ZMM MMMM ZMMMMMr WMW MMMMMMZ MMM MMMMMM XMM MMMMMMM MMMM SMMM@MMM MMMM MMM@WMMM MMMMM MM@@MMX MMMMM iMMBWMM M@8MM WMMWWWMB MMBBMr MMMWWWMM 7MMMBMM 0MWWWWWMM MMMM7 MMMWBMM MM@WBW@M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM@B@@MrMMWBWWBWM 0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMBWMMWMMMWWWBBBWMMM;XMMM@BWWMMMMB i7MMS MMW@8WWWWWWWWMWWBWWMMMMMBWBMMM M ZMWBW@@WWBMMMMMMMMM@WWBWWWBMMM MMBBBBBWMMM7 MMMMW0W@MMa MMWWB@@MMM MMMWMB MMBWWW0MM rMMMB MMBBWB@BM XMMMMMr MMMMMMMMMMa M@BBWBM0M iMSBMMMMM BMWMMMM0SZMM MBBBWWBBM MMBMMM MWMr MBBBWBWMMM 2MBB@M MMM MBBBBBB0WMM MMBB0M MMM MWBBBBWWB@MMM 7r8MM@WB@M MMM MWMM@BBBWBBMMMMMMMWBBWMM MMX MMMaM@BBBBWBBBBBBWBBWMM 2M MM MMWBBBBBBBBBBBWMMM M MM MM@WWBBBBWMMMMMX M MMMWBBBWWM BM 2MM@BBBWM MMM@BWMMMW MMM@BWMMMS MMMMWWMMMM XMMMMWMMMMZ aMMMMMMMMMM7 SBMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ______ __ / __/ / ___ ____/ /__ _ __ _\ \/ _ Y _ `/ _ / _ \ |/|/ / /___/_//_|_,_/\_,_/\___/__,__/ / /_/ / ___ / __/ _ Y -_) __ __ \__/_//_|__/ __ / // /__ ___/ /__ ____ / / ___ ___ _ / _ / -_) _ / _ `/ -_) _ Y _ Y _ `/ /_//_/\__/\_,_/\_, /\__/_//_|___|_, / /___/ /___/ Walkthrough for PS2. By mamlfj or Shadow0, whatever u like. ############################################################################### If u don't like spoilers, don't go reading the endings or final mission part. There will be no second warnings, if u do read it's not my fault. ############################################################################### Ok, ASCII art part is gone, now to the FAQ. Table of contents: Introduction........................INTD Updates.............................UPDT Controls............................CTRS Characters..........................CHTS Walkthrough.........................WHLT -Stage 1a-Westopolis..............STG1a -Stage 2a-Digital Circuit.........STG2a -Stage 2b-Glyphic Canyon..........STG2b -Stage 2c-Lethal Highway..........STG2c -Stage 3a-Cryptic Castle..........STG3a -Stage 3b-Prison Island...........STG3b -Stage 3c-Circus Park.............STG3c -Stage 4a-Central City............STG4a -Stage 4b-The Doom................STG4b -Stage 4c-Sky Troops..............STG4c -Stage 4d-Mad Matrix..............STG4d -Stage 4e-Death Ruins.............STG4e -Stage 5a-The ARK.................STG5a -Stage 5b-Air Fleet...............STG5b -Stage 5c-Iron Jungle.............STG5c -Stage 5d-Space Gadget............STG5d -Stage 5e-Lost Impact.............STG5e -Stage 6a-GUN Fortress............STG6a -Stage 6b-Black Comet.............STG6b -Stage 6c-Lava Shelter............STG6c -Stage 6d-Cosmic Fall.............STG6d -Stage 6e-Final Haunt.............STG6e -Final mission....................FNLM Bosses..............................BOSS -Black Bull.......................BULL -Lethal Highway.................LTLH -Death Ruins....................DTHR -Heavy Dog........................HVYD -The Doom.......................DOOM -Blue Falcon......................BLFC -The ARK........................TARK -Egg Breaker......................EGGB -Cryptic Castle.................CRCT -Mad Matrix.....................MMTX -Iron Jungle....................IRJG Endings.............................ENDS Keys................................KEYS Credits.............................CRDT ############################################################################### Introduction...............................................................INTD ############################################################################### Shadow the Hedgehog is the new 3D-platformer of SONIC TEAM. The gameplay is pretty much like any other 3D sonic game, except that now Shadow can use guns vehicles and save points that teleport him. Shadow, after helping Sonic save the world, suffers from amnesia, that's when Black Doom appears before him, and talks about a promise Shadow have done to collect and bring all 7 Chaos Emeralds to him. So then Shadow moves out to find them, what happens next is your choice. Be good, be evil, or just be Shadow, trying to get his memories back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### Updates....................................................................UPDT ############################################################################### Version 0.9 - Introduction, Controls and Stages completes. Middle story bosses complete. Next updates: Final bosses, Characters, Endings and Keys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### Controls...................................................................CTRS ############################################################################### The controls are simple, move, jump, attack, nothing too complicated -Left analog stick: Move around. -Right analog stick: Move the camera, although it does not help sometimes, the camera will just stop moving sometimes. -X button: Jump, tap twice to use the homing attack. If you're in a vehicle, X will jump too, if possible. -Square button: Attack, sonic battle style. If you have a gun, are in a vehicle with weapons or in a turret you'll shoot. -Circle button: Rolling dash, Switch guns, Ring dash, use the teleportation on save points or enter vehicles. Just not two things at a time. -Triangle button: Chaos power. If your Dark gauge is full, you will use Chaos Blast, a devastating ball kind attack. If your Hero gauge is full, you'll use Chaos Control, a teleportation move, with which you can move great distances in a small amount of time. While in Chaos Control, you'll always move in the right path, which is very useful. -R2: Let you move horizontally while facing the same direction. You can attack and jump while in this mode. -Triangle Jump: Not a control button, but a very useful move. If there are two walls near, you can double jump on one of them, and then jump to the next one, going forward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### Characters.................................................................CHTS ############################################################################### Soon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### Walkthrough................................................................WHLT ############################################################################### Ok, here's the important part of the FAQ. I need to give some warnings though. I've completed the game, done all missions and stuff, and well, I found it fairly easy. So, I see no reason to explain all stages step by step. The main point of this walkthrough is to highlight some important points in each stage, some things to avoid and so on. Also, I tell how to complete each objective in the stage, if the objective involve finding X objects, I'll tell their location. If the objective is to kill X aliens or GUN robots, I'll tell how much you should have killed by each save point, so you know when you have to go back. Now, if the objective is to just get to the end of the stage, well there's is nothing more to tell you, just rush to the end, avoiding get killed, simple as that. Now I'll explain how the items: Stage 00XX - Nonnonon -> Name and number of the stage according to this: - - - 4a 5a 6a - - - - - 2a 3a 4b 5b 6b - - - - - - -> 1a 2b 3b 4c 5c 6c - - - - - 2c 3c 4d 5d 6d - - - 4e 5e 6e Description -> Well, uh, the description of the stage maybe, you know, how it looks like. Helping character: The character that helps you, and what he or Shadow says in the Start screen while you highlight the mission. Missions: The explanations are divided in: Neutral -> What to do in the neutral mission, where Shadow plays for himself. Hero -> What to do in the hero mission, where Shadow plays as the savior of humanity. Dark -> What to do in the dark mission, where Shadow plays as the Executioner of the humanity. -In these last items, how to finish the mission can be explained in these ways: - 1st 0/0 2nd 6/6 3rd 2/8 ... -> Save points, with the number of the defeated enemies from the last save point (the first number) and the total (the other one). - 1st: Right after the... 2nd: Just before ... -> Locations of the X objects to find, I usually use the save points as location points, so look out for them. -Just go to the end of the stage. -> Well, self explanatory. Although I do not write in this FAQ, I DO know hot to get through every single step in each stage, so if you have any doubts fell free to email me your question and I'll answer it. Jus t don't email me questions like, "How I get through the stage 3a", I won't answer this, instead, ask me of a certain part and I'll be sure to help. Also don't email me questions which answers are in this walkthrough. I may answer the first time, but if you ask this kind of questions again, I'll just ignore every message from you, so check the FAQ first. Email to, but be sure to email only useful things as said above. Warnings and explanations finished, let's begin finally. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 1a - Westopolis.....................................................STG1a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description - The first stage. Easy and short one. Basically it's a city under attack. Laser beams are falling down, and they cause an explosion, causing damage. And there are many holes, falling will result in death. Why there are holes, I do not know, but there are. Also look out for the burning cars, they explode if damaged. The stage is pretty simple, only one path to take, no troubles to get to the finish. Help Character: Dark - The eye "Destroy the soldiers". Neutral - None "There should be a Chaos Emerald somewhere in this city". Hero - Sonic "Let's show these black creatures that we mean business". Missions: Dark: You have to kill 35 GUN soldiers. The good thing is that the GUN soldiers don't try to kill you, but the aliens still do, so it's the same. 1st:0/0 2nd:10/10 3rd:10/20 4th:6/26 5th:7/33 6th:2/35 Neutral: You have to get to the end of the stage. As simple as that, no need to kill anyone, although the black creatures attacks you, and killing them will rise your Chaos Control bar, which will help you get past the stage faster. Hero: Kill all 45 black creatures, there're pretty much in the open. 1st:0/0 2nd:23/23 3rd:6/29 4th:4/33 5th:9/42 6th:3/45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 2a - Digital circuit................................................STG2a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description - Well, apparently, you are in the computer. How did you get inside? Don't know, but it's pretty simple as Rogue is here too. There are some rails that you roll pretty fast on it. For instance, you start in one of them. There are laser to hurt you, and green blocks that can be destroyed, these will either be a barrier or a platform. Also look for the green tubes and bars that can be used to go up and down. Almost forgot, you can merge with search lights for transport, so do it. Help Character: Dark - Eye "Destroy the core program" Hero - Rogue "Help me find the Chaos emerald" Missions: Dark: You need to destroy the core program that is in the end of the stage. Just shoot the core down with all your fire power, it will be destroyed fast. Hero: The emerald is just before the core program, and so before the end of the stage. It's well noticeable, so you shouldn't have any problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 2b - Glyphic Canyon.................................................STG2b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description - Waste Land. Pillars collapsing, loops, tornados to catch, green jewels to reawaken the temple, Knuckles and the Eye. That's pretty much what the stage is. Near the tornados, watch out for flying objects, duck as you see them. Help Characters: Dark - Eye "Touch the glimmering jewel, and reawaken our temple" Neutral - None "There's an emerald somewhere in this wasteland". Hero - Knuckles "Get rid of these annoying aliens" Missions: Dark: There are five jewels to find and touch, they are green balls on supports. Every time you touch one, the ground trembles. 1st: Right after the 3rd save, right in front of you. 2nd: In the air steam part, right after the 5th save point, just stay on the last steam until you're high enough. 3rd: Like the first one, but right after the 6th save point. 4th: Right after the 7th save point, in the open. 5th: Right before the 8th save and the end of the stage. Kill all black creatures and use the jump pad to reach it. Neutral: Go to the end of the stage, as simple as that. Hero: Kill all the black creatures. There are 60 in total. 1st:0/0 2nd:15/15 3rd:0/15 4th:10/25 5th:2/27 6th:7/34 7th:10/44 8th:16/60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 2c - Lethal Highway.................................................STG2c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description - Well, you are in a highway (duh!) that's being used as an escape route of one of the black arms tank. There are bombs that explode when you're near by, destroying the road, making you take an alternative path. That's why some times is kind of difficult to follow that damn tank. Help characters: Dark - Eye "Withdraw from the city". Hero - Sonic "Smash their tank". Missions: Dark: Just get to the end of the stage, nothing would be simpler. Hero: Your aim is to shoot the tank down. Grab a gun and run after the tank shooting like crazy. When you run out of ammo, find another gun. The tank's shield will turn green and then disappear after enough damage is taken. Succeeding in the mission will get you to the boss Black Bull. See boss section for information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 3a - Cryptic Castle.................................................STG3a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description - Dr. Eggman's castle. There are ghost haunting the towers, some braziers to light so big gray balls appear and you can jump on them. Also there is the big lanterns defense system, what they do? Who knows, only Dr. Eggman. Amy is also here looking for Cream and Cheese. I got to say, Amy pisses me off. Oh well... Help characters: Dark - Dr. Eggman "Light the fire on the giant lanterns". Hero - Amy (although I don't think she helps at all) "Please, you got to find Cream" Missions: Dark: You got to find the 5 lanterns and light them with the torches. 1st: Right after you find Eggman. In the open. 2nd: Use the balloon after the first lantern. Fall in the middle tower, light the braziers and use the ball to go up. 3rd: After the 5th save, fall on the ball to go up when using the balloon. 4th: In the room full of chaos. 5th: When you light the forth lantern, a new door will open in the room. Go through and use the balloon to light the braziers. Then go ahead grab the flying creature, dodge the horizontal pillars and the other flying creatures to get to the final lantern. Hero: You have to find Cream an Cheese. Cream: After the first save, use the balloon fall anywhere, grind and break one of the walls in the next room. Cheese: In the room full of chaos, there's an altar with green smoke, go there and the wall will move back, revealing Cheese. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 3b - Prison Island..................................................STG3b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description - Well, apparently it's a prison on an island (...). There are some cells, fire plants, top secret disks that Charmy is looking for (another one that pisses me off) and some green toxic liquid that you have to use a floating device to go through. Oh yes, there are some cool jump platforms too, they make you go high, way high. Help Characters: Dark - Eye "Annihilate the human army". Neutral - None "I need to find the Chaos Emerald". Hero - Charmy "Let's find those top secret disks". Missions: Dark: Kill 40 GUN soldiers. There are way more than that, so you don't need to kill everyone. 1st:0/0 2nd:5/5 3rd:7/12 4th:6/18 5th:22/40 6th:- 7th:- Neutral: The emerald is a little before the end of the stage, in plain sight. Hero: You got to find all 5 disks. 1st: Right after you find Charmy, in the open. 2nd: After the first fire plant, use the triangle jump to reach it. 3rd: Near the rail with the evil essence, and GUN robots near, there's a jump platform. Use it and go straight forward. 4th: Above the emerald. Use the triangle jump. 5th: In the end of the stage near the last save point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 3c - Circus Park....................................................STG3c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description - Another of Eggman's facilities. Shooting galleries and jackpots are just distractions while you're in the middle of the war between GUN and Eggman's robots. Tails is here, he asks you to collect 400 rings with him, well, at least there are a lot of rings. Just DON'T DIE or you'll lose all oh them, believe me, I know... Help Characters: Dark: Dr. Eggman "Get rid of those GUN soldiers". Neutral: None "The emerald must've fallen somewhere near by". Hero: Tails. Missions: Dark: You need to kill 20 GUN robots. 1st:0/0 2nd:4/4 3rd:6/10 4th:3/13 5th:2/15 6th:5/20 7th:- Neutral: The emerald is in the end of the stage, just rush to it. Hero: You need to collect 400 rings. If you die, you'll have to collect all of them again. If you take damage you'll lose 10 rings, so watch it. In shooting galleries, shoot like crazy, you can win up to 50 rings. When you can reach the jackpot, do it, and you'll win 50 rings. Passing through fire rings will earn you 5 rings, but if you hit it, you'll lose rings so watch it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 4a - Central City...................................................STG4a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Another city stage. This one is in a major fix. Small bombs exploding everywhere, massive bombs programmed to explode, green toxic liquid everywhere, GUN mech units and Black arm's giants battling each other while Knuckles try to save the city and the Eye try to destroy it. What a nice place to live. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Detonate the massive bomb, before time is out". Hero: Knuckles "We need to find the smaller bombs before time runs out". Missions: For this stage I have not made an walkthrough, as there's a FAQ specially made for it, and I didn't have the patience to write down the locations of 40 small bombs. So if you need a walkthrough, check out Shadow blackHedgehog's FAQ at In a later update I may write the locations here with my own way, but probably not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 4b - The Doom.......................................................STG4b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: A flashback of Shadow in the ARK with Maria. You can help Maria escape, help the researchers or even take revenge on GUN. As you don't remember a thing, you can make your own memories. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Take revenge on the soldiers". Neutral: None "I've gotta help Maria escape". Hero: Maria "Please, rescue the others". Missions: Dark: Kill 50 GUN soldiers. 1st:0/0 2nd:14/14 3rd:5/19 4th:18/37 5th:13/50 6th:- Neutral: Just get to the end of the stage. Hero: There are ten researchers that need help. You need to get a heal unit and throw near them. 1st: Before 1st save point, near the heal unit. 2nd and 3rd: right after the 1st save point, both in the open. 4th: In a hole, near the 2nd save point. 5th: In the room right after the 5th save point. 6th and 7th: After the 3rd save point, keep going up. After all elevators, go forward. Both will be in a hole in the room ahead. 8th: In the room right after the 3rd save. In the open. 9th: In a hole in the room with the 4th save point. 10th: After the 9th researcher, use triangle jump to get to the last one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 4c - Sky Troops.....................................................STG4c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Dr. Eggman is pissed now. If the black arms destroy the world, he cannot take over it. So he launches a massive aerial attack on the reawakened flying temple of Black Doom. Nice, an air battle, and Shadow's in the middle of it. No tornados here anymore, but the pillars still fall and there are the green jewels again, but this time they're here to be destroyed. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Annihilate the scientist's battleships" Neutral: None "I've got to get on board of the doctor's flagship". Hero: Dr. Eggman "Destroy the alien's power jewels". Missions: Dark: Destroy all 5 of Eggman's ships. You need to use turrets to bring them down. 1st: Right after you find the Eye. 2nd: After the second jewel. Literally in the open. 3rd: Right after the 4th save, through the path going down. 4th: Right after the 3rd ship, follow the path of rings and use the turret. 5th: Right after the 7th save point, use the turrets. Neutral: Get to the end of the stage, evading the fierce battle between the doctor and Doom. Hero: Destroy all 5 jewels. They are green balls on supports. 1st: Right after the 2nd save point - in the open. 2nd: Right after the 3rd save point - in the open, like the last one. 3rd: After the 4th save, go forward and use the speed pad. 4th: Right after the 5th save point - in the open, like the first one. 5th: Right after the 7th save point - use the turrets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 4d - Mad Matrix.....................................................STG4d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Another cyberspace stage. But this one is one hell of a maze. Colored sections, terminals that make you float, colored panels, and rails to roll on, lot's of them. If you don't know how to control where you go when on a rail, you better learn or you'll be going in circles. Also, bombs and more bombs are here, and explode with damage. Courtesy f the Black Arms. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Detonate all of the bombs". Neutral: None "I need to find the exit from this cyberspace". Hero: Espio "We need to extract data at all four terminals". Missions: Dark: Detonate all 30 bombs, they're all in the colored sections, on the rails. Neutral: Head to the end of the stage. In the multi - colored section, head for the red one. In the room with the floating boxes, follow the ring path to get to the end. Hero: Access all four terminals. These are those lights hat makes you go up. There's one at each colored section. You use the blue one to get to the colored sections. In the end of the green and orange sections, you'll find one terminal. The red one is just above the end of the stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 4e - Death Ruins....................................................STG4e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Big opens stage. Either escape from it with the Black Arms, or kill all aliens, either way you'll be using rubber like plants and you'll grind a lot. While grinding you may jump to some platforms, some very hard to get to, but nothing impossible. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Get out of the forest". Hero: Rogue "Eliminate the black aliens". Missions: Dark: Just get to end the end of the stage. Hero: You have to kill 50 black aliens. The 4th save is useless for the mission, as it's off the path. 1st:2/2 2nd:4/6 3rd:4/10 5th:10/20 6th:15/35 7th:15/50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 5a - The ARK........................................................STG5a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: The outside of the ARK, you'll basically fly through all the stage while riding the black volt and shooting like crazy, trying or not to destroy the defense units, while being shot by the turrets. Nice Ride. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Destroy the defense systems". Neutral: None "I've got to get to the ARK". Missions: Dark: You have to destroy all 4 four defense units, these are big green objects. 1st: Right beside the 2nd save point. 2nd: Right next to the 5th save point. 3rd: Next to the 7th save point, behind some barriers. 4th: After the third defense unit, you'll enter a round room, there will be the last you, but you have to destroy it while riding the black volt. Neutral: Just need to get to the end of the stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 5b - Air Fleet......................................................STG5b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: The president's escaping. Help him by killing the black creatures. Don't bother with him and go get GUN's emerald. Finish him once and for all by destroying that escape pod. The choice is yours. Choose wisely. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Destroy that human leader's escape pod". Neutral: None "GUN has one of the emeralds". Hero: Tails "We need to stop the blow of the black arms". Missions: Dark: You have to destroy the escape pod. Grab a gun, run after it and shoot like crazy. Every time it's possible to use turrets, use them. Neutral: Just get to the end of the stage. Hero: Kill 35 aliens. 1st:6/6 2nd:13/19 3rd:1/20 4th:3/23 5th:6/29 6th:0/29 7th:3/32 8th:3/35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 5c - Iron Jungle....................................................STG5c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Eggman's escaping through a big iron facility. Run him down with Omega's help. Don't bother and just go to the exit. Help him by destroying GUN's robots. Again the choice is yours. Pretty much like Air Fleet stage. Help Characters: Dark: Dr. Eggman "Take out those GUN pursuers". Neutral: None "I need to hurry to the doctor's base". Hero: Omega "Destroy Eggman's airship". Missions: Dark: Kill 28 GUN soldiers. 1st:0/0 2nd:5/5 3rd:4/9 4th:5/14 5th:2/16 6th:0/16 7th:7/23 8th:5/28 Neutral: Just get to the end of the stage. Hero: chase the egg balloon and shoot it down with the homing missiles. When you can, use the turret. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 5d - Space Gadget...................................................STG5d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Another stage in the outside perimeter of the ARK, although this time you don't get to ride the black volt all the time. There are a lot of gravity change devices and even more defense units. There are 2 paths, one for the Hero mission and the other for the Dark one. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Destroy all defense systems". Neutral: None "There's an emerald somewhere aboard the ARK". Hero: None "There's an emerald somewhere aboard the ARK". Missions: Dark: Destroy all 6 defense units. 1st: Right after the first save point. 2nd: After you destroy the first one, continue until you get to a place with a lot of dash pads. The defense unit is just ahead. 3rd: After the second defense unit, fall where the barriers were and get to the save point (it's the 6th). The defense unit is ahead. 4th: Keep going form the last one. It's very close and very visible. 5th: In the room after the 7th save point. 6th: Right after the 8th save point, behind some barriers. Neutral: Get to the emerald at the end of the stage. Wait for the hero mission to fail to get it. Hero: Get to the end of the stage before 5 minutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 5e - Lost Impact....................................................STG5e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Really huge stage, inside the ARK, in another flashback. Maria's with you again. This time she asks you to kill all 35 artificial chaos. Do this or rush to the end to check Dr. Gerald Robotinik. Help Characters: Neutral: None "I'm worried about the professor's safety". Hero: Maria "Stop the experimental monsters". Missions: Neutral: Just get to the end of the stage. Hero: Again I didn't had the time to write down the location of the 35 artificial chaos, and since there's a especially made FAQ for this mission, just check it out. The artificial chaos FAQ is at by ValeriePF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 6a - GUN Fortress...................................................STG6a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Another stage in a GUN facility. Huge one, with cores to destroy or an emerald to protect. As Rogue's a special government agent, she's here too. Look out for the lock on turrets, no matter what mission you take, they'll try to bring you down. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Destroy the Core of this base". Hero: Rogue "Protect the Chaos Emerald". Missions: Dark: You have to destroy 3 cores in the base, they're well guarded by mech units and big foots". 1st: Right after the 2nd save. Kill all GUN robots, then use the turret to destroy the core. 2nd: After the 4th save, go through the bottom path. Same strategy to destroy it. 3rd: After the 6th save point, go through the lock on zone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 6b - Black Comet....................................................STG6b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: The base of the Black Arms, with tentacles, huge blocks that you need to move with the vacuum like alien weapon, and a lot of purple deadly fluid. Be prepared to hover a lot. Knuckles and GUN soldiers are here too. Will you help them or finish them off? Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Annihilate the human weapons". Hero: Knuckles "We've got to get through to the center of the comet". Missions: Dark: Kill 50 GUN soldiers. 1st:0/0 2nd:6/6 3rd:3/9 4th:1/10 5th:10/20 6th:14/34 7th:10/44 8th:6/50 Hero: Rush to the end of the stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 6c - Lava Shelter...................................................STG6c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Dr. Eggman's last shelter, with a lot of, uh, lava. Omega's here too, trying to bring his maker down. Two paths in this stage, either rush to where Eggman is or fill the place with lava. 2 paths. 2 helpers. 2 endings. Help Characters: Dark: Dr. Eggman "Activate the volcanic defense systems". Hero: Omega "Head to the center of the base". Missions: Dark: Activate all 5 defense systems by damaging them. 1st: Where you first find Eggman, right after the first save. 2nd: Right after the horizontal bars part, in the room with the 3rd save point. 3rd: Right after the 4th save, in the same room. 4th: After the 3rd defense system, take the left. Get past the 5th save point and keep going forward. The 4th defense is right ahead. 5th: After the last one, keep going up in the same room. At the top will be the room with the last defense system. Hero: Just get to the end of the stage, don't activate the defense systems or you won't be able to go through the right path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 6d - Cosmic Fall....................................................STG6d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: ARK is falling apart, and you're right outside it. Rush to the emerald before the Black Arms attack, or help Victor get to the computer room. Either way you have 15 minutes. Watch out for the moving platforms. Help Characters: Dark: The Eye "Find the Chaos Emerald". Hero: Victor "Find the computer room". Missions: Dark: Just before the end of the stage is the emerald, pretty visible, so grab it. Hero: Get to the end of the stage, don't grab the emerald. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 6e - Final Haunt....................................................STG6e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Another stage in the black comet. Pretty much like the Black Comet stage, but this time Sonic is here to help and there aren't GUN soldiers. Turn on the shield's for Doom, or go fight him. Help Character: Dark: The Eye "Activate the shields and defend our comet". Hero: Sonic "The big boss is inside". Missions: Dark: You need to activate all 4 shields, just shoot them and the will be activated. Each one you activate will open a new path. 1st: Right after you find the Eye for the first time. 2nd: Right after the 4th save point. In the same room. 3rd: Right after the 5th save point. 4th: Right next to the 8th save point, right before the end of the stage. Hero: Get to the end of the stage. Don't activate the shield or you'll lose your path. It'll actually only take you longer, but it's something that's easily avoided. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Mission..............................................................FNLM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### Bosses.....................................................................BOSS ############################################################################### This section still needs actualization, as it don't have the last bosses, but it'll be complete in the next version, I hope. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Bull.................................................................BULL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first boss in the game if you're in the hero path. He appears in Lethal highway and in Death Ruins. He's a big, big flying, one eyed monster. Why bull? No idea. ******************************************************************************* Lethal Highway.............................................................LTLH ******************************************************************************* He's in the city and likes to fly around the block. With him are a few ground aliens and those flying aliens he releases. Attacks: -Shoots a fireball in your direction, easily avoided if you're not too close to him. -Shoots a fire wave. After he takes half bar damage he'll shoot more than one consecutively, so keep jumping over them. -Release some flying creatures. Weak Spot: His big green eye. How to defeat: Either use your homing attack on the flying creatures he releases to get to his eye and keep damaging him, or grab a gun from one of the ground aliens, and shoot his eye. If you shoot him, he will escape right away if he's not attacking, so don't waste ammo if he's not looking at you. If you get a gun, use the Chaos Control when you can, and everything will star moving slowly but you and your bullets, so you can keep firing at him. ******************************************************************************* Death Ruins................................................................DTHR ******************************************************************************* Black Bull is in the middle of the platform with rails to grind all over him and jump pads to get to the rails. Attacks: -Shoots a fireball at you if you're on the ground level. -Shoots fire waves consecutively if you're on the rail. Weak Spot: His eye. How to defeat: Get a gun, use the jump pad and grind. When you get as near as possible to the black bull, jump and keep shooting. Shadow will hover while shooting, so you can finish black bull doing this only one time. If he start to shoot the fire waves, dodge them first, then start the shooting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Dog..................................................................HVYD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A GUN bigger robot. Round and equipped with homing missiles and mines. Hover above the ground. ******************************************************************************* The Doom...................................................................DOOM ******************************************************************************* You'll find Heavy Dog here, with four platforms to climb to so you can attack him. The Eye will help you here. Attacks: -Particle beam cannon, a 360 degree attack that has a limited but long range. Needs charging and heavy dog cannot move while using it. -Shoots homing missiles at you. -Leaves mines in the air. Weak Spot: Upper section. How to defeat: Go up on one of the platforms, use your homing attack on him. While you're attacking, he'll drop some homing missile weapon, grab it and use it against him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Falcon................................................................BLFC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A blue and orange GUN robot, like heavy dog, but can fly. Also have the homing missile weapons, but not the mines. ******************************************************************************* The ARK....................................................................TARK ******************************************************************************* You're in a two store platform, with jump pads to get to the upper section, and Blue falcon flying around it. The Eye will help you here. Attacks: -Particle beam cannon, a 360 degree attack that has a limited but long range. Needs charging and blue falcon cannot move while using it. -Shoots homing missiles at you. Weak Spot: Upper section. How to defeat: Use the jump pad and go up. Keep using your homing attacks on him. Eventually he'll drop the homing missile weapon, grab it and use it. When he uses the particle beam cannon, go to the other side of the platform. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Egg Breaker................................................................EGGB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A big, pointed nose, Eggman's robot with a spiked club in his right hand. Appears three times. ******************************************************************************* Cryptic Castle.............................................................CRCT ******************************************************************************* Even if you help Eggman in this stage, you'll have to battle him here, with Amy "helping" you. Attacks: -Lights Out attack, he dashes at you, jump, then fall hitting his club on the ground, causing a shockwave. -If you're far from him, he'll throw his club at you, causing a shockwave as it hits the ground. -Spins around, walking in your direction. Weak Spot: Cockpit. How to defeat: Grab a weapon, go near him and start shooting. When he does the Lights Out attack, jump away, and then continue shooting. ******************************************************************************* Mad Matrix.................................................................MMTX ******************************************************************************* This time you're on a platform with floating boxes above you. On the floating boxes are Eggman's robots with pistols, on the ground they have bazookas, these are a pain. Espio is here to help you. Attacks: -Lights Out attack, he dashes at you, jump, then fall hitting his club on the ground, causing a shockwave. -Creates 8 clubs copies around him, and then thrown them away. "You know what they say, the more the merrier". -If you're far from him, he'll throw his club at you, causing a shockwave as it hits the ground. Weak Spot: Cockpit. How to defeat: Grab a weapon and shoot him. Jump away when he uses the lights out attack. If he throws the copies, stand between any two to dodge. If you need room to breath, or want a pistol, go up using the red jump pads and grab the green bar ascending. ******************************************************************************* Iron Jungle................................................................IRJG ******************************************************************************* Eggman's machine is on a platform now. In the ground you find all his robots, including the shadow androids. You'll also find two turrets and two rockets. Omega will help you here. Attacks: -Laser beam from his eyes, one form each eye. -Lights Out attack when he is on the ground, he dashes at you, jump, and then fall hitting his club on the ground, causing a shockwave. -If you're very far from him, while he's on the ground, he'll throw his club at you, causing a shockwave as it hits the ground. Weak Spot: Cockpit. How to defeat: I consider this one as the easiest boss in the game. Enter the turret and shoot him. He'll come down after half bar damage taken. Continue shooting him with the turret. If he destroys the turret you're on, either grab the turret's weapon, or go to the other one. I managed to defeat him in 12,70 seconds, so it should be pretty simple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### Endings....................................................................ENDS ############################################################################### Soon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### Keys.......................................................................KEYS ############################################################################### Soon... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################### Credits....................................................................CRDT ############################################################################### Me - After all I have done something. Sega Team - for this game. My parents - For buying my ps2 and paying the electricity bill. My friend Goat - For remembering me to buy the game. Anyone that deserves credit and I haven't write here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2005 Marcelo Jardim.