Silent Scope A Guide on how to become a Professional Sniper For the Konami Arcade Game Compiled by Mark Kim Date of Completion: 19January2003 Copyright Information --------------------- Unpublished work trademarked (tm) and copyrighted (c) by Mark Kim. All Rights Reserved. This file is SHAREWARE and is strictly for entertainment use only. In addition, this file can only be HTMLized by the sole owner of the file (Mark Kim), regardless whether the content is good or bad. Unauthorized HTMLization and FAQ-Mirroring is strictly prohibited. It is a criminal act to reproduce and/or retransmit this file in any way, shape, or form (regardless of the medium) and it shall be a criminal act to to use this file at a password-protected site where either user accounts are utilized and/or money is made through these accounts. 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Any breach of copyright, trademark, and/or patents (which includes but not limited to plagiarism, stealing, laming, pirating, or otherwise) and/or using this document for any other purposes other than personal and private purposes, and/or illegal mirroring of this file (other than the five aforementioned URLs as described in the beginning of this disclaimer) is a direct violation of all applicable copyright laws, International Treaties, Patent Laws, US Title 107, and the Berne Copyright Bill of 1976. Violators and Transgressors shall face severe civil and criminal penalties through the maximum extent possible by law. Mark Kim acknowledges and respects all copyrights, patents (pending or not), and trademarks whether if it's mentioned or not somewhere in either the FAQ Text File and/or site as no copyright infringement was intended. If for any reason I MUST USE any copyrighted resource, then credit will be given at the Acknowledgements Section for the common part. Note that whenever I give credit, I WILL NOT REVEAL ANY E-MAIL ADDRESSES AND/OR OTHERWISE in order to protect the privacy of the people for whom I give credit to. This file has been carefully written by Mark Kim in respect to all copyrights, patents, and trademarks. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY. MARK KIM ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTIAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH, OR ARISING OUT OF, THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, OR USE OF THIS DOCUMENT. Silent Scope, Dark Silhouette, Fatal Judgement, Innocent Sweeper, the characters, events, and other Silent Scope-related material are original products, registered trademarks and copyrights of Konami. All Rights Reserved. Metal Gear Solid has been released by Konami Computer Entertainment under supervision of Hideo Kojima. All Rights Reserved. Konami owns the patents, trademarks, and copyrights for both Silent Scope and Silent Scope 2. The Hendsoldt Scope, PSG-1, and the MSG-90 Sniper Rifles are registered trademarks and copyrights of the Heckler and Koch company of United States of America and Heckler and Koch of Germany, GMBH. All Rights Reserved. All weapons mentioned in this FAQ whether described in detail or not are owned and guarded by the United States' respective weapon storage departments of various Law Enforcement, Military, and the CIA Agencies. You are encouraged to practice and support Gun Control in your community. ======================================================================== GENERAL INFORMATION Make: Silent Scope Developer: Konami Japan Publisher: Konami Arcade Available Screens: 27-inch Monitor Controller: Light Gun with Simulated Scope Usual Cost per game: 75 Cents, US Currency AAMA Classification: Life-Like Violence: Strong Release Date: First or Second Quarter 1999 Genre: Light Gun Number of Players at once: 1 Features: Continue Feature ======================================================================== HISTORY OF THIS FAQ January 19, 2003 ---------------- With newer Konami games coming out, this will probably be the final update for this FAQ. ======================================================================== CONTENTS OF THIS FAQ * Newsflash * Reasons for writing this file * Description of Silent Scope * How to play the game * Story * Hints * Scoring Schedule * The First Two Hostages - Downtown Chicago - To go after Scorpion or Cobra * Freeway Battle - Going after Cobra * Hotel Battle - Removing Terrorists and going after Hornet * Rescue the President - Through the Woods or Parachuting In - The Main Power Source - Tom and Jerry - Infiltration - Big Boss Area - Monica the Armored Secretary - The Terrorist Leader * The Sniper's Rifle * Frequently Asked Questions * Some afterthoughts * How to suggest fixes * Resources of this Document * Acknowledgements * One Final Warning ======================================================================== NEWSFLASH Any fixes that you should point out should be directed to the following: * My ICQ Number: 37614712 * My Yahoo! Pager: * My MSN Pager: Now please be aware that any fix suggestions are subject to verification. All tactics and strategies will be test-driven by myself. If my analysis comes that the fix suggestion isn't effective and/or cost efficient, it will not be noticed on this document. This document, like all Video Game FAQs on the Internet, must be viewed in a monotype font or the alignment will not be correct. If the alignment isn't correct for any reason, then please follow these procedures: 1. On Netscape Communicator, click on Edit, then Preferences. 2. Click on Fonts at the Appearance Section 3. At the Fixed Width Font, select Courier New, and select size 10 point font. 4. If you see this sample bulk of writing aligned correctly, please proceed: 1234567890 ********** It is strongly advisable that you *do* view this document through the DOS Application Edit.COM or through the Apple Text Viewer SimpleText for alignment purposes. If you are planning to view this through the Windows Interface, then you are highly advised to open up WordPad and then open up the Text File. Set the font face to Courier New and set the font size to 10. ======================================================================== REASONS FOR THIS FILE After reading plenty of Silent Scope FAQs lurking around, maybe I'd better "jump" into the ring with a Silent Scope FAQ of my own. I'm not the best sniper around, but hopefully with this guide, maybe beginners will understand that it's not good to look at the scope all the time since a strict time limit will force you to clean up the streets from all terrorists the quickest possible. As you should remember, Silent Scope is somewhat a military-style, sharpshooting simulation game played by many real-life military personnel at the United States. The Scope feature of the game is regarded as the most innovative aspects ever in a shooting game. However, as you become faster and better in the game, just like in real-life sniping, your nerves begin to twitch. Get used to all of your Nerve Twitching in the game. It's really important that you refrain from drinking a lot of caffeine before you board to your arcade to play this game. This happens to also be the hardest light gun game to play not because of the scope and the strict time limit, it's how fast and accurate you can beat the game. Enough ranting. Please enjoy the non-publication. ======================================================================== WHAT IS SILENT SCOPE? Silent Scope is a military-style, sharpshooting, PSG-1-style sniping simulation created by Konami through ideas of having to create such innovative and original light gun games which are plagued by sequels, and Lethal Enforcers clones. In Silent Scope, accuracy and speed are extremely important because the player is not only fighting to get the best accuracy possible at the end of the game, but to liquify the enemies in the quickest manner possible through discreet use of a PSG-1 replica. Silent Scope proves to be a promising game because the arcade industry has been waiting for a sharpshooting simulator to help restore much of the arcade's lost flame to console systems. You use a replicated PSG-1 as a control. You look at the screen to point the muzzle at the desired area. Looking through the scope, you can attempt to take a clean shot at the foes, but this doesn't seem as easy as it looks. Quick reflexes and potent accuracy will really make your nerves twitch, just like in real-life sharpshooting. A 1-player, $1.00-a-game stand-up upright really retains the originality of real-life sharpshooting, a reason why there could be as many as 100 military personnel playing this game during their off-duty times. Although the game is innovative due to the scope and all the originality aspects retained through real-life sharpshooting, Silent Scope is classified as a Strong Life-Like Violence game due to high combat engagement of the characters and high amounts of gore, so you may need to be at least 17 years of age to play this game. Parental discretion is highly advised. ======================================================================== HOW TO PLAY THE GAME Silent Scope features Time Attack, Story Mode, and Shooting Range. How to play: Insert the desired amount of coins and press the start button. From the Game Mode Select, aim the muzzle at either Story Mode, Shooting Range, or Time Attack. If you wish to select Time Attack, aim the muzzle at the left for Easy, middle for Medium, and right for Hard. Story Mode Objective: To rescue the President and his family from the armed terrorist gang who's demanding freedom of their nation's dictator in return for their life through discreet and quick use of the infamous PSG-1. Shooting Range Objective: To destroy 46 targets in 150 seconds under the following conditions: * You will be going up against 10 Scoring Targets (similar to that in various Police Stations). Aim at the middle for the best possible score. You will be facing 5 standing targets and 5 moving targets of this kind. * You will then be asked to shoot down 5 Watermelons. This is kind of easy. * You will then be facing point boards that are similar to real-people, except that they have point values. If you hit the targets at the head, then you will get a lot of points. If you hit somewhere at the White Area, you will get no points. You will have to face these targets under the following conditions: Targets that stand, targets that slightly move, and targets that move insanely fast. * You will then see how well you can judge from criminals to terrorists. The targets that you are only allowed to shoot at are guys with Shotguns and guys who are pointing guns at Innocent Bystanders. Shooting any Innocent Bystanders will reduce your score and will count as a Missed Shot. You will be asked to judge whether the target is "guilty" or not on these conditions: Standing, Slightly Moving, and Night-Vision. YES. You will need to know how to use Night-Vision with the training package. * Now you must shoot the target right at the Apple for the finale. Don't shoot at the beautiful lady, just aim and hit the apple of the target so that your score will increase. Depending on the Time Attack Level you choose, you will be practicing your speed and accuracy under the following conditions: * Easy: You will be providing backup for the Police who are returning fire on the Terrorists, take out all enemy snipers from the rooftops, battle with Scorpion through the Tower Battle, and finally, duke it out with Scorpion's Airplane. * Medium: You will have to rescue the President's Daughter at the Football Stadium from the hands of Cobra, and then you have to rescue her again at the Freeway. First, you must do away with Cobra's cohorts at the Freeway before re-rescuing the President's Daughter at the Freeway, then you must remove all the terrorists at the hotel and rescue the First Lady from the hands of Hornet the Sniper. * Hard: You will be battling through a trimmed-down version of Stage 3 of the game. You won't be required to sneak in by either Parachuting in or going through the woods as opposed to the Story Game. You will be starting your infiltration agenda by destroying a Power Box to confuse all enemies. Then you dispose all enemy guards who have spotted you once you have destroyed the Power Box. Now you have to destroy Tom and Jerry before starting your infiltration inside the Complex. You will be on your own while infiltrating the Complex, except that you won't be infiltrating the Stairs nor the Upper Floor as opposed to the Story Game. Instead, you will be heading right to the hallway that leads to the Dining Room for a quicker infiltration inside the Enemy Base. You will then go inside the Cargo Basement to face the final stretch of the enemies. If you thought that this time attack game was easy, then guess what?! YOU STILL HAVE TO FACE THE PAIN IN THE ASS MONICA AT THE END OF THE HARD TIME ATTACK GAME THE SAME WAY YOU DEALT WITH HER IN STORY MODE!!!! The major difference between this Time Attack and the actual Story Infiltration is that there will be less enemies in some areas of the complex. However, to clear the Hard Time Attack, YOU MUST HIT MONICA RIGHT AT HER HEAD ALL THE WAY!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! I know this is hard, but hey, why did Konami decided to "stuff" Monica on the Hard Time Attack Game? Fortunately, you don't have to deal with the Terrorist Leader after defeating the cheap Monica, which is a good thing. I think that Konami should've given us a break from Monica for AT LEAST ONCE. How to attack: Look at the "naked" screen to point the muzzle at the desired "piece" you want to extend your view at. To attack at the piece of screen image, look into the scope, aim with the crosshairs, and press the trigger to fire. Please be warned that sometimes bullets won't "get their man" as you will be asked to see how well you can aim and "make your bullet count" while moving as well. Always keep your cool while aiming because it's really easy to twitch-up at times. Once you shoot 5 bullets, the magazine will reload. You cannot fire while the gun is reloading. Shooting is done the traditional sniper fashion meaning that you can't rapid-fire your weapon--It's pure ONE-AT-A-TIME ACTION!!!!! Limited Lives in Story Mode: You will start with a certain amount of lives at the start of the game. The game ends when either time runs out or if you lose the allotted lives. One-life Life box penalties are imposed if you hit innocent bystanders. To regain one life box, look for a beautiful woman (i.e. women with swimsuits, girls with sexy legs). :) Limited Time in Time Attack and Shooting Range: You will start the Shooting Range game with 150 seconds. The game ends if either time runs out or if you have destroyed all 46 targets in a row. In a Time Attack, the game ends if you have either completed the Time Attack before time runs out, or if Time Runs Out. In Time Attack and Shooting Range, you will be "graded" through the following factors: * Accuracy * Innocent Bystanders accidentially shot * Longest Accuracy Streak * How well you can score (Shooting Range only) * How fast you can clear either a Time Attack or a Shooting Range Game Thus after completing Shooting Range or after completing a Time Attack game, you will be rated from the following grades: * F-Public Nuisance (you suck) * E-Amateur (Keep up the practice) * D-Rookie (You don't belong over there) * C-Sniper Third Class (Room for Improvement) * B-Sniper Second Class (So-so) * A-Sniper First Class (You did well but there's one more step up to the top) * S-Professional (Exceptional) * SS-Ultimate Sniper (Now that's like it!) Try to make sure that you earn no less than a Sniper Second Class. Any achievements at Professional means that you're finally learning something in Silent Scope. One correction to make with the Cabinet's Instructions: The cabinet says "Shoot the enemy's vital parts for certain death and bonus points." This is totally wrong. For a one-hit kill during boss fights and double the point value for killing enemies, kill the enemy at their head. Not only head shots save a lot of time during boss fights, but head shots will also double the amount of points you have. Also be warned that your score is based on accuracy. As with the original, the higher your accuracy streak, the better your score will be. This is the formula to determine how many points you will be earning for every shot: * (Base value of enemy * Current Accuracy Streak) * 2 (if the kill was a head shot) This is indeed a challenge--keeping your accuracy cut-clean while moving as fast as you can. Story Statistics ---------------- My highest accuracy: 100% without the help scope, 95% with the help scope. IT'S BETTER TO PLAY THE GAME WITHOUT THE HELP SCOPE NOW BECAUSE SNIPER'S PRIDE COMES FROM LOOKING AT THE SCOPE MOUNTED ON THE LIGHT GUN!!! My highest score: 4081400 without the help scope, 1913400 with the Help Scope My highest accuracy streak: 155+ hits in a row without the help scope, 96+ hits with the help scope. NOTE: When I got inside the "Choir Area" nearing the end of Stage 3, I've got a 118400 (I did a head shot) on a terrorist who's wearing a suit carrying a FA-MAS. Well, I've finally reached 4 million points as of this update. Now let's see if I can become the first Sniper Wannabe to reach 5 million points without the help scope. Only time can tell because this is A REALLY TOUGH MILESTONE. In addition, I'm also planning to set up a high score list that will enable you to post your kick-ass Silent Scope achievement in the Shooting Range, Story Game, and all Time Attack Games. While there is a high score list in one of Konami's websites (Japan), it is restricted to Japan, according to M.I. Orikasa. MY NOTE ABOUT ACCURACY: If the help scope DIP Switch is turned off, then 64 hits without missing would be great. HOWEVER, if the Help Scope is turned on, THEN YOU MUST HAVE COMMITTED 80 HEAD SHOTS STRAIGHT if you want to be considered accurate on a machine with the Help Scope DIP on. To conclude, GameWorks at Schaumburg has two Silent Scope Machines. One machine has the help scope on, while the other machine has the help scope off. I'd rather play Silent Scope at a Brunswick Zone location because not only I'm forced to look into the scope to spot through hard-to-see targets, but my sniper's pride would increase. It's also cheaper to play it at Brunswick Zone. Just now, I have seen my Sniper's Pride evolve as I've managed to pull 1426200 points, a 93% accuracy, pulling off a 96+ hits without missing, and the GOOD ENDING (hitting the Terrorist leader right at his Forehead, and this was during the day of my Sniper's Pride Evolvement). If you live at the Chicagoland area, then I highly recommend that you play Silent Scope at the following locations: * Brunswick Zone, Aurora Ave, just *a little* west of US Route 34. It's inside Naperville. * Brunswick Zone, Gary Avenue and Illinois Route 64, at Carol Stream. * Enchanted Castle Pizza, at the corner of Main Street (Lombard) and Illinois Route 38 at Lombard. * Dave and Buster's (VERY HARD MACHINE), at Swift Road near Lake Street and Interstate 355 at Addison. Note: Dave and Buster's require that you are at least 21 years of age. Recently, there is a "clean-cut" Silent Scope cabinet lurking around Aladdin's Castle at Lombard, IL USA. However, the help scope is turned on and the blood is off. Any other locations to play Silent Scope is welcome. My Shooting Range Statistics ---------------------------- The last update I told you that I sucked in this mode. NO MORE!!! I've improved a great deal ever since the last play at GameWorks!!! My score: 34700 My Accuracy: 100%!!! My Rank: Sniper 2nd Class (I could do better) This Shooting Range Game was achieved at Brunswick Zone at Carol Stream without the Cheat Scope ON and without the Head Shot Indicator ON. My Time Attack Statistics ------------------------- Best Easy Time Attack Game Elapsed Time: 1'28"xx Best Easy Time Attack Game Accuracy: 80-90% (Estimated. Not bad for my early games and this was back in 1999) Highest Easy Time Attack Game Rank: Ultimate Sniper (Let's see if I can uphold my pride in the Medium Time Attack Game next time...) Best Medium Time Attack Game Elapsed Time: 2'27"xx Best Medium Time Attack Game Accuracy: 70-80% (I CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!!!) Highest Medium Time Attack Game Rank: Sniper Second Class (Yuck) Again, I have to see if I can uphold my pride in the Medium Time Attack Game or not, despite having to find Cobra and kill him in the forehead with all the Innocent Bystanders and having to find all the Terrorists at the Hotel Imperial, but I'd rather play the Story Mode because that's where your pride is being tested. Now here's the best part about the Hard Time Attack game: On this update, I've managed to improve a great deal ever since I've first beaten the Time Attack Hard Game. Monica ruined my rank at my visit to Brunswick Zone Carol Stream (formerly Great Odyssey Carol Stream). However, with the expertise from playing Silent Scope more often at both GameWorks Schaumburg and Brunswick Zone Naperville (formerly Great Odyssey Naperville), it looks like the light of my Sniper's Pride has finally evolved. OK, no more drumrolls. Here's the results from playing 4 games in Time Attack Hard at Brunswick Zone Naperville (and BTW these games were ALL DONE WITHOUT THE CHEAT SCOPE ON, and BEST PROGRESS WILL BE RECORDED HERE): Best Hard Time Attack Elapsed Time: 3'15"58 Best Hard Time Attack Accuracy: 93% (NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!!!) Highest Hard Time Attack Rank: Ultimate Sniper (Monica ruined my rank last time, but not this time!!! THIS UPDATE IS _THE_ UPDATE WHICH RECOGNIZES MY REVENGE!!!!!) Special Note: All Time Attack Games were achieved at Brunswick Zone Naperville and were ALL PERFORMED WITHOUT THE CHEAT SCOPE DIP SWITCH TURNED ON. This means that YOU MUST LOOK AT THE SCOPE in order to get a secretly landed shot. Kudos again to M.I. Orikasa for a confirmation of the Hard Time Attack. NO THANKS TO MONICA THE ARMORED SECRETARY FOR MAKING THE HARD TIME ATTACK GAME EVEN HARDER DUE TO HER CHEAP FIGHTING PATTERNS!!!! What a major time-waster Monica is! At first, I thought that Monica is super-hard. Later on, I found out that as an Advanced Player, Monica ONLY attempts to drain so much life away from you. DIP SWITCHES ------------ Keep High Scores at Power Off: Each Silent Scope machine has a DIP Switch setting that will determine if the game will save all the high scores or not whenever the Machine is turned off. I guess Craig Durnen is right about this after all!!!! I guess that my High Score hypothesis is complete!!! To reply to this, the machines at GameWorks has the "Keep High Scores at Power Off" at "YES" while the machines at Great Odyssey Naperville and Carol Stream has this option at "NO". If you are playing a Silent Scope Machine that has this setting at "NO", then you will have to jot it down to avoid losing any precious achievements. Most of the more expensive locations (Dave and Buster's, Jillian's, and GameWorks) will have the Keep High Scores at Power Off "ON", while affordable arcades (Brunswick Zone to name a few) will have this option "OFF". This means that if you want to keep track of your scores, it's better to play it at either GameWorks or Dave and Buster's since the Save High Scores Switch is ON. The only time the high scores will be erased is when the operator elects to have the Save High Scores Switch to OFF and the power is off, or if someone has to do some bookkeeping on the cabinet just to see how much income a Silent Scope machine is earning. Hit Indicator Control: Konami has included switches in order to control how much violence can be shown throughout gameplay. This allows operators to determine whether the blood should be allowed or not. Usually, all Silent Scope Machines has the blood turned "ON", but I highly recommend that all kid-friendly arcades (i.e. CyberStation) have the blood turned "OFF". If the blood is turned on, then you'll see a lot of blood as you "tag" your enemies. More likely, any adult place (i.e. GameWorks) will have the Blood turned ON. However, don't expect all the arcades to have the Blood turned on because some adult locations (i.e. Dave and Buster's at Addison, IL USA) will have the Blood Turned OFF. This helps the arcades determine whether we will play an uncensored game of Silent Scope or not. Later on, I discovered that it's called Hit Indicator instead of Blood. If it's RED, then you will see all the blood. The options are Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Flash. Granted, all the Kid-Friendly arcades has this setting at Flash. Violence Control: There's also a DIP Switch that will let you know that you have killed the boss in one Head Shot or not. If the "Valor" switch is turned off, you will still be able to save time if you have killed the boss in one single head shot but you won't see the skull being pierced by your bullet. This really makes it hard to know if your Sniper's pride has increased or not. If the "Valor" Switch is turned on, then whenever a boss dies of a single bullet from the Head, then the skull pierced by the bullet will show up, and your superior will tell you that you are great. Please tell your operator to have this "Valor" Switch on so that you know if you have killed the boss in only one head shot or not. This switch is the most crucial to build up your Sniper's Pride at any arcade. NOTE: The official name for this one is Head Shot Indicator. Have it turned ON so that you'll know if you have done any GREAT shots or not. This is crucial to determine whether you have done a Head Hit or not. You can still get some boocoo points by hitting some terrorist on his head even without the Head Shot Indicator ON, though you'll have to hear a sound that indicates that you have landed a Head Shot. Still, Double and/or Triple Hits are recognized regardless of the status of the Head Shot Indicator. Later on, I discovered that Head Shots are influenced by a switch called Violence. If the Violence is MILD, then you will not know whether you made a head hit or not. If the Violence is STRONG, then you will know whether you made a head hit or not. If the Hit Indicator is set to RED, then the blood will stain right at the walls. Yuck. Altering the Violence to STRONG is OK but I would like to have the Hit Indicator set at Flash so that the Violence isn't too strong. About the Realtime Window: Finally, there's a DIP Switch that will determine if the HELP SCOPE will appear at the upper-left of the screen all the time or not. If the HELP SCOPE switch is turned on, then the HELP SCOPE will appear ALL THE TIME, ruining all the luxury of having to look into the scope. If the HELP SCOPE is turned off, then the upper-left scope will only be visible whenever you hit an enemy or if you are into a battle against the boss. Tell your operator to turn this DIP Switch off. I spoke to a Dave and Buster's technician and found out that if the help scope is turned on, then the game would be no fun because this takes away the fun of having to look through the scope. MI Orikasa told me it's not called the Cheat Scope at all. It's called the Realtime Window. This determines whether there will be a simulated scope at the top-left window or not. If it's turned ON, then there will be a Scope Window at the top-left hand of the screen. If it's turned OFF, then there will not be a Scope Window at the top-left hand of the screen, forcing you to use the Scope for steady aiming and discreet take-outs. Please be aware that if you have this turned ON, then people can increase their speed by using the naked screen alone but concentration will decrease because you will become nervous during the boss fights and whenever trying to commence "make the bullet count" sessions. The mounted scope increases your concentration IMO and when used efficiently in conjunction to the Naked Screen with Realtime Window OFF, then the mounted scope can become a versatile friend. Number of Lives (Brand Spanking New): Silent Scope has this option to determine how many lives you will be given at the start of the game. The default for this DIP Switch is 3 life boxes. For the Silent Scope machines at GameWorks, you start the game with 4 lives. There should be *AT LEAST* 4 beautiful ladies in the story game so if you are careful enough, then you should have 7 lives overall, sometimes 8 or 9 if you get lucky. Time Limits (Brand Spanking New): Silent Scope has this option to determine how much time extension you will get. I don't know how many levels of Time Extension is included with this switch but all I only know that the harder the Time Limit Difficulty is set, the less time you will have. I was able to confirm this when I contrasted a Dave and Buster's Silent Scope machine to a Brunswick Zone Silent Scope machine. There is one switch called "Sexuality" that determines how "kinky" the woman will be when you look at her for an extra life, but I WILL NOT EXPLAIN IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO NASTY TO SAY. OK so I over-saturated your minds about the DIP Switches. Now to conclude the section about DIP Switches, here are the reasonable settings: For Adult Places (Dave and Buster's, GameWorks, Jillian's, and other places where you have to be at least 21 years of age, and this also applies to all Bowling Alleys with Game Rooms): Hit Indicator: Red (Blood) Violence: Strong Realtime Window: OFF (Forces people to use Mounted Scope. IMO you concentrate better if you use Mounted Scope) Keep High Scores at Power Off: You be the judge For "Children Arcades" (CyberStation, Time-Out, any arcade that permits children with guidance): Hit Indicator: Flash Violence: Mild (You won't be able to know whether you made a head hit or not so the only way you can know for sure is when you see where you hit your enemy at when you kill an enemy) Save at Power Off: You be the judge Realtime Window: OFF (Looking at the scope to make the bullet count increases your concentration. Having the Realtime Window ON will toggle the scope view at the upper-left hand of the screen, but using the Naked Screen all the way will decrease your concentration, so you better have this one off because looking at the scope is better for your concentration) There are many reasons why I have to tell all operators to turn the Realtime Window off: If the Realtime Window is ON, then they will be using the Naked Screen to BOTH CALIBRATE AND TO AIM for less effort but IT WILL DECREASE CONCENTRATION. Why does enabling the Realtime Window decreases concentration? Because boss battles require accurate aiming at times and should you be able to use the Naked Screen during these battles, then IMO you might get nervous, resulting in reduced accuracy and frustration. This is why having the Realtime Window OFF is a lot better: If you can use both the Naked Screen and the Mounted Telescope fashionably, then you can be very fast and deadly. Using the Mounted Telescope can really help you concentrate to make sure that the bullet count shot after shot. So why is the Scope mounted on your Light Gun for? ======================================================================== CODES Note: You can "dig" around the following addresses for confirmation on these codes: * * * Now these codes are more difficult to perform but it's worth the try. Hold the trigger while you either insert the desired amount of tokens required to play the game, swipe the card and wait until you have enough credits to play the game (Dave and Buster's), or swipe the card and hit the Green Button to play (GameWorks). If Autostart is not turned on, then continue to hold the trigger and press the Start Button. Point the sight to where you want to play at. Press the Start Button 4 times for Professional (Simulation) mode. The enemies will not be targeted and this mode was tailored for real-life snipers, since neither real-life snipers would enjoy seeing all the spoiler sights. Press the Start Button 5 times for Night Vision Mode. You will play the game all the way with Night Vision. This creates a bit of a problem for the Day Scenes as there's enough light for you to look at. The only time you need Night Vision is at the beginning of Stage 3 and up until you reach the dinner table at Stage 3. Press the Start Button 6 times to activate both Professional (Simulation) and Night Vision Modes. Extremely hard because now you will be using Night Vision on your scope all the way and your superiors won't give you any spoiler sightings at all. These codes are targeted and reserved for real-life snipers who live the life for all-night and hardcore sniping. NOTE: YOU MUST HOLD THE TRIGGER ALL THE WAY FROM THE POINT BEFORE YOU INSERT YOUR TOKENS OR SWIPE YOUR GAME CARD UNTIL THE GAME BEGINS OR THE CODES WILL NOT WORK!!! Expect all of this to show up at Secrets of the Game Sages in the future. ======================================================================== STORY OF SILENT SCOPE Falcon was once the best sniper of the United Kingdom. However, a leak in a mission has forced him to quit Her Majesty's military ranks. Ever since he left the Military without warning, Falcon vowed to live a solitary life somewhere at the Chicagoland Area without having to expose himself to accuracy again. However, his past is about to catch up with him. In the summer of 1999, a mysterious terrorist group has kidnapped the American First Family in a seemingly bloodless kidnap. The Headlines declared that the terrorists for some reason, require release of their most important leader in exchange for the first family's life. The US Secret Service can't afford to let this happen. Should the terrorists' dictator be freed, then a certain disadvantage might occur. Hence it was necessary for the US Secret Service to contact Falcon in an attempt to bring Falcon's purpose in life back. At first, Falcon was reluctant in cooperating the US Government's request for a Tactical Sniper to rescue the American First Family but when the US Secret Service told Falcon that there was no other way to rescue the first family other than a Sniper doing his valiant aim-based rescue in a secret and quick manner, Falcon knew that something was bothering him--the past was going to catch up with him no matter what. Despite Falcon's fears about some people he knew in his past would exact justice against him, Falcon agreed to take on this mission and to help the US Government out. Falcon is the only one the US Government knows that can handle a German-built, Tactically proven, Heckler and Koch PSG-1. Falcon has customized his PSG-1 for tactical capabilities, such as a built-in silencer and a modified Hendsoldt 6x42 Scope to include Night Vision. We are counting on you Falcon to bring the First Family back alive. Failure is not an option. It's time to settle your past once and for all. Time to bring back your purpose in life. Falcon ------ The hero. He was the most accurate sniper during his days with Her Majesty's Military until a leak on a particular mission forced him to quit without warning. Moving to Chicago, he vowed not to use a Sniper Rifle again until a kidnap of the first family forced Falcon out of retirement to confront his past again. Little did Falcon know that the US Government admires his abilities so they politely asked him to cooperate with the Secret Service for at least once in order to rescue the First Family secretly and quickly. He senses something might be involved upon accepting this mission as the past might catch up with him. What could possibly lie for Sniper Falcon? Scorpion The Butcher -------------------- A former Weightlifting champion that was forced out of his career when an ankle injury occurred. Flatbroke, he accepted a job with the terrorist group and his talent quickly rose him to the rank of Officer. Acting on the Big Boss's behalf, he kidnapped the President and his family as an attempt to force Falcon to face his past and fears once again and to allow fellow terrorists to seek justice against his past crimes. Cobra the Iron Man ------------------ Falcon's archfoe. A long time ago, Falcon shot Cobra at his arm preventing Cobra from doing something malicious. This resulted in Cobra's right arm being unusable, and has infuriated Cobra ever since. Cobra has sworn vengeance against Falcon for this, and even though in certain missions, Cobra kept on failing because Falcon was far more superior in sheer skill. The Big Boss accepted Cobra because he knew that by kidnapping the first family, they will force Falcon to rekindle his past in a violent way. Hornet the Sniper ----------------- A sniper that has a sting of a Hornet and was hired by the Terrorist Group because he knew that he would get a generous pay for the work he would do, no matter what the job would be. Hornet wants to prove Falcon inferior by challenging him to a "One-On-One, PSG1-to-PSG1" fight somewhere in the United States. Hornet claims that he is much more accurate than Falcon, but keep in mind that both Falcon and Hornet has their own strengths and weaknesses. Tom and Jerry--Twin Killing Machines ------------------------------------ Experiments that were created by using DNA of an elite assassin. They were tested out as lab rats ever since birth by the Terrorist Group. However, a bug on the program has forced one of these twins to malfunction and to seek freedom from the Terrorist Group ever since. However, the Terrorist Group has enforced certain measures in order to ensure that neither of them would escape from their grasp whatsoever, that Tom and Jerry are prone to being disobedient at times. Medicines had to be administered to make these two more obedient at all costs. However, in spite of having to guard the mansion, they have never given up their hope of being free. Monica the Armored Secretary ---------------------------- Being an avid torturer and a cruel mistress, it was Monica's idea to bring Falcon out of retirement by kidnapping the First Family so that she can torture the President anyway she wants. With a seemingly sexy look and a bewildering figure, Monica is just as deadly, as she is beautiful. Combining her skill with a Machine Gun and her iron talon claws, Monica will be the strongest foe Falcon will ever face. It is said that Monica wanted to face Falcon even to torture him! The Big Boss ------------ A shadowy figure who forced Falcon out of retirement and is waiting for him. His reason and his features are not known. ======================================================================== HINTS ON HOW TO IMPROVE GAME AFTER GAME Silent Scope may be a sniper's dream game, but civilians will have a hard time adepting to a military sharpshooting environment. Here's how to "unlearn what you have learned from the common light gun game": * Keep your cool and stay calm at all times. Try to limit the intake of caffeine before you go to your favorite arcade. I don't know if you twitch or not but you need to make sure that you don't move around too much while aiming at your enemies. * Avoid trying to rapid-fire the rifle. Your lieutenant will yell at you if you try to do so. Even a real-life sniper knows that PSG-1s doesn't have a good firing rate. Don't fire unless you have to because every bullet counts towards your time and accuracy record. * Don't look at the scope too much. If you do, then you will be wasting lots of time. You should look at the screen with the naked eye first by aligning the muzzle at the desired piece of image you want to look at. Then look at the scope, take your aim, and fire ONLY IF YOU THINK THE BULLET WILL COUNT. In real-life sniping, BULLETS ARE PRECIOUS so make every shot count. * Watch out for instances when you encounter moving air. This will really hurt your accuracy by an inch. This is important to know because the Freeway Chase, Air Battle, Tower Battle, and fast targets can really do high damage to your lives and accuracy. Sometimes you need to aim at certain places so that the bullet will hit the terrorist and not at innocent bystanders. * To defeat a boss quickly, aim for the head. You will also receive more points for your dignity if you shoot the guards at their head as well. Notice that if you defeat a boss with a single head shot, then the Lieutenant will tell you that you are doing great thus far. * Always try to aim the muzzle at the target spottings when looking at the screen with the Naked Eye. This way you can reduce the amount of time of having to aim the gun at the desired area of the screen. Any more tips, please e-mail me. * Try not to miss at all. The higher your streak (and the more often you hit the foe at the head), the better your score will be. Try a 100-streak and see what happens to your score!!! I would consider a 70-streak without the Help Scope (The scope at the top-left of the screen) accurate. There may be some players who can do 64+ hits in a row with the Cheat Scope on. You have to achieve 70-something hits in a row without the Cheat Scope to be considered accurate. AGAIN, if you are playing the game with the Help Scope ON, then to be accurate you will need to achieve 80 Head Shots STRAIGHT. If you are playing the game with the Help Scope OFF, then to take home Sniper's Pride would be 64 hits without missing. * The boss scenes can be major time-wasters. Don't worry about the lackeys and other "danger icons" that arise throughout the boss fight, worry both about the boss and the time (Thanks, Evan). You should always try to aim right at the boss whenever there are lackeys around. In regards to the vehicle fights (Scorpie on an Airplane, Cobra on a trailer), focus on the body of the bosses since these two vehicle fights can be time-wasters unless you can hit them in their bodies instead. Try to get a head shot on these bosses. It's not easy to do so (since it takes valor and patience to pull off one) but it's well worth the effort since it saves a lot of time. In correspondance to the Vehicle Fights, if you hit the vehicle, then only 1 measly life point will be taken away. If you hit the boss right in his body, then you will take away 6 points of energy away. ======================================================================== SCORING SCHEDULE Foot Soldiers: 100 Points Guys with Suits, Glasses, and a SOCOM: 100 Points Lopars (Guys with Bald Heads): 100 Points Guys with Suits, long hair, and a FAMAS: 400 Points Guys with Blue Shirts and with a Shotgun: 400 Points Guys with a black shirt and with a Shotgun: 400 Points The guy with brown skin, and with the Red Shirt: 400 Points The guy with the bald head and with a suit on: 800 Points One hit at the Trailer or the Airplane: 300 Points Hitting the tire plating at a Vehicle: 400 Points (Please see the Freeway Walkthrough later on through the document) Killing Scorpion the Butcher: 1200 Points Killing Cobra the Iron Man: 1600 Points Killing Hornet the Sniper: 1600 Points Killing either Tom or Jerry: 2000 Points Killing Monica the Armored Secretary: 4000 Points Hitting the Boss: 25% of their death value Shattering the Bulletproof Glass: 1200 Points* Destroying the Infrared Sensor: 100 Points Destroying the Power Supply: 100 Points Destroying a Spotlight: 100 Points Killing the Terrorist Leader: 20000 Points* * These point values are fixed as it can't be changed by higher accuracy streaks. Note: The initial amount of points will multiply by your CURRENT MISSLESS STREAK. The points will be multiplied by 2 IF you landed a Head Shot. This is the Formula for racking up the points: (Initial Point Value * Your current Streak) * 2 (If it was a Head Hit) So let's say that I have done a 1-hit kill on both Tom and Jerry and I have carried on a 70-streak when the battle started. I will be on Streak 71 when I have killed Tom and I will be on Streak 72 when I kill Jerry. Here would be my point values: * Tom's Death: 284000 Points * Jerry's Death: 288000 Points This is ONLY an example. If you miss, then the current streak will reset back to 0. If you hit an Innocent Bystander, then the current streak will reset to 0. If you hit an explosive or a foreign object, then the streak will reset to 0. To ensure that all of your hits count, use the scope so that you won't miss. By using this knowledge, you can eventually reach a high hit streak to rack up the points!!! Like I said before, if you have hit an Innocent Bystander, you will either lose points or lives depending on what mode you're playing in. About the Scores: If FOR ANY REASON YOU CONTINUE THE GAME, then the score will reset ALL THE WAY BACK TO ZERO. Be smart and proud. DON'T CONTINUE. This way, if you can see a higher score by the time the game ends, then you will know how accurate you will be. The only time you need to continue is whenever you need to learn the game. Also, when you are prompted to enter your name, THE GAME WILL ONLY RECOGNIZE THE SCORE FROM THE ENDING GAME. For example, if your highest score was 452,000 and if your game over score was 33,900, then the game WILL ONLY RECOGNIZE the 33,900 game. This proves that you need to improve game after game in order to become the fastest, and most accurate sniper at your arcade. ======================================================================== BEGINNING OF THE STORY GAME "The police are returning fire!!! PLEASE PROVIDE BACKUP!!!" Downtown Battle --------------- Difficulty: Easy Enemies: Foot Soldiers All you need to do is use the naked screen to aim the muzzle at the TARGET sightings and then let the armed terrorists have it. Go steady with the aim for each terrorist and then try to tag the terrorists the quickest possible. Beware that some terrorists may wish to use obstacles to disrupt your aiming. Defeat a terrorist as quick as you can because if you wait too long, then the terrorists are going to be harder on you. Don't overfire the weapon at one area or you may scare off the terrorists. Note: In the very first scene, sometimes a police officer will be able to kill a Terrorist for you. You need to dispose each terrorist discreetly so that you won't be able to scare off the terrorists. If you follow much of this section of this FAQ closely, then you should be under 30 seconds (for the most part) on Story Games. Also, the Sniper Sabatoge formation will depend on how you started the Story Game. The formations are as follows: On top a building, seeing the back of the terrorists firing at the streets, Inside the left building, aiming within the window, and Inside the Right Building, aiming within the window. In Timed Games, you will always start at the right building, aiming within the window. There will be more enemies in Timed Mode. All starting formations: There will be 5 foot soldiers on the streets. You should have no problems. However, sometimes Police Officers will be able to kill an enemy for you. Back Building, top of the roof: There will be 3 snipers who will use the building walls to disrupt your bullets. Tag them while they are firing for the best results. Now you will be facing the left buildings and face 2 more snipers. They should have minimal problems. Left Building, inside aiming from the window: You will be facing 2 snipers from the top of the right building. You will then face right and face 3 snipers, with one of them on top of the roof, who's far away. Take careful aim and don't miss. Right Building, inside aiming from the window: You will be facing 2 snipers and then another 2 snipers both from the top of the buildings. You should have minimal problems. "Take all surviving Enemy Snipers from the Roof" Downtown, Enemy Sniper Sabotage ------------------------------- Dificulty: Easy Enemies: Foot Soldiers There are some hard-to-reach targets at some points of the game. Some enemies are really far from you and are aiming at difficult places at the roof so make sure that you don't scare the terrorists off. Use this section of the game to practice tight aiming at the terrorists so that time loss would be minimized. If you follow this paragraph closely, then you should be under 60 seconds. Right Building, from inside the window: You will be starting the Enemy Sniper Sabatoge by facing 3 enemies on top of the roof. You can look at the woman at the pool somewhere at the lower-left hand of the screen. Take the sniper at the left side of the splitter first, and then take out the other two snipers at the right of the splitter. If you can time the bullet right, then you should be able to score a double-hit. Now the next scene is where you only have one walking sniper to take care of. Just hit him without scaring him off. You will now be dealing with two snipers taking fire at the cops who you should always back up. They are fairly far so don't go for any head shots at this point. Now you will be dealing with two snipers walking around the rooftop. Hit them and don't scare them off. If one enemy dies while when the other sniper is next to the victim, then you'll scare him off. Make sure that he stops moving before you kill him. Left Building, aiming right at the window: You will be at a rooftop where you will see one sniper taking aim at the roofedge, and another sniper pacing around and around. Take out the sniper pacing around and around before he hides inside the pilliars, and then take out the sniper firing at the police. Now you will be facing two snipers who will be firing at the police from the top of the rooftops. Discreetly dispose them. Now you will be facing another sniper who's firing at the police from another rooftop. He's fairly far so don't go for a headshot unless you can do it without missing and/or scaring him off. Now you will be at a rooftop with the swimming pool at the lower-right portion of the screen. Kill the sniper pacing around first, look at a woman at the swimming pool, and then kill the sniper who's going to take fire at the police. Back of the building, aiming on top of the roof: First, dispose the sniper pacing back and forth, and then look at the women near the swimming pool, and then take out the sniper aiming right at the police. Now take out the sniper on top of the skyscrapper by carefully aiming at him. Now the terrorists will be close to you. They are really easy to spot and are easy to kill without looking at the scope. Don't use the scope as you should be fairly close enough to kill them before they chop one half life box away (WATCH OUT!!! THE ENEMY IS GOING TO SHOOT!!!). Don't worry about getting a head hit. Worry about getting rid of them before they shoot at you. Now you will be seeing a terrorist who will be aiming at the police from the rooftop. Skillfully dispose him. Now you will be facing the back of the terrorist as he tries to call out the shots. He won't react unless you scare him off so just try to make the bullet count. The final terrorist will be at very far range so you need to make the hard-to-reach shot COUNT. Note: There should be a beautiful lady near the pool. Voyeur Vision her for an extra life box. If you do not miss from this point, then you should be at a robust 17-18 hits. ======================================================================== WHO'S NEXT: SCORPION THE BUTCHER OR COBRA THE IRON MAN? You can select who to rescue first from this point of the game if you are playing Story Mode. If you select either Tower or Air Battle, then you will be fighting Scorpion the Butcher. After defeating Scorpion, then the First Lady is rescued. If you choose the Stadium Battle, then you will be fighting Cobra the Iron Man for a chance to rescue the President's Daughter from the very start. "Understood. Leave the remains to me!!! Wipe them out from the Helicopter. Good luck!" Tower Battle ------------ "I've located the First Lady at the top of that Skyscrapper. Wipe the terrorists out, and save the First Lady. IT'S HIM!!! IT'S SCORPION!!!" Enemies: Scorpion the Butcher (with RPG), Foot Soldiers. Note: Foot Soldiers who are interfering during a boss fight can be destroyed for some Time Extends Boss: Scorpion the Butcher Weapon: Sage RPG (Rocket Launcher) Interference: Enemy Sniper Backup Hostage: The First Lady Difficulty: Medium Shots required to defeat Scorpion: 5 Normal Shots or 1 Head Shot Note: The Rockets can be shot It's really hard to get a clear shot at the head at Scorpion since the Helicopter is habitually moving. Try to hit Scorpion without hitting the First Lady. Since the helicopter is moving, be careful that your bullet does not hit the First Lady. Just concentrate on hitting Scorpion since he's the boss. Pound on Scorpion until he's defeated. If you have much luck with him, then you can defeat Scorpion with only one Head Shot. Don't go for the head shot right here since it's kind of hard to get a clear aim due to the fact that you're circling around. Worry about Scorpion, don't worry about the Enemy Snipers. And make sure that you don't waste too much time on this one. The helicopter won't be moving around a lot in this battle. However, during the Freeway Battle, you will be moving around so try to get used to "firing while moving". This is not something that can be done with everyday-snipers. Don't worry about the Foot Soldiers--Worry about Scorpion. Perhaps this one is the first major time-waster in the game (though not as blatant as later "time wasters" in the game). Just watch the time. At the time of Scorpion's Defeat, you should have at least 45-50 seconds remaining. Air Battle ---------- Superior: "I've spotted an unidentified aircraft" Scorpion: (laugh) Go to hell!!!!!! Enemies: Scorpion the Butcher (with Airplane) Boss: Scorpion the Butcher Weapon: Aircraft Interference: THE HELICOPTER IS MOVING!!! Hostage: None, just defeat Scorpion to rescue the First Lady Difficulty: Easy Shots required to defeat Scorpion: 30 shots at the Aircraft, 5 shots at Scorpion, one shot at Scorpion's head I consider this one child's play because all you need to do is to jack Scorpion's body up. Just aim for the Cockpit and when he tries to get close to you, jack Scorpion at is body and then at his head for Stage Clear. You can defeat Scorpion by unloading 30 bullets at the Aircraft but this takes more time, so just try to hit Scorpion with a single head shot and go for the Cockpit. This may be hard at first but once you know how to dispose this unusual sniping pest, then it's pretty much second nature. As an avid Silent Scope player, I would recommend this one for beginners, though you may accuse me of firing like Helen Keller. HIGH SCORE TRICK: If you can hit the Jet for about 30 times without even hitting Scorpion directly, then you can increase your streak, though it may waste a lot of time. If you are playing this one on Time Attack, then just go for the Head Shot (since it saves time). Either way, I highly recommend that you end this fight quickly by giving Scorp a smack at his head. However, if you want a high score, then you should try to hit the airplane without missing. Craig Durnen was able to come up with this trick. MY NOTE: This is a major time waster so you may want to just defeat Scorpion as quickly as you can. The only other scenes where you will encounter time-wasters is the Trailer fight against Cobra and when you fight Tom and Jerry. A quick way to defeat Scorpion is to land two bullets at the fighter plane without the scope and hopefully, you should be at your next clip. The plane will be retreating so wait until the plane is going towards you. Now land all of your shots at Scorpion and try to land the entire clip at Scorpion so that you can clear the stage quickly. As far as high scores are concerned, this is the preferred route. The target remaining time is 50-55 seconds. Stadium ------- "The Terrorists have kidnapped the President's Daughter and are hiding inside the stadium!!! WE CAN'T IDENTIFY ANYONE FROM HERE!!! You'll have to search for them on your own!" Enemies: Cobra the Iron Man, Foot Soldiers Boss: Cobra the Iron Man Weapon: Machine Gun Interference: Movement of the Helicopter, too many innocent bystanders, the President's Daughter is being carried around Cobra's back!!! Difficulty: Very hard Shots required to defeat Cobra: 5 shots at his body or 1 head shot Don't choose this one when you first play the game because there are a lot of innocent bystanders and the President's Daughter is INSANELY CLOSE to Cobra. If you hit the President's Daughter or the Football Players by accident, you will lose one life box. Try to hit ONLY Cobra since he's much of the attention in this area. Your main concern is the moving current of your bullets which makes hitting Innocent Bystanders easier so be careful when you aim and fire. If you take too long to hit Cobra, then terrorists will try to jack you from the Stadium and you will be forced to fight Cobra at the Freeway. More on the Freeway battle later. Only shrewd snipers would be able to clear this area without much trouble. A word from Calyth ------------------ "If an Intermediate Player wants to hit Cobra without the risk of hitting innocent bystanders, try to aim right at his legs (but the bullet might be off since he's moving really fast). Try to aim and fire the bullet _just a bit_ ahead of the target, and it will move into the alignment." Don't get pissed if you can't master this trick in the first few tries as this scene tests your ability to be a competent sniper rather than on accuracy. It might take token after token before you're able to get the timing right so the key to master this Calyth trick is lots of practice. Note: You can look at the Cheerleaders for extra lives. On my test run against Hornet just today, the "boss reinforcements" don't chop off half a life box unless they get really lucky since they only carry FAMASes. The only thing you need to be worrying about is the boss character themself. Concentrating on the boss through a central manner helps reduce the amount of time. Innocent Bystanders note: Even though you might have hit Cobra doesn't mean that your bullets will stay out of the innocent's touch. A bullet can double-hit right at both Cobra and either at the President's Daughter or the Football Players. I've read an FAQ of the same game and the writer stated that he had "too much luck". No matter what the case would be, your bullets should ONLY touch Cobra, and Cobra alone. The more football players there are while they are trying to tackle Cobra, the more likely you will be losing lives by accident. Note: You won't move around as opposed to either the Tower Battle or the Aircraft Fight, which is a good thing. However, Cobra moves fast and you need to get a clean shot in order to avoid hitting innocent people. I don't think that sniping while riding a helicopter was included with your Shooting Range Training either. You only take training at a Target Range, not at a Helicopter so you may get yelled at your first couple of times for hitting innocents by accidents. Just stay patient and tag Cobra--He doesn't attack but the chasing football players are making this a difficult task. ======================================================================== FREEWAY BATTLE Note: If you have resuced the First Lady first, then you will go onto the Freeway Battle. "Some terrorists have kidnapped the President's Daughter, and are escaping through the Highway! Chase the Terrorists, and save the President's Daughter from Harm!" Freeway Chase ------------- Difficulty: Advanced Interference: High Speed Winds, Vehicle Movement Enemies: Lopars, Foot Soldiers, Helicopter Note: The Grenades that some terrorists and Cobra the Iron Man can be nullified. Be warned that if you choose to shoot the Grenade only, then your accuracy streak will reset. Typically, this stage is a lot harder than you can ever imagine. You will be able to get cleaner shots if you can nab the enemies while the car is travelling straight. Beware of the blistering turns at the freeway because this will ruin your accuracy a bit. Also beware if the screen has to move at times because that will also ruin your accuracy as well. Also, if the wheels of the vehicle are "squashing" through the enemy, then your will get into a dip, ruining your accuracy. Be also careful if the enemy's vehicle has to move. I highly recommend that you hit your enemies at the torso (even though you won't get too many points for this) if you have to dispose any "back door" terrorists from the back of the vehicle during the sniping chase. This should prevent your accuracy from getting worse. When you start the Freeway Chase, I highly recommend that you kill the Lopar (guy with bald head) and kill the driver. Don't kill the terrorist at the right or you might face a formation that you might not understand. If the car spins, then you will be facing two more enemies at the back. If you kill the foot soldier and then the Lopar, then you will be facing enemies at the front. If the enemy is coming right at your back, then kill the driver inside the jeep. NOTE: Sometimes, when dealing with the grunts-on-wheels, the player may attempt to shoot one of the wheels of the vehicle in question, with similar effects to shooting the driver (i.e. the vehicle would spin out of control). This is probably feasible when dealing with those grunts that are closing in on the player from the rear. You will need to hit the wheel right at the "Tire Plating" in order to make the car spin out of control. It's fairly hard to get a clear shot at the Tire Plating, and it's quite a time-waster trying to hit it, but you'll get a base 400 points and it also counts as a head hit because you'll see GREAT if you do so. Unless you've got time to spare for this impressive stunt, I wouldn't do this. Just aim at the Driver to save time. Don't let any driver get close to you or it will get harder as far as liquidation is concerned. Now you will be facing two jeeps coming right in front of you and you will eventually face them from behind. Try to get a double hit on one of the jeeps and then take out the other jeep. At the middle of the chase, a Helicopter will come after you. Five shots is what you need to take care of the Heli but a shot near the rotator should do the job, though the Heli moves around a lot. Now after the helicopter, the enemy will be coming at the back of you. Kill the driver before the enemies jack you up. There is a lady with a swimsuit near the end of the stage but you need to take careful aim so you don't hit the lady by accident as a few more goons are waiting. Now you are going to do some harsh battling with Cobra. Be very careful if your car is "squashing" over the downed terrorists as it will only disrupt your aiming. NOTE: If you failed to dispose Cobra at the Stadium, then you will have to rescue the President's Daughter from this part of the chase. Cobra the Iron Man ------------------ "I've found the President's Daughter at the back of an old convertible. She's being held by Cobra. Take Cobra out and save her from harm." Enemies: Cobra the Iron Man Vehicle: Old Convertible Weapon: FAMAS Assault Rifle and Grenades Interference: Harsh Freeway Turns, Vehicle Movement, high wind speeds, President's Daughter right of him Hostage: President's Daughter Difficulty: Somewhat Hard Shots required to defeat Cobra: 5 shots at his body or 1 head shot It's really important that you dispose Cobra really carefully because at times a well-aimed shot right at Cobra may hit the President's Daughter by accident. Your main concerns is the harsh turns of the freeway which may at times throw your shots off-range. The grenades can be shot but just try to hog around at Cobra without hitting the Pres's daughter by accident. You can try a Head Shot at Cobra, but the timing is way more difficult than it seems. On a test run, I found out that your accuracy can get ruined if for any reason the vehicle has to take a turn from the freeway. Be careful if this has to be the case because it becomes really easy to miss and REALLY EASY TO HIT INNOCENTS BY ACCIDENT. Watch out for those damn grenades Cobra throws. If you see a grenade, just nullify it (but remember that nullifying a Grenade means that your Accuracy Streak will have to reset). Use the straight to your own advantage--this way you can get a good Head Shot to save time. Either way, you will have to be careful that you don't accidentially hit the President's Daughter, and to make things worse, every time you "squash" over the downed Terrorists, you will "bump", causing big movement and a disruption over aiming. Sharp Turns also can be a problem. And with the your car and the terrorist's car moving and swerving at times, it can become really difficult to get the best possible shot. A word from Calyth ------------------ "There is cool pointer to disposing Cobra's First Stage of Attack. Try to predict where he will be when your bullet reaches him. This may sound odd but the only reason why the bullet would be off-aim when you take a turn is that the target would not be aligned with the bullet as it hits. If Cobra's car is taking a left turn, try to aim at the hand of the President's Daughter (this is surely ODD!). If the curving is right, then the bullet will hit Cobra's torso instead. If Cobra's car is taking a right turn, then aim _just a bit_ right (using your view and with *careful* use of the Sniper's Scope) of Cobra, off the side of the car, then the bullet will hit either the chest or the torso. If your alignment and/or timing is right, then you may get lucky enough to score a head shot." Again, this trick requires precise mastering so it may take you token to token before you're able to master this trick. Cobra the Iron Man take 2 ------------------------- "OH MY GOSH!!! HE'S ALIVE!!! WATCH OUT!!! HE'S HIJACKED A TRAILER!! HE'S MOVING AND HE'S HEADING RIGHT AT YOU!!!" Enemies: Cobra the Iron Man (with Trailer) Weapon: Commercial Trailer Interference: Having to aim at Cobra directly Difficulty: Somewhat Hard Shots required to defeat Cobra: 30 shots at the Trailer, 5 shots at his body or 1 shot at his head Just when you thought you've seen the last of Cobra doesn't mean that he goes down that easily. He's hijacked a trailer and he'll do everything to destroy you once and for all (and this could be a reason why Cobra has a lot of dirty tricks to exact revenge against Falcon, as Cobra is associated with Falcon's past). There are two ways you can send Cobra to the dumpsters: either pound at the Truck and nail him somewhere at his body or just try your luck in slamming his head. Head shots are really difficult here as the Sniper calibrates himself into getting a clear shot of Cobra's Head and the trailer moves really fast. If you don't hit Cobra's body or head as the trailer passes you, you will lose one life. I don't think that this one was included with your training package because the Shooting Range Package only tests your accuracy and not the ability to take out a 30-shot vehicle. Your lieutenant will yell at you if you try to rapid fire at the Truck. Just be valiant and you'll be OK. When the fight starts, just shatter the windows and jack Cobra before he can jack you up. Now aim right at the trailer and when he turns around, try to get some clean shots right at Cobra himself to inflict gobs of damage. Be sure to hit Cobra at his head or his heart before he comes to ram you, though. It's really difficult to prevent Cobra from running you over the first time he runs you around but the subsequent times you can prevent Cobra from doing this. Save yourself lots of time by hitting him in the head as quick as you can, even though the vehicle is moving too fast. HIGH SCORE TRICK: You can hit the trailer as many times as you want (Be careful not to fire like crazy because your lieutenant will yell at you if you even try) to increase your streak but make sure that you do not miss. If you want to survive while trying to pound the Trailer, then you will need to hit Cobra's body as he tries to run over you. This is of high-risk but it's quite rewarding. Any streaks like this will carry on to the infiltration of the Enemy Base. At the forest, try not to miss because the higher your streak, the better you will be. If you can carry on the Trailer Streak and avoid missing from the moment you choose "Through the Woods" until the point you defeated Tom and Jerry, then your score could kick ass. Also, try not to miss from the start of the invasion up until you come face-to-face with Monica. This way your score can really fly. Another Craig Durnen first. Very hard to do but rewards are incredible. Calyth's hint regarding about the trailer turning: Whenever Cobra turns around (provided that you can see the trailer lengthwise), try to shoot a bit ahead of the cabin (using the scope precisely). If the timing and/or alignment is right, then Cobra *should* into alignment, causing Cobra to die under the fabled *but hard-to-get* head hit. This is another hard trick to master but the rewards are also incredible. Either way, I personally would just wait until Cobra tries to get me. Calyth's hint regarding about the trailer may seem like a missed shot at first but once you can get the timing right at the bat, it should be second nature. Rolander came up with a super risky trick. This one requires super precise timing and it will take you quite a while and with lots of money before mastering it. The trick is to aim the red dot slightly right of Cobra's head at the first pass and punch it. If you can time this right, then you should be able to double-hit and even jack Cobra right at the head before he passes you. This takes time to master but the rewards for this is significant. Pretty much Pro-level due to the high difficulty on getting the shot right the first time. Stomper stated that usually you can get a Head Hit in the second pass as long as you are calm enough. You have enough time to line Cobbie up for a head shot so be calm and slam Cobra at the brain whenever you're ready. The key here is to remain patient if you want to beat Cobra in the second pass. If you defeated Cobra and if you have already rescued the First Lady by the time you've secured the President's Daughter, you're off to Wisconsin to rescue the President. If you've just came here from a failed attempt to jack Cobra at the stadium, then you'll have to go to the Hotel and rescue the First Lady from Hornet at the Hotel. ======================================================================== HOTEL BATTLE Note: If you have chosen to rescue the President's Daughter first, then you will be fighting enemies in a long-range combat at the Hotel. The Hotel --------- "Some terrorists have kidnapped the first lady and are hiding inside the Hotel Imperial. Find the terrorists, and remove them all." Enemies: Guy with Black Suit with FA-MAS, Guy with Grey Suit with Bald Head, Dark-skinned Guy with Red Shirt, Guy with Blue Shirt with UZI, and Guy with Blonde Har, Glasses, and with Shotgun. Difficulty: For Real-life Snipers, males who can handle a PSG-1 like Solid Snake of Konami's MGS, and for Females who are as shrewd like Sniper Wolf of Konami's MGS. Interference: Enemies are difficult to see well without having to calibrate at the naked screen and to look at the scope. You must dispose the foes discreetly to avoid certain commotion. If there was a reason why Sniper Wolf of Konami's Metal Gear Solid would be correct about her belief that "Women naturally make better soldiers", then I would have to go with the Hotel Battle. Your objective is to find five members of the terrorist gang and *discreetly* eliminate them in the quickest manner possible. Don't fire recklessly or things could only get worse. If you wait too long, then your lieutenant will spot the target for you, but you will be wasting precious time this way. There are only two parts where you have to find the five members of the Terrorist Gang and then discreetly remove. At part 1, just find 2 members of the Terrorist Gang, take steady aim, and fire. If you miss, then they will make things harder on you so you need to be extremely discreet all the way on this stage. If you find an innocent bystander while trying to find and remove the members of the Terrorist Gang, then you should refrain from pulling the trigger, especially the beautiful ladies doing their exercises. Take advantage of looking at the Beautiful Ladies while trying to discreetly find and remove the terrorists as each life box will help you for the fight against Hornet, who's one tough customer. On the first part, neither of the two guys will move at all. All they will do is stretch around. On the second part, the guy with the blue shirt and with the shotgun is the guy who will almost always walk around so against this guy, secretive and well-timed shots are essential. The guy with the glasses and blonde hair and the guy with the bald hair, grey suit, and with the SO-COM usually stretches but sometimes they might walk around from window to window. If this is the case, then avoid doing head shots since you might miss for the most likelihood. It doesn't matter if you can get a head shot or not-- it matters if you can make all the shots count. I am vehement on this because I don't want you to miss a single shot at all. Story Mode Note: Each Terrorist before the Boss Fight is worth 400 points (but the Bald Guy with the Grey Suit is worth 800 points). The guy with the black suit, long hair, and with the FA-MAS, the guy with the blue shirt and with the Shotgun, and the guy with Blonde Hair, Glasses, and with the Shotgun will be returning in Stage 3 inside the Enemy's Base so that you can improve your accuracy and score. Note: In Time Attack games, concentrate only on the terrorists. In a story game, try to look up as many ladies as you can because Hornet's rage is quite severe. Do the same thing again in the second part, but this time you'll have to find three members of the Terrorist Gang instead of 2. To reduce the amount of time needed to find and remove, calibrate the PSG-1 with your naked eye, look into the window with the scope, and if the contents of the window contains a terrorist, then take steady aim, and then try to knock him out discreetly. It doesn't matter if you hit him in the head or not, it only matters if you can discreetly dispose him or not. After discreetly disposing the five members of the Terrorist Gang, you'll see that the First Lady is held captive by Hornet. Note: If you couldn't find the targets, then your Lieutenant will spot them for you, but for dignity, just find the terrorists and remove them in the discreet and quickest manner possible. This saves time. This is also the case in Time Attack Modes. You don't have enough time to wait for your Lieutenant to give you the go-go, so act quickly. Rooftop Battle -------------- "I've found the First Lady. She's being held by Hornet. He is the Expert Sniper. Be careful." Enemies: Hornet the Sniper, Foot Soldiers Boss: Hornet the Sniper Weapon: PSG-1 Interference: Enemy Sniper Backup and very distant firing Hostage: The First Lady Difficulty: For Real-life Snipers, Males who can handle a PSG-1 like Solid Snake of Konami's MGS, and for Females who can handle a PSG-1 like Sniper Wolf of Konami's MGS. Shots required to destroy Hornet: 5 shots at his body or 1 shot at his head. Sniper Wolf would definitely make good work out of this scenario. This battle reminds me of the two Sniping Battles in Konami's Metal Gear Solid, only this time the battle is a lot more interactive because you are using the PSG-1 all the way. Hornet will always take a half box of life away because his accuracy is as high as a professional sniper's. Also, the interference of those damn bodyguards (Guy in black masks) will keep you away from Hornet and they don't have as much luck in chopping you off as Hornet does so just concentrate on Hornet. Discreetly pound out Hornet. He's really difficulty to take out because not only he moves fast, but after attacking, he quickly runs away from your touch. Once you've injured Hornet at least once, keep on squashing him like a Pancake making sure that all shots count until he can't take it anymore. The best time to punish Hornet is to hit him when he tries to take a shot at you. Don't fire too recklessly or he may run away from your touch. Now here's a teeny-bitty pet peeve I've discovered on one of my games: There is BASICALLY NO NEED TO DISH OUT THE INTERFERENCE BEFORE DISHING OUT THE BOSS. You should try to make the boss your central target even though you may accuse me of fighting like Helen Keller. Keep the boss within your scope at all times and just squash the boss like a Pancake. Really, the enemy troopers are only here to interfere your aiming. I don't know what other Silent Scope FAQ Authors may think but the troopers do lousy damage even at this point of the game. The only time the troopers will be able to do awesome damage is just before the fight against Monica the Armored Secretary. At this point, only Hornet will have the most luck of draining your life boxes quickly so just concentrate on Hornet for now. Remember, you should have looked at least 1 beautiful lady (hear the Sax for 1 or more seconds) for extra life boxes if you are running short, since Hornet can do incredibly high damage. For an expert, three life boxes should suffice. It's really hard to see well without the scope because all enemies are relatively far away. After defeating Hornet, it's time to rescue the President. ======================================================================== RESCUE THE PRESIDENT NEWSFLASH!!! Before I go on to help you out on the President Rescue portion of the game, let me tell you on the following conditions on how to achieve 1 million points: * You should ask your operator to turn the "Help Scope" off. Silent Scope was meant for looking within the PSG-1's scope. * You should have at least 40-50 seconds by the time you defeat Tom and Jerry. * You should take the following routes: Downtown, Air Battle, Freeway, and Invasion via the Woods. * From the beginning of the Enemy Invasion, don't miss. Try to avoid missing from your invasion route until you get to Monica. * You have viewed at least two beautiful women (for two extra life boxes) * You have made it through Tom and Jerry without continuing * Break into the start of Stage 3 by going through the woods. * You should have earned at least 300,000 points overall for defeating both Tom and Jerry. Head shots are the best since both are time wasters, and head shots often save time. * Your score should be at least 500,000 points by the time you defeat Tom and Jerry. * Finally, make it up to Monica the Secretary without missing at all. I've managed to get a 142-streak as of this update. * Additionally, the following are the people that MUST BE DISPOSED WITH HEAD SHOTS (No Exceptions): Guy with Black Suit, ponytail, and with FA-MAS, guy with Blue Shirt and with UZI, and guy with Blonde Hair, Shotgun, and with Glasses. Use the scope to aim the red dot at their heads. Try not to miss because if you can carry such a really high streak into their deaths, then they can be worth boocoo points. Sounds a bit extreme. I know this is going to be a tough run but with a little practice, you should be able to achieve the 1 million point milestone at your arcade. Just make sure that spoiler scope is off!!! This part of the game is going to be the longest and the most difficult part in the game. I don't think Night Vision Battling is quite bad but the enemies are more intelligent than ever, requiring discreetly landed shots. Also, the time limit is a lot more stringent so you will have to eradicate the enemies as fast as you can. There are two ways you can break into their base: Either by going through the woods or by parachuting in. Wood Travel is the preferred path for accuracy purposes. Don't choose Parachuting through your first couple of times as this will require high-end accuracy. Enough ranting about this, let's rescue the President. "You can get there by either Parachuting in or going through the woods." Going through the Woods ----------------------- "Understood. Beware of intricate security systems." Enemies: Foot Soldiers and a Infrared Sensor Right after you defeat some so-so enemy troopers, you will have to take aim at an infrared security battery. Destroy it to advance further to their base. While you are crossing their road, you will see some terrorists at the uphill section of the screen. Note that all enemies have high accuracy so be sure to nail them before they nail you. Really take discreet aim towards the uphill enemies. When you confront the Grenadiers, be sure that you nail them right away in a discreet and quick manner or the light may really disrupt your aiming, which wastes time. However, you should try to use this time to use the naked screen to calibrate the gun at the desired area you want to aim at the enemies. All you need to do before you land right into their base is to just stay calm and land discreet and quick hits on your enemies. Watch out for enemies who love to use trees as coverup. This is definitely the preferred route since I'm really fishy about your accuracy. Parachuting In -------------- "Understood. If you get caught in a search light, you will be killed instantly." Enemies: Foot Soldiers and Spotlights I don't recommend this one because your accuracy is ruined by the Parachute and Wind Currents. If you need to take this route, then try to nullify all the Searchlights first. If you get spotted through a Searchlight, then you will lose lives in an instant so nullify the Searchlights first and then take on the Enemies. Each enemy will extend your time so make sure that you take patient and discreet lands on them. You will eventually miss because of the movement of the screen. Powerbox Supply --------------- Take aim at the Powerbox Supply and then proceed to the next part. Now just look at the two ladies as you move on to get your bonus life, and then take on the grenadiers at the rooftops before taking on the troopers near the pool. Make sure that you are nullifying the grenadiers first so that your scope doesn't go dark through high light. Once you are done nullifying all the enemies at the Pool Area, you'll have to fight Tom and Jerry. Tom and Jerry--The men with Night Vision Goggles ------------------------------------------------ Weapons: Knives and Crossbows Difficulty: You be the judge Interference: Trees and their sneaky movements Shots required to dispose them: 5 shots on their bodies or 1 shot on their heads. You'll have to destroy both Tom and Jerry to advance. Note: Originally Tom and Jerry were supposed to be called "The Killing Machines" by the desk of M.I. Orikasa. First, you should try to shoot the boxes in the back of them in order to stop them temporarily. Now all you need to do is to just hit one of the Night Vision Goggle twins and nullify the first guy as quickly as you can. Now all you need to do is concentrate on the other guy and try to get in a head shot. Neither of these guys can run away to a tree if you stun them with a body shot but they will run away if you fire too carelessly. Pounding either of them is your best bet, though a double hit may not be probable. Don't give them a chance to attack, though. WARNING: SHOOTING AT THE BOXES WILL ALSO RESET YOUR ACCURACY STREAK. Also, be careful that you don't give them to retailiate as if you give them a chance to hide, then you will only be wasting time since they hide a reasonable amount of time before coming out again. Just slam on them continuously so they don't have a chance to escape. Head shots should save time, but you will need to look at the scope in order to achieve such valor. Note: You can try to pound the bosses as valiantly as you can since each shot will stun them, giving you time to land yet another shot. You will get more points if you hit enemies at either the heart or at the head. Be careful if your PSG-1 has to reload because that's when Tom or Jerry will recover from the stun. Now here's something that I have read from other Silent Scope FAQs: The explosive box will stun both Tom and Jerry, giving you some time to get some clean shots at them. However, if you happen to shoot the boxes, then your accuracy streak will reset. If 64 hits in a row is what you are looking for, just hit Tom and Jerry right away when the fight starts. I've done a test run at GameWorks and there's actually no need to hit the explosive boxes in order to make defeating the KILLER MACHINES easier to defeat. Even though this forces you to look at the scope more often, it makes no sense by hitting the boxes at the back of them. Although there was an FAQ Author who slammed these two for being the worst time-wasters in the game, you only need to be accurate to defeat them. Beginners and Intermediate Players may need to use the Explosive Boxes (this will reset your accuracy streak) to enhance accuracy a bit and to reduce the amount of time wasted on these two, but an Advanced Player should just slam these two bozos with well- placed Head Shots once the fight starts. No more support from this point on ---------------------------------- "The enemy has spotted us and we're fighting back!!! We can't assist you anymore!!! You'll have to rescue the President on your own!!! Proceed whenever you can!!!" Enemies: Foot Soldiers, Guys with Suits and a SOCOM, Guys with Black Suits and FA-MAS, Guys with Blue Shirts and with UZI's, and Guys with Blonde Hair, Glasses, and with Shotgun. Right after you enter inside the Enemy's base, your Lieutenant will inform you that the enemy has founded the entire rescue team and they're fighting back. You will no longer receive any support from your lieutenant so you are on your own from this point on. Hopefully, you know the basics of Silent Scope while your Lieutenant was supporting you. Now it's one-man army time. The targets are fairly close and it's hard to miss since you will be really close. However, you still need to fire discreetly since the enemies will now run away from your shots if you fire too recklessly. Be careful that you don't accidentially hit any innocent bystanders as your bullets may multi-hit at times. The only time you will need to use the Scope is when you need to hit your foe's head at tight range or if the targets are far away. If you have to hit them from afar, then you will need to look into the scope and stay calm since your shaking may miss and scare the enemies off. Try to hit some enemies ahead of time so that they don't get a chance to hide from a pillar or something. This should save you time. Also, the enemies will be exposing some of their body parts even while they are hiding so try to get a clear shot at it, though you won't get as many points for leg shots or something like that. The only thing that matters in Silent Scope is that you defeat your enemies discreetly while maintaining a 100-streak in a row. Once you are through with the most exciting part of the stage, you will be given three doors, which switch around at random. The doors may include a surprise attack, a beautiful woman, or an entrance to the Big Boss Area. Note: If you think that the bullets WILL MISS, then look at the scope just to ensure that your shots DO count. The Scope Ensurance Trick helps to keep your Streak Counter HIGH for a higher score and better Sniper's Pride. From the desk of highest-scoring sniper Craig Durnen ---------------------------------------------------- "In the elevators, they are always in the same order. The order is always the Girl, then the transit to the "Choir Area", and the Enemies. However, the starting point appears to be either random, or possibly determined by the starting part of the game (not sure yet). But you should never lose a life on the elevator, because if you get the enemies, you just pick the elevator to the right of them (if it's the last elevator, simply go back to the first), and it will be the girl. I will try my best to get a *true* confirmation of this. Thanks." ---Craig Durnen, 2.6 Million-points Sniper, December 19, 1999. It is true. On my test drive as of this update, if you chose the middle elevator and if enemies just attack you, then choose the rightmost elevator. There should be a girl that will heal your wounds. After you choose the girl, then choose the door right of the girl. Now here are the patterns possible (Note that they are ALL RANDOM): * Surprise Attack, Girl, To the Choir Fight * To the Choir Fight, Surprise Attack, Girl * Girl, to the Choir Fight, Surprise Attack By using this knowledge, you should be able to heal up your wounds, even though you might get jacked by the enemies. Konami has decided to use choir music as you enter the Big Boss Area since you are getting closer to the conclusion of the game. The first goon at the entrance should be easy but the enemies before Monica are rather far and they will always attack so try to nail them as fast as you can. Warning: All of these enemies have a high luck of taking away half an energy box so act quickly and don't let them jack you up. Be very careful because even though you are moving into "still" position, you can still get hit by the enemies. I found that the enemies are hard to hit during the final stretch before the fight against Monica because the enemies are insanely far away and some enemies may be hiding in places where it may be sometimes blind. You might miss doing this so you may need to use the Naked Screen to spot the targets and look into the scope. I recommend that you attack them while they are trying to attack you. If you need to share any comments regarding about this tough spot before the fight against Monica, please e-mail me. Once you dispose of all of the punks before Monica, you will go face-to-face with the hardest boss in the game. Beginners: You probably need a lot of money for this boss since she is regarded as a major life-waster. Worry about both the lives and time. Intermediate: Assuming that you *did* reach this point of the game without continuing, you will need decent amount of time (35 seconds or so) and AT LEAST 5 LIFE BOXES. Although Monica might be a time waster in general, she is more of a life-waster than a time waster because her attacks will drain your lives pretty quickly. Advanced: Having perfected the art of Head Shots, you probably need at least 3 Life Boxes. Unmasking her is easy, but at the second part, you need to hit Monica in her head before she wipes out all of your life boxes. Monica the Armored Secretary ---------------------------- Weapon: Catclaws (Part 1) and a FAMAS Assault Rifle (Part 2) Hostage: The President Interference: Various Obstacles and her confusing movements Difficulty: A real pain in the ass Number of shots required to destroy Monica: 10 shots at her exposed chest, 3 shots at her head. The first two shots at her head will unmask her. The third shot will kill Monica. Monica is invincible at other parts of her body. Note: I have read the three Silent Scope FAQs published before this one and at first, I believed that you only need two shots at the head to kill Monica (one shot removes the helmet, one shot will negate Monica). Later on, I found out that you need 2 hits to remove her helmet (shoot her at the helmet) and one hit at the exposed head. However, you should try to aim right where the glass is at on her helmet. This way you can remove the helmet much quicker. Another Test Run at Great Odyssey Naperville tells me that you need at least 50-55 seconds (after getting inside the Elevator that will lead to the "Choir" Area) and at least 5 Health Boxes to make it through alive. This prick is HARD so get ready for a real fight. There is a way to lessen the cheapness of Monica. Just concentrate on her helmet, and keep in mind that it will take 2 hits to remove her helmet, and your accuracy streak will be reset for hitting Monica's helmet, so don't worry about your streak from this point on, since your near the end of the game. When Monica tries to get close to you, slap her at her helmet and when she hits you, try to hit her again at the helmet before she cuts you the second time. There is a delay after Monica gets hit, so use the delay to your own advantage. When she tries to do a backflip, try to go for the Helmet (if you haven't removed her helmet already) and you should be at Stage 2 of the attack. If you are sloppy, then I don't know why you're not playing the game properly. In this stage of attack, worry about both the Time and the Lives since she can't be slammed on continuously like other bosses and she will always drain life boxes like crazy. Monica is a lot harder on Stage 2 as all Monica does in this stage of attack is to touch the President in an obscene way and then use dancing shots to chop off life marks away. It's important that you hold your fire until Monica comes out to attack. The boxes will interfere with your fire and you will have to watch your life bar because Monica always have a tendency to cause massive damage with her gun. It takes a lot of patience to defeat Monica so don't get pissed if you have to continue a lot just to get used to Monica--in later games you should be able to get better and dispose of Monica before your life runs out. Valor and steadiness pays off in this fight against Monica. Note: If you have at least 4-5 life boxes left when you start the fight against Monica, then you will have a great chance of survival right over here. Make sure that you dispose Monica as quickly as you can because she drains a lot of lives quickly. I have to give MDH credit for the cool trick on how to defeat Monica because while she may be hard (because of her armor), the only reason why Monica is so hard is not because of her patterns, it's because she takes about 2-3 Head Shots to be defeated, and it's because she drains your life boxes in a flash. All you only need to do to minimize such cheap fighting pattern is to be as quick as you can to kill Monica before she kills you. Also notice that once you start the fight against Monica you will get a massive Time Extension. However, you will always find yourself running out of time so kill her as quickly as you can. Just remember to calm down while aiming right at her head. These are the following patterns Monica uses in Stage 2: * Monica touches the President at his shoulders and while dancing, she fires at you at either the left or right side of the President. * Monica will be waving her FAMAS and will be doing dancing shots at either the left or right side of the President. * Monica will NOT move and will be doing fixed shots at you. Once Monica is tired of firing, you will be given a moment for a good shot at the head before she hides behind the President once again. Use this chance to nail her in the head by all means possible. However, if Monica finishes firing by the time the boxes disrupt your aim, then you will have to wait until the boxes gets out of the way and wait until Monica starts firing again in order to attempt this. To make things worse, the boxes will disrupt your aiming as Monica takes her firing position, so be prepared for any surprises!!! Worry about the Life Boxes during this point of the game as she will drain your life boxes quickly. Terrorist Leader ---------------- "You are as good as rumor has it but selecting me as your enemy was the ultimate mistake!!! I know you're not coming for me, you must have only 1 bullet left. THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY OUT!!! YOU HAVE TO GET ME BETWEEN MY EYES!!!!! If you miss, I'll send you to heaven along with your hero, the President!" ----Excerpt from the Silent Scope Cabinets After fighting through 10-plus minutes of hardcore short- and long-range sniping, you're finally face-to-face with the man who forced you to face your past once again--THE BIG BOSS!!!!!!! Unfortunately, he has a device that will blow up the entire base!!! He'll try to get the last laugh, so it's time to chase after him. Shatter the bulletprooof glass by keeping the muzzle at one place. Once you shatter the bulletproof glass, you will advance to the final part of the game. Now here's my logic for the Bulletproof Glass: After the defeat of Monica the Armored Secretary, you will be forced to break a bulletproof glass. Make sure that you point the muzzle at ONE SPOT ONLY because if you aim it at multiple spots, then the glass won't break the sooner the better. Keep calm and fire at only one spot for the fastest results. This "obstacle" is only there for a purpose: To make sure that you only have ONE BULLET LEFT. Now here's the Bulletproof Glass Logic that you need to know: Start Bulletproof Glass Logic Check Magazine inside PSG-1 If Bullets Left=3, then Error Sub Reload Magazine Else If Bullets Left < 3 then Error Sub Reload Magazine Else If Bullets Left >= 4 then Shatter Bulletproof Glass when one bullet is left End If End Check Sub Reload Magazine If Error equals Reload Magazine then Reload Magazine after mag empties Shatter Glass when one bullet is left from reload End If End Sub End Bulletproof Glass Logic Now PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WHAT I'M WRITING RIGHT NOW because I am going to say something important...You MUST get a Head Shot with the final bullet at all costs to rescue the President and complete the mission so you will need to make this shot count at all costs. You will get the bad ending if you either miss or hit him at other parts of his body other than the head. It's sniper time. You may think it's easy to hit him in his head but you are actually wrong. Although you may think it's your nerves are twitching because of the "most critical shot", it's basically not. If you point the nozzle at one position for long enough, then you will realize that the boat is habitually moving. The pattern of the boat's movements will change from game to game so make sure to point at the position where the shot will count. He sometimes twitches his head, thus making the most important shot even more difficult. Your best bet is to level up the scope at a state where you can "tag" his head and when you are comfortable enough, slam him with the head shot. Now make this shot count. And be warned that the boat's movements will try to ruin your shot. Also, it has to be a head shot. You have a lot of time to align the red dot on his head so keep your cool. The US is counting on you to rescue the president with the most critical aim of all time and to settle your past once and for all. Note: You have PLENTY OF TIME to nail this bastard so just calm down and take steady aim. Note: If you boo-boo the final bullet, then just press the Start Button rapidly or pull the trigger to skip the crappy bad ending. I'm pretty sure that you don't want to watch the bad ending. Well, I hope this helps!!! The best "mission complete" game was at Brunswick Zone at Carol Stream, IL USA, because I was able to kill the Terrorist Leader with one head shot and was able to get the good ending with the "Cheat Scope" turned off. Now that's Sniper's Pride you are talking about. I still remember my best score from eons ago: 4081400 with the Sniper Scope turned off with a 150+ Streak. ======================================================================== SNIPER RIFLE FACTS Note: This section of the FAQ was derived from Millenium Publishing's Metal Gear Solid Official Mission Handbook by Millenium Books. It's on Page 30 on the aforementioned book if you have this book at your own home. Also, about 50% of the information is derived from Heckler and Koch's USA Website ( The MSG-90 is included as well. Name: PSG-1 Function: Sniper's Rifle Caliber: 7.62mm Weight: 17.86 lbs Length: 47.56 in Scope: Hendsoldt 6x42 Magazine Capacity: Minimum 5 rounds, Maximum 20 rounds Type of Magazines: Heckler and Koch G3 or HK91 Used by: Agent Falcon and The Jackal Notes: Falcon and Jackal uses a specially-formulated PSG-1 in the game. The Hendsoldts of their PSG-1 are customized so that they can spot targets under the following modes: Thermal, Night Vision, and X-Ray. Their PSG-1 rifles are customized for Silencer and multi-vision device support. -------- Comments -------- Heckler and Koch has their work cut out for them. Nowadays, most of these terrorist actions require secretive and timely-mannered elimination techniques with the least possible danger imposed. Their beliefs fell through the idea of 600 Meter firing for tactical espionage by today's sharpshooters. The PSG-1 is the result of the demands of today's anti-terrorist organizations. Like all HK weapons, this kick-ass weapon has been operationally tested and combat proven. This weapon is also used for traditional silent defense, although IMO this weapon is now being used as a tactical espionage tool. Although heavy, this weapon seems to be useful of its kind. Tested through 50 rounds through an 80 millimeter circle at 300 meters, the PSG-1 makes the finest snipers around the planet proud. Traditionally, sharpshooters usually stand at stationary positions (in groups of two) where it's easy to destroy intruders off-guard but in an infiltrational manner where sniper rifles are required, accuracy gets ruined by chases, parachuting sneak-ins, snowboard ski chases, and other interferences that exist. Like all semiautomatics, you do have to stay calm with this baby but you need to be a lot more calm because while other weapons are suited for balance and rapid-firing, this weapon is suited for accuracy. While there are no 100% accurate weapons in this world, this is probably as close to a discreetly versatile weapon for an everyday sniper. Hendsoldts can be equipped traditionally, or can be customized for Night Vision Aiming, Thermographic Aiming, or even X-Ray Aiming. The Barrel can also be customized to support HK-approved Suppressors as well. Please KIM that customized Hendsoldts and muzzle parts can only be purchased by anti-terrorist and Police SWAT Team organizations. X-Ray and Thermographic Aiming support allows snipers to see enemies hiding behind walls (but Thermograph detects enemies by heat so if you are attacking someone with a flamethrower like Tanya, then it's more sense to use X-Ray Aiming instead) while Night Aiming allows you to see anything in the dark. Suppressors and Silencers lowers the noise caused by firing the PSG-1 to the absolute minimum for discreet, espionagic firing. Most Snipers of anti-terrorism origins are now demanding secretive and tactical espionage, so Heckler and Koch has various PSG-1 customizations available. Name: MSG-90 Function: Sniper's Rifle Caliber: 7.62mm Weight: 14.11 lbs Length: 45.87 in Scope: Hendsoldt 10x Telescopic Magazine Capacity: Minimum 5 rounds, Maximum 20 rounds Type of Magazines: Heckler and Koch G3 or HK91 Used by: Hornet the Sniper from Silent Scope 1, all enemy snipers According to Heckler and Koch's USA Website, this rifle is supposed to have all the features of the PSG-1, but weighing only 14 pounds. I don't want to explain this one too much because neither of our heroes use this weapon. I only focus on the weapon used by Falcon and Jackal. And that's the PSG-1, the weapon that most "sharpshooting spies" choose. ------------------------ Sniper Rifle Conclusions ------------------------ If you had to ask, you are to be warned that these two rifles are _STRICTLY_ high-end rifles--either rifle can cost as much as $15,000 USD, placing it out of reach for tight-budget anti-terrorism agencies. ======================================================================== FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS There are at times when there are some *irresponsible* people who will be asking me the dumbest questions that I have ever heard of. The hassle of having to deal with these guys who always indulge in such negative e-mailing with the dumbest game-related questions started when I first release both my Time Crisis FAQ and my Time Crisis on the Internet website back in the Summer of 1997 regarding if there are any probable cheats in the game. I'm getting sick and tired of people e-mailing me the stupidest questions (which makes me lose patience and compels me to use my potty mouth a bit more), so in order to reduce the amount of such dumb-e-mail that I receive in my mailbox, here it goes... Q: Where are the cheats? A: I WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER GIVE ANY CHEATS ON ANY VIDEO GAME!!! I only give strategies. NOT CHEATS!!! There are a lot of people who begged me for lots of cheats in Time Crisis when I first released my Time Crisis FAQ and my own Time Crisis Website. AND TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, THERE WILL BE NO CHEATS IN SILENT SCOPE WHATSOEVER!!!! Q: Why are the PSG-1 and MSG-90 expensive? A: Go to for the scope Q: If there are no cheats in Silent Scope, is there still codes? A: Yeh, duh. :P Go to for the lowdown on these codes (Kudos to M.I. Orikasa for pointing these codes out). They are not cheats but these are more of codes that should ONLY be used if you want a higher challenge. There are codes for HARDCORE SNIPING (No Spoiler sightings), Full-Time Night Vision Sniping (You only need it from the start of Stage 3 until you get to the dinner table inside the base), and a code that enables the "best of both worlds". Remember that these codes should ONLY be used by real-life snipers and not by civilians. Q: Will a home version of Silent Scope come out? A: According to "The Stomper", THERE WILL BE A HOME VERSION OF SILENT SCOPE. Too bad that only the Japanese version will have the Scope-built Light Gun Support for both the Dreamcast and the upcoming PlayStation2. Another bad thing is that the story follows Silent Scope and not Dark Silhouette. Many people wanted the story to follow Dark Silhouette instead of the original but since Konami wanted this to be a one-player game, having the home conversion following the story of the original Silent Scope had to be the case. I don't think it's worth getting the NTSC-UC or PAL versions of the game since under government ordinance, no light gun support should be exercised. I rather play this game at the arcades, although most of the arcades now have Dark Silhouette instead of the original but there are still arcades that have the original Silent Scope. In the NTSC-UC and PAL version of Silent Scope, you will be using a control pad to calibrate and you will use this *rather lame* command to magnify the view of the piece of the image. This is not as innovative because much of the Sniper Rifle Features are taken away from the home release. If Scope Ogling is what you are looking for, SPEND YOUR QUARTERS--don't buy the NTSC-UC or PAL versions of the game--the innovation of looking at the Telescope to aim is not there with the exception of the Japanese versions of the PlayStation2 and Dreamcast Conversions. Q: How much does a single Silent Scope or Dark Silhouette cabinet cost? A: I am not a salesperson but I'll tell you the typical costs (which are my estimates if you have to ask). Silent Scope will cost you about $6000 a pop while Dark Silhouette will cost you $9000 a pop. Again, these figures are estimates so please correct me if I'm wrong. Q: Who's the toughest boss in the game? A: Without a doubt, Monica. YOU ARE ADVISED TO PLAY DARK SILHOUETTE RIGHT AFTER BEATING THE GAME WITHOUT CONTINUING. Play Dark Sill's entire storyline and you'll see who's harder than Monica. I won't tell you the names, but I do have a How-To Sheet for Dark Silhouette, though. Q: If you were a member of Konami's Silent Scope team, what things would you fix? A: First of all, I would try to fix the gameplay a bit. I would keep the scope, but I would try to make it more involving than ever. You will point the muzzle at an area of the screen and by looking at the Telescope, you will still be able to magnify the image's piece 10x its size. The only difference is that I would give you freedom of movement so that you can aim as you please. I would also make it more involving so that you can point the muzzle away from the screen so that you can "block" hits and reload your rifle at the same time. I would also give you the option to zoom in/out and to switch to Thermal, X-Ray, Night Vision, Trap Detector, and Normal Modes at anytime. I would also give you 4-6 types of ammo you can use as well by pumping the rifle. I would also use a brand new graphics engine so that the game would move at 60-120 FPS instead of the suspected 30FPS. Please contact me if you have anymore suggestions on how you can improve Silent Scope. Q: You haven't answered all of my questions regarding about Silent Scope. A: BALONEY!!!! I've tried EVERYTHING to answer all of your questions!! If for any reason I didn't answer a single question mentioned somewhere in this document, then you can drop me a line. NOW BEFORE E-MAILING ME, ALL OF YOUR QUESTIONS IN CORRESPONDANCE TO SILENT SCOPE SHOULD BE ANSWERED IN THIS DOCUMENT ALONE!!!! PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THIS DOCUMENT, EVAN MITCHELL'S SILENT SCOPE FAQ, BILLY THE KID'S FAQ, AND EVEN K. FALKOWSKI'S FAQ BEFORE TRYING YOUR LUCK!!!! I have to do this because it is important for me to prevent anyone from spoiling one's efforts. ======================================================================== SOME AFTERTHOUGHTS ABOUT THIS FAQ It's pretty interesting to know that you can hit a boss repeatedly and you can always slam him continuously even while he's stunned, but you can't slam Monica repeatedly because of her heavy armor and her confusing patterns. If you hit Monica, then she will always backflip, thus she doesn't get stunned for a long time unlike other bosses. I don't know why other bosses can be slammed like a pancake while Monica will always guard herself after being shot once. This is an interesting rant because when I continuously slammed Scorpion the Butcher, Cobra the Iron Man, Hornet the Sniper, and the twins with the Night Vision Goggles, I realized that they are not wearing any strong armor and neither of these bosses were as agile as Monica. Also, the enemy troopers don't do as much damage as either the bosses or the enemy troopers near the fight against Monica. I don't know why this is so, but it seems that all of the enemies are using FAMASes in most cases rather than using PSG-1's. In other words, the game would've been intersting if the enemy would have been invincible after being shot. This way you have to dish out all the interference during a boss fight or take out the other sub-boss. It's interesting to find out that even though you won't be able to polish off all of the boss's reinforcements, you can still clear the stage by just killing the boss. Once you defeated the boss, then all of the reinforcements become "under arrest" by the police department you back-up. Anyway, if you have any more Silent Scope rantings you need to give out, please drop me a line. Here are my suggested test runs to see why I had to include this set of Silent Scope Rants: * Fight Scorpion the Butcher at the Rooftop Battle. Just pound on Scorpion and don't fight the enemy troopers, who are only there to interfere. * Fight Hornet the Sniper. Just slam him continuously without focusing on any other enemy troopers. What I would like to see in a Sniper's Game is that you should also have the right to use Thermovision--You track down enemies by their body heat. Aim at where there's the most body heat is at and then take your best shot. I liked the Night Vision feature added with the PSG-1, but a PSG-1 with both Night Vision and Thermovision capabilities would make the game a bit easier near the end. The best time to use Thermovision would be during the final stretch before the fight against Monica, where enemies will be insanely far and will be hiding in areas blind through the use of normal vision alone. In addition to the Thermovision feature in a PSG-1, I would also like the bullets to "lock-in" to an enemy so that you don't have to miss all the time. I thought that it's all 1000-feet shooting as I progressed along, but I found out that in the base infiltration, some targets were just too close for me to look at the scope. The final stage really hurted replay value a bit, but the scope's priority came back once I have reached the Choir Area, where enemies are hiding at insanely blind areas. Silent Scope is a blend of far and close-range shooting. As Sniper Wolf of MGS said, "It's really hard to miss if you are very close." During a visit to Dave and Buster's one technician told me that if the Help Scope (the scope that appears at the left-top of the screen) is there all the time, then the game would become easily boring. I told him regarding about that some arcades have that DIP on and he told me that it only hurts the replay value. I think that D&B Technician might be right about this. The DIP while turned on allows you to get more head shots but by having the DIP turned on, it only spoils replay value. Why do you have to look at the naked screen all the way while you can calibrate and then look at the scope? If you see the scope at the top-left of the screen visible all the way during gameplay, ask an attendant to turn off the Help Scope. This way your Sniper's Pride may increase and it will push you to look at the scope for more critical shots. If the scope does not work properly, then make sure that you talk to your operator immediately. This is an expensive game and you are paying for it so make sure that the game is in good condition at all costs. I personally would either tell your operator to turn the Help Scope on the Naked Screen off or just stay away from the Silent Scope Machines with the Help Scope turned on. For Sniper's Pride, you need to look through the simulated scope and the Help Scope really ruins the beauty of the Scope. If you can get 100 hits in a row without the Cheat Scope turned on, then you can consider yourself a real Sniper. The reason why I'm doing this again is because I want you to unmask that Sniper's Pride inside you. Even though you have been drinking too much caffeine in the final part of the game, try to aim the gun at one place (but don't pull the trigger as the bullet MUST land right at his forehead). You'll notice that it's not because of your nerves. It's because of the boat. It's only natural for the boat to move: It's because of the Water Current that the Boat twitches up and down slightly and methodically. If you can point the gun to a state where you can get a head hit, then you should be fine. Either way, just take your time and be sure to make the shot count, and have the shot aimed right at his head. ======================================================================== SUGGESTING SUGGESTIONS AND OTHER TRALALA Sending UCE to any of the mailboxes that I have is not tolerated. Period. I report any incidence of spamming by checking the header on where you originated the message at and then report the incidence to the server you originated your message at (which is more likely to get you in deep trouble) or I can just slam you by sending complaints to the following: The server you originated the message at, to your provider, or possibly the Free-Mail Service that you use. Don't spam me. It's not worth it. I will only tolerate e-mail in regards to Silent Scope. See to see why it's bad. ======================================================================== RESOURCES OF THIS FAQ * Billy the Kid * E. Mitchell * K. Falkowski * Millenium Publishing's Official MGS Mission Handbook Get information about Konami's Arcade Games at this address: * You can find their work at For codes pertaining to Silent Scope, please visit Secrets of the Game Sages at And for those who helped me through precious Silent Scope Info: * Craig Durnen * M.I. Orikasa * Peter Cheong (for changing my Scoring Sheet) * Wei-Hwa Huang (for information regarding about the Bulletproof Glass) * Evan Mitchell (for telling me about Dark Silhouette) Again, please visit the following sites for the official Silent Scope Codes: * * * ======================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - Hideo Kojima for making MGS a kick-ass game - Some real-life snipers for helping out Konami for creating a respective light gun game since Lethal Enforcers - Konami for taking the real-life sniper's advice for granted - Dave and Buster's, Enchanted Castle, Great Odyssey Naperville and Carol Stream, and GameWorks for having the game in stock. - Billy the Kid, E. Mitchell, and K Falkowski for being the first three people to write FAQs for Silent Scope - GameFAQs for being the largest stable of all original work - MDH and BAT in correspondance to the accuracy issue - Network Solutions and the InterNIC for handling my Domain Registration. - Saturn Services and Savant Networks for doing a great job of hosting my website. - Kao Megura for being the most prolific FAQ Author - Myself for doing test runs during the fights against Scorpion the Butcher, Cobra the Iron Man, the twins with the Night Vision Goggles, and against Hornet the Sniper. - M.I. Orikasa for corrections regarding about Monica the Armored Secretary, Tom and Jerry, how you are graded through Time Attack and the Practice Package, and the codes supplemented by Konami. Also to note is the confirmation of the Hard Time Attack Routes and the High Score Theories. - Craig Durnen for pointing out some opportunities for an incredible score and for pointing out one more DIP Switch under the Silent Scope Board. Also, he should be praised for giving a crack out of the patterns in regards to the pre-choir elevators. - Calyth for some pointers in regards to Cobra. - Erik Germanis for telling me a preliminary hypothesis that the PSG-1 is a (maybe) $10,000 German Semiautomatic!!! Expensive rifle to own! - Konami for stuffing codes under the Silent Scope board - And Monica the Armored Secretary for making me waste more money on Silent Scope, MAKING THE HARD TIME ATTACK GAME EVEN HARDER TO BEAT, ruining my Hard Time Attack Game in two instances, and making Silent Scope for becoming a popular Arcade Hit!!!! CHEAP ATTACKS AND CHEESEY FIRING PATTERNS!!! However, Monica is NO PROBLEM for me because I've improved a great deal. NOW IT'S PAYBACK TIME!!! - Myself for _finally_ beating Silent Scope without continuing and for being the first person at Great Odyssey Carol Stream to beat Silent Scope without continuing. - Dave and Buster's at Addison, IL USA for their thoughts about the Help Scope Switch. - Andrew Leonard for convincing me that the PSG-1 is a German-made Sniper Rifle. - Wei Hwa Huang and Peter Cheong for contributing for the March 26, 2000 updates. - Rolander for contributing to the Easter Sunday 2000 updates. - Stomper for contributing for the majority of the August 13, 2000 updates This document is dedicated to the loving memory of Princess Diana of Wales and Fashion Designer Gianni Versace. We need to stop destroying people for a stupid reason right now. ** END OF DOCUMENT AND ONE LAST WARNING ** This Electronically Published Document is copyrighted (c) 1999 Mark Kim. All Rights Reserved. This document is protected by applicable copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthroized reproduction, retransmission, and/or a breach of copyright, partial or full, may result in civil and criminal penalties and is subject to maximum punishment and prosecution to the highest extent possible by law. This document is the sole property of Mark Kim Silent Scope is an original game product created, maintained, and solely owned by Konami. Trademarked and copyrighted 1999 Konami. All Rights Reserved. Konami is the sole owner of the copyrights pertinent to Silent Scope.