this level. Basically take this road if you want to access the right half of the map. You can also access the top left part of the map as well!! So by taking this path you should have access to most of the level. Path 2/3 - Take the right blue rail. From there Jump onto the satellite dish. There are now two ways to go. Left and right. I designate the Left path "Path 2" and the Right path "Path 3" Path 2 lead to the very bottom right part of the map only and isn't used much Path 3 on the other hand leads to the tall building near the centre of the map (and the surrounding buildings). From here you can fall to many buildings. Path 4- As I said you can access any part of the level using the above 3 paths. However there is a shortcut to parts of the level. Go down to the main part of the level. Use the pillars to make your way up to the rotating disc. Once the rotating disc starts moving upwards and makes it's way to the top it is possible to jump of the disc and land on the arm of the crane. (This is very fluky and I rarely use this route!!) Highway Zero(8 - SS , 10 - S, 7 - M, 5 - L , 3 - XL) Sky Dinosaurian Square (5 - SS , 10 - S, 7 - M, 2 - L , 5 - XL) There is a tag which is either not shown or hidden. See Green Line 2 for details This level consists of a series of roller coaster lines. If you can get on all the lines then you will be able to spray all the tags. The main line is red and encircles the whole level. There are 5 terminating green lines which can all be accessed from the red line. I will now describe all these lines. Green line 1 - At the beginning don't go onto the main red line. Instead just to the right of the main red line is a green line. Nothing particularly interesting about this line. It ends near where it starts and so you can get back on. It has a Xlrg tag and a small tag which you have to jump off for. Green line 2 - Just after the second hump to the left there is a green line. It goes down the back of the Diplococcus's back and ends at a building where the cassette was. The building also contains many health cans and spray cans. After riding down the Diplococcus's back there is a theatre on this line. Behind the screen there is a tag. Either stand in front of the screen and wait for it to rotate or just walk behind it. (This is the tag which is not shown). There are 5 additional tags ON this line. Green line 3 - Just after the twisting section of the main red line you can jump right to access this line. Just before this line terminates you have to transfer to Green line 4 (otherwise you fall and die) Green line 4 - Can be accessed from the main line by jumping left just after the mountain (just after t-rex). There are 3 graffiti tags on line 3 and 4 (combined) Green line 5 - Just after the theatre on the main line (not the one described above) there is a green line on the right which circles the cinema complex. There is one on the line and an XLRG one you have to jump for (on the mini roller coaster system) Then there is the main red line. It's pretty uninteresting. You can jump at certain places to shorten this line but for this challenge don't bother. There are 14 tags directly on this line. And there are two tags visible from this track near the end to tag. (You have to jump out at the mini roller coaster system) The Fortified Residential Zone (6 - SS , 15 - S, 15 - M, 8 - L , 3 - XL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.2 Story of JSRF (DJ Professor K transcript) Special thanks goes out to William G who transcribed this whole section SHOW #1 [At the beginning of the game] Yeah!! This is DJ Professor K,baby, the master of mayhem, you know what I'm sayin' - bringing you another Tokyo under- grouund pirate radio broadcast from - Jet Set Radio! I'm gonna bust into your head through your cute lil' ears and blow your minds with my sexy voice and out-of-sight sounds! Those of you prone to nose bleeds should keep those tissues handy, suckas! Tokyo is bein' oppressed by the Rokkaku Group, a mega-enterprise headed by Rokkaku Gouji. Rokkaku is using his money and influence to mess with every- thing: industry, society, and even our culture. And he's even got his eyes set on city hall. Lately, Rokkaku's been shaking down the government passin' that "Rokkaku Law" crap, and even buying off the police department. This law ain't nothin' but garbage. It's just some selfish little punk's way of trying to show he's a big man. Rokkaku and his gang are tryin' to stomp out our culture left and right. They don't give a rip about our rights; all they care about is profit. And some spineless fools have already become flunkies in their diabolical scheme. You'd better believe they're listening in on this broadcast. But even in all this heat, there's a group of young kids who've been tearin' up the streets - I'm talking about the Rudies. These kids have set out to bury Tokyo in graffiti. And now they're all wrapped up in their own little territorial tug-of-wars. Lately, Tokyo's been on one baaad trip. The attack on the record store in chuo street, prowlers in Dogenzaka Hill, low-lifes spreading vicious rumors, the mysterious blackout on 99th street. And who should be following them around but the Rokkaku Group's watchdog, the Rokkaku Police! With the Rokkaku Expo just around the corner, the crackdowns are only getting tighter. My heart ain't pounded like this since my first date and i was so nervous, I forgot to wear my underwear, baby! This ain't the time to be sitting arounnd sipping afternoon tea! The game's gonna start soon and y'all are gonna be the ones making the plays! SHOW #2 [Upon completion of Shibuya Terminal] The station both feared and revered by man and RAAAR beast, Jet Set Radio! Citizens of the underworld, this is your king speaking! So stop what you're doing and listen up! Seems tthat Poison Jam's graffiti contains a lethal poison that makes people laugh themselves to death! They've followed up their performance at Shibuya Terminal with encores at Chuo Street and in Rokkaku-Dai Heights. Those Poison Jam punks got as much attitude as they are ugly. And Poison Jam has been heating up the streets with their rivalry with the queens of 99th Street, Rapid 99! These ladies hate seafood with a passion, and fight with those fish-faced fools, Poison Jam, like cats and dogs. If you find them out there on the streets, they might slip you some information. And then...there's Hayashi. The Rokkaku police force's own personal version of hell on earth. Even his own partner is afraid of him, 'cause when he loses it, there ain't no no tellin' who he'll shoot at! I mean, he's crazy! Check this out! Just the other day, he freaked out and trashed a patrol car! And why, may you ask? Because one of his subordinates went to buy him his favorite mint candy, and came back with coffee-flavored instead. What's up with this fool? SHOW #3 [After defeating Rapid 99 in a Flag Battle] Adding a new dimension to your lifestyle in a stylish and funky way- Jet Set Radio! The GG's defeated Rapid 99 and forced them to fess up about the whereabouts of Poison Jam's hideout. And wouldn't you know it, it's in the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility. I hear the entrance is in Rokkoku-Dai Heights. The sewers are a tricky and twisted as my ex-girlfriend, and twice as smelly. Who's funky, y'all! Careful not to lose track of of the exit, or you'll be lunch for the Master! ...huh? You don't know what the Master is? Oh, no hurry. You'll be meeting him soon enough, whether you like it or not. Well, from what I heard, Poison Jam's got a boss. And anyone who could organize those fellas has gotta be one mean dude. Probably loves fish, too. SHOW #4 [After defeating Poison Jam in Tagger's Tag] The station that's so smooth, your ears won't know what hit 'em- Jet Set Radio! The GG's have penetrated into the Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility, and crashed Poison Jam's little sewer party. Their boss, Cube, got away, but it was obviously Poison Jam who kidnapped the statue. Now why'd they go and do a thing like that? Woah! This just in! GG's member, Yoyo, has just dissepeared! No ransom note, no threatening phone calls, nothin'! I mean, what's goin' on here! In other news today, the new team, the Noise Tanks, just arrived on the scene and are flexing some serious muscle! Word is the Noise Tanks are a bunch of cyborgs! They all got mechanical bodies and whatnot. And the Immortals, who used to control the skyscraper district, just got their butts handed to them by the Noise Tanks and had to give up their turf. The Noise Tanks are bringing one street team after another under their control, and pretty soon, they're gonna be runnin' wild all over the city. You gotta be a fool to think this ain't got nothin' to do with Yoyo's little dissepearing act. Rough up those Immortals a little, and they might help you..."unravel" this mystery! SHOW #5 [Upon defeating the Immortals at Highway Zero] The radio show that your parents, the PTA, and the FBI don't want you to hear! Jet Set Radio! The GG's fell for the Immortals' trap hook, line, and sinker, baby! The Immortals sure played it smooth! I mean, who woulda thought that Yoyo would turn on his friends? Guess maybe they are royalty after all! Ha ha ha ha! The GG's have been hauled off to the future site of the Rokkaku Expo Stadium, located just off 99th Street. The members of the Noise Tanks have just jacked into the power supply of the stadium, which is being built for Rokkaku Expo. I got a baaaad feeling something wicked's about to go down... SHOW #6 [After defeating the Doom Riders, the Immortals, and the Love Shockers at Death Ball] The station that'll teach you the things your parents and teachers are too afraid to! Jet Set Radio! Now class, open your books to page 32. Yoyo's gutsy plans have been messed up by those idiot Rokkaku Police. Has that back-stabber Yoyo been tryin' to take down the GG's from the get go? The Noise Tanks look pissed! They musta fried some circuits 'cuz now they're rioting in the streets! Is there anyone out there who could stop those rampaging machines? SHOW #7 [After defeating the Noise Tanks at Sky Dinosuarian Square] Super-bass outer space IN YO FACE bay-bee! Jet Set Radio! We're kickin' it live even in the furthest reaches of the galaxy! And to all you aliens out there... I know you plannin' to invade us! Whenever you're ready, just bring it on, suckas! Yoyo's real identity was nothing but a Noise Tank in disguise. And check this out- those Noise Tanks were nothing but cyborgs created by Rokakku. It seems they kidnapped Yoyo and built a fake one to try and destroy the GG's. And since the Rokkaku Police couldn't take care of the Rudies on their own, the Rokkaku Group has sent in the Golden Rhinos, their own little secret special forces, to tear up the streets! The Golden Rhinos are a group of highly-trained assassins brought together by Rokkaku Gouji, the ringleader of the Rokkaku Group and Tokyo's current mayor. Hayashi has been kicked out of his useless police organization. He's gotta be freakin' out by now! The Noise Tanks have been wiped out. But now, the gang that got implanted with Noise Tanks' brain-washing chip is after the GG's. Where in the world could the real Yoyo be? Defeat the Golden Rhino goons, and find Yoyo! SHOW #8 [After rescuing Yoyo from the fortified residential zone] Jet Set Radio! Whether you're chillin' on your couch or in your coffin, don't forget to tune us in to keep you company! The GG's finally found and rescued the real Yoyo! ..uh, I think! He had heard a rumor on the streets about the Golden Rhinos and tried to find them by himself, and ended up getting caught. Now I'm the star at the top of their blacklist because I gave you low down on them. This is the first time I've been on top since... since... the burping contest in elementary school! This time I've got nothin' to say except- it's time to get my running shoes on. And now, I hear some freak that looks a lot like Beat is showin' his face all over Tokyo. Even for someone who likes to play a little dress up, ain't that a bit wierd? He's runnin' around sprayin' some crazy graffiti. Does he any connection to the Golden Rhinos? If the Golden Rhinos are allowed to romp through the streets like this, Tokyo is done for! Somebody stop 'em! ABDUCTION [After defeat of Golden Rhinos at Chuo Street and Highway Zero] From the direction of the skyscraper district...Golden fading quick... Who the hell are you, sucka?! Argh... help me! Hey! Don't touch that! Get your hands off- Stop! That's my stuff! Sucka, I'm-I'm warning you! Agh.. help me! Help me! ENDING Coming soon..... Level Introductions (Thilo Kreibich) --------------------------------- Dogenzaka Hill Yo yo yo yo, alright! Let's get this party started! I'll be your audience so let see what you've got. Someone had stolen the Goddess of the Streets, the statue in Dogenzaka Hill. I bet the punks who did this are the same who spread those nasty rumours. Cover Dogenzaka Hill with graffiti and flush out those rumours spreading scumbags! Shibuya Terminal This is Shibuya Terminal, the city's biggest non-stop dance party. Let's hit this joint and cover up those freaky lookin' graffiti! Rokkaku - Dai Heights This is Rokkaku - Dai Heights, an abandoned hill that time forgot. Poison Jam always prowlin' around here. Bury in graffiti and put the smackdown on Poison Jam! 99th Street This is 99th Street, the city's hottest nightlife scene, centering around Bendon Tower. Here's just one play showdown after another 'cause it's where the mafia kingpins keep their offices. There's been some baaaad stuff going down lately ever since the mysterious power outage. And Rapid 99 have to made this their home. And now people, it's time to get 99th Street a new paint job! Chou Street This is Chou Street, the heart of Tokyo's entertainment district. Get up there and bury Poison Jam's nasty graffiti in paint! The Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility This is The Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility. And remember, this is Poison Jam's hideout and I don't think they like strangers up in their house, you know what I'm sayin'? The Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility Smells like Poison Jam, alright? Their hideout should be around here somewhere. Hikage Street I'm just out of date. The Love Shockers of Hikage Street are mixing up with the Noise Tanks and their toys, the Immortals. Let's go and do something with that ugly Immortals graffiti Kibogaoka Hill With the Noise Tanks controlling the Immortals they've manage to spread their turf all the way I hear. Bury all the Immortals' graffiti in your own paint! The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park This right here is The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park. An open-air garden built by some rich dude living in Tokyo. And the holy sanctuary of the Immortals. Do me a favour and give the Immortals' nasty graffiti a face lift Sky Dinosaurian Square The roars of the ancient dragon still echo throughout the playground of the heavens, Sky Dinosaurian Square! Now according the Poison Jam's info, Yoyo is biding his time up there. Go find him! The Fortified Residential Zone Soon, when the timer runs out, this building will go...Kaboom!!! Hahahaha! Fools! You continue to cling to the sad notions of "camaraderie" and "friendship". And because of it, your pitiful little lives will end in a grand display of fireworks! The Golden Rhinos planted a time bomb somewhere in The Fortified Residential Zone! First, spray that blue device and stop that timer! The Site of the Tokyo Line Hey! Listen up! The Golden Rhinos are here! They're here! Listen up folks, I'm gonna keep broadcastin' as long as I can! The Golden Rhinos brought in some strange sort of machine! What is that thing? Shut that damn thing off! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6.STREET CHALLENGES (Josh Lesnick with some modifications by Immortals) ===================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.1 WHAT ARE STREET CHALLENGES? Every section of the game, aside from the Garage, Stadium, and Tokyo Line, has a set of 5 street challenges for you to attempt. When you pass one of them, a new graffiti soul will appear in the stage. Generally, you get five different kinds of challenges, and they're ordered like so: -Grind Combo: While grinding, you must do a certain amount of tricks in a row with no breaks between them. -Air Combo: For this you do a certain amount of consecutive tricks while in midair. -Tricks: You need to do a certain amount of tricks in a row without any breaks, and it can include either grind tricks or air tricks, as long as they're done consecutively. -Points: You must start a combo, and keep it up until the score (the value in the upper-left as you do the tricks) reaches the given amount. -Special Challenge: For most of the stages, the 5th challenge will be a specific task unique to that stage. That's the gist of it. Now for the strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.2 FIRST THINGS FIRST (THE CASSETTES) To get the challenges to even show up for the level, you have to locate and acquire the cassette for it. It won't register even if you complete the task if you don't have the cassette. It also won't register during police fights, flag battle challenges or city rush challenges. Amazingly, it also doesn't register while you destroy the 190 Noise Tanks in chapter 6. Here are the locations: Dogenzaka Hill: It's located in a little pit area near where Beat shows up. (before the convention area) Shibuya Terminal: The tape's on the platform above the save point. Grind the stairway rail near the front of Dogenzaka Hill's entrance around and jump over to reach it. Chuo Street: In the area with the dinosaur statue, look for it between his legs. Rokkaku-dai Heights: It's in the shack with the two mine tracks. 99th Street: look for it under the central tower. Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility: After you make it through the entrance, it's right there in the middle of the island with all the spray cans. Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility: It's in the corner of the first room. Don't miss it! Hikage Street: It's near the overpass area in the western section. Take the deviating path that comes right before it. Kibogaoka Hill: In the area with the two long sets of telephone wires, jump and skate across the bottom-inner left wire all the way to the bottom platform. The tape is on that platform. Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park: In the Pharaoh area, look around for a safe place to drop down, then when your under the pharaoh, skate towards the big pit; the tape's on the bottom of it. Highway Zero: It's hidden amongst the food stands in the area with all the telephone wires. Sky Dinosaurian Square: Ride the green rail that goes down the dinosaur's back to get to it. From the entrance, start off on the red rail, and grind until you come to a green rail on the left that runs parallel to the red one. This is the rail that leads to the dinosaur's back. Just keep going and you'll eventually reach the end of the track. Jump forward into an area full of spray cans and the tape. The Fortified Residential Zone: Skate up the "Giant of Metal" in the middle of the second level to get to where you rescued Yoyo. From there, search the wall for a gap with a hole to drop down into. Fall into it, and keep falling down to eventually reach the platform with the tape. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.3 GRIND COMBOS HOW THEY'RE DONE: While grinding, press X or Y to do a trick. Keep pressing the buttons, and time it right, and you can link the tricks together to form a combo. How fast should I press the trick button? SHORT ANSWER: For Y tricks perform 2 tricks per second. For X tricks perform 2.5 tricks per second (5 tricks every 2 seconds). This may sound difficult but it really isn't. If you are playing Jet Tech use the timer up the top to guide you. If you are doing the street challenges just find a clock with a second hand and press the Y button twice a second. You can also press the X button twice a second but the ideal timing is slightly faster than this. Here is a diagram which may help (Use Word for proper alignment) <----- Increasingly frequent button pressing rate 1 2 3 4 5 |------------|------------|------------|------------|-------------------- Zone 1 - tricks don't register and points don't accumulate. You get an error sound meaning that you are pressing the button too quickly. Zone 2 - The ideal speed. Have a look at the demo of the guys grinding in Shibuya Terminal. This would fall somewhere in Zone 2 (albeit at the faster end of the scale). The trick finishes somewhere in Zone 2 so if you press the button IMMEDIATELY after your trick has finished you will be somewhere in this zone. Zone 3 - tricks don't register and points don't accumulate. You get an error sound. This time however you want to increase your button pressing rate. Zone 4 - Points accumulate and tricks register HOWEVER you will have trouble completing some of the points/grind challenges because you will run out grindable rails etc. If this sounds like you then significantly increase the speed with which you press the button to get into zone 2 Zone 5 - Tricks register but points don't accumulate. Way too slow. The timing is slower for the Y button The grind combo challenges for all the stages are nothing to be concerned about. They're pretty low in all the stages, and you can get all of them while you're in the middle of working on the Trick challenges for each stage. Dogenzaka Hill: Grind Combo x 10 Shibuya Terminal: Grind Combo x 10 Chuo Street: Grind Combo x 10 Rokkaku-dai Heights: Grind Combo x 10 99th Street: Grind Combo x 15 Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility: Grind Combo x 10 Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility: Grind Combo x 10 Hikage Street: Grind Combo x 20 Kibogaoka Hill: Grind Combo x 20 Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park: Grind Combo x 20 Highway Zero: Grind Combo x 15 Sky Dinosaurian Square: Grind Combo x 50 The Fortified Residential Zone: Grind Combo x 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.4 AIR COMBOS HOW THEY'RE DONE: First of all, the initial air trick must be done by either jumping off a ramp or, in most cases, jumping off a rail while at a high enough speed. (technically the only requirement is that you need enough speed but generally you can't obtain this speed on a flat surface) You'll know that you did this right if you hear your character go "Yeah!" or "All Right!" or something like that. After one trick has finished press the button again. Significantly slower than the timing of the grinding tricks. Needless to say, it's best to find a high point in the level to try these challenges. Typically, you're going to want to use the X button to do these Air challenges, since you can link the tricks together faster this way. Also, keep in mind the first jump counts as one of the tricks. After you do the specified amount of tricks, you must LAND for the challenge to count. Dogenzaka Hill: Air Combo x 3 Shibuya Terminal: Air Combo x 3 Chuo Street: Air Combo x 4 Rokkaku-dai Heights: Air Combo x 4 99th Street: Air Combo x 4 Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility: Air Combo x 4 Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility: Air Combo x 4 Hikage Street: Air Combo x 4 Kibogaoka Hill: Air Combo x 4 Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park: Air Combo x 4 It's easy to just skate off a ramp into oblivion doing tricks, but unfortunately, landing is a requirement. Fortunately, you only have to do 4, and there quite a few places where it can be done, such as the rails leading to the spinning elevator or some of the ramps strewn throughout the level. Highway Zero: Air Combo x 5 It's best done off the wire leading back to the entrance of the level. Sky Dinosaurian Square: Air Combo x 6 This is the trickiest Air Combo challenge, since it's hard to find a place to land in this level. If you jump off the rail near the area with the swinging platforms, you may be able to get off six tricks right before you land. The Fortified Residential Zone: Air Combo x 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.5 TRICKS HOW THEY'RE DONE: You can do tricks while grinding or jumping, and the directions for both are outlined above. In most of the levels, you can simply do a really long grind combo to finish this challenge, but there are a couple where linking grind tricks and air tricks is necessary. You can slow down to the minimum speed to do the combos too. You won't get points, but in these challenges, points don't matter. Plus, you'll want to do tricks with the X button, since they're faster. If you stuff up(either by pressing the X button too fast or too slow) the grind trick the count will restart. If you stuff up an air trick the count doesn't restart. There are also 2 ways of performing infinite tricks. Firstly find a halfpipe and keep performing tricks of the ledge (make sure not to skid or grind off ledge). Amazingly when you land in the halfpipe the computer doesn't register you as having landed and so the trick count continues. OR Find a grind which is a steeply uphill. Grind it a couple of times (before you reach the top) and then let your character slide back down the hill. Grind it a couple of times again (while your character is moving backwards) and stop before you get to the top. Let your character slide back down. Using this method you can get as many tricks as you want. Dogenzaka Hill: 20 Tricks Shibuya Terminal: 25 Tricks Chuo Street: 30 Tricks Rokkaku-dai Heights: 35 Tricks 99th Street: 40 Tricks Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility: 45 Tricks Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility: 50 Tricks Hikage Street: 55 Tricks Kibogaoka Hill: 50 Tricks The long area with the telephone wires is the best place to do this. Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park: 55 Tricks The easiest place to do this is at the tower with the sphere, where there are rails which loop indefinitely. You can jump and grind in the area under the Pharaoh too, but it's harder, and you'll need to go to the sphere to pick up a graffiti soul and do the point challenge anyway... Highway Zero: 70 Tricks Probably the hardest combo to get. You have to jump and grind to get it, and you can go through about 3/4ths of the level with one big combo link if you have the skills for it. The rails on the left side of the first part of the stage, the signs leading up to the next part, the telephone wires in that section, the grindable tubes in the S-curves that follow, and the set of six signs that come afterward... you can do ALL of that in one big combo. Needless to say, it is really hard to do without making a mistake. What you may want to do instead is just grind and do tricks on a couple rails in the first part of the level, then ride off the four signs, land on the rail in the next section, and slow down to minimum speed as you go across the telephone wires, doing as many tricks as you can. You can also just start in this area and just grind off these wires, but it's really hard to get all 70 tricks done before you reach the end of the area. Alternatively The steep uphill grind is this level is the electricity line leading back up to the road. Sky Dinosaurian Square: 100 Tricks The Fortified Residential Zone: 100 Tricks Easiest way is to use the giant of metal. Grind several times and then let yourself slide down before reaching the top. Before reaching the bottom do more tricks so that gain momentum and grind back up. Repeat until you have 100 tricks Alternatively (I find this easier) Again, you pretty much have to do jumping tricks AND grinding tricks to get this one. The bottom part of the level is full of those places where you have to jump back and forth on rails and ladders to reach the bomb switches, graffiti souls, and the like. It's here that you do the combo. Just go to one of these areas, ride the rail to the ladder, and do some tricks while you ride the rail, ride the ladder up a level, jump off, land on the rail, ride to the next ladder while doing tricks, jump on it, and this time, jump off right away and land back on the rail you were just on. Now just keep doing it like this. Ride to the ladder while doing tricks, jump on it, jump off right away, ride back to the other ladder while doing tricks, and repeat over and over until you've done 100 tricks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.6. POINTS HOW THEY'RE DONE: Your point total accrues when you do grind combos. Once you are off the rail you're doing the combo on, your point total will reset. While you can do some air combos and wallride combos to add to your point total after jumping off the rail, it ends once you land, even if you land on another rail. Also, you have to be grinding at a certain speed to get credit for your tricks. One exception to the landing rule is in halfpipes. When you land in a halfpipe it does not register you as having landed so you can continually perform tricks off the side of the halfpipe and provided that you don't skid in the middle of the halfpipe or accidentally fall off the halfpipe or grind the ledge of the halfpipe your score will continue to go up. Additionally since landing in a halfpipe doesn't register as landing you can come in off a bonus rail with 500 points per trick and a 16x multiplier and continue from there. It shouldn't take long before you get 1 000 000 points. This doesn't mean that you can get infinite points in Jet tech though as once your 5 minutes is up you don't get to continue your current trick. Here how the scoring goes: each level includes normal rails and "bonus" rails which give you a lot more points. You get 1x the value of the rail for the first trick, 2x the value for the second, 4x for the third, and 8x for the fourth. From this point, tricks with the X button give you 8x the value of the rail, and tricks with the Y button gives 16x the value. Your multiplier only goes up if you press the same button twice in a row. Normal rails are worth 10 points per grind trick, and jumping tricks done from them are worth 20 points. If you do a wall ride after jumping from the rail, it's worth 30 points. "Bonus" rails are worth 500 points per grind trick, jumping tricks are 1000 points, and wallrides are 1500 points. "Bonus" rails aren't labelled or anything. They're basically just like all the other rails; they just give you more points. Thus, the strategy for scoring high is to find a long rail in the stage which gives you 500 points per trick and ride it while doing tricks with the Y button. Your score is displayed in a most unusual way. Two lines appear when you gain points. The top shows your multiplier (either 1,2,4,8,16) x points per trick (10 grind, 20 jump, 30 billboard grind or 500,1000,1500 if on bonus rail). The bottom score shows your cumulative score NOT including the last trick you executed. Thus your total score is obtained by adding the two together. Therefore, in Dogenzaka Hill for example the bottom line will display a number less than 50000 when you get your graffiti soul (but when you add the top line it will be more than 50000) Dogenzaka Hill: 50000 From the garage, head down to the long green rail on the left side of the street. Jump on and get your points. Shibuya Terminal: 100000 There's an extremely long bonus rail in this stage. Near the Dogenzaka Hill entrance, look for a circular rail connected to two stairwells, with a smaller circular rail in the middle. The outer rail and all the rails connected to are bonus rails, and you can easily get the 100000 point goal while tricking off them. Chuo Street: 60000 A little bit past the start of the stage, there's a narrow traffic area where one side is elevated and the other isn't. All the rails here are bonus rails. Grind down the middle one to get 60000 Rokkaku-dai Heights: 40000 All the telephone poles and wires at the start of the level give 500 points. You should have no trouble getting the required amount on about any of them. 99th Street: 100000 The long fire breathing dragon rail leading to the top of the centre platform is the bonus rail. This one's easy. Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility: 100000 The bonus rails are in the upper part. There are some near the third save point, and a there's long one all the way at the top section, which circles around the tube you had to drop down to get one of the door switches. You can use wall rides to help you out here. You get 24000 points for each if you jump at the end of a long grind combo! Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility: 50000 the frantic red and blue tubes in the section following where you ran into Poison Jam are all bonus rails. Use the red ones... the blue ones all have gaps. Hikage Street: 300000 Go to the area with the crane. (the east part of the map) The rails on the entire spiralling platform are bonus rails. Kibogaoka Hill: 250000 Again, go to where the long telephone wires are (you have to get the tape here anyway)... some are worth 500 points. Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park: 110000 Kinda nerve-wracking. One set of bonus rails are in the area with the Sphere tower. The flashing blue rails leading to the top are bonus rails, but they're not long enough to get the score by doing grind combos alone. You need to jump when you reach the top and start doing air combos. With the Y button, you'll get 16000 points per trick, so you'll need to do about 2 of them as you fall. This is nerve-wracking 'cause once you jump, it's hard to land. @_@ Try not to mess up. Start from the side WITHOUT the graffiti on the ground. You'll get more time to air combo. Alternatively you can grind the pillars that surround the spinning circular disc. The advantage over the above is that it is easier to get to (so if you stuff up it's not as annoying) plus you can get more points just by grinding. The disadvantage is that you can't get as many air combo's in. Highway Zero: 90000 In the area with the telephone wires, The first wire (which has the rail leading to it) is a bonus rail long enough for you to get the points. In the area below, the rail leading to the signs you can ride up is also a bonus rail. If you do a few tricks off it, then ride the signs up, you can get the 90000 quickly. (You can get close over 300 000 if you get your multiplier to 16 x before jumping and grinding the billboard, see Jet Tech for this level for more details) Sky Dinosaurian Square: 10000 All the green rails are bonus rails. The Fortified Residential Zone: 50000 The metal parts strewn about the bottom of the first and second levels are the bonus rails. Find a long-ish one and ride it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.7 SPECIAL CHALLENGES Dogenzaka Hill: "Avenue, Long Grind" You do this near the start of the level. Skate forward 'till you get to some rails on the left side of the street. Hop on, and grind across 'em, jumping over the gaps, and then skate off at the end (don't jump). When you hit the ground the soul should appear. Shibuya Terminal: "Platform of '(symbol)' x 13, not to fall down" Jump on the 13 greenish platforms (and the one grey, slanted one) without touching the ground. You can rail grind or use your boost to reach the other platforms. Of all the challenges, this one seems to have the most trouble registering. -_- If the soul doesn't appear after hitting all the platforms, give up and try again later OR reload. I suspect there may be a bug which causes an illegal state. (not permanent, you can reload and it will go away) Here's my suggested route: (please use Word or IE to view - not notepad) +----------+ ---------- | 4 | +----------+ ---+ +--- | | --+ +----------+ ---+ +--- +--------------------+ 1 | | 5 | | 8 | --+ +----------+ ---+ +--- +--------------------+ | | --+ +----------+ X---+ +--- +--------------------+ 2 | | 6 | | 9 | --+ +----------+ ---+ +--- +--------------------+ | | --+ +----------+ ---+ +--- +--------------------+ 3 | | 7 | | 10 | --+ +----------+ ---+ +--- +--------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | |H | | | | | | | | | +-------+ | +-------+ +----------+ +----- | 11 | | +-------+ +--------------------------------- +-------+ +-------+ | 12 | | 13 | +-------+ +-------+ Start at the X, jump on the rail, grind up and around, land on 5. From there, jump across the platforms in this order: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 5. From 5, turn toward the staircase and jump on one of its rails, grind up, and when you reach the top, jump up and over, landing on 8. Jump to 9 and then to 10. From there, skate to the staircase on your right (labelled "H" on the map). Jump on the right rail. Ride it over, and jump over to 11. Jump from 11 to 12, and boost jump to 13. Chuo Street: "G->W->G->W->... reach for the sewer" "G" stands for "grind" and "W" stands for wallride. Go to the crowded area located in front of the sewer halfpipe, and jump on the first rail you come across. Grind across the rail, jump, ride the billboard, fall onto the next rail (don't jump off the billboard), and repeat until you get to the end where the sewer halfpipe is. When you reach the end, try to slow down and land without actually entering the halfpipe. The soul should appear once you land. This one can also be a bit tricky to register, and if the soul doesn't show up after you skate through the area correctly, try jumping around the halfpipe area until it shows up. Also keep in mind I don't think this works if you jump off the billboards. Just ride 'em and fall onto the rail behind them. Rokkaku-dai Heights: "Chimney #1, Grind" Near the shack with the two mine tracks inside, look around behind the houses and you'll find the twisting staircase which leads to the chimney. Jump on the right rail, and simply skate all the way to and up the chimney. 99th St: "East, South, West, North, East gates, grind" One of the tougher challenges, 'cause it's pretty anal judging how you do it. This is done in the centre of the area where the dragon is. From the dragon, turn toward the west part of the map (the map is upside-down ^^;) and observe the gates. The outer-gate has the "East" symbol on it. From this gate, jump on the red hand rail located to the right of it. Ride the rails all the way around, jumping across the gaps, until you reach the "East" gate again. Don't deviate from the path of the rails. Just adjust your speed and refrain from moving right or left while jumping the gaps. Once you reach the "East" gate again, fall off the rail (don't jump) and the soul will appear. Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility, "150000" Just another point challenge. Use the long bonus rail at the top of the stage to get it. Bottom Point of the Sewage Facility, "70000" Again, a second point challenge rather than a special challenge. Just do the same thing you did to get 50000, but do it a tad longer. Hikage Street: "Overpass w/ a crane, G, Ground, Top, Ground" Go to the area with the crane. Once you reach the very top, (either by grinding or using the LEFT side of the crane and grinding up the crane at reasonably fast speed which can be achieved by boost dashing or simply grinding) fall down the first gap you come across, and you'll end up heading back down. Keep going all the way until you reach the bottom, and once you land, the soul will appear. Remember to fall off the ledge and don't jump. Also there is a gap that you have to jump when heading back down Kibogaoka Hill: "Gate of 'A bunch of Kanji'" The real challenge here is searching for and finding a gate with these characters, really. It's in the area with the long telephone wires. In the area where Boogie appeared, skate off the upper-level ramp and land on the inner-left electrical wire. Jump up to the top wire and ride it to the other side. You'll end up on the top level, with the gate right in front of you. Simply walk through it to make the soul appear. The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park: "Go circle around Pharaoh" Just grind the rails circling Pharaoh without touching the ground. The only tricky part is the gap which seems to big to jump. At that point there's actually a bench you can grind off of so you can get across without falling. This is probably the challenge which the game does the most half-assed job judging. I never really have done it successfully, yet it tends to keep rewarding it to me after I dick around the Pharaoh long enough ^^; Highway Zero: "W->W->W->W->W->W" You know what the Chuo street challenge means now. So use your head. =] Okay, just for the sake of completeness... find the area with the six billboards, and ride them to the top. Not too hard at all. Sky Dino: "Rail -> Swinging Ride -> Rail" See the giant ride composed of a set of two platforms which swing in the opposite direction of each other? You have to start from a rail, jump on to one of the platforms, then jump back on a rail. The best place to go to start this is on the near the beginning which goes down the Diplococcus's back. After riding his back, you'll be at a straight section pretty much lined up completely with the moving platforms. Jump, ride the platform, and jump to the red rail it takes you to. The Fortified Residential Zone: "Giant of Metal, Grind Up" No challenge here. On the floor of the second level, you'll see a huge vertical slab of steel with a rail on it, leading to where Yoyo was. This is the "Giant of Metal." Grind up. =) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7. GRAFFITI SOULS ================== Graffiti Souls are effectively the pre-designed graffiti tags Unlike the original JSR they are not hidden. (If you have uncovered it you can see it on the map) Here is a list of every Graffiti soul and how to make them appear (if necessary) and which level they are on. (Directions on how to get them are only given for harder ones) SS (1graffiti) 1 Given 2 Given 3 Given 4 Given 5 Dogenzaga Hill 6 Dogenzaka Hill - Tricks 7 Shibuya Terminal 8 Shibuya Terminal - special 9 Chuo St - Air 10 Rokkaku-Dai Heights 11 Rokkaku-Dai Heights Points - On ground floor level with 1st graffiti stop in a "cavern" 12 99th St Grind Challenge 13 Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility 14 Unlock Immortals as playable character 15 Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility - Tricks (Boost Jump) 16 Bottom of the Sewage Facility 17 Bottom of the Sewage Facility - Special Challenge 18 Hikage St - Air 19 Kibogaoka Hill 20 Unlock Zero Beat as playable character 21 Kibogaoka Hill - Points 22 Skyscraper District - Grind Challenge 23 Highway Zero 24 Highway Zero - Tricks Challenge 25 Unlock Poison Jam as playable character 26 Sky Dinosaur Square - On top of T-rex - Easiest way is to ride the main red line backwards and jump on the tail of T-rex 27 Sky Dinosaur Square - Points challenge 28 Fortified Residential Zone - Grind Challenge Small (1 graffiti) 29 Given 30 Given 31 Given 32 Given 33 Unlock Immortals as playable character 34 Dogenzaka Hill 35 Dogenzaka Hill - Points Challenge 36 Shibuya Terminal - Grind Challenge 37 Chuo St - boost jump to right before crossing first sewer channel 38 Chuo St- tricks challenge 39 Rokkaku-dai Heights 40 Rokkaku-dai Heights special 41 99th St Air Challenge 42 Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility 43 Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility - Points Challenge 44 Bottom of the Sewage Facility -Grind Challenge 45 Hikage St 46 Hikage St - Tricks 47 Kibogaoka Hill 48 Unlock Zero Beat as playable character 49 Kibogaoka Hill - Special Challenge 50 Skyscraper District - Air Challenge 51 Highway Zero 52 Highway Zero - Points Challenge 53 Unlock Poison Jam as playable character 54 Sky Dinosaur Square - Under Stegosaurus' Leg 55 Sky Dinosaur Square - Special Challenge 56 Fortified Residential Zone - Air Challenge. Go up ladder from 2nd Storey Medium (3 Graffiti) 57 Given 58 Given 56 Given 60 Given 61 Dogenzaka Hill 62 Dogenzaka Hill - Special Challenge 63 Shibuya Terminal - Air Challenge 64 Chuo St 65 Chuo St - Points Challenge 66 Unlock Immortals as playable character 67 Rokkaku-Dai Heights - Grind Challenge 68 99th St 69 99th St - tricks Challenge 70 Tokyo Underground Sewage facility 71 Tokyo Underground - Special Challenge (See section 5.1) 72 Bottom of the Sewage Facility - Air Challenge 73 Hikage St 74 Hikage St - points 75 Unlock Zero Beat as playable character 76 Kibogaoka Hill - Grind 77 Skyscraper District 78 Unlock Poison Jam as playable character 79 Skyscraper District - Trick Challenge 80 Highway Zero 81 Highway Zero - Special Challenge 82 Sky Dinosaur Square - Grind Challenge (behind theatre on main red line) 83 Fortified Residential Zone - Area 5 on Ground Floor 84 Fortified Residential Zone - Tricks Large (5 graffiti) 85 Given 86 Given 87 Given 88 Given 89 Unlock Immortals as playable character 90 Unlock Zero Beat as playable character 91 Unlock Poison Jam as playable character 92 Dogenzaka Hill - Grind Challenge - Use Boost Dash 93 Shibuya Terminal 94 Shibuya Terminal - Tricks 95 Chuo St 96 Chuo St Special Challenge (get to lower wire by jumping on top of parked truck or use high wire) 97 Rokkaku-Dai Heights - Air Combo 98 99th Street 99 99th Street Points Challenge - (Go up the dragon's tongue, grind left off railing and make your way around) 100 Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility - Grind Challenge 101 Bottom of the Sewage Facility 102 Bottom of the Sewage Facility - Tricks 103 Hikage St . This one gives some people problems. Simply boost dash off the high platform and jump to it 104 Hikage St -Special Challenge 105 Kibogaoka Hill - Air 106 Skyscraper district. 107 Skyscraper District - Points 108 Highway Zero - Grind Challenge 109 Sky Dinosaur Square - Just after the vertical loops but before the horizontal loops 110 Sky Dinosaur Square - Air challenge - in 1st theatre area (appears to be a small orange dot instead of a large one - I'll assume this isn't a bug but that you can merely see the top of it) 111 Fortified Residential Zone (Fall from level 3 - 2nd Floor) 112 Fortified Residential Zone- points Challenge XLrg (10 graffiti) 113 Given 114 Given 115 Given 116 Given 117 Dogenzaka Hill - Air 118 Unlock Immortals as playable character 119 Shibuya Terminal 120 Unlock Zero Beat as playable character 121 Shibuya Terminal - Points 122 Chuo St - Grind Combo . After Jumping over 2 sewer channels turn around and look to your right 123 Rokkaku-Dai Heights - Must jump onto telegraph wire to get here Xlrg graffiti also here 124 Rokkaku-Dai Heights 125 Unlock Poison Jam as playable character 126 99th St 127 99th St - Special - From the main road (to the garage) jump out the left exit 128 Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility - Air Challenge 129 Bottom of the Sewage Facility 130 Bottom of the Sewage Facility - Points Challenge 131 Hikage St - Grind 132 Kibogaoka Hill 133 Kibogaoka Hill - Tricks 134 Skyscraper District 135 Skyscraper District - Special Challenge 136 Highway Zero - Air Challenge 137 Sky Dinosaur Square - After the T-rex and mountain (It's on your left) 138 Sky Dinosaur Square - Tricks challenge - in 2nd theatre area (appears to be a small orange dot instead of a large one - I'll assume this isn't a bug but that you can merely see the top of it) 139 Fortified Residential Zone 140 Fortified Residential Zone - Special ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8. CHARACTERS ============== The stats are listed in the game although the energy stat for Pots is misleading (He is in fact the strongest character since he takes less energy than other players and so effectively a health can is equivalent to more health). The characters that are not in the garage can be obtained by completing Jet in the time trials as hinted by Boogie when you talk to her in the garage A.KU.MU - Jet rankings in all three "Fortified Residential Zone" test runs Beat - Defeat Beat at City Rush at Dogenzaka Hill (Chapter 1 compulsory to complete game) and he'll join you. Boogie - Kibogaoka Hill Clutch - (Chapter 7 compulsory), Clutch appears in garage and runs away - See walkthrough Combo - Complete his challenge (Chapter 1 compulsory) Corn - You start with him in garage Cube - Race cube in "Bottom point of Sewage Facility" (chapter 7 onwards - optional) Doom Riders - Jet rankings in all three "Dogenzaka Hill" test runs Garam - Sewer challenge (chapter 3 compulsory) Gouji - Jet rankings in all three "Rokkaku-Dai Heights" test runs Gum - You start with her in garage Immortals - Jet rankings in all three "Skyscraper District" test runs Jazz - Challenge at the "Future site of Rokkaku expo stadium" (chapter 6 onwards) Love Shockers - Jet rankings in all three "Hikage St" test runs Noise Tanks - Jet rankings in all three "Highway Zero" test runs NT-3000 - Jet rankings in all three "Sky-Dino Square" test runs Poison Jam - Jet rankings in all three "Underground Facility sewage" test runs and jet rankings in all three" Bottom of the underground sewage facility Pots - Jet rankings in all three "Kibogaoka Hill" test runs Rapid 99 - Jet rankings in all three "99th St" test runs Rhyth - Find her on top of a warehouse in Rokkaku-dai Heights. (chapter 2 onwards) Roboy - Jet rankings in all three "Chuo st" test runs Soda - In Highway Zero (Chapter 6 onwards) Yoyo - Start with him in garage Zero Beat - Jet rankings in all three "Shibuya Terminal" test runs ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9. FAQ ABOUT FINISHING THE GAME I'm stuck on 99th street. How do I get out? Grind up the straight dragon (the one with it's tail on the ground). It's in the main middle section and leads to the road. I can't get back to the entrance/exit in Kibogaoka Hill. Where is it? The map is useless. After the two massive power pylons (the one with 16 parallel lines) you'll reach some houses (depending on what line you took). Go across the river again to get to another set of houses (or get directly there by taking the bottom right line of the left pylon). Once you get to these houses you'll encounter a massive drop. Look right and you'll see the sewer, which is the only exit/entrance in this level. How do I get a Jet Ranking? How do I get to the Test Runs? See section 10. I appear to be missing one graffiti tag on Sky Dinosaurian square. Where is it? See Section 5.1 I can't get to the Kibogoaka Hill Graffiti Soul/Graffiti tag. It's really low on the map. How do I get it? The map is misleading. The entrance to the cave where the Graffiti Soul and tag are, is on the opposite side of the partition to where they appear to be. How do I get the Graffiti Soul in Hikage St? It's visible from the start Simply boost dash and jump from the platform. Do not use the billboard. #103 How do I get the Graffiti Soul in Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility? It's really high up in the left cavern. You have to jump/grind off a wall and jump grind off another making circles. You'll eventually get to the top and there are platform stops along the way. #71 How do I get the Graffiti Soul in Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility? It's in the corner on a platform. You can boost dash jump from another platform on the right. It may help to use the rail of this platform. #15 How do I get the Graffiti Souls in Chuo St? (near the sewer canals) #37 or #122 Can you give me more information about the "13 platforms" in Shibuya Terminal? Sorry, the information in section 6 is all the information I have. Follow it exactly and it should work. If at first you don't succeed... GIVE UP and try it again at some other time. I can't get enough points to complete the street challenge/ get a Jet ranking in Jet Tech. Help!!! Read section 6.3 carefully. Especially the bit about the timing of tricks How do I beat the flag battle against the Love Shockers at Hikage Street? Basically if you want the cop out way remember that you only have to get THREE flags to guarantee a win. Grab the first flag. Then go to the third flag. It's not there yet but once one of the love shockers picks up the second flag it will appear. Then go the fifth flag. The same tactic works on the flag battle on 99th st I have "passed" the level. How come it doesn't say "Cleared" when I bring up the menu? It only says cleared on levels which you did a graffiti challenge on. Some levels do not require you to complete a graffiti challenge. IMHO this is badly done. Can I exit from a game or load a new game without resetting? NO (short of dying) Can I exit a test run without finishing the test run? NO (short of dying) Can I start a new game and play with all 24 characters? No :( You can only use all the characters in TEST RUN mode and vs mode Can I have more than 3 separate games? No leading me to suggest there are no "Finish the game within xx hrs" type secrets. If there were a point to playing it again they would have allowed more than the 3 games. Do I need to re -graffiti zero beats/police markers to get all characters? NO re-graffiti-ing is optional What happens when you reach 100 hrs of logged on time? It doesn't tick over to 100 hrs. It stays at 99 hrs and the minute hand just keeps going. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10. TEST RUNS ============= To get into test runs go to the garage and talk to Roboy. Test Runs is the last option. You must have completed the game (Beaten A.KU.MU) to have Test Runs uncovered. Additionally you must have grabbed all the Graffiti Souls in at least one level. There are 8 graffiti souls in each level with the exception of Sky Dinosaurian Square in which there are 9. You can only attempt a test run in the level that you have collected all the souls in. Each level has 3 test runs. All levels have a Jet Graffiti, Jet Tech and either a Jet Dash (for racetrack like levels) and a Jet Flag (for non- racetrack like levels). Test runs is where Experts shine. Any hack can pass the story mode but only experts can get decent times in test runs. (JET TECH not included.. that's for hacks too!! :)) Re-tagging (zero beats) graffiti for a level is NOT a requirement for doing test runs. Use Immortals/Love Shockers for all test runs unless specified. They have the best stats for decent players since health is basically irrelevant. In some cases Clutch/Jazz can provide an advantage since they have a higher holding can capacity. There are 6 ratings for Test Runs They are in order of greatness Jet Nitro Turbo Engine Motor Pedal Getting the highest rating (JET) is laughably easy. You should be able to get it with only a couple of tries. IMHO it is disappointing that it was made so easy since it means that very few people try to get better times. Pedal times aren't included - anything slower than the motor time is pedal. All times set by me unless specified. If you can beat these email me and tell me your tactics and I'll credit you. If you use tactics the same as mine you must have proof of your time (Photo or similar). Advanced Controls ----------------- There are six kinds of jumps (not necessary to know unless you want really fast test run times). 1. The hop - press lightly on the jump button while going at low/mid speed 2. Standard Jump - Full press while going at low/mid speed 3. Full Jump - light/full press while going at high speed (such as after grinding a rail or going downhill). Air trick territory. 4. Boost dash jump - Full press while boost dashing 5. Long Jump - light press while boost dashing. 6. Fast Full Jump - Immediately jump off a rail/pipe as soon as you land on it and you sometimes (not frequently though) get this kind of jump. It is MUCH faster than a normal jump and closely resembles a boost dash jump (but of course you don't need cans to execute it). You also travel a lot further. Your speedometer down the bottom will be at 90% as opposed to about 75% for a normal full jump. General Tactics --------------- This next section is fully a matter of opinion by the people who can get the fastest times in the test runs (myself and HipHopHead) Jet Graffiti - I don't know if anyone doesn't do this but please use the auto-spray feature (full description in the controls section). Not just for large and extra Large graffiti but between small tags as well. Remember as long as there is less than a three second gap between graffiti tags you can hold down the R - shoulder button. Three seconds doesn't sound like a long time but the better you become the more you'll be able to get away with. Also try to master the turn around graffiti. After you spray a large or x-lrg tag the camera automatically switches. By skidding before the camera switches you can save a little time. You can also "extend" the life of your boost dash by jumping before it runs out. Jet Dash/Jet Flag/Jet Graffiti - (HipHopHead) 1. The most direct way from where you are to where you want to be is almost never a straight line! 2. Its faster to go a "little" out of your way and end up getting enough to boost (10 spray cans), than to go the most direct and "fastest" way. 3. There are variations in speed that come into play that anyone going for a fast time should consider. a. Its always faster to grind a rail (even when the rail isn't the most direct path). b. Jumping will always slow you down (unlike JGR where it speeds you up).In general, the bigger the "normal" jump, the slower the jump ("normal" meaning, you start the jump from skating, jumps from a grind are relatively faster than those from skating, though). c. It's usually faster to ignore things like billboards whenever possible (because jumping to reach them will slow you down). But a good short cut is still priceless whether it involves jumping or not. d. A boost (using 10 spray cans) will speed up any of these things (it seems to speed up the processes of grinding a little bit, normal skating a lot, and jumping even more). 4. Be familiar with the gameplay. For example figure out how long it takes after you press dash, before you're able to press jump, or trick. Also, you should be comfortable enough with the controls that you don't ever need to stop and press the "change view" trigger. Its incredibly important to "X" trick any time you can, on all grinds no matter how short or long, and in all jumps! 5. Lastly, be creative when you think about the level, there are routes through any level that would probably make the level designer blush. It is often possible to ignore big chunks of a level (often the slowest parts) by finding a sneaky shortcut that nobody notice or if they did, wouldn't realize was a shortcut. Above all, think in 3D. ALL TACTICS WRITTEN ASSUMING YOU ARE USING A CHARACTER WITH A THIRTY CAN LIMIT UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. I have also used the terminology "medium tag" to mean those three rotating circles for example. Tagging, spraying and graffiti-ing are synonymous. JET GRAFFITI +++++++++++++ Dogenzaka Hill ---------------- Best time: 1.52.86 Jet: 5.00.00 Nitro: 7.00.00 Turbo: 9.00.00 Engine: 15.00.00 Motor: 20.00.00 Make your way to the middle of the road and grind the divider. Jump and collect all the cans while moving down the hill. After collecting the first 3 batches of cans (you should now have 22 cans) make your way back to the left hand side handrail avoiding the traffic. Make another jump and collect the 4 yellow cans. Then jump to your left and onto the rail collecting the first yellow can and the blue can. After collecting the blue can you should now have 30 cans (32 if using Clutch/Jazz) so jump right. Get all 7 graffiti tags here. You'll have 16 cans left. Now this is probably the hardest section to do cleanly. Keep running down the hill. After about one second, boost dash. Before the boost dash runs out jump towards the medium tag. It's important that your boost dash hasn't run out before you jump or you won't make it. Also when you graffiti the medium tag you want to be moving forward so you don't lose momentum and waste time. You want to run onto the flag pole after the medium tag and collect all the yellow cans on the flag and jump to collect the blue can. The reason this section is difficult to do cleanly is because you want to be near enough to the wall while graffiti-ing the medium tag so that you won't bump into the pole but far enough away so that you can run in a straight line and grind the flag pole. There isn't a lot of room for error. Anyway, after jumping off the flag pole jump onto the handrail and grind it. You'll have to slow down slightly to get the medium tag. At the end of the handrail I normally have 25 cans. Fall off the handrail and keep going down the hill and get the 5 tags here. Hopefully you will only have taken about 54 secs if you want to equal my time. Run down the hill (I haven't found a way to efficiently make use of boost dash here). Jump on the handrail and collect the blue can. Then jump left and get the 5 tags here. Collect the five cans while moving down the hill. You should have 11-13 cans. Jump to your left and get the large tag. Then another jump to the next platform and get medium tag. Fall off platform and down onto the handrail. You must slow down dramatically to get the large tag here. Skate up hill and collect the blue can and two more yellow cans. As soon as you collect the second yellow can turn to your left. We are going to boost dash up the hill while collecting all 3 blue cans. After doing that get the medium and large tags. Here is the second tricky bit of the level to cleanly. After getting the large tag you should still be holding down the R shoulder button. You want to jump over the edge of the platform but you must collect the two blue cans. If you are holding the R shoulder button the medium tag should be taken care of. You must have 15 cans by the time you grind up the stair rail. The rest of the level is obvious. Shibuya Terminal --------------------- Best time: 1.53.96 Jet: 5.00.00 Nitro: 6.00.00 Turbo: 7.00.00 Engine: 15.00.00 Motor: 20.00.00 Tactics: This level is so open ended so I encourage everyone to try various tactics to see if you can beat my time. Anyway here is how I achieved this time Skate forward and hop on the rail grinding it to the right. Jump over the gap to collect all the cans and grind over the road via the traffic light. Grind down the traffic light and onto the ramp. You should now have exactly 18 cans. Jump forward off the ramp and to the first bus. Graffiti the three tags here. There are another two buses in this area that you should graffiti. Pick up 3 (but no more otherwise you will be wasting time) in this area. You should now have 12 cans. Once you have finished graffiti-ing all 3 buses (9 tags) grind the left rail of the nearby staircase which goes up. You should all be familiar with this staircase. It is the start of the long bonus rail. Anyway this rail goes up and then down/left. When it goes down/left jump forward over the "gap" and you will land on another rail. Immediately jump left after landing on the rail. You will now be near an X-large tag which you should graffiti. You will only have 1 or 2 cans left after graffiti-ing this tag. Turn around and skate forward to the staircase. Grind the right rail of the staircase. Jump back over the "gap" but this time to the left rail of the left staircase. This staircase has 3 yellow cans followed by a blue can. After collecting the blue can jump to the right to collect the blue can on the other rail. Immediately after collecting the blue can jump forward to the platform (platform 11 as seen in the ASCII diagram in section 6.7) where you should collect the three blue cans. You should now have 30 cans. Jump over the gap and then another small hop and you should be at the medium tag. Graffiti it. Fall down in the direction of the two buses and graffiti both of these. Go back (to just below where you just got the medium tag), hop over the rail and get another medium tag. Go behind this building grabbing the cans while graffiti-ing another medium tag. Follow this rail to yet another medium tag and graffiti that. Hop on the next rail where there are five yellow cans that you should grab. Jump left and over the rail with the five blue cans. You should be able to nab one in mid flight. Leave the other four blue cans. Graffiti all 5 buses in this area. After you have done that you should have exactly 15 cans (there are a 5 single yellow cans under "platform 4" that you can get if you have wasted some). After that our aim is to get on top of "platform 4" so we can spray the x-large tag. Take the U - shaped rail near "platform 5" to get there. Graffiti the x-large tag on top of "platform 4" and jump to "platform 5". From there jump to platforms 1,2,3 while spraying the tags on the billboards. You should have 2 cans left. Fall from "Platform 3" directly to the rail with the 5 (now 4) blue cans and 5 yellow cans. Grind this line all the way to the end. You will now have exactly 27 cans. Jump right and forward across the road and land on the rail between the pillars. These pillars have 5 SS tags which you should get. Fall off the end of the rail and boost dash across the road in the direction of the remaining 2 tags. Jump over the rail. You should have 12 cans left which is exactly enough to get the two remaining large tags!!!! Chuo St ----------- Best time: 2.16.56 Jet: 5.00.00 Nitro: 7.00.00 Turbo: 9.00.00 Engine: 15.00.00 Motor: 20.00.00 Push right and slightly backwards on your controller so that you are travelling with the traffic. Why? ... Because there aren't enough cans for you to spray all the graffiti in the following section. Anyway, jump left into the side of the footpath with the blue can and health can. Make your way back across the road and jump on the rail going in the obvious direction (against the traffic). Immediately you'll need to jump a gap to get the cans. Jump across the road onto the Right Hand Side footpath collecting the cans here. You should have 27/28 cans by now. Graffiti the M,S,SS,M,M,L here. Pick up the cans on the rail. You don't have to hop on the rail to get these cans. You can just walk on the footpath alongside the rail. Amazingly you can still get hit by traffic by walking on the footpath so don't get too close. Graffiti the next L and pick up the cans on the footpath before graffiti-ing the Xlarge. Make your way back to the rail which leads to a pole. You should have about 15 cans after picking up the blue can on the rail. After falling off the power line jump the gap picking up the cans between. Jump to the platform with the large tag and spray. Again jump across the gap (picking up the cans) before graffiti-ing the Medium tag. Jump across the next gap again picking up all the cans. Once making the gap, boost dash straight ahead. Before your boost dash runs out jump onto the right hand billboard and spray the tag. Jump to the next billboard and spray this tag. Grind off (not jump off) this billboard. You should now have 16-19 cans here. Keep skating to the next series of SS tags. Just use the autospray feature to get all 5 of these. After getting the last one use a boost dash remembering to turn sharply left to get all the cans on the road. After collecting the cans on the road you should have enough to boost dash again so.. boost dash again. Use the rails and billboards to get through the next section quickly. Jump off the left hand side billboards to get the blue cans. After the second billboard (which is on the left hand side) you'll need to slow down after jumping as there is a Medium tag which you'll need to spray while grinding. You should be able to boost dash once (or maybe twice but my advice is that you don't as it puts pressure on your can total for not much gain). By the end of this section you should have about 20? Cans (or 10? If you chose to boost dash twice). Before you reach the halfpipe jump left directly onto the steel plank. Jump off landing on the next steel plank while spraying the two tags on the way. Jump off landing on the next steel plank while spraying the two tags on the way. (repeated intentionally). Jump off this plank slightly left to land on the next plank collecting most of the cans on the way. (aim for the blue can). Jump off this plank to the billboard and spray. Tag this and jump off the billboard aiming for the blue can. Try to keep as left as possible so you don't get stuck in near the wall. Upon landing boost dash to the stair rail and grind it. Fall off the stair rail and skate right. Get the Extra Large tag here. Go to the place where all the cans are and collect as many cans as you need so that you have 30. Get the M,L,M in the area. After the last M boost dash to grind the left edge of the ramp transferring to the pole. Collect the cans on the pole and jump to the M slowing down so you can graffiti it in one smooth motion. You should still have enough cans to get the remaining three tags. Rokkaku-dai Heights ------------------------- Best time: 2.27.86 Jet: 7.00.00 Nitro: 9.00.00 Turbo: 11.00.00 Engine: 21.00.00 Motor: 28.00.00 Grab 1 can on the way to the stairway. Grab the 5 cans on the stairway rail. Go forward and grab the 4 on the pole. Grind the wires and jump off the wire directly to the stairway rail. Jump off the middle of the stairway rail (the flat part of the rail) onto level ground. Direct your character towards the "refresher caravan" and boost dash. You will now have full cans (since the "refresher caravan" refills all your cans) Boost dash and go up the next telegraph pole. Jump right off the wire and try to land on the wire leading up the chimney. You will need to do 2 air tricks and hold forward to execute this. Spray the 3 graffiti here. Land back on the wire and boost dash. Jump off and aim at the medium graffiti. tag all three graffiti's in the vicinity. Go through the abandoned railway platform and spray the L. Then up the wire and take the obvious path to the XL. Boost Dash straight ahead to get the two blue cans. Up the next telegraph pole and take the obvious route getting the large. Boost dash and get all the cans. Get XL and then go up the obvious route again. Spray the 10 or so tags in this area before heading up. Find your own way to get the last 3. 99th St --------- Best time: 2.35.51 Jet: 8.00.00 Nitro: 10.00.00 Turbo: 12.00.00 Engine: 24.00.00 Motor: 32.00.00 One general tip for this level. Every time you see a billboard jump and grind off it and fall. You'll be on the correct line and you'll have some extra spray paint. I won't tell you how many cans you should have at certain points in this level. If you follow the route you'll have enough cans and be able to boost dash a couple of times. This route is NOT for beginners and if you manage to successfully complete it you'll have a time well below 3 minutes. Go forward past the chair and jump to your left to the black wire leading up the pagoda. You'll automatically grind around the pagoda onto the pink wire. You can cut a corner almost immediately before spraying your first graffiti tag. Follow the pink wire around and you'll spray another four graffiti tags. Soon after you spray your fifth graffiti you'll be at a point on the line where you'll be able to jump directly to a seat. Grind the seat and then jump to your left to grind up the dragon leading up to the road. Jump off the dragon and slightly left and onto the road. We are heading left. This is the first time in the level that we are not grinding. (Which is not good since grinding is the fastest way around a level). Boost dash here while collecting at least 3 of the 4 blue cans on offer. When your boost dash runs out jump on the rail to your right. You'll see a gap in the wall to your left which allows you entrance to the unlit section of the level. Go through that. You'll also be able to jump over the fence which will save you a second or so. Jump from platform to platform until you reach the difficult to get to medium graffiti. Now fall and jump on the wire heading left. We are now going to grind the rest of this level. You should be able to get the rest of the graffiti's in the unlit section by grinding the line and jumping whenever you see a billboard. When you finally complete a rotation of the level jump on the line leading out into the main area. Jump the first gap and get the SS graffiti. Now here comes the extremely difficult part of the level. It's almost as if the level designers don't want you to take this route (but it's definitely the fastest way). You must jump from wire to wire while graffiti-ing the billboards. What makes this difficult is the fact that when you graffiti a billboard the camera angle changes so you can not adjust your player mid air. You'll need to do this twice. One tip is to jump early so that you just make it on to the line. From here transfer to the line leading to the lit section of the level. You'll have too slow down significantly to tag the XLrg tag here. Just before the end of the line jump to your right and you should be able to transfer to another line. Make your way around the lit section by again jumping at every billboard you encounter. Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility --------------------------------- Best Time: 3.50.06 Jet: 12.00.00 Nitro: 18.00.00 Turbo: 21.00.00 Engine: 36.00.00 Motor: 48.00.00 Go directly into the halfpipe (without collecting any of the cans behind you since this costs you valuable seconds). Grind the left edge of the halfpipe and jump over the first two grates. On the next two grates try to collect all 6 (or at least 2) of the graffiti cans. Try to jump from the halfpipe directly to the stairs (no need to use the sideways facing halfpipe). Use the halfpipes to get over the next 4 grates graffiti-ing the two tags along the way. Grab as many cans as possible from the next section but DO NOT JUMP OFF the railing to get the medium tag (we will get this last). Make your way through the tunnel and up the sideways facing halfpipe and through another tunnel. You should now be in the place where there is a fork. You can also see a small tag on the wall to the right . DON'T GET IT YET.(we will get this 2nd last) Go left to the place where there is lots of water and see through platforms using the staircase and tunnel. Graffiti the tag (Take the forward path and use boost dash/jump to get over big gap). BTW the quickest way to exit this cavern after tagging is simply falling in the water. Go back to the fork and go forward and into the other cavern with water and platforms. Get the tag. At this point we have only graffitied 4/14 but we have used up about 60% of the time. Don't worry. We will get the next 10 in 40% of the time Exit the cavern and continue into the tunnels with the blue/brown piping. You can figure out what to do for the next 4 tags. Exit the 2nd tunnel with blue/brown piping and turn right into a tunnel with a spiralling grind. There should be a medium tag here. Exit the tunnel and to another tunnel with three more tags (1 large and 2 medium). I get the one on the ledge last. Exit the tunnel the same way you came in and grind right. Turn around 180 and make your way to the rail grind to get the small tag on the wall. Then finally get the medium tag we left till last. Bottom point of sewage Facility -------------------------------------- Best time: 1.14.68 Jet: 8.00.00 Nitro: 9.00.00 Turbo: 10.00.00 Engine: 24.00.00 Motor: 32.00.00 Grind left rail and collect all 9 cans; grind right side of halfpipe . Now this is the difficult bit. Your aim here is to get the two tags in this cavern and return to the halfpipe as quickly as possible. One of the tags is "on" the blue line and the other is "on" the brown line. It is of course possible to go down using the blue pipe jump the gap, follow it all the way to the bottom and come back up using the brown line BUT you will not get within 10 secs of my time. Here's the way I do it. I jump on the brown line first. Soon after tagging the graffiti you will reach a hump. Mini- Jump (hop) on the blue line just after top of the hump making sure you hold the controller all the way left so that you are facing the correct way. You should graffiti the tag on the blue line coming back. You will need to do all of this reasonably slowly. I once managed to start on the blue line (going at full speed) and then transfer to the brown line heading in the correct direction. I don't know how I did it though and haven't been able to reproduce this. Go back down using platform (by grinding right side of halfpipe to the end and letting yourself hit the platform) tagging the S,M,L along way . Fall off platform in halfpipe and spray L tag in halfpipe. You should have just enough cans to complete this task. Jump on blue pipe and then jump to platform. It's an option to boost dash here but it can be difficult to control. Tag the XL and Large on platform. Platform to brown pipe tagging the three remaining small along the way. Hikage St ------------ Best Time: 3.56.98 Jet: 10.00.00 Nitro: 11.00.00 Turbo: 12.00.00 Engine: 30.00.00 Motor: 40.00.00 I use CLUTCH here. This is very important as he can hold 35 cans instead of the standard 30. Yes cans are that important here and I never boost dash in this level. Go forward. I use the ramps instead of the stairs and then grind the billboards. You are now in an open area with a winding staircase. Make your way up the staircase (grind the rails of course) getting as many cans as possible. By the time you get the tag on the top level you MUST have 35 cans. If you manage to reach 35 cans before you reach the top you can cut corners and save time. Get the tag here and then fall down and go back from where you came. You should now have 34 cans. Turn left at the fork and spray the XL tag. Do NOT spray any part of the nearby large tag. Turn around 180 collecting all the cans (10 here so you should still have 34). Get the medium tag nearby and make your way to the left open area (the one with the convoluting staircase). Get all the tags on the way making sure not to waste any. The last tag you will be able to graffiti is an Xlarge one and you should just have enough for that. There will be a series of tags which you will not have enough paint for. Don't get them yet. We will get them on the way back. Make your way up the convoluting staircase in this area. There are two gaps you must jump. There are three shortcuts that you can take so that the journey up doesn't take so long. The first one comes before the first gap and should be obvious (there is a blue can to guide you). The second one comes between the first gap and second and also should be obvious (there is also another blue can to guide you). The third is JUST before the second gap, in fact it is an alternate way to negotiate the second gap. When you grind up a flight of stairs that is level with the second gap, immediately jump right. You should have negotiated the gap if you jumped soon and far enough. Phew!! The same tactic works for Graffiti Flag BTW. Anyway even though the tag is not on the top storey (it's on the second highest storey) we will go to the top storey so that we can have maximum cans. Make your way to the top storey and keep grinding until you see a billboard with about 8 blue cans hanging off it. Billboard grind this and you will now have 35 cans. The tag is nearby. Make your way back graffiti-ing the tags we missed earlier. You should now have 23 cans. If you're quick like I am the cans that you got when you started the level will not have rejuvenated yet (It takes three minutes to rejuvenate). Go to the final open area (The one with the crane). Graffiti the large tag on the way and go FORWARD (left is the way to the crane but unfortunately we will have run out of cans to spray so we need to take a minor detour to fill up). Collect most, preferably all cans here and head back and take a right at the fork to the crane. When you get to the crane area grind up the crane. Our aim is to get directly to the top storey using the crane. The crane is divided up into two parts (The bottom and top parts with a small gap in the middle). It is easiest to start grinding the left edge of the bottom part of the crane but you MUST then transfer to the right edge of the top part of the crane. (either by jumping on the right edge or falling on the right edge holding the analogue stick right while in mid flight). Near the top of the crane you should jump and hold the stick left so that you head in the correct direction. If you are lucky (believe me it takes a little luck) you will be grinding the rail and in the correct direction. (Use this tactic in Jet Flag too). There is still one more gap to jump and then jump between the doorway in the fence. Graffiti the last tag. (Yes it's long but it takes me 4 minutes and I don't waste any time) Kibogaoka Hill ------------------ Best time: 49.98 Jet: 5.00.00 Nitro: 7.00.00 Turbo: 9.00.00 Engine: 15.00.00 Motor: 20.00.00 Firstly I don't use any boost dash here. (It's possible but IMHO there's no good place to use it). Use the ramp to get to the top left line of the right pylon. Jump to the right line when convenient. Before you reach the end a circle of cans should appear in the distance. Jump off the line and collect as many as possible. Go around the corner and spray the large tag here. Then head to the walkway and grind the right rail. Immediately jump off the rail to the right and onto the platform. Get the 3 blue cans in this area and the large tag. Head to the staircase and jump over the left rail. Spray the X-large tag here. Go to the walkway and grind the right rail (the one with some cans on it). The rail bends sharply outwards and then sharply inwards. When it bends inwards jump off and onto the rope line. Jump over the houses and spray the last large tag. You'll need to slow down in mid air to successfully tag. Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park -------------------------------------------- Best time: 1.18.31 Jet: 5.00.00 Nitro: 6.00.00 Turbo: 7.00.00 Engine: 15.00.00 Motor: 20.00.00 They could have made this extremely difficult (I wish they had) but they chose not to :(. Turn around and grind the left blue wire. Follow the path up the ramps and boost dash whenever you can. Grind off the billboard and jump directly onto the handrail and up the air-conditioning unit. Fall down near the large pile of cans (hop to get as many as possible) and take the right path. Boost dash before your cans reach maximum. Jump off ramp and get the four cans in the air. Your can total should now be at maximum (or just a couple short). Fall down from the structure and boost dash again in the forward/right direction towards the ramp. Jump off the ramp onto the structure with the first tag. Use the turn around technique to graffiti. Go back the way you came and boost dash forward grabbing as many cans as possible. Use the ramps and satellite dishes to refill your can total. Jump off the last satellite dish and jump right to the building with the Xlrg tag. Graffiti the tag. (Don't waste time getting any of the cans on the top of this building). Jump back to the previous building and boost dash collecting as many cans as possible. You should now have at least 26 cans, enough for two boost dashes (plus the large tag). Boost dash twice to get to the last tag avoiding the ramps and not jumping. Highway Zero ------------------ Best Time: 1.18.38 Jet: 2.00.00 Nitro: 2.30.00 Turbo: 3.00.00 Engine: 6.00.00 Motor: 8.00.00 Firstly head straight right and jump on the rail to get FIVE cans. If you get less than five, towards the end of the level you will be one can short for a boost dash. You will need to get every can on the route to get close to this time. Go the obvious route grabbing ALL cans and wasting none. Jump, grind, spray the billboards until you reach the main street. Grind off the last billboard then hop on the green rail around the corner. Grind three sets of powerpoles before jumping to your left to get the XLRG tag. Make use of the turnaround graffiti technique. Go back to the end of the platform and jump on to the fourth powerpole. Jump onto the pipe section where you first grind the left pipe (fall off) then hop on the right pipe, fall off then hop on the right pipe (spraying two tags), then left (spraying two tags), then right (spraying two tags) before hopping onto the rail and jump, grind, spray the billboards. Don't jump off the last billboard this time. (just grind and fall). After that boost dash collecting all cans. Jump the gap using the ramp and get large tag. After tagging the large, boost dash and jump so that you land on the thin platform. Then walk over and spray the last medium. Sky Dinosaurian Square -------------------------- Best time: 2.22.73 Jet: 8.00.00 Nitro: 10.00.00 Turbo: 12.00.00 Engine: 24.00.00 Motor: 32.00.00 Skate forward and negotiate the turnstile (either by hopping over it or skating through the gap. Grind the left dividing rope (collecting 3 blue cans on the way) and jump off it onto the left rail of the roller coaster (collecting another 4 blue cans on the way). Boost dash as soon as you get onto this line. Near the top of the second hump jump left into the mouth of the T-rex. You will have to slow down significantly to get the first tag. There are a further 4 inside the T-rex. Continue grinding down the main red line so you can graffiti the two tags on the side of the volcano. After you get the 2nd (small tag) down the side, jump. You should be heading in the direction of a green line. Before you reach the gap in the green line jump left back onto the main red line. You should now be near the part with the vertical spirals. Jump through as many of these as you can without boost dashing (to save you a little time). Soon after you'll reach a twist in the rail with a medium tag to your left that you should get. After this jump towards the mini roller coaster system and get the X-large tag here. On your way back jump right back on the main red line. You should now be near the part where you can graffiti 4 tags while spiralling upwards. These tags are on the wall and should present you with no problems. Slow down slightly for the first and last of these which are medium tags. You should now have graffitied 13/20 tags. We are now back at the beginning. This time transfer to the right line (since there are cans we didn't pick up on the first rotation). When you reach the top of the second hump jump forward and slightly to your right so you land on the green line just before the head of the stegosaurus (or whatever it is). There is a SS tag which you should slow down to get. There is also an X-lrg tag on his back which you should also graffiti. Do this very slowly. After spraying the back of the stegosaurus quickly gain speed and jump to your left so that you land on top of the building. Walk off the building and you should be back on the main line where we sprayed the second of our tags on the volcano. Again, jump over to the green line. When we reach the gap this time however we want to jump forward and slightly left so we land on the green line with the large tag on it. Slow down to graffiti this tag. Quickly gather speed by tricking and jump the gap. Around the corner of this volcano there is another large tag which you need to slow down to get. Another small tag soon after and you can jump twice to get back on the main red line. Now we only have two left. Soon after getting back on the main red line you should be near the amphitheatre. Jump forward and to the green line that travels around the left side of the amphitheatre. Slow down to graffiti the extra large tag here. Continue on this line and jump off to the mini roller coaster system to get the final x-lrg Fortified Residential Zone ------------------------------ Best time: 2.55.86 Jet: 10.00.00 Nitro: 12.00.00 Turbo: 14.00.00 Engine: 30.00.00 Motor: 40.00.00 Go left and grind up the staircase grabbing ALL 6 cans. Head left and grab the two blue cans. Head up the stairs and tag the medium and grab ALL 7 cans before tagging the XLarge. Up the stairs and graffiti the three tags (S,M,L) here. Up the stairs grabbing all the cans on the way. Graffiti all tags in this area before heading towards the staircase. Graffiti all in the next area too and head towards the staircase. You should have about 12 cans left. When grinding down the next set of stairs you should have 29 or 30 (if using a 30 can limit character) or at least 31 if using Clutch. Tag all in the next area (Level 2) before heading towards the spiralling staircase. You must have 13 cans here. If you only have 12 grab at least 1 from under the spiralling staircase. After heading up the spiralling staircase and up another straight staircase graffiti the M tag. Jump off back down toward level 2 and land on the staircase near the XL tag. Graffiti the XL and grind the nearby staircase. Jump the gap landing on the LHS rail so you can grab all the cans (although cans aren't a problem here on in). Make your way to the large tag and graffiti. There is also another Large and medium on this level . Head up the stairs and tag the Large here too. Head towards the "Giant of Metal" and jump directly onto it. Do a hop. For some reason if you jump on it with a large jump your characters heads down the "giant of Metal" and not up it. Once up to the top storey fall down the hole (and then more holes) to find the last Medium tag. JET TECHNIQUE +++++++++++++++ General Tactics: To get a high score just find the bonus rail (listed in the Street Challenges section) and grind. Repeat until 5 minutes is up. If you don't get a JET ranking on your first go re-read section 6.3. ALWAYS use the Y button. TIME YOUR GRINDS CORRECTLY. I almost never "stuff" up. How?? Am I a machine???? No... The secret is to look at the clock at the top and press the Y button twice per second (How convenient!!!). You will almost never "stuff" up. Also, air combos are VERY valuable. If you haven't "stuffed" up you should have a 16x multiplier. When you jump off you get 1000 x 16 = 16000 and for every trick you also get this amount. Unless stated otherwise jump off rail and do air tricks. Also hold back on controller so that it doesn't take you long to get back on rail. (You do not have to be travelling forward for air tricks to register) This is something you might consider: (a tactic which I don't use and all scores can be achieved with out this) It might be advantageous to slow down so that your speedometer in the bottom right hand corner is just over half the maximum speed. That way you still get points at the same rate but you waste less time jumping on/off the bonus rail. I would speculate that this tactic is practically useless on a long bonus rail such as Shibuya Terminal (since you don't waste much time jumping on/off the bonus rail) and might be detrimental since you don't get as many air tricks in over the 5 minute period. Dogenzaka Hill ---------------- Best score: 3796460 Jet: 2000000 Nitro: 1800000 Turbo: 1600000 Engine: 200000 Motor: 20000 Tactic: Grind bonus rail on left hand side of road and jump off getting two air tricks in. Repeat Shibuya Terminal --------------------- Best score: 4299500 Jet: 2000000 Nitro: 1800000 Turbo: 1600000 Engine: 200000 Motor: 20000 Tactic: Grind long bonus rail as outlined in the street challenge section and jump off getting two air tricks in. Repeat Chuo St ----------- Best score: 3540570 Jet: 1000000 Nitro: 900000 Turbo: 800000 Engine: 100000 Motor: 10000 Tactic: Grind bonus rail and jump off getting two air tricks in. Repeat Rokkaku-dai Heights ------------------------- Best score: 3062150 Jet: 1600000 Nitro: 1400000 Turbo: 1200000 Engine: 200000 Motor: 20000 Tactic: Go right up to the top of this level. There is a very long bonus rail here. For some reason though, it is hard to time without getting the error noise. 99th St --------- Best score: 3988040 Jet: 2000000 Nitro: 1800000 Turbo: 1600000 Engine: 200000 Motor: 20000 Tactic: I grind up the dragon and fall off. Then grind down the dragon and perform a couple of air tricks. Repeat. Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility --------------------------------- Best Score: 3740500 Jet: 2000000 Nitro: 1800000 Turbo: 1600000 Engine: 200000 Motor: 20000 Tactic: I use the rail immediately in front/left of you when you start. Grind and put in two air tricks. Repeat. Alternatively... Go up to the top and grind the circle thing the best tactic???? Might not want to jump and do air combo's since you can only get one trick in and it's risky If you can beat my score using the alternate method email me Bottom point of Sewage Facility -------------------------------------- Best Score: 3694380 Jet: 1600000 Nitro: 1400000 Turbo: 1200000 Engine: 200000 Motor: 20000 Tactic: I don't think it's possible to get 4 000 000+ points using the obvious way (grinding up and down a brown pipe repeatedly) but it is using this method. I just couldn't be bothered doing it. In the points section I mentioned that if you land in a halfpipe your points count doesn't reset. We use this to our advantage. I like doing tricks in the halfpipe after the second brown pipe because it is 100% straight and therefore easier to do tricks off. Basically grind the first two brown pipes as normal. Fall in the straight halfpipe. Keep tricking of alternate quarters of the halfpipe. You should be able to get two Y tricks each time giving you 3 x 16 x 1000 points (since you get credit merely for going up in the air). There are three ways that you may accidentally reset your points count. Firstly by jumping too early and grinding a ledge, secondly by not jumping/jumping too late will also cause you to grind the ledge and lastly by changing directions quickly in the halfpipe which will cause you to skid resetting the points count. Hikage St ------------ Best Score: 4626500 Jet: 3000000 Nitro: 2700000 Turbo: 2400000 Engine: 300000 Motor: 30000 Tactic: Grind all the way to the top jumping and performing air tricks when necessary. When you reach the gap at the top jump off all the way to the base of the stair landing directly on the rail. You should be able to perform three air tricks while falling. Kibogaoka Hill ------------------ Best Score: 2944480 Jet: 1000000 Nitro: 900000 Turbo: 800000 Engine: 100000 Motor: 10000 Tactic: This score was achieved by completing (almost) 3 laps of the circuit. I'll print out the route later if no one can beat this score but basically some of the lines in this level are bonus lines. Take these lines. Also when you get to the 16 parallel lines take the bottom right line of the left pylon. It is a really long bonus line. Remember to try and get an air trick in before each billboard, always jump off billboards and always trick and get as many air tricks after you jump off the billboard!!! The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park -------------------------------------------- Best Score: 3330000 Jet: 1000000 Nitro: 900000 Turbo: 800000 Engine: 100000 Motor: 10000 Tactic: Just grind up and down the globe. Don't perform air tricks Highway Zero ------------------ Best Score: 5151690 Jet: 1000000 Nitro: 900000 Turbo: 800000 Engine: 100000 Motor: 10000 Tactic: If your aim is simply to get a "Jet" rating then you can simply grind up and down the telegraph poles and you'll probably get more than 2 million points. If you want to get 3 million or more then we will need a different approach. Basically we want to get to the section where there are 6 Billboards in a row. We can get about 300000 points in about 10 seconds (20 seconds round trip) in this area. Here's how. The rail before the start of the first billboard is a bonus rail. If we grind it 4 times we can get up to the 16x multiplier. (When we jump on it we get the 1x multiplier then by grinding it we get 2x,4x,8x,16x) Doing some maths we get 500 + 2 x 500 + 4 x 500 + 8 x 500 + 16 x 500 = 15500 Now here's where we get the majority of points. Jump off rail = 1000 x 16 Grind billboard = 1500 x 16 Jump off billboard = 1000 x 16 Grind billboard = 1500 x 16 Jump off billboard = 1000 x 16 (repeat four times) + air trick at end 8 x 1000 x 16 + 6 x 1500 x 16 = 272000 Add that to the points we initially got and we get almost 300000 for this one series of tricks. The reason why I have explained the mathematics of the scoring system is to demonstrate that you MUST grind the bonus rail four times. If you only grind it three times your multiplier will only be 8 and your total will be closer to 150000 rather that 300000. Similarly grinding it another time (five times) won't help your score much because 16x is the maximum multiplier A tip to grind the bonus rail four times is to slow down after you initially hop onto it. For experts: It's in fact possible to get an air trick in just before you reach each billboard This will increase your total by 6 x 1000 x 16 = 96000 which means you can get about 380000 per 20 secs !!!. Using this tactic it is easily possible to get over 5 million. Sky Dinosaurian Square -------------------------- Best Score: 4593530 Jet: 1600000 Nitro: 1400000 Turbo: 1200000 Engine: 200000 Motor: 20000 Tactic: Near the beginning there is a Green track to the right of the start of the main red track. Grind this all the way to the end and jump off to the start of this green track (it is basically a loop). Perform an air trick. Repeat. Fortified Residential Zone ------------------------------ Best Score: 2798500 Jet: 1000000 Nitro: 900000 Turbo: 800000 Engine: 100000 Motor: 10000 Tactic: I use the green rail which is forward and slightly to the right of you when you start. This rail is almost U shaped. Remember perform air tricks as this is how you get most of your points. If you are skilful you should be able to get two air tricks in at least some of the time. I suspect it is easily possible to get more than 3 million. JET DASH +++++++++ Dogenzaka Hill ---------------- Best time: 1.28.55 Jet: 1.47.00 Nitro: 2.01.00 Turbo: 2.14.00 Engine: 7.00.00 Motor: 12.00.00 When I use the word hop here I mean tap on the jump button. If you use a full jump you will actually be a little slower. Remember, in this level the lower to the ground you can stay the faster your time will be. Skate to the central divider and hop on it. Then fall off it and hop onto the next rail. Jump off this rail collecting all the cans. Hop onto the next rail and at the end of this rail jump directly onto the next rail collecting all the cans on the way. At the end of this rail again jump and collect all the cans (you should now have 22 cans) but direct your character left onto the road (avoiding the traffic). When you hit the road boost dash and hop onto the rail on the left. Fall off this rail and go forward and hug the right side of the next rail before hopping onto it (and collecting all the cans on it). Your boost dash should run out sometime while on this rail. At the end of this rail jump left to the RHS rail (The one with all the cans on it). Sometime on this rail boost dash. Fall off this rail collect all the cans while again using another boost dash. Soon after you collect the last blue can jump (actually boost dash jump since your boost dash should still be active) toward the middle billboard and grind it to the right collecting the two blue cans on the way. While in the air try and make your character turn to the left. As soon as you hit the ground boost dash and negotiate the corner. Hug the LHS of the rail and hop on collecting all cans along the way. Before your can total maxes out boost dash. Jump off the end of the rail (you should have 29 cans now but it doesn't matter if you've missed out on one). Cut as much of the corner as you can. On landing you'll have to negotiate another corner. Again fall off the platform and cut as much of the corner as you can. Upon landing boost dash towards the platform on your left and jump on it. Jump off it while the boost dash is still active and aim towards the stairs with two blue cans on it (Jumping over one platform). Near the end of the stair rail you want to boost dash again. Fall off the rail in the direction of the blue can. Get the next one or maybe two yellow cans before turning left. Boost dash again up the Hill where you MUST collect all three blue cans. You should have 30 cans here by now. We are going to boost dash another 4 times before we get to the halfpipe. Boost dash hugging the wall and jump trying to get the two blue cans. You must jump before you can see the cans otherwise you'll jump over them. (It's not easy). Boost dash again and jump on the rail leading to the rooftop. Once on the rooftop boost dash again to fall on the second rooftop and eventually on the ground. Once on the ground boost dash again all the way to the halfpipe and try to jump on the right edge of the halfpipe before your boost dash runs out. Jump off the right edge when you have to and make your way to the left ledge. Jump off the left ledge over the staircase rail. Chuo St ----------- Best time: 1.33.70 Jet: 2.01.00 Nitro: 2.16.00 Turbo: 2.31.00 Engine: 7.00.00 Motor: 12.00.00 Grind the inside ledge of the right ramp in front of you. You'll now have 9 cans. Make your way down to the double doors (The one with the "7200" above it) and enter. Fall on the left line and when you can jump to the central divider (of the road). After collecting the cans on the central divider fall off on to the road. Boost dash to the rail on the right past the truck with the solitary blue can on it. After collecting this can you should have 21 cans. Fall off the power pole, jump over the gap and hop up on the higher platform. Now boost dash while jumping over two gaps and collect 10 cans. Before you fall back down to the road get another boost dash in, in the direction of the RHS billboard. Jump to the billboard (before your boost dash runs out) and jump and grind off the left billboard. You should now have 22 cans. Boost dash. After you navigate the last wall boost dash again remembering that as soon as you turn the corner there are cans to the left that you must get. Boost dash as soon as you get these cans and hop on the rail. You are now in the zigzagging street. The fastest way to negotiate the zigzagging street is NOT to collect a single can. Grind the rails and fall off them. Then hop on the next rail etc. When you reach the end of the street jump to the left directly onto the fallen steel girder in the alleyway. Fall off girder hop on next girder, fall off this girder and hop on next girder jumping off this to collect some cans (make sure you get the blue can). You should land on last girder where you should fall off it. Immediately boost dash and jump on the staircase (cutting as much corner as possible). One more boost dash to the finish if you gain enough cans. Bottom point of sewage Facility -------------------------------------- Best time: 1.40.78 Jet: 2.12.00 Nitro: 2.28.00 Turbo: 2.45.00 Engine: 7.00.00 Motor: 12.00.00 I may never put up an exact route for this level as there as so many possible variations (and it's not one of my favourite levels). CUT CORNERS though. Kibogaoka Hill ------------------ Best time: 1.34.33 Jet: 2.45.00 Nitro: 3.05.00 Turbo: 3.26.00 Engine: 8.00.00 Motor: 13.00.00 Thanks to Thilo Kreibich for some tips in this section In general use up your boost dash ASAP. I will now attempt to describe the route that I take but won't tell you where you should use the boost dashes. It doesn't really matter as long as you get the boost dash in at the end. Grab all the cans in front of you. Take the LEFT line. Then jump up onto the high left line. Follow this line all the way to the end and fall off landing on another line. At the highest point of this line jump off forward off this line onto another. Jump and grind-jump lower billboard (to right line) grabbing as many cans as possible. Follow this line and jump then grind-jump next (top) billboard to the left high line. Follow this line and then jump to the top billboard and grind-jump collecting both the blue cans on the way. Land on the next line. You will now be in a corridor-ed section with grind-able green walls. Jump to the right line. Boost Dash this on this line before it ends and grind the wall on the right. Fall off this grind and you should be able to make it onto another line. Jump off the line cutting as much of the corner as possible and land on the next line. Before this line ends jump to the billboard and grind/jump off it over the platform. Follow this line to the end and jump to the pipe. Jump off the pipe (collecting all 3 blue cans) to the next line. At the end of this line jump to pipe and then boost dash while on the pipe. Immediately jump off and jump THROUGH the left hand billboard landing on the second highest storey. You are now in the place with the massive pylons. Use ramp to get to the bottom right line of the left pylon. This line leads us almost back to the beginning. Jump off the line just before it ends and boost dash (Hopefully you've saved 10 cans just for this). Fall and you should be back at the beginning. Highway Zero ------------------ Best Time: 57.88 Jet: 1.14.00 Nitro: 1.24.00 Turbo: 1.33.00 Engine: 6.00.00 Motor: 11.00.00 Head to the handrail on slightly in front and to the left of the start. Grab all the cans here. Jump from power pole to power pole until you reach the pipes. Grind the pipes with the cans FALLING off each one as you reach the end of them. If you jump from pipe to pipe you will lose time. You should be able to boost dash twice in the section. Transfer to the handrail (you should be boost dashing on to it) and jump/grind the billboards. Grind off the last billboard (don't jump). Immediately boost dash to the ramp and jump and grind the billboards again falling off the last one. Boost dash to the next ramp and jump while on the ramp to make it onto the road (alternatively you can boost dash jump from the right hand side of the ramp and make it on to the road, I haven't found either way to be significantly quicker). Once on the road, boost dash THROUGH the electric billboard (I think it's actually a hologram) and onto the rail on the side of the road. Fall off the rail and onto the road. You should have 20 cans. Boost dash on the road long jumping before your boost dash runs out so that you can get over the step. Boost dash to finish. I count seven boost dashes. (two on the pipes, two to get to the ramps, one to get over the gap on to the road, and two to finish). Sky Dinosaurian Square -------------------------- Best time: 38.45 Jet: 1.22.00 Nitro: 1.32.00 Turbo: 1.43.00 Engine: 6.30.00 Motor: 11.30.00 Tactics written by Immortals with help from Yoyo_jsrf I have presented two alternatives for this level because they are very different from each other. {alternative 1} is much easier and is entirely "on rails". {alternative 2} involves you jumping on rocks but can save you about 4 seconds. If you are reading this and only want to get "Jet" time taking any one of the shortcuts presented in {alternative 1} is sufficient. No matter what route you take it always seems to say "wrong way" at one point or another. Maybe there is yet another faster route?? Also in this level if you fall down you actually die and not just lose energy Skate forward and negotiate the turnstile (either by hopping over it or skating through the gap. Grind the left dividing rope (collecting 3 blue cans on the way) and jump off it onto the left rail of the roller coaster (collecting another 4 blue cans on the way). Boost dash as soon as you get onto this line. {Alternative 1 - Best time 42.06} Here is SHORTCUT 1. At the top of the hump, jump onto the green line in front of you (Your boost dash should still be active and so you should have no problems making it). Boost dash again as soon as you hit this green line. This green line travels upwards and left in an arc. Just after the leftmost point of the arc and after it starts going back right, jump over the back of the T-rex and land on the left rail of the main red line. Soon after you will encounter SHORTCUT 2. After the volcano (after T-Rex) you will see a green line. Jump on that line. Before the gap in the green line jump left and you will be back on the main red line. Try to land on the left rail of the main red line. {end Alternative 1 (read past end of alternative 2)} {Alternative 2 - Best time 38.45} Stay on the main red line. Transfer to the right line to collect all the blue cans. Boost dash before you max out you can total. At the top of the second hump, (when the fire comes out from the side) jump left ON TOP of the head of T-rex. Grind down the back of T-rex. Jump to the outcropping of rock in front of you. You want to jump on the left side of this structure. Now boost dash forward and slightly to your right. Do not jump. If done correctly you will be back on the main red line. Fiddle the analogue stick so you are heading in the correct direction. {end Alternative 2} You will see a series of vertical looping spirals. Here is SHORTCUT 3. Before you reach the vertical looping spirals, Boost Dash. Before the line curls away to the right, JUMP. If done correctly you will go through all 4 spirals!!!!, more probably though you will avoid the first 3 spirals and only have to go upside down once. After the series of vertical looping spirals you will see a twisting rail. Jump over it and onto the left rail. There will be a couple of blue cans here to use on landing. Now for SHORTCUT 4, Before you descend into the four horizontal spirals jump onto the top spiral. Jet FLAG ++++++++ Shibuya Terminal --------------------- Best time: 56.98 Jet: 2.56.00 Nitro: 3.18.00 Turbo: 3.40.00 Engine: 13.00.00 Motor: 18.00.00 The traffic in all levels is 100% predictable and it's never more so obvious than in this level. For people who are approaching my time there are references to the traffic. For others ignore traffic report :) Go forward and head right jumping over two gaps. Try to collect at least 1 can during jumping. Now this part can be difficult. Use the slanted platform to gain speed and jump over the railing and to the left (in line with the first flag). You should land on the railing that is in line with the platform that the first flag is on and on the flat surface as well. Jump off the railing and on the platform and keep skating until you reach FLAG 1. (For those who want to approach my time you should have taken less than 11 secs to get here) As soon as you touch Flag 1 turn sharply left and fall off the platform. Avoid the bench and jump on the railing collecting all the cans. Boost dash while on the railing and jump across the road to the railing on the other side of the road. Take this rail all the way but jump just before you reach the end. You'll collect FLAG 2. Make a sharp turn left. Boost dash to the circular railing picking up a yellow can and then a blue can (if you're really quick a car will be in the way - Wait while it passes you before boost dashing). Jump just after the blue can and try to make it to the railing that divides the footpath and the road, collecting some cans. (if you're really quick you should just beat the bus which stops if it detects you are near). Boost dash while getting on the railing, jumping the gap and collecting all the cans on the way. Grind the traffic light pole up to FLAG 3. You should have about 23-25 cans or so when you collect this flag. Jump off as soon as you collect the flag and try and collect a couple of cans behind the bus. Boost dash across the road avoiding the bench. There are 5 more cans here. Collect as many as you need to make 20. Boost dash again avoiding the sign. (I normally steer right of the sign) Hop on the railing going left. Hopefully if your boost dash is still in effect you will skip over the small gap and collect FLAG 4. You should now have 10+ cans and one more boost dash left. I normally boost dash just before the end of the grind before jumping the road and then jumping again (before my boost dash has run out) to make it onto the left side of the flight of stairs. Immediately after the staircase turns to the left jump across the gap to the other staircase and then immediately jump left again to collect FLAG 5 Rokkaku-dai Heights ------------------------- Best time: 1.34.46 Jet: 5.30.00 Nitro: 6.11.00 Turbo: 6.52.00 Engine: 15.30.00 Motor: 20.30.00 This time is tough, so I'll try to be as explicit as possible. (What's with the laughably easy Jet time???) Grab 1 can on the way to the stairway. Grab the 5 cans on the stairway rail. Go forward and grab the 4 on the pole. Grind the wires and jump off the wire directly to the stairway rail. Jump off the middle of the stairway rail (the flat part of the rail) onto level ground. Direct your character towards the "refresher caravan" and boost dash. You will now have full cans (since the "refresher caravan" refills all your cans) Boost dash collecting FLAG 1 along the way. Boost dash AGAIN to reach the warehouse with the railway lines in them. Take the right line (you'll find it difficult if not impossible to take the left line without losing time - we'll take this line on the way back). Upon exiting the warehouse turn left and boost dash towards the pole. You'll only have 5 cans after boost dashing. Up the pole collecting cans and after collecting the last can jump to your left to the other power line. Jump to billboard grind/fall on pipe, jump to next billboard and then boost dash while billboard grinding. Fall on pipe and then jump. Keep going forward and grind the left rail of the stairs while boost dashing yet again. On the way you'll collect FLAG 2. Keep going forward after falling off the stair rail and collect the two blue cans. Go up the pole. Again we want to boost dash on the second billboard grind. After falling on the second pipe jump left to a gap near a set of stairs. Jump across the massive gap (Your boost dash should still be active). Collect about 5 cans on the next rail before jumping left and collecting FLAG 3. Turn around and grind up the slanted pole. Grind and jump/billboard grind to reach the platform. You should easily have 30 cans here. As soon as you land on the platform boost dash. Boost dash again to reach another slanted pole. I would run up the slanted pole instead of jumping onto it as you'll probably get a couple more cans this way. Jump off power pole and billboard grind etc. to get to the next platform. Collect the blue can here and boost dash across the gap over the rails directly to the Silo. Hopefully you'll have at least 15 cans at this point. Just before you reach FLAG 4 boost dash. Jump off the silo and use air tricks to fall back down to earth. Aim your character to the warehouse entrance and take the right rail (so you collect the five cans that you didn't collect on the way in). After you exit the warehouse you can boost dash and jump and you should be able to collect FLAG 5. 99th St --------- Best time: 1.49.70 (Set by HipHopHead) Jet: 7.20.00 Nitro: 8.15.00 Turbo: 9.10.00 Engine: 17.30.00 Motor: 22.30.00 It's quite easy to get a time of under 2 minutes here provided you take the correct route. If you want to shave the 10 secs or so to get the record then you'll need to make use of the cans efficiently From the start immediately fall off the edge and onto the line leading to the lit section of the level. Follow the line all the way until you see the flag. Jump off the line and get FLAG 1. Turn around . You should have 24 cans. Boost dash into the 3 blue cans (leaving you with 29 cans). Go down the alleyway boost dashing twice along the way while collecting as many cans as possible. At the end of the alleyway you should have at least 26 (Preferably 28). Grind the purple handrail to the left and boost dash while on the rail (making the two jumps and collecting the cans along the way). Jump into the alleyway leading to the unlit section of the level and collect as many cans as possible while boost dashing twice along the way. (Tip for experts - I would leave about three cans at the beginning of this alleyway, you should still have 15 cans as you enter the alleyway and can collect these three on the way out. These cans will be very important later on) You should have at least 15 cans as you exit the alleyway. Collect the 3 blue cans and FLAG 2. With 30 cans now at your disposal you can boost dash three times through the alleyway to get to the end. After your first boost dash you should be past the three pillars sticking out of the wall on the right. Hug the right wall. This will give you the best angle to cut the corner without getting stuck in one of the pillars (when boost dashing). After boost dashing for a third time, jump on the handrail at the end and then jump right directly on the tail of the dragon (You may need to perform tricks to make the distance). Jump off the dragon near the end and skid so that you're facing the dragon again while picking up FLAG 3. Now jump from the road directly to the spiral dragon (heading right/up). Almost immediately you should jump off the spiral dragon to get to the line leading to the unlit section of the level. Follow the line to get FLAG 4 As soon as you pick up flag 4, jump right and make your way back to the dragon. Now for probably the toughest part of the level. It will probably save you about 2-3 secs. After you jump right off the line, you should boost dash and jump onto the right "wing-like" structure. From there you want to "long jump" (your boost dash should still be active but lightly pressing on the jump button gives you a lower trajectory) to the platform with the 2 blue cans on it. If you have 5 cans or more you will only need to collect 1 of these cans. If you have less than five you will need to collect both. Anyway, boost dash again to the ramp and jump to get back on the line. From the line jump directly to the spiralling dragon (jump over/right of the billboard) FLAG 5 # Tokyo Underground Facility --------------------------------- Best Time: 59.81 Jet: 1.33.00 Nitro: 1.45.00 Turbo: 1.56.00 Engine: 11.30.00 Motor: 16.30.00 Head straight and grind the rail to the right. Then jump onto the stair rail collecting all the cans and FLAG 1. IMMEDIATELY after you grab Flag 1 (preferably just before) jump forward onto the next rail where there are another four cans. You should now have 9 cans. Follow this rail and jump onto the right edge of the halfpipe before the rail bends. At the end of the grind jump forward/right onto a rail. Jump left and Grind the wall before jumping to get FLAG 2. This rail bends to the right and then right again. Jump forward before the second right bend to land on another rail. Then almost immediately jump again into the halfpipe. Grind the ledge of the halfpipe to the left and fall onto the handrail. You should pick up one or two cans (making 10+ cans) on this handrail if you have followed my instructions. Just before the handrail veers off to the right jump and get FLAG 3. Don't land on the rail though because you'll be heading off in the wrong direction. Hop on the rail making sure you're going the right way (Towards the vertical caverns). As soon as you hop on the rail boost dash and jump cutting off as much corner as possible and landing back on the rail. Jump off the rail to the right and grind the left edge of the halfpipe in the left vertical cavern. Here's the tricky bit that will save you a bit of time. Instead of falling/jumping in the halfpipe and grinding the spiral, jump off the halfpipe and to the middle of the spiral. (It is the straight section of the spiral). Jump again to get to another halfpipe. Jump from the middle of the halfpipe to the left edge and grind it. Jump/grind left wall and then jump grind central wall to get FLAG4. Grind right wall then grind the nearest edge of halfpipe. FALL IN THE WATER. After emerging out of the water you'll be on the correct side of the spiral without having lost much time. Grind the right (facing the main cavern) edge of this halfpipe. Jump off the end to land on the platform. Hop over the rail in the direction of FLAG 5 and collect. Hikage St ------------ Best Time: 3.05.16 Jet: 9.54.00 Nitro: 11.08.00 Turbo: 12.22.00 Engine: 20.00.00 Motor: 25.00.00 In general use your boost dashes on flat or uphill ground. Ie. Don't use while grinding. There aren't many cans on this level!!! Take the obvious route to FLAG 1. The route to FLAG 2 is also obvious. Make your way to the convoluting staircase in this area. There are two gaps you must jump. There are three shortcuts that you can take so that the journey up doesn't take so long. The first one comes before the first gap and should be obvious (there is a blue can to guide you). The second one comes between the first gap and second and also should be obvious (there is also another blue can to guide you). The third is JUST before the second gap, in fact it is an alternate way to negotiate the second gap. When you grind up a flight of stairs that is level with the second gap, immediately jump right. You should have negotiated the gap if you jumped soon and far enough. Soon after you can jump to your right and collect FLAG 3. Make your way to the other side of the map where flag 4 is (crane area). When you get to the crane area grind up the crane. Our aim is to get directly to the top storey using the crane. The crane is divided up into two parts (The bottom and top parts with a small gap in the middle). It is easiest to start grinding the left edge of the bottom part of the crane but you MUST then transfer to the right edge of the top part of the crane. (either by jumping on the right edge or falling on the right edge holding the analogue stick right while in mid flight). Try to grind this edge at close to top speed by doing X tricks. Near the top of the crane you should jump and hold the stick left so that you head in the correct direction. If you are lucky (believe me it takes a little luck) you will be grinding the rail and in the correct direction. Jump on the platform and collect FLAG 4 Make your way to the central open area. Hopefully you will have about 10 cans left for this section. We will boost dash twice so we need to collect an additional 10 cans. Basically this section this is one long grind with five stories circling to the top. However here is a big shortcut. Just before you grind up the RHS of the stairway that goes from the first floor to the second, boost dash and jump while on the stairway. You will go immediately to the third floor. Similarly, on the stairway that goes from the third floor to the fourth floor you can boost dash jump while on the stairway to immediately make it to the top floor!! Once you reach the top collect FLAG 5 The Skyscraper District and Pharaoh Park -------------------------------------------- Best time: 41.70 Jet: 1.06.00 Nitro: 1.14.00 Turbo: 1.22.00 Engine: 11.00.00 Motor: 16.00.00 Tactic written by HipHopHead As soon as the countdown ends, head straight for the neon rail to the immediate right. Grind all the way to the end, and without jumping, manoeuvre around the first vertical neon pole (I find it easier to go around it on the right, but be careful not to fall off the walkway!). It is important not to get stuck for even here, it should be a smooth motion between grinding off the end of the rail, and skating around the vertical pole in front of you. Skate back towards the centre of the walkway, gathering paint, as you progress through the Egyptian arch ahead. By the time you make it through the arch, you should have between 9-11 cans of spray paint and the 1st flag (any less paint and you can't complete the level quickly, any more paint and you're wasting your time!). Jump quickly onto the neon rail ahead and to the left. Ride it all the way (if you have 9 paint from before, it's important to hold the directional control forward to get the one paint at the end of the rail). Don't jump at the end of the rail, skate off it onto the ground ahead, and quickly hop onto the neon rail in front of you which goes along the edge of the platform. You should get the next (2nd) flag while grinding on this rail. Hop off the rail before it ends, and push as far right as possible. You want to go directly behind the way you were headed on the rail a second ago. Your next goal is to get on the toppled stone pillars that lead up to the 3rd flag. You should be headed back the direction you came from. It is important to get on the pillar as fast as possible. I found it is possible to skate under the rail you were on earlier (the one you were grinding before the one you were just on). Don't hit your head and get stuck! It takes a little fancy footwork, but you must jump onto the pillar's closest edge to grind directly to the flag (You want to have your character oriented so they grind up the pillar). Don't "jump" off the end of it, just let your momentum send you sailing through the air down to the disk below. Head directly across it to the edge with the walkway that has a squat ziggurat built on it (with the stairs that lead up to the 4th flag). Jump from the edge of the rotating disk as far as possible towards that walkway. It's important that you miss landing (and subsequently grinding) on the other set of toppled pillars (like the ones you were grinding up a second ago when you got the previous flag). Remember to correct for the inertia that you'll get from the disk because it will be starting to spin, by the time you jump off. Skate forward to the stairs ahead. Right before you step on the first stair jump hard and press forward. Take several steps up the stairs after you land and jump to the sandstone landing with the flag, as soon as you are able (meaning, take as few steps on the stairs as possible). Grab the 4th flag quickly, and with out changing the view, turn your character all the way around and skate to the edge of the landing (so the stairs you just went up are just a little in front of you). Jump from the landing you are on, to the one in front of your character (the camera will not be pointing the correct direction, so you just have to get a feel for this to do it properly). OK, now for the BIG SECRET I figured out! You should be skating forward on the sandstone landing that is on the opposite side of the stairs (the right side, if you were standing at the base of the stairs looking up) from the one you just grabbed the flag on. Hit boost (using the 10 spray cans you have already collected) and jump! You should aim yourself at the area with the pyramid that you can grind on (sort of to the left). If you time it right, you can get all the way across the gap. It's a huge shortcut! :) Grind up the central (meaning central to the walkway it is built on) edge of the small pyramid that should be in front of you. Time your jump so you don't catch a bunch of air (and lose speed) at the capstone of the pyramid. You want to land on the level above, which has the final flag on it. Go get the last (5th) flag and you should have a respectable time. Fortified Residential Zone ------------------------------ Best time: 41.03 Jet: 1.24.00 Nitro: 1.35.00 Turbo: 1.45.00 Engine: 11.30.00 Motor: 16.30.00 Tactics thanks to HipHopHead As soon as the countdown ends, immediately face right (without skating forward). You should be looking at a stairway with a metal pipe lying on the ground beyond and beneath them. Skate forward and grind on this brownish coloured pipe until just before there is a bend in the pipe. Right before the pipe turns and ruins your forward momentum, jump off this brownish coloured pipe onto the greenish pipe over to the left (which has the first flag floating on it). As you land on the greenish coloured pipe get ready to jump again. It's important that you jump right before you actually get the flag (you should still grab the flag, but you'll be in the air as you do so, instead). You want to jump hard enough that you can get an angle that is hard left (and maybe even a little behind you). You should end up on a brownish coloured pipe headed briefly a different direction, before you need to hop off towards the next greenish coloured pipe that has the flag on it. Land briefly on the greenish coloured pipe with the flag, and again, jump right before you get the flag (and are subsequently forced to turn and lose you momentum in the correct direction). You should jump towards the short brownish coloured pipe which lays on the level's floor ahead and to the right. You'll probably briefly hit the ground right in front of this last short brownish coloured pipe in front of you, but hop onto it (you want to be grinding to the left). This will be a short grind, because you need to jump onto the right railing of the ascending stairway ahead. Get the cans on your way up the rails and boost as soon as you are able. As you make your way up these alternating railings and ladders, try to keep your airtime as brief as possible (you can often still convert to good grind when it looks like you are going to whack your head flipping from a ladder). You should have enough paint to boost again by the time you reach the 3rd flag at the top of the rails/ladders (but save it for what comes next). OK, now for the BIG SECRET I figured out! As you get the flag, immediately turn entirely around, and use the second boost to go flying from the platform on which you are standing, off into space. It is important to take two things into consideration; 1. Don't hit the rail on your way off the platform. 2. You are trying to go as straight as possible towards the elevated area that holds the next flag on the opposite side of the level. Aim towards the left railing of the right stairway which ascends up to the area with the next flag. You should land right in front of the correct rail when you finally touch the ground or on one of the pipes just in front of the rail in which case you should jump immediately to the rail Grind up this rail, turn left getting the 4th flag and the two blue cans. Use the cans to take a sharp left and boost dash off the platform in the direction of the last rails/ladders that lead to the final flag. There will be a long pipe impeding your progress that you should jump over. Jump onto this last stairway's rail (the right side). Use the last boosts you attain to the fullest. Here is another shortcut that will save you more than two seconds. After getting on the first ladder, jump off the very top of the ladder. With some luck you should be directed upwards and will be grinding the ladder which is immediately on top of the first ladder!!!! Aim for the 5th (and final) flag as you leave the last railing in the rails/ladders, and you'll be done! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11. VS Mode(By Thilo Kreibich) ========================== 11.1 Items Can Gives you a can of spray paint Cans Gives you 20 cans of spray paint Bomb Flies directly to a targeted enemy Invisibility This item makes you invisible for 10 seconds Speed Up This item will give you maximum speed. In addition, you will be invincible from items Proximity Mine This item will explode if ANYONE gets close to it Three Bombs Allows you to throw a bomb three times 11.2 City Rush While grinding, do tricks with the X button 1. The Future Site Of The Rokkaku Expo Stadium Best time: Go forward and jump on the middle handrail. Let you fall of the rail and hop on the next rail. When you reach the end of the rail, fall down and hop on the next rail. At the end of the rail you will have 16 cans. Cut the corner and boost dash. When the boost dash runs out, hop to the billboards and grind them. After the area with the billboards cut the 180° corner and take the middle path between the fences collecting four or five cans. Go right through the next gap in the fence and make your way until you get to a pit. Fall down into the pit and when you are in the middle of the pit, boost dash. Go through the corner aiming for the ledge of the halfpipe. Grind it to the finish. 2. Secondary Stadium of the Rokkaku Expo Best time: Go forward and hop on the left rail. Jump to the two platforms and grind the handrail on them because this is faster than grinding the rail beneath the platforms. In addition, you will get cans to boost dash. Make your way to the area with the billboards. Boost jump from billboard to billboard so you won't lose time. The rest of this stage should be obviously. It's worth to take another route to grab cans which will allow you to extra boost dash. Take the rail in the middle in the second lap and the left one again in the final lap. 3. Tokyo Underground Sewage Facility Regulatory District Best time: Go left on the blue pipe and grind the rest of the stage. Jump if necessary. 4. Chou Street See Jet Dash 5. Bottom Point Of The Sewage Facility See Jet Dash 6. Highway Zero See Jet Dash 11.3 Ball Hog This mode is incredibly easy when you got the ball. Follow 11.2 when you have the ball. When your opponent gets the ball, collect weapons (especially bombs) and shoot them at your opponent. 11.4 Flag It's useful to take a character with high stamina in this mode 1. Showa Park I haven't any good tactics here because this is such a complicated stage. Grind the rail on the platform on which you started and grab the flag in the middle. Practice a little bit and learn where the Flags appear. 2. Ruden Park Don't tell this tactic to your opponents or you won't get a 5-0 win. Grab the 1st flag near the middle of the area. Go to the billboards and grind/jump off them to get to the 2nd storey and grab the 2nd flag. Go to the next billboards and jump/grind of them to get the flag on the wire. Go to the staircase and grind to the top storey. Collect the flag, go back to the middle and jump on the 4th storey and get the last flag. 3. Tsuzura Park Let your opponents go down and let them fight for the 1st flag. While they are fighting, go to the top storey. When the 1st Flag has been grabbed, collect the two flags on the top storey. Jump down, fall on the handrail, jump off and grind/jump the wall to get the 4th flag. Now try to run away from your opponents while anyone tries to get the last flag. 11.5 Graffiti Wars Use a full-stamina-character like A.KU.MU or Gouji but do NOT use neither characters with low stamina nor characters with a can holding capacity less than 30. Use proximity mines to keep your opponent from spraying the tags. Collect bombs and throw it at your opponent while he is trying to spray paint the tags. Try to win against your opponent by throwing weapons and not by tagging more tags. 11.6 Tagger's Tag Collect invisibility items and spray paint to get stealthy to your opponent and hold the R-trigger to spray paint at him. This mode seems to be the funniest with four players. 11.7 Secrets/Glitches for VS mode (submitted by DT) VS Mode Glitches. Note: These glitches happen randomly and are unpredictable. Battle Mode 2P only Choose City Rush area 1(Future Site of Rokkaku Expo Stadium). P1 chooses Beat and P2 chooses Gum. After 1 lap Gum's position on the timeline stops for one lap. Beat's position is boosted to the Final Lap (Beat does only 2 laps to win the match). Gum has to do 4 laps to win the round. An annoying glitch. Practice Mode City Rush as well. Choose Area 1, 2, S2, or S3. Make sure you are against either Poison Jam, Immortals or Rapid99. Sometimes they stop moving and either dance in place or go psycho(Rapid99:Area 2). You can also make them stop (on random) by throwing a grenade when they are waiting for you or by boost dashing them. Locations Rapid99: goes psycho in the first part with the telegraph poles in A2. All she does is go back and forth on the wire. Poison Jam: starts dancing when he is ahead of you in the halfpipes. Immortals: Area S3 (Highway Zero). Stops in the part where you have to grind-wallride-grind to get over the fence. He will be in the pit below dancing. Note: They don't stop forever. They will continue the race again if you hit or grenade them. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12. SECRETS AND GLITCHES ========================== 12.1 The Clutch Glitch How to reproduce and information would be appreciated. I can not seem to get the glitch. (I've tried 9 rotations - ie Clutch has gone to each of the locations 9 times or 90 minutes.) Apparently if you wait long enough DJ Professor K stops telling you where Clutch is and he doesn't appear in the game again. Furthermore, you can't complete the game since you need to talk to Clutch to complete the game. It seems weird that this pattern wouldn't last forever. Since I have the PAL version it is also possible that they fixed this rather major bug in time for release. It was not fixed for the re-release pack (the disc with SegaGT on it) 12.2 The doomsday clock It's in Kibogaoka Hill. On the top floor after you grind the massive power pylons. Grind the top outer right line to get there. The clock has "Daruma watch" on the bottom. Daruma was a great Zen teacher. (Source: The clock starts at 17:58.00 whenever you enter the level. Get to the clock within 2 minutes (it hits 18:00.00) and watch what happens. It's advisable to start from the 2nd checkpoint - The one you start the Jet Graffiti (Test run) from. You can also just do the test run for this level to see what happens There is also an identical looking clock in Rokkaku Dai Heights. It differs from the Kibogaoka Hill clock in 4 ways though. Firstly, the clock appears to start at about 10:03.30. Secondly the time is cumulative (keep in mind that I mainly play Test runs) so that unless you restart/reload an entirely new game the clock keeps ticking over. Thirdly there is a weird symbiosis with the clock in Kibogaoka Hill. If you do a test run for Kibogaoka Hill the clock in Rokkaku Dai Heights simultaneously happens to reset to the same time as Roakkaku Dai Heights i.e. 17:58.00. Finally, NOTHING happens when the timer hits 18:00.00. I've gone to Kibogaoka Hill to reset the Rokkaku Dai Heights timer and when I quickly got to RKD Heights before 18:00.00 nothing happened. I've even knocked down the mysterious statue (The one which says "Heads are going to roll if you knock over this statue") before 18:00.00. If anyone has any additional information about this or the mysterious statue I would love to know. I have a strong feeling that there is a secret in RKD heights. 12.3 "It" As far as I'm concerned "It" doesn't exist. It was published in OXM #6 (US) "CHALLENGE: Unlock all the playable characters by clearing every street challenge, collecting every Graffiti Soul, and finishing the game. Then access the Test Run option in the Garage (with Roboy). Now you have to get JET ranking on every Test Run to finally access every character. EXTRA CREDIT: Once you clear everything you'll unlock it." Actually, 'it' has been removed from the site, leading us to believe that it was either a hoax or a mistake on OXM's part. 12.4 Things to notice (compiled by Thilo Kreibich) -The residents in FRZ have to make their own electricity in wheels -When you frighten them in the wheels, the person who is running will stop but the wheel will still go round -The women in orange anoraks will say "Ah he touched my bum" if you frighten them (a lot of them are hanging around near the Giant of Metal) -When you let you roll down the edge of the platform in FRZ where Yoyo was, you will fall down and won't lose energy -In the Cat room (it's near the beginning in Kibogaoka Hill) there's a sofa. When you get close to it, it will launch a spring -In Rokkaku - Dai Heights, near the beginning, there's a man trapped behind a fence - The tower is still at the stadium after you defeat it (chapter 9) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 13 MUSIC ========= I ripped this listing straight from the garage background music (Talk to Roboy). You can also get producer, websites etc. with the credits when you finish the game 1. Humming the Bassline (D.S. Remix) Hideki Naganuma - remixed by Deavid Soul 2. Aisle 10 Scapegoat Wax 3. The answer (Latch Bros Remix) Bran van 3000 remixed by the Latch Brothers 4. Baby - T Guitar Vader 5. Birthday Cake Cibo Matto 6. Bokfresh Richard Jacques 7. Latch Brothers Bounce The Latch Brothers 8. Fly like a Butterfly Hideki Naganuma 9. The Concept of Love Hideki Naganuma 10. Funky Dealer Hideki Naganuma 11. Shape da future Hideki Naganuma 12. Statement of Intent BIS 13. Koto stomp The Latch Brothers 14. Count latchula The Latch Brothers 15. Let Mom Sleep (No Sleep Remix) Hideki Naganuma remixed by Richard Jacques 16. I love love you (Love Love Super Dimension Mix) Guitar Vader remixed by Hideki Naganuma 17. Rockin' the MIC (latch Bros Remix) The Prunes remixed by the Latch Brothers 18. I'm not a model Russel Simins 19. Oldies but Happies Hideki Naganuma 20. Me Likey the Poom Poom The Latch Brothers 21. Rock it on (D.S. Remix) Hideki Naganuma remixed by Deavid Soul 22. The scrappy (Latch Bros Remix) BS 2000 remixed by the Latch Brothers 23. Sneakman (Toronto Mix) Hideki Naganuma remixed by Toronto 24 Ill Victory Beat The Latch Brothers 25. What about the future Richard Jacques 26. Teknopathetic Hideki Naganuma 27. Like it Like this Like that Hideki Naganuma 28. Sweet Soul Brother (B.B. Rights Mix) Hideki Naganuma remixed by BB Rights 29. that's Enough (B.B. Rights Mix) Hideki Naganuma remixed by BB Rights 30. Grace & Glory (B.B. Rights Mix) Hideki Naganuma remixed by BB Rights 13.1 What songs are played when ========================== You can pick your garage music by talking to Roboy. Only one song at a time though. This also serves as your test run music. During the game the music is dependent on what chapter you are on (with the exception of the sewer levels and the garage) Here is the list... Please feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong A single dotted line means a different set. Every time you enter/exit the garage or the sewer system (For music treat the Bottom of Sewage Facility and Tokyo Underground as the same level) a new set is played. The set played alternates depending on which set was played first last time you entered a "normal" (not garage or sewer level). For example in Chapter 1 if you enter a level it will play "Funky Dealer". Enter/exit the garage and it will play Fly like a butterfly. Between sets a guy will say "Jet set , Jet set , Jet set radioooooooo". Once it finishes with one set it will go onto to the next set and only then repeat. I.e. Chapter 1 has a six song rotation. The songs are listed in order so "Funky Dealer" is always the first song played. Sewer set (Chapter independent) ================================================================= The scrappy Koto Stomp Rockin the Mic Latch Brothers Bounce The Answer Aisle 10 Intro ====== Concept of love Prologue (and most of Professor K's dialogue ============================= Ill Victory Beat Chapter 1 ================ Funky Dealer I love love you Let mom sleep --------------------- Fly like a butterfly What about the future Rock it on Chapter 2 ========== Statement of Intent My Likey the Poom Poom Aisle 10 Rockin the MIC ------------------ Oldies but Happies Birthday Cake Like this, Like that Sweet soul Brother Chapter 3 ========== Sneakman Technopathetic Shape da future ------------------ Like this like that Let mom sleep Baby T Chapter 4 =========== baby t I'm not a model That's enough like this like that --------------------- Sweet soul brother Birthday cake Latch brothers bounce Oldies but goodies Chapter 5 (Confined to stadium) =========== Count Latchula (Practice/idle time) Sneakman (Round 1) Technopathetic(Round 2) Fly like a butterfly (Round 3 / Boss) Chapter 6 ========== Technopathetic What about the future Fly like a buttefly ------------------- Sneakman Shape Da future Rock it on Chapter 7 =========== Concept of Love I'm not a model Koto stomp That's enough -------------------------- Shape da future bokfresh Count Latchula Chapter 8 ========= Funky Dealer Tecknopathetic Sneakman Fly like a butterfly ------------------ I Love love you The Scrappy Statement of Intent Concept of love Grace and Glory (Bosses) Chapter 9 ============= Same as Chapter 8 13.2 Lyrics to selected songs ========================== Lyrics from the songs presently listed are from the full version from either the JSRF soundtrack CD or the albums that the songs originally appeared on. Some lines have been cut out of the JSRF game soundtrack probably because of time restrictions and their explicit/suggestive language. Some songs have been transcribed so if you have a different interpretation of the song you can write in Birthday Cake (Submitted by Silus Arrawnt) ------------- Shut up and eat! Too bad, no bon appetit! Shut up and eat! You know my love is sweet! Yes, I'm cooking for my son and his wife. It's his thirtieth birthday. Pour berries into my bowl And milk from two months ago It's moldy, mom, isn't it? I don't give a flying fuck though! Shut up and eat! Too bad, no bon appetit! Shut up and eat! You know my love is sweet! Shut up and eat! Too bad, no bon appetit! Shut up and eat! You know my love is sweet! It's food nouveau It's food nouveau The shape of love. Beat it! Beat it up! Beat it! Beat it up! EXTRA SUGAR, EXTRA SALT! EXTRA OIL AND MSG! EXTRA SUGAR, EXTRA SALT! EXTRA OIL AND MSG! Shut up and eat! Too bad, no bon appetit! Shut up and eat! You know my love is sweet! Shut up and eat! Too bad, no bon appetit! Shut up and eat! You know my love is sweet! You were born in the sixties We made a war with the Vietnamese We loved LSD, we die easily! Can we just say, c'est la vie? So what, say what, for your own sake! Do you have a headache, or a heartbreak? Are you made or broken by the birthday cake? You may be slow on the uptake. I pour pot in the birthday cake. So what, say what, for my own sake. Watch out, yo! Here I come, yo! I'm gonna change into a rattlesnake! Turn up the TV, do you agree, ya? I'm talking turkey, take it from me! I'm gonna show my love for my dove But it's moldy mom, isn't it? EXTRA SUGAR, EXTRA SALT EXTRA OIL AND MSG! EXTRA SUGAR, EXTRA SALT EXTRA OIL AND MSG! Shut up and eat! Too bad, no bon appetit! Shut up and eat! You know my love is sweet! Shut up and eat! Too bad, no bon appetit! Shut up and eat! You know my love is very sweet! Statement of Intent (Submitted by Silus Arrawnt) ------------------ *You gotta make a statement of intent! You gotta make a statement of intent! You gotta make a statement of intent! You gotta make a statement of intent! If we're careless children The monuments you're building Are subject to reclaim And are ours to disclaim **Making discos of your castles We are tearing up your plans We won't be xeroxed for the future Filed by beaurocratic man Hot Damn! (repeat *) If we're your misplaced youth And your lies are the truth Then mistakes are illusions A simple yes is confusion (repeat **) ***We don't need a history lesson Museums are made to lie We won't be xeroxed for the future Careless children never die, Hot Damn! Thinly veiled as national interest With cold hearts paid to lie Be made a happy xerox Be a number four or five (repeat *, then **, then ***) (repeat *) If we're your misplaced youth And your lies are the truth Then mistakes are illusions A simple yes is confusion (repeat ** and ***) Thinly veiled as national interest With cold hearts paid to lie Be made a happy xerox Be a number four or five (repeat *, **, and ***) (repeat *) Aisle 10 (variety of sources including LockeVanish and from --------- Uh-huh Ooh, ooh Yeah, heh (We need some help on aisle ten) (Scapegoat Wax) I see you at my job (uh-huh) You carrying yourself so well (so well) I made myself a promise (what's that?) Not to get emotional (uh-huh) As I remain stable (stable) I take another glance at you (at you) If we were at the disco, whoa-whoa Then I would have to dance with you This isn't cool (not cool) And in my lonely eyes I see myself in eloquent strides (eloquent strides) In a sharp tuxedo Here goes, nothing to her (what-what?) *Hello, Allison, I wanna hold your hand I haven't been the same man Since I saw you comin' in Let's have a toast to the girl in aisle ten (We need some help in aisle ten) Hello, Allison, I wanna hold your hand I haven't been the same man Since I saw you comin' in Let's have a toast to the girl in aisle ten (Check it out) I seen you, about a quarter after nine (after nine) You shine in the neon sign Where are you from? (from) You float in like an angel of the night Until the light (light) And leave me with this song to write And now I'm loaded, holding my sack and wonderin where she is at With a line of customers getting mad They didn't see what I seen (nuh-uh) The store queen made everything easier For one fine eve And in my bloodshot eyes All I can see is everything's fine (everything's fine) With a turning stomach Running thoughts through my head *Repeat Hello, Allison, I wanna hold your hand I haven't been the same man Since I saw you comin' in Let's have a toast to the girl in aisle ten You came in here again (wha-what?) I'm drinking by the copier (copier) I made myself a promise (now what was that?) That I would finally talk to her (haha) As I remain stable (stable) I take another drink for you (for you) I set it on the table, whoa-whoa I'm sure I look a drunken fool I'm seeing two (whoa) And in my lonely eyes I see myself in eloquent strides In a sharp tuxedo Ego's nothing to her (wha-wha-wha-whoa) *Repeat (x2) Hello, Allison aisle ten, aisle ten, aisle ten Yeah-heh, yeah-heh, aisle ten We need some help on aisle ten Hello, Allison Ooh, whoa-oh-oh, ooh, yeah-e-yeah Ooh, whoa-oh-oh Hello, Allison Yeah... Hello, Allison I wanna hold your hand I haven't been the same man (Hello, Allison) Since I saw you comin' in Hello, Allison! Ooh, whoa-oh-oh... Hello, Allison!!! What About the Future (Submitted by LockeVanish) --------------------- I have faith that there is a future for us Here, as we are, or somewhere else ...Or somewhere else The future... The future... The future... The future... I invented all you can acquire in the future The future isn't what it used to be I have faith that there is a future for us Here, as we are, or somewhere else I want to raise to the future The future... The future! Jet Set Radio The future... What about the future The future... What about the future What about the future The future... What about the future What about the future The future... III Victory Beat (Submitted by LockeVanish) ---------------- This is not recess! (Coming out) In your most challenging role yet... (Coming out) In your most challenging role yet... This is not-not-not r-r-r-recess! This is not recess! Recess This is not-not-not r-r-r-recess! Recess This is This-this-this-this this is-not-re-cess! He's a human being and he wants to wipe everyone out... He's a human being and he wants to wipe And he wants to wipe... He's a human being and he wants to wipe And he wants to wipe everyone, wipe everyone out... This is not recess! Recess This is not-not-not r-r-r-recess! Recess This is This is not recess! This-this-this-this this is-not-re-cess! Listen and listen Listen and listen Listen and listen... I'm Not a Model (Submitted by LockeVanish) ---------------- Another introduction in the swelling act of sex There's little one can do to prepare for the unknown Get down on the floor Gotta get down on the floor Gotta get down... I wanna see something I've never seen before Get down on the floor Gotta get down on the floor Gotta get down... I wanna see something I've never seen before Get down on the floor Gotta get down on the floor Gotta get down... I wanna see something I've never seen before Get with the program, get with the program Get with the program, gotta get with the program Get with the program, get with the program Get with the program, gotta get with the program Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world (Mom, Dad) Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world I bet they can't even talk to you in this world I am a woman, a sensous woman Who loves and loves to be loved Get down on the floor Gotta get down on the floor Gotta get down... I wanna see something I've never seen before Get down on the floor Gotta get down on the floor Gotta get down... I wanna see something I've never seen before Get down on the floor Gotta get down on the floor Gotta get down... I wanna see something I've never seen before Get with the program, get with the program Get with the program, gotta get with the program Get with the program, get with the program Get with the program, gotta get with the program Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world (Mom, Dad) Your mom and dad are getting ready for the next world I bet they can't even talk to you in this world When I stimulate him orally, I move down with my tongue to his balls The testicle is an egg, And I'm extremely careful not to crack his shell I wanna get down! I wanna get down! I wanna get down! (Something I've never seen before) I wanna get down! I wanna get down! I am a woman, a sensous woman Who loves and loves to be loved Koto Stomp (Submitted by LockeVanish) ---------- Music, shake that! Like you've never heard it before Music, shake that! Like you've never heard it before Music, shake that! Like you've never heard it before Music, shake that! Like you've never heard it before Don't sleep, sleep Don't sleep, sleep Don't sleep Don't sleep, sleep-sleep Sleep, sleep-sleep, sleep Do-d-d-d-don't sleep Let's all get together and move some Move some Let's all get together and move some And move some Let's all get together and move some And move some Let's all get together and move some And move some Let's all get together (let's all get together) Let's all get together (let's all get together) Let's all get together (let's all get together) And move some Music, don't sleep Like you've never heard it before Shake that! Music, don't sleep Like you've never heard it before Music, don't sleep Like you've never heard it before Music, don't sleep Like you've never heard it before Latch Brother Bounce (Submitted by LockeVanish) -------------------- This is summer camp The Latch Brothers are through playing games with you Each Latch Bounce'll make you scream and shout Latch Brothers gonna turn it out Each Latch Bounce'll make you scream and shout Latch Brothers gonna turn it out Each Latch Bounce... Turn it out... Each Latch Bounce... Turn it out... Each Latch Bounce... T-t-t-turn it out... La-la-la-la-latch... T-t-t-t-turn it out... Each Latch Bounce'll make you scream and shout Latch Brothers gonna turn it out Each Latch Bounce... Turn it out... Each Latch Bounce... Turn it out... Hello... hello... Hello-hello-hello... The Latch Brothers! The Latch Brothers! You'll like it or you'll love it Each Latch Bounce... Turn it out... La-la-la-la-latch... T-t-t-t-turn it out... Why don't we do it again? (Listen, I thought we'd agreed, right? You're done, no more vocals, you've got enough, alright?) Hehehe...okay...? (And no laughing, alright?) The Concept of Love (Submitted by LockeVanish) -------------------- Printable Version Understand, understand Understand, understand the concept of love Understand, understand Understand, understand Understand, understand the concept of love Uh! Uh! What is love? What is free love? What is love? Ah... is free, free Understand, understand the concept of love, uh! Understand, understand the concept of love, uh! Understand, understand, uh! Understand, understand the concept The concept of love Uh! The concept of love Uh! Uh! The concept of love Free love is too tame for him Love... What is love? What is free love? What is free for? What is for? What is girls? What is free girls? What is... Love is free Love is free Love is free Love is free Ready to kick some ass Free love is too tame for him Uh! Free love is too tame for him Uh! Free love, free love, is too, is too tame for him Uh! Tame for him Uh! Free love is too tame for him Uh! Free love is too tame for him Uh! Free l-l-love is too, too, too tame for him Uh! Tame for him Understand, under-derstand the concept, the concept of Understand-derstand, under- the concept, the concept of Understand, under-derstand the concept, the concept of Understand-derstand, under- the concept, the concept of Of love, uh! Understand, understand the concept of love, uh! Understand, understand Understand, understand the concept of love Love, lo-love, love, love Uh! Free love is too tame for him Of love, uh! Tame for him, tame for him Of love, uh! Free love is too tame for him Of love, uh! Concept, the concept of love What is love? What is free love? Love is free, love is free Free, free, free...Contributed by LockeVanish Count Latchula (Submitted by LockeVanish) -------------- Ladies and Gentlemen, represent... We've got all this and more in store... Hook it up hot beat Hook it up hot beat Hot beat Hoo-hoo-hook it up hot beat Hook it-up hot-be-be-beat Hook it up hot beat Bubble it till it goes pop like... Hot beat hot Hot beat hot Hot beat Hook it-up hot-beat Beat-beat-beat... Bubble it till it goes pop like... Danger Bubble it till it goes pop like... Bubble it till it goes pop-pop-pop... Pop We've got blow-up beats We've got blow-up beats We've got blow-up, blow-up, we've got Bubble it till it goes pop like... We've got blow-up beats B-b-b-b-low - up - beats-beats... Causing this to sound like... Causing this to sound like... Danger Causing this to sound like... Da-danger Sound like Danger Causing this to sound- Da-danger Da-da-da-da-da... Hook it up hot beat We've got blow-up beats Blow-up beats Blow, blow, blow-up beats Blow, b-b-b-blow-up beats Bubble it till it goes pop like... Bubble it till it goes pop-pop-pop... Pop Blow-blow-b-blow-blow... Blow-up beats, blow-up beats Bubble it till it goes- Fly Like a Butterfly (Submitted by LockeVanish) --------------------- *Fly Like a butterfly Fly Like a butterfly* Fly Like a butterfly Fly Like a butterfly (That's nice) (Why hold it - wonderful) Felt like a, felt like a Felt like a-a-a Felt like a, fly Like a butterfly Fly (But it's so easy) Like a butterfly (And you're ready to fly) **Felt like a-a, felt like a-a fly Felt like a fly Like a butterfly** Felt like a-a, felt like a-a fly Felt like a fly Like a butterfly Felt like a-a, felt like a-a fly Felt like a fly Like a butterfly Felt like a, felt like a Felt like a-a-a Felt like a, butter-butter-fly Felt like a fly Felt like a- Felt like a-a, felt like a-a Felt like a, fly Like a butterfly *~*Repeat I felt like a bulldozer (Why hold it, why hold it) Trying to catch a butterfly (Why hold it - wonderful - monster) Felt like a-a-a-a-a-a (That's nice) Felt like a-a-a-a-a-a Like a butterfly Like a butterfly (And you're ready to fly) **~**Repeat Felt like a-a, felt like a-a Like a butterfly (But it's so easy) **~**Repeat Felt like a, felt like a Felt like a-a-a Felt like a-a-a Felt like a-a-a Fly... Like a butterfly Like a butterfly Fly Like a butterfly (That's nice) Felt like a-a, felt like a-a fly Like a butterfly Teknopathetic (Submitted by LockeVanish) -------------- Stop Playing games Till I'm done Exchanging names *Stop (Ohh-oh-ohh-oh) Playing games (Ohh-oh-ohh-oh) Till I'm done (Ohh-oh-ohh-oh) Exchanging names (Ohh-oh-ohh-oh) Stop playing games Done exchanging names Stop playing games Done exchanging names Stop playing games till I'm done exchanging names I've been dead, I've been shot, and you know I'm the reason why You've got to know it now, girl, I've got to win you back But I know I'm not the man, the man who thinks is making more *Repeat **Stop playing games (Ohh-oh-ohh-oh) Done exchanging names (Ohh-oh-ohh-oh) Stop playing games (Ohh-oh-ohh-oh) Done exchanging names (Ohh-oh-ohh-oh) Stop playing games till I'm done exchanging names You have taken much too long trying to find what's going on Wasting all my precious time, why you make him know you're mine You think you're really in the know, waiting for the sight of gold I've been waving back the flag, and just doing movement *Repeat **Repeat Stop playing games till I'm done exchanging names Stop Stop (Ohh-oh-ohh-oh) Stop playing games Done exchanging names Stop playing games Done exchanging names Stop Stop playing games Done exchanging names Dead, I've been shot Know I'm the reason why Taken much too long To find what's going on All my precious time Make him know you're mine Stop Playing games Till I'm done Exchanging names Stop Like It Like This Like That (Submitted by LockeVanish) ---------------------------- *Like this, like that Like this-this, like that Like this, like that Like this-this, like that **Make me feel so good Make me feel so good, good Make me feel so good Make me feel so good, good *Repeat Like this, like that Like this-this, like that Like this - like that Like-like that, that I like it, I like it I don't like it, not at all I don't like it, not at all, not at all I don't like it, not at all I don't like-like-like I don't like it Take it easy **Repeat Make me feel so Make me feel so Make me feel so good, good Make me feel so Make me feel so Just feel good Just feel good Just feel-feel good Just feel good Just feel-feel good *Repeat Like this, like that Like this-this, like that Like this - like that Like-like-like that I don't like it, not at all Make me feel so good Feel so good, good Make me feel so Make me feel so Make me feel so good, good *Repeat Like this, like that Like this-this, like that Like that - like this Like this-this, like that Like-like that-that I like it, I like it Oldies But Happies (Submitted by LockeVanish) -------------------- Come along, children Now we're gonna have a little music Like old times, like old times Look now I'll start the melody on the organ *Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Oldie but a goodie Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop That's just plain poppy-talk Ooh-ooh, ooh Ooh-ooh... Yeah, yeah... Ooh-ooh, ooh Ooh-ooh... Let me hear ya say, yo! (yo!) Yo! (yo!), Yo! (yo!), Yo! (yo!)... Yeah! Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Bop-dop-a-do-wop do-wop-bam-boom Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Bop-a-do-bop, bop-a-do-bop Wop-bop-a-do-bop do-wop-bam-boom Yeah, yeah... Ooh-ooh, ooh Ooh-ooh... Let me hear ya say, yo! (yo!) Yo! (yo!)... Bop-dop-a-do-wop do-wop-bam-boom *Repeat That's very nice, thank you! Shape Da Future (Submitted by LockeVanish) --------------- *Look... the future... Shape... the future... Look... the future... Shape... the future... Look the future Shape the future Look the future Shape the future Look the-look the-look the Shape the-look the-shape the Know you gonna dig this Here we go now On the offense Here we go now On the offense Here we go now On the offense Here we go now, now, now, now **What makes you money What makes you money What makes you money... Here we go, here we go Here we go, go, go, go *Repeat **Repeat Look look... the Look look... the Look look... the Future The future Here we go now On the offense Here we go now On the offense Here we go now On the offense Here we go now On the offense Here we go- On the off- Here we go- On the off- Here we go, go, go, go Know you gonna dig this **Repeat *Repeat Look the future Shape the future Look the future Shape the future Look the-look the-look the Shape the-look the-shape the Look, look, look, look Look the-shape the-look the Shape the-look the-look the Look the-look the-shape the Look the-shape the Future... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 14 SITES that have my permission to use this FAQ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 15. Thanks ----------- SEGA ... They make legendary games Josh Lesnick for allowing me to incorporate his street challenge FAQ. I also used his objectives based walkthrough to construct mine. CJayC. I have been using his site for many many many years now without contributing. He is a legend. Thilo Kreibich for VS mode, Things to Notice section, help with Kibogaoka Hill Jet Dash, Level Introductions and converting my FAQ to German!!!!! HipHopHead for challenging me to lower my Test run scores. Also wrote the tactics for some test runs (FRZ & Skyscraper District Jet Flags) William G for the entire transcript for DJ professor K Silus Arrawnt for the lyrics to "Statement of Intent" and "Birthday Cake" LockeVanish for the lyrics to everything else Yoyo_jsrf for looking into Glitches/Daruma Watch and other possible secrets Also helped me lower SDS - Jet Dash DT for those Glitches in VS mode BurninIllusion for prologue to story mode Beat Torque (Gamefaqs Message Board) for more points information Ray Van Damm (Gamefaqs Message Board) for correcting Jet Graffiti time for TUSF Spectre0140 (Gamefaqs Message Board) for confirming Boss order. JimsArcade ( message board) for additional "it" info Nanashi_vii for the easier way to get 100 tricks on FRZ No Thanks ---------- for their pedantic pretentious reviewing style. I thought it was a requirement that you actually play a game and achieve a certain level of proficiency before reviewing it???? They gave this game a 6/10 and the other Smilebit Masterpiece Gunvalkyrie 4/10 claiming it was "too difficult" (an admission that they lack skill and are really only casual gamers) Copyright 2002-2003 Immortals