Shadow the Hedgehog Ranking FAQ Author: Groudon199 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ........................... If the above 2 lines are not lined up, change your font until they are. ToC 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Rankings 4. Tips 5. Challenges 6. Conclusion 1. Introduction I've had this game for a long time, and I'm one of the top players on TSC (see below list for link). This guide lists what's needed for each rank. I'll also tell you some of my insane scores. They will update with no change in version number. The following sites may host this guide: Sites that are not allowed to host this guide under any circumstances are: Anyone else, I might say yes. I must visit your site first. To see all I have contributed to Gamefaqs, visit this link: 2. Version History Version 1.0 (08/11/06): A guide is born. And it's a boy! Version 1.1 (09/28/06): Corrected an error in the introduction. Version 1.5 (11/02/06): Added a new Challenges section. Version 1.9 (12/08/06): Added new challenges, removed old info, and clarified the Missile Fever glitch. Version 1.95 (03/07/07): Added one note. Version 2.0 (03/21/07): Someone has beaten one of my boss times. Also, I added a couple more boss times. Version 2.1 (05/11/07): Changed e-mail. Version 2.2 (07/02/07): Fixed a few problems in the guide. 3. Rankings This is a list of what you need to get for the ranks. Note that anything under a D-Rank is an E-Rank. The Last Way and Devil Doom do not rank you. ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Level name | Mission | A-Rank | B-Rank | C-Rank | D-Rank | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Westopolis | Hero | 30000 | 25000 | 15000 | 5000 | | | Normal | 32000 | 28000 | 20000 | 10000 | | | Dark | 30000 | 25000 | 15000 | 5000 | | Digital Circuit | Hero | 16000 | 12000 | 8000 | 4000 | | | Dark | 10000 | 8000 | 5000 | 2000 | | Glyphic Canyon | Hero | 26000 | 20000 | 15000 | 5000 | | | Normal | 28000 | 22000 | 16000 | 8000 | | | Dark | 24000 | 20000 | 12000 | 5000 | | Lethal Highway | Hero | 22000 | 18000 | 12000 | 8000 | | | Dark | 22000 | 18000 | 12000 | 8000 | | Black Bull | Hero | 1:40 | 2:00 | 2:30 | 3:00 | | Cryptic Castle | Hero | 18000 | 16000 | 12000 | 8000 | | | Normal | 18000 | 16000 | 12000 | 8000 | | | Dark | 14000 | 12000 | 8000 | 5000 | | Egg Breaker | Dark | 2:00 | 2:30 | 3:00 | 3:30 | | Prison Island | Hero | 22000 | 20000 | 15000 | 10000 | | | Normal | 28000 | 26000 | 20000 | 10000 | | | Dark | 28000 | 26000 | 20000 | 10000 | | Circus Park | Hero | 26000 | 22000 | 16000 | 10000 | | | Normal | 23000 | 20000 | 15000 | 10000 | | | Dark | 30000 | 28000 | 20000 | 10000 | | Central City | Hero | 18000 | 16000 | 14000 | 12000 | | | Dark | 28000 | 26000 | 20000 | 12000 | | The Doom | Hero | 4500 | 4000 | 3000 | 2000 | | | Normal | 30000 | 27000 | 22000 | 10000 | | | Dark | 28000 | 25000 | 20000 | 10000 | | Heavy Dog | Dark | 1:50 | 2:30 | 3:00 | 3:30 | | Sky Troops | Hero | 30000 | 25000 | 20000 | 8000 | | | Normal | 25000 | 20000 | 15000 | 8000 | | | Dark | 16000 | 12000 | 10000 | 5000 | | Mad Matrix | Hero | 3000 | 2500 | 1500 | 500 | | | Normal | 27000 | 24000 | 18000 | 10000 | | | Dark | 4000 | 3500 | 2500 | 1000 | | Egg Breaker | Hero | 3:20 | 4:00 | 4:30 | 5:00 | | Death Ruins | Hero | 32000 | 29000 | 23000 | 10000 | | | Dark | 35000 | 32000 | 25000 | 10000 | | Black Bull | P. Hero | 2:00 | 2:30 | 3:00 | 3:30 | | The ARK | Normal | 37000 | 34000 | 27000 | 10000 | | | Dark | 36000 | 33000 | 26000 | 10000 | | Blue Falcon | P. Dark | 1:50 | 2:30 | 3:00 | 3:30 | | Air Fleet | Hero | 33000 | 28000 | 20000 | 10000 | | | Normal | 20000 | 18000 | 12000 | 8000 | | | Dark | 20000 | 18000 | 12000 | 8000 | | Iron Jungle | Hero | 28000 | 24000 | 15000 | 10000 | | | Normal | 30000 | 26000 | 20000 | 10000 | | | Dark | 30000 | 25000 | 15000 | 10000 | | Egg Breaker | Neutral | 0:45 | 1:00 | 1:30 | 2:00 | | Space Gadget | Hero | 34000 | 31000 | 28000 | 25000 | | | Normal | 26000 | 23000 | 15000 | 10000 | | | Dark | 20000 | 17000 | 12000 | 10000 | | Lost Impact | Hero | 16000 | 13000 | 10000 | 5000 | | | Normal | 34000 | 31000 | 25000 | 15000 | | GUN Fortress | Hero | 18000 | 13000 | 10000 | 5000 | | | Dark | 20000 | 18000 | 12000 | 5000 | | Black Comet | Hero | 18000 | 14000 | 10000 | 5000 | | | Dark | 28000 | 24000 | 18000 | 8000 | | Lava Shelter | Hero | 32000 | 25000 | 20000 | 15000 | | | Dark | 26000 | 22000 | 18000 | 8000 | | Cosmic Fall | Hero | 15000 | 12000 | 8000 | 4000 | | | Dark | 24000 | 21000 | 15000 | 8000 | | Final Haunt | Hero | 25000 | 22000 | 15000 | 8000 | | | Dark | 18000 | 15000 | 10000 | 5000 | | Sonic & Diablon | All | 4:00 | 4:30 | 5:00 | 6:00 | | Black Doom | All | 2:00 | 3:00 | 4:00 | 4:30 | | Egg Dealer | All | 3:20 | 4:00 | 5:00 | 6:00 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Tips -The bosses are not all that difficult, but A-Ranking them can be a hassle. If you can A-Rank Black Doom (Pure Dark), you can A-Rank the other 2 with ease. Pure Dark will be harder to A-Rank because the guns are much weaker. -Egg Dealer is pretty random. You can't use the attacks the reels show, but if you stop the 3rd reel, you can turn Eggman's attack against him. Here are what the attacks are. Pawn Fever- Only Eggman can get this. He makes 3 shielded Egg Pawns appear with Egg Spears. Don't let him get this. Ring Fever- Only Shadow can get this. A bunch of rings will appear from the platform in the center. This is slow, but you will get it at least once during a run. Bomb Fever- If Eggman gets this, he'll run around and drop bombs behind him. If Shadow gets this, Eggman will trip and drop a bomb on himself. When he falls, you can deal a bit of damage. It's worth the ring sacrifice. Missile Fever- If Eggman gets this, he'll launch 4 missles in the air and they will target you. Keep running and you'll avoid these with ease. If Shadow gets this, the missles will target Eggman. There's something strange that occurs on your last life. At the start of your last life, Missile Fever targets Eggman. At first, I thought this was a glitch, but even now, I'm not too sure. Shadow Fever- Only Shadow can get this. Get this and your Dark gauge will fill up. You can get in a few Chaos Blasts, but use them after you stop the reels. -The key to A-Ranking levels with a Goal Ring is to finish it as fast as possible. If you can get a time bonus higher than what's needed for an A-Rank, rings won't matter (but still hold onto at least one). The perfect time bonus is finishing in 1:30 (netting you 50,000 points). The exception to this is the Normal mission of Space Gadget (the perfect time bonus there is 26,000 [finishing in a little over 5:00]). -If you're struggling on The Doom (Hero), focus on getting the Heal Cannon (leveled up), as this makes it a lot easier. -Don't worry about time for the Dark mission of Mad Matrix. How long did it take me the 1st time? The 1st time, it took me 12:49.60, and I got 8370 points. In fact, unless you die, you will get an A-Rank. -The Hero mission, however, is a different story. It's more about speed and avoiding all Egg Pawns you can. Unlike the Dark mission, I D-Ranked this one my 1st time (only 1380 points in 10:00.56), so speed, rings, and avoiding Egg Pawns will determine your final score. -When doing the Normal mission of The ARK, stay on the Black Volt. A lot of people that write guides on GameFAQs are stupid (no offense) to mention getting off. -If you take the Hero path of Space Gadget and finish the Normal mission without an A-Rank, try going for the Dark path (avoiding the 1st defense unit), since there's several more rings there (I never did that because even during my 1st run, I A-Ranked it right away). 5. Challenges These are just a few of my scores that would seem fake to you. Well, they aren't. They're 100% legit. If you can beat any of these, you could be good enough to be better than me. Circus Park (Hero): 45150 Central City (Hero): 45010 The Doom (Hero): 36420 Mad Matrix (Dark): 26980 Mad Matrix (Hero): 25760 Death Ruins (Dark): 50340 The ARK (Normal): 39850 Space Gadget (Normal): 29340 Lava Shelter (Hero): 46190 Final Haunt (Dark): 34560 Final Haunt (Hero): 65810 -------------- | Boss times | -------------- Here are boss times that seem unbelievable as well. Practice is key. Black Bull (Hero): 38.08 Black Bull (Pure Hero): 14.51 Heavy Dog: 41.24 Blue Falcon: 54.71 Sonic & Diablon (Dark): 24.48 Egg Dealer (Neutral): 59.76 Egg Dealer (Hero): 59.58 Black Doom (Pure Dark): 45.29 Black Doom (Hero): 4.64 People that have beaten these that e-mailed me: Jonas has beaten my Egg Dealer (Neutral) time with 59.73. 6. Conclusion If you have any corrections or other tips, please e-mail me at groudon_199{at}yahoo{dot}com. If it's not any of the above, I will ignore it. Of course, if you beat any or all of my above scores, feel free to let me know. Thanks to: Prima Games, for making the guide 90% of this info is from. The Sonic Center, the site that gave me good competition for this game. Sonic Team, for putting together a different kind of Sonic game. I rule at this game and I've written this guide. This is WHO I AM!