Copyright (c) 2005 by the author piecemealcranky. All rights reserved. - -------- -- ------ - - -- ------ ----- ------ - -- - S I L E N T H I L L 4 : T H E R O O M -- - ---------- ----- -- ------- ------------ - --- - -- --- ------ -- - - --- - -- - ------ ENDINGS FAQ - -- ---- -- - - --------- ---- - - - - - - -- - - --- -------- - - Game: Silent Hill 4: The Room Console Platform: PlayStation 2 FAQ Author: piecemealcranky Date Created: Saturday, April 23rd, 2005 E-mail: Version: 1.0 - - - -- - - --- -------- - -- - - -- - ____ ______ - -__ _- - -- ___ - _ -_ _- __ - __________ - - ------ ------- --- --- -- - - --- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S - ------ ------- --- --- -- - - --- I. Introduction II. Copyright Info III. Endings IV. Eileen & The Hauntings V. Endings Script VI. Credits I. I N T R O D U C T I O N Yet another guide for an entirely new FAQ writing experience for me, Silent Hill has always been in my game collection. Back in the year (late 90's), I was enjoying the first installment, and look how far Konami has traveled now. This is the fourth in the series. Silent Hill 4: The Room, has all the new features you would not want to miss. Reading reviews is another thing, playing and enjoying (getting freaked out) the game is another story. Now, this FAQ features a guide to obtain the possible endings for Silent Hill 4: The Room. It does contain spoilers, but of course, a warning will be available before the section is ready for your reading. None of my friends ever play this game. Makes you wonder why. The only reason is that they personally don't like horror games. Right now, I cannot find any reason to resist a horror experience this good. Resident Evil is good, but Silent Hill has always been the best one for me. Also, please don't confuse Survival Horror and Horror. Well, they're basically the same, but for all we know Silent Hill enemies aren't zombies. They're monsters, ghosts, etc. This time around, you get control of a male character yet again (we've seen Harry Mason, James Sunderland, Heather Mason, and now...), Henry Townshend. He is quite a little shy guy I might add. His perspective of life and the outside world is really interesting, but has the colors of its own. I don't need to explain too much; by the time you start a new game for five minutes, you'll get what I'll be saying later. I suggest you concentrate on the storyline and enjoy the game. It is very much different from others in the series. This FAQ will include the script for each ending, and of course what you're supposed to do to get them, so watch out if you haven't completed any of the endings yet. If you have any questions, suggestions, or anything related to it, you can send them in to my e-mail address. Put a proper subject in the "subject" column, and type down what you need neatly, without spelling errors if possible, or else I would not bother reading it since I might not understand what you're trying to say. So, please keep this in mind whenever you're sending an e-mail. :) ____ ______ - -__ _- - -- ___ - _ -_ _- __ - __________ - II. C O P Y R I G H T I N F O All further questions NOT available within the FAQ/Guide can be emailed to the following address: Please include a proper title (with proper grammar) in the subject column associated with the game Silent Hill 4: The Room. The author may discard emails without a proper subject in the "subject" column. _-__------_--_-__--_--__-_--__-_____ No part of this FAQ may be reproduced in any form, shape, or transmitted, in any ways, or in any forms by any means (electronically, mechanically, through various recording devices, or otherwise) without prior permission from the author. This means no copying, no publishing, or any other illegal activities. This FAQ is for personal use and for viewing purposes only. Readers may print a copy of the FAQ for he or she's own personal use without publicly or secretly distributing a copy in order to earn money or make profit. This FAQ is protected by the International Copyright Law and all its contents are limited for the use of the websites which hold responsibility and have authorized permission to host it. This FAQ is hosted by sites which hold the responsibility of not permitting any sort of publishing, selling, or copying the contents and materials present in the FAQ. ____ ______ - -__ _- - -- ___ - _ -_ _- __ - __________ - III. E N D I N G S To start, there are a total of four endings you can obtain and enjoy, each different in their way, but of course, comes down under a "Good Ending" or a "Sad Ending". This will all be explained more in their own respective sections. Any questions, suggestions or ideas are most welcomed. Please scroll above to see the e-mail address you can send them to. :) Before I forget, to make things easier for you to understand, the only things that affect the ending you'd get at the end of the game are: * Eileen (safe or dies at the end) * Room 302 haunting - cleaned or left as it is These two affect the ending you obtain at the end of the game, but it is not as simple as that. This guide will help you on those two, and how to make your game-play easier. That's in the next section. Note: Unlike the other Silent Hill games, Silent Hill 4: The Room, for now, does not have a Joke Ending. We've seen some for the previous Silent Hill games, even the third one, but I do not know the reason Konami stopped the tradition. Also, another important thing to remember is that endings DO NOT affect your ranking at the end of the game. It does affect some stuff, like the Cynthis'a Special Costume (thanks to "Mickey Plunkitt" for correcting the previous typo) . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Best Ending - E S C A P E ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirements for obtaining this ending are as follows: 1. Save Eileen Galvin before she reaches the spinning machine This means that you have to save Eileen before her possessed soul and human body reaches the center, which is the spinning machine at the final battle arena. You have to kill Walter Sullivan before Eileen reaches the center. This is affected by how well you guarded Eileen throughout the game, and how bad is her injury. The bloodier her body, the faster she walks to the center, making it impossible to save her in time. See the next section for how to correct this, and a lot of further info. Remember if she dies, you will not obtain this ending. 2. Clear out the hauntings in Room 302 This is another requirement, an easy one actually, if you've gone through the game at least once. You have to keep Henry's apartment, Room 302 clean, from all (or most) of the hauntings that appear on the second half of the game. This means that right after you complete the Hospital World, where you save Eileen, your room will constantly be under an attack by a haunting, a spirit that comes into your room. You will have to exorcise these using either a Holy Candle, or a Saint Medallion. You must at least exorcise 80% of the hauntings before you can obtain this ending. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Good Ending - M O T H E R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirements for obtaining this ending are as follows: 1. Save Eileen Galvin before she reaches the spinning machine This means that you have to save Eileen before her possessed soul and human body reaches the center, which is the spinning machine at the final battle arena. You have to kill Walter Sullivan before Eileen reaches the center. This is affected by how well you guarded Eileen throughout the game, and how bad is her injury. The bloodier her body, the faster she walks to the center, making it impossible to save her in time. See the next section for how to correct this, and a lot of further info. Remember if she dies, you will not obtain this ending. 2. Leave the hauntings in Room 302 A complete opposite of the above ending's requirement, this time your job is easier. You just have to let the hauntings in Room 302 stay there, without touching or exorcising them. This is simple, so no worries here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Bad Ending - E I L E E N' S D E A T H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirements for obtaining this ending are as follows: 1. Let Eileen Galvin die before killing Walter Sullivan A complete opposite from the good endings. You need to wait for Eileen to kill herself by moving into the spinning machine in the center BEFORE you kill Walter Sullivan. This should not worry you much, especially if you haven't protected her too well in your saved game file. Just let her walk to the center, and then proceed through the game. 2. Clear out the hauntings in Room 302 This is another requirement, an easy one actually, if you've gone through the game at least once. You have to keep Henry's apartment, Room 302 clean, from all (or most) of the hauntings that appear on the second half of the game. This means that right after you complete the Hospital World, where you save Eileen, your room will constantly be under an attack by a haunting, a spirit that comes into your room. You will have to exorcise these using either a Holy Candle, or a Saint Medallion. You must at least exorcise 80% of the hauntings before you can obtain this ending. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Worst Ending - 2 1 S A C R A M E N T S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requirements for obtaining this ending are as follows: 1. Let Eileen Galvin die before killing Walter Sullivan A complete opposite from the good endings. You need to wait for Eileen to kill herself by moving into the spinning machine in the center BEFORE you kill Walter Sullivan. This should not worry you much, especially if you haven't protected her too well in your saved game file. Just let her walk to the center, and then proceed through the game. 2. Leave the hauntings in Room 302 A complete opposite of the above ending's requirement, this time your job is easier. You just have to let the hauntings in Room 302 stay there, without touching or exorcising them. This is simple, so no worries here. Those are the endings available. See other sections for further info. ____ ______ - -__ _- - -- ___ - _ -_ _- __ - __________ - IV. E I L E E N & T H E H A U N T I N G S You might question why I create this section for. You'll see why later. This section guides you through the factors that affect the endings you will get at the very end of the game, which are, Eileen Galvin, and of course, the hauntings in Room 302. {[ E I L E E N ]} Alright, as you know by now, Eileen follows you throughout the second half of the game. Protecting her is your main priority to obtain the good, or the best ending. So, why protect her? Here's a reason why. First of all, you should know that Eileen takes damage just like Henry, but she will not die (nor she has a life bar in the game). The best way to see how her state is, is by looking at how bloody her body is. If the colors of the skin still appears around her, than this shows that she's still in a good condition. If you spot some red bloody areas, making a pattern around her, than this shows that she has taken some damage. This will not kill her, but will make her walk very fast at the end of the game, where you'll be facing Walter Sullivan, and where she'd be possessed and will be walking to her death. There are other signs, like the way she speaks, how she can read the writings in the Forest World, and so on. This is also shown at the cut-scene with the Umbilical Cord, Outside Room 302 level. It's simple; the bloodier she is, the faster she walks to the center where the spinning machine lies, which kills her, and putting out your hope of obtaining a good ending. The good way is to not let her get into too much fighting. You can avoid this by not equipping her with a weapon. She will not fight this way, but she will not assist you either. You're alone to protect her. You can let her help you if you're really good at protecting her. There's not much to explain, really. Eileen Galvin's state affects the ending you get, that's confirmed. The problem is, most of us face, is to make her walk real slow at the steps (at the final battle arena) so that you could stop Walter in time. But, if you have completed half of the game with her in a bad condition, then how would you save her? A miracle? Not really. What can save her is a glitch. A glitch that can be prepared by anybody. It's simple. What you need is a Holy Candle, and have reached 'Outside Room 302' level. Now, once you gain access to the Superintendent's Room (Room 105) after collecting the bodies, you will notice a box which stores Walter's Umbilical Cord. This is required for the final battle, but once you pick it up, a cut-scene will trigger and you will part from Eileen from there. This will now depend on how well you protected Eileen from the Hospital World up till here. So, if you need serious help on getting the good endings, prepare yourself a Holy Candle. Now, while in the Superintendent's Room, place a Holy Candle as close as possible to Eileen, and position yourself as close as possible to the box, which contains the Umbilical Cord. Now, what you need to do is wait for the Holy Candle to wear off, and right before it is used up, make your way to the box and trigger the cut-scene. This is to heal Eileen before she go separate ways and soon get herself in trouble. Make sure you don't go too early. The Holy Candle extinguishes slower than it does in the Room 302 apartment. So, take your time, and with a little practice perhaps, you'd finally get the trick. It helps change Eileen's state to normal, and if done properly, she should walk a lot slower than she does with her bloody state. That should help you a little, in getting the good ending. For the bad endings however, just let her walk to the machine, thus killing herself. {[ T H E H A U N T I N G S ]} What is a haunting actually? Well, in this game, a haunting appear as a little threat, which is a bad spirit that shows up in Room 302. A noise will appear, and the screen turns red whenever you get close to one of these. They do cause a little damage if staying near them for too long; so get away from them. To obtain the "Escape", a clean Room 302 is required. This means that you have to exorcise the hauntings which appear in the game. There are a lot of them, and some appears in your bedroom, around the kitchen, and even in the bathroom. The living room is the normal attacked area. As described in one of the notes from Joseph Schreiber, the tenant who lived in Room 302 before Henry, there're two not-so-different holy stuff you can use to exorcise the hauntings in Room 302. These are the Holy Candles, and the Saint Medallions. The Holy Candle works for a short time, placed near a haunting, and the bad feeling will go away, as well as the haunting. The Saint Medallion works as an equip-able weapon. Its anti-spirit effects work as long as it is equipped, and it makes a sound. You'll know when you use one. You can use this in the levels as well, but to exorcise the hauntings, I prefer the Holy Candles. To obtain the "Escape" ending, it's not necessary to exorcise ALL of the hauntings. You can let one or two pass, it's not really important. What's important is that you must make sure you exorcised at least 80% of the hauntings which appeared since your last visit there. There's one bad ending which requires the same; exorcise 80% of the hauntings. ____ ______ - -__ _- - -- ___ - _ -_ _- __ - __________ V. E N D I N G S S C R I P T This section, contains a lot of [S P O I L E R S]! Please, it is not recommended that you read any further if you have not completed any of the endings here. Its best you not read it if you haven't completed any one of the endings because it might confuse you as well. The script is taken from the subtitle of the game. The Scripts: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Best Ending - E S C A P E ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The area shakes * * Eileen drops down * Henry: Eileen... * Young Walter knocks on Room 302's door* Young Walter: Mom! Mom! Young Walter: Let me in! Young Walter: Mom! * Camera shows the outside of South Ashfield Heights Apartment * * Henry is seen; walking slowly * Henry: Eileen... * THE DAY AFTER * * Henry hands over flowers to Eileen * Eileen: Thanks (text not written) Eileen: Guess I'll have to find a new place to live, huh? * Henry nods his head, and the screen fades* * Credits * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Good Ending - M O T H E R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The area shakes * * Eileen drops down * Henry: Eileen... * Young Walter knocks on Room 302's door* Young Walter: Mom! Mom! Young Walter: Let me in! Young Walter: Mom! * Young Walter retreats... drops down... disappears * * Camera shows the outside of South Ashfield Heights Apartment * * Henry is seen; walking slowly * Henry: Eileen... * THE DAY AFTER * * Henry hands over flowers to Eileen * Eileen: Thanks (text not written) Eileen: Well, I guess I can go back to South Ashfield Heights now... * Camera shows Room 302; fully infested * * Credits * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Bad Ending - E I L E E N' S D E A T H ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The area shakes * * Young Walter knocks on Room 302's door* Young Walter: Mom! Mom! Young Walter: Let me in! Young Walter: Mom! * Young Walter retreats... drops down... disappears * * Henry (first person) in his bedroom * Newscaster: And now, the news... Newscaster: Yesterday, in Ashfield and the woods Newscaster: near Silent Hill, Newscaster: the bodies of five men and women were discovered. Newscaster: The police reported that all the murders appeared to be the work of the same perpetrator. Newscaster: They are continuing their investigation. Newscaster: Four of the victims were found dead at the scene, and the fifth victim, Newscaster: a Miss Eileen Galvin, was transported to St. Jerome's Hospital, Newscaster: where she died a short time later. * Henry, helpless, drops on his knees * Newscaster: Police say that Miss Galvin's injuries matched exactly those of the other victims... Henry: Eileen...... * Credits * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Worst Ending - 2 1 S A C R A M E N T S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Henry drops down * Henry: Ahh! My head (text not written) * Henry stands up, with an odd look; possessed * * Young Walter inside Room 302, on a couch * Young Walter: Mom... Young Walter: Mom...... Young Walter: I'm home... Young Walter: I won't let anyone get in my way... Young Walter: I'm gonna stay with you, forever...... * News on the radio plays * Newscaster: And now, the news... Newscaster: Yesterday, in Ashfield and the woods near Silent Hill, the bodies of five apparent murder victims and a sixth severely wounded female discovered. * Walter Sullivan stands * Newscaster: The woman was immediately rushed to St. Jerome's Hospital, but died a short time later of her injuries. She has been identified as a Miss Eileen Galvin of Ashfield. Newscaster: The last body discovered was found in Room 302 of the South Ashfield Heights Apartment. Newscaster: It is believed to be that of its occupant, Henry Townshend... Newscaster: The body was reportedly disfigured beyond recognition, making identification impossible. Newscaster: Once again, we've got late breaking news... Newscaster: Five unnamed police officers have been found dead, for reasons unknown, in the Newscaster: South Ashfield Heights apartments, along with its superintendent, Mr. Frank Sunderland. Newscaster: All other residents of South Ashfield Heights have been rushed to St. Jerome's Hospital, many complaining of severe chest pains. Newscaster: These strange incidents are similar to the ones which occurred in Silent Hill Newscaster: Some years ago. More news to follow. * Credits * ____ ______ - -__ _- - -- ___ - _ -_ _- __ - __________ VI. C R E D I T S I have very few names to thank to for the moment, so I'll make it short and simple. I'd like to thank: - Myself of course, there's no need to state here why. :P - CJayc for running GameFAQs, and for hosting my FAQs for three years already - Well, all of the people who helped me. - Some of the FAQs here at GameFAQs, since I always refer there to confirm my information. That's all for now. If you have any questions, comments, ideas, corrections to make, or info, you can send them to That concludes the FAQ. Copyright (c) 2005 by the author piecemealcranky. All rights reserved.