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Once you are in Central City, you have the choice to do the dark or hero mission. The hero mission consist of helping Knuckles destroy 20 small bombs that the black Aliens have set in the city. If you complete the hero mission in Central City, you will go to Air Fleet. The dark mission consist of helping Black Doom setting off the 5 giant bombs that are in the city. If you complete the dark mission you will go to The Ark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV: Location of the giant bombs #1: To get to the first giant bomb, when you first start the stage, go where Doom's eye is. There should be two black and red crates (the one on the right contain an alien gun if you need it). Right after, there is one alien that you should just ignore if you are doing the dark mission, but behind him there is a pack of dynamite. Use the gun you found in the crate to make it explode which should reveal a bumper. Use that bumper to get to the top of the building. Use the weight in front of you to get to checkpoint 1 and you should see the first giant bomb right in front of you. To set if off, just fire at it. (make sure you are not too close to it when it explode or you'll get hurt) #2: To get to the second giant bomb, go past the giant bomb you just set off and you should see a metal path that connects two building. Cross it and you will meet Knuckles who will ask you to help him destroy the 20 small bombs. Ignore Knuckles, jump on top of the weight and get on top of the other building. Now you will need to use the triangle jump to get to the other side, where the second bomb is. To make sure you reach it, start your triangle jump on the left wall. The bomb will be right there with an alien, just ignore the alien and shoot the bomb. #3: This bomb will destroy a part of the wall right beside it. That will reveal a few rings and a rocket. Do not take the rocket but jump on the road below. You should see a blue light floating. Just touch it to awaken Hero Shadow. Use Chaos Control right away to get to the 3rd checkpoint. From there do a 180 and you should see checkpoint #3, turn left at the checkpoint and get on the step on your right, just before the convertible, and up another step on your right again, the 3rd bomb should be in a cage there. To open the cage you need to destroy all of the Gun Troopers in front of it and a few of the one beside it. Once the cage is open, just shoot the bomb again. #4: Jump from the building you are on and head for the tunnel in front of you. (if you don't see the tunnel, it is where the small bomb is, wait for it to explode to open the tunnel for you, it should explode as soon as you are close to it) Get in the GUN vehicle, which is at the entrance of the tunnel on your left. Once you are in the toxic substance, go straight all the way to the end of that road and you should see bomb number 4 in a cage behind some GUN Troopers again. Destroy all of the GUN Troopers to reveal bomb number 4 and shoot it to activate it. #5: Once the bomb is activate, you should see a dynamite pack behind it, shoot it to get rid of the wall. Behind it there is a pole, use it to go up. You should end up at checkpoint number 4. Run pass all of the Aliens and Troopers in that street and take the rocket at the end of it (behind the giant Alien) it will bring you to checkpoint number 5, from there use the GUN vehicle to cross the toxic substance again. On the other side you should see a few GUN Troopers, destroy the first one. Destroy the red car in the right corner to find a spring to go up and you will find bomb #5 in a cage behind a GUN Trooper, destroy the GUN Trooper to open the cage and set off the last bomb. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V: How to get an A rank on the dark mission If you did it in this order, you should have an A for this mission. It should not take you more than 3:30 to finish it and even without destroying a lot of Gun robots you should get a high score for time and get your A easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI: Location of the small bombs For the Hero mission you need to help Knuckles destroy 20 of the small bombs that are in the city. First of all, you DO NOT make them explode. What you have to do is suck them up with the Vacuum pod. If you destroy them it will not count. I found a total of 40 small bombs in the city, but try to not let too many of them explode or you're going to be missing a few at the end of the mission. I will list all of them. You do not have to get the small bombs in the order I list them here, but if you do, it will ensure you an A rank for this mission. The bomb with the * beside are those who will explode as soon as you approach them. Note that if you are fast enough, you can still get a few of those one. You might not have your 20 bombs when you reach bomb number 20 of this guide because of the one that exploded on you, but just keep going and you should still finish the mission and get an A rank. #1: When you first start Central City, go the way Knuckles is, he might be hard to see because he keeps jumping to destroy that hawk above his head, but he is on your left at the beginning of the level. Let him talk, and once he finish talking, you will see a soldier and a bomb, ignore both for now and go destroy the alien right beside them to take his gun, you are going to need this to get the 20 small bombs. Once you have the Vacuum pod, press B and aim at the small bomb that was beside the gun soldier, this is bomb number one. #2: Just a few steps forward will be bomb number two, use the Vacuum pod again to suck it up. #3: Keep moving forward and you should see some toxic substance down, jump where the spring is and take the rocket above to cross the toxic substance without getting hurt. Try to land on the ledge where the Alien is. First kill the Alien and take his gun to add to you ammunitions. Now get on the speed boost to get on top of the building, bomb #3 is there. #4: Take the pulley to get down on the lower ledge, ignore the Alien and suck up bomb number 4. * #5: This bomb is on a black container, but you won't have time to suck this one up, as it will explode before you get close enough to get it. #6: Jump on the container where bomb number 5 was and jump over the toxic substance to reach the 4 rings on the floor, Knuckles will tell you to "use that!" just wait until the helicopter gets to you and jump to grab on to it. Wait until it is close enough to the balcony where the bomb is to jump on it if it's too hard you can do a homing attack on the bomb, this one doesn't self destroy. Once you are beside it, just suck it up. #7: Jump down (watch to make sure to don't fall in the bottomless pit beside) and turn right, destroy the Alien there first because he has a Vacuum pod that you need and just suck up bomb number 7. * #8: From there go straight and turn left to go up the hill, you should see bomb number 8, but it has a good chance of exploding while you are going up the hill, so ignore this one. #9: Turn right and go up another hill, bomb number 9 should be right there and you have time to get this one. * #10: Continue forward and you should see bomb number 10 but this one has a big chance of exploding if the Alien hits you. He will fall from the sky right before the bomb. #11: Go back down the two streets and turn right, you should see a pole to go down, ignore this and just jump down, this should bring you to checkpoint number 2. Bomb number 11 is just a few steps forward. * #12: This bomb is just a few steps on the left from bomb number 11, but it will explode before you can grab it, so just ignore it and move forward. #13: Keep walking forward in this street, pass the soldier, and behind a car on your right you should see bomb number 13 #14: Keep walking forward from bomb number 13 until you see the giant Alien, turn right and go all the way up the hill. You have to jump to get beside the speed boost and keep going forward, there will be one bomb there. (this bomb is a bit out of you way so you could just ignore it but it is still list here) once you have it touch the blue light to awaken Hero Shadow and use Chaos Control to get back to where the giant Alien is. * #15: Turn left where the giant is, it should bring you to where Giant bomb #3 is (from the dark mission) small bomb number 15 is on the same ledge as the giant bomb, but it will most likely explode before you get to it. Although I usually get this one before it explode, so if you are fast enough you should be able to get this one. * #16: Go back down the ledge on the opposite side of where you came from and turn right, behind the convertible, you should see bomb number 16. This one also explode fast, but is usually catchable before it explode. Just try not to suck up the containers and soldier, because that would let enough time to the bomb to explode. #17: Keep going straight and you should end up at checkpoint number 3. From there turn right and go into the tunnel. Bomb number 17 should be on your left not far after the entrance. (Also, the Shadow container is right beside this bomb) * #18: Keep walking into the tunnel and you should see bomb number 18, which has a good chance of exploding before you get it. #19: Keep walking until you reach the GUN vehicle and the toxic substance and you should see bomb number 19 in the green substance, suck up this one and get into the GUN vehicle. #20: Turn left and you should see bomb number 20 behind a GUN Trooper, try to suck it up fast or it might explode. #21: While driving, look on your left, just before the tunnel, bomb number 21 should be there behind two fences. Get it and keep going. #22: Keep going on the toxic substance until you get to the tunnel, bomb number 22 should be on your left once inside the tunnel. * #23: Keep going inside the tunnel to where the wall is(if there is no wall at the end, it's because small bomb number 23 already exploded) no matter what, you wouldn't have been able to get it, since it's on the other side of the wall. And even from the other side of the wall, this one always explode, probably because it needs to open the tunnel for you. #24: Get back inside the tunnel and get in the GUN vehicle, drive to the toxic substance and keep going straight in the green goo, you should see bomb number 24 while you are driving, it's going to be on you left. Suck it up fast before it explode. #25: Keep driving and bomb number 25 should be on your right not far from giant bomb number 4. * #26: On the other side of the cage there is small bomb number 26, but if you got the one above, 26 will explode before you get to it, you can only get one out of those two bombs and I find that the one on the right of the cage is easier to get. #27: Go past giant bomb number 4 and use the dynamite pack to blow up the wall, use the pole to go up. This should bring you to checkpoint number 4. Destroy all of the Aliens in this street with the turret to open the red container, this will give you access to a spring, use it to get to bomb number 27. Make sure you do not destroy the balcony with the turret or you will not be able to get to bomb number 27. #28: From that balcony, jump down and turn right, you should see bomb number 28. #29: Make your way to the rocket at the end of the street and bomb number 29 is on the left of the rocket, once you have it, use the rocket to go up. #30: You should end up at checkpoint number 5. From there, get into the GUN vehicle to cross the green substance. You should see bomb number 30 on your left not long after you got into the GUN vehicle. #31: Keep going into the green substance and bomb number 31 will also be on your left a little after bomb number 30. #32: Keep going and you should see bomb number 32 on your right. #33: A bit further you should see bomb number 33 on your left. #34: Keep going a bit further and bomb number 34 will be on your right. #35: Get on the ledge where the GUN Trooper is, but ignore the spring, instead destroy the Trooper and turn right, you should see another road jump on it and bomb number 35 will be right there on your left. #36: Keep going straight in that street and you should see bomb number 36 on your right, just before checkpoint number 6. #37: Keep going straight past the Aliens after the checkpoint and you should see bomb number 37 behind a GUN soldier. #38: Keep going in that street and you should end up to bomb 38 not far from where a giant Alien is, on your right. #39: A few steps after you should see bomb number 39 on your left. #40: If you turn right after, you should see bomb number 40 on a metal path, you just have to jump on it to get to it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII: How to get an A rank on the hero mission If you did it in this order, you should have an A for this mission. It should not take you more than 4:30 to finish it and even without destroying a lot of Aliens you should get a high score for time and get your A easily. If you didn't let too many bomb explode, you should have your twenty bombs by the time you reach bomb 26-28 of this guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII: Location of the 5 keys #1: Key number 1 is between Giant bomb number 1 and Giant bomb number 2. To get there, at the beginning of the stage, go pass where Doom's eye is, blow up the wall with the dynamite, use the spring to go up. Once there, use the giant weight to get to checkpoint number 1. You will need to set off this Giant bomb to get key number 1, once the bomb is out of the way, get on the metal path behind it, cross it and on the other side destroy the Alien and GUN Trooper. Use the weight to get up higher and once there, wait for an helicopter to show up, grab onto it and wait until it is high enough for you to jump on the roof. Kill the two Aliens there and the crate with Key #1 will open. #2: Beside checkpoint number 3, you should see a wall, when you go beside it Shadow will say that only his Chaos blast is powerful enough to destroy that. Well, use Chaos blast there and Key #2 is behind it. #3: This key is near small bomb number 27. From checkpoint 4, use the turret to destroy the Aliens, but do not blow up the balcony or you will not reach key number 3, once the red crate is open, use the spring to get to small bomb number 27, from there jump across to get to key number 3. #4: Key number 4 is near Giant bomb number 5, get on the same ledge as the bomb and destroy the GUN Trooper, once the cage is open, turn around and you should be able to grab key number 4. #5: Key number 5 is pass checkpoint number 6, just before getting to small bomb number 38. Is it not visible, it is behind a wall on the left side of the street, you will need to use the Vacuum pod to get one of the two dynamite packs that are near checkpoint number 6 and carry it to this wall. Make sure you don't get hit on the way or you'll loose the dynamite. Once you are at the right wall, you should see some kind of glowing coming from it, blow this wall and key number 5 is behind. The special door is located after checkpoint number 3, where you take the left tunnel to get to small bomb number 19. The special door is right in front of the exit of this tunnel, beside the GUN Trooper. Opening it will give you the air saucer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX: Location of the Shadow crates I found two Shadow crates in this level, there might be more but I did not see them yet. #1: The first one is right after checkpoint number 3, when you get into the tunnel to get to small bomb number 17, the special Shadow crate is right beside this bomb. #2: The second one, is a bit before checkpoint number 6. From Giant bomb number 5, get onto the road on your left and the Shadow crate is right there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X: Copyright This faq was written by me to be use by gamefaqs user and should only be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.neoseeker.com/ http://pages.infinit.net/fkf (my site) If you want to use this faq on your site, please contact me before. Shadow the Hedgehog and all other characters are copyright SEGA and SonicTeam 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI: Thanks First I have to Thank Sonic Team for creating such amazing characters. Second I want to thank SEGA for their amazing games. And last but not least I want to thank Shadow the Hedgehog for being such an amazing character -_^