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Xx-=,----; .,;;==;;-+-;,xxX=# ###x;; . =;, #--=#.;,-- .## -=-=-=+-,-=,-=,--;-;;x--### #xX###=, .-, #-;-# .-;. #--++ -;,----;-==++++=;=;-#-,-## ##==X####; #- ,# .;. +; .x..;;.;-====x-;-,,..,=x+-;-#. #X. ;### ##- -, ,,xx-. #X#X+-===;-----,,.,-+xx+-=## ##x+X###### #-=### . , X+.; .,,---;-==--=+X#++=-=,-+# #XXX+-; Silent Hill 4: The Room (Playstation2/Xbox/PC) - Memo Locations Guide v1.2 - 10/20/2004 by Dev [devhatesyou(at)gmail(dot)com] ___ _ ________________ ________ _ _____ _ ___________ _ ______________ ___ .. Table of Contents [sh4ml_01] .. _________ _ __________ _ _ _________ _______ ____________ _ ____ ____ _____ Note: This guide uses a sectioned code search system so you can easily find whatever section you'd like to jump to without scrolling. To find the section "Table of Contents", for example, one would input; [sh4ml_01] into their wordprocessor or browser's find function for text matching. All of the individual section codes are listed here in the Table of Contents. SECTIONS: [sh4ml_01] .. .. .. .. .. - Table of Contents - [sh4ml_02] .. .. .. .. .. - Update History - [sh4ml_03] .. .. .. .. .. - Memo Locations - [sh4ml_04] .. .. .. .. .. - Contacting the Author - [sh4ml_05] .. .. .. .. .. - Credits - [sh4ml_06] .. .. .. .. .. - Copyright/Legal Info ___ _ ________________ ________ _ _____ _ ___________ _ ______________ ___ .. Update History [sh4ml_02] .. _________ _ __________ _ _ _________ _______ ____________ _ ____ ____ _____ * v1.2 - Released 10/20/2004. Found exact trigger for Superintendent's Memo, so documented it. Plus minor format changes. Pretty much nothing left to do/figure out, so this is likely unofficially the final version. --- * v1.1 - Released 10/14/2004. Clarified a couple points. Format changes to be more in-line with my main Silent Hill 4 FAQ. --- * v1.0 - Released 9/22/2004. Initial release. May be errors. --- * FAQ Creation Date - 9/20/2004. ___ _ ________________ ________ _ _____ _ ___________ _ ______________ ___ .. Memo Locations [sh4ml_03] .. _________ _ __________ _ _ _________ _______ ____________ _ ____ ____ _____ This is where I'll be listing the locations to find all of the memos. As you may or may not know, Memos are counted in your final score at the end of a game, and thus you need to collect nearly all of them to qualify for a 10-Star ranking. Don't let me spoil the game for you! I suggest you play through at least once before you consult this guide, as I will be using full names of areas to give the best description of where and when to find memos possible. I will also use event spoilers to better describe certain memos. Memos appear in order that they do in the game here. Not in the Memo screen. With that said, let's get on to the list. __________________ _ _ [01/52] "First Letter": _ _ __________________ - Location: Room 302, Beginning of game. It's slipped under your apartment door. ________________ _ _ [02/52] "Book Scrap": _ _ ________________ - Location: Room 302, Beginning of game. It's at the bookcase with the radio. _________________________ _ _ [03/52] "Red Diary - April 8": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, after Subway World 1st time. It's slipped under your apartment door. _______________________ _ _ [04/52] "Jasper's Memo Pad": _ _ _______________________ - Location: Forest World 1st time, in the running car; Jasper's car. Search the car's open door until you get it. __________________________ _ _ [05/52] "Holy Scripture Scrap": _ _ __________________________ - Location: Forest World 1st time, inside Wish House. This is the memo you take to trigger Jasper's death via burning. ______________________ _ _ [06/52] "Exploration Memo": _ _ ______________________ - Location: Water Prison World 1st time, at the 1F circular hallway with prison cells. It's on the floor. This is the same place you can hear Andrew whining about letting him out. ___________________ _ _ [07/52] "Guard's Diary": _ _ ___________________ - Location: Water Prison World 1st time, at the 1F Hole room that connects to the spiral staircases to the basement and upper floors, as well as the 1F cells. It's on the wall next to the Hole. ___________________________________ _ _ [08/52] "Waterwheel Room Plate Message": _ _ ___________________________________ - Location: Water Prison 1st time, at the Waterwheel in the basement where you get the Water Prison Exit Key. Examine the plate here. _________________________ _ _ [09/52] "Red Diary - April 4": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, upon returning during Water Prison World 1st time or after Water Prison World 1st time. It's slipped under the door. __________________ _ _ [10/52] "Prison Diary": _ _ __________________ - Location: Water Prison 1st time, third floor prisoner cell with Toadstool enemies and a diary on the desk. _________________________________ _ _ [11/52] "1F Surveillance Room Report": _ _ _________________________________ - Location: Water Prison 1st time, 1F circular surveillance room. It's in here on the desk. _________________________________ _ _ [12/52] "2F Surveillance Room Report": _ _ _________________________________ - Location: Water Prison 1st time, 2F circular surveillance room. It's in here on the desk. ________________________ _ _ [13/52] "Secret Number Memo": _ _ ________________________ - Location: Water Prison 1st time, 3F circular surveillance room. On the wall. _________________________ _ _ [14/52] "Red Diary - July 23": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, after Water Prison 1st time. It's slipped under the door. ___________________________ _ _ [15/52] "Superintendent's Memo": _ _ ___________________________ - Location: Room 302, after Water Prison 1st time. Go into the bathroom to turn off the shower (automatic), and then exit the bathroom. Now check the the peephole for a cutscene with Frank Sunderland and Eileen Galvin which will trigger Sunderland putting this memo under your door. - Special Notes: This is a one-time deal. You must check the peephole to get the cutscene for this memo or it will not appear at all. It's easy to miss, so make sure you check the peephole before you do anything in Building World 1st time to get this or you -will- miss it. ______________________ _ _ [16/52] "Bartender's Memo": _ _ ______________________ - Location: Building World 1st time, in the Bar. It's on the counter. This is the same room where you normally find the Rusty Axe, and where you enter a code into a door. _______________________ _ _ [17/52] "Red Diary - May 2": _ _ _______________________ - Location: Room 302, after Building World 1st time. It's slipped under the door. __________________ _ _ [18/52] "Mike's Diary": _ _ __________________ - Location: Apartment World, Room 301. It's a book on a table. ______________________ _ _ [19/52] "Joseph's Article": _ _ ______________________ - Location: Apartment World, Room 301. It's in a back room on a table. ________________________ _ _ [20/52] "Red Diary - May 14": _ _ ________________________ - Location: Apartment World, Room 301. Found as a red piece of paper which you must slip under 302's door in Apartment World and then later pickup in the real apartment at the door. _____________________________________________ _ _ [21/52] "Superintendant's Diary (Umbilical Cord)": _ _ _____________________________________________ - Location: Apartment World, Room 105. Found in back room on a stand. ________________________ _ _ [22/52] "Red Diary - May 20": _ _ ________________________ - Location: Apartment World, Room 105. Found as a red piece of paper which you must slip under 302's door in Apartment World and then later pickup in the real apartment at the door. _____________________ _ _ [23/52] "Red Diary Scrap": _ _ _____________________ - Location: Apartment World, Room 105. Found as a torn red piece of paper which you must slip under 302's door in Apartment World and then later pickup in the real apartment at the door. ________________________ _ _ [24/52] "Mike's Love Letter": _ _ ________________________ - Location: Apartment World, Room 203. Found as a torn red piece of paper which you must slip under 302's door in Apartment World and then later pickup in the real apartment at the door. It's in the bloodied shirt in a back room. _____________________________ _ _ [25/52] "Red Diary Scrap (cont.)": _ _ _____________________________ - Location: Apartment World, Room 102. Found as a torn red piece of paper which you must slip under 302's door in Apartment World and then later pickup in the real apartment at the door. It's inside the fridge with the dead wrapped cat. _________________________ _ _ [26/52] "Red Diary - July 13": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, after Apartment World. It's slipped under the door. __________________ _ _ [27/52] "Nurse's Memo": _ _ __________________ - Location: Hospital World, Reception room. On the desk in here. _________________________ _ _ [28/52] "Red Diary - July 20": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, after escorting Eileen to the hole in Hospital World. It's slipped under the door. _________________________ _ _ [29/52] "Red Diary - June 11": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, after picking up memo "Red Diary - July 20". It's at the bookcase with the radio. _________________________ _ _ [30/52] "Red Diary - June 14": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, after picking up memo "Red Diary - July 20". It's at the bookcase with the radio. _______________________ _ _ [31/52] "Red Diary - ??/??": _ _ _______________________ - Location: Room 302, after picking up memo "Red Diary - July 20". It's at the bookcase with the radio. __________________ _ _ [32/52] "Kid's Letter": _ _ __________________ - Location: Room 302, returning from Subway World 2nd time. It's slipped under the door. _________________________ _ _ [33/52] "Red Diary - July 25": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, returning from Subway World 2nd time. It's slipped under the door. _________________________ _ _ [34/52] "Red Diary - July 17": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, during Subway World 2nd time or during Forest World 2nd time. It's slipped under the door. __________________________ _ _ [35/52] "Jasper's Burned Memo": _ _ __________________________ - Location: Forest World 2nd time, at Wish House. It's a white paper at the burned down ruins of Wish House. __________________________ _ _ [36/52] "Wheelchair Doll Text": _ _ __________________________ - Location: Forest World 2nd time, at Wish House. Examine the doll which blocks the way to the Altar to recieve this memo. _________________________ _ _ [37/52] "Red Diary - July 18": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, after Subway World 2nd time and upon returning from Forest World 2nd time. It's slipped under the door. ____________________________________________________ _ _ [38/52] "Descent of the Holy Mother - The 21 Sacraments": _ _ ____________________________________________________ - Location: Forest World 2nd time, Wish House Altar. It's a book there. _________________________ _ _ [39/52] "Red Diary - July 28": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, after Forest World 2nd time or during Water Prison World 2nd. It's slipped under the door. ___________________________________________ _ _ [40/52] "Note from the Bloody Prisoner's Shirt": _ _ ___________________________________________ - Location: Water Prison World 2nd time. In the "execution room" where you saw Andrew DeSalvo's dead body in the Water Prison 1st time. There is a shirt item there. Take it, return to the apartment and use it at your bloodied bath tub. ________________ _ _ [41/52] "Reminisces": _ _ ________________ - Location: Building World 2nd time, Entrance. The same screen that the ghost of Richard Braintree is introduced via a cutscene. It's a book on the ground here. ____________________________ _ _ [42/52] "Later Bartender's Memo": _ _ ____________________________ - Location: Building World 2nd time, Bar. Same place you got the original "Bartender's Memo", but here upon your return. It's on the same bar counter as that memo was as well. _________________________ _ _ [43/52] "Red Diary - July 29": _ _ _________________________ - Location: Room 302, during or after Building World 2nd, or after Room 302 of the Past. It's slipped under the door. ________________________________________________ _ _ [44/52] "Superintendant's Diary (Man with the Coat)": _ _ ________________________________________________ - Location: Outside Room 302 of past, at the bottom of the spiral stairway after Building World 2nd and the Grand Wall Monster/Dummies boss. ______________________ _ _ [45/52] "Old Picture Book": _ _ ______________________ - Location: Room 302 of the Past, on the table in the main room. __________________ _ _ [46/52] "Crimson Tome": _ _ __________________ - Location: Room 302 of the Past, on the table in the main room. __________________________ _ _ [47/52] "Red Diary - August 2": _ _ __________________________ - Location: Room 302 of the Past, in the bedroom. __________________________ _ _ [48/52] "Red Diary - August 3": _ _ __________________________ - Location: Room 302 of the Past, in the bedroom. __________________________ _ _ [49/52] "Red Diary - August 4": _ _ __________________________ - Location: Room 302 of the Past, in the bedroom. __________________________ _ _ [50/52] "Red Diary - August 5": _ _ __________________________ - Location: Room 302 of the Past, in the bedroom. __________________________ _ _ [51/52] "Red Diary - August 7": _ _ __________________________ - Location: Room 302, after Room 302 of the Past. It's slipped under the door. _____________________ _ _ [52/52] "Joseph's Letter": _ _ _____________________ - Location: Room 302, after Room 302 of the Past. It's in the laundry room where the hole is, on top of a box on the floor. It's a white letter. ___ _ ________________ ________ _ _____ _ ___________ _ ______________ ___ .. Contacting the Author [sh4ml_04] .. _________ _ __________ _ _ _________ _______ ____________ _ ____ ____ _____ You may contact me via e-mail at devhatesyou(at)gmail(dot)com. I will not answer things already answered in this guide. Note that when I am finished with writing this document (version will have "Final" in it), I will most likely not answer any question related to this game anymore. Like most everyone else, I have other things to do and not an infinite amount of time to do it with! Please don't e-mail me about things already answered in this guide. I will simply ignore the mail. ___ _ ________________ ________ _ _____ _ ___________ _ ______________ ___ .. Credits [sh4ml_05] .. _________ _ __________ _ _ _________ _______ ____________ _ ____ ____ _____ Just my poor, poor hands so far... ___ _ ________________ ________ _ _____ _ ___________ _ ______________ ___ .. Copyright/Legal Info [sh4ml_06] .. _________ _ __________ _ _ _________ _______ ____________ _ ____ ____ _____ This document is protected by international copyright laws. This document Copyright (c) 2004 Dev [devhatesyou(at)gmail(dot)com] This document and its written contents are (c) 2004 Dev unless otherwise noted in the above Credits section. You may only find it publicly on the websites listed below. You may not distribute this document publicly in whole or in part on any other website or medium than those listed below, excepting expressed permission from the author; and even then only if it is fully intact with no modifications whatsoever. You may not sell this document or any information contained within for profit under any circumstance nor distribute it in any way for financial gain. You may, however, for non-profit purposes, and privately, distibute and keep any number of unmodified backup copies in the same format as it is current in on any storage medium if you wish for personal and private use only. You may not plagiarise any content of this document for works of your own. You will not use this document for any other purpose than private, personal, non-profit use. Websites which I do allow to host and publicly distribute this guide are: : http://www.GameFAQs.com (and any party directly affiliated with it) : http://www.neoseeker.com (Neoseeker) : http://faqs.ign.com (IGN.com) You can always find the current version of this guide and any of my others at the URLs listed above. No other organizations are authorized to publicly distribute this document. I do it this way because it's often a pain to get updates posted elsewhere, such as on personal sites, and I dislike people e-mailing me about dated versions of my guides inwhich issues are cleared up. --- The Silent Hill videogames, "Silent Hill 4: The Room", and all other registered instances of such are Copyright (c) Konami. All characters, stories, and so on are Copyright (c) their respective holders. // EOF (End of File)